system shut down power up sequence rev b

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  • 8/18/2019 System Shut Down Power Up Sequence Rev B


  • 8/18/2019 System Shut Down Power Up Sequence Rev B



    System Power Up Sequence

    The power up procedure in this section is to be used on an Acom system that is known tobe configured and functional.


    Power on main Power Supply in each cabinet.

    2.  Power up any 3rd

     party equipment that was turned off.


    Power up all Main side DS3 Switches (ADS) one at a time, waiting until each

    device’s self test procedure has completed. These would normally be all ADS’s

    with the names of ADS-1M or an ‘M’ in the name after the word ADS.

    4.  Wait two minutes after all main DS3 Switches have been powered on before

    proceeding to next step.


    If IMS Terminal/Net_Mgr is available, verify that all Main ADS’s are now

    reporting to the software.


    Power up side ‘A’ of the Acom system ALS’s. These would normally be all ALS’s

    with the names of ALS-1M or an ‘M’ in the name after the word ALS. These ALS’sare sometimes referred to as the Main ALS’s. Also power up ALS racks that haveno letter designator as in ALS-2, ALS-1, ALS-4, etc

    7.  Wait one minute after all ALS’s on the ‘A’ side have been powered on beforeproceeding to the next step.


    If IMS Terminal/Net_Mgr is available, verify that all Main ALS’s are now

    reporting to the software.

    9.  The system should be active on the ‘A’ side of the Acom Equipment . This can be

    verified by looking at the Information Alarm LED on the ALS’s. This is the GreenLED located on the MSU card right below the power switch next to the Yellow and

    Red LED’s.


    Power up all Acom Console Units(ACU) in the system one at a time while waiting

    until an LCB is properly allocated for the position. This is indicated by the “A” tri-

    color LED turning Green. The “B” LED should be Red.


    Wait at least one minute after the last Acom Console Unit in the system has been

    powered on for all Acom Console Units to come online.


    If IMS Terminal/Net_Mgr is available, verify that all Acom Console Units are now

    reporting to the software.

  • 8/18/2019 System Shut Down Power Up Sequence Rev B


    13. Power up ACS PC’s and start the Acom Console Software (ACS) at each position

    and logon to a screen.

    14. Power on the Stby Power Supply in each cabinet.


    Power up all Stby side DS3 Switches (ADS) one at a time, waiting until eachdevice’s self test procedure has completed. These would normally be all ADS’s

    with the names of ADS-1S or an ‘S’ in the name after the word ADS.


    Power up side ‘B’ of the Acom system ALSs. These would normally be all ALS’s

    with the names of ALS-1S or an ‘S’ in the name after the word ALS. These ALS’sare sometimes referred to as the Stby ALS’s.

    17. Verify at each ACU that the E1 Module shows 2 Green lights indicating an E1

    source on both links.


    Verify at each ACU that the Stby LCB is Yellow indicating a Stby LCB has beenallocated.


    If IMS Terminal/Net_Mgr is available, verify that all Acom Devices are now

    reporting to the software and no Red indications are present on any device.


    The Acom system should now be up and ready for operation.