synthetic high-density lipoprotein nanoparticles: a novel

Synthetic high-density lipoprotein nanoparticles: A novel therapeutic strategy for adrenocortical carcinomas Chitra Subramanian, PhD, MBA, a Rui Kuai, MS, b,c Qing Zhu, MD, a Peter White, MD, a James J. Moon, PhD, b,c Anna Schwendeman, PhD, c,d and Mark S. Cohen, MD, FACS, a,e Ann Arbor, MI Background. Chemotherapeutic strategies for adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) carry substantial toxicities. Cholesterol is critical for ACC cell growth and steroidogenesis, and ACC cells overexpress scavenger receptor BI, which uptakes cholesterol from circulating high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. We hypothesize that cholesterol-free synthetic-HDL nanoparticles (sHDL) will deplete cholesterol and synergize with chemotherapeutics to achieve enhanced anticancer effects at lesser (less toxic) drug levels. Methods. The antiproliferative efficacy of ACC cells for the combinations of sHDL with chemothera- peutics was tested by Cell-Titer Glo. Cortisol levels were measured from the culture media. Effects on steroidogenesis was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Induction of apoptosis was evaluated by flow cytometry. Results. Combination Index (CI) for sHDL and either etoposide (E), cisplatin (P), or mitotane (M) demonstrated synergy (CI < 1) for antiproliferation. Alone or in combination with the chemotherapy drugs, sHDL was able to decrease cortisol production by 70–90% compared with P alone or controls (P < .01). RT-PCR indicated inhibition of steroidogenic enzymes for sHDL (P < .01 vs no sHDL). Combination therapy with sHDL increased apoptosis by 30–50% compared with drug or sHDL alone (P < .03), confirmed by a decrease in the mitochondrial potential. Conclusion. sHDL can act synergistically and lessen the amount of M/E/P needed for anticancer efficacy in ACC in part owing to cholesterol starvation. This novel treatment strategy warrants further investigation translationally. (Surgery 2016;159:284-95.) From the Departments of Surgery a and Pharmaceutical Sciences, b the Biointerfaces Institute, c and the De- partments of Medicinal Chemistry d and Pharmacology, e University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI ADRENOCORTICAL CARCINOMA (ACC) is a rare, endo- crine malignancy (approximately 500 new cases per year in the United States) that carries a poor prognosis with advanced disease. 1 Unfortunately, a majority of patients present with advanced dis- ease at the time of diagnosis and, once metastatic, the disease has a very low 10–20% 5-year survival. 2 For patients with metastatic disease, the only current therapeutic approved by the US Food and Drug Administration is the adrenolytic agent mitotane (M), with initial response rates of 20– 30% in advanced ACC and an improvement in sur- vival rate from 14 to 50 months. 3 Recent studies have evaluated M in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapeutics as in the Italian protocol (eto- poside [E], doxorubicin [D], cisplatin [P]; EDP) or with streptozotocin. 4,5 EDPM has been shown to offer a greater response rate (23.2% vs 9.2%) and progression-free survival (5.0 vs 2.1 months) compared with M with streptozotocin. 6-8 Dose- limiting toxicities, such as adrenal insufficiency, dizziness, vertigo, central nervous disturbances, hyperlipidemia, and gastrointestinal disorders, remain a clinically relevant issue with both M and cytotoxic agents given in combination. 4 Given this toxicity in combination, development of novel drugs that have the ability to synergize with these agents could allow lesser concentrations of these noxious agents needed to achieve the same thera- peutic effect and potentially mitigate some toxicity. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons on May 17–19, 2015, Nashville, TN. Accepted for publication August 12, 2015. Reprint requests: Mark S. Cohen, MD, FACS, Associate Profes- sor of Surgery and Pharmacology, PI Translational Oncology Program, Director of Endocrine Surgery Research, Department of Surgery, 2920K Taubman Center SPC 5331, University of Michigan Hospital and Health Systems, 1500 East Medical Cen- ter Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5331. E-mail: cohenmar@med. 0039-6060/$ - see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 284 SURGERY

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Page 1: Synthetic high-density lipoprotein nanoparticles: A novel

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Synthetic high-density lipoproteinnanoparticles: A novel therapeuticstrategy for adrenocortical carcinomasChitra Subramanian, PhD, MBA,a Rui Kuai, MS,b,c Qing Zhu, MD,a Peter White, MD,a

James J. Moon, PhD,b,c Anna Schwendeman, PhD,c,d and Mark S. Cohen, MD, FACS,a,e Ann Arbor, MI

Background. Chemotherapeutic strategies for adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) carry substantialtoxicities. Cholesterol is critical for ACC cell growth and steroidogenesis, and ACC cells overexpressscavenger receptor BI, which uptakes cholesterol from circulating high-density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterol. We hypothesize that cholesterol-free synthetic-HDL nanoparticles (sHDL) will depletecholesterol and synergize with chemotherapeutics to achieve enhanced anticancer effects at lesser (lesstoxic) drug levels.Methods. The antiproliferative efficacy of ACC cells for the combinations of sHDL with chemothera-peutics was tested by Cell-Titer Glo. Cortisol levels were measured from the culture media. Effects onsteroidogenesis was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Induction of apoptosiswas evaluated by flow cytometry.Results. Combination Index (CI) for sHDL and either etoposide (E), cisplatin (P), or mitotane (M)demonstrated synergy (CI < 1) for antiproliferation. Alone or in combination with the chemotherapydrugs, sHDL was able to decrease cortisol production by 70–90% compared with P alone or controls(P < .01). RT-PCR indicated inhibition of steroidogenic enzymes for sHDL (P < .01 vs no sHDL).Combination therapy with sHDL increased apoptosis by 30–50% compared with drug or sHDL alone(P < .03), confirmed by a decrease in the mitochondrial potential.Conclusion. sHDL can act synergistically and lessen the amount of M/E/P needed for anticancerefficacy in ACC in part owing to cholesterol starvation. This novel treatment strategy warrants furtherinvestigation translationally. (Surgery 2016;159:284-95.)

From the Departments of Surgerya and Pharmaceutical Sciences,b the Biointerfaces Institute,c and the De-partments of Medicinal Chemistryd and Pharmacology,e University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

ADRENOCORTICAL CARCINOMA (ACC) is a rare, endo-crine malignancy (approximately 500 new casesper year in the United States) that carries a poorprognosis with advanced disease.1 Unfortunately,a majority of patients present with advanced dis-ease at the time of diagnosis and, once metastatic,the disease has a very low 10–20% 5-year survival.2

For patients with metastatic disease, the only

d at the Annual Meeting of the American Associationcrine Surgeons on May 17–19, 2015, Nashville, TN.

d for publication August 12, 2015.

requests: Mark S. Cohen, MD, FACS, Associate Profes-urgery and Pharmacology, PI Translational Oncology, Director of Endocrine Surgery Research, Departmentery, 2920K Taubman Center SPC 5331, University ofn Hospital and Health Systems, 1500 East Medical Cen-Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5331. E-mail: [email protected].

60/$ - see front matter

Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


current therapeutic approved by the US Foodand Drug Administration is the adrenolytic agentmitotane (M), with initial response rates of 20–30% in advanced ACC and an improvement in sur-vival rate from 14 to 50 months.3 Recent studieshave evaluated M in combination with cytotoxicchemotherapeutics as in the Italian protocol (eto-poside [E], doxorubicin [D], cisplatin [P]; EDP)or with streptozotocin.4,5 EDPM has been shownto offer a greater response rate (23.2% vs 9.2%)and progression-free survival (5.0 vs 2.1 months)compared with M with streptozotocin.6-8 Dose-limiting toxicities, such as adrenal insufficiency,dizziness, vertigo, central nervous disturbances,hyperlipidemia, and gastrointestinal disorders,remain a clinically relevant issue with both M andcytotoxic agents given in combination.4 Giventhis toxicity in combination, development of noveldrugs that have the ability to synergize with theseagents could allow lesser concentrations of thesenoxious agents needed to achieve the same thera-peutic effect and potentially mitigate some toxicity.

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Table I. Primer sequences used for real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of steroidogenesis pathwayenzymes

Gene Sense Antisense


Fig 1. Expression of scavenger receptor class B type I(SR-B1) by Western blot analysis. Adrenocortical carci-noma cell lines NCI-H295R, SW13 and RL251, andBHK (baby hamster kidney) cell lines over expressingSR-B1 (positive control) as well as Jurkat cell lines (nega-tive control) were grown in culture in appropriate me-dium. The cells were lysed and immunoblotted for SR-B1using the method previously described.20 The sameblot was reprobed for actin for loading control.

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Normal adrenal and ACC cells require choles-terol for steroidogenesis and are known to expressthe scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) ontheir surface, which allow the cell to obtaincholesterol esters from circulating high-densitylipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.9 This SR-BI recep-tor is highly overexpressed in ACC cells, andseveral other cancers (lymphoma and breast, pros-tate, ovarian, and nasopharyngeal carcinomas)compared with normal tissues. SR-BI receptorsact as bidirectional cholesterol transporters thatfacilitate both the uptake into cells and effluxthe cholesterol out of cells.10 Because cholesteroltransport is an important biologic function of cells,including cancer cells, mimetic synthetic HDL(sHDL) nanoparticles that bind to SR-BI havecome under focus recently as a novel approachfor targeting cancer.11,12 A number ofcholesterol-free sHDL products have been testedclinically for the treatment of atherosclerosis byfacilitation of reverse cholesterol transport andfound to be safe at high doses of 20–40 mg/kgper infusion.13 Many patients with advanced ACCwill develop steroid oversecretion.14 Because thesesteroids require cholesterol,15 an agent that ef-fluxes cholesterol from cells may have therapeuticbenefit in decreasing this oversecretion function-ality. In the current study, we used cholesterol-free sHDL nanoparticles and hypothesized thatthese sHDL nanoparticles may be able to generateanticancer properties by depleting cholesterolfrom ACC cells, which could synergize with chemo-therapy drugs from the Italian protocol andthereby create novel combination strategies thatmay lessen the doses of these cytotoxic drugsneeded to achieve the same anticancer benefit.


Cell lines. Two human ACC cell lines authenti-cated using genetic finger printing, NCI-H295R(cortisol secretor) and SW13 (nonsteroid

secretor), were grown in 2-dimenstional culturein humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air at378C. SW13 cells were grown in Dulbecco ModifiedEagle’s Medium (DMEM; Life Technologies,Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 10% fetalbovine serum (FBS; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,MO) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (LifeTechnologies). NCI-H295R cells were grown inDMEM-Ham’s F12 nutrient medium (Life Tech-nologies) supplemented with 10% FBS (Sigma-Aldrich), 1% insulin/transferrin/selenium, and1% penicillin/streptomycin (Life Technologies).

Preparation and characterization of sHDL. First,1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC),1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine(POPC), and 22A peptide16 (weight ratio = 1:1:1)were dissolved in glacial acetic acid, which wasremoved by freeze-drying. Phosphate-buffered sa-line (pH = 7.4) was added to the freeze-dried

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Fig 2. Effect of synthetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL) nanoparticles in combination with cisplatin (P), etoposide(E), doxorubicin (D), or mitotane (M) on adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) cell viability in NCI-H295R (A) andSW13 (B) cell lines. (Left) IC50 curves for sHDL alone showing inhibition of tumor cell viability at 100–200 mg/mL.Because the IC50s of drugs in SW13 were often greater than in NCI-H295R cells (data not shown), we often used greaterdoses of E, D, P, or M in these cells. Cells were treated with serial dilutions of drugs alone or with sHDL nanoparticles for72 hours. Cell viability was calculated by Cell-Titer Glo assay. The 8 graphs at the right are plotted as a function of cellviability on the y-axis versus drug concentration on the x-axis. For each drug except for D, addition of sHDL significantlyenhanced inhibition of cell viability compared with drug alone or sHDL alone suggesting a potential synergistic effect.The relative viability of cells compared with untreated control was plotted for all the combinations. Each experimentwas done in triplicate, with the mean value and standard deviation plotted (***P < .05).

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powder, which then was cycled 3 times between508C (3 minutes) and 208C (3 minutes) with gentleshaking to obtain the sHDL. Purity of the sHDLwas analyzed by gel permeation chromatography.The sHDL was further characterized by transmis-sion electron microscopy. All images were acquiredon JEM 1200EX electron microscope (JEOL USA,Peabody, MA) equipped with an AMT XR-60 digi-tal camera (Advanced Microscopy TechniquesCorp, Woburn, MA).

Cell viability assay and calculation of combina-tion index. SW13 and NCI-H295R cells wereseeded into 96-well plates in triplicate and treatedwith varying concentrations of either the chemo-therapeutic drugs P, D, E, M (EDPM) either incombination or each alone, in simultaneous com-binations with sHDL or sHDL alone for 72 hours.A large dose range was used initially to define amore selective dose range for median inhibitionconcentration (IC50) experiments. Serial dilutionswere made from the starting concentrations, andviability of cells was then measured based onquantification of the adenosine triphosphate levels

after treatment with Cell Titer-Glo luminescentassay reagent as per the manufacturer’s instruction(Promega, Madison, WI) with luminescence quan-tified using a BioTek Synergy Neo plate reader(BioTek, Winooski, VT). Cell viability ratios werecalculated using GraphPad Prism 5 software(GraphPad Software, Inc, La Jolla, CA), and thecombination index (CI) was calculated usingChou-Talalay equation16 using CompuSyn software(ComboSyn Inc, Paramus, NJ). The CI values of<1, 1, and >1 represent synergistic, additive, andantagonistic effects, respectively. For all cell-basedexperiments, the experimental control group waseither untreated cells or cells treated with singledrug alone (when compared with combinationregimens), unless otherwise stated.

Colony formation assay. The NCI-H295R andSW13 cells were plated in 6-well plates and allowedto attach. Treatment commenced for 24 hours withdrug alone or in combination with sHDL (50 mg ofsHDL in terms of 22A peptide/mL). Untreated orsHDL alone-treated cells were controls. The me-dium was changed and surviving cells were allowed

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Table II. Combination index evaluations by drugconcentrations



CI forNCI-H295R

CI forSW13

50 25 0.694 0.15850 12.5 0.602 0.39225 25 0.641 0.17225 12.5 0.521 0.196



CI forNCI-H295R

CI forSW13

50 50 0.75 0.85250 25 0.709 0.65225 50 0.812 0.62725 25 0.809 0.928



CI forNCI-H295R

CI forSW13

50 2.5 0.759 0.66650 1.25 0.462 0.81225 2.5 0.572 0.61925 1.25 0.39 0.583



CI forNCI-H295R

CI forSW13

50 2.5 5.232 1.28950 1.25 3.619 1.84425 2.5 5.982 1.38525 1.25 4.257 1.19

Human adrenocortical carcinoma cell lines NCI-H295R and SW13 weretreated at 25 and 50% IC50 levels of drug (etoposide [E; VP16] at 12.5 or25 mmol/L, mitotane [M] at 25 or 50 mmol/L, cisplatin [P] at 1.25 or2.5 mmol/L, and doxorubicin at 1.25 or 2.5 mmol/L) in combinationwith either 25 or 50 mg/mL synthetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL)nanoparticle for 72 hours. The viability of the cells was calculated bycell-Titer Glo and the combination index (CI) was calculated using theChou-Talalay equation.19 CI < 1 is defined as a combination demon-strating synergy (with stronger synergy for CI < 0.5), CI = 1 means thecombination is additive, not synergistic, and CI > 1 means an antago-nistic effect. Whereas E, P, and M each showed synergy with sHDL inboth cell lines, stronger synergy was observed with etoposide andsHDL and in the 1.25 mmol/L dose of P. Each experiment was repeatedin triplicate and the viability as a percentage of untreated control wascalculated using Graphpad prism.

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to grow colonies of $50 cells for 2 weeks, washed,fixed, and stained with Coomassie blue, andcounted. Total colony numbers were normalizedto untreated controls.

Analysis of apoptosis by flow cytometry. Toanalyze combination effect on apoptosis, SW13and NCI-H295R cells grown in 60 mm plates weretreated with either E, P, or M alone or in combina-tion with sHDL for 24 hours. After treatment, cellswere washed, resuspended in Annexin-bindingbuffer, and stained using Annexin V-fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC)/propidium iodide asdescribed previously.17 Induction of apoptosis wasmeasured using the CyAn ADP Analyzer (Beckman

Coulter, Inc, Indianapolis, IN) at the University ofMichigan Flow Cytometry Core.

Membrane potential of mitochondria. SW13and NCI-H295R were seeded in a 96-well blackwall plate. Once attached, the cells were treatedwith the drugs as described. Then, 24 hour afterdrug treatment, 500 nmol/L tetramethylrhod-amine, ethyl ester (TMRE) was added, the cellswere incubated for 20 minutes at 378C, and thefluorescent signal was measured after washingusing a microplate reader (excitation = 549; emis-sion = 575). 100 nmol/L carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP) wasadded to cells 10 minutes before the addition ofTMRE as a negative control.

Immunoassay for cortisol measurement. Thecortisol immunoassay (Alpco, Salem, NH) wasused to quantitate cortisol levels in the culturesupernatant of steroid-producing NCI-H295R cellsafter treatment with drug combinations (same asin clonogic assay) for 24 hour per the manufac-turer’s instructions. Briefly, culture supernatantafter treatment was added to the antibody-coatedplates containing assay buffer (45 minutes at258C). After washing, tetra methyl benzidine sub-strate was incubated at room temperature, and theabsorbance was measured using a Synergy Neoreader (BioTek).

Messenger RNA isolation and real-time poly-merase chain reaction. RNA from the NCI-H295 Rcells after drug treatment for 24 hour was preparedusing Qiagen RNA isolation kit (Qiagen Sciences,Valencia, CA). Approximately 500 ng of RNA wasreverse transcribed using superscript RT kit fromLife Technologies. Quantitative polymerase chainreaction (PCR) was performed in a step-1 real-timePCR (RT-PCR) machine using the gene-specificprimer sets (Table I) as published.18 Relative geneexpression levels were calculated after normaliza-tion with internal controls. SR-BI expression levelin several cancers was confirmed by Western blotanalysis (Fig 1).

Treatment of 3-dimensional multicellular aggre-gates (MCAs). To evaluate the translational poten-tial of the combination therapy, MCAs weredeveloped to mimic the in vivo tumor model asdescribed by Jain et al.19 Approximately 50,000SW13 or 100,000 NCI-H295R cells were plated in24-well ultralow attachment plates (Corning, Corn-ing, NY) to generate MCAs. The MCAs generatedwere treated with drugs (concentrations specifiedin our colony formation assay) with or without50 mg/mL sHDL nanoparticle for 24 hours. Un-treated and sHDL alone treated cells served as con-trols. The MCAs were photographed before and

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Fig 3. Clonogenic analysis of NCI-H295R (A) and SW13 (B) cell lines after etoposide (E), cisplatin (P), or mitotane (M)treatment either alone or in combination with synthetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL). For this experiment, dosingincluded P at 10 mmol/L, etoposide at 150 mmol/L, or M at 50 mmol/L for NCI-H295R and 100 mmol/L for SW13 or incombination with 50 mg/mL sHDL nanoparticles. Colonies were allowed to grow for 2 weeks; those containing$50 cellswere counted, and the results were plotted as a fraction of surviving cells compared with untreated control cells. Eachexperiment was done in triplicate with the mean ± standard error of the mean presented. Representative photographimages are shown on the right with quantitative data represented in bar graphs on the left. All 3 drugs showed signifi-cantly enhanced inhibition of colony formation in combination with sHDL compared with drug alone (*P < .05;***P < .01).

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after treatment and were quantified by Image Jsoftware (NIH)20 as described by Jain et al.19

Statistical analysis. All experiments were donein triplicate, and the values are presented asmean values ± standard error of the mean.Comparisons of differences between $2 meanswere determined by Student’s unpaired t test (2means) and the Fisher exact test. More than 2means were analyzed by 2-way analysis of variancefollowed by the Duncan multiple range test($2 means) and Bonferroni post hoc testing viaa SPSS version 17.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL).


Our experimental design was to first examinethe viability of cells after treatment with combina-tion therapy to determine if synergy of sHDL withEDPM is possible. As such, we first wanted to see ifsHDL nanoparticles enhance the antiproliferativeeffect of E, P, and M in ACC cells. Cell Titer-GLO

viability results showed inhibition of cell prolifer-ation in a dose-dependent manner for each of thechemotherapeutics drugs as expected (Fig 2).However, sHDL nanoparticles alone did notinduce significant cell death at normal concentra-tions, only high concentrations of 100-200 mg/mL of the 22A peptide (Fig 2, left). To determinewhether combining sHDL nanoparticles and thechemotherapeutic drugs results in synergy or anadditive effect, we then calculated the CI aftertreating the cells at different combination dosagesusing the method of Chou-Talalay.21 Doses werechosen based on the greater IC50 value of M inSW13 cells compared with NCI-H295R cells. Asindicated in Table II and Fig 2, a true synergistic ef-fect (CI < 1) was observed at multiple dose rangesby combining very low concentrations of sHDLnanoparticles (25 and 50 mg/mL) with P, E, or Mbut not with D (CI > 1). In each combination,there was a significant decrease in viability

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Fig 4. Analysis of apoptosis by flow cytometry after treatment of NCI-H295R (A) and SW13 (B) cells with either etopo-side (E), cisplatin (P), or mitotane (M) alone or in combination with synthetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL) nano-particles. Top row of flow cytometry plots show adrenocortical carcinoma cells treated with either P, E, or M alone or incombination with 50 mg/mL sHDL nanoparticles as describe in Fig 3 in the clonogenic assay for 24 hours. Cells werestained with Annexin V fluorescein isothiocyanate and propidium iodide and apoptosis analyzed by flow cytometry (toprow of flow cytometry plots). For each drug, the addition of sHDL in combination enhanced the amount of cells gatedtoward apoptosis on flow, which is depicted more quantitatively in the bottom bar graphs. Although the level of necrosisremained relatively stable with treatment, the level of apoptosis significantly increased with addition of sHDL to thedrug in each case. The number of both apoptotic and necrotic cells were plotted for different treatments. The exper-iments were carried out in triplicate with the mean ± standard error of the mean presented.

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compared with either untreated cells or singledrug treated cells. We then confirmed this antipro-liferative effect by clonogenic assay by testing thecombination of sHDL nanoparticles with eachchemotherapeutic drug (Fig 3). Combinationtreatments had a greater decrease in viability forNCI-H295R (Fig 3, A) and SW13 (Fig 3, B) celllines by 12% and 20%, respectively, for P, 45%and 40% for E, and 39% and 22% for M comparedwith single drug alone (P < .05 each). HDL treat-ment alone had minimal effect. Representative im-ages are shown on the right of Fig 3.

With synergy observed in combination withseveral of the drug compounds in inhibiting cellviability, we next wanted to evaluate if this effectwas owing to induction of apoptosis or merely atoxic effect of the drug leading to cell necrosis.

sHDL synergizes with chemotherapeutic drugsto induce apoptosis. Next, combination dosing wasevaluated by flow cytometry for a synergistic effecton apoptotic cell death in both ACC cell lines asdetermined by analysis of DNA fragmentationusing subtoxic concentrations of E, P, or M alone

or in combination with sHDL for 24 hours. Giventhe antagonistic effect of D with sHDL on prolif-eration, we did not test this combination. Cellsundergoing early as well as late apoptosis andnecrosis were differentiated based on phosphati-dylserine staining on the outer leaflet of theapoptotic cells by Annexin V-FITC/PI. Combina-tion treatments with sHDL resulted in a signifi-cantly greater increase in apoptotic or necroticcells compared with each drug alone with negli-gible cell death noted with sHDL alone or un-treated cells. The sHDL nanoparticles incombination with the chemotherapy drugs re-sulted in an increase in the percentage ofapoptotic cells (early and late) by 6%, 36%, and36% for P, E, and M, respectively (P < .05 vs drugalone) with minimal changes in necrosis comparedwith single drug alone for the NCI-H295R cells(Fig 4). In the case of non–cortisol-secretingSW13 cells, the necrotic cell death increased by15% for P and 21% for E (P < .01), whereas theapoptotic cell death increased by 12% (P < .05)for M when combined with sHDL versus drug

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Fig 5. Combination therapy with synthetic high-densitylipoprotein (sHDL) nanoparticles increases the mito-chondrial membrane potential. After 24 hours of treat-ment of NCI-H295R (A) and SW13 (B) cells withcisplatin (P), etoposide (E), or M either alone (similarconcentrations as that in Fig 3) or along with50 mg/mL sHDL nanoparticles, cells were stained withtetramethylrhodamine, ethyl ester (TMRE) for 20 mi-nutes, and the changes in mitochondrial potentialwere evaluated by measuring the fluorescence intensityin a microplate reader. Cells pretreated with carbonyl cy-anide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone for 10 mi-nutes before the addition of TMRE served as anegative control. The changes in mitochondrial mem-brane potential between monotherapy and sHDL combi-nation therapy are plotted in the bar graphs with NCI-H295R cells having the greatest change in membranepotential at 13%, 10%, or 15% for P, E, and M, respec-tively. All experiments were done in triplicate and re-ported as mean ± standard error of the mean.

Fig 6. Evaluation of cortisol production with drug treat-ment. The cortisol levels in the culture medium wereestimated by radioimmunoassay after treatment ofcortisol-producing NCI-H295R cells with synthetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL) nanoparticles along witheither cisplatin (P) or etoposide (E) or mitotane (M)at concentrations used in Fig 3 for 24 hours. E, M, andsHDL each decreased cortisol production (***P < .05)with treatment, whereas P alone did not. The additionof sHDL to P decreased levels to that of sHDL aloneand addition of sHDL to M enhanced this effect(*P < .05).

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alone (Fig 4). Given this synergistic effect on cellgrowth and induction of apoptosis, and becauseapoptosis and necrosis are mitochondrial-dependent pathways, the membrane potential ofmitochondria was assessed.

The membrane of mitochondria potential isaltered by combination therapy with sHDL. Toelucidate the role of mitochondrial function ininducing apoptosis, we evaluated the mitochon-drial potential (DW) using TMRE staining aftertreatment of cells with sHDL and E, P, or M for24 hours. As a negative control, cells were pre-treated with an ionophore FCCP to eliminatepotential changes in the mitochondrial mem-brane. Treatment of NCI-H295R and SW13 cellswith sHDL in combination with each of the

chemotherapy drugs resulted in a decrease in DWby 13% and 7% for P, 9% and 32% for E, and 15%and 20% for M (P < .05 vs chemotherapy drugalone), respectively (Fig 5). This effect was blockedin the presence of the mitochondrial depolarizerFCCP.

The effect of combination therapy with sHDLon cortisol levels. To verify how changes in thesteroidogenic pathway are influenced by combina-tion therapy, we measured the concentration ofcortisol in the culture supernatant of hormone-producing NCI-H295R cells after E, P, or Mtreatment alone or in combination with sHDLfor 24 hours. Treatment of cells with drug alonedecreased cortisol production levels by 90% forsHDL, 85% for M, and 82% for E (P < .01 each vscontrols; P decreased it only by 8%; P = NS; Fig 6).In combination with sHDL, this effect was notdifferent for E or M, but decreased 82% with Psimilar to that seen for the HDL alone.

Next, because cortisol levels were decreasedsignificantly with sHDL, we wanted to examinethe mechanistic effect on steroidogenesis in theseACC cells. To explore the effect of combinationtreatment on steroidogenesis, we evaluated theexpression of genes involved in steroidogenesis byquantitative RT-PCR after 24 hours of treatmentwith hormone-producing NCI-H295R cells with

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Fig 7. A–E, Messenger RNA level expressions of key steroidogenesis pathway enzymes in hormone-producingH295R cells after treatment with either cisplatin (P), etoposide (E), or mitotane (M) alone or in combination with syn-thetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL) nanoparticles for 24 h. Clockwise from top left, enzymes include (A) steroido-genic acute regulatory protein, (B) CYP17A1, (C) CYP21A2, (D) CYP11B1, and (E) CYP11B2. Expression levels weremeasured by real-time polymerase chain reaction. P consistently decreased enzyme expression levels with treatment,whereas etoposide enhanced them. M only increased CYP21A2 levels, whereas the addition of sHDL to drug enhancedthis effect in most of the enzymes. Data were analyzed by relative expression method with values presented asmean ± standard error of the mean. Each experiment was repeated in triplicate. (P < .05 each *, **, ***).

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either drug alone or in combination with sHDL(primers listed in Table I). Relative expressionlevels of factors of cortisol biosynthesis by RT-PCR, including the steroidogenic acute regulatoryprotein (StAR), the intramitochondrial cholesteroltransporter, CYP11A1, and others were examined.During combination of sHDL with either P, E, orM, the levels of StAR (0.18–1.88), CYP21A2(0.05–2.6), and CYP19A1 (0.22–4.9) increased (interms of fold changes), whereas the levels ofCYP11A1 (0.1–0.5), CYP11B1 (0.1–0.64),CYP11B2 (0.04–0.52), CYP17A1 (0.1–0.58), andHSD3B2 (0.1–0.2 for C and M, respectively; butincreased by 2.1 for E) decreased as fold change.Representative fold changes compared with mono-therapy (P < .05) are shown graphically for StAR,CYP17A1, CYP21A2, CYP11B1, and CYP11B2(Fig 7).

Combination therapy with sHDL is effective intargeting in vivo mimicking MCAs. To confirmwhether the cytotoxic effect of combination ther-apy in targeting cells can be translated to tumorsin vivo, we used 3-dimensional MCAs as a mimicfor tumor model. First, MCAs were developed by

seeding the cells in ultralow attachment plates andthen treating them with either drug alone or incombination with sHDL. As shown in Fig 8, weobserved approximately 20%, 50%, and 30%decrease in NCI-H295R MCAs for P, E, and M,and approximately 50%, 25% and 50% decreasein SW13 MCAs (Fig 8), respectively, when used incombination with sHDL. These results indicatethat sHDL combination is effective in targetingeven 3-dimensional MCAs.

Combination therapy enhances the efficacy ofEDPM. Given the antagonistic effect for D, weexamined whether the complete EDPM regimenwith sHDL would still be synergistic in inhibitingACC cell viability. The viability of the cells wasdetermined as before by Cell Titer-Glo after treat-ing both NCI-H295R and SW13 cells with eitherEDPM (25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% maximumtolerated dose (MTD) levels) alone or in combi-nation with 25 or 50 mg/mL of sHDL. Untreatedcells or sHDL alone treated cells served as controls.Despite the antagonistic effect of D, we observedan enhanced, dose-dependent decrease in viabilityfor both NCI-H295R (Fig 9) and SW13 (Fig 9) for

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Fig 8. Effect of synthetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL) combination with chemotherapeutics on multicellular aggre-gates (MCAs). Approximately 100,000 NCI-H295R (A) and 50,000 SW13 (B) cells were seeded on ultralow attachmentplates and incubated at 378C in a 5% CO2 incubator. After the formation of MCAs, the MCAs were photographed andthen treated with either drugs alone or in combination with 50 mg/mL sHDL nanoparticles. After treatment for24 hours, the MCAs were photographed again (left) and quantified using Image J software from NIH (bar graph datashown on the right). In each case, the addition of sHDL to either E or P or M demonstrated inhibition of aggregateformation (***P < .05). All experiments were done in triplicate.

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sHDL combinations compared with EDPM alone.These results demonstrate that combination ther-apy with sHDL nanoparticles target ACC cellseffectively at lesser doses of EDPM, which maylessen the toxicity profiles.


Despite recent insights into the molecularmechanisms underlying the carcinogenesis ofACC and the development of novel, targetedtherapies for other cancers, advanced ACC re-mains a deadly disease.22 Patients with ACC rarelypresent with classic symptoms related to their tu-mor and only 40–60% of the patients presentwith symptoms characteristic of hormone excess.22

Hypercortisolism is the most common presenta-tion in 50–80% of the patients with hormoneexcess, and ACC patients diagnosed with hypercor-tisolism have hypokalemia and hypertensioncommonly.22 Recently, it was noted that M inducesCYP3A4.23 Because many antineoplastic drugs aremetabolized by CYP3A4, drug–drug interactions

causing additive toxicities can result from suchcombinations. Therefore, novel treatments thatavoid such drug interactions and have the poten-tial for a decrease in the required dosage of Mwould be a real advance to the field.

sHDL nanoparticles have good safety in clinicaltrials thus far and demonstrate a unique antineo-plastic effect in part owing to their ability to effluxcholesterol selectively from cancer cells. As such,we have investigated the effect of combinationtherapy of sHDL with commonly used chemother-apeutic drugs for ACC. Building on our prelimi-nary findings (Fig 1) indicating that ACC cellsexpress the highest level of SR-BI compared withseveral other cancers and normal cells, we hypoth-esized that sHDL nanoparticles would target andinhibit ACC cell viability effectively in combinationwith suboptimal concentrations of chemothera-peutic drugs.

We first performed a simple cell viability studyto determine whether combination dosing ofsHDL and E, D, P, or M would result in a

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Fig 9. Effect of multidrug combination studies with syn-thetic high-density lipoprotein (sHDL) on adrenocor-tical carcinoma cell viability. NCI-H295R (A) and SW13(B) cells were treated with EDPM (25%, 50%, 75%, or100% MTD levels) alone or in combination with 25 or50 mg/mL of sHDL. Untreated cells or sHDL alonetreated cells served as controls. Despite the antagonisticeffect of D, we observed an enhanced dose-dependentdecrease in viability for both sHDL combinationscompared with EDPM alone. Relative viability was calcu-lated in terms of untreated controls. The mean valueand standard deviation from three different experimentsare presented with *** representing P < .05.

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synergistic, additive, or antagonistic effect by calcu-lating combination indices for each combination.Our results demonstrate that P, E, and M actsynergistically with sHDL at multiple concentra-tions, whereas D acts as an antagonist. This effectwas then confirmed using a clonogenic assay todemonstrate that combinations of sHDL and lowdoses of E, P, or M resulted in improved inhibitionof cell viability compared with E, P, or M alone atnormal therapeutic concentrations. We thendemonstrated that combination treatment of E,P, or M with sHDL lead to significant increases inACC apoptosis and decreases in membrane thepotential of the mitochondria compared withmonotherapy. Because mitochondrial depolariza-tion can be owing to either oxidative stress orapoptosis, further studies are needed to under-stand fully how this combination modulates the

activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.Synergistic increases in apoptosis compared withnecrosis suggest a synergy in mechanism-basedpathway, supporting the benefit of combinationtherapy on tumor biology as opposed to a merelynontargeted toxicity effect observed with necrosis.

Next, we evaluated the role of combinationtreatment on ACC steroidogenesis and cholesterolproduction using NCI-H295R human ACC cellsthat secrete steroid. Drugs like M are known toinhibit CYP11A1, CYP11B1, and others.23

Although studies have demonstrated the role ofLDL in increasing steroidogenesis,24,25 very littleis known about the role of sHDL in steroidogene-sis. Because increased cortisol levels are a knownnegative prognostic factor for ACC, we used RT-PCR to examine how our combination treatmentmodulates key factors involved in the steroidogen-esis pathway. Our results indicated that, comparedwith monotherapy, combination therapy withsHDL increased expression levels of StAR, theintra mitochondrial transporter; CYP21A2, theenzyme metabolizing17-hydroxyprogesterone into11-deoxycortisol, and CYP19A1, whereas the levelsof CYP11B1, CYP11B2, CYP11A1, and CYP21A2decreased. These results suggest that our combina-tion has multiple effects and blocks both the up-stream and the downstream regulators of cortisol.To evaluate whether this effect on steroidogenesisleads to a downregulation of cortisol production,we measured cortisol production levels in responseto treatment. Interestingly, sHDL alone or in com-bination with P (which does not alter cortisollevels) decreased cortisol production by >80%,similar to M. We then showed that the EDPMplus sHDL combination treatment retained itssynergy despite the antagonism of D and thatthis combination effect is translatable to3-dimensional cell growth in aggregates. Giventhe significant decrease in MCAs and viability afterEDPM and sHDL treatment, further in vivo evalu-ation is warranted to confirm if this combinationalsynergy translates to NCI-H295R xenografts.

In conclusion, our results demonstrate thatsHDL nanoparticles act synergistically with chemo-therapy agents used in ACC, allowing substantiallylesser doses in combination to generate in vitroefficacy. This synergy may be owing in part totargeting of the steroidogenic pathway, similar toM, for potentiating enhanced apoptosis. This com-bination strategy may be a novel, less toxicapproach to improve treatment in combinationand avoid dose-limiting toxicities while maintain-ing the therapeutic benefits of M and the Italianprotocol.

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This work was partly funded by the National Institutesof Health (T32 CA009672, R01 CA173292), The Univer-sity of Michigan M-TRAC Program, the Universityof Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center SupportGrant (P30 CA046592), and the University Of MichiganDepartment Of Surgery.


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DISCUSSIONDr Bradford K. Mitchell (Morgantown, WV):

I have nothing to disclose. Can you tell us a littlebit about the uptake of these nanoparticles? Yousuggest by the discussion on the sphere formationand its impact the possibility that these particles’uptake is based on receptor expression on the sur-face or something else on the surface that’s goingto dramatically change in your cells grown inmonolayer. I wonder if that would impact your de-cision making about further testing.

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Dr Mark S. Cohen (Ann Arbor, MI): We haveactually looked at this in sphere formation, and wehave recently completed, actually, some animaldata as well. If you look at the SRB1 receptor expres-sion levels, ACCs have about 100-fold greaterexpression than any other cancer and almost a thou-sand fold greater expression than any other celltype. It makes a very selective target for this partic-ular HDL type of therapy. What we are seeing inthe aggregate is an example of what wewould expectto see in a tumor. We actually do see targeting and

localization in vivo, which I have not presented inthis paper, but that is part of our ongoing studies.

Dr Bradford K. Mitchell: What is the expressionin the monolayer?

Dr Mark S. Cohen: We did look at monolayerexpression, and we have some data on Western toshow that I did not include here, but comparedwith tissue levels, it is pretty high. I would say it is10- to 20-fold higher than what you would see innormal cells at least, maybe even 100-fold higher,but it is pretty dense expression.