syntax muah

1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents background of the study, problem of the study, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms. 1.1 Background of the Study Nowadays, there are many kinds of media used to inform news, announcement, and report in this world, such as television, radio, internet (electric media), newspaper, magazine, news week, journals (written media) and etc. Almost all people in the world access their needed information from those media. Therefore, media is important to overspread information to all over the world. One of the media is magazine. Magazine is one of written media which is usually published periodically. It is different from other written media such as newspaper or journal. Commonly, the content of magazine is more specific than newspaper. It focused in one main topic or problem such as sport, politic, society, music, religion and etc. This is different from the content of newspaper which discusses more general topics or problems. By reading magazine, we can understand more about one topic which can bridge the researcher to analyze more specific cases. Therefore, magazine is interesting to analyze. In many cases, the written works such as magazine only pay more attention on the meaning of the utterances and put outside how the language

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This chapter presents background of the study, problem of the study,

objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study,

and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, there are many kinds of media used to inform news,

announcement, and report in this world, such as television, radio, internet (electric

media), newspaper, magazine, news week, journals (written media) and etc.

Almost all people in the world access their needed information from those media.

Therefore, media is important to overspread information to all over the world.

One of the media is magazine. Magazine is one of written media which is

usually published periodically. It is different from other written media such as

newspaper or journal. Commonly, the content of magazine is more specific than

newspaper. It focused in one main topic or problem such as sport, politic, society,

music, religion and etc. This is different from the content of newspaper which

discusses more general topics or problems. By reading magazine, we can

understand more about one topic which can bridge the researcher to analyze more

specific cases. Therefore, magazine is interesting to analyze.

In many cases, the written works such as magazine only pay more

attention on the meaning of the utterances and put outside how the language

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structure is used. That is important to know because it influences the readers in

interpreting the written works itself. Studying language on written form is very

important and was recommended by our prophet Muhammad SAW. As

mentioned in the following hadiths:

عه صيذ ته ثاتت قال: امشوي سسىل هللا صم هللا عهيً و سهم: فتعهمت نً كتاب يهىد,وقال: اوي وهللا ماامىى

نً اراكتة انيً يهىد عهي كتاتي. فتعهمتً, فهم مشتي االوصف شهش, حتي حذقتً, فكىت اكتة نً اراكتة,واقش ا

)سواي انتشمزي(

“From Zaid bin Tsabit, He said: Rasulullah SAW recommended me to study the

holly book of Jews (in Suryani language) for him. He said, “In the name of Allah,

the Jews have not believed in my book (Al Qur‟an)”. Then I studied and mastered

it (Suryani language) well in half of moth; I wrote for him if he wanted to send a

message and I read for the message came for him (from the Jews and others in

Suryani language)”. ((Narrated by;Turmudzi ) (Al Albani, 2007:655)).

The hadith above teaches us that studying language on written forms is

very important in order to know and understand well the content of book, letter or

written works even though it is written in other language such as English.

Therefore, the readers have to know the formulation of the words. To have good

understanding about formulation of the words, we have to do syntactic structures

analysis which discussed in syntax study.

Syntax is a branch of linguistic studies which discuss about construction of

word or sentence. Although syntax is rarely used in this new ages as a research,

but the function of syntax is very important. Through syntax we can understand a

sentence by identifying function of each word. Syntax means the arrangement of

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words and phrases to create well-formed sentences (Hornby: 1986). In addition,

syntactic structure is a combination of no more than two lexical words, with or

without function words. Radford (1997:1) also states that syntax is concerned with

the ways in which words can be combined together in the forms of phrases and

sentences. In addition, Yule (1985:80), in studying syntax, there will be an effort

to produce an accurate analysis of the ordering “arrangement” of the elements in

the linier structure of sentence.

Beside the definitions above, another definition proposed by Francis

(1958: 291), he states that study them, would soon discover that they are not all

alike either in the parts of speech that make them up or in the structural meanings

that they convey. In addition, Francis (1958: 293) also explains that by studying

syntax, the students can sketch the main outlines and provide with a framework of

ideas and a basic terminology, so that they may pursue their own studies of

grammar with assurance and efficiency. If we have understood well about syntax,

we can use language well especially in written works.

In addition, in the process of writing, the writer usually use strategy to show

himself positively and the contrary negatively with politic manipulation by

employing syntactic strategy (sentence construction) such as application of

pronoun, structure of word arrangement, disposition of clause, application of

complex sentence and so on (Sobur, 2004: 80). Therefore, it is interesting and

necessary to investigate and analyze the syntactic structures in written works such

as magazine.

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To do a study on syntax means we are ready to do syntactic structures

analysis. There are two types and ways in syntactic analysis that are used to

analyze sentences, they are; tree diagram and Chinese boxes while two ways are

surface structure and deep structure. Francis (1958: 292) divides the syntactic

structures into four principal groups based on their structural meaning. This theory

analyzed sentence founded on surface structure. Surface structure means the

structure corresponds with the actual form of a sentence. Those four basic types of

syntactic structures are; (1) Structure of modification; their two component parts

are a head and a modifier, (2) Structure of predication; their two components are

a subject and a predicate, (3) Structure of complementation; their two

components are a verbal element and a complement, and (4) Structure of

coordination; consisting of equivalent grammatical units joined often but not

always by a special kind of function word.

In doing syntactic analysis, Francis (1958:293-294) proposes Chinese

Boxes system to analyze the syntactic structures. In this system, the syntactic

structure is analyzed by diagramming the sentence using a binary system boxing

into its parts. Most system of diagramming in common use depends on

rearranging the words and word groups of the structure being diagrammed in

order to place them in a geometric pattern which reveals their logical relationship.

In this case, every structure may be divided into its immediate

constituents. Then, may in turn be divided and subdivided until the ultimate

constituents are reached. This is graphically indicated by enclosing each ultimate

constituent in a box and drawing larger and larger boxes around the immediate

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constituents of each of the increasingly complex structures into which they

combine. In conclusion, the result of this theory is something like famous as

“Chinese boxes” that fit one within another (Francis, 1958:293-294).

This research, analyzes headlines that found in FourFourTwo magazine

website as the object of his research. FourFourTwo magazine website is a football

website that is published by Haymarket, located in UK & Ireland (Richardson,

2007). As the one of football information centers, FourFourTwo discusses

extensively about football and everything related with football.

Headline is worth investigating because word or sentence used is simple

but it is capable to attract the reader to read more and more. Samuel (2004)

explains headline as a phrase that identifies the sections of magazine or

newspaper. It comes from the words that author select to label the writing.

Headline is the text at the top of a newspaper article, indicating the nature of the

article below it.

“Headlines are written in much larger type size than the article text, and

often in a different font entirely. Headlines are often in sentence case,

although title case is often used in the USA. Headline conventions include

normally using present tense even when discussing events that happened in

the recent past; omitting forms of the verb "to be" in certain contexts; and

removing short articles like "a" and "the". Most newspapers feature a very

large headline on their front page, dramatically describing the biggest

news of the day. Words chosen for headlines are often short, giving rise to

headlines. A headline may also be followed by a smaller secondary

headline, often called subhead or "deck head", which gives more

information. A number of newspapers use humor, puns, alliteration or

other wordplay devices in their headlines. Equally, the need to keep

headlines brief occasionally leads to unintentional double meanings, if not

double intenders. For example, if the story is about the president of Iraq

trying to acquire weapons, the headline might be IRAQI HEAD SEEKS

ARMS, or if some agricultural legislation is defeated in the United States

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House of Representatives, the title could read FARMER BILL DIES IN

HOUSE. (Harold Evans: 1974)

The data which are taken from FourFourTwo magazine website are in the

sentences form. Therefore, the researcher focuses the analysis on syntactic

structures found in headlines of FourFourTwo magazine website published on 11

June until 11 July 2010 because the language used is interesting and there are

many football idiom or term that the researcher believe it uncommonly used in

general society. The headlines are not written fully in a long sentence but it is

capable to attract the readers to read more and more. Besides that, its content is

still up to date because it discuss about world cup 2010 in South Africa as the

biggest football competition in the world. All people in over the world

enthusiastic to receive this four yearly agenda. All in all, by identifying the

languages used in those headlines, we can find another term or vocabulary that

uncommonly used in our daily life even they are not written fully in a long


There are some previous studies investigating syntactic structure. Khusnah

(2008) discusses the structure of modification used in some of Emily Dickin‟s

poems. In her research, she only analyzed the structure of modification and

analyzed them by using Chinese Boxes system. In addition, she doesn‟t find the

structure of modification in form of preposition phrase and function word. Then,

Rosydah (2007) researched syntactical analysis on Anggun‟s songs. She

investigated four basic structures in some lyrics of Anggun‟s songs and analyzed

those lyrics by using Chinese Boxes. In her research, she found all kinds of

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syntactic structure proposed by Francis. Faricha (2007) analyzed syntactic

structure on the translation of Surah Abbasa in the holy Quran. She analyzed the

syntactic structures of the sentences formed of the verse in the first segment of

Surah Abasa by using Chinese boxes which proposed by Francis.

From the previous studies above, this research is different from those

studies. When the data which is used in previous study, song and poem, is more

focused on the beautiful of word and sentence, in this research the data which is

used is more focused on how the sentence is able to persuade the reader to read all

content of the article. Based on description above the researcher is interested in

analyzing the syntactic structure which is used in headlines of FourFourTwo

Magazine official website. Therefore, the writer determines to choose the research

under the title: The Structure of Sentence Used in Headlines of FourFourTwo

Magazine Website.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the explanation of background above, this research focuses on

answering the problem that is how syntactic structures are used in headlines of

Four-Four Two Magazine website?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is aimed to answer the problem of the study that is to

describe the syntactic structures used in headlines of FourFourTwo magazine


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1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this research is FourFourTwo magazine website. Then, this

research is focuses on syntactic structures analysis of the headlines found in

FourFourTwo magazine website. This official website consists of articles,

advertisement, headlines, and dialog columns. However, the researcher focuses on

headlines in this magazine‟s site.

The data which are taken from FourFourTwo magazine official website is

in the sentences form. Therefore, the researcher limited the analysis on syntactic

structures found in 31 headlines of FourFourTwo magazine website that published

on June and July 2010 because the language used is interesting and there are many

football idiom or term that the researcher believe it uncommon used in daily

conversation. Besides that, its content is still up to date because it discusses about

world cup 2010 in South Africa as the biggest football competition in the world.

1.5 Significance of the study

This study is supposed to give theoretical and practical contribution in

syntactic studies, especially in analyzing syntactic structures used in headlines of

magazine or other written works.

Theoretically, this study is expected to give meaningful contributions,

especially in term of syntactic structure of headlines in a magazine website. We

are easier to know the headline purpose and its content through the function of

each word by syntactical analyzing. Then, it will give us deeper understanding in

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specific branch of linguistics and give clarification to the linguistic organization of

the headlines and the function of those languages in those headlines.

Furthermore, because this research analyzes headlines which talk about

football, it is expected to give the readers new information about the syntactical

structure which is uncommonly used by the people.

Practically, the researcher hopes that the results provide the useful

information for other researchers who are interested in investigating other written

works which have similar topic, especially in analyzing syntactic structure.

Hopefully, this research also means to increase the reader‟s understanding about

syntactical structure, especially about headline which discuss about football

because not many researcher which adapt football theme as their research.

1.6 Operational Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the key term used, the

researcher defines some terms as the following:

1. Syntactic structure; The principles of arrangement of the construction

formed by the process of derivation and inflection (word) into larger

constructions of various kinds. (Gleason, 1961: 128).

2. Structure of modification; structure that consist two component parts

are head and modifier.

3. Structure of predication; structure that consist two components are

subject and predicate.

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4. Structure of complementation; structure have two components are

verbal element and complement.

5. Structure of coordination; structure that consist of equivalent

grammatical units joined by a special kind of function words.

6. Headline: Headline is the text at the top of a newspaper article,

indicating the nature of the article below it.

7. Chinese Box: Chinese box is a binary system which is conducted by

Nelson W. Francis as a media in doing syntactical analysis

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Focusing on syntactical structure analysis on headlines of FourFourTwo

magazine website, it is important to review the related literature of study. The

review consists of syntax, sentence, syntactic structures, headline, biography of

FourFourTwo magazine, and previous study.

2.1 Syntax

In linguistics, the study on the sentence structure namely „Syntax‟.

Mathew (1981) defines that the term „syntax‟ comes from Greek word and it

literally means „a setting out together‟ or „arrangement‟. In studying syntax, there

will be an effort to produce an accurate analysis in „arrangement‟ of the elements

in the linear structure of the sentence (Yule, 1985:80). Crystal (1987:94) also

defines Syntax as the way in which words arranged to show relationships of

meaning within (and sometimes between) sentence.

In another definition, Radford (1997:1) also states that Syntax is

concerned with the ways in which words can be combined together into form

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phrases and sentences. Syntax or syntactic analysis is defined as determining the

relevant component parts of a sentence and describing these parts grammatically.

The component parts of a sentence called constituent. On the other hand, syntax

involves the closely related tasks of: breaking down the sentence into its

constituents and assigning some grammatical label to each constituent (or

grammatical category) it is, and what grammatical function it has (Wekker and

Haegeman, 1989:5).

From all the definitions above, it can be concluded that syntax is a branch

of linguistics that studies the rules, or "patterned relations” that govern the way

words combine to form phrases and phrases combine to form sentences.

2.2 Sentence

Sentence is the main component in syntax study. Oftentimes we find the

expression say that syntax is a branch of linguistic that studies about sentence or

sentence structure. Based on Oxford dictionary, the definition sentence is a set of

words expressing a statement, a question or an order, usually containing a subject

and a verb. Frank (1972: 220) states that sentence are a full predication containing

a subject plus a predicate with a finite verb.

Sentences are generally classified in two ways, one by types and by the

number of formal predications.

2.2.1 The classifications by types are:

1. Declarative sentences (Statement)

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In a declarative sentence the subject and predicate have normal word

order. The sentence ends with a period (called full stop in British

English) in writing and a drop in pitch in speech.

Example: The child ate his dinner.

2. Interrogative Sentences (Questions)

In an interrogative sentence the subject and auxiliary are often reserved.

The sentence ends with a question mark (or, interrogation point) in


Example: Did the child eat his dinner?

3. Imperative sentences (Requests, Commands)

In an imperative sentence only the predicate is expressed. The simple

form of the verb is used, regardless of person or tense. The imperative

sentence ends with a period in writing.

Example: Eat your dinner.

4. Exclamatory sentences (Exclamations)

The exclamatory phrase is followed by the subject and the balance of

the predicate. In writing the exclamatory sentence ends with an

exclamation mark (or, exclamation point). Sometimes a period is used

to lessen the force of the exclamation.

Example: What a good dinner that was!

2.2.2 The classification of sentences by number of full predications

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This classification is based on the number and kind of clauses within a


1. Simple sentence

Such sentences have only one full predication in the form of an

independent clause.

Example: The man stole the jewelry.

2. Compound sentences

Such sentences have two or more full predication in the form of

independent clauses.

Example: The man stole the jewelry and he hid it in his home.

3. Complex sentences

Such sentences also have two or more full predications. One of these is

an independent clause or main clause that is similar to the form of the

simple sentence, and one or more of these are independent clauses (or,

subordinate clauses).

Example: the man who stole the jewelry hid it in his home.

4. Compound-Complex sentences

Compound-Complex sentences contain two or more independent

clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

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Example: the man stole the jewelry and he hid it in his home until he

could safely get out of town.

2. 3 Syntactic Structures

A syntactic structure is combinations of no more than two lexical words,

with or without function words. It is a group of the words or sequences of the

words in a given language that can replace one another in any sentence of the

language without affecting grammatically. Francis (1958:292) classifies the

syntactic structure into four basic types. Those are 1) Structure of modification, 2)

Structure of predication, 3) Structure of complementation, and 4) Structure of

coordination. In analyzing the four syntactic structures, we use boxes and

symbols →, P, and C.

2.3.1 Structure of modification

Structure of modification is structure which has two components part;

they are head and a modifier. Structure of modification has meaning serves

to broaden, qualify, select, change, describe, or in some other way affect the

meaning of the head. The immediate constituent of structure of modification

is called “head” and “modifier”. In syntactic structure analysis, structure of

modification is represented by symbols (→) that points from the modifier

toward the head.

head modifier modifier head

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bad girl

Since the prime position in such structures is occupied by the

head, we shall classify them according to the part of speech to which the

head belong. Noun As head

Nouns appear very frequently as heads of structures of modification.

The modifier of the noun can be:

a. Adjective as modifier of Noun

The most common noun modifier is an adjective, and directly

place before the noun.

For Example:

Bad (adjective) is modifier and girl (Noun) is head.

b. Noun as modifier of Noun

Noun can be a modifier of other nouns. These nouns come

before the noun they modify.

For Example:

car key

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Key (N) as a head and car (N) as a modifier.

In this case Noun as modifier is divided into two, they are:

1) Possessive construction is noun in which the modifying

noun has the possessive inflection {„s}

For example:

Boy‟s (N has the possessive inflection {-s}) as modifier

and teacher (N) as head.

2) Possessive construction is noun in which the modifying

noun has the possessive inflection {„s} may be substituted

by „of‟ construction.

For example:

Teacher of boy

Teacher (N) is head and „of boy‟ („of‟ construction‟) as


3) Noun Adjunct is noun in which it appears in the base form

or with the plural inflection {-es}

Boy’s teacher

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For example:

Boy (N in which it appears in the base form) as modifier and

teacher (N) as head.

c. Verb as modifier of Noun

When verb function as modifiers of nouns, they are nearly

always marked in one of three ways:

By the present participle inflection {-ing1}

For example:

Sleeping (V which present participle inflection {-ing1}) as

modifier and child (N) as head.

By the past participle inflection {-ed2} or

Baked (V which is the form of the past participle inflection {-

ed2}) as modifier and meat (N) as head.

By the infinitive marker to

Boy teacher

sleeping child

Baked meat

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Coffee to drink

Coffee (N) as head and to drink (Verb which followed by

infinitive marker to) as modifier.

d. Adverb as modifier of Noun

Adverb always comes immediately after the noun which is the


For example:

The grandmother over there

The grandmother (N) as head and over there (Adv) as modifier.

Prepositional Phrases as modifier of Noun

In prepositional phrase‟s simple form, consist of a function

word of the class called preposition and a lexical word usually

noun, customarily called its object.

A room in the office

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A room (N) as head and in the office as modifier. Verb as Head

It is a phrase whose head is a verb. Some modifiers for verb


a. Adverb as modifier of verb

The common position of an adverb modifying a verb is

immediately after it. All adverbs may take this position.

For example:

Walks (V) as head and slowly (

b. Noun as modifier of verb

Nouns may function as modifiers of verbs. Usually they follow

the verb and may have noun determiners.

For example:

Run a kilometer

Run (V) as head and a kilometer (N) as modifier.

c. Adjectives as modifier of verb

walks slowly

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The resulting structures make up a restricted list of stereotyped


For example:

Eat (V) as head and together (Adj) as modifier.

d. Verb as modifier of verb

For example:

Comes (V) as head and crying (V) as modifier

e. Prepositional Phrase as modifier of verb

For example:

Stay in the hotel

Stay (V) as and in the hotel (Prepositional phrase) as modifier Adjective as Head

It is a phrase whose head is an adjective. The modifiers are:

eat together

comes crying

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a. Noun as modifier of adjective

For example:

b. Adjective as modifier of adjective

For example:

c. Adverb as modifier of adjective

For example:

d. Verb as modifier of adjective

For example:

e. Qualifier as modifier of adjective

For example:

skin dry

Sunny color

poor Slowly

freezing cold

very handsome

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4. Adverb as head

It is phrase whose head is adverb. The modifiers can:

a. Adverb

For example:

a. Noun

For example:

Several ways down

b. Prepositional phrase

For example:

Outside in the cold

c. Qualifier

For example:

sleep away

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So slowly

Besides those four kinds of phrases, Francis (1958:323-

325) adds the function word as head. Although it rarely occurs, but

in fact, some phrases can be identified as function word phrases

where the head of the structure is a function word.

Some function words as head of the structure are:

a. Prepositional phrase

In the prepositional phrase, the head is not just the preposition but

the whole phrase. Some modifiers can be qualifier, adverbs, or

certain nouns.


For example:

Almost top the mountain


For example:

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A bit beneath the sea

Certain nouns

For example:

A long way base ingratitude

b. Noun determiner

Some modifiers can be qualifiers, adverb, or even prepositional



For example:

Very many cakes


For example:

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Almost every girl

Prepositional phrases

For example:

More than enough food

2.3.2 Structure of predication

The two immediate constituents of structure of predication are

subject and predicate this structure is indicated by a capital “P” which

refers to the subject and its front facing the predicate.

Subject P predicate Predicate q Subject Subject

Some Subjects are:

1. Nouns and Nouns head of structure of modification

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Susan P eats potato

2. Structure of modification where the head are adjectives, adverbs,

or verbs

For example:

Adjective as head:

Missing your family P is a bad thing

Adverb as head

Yesterday P is too hard

Verb (infinitive) as head

To err P is human

(Present participle) as head

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Sleeping here P is comfort

3. Prepositional phrase

For example:

To mecca P is an amazing journey

4. Structure of Complementation

For example:

Diving ocean P is my dream

5. Structure of Coordination

For example:

You and me P is a couple

6. Structure of predication (included clause)

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For Example:

Whatever is, P is true Predicate

The predicate is the structure that follows the subjects. It

always has a verb or verb-phrase in key position.

1. Verb as predicate

For example:

He P goes

2. Structure of modification as predicate

For example:

The boy P comes from west

3. Structure of complementation as predicate

For example:

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The wind P was breeze

4. Structure of coordination as predicate

For example:

They P played and laughed

2.3.3 Structure of Complementation

It has two immediate constituents a verbal element and a

complement. The verbal element may be a simple verb or any

structure that has a verb in key position. It is represented by capital

“C” with its back to the verb element.

Verbal element C Complement

Complement C verbal element

Figure Structure of complementation

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These following are the illustration of structure of


a. Simple verb as the verbal element

For example:


We are reading C the new magazine

b. Infinitive

For example:


A rose to be C a love sign

c. Structure of modification as the verbal element

For example:


I never in my life know C you

d. Structure of coordination as the verbal element

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For example:


My mother love and cared of C me and my sister Verbal Element

Types of verbal elements based on the types of

structure in which they found and by certain other formal

indications are:

1. Linking verbs

These are verbs that are thought of as a structural link

between subject and complement. It never occurs

without a complement or has no passive.

For example: Become, seem, remain, look, sound, smell.

2. Transitive verbs

It is verbs that always has a complement when in the

active and have a passive form.

For example: “The man sold his house.”

3. Be (as a full verb, not an auxiliary)

For example: “it is here”.

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33 Complement

Complements are appearing in structure of

complementation. Based on types of verbal elements which

have their own kind of complement, there are two kinds of

complements. Subjective complements

These are complements which are appearing with

linking verbs. It may be single words, with or without

related function words or they may be structures of

varying degrees of complexity, containing all sorts of

structures within them. Some various kinds of simple

subjective complement based on Francis‟ book (1958:

346-348) are:

a. Noun

For example: “The man is a police.”

b. Function noun

For example: “Ripeness is all.”

c. Adjective

For example: “The cookie is delicious.”

d. Adverb

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For example: “The day he found him was


e. Verb


For example: “her obsession is to write.”

Present participle

For example: “my trade is reading.”

Past participle

For example: “This meat is burned.”

f. Prepositional phrase

For example: “The train is on time.”

Some various kinds of complex structures function

as subjective complements are:

a. Structures of modification

For example: “His dream is to life peacefully to


b. Structures of coordination

For example: “The girl was mature, clever and


c. Structures of complementation

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For example: “my hobby is cooking.”

d. Structure of predication

For example: “The problem is that she does not

want to do it.” Objects

It is happened if there are complements appearing

with transitive verbs. Direct Object (DO)

These are complements which are appearing with a

transitive verb. The direct object can be noun,

pronoun, function noun, verb (infinitive and present

participle) or even various more complex structures.

Francis (1958: 348-349) determines some single-

word as direct object. They are:

a. Noun

For example: “He finds sadness.‟‟

b. Pronoun

For example; “I touch her.”

c. Function noun

For example: “she gives some.”

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d. Verb


For example: “I was here to meet you.”

Present participle

For example: “I love cooking.”

e. Adverb

For example: “The baby wants out.”

Some various more complex structures function as

direct objects are:

a. Structures of Modification

For example: “I like swim in the sea.”

b. Structures Coordination

For example: “my sister needs a new bag and

pencil case.”

c. Structures of Complementation

For example: “The dog dislike to drink coffee.”

d. Structures of predication

For example: “I guess my mother is here.” Indirect Object (IO)

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The indirect object or objective complement is the

second object that appears after the object of

transitive verb. But, structures of this sort are thus

potentially ambiguous. The indirect objects are

always nouns, noun-headed structures of

modification or structures of coordination with noun

constituents. Based on Francis view (1958: 349-352)

a. Noun

For example: “she gives him a jacket.”

b. Function noun

For example: “We gave each a present.”

c. Pronoun

For example: “my mother sold me a necklace.”

d. Structure of modification

For example: “She gives hungry beggar bread.”

e. Structure of coordination

For example: “They give their aunt and uncle a


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38 Objective complement

Certain complements consisting of two objects do

not fit the indirect and direct object pattern. If a

complement consisting of two objects do not meet the

requirement for the indirect + direct object structure. Its

second object is objective complements may be nouns,

adjectives, adverbs, verbs (in past participle form),

preposition phrase, structure of modification or structure

of coordination.

2.3.4 Structure of coordination

A structure of coordination consists of two or more syntactically

equivalent units joining in a structure which functions as a single unit.

The joining is called by coordinators. These following are some

coordinators (Francis, 1958:355):

And, but, nor, not, or, rather than, as well as, together with, along with,

not (only), but (also), either…or, neither…nor, both…and.

In the structure of coordination, the structure is indicated by

parallel lines “==” to connect the constituents:

Government of the people by the people for the people

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39 Elliptical Structure of Coordination

If there are two components which are not syntactically equivalent

and it is assumed to make simpler by assuming an imaginary or

omitted repetition.


I love baked meat not fried meat Split Structure of Coordination

It happens when the coordinators of the middle group, such as

„rather than‟ split and inverted structure

For example:

Rather than starve he chose to eat insects

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40 Correlative Structure of coordination

In the usual structure of coordination in which one of these appears,

the first constituent comes between the two parts of the correlatives

and the second constituent comes immediately after the second


For example:

I take not carrot but tomato

Correlative structure of coordination

2.4 Chinese Boxes System

In conducting syntactic structure analysis, representing graphically of the

various structures that are encompassed in English syntax is necessary. It usually

uses a simple system of diagramming sentence into elements and parts. Francis

(1958: 293) recognizes a system of diagramming structures into its elements and

parts by dividing into its immediate constituents (often abbreviated IC‟s by

linguists) and subdividing it until the ultimate constituents (in grammar, the

„words‟). This media of analysis results something like „Chinese Boxes‟ that

appropriate one within another. It is graphically indicated by enclosing each

ultimate constituent in a box and drawing larger and larger boxes around the

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immediate constituents of each of the increasingly complex structures into which

they combine. Every box except those which contain a single word (ultimate

constituent) contains just two smaller boxes. It is kind of twofold or binary

structure in the grammatical organization in English. Because of it, virtually any

English structure may be divided into two immediate constituents, each of which

may be divided into two again until the ultimate grammatical units.

The four different structures are identified by placing simple symbols

between two immediate constituents. An arrow „ „ indicates modification, a

capital „P‟ indicates predication, a capital „C‟ indicates complementation, and a

parallel „==‟ indicates coordination.

2.5 FourFourTwo Magazine Website

In this research, the researcher employs headlines of FourFourTwo

magazine website as the object of his research. Richardson (2007), states that

FourFourTwo is a football magazine published by Haymarket, which located in

UK & Ireland. It takes its name from the football formation of the same name, 4-

4-2, which is considered to be a basic, trustworthy and standard formation in

English football; it is almost certainly the most popular formation for 11-a-side


The headlines are published every day. We will not find the same headline

every day because FourFourTwo magazine website always shows the up to date

news of football such as news of football players, some leagues in many

countries, and everything about football. The language used in this magazine

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website is a standard of British English. Therefore, it is not too difficult to

understand it content for the readers. On the other hand, the language used is also

attractive language style. Most of the headlines are written not more than ten

words, but the meaning and the syntactic structure is not too easy to understand

before we are going to do syntactic structure analysis. All in all, this magazine

website is very interesting to be analyzed especially by using syntactical


2.6 Previous Study

There are many previous studies investigating syntactic structure. Khusnah

(2008) discusses the structure of modification used in some of Emily Dickin‟s

poems. In her research, she only analyzed the structure of modification. As the

result, she doesn‟t find the structure of modification in form of preposition phrase

and function word. Then, Rosydah (2007) researched syntactical analysis on

Anggun‟s songs. She investigated four basic structures in some lyrics of Anggun‟s

songs and analyzed those lyrics by using Chinese Boxes. In this research, she

found all kinds of syntactic structure proposed by Francis. Faricha (2007)

analyzed syntactic structure on the translation of Surah Abbasa in the holy Quran.

She analyzed the syntactic structures of the sentences formed of the verse in the

first segment of Surah Abasa by using Chinese boxes which proposed by Francis.

From the previous studies above, I can conclude that the previous

researchers focusing their research on the beautiful of word or sentence that are

used in songs and poems. Therefore, I focused my research on magazine language

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especially football magazine that language used is more focused on the sentences

or phrases are able to persuade the reader in reading the magazine. Based on

description above the researcher is interested in analyzing the syntactic structure

which is used in headlines of FourFourTwo Magazine Website.

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This chapter presents the research method used in the study consisting of

the research design, data source, research instrument, data collection, and data


3.1 Research Design

This research employs descriptive qualitative method which has a purpose

to result the findings from field research. Descriptive means that in this study

describes the syntactic structures used in the data which taken from FourFourTwo

magazine website.

Theoretically this study is considered as a qualitative research because it

tries to look at how the syntactic structures used in headlines of FourFourTwo

magazine website.

This study is classified as a descriptive qualitative method, since the data

are in the form of words or utterances rather than numbers. In addition, the data

were described descriptively based on the Francis‟s theory of syntactic structures,

how syntactic structures were found in headlines of FourFourTwo magazine

website. This method was especially chosen since the accurate results from

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analysis the data should be gained. Therefore, this research used descriptive

qualitative design, in which the data were analyzed and interpreted based on the

Francis‟s theory of syntactic structures with syntactical analysis approach.

3.2 Data Sources

The data source of this research is FourFourTwo Magazine website. Then,

the data of this research are in the form of headline which is consisting of phrases,

noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, and sentences. The data are taken

from the official website of FourFourTwo magazine;

3.3 Research Instrument

As previously noted, this study is a qualitative in nature, so in conducting

this study the researcher as the main instrument to investigate, to collect, and to

analyze the data. Field notes present the data that will later be analyzed to provide

a rounded picture of research.

3.3 Data Collection

In collecting the data of this study, the textual observation is used because

the data of this study are headlines that taken from FourFourTwo magazine

website in the written form. In collecting the data, the researcher took one football

news headline every day which is published on June 11th

to July 11th

2010. The

data are obtained by browsing the headlines in the official website of the


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3.4 Data analysis

In data analysis, the researcher does some steps. Firstly, the researcher

read carefully the finding data to find their meaning, especially the meaning of

difficult term and word in order to facilitate the researcher in identifying their

syntactic structures. Then, after finding their meaning, the researcher investigates

their syntactic structure. In this step, the researcher employs Chinese Boxes to

classify their syntactic structure. Next, after categorizing each word or phrase in

their syntactic structure, the researcher explains the whole structure that is found

in the data by describing their function and position in their syntactic structure in

detail. Finally, the researcher makes conclusion of the analysis that gives detail

description related to syntactic structures.

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This chapter presents the analysis of datum findings of the research

according to the theoretical framework listed in the preceding chapter. This

chapter also includes the interpretation of the findings within each section. The

findings are discussed based on the appearance of the data in the headlines of

FourFourTwo magazine website which is followed by the discussion based on the

analysis of data findings to illuminate the research concerned.

4.1 Data Presentation

Before analyzing the data, the researcher collected the data by selecting

data sources, news headlines in FourFourTwo magazine website especially the

news of World Cup 2010. In this research, the researcher took thirty one

headlines that published every day when the World Cup is being held. The

following are the data of this research:

1. Wave on the wane as fans blow vuvuzela

2. Melo prefers flowers to red cards

3. Players defend Green, but problems deepen

4. Agger credited with own goal

5. FIFA gives Drogba green light to play

6. Ivory Coast ready to dance with Samba Boys

7. Higuain hits hat-trick for Argentina

8. Adidas dismiss talk of Germany ball advantage

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9. FIFA rejects Ronaldo yellow card appeal

10. France fans: Les Bleus have reached rock bottom

11. Maradona: Fabiano goal not Hand of God

12. Kaka revival on hold after red card

13. Geeks give Jabulani wind tunnel workout

14. Low: Young guns can cope with pressure

15. Kahn: Foreign imports stifling English keepers

16. Penalty takers should beware steely stares

17. Germans party after thrashing England

18. Messi goal drought no problem for Argentina

19. Burglars bag replica World Cups in FIFA raid

20. Villa rallies behind strike partner Torres

21. Nakamura quits Japan on 98 caps

22. Ghana hopes die with single kick

23. Uruguayans celebrate hands of Suarez

24. Spain to keep faith with attacking style

25. Casillas: Semi-final Spain‟s biggest ever match

26. Germany better than at Euro 2008

27. Midfield mastery behind success

28. Puyol”s winning goal “made in Barcelona”

29. Golden boot chasers to go hell for leather

30. Van Bronckhorst hoping for fairytale finale

31. Forlan wins Golden Ball

4.2 Research Findings

This research analyzes structure of sentence used by employing

syntactic structures analysis that is proposed by Francis. In his theory,

Francis (1958: 292) divides the syntactic structures into four principal

groups based on their structural meaning. They are structure of

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modification, structure of predication, structure of complementation, and structure

of coordination. All data on sentence structure are displayed below:

Datum 1: Wave on the wane as fans blow vuvuzela

The main structure of this sentence is structure of modification. It is

known from the existence of an arrow between two split boxes that divides the

sentence into two clauses. In this case, phrase “Wave on the wane” functioned as

the head, and phrase “as fans blow vuvuzela” functioned as the modifier of the


The head of the structure is also in a form of structure of modification.

Here I found two structures of modification. The first is found in phrase “wave on

the wane”. In this case, “wave” (N) functioned as the head and phrase “on the

wane” functioned as the modifier of the structure. Furthermore, the second

structure of modification found in phrase “on the wane”. In this case, “on the”

functioned as a modifier and “wane” (N) functioned as a head of the structure.

Then, in the modifier of the structure or in the second split clauses, I

identify another structure, they are; structure of predication and structure of

complementation. In this case, the noun phrase “as fans” functioned as a subject

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of the sentence. Then, “blow” (V) functioned as a predicate, and

“vuvuzela” (N) functioned as a complement of the sentence.

Datum 2: Melo prefers flowers to red cards

The main structure of this sentence is structure of predication. This

structure is signed by the existence of subject and predicate in a sentence.

The subject of the structure is word “Melo” (N), and then word “prefers”

(V) functioned as predicate of the sentence. The word “prefers” (V)

actually in a type of adverb, but in this sentence, its function changes to be

a verb. That is known from the additional suffix “s” identifying it as a


The second structure that is identified is structure of complementation.

Phrase “flowers to red cards” functioned as a complement of the sentence.

Actually, the words “prefer” and “to” are unity idiom but they are separated by

the word “flower”. Further to this, in the structure of complementation I identify

one structure of modification that found in noun phrase “red cards”. In this case,

word “red” (N) functioned as a modifier and then, word “cards” (N) functioned

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as the head of the structure. So, the type of this structure of modification is noun

as head and noun as modifier.

Datum 3: Players defend Green, but problems deepen

The main structure of the sentence above is structure of predication. As

previously noted, the structure of predication is signed by the existence of subject

and predicate in a sentence. So, the subject of the structure is word “players” (N),

and then the predicate of the sentence is word “defend” (V). In the structure of

predication, I identify one structure of complementation, one structure of

coordination, and one structure of modification.

The structure of complementation is identified in phrase “Green, but

problems deepen”, this phrase functioned as a complement of the predicate

“defend” (V). Then, in this structure I identify structure of coordination and

structure of modification. Structure of coordination is identified by the existence

of coordinator “but” in the sentence. In addition, this function word play role as a

coordinator of two structures that appears before and after.

The last identified structure is structure of modification. This structure is

identified in phrase “problems deepen”. In this case, “problems” (N) functioned

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as a head and “deepen” (Adverb) functioned as a modifier of the structure.

So, the type of this structure of modification is noun as head and adverb as

a modifier.

Datum 4: Agger credited with own goal

The structure of complementation is the main structure of this sentence.

The noun “Agger” functioned as a linking verb subject of the sentence, and then

phrase “credited with own goal” functioned as a complement of the sentence. The

structure of complementation is structure of modification. There are two structures

of modification that found in the structure of complementation.

The first structure of modification is identified in phrase “credited with

own goal”. In this case, the head of the structure is word “credited” and the

modifier is noun phrase “with own goal”. Then the second structure of

modification is identified in noun phrase “own goal”. In this case, word “own”

(N) functioned as the modifier and word “goal” (N) functioned as the head of the

structure. So, the type of the structures of modification used in this sentence are 1)

verb as modifier-noun phrase as head and noun as head-noun as modifier of the


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Datum 5: FIFA gives Drogba green light to play

The structure of predication is identified as the main structure of the

sentence above. It is signed by the existence of capital “P” in the beginning of the

structure. Word “FIFA” (N) functioned as a subject of the structure, and then

word “gives” (V) functioned as a predicate of the structure.

Furthermore, the structures of complementation are found in the structure

of predication. The first structure of complementation is in phrase “gives Drogba

green light to play”. A simple verbal element “gives” as a predicate of the noun

complement “Drogba green light to play”. The second structure of

complementation here is in phrase “Drogba green light to play”. The structure of

modification is a complement of the structure of complementation before. Phrase

“green light to play” is identified as structure of modification and functioned as

complement of the structure of complementation. It means that in the structure of

predication there is structure of complementation, and then in the structure of

complementation there is structure of modification.

As previous noted there is structure of modification in the structure of

complementation. In this case, I identify two structures of modification that found

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in phrase “green light to play”. The first structure of modification is in phrase

“green light to play”. Phrase “green light” functioned as the head and “to play”

functioned as the modifier of the structure. Then, the second structure of

modification is in phrase “green light”. In this case, word “green” (N) functioned

as the modifier and word “light” (N) functioned as the head of the structure.

Datum 6: Ivory Coast ready to dance with Samba Boys

In this sentence, I identify three kinds of syntactic structure. The

Structure of predication is the main structure of the sentence. Word “Ivory

Coast” (N) functioned as the subject of the structure and “ready” (V)

functioned as a predicate of the structure. Then, in the structure of

predication I find two kinds of other structure. They are structure of

complementation and structure of modification. The phrase “to dance

with Samba Boys” functioned as a complement of the sentence.

Then in the complementation, I identify two structures of

modification. The first structure of modification is found in phrase “to

dance with Samba Boys”. In this case, phrase “to dance” functioned as a

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head of the structure and phrase “with Samba Boys” functioned as a modifier of

the structure. Then the second structure of modification is found in phrase “with

Samba Boys”. The noun phrase “with Samba” is a modifier and noun “Boys”

functioned as a head of the structure.

Datum 7: Higuain hits hat-trick for Argentina

Structure of predication is the main structure of the sentence. The word

“Higuain” (N) functioned as a subject and phrase “hits hat-trick for Argentina”

functioned as predicate and complement of the subject. In this case, verb “hits”

playing role as a predicate of the sentence. Afterward, noun phrase “hat-trick for

Argentina” playing role as a complement of the sentence.

In the structure of complementation, I found one structure of modification.

This structure found in phrase “hat-trick for Argentina”. In this structure, noun

phrase “hat-trick” playing role as a head, and phrase “for Argentina” playing role

as a modifier of the structure. All in all, the type of structure of modification used

in the sentence is noun phrase as head and noun phrase as modifier.

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Datum 8: Adidas dismiss talk of Germany ball advantage

The main structure of the sentence above is structure of

predication. In this sentence, “Adidas” (N) functioned as a subject of the

sentence. And then, “dismiss” (V) is a predicate of the sentence. In the

structure of predication, I found structure of complementation and

structure of modification. Noun phrase “talk of Germany ball advantage”

is a complement of the sentence.

Then, in the structure of complementation I found three structures

of modification. The first structure of modification is found in phrase “talk

of Germany ball advantage”. In this case, “talk” (N) is a head of the

structure and phrase “of Germany ball advantage” is a modifier of the

structure. The second structure of modification is found in phrase “of

Germany ball advantage”. The head of this structure is phrase “ball

advantage” and the modifier is phrase “of Germany” (of construction).

The third structure of modification is in phrase “ball advantage”. In this

case, “ball” (N) functioned as a modifier and “advantage” (N) as a head

of the structure.

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In conclusion, the type of the first structure of modification is noun as

head and noun phrase as a modifier. Then, the type of the second structure of

modification above is noun phrase and of construction noun. And then, the type of

third structure of modification is noun as head and noun as modifier of the


Datum 9: FIFA rejects Ronaldo yellow card appeal

The main structure of the sentence above is structure of predication. It is

known by the existence of a subject and a predicate in the sentence. In this

sentence, “FIFA” (N) is a subject and “rejects” (V) is the predicate of the

sentence. After finding subject and predicate, I identify one structure of

complementation and three structures of modification. The structure of

complementation here functioned as complement of the subject and predicate

appear before. So, noun phrase “Ronaldo yellow card appeal” functioned as a

complement of the sentence.

Furthermore, there are three structures of modification found in the

sentence. The first structure of modification is in phrase “Ronaldo yellow card

appeal”. In this case, noun phrase “Ronaldo yellow card” functioned as a head of

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the structure and then “appeal” (N) as a modifier of the structure. The

second structure of modification identified in phrase “Ronaldo yellow

card”. In this case, noun phrase “yellow card” functioned as a head and

“Ronaldo” (N) as a modifier of the structure. Then the last structure of

modification is found in noun phrase “yellow card”. In this case, “yellow”

(N) functioned as a modifier and “card” (N) functioned as a head of the

structure. So the type of structure of modification used is noun as head and

noun as modifier.

Datum 10: France fans: Les Bleus have reached rock bottom

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication.

Word “Les Blues” (N) functioned as subject of the sentence. Then, phrase

“have reached” functioned as predicate of the sentence. Furthermore, the

noun phrase “rock bottom” functioned as complement of the sentence. In

the structure of complementation, I identify structure of modification. It

means that the structure of complementation is structure of modification.

In this case, word “rock” (N) functioned as head and word “bottom” (N)

functioned as a modifier of the structure. So, the type of the previous

structure of modification is noun as head and noun as modifier.

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Datum 11: Maradona: Fabiano goal not Hand of God

I identify three kinds of structure in the sentence above. The main structure

is structure of predication. In this case, structure of modification is a subject of the

sentence. The noun phrase “Fabiano goal” is a construction of modification.

Word “Fabiano” (N) functioned as a modifier and “goal” (N) functioned as a

head of the structure. Furthermore, word “not” is functioned as a predicate of the


Then, I also identify structure of complementation that appear after

structure of predication or predicate. The complement here is “Hand of God”.

This phrase constructed as modification construction. It means that the

complement of the sentence is structure of modification. In this case, “hand” (N)

functioned as a head and “of God” (N + of construction) functioned as a modifier

of the structure. The type of structure of modification used is noun as head and

noun (of construction) as modifier.

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Datum 12: Kaka revival on hold after red card

In this sentence, I find four structures of modification. The first structure

of modification found in sentence “Kaka revival on hold after red card”. In this

case, phrase “Kaka revival” functioned as a head and phrase “on hold after red

card” functioned as a modifier of the structure. Then the second structure of

modification found in the head of the first structure of modification “Kaka

revival”. In this case, word “Kaka” (N) functioned as modifier and word

“revival” (N) functioned as head of the structure. So, the type of this structure of

modification is noun as head and noun as modifier.

The third structure of modification found in phrase “on hold after red

card”. In this case, phrase “on hold” functioned as head and phrase “after red

card” functioned as modifier of the structure. And then the last structure of

modification found in phrase “red card”. In this case, word “red” (N) functioned

as modifier and word “card” (N) functioned as head of the structure. So, the type

of this structure of modification is noun as modifier and noun as head of the


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Datum 13: Geeks give Jabulani wind tunnel workout

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication. Word

“Geeks” (N) functioned as subject, and word “give” (V) functioned as predicate

of the sentence. Then, phrase “Jabulani wind tunnel workout the complement”

functioned as complement of the sentence.

In the structure of complementation, I found three structures of

modification. It means that the structure of complementation is in form of

structure of modification. The first structure of modification found in phrase

“Jabulani wind tunnel workout”. In this case, “Jabulani” (N) functioned as head

and phrase “wind tunnel workout” functioned as modifier of the structure. The

second structure of modification found in phrase “wind tunnel workout”. In this

case, noun phrase “wind tunnel” functioned as a head and “workout” (N)

functioned as a modifier of the structure. The last structure of modification is

identified in noun phrase “wind tunnel”. In this case, the head of the structure is

“tunnel” (N), and the modifier is “wind” (N). So the type of structure of

modification used in the last structure of modification is noun as head and noun as


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Datum 14: Low: Young guns can cope with pressure

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication. In

this sentence, the structure of modification “young guns” functioned as

subject of the sentence. In this case, the head of the structure is “guns”

(N), and the modifier of the structure is “young” (Adjective).

Then, word “can” (modal aux) functioned as predicate and phrase

“cope with pressure” functioned as complement of the sentence. In the

structure of complementation, I identify one structure of modification. In

this case, “cope” (intransitive verb) functioned as a head and prepositional

phrase “with pressure” functioned as a modifier of the structure. So, the

type of structure of modification used is intransitive verb as head and

prepositional phrase as modifier.

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Datum 15: Kahn: Foreign imports stifling English keepers

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication. In this

sentence, the structure of modification “foreign imports” functioned as a subject

of the sentence. In this case, word “Foreign” (N) functioned as a head and word

"imports” (N) functioned as a modifier of the sentence. In addition, the type of

structure of modification above is noun as head and noun as modifier.

Furthermore, word “stifling” (adjective) functioned as a predicate of the

sentence. Then, structure of modification “English keepers” functioned as a

complement of the sentence. It means that the structure of complementation is

form of structure of modification. In this case, word “English” (N) functioned as

a modifier and word “keepers” functioned as a head of the structure. So, the type

of structure of modification above is noun as head and noun as modifier.

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Datum 16: Penalty takers should beware steely stares

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication. In this

sentence, the structure of modification “Penalty takers” functioned as a subject of

the sentence. In this case, word “Penalty” (N) functioned as modifier and word

“takers” (N) functioned as head of the structure.

The predicate of sentence above is phrase “should beware”. The

predicate of the sentence is also in a form of structure of modification. In

this case, “should” (modal auxiliary) functioned as a modifier and

“beware” (intransitive verb) as a head of the structure. Then, structure of

modification “steely stares” functioned as a complement of the sentence.

In this case, “steely” (adjective) functioned as a modifier and “stares”

(noun) functioned as a head of the structure. So the type of structure of

modification used is and noun as head adjective as modifier of the


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Datum 17: Germans party after thrashing England

The main structure of sentence above is structure of modification. Noun

phrase “Germans party” functioned as head and phrase “after thrashing

England” functioned as modifier of the structure. In addition, the head of the

structure “Germans party” is form of structure of modification. In this case, word

“Germans” (N) functioned as modifier and word “party” (N) functioned as head

of the structure. So, the type of structure of modification used is noun as head and

noun as modifier.

Furthermore, in the modifier of the first structure of modification I find

structure of complementation. In this case, word “thrashing” is a verbal element

and word “England” (N) is a complement of the structure.

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Datum 18: Messi goal drought no problem for Argentina

The main structure of this sentence is structure of

complementation. Phrase “Messi goal drought” functioned as verbal

element and phrase “no problem for Argentina” functioned as

complement of the structure.

In the verbal element I find two structures of modification. The

first structure of modification is in phrase “Messi goal drought”. In this

case, word “Messi” (N) functioned as modifier and noun phrase “goal

drought” functioned as head of the structure. So, the type of structure of

modification used is noun as modifier and noun phrase as head. Then the

head of previous structure of modification is in a form of structure of

modification. In this case, word “goal” (N) functioned as head and word

“drought” (N) functioned as modifier of the structure. So, the type of

structure of modification used is noun as head and noun as modifier.

In the complement of the structure of complementation I also find

two structures of modification. The first structure of modification is in

phrase “no problem for Argentina”. In this case, noun phrase “no

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problem” functioned as head and noun phrase “for Argentina” functioned as

modifier of the structure. Then the second structure of modification is in noun

phrase “no problem”. In this case, word “no” (adjective) functioned as modifier

and word “problem” (N) functioned as head of the structure.

Datum 19: Burglars bag replica World Cups in FIFA raid

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication. Word

“Burglar” functioned as subject and word “bag” (V) functioned as predicate of

the sentence. Then, phrase “replica world cups in FIFA raid” functioned as

complement of the sentence.

Furthermore, in the complement I identify four structures of modification.

The first structure of modification is in noun phrase “replica world cups”. Word

“replica” (N) functioned as head, and noun phrase “world cup” functioned as

modifier of the structure. Then, the second structure of modification found in

noun phrase “world cups”. Word “world” (N) functioned as modifier and word

“cup” (N) functioned as head of the structure. The third structure of modification

is in phrase “replica world cups in FIFA raid”. In this case, noun phrase “replica

world cups” functioned as head and noun phrase “in FIFA raid” functioned as

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modifier of the structure. The last structure of modification found in noun

phrase “FIFA raid”. Word “FIFA” (N) functioned as head and word

“raid” (N) functioned as modifier of the structure.

Datum 20: Villa rallies behind strike partner Torres

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication.

Word “Villa” (N) functioned as subject and word “rallies” (V) functioned

as predicate of the sentence. Then, phrase “behind strike partner Torres”

functioned as complement of the sentence.

Furthermore, in the complement of sentence above I find two

structures of modification. The first structure of modification found in

noun phrase “behind strike partner”. In this case, noun phrase “behind

strike” functioned as modifier and word “partner” (N) functioned as head

of the structure. Then the second structure of modification found in the

modifier of the previous structure of modification “behind strike”. In this

case, word “behind” (N) functioned as modifier and word “strike” (N)

functioned as head of the structure. So, the type of the last structure of

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modification is noun as head and noun as modifier. In addition, word “Torres” (N)

functioned as direct object of the sentence.

Datum 21: Nakamura quits Japan on 98 caps

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication. Word

“Nakamura” (N) functioned as subject and word “quits” (V) functioned as

predicate of the sentence. Then, phrase “Japan on 98 caps” functioned as

complement of the sentence.

In the structure of complementation, I find two structures of modification.

The first structure of modification found in phrase “Japan on 98 caps”. In this

case, word “Japan” (N) functioned as head and noun phrase “on 98 caps”

functioned as modifier of the structure. So the type of this structure of

modification is noun as head and noun phrase as modifier. The second structure of

modification found in noun phrase “98 caps”. In this case, “98”

(Nominal/number) functioned as modifier and “caps” (N) functioned as head of

the structure.

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Datum 22: Ghana hopes die with single kick

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication.

Word “Ghana” (N) functioned as subject and “hopes” (V) functioned as

predicate of the sentence. Then phrase “die with single kick” functioned as

complement of the sentence.

In the structure of complementation, I find two structures of

modification. The first structure of modification found in phrase “die with

single kick”. In this case, word “die” (intransitive verb) functioned as

head and noun phrase “die with single kick” functioned as modifier of the

structure. So the type of this structure of modification is noun as head and

noun phrase as modifier. The second structure of modification found in

noun phrase “single kick”. In this case, word “single” (N) functioned as

modifier and “kick” (N) functioned as head of the structure. So the type

structure of modification used is noun as head and noun as modifier.

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Datum 23: Uruguayans celebrate hands of Suarez

The main structure of sentence above is structure of predication. Word

“Uruguayans” (N) functioned as subject and word “celebrate” (V) functioned as

predicate of the sentence. . Then phrase “hands of Suarez” functioned as

complement of the sentence.

In the structure of complementation, I find one structure of modification.

The structure of modification found in phrase “hands of Suarez”. In this case,

word “hands” (N) functioned as head and phrase “of Suarez” (of construction)

functioned as modifier of the structure. So the type of this structure of

modification is noun as head and noun phrase (of construction) as modifier.

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Datum 24: Spain to keep faith with attacking style

The main stricture of sentence above is structure of predication.

Word “Spain” (N) functioned as subject and word “to keep” (V)

functioned as predicate of the sentence. Ten phase “faith with attacking

style” functioned as complement of the sentence.

Furthermore, in the structure of complementation, I find two

structures of modification. The first structure of modification found in

phrase “faith with attacking style”. In this case, word “faith” (N)

functioned as head and noun phrase “with attacking style” functioned as

modifier of the structure. Then the second structure of modification found

in verb phrase “attacking style”. In this case, word “attacking” (V)

functioned as modifier and word “Style” (N) functioned as head of the

structure. So the type of structure of modification used is verb as modifier

and noun as head.

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Datum 25: Casillas: Semi-final Spain’s biggest ever match

The main structure sentence above is structure of complementation. In this

sentence, the word ”Semi Final” (N) functioned as object complement, and noun

phrase “Spain‟s biggest ever match” functioned as complement. The complement

itself consists of three structure of modification. The first structure of modification

found in phrase “Spain‟s biggest ever match”. In this case, word “Spain‟s”

functioned as head, and phrase “biggest ever match” functioned as modifier of the

structure. The second structure modification found in phrase “biggest ever

match”. In this case, word “biggest” (Adjective) functioned as head and phrase

“ever match” functioned as modifier of the structure. Then the last structure of

modification found in phrase “ever match”. In this case, word “ever” (V)

functioned as modifier and word “match” (N) functioned as head of the structure.

So, the type of this structure of modification is verb as modifier and noun as head.

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Datum 26: Germany better than at Euro 2008

I identify two kinds of structure in the sentence above. The main

structure is structure of complementation. The word “Germany”

functioned as subject, then there is a complement which is placed after

“Germany”. In this sentence, the complement is phrase “better than at

Euro 2008” consisting of two structures of modification. It means that the

structure of complementation is in form of structure of modification. The

first structure of modification found in phrase “better than at Euro 2008”.

In this case, word “better” functioned as head and phrase “than at Euro

2008” functioned as modifier of the structure. Then the second structure of

modification found in phrase “Euro 2008”. In this case, word “Euro” (N)

functioned as modifier and “2008” (Adverb) functioned as head of the

structure. So, the type of the last structure of modification is noun as

modifier and adverb as head.

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Datum 27: Midfield mastery behind success

In this sentence, all of structures found are in form of structure of

modification. The first structure of modification found in phrase “Midfield

mastery behind success”. In this case, phrase “Midfield mastery” functioned as

head and phrase “behind success” functioned as modifier of the structure. The

second structure of modification found in phrase “midfield mastery”. In this case,

word “Midfield” (N) functioned as head and word “mastery” (N) functioned as

modifier of the structure. Then the last structure of modification found in phrase

“behind success”. In this case, word “behind” (adverb) functioned as modifier

and word “success” (adjective) functioned as head of the structure.

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Datum 28: Puyol”s winning goal “made in Barcelona”

In this sentence, all of structures found are in form of structure of

modification. The first structure of modification found in phrase “Puyol‟s

winning goal “made in Barcelona” “. In this case, phrase “Puyol‟s

winning goal” functioned as head and phrase “made in Barcelona”

functioned as modifier of the structure. The second structure of

modification found in phrase “Puyol‟s winning goal”. In this case, word

“Puyol‟s” (N) functioned as modifier and noun phrase “winning goal”

functioned as head of the structure. The third structure of modification

found in phrase “winning goal”. In this case, word “winning” (adjective)

functioned as modifier and word “goal” (N) functioned as head of the

structure. Then the last structure of modification found in phrase “made in

Barcelona”. In this case, word “made” (V) functioned as head and phrase

“in Barcelona” functioned as modifier of the structure.

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Datum 29: Golden boot chasers to go hell for leather

There are three structures which are found in this sentence. The main

structure is structure of predication. Phrase “golden boot chasers” functioned as

subject and phrase “to go hell for leather” functioned as predicate of the sentence.

The subject consists of two structure of modification. The first structure of

modification is “golden boot” (N) as modifier and “chasers” (N) as head. Then,

the second structure of modification is “Golden” (N) as modifier and “boot” (N)

as head.

Then, the predicate consist of structure of complementation and structure

of modification. The structure of complementation is “to go” (V) as verbal

element and phrase “hell for leather” (N) as complement. Then, the structure of

modification found in phrase “hell for leather”. In this case, word “hell” (N)

functioned as head and “for leather” (N) as modifier of the structure.

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Datum 30: Van Bronckhorst hoping for fairytale finale

In the sentence above, there are three kinds of syntactic structure.

The main structure is structure of predication. Word “Van Bronckhorst”

(N) functioned as subject and word “hoping” (V) functioned as predicate

of the sentence. Then, noun phrase “for fairytale finale” functioned as

complement of the sentence. Word “hoping” (V) is also functioned as

verbal element and “for fairytale finale” (N) as complement. Then, the

last structure is structure of modification. The structure of modification

found in phrase “for fairytale finale”. In this case, word “fairytale”

(Adjective) functioned as modifier and “word “finale” (N) as head of the

structure. So, the type of this structure of modification is; adjective as

modifier and noun as head.

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Datum 31: Forlan wins Golden Ball

There are three kinds of syntactic structure that found in the sentence

above. They are structure of predication, structure of complementation, and

structure of modification. The main structure is structure of predication. Word

“Forlan” functioned as the subject and phrase “wins golden ball” functioned as

predicate of the sentence. Then, the second structure is structure of

complementation. Structure of complementation consists of “wins” (V) as verbal

element and “golden ball” (N) as complement of the sentence. Then, the last

structure is structure of modification. Structure of modification consist of

“golden” (N) as modifier and “ball” (N) as head of the structure.

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4.3 Summary of the Results of Analysis

The following is the conclusion of the results of analysis data.

Datum 1: Wave on the wane as fans blow vuvuzela

a. Structure of modification

Head: structure of modification #2,

Modifier: structure of predication and structure of complementation

b. Structure of predication #1

Subject: noun plural

Predicate: verb

c. Structure of complementation #1

Verbal element: verb, Complement: noun

Datum 2: Melo prefers flowers to red cards

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun

Predicate: verb phrase, structure of modification

b. Structure of modification

Head: noun plural

Modifier: noun

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Datum 3: Players defend Green, but problems deepen

a. Structure of Predication

Subject: noun plural

Predicate: verb, structure of complementation, structure of

coordination, structure of modification.

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: verb

Complement: structure of coordination, structure of modification

c. Structure of coordination

Coordinator: “but”

d. Structure of modification

Head: noun plural

Modifier: transitive verb

Datum 4: Agger credited with own goal

a. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: transitive verb, structure of modification.

Complement: noun

b. Structure of modification

Head: transitive verb

Modifier: noun phrase, structure of modification

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Datum 5: FIFA gives Drogba green light to play

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun phrase

Predicate: verb, structure of complementation #2, structure of


b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: verb

Complement: noun/noun phrase, structure of complementation,

structure of modification (2).

c. Structure of modification #1

Head: structure of modification, structure of complementation

Modifier: transitive verb

d. Structure of modification #2

Head: noun

Modifier: noun

Datum 6: Ivory Coast ready to dance with Samba Boys

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun

Predicate: adjective, structure of complementation, structure of

modification (2).

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: linking verb

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Complement: verb transitive, structure of modification (2).

c. Structure of modification #1

Head: transitive verb

Modifier: noun phrase, structure of modification

d. Structure of modification #2

Head: plural noun

Modifier: noun

Datum 7: Higuain hits hat-trick for Argentina

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun

Predicate: verb, structure of complementation, structure of


b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: verb

Complement: noun phrase, structure of modification

c. Structure of modification

Head: noun

Modifier: noun

Datum 8: Adidas dismiss talk of Germany ball advantage

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun

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Predicate: transitive verb, structure of complementation,

Structure of modification (3).

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: transitive verb

Complement: transitive verb, structure of modification (3), “of”


c. Structure of modification #1

Head: transitive verb, Modifier: structure of modification

d. Structure of modification #2

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification; Modifier: noun

e. Structure of modification #3

Head: noun, Modifier: noun

Datum 9: FIFA rejects Ronaldo yellow card appeal

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun

Predicate: transitive verb, structure of complementation, structure of

modification (3)

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: transitive verb

Complement: noun phrase, structure of modification

c. Structure of modification #1

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification

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Modifier: noun

d. Structure of modification #2

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification; Modifier: noun

e. Structure of modification #3

Head: noun, Modifier: noun

Datum 10: France fans: Les Bleus have reached rock bottom

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun,

Predicate: verb (III), structure of complementation,

structure of modification

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: verb (III)

Complement: structure of modification

c. Structure of modification

Head: noun, Modifier: adjective

Datum 11: Maradona: Fabiano goal not Hand of God

a. Structure of predication

Subject: structure of modification

Head: noun, Modifier: noun

Predicate: adverb, structure of complementation, structure of


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b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: linking verb „not‟

Complement: noun, structure of modification (of construction)

c. Structure of modification

Head: noun, Modifier: noun „of‟ construction

Datum 12: Kaka revival on hold after red card

a. Structure of modification (4) #1

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification

Modifier: structure of modification

b. Structure of modification #2

Head: revival (noun), Modifier: Kaka (noun)

c. Structure of modification #3

Head: on hold (adjective), Modifier: noun phrase

d. Structure of modification #4

Head: noun, Modifier: noun

Datum 13: Geeks give Jabulani wind tunnel workout

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun

Predicate: verb, structure of complementation, structure of modification

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: verb „give‟, predicate

Complement: noun, structure of modification

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c. Structure of modification #1

Head: noun, Modifier: noun phrase, structure of modification]

d. Structure of modification #2

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification, Modifier: noun

e. Structure of modification

Head: noun, Modifier: noun

Datum 14: Low: Young guns can cope with pressure

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun plural

Predicate: verb phrase, structure of complementation, Structure of


b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: can

Complement: verb phrase, structure of modification

c. Structure of modification

Head: verb, Modifier: noun phrase

Datum 15: Kahn: Foreign imports stifling English keepers

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun phrase, structure of modification (head: noun,

modifier: noun).

Predicate: transitive verb, structure of complementation, structure

of Modification.

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b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: transitive verb

Complement: noun phrase, structure of modification

c. Structure of modification

Head: noun plural, Modifier: noun

Datum 16: Penalty takers should beware steely stares

a. Structure of predication

Subject: noun phrase, structure of modification

Predicate: structure of modification (head: intransitive verb,

modifier: modal auxiliary), structure of complementation, structure

of modification.

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: structure of modification

Complement: structure of modification

c. Structure of modification

Head: noun, Modifier: noun

Datum 17: Germans party after thrashing England

a. Structure of modification #1

Head: structure of modification, Modifier: structure of complementation

b. Structure of modification #2

Head: noun, Modifier: noun

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c. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: verb phrase

Complement: noun

Datum 18: Messi goal drought no problem for Argentina

a. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: structure of modification (2)

Complement: structure of modification (2)

b. Structure of modification #1

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification (head: noun,

modifier: noun)

Modifier: noun

c. Structure of modification #2

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification (head: noun, modifier: noun)

Modifier: noun phrase

Datum 19: Burglars bag replica World Cups in FIFA raid

a. Structure of predication

Subject: „Burglars‟ noun

Predicate: verb, structure of complementation, Structure of

modification (4)

b. Structure of complementation

Verbal element: verb

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Complement: noun phrase, Structure of modification

c. Structure of modification #1

Head: noun phrase, structure of modification (head: noun, modifier:

noun phrase, structure of modification (head: noun, modifier: oun))

Modifier: noun phrase, structure of modification (head: noun,

modifier: noun)

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After analyzing the data using Chinese boxes, the writer would like to

draw some conclusions and give some suggestions dealing with what has been

discussed in chapter 4.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion, the researcher found four kinds of

syntactic structures that are used in headlines of FourFourTwo magazine website.

The four kinds of syntactic structures found based on the data are structure of

modification, structure of predication, structure of complementation, and structure

of coordination.

After analyzing the data, the next step is to draw conclusions of the

syntactical study concerning the sentence structure of headlines in FourFourTwo

magazine website related to the theory of syntax based on the theory of syntactic

structure using the Chinese boxes system proposed by Francis. It can be

concluded that from the all headlines used as the samples in this thesis, structure

of predication is the most frequently appears rather than another syntactic


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Moreover, in the findings and discussion of the previous chapter, the

researcher found that the sentence structures in headlines of FourFourTwo

magazine website consists of combination of predication and modification;

complementation and modification; predication-complementation-modification.

However, the researcher found the sentence that consists of four syntactic

structures. They are predication-complementation-coordination-modification. In

contrast, there are also several sentences that only consist of structure of

modification. In addition, the most frequently syntactic structure used in headlines

is combination of structure of predication-complementation and modification.

5.2 Suggestion

Considering the importance of understanding the sentence structure

especially in the study of syntax, there are some suggestions for next researcher.

For students who are willing to conduct a research on the same topic, it will

hopefully give a clear understanding in analyzing headlines using the syntactical


It is also hoped that there are other students who will conduct study on

related topic from different angle, hoping that there will be new findings dealing

with syntactical study. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis can be used as

reference for those who are interested in studying syntactical study.

5.2.1 Suggestion for the reader

In reading an English headline, the readers have to understand the

structure and the meaning of each word to understand what the article below it

Page 93: Syntax Muah


talking about. If we have understand well about the headline, we will easily to

know what the content of news or article even without reading fully all content of

the article below it, because the function of headline itself is to identify, to label,

and to indicate the nature of the article below it.

Therefore, the researcher expects that this study can be useful for the

readers, particularly for English students to find out some information as source

and increase their knowledge of linguistics study especially about syntactic


5.2.3 Suggestion for the Lecturer

It expects to the lecturer of linguistics to be able to use various ways or

methods in lecturing all kinds of linguistics study. So, the teaching learning

process will be more interesting and the students will understand the subject more

easily. For example, the methods in teaching the syntax, strategies of

understanding all elements of syntactic structures perfectly and so on.

5.2.4 Suggestion for the librarian

In the process of doing research, the researcher finds the difficulty to get

the references and literatures in library of the State Islamic University Maulana

Malik Ibrahim of Malang related to the study. Therefore, it is necessary for library

of UIN MALIKI Malang to increase the collection and the references of the

library to fulfill the necessity of the students in doing the research, whether or not;

library is the main source of the references.

Page 94: Syntax Muah


Finally, the researcher realizes that no one is perfect in this word except

our great prophet Muhammad SAW and the researcher considers that this thesis is

far from perfection, the researcher really needs correction and suggestion from

those who have better understanding. As researcher, we should try to do the best

and avoid some mistakes and obstacles. However, Human beings are place of

blame and lying. Muhammad SAW says:

(االوسان محم انخطاوانىسيان )انحذ يث

Page 95: Syntax Muah



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