
Upload: mariandeluna06

Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 7/31/2019 synomyms


    1. Dumbfounded(as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise) speechless

    2. Garish(gaudy: crudely showy) tawdry(gaudy and of poor quality: gaudy, cheap in appearance, and of inferior quality)

    3. Speculation theory

    4. Prescribed recommended

    5. Intently(Something that is intended; an aim or purpose) resolutely (showing firm determination or purpose)

    6. Piteously sorrowfully

    7. Retrieved recovered

    8. Grit(determination or strength of character) fortitude(determination: strength and endurance in a difficult or painful situation)

    9. Consolation(source of comfort) comport

    10. Consciousness

    awareness11. Falter(lose confidence: to become unsure and hesitant) flounder(hesitate in confusion)

    12. Traitorous disloyal

    13. Sporadically(Occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order in time) unconnected

    14. Pandemonium(chaos: wild uproar and chaos) turmoil(a state of great confusion, commotion, or disturbance)

    15. Transparent clear

    16. Tattered( ragged or torn to shreds) worn( weakened or frayed by use)

    17. Unconventional(different from norm: different from what is regarded as normal or standard) eccentric(kakatwa)

    18. Hardship affliction(cause of distress: something that causes great physical or mental distress)

    19. Harmony unity

    20. Harmless benign(kindly: having a kind and gentle disposition or appearance)

    21. Hideous(horrible to see: extremely unpleasant to see) repulsive(very unpleasant: making somebody feel disgust)

    22. Humorous(funny: intended to be amusing and make people laugh)

    comical(funny)23. Encourage(give somebody hope or confidence) embolden(give somebody courage)

    24. Enthusiastic(showing excited interest: showing passionate interest in something or eagerness about something) eager

    25. Content satisfied

    26. Contagious transmittable

    27. Discussion dialogue

    28. Elderly aged

    29. Function- operate

    30. Creative imaginative

    31.Astonish(amaze somebody greatly) astound(surprise somebody greatly)

    32.Ache hurt

    33.Anxious(feeling nervous: worried or afraid) apprehensive(fearful: worried that something bad will happen)


    proclaim35. Boost(promote something: to promote or advertise something widely and intensively so that people will buy it) promote

    36.Appropriate befitting(appropriate to)

    37.Avoid divert

    38. Compromise negotiate

    39. Enormous vast(very great in size or amount)

    40. Generous giving

    41. Humorous comical(funny: funny to the extent of being absurd)

    42. Bashful shy

    43. Harmless benign(kindly: having a kind and gentle disposition or appearance)

    44. Clumsy uncoordinated

    45. Sentimental nostalgic(A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past)

    46. Prompt(done immediately: done at once and without delay) timely

    47. Suave(polite and charming) refined(cultured and polite in habits, tastes, or appearance)

    48. Unruly(difficult to control) disobedient

    49. Unique unusual

    50. Trivial(having little value: lacking in seriousness, importance, or value) unimportant

    51. Independent autonomous

    52. Clumsy uncoordinated

    53. Bizarre(amusingly or grotesquely strange or unusual) unusual

    54. Dismal(hopeless: showing a lack or failure of hope) gloomy(offering little hope: causing a feeling of despair and hopelessness

    55. Unfortunate unlucky

    56. Treacherous(perilous( : involving hidden dangers or hazards) dangerous

    57. Joyful jubilant

  • 7/31/2019 synomyms


    58. Flexible pliable

    59. Juicy succulent

    60.Available accessible

    61. Cent penny(coin in United States and Canada)

    62. Herd(large group of domestic animals) group

    63. Brake(device that slows or stops machine) stop

    64. Hall Corregidor(passage inside building)

    65. Dew(small drops: drops of moisture of any kind) moisture

    66. Due(payable) owed(to be under an obligation to pay (someone) to the amount of)

    67.Agony(great pain or anguish)

    anguish(extreme anxiety(feeling of worry))68. Wonder(amazed admiration) awe(mixture of wonder and dread(feel extremely frightened))

    69.Anxious(feeling nervous: worried or afraid) concerned

    70. Stick adhere(stick firmly: to stick firmly to a surface or an object)

    71. Overstate(to exaggerate something in talking or writing about it) exaggerate

    72. Frantic(excited, hurried, and confused) desperate(overwhelmed with urgency and anxiety, to the point of losing hope)

    73. Peace truce(agreement to stop fighting)

    74. Incontrovertible(undeniable: certain, undeniable, and not open to question) - unquestionable

    75. Loquacious(talkative: tending to talk a great deal) verbose(using too many words: expressed in or using too many words)

    76.Vacuous(idle: lacking attention, concentration, or serious thought) empty

    77. Tempestuous(emotionally turbulent) turbulent(moving violently: full of violent motion and agitation)

    78. Omnipotent(all-powerful: possessing complete, unlimited, or universal power and authority) powerful

    79. Totalitarian(centralized and dictatorial: relating to or operating a centralized government system in which a single party withoutopposition rules over political, economic, social, and cultural life) authoritarian

    80. Lugubrious(gloomy: extremely mournful, sad, or gloomy) dismal(depressing: depressing to the spirit or outlook)

    81. Sanguine(confident: cheerfully optimistic) hopeful

    82.Abjure(deny yourself something: to abstain from, reject, or avoid something) renounce(stop doing something: to give up a hab

    pursuit, or practice)

    83. Chicanery(cheating or deception: deception or trickery, especially by the clever manipulation of language) trickery(use of tricks)

    84.Acumen(sharpness of mind: the ability to make quick accurate intelligent judgments about people or situations) cunning(skillful

    performance: skillful ingenuity or grace in doing something)

    85. Incognito(in disguise: with the identity disguised or hidden, e.g. under an assumed name (used to describe a woman or girl) -


    86. Pecuniary(of money: relating to or involving money) monetary(relating to money: relating to or involving money or currency)

    87. Evanescent(fleeting: disappearing after only a short time and soon forgotten)

    fleeting(passing: passing or fading quickly)88. Inculcate(impress on somebody's mind: to fix something firmly in somebody's mind through frequent, forceful repetition)

    instill(impart something gradually: to impress ideas, principles, or teachings gradually on somebody's mind)

    89. Kowtow(be servile: to behave in an extremely submissive way in order to please somebody in a position of authority) pander(

    indulge weaknesses: to indulge somebody's weaknesses or questionable wishes and tastes)

    90. Usurp(seize something without right: to use something without the right to do so) seize

    91. Fatuous(unintelligent: showing a lack of intelligence or thought combined with complacency) inane(insubstantial: empty,

    insubstantial, or void)

    92. Infrastructures foundation

    93. Reciprocal(given by each side: given or shown by each of two sides or people to the other) mutual

    94. Chicanery fraud(crime of cheating somebody)

    95. Gauche(socially awkward: lacking grace or tact in social situations) uncouth(awkward: clumsy and ungraceful) or crude

    96. Bellicose(warlike: ready or inclined to quarrel, fight, or go to war) argumentative

    97. Muddled(to mix things together in a confused or disordered way) The disks have been carefully filed, so don't muddle them.-confused

    98. Flunk(give failing grade to: to give a student a failing grade) edge

    99. Primly (To make prim, as in dress or appearance.) formally

    100.Kindle(start burning: to set something alight, or begin to burn) light

    101.Sympathetic(provoking sympathy: provoking sympathy, interest, or compassion) compassionate

    102.Unstable precarious(unsafe: dangerously unstable, unsteady, uncertain, or insecure)

    103.Fragile delicate(fragile: having a fine structure that is easily damaged or broken)

    104.Thorough careful

    105.Inflate(make something appear greater) swell(increase in size)

    106.Feeble(physically or mentally weak: lacking physical or mental strength or health) sickly

    107.Entire complete

  • 7/31/2019 synomyms


  • 7/31/2019 synomyms


    149.Declivity(downward inclination: a downward inclination, especially of a piece of land) descent
