sylviasilk (dissertation) finding heaven on earth

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  • 8/2/2019 SylviaSilk (Dissertation) Finding Heaven on Earth


    Finding Our Way HOME

    to Heaven on Earth

    Copyright 2008 Sylvia Silk, D. D.

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    Department of Graduate Studies



    This is to certify that the D.D. Dissertation of

    Sylvia Silk

    has been approved by the Examining Committee for the dissertation requirements

    for the Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Healing Degree of the University of Metaphysics.

    Dissertation Committee: Rev. Olin K. Smith

    Dissertation Supervisor

    Michelle-Angela Behr


    Paul Leon Masters, Msc.D.President

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    Healthy Endocrine and Immune Systems

    Anchoring Presence in the Physical Body

    Our Navigation System for the Journey A Clear Mind .33

    The Pathway of Awareness: Preparing the Mental for HOME

    The Egoic Mind

    Self-Mastery of the Mental

    HoOponopono Technology

    The Work of Byron Katie

    The Process by Robert Scheinfeld

    Our Fuel for the Journey The Emotion of Love . 43

    The Pathway of Awareness: Preparing the Emotional for HOME

    The Inauthentic Persona

    Self-Mastery of the Emotional

    Michael Brown

    Edwin Carl Smith

    Wholeness Is Who We Are .. 51The Pathway of Awareness: An Open Heart

    Heart Awareness

    Love-Centered Living

    Six Heart Virtues

    Chapter V: Discussion . 60

    The New Paradigm

    Arriving HOME

    Chapter VI: Summary and Conclusions. ..... 68

    Bibliography ...... 72

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    Chapter I Introduction

    A radical change is occurring in our collective consciousness today. More and more

    of us all over the world are awakening and experiencing a deeper presence and

    purpose, a greater sense of joy and a newfound selflessness and compassion.

    Hubbard (1998)

    Where are we? How did we get here? How do we get back HOME? These are the

    questions this paper explores.

    Where are we?

    We are awareness (explorers, adventurers) in a vehicle called a physical body which

    we park at different addresses while we have an experience we call life. We have a

    navigation system, the mind, which takes us wherever our attention is focused. We

    have the capacity to feel, which is the fuel we use to create our experiences. Our

    territory is a three dimensional, time-based world which quantum physics has

    proven is an illusory world projected outward that we forget is notreal. Many who

    have ejected from the illusion report a different reality and a different context. They

    inform us of a new paradigm that is emerging for humanity to discern.

    How did we get here?

    Every physical vehicle pops out of the belly of a woman in miniature form. Over time

    it grows and expands in all directions to a size that matches its biological blueprint.

    If it is an illusory world that we pop into, where did we originate? Certainly we come

    from a place invisible to the one we are in now a place we know but do not

    remember. In this paper, the place from which we originate, I refer to as HOME,

    although, it is known by many names: Spirit, wholeness, paradise, nirvana, the

    kingdom of heaven, a new earth, ascension, enlightenment, cosmic consciousness.

    We are a spiritual Being having a physical experience. When we detach, who we

    are as a spiritual Being, whole and perfect, from the experience we are having in the

    projected, time-based world that we find ourselves moving through, we remember it

    is a journey we chose to embark upon a journey we call the Evolution of Man.

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    How do we get back HOME?

    Many spiritual masters and yogis have found their way back HOME. They share their

    experiences with us in their satsangs and writings. Some describe it as waking up

    from a dream; others describe it as vibrationally rising to an enlightened state of

    consciousness. These wayshowers point the way through their dialogues and

    writings, but few have been able to follow in their footsteps. Do as I do and youll

    arrive is the guidance offered. Many try but few succeed.

    However, now we have arrived at a point in our evolution as a species where finding

    our way HOME is possible for anyone. We are discovering it is not a destination an

    outward journey -- rather it is an awakening, a paradigm shift that allows us to view

    everything from a more evolved state of consciousness, a higher dimension. It is a

    shift from a doer, who is focused on doing things, to a being, who is not doing

    anything but is simply being with what shows up and enjoying life.

    Dorothy Finds Her Way Back HOME

    It is amazing to realize that L. Frank Baum gave us a roadmap for getting HOME at

    the beginning of the twentieth century-- but few if any made that interpretation. So

    the story, The Wizard of Oz, was told as a childrens fairy tale. At the beginning ofthe story, a young girl named Dorothy is knocked unconscious during a terrible

    tornado. When she awakens, she is in a strange land of unfamiliar places and

    strange people. Dorothy imagines a fantasy adventure in the land of Oz that is real

    to her as she searches to find her way back home to her family. On her journey, she

    is given the opportunity to develop the virtues of gratitude, compassion, forgiveness,

    humility, understanding and courage. She is given the opportunity to face her fears,

    express her anger and work through her grief, for the journey HOME is a difficult

    one. Dorothys journey is a metaphor for our own spiritual journey --- finding our

    way back HOME to Love.

    Early on in her adventure in Oz, Dorothy takes possession of ruby slippers (a symbol

    for awareness) from the wicked witch of the east but she does not know they are

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    her way HOME. She finds that out only after she completes her journey in Oz. At the

    end of her adventure, Glenda, the good witch, instructs Dorothy to step into the

    ruby slippers, click her heels three times, and say, [T]heres no place like home.

    Like magic, Dorothy wakes up to find herself in her bed back home in Kansas

    surrounded by love expressed in familiar faces. Dorothys journey through Oz is a

    metaphor for our spiritual evolution that strengthens our character and evolves our


    Finding Our Way HOME

    We are going to explore the pathway of evolution, where we are along the pathway

    and what we must accomplish to be prepared, for the global shift towards a higher

    state of consciousness, which is the defining hallmark of the 21st century. Michael

    Brown speaks of it as The Pathway of Awareness in his latest bookAlchemy of the

    Heart. Following this Pathway of Awareness is like putting ourselves on the yellow

    brick road of Oz and then stepping into the ruby slippers and clicking our heels three

    times to return HOME.

    Dorothy, and her dog Toto, were joined by three traveling companions: a scarecrow

    with intelligence, a lion with courage and a tin man with compassion. We also canchoose traveling companions to accompany us as we search for our way HOME as

    many leaders of the global shift suggest. John ODonohue tells us we must be ready

    before we can even begin. When we are readythe door of the heart becomes the

    gate of heaven. ODonohue (1997:87) The door to our heart remains closed until

    we are ready to mature into selfless, responsible adults. Mary OMalley suggests we

    travel with curiosity. Edwin Carl Smith recommends we travel with the willingness to

    embrace what shows up and accept it.A Course In Miraclesoffers that we be quick

    to forgive and slow to judge. The Lyricus Teaching Order tells us we must live a

    love-centered life, always expressing the finer qualities of love: appreciation,

    compassion, humility, understanding and valor.

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    evolution, as it turns out, is not about leaving the planet, our beloved Mother Earth,

    it is about anchoring heaven onearth and being fully present to partake of the

    beauty and abundance that is already here but not yet seen nor experienced by all.

    There is a hidden reality but our awareness must shift for us to see it. Then, as

    Jesus said, we will be in the world but not of the world. The masters tell us to

    bring our awareness into our body and into the present moment. They tell us to be

    fully present as a field of awareness, of alert Presence. Tolle (2005:269)

    Our mind is our navigation tool. Energy follows thought. Thought can take us

    anywhere we intend. In any given moment, we are wherever our attention is

    focused. Brown (2008:111) For thousands of years the mind has been used to

    navigate back and forth between past and future in a limited world of three

    dimensions. It takes us into our past, our stories, our his-story. It takes us into a

    future of many possibilities. For generations, as a species, we have used thought to

    manipulate, sedate and control life. We have gotten so good at it that the tool is

    using us instead of the other way around. We get lost in our stories and believe they

    are real. Thought is an exquisite tool... for discerning reality, not reality itself.

    OMalley, 1998

    So we find that our spiritual journey HOME is individual and is really an awakening.

    When the heart shuts down and becomes closed by traumatic life experiences, it

    causes physical illness and weakness, mental confusion and dysfunction and a life of

    hardship and heartache. It is all our uncomfortable feelings of fear, anger, and grief

    submerged beneath the level of our awareness that keeps our hearts closed. It is

    not until we open our hearts and trust enough to leave them open, that we join with

    others in union and embrace the family of ONE. But how do we get our hearts to

    remain open when the world is so violent, cruel and hurtful? We each make the

    choice when we are ready to do the emotional work that is required to open the

    heart and live from love, forgiveness and understanding.

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    Another word for HOME is wholeness for HOME contains All-That-Is. Wholeness is

    accepting all realities and becoming one with them without judgment. Nothing is

    excluded or rejected. In our individual experience, wholeness is the integration of

    our physical body (the vehicle), mental body (navigational tool) and emotional body

    (the fuel). Evolution has prepared our vehicle; it is ready to receive Spirit fully.

    Evolution has prepared our mind; it is clear when Spirit is present. Evolution is

    currently preparing our hearts. For us to live together on the planet in peace and

    harmony, we must be willing to drop our fear and rejection of those that are

    different and open our hearts to love our neighbor and ourselves. Then we can have

    heaven on earth. It is our purpose and destiny to bring a new dimension into this

    world by living in conscious oneness with the totality and conscious alignment with

    universal intelligence. Tolle (2005:278)

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    Chapter II Review of Literature

    A Journey Toward Wholeness

    Just as Dorothy wanted to leave the strange world of Oz and return home to those

    who loved her, we also want to find our way out of our projected dream reality of

    chaos and confusion and return HOME to love and wholeness. But returning HOME

    is quite a challenge as Dorothy found out. There are many paths that turn out to be

    distractions, dead-ends or just lead us in circles.

    Our journey toward wholeness takes us through many dimensions of consciousness.

    The first one we encounter in our projected dream reality is the third dimension a

    dimension of survival. Food, shelter and safety are the focus. Many people live

    their entire lives in this dimension of consciousness, never evolving beyond their

    suffering and dysfunction.

    But when the issue of survival is handled, one is able to move into the fourth

    dimension of consciousness, which is about self-improvement. There the focus is on

    fixing, changing, and improving all aspects of life home, career, health,

    relationships. Bigger is better than smaller, higher is better than lower, healthy is

    better than sick, and sharing life with a partner is more fun than being alone. This is

    also a dimension of suffering and dysfunction, but we seek and find tools that

    change our beliefs, ease our pain and heal our wounded hearts. The more in

    acceptance of what is, the less we suffer. The more we enjoy what we do, the less

    we suffer. The more enthusiastic we are about life, the less we suffer. Eckhart Tolle

    counsels, If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment or enthusiasm,

    look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others.

    Tolle (2005:295)

    In the fifth dimension, there is nothing to fix, change or improve. There is no more

    suffering. Nothing is hidden. All is known for we are all aware. There is full

    acceptance of what shows up. In the vibration of the fifth dimension, we live life

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    condition may become, these ten million islands will rise as a new continent of

    consciousness, one whose human circuitry is prepared to live a love-centered life

    quite independent of the external view and eventsThis continent is the collective

    entity...operating as one collective intelligence. WingMakers (2008:session 1,


    Planet earth is an amazing place from the standpoint that it allows many states of

    consciousness, each a different dimensional frequency, to exist simultaneously. The

    dominant dimension of consciousness on Earth is the third dimension often referred

    to as 3D. Some live an entirelife never evolving past this dimension even though all

    the dimensions are available to us. Every individual on the planet can choose to live

    from fear, the third dimension, or live from love, a more expanded dimension. Live

    a love-centered life and follow earths ascendancy or live a fear-based life and

    remain in the third dimensional frequency grid. WingMakers (2008:section 1, PDF)

    Every soul entering the planet via a womb is completely dependent on others for

    their survival and guidance as they manage their life in a baby body. When we

    complete childhood, we move into the adolescent phase of our development. This is

    a transitional phase because while we are no longer a child, we are still a long wayfrom being a conscious, responsible, mature adult. It takes life experience and an

    expanded perception for one to evolve beyond the immature behavior and attitudes

    of the adolescent. We must give up our victim/victor mentality, give up our

    prejudices and preferences, give up our blaming and complaining.

    Individually and collectively, our transition into a dimensionally larger world is

    bringing us into our wholeness. We evolve into mature, spiritually aware, adults

    when we are ready to accept full responsibility for all our thoughts, words, actions

    and attitudes and their consequences. Until we can truly love without condition, we

    are not ready to enter the higher vibrational realms of consciousness, the place we

    call heaven. Only those who are willing to open their hearts and embrace their

    wholeness will participate in the upcoming shift. All others will see illusions and be

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    questions and find yourself. The questions are the path back to your self. They dont

    care what the story is. They just wait for you to answer them. Katie (2007:114)

    When you know how to question your thoughts, theres no resistance. You look

    forward to your worst nightmare, because it turns out to be nothing but an illusion,

    and the four questions of The Work provide you with the technology to go inside

    and realize (its an illusion). Katie (2007:191)

    HoOponopono is a healing method that comes to us from the Hawaiian culture. It is

    a cleaning tool of four short phrases containing the highest vibrational frequencies of

    love, forgiveness and appreciation. When the mind is focused on I love you - Im

    sorry - Please forgive me - Thank you, the beliefs that do not resonate with that

    vibration dissolve. The mind becomes clear.

    Preparation of the Emotional Bring to Resolution Unintegrated Feelings

    Michael Brown teaches us how to digest our unintegrated emotions. He invites us

    to identify where a feeling of discomfort is in our body. He calls this discomfort an

    emotional signature. Then he instructs us to put aside our agendas and simply sit

    with it in silence and stillness. Feel the feeling but do nothing about it. Put attention

    on the feeling and allow it to be. When we are willing to feel our uncomfortablefeelings of fear, anger, grief, etc., watching, observing, without condition, with no

    other reason than to just be, there is a consequence. It is the first step to

    awakening the authentic resonance of unconditional love. Brown 2008. This

    unconditional love resolves the discomfort, maybe not immediately, but at some

    point in this practice, the emotion gets digested and becomes nourishment for the

    soul. As beingness ripens through the digestion of the required nutrition through

    conscious, unconditional containment of the felt resonance of our fear, anger, and

    grief-- we bear the fruits of greater and greater presence within every facet of our

    life experience. Brown 2008

    InA Course in Miracles, we are told that we entered this world by falling asleep.

    The world we live in is a dream. When we awaken from our dream, we will find

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    ourselves HOME. Each time our perception shifts into a higher state of

    consciousness, it is like waking up from a dream of lower consciousness. One of the

    ways to facilitate our waking up is through the high vibration of forgiveness.

    The Lyricus Teaching Order, through their spokesperson, James, says, The only

    way that humanity will open up to the higher dimensions is when individually,

    person by person, the entire species begins to see that Truth is alive and well within

    themselves; it is lifeless and irrelevant outside themselves. WingMakers

    (2008:section 1, PDF) The truth is that we are the very expression of love and we

    can choose to live a love-centered life by daily practicing the virtues of appreciation,

    compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor. The six heart virtues

    create the vibrational climate in your local environment that brings forward your

    Higher Self as an agent of Spirit. WingMakers (2008:section 1, PDF) Certainly,

    when we think of heaven on earth, we think of living in a community where these

    virtues are practiced by everyone. We would understand one another. We would feel

    safe with one another. We would feel appreciated. To prepare ourselves to live in a

    love-centered community, we must be consistent and disciplined with our practice,

    as we entrain our mind-body to live with an open heart and express the virtues of

    appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor. Then, wewill have earned our place in a heavenly community. Then, we will have transitioned

    into the higher dimensions of planet Earth.

    Opening the Heart

    Byron Katie gives us advice on how to open our hearts: when the mind is closed,

    the heart is closed; when the mind is open, the heart is open. So if you want to

    open your heart, question your thinking. Katie (2007:26)

    Michael A. Singer tells us the kinds of experiences that close the heart. You are

    either trying to push energies away because they bother you, or you are trying to

    keep energies close because you like them. In both cases, you are not letting them

    pass, and you are wasting precious energy by blocking the flow through resisting

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    and clinging. The alternative is to enjoy life. experience the gift of life instead of

    fighting with it. Singer (2007:56) Then he tells us how to keep the heart open. The

    heart is the place through which energy flows to sustain you. It is the beautiful

    experience of love that pours through your whole being.allow the experiences of

    life to come in and pass through your being. If old energies come back up because

    you were unable to process them before, let go of them now. Its that easy Just

    like the physical body purges bacteria and other foreign matter, the natural flow of

    your energy will purge the stored patterns from your heart. Your reward is a

    permanently open heart. Singer (2001:57)

    The immature adolescent is stuck in the drama of his story. But evolution urges him

    to grow beyond his self-absorption, to mature into a responsible adult. This process

    of maturing can be seen in the spiritual seeker that is searching for HOME. Although

    the search may begin with a closed heart, a confused mind and maybe even a weak

    body, the innate desire to return HOME will propel him to do whatever it takes to

    gain wholeness and live with an open heart. .[T]he human body is born complete

    in one moment, the birth of the human heart is an ongoing process. It is being

    birthed in every experience of your life. ODonohue (1997:6)

    Arriving HOME

    The litmus test for self-realization is a constant state of gratitude. When you live

    your life from that place of gratitude, youve come home. Katie (2007:27)

    Finding HOME is an inward journey not an outward journey. John ODonohue speaks

    of solitude as a pathway HOME. He is a beautiful poet who spent nineteen years as

    a Catholic priest. His writings express many insights gleaned from going inward.

    When you come into your solitude, you come into companionship with everything

    and everyone. When you come patiently and silently home to yourself, you come

    into unity and into belonging. We need to return to the solitude within, to find

    again the dream that lies at the hearth of the soul. ODonohue (1997:98, 125)

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    experience upon this earth moves from vibrational (womb) to emotional (childhood)

    to mental (teenage) to physical (adult). Brown (2008:37)

    Brown speaks of this pathway being very visible if you track the entrance of an

    infant into this world. Sometime during the nine-month pregnancy, awareness

    enters the fetus. However, after the birth, a baby has no awareness of its physical or

    mental aspect. Its full awareness is in its emotions. When it feels good, it sleeps and

    gurgles. When is feels uncomfortable, it cries. It gains mental awareness when it

    learns to use its emotions to communicate its needs. It cries when it is hungry. It

    cries when it needs a clean diaper. Awareness finally comes into the physical body,

    when the baby learns to hold its head up, turn its body, reach out and grab

    something. Brown shows this Pathway of Awareness repeating throughout our life,

    until we are motivated to find our way HOME. Then, Brown suggests, we must travel

    the Pathway of Awareness in reverse. We are consciously retracing the energetic

    steps we took along The Pathway of Awareness, consequently, the energetic flow of

    our journey from this point onward is from physical to mental to emotional, with

    the intent to enter an experiential conversation with the vibrational. Brown


    In the evolutionary cycle, the motivation to return HOME doesnt come until we

    complete our adolescent phase and are ready to take on the responsibilities of an

    adult. Then, instead of wanting our aches and pains to just go away, we use them

    as starting points for getting to the cause of our discomfort and healing it. First, a

    pain or discomfort in our physical body gets our attention. Then our mind (mental)

    tells a story about how it got there. Following the Pathway of Awareness, we next

    come to the (emotional) unintegrated emotions of fear, anger, grief, which are the

    cause of our suffering. As we become aware of those hidden emotions and allow

    ourselves to feel them, they integrate into our heart and it begins to open. When

    our heart opens, our love is released. There is within each of us, at the soul level,

    an enriching fountain of love. a wellspring of love within the heart. ODonohue

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    (1997:26) Love is the key that unlocks the gates of heaven and is how we find our

    way back HOME.

    If our vehicle, which is our physical body, is strong, it can hold the light of

    awareness needed to lift us into expanded states of consciousness. If our navigation

    system, which is our mind, is clear, it receives insights from the heart and is guided

    by spirit where to be at all times. If our emotions, which are the fuel for our journey

    HOME, can flow through an open heart without stopping, we have all the energy we

    need to hold a state of consciousness that can realize a heaven on earth existence.

    When our heart is open, it allows love without condition to flow from it and to it,

    connecting us to the whole. Love is the threshold where divine and human

    presence ebb and flow into each other. ODonohue (1997:15) Heaven is a reality

    we find ourselves in when our mind is clear and our heart is open. Ask anyone who

    has just met the love of their life -- their feet do not even touch the ground they

    are so elated. Their heart is wide open. Their mind is clear. Love is infusing every

    cell of their body. They are bursting with joy!

    Hopefully, one or more of the paths leading HOME explored in this paper will servethose still trying to find their way. First, we shall look at how to prepare a strong

    physical body so it can hold more awareness. Second, we shall look at specific

    techniques that when practiced result in mental clarity. Third, we shall look at how

    to integrate the low density emotions that separate us from each other. When they

    are identified, observed, accepted and integrated our hearts open like a flower

    blooming and love expresses through us naturally. With body-mind-emotion

    integration achieved, we are ready to manifest heaven on earth.

    The Egoic Persona

    When we put ego in charge of our physical body, its entire focus is on external

    appearance. It is obsessed with looking good, showing off or getting approval. This

    is expressed by the bodybuilder who spends years building and sculpting an external

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    Self-Mastery of the Physical

    Just as an Olympic athlete prepares physically, mentally, and emotionally to compete

    for a gold medal, so must we as individuals prepare ourselves physically, mentally,

    and emotionally to make the evolutionary shift that humanity is being called to

    make. Since the journey HOME is filled with infinite distractions that keep us

    wandering but not progressing, discipline and consistency are vital for our journey.

    They are what will assist us in evolving to the next stage of consciousness where we

    enter the gates of heaven and live in the new earth as one family. The

    foundation for a new earth is a new heaventhe awakened consciousness.

    Awakening is the realization of Presence. Tolle (2005:308)

    In 2000, Tom Hanks starred in a movie called Cast Away, a brilliant analogy to

    what it takes to find our way HOME. Tom Hanks plays, Chuck Noland, a Federal

    Express engineer who is on a plane that crashes in the Pacific Ocean. He is

    pronounced lost at sea and his family and friends attend his funeral. Chuck is

    washed onto a small island miles from the crash site. He is the only survivor but no

    one can find him. Early on he attempts to swim beyond the breakers, but they are

    too high and too dangerous to pass through. They seem to form an impenetrable

    wall to keep Chuck on the island. Fear of further injury or possible death keepsChuck from trying again. He survives on coconuts and fish. Then one day, the

    benevolent ocean washes ashore a partial tin box. Chuck comes up with an idea for

    escape. By tying logs together from the island, he fashions himself a raft. He uses

    the tin as a sail. He successfully maneuvers past the wall of breakers to freedom. He

    saves himself. What a great story of the perseverance of the human spirit to

    overcome every obstacle to get HOME.

    The island is a symbol for our belief structure that keeps us trapped in our illusion.

    The breakers are a symbol of our fear, anger and grief that keep us trapped in a

    fear-based reality. One day, in right timing for our individual evolution, we get an

    idea, have an experience or an ah-h-h moment. We get something that becomes our

    raft to freedom. We, like Chuck, must also save ourselves.

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    Oh, did I mention, Tom Hanks character built a lean, strong, physical body during

    the four years he was living on the island. Another consequence of his isolation was

    a completely renovated perspective on what is important and what is not. His spirit

    took over his body; his ego was no longer in a position of authority over his life.

    Wherever you are in terms of your local universe (your present focus of attention

    and energy), remember you are the presence of God in Spirit your local universe is

    a portal through which the consciousness of Spirit can enter into your human

    domain. WingMakers (2008:session 2, PDF)

    Strong Bones and Muscles

    Individuals must find their exercise of choice to build a strong vehicle for their

    journey HOME. Our bones and muscles are our structure. They must be strong to

    support our physical body. When we can appreciate the magnificent complexity of

    our body to function without any input from us, we can receive more light into our

    cells. Our cells absorb more light when our bones and muscles and strong and when

    our organs and glands are healthy. The more light we carry in our cellular structure,

    the higher we ascend in consciousness and the more grounded our awareness is in

    our physical body.

    Healthy Endocrine and Immune Systems

    Abusing the physical body with overeating, wrong food choices, sleep deprivation,

    ingesting toxic substances, and so on, all contribute to a weakening of our cellular

    structure and body function. The endocrine system is critical for health for it

    produces and regulates all our hormones. Feeling good, feeling bad, filled with

    energy or feeling drained often has to do with the function of our endocrine system.

    If we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy endocrine system for our

    journey HOME, we will give it the attention it requires to function optimally.

    The body responds to directions from the mind. Here is a very simple visualization

    that cleans each gland of the endocrine system. Start with the pineal gland in the

    center of the head. These are the directions for cleaning:

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    Anchoring Presence in the Physical Body

    All presence depends on consciousness. Where there is a depth of awareness, there

    is a reverence for presence. Where consciousness is dulled, distant or blind, the

    presence grows faint and vanishes. Consequently, awareness is one of the greatest

    gifts. ODonohue (1997:15-6) Eckhart Tolle says Presence can only be

    experienced in the now moment. The art of Presence is to be rooted with your

    attention in the inner energy field of the bodyevery cell feels alive the body loves

    your attention. Tolle (1999:45)

    The most immediate way to bring awareness into our body is to focus on our breath.

    Without changing the way we normally breath, we put full attention on the inhale

    and exhale. It doesnt matter whether we breathe through our nose or mouth.

    What matters is that we breathe normally without any large gaps or pauses between

    breaths. What we are doing should not be noticeable to anyone. Michael Brown calls

    this consciously connected breathing. Consciously connecting our breathing is a

    powerful not-doing because it enables our awareness to commence exiting the time-

    based illusions of the mental plane and reenter the presence of the physical body.

    Brown (2008:121) The beauty of this is its simplicity. We can do it anywhere

    anytime and it does not interrupt whatever we might be doing.

    We cannot have our awareness in our head and in our body at the same time. When

    we are in our head, we are in the past or in the future. When we direct our

    awareness into our body, we are intentionally increasing our awareness of Presence.

    When we remember to put our awareness on our breath, we bring ourselves into

    the now moment. Being aware of your breath forces you into the present

    momentthe key to all inner transformation. Whenever you are conscious of the

    breath, you are absolutely present. Tolle (2005:246) When our awareness is in our

    body, we have an opportunity to experience who we really are. So to inhabit the

    body is to feel the body from within, to feel the life inside the body and thereby

    come to know that you are beyond the outer form. But that is only the beginning of

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    an inward journey that will take you ever more deeply into a realm of great stillness

    and peace, yet also of great power and vibrant life. Tolle (1999:92)

    Our Navigation System for the Journey A Clear Mind

    By itself nothing has existence. The potential becomes actual by thinking. The

    body and its affairs exist in the mind. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Consciousness is a dynamic field of awareness that has the ability to either

    narrowly focus or broadly expand. Singer (2007:128) For example, awareness can

    focus in tight and get a narrow perspective or it can also pull way back and get a

    wide perspective. In the latter position, we can see so much more, including how

    everything and everyone is connected. Much is excluded in the close up view, but

    that is the view humanity has been stuck in for eons. Close up all we can really see

    is ourselves. This is the perspective of the adolescent. No one is taken into

    consideration because no one outsideof self even comes into view. The ability to

    navigate our awareness from tight and narrow to wide and expansive is what allows

    us to evolve from selfish, self-serving adolescent to mature, responsible, loving

    adult. Our mental body at its highest frequency (is) a tool for navigation. Brown

    (2008:132) The more expansive our view becomes, the closer to HOME we get.

    The Pathway of Awareness:Preparing the Mental for HOME

    According to Michael Browns revelation, we live life in cycles of seven. During our

    first seven years, age one to seven, our awareness is located in our emotional body.

    Uncomplicated emotions surface quickly, are felt fully and then dissipate, like

    weather passing through a region. When we are young, our heart is open allowing

    us to feel our hurts as they arise. We cry easily and move on quickly.

    As children, we are emotional creatures of joy, spontaneously yelling, screaming,

    laughing, crying, and expressing ourselves with sound and movement. But when our

    childlike friskiness is disapproved of, we learn to be well behaved boys or girls to

    get the approval, appreciation, and attention of our caretakers. Gradually the

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    discipline of our authority figures to be quiet and suppress our abundant energy

    results in our behavior shifting from presence to pretence. Brown (2008:60) We

    learn it is unacceptable and not safe to be our true selves. This learning process

    causes complex emotions that we are too young to integrate, like fear, anger, grief,

    to get frozen in time at the age they occur. These emotions remain unintegrated,

    buried and forgotten, yet they affect our lives as adults. This is how we lose touch

    with our spiritual nature and forget our true selves. This is how we learn to be

    inauthentic and identify with our egoic persona completely. This is how we forget

    HOME where we are one with God. We will revisit these unintegrated emotions later

    when we discuss how to prepare our emotional body for HOME.

    When we reach school age, we are sent to an educational facility. In the school

    environment, our focus shifts from what we are feeling in our emotional body to

    what we are thinking in our mental body. We transform from a being who feels to a

    doer who thinks. Our feelings are judged, by those who ought to know, so we

    become masters at suppressing them. We quickly learn that when we express our

    true feelings, we get punished. We are taught to follow the rules, to give those in

    charge what they want and to conform in order to survive. This is when we learn to

    be inauthentic in order to get the love we need. Because we are unique and do notnaturally conform to an arbitrary model, we learn to say what is expected of us

    instead of what we actually feel. We are taught to say I am sorry, when we arent.

    We are asked to go places we dont want to go. We are forced to do things we dont

    want to do -- all in the name of being a good boy or girl.

    If we have the good fortune of being born into a family that accepts us as we are

    and is mature enough to love us without condition, we will be able to keep our heart

    open and allow every feeling that arises to pass through us. However, most of us

    are not that fortunate. Many of us are born into dysfunctional families who put

    conditions on the love they give us. It is more likely that we are abused and

    traumatized growing up. We will feel pain and discomfort, but we will not have the

    mental maturity to integrate the pain, consequently, during our first seven years,

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    still asleep. Those who are consciously participating in the evolutionary shift are

    conscious and awake. There is a third group who are partially awake but are

    manipulated by outside influences to remain with the sleeping masses. WingMakers

    (2008:session 2, PDF) A compassionate analogy of this is the fish who innocently

    swims into a shallow tide pool and gets trapped. The fish is not changed in any way,

    but its ability to fully express as a fish that swims in the greater ocean is stifled.

    Self-Mastery of the Mental

    Outside the limited awareness of the egoic mind is a vast multi-universe to explore.

    Our infinite mind is designed to take us anywhere we want to go in that vast multi-

    universe. There is no thinking involved. Mind knows what, how, where and when.

    There is a perfection beyond what the unquestioned mind can know. You can count

    on it to take you wherever you need to be, whenever you need to be there, and

    always exactly on time. Katie (2007:135)

    But when the mind is taken over, so to speak, by the egoic persona, it is not used

    for navigating the vast multi-universe; it is used for judging, thinking, doing, and

    particularly controlling circumstances and people. When the mind is filled with

    thoughts (Byron Katie reports ten thousand thoughts a minute) it causes confusion;then the mind ends up only navigating between the past and the future listening to

    an endless stream of dialogue most of which is of no value and a huge waste of

    time. Whos listening? The egoic mind is listening. As long as the mind is producing

    an endless stream of thoughts that judge, criticize, condemn, and advise, we are

    lost in the illusion of three-dimensional duality. Your mind is one with Gods.

    Denying this and thinking otherwise has held your ego together, but has literally

    split your mind. Schucman (1975/1992:63)

    So how do we restore a split mind to wholeness? How do we eliminate confusion

    and restore mental clarity? We implement tools specifically designed to restore a

    clear mind. The Hawaiians offer us a very effective tool called HoOponopono

    Technology. Byron Katie shows us how to question our thoughts with The Work.

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    neighbor. Write it down. Ask four questions. Turn it around. She named her inquiry

    The Work. It is a very simple way of questioning the validity of your thoughts. With

    pen and paper in hand, write down the dialogue in your head -- your story. Get all

    the thoughts causing you a problem on paper. Then, one by one, question each

    thought with these four questions: Is it true? Can I absolutely know that its true?

    How do I react when I believe that thought? Who would I be without that thought?

    Katie says, [N]o thought is true. You either believe your thoughts or you dont;

    theres no other choice. .With inquiry, we dont just notice our thoughts, we see

    that they dont match reality, we realize exactly what their effects are, we get a

    glimpse of what we would be if we didnt believe them. And we experience their

    opposites as being at least equally valid. An open mind is the beginning of freedom.

    Katie (2007:180)

    Inquiry shines a light on wrong thinking, false beliefs, unreal stories and returns you

    to mental clarity. When the mind has seen that it doesnt know what it was so sure

    of, it begins to unravel, the knots relax and begin to untie themselves. Katie

    (2007:205) The turn-around allows you to see that youare responsible for creating

    the story you believe to be true. You get to see that whatever you are accusing

    someone else of doing you are guilty of doing yourself. The only thing youreresponsible for is your own truth in the moment, and inquiry brings you to that.

    Katie (2007:192)

    When you face every thought with understanding, you discover the truth. Its your

    thoughts that cause your suffering, not reality. Life is simple. Everything happens

    foryou, not toyou. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too

    soon nor too late. You dont have to like it its just easier if you do When you

    know how to question your thoughts, theres no resistance. You look forward to your

    worst nightmare, because it turns out to be nothing but an illusion, and the four

    questions of The Work provide you with the technology to go inside and realize that.

    You dont have to grope in the dark to find your way to freedom (HOME). You can

    just sit down and give it to yourself, anytime you want. Katie (2007:191) No

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    amount of proof will make a belief-- a story-- real. Beliefs are all made up. There is

    no reality to them. Question every thought arising in the spaciousness of awareness.

    The Process by Robert Scheinfeld

    In 2004, Robert Scheinfeld created The Process. It was his yellow brick road out of

    Oz -- his pathway HOME. He offered it to the world in his book, Busting Loose

    From the Money Game, published in 2006. Scheinfeld acknowledges that we are

    God and everything we have and see is our creation. As the book title implies,

    Scheinfeld describes our life experience as a game, which we created. We designed

    it to be played in two phases. In Phase One, we convince ourselves that we are not

    God, and we do a masterful job of convincing ourselves of that lie. We believe we

    are victims and victors. We struggle and suffer. We were so masterful at forgetting

    who we really are and forgetting that we created this game for our enjoyment, that

    we got stuck in our own illusion.

    ACourse In Miraclesdescribes our predicament as falling asleep and dreaming a

    dream from which we are trying to wake up. You have chosen a sleep in which you

    have had bad dreams, but the sleep is not real and God calls you to awake. When

    you wake you will see the truth around you and in you, and you will no longerbelieve in dreams because they will have no reality for you. Schucman

    (1975/1992:101) Scheinfeld shows us how to wake up to the truth of who we really

    are as extensions of God. Who you really are is an Infinite Being whos in a

    constant state of joyfulness, peace and unconditional love for everything and

    everyone. As such, its impossible for the Real You to have discomfort of any kind.

    Its impossiblefor the Real You to feel fear, anxiety, embarrassment, shame, anger,

    or anything else youd label as a negativeemotion. The only way you can appear to

    feel discomfort is if you create a pattern in The Field, add an enormous amount of

    power to it, pop the illusion of it into your hologram and convince yourself its real.

    Scheinfeld (2006:97) Phase One is about giving all our power away so we can

    experience limitation and restriction. The Human Game is all about exploring what

    would happen ifyou limit and restrict unlimited power. Scheinfeld (2007:40)

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    Phase Two is about remembering who we really are and reclaiming our power. The

    Process is based on the understanding that who we really are is the Power and

    Presence of God There is nothing outside of me. All that I see is me and I am in

    full appreciation of all that I have created. Scheinfeld (2007:103) We have hidden

    our power in our beliefs. Which ones? The ones that cause our discomfort. When

    we allow ourselves to feel the intensity of our discomfort (instead of running away

    from it like we did in Phase One), when we acknowledge that the pain we feel is our

    own power trapped in our mind and body, then we can bust the belief and reclaim

    our power. For our power and our discomfort are one and the same. When we

    consciously reclaim our power, the belief, which is just a pattern from the field of

    consciousness, dissolves back into the field. When we reclaim our power, our

    awareness expands. When our awareness expands, our fears lessen and our joy

    increases. Our hearts open and we meet everything with appreciation.

    So the HoOponopono phrases, The Process and The Work are tools for clearing the

    mind of beliefs that cause our suffering. When used often and consistently, any one

    of these tools can clear the mind of its beliefs. Then the mind will be free to be used

    as a navigation system for exploring the multi-universe. Navigation is the noblest

    use of our mental body. Brown (2007:137)

    Our Fuel for the Journey The Emotion of Love

    Michael Brown speaks of humanity being at a turning point in its evolution. We are

    in the midst of a planetary rite of passage, which is inviting us into the authentic

    embrace of personal responsibility.. As a specieswe have arrived at the doorway

    to the consciousness of creativitythe art of mastering the interior...Though it may

    appear complicated to the mental body, it only takes one conscious and deliberate

    step to pass through this portal in order to take the evolutionary leap toward which

    our entire species is now being thrust. Stepping consciously through this portal is

    the heart of the matter. It requires felt-perception. Brown (2008:93-4)

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    death of a family member, loss of a love relationship, loss of a favorite possession,

    loss of a job or career, loss of a home, loss of money.

    We feel guilty for the thoughts, actions and behaviors we find unacceptable in

    ourselves and in others. We feel punishment is the answer. In truth, our only sin is

    that of believing our projection is real. It isnt. In truth, we are extensions of God

    co-creating each of our experiences. That realization will become clear when the

    unintegrated emotions of fear, anger and grief are integrated into our hearts and we

    awaken to who we really are extensions of love without condition. Then we will

    consciously create heaven on earth.

    Self-Mastery of the Emotional

    Our physical body is prepared for our journey HOME by bringing awareness into it

    and making it strong enough to hold the light of consciousness. Our mental body is

    prepared for our journey HOME by clearing our mind of all the false beliefs and

    stories we are attached to that are only projections from our imagination. Bringing

    our awareness to our emotional body, where all our feelings of discomfort are

    stored, brings us to the last and most difficult part of our preparation for HOME.

    Our emotions are the fuel for our vehicle. The emotions we most need cyclingthrough our physical body are those of the highest vibration. This will require us to

    transmute our fear-based emotions, which are low frequency, into love-based

    emotions, which are high frequency.

    As with self-mastery of the physical and mental, self-mastery of the emotional

    requires maturity. Adolescents are addicted to the emotional highs and lows created

    by a life filled with drama. When the drama becomes too painful and the struggle

    exhausting, it is right timing for the next step in our spiritual growth. We are ready

    when we find ourselves becoming self-reliant, accountable, responsible, more loving

    and forgiving. We want peace more than we want drama.

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    To prepare our emotional body, we have to be willing to go where our inauthentic

    personawas not willing to go -- into our fear-based feelings. When we are ready to

    face our fears and feel our discomforts, we are ready to master the emotional.

    There are many techniques, modalities, and disciplines to assist us. They show up

    in our awareness in right timing. Each one is part of our spiritual evolution;

    otherwise, we would not become aware of it. Some are done with a skilled

    practitioner; others are pursed solo.

    We have explored two techniques already. There is The Work of Byron Katie. Who

    would you be without your story? Katie (2007) All stories begin with an

    unintegrated feeling based in fear, anger or grief. Behind every feeling of discomfort

    is a mental belief. To end the suffering, undo the belief. When the story unravels,

    the emotion attached to it also dissolves. Without a belief, theres no separation

    Without a belief, you are all things. Katie (2007:188)

    We also looked at The Process by Robert Scheinfeld. When we stop focusing on how

    to fix, change or improve our circumstances and put our focus on the discomfort we

    are feeling in our body, the discomfort subsides along with all the thoughts attached

    to it. Just feel the energy of the discomfort as much as youll allow yourself to. Nothinking, no logic, no intellect, no judgment, no labeling. Just feel it..[O]pen up to

    The Truth and Power of who you really are. really feel it. I call this feeling the

    Infinite Energy. Scheinfeld (2006:101-4)

    Michael Brown

    Next we are going to explore Michael Browns non-doing approach to preparing the

    emotional body for HOME. Michael Brown teaches us how to feel, digest and

    integrate those emotions that cause us pain. There are no beliefs to bust. There is

    no reclaiming power. There are no questions to ask. There is no doing at all. There

    is simply the willingness to be fully present in the body and sit quietly with the

    feelings of discomfort as they arise.

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    Identify where the feeling is in your physical body and be with it, as you would be

    with a bird in a tree. Be watchful, attentive, curious, present, but do nothing. There

    is no goal, no expectation of a result, no trying to understand why, no trying to cure,

    heal or change the feeling. This is non-doing. If a little child came running to you in

    tears from the uncomfortable feeling arising from a bump or scrap, there is not

    much you could do other than comfort the child. Without trying to change, fix or

    improve the situation, you would simply be with the child without condition and

    allow the energy to move on its own. Because a little child still has an open heart,

    the discomfort moves in and out of its emotional body without getting stuck. Soon

    the child is smiling again and running off to play. There is an attitude of kindness,

    appreciation and caring that the child feels. You can offer this same attitude to

    yourself while sitting with your own painful feelings.

    Brown suggests sitting every day with your feelings of discomfort and doing nothing.

    Everyday we are to set aside time (no more than 15 minutes) in which we bring to

    bear resonance of being upon that about which we can do nothing. Everyday

    (discipline), we are to set aside time to digest the nutrition of not-doing required to

    nourish an experiential encounter with being. Brown (2008) Over time, the soul

    digests the emotions. When they are digested they integrate into the wholeness ofwho we are and they are no longer felt as separate feelings of discomfort or pain.

    Anyone who has sat still in an attempt to meditate knows that the egoic mind does

    not stay silent for long. It soon begins interrupting with its need to know: Is

    anything happening? How long will it take? Am I doing it right? What is the point?

    Notice the minds interruption but continue to do nothing. Think of it as bubbles

    escaping from a scuba divers mask as the diver descends deeper into the ocean.

    Remain in the physical body with the feeling. Do not get distracted by the mind.

    Being with the feelings without condition is the alchemy that transforms the feelings

    of fear, anger and grief, the source of our suffering, into an experience of peace.

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    learn to be afraid. Over time, our heart gradually closes from our inability to

    integrate the complex emotions of fear, anger and grief in our early years.

    In the e-Book, Living From the Heart, written by the Lyricus Teaching Order, the

    author points out that over the past 2,000 years, humanity has made astounding

    progress in the fields of technology, science, economics, medicine and most any

    other category of human endeavor. However, in the area of learning to manage

    our emotions, very little has changed since the dawn of civilization. Lyricus

    (2007:3) That is an astounding realization! It suggests that emotionally, we are still

    very primitive. Without the ability to manage our emotions, we are truly victims of

    our lower density feelings, which perpetuate war and hatred on this planet. We

    cannot escape the hell we have created and establish heaven on earth without

    mastering our emotions. We must transmute all our emotions into a frequency of

    love and live with open hearts.

    Heart Awareness

    Opening the heart has multiple meanings depending on the perspective. For a heart

    surgeon, opening the heart means cutting into a physical heart with a knife to fix a

    malfunction. For a spiritual seeker, a heart opening is a shift of perception or an ah-h-h moment. For those of us who want to live from our heart, we must master our

    emotions by integrating those that we have separated from our wholeness. Fear,

    anger, grief and other low-density emotions cause us to instinctively pull our energy

    in and close our heart. We close our heart to defend and protect ourselves. When

    we feel safe, we let down our defenses. When we feel we are loved without

    condition, we relax and open our hearts. Only when our hearts are open, are we the

    finely tuned instrument that both receives and transmits the radiations of the

    higher frequencies from First Source bringing a more complete awareness of the

    multi-dimensional world in which we live. WingMakers (2008:session 1, PDF)

    Heart awareness is the ability to feel the consequences of our thoughts, words and

    deeds before we speak or act on our thoughts. If those feelings are hurtful, we

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    immediately feel it. Whenwe intend to hurt someone, we feel hurt before even

    acting upon this intent Brown (2008:30) When we shut down our heart awareness,

    we can no longer feel the consequences in our own body before we act. Therefore,

    we can perpetrate heinous acts upon the earth, animals and people without feeling

    a thing.

    We would learn to keep our heart open if we had a heart awarenessmonitor we

    could attach to our body. We have heart monitors that measure the beats of the

    physical heart. It is used during exercise as a biofeedback device. It monitors how

    slow and how fast we work our heart when we exercise. A heart awarenessmonitor

    would be silent when the emotional heart is open but it would beep loudly when the

    wearer began to close their heart. One would quickly learn, through this

    biofeedback device, to discern the feelings that keep the heart open and the feelings

    that cause it to close. Heaven already exists on earth, but we do not have access to

    that perception when we live with our hearts closed. Without heart awareness, we

    cannot feel the love and peace that exists all around us.

    Love-Centered Living

    In ancient times, the heart was regarded as the seat of the soul. Lyricus (2007:8)It was the gateway between the dense energies of matter and the finer energies of

    spirit. That has not changed. We are transmitters and receivers of energy. We are

    surrounded by a spacious field of presence; we arethat spacious field of presence.

    That field of presence is Love, God, First Source, All-That-Is. As extensions of that

    field of presence, we were created to transmit and receive Love. As our identity

    shifts from the inauthentic persona of the human ego to our authentic Self, so do

    our emotions upgrade to the higher density ones. Living from the heart means

    living from the center of Divine Love.

    Love is the most powerful coherent energy on the planet. We are told by Lyricus

    that there is an actual energy grid of love surrounding our physical body. It is

    expressed in our three-dimensional reality through the virtues of appreciation,

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    Six Heart Virtues

    The Lyricus Teaching Order informs us that if we want to live a love-centered life we

    must remember to consistently express the virtues of love to everyone and

    everything in our three-dimensional reality. As you do this you become a conductor

    of your emotional system and you become the Presence of God in your world.

    WingMakers (2008:session 2, PDF) Commitment and devotion to expressing the six

    heart virtues is a commitment to live from the heart. Each day we are confronted

    with situations, relationships, and problems to solve. If we identify with our

    inauthentic persona, the ego perspective, our emotions flare, we are thrown out of

    balance and we lose our peace. If we identify with our authentic nature, our self-

    empowered, spiritually vibrant, loving self, we remain coherent and in balance. It is

    a discipline to remember the six virtues and express them when confronted with

    daily challenges. When these aspects of love from the field of presence -

    appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor - are

    expressed through our emotional-mental-physical body, they manifest into the world

    of form and create heaven on earth.

    Here is a jingle I present for your memorization to help you remember the six heart

    virtues. Ego stand down; humilityrules. Compassionstep up; kindness rules. Witha clear mind, I understand. With an open heart, I forgive. With valor, I speak the

    truth. I appreciatewhat is as it is. What flows to me flows through me. My word is

    law. With practice, your expression of these high density emotions will become


    Appreciation - Our heart fills with appreciation, when we shift our awareness from

    what we do nothave, to what we dohave. Appreciation expresses mastery over the

    denser emotions of complaining, ingratitude and selfish. The heart opens when it is

    filled with appreciation. Our spirits are lifted. There is much to be grateful for when

    we expand our awareness to include the big picture. Appreciation promotes joy.

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    Compassion This virtue is not embraced by the self-centered, immature,

    adolescent. One has to be mature to have concern about anothers well-being. The

    compassionate heart desires to relieve suffering in all formssuffering of individuals,

    suffering of entire groups of people, suffering of animals, suffering of Mother Earth,

    even our own suffering caused by our false beliefs. Compassion recognizes when the

    other is separated from their light and dwelling in darkness and suffering.

    Compassion promotes joy.

    Forgiveness Our willingness to forgive expresses mastery over the denser

    emotions of revenge, hate, and blame. To extend forgiveness to those who have

    wronged us or taken our loved ones from us requires a responsible attitude. Don

    Miguel Ruiz tells us forgiveness is an act of self-love. Ruiz (1999:170) A Course In

    Miraclestells us forgiveness is a pathway to awakening out of our dream. Schucman

    (1975/1992) The heart opens when forgiveness is honest. Forgiveness promotes


    Humility There is a self-righteousness and arrogance that typifies the adolescent.

    Awareness of who we are, as equal expressions of Divine Love, allows the self-

    righteousness and arrogance to drop away and in its place humility emerges.Humility is an acknowledgement of equality no one higher than another, no one

    lower than another. All manifestations of form are equal expressions of love. It is a

    complete surrender to what is, as it is with no desire for it to be different. To an

    ego, humility is weakness. But to the self-empowered adult, humility is strength.

    Humility expresses mastery over arrogance, self-centeredness and the need to be

    right. The heart opens when we surrender our denser emotions and become

    humble. Humility promotes joy.

    Understanding We have acquired understanding when we realize that who we

    really are is consciousness expanding and that the three-dimensional reality of time

    and space is a dream, an illusion of our own creating. The adolescent has a limited

    perspective of the way things are, even though the adolescent thinks s/he knows it

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    all! Understanding comes with maturity -- accepting things the way they are,

    without needing to fix, change or improve what is. The more maturity and life

    experience one has the more one sees of the big picture. Understanding has depth

    and levels and does not get stuck in a position. When the heart is open, there is

    understanding of how another feels. Understanding promotes joy. Love allows

    understanding to dawn, and understanding is precious. Where you are understood,

    you are at home. Understanding nourishes belonging. When you really feel

    understood, you feel free to release yourself into the trust and shelter of the other

    persons soul. ODonohue (1997:14)

    Valor Valor is the courage to carry on even though defeated. Valor is the strength

    to intervene when an injustice is being committed, especially to one who is

    defenseless, like an elder, an animal or a child. Valor may mean withholding or

    restraining oneself when the impulse is to attack. Valor is having the courage to

    speak the truth even when the consequences are known. Valor expresses mastery

    over fear, anger, and grief. Valor promotes joy.

    Here is an example of how one might express all six virtues on an ordinary day:

    You are in the kitchen fixing yourself a snack. You are holding a utensil with food onit. It flies out of your hand and lands on the floor, making a bit of a mess. An act of

    valoris to restrain from allowing profane expletives to fly out of your mouth, which

    would lower your vibration. You understandthat life happens. You relax into humility

    not allowing arrogance to devour you. You forgiveyourself for the mess. You forgive

    the utensil for flying out of your hand. You have compassion for yourself and the

    situation. You appreciatethat you are affluent enough to have a kitchen, a utensil

    and something to eat. Without leaving heaven, you pick up the utensil, clean up the

    mess and get back to enjoying your snack. You remain balanced, whole, coherent

    and in your joy!

    Having mastered the six heart virtues by expressing them automatically, you are

    living in the fifth dimension. You have arrived HOME.

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    Chapter V Discussion

    If we were raised by mature, responsible adults and loved unconditionally

    throughout our childhood and adolescent years, we would develop naturally into

    responsible adults and be able to pass our maturity on to the next generation. But

    that is not the current condition of humanity. We have not progressed beyond

    adolescence; in fact, we have been stuck in an adolescent phase for eons. That is

    why most of humanity still functions in the lower densities of consciousness.

    The adolescent perspective still lives day to day in fear, anger and grief, defending

    and protecting. The heart is closed to anyone outside our comfort zone and we

    perpetuate this separation from others with all kinds of non-loving behaviors and

    attitudes such as hate, greed, lies, war and plots of revenge. We see everything as a

    choice between two extremes: right or wrong, good or evil, success or failure. We

    eagerly go to war to defend our choice.

    The adult perspective sees right andwrong, good andevil, success andfailure as all

    part of a whole. As fully developed adults, we see how everything is connected to

    wholeness, which contains all levels of consciousness from the most dense to the

    most light.

    As co-creators with God, we are really very powerful creators. It is our misuse of

    power that makes the world we create unstable and unsustainable. We unknowingly

    create the world we currently live in from the lower densities of consciousness,

    which just perpetuates our differences and separateness. When we falsely believe

    we can control life by separating ourselves from the lower densities and making

    them bad and wrong, we end up completely out of control and at the mercy of life.

    And we cannot figure out why!

    With maturity brings responsibility for how to use our power. Although powerful

    enough to move mountains, maturity gives us the wisdom to know that the

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    mountains are already in their right place. Therefore, we can be trusted in the

    kingdom of heaven because we agree the mountains are fine where they are. And

    heaven will welcome us for we will be kind, loving, joyful and peaceful. We will be

    able to restrain ourselves and act appropriately without causing harm. In one of his

    lectures, Michael Brown makes a beautiful statement, Where there is love, there is

    no law. What he means is that we do not need laws telling us how to behave if we

    are being guided from within by love. We can feel the consequences of our actions

    before we act, when our hearts are open.

    Finding our way HOME is the journey of becoming functional, loving, mature adults.

    It is a maturing process that has its own timetable; the egoic persona has no say in

    this process; it is the domain of the soul. For most of us, our major life lessons begin

    after we leave our parents home to make our own way in the world. It is the

    experiences of life that we encounter that mature us; that teach us to love; that heal

    us of the pain of being separated from each other and from HOME.

    Is HOME a destination or a journey? Many of our religions teach that heaven is a

    destination but Michael Brown says no: the experience we are having right now is

    the destination of our hearts quest There is no point ofarrival. The result of thisrealization is that we let go of destination-consciousness and instead embrace

    journey-consciousness. Our destination becomes experiencing the fullness of the

    journey of life in the moment it is unfolding. Brown (2008:182) There is nowhere to

    go; we are already there; it is the now moment, we just have to awaken to realize

    it. Though it may appear complicated to the mental body, it only takes one

    conscious and deliberate step to pass through this portal in order to take the

    evolutionary leap toward which our entire species is now being thrust. Brown


    Does the ego die at the moment of ascension? Many of our religions teach that it

    does. But the current thinking of the quantum physicists is that everything is

    energy. Nothing dies. It just changes form. The more current view suggests that our

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    ascension in consciousness will give the ego a new role instead of death. The

    seeker of truth must demand or feel a sense of reconnection with their higher Self,

    the animating spirit that flows within it and then act upon it. The human

    instrument must come into alignment and reposition the ego-personality to its

    rightful place, adjusted in the knowledge of its role as a facilitator of Spirit within the

    human domain. . Its the sense of empowered co-creativity with ones higher Self

    and its unalterable connection to the fields of Spirit that make possible its eternal

    connection to individuality and oneness. WingMakers (2008:session 2, PDF)

    Oneness and wholeness is about merging and integrating all that is. Nothing is


    The New Paradigm

    Just imagine if all humans could start being truthful with themselves, start forgiving

    everyone, and start loving everyone. If all humans loved in this way, they would no

    longer be selfish; they would be open to give and receive, and they would no longer

    judge each other. Now we are talking about a completely different Dream of the

    Planet. It doesnt look like the planet Earth. This is what Jesus called Heaven on

    Earth, Buddha called Nirvana, and Moses called The Promised Land. It is a place

    where all of us can live in love because we put our attention on love. We choose tolove. Ruiz (1999:179) This is not a task for the hurt, angry, defensive, rebellious

    adolescent. This task of awakening to who we really are is for the mature,

    responsible, man and woman who is called to embrace the higher vibrations and is

    willing to do whatever it takes to live from there. When you recognize the

    unconsciousness in you, that which makes the recognition possible is the arising

    consciousness, isawakening. Tolle (2005:265)

    The old paradigm is three-dimensional. It is ego-based, fear-based, time-based. It is

    a projection of our beliefs, a dream we are waking up from. The new paradigm is

    multi-dimensional. It is spirit-based, love-based; eternity-based. We are fully present

    in the now. We are awake, aware and conscious of all that is. We live from our

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    hearts in community. We have a love for all life and experience pure joy. By being

    in acceptance of what is, we have no complaints, no worries, no fears and no death.

    You have to complete your spiritual journey and arrive at the gates of heaven

    before you will be given the keys to enter. You cant get into heaven with fear. You

    cant get into heaven with anger. You cant get into heaven with grief. If you were

    handed the keys to the Kingdom right now could you honestly say, I am empty of

    all fear, anger, grief, hate, resentment and the need to be right. I only allow myself

    to express appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding, and

    valor.? The keys to the Kingdom are withheld until all the emotions of the lower

    densities are digested and integrated into the heart. Until then, the heart cannot

    remain open, which it must do in order to give and receive love.

    A new paradigm is being created by those who have gone through their rite of

    passage from adolescence to adulthood. Those who are preparing for the shift are

    simultaneously creating the shift. These are the people who are waking up from

    their projected dream and transforming our world into a world of love and peace. In

    the new paradigm, that we are creating, our individual bodies are strong, healthy

    and eternal, not weak and vulnerable to disease, old age and death.

    In the new paradigm, our mind is clear, empty and silent when not in use. It is

    available to problem solve or navigate the many dimensions of the universe. This

    concept is illustrated in a movie called Jumper, which explores the navigation skill

    of teleporting. The hero puts his attention on where he wants to be and swoosh, he

    arrives there instantaneously in the next room, across town, in another country.

    We can have great fun being where we want to be using our navigational system as

    it was designed to be used.

    In the new paradigm, the emotions from the higher densities of wholeness fuel

    mature, responsible behaviors and attitudes. Our passion sparks our creativity, what

    we love to do, and our aliveness. We are mature enough to feel the full continuum

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    of feelings from lowest to highest without getting stuck in one of them. What

    comes to me flows through me. Lyricus Teaching Order (2007)

    Arriving HOME

    When we mature into the awareness of perfect Oneness, we are HOME. The

    Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father

    and dwells not apart from Him. Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an

    awareness of perfect Oneness and the knowledge that there is nothing else.

    Schucman (1975/1992:384)

    This beautiful blessing written by the Celtic poet, John ODonohue, reflects a

    maturing of the individual who has done the required preparation and is now ready

    to enter the Kingdom. May you recognize in your life the presence, power and light

    of your soul. May you realize that you are never alone, that your soul in its

    brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.

    May you have respect for your own individuality and difference. May you realize that

    the shape of your soul is unique, that you have a special destiny here, that behind

    the faade of your life there is something beautiful, good, and eternal happening.May you learn to see yourself with the same delight, pride, and expectation with

    which God sees you in every moment. ODonohue (1997:125)

    For a few individuals, the arrival is sudden. Eckhart Tolle recounts his experience in

    his bookThe Power of Now. He is in so much emotional pain that one night his

    ego simply lets go; he spontaneously enters the void, and then falls unconscious.

    When he wakes the next day, he has entered an enlightened state of consciousness;

    the place I refer to as HOME. There is no pain; the heart opens and loves

    everything it sees. Tolle (1999:2)

    For the rest of us, finding our way HOME is an unfolding. It is likened to the petals

    of a flower opening imperceptibly each day from the warmth of the sun. You want

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    Chapter VI Summary and Conclusions

    There is a prime coherence that makes possible the gradual appearance of the

    bridge between Creator and creation. As this bridge materializes in the coming

    years, it will widen so more and more people can cross it and feel the vibrational

    influences of their Creator moment by moment whenever they choose to touch

    Him. Its like the lifting of a fog that separates one identity from another. Despite all

    the evidence to the contrary, the future of humankind is as bright as a star and even

    more enduring. WingMakers (2008, session 2, PDF)

    Evolution is bringing us all HOME. In the quote above, the Creator is love;

    creation is love expressed in and through All-That-Is. The bridge is the transition

    from being stuck in a world of low-density vibrational influences (fear, anger, grief)

    to living a love-centered life in the higher dimensions of consciousness. This

    evolutionary transition is happening in the 21st century. We become active

    participants when we realize what is happening. We are waking up to what we have

    forgotten. We are waking up to our connection to the whole. Some of us are already

    HOME. Some are enroute. Some will sleep through the whole process and be the

    last to awaken. Whether we remain unconscious and end up HOME by default or

    become aware of the awakening of humanity and actively participate, we are all

    going HOME.

    The caterpillar is a perfect analogy. It cocoons for a while in darkness until the day

    arrives when evolution propels it toward the light and it bursts forth from its tomb --

    transformed. Before transformation, the caterpillar is a lowly ground crawling bug.

    After its transformation, it has wings; it can fly. It is awake to who it really is -- one

    of Loves most unique and beautiful creations. This is the transformation humanity is

    going through, from the limited perspective of a third dimensional reality to the

    unlimited perspective beyond it.

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    consequence, our cells are holding more light. We are preparing our mind - our

    navigation system - to respond to our intentions and stay present in the now. We

    are digesting and integrating our fear, anger, and grief so we can keep our heart

    open. When all our submerged emotions are resurrected and integrated, energy

    moves without restriction and the heart becomes the key that opens the gate to


    We will find ourselves across the bridge and HOME, as we .

    Forgive our forgetfulness and remember who we really are

    Appreciate what we do have and stop focusing on our lack

    Understand the big picture by expanding our consciousness

    Surrender our arrogance and need to be right

    Embrace humility

    Have compassion for ourselves and others

    Use valor to be responsible adults and speak our truth.

    It only takes ten to twenty million open hearts to shift the consciousness of 6.5

    billion people in the world. Are you one of the co-creators making the shift happen?

    Or are you doing the best you can with the way things are and praying for amiracle? It probably doesnt matter. In either case, consciousness is evolving.

    Evolution is like the dawn it is happening with or without our contribution. But if

    you, the reader, are one of the ten to twenty million actively participating in the

    evolutionary shift, this paper illuminates some of the pathways HOME. Like Dorothy

    in Oz, you are on your own yellow brick road and each day you have the

    opportunity to raise your vibration with loving thoughts and deeds.

    Our evolution is a vibrational pattern sent forth by First Source. It replicates itself in

    ever-increasing efficiency and coherence. Earth isnearing an alignment with this

    luminous field of First Source that enables (it) to shift its dimensional frequency. All

    of us, planets and creatures alike, are ascending dimensionally through timespace.

    This ascensionis the plan of First Source in action. WingMakers (2008:section 1,

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