syllabus for ims map360 fundamentals course training...

Instructor’s Guide IMS Map360 – CTS – DO NOT DUPLICATE | © 2016 MicroSurvey Software Inc. | 1 SYLLABUS for IMS Map360 Fundamentals Course Training Standard Depending on the type of data that will be used by attendees, a track must be followed by the instructor. Some topics will be taught in both tracks. Students expecting to work with Pointclouds will follow the Fundamentals + POINTCLOUD Track Students expecting to work with Total Station or GNSS instruments will follow the Fundamentals Track After completing the graduation requirements students will either be awarded the designation: IMS Map360 Certified Professional – Fundamentals Or… IMS Map360 Certified Professional – Fundamentals + Pointcloud In class hours: Fundamentals: 32 hours Fundamentals + POINTCLOUD: 40 Hours A typical schedule will be 8am to 5pm with 30 minute lunch breaks and 15 minute coffee breaks, but schedule can be adjusted to meet the class hour requirements and group’s needs. Graduation Requirements: Students must attend all training sessions Students must initial the roster to document their attendance each day Students must complete class time activities Students must complete a final examination and drawing exercise and pass with a 80% or higher grade Certification After completing the requirements for graduation students will be emailed a pdf document and their achievement will be recorded by Leica Geosystems/MicroSurvey software.

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Instructor’s Guide

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SYLLABUS for IMS Map360 Fundamentals Course Training Standard

Depending on the type of data that will be used by attendees, a track must be followed by the instructor. Some topics will be taught in both tracks.

Students expecting to work with Pointclouds will follow the Fundamentals + POINTCLOUD Track

Students expecting to work with Total Station or GNSS instruments will follow the Fundamentals Track

After completing the graduation requirements students will either be awarded the designation:

IMS Map360 Certified Professional – Fundamentals Or…

IMS Map360 Certified Professional – Fundamentals + Pointcloud

In class hours: Fundamentals: 32 hours

Fundamentals + POINTCLOUD: 40 Hours

A typical schedule will be 8am to 5pm with 30 minute lunch breaks and 15 minute coffee breaks, but schedule can be adjusted to meet the class hour requirements and group’s needs.

Graduation Requirements: Students must attend all training sessions

Students must initial the roster to document their attendance each day

Students must complete class time activities

Students must complete a final examination and drawing exercise and pass with a 80% or higher grade

Certification After completing the requirements for graduation students will be emailed a pdf document and their achievement will be recorded by Leica Geosystems/MicroSurvey software.

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Instructor’s Guide

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Course Schedule Fundamentals Track Hours Fundamentals +


Introduction to Map360 1.0 Introduction to Map360 1.0

Map360 User Interface 1.0 Map360 User Interface 1.0

Introduction to CAD Drawing

8.0 Introduction to CAD Drawing


Baseline Offset Exercise 2.0 Baseline Offset Exercise 2.0

Automap and ASCII Import 1.5 Automap (and import ASCII)


Import Topics, including:

Import Evidence Recorder

Import LTI

Import Leica

3.5 Import Topics, including:

Import Evidence Recorder

Import LTI

Import Leica


Vehicle Database 2.0 Vehicle Database 2.0

Symbol Librarian 3.0 Symbol Librarian 3.0

Scene Analysis 1.5 Scene Analysis 1.5

Dimensioning and Annotation

1.5 Dimensioning and Annotation


Photographs and Images 2.0 Inserting Images 2.0

Layouts and Printing 2.5 Layouts and Printing 2.5

Importing a LAS file into Cyclone


Opening a Cyclone Database


Clipping and Slicing 1.5

Polylines and Hatching in the PointCloud


Witness Viewpoint 1.0

Bullet Path 1.0

QA Protocol Exercise 1.0

Final Exam 2.0 Final Exam 2.0

Course Critique .5 Course Critique .5

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Topics TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Introduction to Map360

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to identify the components of the IMS System and recognize their purpose in the creation of forensic diagrams

Students will understand the course requirements and graduation requirements

Sign Class Roster

Discuss Sensors that work with the IMS System

Data collection procedures

Other components of the Course Training Standard

Distribute “Materials” folder to all students and have all unzip to:

C:\Users\(LOGIN)\Documents\Leica Geosystems\IMS Map360\Forensic Scenes

Distribute Manuals to all students

Review graduation requirements shown in Syllabus

1.0 hour


Manual: Introducing IMS Map360

Sample file: \Materials\1 Introduction to Map360\Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality.dwg

Instructor Resource: Class Roster at the end of the Teacher guide (please make a copy if required)


Opening program

Demonstrate opening Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Accident.dwg

Discussion of Field Procedures and Sensors that are used to collect evidence

Discussion of Graduation Requirements

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Map360 User Interface

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to open Map360, create a drawing, and control the main components of their workspace

New Drawing

Open/Save drawing

System Defaults



Keyboard and Mouse functions

MsLayer Toolbar

Layer Explorer

Layer Pulldown


1.0 hour


Manual: THE IMS Map360 Project Manager

Manual: Map360 User Interface

Sample file: \Materials\1 Introduction to Map360\Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality.dwg


Hands on Exercise opening and creating an empty drawing

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Introduction to CAD Drafting

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

An introduction to the CAD basics. Students will demonstrate an ability to perform basic CAD functions and use entity snaps. Students will also be familiar with basic CAD modify commands. Students will create a series of simple CAD drawings from instructions

Entity Snaps

Coordinate Systems

CAD Draw commands

CAD modify commands

Entity Snaps

Selection methods

8.0 hours


Manual: Introduction to CAD Drawing

Sample file: \Materials\2 Introduction to CAD Drawing\Parking Lot Scene Complete.dwg

Sample file: \Materials\2 Introduction to CAD Drawing\Demo CAD Exercise.pdf

Sample file: \Materials\2 Introduction to CAD Drawing\Selection.dwg

Sample file: \Materials\2 Introduction to CAD Drawing\Inquiry.dwg

Sample file: \Materials\2 Introduction to CAD Drawing\Snap Exercise.dwg

Sample file: \Materials\2 Introduction to CAD Drawing\Wipeout.dwg


Instructor Demonstration and follow along to demonstrate basic CAD draw, snapping, modify and layer management techniques. Use “Parking Lot Scene Complete.dwg” as a preview of the final product. Students open “Parking Lot Scene.dwg” and use inserted points and dimensions shown in manual and in “Parking Lot Scene Complete.pdf” to build the drawing as you go.

Use Exercises described in the manual and drawings listed below to teach concepts.

Exercise: Entering Absolute Cartesian Coordinates

Exercise: Relative Cartesian Coordinate Exercise

Exercise: Using Polar Coordinates Exercise

Exercise : Entity Snaps

Exercise : Inquiry Commands

Exercise : Align

Exercise : Wipeout and Setting Draw Order

Exercise: Selection Options

Exercise : Drawing

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Table of Contents

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Baseline/Offset Exercise

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be aware that they can input baseline/offset measurements when Total Station or scan data is not available or when subtle details not visible in scan data (ie: ABS skid marks).

Explain Purpose

Demonstrate creating and updating a baseline measurement file

Students will practice with a small dataset

2.0 hours


Manual: Baseline Offset and Active Drawing Technology

Manual: Exercise : Baseline Coordinate Measurements

Sample File: \Materials\3 Baseline Offset\Demo Baseline Offset.dwg


Open “Demo Baseline Offset” drawing to demonstrate

Exercise : Baseline Coordinate Measurements

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Instructor’s Guide

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TPS/GNSS Topic: AutoMap and ASCII Import

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to add and edit AutoMap entries and see how they can customize the results when importing field observations.

Practice Editing AutoMap

Practice importing

1.5 hour


Manual: Automap System

Manual: Importing an ASCII file

.\Materials\5 ASCII Files\simple-road.txt


Exercise: AutoMap

Exercise: Importing an ASCII file

Exercise: SDRMap Linework

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Instructor’s Guide

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Evidence Recorder Import

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Instructor’s Note: Depending on the makeup of your class, importing an EVR project may not be important. In that case simply open the Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1 file so that students can continue with other exercises. Adjust the class time spent and add any of the optional import activities that are most important to your class so that the Map360 Fundamentals class covers 32 hours of instructional time.

TPS / GNSS Students will be able to perform the steps to import an EVR scene.

HDS students will be able to open an imported scene, manipulate layer settings and review evidence logs.

Download strategies

Benefit of AutoMap

EVR SyncWizard

Function of AutoMap during import process

Managing Layers

Rescale Drawing Text

Measurement log

Evidence Log

1.5 hour


\Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\carrington pedestrian accident EVR Scene for import

\Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg drawing which POINTCLOUD track can open and view


for TPS/GNSS track: Exercise : Evidence Recorder Import

for POINTCLOUD Track: observe an EVR import and then open “Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg”

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TPS/GNSS Topic: Import LTI QuickMap Project

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to perform the steps to import an LTI QuickMap project including points and linework.

Practice importing .5 hour


Manual: Import LTI QuickMap Project

\Materials\6 LTI Example\RockCliff\rockliff.csv


Practice importing

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Import Leica Viva or Captivate

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to perform the steps to import a Captivate scene which includes scan data.

POINTCLOUD students will be able to open an imported scene, manipulate layer settings and review evidence logs.

Practice importing 1.5 hour


Manual: Import Leica Viva or Captivate Projects

\Materials\7 Leica MS60 Files\cabelas_0410_1023_231917


Exercise: Import Leica Viva or captivate Project

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Vehicle Database

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to find makes and models of common vehicles in the Vehicle Database

Students will be able to perform an "Align" CAD operation

Vehicle Database




2.0 hours


Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg for POINTCLOUD Track

Drawing created from EVR import for TPS/GNSS Track


Demonstrate finding and inserting vehicles from the database

Exercise : Vehicle Database

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Symbol Librarian

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students can search for common symbols.

Students can insert symbols and use appropriate scaling options

Students know how to add additional CAD files to their Symbol Library

Students will know how to copy items from existing drawings into the Symbol Library

Search for Symbols

User defined Symbols

Inserting Symbols

Importing New Symbols

Creating Symbols

Copying Symbols from a Drawing

Colada Import

3.0 hours


Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg for POINTCLOUD Track

Drawing created from EVR import for TPS/GNSS Track

Drawing file: \Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Shoe_Left.dwg

Drawing file: \Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Shoe_Right.dwg

Drawing file: \Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Shoe_Left_Bloody.dwg

Drawing file: \Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Shoe_Right_Bloody.dwg

Drawing file: \Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Rectangle Sign.dwg saved from “Introduction to CAD Drawing” exercise

Drawing file: \Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Rectangle Sign just in case you forgot to save it.dwg


Demonstrate using Symbol Librarian

Demonstrate adding User Defined Symbols to Symbol Librarian

Exercise : Symbol Librarian

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Scene Analysis

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to recall what functions are available in the Analysis section of IMS Map360.

Speed calculations


1.5 hour


Manual: Scene Analysis Reference

Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg for POINTCLOUD Track

Drawing created from EVR import for TPS/GNSS Track


Open and overview the tools available in Scene Analysis

Exercise : Speed Analysis

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Dimensioning and Annotation

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will select from readily available dimensioning styles and annotate and dimension their diagram




1.5 hour


Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg for POINTCLOUD Track

Drawing created from EVR import for TPS/GNSS Track


Demonstrate selecting Labeling styles and inserting Dimensions and Annotations

Exercise : Dimensioning and Annotation

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Photographs and Images

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to link photographs into the CAD drawing

Students will be able to insert, position and view an aerial raster image into a drawing


Raster images



2.0 hour


Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality with Aerial Photo.dwg for demonstrating final product

Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg for POINTCLOUD Track

Drawing created from EVR import for TPS/GNSS Track

\Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\View across intersection before crossing.jpg

\Materials\4 Carrington Road Files\Carrington Road Aerial View.JPG


Demonstrate insert picture using “View across intersection before crossing.jpg”

Exercise : Picture Insertion

Demonstrate raster insertion, align and draworder with “Carrington Road Aerial View.JPG”

Exercise : Insert a Raster and Align

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Layouts and Printing

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to customize the appearance of pre-supplied layouts and can manipulate viewports.

Students will be able to create new Layouts and save templates for future use.

Students will be able to generate a print preview of their forensic diagram.

Students will be able to generate a PDF from their CAD drawing

Students will be able to print reports from the any Active Drawing Technology dialogs



Editing text

Print preview PDF Export Evidence Log Printing Creating a Layout Saving a Template

2.5 hour


Demo Carrington Road Pedestrian Fatality Stage 1.dwg for POINTCLOUD Track

Drawing created from EVR import for TPS/GNSS Track


Exercise : Layouts and Printing

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POINTCLOUD Topic (Optional): Importing a LAS file into Cyclone

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

This topic may not be necessary for groups who use Leica POINTCLOUD sensors, but is necessary if Pointclouds from other sources are to be used.

Students can import a third party scan file or pointcloud derived from photogrammetry into Cyclone and open it in Map360

Cyclone Import LAS file

Open Cyclone Database in Map360

1.0 hour


\Materials\Import Pointcloud file\LDR030910_203406_0.las


Exercise: Importing a LAS file into Cyclone

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POINTCLOUD Topic: Opening a Cyclone Database

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students can open a Cyclone Database and view it in Map360

Import MSView View from… functions 3DORBITSETCNTR

3DORBITRESETCNTR 3drotate 2dmode vs 3d mode Toggle Cloud on and off

0.5 hour


\Materials\BankScene Files\BankScene\BankScene.imp

\Materials\BankScene Files\Demo BankScene2D.dwg


Demonstrate opening BankScene database

Demonstrate Pointcloud viewing tools

Open Demo BankScene2D.dwg to preview what the final product can look like

Exercise : Opening a Cyclone Database

Students practice Pointcloud viewing options

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POINTCLOUD Topic: Clipping and Slicing

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will recognize when to use clipping and slicing functions and will be able to apply some simple clips




Clipping manager

1.5 hour


\Materials\BankScene Files\BankScene\BankScene.imp

Manual: Clipping and Slicing


Demonstrate Clipping, Slicing, sections and the Clipping Manager to Students

Students practice in BankScene Scan dataset

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POINTCLOUD Topic: Polylines and Hatching with Pointcloud Data

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will be able to draw a 2D polyline including arcs, tangents and different widths.

Students will be able to hatch a closed area

Students will be able to modify properties of items they have drafted

Drawing View Rotation

Ortho mode




Grip edits


2.0 hours


\Materials\BankScene Files\BankScene\BankScene.imp


Instructor demonstrates functions required to complete exercise

Exercise : Polylines and Hatching with Pointcloud data

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POINTCLOUD Topic: Witness Viewpoint

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Participants can configure Map360 to produce a Witness View image

Point cloud snaps

Witness view



1.0 hour


\Materials\BankScene Files\BankScene\BankScene.imp


Exercise : Witness Viewpoint

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POINTCLOUD Topic: Bullet Path

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Participants can create a bullet path reconstruction from a scanned trajectory rod

3D viewing Clipping Bullet path

1.0 hours


\Materials\Bullet Path Files\Ballistics Rod\Ballistics Rod.imp


Import database into a drawing

Instructor demonstrates clipping a scanned trajectory rod

Create a Trajectory Cone in the drawing

Exercise : Bullet Path

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POINTCLOUD Topic: QA Protocol

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Participants can configure Map360 to produce a Witness View image

Importing IMP from Registration

Updating Target Images

Populating Twin Target Pole Library

Generating Reports

1.0 hour


Manual: QA Protocol

\Materials\QA Protocol\CHS Target Testing\CHS Target Testing.imp

\Materials\QA Protocol\CHS Target Testing\Example Leica NIST Calibration Certificate.pdf


Exercise : QA Protocol

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Final Exam

Learning Outcomes Highlights Time

Students will complete a guided Drawing Exercise

Students will complete a Written Exam and submit to the instructor

Prove your new skills Apply Inquiry Skills Apply Drawing Skills

2.0 hour


Students may access all course Learning Materials

Students may access all available Help Resources

Students must work independently

Each Student requires an electronic copy of “MS Map360 Test Files”

Each Student requires a printed Copy of “IMS Map360 Test.pdf”

Instructor can access the exam from the Instructor Resources page

Instructor can access the exam key from the Instructor Resources page

Mail Merge spreadsheet available from the Instructor Resources page


Distribute printed Examination Papers

Supervise Students

Collect completed examinations and a copy of the Drawing file

Instructor marks Examinations

Instructor completes spreadsheet with names of students who have passed the class and email to MicroSurvey

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TPS/GNSS and POINTCLOUD Topic: Course Critique

Learning Outcomes Highlights Activities & Resources


Students will perform a self-assessment and will assess the quality of the Course Training Standard Materials and Methods.

This is also the final activity and a chance for thank yous and goodbyes.

Make sure Roster fully up to date

Home time!

Complete Course Critique

Instructor will collect and review

Please share any information from these critiques that will help improve this program

.5 hour

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IMS Course Training Standard Roster and Sign In For Dates: _______ to_______ 20____



(Circle each that applies) IMS Map360 Fundamentals + POINTCLOUD + IMS Map360 3D + Animation + Hemospat + Photogrammetry+ EVR Functions+ EVR+Total Station Mapping

EVR + GNSS Mapping

Please initial below before class begins to attest that you are present in class and planning to attend until the instructor dismisses you.

Name/Agency Email (Initials) Day 1

(Initials) Day 2

(Initials) Day 3

(Initials) Day 4

(Initials) Day 5