syllabus class xi

ENGLISH SYLLABUS CLASS 11 {2015-16} FIRST TERM UNIT TOPIC COVERED LEARNING OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT TOOLS 1.READING SKILLS 22-27 JUNE COMPREHENSION (6 PERIODS) Enhance reading skills. Improve the ability to understand , interpret and draw conclusions from the given text . Practise worksheets . 2. READING SKILLS 29JUNE-4JULY NOTEMAKING (6 PERIODS) Enhance writing skills . Improve the ability to make relevant notes from the text . Workout practice papers . 3. READING SKILLS 6-11JULY SUMMARY (6 PERIODS) Enhance writing skills .Elaborate the notes to make a brief summary. Workout exercises in class . 4. 13-18JULY ADVANCED WRITING SKILLS (6 PERIODS) Draft a notice ,design a poster , put up an advertisement ,create invitations and give replies . CLASS TEST 21/07/15 5. 20-25JULY GRAMMAR (6 PERIODS) Identify errors, rearrange to make meaningful sentences and insert missing words in a given passage . Practise sample questions in class . HORNBILL 27-31JULY PORTRAIT OF A LADY (5 PERIODS) The beautiful bond of love and friendship between the narrator and his grandmother . CLASS TEST 24/08/15 HORNBILL 1 -3 AUGUST PHOTOGRAPH (2PERIODS) Nostalgia . Answer the textual questions . HORNBILL 4-8 AUGUST WE ARE NOT AFRAID…….. (5PERIODS) Optimism helps to endure the direst stress . Pair work and group discussions followed by a presentation . HORNBILL 10-20AUGUST DISCOVERING TUT: the saga continues (9 PERIODS) The changing attitude of the archeologist over a span of time . Brief answers to numerous short questions from the text . SNAPSHOTS 21-25 AUGUST SUMMER OF THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE HORSE (4 PERIODS) Nostalgic mood .Conscience stricken or fear ---a perfect dilemma . Narrate a similar personal experience from your childhood . SNAPSHOTS 26 -31 AUGUST THE ADDRESS (5PERIODS) Human predicament that follows war. Group discussion and presentation.

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Syllabus Class XI 2015-16



UNITTOPICCOVEREDLEARNINGOBJECTIVESASSESSMENTTOOLS 1.READING SKILLS 22-27 JUNE COMPREHENSION (6 PERIODS) Enhance reading skills. Improve the ability to understand , interpret and draw conclusions fromthe given text .Practiseworksheets . 2. READING SKILLS 29JUNE-4JULY NOTEMAKING (6 PERIODS) Enhance writing skills . Improve the ability to make relevant notesfrom the text . Workout practice papers . 3. READING SKILLS 6-11JULY SUMMARY (6 PERIODS) Enhance writing skills .Elaborate the notes to make a brief summary. Workout exercises in class . 4. 13-18JULY ADVANCEDWRITING SKILLS (6PERIODS) Draft a notice ,design a poster , put up an advertisement ,create invitations and give replies . CLASSTEST21/07/15 5. 20-25JULY GRAMMAR (6 PERIODS) Identify errors, rearrangeto make meaningful sentences and insert missing words in a given passage . Practisesample questions in class . HORNBILL 27-31JULY PORTRAITOF ALADY (5 PERIODS) The beautiful bond of love and friendship between the narrator and his grandmother . CLASS TEST 24/08/15 HORNBILL 1 -3 AUGUSTPHOTOGRAPH (2PERIODS) Nostalgia .Answer the textual questions . HORNBILL 4-8 AUGUST WEARENOTAFRAID.. (5PERIODS) Optimism helps to endure the direst stress . Pair work and group discussions followed by apresentation . HORNBILL 10-20AUGUST DISCOVERING TUT: the saga continues (9 PERIODS) The changing attitude of the archeologist over a span of time . Briefanswers to numerous short questions from the text . SNAPSHOTS 21-25 AUGUST SUMMER OF THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE HORSE (4 PERIODS) Nostalgic mood .Conscience stricken or fear ---a perfect dilemma . Narrate a similar personalexperience from your childhood . SNAPSHOTS 26 -31 AUGUST THEADDRESS (5PERIODS) Human predicament that follows war. Group discussion and presentation.SNAPSHOTS 1-7 SEPT. NOVEL 8 SEPT. to 18 SEPT. RANGASMARRIAGE (5 PERIODS) CHAPTER 1& 2 (11 PERIODS) Influence of English the language and the way of life on Indian life . Themes, incidents, interpretations and characters . SECOND TERM Elaborate on the given topic with reference to the story. Summary and textual questions . HORNBILL 1 OCT. to 6 NOV. THE AILING PLANET THE BROWNINGVERSION VOICE OF RAIN CHILDHOOD FATHER TO SON (25 PERIODS ) Enhance the following skills : *LISTENING *READING*WRITING *SPEAKING *COMPREHENDING *INTERPRETING *CONCLUDING *BUILDING UPTHE VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT 120 N0VEMBER Textual questions to be discussed and answered in class. SNAPSHOTS 9 NOV. to 22DEC. ALBERT EINSTEIN MOTHERSDAY BIRTH TALE OF MELON CITY (25 PERIODS) Role ofTEACHERS , MOTHERS , DOCTORS and LEADERS in society . Their relevance and significance in our day to daylife . ASSESSMENT 2 8 DECEMBER LISTENING SKILLS Pair and group discussions followed by individual written work. NOVEL4JAN. to 17FEB. CHAPTER3. To CHAPTER 7 . (30 PERIODS) Adaptablity under all dire situations is an essential boon . Diversity in culture bridged by education and humanity . ASSESSMENT 3 6JANUARY SPEAKING SKILLLS. Class discussions along with written answers in notebooks. 67; $9,(56 6&+22/ +$=$5,%$*+ 67; $9,(56 6&+22/ +$=$5,%$*+ 67; $9,(56 6&+22/ +$=$5,%$*+ 67; $9,(56 6&+22/ +$=$5,%$*+ 6 )25 &/$66 ;,@

THEMESLEARNING OBJECTIVEASSESSMENT [ DATE OF ASSESSMENT AND DETAILS] 1:Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 6 l l M u M 45555MN1 cL455 151 uNl1 uu u41 51 IuLY lNulvluu4L 4c1lvl1Y ku8klc5 NuM8k wlLL 8 4w4kuu lOk cOkkc1 4N5wk 5 4 u l N A 1 k 8 c uu8n c 5 O k Aln w c P 5 M l l N 45555MN1 cL455 151 uNl1 uu u411n 4u6 lNulvluu4L 4c1lvl1Y ku8klc5 NuM8k wlLL 8 4w4kuu lOk cOkkc1 4N5wk c M 5 vlPolorcborocterof covolent bonJ v k C v5lk c 5 n Brow structure of Jifferent compounJs 5P 1O 1n 5P llk51 5M51k x4M uNl1 4Nu 5cONu 5M51k 86lN5 5 M 6 L 1 l 1 k 8 c C l A A l u k k l 5 v Pk4c1lc4L x4M cL455 xl O1 1n O 6:Thermodynamics c 5 l l n M u nn A l C 5 5 Solve NCFRT numericol onJ E0T questions 7:Equilibrium 20thd nov to 1st dec l l l l l c l 5 5 5 n n 45555MN1 uu u41 NOv ku8klc5 Pk5N141lON c k k 8 n 4 l n C C C C l l 5 l c 5 5 c c 8 M c 45555MN1 cL455 151 uNl1 uu u41 1n uc lNulvluu4L 4c1lvl1Y ku8klc5 NuM8k wlLL 8 4w4kuu lOk cOkkc1 4N5wk C l 8 C C 8 A k C C c l 2 45555MN1 cL455 151 uNl1 uu u41 1n I4N lNulvluu4L 4c1lvl1Y ku8klc5 NuM8k wlLL 8 4w4kuu lOk cOkkc1 4N5wk O c 5 P 1

A c lulAc n n Write l0PAC nomencloture of Jifferent orqonic compounJs n A n A N A N l M A N n A n l lulAc N l c 8 c Comporetbe properties of olkone olkene onJ olkyne c I

I C 5cONu 5M51k POk1lON wnOL 8OOk l5 lNcLuuu lM 6roup Jiscussion of Jifferent ospect ofenvironmentol pollution S C kI S k S n S 1L CA 1 W A M u ! ! M Sl A k ! A M u u A 8 A L M C 1 ! ! 1 l 1 P l l L M A S n L u C 1 ! Z P l l S 8 G k 1 G ! L k A C A 1 k1C k G S k 1 A C L S A DS S M S k 8 C n C C M v A n C W L A n W C 8 M S u L P v S 8 8 S P 1 P n C C 1 M S 8 8 C W u l S SPM l SPM l W u 8 u C 1 W S SPM l I D I Objectives of the whole syllabus To help the students: to acquire knowledge and critical understanding, particularly by way of motivation and visualization, of basic concepts, terms, principles, symbols and mastery of underlying processes and skills. to feel the flow of reasons while proving a result or solving a problem. to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to solve problems and with sound understanding of the concept behind it. to develop a positive attitude to think, analyze and articulate logically. to develop interest in the subject by participating in related competitions. to acquaint students with different aspects of Physics used in daily life. to develop an interest in students to study Physics as a discipline IMCk1AN1 kLMINDLkS k l Physics Part I - 7H[WERRN IRU &ODVV ;, 1&(57 3XEOLFDWLRQ Physics Part II - 7H[WERRN IRU &ODVV ;, 1&(57 3XEOLFDWLRQ S1kAVILkS SCnCCL nA2AkI8AGn S MA1nLMA1ICS CkI 1LkM1CICS 1C 8L CCVLkLDDA1LS I. I SETSsetsanutheiiiepiesentationsubsetssetofiealnumbeisinteivals poweisets univeisal setsvenn uiagiam union anu inteisection of sets Biffeience of sets complent of a sets Relation oiueieu empty set finite infinite sets equal sets paii caitesian piouuct of a sets numbei ofelements in the caitisian piouuct of two finite sets uomain coumainanuiangeof a ielation )UNE )ULY II TRICUNUMETRICAL FUNCTIUNSmeasuiing angles in iauians anu in uegiee anu conveision fiom one to anotheiuefinitionof tiigonometiic function with the help of unite ciicle sin x y cosx y iuentities ielateu to sinx cosx tanxsinx cosx anu tanxgeneial solution oftiigonometiic equation of the type sinxsinycosxcosyanu tanxtany pioof of simple application of sine anu cosine foimulae Assessment-1(21st July) Class test on Trigonometrical Functions) )ULY AUCUST III ALECEBRAPRIINCIPLE UF MATHEMATICAL INDUCTIUN piocesses of the pioof by inuutic ution motivation anu application of the methou by looking at the natuial numbeis as the least inuuctive subset of ieal numbeis anu its simpele application AUC SEP IV CUMPLEX NUMBERSANDQUADRATICS EQUATIUNneeu foi complex numbeisito be motivate by inability to solve eveiy quauiatic equation Biief uesciiption of algebiaic piopeitiesof complex numbeis aiganu planepolai iepiesentationof complex numbeisStatement of funuamental theoiem of algebia solution of quauiatic equations in the complex numbei system Assessment-I1(25th August) Class test on PMI and Complex Numbers) V LINEAR INEQUATIUNalgebiaic solution of lineai inequalities in one vaiibleanu theii iepientation of the numbei line giaphical sulution of lineai inequalities in tho vaiiables Piogiessiongeneial teim of a gpsum of n VI SEQUENCE AND SERIESapam geometiicalpiogiessiongeneial teim of a gp geometiic meanielation between am anu gm Sum to n teims of the special seiies n nn II. I PERMUTATIUN AND CUMBINATIUN funuamental piinciple of counting factoiial anu its simple application Uct UCT II BINUMIAL THEUREMstatement anu pioof of the binomial theoiempascals tiianglegeneial anu miuule teimin binomial expantionsimple application UCTUCT III CUURDINATECEUMETRYslope of line anu angle between two linesvaiious foim of equation of linepoint slope foimslope inteicept foimtwo point foiminteicept foim noimal foimgeneial equation of a lineuistance of point fiom a lineUCTNUV IV CUNIC SECTIUNsection of a coneciiclespaiabolaellipse hypeibola stanueiu equations anu simple piopeities of paiabola ellipse anu hypeibolastanueiu.equation of a ciicle Assessment-1( 20 Nov) Class test on Permu. and comb. and binomial theorem Assessment-1I ( 12th Dec) Class test on Coordinate geometry) NUVDEC V INTRUDUCTIUN TU THREE DIMENTIUNAL CEUMETRY cooiuinate axes anu cooiuinate planes in uuistance between two points anu section foimula DECDEC VI CALCULUSlimits anu ueiivatives Intutive iuea of limituefinition of ueiivative ielateit to slope of a tangent of the cuiveueiivative of sum uiffiencepiouuctquotient of funtionsueiivatives of polynomials anu tiigonometiic funtion Assessment-1II( 8th Jan) Class test on Three dimensional geometry )AN)AN VII STATISTICSmeasuie of uispeisionmean uevitionvaiianceanu stanueiu ueviation of ungioupeu anu gioupeu uata )AN )an VIIIPRUBABLITYrandomexperiments:outcomes,samplespace.Events,occurrenceof events,notandorevents,exhaustiveevents,mutuallyexclusiveevents,axiomatic probablity, probablity of an event, probablity of not and or events) Feb Feb IX HATEFHATlCAl RFAS0NlN6 statement connecting woius the unueistanuing of if anu only ifconuitionimplies anu oitheieexists anu theii use to ieal lifeanu mathematics contiauiction conveise anu contiapositve FEB FEB Objectives of the whole syllabus To help the students: to acquire knowledge and critical understanding, particularly by way of motivation and visualization, of basic concepts, terms, principles, symbols and mastery of underlying processes and skills. to feel the flow of reasons while proving a result or solving a problem. to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to solve problems and wherever possible, by more than one method. to develop a positive attitude to think, analyze and articulate logically. to develop interest in the subject by participating in related competitions. to acquaint students with different aspects of Mathematics used in daily life. to develop an interest in students to study Mathematics as a discipline. to developself-discipline, perseverance, teamwork, punctuality, creativity, original thinking, and self-confidence thorough class work, homework, group activities, class presentations,discussions and interactions on life-related questions and problems. to develop reverence and respect towards great Mathematicians for their contributions to the field of Mathematics.


)une Biological Classification st to tb )uly PlantKingdom st )uly to tb)uly Animal Kingdom rd totbAug Morphology of Flowering Plants tb to nd Aug Anatomy of Flowering Plants tbAto tbSep Structural Organisation in Animals tbSep to tb Sep Biodiversity;Need for classification; Three domain of life; Taxonomy & Systematics; Concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy; Binomial nomenclature; Tools for study of Taxonomy-Museums, Zoos, Herbaria, Botanical gardens. Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of Monera; Protista and Fungi into major groups; Lichens; Viruses and Viroids. Salient features and classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category); Angiosperms - classification up to class, characteristic features and examples.Salient features and classification of animals-non chordate up to phyla level and chordate up to classes level (three to five salient features and atleast two examples). Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of Flowering plants: Root, stem, leaf, inflorescence-cymose and racemose, flower, fruit and seed. Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy and functions of different system (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (cockroach).Earthworm and Frog A I W , A C Objective type I Biological Classification A C Objective type A Plant Kingdom Morphology of Flowering Plants SLLA8US 1 II S S UNI1S1nLMLSLLAkNING C8ILC1IVLSASSLSSMLN1 1CCLS STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS CELL: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS Morphology of Flowering Plants tb to nd Aug Anatomy of Flowering Plants tbAto tb

Sep Structural Organisation in Animals tbSep to tb Sep Cell: The Unit of Life 1st Oct to 10th

Oct. 2015 Biomolecules 12thOct to 17thOct. 2015 Cell Cycle and Cell Division 2thOct to th

Nov. 2015 Morphology and modifications; Tissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of Flowering plants: Root, stem, leaf, inflorescence-cymose and racemose, flower, fruit and seed. Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy and functions of different system (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (cockroach).Earthworm and Frog Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life; Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope, cell membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles structure and function; Endomembrane system-endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; Cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultra structure and function); Nucleus-nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus. Chemical constituents of living cells: Biomolecules-structure and function of proteins, carbodydrates, lipid, nucleic acids, Enzymes-types, properties, enzymes action. Cell division : Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their significance. 3/$17 3+