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WWW.OXFAM.ORG.AU/TRAILWALKER Support Crew Map book FRIDAY 25 – SUNDAY 27 AUGUST 2017 THE HAWKESBURY TO THE HARBOUR SYDNEY | NATIONAL PARTNERS In an emergency, contact the Oxfam Trailwalker Sydney Event Emergency Number 1300 735 730 50KM TRAIL

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Support Crew Map book



In an emergency, contact the Oxfam Trailwalker Sydney

Event Emergency Number

1300 735 730


FINAL notes for support crews As a support crew for a participating team in Oxfam Trailwalker Sydney, youare an essential component to the success of the event. At times you may be the provider, the motivator, the chauffeur, the coach, the therapist, the physician, the disciplinarian, the peace-maker, and so much more. Past participants commonly report that they would not have completed the distance if it had not been for their support crew – that’s how crucial your contribution is.

This booklet is to be used in conjunction with the ‘Support Crew Guide’ which is available for download from the event website. The guide contains useful tips and guidelines for being an effective support crew, so ensure you have read it prior to the event.This booklet contains: details of the distances and driving times between the checkpoints; maps to direct you to each of the checkpoints; some important advice on driving and fatigue; and notes to assist you in maintaining the health and safety of your team.

The following guidelines are provided to ensure the event runs smoothly and is enjoyable for all, so ensure youobserve the following: Support vehicles will be limited to one per team. All teams will be issued with one vehicle pass only.

This pass must be displayed on the dashboard of your support vehicle at all times during the event. Although the pass will allow you access into Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park (Checkpoint 3) and Garigal National Park (Checkpoint 6) you are still required to pay park entry fees, either at park entrances or in parking areas. Vehicles not displaying a valid National Park parking ticket are liable to fines. If you are using different support vehicles during the event then you must organise to transfer the vehicle pass outside of the checkpoint locations..

Support crews should arrive at checkpoints no more than half an hour before the estimated time of arrival of your team. Parking is limited at all checkpoints. If you arrive at the checkpoints too early, you could be taking up valuable space needed by another support crew whose team is currently at the checkpoint. We advise working to a timetable prepared with your team indicating their estimated ‘best case scenario’ time of arrival at each checkpoint and staying in contact with them via phone for updates.

If a member of your walking team wants to withdraw during the event, you must ensure they report to the nearest checkpoint. Remaining team members cannot continue until the withdrawal of the team member has been reported. If for any reason a member of the walking team has to leave the event urgently, they must IMMEDIATELY call the event’s emergency number as printed on the front cover of this booklet.

If your team has not departed a checkpoint by the nominated closing time, they will be withdrawn from the event and advised not to proceed. If they choose to do so, it will be at their own risk. The closing times are calculated on the basis that there would be insufficient time remaining to complete the event in the specified 48 hours. (See the event Map Book for official closing times).

Any support crew or participant found to be contravening any checkpoint landowner regulation or any event rule may lead to the team's disqualification from the event. You should make yourself aware of the event rules (which are provided to your team members, and on the website). For support crews, the most significant event rule that will be enforced is:teams are strictly forbidden to meet their support crew at any location along the trail except at the checkpoints. This rule also applies to Checkpoint 1 which is NOT to be accessed by support crews at any stage during the event. Breaches of this rule may compromise the future of the event!

Each checkpoint has waste stations for rubbish and recycling: one located near the Check In/Out marquee and the second within the checkpoint area. Please take responsibility for your own waste by taking it away with you or depositing it in the correct bin at one of the waste stations. Do not dump rubbish anywhere else, including beside public or full event bins. At all times, be mindful of residents surrounding checkpoints and the trail, keeping noise to an absolute minimum, particularly between the hours of 10pm and 7am. Ensure you park only in designated parking zones and adhere to the instructions of parking marshals and checkpoint staff upon arrival, whilst at the checkpoint, and when departing.

Please bring reusable cups for both the support crew and the walking team. Oxfam Trailwalker is adisposable cup-free event and cups are not provided.

Remember to have fun, drive safely, respect the communities you're passing through, and thank you for being the backbone to your team's success!



Support crew guideEVENT SPONSORS

YOUR TEAM’S HEALTH & SAFETYAs an Oxfam Trailwalker Support Crew it is your job to help make your team's event experience as comfortable as possible and to get them safely and happily across the finish line. To do your best by them, ensure you are aware of some of the health risks the team could be exposed to:

Dehydration - the condition of having insufficient fluid in the body tissues.

Dehydration is a serious risk in such a long and strenuous event and can lead to impaired performance, vomiting and in very extreme cases, muscle failure potentially resulting in death. Symptoms include: Fatigue Irritability Headache

Dry mouth and lips Tight and/or heavy feeling muscles

To prevent dehydration, participants should drink electrolyte drinks in combination with water. Tell participants to monitor their urine, make sure they are urinating at regular intervals, and that their urine is light yellow to

clear. If they are not urinating or their urine is dark in colour, they may be dehydrated. If participants are experiencing symptoms of dehydration, immediately check with first aid staff at the nearest checkpoint. Do not let them proceed or continue to drink water only.

Hyponatremia (over-hydration) - the condition of having too much fluid in the body tissues.

Hyponatremia is a serious risk in such a long and strenuous event where participants can drink too much water without replacing essential body salts. Symptoms are very similar to those for dehydration and the ‘water intoxication’ that occurs can potentially result in death. Symptoms include: Headache Fatigue

Nausea Lack of coordination

To prevent hyponatremia, monitor the participants' fluid intake. They should be drinking enough fluid so that they do not feel thirsty and are urinating at normal periods. If urination becomes very frequent and clear in colour, they may be drinking too much. Participants should drink electrolyte sports drinks. Electrolyte drinks contain salts and thereby assist in maintaining the correct salt balance in the body. Encourage the participants to use sports drinks at 50% concentration in the 2-3 days pre-event in preference to water to pre-hydrate. If participants are experiencing symptoms of hyponatremia, immediately check with first aid staff at the nearest checkpoint. Do not let them proceed or continue to drink water only.

Hypothermia - a condition in which core body temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius.

If left untreated, hypothermia can ultimately result in heart failure and death. Symptoms include: Fatigue Shivering

Muscle spasms Clammy skin

Stammering Hallucinations

To prevent hypothermia, be prepared for variations in temperature during the event and ensure your team has additional and/or changes of clothes ready for the cold – particularly at night. Carry a change of clothes for the participants in case they get wet. At checkpoints when they are resting, either cover them up or change themout of damp sweaty clothes to avoid catching a chill. If participants are experiencing symptoms of hypothermia, cover them up and immediately check with first aid staff at the nearest checkpoint.

Heat Exhaustion - a condition in which core body temperature exceeds a safe level.

During hot weather, the body's internal temperature can rise and result in heat exhaustion or heatstroke. In extreme conditions, heatstroke can ultimately lead to heart failure and death. Symptoms include: Severe thirst Nausea Irritability Muscle weakness

Fast shallow breathing Headaches (particularly severe headaches) Confusion and decreased responsiveness (advanced) Little to no sweating and flushed hot, dry skin (advanced)

To prevent heat related conditions, maintain adequate fluid intake. In exposed sections of the trail, wear sun block and appropriate headwear. If a participant exhibits symptoms of heat exhaustion, find a shady area, administer frequent sips of water and contact the first aid staff at the nearest checkpoint.

If you are concerned for the health & safety of any of your team members at any time, contact the first aid staff available at all the checkpoints or call the EVENT CONTROL CENTRE via the phone number on the front cover of this booklet.

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Map reproduced with permission of UBD. Copyright Universal Publishing Pty Ltd. DD 04/12

Exit the checkpoint and turnright, heading south overthe bridge towards Turramurra. 1


The START to Checkpoint 5 (Map 1 of 2) 30MINS

Continue onBobbin Head Rdto Burns Rd.3

At the traffic lights, turn lefton to Burns Rd.4

Bear left on Killeaton St and turn left on to Mona Vale Rd.5

Continue though the NationalPark toll booth towards Turramurra. 2

THE 50KM STARTBobbin HeadKu-ring-gai ChaseNational Park(UBD Ref: 114 P14)

Purchased tickets are to be visible on your

by National Parks Rangers.

All NSW National Parks rules are to be followed at all times.

dashboard at all times or you will be �ned


THE START to Checkpoint 5 (MAP 2 OF 2) 30MINs

Turn right at the intersectionof Forest Way. 6

Turn right at Glen St.Then turn left on to Pringle Ave. 7

8 Turn right on to Blackbutts Rd.Checkpoint entrance on right.

CHECKPOINT 5Frenchs ForestShowgroundBlackbutts Rd,Frenchs Forest(UBD Ref: 156 F16)

The checkpoint is located on the MainArena. The site is only accessible fromBlackbutts Road. Please make sure youpark on the inside of the road orbiting the oval. Follow ALL instructions from theParking Marshals.

Map reproduced with permission of UBD. Copyright Universal Publishing Pty Ltd. DD 04/12

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Map reproduced with permission of UBD. Copyright Universal Publishing Pty Ltd. DD 04/12

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Checkpoint 5 to Checkpoint 6 15MINS

Exit the checkpoint on toPringle Ave and turn right.Then turn left on to BlackbuttsRd.

1At the traffic lightsturn right on toForest Way. 2

Keep in the rightlane, then turn rightonto Warringah Rd. 3

Bear left towardsDavidson Park.Prepare to STOP. 4

Follow directions from Traffic Marshals & NSW National Parks Rangers. Ensure you pay for parking at this site or you will be fined.


Make your way towardsthe checkpoint area.Please keep your speedto a minimum.


CHECKPOINT 6Davidson ParkGarigal NationalPark(UBD Ref: 176 A13)

This checkpoint is located in the picnicgrounds of Davidson Park. Follow localparking instructions and all requests from

are to be visible on your dashboard at alltimes or you will be �ned.

National Parks sta�. Purchased tickets

Map reproduced with permission of UBD. Copyright Universal Publishing Pty Ltd. DD 04/12

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Checkpoint 6 to Checkpoint 7 15MINS

Exit Davidson Park via exitramp located under the Roseville Bridge. 1

Continue up the hill onWarringah Rd.


Turn right at the traffic lightson to Hilmer St. 3

At the end of Hilmer St turnleft and then right ontoBantry Bay Rd. There isparking in Grattan Crescent.


CHECKPOINT 7Ararat ReserveGrattan Crescent,Frenchs Forest(UBD Ref: 176 L10)

This checkpoint is located on AraratReserve in Grattan Crescent, o� BantryBay Road. Parking is available towards the end of Grattan Crescent. At all times be considerate of localresidents and keep noise to a minimum.

Checkpoint 7 and the Finish 18MINS

THE FINISHTania ParkDobroyd Scenic DrBalgowlah Heights(UBD Ref: 197 K15)

Please follow the instructions of theParking Marshals. Please DO NOT park nearthe entrance. There is ample parking atthe rear of the park. Please watch forwalkers as they cross the road to enterthe oval.

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Map reproduced with permission of UBD. Copyright Universal Publishing Pty Ltd. DD 04/12


The Finish

Depart the checkpoint and continueup Bantry Bay Rd. Turn left intoFitzpatrick Ave East and then rightinto Hilmer St. At the traffic lights turnright onto Warringah Road. Keep inthe right lane.


Continue on Wakehurst Parkway through Seaforth. Please watch for walkers crossing at Seaforth Oval.3

Turn right at the first set of trafficlights onto Wanganella St. Then take the first left into White St. At theroundabout turn right ontoWoodland Street South.








Turn right on Wakehurst Parkwayand continue heading south.2

Keep following the main road through Seaforth. Take the first left at the roundabout and continue overManly Road onto Sydney Road.


Turn left on to Bareena Drive.Continue towards the end and enter Tania Park. DO NOTpark in the first set of bays. Pleasecontinue around the back of thepark where there is more parking.