swiss cleantech know-how for south africa. · cleantech and south africa is in everybody’s mind,...

Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. In Partnership with the South African Embassy and Cleantech Switzerland we invite you to: Discover your Investment & Export Opportunities in South Africa / 23 rd – 29 th October 2011 SOUTH AFRICAN EMBASSY BERNE Trade & Investment

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Page 1: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments

Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa.In Partnership with the South African Embassy and Cleantech Switzerland we invite you to: Discover your Investment & Export Opportunities in South Africa / 23rd – 29th October 2011


Trade & Investment

Page 2: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments

CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the

attractive Renewable Energy Feed in Tariffs (REFIT). This development combined with the

Free Trade Agreement (EFTA – SACU) make, the Southern African market interesting and

lucrative for Swiss investors.

In addition the power supply crisis has accelerated the need to broaden South Africa’s

energy mix and its move towards alternative energy sources. South Africa’s strong eco-

nomic growth, rapid industrialisation and mass electrification programme led to demand

for power outstripping supply in 2008. As a result, state owned energy company Eskom

has embarked on a massive programme to upgrade and expand the country’s electricity

infrastructure. The government and Eskom are working together to bring South Africa’s

electricity supply and distribution system back into balance.

South Africa’s economy is structured around large-scale, energy-intensive mining and

primary minerals beneficiation industries, pushing its «energy intensity» to above average

on a global scale.

Today, South Africa uses coal to generate most of its electricity. Because of this, South

Africa is among the highest emitters of greenhouse gases. The country is committed

to reducing emissions, and is a signatory to the UN Framework Convention on Climate

Change and the Kyoto Protocol. Eskom has said it is committed to substantially reducing

coal’s current 88 % share of South Africa’s primary energy mix.

Also Switzerland plays a role in this ambitious goal. Today, just a few Swiss companies

are active in the South African CleanTech market, mainly in the field of renewable energy.

These Swiss pioneers are ABB South Africa (Pty) Ltd, GENESYSWIND AG and Acrona

South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Participating in this trip will provide you with a clear overview of the enormous market

potential for your products and services. Furthermore you will receive first-hand informa-

tion on opportunities for investments and joint ventures. In order to accomplish this cur-

rent and potential future projects will be visited. On top of that we will be providing you

with networking opportunities and introduce you to local business partners and arrange

meetings with relevant government representatives and industry associations.

Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa.

Page 3: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments

B2B meetings with selected representatives of South African companies will be arranged

and need to be based on a pre-assessed partner profile for each participant.

Departure from Zurich, Basel, Berne or Geneva to Johannesburg.


Arrival in Johannesburg, transfer to Pretoria and check-in at City Lodge Lynnwod in


Light Lunch


Briefing of the business people delegation

City Tour in Pretoria


Welcome Dinner hosted by the Swiss Ambassador in his residence in Pretoria.


Meeting with the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti)

Meeting with Eskom and National Energy Regulator South Africa (NERSA) /

Presentation and light lunch with Acrona South Africa

Visit to the Biogas pilot project in Cullinan (Swiss company).


Meeting with EnviroServ in Germiston. EnviroServ No. 1 in Waste Management on the


Meeting with Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)

Presentation and B2B Meetings with South African Business.


Important information for participants

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Monday, 24 October 2011

Page 4: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments


Transfer to Hotel City Lodge at OR Tambo Airport in Johannesburg.


Departure from Johannesburg to Durban.

Meeting with Trade & Investment KwaZulu-Natal and Durban Chamber of Commerce

incl. B2B Meetings with South African counter parts.


Business Lunch with South African Business

Visit to Waste Management project in Pietermaritzburg or Durban, tbc

Transfer to Hotel City Lodge Durban.


Typical South African Dinner with Swiss Business Community in Durban.


Transfer to Durban Airport and departure to East London.

Arrival and transfer to East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ)


Welcome and business lunch incl. presentation by ELIDZ.



Business Dinner incl. B2B meetings with South African Business.

Transfer to Premier Hotel King in East London.


Sightseeing in East London (optional).

Transfer to East London Airport and departure to Cape Town.


Arrival and transfer to Cape Town.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Page 5: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments

Visit to Green Building Council at the Cape Town Convention Centre

Transfer to the City Lodge V&A Waterfront Hotel in Cape Town.


Dinner at the Swiss Residence of the General Consul with Swiss Business Community

and South African stakeholders.


Transfer to Cape Chamber of Commerce, Cape Town / WESGRO

Table fare with presentations.

Meetings with members of: Cape Chamber of Commerce, South African Wind Energy

Association (SAWEA), South African PV Industry Association (SAPVIA), Institute of Waste

Management Southern Africa (IWMSA), South African Association of Water Utilities

(SAAWU) / Water Board of Western Cape or Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA),


B2B lunch at the venue.


Presentation by GENESYS WIND / Tenesol and visit of the site (Swiss companies).

Transfer to Wine Farm.

Wine and dine.


Transfer back to City Lodge V&A Waterfront Hotel in Cape Town.


Boat Transfer to Robben Island (optional).


Transfer to Cape Town Airport and departure back to Switzerland.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Page 6: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments

23rd October 2011 – 29th October 2011


Option 1 CHF 4’540.–

• Flight to South Africa and back to Switzerland in Economy Class

(South African Airways)

• Road transfers

• Scheduled Flights within South Africa/domestic flights (Economy Class)

• Hotel accommodation

• Meals

• Coordination and accompany during complete stay

Option 2 CHF 6’810.–

• Flight to South Africa and back to Switzerland in Business Class

(South African Airways)

• Road transfers

• Scheduled Flights within South Africa/domestic flights (Economy Class)

• Hotel accommodation

• Meals

• Coordination and accompany during complete stay

Option 3 CHF 3’000.–

• Scheduled Flights within South Africa/domestic flights (Economy Class)

• Road transfers

• Hotel accommodation

• Meals

• Coordination and accompany during complete stay

Not included (in neither option):

• Drinks/Snacks

• Personal expenditure

• Visa (no Visa requirement for Swiss passport holders)

• Private program on 29.10.2011.

Cancellations received up to 20 days before the travel date will be charged at 50 %. After

that time, payment is due in full. You are free to nominate replacement participants at

your own expenses. Program can be subject to change without prior notice.


Alfonso Orlando, Head of Export Services

[email protected]


Participant Information.





Registration deadline

Page 7: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments

Fact-finding trip Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa.

Yes, I wish to register, the price per person is (excl. VAT):

Registration. Fax +41 44 365 53 34

Option 1: Package incl. overseas and domestic flights

(Economy Class)

Price: CHF 4’540.–

Option 2: Package incl. overseas (Business Class)

and domestic flights (Economy Class).

Price: CHF 6’810.–

Option 3: Package only domestic flights (Economy Class)

Price: CHF 3’000.–

Investment Opportunities

Renewable Energy

Please specify:

Water Management

Waste Management

Export Opportunities

Renewable Energy

Please specify:

Water Management

Waste Management

Unfortunately, I can’t take part in this fact-finding trip. Please keep me informed about future events associated with Southern Africa.

Surname: Name:

Company Name: Position:


Phone: Fax:

E-Mail: www.

Date: Signature:

Cancellations received up to 20 days before the travel date will be charged at 50 %. After that time, payment of the charge is due in full. You are free to nominate replace-ment participants on your own expenses. Program can be subject to change without prior notice.

Registration Deadline: 01.09.2011

Further information:

South Africa Embassy

Alpenstrasse 29, 3006 Bern

Peter Kistler/Martin Parolo

[email protected]

Phone +41 31 350 13 13


Stampfenbachstrasse 85, 8006 Zürich

Alfonso Orlando

[email protected]

Phone +41 44 365 53 34

Page 8: Swiss Cleantech Know-how for South Africa. · CleanTech and South Africa is in everybody’s mind, at least, since the publication of the ... tion on opportunities for investments


Stampfenbachstrasse 85

CH-8006 Zürich

Telefon +41 44 365 51 51

Fax +41 44 365 52 21

[email protected]


Corso Elvezia 16

Casella postale 5399

CH-6901 Lugano

Telefono +41 91 911 51 35

Fax +41 91 911 51 39

[email protected]


Avenue d’Ouchy 47

Case postale 315

CH-1001 Lausanne

Téléphone +41 21 613 35 70

Fax +41 21 613 35 02

[email protected]

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