sustainable orange county built environment subcommittee august 19, 2013

Sustainable Orange County Built Environment Subcommittee August 19, 2013

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Page 1: Sustainable Orange County Built Environment Subcommittee August 19, 2013

Sustainable Orange County Built Environment SubcommitteeAugust 19, 2013

Page 2: Sustainable Orange County Built Environment Subcommittee August 19, 2013

What is Sustainability?

“Sustainability is a dynamic, democratic process through which communities plan to meet the needs of current and future generations without compromising the ecosystems upon which they depend by balancing social, economic, and environmental resources, incorporating resilience, and linking local actions to global and regional concerns.”

Page 3: Sustainable Orange County Built Environment Subcommittee August 19, 2013

What is Sustainability?

“Sustainable communities encourage people to work together to create healthy communities where natural and historic resources are preserved, jobs are available, sprawl is contained, neighborhoods are secure, education is lifelong, transportation and health care are accessible, and all citizens have opportunities to improve the quality of their lives.”

Page 4: Sustainable Orange County Built Environment Subcommittee August 19, 2013

Energy and Water Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Urban Design and Placemaking

Infill and Redevelopment

Workforce Housing

Page 5: Sustainable Orange County Built Environment Subcommittee August 19, 2013

Energy & Water Efficiency

Goal: Improve the energy and water efficiency of the community’s residential, commercial, and institutional building stock

Targets:▪ Reduce the energy use intensity of the

community’s building stock 25% by 2020, 50% by 2040

▪ Reduce the water use per capita 25% by 2020, 50% by 2040

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Energy & Water Efficiency: Strategies

A. Provide Financial Programs for Increasing Efficiency

B. Seek Increases in Energy Code, Raise Over Time

C. Develop Building Energy Benchmarking and Disclosure OrdinanceD. Launch Education Campaign On Energy & Water EfficiencyE. Enforce Efficiency Standards in Adopted Building Codes

F. Adopt Green Building Policies

G. Continuous Energy Monitoring In Commercial & Residential Buildings

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Renewable Energy

Goal: Provide affordable and secure renewable energy supplies that minimize environmental pollution, conserve natural resources and benefit the local economy

Targets:▪ Increase the use of renewable energy

production in commercial and residential buildings by 10% by 2020, 25% by 2040

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Renewable Energy: Strategies

A. Participate In Solar Feed-in Tariff Program (Gainesville Ex.)

B. Establish A Renewable Portfolio Standard

C. Participate In Financing Programs, such as PACE, SELF

D. Streamline Permitting To Support Alternative Energy

E. Launch Education Campaign On Renewable Energy

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Urban Design and Placemaking

Orange County Market Areas Focusing on key areas

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Horizon West

Innovation Way

• Innovation Way• Horizon West Greenfield Development

• Rural Transition Rural Settlements

Urban Service Area

• Infill / Redevelopment Urban Service Area

USA: Pop=652,105 Area=170,016 Acres DU/AC=3.09

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Urban Design and Placemaking


CURRENT DENSITY (1/2 MILE) Range 0.38 to 3.69 units per acre Average less than 2 units per acre

TO REACH TRANSIT DENSITY TARGET 7 UNITS/ACRE:▪ Add 18,873 units by 2040▪ 2,696 units per area

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Urban Design and Placemaking

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Urban Design and Placemaking

Page 13: Sustainable Orange County Built Environment Subcommittee August 19, 2013

Urban Design and Placemaking

WALKABLE AREAS 31 areas range 0.37 to 5.31 units per acre Currently average 2.94 units per acre

Pop: 82,935 DU: 37,527 Area: 12,781 Du/ac: 2.94

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Urban Design and Placemaking

Goal: Concentrate development in compact, human-scaled, walkable centers and neighborhoods that connect to transit, offer diverse uses and services, and provide housing options for families of all income levels.

Targets:▪ 10 minute walk for daily needs for 33% of

residents of the urban service area by 2040▪ _% Residents near .5 mi of open space by

2020, __ by 2040

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Urban Design and Placemaking: Strategies

A. Change Regulations to Encourage Accessibility (ie Parking Req)

B. Adopt Sustainable Code

C. Construct Complete Streets

D. Establish Design Guidelines

E. Implement Low Impact Development Policies

F. Consider Sustainable Densities in RSA

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Infill and Redevelopment

▪ Goals: Focus new growth in infill areas and on redevelopment that does not require the extension of water, sewer, and road infrastructure or facilitate sprawl

▪ Targets

▪ Increase the percentage of new development in locally-designated infill and redevelopment area, previously developed, brownfield, and greyfield sites

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Infill and Redevelopment: Strategies

A. Develop A Prioritized List of Sites Most Ready for Redevelopment

B. Prioritize Redevelopment Efforts Near Transit & Employment Centers

C. Support Temporary, Creative Neighborhood Uses For Vacant Properties & Greyfields

D. Provide Financial Incentives to Encourage Infill & Redevelopment

E. Educate Public About The Importance Of Infill & Redevelopment

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Workforce Housing

Goals: Promote the development and preservation of workforce housing through innovative policy recommendations that will improve the production and sustainability or workforce housing in Orange County

Targets Demonstrate that 10% of residential units

built or substantially rehabilitated in the past 3 years in the community’s Compact & Complete Centers (CCCs) are dedicated as affordable housing

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Workforce Housing: Strategies

A. Require Affordable Housing In Transit-Served And Mixed-Use Development AreasB. Work With Employers To Provide Live-near-your-work Or Employer-assisted Housing Financial IncentivesC. Partner With Nonprofit Organizations To Provide Education And Financial Assistance To Homebuyers Or RentersD. Allow Variety Of Housing Types To Increase Affordable Options

E. Encourage Projects Of Regional Significance To Incorporate Affordable Housing

F. Consider Impact On Housing Costs When Planning Major Infrastructure Investments