sustainability intelligence

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 Sustainability Intelligence


    Sustainability Intelligence


    Sustainalytics is an award-winning global responsible investment research firm specialized in

    environmental, social and governance (ESG research and analysis. The firm offers global

     perspectives and solutions that are underpinned by local expertise, serving both values-based and

    mainstream investors that integrate ESG information and assessments into their investment


    Sustainability Intelligence

    ur Sustainability !ntelligence Service provides companies with valuable insights about where to

    focus their sustainability efforts in order to create the greatest value."hen integrated into the business planning process, Sustainability !ntelligence provides the

    !uantitative and !ualitative data re#uired to prioriti"e competing sustainability initiatives.


    Sustainability Intelligence components include:

    S#S$%I&%'II$) *%+E$ I&$EIGE&E

    • Technological trends

  • 8/17/2019 Sustainability Intelligence


    • Societal trends

    • $olitical trends

    • Government regulations

    • Environmental trends

    S#S$%I&%'II$) S$%E0E+ I&$EIGE&E

    • %ustomer buying behaviour 

    • %ommunity expectations

    • Employee morale and expectations

    • !nvestor relations considerations

    • Supply chain processes&re#uirements

    S#S$%I&%'II$) *1E$I$+ I&$EIGE&E

    • %ompany sustainability profile

    • 'est practices• $erformance gaps

    • verall and metric-by-metric ran(ings

    • Sustainability performance measured against peers

    G'% +E1+$I&G I&I$I%$I2E $+%I&I&GS

    • ) process-driven approach to reporting and materiality analysis

    • Training on sustainability reporting drivers, practices, case studies and trends

    • *evelopment of a s(ill set to lead the evolution of sustainability reporting in



    • %anadian %ommercial +eal Estate Sustainability $erformance +eport. earn how the

    sustainability of %anadas commercial real estate sector compares to its international peers.

    • *iscover why %orporate +esponsibility is ere to Stay by Simon /ac/ahon and

    /ichael 0antzi in the %onference 'oards Spring +eview on %S+.

    To learn more about how our Sustainability Services can wor( for you, please contact us.

    +elated pages1

    ompetitor Intelligence

    The Sustainalytics Sustainability !ntelligence Service has developed customized evaluationframewor(s for more than 23 different industries. 4sing these framewor(s as a base, we further

    customize the evaluation in relation to specific regions, company sizes and sta(eholders, as per

  • 8/17/2019 Sustainability Intelligence


    the results of sta(eholder analysis. This customized sustainability evaluation framewor( is then

    applied to the company and its peers in order to evaluate absolute and relative ESG

    per3ormance. This analysis provides companies with benchmar(s, mar(et intelligence, and aconcrete understanding of industry best practices. These results are generated in three steps.

    +1+%$E S#S$%I&%'II$) 1+4IE

    ur expert analysts score a company profile by ESG dimension, category and individual metric

    to provide ob5ective, actionable data.

    G%1 %&%)SIS

    The sustainability performance of a company is compared against local and global peers. These

    comparisons provide detailed evaluations of competitor policies, practices and performances, and

    are completed with scores at the overall and per metric level. This identifies gaps between the

    company6s practices and industry best practices.

    S#S$%I&%'II$) 'ES$ 1+%$IES

    Sustainability best practices and international standards are identified with as much detail as

     possible with special attention given to performance areas that are lin(ed to high sta(eholder

    expectations. The examination of current industry best practices is an invaluable way to evaluate potential sustainability initiatives.

    Striving towards best practices and adherence to international standards is perhaps one of the

    safest corporate strategies. 'oth sta(eholders and society-at-large see( out and reward companies

    whose values align with their own.


  • 8/17/2019 Sustainability Intelligence


    Sustainability report

    ) sustainability report is a report published by a company or organization about the economic,

    environmental and social impacts caused by its everyday activities.

    ) sustainability report also presents the organi"ation6s values and governance model, and

    demonstrates the link between its strategy and its commitment to a sustainable global economy.

    )n increasing number of companies and organizations want to ma(e their operations sustainable

    and contribute to sustainable development. Sustainability reporting can help organizations to

    measure, understand and communicate their economic, environmental, social and governance

    per3ormance. Sustainability 7 the ability for something to last for a long time, or indefinitely 7

    is based on performance in these four (ey areas.

    Systematic sustainability reporting helps organizations to measure the impacts they cause ore5perience, set goals, and manage change. ) sustainability report is the (ey platform for

    communicating sustainability performance and impacts 7 whether positive or negative.

    To produce a regular sustainability report, organizations set up a reporting cycle 7 a programof data collection, communication, and responses. This means that their sustainability performance is monitored on an ongoing basis. 0ata can be provided regularly to senior

    decision ma7ers to shape the organi"ation6s strategy and policies, and improve


    Sustainability reporting is there3ore a vital resource 3or managing change towards a

    sustainable global economy 7 one that combines long term profitability with ethical behavior,social 5ustice and environmental care.

    Sustainability reporting can be considered as synonymous with other terms for non-financial

    reporting8 triple bottom line reporting, corporate social responsibility 9%S+: reporting, and more.

    It is also an intrinsic element o3 integrated reporting8 a more recent development that

    combines the analysis o3 3inancial and non-3inancial per3ormance.

    The upta(e of sustainability reporting is increasing among organizations of all types and sizes.

    To learn more about how sustainability reporting is developing worldwide, visit the +eport or

    E5plain and +eport Services  pages.

    /a5or providers of sustainability reporting guidance include1

    ; The Global +eporting !nitiative 9The G+! Sustainability +eporting

  • 8/17/2019 Sustainability Intelligence


    ; The 4nited =ations Global %ompact 9the %ommunication on $rogress:

    ; The !nternational rganization for Standardization 9!S >?333, !nternational Standard for

    social responsibility:

    International Integrated +eporting ouncil II+

    The successful company of tomorrow will have an integrated strategy to achieve financial results

    and create lasting value for itself, its sta(eholders and society. $he value created by this

    company cannot be e5pressed by isolated 3inancial and a sustainability reports, with no

    clear lin7s between the 9single bottom line and the sustainability impacts caused or the

    value created in order to generate its 3inancial results.

    G+! co-founded the !nternational !ntegrated +eporting %ouncil 9!!+%: because the future of

    corporate reporting is the integration of financial and sustainability strategy and results. )n

    integrated report should be the result of such an integrated reporting process.

    #nderstanding the lin7s between 3inancial results and sustainability impacts is critical 3or

    business managers, and increasingly connected to long- and short-term business success.  Tounderstand these lin(s, organizations must identify the material sustainability topics to monitor

    and manage to ensure the business survives and expands. This step is at the core of the

    sustainability reporting process provided by G+!6s Sustainability +eporting

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    ; S#0 +E1+$

    Sustainability reports are released by companies and organizations of all types, sizes and

    sectors, from every corner of the world.

    Thousands of companies across all sectors have published reports that address some or all of the

    disclosures in G+!6s Sustainability +eporting

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    = 0emonstrating how the organi"ation in3luences, and is in3luenced by, e5pectations about

    sustainable development

    /any G+! publications examine organizations experiences with sustainability reporting,

    including the benefits they have experienced.

    Since @BBB, G+! has provided a comprehensive Sustainability +eporting

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    developing in-house or sector-based reporting framewor(s.

    'ridge building. G+!6s basis in multi-sta(eholder engagement contributes to its ability to build bridges between different actors and sectors 7 li(e business, the public sector, labor unions and

    civil society 7 and to mediate

    ow is G+I governed>

    G+! is an international, multi-sta(eholder, networ(-based organization. Each of its three governance bodies 7 the

    'oard of *irectors, Sta(eholder %ouncil and Technical )dvisory %ommittee 7 plays a lead role in developing G+!6s

    Sustainability +eporting