surviving todays toxic electro-polluted environment with ... · in the mid‐20thcentury, when dr....


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Page 1: Surviving Todays Toxic Electro-Polluted Environment with ... · In the mid‐20thcentury, when Dr. Becker was doing his most prolific work, conventional allopathic (pharmacological)


Page 2: Surviving Todays Toxic Electro-Polluted Environment with ... · In the mid‐20thcentury, when Dr. Becker was doing his most prolific work, conventional allopathic (pharmacological)

We live in a pretty “messed up” world!

Our major “Disruptors” include:Toxic Contaminated FoodsToxic Contaminated EnvironmentElectromagnetic Interference/Pollution from:

Electrical (Dirty) PowerSmartMetersWiFiWirelessCellularEtc.


Page 3: Surviving Todays Toxic Electro-Polluted Environment with ... · In the mid‐20thcentury, when Dr. Becker was doing his most prolific work, conventional allopathic (pharmacological)

The apparent confusion and seemingly disassociated relationships and components become understandable when broken down into simpler sections. We will revieve this again later. 


Page 4: Surviving Todays Toxic Electro-Polluted Environment with ... · In the mid‐20thcentury, when Dr. Becker was doing his most prolific work, conventional allopathic (pharmacological)

Dr Albert Szent‐Gyorgyi  Hungarian Physiologist Nobel Prize in 1937 Discoverer of Vitamine CTheory of electrical semiconduction in body processes   (later proved by Becker)    

Dr. Ralph GerardAmerican Neurophysiologist & Behavioral Scientist(also background biophysics and biochemistry)Nervous System Metabolism, Psycopharmacology,

Dr Robert BeckerAmerican Orthapedic SurgeonResearch in Electrophysiology/ElectromedicineNote: Becker was one of the first persons to warn about High Voltage Power 

Lines and EMFBest known for his electrical “salamander” experiments

Induced anesthesia/sleep with microcurrentsSleep (and associated higher voltages) was coupled with bone 


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and limb Repair and Regeneration

Dr. Olena BukaloCurrently with NIH Laboratory of Behavioral and Genomic NeuroscienceRealized importance of Voltage REVERSAL in unconscious state

reversed higher voltages “erase” unimportant inforesensitize and strengthen neural cells for future use


Page 6: Surviving Todays Toxic Electro-Polluted Environment with ... · In the mid‐20thcentury, when Dr. Becker was doing his most prolific work, conventional allopathic (pharmacological)

In the mid‐20th century, when Dr. Becker was doing his most prolific work, conventional allopathic (pharmacological) medicine was aggressively trying to separate from the vitalism and any electrical models previously emerging and predominant and move in favor of the far more profitable and controllable pharmacological and surgical models. 

Note: “The Hypocrisy of Allopathy: When the Healing Art Became the Business of Medicine” details this successful intentional purge of competing technologies.


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Schumann Resonance – direct correlation with – Brainwave Peaks

SR BW7.83 7.814.3 14.120.8 20.327.3 26.433.8 32.5


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The Schumann Resonance is a source of power for most living things on Earth.


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The ability to capture power (electrical energy) by specific enzymes in living things directly from and oscillating Electric Field (Schumann Resonance) has been known since the early to mid 1980s.


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The various “Disruptors” interfere with many processes.

We understand chemical toxicity …. But we often forget those disruptions we cant see.

SleepBrainwave StatesPineal GlandCellular Energy……… are all important for both physical and mental health.

Our environment is having a profound (but usually unrecognized) effect on us all!!!


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The pea sized Pineal gland is one of the most “disrupted” by our Electro‐Polluted environment. Pineal produces 

Melatonin  responsible for sleep ……. But more importantly is the NUMBER 1 FREE RADICAL 

SCAVENGER and does so at night when you sleepSerotonin – responsible for “feeling good”DMT – the hallucinogen associated with dream state and many say other 

states of conscioness

The voltage levels and chemistry in these deep states are responsible for the repair and regeneration needed to fight disease and manage normal growth.


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VSG (VitaSet Generator) has 2 modes for 2 different purposes.

Day (Active) Mode – generates a smooth magnetic pulse at EACH of the 5 primary Schumann Resonances (with an emphasis on 7.83) to supplement that daily rhythm that is being obliterated by the “noise” of today’s Electro‐Polluted environment

Night (Sleep) Mode – cycles the same type magnetic pulse to guide brainwaves down though the much lower conscious and unconscious states down to very deep delta where regenerative sleep takes place.*  

*These cycles continue until automatically switched into “Day” mode by an incorporated light sensor.


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The Brainwave States

Gamma 27 Hz and Up Highly Mentally Active – Problem SolvingBeta 12 – 27 Hz Normal Waking/Active Mode for most PeopleAlpha 8 – 12 Hz Relaxed and Meditative State

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ edge of consciousness ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Theta 3 – 8 Hz Unconscious for Receptive to Suggestion, Mental processing,Delta .2 – 3 Hz  Deep Sleep, Energies are shut off to most bodily functions and focused on Repair and Regeneration


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By understanding the simple components we have just mentioned, it is now much easier tosee how VSG supplements the natural missing signals to allow our body to NATURALLY attack, repair and regenerate leading us back to NORMAL Health and Wellness.


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Available for Pulsed Technologies  ( and many other authorized distributors.


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Now that you understand the mechanisms of where VSG “fits into the picture” …..

PulsedTech also has more elaborate equipment you can better see the difference in the more direct path to the problem of concern.


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Related Articles for free distribution:‐surviving‐in‐todays‐toxic‐electro‐polluted‐environment/‐pollution‐and‐earth‐resonance/‐content/uploads/2016/01/VitaSet‐Introduction‐Operation.pdf‐inspiration‐for‐design‐of‐todays‐vitaset/


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