survey of wml

Mobile Website Development Survey of WML Facilitated by: Michael Wakahe Tawi Commercial Services Ltd Jul 2011

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Mobile Website DevelopmentSurvey of WML

Facilitated by:Michael WakaheTawi Commercial Services LtdJul 2011

Page 2: Survey of  WML

Table of Contents


Hello World

Introducing JSP


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The WAP Stack

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WTP (Wireless Transaction Protocol) & WDP

(Wireless Datagram Protocol) provide low-level glue

between the upper levels and the really low-level


WTLS (Wireless Transaction Layer Security) provides

security services (encryption and authentication).

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These protocols aren't relevant to normal

application programmers

The second highest level in the stack is the high-

level communications protocol, called WSP

(Wireless Session Protocol).

Provides a complete replacement for HTTP

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The highest stack level is WAE (Wireless

Application Environment)

This is the part that the user actually sees &


The WAE aims to provide a World Wide Web-like

model for writing applications

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The WAE incorporates several key features of the

Web that we are familiar with, e.g. URLs & MIME

content types (such as text/html and image/gif)

Additionally it provides similar replacements for

other features: HTML is replaced with WML (Wireless

Markup Language) & JavaScript is replaced with

WMLScriptCopyright © Tawi Commercial Services Ltd. 2015. All Rights


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Almost all WAP applications can be written

without using anything outside of these two

languages and WBMP (Wireless Bitmap: the WAP

image format)

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The WAP Chain of Processing

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Hello World

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Hello World

We will use Eclipse to compose our WML and deploy

in the Tomcat ROOT folder

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Hello World

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN"""><wml>

<card title="First WML Example"><p>Hello, World!</p>


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Hello World

Note that all tag names are in lowercase

In WML, tag names are case-sensitive

A file of WML represents a deck of cards

This is the reason for the <card> tag

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Hello World

Each individual card does behaves very much like an

HTML page

So you can think of a WML deck as being similar to a

number of HTML pages all grouped together

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Hello World

Cards in a deck are all downloaded at the same time

So the user has to wait only once & the others can be

accessed almost instantly

Cramming too many cards into a single deck is bad


Ideally maximum of 5 to 6 cards per deck

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WML Structure Explained

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WML Structure Explained

Valid child tags of <wml> are:

<head>: Defines document metadata and access

control using the <meta> and <access> tags. Zero or

one <head> tags are allowed in a document.

<card>: Defines a card to display in the browser. One

or more <head> tags are allowed in a document.

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WML Structure Explained

<template>: Defines global event handlers and

commands for the deck. Zero or one <template> tags

are allowed in a document.

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WML Structure Explained

Valid child tags of <card> are:

<p>: Contains text, images, and links. Most user-

accessible and visible content in a WML card is child

content of this tag. Zero or more <p> tags are

allowed in a card.

<pre>: Contains preformatted text. Zero or more

<pre> tags are allowed in a card.Copyright © Tawi Commercial Services Ltd. 2015. All Rights


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WML Structure Explained

<do>: Contains commands and actions. Zero or more

<do> tags are allowed in a card.

<timer>: Activates time-based events. Zero or one

<timer> tags are allowed in a card.

<onevent>: Specifies tasks based on different card-

level events. Zero or more <onevent> tags are

allowed in a card.Copyright © Tawi Commercial Services Ltd. 2015. All Rights


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WML Structure Explained


<!-- A simple comment. -->

<!--This is

a comment that

spans several lines.-->

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WML Structure Explained

Other topics in WML include: Special Characters,

Header & Metadata, Text Formatting, Links, Images,

Tables, Timers, Variables, User Input, WMLScript

Browse to

for links to WML references and helpful


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Introducing JSP

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Introducing JSP

WML can be mixed with JSP and Servlets

Save the following example as a .jsp not as a .wml

Deploy to servlet container (Tomcat)

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Introducing JSP<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN"""><%

response.setContentType("text/vnd.wap.wml;charset=UTF-8");int num1 = 9;int num2 = 12;


<card title="First WML Example"><p>My name is <% out.println("Michael"); %></p><p>The sum of num1 and num2 is <%= (num1+num2) %></p>


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Spot the errors in the following sample:

<wml><card ID=start title='Example of Invalid WML'>

<P>This markup is invalid.</card>


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The WML code sample above has the following syntax


XML declaration is missing.

DOCTYPE declaration is missing.

ID attribute of <card> tag is uppercase. (Well-formed

WML requires lowercase tags.)

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Value of the id attribute of the <card> is not


Value of the title attribute of the <card> tag is

delimited with single quotes.

<p> tag is uppercase. (Well-formed WML requires

lowercase tags.)

<p> tag has an open tag but not matching close tag.Copyright © Tawi Commercial Services Ltd. 2015. All Rights


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Correct version is as follows:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.3//EN"""><wml><card id="start" title="Example of Valid WML"><p>This markup is valid.</p></card></wml>

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Write a WML file that shows the first 7 digits of the

Fibonacci Series. Can use JSP and/or servlets.

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The End

Michael [email protected]

+254 (0) 20 239 3052

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