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Survey of selected fluorinated green- house gases Part of the LOUS-review Environmental project No. 1655, 2015

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Page 1: Survey of selected fluorinated green- house gases€¦ · Survey of selected fluorinated green-house gases Part of the LOUS-review Environmental project No. 1655, 2015 . 2 Survey

Survey of selected fluorinated green-house gases Part of the LOUS-review Environmental project No. 1655, 2015

Page 2: Survey of selected fluorinated green- house gases€¦ · Survey of selected fluorinated green-house gases Part of the LOUS-review Environmental project No. 1655, 2015 . 2 Survey

2 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases


Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Authors & contributors:

Erik Hansen 1

Per Henrik Pedersen 2

Frans Møller Christensen 1

Karen Louise Feilberg 1

Marlies Warming 1

Published by:

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency

Strandgade 29

1401 Copenhagen K


1 COWI A/S, Denmark 2Danish Technological Institute



ISBN no.



When the occasion arises, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency will publish reports and papers concerning re-

search and development projects within the environmental sector, financed by study grants provided by the Danish Envi-

ronmental Protection Agency. It should be noted that such publications do not necessarily reflect the position or opinion

of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

However, publication does indicate that, in the opinion of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the content

represents an important contribution to the debate surrounding Danish environmental policy.

While the information provided in this report is believed to be accurate, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency

disclaims any responsibility for possible inaccuracies or omissions and consequences that may flow from them. Neither

the Danish Environmental Protection Agency nor COWI or any individual involved in the preparation of this publication

shall be liable for any injury, loss, damage or prejudice of any kind that may be caused by persons who have acted based

on their understanding of the information contained in this publication.

Sources must be acknowledged.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 3


Preface ...................................................................................................................... 5

Summary and conclusions ......................................................................................... 7

Sammenfatning og konklusion ................................................................................ 12

1. Introduction to the substances ......................................................................... 18 1.1 Definition of the substance group ........................................................................................ 18 1.2 Physical and chemical properties ......................................................................................... 21 1.3 Function of the substances for main application areas ...................................................... 29

2. Regulatory framework...................................................................................... 32 2.1 Legislation ............................................................................................................................ 32

2.1.1 Existing legislation ................................................................................................ 32 2.1.2 Proposed new regulation ...................................................................................... 32

2.2 Classification and labelling .................................................................................................. 40 2.2.1 Harmonised classification in the EU .................................................................... 40 2.2.2 Self-classification in the EU ................................................................................... 41

2.3 REACH .................................................................................................................................. 41 2.3.1 Authorisation List / REACH Annex XIV ............................................................... 41 2.3.2 Ongoing activities - pipeline .................................................................................. 41

2.4 Other legislation/initiatives ................................................................................................. 41 2.5 International agreements .................................................................................................... 43 2.6 Other relevant national regulation ...................................................................................... 44 2.7 Eco-labels ............................................................................................................................. 46 2.8 Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................... 47

3. Manufacture and uses ...................................................................................... 50 3.1 Manufacturing ..................................................................................................................... 50

3.1.1 Manufacturing processes ...................................................................................... 50 3.1.2 Manufacturing sites ............................................................................................... 51 3.1.3 Manufacturing volumes ........................................................................................ 52

3.2 Import, export and sale ....................................................................................................... 53 3.2.1 Import and export of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in Denmark...................................... 53 3.2.2 Sales of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in EU ...................................................................... 56

3.3 Use ........................................................................................................................................ 60 3.3.1 Registrations by the Danish Product Register ..................................................... 60 3.3.2 Use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in EU ........................................................................ 60 3.3.3 Danish investigations ............................................................................................ 62

3.4 Historical trends in use ........................................................................................................ 64 3.5 Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................... 66

4. Waste management .......................................................................................... 68 4.1 Waste from manufacture and use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6................................................. 68 4.2 Waste products from the use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in mixtures and articles ................ 68 4.3 Release of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 from waste disposal ......................................................... 69 4.4 Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................... 70

5. Environmental hazards and exposure ............................................................... 72

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4 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

5.1 Environmental Hazards....................................................................................................... 72 5.1.1 Classification ......................................................................................................... 72 5.1.2 Global warming potentials .................................................................................... 72 5.1.3 Other environmental hazards ............................................................................... 74

5.2 Environmental Exposure ..................................................................................................... 74 5.2.1 Sources of release .................................................................................................. 74 5.2.2 Monitoring data ..................................................................................................... 77

5.3 Environmental impact .......................................................................................................... 77 5.3.1 Global Warming ..................................................................................................... 77 5.3.2 Degradation Products ........................................................................................... 79

5.4 Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................... 80

6. Human health effects and exposure .................................................................. 82 6.1 Human health hazard .......................................................................................................... 82

6.1.1 Classification ......................................................................................................... 82 6.1.2 Hazard assessment................................................................................................ 83

6.2 Human exposure .................................................................................................................. 87 6.2.1 Direct exposure ..................................................................................................... 87 6.2.2 Indirect exposure .................................................................................................. 87

6.3 Bio-monitoring data ............................................................................................................ 88 6.4 Human health impact .......................................................................................................... 88 6.5 Summary and conclusions ................................................................................................... 89

7. Information on alternatives .............................................................................. 92 7.1 Identification of possible alternatives ................................................................................. 92

7.1.1 Domestic refrigerators and freezers ..................................................................... 92 7.1.2 Commercial refrigerators and freezers (plug-in) ................................................. 93 7.1.3 Commercial refrigeration ..................................................................................... 97 7.1.4 Chillers for Air Conditioning and industrial processes ...................................... 101 7.1.5 Industrial refrigeration systems ......................................................................... 104 7.1.6 Mobile refrigeration systems ............................................................................... 105 7.1.7 Heat pumps .......................................................................................................... 107 7.1.8 Foam .................................................................................................................... 109 7.1.9 SF6 ........................................................................................................................ 109 7.1.10 PFCs ..................................................................................................................... 109

7.2 Historical and future trends – recognized gabs and challenges ...................................... 109 7.2.1 The "10-kg window" gab ..................................................................................... 109 7.2.2 Replacement of HCFC-22 systems – an important challenge ........................... 110

7.3 Summary and conclusions .................................................................................................. 110

Abbreviations and acronyms .................................................................................. 112

References ............................................................................................................. 114

Annex 1: Background information to chapter 3 on legal framework ............ 121

Annex 2: HFC and PFC gases and sulphur hexafluoride .............................. 126

Annex 3: Self-classifications ....................................................................... 128

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 5


Background and objectives

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s List of Undesirable Substances (LOUS) is intended

as a guide for enterprises. It indicates substances of concern whose use should be reduced or elimi-

nated completely. The first list was published in 1998 and updated versions have been published in

2000, 2004 and 2009. The latest version, LOUS 2009 [Danish EPA, 2011] includes 40 chemical

substances and groups of substances which have been documented as dangerous or which have

been identified as problematic using computer models. For inclusion in the list, substances must

fulfil several specific criteria. Besides the risk of leading to serious and long-term adverse effects on

health or the environment, only substances which are used in an industrial context in large quanti-

ties in Denmark, i.e. over 100 tons per year, are included in the list.

Over the period 2012-2015 all 40 substances and substance groups on LOUS will be surveyed. The

surveys include collection of available information on the use and occurrence of the substances,

internationally and in Denmark, information on environmental and health effects, on alternatives

to the substances, on existing regulation, on monitoring and exposure, and information regarding

ongoing activities under REACH, among others.

On the basis of the surveys, the Danish EPA will assess the need for any further information, regula-

tion, substitution/phase out, classification and labelling, improved waste management or increased

dissemination of information.

This survey concerns fluorinated greenhouse gases (HFCs, PFCs and sulphur hexafluoride). These

substances were included in the first list in 1998 and have remained on the list since that time.

The main reason for the inclusion in LOUS is that they are "Substances with particular focus in

Denmark since they are potent greenhouse gases - substances being phased out".

The entry in LOUS for these substances is "Fluorinated greenhouse gases" with the following exam-

ples from the group: HFC 134a, HFC 125, HFC 143a, HFC 152a, CF4, C2F6, C3F8 and

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).

The main objective of this study is, as mentioned, to provide background for the Danish EPA’s con-

sideration regarding the need for further risk management measures.

The process

The survey has been undertaken by COWI in co-operation with DTI from October 2013 to May

2014. The work has been followed by an advisory group consisting of:

Mikkel Aaman Sørensen, Danish EPA - Chemicals, (Chairman);

Jakob Zeuthen, Danish Chamber of Commerce;

Nikolai Nielsen, Confederation of Danish Industry;

Ida M.L.D. Storm, Danish Agriculture & Food Council;

Kim Valbum, Association of Authorised Refrigeration Companies;

Marianne Ripka, Danish EPA, Enterprises;

Birgitte Holm Christensen, Danish EPA, Commerce;

Katrine Smith, Danish EPA, Soil and Waste;

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6 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Erik Hansen, COWI A/S;

Per Henrik Pedersen, Danish Technological Institute.

Data collection

The survey and review is based on the available literature on the substances, information from da-

tabases and direct inquiries to trade organisations and key market actors.

The data search included (but was not limited to) the following:

Legislation in force from Retsinformation (Danish legal information database) and EUR-Lex

(EU legislation database);

Ongoing regulatory activities under REACH and intentions listed on ECHA’s website (incl.

Registry of Intentions and Community Rolling Action Plan);

Relevant documents regarding International agreements from the Kyoto Protocol;

Data on harmonised classification (CLP) and self-classification from the C&L inventory data-

base on ECHAs website;

Data on eco-labels from the Danish eco-label secretariat (Nordic Swan and EU Flower);

Pre-registered and registered substances from ECHA’s website;

Production and external trade statistics from Eurostat’s databases (Prodcom and Comext);

Data on production, import and export of substances in mixtures from the Danish Product

Register (confidential data, not searched via the Internet);

Reports, memorandums, etc. from the Danish EPA and other authorities in Denmark;

Reports published at the websites of:

The Nordic Council of Ministers, ECHA, the EU Commission, OECD;

Environmental authorities in Norway (Klif), Sweden (KemI and Naturvårsverket), Ger-

many (UBA), UK (DEFRA and Environment Agency), the Netherlands (VROM, RIVM),

Austria (UBA). Information from other EU Member States was retrieved if quoted in

identified literature;

US EPA, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (USA) and Environment Can-


Besides, information was obtained directly from and European trade organisations and a few key

market actors in Denmark.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 7

Summary and conclusions

Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) as defined by Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s

List of Undesirable Substances (LOUS) covers substances classified as HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons)

and PFCs (perfluorinated carbons) besides sulphur hexafluoride.

This survey covers 14 HFC-substances plus 7 PFC-substances besides sulphur hexafluoride (see

Table 0). All substances are identified by the European Fluorocarbon Technical Committee (EF-

CTC) as major fluorinated greenhouse gases. Within the groups of HFCs are included 2 substances

also named as HFOs (HFOs designates hydrofluoroolefins). HFOs differ from other HFCs in having

a double bond between a pair of carbon atoms making the substances more exposed to atmospheric


The survey is focused on pure substances. Several HFC-products are marketed, however, which are

not single substances, but mixtures of substances designed to replace specific substances for certain

applications. These HFC-products will always be characterized by acronyms as HFC-4xx or HFC-

5xx (e.g. HFC-401a, HFC-507a).

F-gases are used as heat transmission media in air-conditioning, heat pumps and refrigeration

systems. They are also used as blowing agents for plastics foams, and as firefighting agent. Minor

uses include propellant for medical spray, as solvent, insulation gas for high voltage applications

and cleaning agent in semiconductor manufacturing. Generally F-gases are gases or volatile liquids

at room temperature, thermal and chemical stable, with very low toxicity and with favourable envi-

ronmental profile apart from their global warming potential.

Regulatory framework

F-gases covering HFCs, PFCs and SF6 is regulated by EU-legislation as well as Danish legislation.

The Danish legislation in many ways is the most restrictive. The Danish legislation allows for the

use of HFCs in refrigeration systems with refrigerant charges less than 10 kg HFC refrigerant – the

so-called “10 kg window”. Future changes of the Danish legislation may be focused at this “win-


New EU legislation which will significantly restrict the use of F-gases in the EU is in the process of

being approved. The new regulation, however, allows for continued use of HFC-152a.

Few countries worldwide have national policies going beyond existing EU F-gas regulations. A com-

prehensive ban exists in Switzerland covering refrigeration as well as many other applications of F-


Only one substance - HFC-365mfe - is subject to harmonised classification (highly flammable liquid

and vapour). None of the substances are addressed further by REACH or are in pipeline for further

activities under REACH. All of the substances are covered by the Kyoto Protocol on reduction of

emission of greenhouse gases.

The use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are only addressed by a few eco-labels (e.g. heat pumps, floor cov-

erings) and eco-labels are not established for cooling and freezing equipment for private and pro-

fessional use products besides that existing eco-labels for heat pumps do not restrict the use of

HFC-134a. In both cases it may be considered to promote the use of natural refrigerants.

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8 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases






Chemical for-

mula CAS No.

Main applica-

tions in Den-





DK – 2012



DK -2012


HFC-23 CHF3 75-46-7 No data 12,400 *2 2.0

HFC-32 CH2F2 75-10-5 Refrigeration, AC 677 20.6 16.9

HFC-125 CHF2CF3 354-33-6 Refrigeration, AC 3,170 71.7 20.7

HFC-134a CH2FCF3 811-97-2 Refrigeration, AC, technical sprays

6,940 198.4 226.0

HFC 143a CH3CF3 420-46-2 Refrigeration 4,800 57.7 6.9

HFC 152a CH3CHF2 75-37-6 Thermostats 138 13.0 10.7

HFC 227ea CF3CHFCF3 431-89-0 Not used 3,350 - -

HFC 236fa CF3CH2CF3 690-39-1 Not used 8,060 - -

HFC-245fa CHF2CH2CF3 460-73-1 Not used in 2012 *1 858 *2 -

HFC-365mfc CH3CF2CH2CF3 406-58-6 Not used in 2012 *1 804 *2 -


3 138495-42-8

Not used 1,650 - -

HFO-1234yf CF3CF=CH2 754-12-1 Not used <1 - -

HFO-1234zeE Trans-

CF3CH=CHF 29118-24-9 Not used <1 - -

PFC-14 CF4 75-73-0 Optical fibre pro-

duction 6,630

0.2 *3

PFC-116 C2F6 76-16-4 Not used 11,100 - -

PFC-218 C3F8 76-19-7 Not used in 2012 8,900 - 0.8

PFC-318 c-C4F8 415-25-3 Other purposes 9,540 0.2 *3

PFC-3-1-10 C4F10 355-25-9 Not used 9,200 - -

PFC-4-1-12 C5F12 678-26-2 Not used 8,550 - -

PFC-5-1-14 C6F14 355-41-10 Not used 7,910 - -

SF6 SF6 2551-62-4 High-voltage

switchgear, optical fibre production.

23,500 2.6 4.8 *5

- Not relevant

*1 Former use was only for export

*2 Total consumption of HFC-23, HFC-245fa and HFC-365mfc registered as 3.5 tons in 2012.

*3 Total emission of PFC-14 and PFC-318 registered as 0.38 tons in 2012.

*4 Global warming potential over a 100-year period.

*5 Emission from disposal of doubble-glazed window accounted for 3.6 tons of the 4.8 tons.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 9

Manufacture and uses

F-gases are produced in several countries globally as well as in Europe. The total global production

is probably above 300,000 tons/year. HFC-gases are the main gases consumed while SF6 counts for

2-3% of the total consumption and PFC-gases for less than 1%.

No F-gases are produced in Denmark and the total consumption is based on import. The consump-

tion has been decreasing from about 1000 tons in 2000 to about 360 tons in 2012. Consumption

figures for the individual gases are presented in Table 0.

Refrigeration and air-conditioning are by far the dominant application of F-gases and in particular

HFCs. Smaller amounts are used for thermostats and aerosols while the consumption as blowing

agent for foams ceased in 2002.

PFCs were earlier used in special low-temperature refrigeration equipment, but this use seems to

have ceased in Denmark, as no consumption of PFCs were recorded in 2012. SF6 is today mainly

used as dielectric gas SF6 in high voltage installations, while uses as insulation gas in windows and

blanket gas in magnesium production today has ceased.

The consumption of F-gases in Denmark has been stable during the last 5-6 years.

Waste management

As F-gases are not produced in Denmark no waste from production of these substances is generated

in Denmark. Collection and recovery of F-gases will take place by maintenance and repair of

equipment and facilities in which F-gases are used (e.g. refrigerators, freezers, air condition sys-

tems, heat pumps, transformer stations) as well as by conversion of equipment and facilities con-

taining F-gases to new refrigerants/heat transmission media and by dismantling of old equipment

and facilities. This is also the case for SF6 used in transformer stations.

The recovered F-gases will be used directly for filling of existing or new equipment and facilities in

Denmark or abroad, if necessary after cleaning/regeneration, or be directed to destruction.

Scrapped household refrigerators, freezers and heating pumps and similar small units are generally

emptied for refrigerant/heat transmission media and the gas collected is directed to destruction.

The majority of units are furthermore treated in a special shredder allowing the insulation foam to

be separated and collected and directed to destructing together with its content of blowing agent. A

minor part of the units collected are exported for treatment in Sweden and Germany.

F-gases present in foam in other constructions will not be collected and destroyed and will therefore

be released to the atmosphere. This is also the case for SF6 used as insulation gas in double glazing


Destruction of F-gases used as refrigerants as well as F-gases contained in insulation foam separat-

ed and collected in Denmark for destruction can be assumed to result in virtually 100% destruction.

Environmental effects and exposure

HFCs, PFCs, HFOs and SF6 are found in the atmosphere where concentrations are on the rise.

Concentrations have steadily increased in the atmosphere since at least 1978, and are continuing to

do so at a present rate of 5% per year.

Danish emissions have increased significantly from 1990 to about 2007/08. Emissions are now in

the process of lowering. The emissions in 2012 counted for approx. 280 tons HFCs, 1 tons PFCs and

5 tons SF6 corresponding to approximately 780,000 tons CO₂-eq. Emission figures for the individ-

ual gases are presented in Table 0.

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10 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

There is growing concern over the emission and accumulation of very long-lived fluorinated trace

gases in the atmosphere. They have a high persistency due to the stability of the C-F chemical bond.

For the PFCs and SF6 atmospheric degradation is extremely slow, and the compounds have atmos-

pheric lifetimes of the order of millennia. They are greenhouse gases associated with a significant

global warming potential as they are strong infrared radiation absorbers. These gases are non-

reactive and thus pose no toxic threat to the biosphere.

HFCs have effectively replaced ozone depleting substances (ODS) as CFCs and HCFCs which have

been phased out under the Montreal Protocol. As a result of this success HFCs are increasing in the


HFCs and HFOs are subject to degradation in the lower atmosphere due to the C-H bonds in the

molecules that are reactive to hydroxyl radicals. The atmospheric lifetimes for these compounds

differs between 1.5 and 242 years for the main HFCs while the lifetimes for the main HFOs are

down to 0.03-0.04 years.

In the future, HFC emissions have the potential to become very large. Without intervention, the

increase in HFC emissions is projected to offset much of the climate benefit achieved by the earlier

reduction in ODS emissions. The projected HFC emissions would be equivalent to 7 to 19% of the

CO₂ global emissions in 2050.

No toxic effects of degradation products have been identified, including trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)

which is a degradation product of some HFOs and HFCs. TFA is a highly persistent pollutant that

appears to be a naturally occurring chemical present in seawater and significant concentrations

have been found in rain, river and lake water and both coastal and deep-ocean sea water. The

oceans are thus a large reservoir for TFA and the observed concentrations are far in excess of those

that could occur as a result of atmospheric oxidation of man-made fluorocarbons. The cycle of TFA

in the atmosphere and hydrosphere is, however, not well understood and is the subject of ongoing


Human health

Among the substances addressed only HFC-365mfe is subject to harmonised classification (highly

flammable liquid and vapour). Industry self-classifications indicate that the flammability of the

HFCs increase with shorter carbon-chain length and less fluorination. The self-classifications also

show that the shorter-chain HFCs, HFO-1234yf, SF6 and the PFCs are stored under high pressure

and may explode if heated.

Regarding toxicity and based on the knowledge available, it can generally be concluded that HFCs,

PFCs and SF6 cause a low human hazard. At very high doses, reversible effects such as reduced

breathing rate, salivation, problems with balance, as well as cardiac sensitisation has been reported

for some HFCs. In addition, some HFCs and PFCs might have slight irritating properties.

Available mutagenicity/genotoxicity tests (in vitro and in vivo) and carcinogenicity studies do not

suggest that the addressed substances possess a risk for cancer.

The limited information regarding occupational and consumer exposure suggests that exposure to

these substances is low during normal operating conditions. Several references deliberately do not

address exposure at all given the very low human health hazards. Consequently, no actual toxicolog-

ical risk assessments have been identified.

Overall, the main risks of the addressed substances seem to be directed to the flammable properties

of HFCs and HFOs and to the thermal degradation products, as thermal degradation might lead to

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 11

formation of highly toxic degradation products as hydrogen fluoride (HF) and carbonyl fluoride


Formation of toxic degradation products also applies to SF6 subject to electrical discharges occur-

ring in gas-insulated equipment. However, its molecular fragments rapidly recombine after the

source of arc is removed. Any residual degradation products will remain contained in the gas-

insulated equipment, and it will not be released into the environment.

Further research on thermal degradation products, including HF and COF2 formation, might be



Alternatives have been developed and implemented for most sectors where F-gases are used or have

been used. This has been successful, and the consumption of F-gases has decreased to one third

from 2000 to 2012.

This development was caused by the Danish regulation on F-gases, including taxes and bans for

certain purposes combined with the support to R&D projects to ensure rapid development of alter-

native technology.

However, the consumption of HFC-refrigerants seems to have stabilized at an annual consumption

of about 360 tons since 2009. This stagnation is caused mainly by the so-called "10-kg window" in

Danish legislation allowing HFCs still to be used in equipment requiring a charge of refrigerant

below 10 kg.

The "10-kg window" thus represents an important group of products still using HFCs due to lack of

obvious alternatives and legislation requiring the use of alternatives. The products in question in-

clude condensing units, heat pumps and small chillers.

Other important challenges identified include:

The financial barriers for establishing of very large ammonia refrigeration systems with

charges above 5 tons, as special and costly planning and precautions are necessary accord-

ing to the Danish legislation implementing the EU Risk Directive;

From 1 January 2015 it will be banned to fill HCFC-22 on existing refrigeration systems. It

is estimated that more than 5,000 existing systems are still in use, and some hundreds are

essential systems with more than 10 kg of HCFC-22. There is some concern that many of

the existing systems may not be able to carry out the phase-out of HCFC-22 in time.

Significant data gabs

Significant data gabs identified include:

Knowledge on thermal degradation products from F-gases and in particular from degradation

of HFCs, HFOs as well as SF6 is limited (apart from SF6 in high-voltage switchgear). This in-

cludes among others the formation HF and COF2 from the gases;

The cycle of TFA in the atmosphere and hydrosphere is not well understood and there is a need

for further research;

No measurements exist of the amount of F-gases actually destroyed in Denmark by treatment

at NORD and the power plant treating PU-foam separated and collected from small units;

It is unclear, whether existing refrigeration systems based on HCFC-22 will be able to carry out

the phase-out of HCFC-22 in time and whether there will be a need for special support to en-

sure the selection of sustainable alternatives.

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12 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Sammenfatning og konklusion

Fluorholdige drivhusgasser (F-gasser) omfattet af Miljøstyrelsens liste over uønskede stoffer

(LOUS) dækker kemiske forbindelser klassificeret som HFC'er (hydrofluorcarboner) og PFC'er

(perfluorcarboner) foruden svovlhexafluorid (SF6).

Denne kortlægning omfatter 14 HFC-forbindelser, 7 PFC-forbindelser samt svovlhexafluorid (se

Tabel 00). Alle forbindelser er angivet af European Fluorocarbon Technical Committee (EFCTC)

som vigtige fluorholdige drivhusgasser. Blandt HFC'erne er medregnet 2 forbindelser, som også er

klassificeret som HFO'er (HFO står for hydrofluoroolefiner). HFO'erne afviger fra andre HFC'er

ved, at de indeholder en dobbeltbinding mellem 2 kulstofatomer, som medfører, at stofferne er

mere udsat for nedbrydning i atmosfæren.

Kortlægningen er fokuseret på de rene forbindelser. Adskillige af de HFC-produkter, som markeds-

føres, er dog ikke rene stoffer, men er blandinger designet til at erstatte specifikke stoffer til bestem-

te formål. Disse HFC-produkter vil altid være betegnet med akronymer som HFC-4xx eller HFC-5xx

(fx. HFC-401a, HFC-507a).

F-gasser bruges som varmetransmissionsmidler i aircondition, varmepumper og køleanlæg. De

bruges også som opskumningsmidler i skumplast og til ildslukning. Mindre anvendelser omfatter

blandt andet drivgasser i aerosoler (sprays) til medicinske formål, opløsningsmidler, dielektrisk gas

i stærkstrømsanlæg og rensemidler anvendt ved fremstilling af halvledere. F-gasser er ved rumtem-

peratur gasser eller flygtige væsker, og de er både kemisk og temperaturmæssigt stabile. De er stort

set ugiftige og miljømæssigt uproblematiske med undtagelse af deres potentiale som drivhusgasser.


F-gasser er omfattet af EU-lovgivning såvel som dansk lovgivning. Den danske lovgivning er på

mange måder den mest restriktive. Den danske lovgivning tillader brugen af HFC'er i køleanlæg der

rummer mindre end 10 kg HFC kølemiddel per anlæg – det såkaldte “10 kg vindue”. Kommende

ændringer af den danske lovgivning kan med fordel fokuseres på dette “vindue”.

Ny EU regulering, som væsentligt vil begrænse brugen af F-gasser i EU, er ved at blive godkendt.

Den nye regulering tillader dog forsat brug af HFC-152a.

Der er verden over kun få lande, der har indført lovgivning, som er mere restriktiv end den eksiste-

rende EU-regulering. Et omfattende forbud, som omfatter både køling og mange andre anvendelser

af F-gasser, er indført i Schweiz.

HFC-365mfe er den eneste forbindelse, som er optaget på EUs liste over harmoniserede klassifice-

ringer (meget brandbar væske og damp). Ingen af forbindelserne er i øvrigt omfattet af REACH eller

genstand for aktivitet under REACH. Alle forbindelser er omfattet af Kyoto Protokollen om redukti-

on af emission af drivhusgasser.

Brugen af HFC'er, PFC'er og SF6 er omfattet af enkelte miljømærker (gælder fx. varmepumper og

gulvbelægning). Der er dog ikke indført miljømærker for køle- og fryseudstyr for husholdninger og

professionelt brug. Hertil kommer, at miljømærker for varmepumper ikke begrænser brugen af

HFC-134a. I begge tilfælde kan det overvejes at fremme brugen af naturlige kølemidler.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 13




betegnelse Kemisk formel



Vigtigste anven-

delser i Dan-


GWP 100


Forbrug DK –

2012 tons


DK -2012


HFC-23 CHF3 75-46-7 Ingen data 12.400 *2 2,0

HFC-32 CH2F2 75-10-5 Køling, aircondition 677 20,6 16,9

HFC-125 CHF2CF3 354-33-6 Køling, aircondition 3.170 71,7 20,7

HFC-134a CH2FCF3 811-97-2 Køling, aircondition

tekniske sprays 6.940 198,4 226,0

HFC-143a CH3CF3 420-46-2 Køling 4.800 57,7 6,9

HFC-152a CH3CHF2 75-37-6 Termostater 138 13,0 10,7

HFC-227ea CF3CHFCF3 431-89-0 Bruges ikke 3350 - -

HFC-236fa CF3CH2CF3 690-39-1 Bruges ikke 8.060 - -

HFC-245fa CHF2CH2CF3 460-73-1 Ikke brugt i2012 *1 858 *2 -

HFC-365mfc CH3CF2CH2CF3 406-58-6 Ikke brugt i2012 *1 804 *2 -


3 138495-42-8

Bruges ikke 1.650 - -

HFO-1234yf CF3CF=CH2 754-12-1 Bruges ikke <1 - -

HFO-1234zeE Trans-

CF3CH=CHF 29118-24-9 Bruges ikke <1 - -

PFC-14 CF4 75-73-0 Produktion af optiske fibre

6.630 0,2


PFC-116 C2F6 76-16-4 Bruges ikke 11.100 -


PFC-218 C3F8 76-19-7 Ikke brugt i2012 8.900 - 0,8

PFC-318 c-C4F8 415-25-3 Andre formål 9.540 0,2 *3

PFC-3-1-10 C4F10 355-25-9 Bruges ikke 9.200 - -

PFC-4-1-12 C5F12 678-26-2 Bruges ikke 8.550 - -

PFC-5-1-14 C6F14 355-41-10 Bruges ikke 7.910 - -

SF6 SF6 2551-62-4 Højspændingsan-læg. Produktion af

optiske fibre. 23.500 2,6 4,8 *5

- Ikke relevant

*1 Tidligere brug var kun til eksport

*2 Samlet forbrug af HFC-23, HFC-245fa og HFC-365mfc registeret til 3.5 tons i 2012.

*3 Samlet emission of PFC-14 og PFC-318 registeret til 0.38 tons i 2012.

*4 Globalt opvarmningspotentiale over en 100-års periode.

*5 Af de 4,8 tons stammer 3,6 tons fra udslip ved bortskaffelse af termovinduer hvor SF6 har været

anvendt som isoleringsgas.

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14 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Fremstilling og anvendelser

F-gasser producers i adskillige lande både i og uden for Europa. Den globale produktion er givetvis

over 300.000 tons/år. HFC-gasserne er de mængdemæssigt vigtigste, mens SF6 tæller for 2-3 % af

det totale forbrug og PFC-gasserne for mindre end 1 %.

F-gasser produceres ikke i Danmark og hele forbruget i Danmark er baseret på import. Forbruget er

mindsket fra ca. 1.000 tons in 2000 til ca. 360 tons in 2012. Forbrugstal for enkelte gasser er angi-

vet i Tabel 00.

Køling og aircondition er langt de vigtigste anvendelser for F-gasser og specielt HFC'er. Mindre

mængder er anvendt til termostater og aerosoler (sprays), mens brugen som opskumningsmiddel til

skumplast ophørte i 2002.

PFC'er blev tidligere brugt i særligt lavtemperatur-køleudstyr, men denne anvendelse er tilsynela-

dende ophørt i Danmark, da der ikke blev registreret forbrug i 2012. SF6 bruges i dag hovedsageligt

som dielektrisk gas i stærkstrøms installationer, mens brugen som isoleringsgas i vinduer og som

beskyttelsesgas ved produktion af magnesium i dag er ophørt.

Forbruget af F-gasser i Danmark har været stabilt gennem de seneste 5-6 år.


Der genereres ikke produktionsaffald i Danmark, da F-gasser som nævnt ikke produceres i Dan-

mark. Indsamling af F-gasser sker ved reparation og vedligeholdelse af udstyr og anlæg som inde-

holder F-gasser (fx. køleskabe, frysere, airconditionanlæg, varmepumper og transformerstationer)

samt ved konvertering af udstyr og anlæg til nye kølemidler/varme transmissionsmidler og ved

skrotning af udtjent udstyr og anlæg.

De opsamlede F-gasser anvendes i eksisterende eller nyt udstyr i Denmark eller udlandet - om nød-

vendigt efter oprensning - eller sendes til destruktion.

Skrottede husholdningskøleskabe, frysere og varmepumper og lignende små enheder vil generelt

blive tømt for kølemiddel/varmetransmissionsmiddel, og den opsamlede gas afleveret til destrukti-

on. Størsteparten af enhederne behandles tillige i et særligt fragmenteringsanlæg, hvor isolerings-

skummet kan opsamles og føres til destruktion sammen med indholdet af opskumningsmiddel. En

mindre del af de indsamlede enheder eksporteres til behandling i Sverige eller Tyskland.

F-gasser, som er til stede i skumplast i andre konstruktioner, vil ikke blive indsamlet og destrueret

og vil derfor blive frigivet til atmosfæren. Dette gælder også for SF6 anvendt som isoleringsgas i


F-gasser anvendt som kølemidler eller indeholdt i skumplast - separeret og opsamlet i Danmark

med henblik på destruktion - kan påregnes at blive fuldstændigt destrueret.

Miljøpåvirkninger og -effekter

HFC'er, PFC'er, HFO'er og SF6 er målt i atmosfæren. Koncentrationerne har været konstant stigen-

de siden i hvert fald 1978 og fortsætter med at stige med en rate på ca. 5 % årligt.

Danske emissioner er steget væsentligt fra 1990 til 2007/08, men er nu på vej nedad. Emissionerne

i 2012 udgjorde ca. 280 tons HFC, 1 tons PFC and 5 tons SF6 svarende til ca. 780.000 tons CO₂-eq.

Emissioner for de enkelte forbindelser er angivet i Tabel 00.

Der er stigende bekymring over emissionen og akkumuleringen af meget fluorholdige gasser med

lang levetid i atmosfæren. De er meget persistente på grund af stabiliteten af den kemiske C-F bin-

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 15

ding. For PFC'er og SF6 er den atmosfæriske nedbrydning ekstremt langsomt, og forbindelserne har

levetider i atmosfæren på mange tusinde år. De er drivhusgasser med et væsentligt potentiale for

global opvarmning, da de stærkt absorberer infrarød stråling. Gasserne er generelt ikke-reaktive og

udgør ingen trussel mht. giftighed overfor miljøet.

HFC'er har effektivt erstattet CFC og HCFC, som er udfaset som fastlagt under Montreal Protokol-

len. Denne succes har medført et øget indhold af HFC'er i atmosfæren.

HFC'er og HFO'er nedbrydes i den lavere atmosfære på grund af C-H bindingerne, som reagerer

med hydroxyl radikaler. Den atmosfæriske livetid for disse forbindelser er af størrelsen 1,5 til 242 år

for de vigtigste HFC'er, mens levetiden for de vigtigste HFO'er er nede på 0,03-0,04 år.

Emissionen af HFC'er har potentiale til at blive meget væsentlig i fremtiden. Uden indgreb vil stig-

ningen i HFC emissioner medføre, at en stor del af den klimagevinst, som blev opnået ved udfas-

ningen af CFC og HCFC, vil gå tabt. Emissionen af HFC'er i 2050 er estimeret at svare til 7 – 19 % af

de globale emissioner af CO₂.

Der er ikke identificeret nedbrydningsprodukter med væsentlig giftvirkning i miljøet, herunder

medregnet trifluoreddikesyre (TFA), som er et nedbrydningsprodukt af visse HFC'er og HFO'er.

TFA er en meget persistent forbindelse, som synes at forekomme naturligt i havvand. Væsentlige

koncentrationer af TFA er registreret i regn, søer og floder og i både kystnære havområder og i oce-

anerne. Havene er derfor et stort lager for TFA, og de observerede koncentrationer overstiger klart

hvad der kunne forventes som resultat af atmosfærisk iltning af menneskeskabte fluorcarboner.

Kredsløbet for TFA i atmosfæren og hydrosfæren er dog langtfra klarlagt og er genstand for igang-

værende forskning.


HFC-365mfe er som nævnt den eneste forbindelse optaget på EUs liste over harmoniserede klassi-

fikationer (meget brandfarlig væske og damp). Industriens selv-klassificeringer viser, at brandbar-

heden af HFC'er stiger med kortere kulstofkæder og mindre fluorindhold. Selv-klassificeringerne

viser også, at de kortkædede HFC'er, HFO-1234yf, SF6 og PFC'er opbevares ved højt tryk og kan

eksplodere ved opvarmning.

Hvad angår giftighed og baseret på den tilgængelige viden kan det generelt konkluderes, at HFC'er,

PFC'er og SF6 kun medfører små farer for mennesker. Ved meget kraftig eksponering er der for visse

HFC'er rapporteret reversible effekter såsom åndedrætsbesvær, produktion af spyt, balanceproble-

mer samt påvirkninger af hjertet. Hertil kommer, at visse HFC'er og PFC'er kan give lette irritatio-


Tilgængelige tests for mutagenicitet/genotoksicitet (in vitro og in vivo) og studier om carcinogenici-

tet peger ikke på, at de pågældende forbindelser har kræftfremkaldende egenskaber.

Den beskedne information om påvirkningen af forbrugere og gennem arbejdsmiljøet peger på, at

der under normale forhold kun sker lille eksponering for de pågældende forbindelser. Meget littera-

tur beskæftiger sig slet ikke med eksponering grundet de meget beskedne farer for menneskers

sundhed. I overensstemmelse hermed er der ikke identificeret nogen aktuelle toksikologiske risiko-


De væsentligste risici knyttet til de pågældende forbindelser synes således at handle om brandbar-

heden af HFC'er og HFO'er og om termiske nedbrydningsprodukter, idet termisk nedbrydning kan

forårsage dannelse af stærkt toksiske nedbrydningsprodukter såsom hydrogen fluorid (HF) og car-

bonyl fluorid (COF2). Der kan derfor være et berettiget behov for videre studier om termiske ned-

brydningsprodukter; herunder dannelse af HF og COF2.

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16 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Dannelse af giftige nedbrydningsprodukter er også relevant for SF6 udsat for elektriske udladninger

i gasisoleret udstyr. Nedbrydningsprodukter, der dannes i elektrisk udstyr, vil dog for en stor dels

vedkommende blive reduceret ved rekombination i udstyret. Resten forbliver i anlægget og håndte-

res, når anlægget vedligeholdes eller skrottes. Der er således ingen af nedbrydningsprodukterne,

der frigives til atmosfæren.


Alternativer er blevet udviklet og indført for de fleste anvendelser, hvor F-gasser anvendes eller er

blevet anvendt. Dette har været en succes, og forbruget af F-gasser i Danmark er mindsket til en

tredjedel i perioden fra 2000 til 2012.

Denne udvikling er skabt af den danske regulering af F-gasser herunder skatter og forbud for be-

stemte formål kombineret med støtte til forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter for at sikre hurtig ud-

vikling af alternativ teknologi.

Forbruget af HFC-kølemidler har dog tilsyneladende stabiliseret sig på et årligt forbrug på ca. 360

tons siden 2009. Denne stagnation er forårsaget hovedsageligt af det såkaldte "10-kg vindue" i den

danske lovgivning, som tillader, at HFC stadig anvendes i udstyr, der rummer mindre end 10 kg

HFC kølemiddel per anlæg.

"10-kg vinduet" repræsenterer således en vigtig gruppe af produkter, hvor der stadig anvendes

HFC'er grundet mangel på indlysende alternativer og lovgivning, der fremmer brugen af alternati-

ver. De pågældende produkter omfatter kondenserende enheder, varmepumper og små kølere.

Herudover kan der identificeres følgende vigtige udfordringer:

De økonomiske barrierer for etablering af meget store ammoniak-køleanlæg, som rummer

mere end 5 tons ammoniak, da der er behov for særlig og kostbar planlægning og foran-

staltninger i overensstemmelse med risikobekendtgørelsen.

Fra 1. januar 2015 vil det være forbudt at fylde HCFC-22 på eksisterende køleanlæg. Det er

estimeret, at der stadig er mere end 5.000 anlæg i brug og et par hundrede stykker er store

systemer med mere end 10 kg HCFC-22. Der er bekymring for, at mange af de eksisterende

anlæg kan have problemer med at udfase HCFC-22 i tide.

Væsentlige videns mangler

Der er identificeret følgende væsentlige huller i den foreliggende viden:

Der er begrænset viden om nedbrydningsprodukter ved opvarmning af F-gasser og i særdeles-

hed fra nedbrydning af HFC'er, HFO'er og SF6 (bortset fra SF6 i højspændingsanlæg). Dette

omfatter bl.a. viden om dannelse af HF og COF2 fra gasserne.

Kredsløbet af TFA i atmosfæren og hydrosfæren er langtfra klarlagt, og der er et behov for vide-

re forskning.

Mængden af F-gasser der faktisk destrueres i Danmark ved behandling hos NORD og det kraft-

værk der behandler PU-skum separeret og opsamlet fra små enheder kendes ikke med sikker-

hed på grund af manglende målinger.

Det er uklart, om de eksisterende køleanlæg baseret på HCFC-22 vil være i stand til at udfase

HCFC-22 i tide, og om der vil være et behov for særlig støtte til at sikre valget af bæredygtige al-


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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 17

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18 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

1. Introduction to the sub-stances

1.1 Definition of the substance group

Fluorinated greenhouse gases as defined by LOUS 2009 [Danish EPA, 2011] covers compounds

classified as HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) and PFCs (perfluorinated carbons) besides sulphur hex-


HFCs are aliphatic carbons composed of hydrogen, fluor and carbon only. Similarly PFCs are ali-

phatic carbons composed of fluor and carbon only. The carbon atoms in PFCs are fully fluorinated

(= perfluorinated).

It is noted that PFC frequently also are used as abbreviation for substances as perfluorooctane sul-

fonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and related compounds, which in reality should

be classified as fluorocarbon derivatives. These compounds are in a LOUS context described sepa-

rately (reference is made to the report on "Survey of PFOS, PFOA and other perfluoroalkyl and

polyfluoroalkyl substances "[Lassen et al., 2013]) and is not addressed by the present report.

In table 1 is listed the fluorinated greenhouse gases identified by EFCTC (European Fluorocarbon

Technical Committee) under CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council) as major fluorinated

greenhouse gases [EFCTC, 2012]. The list includes all gases registered as used in Denmark (marked

as bold). A more comprehensive list of HFC and PFC gases and their GWP adopted from the newest

draft working group (1) report prepared for the coming IPCC Fifth Assessment Report is included as

annex 2.

The compounds named as HFO (1234yf and 1234zeE – HFO designates hydrofluoroolefins) consist

as HFCs of hydrogen, fluor and carbon only, and is thus classified as HFCs, but differs from other

HFCs in having a double bond between a pair of carbon atoms making the compound more reactive

and thereby more exposed to atmospheric decomposition, and significantly reducing the atmos-

pheric lifetime of HFOs as compared to HFCs.

Some of the substances listed (HFC-236fa, HFO-1234zeE, PFC-318, PFC-5-1-14) are neither regis-

tered nor pre-registered under REACH, and may thus not be manufactured, imported or placed on

the market within the European Community for the time being. Some of these substances may,

however, have been used in EU historically, or used in a quantity so small (<1 tons/year) that regis-

tration is not required. Some substances have been preregistered, but not yet registered (HFC-

245fa, HFC-365mfc, PFC-3-1-10 and PFC-4-1-14). These might be imported/produced in volumes

below 100 tons/year per manufacturer/importer and would in that case be due for registration in

2018. From the industry self-classifications (see annex 3) for which there is no tonnage threshold, it

can indeed be seen these four substances are actually on the EU marked.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 19






Substance name Chemical

Formula CAS No. EC No.


tonnage band




HFC-23 *3 Trifluoromethane CHF3 75-46-7 200-872-4 100-1,000

HFC-32 *3 Difluoromethane CH2F2 75-10-5 200-839-4 10,000 – 100,000

HFC-125 *3 1,1,1,2,2- pentafluoro

ethane CHF2CF3 354-33-6 206-557-8 10,000 – 100,000

HFC-134a *3 1,1,1,2-

tetrafluoroethane CH2FCF3 811-97-2 212-377-0 10,000 – 100,000

HFC 143a *3 1,1,1-trifluoroethane CH3CF3 420-46-2 206-996-5 10,000 – 100,000

HFC 152a *3 1,1-difluoroethane CH3CHF2 75-37-6 200-866-1 1,000 – 10,000

HFC 227ea 1,1,1,2,3,3,3- hep-tafluoropropane

CF3CHFCF3 431-89-0 297-079-2 1,000 – 10,000

HFC 236fa 1,1,1,3,3,3-

hexafluoropropane CF3CH2CF3 690-39-1 425-320-1 10-100

HFC-245fa *3 1,1,1,3,3-

pentafluoropropane CHF2CH2CF3 460-73-1 680-280-1 No Yes

HFC-365mfc *3


CH3CF2CH2CF3 406-58-6 430-250-1/ 609-856-5 Confidential Yes




CF3 138495-42-8 420-640-8 100+

HFO-1234yf 2,3,3,3-

tetrafluoroprop-1-ene CF3CF=CH2 754-12-1 468-710-7 1,000 – 10,000

HFO-1234zeE Trans-1,3,3,3-

tetrafluoroprop-1-ene Trans-

CF3CH=CHF 29118-24-9 n.d. No No

PFC-14 *3 Perfluoromethane CF4 75-73-0 200-896-5 No Yes

PFC-116 *3 Perfluoroethane C2F6 76-16-4 200-939-8 100 – 1,000

PFC-218 *3 Perfluoropropane C3F8 76-19-7 200-941-9 100 – 1,000

PFC-318 *3 Perfluorocyclobutane c-C4F8 415-25-3 n.d. No No

PFC-3-1-10 Perfluorobutane C4F10 355-25-9 206-580-3 No Yes

PFC-4-1-12 Perfluoropentane C5F12 678-26-2 211-647-5 No Yes

PFC-5-1-14 Perfluorohexane C6F14 355-41-10 n.d. No No

SF6 *3 Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 2551-62-4 219-854-2 1,000 – 10,000

*1 Identified by EFCTC as major fluorinated greenhouse gases [EFCTC, 2012]

*2 All substances for which a tonnage range are stated are registered within REACH

*3 Fluorinated greenhouse gases registered as used in Denmark [Poulsen & Werge, 2012]

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20 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Several HFC-products are marketed, which are not single substances, but mixtures of substances

designed to replace specific substances for certain applications. These HFC-products will always be

characterized by acronyms as HFC-4xx or HFC-5xx. The most important HFC –mixtures used in

Denmark and their composition are presented in table 2 below.









HCFC-22 HCFC-124 HFC-32 HFC-125 HFC-134a HFC-143a HFC-152a Other

HFC-401a 53% 34% 13%

HFC-402a 38% 60% 2% propane

HFC-404a 44% 4% 52%

HFC-407c 23% 25% 52%

HFC-408a *2 47% 7% 46%

HFC-409a *3 60% 25%

15 % HFC-


HFC-410a 50% 50%


*4 88%

9% PFC-

218; 3%



*5 46.6% 50% 3,4% butane

HFC507a 50% 50%

*1 Composition data adopted from [Poulsen & Werge 2012], unless other reference is stated.

*2 [DuPont, 2011a]

*3 [DuPont, 2011b]

*4 [Harp, 2013]

*5 [National, 2008]

For HFC and PFC compounds and other fluorinated alkanes 2 special numbering systems exists

that systematically identifies the molecular structure of these substances. The systems have origi-

nally been developed for refrigerants made with a single halogenated hydrocarbon. Based on

[Neilorme, 2014; Wikipedia, 2014] the meaning of the codes and other details of the systems can be

described as follows:

System 1:

The rightmost value indicates the number of fluorine atoms, the next value to the left is the number

of hydrogen atoms plus 1, and the next value to the left is the number of carbon atoms less one (ze-

roes are not stated). Remaining atoms are chlorine. Thus, HFC-23 contains three fluorine atoms,

one hydrogen atom (2-1=1) and one carbon atom (0+1=1). It is therefore CHF3. Similarly PFC 3-1-10

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 21

contains 10 fluorine atoms, no hydrogen atom (1-1=0) and four carbon atoms (3+1=4). It is there-

fore C4F10.

System 2:

Add 90 to the number. The resulting value will give the number of carbons as the first numeral, the

second numeral gives the number of hydrogen atoms, and the third numeral gives the number of

fluorine atoms. The rest of the unaccounted carbon bonds are occupied by chlorine atoms.

For HFC-23 the system gives: 90+23 = 113, corresponding to 1 carbon, 1 hydrogen and 3 fluorine

atoms, resulting in CHF3. Similarly PFC 3-1-10 gives: 90 + 31(10) = 40(10), corresponding to 4

carbon, no hydrogens and 10 fluorine atoms, resulting in C4F10. Please note that in this case the

number 3-1-10 should be read as 3 digits, where the first digit is 3, the second digit is 1 and the last

digit is 10.

No matter the numbering system adopted a suffix of a lower-case letter a, b, or c indicates increas-

ingly unsymmetrical isomers.

Regarding the 400- and the 500-series the rightmost digit is assigned arbitrarily by ASHRAE, an

industry organization.

The systems described above do not cover the numbering of HFO compounds having 4 digits as e.g.

HFO-1234yf. According to [Honeywell, 2013] the numbers of these compounds shall be understood

as follows:

First Number = Number of double bonds;

Second Number = Number of carbon atoms minus one;

Third Number = Number of hydrogen atoms plus one;

Fourth Number = Number of fluorine atoms;

yf = Denominates the specific isomer (position of the fluorine atoms).

1.2 Physical and chemical properties

Physical and chemical properties of the substances included in this survey are presented in table 3.

Preference is given to data presented by ECHA on its homepage on chemicals ([ECHA, 2014]). To

the extent data is not available with ECHA other sources have been consulted.

As indicated by the data presented most substances are gases at room temperature and typically low


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22 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases



Property HFC-23 HFC-32 HFC-125 HFC-134a


HFC-143a HFC-152a


CAS No. 75-46-7 75-10-5 354-33-6 811-97-2 420-46-2 75-37-6

EC No. 200-872-4 200-839-4 206-557-8 212-377-0 206-996-5 200-866-1

Synonyms Trifluoro-




methane, R 32,

Freon 32

1,1,1,2,2- pen-


ethane, pen-


ethane, F 125,

Freon 125



ethane, norflu-



Freon 134a


ethane, R143a



Molecular formu-




Physical state

(20°C, 101.3 kPa)

Colourless gas

with a slight

ethereal odour

Colourless and

odourless gas

Colourless gas with a faint

ethereal odour

Colourless gas with a faint

ethereal odour

Colourless and odourless gas

Colourless and odourless gas

Flammability Non-














(<50°C, 3.9-

16.9 %(v/v))




-155.1/-160 °C -136°C -103 °C -111.3 °C -117 °C


Boiling point -82.03/-82.1/-






-26 °C

(101.3 kPa)

-47.4 °C -25 °C

(101.3 kPa) *2

Relative density n.d. Liquid:

0.96 g/cm3

(25ºC, lique-

fied gas, va-

pour pressure

1690 kPa)

Vapours: 2.98

kg/m3 at -


5.36 g/L


1.53 g/cm³


uid density at -

48.5 °C)

1.21 g/cm³

(liquid den-

sity, 25 °C)

1.18 g/cm³

(-50 °C)

0.9 g/cc


Vapour pressure 4705.4 kPa at



1701 kPa


1203.0 kPa


1376/1400 kPa

570/574 kPa


1262/1272 kPa

(25 °C)

514.6 kPa

(25 °C)

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 23

Property HFC-23 HFC-32 HFC-125 HFC-134a


HFC-143a HFC-152a


3140 kPa



Surface tension 2.06 mN/m n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.

Water solubility


838 mg/L at

(25°C, 1 bar

(abs) /0.10

wt% at 1 atm

and 25°C

1900 mg/L


1570 -4400

mg/L (25ºC)

430 mg/L

(25 °C, atm.


5970 mg/L

(25 °C,


vapour pres-


1 g/L

(25 °C)

761 mg/L

(25 °C)

2671 mg/L

(25 °C)

3200 mg/L

(21 °C)

Log P (oc-


0.84 (25 °C) 0.21 (25ºC)

0.19-0.71 (20

ºC assumed)


(20 °C)


(25 °C)


(20 °C)

1.13 (25 °C)


(20 °C) *2

Molecular weight


70 52 120.02 102.02 84.02 66.05 *2

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24 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases



Property HFC 227ea HFC 236fa HFC-245fa








CAS No. 431-89-0 690-39-1 460-73-1 406-58-6 138495-42-8 754-12-1

EC No. 297-079-2 425-320-1 n.d. 430-250-1 420-640-8 468-710-7

Synonyms 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-



















Molecular formu-








Physical state

(20°C, 101.3 kPa)

Colourless and

odourless gas

Colourless gas,

slight odour –



liquid/gas with

faint ethereal


n.d. Clear colour-less liquid

Colourless gas

Flammability Non-


High Non-




-27 °C)

Likely not

(no flashpoint





-129.5 °C -103 °C <-160/-160 °C -35 °C. -84.0°C. n.d.

Boiling point (-18) -(-16)°C -2 °C

(101.3 kPa)

15/15.3°C 40.2°C 53.2-54.2°C -29°C

Relative density 1.41 g/cm³

(liquid den-

sity, 25 °C)

6.18 g/cm3

(22.4 °C).

1.32. 1.264 1.6 (relative

density, 25°C)


Vapour pressure 54/404/2936

kPa at



249 kPa



122.7 kPa

(20 °C, 101.3


46.7 kPa

(20 °C)

24.8/31.3 kPa

at 20/25°C



1281 kPa

at 0/20/50 °C


Surface tension n.d. 73 mN/m

(20 °C,

707 mg/L)

68.5 mN/m 15.6 mN/m

(20 °C)

66.7 mN/m

at 120 mg/L

(below tension

of pure water)


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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 25

Property HFC 227ea HFC 236fa HFC-245fa








Water solubility


0.23 g/L

(20-25 °C)

724 mg/L

(20 °C)

7.18 g/L

(21 °C, 122.7


50 %

(mass %,

20 °C)

126±33 mg/L


198.2 mg/L

(24 °C)

Log P (oc-





(20 °C)



n.d. 2.7 2.0/2.15 at

25/20°C re-


Molecular weight


170.02 152.04 134.05 148.07 252.04 114.03

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26 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases



Property HFO-1234zeE








*4, 5, 11


*4,8, 12

CAS No. 29118-24-9 75-73-0 76-16-4 76-19-7 415-25-3 355-25-9

EC No. n.d. 200-896-5 200-939-8 200-941-9 n.d. 206-580-3

Synonyms Trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-prop-1-ene







octafluoropro-pane, R218

Perfluoro-cyclobutane, octafluoro-

cyclobutane, RC318

Perfluoro-butane, de-



Molecular formular Trans-CF3-CH=CHF

CF4 CF3-CF3 CF3-CF2-CF3 c-C4F8 :






Physical state (20°C,

101.3 kPa)

Colourless gas Odourless gas Colourless, odourless gas

Clear colour-less gas

Colourless gas n.d.

Flammability Non-













n.d. -183.6°C -100.6°C -183°C −40.1 °C *5 -128.2°C/-


Boiling point -19°C -128°C -78°C -37°C -5.99 °C *4 - 2/-22°C

Relative density 1.146 g/cm3


1.603 g/cm3 at

boiling point

and 101.3 kPa

1.607 g/cm3 at

boiling point

1.36 g/cm3


Liquid: 1.64

g/cm3 at boil-

ing point

1.48 g/cm3


Gas: 0.0088

g/cm3 (101.3

kPa, 15 °C) *4

1.594 g/cm3 at

boiling point

and 101.3 kPa.

Vapour pressure ~400 kPa


3740 kPa at


2902/2976 kPa

(at 18/19ºC


770 kPa

(20 ºC)

266 kPa


2427 kPa

(113.3 °C)

Surface tension n.d. n.d. n.d. 4.3 mN/m

(25 °C)


Water solubility


n.d. 0.0149 g/L

(25 °C, 101.3

520 mg/L

(25°C, 100

5.7 µg/L 0.043/0.14



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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 27

Property HFO-1234zeE








*4, 5, 11


*4,8, 12

kpa) kPa) (25 °C) (20 °C, 101.3


Log P (oc-


n.d. n.d. 2.15 2.8 n.d n.d.

Molecular weight


114 88.01 138.02 188.03 200.04


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28 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases



Property PFC-4-1-12




SF6 *6

CAS No. 678-26-2 355-41-10 2551-62-4

EC No. 211-647-5 n.d. 219-854-2

Synonyms Perfluoro-pentane,


Perfluoro-hexane Sulphur hexafluoride

Molecular formular CF3-CF2-CF2-CF2-CF3 CF3-CF2-CF2-CF2-CF2-CF3 SF6


Physical state (20°C,

101.3 kPa)

Liquid Liquid colourless, odourless, tasteless


Flammability n.d n.d Non-flammable



-120 °C (pour point) -90 °C (pour point) -50.8 °C

Boiling point 29°C 57°C -63.9 °C (sublimation tempera-


Relative density 1.604 1.682 Liquid:

1.336 g/cm3


6.089x10-3 g/cm3

Vapour pressure 8.62 kPa

(25 °C)

2.94 kPa

(25 °C)

2367 kPa

Surface tension 9.4 mN/m 11.1 mN/m 8.02 mN/m

(20 °C)

Water solubility


n.d. n.d. 0.031 g/L (25 °C)

Log P (oc-


n.d. n.d. 1.68

Molecular weight


288 338 146.07

n.d.: No data

*1 The data presented is taken from [EFCTC, 2014] (name, formula and CAS number for all substances) and

[ECHA, 2014] (other data to the extent information is available with ECHA). In other cases specific refer-

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ence has been stated. Data on molecular weight is, however, partly based on own calculations.

Regarding data from ECHA it should be noted that data differ with the approach adopted (calculated or de-

termined by experiments) and the methodology and conditions assumed or adopted (e.g. with respect to

pressure and pH). The data presented generally represents minimum and maximum values. For further in-

formation reference is made to ECHA. Temperature data stated in Kelvin has been converted to Celsius

(x°C = x+273.15°Kelvin). Pressure data stated in bar, atm, and mm Hg has been converted to kPa (1 atm =

to 101.325 kPa = 1013.25 millibars = 760 mmHg (torr) or 29.92 in Hg).

*2 [ECETOX, 2004a]

*3 [ECETOX, 2004b]

*4 [Air Liquide, 2014]

*5 [Wikipedia, 2014b]

*6 [OECD SIDS, 2006c]

*7 [ECETOX, 2006]

*8 [Siegemund et al., 2012]

*9 [Environment Canada, 2011]

*10 [Solvay, 2014]

*11 [Daik1n, 2011]

*12 [Chemicalbook, 2014]

*13 [Honeywell, 2012]

1.3 Function of the substances for main application areas

Fluorocarbons are used as heat transmission media in air-conditioning, heat pumps and refrigera-

tion systems. They are also used as blowing agents for plastics foams, and as firefighting agent.

Minor uses include propellant for medical aerosols, as solvent, insulation gas for high voltage appli-

cations and cleaning agent in semiconductor manufacturing etc.

Generally fluorocarbons are gases or volatile liquids at room temperature, low to non- flammable,

thermal and chemical stable, with very low toxicity and with favourable environmental profile apart

from their global warming potential.

Based primarily on [EFCTC, 2014] the function of fluorocarbons can be briefly summarised as fol-


HFC – heat transmission

Heat transmission inclusive of refrigeration and air-conditioning has been the dominant application

for HFCs since chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were out-phased in Denmark and other countries back

in the 1980/9o-ties. HFC-134a was developed as a replacement to CFC-12. Apart from appropriate

thermodynamic properties also the stability and low toxicity of HFCs are important characteristics.

HFC – blowing agent

As blowing agents for plastic foams it is utilised that several HFCs have good thermal insulating

characteristics. These specific properties have made them good candidates as foam-blowing agents

for the replacement of HCFC-substances in the production of insulating foam.

This is particularly the case in those applications where there is limited space available for insula-

tion, e.g. appliances such as freezers and refrigerators. The use of HFCs allows manufacturers to

fulfil strict energy-consumption standards and still providing appropriate storage capacity.

Apart from their blowing agent and insulation properties also the flammability and low toxicity of

HFCs are important characteristics e.g. favouring the use of HFCs as blowing in in-situ insulation.

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30 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

HFC – fire protection

In fire protection it is utilised that HFCs are heavier than air and displace air. HFCs, furthermore

acts, by a chemical process besides having a cooling effect in the process of extinguishing fires

[Wickham, 2002]. HFCs being utilized are non-flammable and with very low toxicity. They are

used at well below toxic levels and can therefore be used in normally occupied spaces.

HFC systems require only a small amount of gas and achieve design concentrations in less than 10

seconds. HFCs, furthermore, are non-conductive, clean agents and therefore leave no residue.

HFC fire extinguishing systems are relevant in those cases where speed, space and safety are criti-

cal. Typical applications are telecommunication facilities, computer rooms, process control centres,

military vehicles, aircraft, etc.

HFC - solvents

HFCs are used as solvents utilizing properties as thermal and chemical stability, good dielectric

properties, high material compatibility, low surface tension and viscosity, high liquid density , be-

sides very low toxicity, and favourable environmental profiles apart from their global warming

potential . Quite often the HFC is blended with other fluids to obtain tailored properties for specific

solvent - uses. Main applications include degreasing, defluxing, particulate removal, drying after

aqueous cleaning, dielectric coolant and specialist extraction.

HFC - medical aerosol applications

HFC usage is limited to products where health and safety during use requires a non-flammable and

virtually non-toxic propellant. These aerosol products include Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs) for

therapy of asthma and other respiratory problems.

PFC – electronic industry

PFC gases and liquids are traditionally used in several electronics industry processes ranging from

semiconductor manufacturing, IC-components quality control testing to direct contact dielectric

cooling of e.g. power electronics assembly. Due to the high market prices of PFCs, these substances

are typically used in much specialised applications with high requirements of system efficiency and

worker safety.

Use by the semiconductor industry is primarily for in-situ chamber cleaning of CVD/PECVD tools

and minor volumes for wafer etching.

PFC – medical applications

PFC-3-1-10 is used for medical research. The key feature here is the inert characteristic as well as

non-flammability providing good operation conditions and equipment reliability.

PFC – heat transfer

PFC-5-11-14 is mainly used as heat transfer fluid. This highly demanding application require good

dielectric characteristic at optimum material compatibility and thermal stability. The use as coolant

fluid in very specialized applications ensures a close to zero emission into the environment.

SF6 – insulating gas in electrical installations

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is used as a dielectric gas for high voltage applications. It is chemically

inert, gaseous even at low temperature, non-flammable, non-toxic and non-corrosive, besides that

its dielectric strength and dielectric constant are unchanged from a few Hz up to several GHz. Other

relevant properties are high molar heat capacity and low viscosity which enables it to transfer heat

very effectively and arc quenching properties to prevent arc from occurring while its molecular

fragments rapidly recombine after the source of arc is removed.

SF6 - uses in the semiconductor industry

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To manufacture wafers, the semiconductor industry requires gaseous fluorinated compounds,

silanes (e.g. SiH4) and doping gases (e.g. AsH3, PH3). Wafers consist of high-purity silicon and are

the basic building blocks for all semiconductor components.

SF6 or other high-purity gases are used as etching gases for plasma etching of the silicon or as clean-

ing gases to clean the CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) chambers after the etching process to

remove the silicon fractions deposited in the chamber.

SF6 - metal casting:

Magnesium is a highly reactive metal and SF6 is used in magnesium casting to prevent the surface

of the melt to be exposed to ignition, oxidation and the formation of nitrides. Due to the non-toxic

and non-corrosive properties of SF6 it has replaced sulphur dioxide (SO2) as cover gas used in most

magnesium foundries.

SF6 may also be used in aluminium casting by injecting an SF6/inert gas mixture as pre-treating of

the aluminium melt to remove hydrogen, oxides and solid impurities.

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32 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

2. Regulatory framework

2.1 Legislation

2.1.1 Existing legislation

The key regulation of fluorinated greenhouse gases in EU is Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 on cer-

tain fluorinated greenhouse gases combined with Directive 2006/40/EC of 17 May 2006 (the MAC

Directive) relating to emissions from air-conditioning systems in motor vehicles. The content of

these regulations can be summarized as follows (see table 4):

The MAC Directive prohibits the use of F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6) with a global warming poten-

tial more than 150 times (mainly HFC 134a) greater than carbon dioxide (CO2) in new types of cars

and vans introduced from 2011 and in all new cars and vans produced from 2017.

The F-gas Regulation contains the following major elements:

It is promoting good maintenance practices in order to prevent leaks from equipment contain-

ing F-gases. The adopted measures comprise containment of gases and proper recovery of

equipment together with training and certification of personnel and of companies handling

these gases and labeling of equipment containing F-gases. Reporting on imports, exports and

production of F-gases is also established;

It is banning F-gases in some applications where environmentally superior alternatives are


In Denmark regulation establishing a general ban on the use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 with certain

exemptions was implemented already back in 2002 (see table 4). The Danish regulation is in several

ways more restrictive than the EU regulation. The Danish regulation is, however, by Commission

Decision of 11 June 2012 (2012/301/EU) approved by the EU commission [EU 2012].

It must be noted that the Danish regulation allows for the use of HFCs in refrigeration systems with

refrigerant charges less than 10 kg HFC refrigerant – the so-called “10 kg window”. Future changes

of the Danish legislation may be focused at this “window”.

2.1.2 Proposed new regulation

A revision of the F-gas Regulation has been proposed by the European Commission in November

2012. In December 2013, representatives of the European Parliament and Council agreed on a

slightly amended text based on the Commission's proposal. The revision of the Regulation was

endorsed by the European Parliament in March 2014 and is now subject to the formal approval of

the Council [EU, 2014].

The new legislation on fluorinated gases F-gases will [EU, 2014; EU, 2014b]:

Limit the total amount of the most important F-gases (HFCs) that can be sold in the EU, and

reduce this in steps to one-fifth of today's sales in 2030 ("phase-down" measure);

Prevent emissions of F-gases from existing equipment by requiring controls, proper servicing

and recovery of the gases at the end of the equipment's life; and

Establish new restrictions on the use of F-gases in some equipment for which less harmful

alternatives are widely available today.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 33

The new restrictions proposed include [EU, 2014b]:

In new fire protection equipment HFC-23 is banned from 1 January 2016.

In new domestic refrigerators and freezers HFCs (GWP ≥ 150) are banned from 1 January


In new refrigerators and freezers for commercial use (sealed systems) HFCs (GWP ≥ 2500) are

banned from 1 January 2020 and HFCs (GWP ≥ 150) are banned from 1 January 2022.

In new stationary refrigeration equipment or equipment designed to cool products to tempera-

tures below - 50°C HFCs (GWP ≥ 2500) are banned from 1 January 2020.

In new movable room air-conditioning appliances HFCs (GWP ≥ 150) are banned from 1 Janu-

ary 2020.

For new multipack centralized refrigeration systems for commercial use with a capacity of

40kW or more, fluorinated greenhouse gases (GWP ≥ 150) are banned from 1 January 2022,

except in the primary refrigerant circuit of cascade systems where fluorinated greenhouse gases

with a GWP of less than 1500 may be used.

For new single split air-conditioning systems containing less than 3 kg of fluorinated green-

house gases, fluorinated greenhouse (GWP≥ 750) are banned from 1 January 2025.

In new foams of extruded polystyrene, HFCs (GWP ≥ 150) are banned from 1 January 2020,

and a ban for all new foams is valid from 1 January 2023, except when the use of HFCs is re-

quired to meet national safety standards.

In technical aerosols, HFCs (GWP ≥ 150) are banned from 1 January 2018, except when the use

of HFCs is required to meet national safety standards or when the aerosols are used for medical


The use of SF6 in magnesium die-casting and in the recycling of magnesium die-casting alloys

is banned for all installations from 1 January 2018.

The use of fluorinated greenhouse gases ((GWP ≥ 2500) to service or maintain refrigeration

equipment with a charge size of 40 tons of CO2 equivalent or more, is with some exemptions

banned from 1 January 2020.

The proposed exemption of F-gases with GWP<150 allows for use of HFC-152a. HFC-152a is today

only used as refrigerant in special equipment, but could be a candidate for more widespread use.



Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

Legislation addressing products

Bekendtgørelse om regulering af

visse industrielle drivhusgasser

BEK nr. 552 af 02/07/2002

Statutory Order no. 552 of

02/07/2002 Regulating Certain

Industrial Greenhouse Gases

National HFCs, PFCs and


Import, sale and use of the substances – new and recov-

ered – and of new products containing the substances

indicated are prohibited from January 1, 2006.

Irrespective of the ban stated above import, sale and use


- PFCs are banned in all new products from September

1, 2002; and from January 1, 2006 as refrigerant mix-

tures in which PFCs constitute less than 10 % of the


- SF6 are banned from September 1, 2002 in new car

tyres, from January 1, 2003 in new panes of glass,

from July 1, 2003 in new shoes (sale allowed until

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34 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

January 1, 2004), and from September 1, 2002 as

tracer gas and as shielding gas in light metal found-


- HFCs are banned from January 1, 2007 in new cool-

ing plants, heat pumps, air conditioning plants (com-

fort cooling) and dehumidifiers with charges with or

above 10 kg, and from January 1, 2006 in production

of flexible polyurethane foam;

- all substances indicated are banned from September

1, 2002 in new district heating pipes, jointing foam

and spray cans;

- SF6 are exempted from the ban in new high voltage

plants (voltage > 1 kV);

- HFCs are exempted from the ban in:

Cooling plants, heat pumps, air conditioning sys-

tems (comfort cooling) and dehumidifiers with

charges between 0.15 kg and 10 kg;

Servicing of cooling plants, air conditioning sys-

tems, heat pumps, dehumidifiers, air condition-

ing in vehicles and planes;

Cooling systems for heat recovery, primarily

connected by welding or brazing in a factory as-

sembled compact cabinet and with a charge of or

less than 50 kg;

Vaccine coolers, mobile cooling plants, air condi-

tioning in vehicles and planes, low temperature

freezers (temperature below –50 °C), medical

spray cans, and facilities for testing of cooling


- All the substances indicated are exempted from the

ban in new laboratory equipment, new thermostats,

valves etc., new products for military use and new

products for use on ships.

Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of

the European Parliament and of

the Council on certain fluorinated

greenhouse gases.












HFC- 236cb

The Regulation covers the use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 (F-

gases) in all their applications covered by the Directive,

except Mobile Air Conditioning.

The regulation set up rules for improving the prevention of

leaks from equipment containing F-gases. Measures com-


- Containment of gases and proper recovery of equip-


- Training and certification of personnel and of compa-

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 35

Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

HFC-236ea HFC-


HFC-245ca HFC-


HFC-365 mfc










nies handling these gases;

- Labelling of equipment containing F-gases;

- Reporting on imports, exports and production of F-


The regulation, also, bans the use of SF6 or preparations


- in magnesium die-casting from 1 January 2008,

except where the quantity of SF6 used is below 850 kg

per year;

- For the filling of vehicle tyres from 4 July 2007.

The regulation, furthermore, bans the placing on the mar-

ket of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the following prod-

ucts and equipment:

- HFCs are banned from 4 July 2009 in novelty aero-


- HFCs and PFCs are banned from 4 July 2007 in non-

confined direct‑evaporation systems containing re-


- PFCs are banned from 4 July 2007 in fire protection

systems and fire extinguishers.

- All fluorinated greenhouse gases indicated are banned


From 4 July 2006 in footwear;

From 4 July 2007 in non-refillable containers,

tyres and windows for domestic use;

From 4 July 2008 in other windows and in one

component foams, except when required to meet

national safety standards.

Unless otherwise stated the Regulation entered into force

on 4 July 2006.

The Regulation has been supplemented by 10 implement-

ing acts or "Commission Regulations" listed below.

EU F-gas Regulation: Imple-

menting Acts

Commission Regulation (EC) No

1493/2007 of 17 December 2007

establishing the format for the

report to be submitted by produc-


Establishes the format for the report to be submitted by

producers, importers and exporters of certain fluorinated

greenhouse gases to the EU commission

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36 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

ers, importers and exporters of

certain fluorinated greenhouse


Commission Regulation (EC) No

1494/2007 of 17 December 2007

establishing the form of labels and

additional labelling requirements

as regards products and equip-

ment containing certain fluorinat-

ed greenhouse gases

Commission Regulation EC) No

1516/2007 of 19 December 2007

establishing standard leakage

checking requirements for station-

ary refrigeration, air conditioning

and heat pump equipment con-

taining certain fluorinated green-

house gases

Commission Regulation (EC) No

1497/2007 of 18 December 2007

establishing standard leakage

checking requirements for station-

ary fire protection systems con-

taining certain fluorinated green-

house gases

Commission Regulation (EC) No

303/2008 of 2 April 2008 estab-

lishing minimum requirements

and the conditions for mutual

recognition for the certification of

companies and personnel as re-

gards stationary refrigeration, air

conditioning and heat pump

equipment containing certain

fluorinated greenhouse gases

Commission Regulation (EC) No

304/2008 of 2 April 2008 estab-

lishing minimum requirements

and the conditions for mutual

recognition for the certification of

companies and personnel as re-

gards stationary fire protection

systems and fire extinguishers

Establishing the form of labels be used on products listed

in article 7 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 and addi-

tional labelling requirements that shall apply.

The Regulation establishes the standard leakage checking

requirements for working and temporarily out of operation

stationary refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump

equipment containing 3 kg or more of fluorinated green-

house gases. The Regulation does not apply to equipment

with hermetically sealed systems, which are labelled as

such and contain less than 6 kg of fluorinated greenhouse


The Regulation establishes the standard leakage checking

requirements for working and temporarily out of operation

stationary fire protection systems.

The Regulation applies to fire protection systems contain-

ing 3 kg or more of fluorinated greenhouse gases.

The Regulation establishes minimum requirements for the

certification referred to in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC)

No 842/2006 in relation to stationary refrigeration, air

conditioning and heat pump equipment containing certain

fluorinated greenhouse gases as well as the conditions for

mutual recognition of certificates issued in accordance

with those requirements.

The Regulation establishes minimum requirements for the

certification referred to in Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC)

No 842/2006 in relation to stationary fire protection

systems and fire extinguishers containing certain fluori-

nated greenhouse gases as well as the conditions for mutu-

al recognition of certificates issued in accordance with

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 37

Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

containing certain fluorinated

greenhouse gases

Commission Regulation (EC) No

305/2008 of 2 April 2008 estab-

lishing minimum requirements

and the conditions for mutual

recognition for the certification of

personnel recovering certain

fluorinated greenhouse gases from

high-voltage switchgear

Commission Regulation (EC) No

306/2008 of 2 April 2008 estab-

lishing minimum requirements

and the conditions for mutual

recognition for the certification of

personnel recovering certain

fluorinated greenhouse gas-based

solvents from equipment

Commission Regulation (EC) No

307/2008 of 2 April 2008 estab-

lishing minimum requirements for

training programs and the condi-

tions for mutual recognition of

training attestations for personnel

as regards air-conditioning sys-

tems in certain motor vehicles

containing certain fluorinated

greenhouse gases

Commission Regulation (EC) No

308/2008 of 2 April 2008 estab-

lishing the format for notification

of the training and certification

programs of the Member States

those requirements.

The Regulation establishes minimum requirements for the

certification of personnel recovering certain fluorinated

greenhouse gases from high-voltage switchgear as well as

the conditions for mutual recognition of certificates issued

in accordance with those requirements.

The Regulation establishes minimum requirements for the

certification of personnel recovering certain fluorinated

greenhouse gas-based solvents from equipment as well as

the conditions for mutual recognition of certificates issued

in accordance with those requirements.

The Regulation establishes minimum requirements for

training programmes of personnel recovering certain

fluorinated greenhouse gases from air-conditioning sys-

tems in motor vehicles falling within the scope of Directive

2006/40/EC as well as the conditions for mutual recogni-

tion of training attestations issued in accordance with

those requirements.

The Regulation establishes the format for notifications of

the training and certification programmes of the Member

States referred to in Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No


Directive 2006/40/EC of the

European Parliament and of

the Council of 17 May 2006

relating to emissions from

air-conditioning systems in

motor vehicles and amending

Council Directive 70/156/EEC

EU HFCs, PFCs and

SF6 as referred to

in Annex A of the

Kyoto Protocol

The Directive covers the use of HFCs in Mobile Air Condi-

tioning for passengers’ cars only.

This Directive lays down the requirements for the EC type

approval or national type-approval of vehicles as regards

emissions from, and the safe functioning of, air-

conditioning systems fitted to vehicles. It also lays down

provisions on retrofitting and refilling of such systems.

Restrictions are in the Directive related to fluorinated

greenhouse gases with a global warming potential higher

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38 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

than 150(100 years GWP) in the following abbreviated as

fluorinated greenhouse gases (GWP >150).

From 4 July 2008 type-approval for new car models shall

only be granted if the leakage of fluorinated greenhouse

gases (GWP >150) will be less than either 40 g/year in the

case of a simple evaporator system or 60 g/year in the case

of a dual evaporator system.

Two years later, the same leakage limits is mandatory for

all new cars.

By 1 January 2011, fluorinated greenhouse gases (GWP

>150) is banned for air conditioning systems for new

vehicle models.

By 1 January 2017, fluorinated greenhouse gases (GWP

>150) will be banned for all new vehicles.

With effect from 1 January 2011, air-conditioning systems

designed to contain fluorinated greenhouse gases (GWP

>150) shall not be retrofitted to vehicles type-approved

from that date.

With effect from 1 January 2017, such air-conditioning

systems shall not be retrofitted to any vehicles.

Air-conditioning systems fitted to vehicles type-approved

on or after 1 January 2011 shall not be filled with fluorinat-

ed greenhouse gases (GWP>150).

With effect from 1 January 2017 air conditioning systems

in all vehicles shall not be filled with fluorinated green-

house gases (GWP>150), with the exception of refilling of

air-conditioning systems containing those gases, which

have been fitted to vehicles before that date.

Bekendtgørelse om begræns-

ning i anvendelse af visse

farlige kemiske stoffer og

produkter til specielt angivne


(Statutory Order of restrictions in

the use of certain hazardous

chemical compounds for special


BEK nr 857 af 05/09/2009

National Hydrocarbons containing halogens are not allowed to use

in equipment for fire extinguishing.

Use of fire extinguishing equipment by Municipal Fire

Brigades is exempted from the ban.

Use of halons covered by the EU regulation on substances

that deplete the ozone layer are exempted from the ban.

Bekendtgørelse af lov om

afgift af CFC og visse indu-

strielle drivhusgasser

(Statutory Order on law of fee on

National HFCs



Certain halons or

Manufacturing and import of the substances indicated

requires a fee to the Danish Treasury. The fee differs be-

tween substances. The maximum fee required is DKK

400/kg substance corresponding to ca. 53.33 Euro/kg

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 39

Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

CFC and certain industrial green-

house gases *1)

BEK nr 599 af 11/06/2007

CFC's are also

covered by the



For certain uses the fee may be refunded.

Legislation addressing design, construction, installation, and maintenance of refrigeration plants

Bekendtgørelse om indret-

ning m.v. af trykbærende


(Statutory order on design, and

manufacturing of new pressure

designed equipment *1)

BEK nr 694 af 10/06/2013



sition of



The Order establishes rules for design, manufacturing,

conformity assessment by conformity assessment bodies,

making available on the market of new pressure designed

equipment and rules for market surveillance.

Bekendtgørelse om indret-

ning, ombygning og reparati-

on af trykbærende udstyr

inkl. senere ændringer.

(Statutory order on design, recon-

struction and repair of pressure

designed equipment incl. later

amendments *1)

Bek nr. 99 af 31/01-2007

National The Order establishes rules for design reconstruction and

repair of pressure designed equipment, inclusive approval

by verification body.

Bekendtgørelse om anvendel-

se af trykbærende udstyr inkl.

senere ændringer

(Statutory Order on use of pres-

sure designed equipment incl.

later amendments *1)

Bek nr. 100 af 31/01-2007

National The Order establishes rules for installation, operation and

maintenance of pressure designed equipment, refrigera-

tion plants and heat pumps, and rules for inspections by

accredited inspection bodies.

Vejledning om Køleanlæg og

varmepumper (Guideline on

refrigeration plants and heat

pumps *1)

At-vejledning B.4.4 af oktober


National Guideline issued by the Danish Working Environment

Authority. The guideline addresses issues as safety catego-

ries, refrigeration substances, installation, monitoring and


Legislation addressing waste

Bekendtgørelse om affald

(Statutory Order on waste *1)

BEK nr 1309 af 18/12/2012

National HFCs are included in waste category 140601. HFCs are,

however, not classified as hazardous substances.

Bekendtgørelse om håndte-

ring af affald i form af motor-

drevne køretøjer og affalds-

National Refrigerants Refrigerants used in air condition systems in vehicles

being scrapped must be removed from the vehicles and

disposed of according to municipal rules for handling of

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40 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Legal instrument EU/natio


Substances (as

indicated in the


Requirements as concerns substances indicated in

the instrument

fraktioner herfra

(Statutory Order on handling of

waste consisting of engine pow-

ered vehicles and waste fractions

from such vehicles *1)

BEK nr 1312 af 19/12/2012

hazardous waste or by being delivered to companies au-

thorised to receive and treat such types of waste.

Legislation addressing occupational safety

Bekendtgørelse om arbejde

med stoffer og materialer

(kemiske agenser)

[Executive Order on Working with

Substances and Materials (chemi-

cal agents)]

Arbejdstilsynets bekendtgørelse

nr. 292 af 26. april 2001 med

senere ændringer.



tion of



The Executive Order establishes requirements for the work

with flammable gases; among these flammable F-gases.

*1 Un-official translation of name of Danish legal instrument

2.2 Classification and labelling

2.2.1 Harmonised classification in the EU

Substances and mixtures placed on the market in the EU are to be classified, labelled and packaged

according to the CLP regulation (1272/2008/EC).

Table 5 lists the harmonised classification and labelling for HFCs, PFCs and SF6 according to Annex

VI of the CLP Regulation. The table shows that the only substance being classified is HFC-365mfe

that is classified as Flammable Liquid 2 with the hazard statement H225 (Highly flammable liquid

and vapour).



Index No International

chemical iden-


CAS No Classification

Hazard Class and

Category Code(s)

Hazard state-

ment Code(s)

602-102-00-6 1,1,1,3,3-



406-58-6 Flam. Liq. 2 H225

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 41

2.2.2 Self-classification in the EU

Self-Classifications for cadmium compounds provided by companies in their C&L notifications or

registration dossiers are summarized in Annex 3. This information is registered in The Classifica-

tion & Labelling (C&L) Inventory database at the website of the European Chemicals Agency (EC-

HA). ECHA maintains the Inventory, but does not verify the accuracy of the information (ECHA,


As stated in Annex 3 most self-classifications are focused on substance characteristics as being

flammable gas or gas under pressure that may explode if heated. Many substances are also self-

classified as a possible cause for respiratory irritation or irritation of skin or eye. A few substances

are self-classified as CMR-substances. It is, however, evident that companies are not able to classify

the compounds in question correctly in several cases. These issues are further addressed in Chapter

5 and 6.


2.3.1 Authorisation List / REACH Annex XIV

The Authorisation List contains all SVHC substances included in ANNEX XIV under REACH (Ap-

pendix 1) requiring uses to be authorised for use. HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are not included in the Au-

thorisation List as of March 2014.

2.3.2 Ongoing activities - pipeline Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP)

The Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) is a tool for coordination of substance evaluation

between EU Member States, indicating when a given substance is expected to be evaluated and by


HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are not included in the Community Rolling Action Plan as of March 2013. Next

update will take place by the end of March 2014. Registry of Intentions (EU)

The 'registry of intentions' gives an overview of intentions by EU Member States in relation to An-

nex XV dossiers. Such intentions made include harmonised classification and labelling, identifica-

tion of a substance as being in the group of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) or a re-

striction related to the substance (Appendix 1).

HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are not included in the Registry of Intentions as of November 2013.

2.4 Other legislation/initiatives

The Danish Knowledge Centre for HFC-free cooling.

The centre was established in 2005 and is placed with the Danish Technological Institute. The cen-

tre objectives is introduction to and dissemination of knowledge on HFC-free cooling systems,

cooling equipment etc. to designers, installation personnel, consultants enter, construction enter-

prises, decision makers etc. in Denmark, inclusive of technical assistance and consulting services to

some extent.

The Centre was established by the Danish EPA in co-operation with the Danish Society for Cooling

Technics, the Danish Association for Refrigeration, the Association of Authorized Danish Refrigera-

tion Companies and the Association of Danish Manufacturers of Heating Pumps.

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42 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

The Centre has been and still is a key institution in undertaking research in HFC-free cooling in

Denmark. In Table 6 below is listed the research reports published by the Centre as well as by Dan-

ish Technological Institute before the Centre was established. It should be noted that several of

these rapports are addressing HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in general.

Other substitution activities

Of other substitution activities in Denmark not covered by Table 6 should be mentioned an effort

directed towards replacing the use of SF6 in in sound-insulating windows [Hoffmeyer, (2002)].



All research reports presented here are available at the following homepage: Those reports, for which their English title is written in

brackets, are only available in Danish.

Low GWP Alternatives to HFCs in Refrigeration, 2012

Udvikling af et demonstrations- og testkøleanlæg, der anvender CO2 som kølemiddel (Develop-

ment of a demonstration and pilot cooling plant using CO₂ as refrigerant), 2009

Udvikling af demonstrations- og modulopbygget vandkøleaggregat med NH3 som kølemiddel (De-

velopment of a demonstration and modul based water-cooling unit using NH₃ as re-

frigerant), 2009

Miljøvenlig iscremefryser med CO2-kølemiddel (Environmental friendly soft ice freezer with

CO₂-refrigerant), 2009

Polymerer i anlæg med CO2 som kølemiddel (Polymers in equipment using CO₂ as refriger-

ant), 2008

Kombineret brugsvands- og rumvarmepumpe med CO2 som kølemiddel (Combined drinking

water and room heating pump with CO₂ as refrigerant), 2006

Udvikling af nye generationer fyldestationer, der muliggør påfyldning af CO2 i automobil- og køle-

branchen (Development of new generations of filling stations to allow filling up with CO₂

in the automobile and cooling trade), 2005

Kuldioxid som sekundært kølemiddel i supermarked (CO₂ as secondary refrigerant in super-

market), 2005

Innovation in small Capacity Ammonia Refrigeration Plants, 2005

Konvertering af køleanlæg i supermarkeder til anvendelse af CO2 med direkte ekspansion i frost- og

kølemøbler (Conversion of cooling equipment in supermarkets to CO₂ with direct expan-

sion in freezing and cooling furniture).

Implementering af aircondition splitunit med kulbrinter på det danske marked (Implementation

of air-condition split-unit with hydrocarbons in Denmark), 2004

Konvertering af HVAC-unit fra HFC til naturlige kølemidler (Conversion of HVAC-unit from

HFC to natural refrigerants), 2003

Køle- og frostrumsanlæg til køkkener og restauranter - konvertering fra HFC til de naturlige kølemid-

ler propan og CO₂ (Equipment for cooling- and freezing-room in kitchens and restaurants

– conversion from HFC to the natural refrigerants propane and CO₂), 2003

CO2 som kølemiddel i varmepumper (CO₂ as refrigerant in heat pumps), 2003

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 43

HFC-fri mælkekøling (HFC-free cooling of milk), 2003

Konvertering af chillerunit på 250 kW med HFC (Conversion of a chiller-unit on 250 kW with

HFC), 2003

Reefer container unit med CO₂ , 2002

Individuelle eldrevne varmepumper - Implementering af ny teknologi fase 5-10 (Individual elec-

tricity powered heat pumps – Implementation of new technology phase 5-10), 2002

Anvendelse af naturlige kølemidler i supermarkeder (Use of natural refrigerants in supermar-


Udvikling af køleanlæg med luft som kølemiddel (Development of cooling plants using air as

refrigerant), 2001

Kulbrinter i mellemstore køleanlæg (Hydrocarbons in medium sized cooling plants), 2001

Vurdering af mulighederne for at erstatte kraftige drivhusgasser (HFC'er, PFC'er og SF6) (Assess-

ment of the opportunities for substitution of strong greenhouse gases (HFCs, PFCs and

SF6)), 2001

Kombineret solcelle- og varmepumpeanlæg (Combined solar power and heat pumps), 2001

HFC-fri teknologi til mælketankskøling (HFC-free technology for cooling of milk containers),


Luft som varmekilde i varmepumper (Air as the source of heat in heat pumps), 2000

Ejektorbaserede systemer til udnyttelse af spildvarme til køleformål (Ejector based systems for

utilization of excess heat for cooling activities), 2000

Demonstration af anvendelse af CO2 og propan i butikker (Demonstration of the use of CO₂

and propane in shops), 2000

Indførelse af ammoniak i mindre anlæg (Introduction of ammonia in small cooling plants),


Erstatning af kraftige drivhusgasser (HFC´er, PFC´er og SF6) (Substitution of strong green-

house gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6)), 1998

Udvikling af små ammoniakanlæg (Development of small ammonia plants), 1995

Going towards natural refrigerants, 1995

2.5 International agreements

The Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol [UNFCCC, 1998] is an international agreement linked to the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally

binding emission reduction targets. Denmark ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2002.

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16

February 2005. The detailed rules for the implementation of the Protocol were adopted at COP 7 in

Marrakesh, Morocco, in 2001, and are referred to as the "Marrakesh Accords." Its first commitment

period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.

The goal of the Kyoto Protocol is to lower the overall emissions from six greenhouse gases - carbon

dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, HFCs, and PFCs - calculated as an average

over the five-year period of 2008-12.

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44 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

The official goal for Denmark was an emission of 92% of the base year (1990 for carbon dioxide,

methane, nitrous oxide and 1995 for sulfur hexafluoride, HFCs, and PFCs). This goal was later ad-

justed to 79% of the base year due to a special "burden-sharing" agreement of the European Com-

munity [UNFCCC, 2014a].

In Doha, Qatar, on 8 December 2012, the "Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol" was adopted.

The amendment includes new commitments for Annex I Parties to the Kyoto Protocol who agreed

to take on commitments in a second commitment period from 1 January 2013 to 31 December

2020. Furthermore, the list of greenhouse gases to be reported on by Parties in the second com-

mitment period has been expanded to include also nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).

The Doha Amendment is, however, not yet in force, as it in accordance with Articles 20 and 21 of

the Kyoto Protocol has to be accepted by at least ¾ of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol (correspond-

ing to at least 144 parties). By the end of February 2014 it has been accepted by 7 parties. Neither

Denmark nor EU is yet a party to the Doha Amendment [UNFCCC, 2014b]. The European Com-

mission by November 2013 proposed the legislation necessary for the European Union to formally

ratify the second commitment period (2013-2020) of the Kyoto Protocol [EU, 2014c].

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

This coalition was established in 2012. The Coalition are focused on short-lived climate pollutants

(SLCPs) which are defined as agents that have relatively short lifetime in the atmosphere - a few

days to a few decades - and a warming influence on climate. The main short lived climate pollutants

are black carbon, methane, tropospheric ozone and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). [CCAC, 2014]

The Coalition's objectives are to address short-lived climate pollutants by [CCAC, 2014]:

Raising awareness of short-lived climate pollutant impacts and mitigation strategies;

Enhancing and developing new national and regional actions, including by identifying and

overcoming barriers, enhancing capacity, and mobilizing support;

Promoting best practices and showcasing successful efforts;

Improving scientific understanding of short-lived climate pollutant impacts and mitigation


The Coalition serves as a forum for assessing progress in addressing the challenge of short-

lived climate pollutants and for mobilizing resources to accelerate action. It works to catalyze

new actions as well as to highlight and bolster existing efforts on near-term climate change and

related public health, food and energy security, and environmental issues.

Denmark as well as the European Commission is a partner to the Coalition [CCAC, 2014].

2.6 Other relevant national regulation

The majority of EU Member States do not have national policies going beyond existing EU F-gas

regulations. According to [SKM, Enviros 2012] some important exemptions apart from the Danish

exemptions exist:

Austria has banned the use of HFCs in domestic refrigerators and freezers with refrigerant

charge less than 150 g.

Sweden has a requirement for operators to inform the local authority before installation of

a new HFC system over 10 kg.

Slovenia introduced a tax on sales of F-gases in 2009.

In Greece national regulations require annual reporting of service records with penalties

for non-compliance.

France is controlling containment of systems above 2 kg of charge compared to 3 kg in EU

regulation 842/2006. France is also considering a tax on HFC-sales.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 45

Hungary has additional legislation covering use of SF6 for gas insulated switchgears (GIS).

UK has financial incentives for emission reduction covering gas insulated switchgears


Germany has a maximum leakage limit of 3% for new supermarket refrigeration systems.

Regarding countries outside EU the following regulations are known [Schwarz et al., 2011]:

In Switzerland a ban on "substances stable in air" exist. "Substances stable in air" includes

SF6, all PFCs, and HFCs with global warming potential in the range of 140-11,700. The ban

is organised as a general ban with exemptions. The ban applies e.g. to residential refriger-

ators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners and aerosols, while air conditioning sys-

tems in motor vehicles are exempt as long as no substitutes are available. The use in foams

is forbidden unless insulation is not possible with other materials. Exemptions also exist

with respect some uses of solvents etc. Rules has also been established for maintenance,

authorisations, registrations and record keeping for refrigeration and air conditioning sys-

tems containing charges of "substances stable in air" above 3 kg. For further details refer-

ence is made to [Switzerland, 2014a].

For commercial and industrial refrigeration together with air-conditioning and heat

pumps a new ban on the use of "substances stable in air" was introduced on 1 December

2013 [Switzerland, 2014b]. The ban is based on the cooling capacity of the specific equip-

ment type e.g.:

a. For air-conditioning equipment use of refrigerants with GWP ≥2000 is not al-

lowed for equipment with cooling capacity above 600 kW while the use of such

refrigerants is allowed for equipment with capacity above 80 kW and below 600

kW under certain conditions,

b. For commercial cooling equipment use of refrigerants with GWP ≥2000 is not al-

lowed for equipment with cooling capacity above 8-40 kW (depending on the

specific type of equipment).

For further details reference is made to [Switzerland, 2014b].

In Japan, current legislation on F-gases focuses on recovery and recycling of refrigerants

e.g. from household air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers, and air conditioning sys-

tems in vehicles. Also recovery of HFCs from commercial refrigeration and air condition-

ing systems during servicing and at end of life is required in order to ensure proper de-


In Australia, licensing requirements apply to import, export and manufacture of HFCs and

PFCs and equipment containing HFCs. A non-refundable fee of AUD $ 15,000 is payable

with the application. License holders are required to maintain records , submit quarterly

reports and pay a levy based on the amount of substances imported. The levy is AUD $

165/tons HFCs or PFCs.

In the USA, the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programme requires e.g. magnesium produc-

tion to report their greenhouse gas emission to USEPA. Further legislation has been pro-

posed but has so far not been accepted.

The state of California has implemented several measures to reduce HFC emissions [Cali-

fornia, 2014]. These include low-GWP requirements for aerosol propellants, a deposit-

return recycling program for small cans of motor vehicle air-conditioning (AC) refrigerant,

and the Refrigerant Management Program. In addition, beginning with 2017 model year

vehicles, the national Clean Cars Initiative is expected to significantly reduce motor vehicle

air-conditioning refrigerant emissions. Initiatives for further actions are in process of be-

ing developed. [California, 2014]

In Norway, a tax on HFCs and PFCs was introduced in 2003 and amounts to approx. 25

Euro per tons CO₂-eq (2011 figures). This tax is supplemented by a reimbursement scheme

for HFCs and PFCs delivered for destruction.

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46 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Voluntary programmes and measures addressing F-gases, furthermore, exist in e.g. Australia, USA,

Japan and Norway [Schwarz et al., 2011].

2.7 Eco-labels

The use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are only addressed by a few eco-labels. Table 7 below gives an over-

view of how these substances are addressed by the EU and the Nordic eco-label schemes. The table

lists the product types for which the presence of fluorinated greenhouse gases is restricted. It shows

that the use of such compounds are not allowed by eco-labels for heat pumps, floor coverings, TV

and projectors, windows and exterior doors and labels for furniture and fitments.

It is noted that eco-labels are not established for cooling and freezing equipment for private and

professional use. It is also noted that the eco-labels for heat pumps do not restrict the use of HFC-

134a. In both cases it may be considered to promote the use of natural refrigerants.





Articles Substance Criteria relevant for HFC, PFC or SF6 (beyond

general EU restrictions)

Document title/number



Floor cover-


HFCs Foam rubber (only for polyurethane)

(b) Blowing agents: CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs or methylene

chloride shall not be used as blowing agents or as

auxiliary blowing agents.

Assessment and verification: The applicant shall pro-

vide a declaration that these blowing agents have not

been used.

Commission Decision

of 30 November 2009

on establishing the ecological

criteria for the award of the

Community eco-label for textile

floor coverings

Heat pumps Fluorinated


The global warming potential (GWP) for the refriger-

ant must not exceed GWP value > 2000 over a 100

year period. If the refrigerant has a GWP of less than

150 then the minimum requirements of the coefficient

of performance and primary energy ratio in heating

mode and the energy efficiency ratio in cooling mode,

as set out in criteria 1 and 2 of this Annex, shall be

reduced by 15 %.

GWP values considered will be those set out in Annex 1

of Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European

Parliament and of the Council.

For fluorinated refrigerants, the GWP values shall be

those published in the third assessment report adopted

by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

(2001 IPCC GWP values for a 100 year period).

Commission Decision

of 9 November 2007

establishing the ecological crite-

ria for the award of the Commu-

nity eco-label to electrically

driven, gas driven or gas absorp-

tion heat pumps



Floor cover-


HFC R14 Foam rubber (polyurethane) CFC, HCFC, HFC

(hydrofluorocarbons) and methylene chloride must

not be used for foaming.

Nordic eco-labelling of

Floor coverings

Version 5.2 • 12 October 2010 –

31 October 2015

TV and Pro-


SF6 The LCD panel must be produced in such a way that

the greenhouse gases NF3 and SF6, if part of the pro-

Nordic eco-labelling of

TV and Projector

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 47



Articles Substance Criteria relevant for HFC, PFC or SF6 (beyond

general EU restrictions)

Document title/number

duction process, are abated by a system that is an

integrated part of the production process. It is the

responsibility of the manufacturing company to ensure

that the abatement system is installed, operated and

maintained in accordance with the manufacturers (of

the abatement system) specifications.

The manufacturer of the LCD shall declare the amount

of NF3 and SF6 purchased in relation to amount of LCD

(m2) produced over one year.

Version 5.0 20 June 2013 - 30

June 2016

Windows and



HFC Expanding insulation material must not be produced

using fluorinated propellants such as hydrofluorocar-

bons (HFC). Typical materials include expanded poly-

styrene (EPS) and extruded polystyrene (XPS).

Nordic eco-labelling of

Windows and Exterior Doors

Version 3.5 • 4 November 2008

– 30 June 2015

Furniture and


HFC Blowing agents and isocyanate compounds CFC,

HCFC, HFC, methylene chloride and halogenated

organic compounds must not be used as blowing


Nordic eco-labelling of

Furniture and fitments

Version 4.7 • 17 March 2011 – 31

December 2017

2.8 Summary and conclusions

F-gases covering HFCs, PFCs and SF6 is regulated by EU-legislation as well as Danish legislation.

The Danish legislation in many ways is the most restrictive. The Danish legislation allows for the

use of HFCs in refrigeration systems with refrigerant charges less than 10 kg HFC refrigerant – the

so-called “10 kg window”. Future changes of the Danish legislation may be focused at this “win-


New EU legislation which will significantly restrict the use of F-gases in the EU is in the process of

being approved. F-gases with GWP<150 are, however, generally exempted from the regulation

which allows for use of HFC-152a. HFC-152a is today only used as refrigerant in special equipment,

but could be a candidate for more widespread use.

Only one substance - HFC-365mfe - is subject to harmonised classification. This substance is classi-

fied as Flammable Liquid 2 with the hazard statement H225 (Highly flammable liquid and vapour).

Most other substances are, however, self-classified by companies. Dominant classifications include

flammable gas or gas under pressure that may explode if heated.

None of the substances are addressed further by REACH or are in pipeline for further activities

under REACH.

All of the substances are covered by the Kyoto Protocol related to climate change and thus subject

for the efforts of this Protocol and subsequent amendments to lower the emissions to the atmos-

phere. HFCs are, furthermore, addressed by The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-

Lived Climate Pollutants.

The majority of EU Member States as well as nations outside EU do not have national policies going

beyond existing EU F-gas regulations. Austria, however, has banned the use of HFCs in small do-

mestic refrigerators and freezers while a comprehensive ban exist in Switzerland covering refrigera-

tion as well as many other applications of F-gases.

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The use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are only addressed by a few eco-labels inclusive of eco-labels for

heat pumps, floor coverings, TV and projectors, windows and exterior doors and labels for furniture

and fitments. It is noted that eco-labels are not established for cooling and freezing equipment for

private and professional use products and that existing eco-labels for heat pumps do not restrict the

use of HFC-134a. In both cases it may be considered to promote the use of natural refrigerants.

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3. Manufacture and uses

3.1 Manufacturing

3.1.1 Manufacturing processes


Considering HFCs a dominant route of manufacture is hydro-fluorination (reaction with hydrogen

fluoride – HF) of chlorinated alkanes. This process has been specifically identified for a number of

substances such as:

HFC-32 (Difluoromethane) is based on hydro-fluorination of dichloromethane. [OECD SIDS


HFC-125 (Pentafluoroethane) is based on hydro-fluorination of chlorotetrafluoroethane (HFC-

124) and subsequent purification by distillation [OECD SIDS, 2005];

HFC – 134a e.g. is based on hydro-fluorination of trichloroethylene, via 1-chloro-2,2,2-

trifluoroethane (HCFC-133a) [ECETOX, 2006a] – other routes are, however also relevant,

please see below ;

HFC-152a is produced by catalytic reaction of vinyl chloride with hydrogen fluoride and is puri-

fied based on market specification [OECD SIDS, 2006];

HFC-245fa is based on hydro-fluorination of pentachloropropane [ECETOX, 2004b].

Other synthetic pathways are:

Addition of hydrogen fluoride to olefins or alkynes (e.g. HFC 152a) [Siegemund et al., 2005];

Exchange of chlorine for fluorine using metal fluorides such as antimony fluoride [Siegemund

et al., 2005];

For HFC-134a: Isomerisation/hydro-fluorination of 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-

113) to 1,1,-dichloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (CFC-114a) followed by hydro-dechlorination of

the latter [ECETOX, 2006a];

For HFC-134a: Hydro-fluorination of tetrachloroethylene to 1-chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane

(HCFC-124) and subsequent hydro-dechlorination to HFC-134a [ECETOX, 2006a];

Monohydroperfluoroalkanes can be obtained by adding hydrogen fluoride to perfluoroalkenes

(e.g. HFC 227ea) or by decarboxylation of perfluorocarboxylates in the presence of proton


Replacement of chlorine atoms in the starting chlorocompounds by fluorine may also be

obtained by liquid phase reactions in the presence of catalysts such as antimony(V) or tin(IV)

chlorofluorides or vapour phase reactions using solid-phase catalysts based on chromium.

Preferred starting materials are chloroform for HFC 23, dichloromethane for HFC 32 and 1,1,1-

trichloroethane for HFC 143a [67]. The conversion of tetrachloroethylene to HFC 125 and

trichloroethylene to HFC 134a involves initial HF-addition across the double bond followed by

a series of chlorine – fluorine exchange reactions [Siegemund et al., 2005].

HFC-23 is also generated as a by-product during the manufacture of HCFC-22 up to a level of 3%.

The HFC-23 may be captured for use or wented to the atmosphere [Schwarz & Wartmann, 2005;

USEPA, 2009].

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Perfluorocarbons can be produced by a variety of routes. Generally the following processes are uti-

lised [Siegemund et al., 2005]:

Indirect fluorination of hydrocarbons with cobalt(III) fluoride or silver(II) fluoride carried out

in a steel or nickel tube with stirring. The hydrocarbon vapours are passed at 150 – 450˚C over

the fluorinating agent, which is regenerated in a fluorine stream;

Fluoroalkanes can also be produced electrochemically e.g. by the Simons process by which

solutions of organic compounds are electrolyzed in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. Fluorination

takes place at a nickel anode.

Identified processes for specific compounds include the following [Siegemund et al., 2005]:

PFC-14 (tetrafluoromethane, CF4) can be produced by reaction of CCl2F2 or CCl3F and hydro-

gen fluoride in the gas phase or by direct fluorination of carbon;

PFC-116 (hexafluoroethane) is often obtained as a by-product in the production of CFC 115;

PFC-218 (octafluoropropane) can be produced by direct, electrochemical, or CoF3-fluorination

of hexafluoropropene.;

PFC-318 (octafluorocyclobutane) is obtained by combination of two molecules of tetrafluoro-

ethylene or by passing 1,2-dichloro- 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, CClF2CClF2, over a nickel cata-

lyst at 590˚C.


SF6 is synthesised from the reaction of elemental sulphur with F2 [OECD SIDS, 2006c].

3.1.2 Manufacturing sites

European manufacturers of fluorocarbons are organised under the umbrella of Cefic (European

Chemical Industry Council) and include the following companies [EFCTC, 2014]:

Mexichem Fluor (Great Britain);

Arkema (France) ;


Solvay Fluor (Germany);

Honeywell Fluorine Products (Netherlands)

Together these companies maintain production of fluorocarbons in the following EU countries

(2007 –data [Afeas, 2013]): Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, and UK.

Globally production of fluorocarbons also takes place in Argentina, Japan, Canada, USA, Brazil,

Mexico and China [Afeas, 2013]. It is likely that production also takes in other countries e.g. Russia

and India.

No certain information on location of plants for production of specific compounds is available. It is

known that the main countries of production of HFC-32 around 2004 were Spain, USA, Japan and

Korea [OECD SIDS, 2004], while production of HFC-125 took place e.g. in USA and Italy [OECD

SIDS, 2005].

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52 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

3.1.3 Manufacturing volumes

HFCs are the most important category of F-gases. HFCs were introduced as alternatives for ozone

depleting substances: CFCs and (later on) HCFCs. The production increased during the 1990s and

later on when restrictions on the use of HCFCs went into force.

Figures on global production of the most important HCFC and HFC compounds are presented in

Table 8 and Figure 1. From the table and figure it can be seen that the global production of HFCs is

increasing very fast in counter-phase to the reduction of the production of HCFCs.



*1 The data does not include China and India. The table is from the EU preparatory study for the review of the

F-gas regulation. HFC-32 is not included because data is not published. Production trend of HFC-32 will

have some similarities to HFC-143a . Note that the table also includes two major HCFCs, and note the de-

cline in production of HCFCs to some degree fits to the increase of production of HFCs.



The data presented does not include production in China and India. In 2004 the production data

presented for HFC compounds was thought to represent between 85 and 90% of the global produc-

tion [Afeas 2013]. China has now increased production of HFCs significantly (production capacity

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 53

for HFC-134a is estimated to 75,000 tons/year) [Afeas, 2013]. Available knowledge regarding global

production of other fluorocarbons is as follows:

Annual worldwide production capacity of HFC-32 was estimated at approximately 15,000 tons

by 2004 [OECD SIDS, 2004];

Production capacities for HFC-152a are confidential, but in excess of 5,000 tons/year [OECD

SIDS, 2006],

Regarding SF6 the global sale was reported at 6,435 tons in 2001. The sold volumes are consid-

ered to be well descriptive of the produced volumes [OECD SIDS, 2006c].

Based on this knowledge it seems fair to anticipate that the total global production of F-gases prob-

ably will be above 300,000 tons/year.

The knowledge available regarding production of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in the European Union is

presented in Table 9. Production in EU may based on these figures be estimated at 50,000 –

60,000 tons/year.




Gas 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

HFC-125 6 553 conf. conf. conf. conf.

HFC-134a 31 246 21 529 18 609 21 476 conf.

HFC-143a 6 159 5 224 conf. conf. 5 122

SF6 + other

HFCs and


14 079 14 894 16 514 24 983 38 908

Total 58 037 41 647 35 123 46 459 44 039

*1 Figures are based on reporting from companies producing in Europe. When less than 3 companies are

providing figures, figures are treated as confidential and "conf." (confidential) is stated instead. In case no

data is available n.d. (no data) is stated.

3.2 Import, export and sale

3.2.1 Import and export of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in Denmark

Statistical data

HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are not manufactured in Denmark. Some import and export of such goods

takes place. Existing statistical data is presented in Table 10.

The data presented cover import and export of individual HFCs and PFCs (position number

29033010, 29033080, 29037921 and 29037929) together with import and export of mixtures cov-

ering HFCs and PFCs partly together with other substances. No statistics have been presented for

SF6, as this substance in the foreign trade statistics is registered together with other fluorides, and

in this context is a minor substance for which reason it is thus not possible to obtain data on import

and export of SF6 from the foreign trade statistics [DS,2014].

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The dominant position number in the foreign trade statistics is 38247800 that cover mixtures con-

taining PFCs or HFCs without CFCs or HCFCs. The figures registered indicate that import as well as

export has been strongly increasing in the years of 2007 to 2012.

As a contrast no import and export of individual substances has been registered (reference is made

to position numbers 29033010, 29033080, 29037921 and 29037929). It is possible that individual

substances instead are registered together with mixtures under position number 38247800. It is

noted that high export figures are registered for position number 38247800 which is consistent

with a registered sale of own commodities from Danish companies [DS, 2014].

It is found relevant also to present position number 38247100 that covers mixtures with content of

CFCs, but also with content of HCFCs, PFCs or HFCs, as some HFCs etc. by mistake may be regis-

tered under this position number.

No investigations are available to present an adequate explanation on the figures registered by the

Danish foreign trade statistics.



CN code Product Tons/year

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


38247100 Mixtures containing halogenated

derivatives with content of CFCs,

also with content of HCFCs, PFCs

or HFCs

335.3 278.5 422.5 228.7 118.4 109.1

38247800 Mixtures containing PFCs or

HFCs, but without CFCs or


52.4 110.1 13.4 418.7 583.6 590.7


38247100 Mixtures containing halogenated

derivatives with content of CFCs,

also with content of HCFCs, PFCs

or HFCs

445.4 325.4 346.4 299.1 234.3 117.2

38247800 Mixtures containing PFCs or

HFCs, but without CFCs or


0.0 0.1 0.0 206.2 530.7 437.0

*1 SF6 are in the statistical CN-code system registered together with other fluorides, and it is thus not possible

to obtain data on import and export of SF6 from import7export statistics. Apart from the CN-codes shown

the following CN-codes may also be relevant to consider:

29033010 Fluorides of acyclic carbon hydrides.

29033080 Fluor- and iodine derivatives of acyclic carbon hydrides.

2903 7921 Halogenated derivatives of methane, ethane or propane halogenated with fluorine or bromine


2903 7929 Halogenated derivatives halogenated with fluorine or bromine only, except derivates of me-

thane, ethane or propane.

For none of these codes, however, is registered any import or export.

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Danish investigations

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency publishes an annual report on Danish consumption

and emissions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6. The latest report is describing the import and consumption

in 2012 [Poulsen & Museaeus, 2103].

As stated above there is no production of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in Denmark and all consumed gases

have to be imported. The imported bulk (net import minus re-export) corresponds to the Danish

consumption of HFCs, PFCs and SF6. The bulk import is presented in Table 11 as the substances and

blends actually registered and in Table 12 recalculated to pure substances to the extent possible

based on the composition of blends noted in Table 2.

The figures in the columns for "All HFCs" in Table 11 and 12 do not math exactly because some

blends besides HFCs substances also include HCFC-substances (e.g. HCFC-22) or other substances

as propane and butane. Furthermore, the consumption of HFCs represented by "Other HFCs" in

Table 11 is not included in the figures in Table 12, as the exact bulk import of the individual blends

or compounds is not known.

It can be seen from Table 11 that the HFCs is the most important import (and consumption) catego-

ry. The import in 2012 of HFCs was 365.1 tons. The import of SF6 was 2.6 tons and the import of

PFCs was 0.5 tons.

From Table 12 is it clear that the dominant part of all HFCs imported is represented by the sub-

stances HFC-23, HFC-125, HFC-134a, HFC-143a and HFC-152a and that in particular HFC-134a is





*1 The category "Other HFCs" includes HFC-408A, HFC-409A, R422, R424A, R426A, RS24, and RS44. Some

of the HFCs belonging to the 400-500 series may include HCFC-compounds or other substances as pro-

pane and butane – see Table 2.

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56 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases




Gas HFC-23 HFC-125 HFC-134a HFC-143a HFC-152a All HFCs

1992 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 4.0 24.0

1994 0.0 15.8 525.4 18.7 51.0 611.0

1995 0.0 52.4 569.8 61.9 47.0 731.0

1996 0.0 48.4 744.4 57.2 32.0 882.0

1997 0.0 48.4 704.4 57.2 15.0 825.0

1998 3.9 79.5 898.7 80.9 16.0 1079.0

1999 9.2 106.2 673.1 105.7 37.8 932.1

2000 10.3 110.6 742.1 112.3 17.6 992.9

2001 9.3 67.2 498.8 66.7 11.6 653.6

2002 20.5 112.5 455.5 105.3 11.9 705.7

2003 22.3 93.6 297.3 80.0 3.3 496.5

2004 24.6 145.9 378.6 136.7 11.0 696.7

2005 15.7 91.7 279.0 87.1 5.5 479.1

2006 20.1 102.6 324.9 94.8 11.6 554.0

2007 18.0 82.9 194.1 73.2 13.0 381.2

2008 26.1 79.1 210.0 60.2 15.0 390.4

2009 17.4 68.9 205.2 59.1 12.0 362.6

2010 17.8 69.2 187.3 58.4 15.0 347.7

2011 17.6 68.6 208.0 57.7 8.0 359.8

2012 20.6 71.7 198.4 57.8 13.0 361.5

*1 Figures are based on the bulk import presented in Table 11 but recalculated to pure substances to the

extent possible based on the composition of blends noted in Table 2. The reasons behind that the fig-

ures in the columns for "All HFCs" in Table 11 and 12 do not math exactly sre explained in the text.

3.2.2 Sales of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in EU

European investigations

The data available on import, export and sale of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in the European Union is

presented in Tables 13 to 15. The figures are based on the reporting requirement established by the

European Union Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases (the 'F-Gas

Regulation'). According to this Regulation all producers, importers and exporters of more than one

ton of F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6) are required to report to the European Commission on the

quantities produced, imported and exported in each calendar year, and provide related data such as

the main intended applications of the F-gases. Imports and exports of F-gases contained in prod-

ucts or equipment are not covered by the reporting [EEA, 2012].

The figures presented in the tables illustrate:

That HFCs are traded and sold in significant higher quantities than PFCs and SF6; and

That most of the substances in question are produced in EU and that both EU production and

import to EU are important routes of supply.

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Gas 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

HFC-23 129 187 124 144 128

HFC-32 2 302 2 429 1 766 3 010 3 282

HFC-125 10 171 10 816 13 756 15 406 13 653

HFC-134a 34 511 37 799 27 619 33 380 33 223

HFC-143a 4 445 6 510 4 448 5 073 5 597

HFC-152a 4 440 6 401 5 262 6 448 6 622

HFC-227ea 273 1 738 1 634 1 551 1 574

HFC-236fa 49 Conf. Conf. 34 51

CF4 13 87 37 61 67

C2F6 112 186 77 150 140

C3F8 121 Conf. 10 Conf. Conf.

c-C4F8 Conf. 6 5 Conf. 8

SF6 801 691 671 539 587

Other HFCs and PFCs 2 280 1 869 3 496 4 644 1 564

Total 59 647 68 721 58 904 70 439 66 497

*1 Figures are based on reporting from companies producing in Europe. When less than 3 companies are

providing figures, figures are treated as confidential and "conf." (confidential) is stated instead. In case no

data is available n.d. (no data) is stated.



Gas 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

HFC-23 Conf. 15 1 4 8

HFC-32 1 245 771 605 1 319 1 335

HFC-125 2 622 2 041 1 420 2 267 3 520

HFC-134a 14 142 11 374 9 780 10 469 11 079

HFC-143a 1 351 1 455 701 984 1 236

HFC-152a Conf. 158 Conf. 632 262

HFC-227ea 120 135 356 351 433

HFC-245fa 16 Conf. Conf. Conf. 1

HFC-365mfc 2 254 2 110 1 932 2 813 3 264

HFC-43-10mee Conf. 46 16 48 n.d.

CF4 Conf. 1 Conf. 11 4

C2F6 Conf. 28 Conf. Conf. Conf.

SF6 1 659 1 185 1 423 1 697 1 964

Other HFCs and PFCs 245 54 928 1 491 106

Total 23 654 19 373 17 162 22 086 23 210

*1 Figures are based on reporting from companies producing in Europe. When less than 3 companies are

providing figures, figures are treated as confidential and "conf." (confidential) is stated instead. In case no

data is available n.d. (no data) is stated.

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Gas 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

HFC-23 267 194 192 240 182

HFC-32 4 186 5 545 4 328 5 437 4 957

HFC-125 12 933 15 427 13 438 18 345 15 592

HFC-134a 51 693 48 123 42 005 45 580 40 844

HFC-143a 9 605 10 487 8 940 10 118 8 644

HFC-152a 4 301 2 782 5 182 6 213 6 352

HFC-227ea 857 2 336 2 075 2 199 1 566

HFC-245fa n.d. n.d. 1248 Conf. Conf.

HFC-365mfc Conf. 3 785 3 054 3 554 4 102

HFC-236fa 29 37 25 30 43

HFC-43-10mee n.d. n.d. 50 56 Conf.

CF4 Conf.. 88 42 60 57

C2F6 87 183 113 154 131

C3F8 168 61 18 24 23

c-C4F8 n.d. n.d. 3 6 10

SF6 2 223 3 011 1 928 1 851 2 174

Other HFCs and PFCs 6 777 1 984 2 590 4 128 1 576

Total 93 126 94 043 85 230 97 995 86 253

*1 Figures are based on reporting from companies producing in Europe. When less than 3 companies are

providing figures, figures are treated as confidential and "conf." (confidential) is stated instead. In case no

data is available n.d. (no data) is stated.

Regarding PFCs not specified in table 12-14 above, the following knowledge is available [EFCTC,


PFC 3-1-10 (C4F10):

The total European volume for physics research is estimated < 5 tons/year

PFC 5-1-14 (C6F14):

The total European market is estimated as <200 tons for 1999 with a downward trend.

Statistical data

For comparison the existing statistical data from Eurostat (EU Trade Since 1988 By CN8) on import

and export of HFCs and PFCs to and from EU27 have been presented in table 16. No data on pro-

duction of these substances have been presented as the substances in question cannot be identified

in the EU database on industrial production (Prodcom).

As for table 10 (import/export to and from Denmark) the data presented for EU cover import and

export of individual HFCs and PFCs (position number 29033010, 29033080, 29037921 and

29037929) together with import and export of mixtures covering HFCs and PFCs partly together

with other substances. No statistics have been presented for SF6, as this substance in the foreign

trade statistics is registered together with other fluorides, and in this context is a minor substance

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 59

for which reason it is thus not possible to obtain data on import and export of SF6 from the foreign

trade statistics [Eurostat, 2014]. It is noted that while the position numbers are the same as in table

10 the label text may differ slightly.

The dominant position number in the foreign trade statistics is 38247800 that cover mixtures con-

taining PFCs or HFCs without CFCs or HCFCs. The figures registered indicate that import as well as

export has been strongly increasing in the years of 2007 to 2012. Attention should be paid to that

position 38247100 in Table 16 seems to address chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) while the similar posi-

tion in Table 10 seems to address also mixtures of HFCs and CFCs.

Generally the registered import/export is significantly below the figures presented in Table 13 and

14 above. No effort has been invested to investigate this discrepancy. It must be concluded that in

this context the figures registered by Eurostat are likely not reliable.



CN code Product Tons/year

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


2903 7929 Halogenated derivatives of acy-

clic hydrocarbons containing two

or more different halogens, halo-

genated only with fluorine and

bromine, n.e.s.

n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 37

3824 7100 Mixtures containing acyclic

hydrocarbons perhalogenated

only with fluorine and chlorine

504 84.9 63.9 29.4 29.1 14.8

3824 7800 Mixtures containing PFCs or

HFCs, but not containing CFCs or


658 206 617 1714 2752 6189


2903 7929 Halogenated derivatives of acy-

clic hydrocarbons containing two

or more different halogens, halo-

genated only with fluorine and

bromine, n.e.s.

n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.7

3824 7100 Mixtures containing acyclic

hydrocarbons perhalogenated

only with fluorine and chlorine

14337.7 1997.9 948.3 67.3 11.7 28,5

3824 7800 Mixtures containing PFCs or

HFCs, but not containing CFCs or


1953 5743 3535 5762 6298 5303

*1 SF6 are in the statistical CN-code system registered together with other fluorides, and it is thus not possible

to obtain data on import and export of SF6 from import7export statistics. Apart from the CN-codes shown

the following CN-codes may also be relevant to consider:

29033010 Fluorides

29033080 Fluorides and iodides derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons

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60 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

2903 7921 Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens,

halogenated only with fluorine and bromine of methane, ethane or propane, n.e.s.

For the codes 29033010 and 29033080, however, is not registered any import or export, while for code

2903 7921 figures are registered for 2012 only (import 3 tons/year); export 0 tons/year).

3.3 Use

3.3.1 Registrations by the Danish Product Register

Data on HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in preparations registered in the Danish Product Register are summa-

rised in Table 17. The data presented indicate the use/function for the different substances placed

on the Danish market in 2010-2012. As all substances are registered by less than 3 companies all

data on quantities used are confidential.

The registered uses/functions include:

Heat transferring agents in industrial cooling- and air-conditioning plants;

Fillers/joints for construction activities;

Construction material for manufacture of metal constructions;

Intermediate for manufacture of plastic products; while

Cleaning/washing and other uses/functions include manufacture of electronic and optical

products as well as electrical equipment.




Use/function Substance Quantity


Heat transferring agent HFC-32






Fillers HFC-134a



Construction materials HFC-245fa



Intermediates HFC-245fa



Cleaning/washing agent

and other uses/functions

HFC-134a Confidential

3.3.2 Use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in EU

The reported intended applications of F-gases in the European Union are, based on reports from

manufacturers and importers of these gases to EU, listed in Table 18.

Based on [EFCTC, 2014; EFCTC, 2012] the applications of the substances may be briefly described

as follows:

Refrigeration and air-conditioning cover domestic as well as commercial refrigeration besides

mobile air-conditioning in vehicles, domestic/commercial air-conditioning for buildings and heat

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pumps. The substances used are HFC 134a, HFC-143a (blend component), HFC-125 (blend compo-

nent), HFC-23 (low temperature refrigeration), HFC-32 (blend component), HFO-1234yf and PFC

116 (specialist low temperature refrigerant). To these substances can be added HFO-1234zeE and

PFC 5-1-14, which are likely not used in significant quantities (see chapter 1).

Fire protection of sensitive facilities as telecommunication facilities, computer rooms, process con-

trol centres, aircrafts etc. is based on substances as HFC 125, HFC-227ea, HFC-236fa andHFC-23.

As propellants in aerosols (sprays) for medical and specialized industrial purposes are used HFC-

134a, HFC-152a and HFC-227ea.

As solvents is used HFC-365mfc (blend component) and HFC-43-10mee for specialized applica-




(TONS/YEAR) [EEA ,2012] *1

Intended application 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Refrigeration and


64 600 64 176 60 049 69 404 53 571

Fire protection 685 598 735 1 686 1 938

Aerosols 9 545 11 614 8 572 9 922 6 861

Solvents 209 173 162 205 Conf.

Foams 14 578 10 664 11 799 11 893 6 611

Feedstock 9 2 Conf. 1 340 Conf.

Electrical equipment 1 568 2 386 1 384 1 614 1 992

Magnesium die cast-

ing operations

31 8 Conf. Conf. Conf.



129 312 184 269 248

Other or unknown 1 773 4 110 2 278 1 622 2 766

No information


n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 12 268

Total 93 127 94 043 85 163 97 955 86 253

*1 Figures are based on reporting from companies producing in Europe. When less than 3 companies are

providing figures, figures are treated as confidential and "conf." (confidential) is stated instead. In case no

data are available n.d. (no data) is stated.

As blowing agent for production of foam is HFC-134a and HFC 152a used for production of XPS -

extruded polystyrene foam. HFC-245fa and HFC-365mfc is used for production of polyurethane

foam, while HFC-365mfc is also used for phenolic foams. To these substances can be added HFO-

1234zeE which is likely not used in significant quantities (see Chapter 1).

Regarding feedstock applications no further knowledge is available.

In electrical equipment, SF6 is used as a dielectric gas for high voltage applications, while SF6 is also

used as blanket gas for magnesium die casting.

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In semiconductor manufacture is used PFC-14, PFC-116, PFC-218, PFC-318 as well as SF6.

There are currently only two fluorinated gases approved for use in human medicine in the EU.

These are HFA 134a and HFA 227ea. They were originally developed as replacements for CFC gases

used as propellants in pressurized metered dose inhalers. Both substances are approved for use in

medicinal products intended for the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-

ease. Both HFA 134a and HFA 227ea are considered medically essential, as not all propellant-free

products are suitable for all patient categories, particularly children. Both substances have been

fully pre-clinically and clinically tested for suitability for human use in accordance with the re-

quirements described in Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal prod-

ucts for human use. Doses employed in inhalation products are kept to the minimum required for a

safe and effective product use, and both substances are considered safe under long-term (life-time)

inhalatory use.

Other applications include the use of PFC 3-1-10 for physics research and PFC-4-1-12 for medical


3.3.3 Danish investigations

As mentioned earlier the use of HFCs is the far most important category of F-gases, which are used

in Denmark. The consumption of HFC and HFC-mixtures in main industrial sectors in Denmark in

2012 is presented in Table 19 as the substances and blends actually registered and in Table 20 recal-

culated to pure substances based on the composition of blends noted in Table 2. Differences be-

tween figures in Table 19 and 20 are due to rounding only.














cial refri-













HFC-32 0.0 10.8 0.0 0.0 9.8 0.0 20.6

HFC-125 0.7 57.3 2.9 0.0 10.7 0.0 71.7

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cial refri-













HFC-134a 9.5 92.2 0.6 58.6 32.2 5.3 198.4

HFC-143a 0.9 53.4 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.7

HFC-152a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.0 13.0



0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 3.5

All HFCs 11.1 216.7 7.0 58,6 52.7 18.8 364.9

*1 Figures are based on the consumption figures presented in Table 19 but recalculated to pure substances to

the extent possible based on the composition of blends noted in Table 2.

As shown the consumption in the refrigeration industry is the far most important. The refrigeration

industry counts for 346.3 tons (95%) of the total consumption. HFC-134a is the most used

refrigerant followed by HFC-404A, HFC-407C, HFC-410A and HFC-507A.

The consumption for special technical sprays was 5.3 tons HFC-134a, while 13 tons of HFC-152a has

been used for thermostats (thermostatic control valves). The consumption of HFCs for foam

production has ceased.

From Table 19 and 2o it can be seen that the biggest consumption sector is commercial refrigeration

with 216.8 tons (59%). This sector includes central supermarket refrigeration systems, condensing

units for smaller retail stores, walk-in cold rooms, smaller cold stores and smaller industrial

refrigeration systems (for cooling processes). A wide range of HFC-refrigerants is used for this


The second largest consumption sector is mobile air conditioning in cars, trucks, buses, trains and

tractors. This counts for 58.6 tons HFC-134a (16%).

The third consumption sector is stationary air conditioning, and this includes small split-AC-

systems for cooling or heating a room (small air-air heat pumps) and smaller chillers producing

cold water to cool a building. This sector counts for 52.7 tons (14%). The refrigerant types are HFC-

407C and HFC-134a. Some HFC-410A must also be used for small split air conditioners, but this is

not reflected in Tabel 19 and 20 and is possible caunted for in the category “Commercial

refrigerators” in that table.

Household refrigerators and freezers and professional refrigerators and freezers of plug-in-type

(with integrated refrigeration system) counts for only 11.1 tons (3% of total HFC use). The

refrigerants used are HFC-134a and HFC-404A. This relative small consumption shall be seen in

the light of introduction of natural refrigerants in household appliances 20 years ago and in

professional appliances 10 years ago.

7 tons of HFCs were used in refrigerated vans and trucks (2% of total HFC consumption). The

refrigerants used are HFC-404A and HFC-134a.


The consumption of SF6 was 2.6 tons in 2012. From Table 21 can be seen that the biggest

consumption is for refilling power switchgears in high voltage systems. 0.7 tons was used in optical

fibres production and 0.03 tons was used in laboratories (probably as track gas).

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Application area




Power switches in high-voltage plants 1,86

Plasma erosion 0,70

Laboratories 0,03

Total 2,59


The consumption of PFCs was 0.4 tons in 2012. 0.2 tons PFC-14 was in 2011 used in the optical

fibres production, and 0.2 tons PFC-318 was used for (other) technical purposes in 2011 [Poulsen &

Museaeus, 2013]. Previosly some PFC has been used in special refrigerant blends, but for 2012 no

consumption has been recorded.

3.4 Historical trends in use

In Table 11 and 12 the historical usage of F-gases for the last 20 years can be seen.


The HFC refrigerants were introduced in the market about 1992 as substitutes for ozone depleting

CFCs, which were controlled by the Montreal Protocol (from 1987). In Denmark the CFCs were

phased out in the 1990’ties and a big part of the CFC usage was substituted by HFCs.

The use of HCFC in new refrigeration systems was banned from January 2000 and the use of new

HCFC for service in refrigeration systems was banned from 2002. A big share of the traditionally

HCFC consumption was substituted with HFCs, and this process was started in the late 1990s when

the schedule of the bans on HCFC was known.

The consumption of HFCs had its maximum in the late 1990s with about 1000 tons per year and

has decreased to about one third of this amount. In Figure 2 the historical trend of HFC consump-

tion can be seen in the period 2000 – 2012, while Table 11/12 cover the whole period of 1992-2012.

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2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012



Import of HFCs to Denmark, Source: Danish

EPA, 2013






All HFCs

From Figure 1 it can be seen that the import of HFC in total has decreased to about one third in the

period from 2000 to 2012. This is a logical trend since the national regulation was introduced in the

beginning of this period (the tax was implemented in 2001 and the bans of certain applications was

introduced in 2002).

It can also be seen:

That the consumption in the last part of the period has been stabilized with an amount of about

360 tons per year;

The consumption of HFC-404A (with high GWP and hence a high tax) is decreasing from more

than 200 tons in 2004 to a level of about 100 tons per year in 2012. This can be explained by

many commercial refrigeration systems with HFC-404A are replaced with refrigeration sys-

tems with CO2 (e.g. in supermarkets). In addition, the need for HFC-404A for refilling is de-

creasing because (old) systems with HFC-404A are slowly taken out of duty;

The consumption of R410a is increasing a little to a level of 21.5 tons in 2012. This refrigerant

was introduced as a substitute for HCFC-22 in stationary air conditioning (and air-to air heat

pumps), and the amounts of systems is increasing. Hence, the need for refill in connection to

service is increasing;

The consumption of HFC-134a has been quite stable during the last 5 – 6 years; and

The consumption of HFC-407a topped in 2004 and has been decreasing slowly since that.

HFC in polyurethane insulation foam

HFC has been used for producing rigid polyurethane foam for insulation purposes. This insulation

foam is with closed cells, and the HFC will stay inside the cells and contribute to the good insulation

value of the foam. This type of insulation foam has been produced from 1993 to 2002 where the

production stopped. Most of the usage was for domestic refrigerators and freezers and for commer-

cial refrigerators and freezers substituting CFC-11.

It was also for a very short period used for pre-insulated district heating pipes, but this was rapidly

substituted to cyclopentane around 1993 – 1994. A small usage was seen for insulation in industrial

doors (ports) and water heaters. However, the major usage was for refrigerators and freezers.

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From the annual reports from the Danish EPA it can be seen that the consumption for rigid insula-

tion foam started with 164 tons HFC-134a in 1993 and had it maximum on 357 tons in 1999 and

decreased to 72.3 tons in 2002. There was no consumption in 2003.

In [Poulsen & Museaeus, 2013] it is mentioned that the stock of HFC-134a in rigid polyurethane

foam is estimated to be 514 tons in 2012 and this figure falls to 159 tons in 2015.

It is assumed that most of the stock is placed in refrigerators and freezers, and those products will

be handled in a proper way by the existing systems to handle scrapped refrigerators and freezers

and collect refrigerants and blowing agents (e.g. CFC-11) for destruction.


The import and consumption of SF6 was earlier much higher. The consumption was 21 tons in 1994

and decreased to 9 tons in 2000 and 2.6 tons in 2012.

SF6 was earlier used in sound reducing thermal windows, but this application was banned in 2003.

SF6 has at an earlier stage also been used as a protecting gas in magnesium production. The main

use today is in high voltage switch gears, and the power transmission utilities has done a significant

effort to reduce the use and emission of SF6.


The consumption of PFCs has traditionally been quite small. There was an increase in the years

1997 – 2000 (about 8 tons per year), and this is likely because PFCs were used in special refriger-

ant-mixtures used to substitute CFCs in special low temperature refrigeration equipment. The con-

sumption has been less than 1 tons in the last 4 years, and in 2012 there was no use for refrigeration


3.5 Summary and conclusions

F-gases are produced in several countries globally as well as in Europe. Precise knowledge on pro-

duction of F-gases is not available, but existing knowledge and estimates indicates that the total

global production will probably be above 300,000 tons/year. Production in EU may be estimated to

50,000 – 60,000 tons/year. The total consumption in EU is about 90,000 tons/year indicating

that EU is a significant net-importer of F-gases. HFC-gases and in particular HFC-134a and HFC-

125 are the main gases consumed while SF6 counts for 2-3% of the total consumption and PFC-

gases for less than 1%.

The dominant application in EU is refrigeration and air-conditioning which is responsible for more

than 60% of the total consumption. Other important applications on EU-level include blowing

agent for foams, propellant in aerosols, fire protection, and use as dielectric gas in electrical equip-


No F-gases are produced in Denmark and the total consumption is based on import. The consump-

tion has been decreasing from about 1000 tons in 2000 to about 360 tons in 2012.

Also in Denmark refrigeration and air-conditioning are by far the dominant application of F-gases

and in particular HFCs. Smaller amounts are used for thermostats and aerosols (sprays) while the

consumption as blowing agent for foams ceased in 2002.

PFCs were earlier used in special low temperature refrigeration equipment, but this use seems to

have ceased in Denmark, as no consumption of PFCs were recorded in 2012.

SF6 is today mainly used as dielectric gas SF6 in high voltage installations, while uses as insulation

gas in windows and blanket gas in magnesium production today has ceased.

The consumption of F-gases in Denmark has been stable during the last 5-6 years.

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4. Waste management

4.1 Waste from manufacture and use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6

As HFCs, PFCs and SF6 are not produced in Denmark, no waste from production of these substanc-

es is generated in Denmark.

Collection and recovery of F-gases will take place by:

Maintenance and repair of equipment and facilities (e.g. refrigerators, freezers, air condition

systems, heat pumps) in which F-gases are used as refrigerant/heat transmission media;

Conversion of equipment and facilities containing F-gases to new refrigerants/ heat transmis-

sion media; and

Closing and dismantling of facilities and equipment containing F-gases.

Collection and recovery of refrigerants is in Denmark undertaken by companies authorised by KMO

(Kølebranchens MiljøOrdning - the Danish Refrigeration Trades Environmental Arrangement).

Collected refrigerants will be used for refilling of existing or new systems if necessary after clean-

ing/regeneration. If cleaning/regeneration is not possible, they will be directed to destruction either

in Denmark or abroad. [KMO, 2014]

The total quantity of refrigerant reported collected and returned to suppliers in Denmark has for the

period 2007-2011 been in the range of 3-8 tons yearly [Høft, 2012]. The figure is expected to be

about 10 tons for 2012. These figures cover F-gases as well as CFCs/HCFCs and other refrigerants

and no data indicating the quantity of F-gases collected is available. F-gases used directly for refill-

ing in Denmark by authorised companies are not included in these figures, but the figures are antic-

ipated to include all refrigerants directed to cleaning/regeneration in Denmark and abroad. [KMO,


It is unclear to what extent F-gases are delivered to destruction in Denmark directly by authorised

companies without going through the KMO-system, but the figures on quantities of refrigerants

received by NORD (see section 4.3) indicates that this is likely the dominant procedure.

Collection and recycling is also used for SF6 employed in electric distribution and transmission

systems. Recovered SF6 will be cleaned and reused either in Denmark or abroad. If clean-

ing/recycling is not possible, they will be directed to destruction either in Denmark or abroad. To

the best of knowledge the dominant part of the SF6 collected will be reused. No figures are, however,

available. [Jacobsen, 2014]

4.2 Waste products from the use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in mixtures

and articles

As described in section 4.1, collection and recovery of F-gases will take place in Denmark by dis-

mantling of old equipment and facilities containing such gases (e.g. refrigerators, freezers, air con-

dition systems, heat pumps). This is also the case for SF6 in electric distribution and transmission


Household refrigerators, freezers and heating pumps and similar small units are primarily received

and treated by one major metal scrap dealer in Denmark. This company assumes to receive approx-

imately 90% of all units being scrapped in Denmark. The units are treated in a separate process

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flow [Wendel, 2014]:

First step is to empty the units for refrigerant/heat transmission media. The gas collected is

directed to destruction. The gas is a mixture of F-gases used in newer units and CFC-12 used in

older units. The content of different substances is not determined.

Second step is to treat the units in a special refrigerator shredder, thereby separating the isola-

tion foam from other materials. The collected isolation foam is directed to incineration. The gas

destroyed is a mixture of F-gases used in newer units and CFC-11 used in older units. The con-

tent of different substances is not determined.

Regarding the remaining units (approximately 10%), these units are exported for treatment in Ger-

many and Sweden [Jensen, 2014].

Refrigerants in mobile air conditions systems in cars and lorries being disposed of will be removed

and collected as part of the environmental treatment process legally required for all vehicles being

disposed of in Denmark [Danish Ministry of Environment, 2012].

Metal constructions containing polyurethane insulation foam such as aluminium gates, tubes for

district heating etc. will be treated as metal waste and treated in shredders or by similar procedures

[Wendel, 2014]. F-gases present in such foam will be released to the atmosphere.

Wood or plastic constructions containing polyurethane insulation foam as well as will be directed to

incineration. Also other items based on combustible materials as shoe soles containing F-gases will

be directed to incineration [Poulsen & Musaeus, 2013].

Windows containing SF6 as insulation gas in double glazing will to the best of knowledge by dispos-

al be crushed releasing the remainder of the gas to atmosphere. 66% of the original content of SF6

is assumed still to be present in the windows at the typical time of disposal [Poulsen & Musaeus,

2013]. The stock of SF6 in windows is expected to be 16.8 tons in 2015. The emission is estimated to

3.6 tons in 2012, 3.9 tons in 2015 and 1.2 in 2020 (Poulsen, 2013). A scheme for collecting the gas

from scrapped windows has been discussed, but such a scheme would be difficult (and expensive) to

establish [Pedersen, 1998].

4.3 Release of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 from waste disposal

F-gases collected and not recycled will in Denmark be directed to destruction at NORD (the former

Kommunekemi – the Danish facility for treatment and destruction of chemical waste). In 2012

NORD received 132 tons refrigerants. They receive refrigerants (CFCs/HCFCs/HFCs) recovered

from refrigerators etc. as well as mixtures of refrigerants with solvents as e.g. methanol and ace-

tone). No figures on the quantity of F-gases received are available. The refrigerants are delivered in

special pressure containers and are treated by incineration. NORD does not receive products as

refrigerators or waste from shredder operations. [NORD, 2014]

Polyurethane foam from refrigerators is directed to incineration at a power plant equipped with

facilities for burning of coal, oil, biomass as well as methane gas from landfills [Wendel, 2014].

In both cases it can be assumed that the incineration/destruction process will result in virtually

100% destruction of the F-gases supplied.

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70 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

4.4 Summary and conclusions

F-gases are not produced in Denmark and no waste from production of these substances is generat-

ed in Denmark. Collection and recovery of F-gases will take place by maintenance and repair of

equipment and facilities in which F-gases are used (e.g. refrigerators, freezers, air condition sys-

tems, heat pumps, transformer stations) as well as by conversion of equipment and facilities con-

taining F-gases to new refrigerants/ heat transmission media and by dismantling of old equipment

and facilities. This is also the case for SF6 used in electric distribution and transmission systems.

The recovered F-gases will be used directly for filling of existing or new equipment and facilities in

Denmark or abroad if necessary after cleaning/regeneration, or be directed to destruction.

Scrapped household refrigerators, freezers and heating pumps and similar small units are generally

emptied for refrigerant/heat transmission media and the gas collected is directed to destruction.

The majority of units are furthermore treated in a special shredder allowing the insulation foam to

be separated and collected and directed to destructing together with its content of blowing agent. A

minor part of the units collected are exported for treatment in Sweden and Germany.

F-gases present in foam in other constructions will not be collected and destroyed and will therefore

be released to the atmosphere. This is also the case for SF6 used as insulation gas in double glazing


Destruction of F-gases used as refrigerants is in Denmark carried out at NORD while destruction of

F-gases contained in insulation foam is undertaken by a power plant. In both cases it can be as-

sumed that the incineration/destruction process will result in virtually 100% destruction of the F-

gases supplied.

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5. Environmental hazards and exposure

5.1 Environmental Hazards

5.1.1 Classification

Of the substances discussed in this report, no gases have been given a harmonized classification

addressing environmental issues. However from Annex 3, it can be seen that most substances have

been subject to industry self-classifications.

Among the substances self-classified by industry only HFC-43-10mee has a classification pertaining

to environment, Aquatic Chronic category 3, H412: harmful to aquatic life with long-lasting effects.

This classification has been proposed by almost all notifiers.

5.1.2 Global warming potentials

The main environmental concern with the rising emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases is their

contribution to global warming. Global-warming potential (GWP) is a relative measure of how

much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere. The GWP of a compound depends on its radi-

ative properties, its molecular weight and its lifetime in the atmosphere. Fluorinated gases general-

ly absorb infrared radiation in the 8 to 12 μm range, which is a region transparent in the atmos-


The GWP is defined as the warming influence over a set time period (usually 20 or 100 years) of a

gas relative to that of carbon dioxide, which is set at 1. For example, the 20 year GWP of methane is

86, which means that if the same mass of methane and carbon dioxide were introduced into the

atmosphere, methane will trap 86 times more heat than the carbon dioxide over the next 20 years.

[IPCC, 2013] HFCs

Hydrofluorocarbons are organic compounds that contain carbon, fluorine and hydrogen atoms. The

carbon-hydrogen bonds in the molecules render them reactive towards atmospheric hydroxyl radi-

cals. This makes the compounds degradable in the lower atmosphere in contrast to perhalogenated

compounds which are resistant to atmospheric oxidation. As they contain no bromine or chlorine

atoms and are destroyed in the lower atmosphere, they do not contribute to stratospheric ozone


Short-lived HFCs: HFC-32, HFC-43-10mee, HFC-134a, HFC-152a, HFC-245fa, HFC-


The short-lived HFCs HFC-32, HFC-43-10mee, HFC-134a, HFC-152a, HFC-245fa and HFC-

365mfc are HFCs with atmospheric lifetimes less than 20 years. The major fraction of the removal

of these compounds occurs in the troposphere. These compounds are volatile, odourless gases that

will be partitioned almost exclusive to the gas phase upon emission.

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The global warming potentials (GWP 100) of these compounds are high and range from 138 for

HFC-152a, which has the shortest lifetime, to 1,650 for HFC-43-10mee, which has the longest life-

time and the highest number of C-F bonds (see Table 27). The most abundant of these gases is HFC-

134a with a global concentration of 63 ppt. With rising concentrations the contribution of these

compounds to global warming is a growing concern.

Longer-lived HFCs: HFC-23, HFC-125, HFC-143a, HFC-227a, HFC-236fa

The longer-lived HFCs HFC-23, HFC-125, HFC-143a, HFC-227a, HFC-236fa are HFCs with at-

mospheric lifetimes of more than 20 years. These compounds are volatile, odourless gases that will

be partitioned almost exclusive to the gas phase upon emission. The removal of these compounds

occurs by reaction with hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere and with hydroxyl radicals and to a

lesser extent with oxygen atoms in the stratosphere.

The compounds are powerful greenhouse gases due to the infrared absorption of the C-F chemical

bonds. The global warming potentials (GWP 100) of these compounds are high and range from

3,170 for HFC-125, which has the shortest lifetime, to 12,400 for HFC-23 (see Table 27).

The most abundant of the long-lived HFCs is HFC-143a with a concentration of 12 ppt (see Table

27). With rising concentrations the contribution of these compounds to global warming is a poten-

tially serious concern. PFCs

PFC-14, PFC-116, PFC-218, PFC-318, PFC-3-1-10, PFC-4-1-12, PFC-5-1-14

PFCs are gases or volatile liquids and partition into the gas phase upon release. The PFCs are re-

sistant to reaction with atmospheric radicals in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere and the

major loss processes for these compounds is photolysis in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere

by high-energy ultraviolet radiation (121.6 nm) [Ravishankara et al., 1993].

The removal processes by chemical reaction and photolysis have, however, not been investigated for

all the PCFs included in this survey. As the compounds are chemically analogous they can be

expected to have similar removal characteristics [JPL, 2011; Atkinson et al., 2008].

The global warming potentials (GWP 100) of these compounds are very high and range from 6630

(PFC-14) to 11100 (PFC-116) (see Table 27). The atmospheric abundance of these compounds is low,

of the order of a few ppt, except for PFC-14 which has a concentration of 79 ppt. Rising

concentrations of these gases are of serious concern with respect to global warming. HFOs

HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234zeE

HFOs contain hydrogen, fluorine and carbon like the HFCs, but they are distinctly different. They

are olefins, which mean that they contain a carbon-carbon double bond. The double bond makes

HFOs react two orders of magnitude faster with atmospheric hydroxyl radicals than HFC-134a. This

leads to very short atmospheric lifetimes of a few days, which means that these compounds have

negligible global warming potentials. As they contain no bromine or chlorine atoms and are de-

stroyed in the lower atmosphere, they do not contribute to stratospheric ozone depletion.

HFOs with their more favorable environmental characteristics are expected to be put to use in the

automotive industry as replacements for compounds with high GWPs. A next-generation mobile

automobile air-conditioning refrigerant, HFO-1234yf, does break down to trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)

in the atmosphere (see section

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74 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases SF6

Sulphur hexafluororide, SF6, is an inorganic gas with an octahedral geometry, consisting of

six fluorine atoms attached to a central sulphur atom. It is a hypervalent molecule. Typical for a

nonpolar gas, it is poorly soluble in water but soluble in nonpolar organic solvents. It is generally

transported as a liquefied compressed gas. It has a density of 6.12 g/L at sea level conditions, which

is considerably higher than the density of air (1.225 g/L).

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, SF6 is the most potent greenhouse

gas that it has evaluated, with a global warming potential of 23,500 times that of CO2 when com-

pared over a 100-year period [IPCC, 2013]. Measurements of SF6 show that its global average mix-

ing ratio has increased to over 7 ppt (see Table 27). Sulphur hexafluoride is also extremely long-

lived, is inert in the troposphere and stratosphere and has an estimated atmospheric lifetime of

800–3200 years.

5.1.3 Other environmental hazards

The HFCs, PFCs, HFOs and SF6 discussed in this survey are all gases or volatile liquids and they

partition primarily into the gas phase upon release to the environment. The solubility of these com-

pounds ranges from a few µg/L to a few g/L (see table 3) and these compounds do not contain func-

tional groups that can undergo hydrolysis.

The compounds are generally stable in water and biodegradability is assessed as low for the HFCs

[OECD, 2005; OECD, 2006b; OECD, 2010]. There is no data for the biodegradability of the PFCs

and SF6. These compounds are, however, less reactive than the HFCs and their level of aqueous

phase degradation can be expected to be similar to and lower than the HFCs [OECD, 2006c].

5.2 Environmental Exposure

5.2.1 Sources of release

The F-gases are exclusively man-made and the sources of emissions are from industrial uses exclu-

sively. Estimated emissions in Denmark in 2012are presented in Table 22-24.

The emissions are presented in Table 22 as the substances and blends actually emitted, and in Table

23 recalculated to pure substances to the extent possible based on the composition of blends noted

in Table 2.

When the figures in the columns for "All HFCs" in table 22 and 23 do not match exactly it is because

some blends besides HFCs substances also include HCFC-substances (e.g. HCFC-22) or other sub-

stances as propane and butane. The emission for the category "other HFCs" is assumed distributed

equally on the substances HFC-32, HFC-125, HFC-134a and HFC-143a.

As stated in Table 22 and 23 refrigeration and air-conditioning is the dominant source of release of

HFCs to the atmosphere in Denmark. Insulation foam is, however, still a significant source although

the consumption of HFCs for this application stopped for more than a decade ago.

The dominant HFC-substances being emitted in Denmark is HFC-134a, while other HFCs in this

context are of less importance.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 75










cial refri-

gerators +





tion +

mobile AC














HFC-23 2 2

HFC-134a 7.3 67.6 59.3 50.4 5.5 6.8 196.9

HFC-401a 82.5 82.5

HFC-402a 0.6 0.6

HFC-404a 1.0 1.2 5.0 7.2

HFC-407c 42.9 42.9

HFC-507a 6.6 6.6


HFCs *1

12.6 12.6

All HFCs

8.3 214 64.3 50.4 5.5 6.8 2 351.3

*1 The category "Other HFCs" includes HFC-408a, -409a -410A, -413a, -417A.



[POULSEN & MUSEAEUS, 2013]] *1







Com. refri-

gerators +





tion +

mobile AC













HFC-23 2 2

HFC-32 16.9 16.9

HFC-125 0.4 18.1 2.2 20.7

HFC-134a 7.3 96.4 59.5 50.4 5.5 6.8 226.0

HFC-143a 0.5 3.8 2.6 6.9

HFC-152a 10.7 10.7

All HFCs 8.2 145.9 64.3 50.4 5.5 6.8 2 283.2

*1 Figures are based on the emission figures presented in Table 22 but recalculated to pure substances to the

extent possible based on the composition of blends noted in Table 2. The emission for the category "other

HFCs" is assumed distributed equally on the substances HFC-32, HFC-125, HFC-134a and HFC-143a.

As stated in Table 24 emission from double glazed windows is the dominant source of SF6 to the

atmosphere in Denmark followed by contributions from power switches in high-voltage plants,

refrigeration and laboratory purposes (manufacture of microchips).

Emission of PFCs in Denmark in 2012 was due to use of the blend HFC-413a in commercial refrig-

erators (the blend contains 9% PFC-218) and use of PFC-14 and PFC-318 in the production of opti-

cal fibers.

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76 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases



AEUS, 2013]

Substance Windows Power


Lab. pur-


Com. re-



fibre prod.


SF6 3.6 0.6 0.6 4.8


PFC-318 *1

0.38 0.38

PFC-218 0.8 0.8

*1 The emission includes PFC-14 as well as PFC-318. The total is known but cannot be divided on substances.

Danish yearly emissions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 expressed in CO₂-equivalents are shown in Table

25 below. The figures covers the period of 1990-2012. For comparison also the emissions from

EU27 for the period 1990-2011 is shown in Table 26. The emissions are reported in billion metric

tons of CO2 -equivalent (GtCO2-eq) which is the reporting standard of the IPCC. The CO₂-

equivalency for a gas is obtained by multiplying the mass of gas released with the 100-year global

warming potential of the gas (see table 22).




Year HFCs PFCs SF6 Total

1990 - - 44 44

1991 - - 64 64

1992 - - 89 89

1993 94 - 101 195

1994 135 0.1 122 257

1995 218 1 107 326

1996 329 2 61 392

1997 324 4 73 401

1998 411 9 59 480

1999 504 12 65 582

2000 607 18 59 684

2001 650 22 30 703

2002 676 22 25 723

2003 701 19 31 751

2004 755 16 33 804

2005 801 14 22 838

2006 823 16 36 875

2007 850 15 30 896

2008 853 13 32 897

2009 799 14 37 850

2010 804 13 38 856

2011 759 11 73 843

2012 656 14 114 784

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 77



Year HFCs PFCs SF6 Total

1990 27 882 20 368 10 947 59 197

1991 27 537 18 828 11 385 57 750

1992 29 447 15 763 12 206 57 416

1993 31 880 14 890 13 135 59 905

1994 36 039 14 303 14 220 64 562

1995 40 376 14 028 15 320 69 724

1996 45 693 13 496 15 123 74 312

1997 52 706 12 527 13 497 78 730

1998 54 096 11 871 12 609 78 576

1999 47 539 11 560 10 271 69 370

2000 46 971 9 876 10 270 67 117

2001 46 653 8 904 9 616 65 173

2002 49 349 10 389 8 540 68 278

2003 54 615 8 635 7 988 71 238

2004 56 811 7 327 8 261 72 399

2005 61 352 6 129 8 178 75 659

2006 64 172 5 497 7 561 77 230

2007 68 913 5 083 7 304 81 300

2008 72 321 4 376 6 855 83 552

2009 75 554 2 844 5 463 83 861

2010 79 709 3 329 6 549 89 587

2011 81 285 3 602 6 419 91 306

As shown in table 25, Danish emissions have increased significantly from 1990 to about 2007/08.

Since then, emissions have been falling in Denmark. Emissions are on the rise in Europe and glob-

ally particularly due to increased emissions of HFC-134a. [Danish EPA, 2012]. Global emission

inventories for most of these compounds are likely to be inconsistent and incomplete, particularly

from East Asia, where industrial use is widely underreported [Mühle et al., 2010].

5.2.2 Monitoring data

Most of the F-gases being addressed in this report are monitored in the atmosphere. The concentra-

tions of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in the atmosphere as registered by IPPC [IPPC, 2013] are stated in

table 27 below. The dominant compounds are PFC-14, HFC-134a and HFC-34with concentrations

of 79 ppt (part per trillion), 63 ppt and 24 ppt respectively.

5.3 Environmental impact

5.3.1 Global Warming

The main environmental impact of F-gases is their contribution to global warming. The most im-

portant greenhouse gas overall is water vapour followed by CO₂ and CH4. These gases have lower

global warming potentials than the F-gases but are much more abundant.

F-gases constitute about 2% of total European greenhouse gas emissions in terms of CO2 equiva-

lents but F-gas emissions have risen by 60% since 1990 – in contrast to all other greenhouse gases,

which have been reduced [EU, 2014].

HFCs have effectively replaced ozone depleting substances (ODS) as CFCs and HCFCs which have

been phased out under the Montreal Protocol. As a result of this success HFCs are increasing in the

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78 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

atmosphere. For example, CO₂ equivalent emissions of HFCs (excluding HFC-23) increased by

approximately 8% per year from 2004 to 2008. As a consequence, the abundances of HFCs in the

atmosphere are also increasing. For example, HFC-134a, the most abundant HFC, has increased by

about 10% per year from 2006 to 2010. [UNEP, 2011]

In the future, HFC emissions have the potential to become very large. Without intervention, the

increase in HFC emissions is projected to offset much of the climate benefit achieved by the earlier

reduction in ODS emissions. Annual global emissions of HFCs are projected to increase to about 3.5

to 8.8 Gt CO₂-eq in 2050, which is comparable to the drop in ODS annual global emissions of 8.0 Gt

CO₂-eq between 1988 and 2010. The projected HFC emissions would be equivalent to 7 to 19% of

the CO₂ global emissions in 2050 based on the IPCC’s Special Report on Emissions Scenarios

(SRES). [UNEP, 2011]

If HFC emissions continue to increase, they are likely to have a noticeable influence on the climate

system. By 2050, the build-up of HFCs in the atmosphere is projected to increase radiative forcing

by up to 0.4 W/m2 relative to 2000 (the radiative forcing is the difference between the sunlight

energy received by the Earth and energy radiated back to space). The increase of 0.4 W/m2 may be

as much as 20 – 25 % of the expected increase in radiative forcing due to the build-up of CO2 since

2000, according to the SRES emission scenarios. [UNEP, 2011]

The future radiative forcing by HFCs in 2050 would, however, be relatively small and at the same

level as it is today (<1% of CO2), if the current mix of HFCs were replaced with low or non-GWP

substances with lifetimes of a few months or less [UNEP, 2011].



Acronym, Common



(years) GWP 20 GWP 100

Global abun-

dance 2011


HFC-23 222 10 800 12 400 24

HFC-32 5.2 2 430 677 4.9

HFC-125 28.2 6 090 3 170 9.6

HFC-134a 13.4 3 710 6 940 63

HFC 143a 47.1 6 940 4 800 12

HFC 152a 1.5 506 138 n.d.

HFC 227ea 38.9 5 360 3 350 0.65

HFC 236fa 242 6 940 8 060 n.d.

HFC-245fa 7.7 2 920 858 1.24

HFC-365mfc 8.7 2 660 804 n.d.

HFC-43-10mee 16.1 4 310 1 650 0

HFO-1234yf 0.03 1 <1 n.d.

HFO-1234zeE 0.04 4 <1 n.d.

PFC-14 50 000 4 880 6 630 79

PFC-116 10 000 8 210 11 100 4.2

PFC-218 2 600 6 640 8 900 n.d.

PFC-318 3 200 7 110 9 540 1.2

PFC-3-1-10 2 600 6 870 9 200 n.d.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 79

PFC-4-1-12 4 100 6 350 8 550 n.d.

PFC-5-1-14 3 100 5 890 7 910 0

SF6 3 200 17 500 23 500 7.3

*1 Abundances are mole fraction of dry air for the lower, well mixed atmosphere. ppt = parts per trillion =


5.3.2 Degradation Products

The oxidation of HFCs and HFOs by hydroxyl radicals in air lead to the formation of CO₂ and HF.

Intermediate degradation products include formic acid, carbonyl fluoride and hydrofluoric acid.

Because these compounds do not contain chlorine or bromine atoms they are considered harmless

to stratospheric ozone. The potential for formation of photochemical ozone at ground level is low

for these compounds since they have fewer or no carbon-hydrogen bonds than their alkyl equiva-

lents and react slowly with atmospheric radicals. CO₂ is a persistent greenhouse gas, however the

contribution from this source is insignificant compared with the total CO₂ burden. The amount of

HF produced from current and expected future concentrations of hydrofluorocarbons is insignifi-

cant with respect to acidification [ECETOX ,2008].

PFCs and SF6 are resistant to atmospheric degradation. As the solubility and aquatic toxicity of

these compounds is low, they are not considered to be of concern in aquatic environments

[ECETOX, 2008; ECETOX 2006; ECETOX, 2004a; ECETOX ,2004b].

HFC-43-10mee is self-classified by industry as harmful to aquatic life. There is, however, no pub-

lished conclusive data to support this. TFA

A potential toxic by-product of the atmospheric degradation of fluorocarbons with CF3 groups is

trifluoroacetic acid, TFA, CF3C(O)OH [WMO, 2010]. However, the presence of this structural group

is not in itself evidence that the compound is a source of TFA.

The molar yields of TFA from the degradation of different HFCs and HFOs varies. For HFC-227ea

and HFO-1234yf the molar yield is close to 100%, whereas for others the yield is reported to be

<10% and for some substances it is insignificant.

Molar yields of TFA (in percentage) from degradation of HFCs and HFOs, as reported by global

reviews, are shown below:

HFC-134a: 13% [as cited by IPCC/TEAP, 2005]

HFC-227ea: 100% [as cited by WMO, 2010]

HFC-1234yf: 100% [as cited by WMO, 2010], same as HFO-1234yf reported elsewhere in

this report

HFC-245fa: < 10% [as cited by WMO, 2010]

HFC-365mfc: < 10% [as cited by WMO, 2010]

HFC-236fa: < 10% [as cited by WMO, 2010]

HFC-134a were by the IPCC/TEAP assessment [2005] estimated to be responsible for a global TFA

production of 4,560 t/y and were at that time responsible for 44% of the estimated global TFA pro-


Gaseous TFA is washed out of the atmosphere and deposited on land and water as trifluoroacetate.

Trifluoroacetate is environmentally stable and has the potential to accumulate in terminal water

bodies and in plant material. Based on the relative insensitivity of aquatic organisms to TFA, pre-

dicted concentrations of TFA in terminal water bodies are not expected to impair aquatic systems

significantly, even considering potential emissions over extended periods [Russell et al., 2012].

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80 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

The cycle of TFA in the atmosphere and hydrosphere is currently not well understood and is the

subject of ongoing research. TFA appears to be a naturally occurring chemical present in seawater

and significant concentrations have been found in rain, river and lake water and both coastal and

deep-ocean sea water. The measured concentrations in water bodies vary greatly (0 -> 40,000 ng /

L), the highest concentrations have been measured in lakes with low drainage. The average concen-

tration of TFA in the oceans has been estimated by certain studies to be about 200 ng/L. There is,

however, considerable variation in the reported data. The oceans are thus a large reservoir for TFA

and the observed concentrations are far in excess of those that could occur as a result of atmospher-

ic oxidation of man-made fluorocarbons. TFA appears to have been accumulating in the environ-

ment prior to the introduction of anthropogenic sources and a suggested natural source is sub-

oceanic volcanic activity. This is to some extent contradicted by studies of ice cores containing old

sea water as TFA has not been measured in these. There are a few studies that have examined the

worst-case scenarios for the current release and projections of future emissions of fluorinated gases

that can be converted to TFA. This load will, according to these studies raise the concentration in

the oceans by 3.7-7.4 ng /L. [Henne et al., 2012]

The accumulation of TFA in the environment must be regarded as a minor concern overall with the

possible exception of closed water bodies where monitoring of concentrations is advisable. Europe-

an emissions of fluorocarbons may, via the atmosphere, contribute to TFA accumulation in for

example Lake Aral, Lake Chad and the Caspian Sea. However, no conclusive evidence that this is

occurring has been found.

5.4 Summary and conclusions

HFCs, PFCs, HFOs and SF6 are found in the atmosphere where concentrations are on the rise.

Concentrations have steadily increased in the atmosphere since at least 1978, and are continuing to

do so at a present rate of 5% per year.

Danish emissions have increased significantly from 1990 to about 2007/08. Emissions are now in

the process of lowering. The emissions in 2012 counted for approx. 280 tons HFCs, 1 tons PFCs and

5 tons SF6 corresponding to approx. 780,000 tons CO₂-eq.

There is growing concern over the emission and accumulation of very long-lived fluorinated trace

gases in the atmosphere. They have a high persistency due to the stability of the C-F chemical bond.

For the PFCs and SF6 atmospheric degradation is extremely slow, and the compounds have atmos-

pheric lifetimes of the order of millennia. They are greenhouse gases associated with a significant

global warming potential as they are strong infrared radiation absorbers. These gases are non-

reactive and thus pose no toxic threat to the biosphere.

HFCs have effectively replaced ozone depleting substances (ODS) as CFCs and HCFCs which have

been phased out under the Montreal Protocol. As a result of this success HFCs are increasing in the


HFCs and HFOs are subject to degradation in the lower atmosphere due to the C-H bonds in the

molecules that are reactive to hydroxyl radicals. The atmospheric lifetimes for these compounds

differs between 1.5 and 242 years for the main HFCs while the lifetimes for the main HFOs are

down to 0.03-0.04 years.

In the future, HFC emissions have the potential to become very large. Without intervention, the

increase in HFC emissions is projected to offset much of the climate benefit achieved by the earlier

reduction in ODS emissions. The projected HFC emissions would be equivalent to 7 to 19% of the

CO₂ global emissions in 2050.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 81

No toxic effects of degradation products have been identified, including trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)

which is a degradation product of some HFOs and HFCs. TFA is a highly persistent pollutant, but

there is no conclusive evidence of the environmental toxicity of this compound. TFA appears to be a

naturally occurring chemical present in seawater and significant concentrations have been found in

rain, river and lake water and both coastal and deep-ocean sea water. The oceans are thus a large

reservoir for TFA and observed concentrations are far in excess of those that could occur as a result

of atmospheric oxidation of man-made fluorocarbons. The cycle of TFA in the atmosphere and

hydrosphere is, however, not well understood and is the subject of ongoing research.

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82 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

6. Human health effects and exposure

Issues related to the addressed substances' ability to trigger photochemical ozone formation and to

create trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as degradation product are addressed in Chapter 5. As Chapter 5

shows that the ozone and TFA contributions from the addressed substances are low as compared to

other sources, these reaction/degradation products will not be addressed further in this chapter.

6.1 Human health hazard

6.1.1 Classification

Flammability and explosively

From Section 2.2 it can be seen that among the substances addressed in this project, only HFC-

365mfc is subject to a harmonised classification: Flammable Liquid category 2, H225: Highly

flammable liquid and vapour.

However from Annex 3, it can be seen that among the substances addressed in the project, the other

15 (pre-)registered substances have been subject to industry self-classifications. Among the HFCs

there seems to be consensus that the C1-C2 substances are self-classified with H280: Contains gas

under pressure; may explode if heated. This also applies to one C3 substance (HFC 227ea). The

other C3 (HFC245fa) and C4 and C5 substances are not classified with H280.

Among the less fluorinated substances C1 and C2 HFCs (HFC-32, HFC 143a and HFC 152a), there

seems to be consensus among notifiers to self-classify with H220: Extremely flammable gas. For

one C3 (HFC-245fa) there is general agreement to self-classify with H225: Highly flammable liquid

and vapour. This classification also applies to HFC 365mfc, subject to harmonised classification as

noted above.

The more fluorinated C1-C3 substances (HFC-23, HFC 125 and HFC 227ea) as well as the C5 sub-

stance (HFC-43mfc) are not self-classified for flammability.

For HFO-1234yf there seems to be consensus to self-classify with H220: Extremely flammable gas,

and about half of the self-classifications in addition classify with H 280: Contains gas under pres-

sure; may explode if heated.

Except for the C6 PFC (PFC-4-1-12), there is consensus that the pre-registered PFCs should be clas-

sified with H280: Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated. The PFCs are not classified

for flammability.

SF6 is generally classified with H280: Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated.


None of the addressed substances are subject to harmonised classification for toxicity.

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 83

HFO-1234yf has been self-classified, but not for toxicity.

2/2 notifiers have self-classified the C5 PFC-4-1-12 for skin and eye irritation (Category 2, H315 and

H319). The same applies to 1 of 36 notifiers for PFC-3-1-10 (C4), 18/110 notifiers for HFC-43-10mee

(C5), 1/122 notifiers for HFC-23 (C1) and 3/117 notifiers for SF6. 23/87 notifiers have self-classified

HFC-245fa (C3) for eye irritation category 2 (H319), but not for skin irritation.

Some notifiers for HFC-32 (37/192) and HFC-152a (35/381) have self-classified with Mutagenic

Category 1B (H340) and Carcinogenic Category 1A (H350).

For several of the HFCs, PFCs and for SF6 there are a few self-classifications for target organ toxicity

following single exposure category 3 (STOT SE 3) with H335 (May cause respiratory irritation)

and/or H336 (May cause drowsiness and dizziness). This self-classification is most prevalent for

HFC-245fa (H336 for 34/87 notifiers) and HFC-43-10mme (H335 for 18/110 notifiers).

Finally, some self-classifications which might be considered as outliers should be mentioned:

1/152 (HFC-143a) and 1/122 (HFC-32) have self-classified for acute toxicity category 4, H312:

Harmful in contact with skin.

5/269 (HFC-134a) and 1/381 (HFC-152a) have self-classified for target organ toxicity following

single exposure category 1 (STOT SE1), H370: Causes damage to organs.

1/110 (HFC-125) and 1/269 (HFC-134a) have self-classified for target organ toxicity following

single exposure category 2 (STOT SE2), H371: May cause damage to organs.

1/135 (PFC-218) have self-classified for specific target organ toxicity after repeated exposure

category 3 (STOT RE 3), H373: May cause damage to organs.

6.1.2 Hazard assessment HFCs

The hazards of HFCs will be described based on OECD Screening Information Data Sheets (SIDS)

for HFC-32, HFC-125, HFC-143a, HFC-152a [OECD, 2006a, 2005, 2010, 2006b] and ECETOC

Joint Assessment of Commodity Chemicals (JACC) programme for HFC-32, HFC-134a, HFC-152a

and HFC-245fa [ECETOC, 2008, 2006, 2004a, 2004b].


Available data on toxicokinetics, mainly for the C2 HFCs indicate that HFCs are poorly absorbed

and distributed in the body. The small quantities absorbed are readily excreted [OECD, 2005,

2006a, 2010; ECETOC, 2008].

Acute toxicity

Several HCSs have been tested for acute toxicity via inhalation. Even at very high concentrations –

thousands of grams/m3 (millions of mg/m3) – no deaths occurred [OECD, 2005, 2006a, 2006b,

2010; ECETOC, 2008]. Thus LC50 is above millions mg/m³.

At ranges from 183 g/m³ to 3,927 g/m3- (183,000 mg/m³ - 3927,000 mg/m3) reversible CNS ef-

fects such as reduced breathing rate, salivation, ataxic gate (problems with balance) occurs [OECD

2005, 2006a; ECETOC, 2008].

(Pre-)narcosis might occur at even higher concentrations [ECETOC, 2006, 2008].

Regarding cardiac sensitisation (to adrenaline), the following is reported:

HFC-32: No evidence up to 250,000 ppm (approx. 531,000 mg/m3) [OECD, 2006a; ECETOXC


HFC-125: Evidence > 368,160 mg/m³ [OECD, 2005];

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84 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

HFC-134a: Evidence at 334,000 mg/m³ [ECETOC, 2006];

HFC-143a: Evidence at 300,000 ppm (approx. 1,030,000 mg/m³) [OECD, 2010];

HFC-152a: Evidence at 405,000 mg/m³ [ECETOC, 2004a; OECD, 2006b];

HFC-245fa: Evidence > 241,000 mg/m³ [ECETOC, 2004b].

These references generally conclude that acute toxicity is very low.

Obviously, these acute toxicity effects described here (at very high dose levels) have lead some noti-

fiers to self-classify HFC for acute toxicity or target organ toxicity following single exposure (STOT

SE), see Section 6.1.1. It is outside the scope of this project to evaluate whether these self-

classifications are reasonable, although it should be noted that effects are seen at very high dose

levels only.

Irritation and sensitisation

In general, short term and repeated dose toxicity studies did not indicate potential for dermal or eye

irritation. For HFC-152a, considerable effusion of fluid from the respiratory tract, indicative of

acute irritation of the lungs, at concentrations ≥ 400,000 ppm (approx. 1,080,000 mg/m³) was

seen. Also long-term inhalation studies indicate mild/low irritation of the lung and nose tissues

[OECD, 2006b].

Generally, these substances do not seem to cause significant irritation. A more narrow review of the

literature would be needed to evaluate whether the self-classifications for irritation reported in

Section 6.1.1 are reasonable.

No positive sensitisation studies are reported.

Repeated/long-term toxicity

Repeated inhalation studies (generally 4 and 13 weeks) in rats and/or rabbits are available for all

HFCs addressed by OECD SIDS and ECETOX JACCs [OECD, 2006a, 2005, 2010, 2006b; ECETOC

2008, 2006, 2004a, 2004b]. These references indicate that the highest dose tested – generally

40,000 or 50,000 ppm – can be considered as the NOAEC, as no (or very minimal) signs of toxicity

attributable to the test substance were found.

HFC-152a showed anaesthetic properties in a 2 week repeated inhalation study in rats at 100,000


Developmental toxicity/fertility

Developmental toxicity studies (generally rats with exposure from days 5/6/7 to 15/16/18) are re-

ported for HFC-32 [OECD, 2006a, ECETOC, 2008], HFC-125 [OECD, 2005] and HFC-143a [OECD,

2010]. The NOAEC for maternal toxicity as well as embryofoetal development was in all studies

concluded to be the highest dose tested (40,000 or 50,000 ppm) due to absence of significant ef-

fects, although ECETOC [2008] would not rule out completely that HFC-32 might cause foetotoxici-


Fertility studies are generally not available. The available repeated inhalation toxicity studies indi-

cate no adverse effects on reproductive organs attributable to the test substance.

Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity

HFC-32 [OECD, 2006a, ECETOC, 2008], HFC-125 [OECD, 2005], HFC-134a [ECETOC, 2006] and

HFC-143a [OECD, 2010] have all been tested for in vitro as well as in vivo mutagenici-

ty/genotoxicity. All results were negative.

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HFC-152a showed negative results in Ames test, but showed weak clastogenicity in an in vitro hu-

man lymphocytes assay. A follow-up in vivo micronucleus test produced negative results [OECD,

2006; ECETOC, 2004a]. ECETOC [204a9 further notes that the in vitro clastonegenicity effect was

only seen after 19 hours of continuous exposure and therefore considered the findings of marginal

biological relevance.

A similar picture was seen for HFC-245fa which was not mutagenic in vitro (Ames test), but in-

duced some chromosome aberrations in cultured human lymphocytes. An in vivo micronucleus test

was negative. Overall a low order of genotoxic potential is assumed by ECETOC [2004fa].

HFC-134a, HFC-143s and HFC-152a have been tested in various carcinogenicity assays. None of the

studies report signs of carcinogenicity attributable to the test substance [OECD, 2006b, 2010;

ECETOC, 2004a, 2006].

These results might have triggered some notifiers to self-classify HFCs for mutagenicity and car-

cinogenicity, see Section 6.1.1. It is outside the scope of this study to assess whether the self-

classifications are reasonable. HFOs

None of the HFOs addressed by the project have been registered under REACH, although HFO-

1234yf is pre-registered and self-classifications have been filled, see Section 6.1.1. The self-

classifications do not point to hazardous effects, but to flammability, which will be further ad-

dressed in Section, including the possibility of creating Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) as thermal

degradation product. PFCs

Of the addressed PFCs in the project, PFC-116 and PFC-218 have been registered under REACH and

description of their hazard profile will be based on hazard data obtainable from the ECHA dissemi-

nation site [ECHA, 2014].

In addition, PFC-14, PFC-3-1-10 and PFC-4-1-12 have been self-classified, see Section 6.1.1.

Acute toxicity

For PFC-116, a LC50 above 500,000 ppm is reported and for PFC-218 it is concluded that the sub-

stance is practically non-toxic based on a 1 hour study in which rats were exposure to 80% PFC-

218/20% oxygen. The following clinical signs were reported "Initial hyperactivity, later decreased

activity, redness of skin, closed eyes".

In a study from 1972, PFC-116 did not show cardiac sensitisation in beagle dogs at exposure levels of

200,000 ppm.

Irritation and sensitisation

Irritation and sensitisation studies are waived in the REACH registrations with the justification that

these are not technical feasible. However, note the clinical signs observed for PFC-218 in the acute

toxicity study summarised above.

Repeated/long-term toxicity

For PFC-116, a recent OECD Guideline 412 (Repeated Dose Inhalation Toxicity: 28/14-Day) rat

study including examination of FOB (Functional Observational Battery) and motor activity end-

points, identifies a NOAEL of 50,000 ppm established based on the absence of effects in all end-

points at the highest concentration tested. It is noted that a 90-days study (OECD 413) is in the


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For PFC-218, two studies indicated as "not reliable" report "mild adverse symptoms" in control as

well as test groups. It is not clear what the tested concentrations/doses were. It is overall concluded

that "We see no reason to suppose any chronic effects, but accept that the trial is not conclusive."

Developmental toxicity/fertility

PFC-116 was tested according to OECD Guideline 422 (Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study

with the Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test). A NOAEC for reproductive effects

of 50,000 ppm was established based on the absence of effects on reproductive endpoints and off-

spring at the highest concentration tested. It is noted that a two-generation Reproduction Toxicity

Study is in the pipeline (OECD Guideline 416).

For PFC-218 developmental toxicity studies are waived as these are assessed not to be scientifically


Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity

PFC-116 and PFC-218 are negative in in vitro tests (Ames and chromosome aberration). PCF-116

was negative in an in vivo micronucleus assay. SF6

An initial Screening Information Data Sheet (SIDS) for SF6 (OECD, 2006) concludes the following

regarding human health:

"SF6 accumulation, distribution and elimination were studied in rats exposed by inhalation. SF6 was

found to distribute widely in the body with a relatively higher affinity for blood and fatty tissues,

and to be rapidly eliminated, likely via the exhaled air, suggesting a low accumulation potential.

No significant adverse effects were recorded in several studies in humans acutely exposed to an

atmosphere containing up to 80% SF6, although a slight anaesthetic effects and slight signs of dis-

comfort, such as coolness in the upper respiratory tract and the occurrence of voice deepening, were


Limited acute inhalation studies were conducted in rats exposed up to 80% SF6. No deaths or ad-

verse effects clearly attributable to SF6 were recorded in these studies.

No cardiac sensitisation was observed in dogs previously injected with adrenaline and exposed up to

20% SF6 in air. A slight anaesthetic potential has been identified for SF6 in following acute exposure

to high SF6 concentration in rats, dogs and humans. Signs of CNS depression attributable to anaes-

thetic effects were also observed in rats and Guinea pigs exposed to 12,800 ppm and, with lower

severity, 1,600 ppm for 4 consecutive months. No adequate studies are available for the assessment

of repeated exposure to SF6 and for the mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and reprotoxicity endpoints.

However, its chemical inertness and its very low accumulation potential support the low concern for

the toxicity of this substance.

The possible formation of highly toxic breakdown products may occur when SF6 is subjected to high

stress conditions; in particular electrical discharges occurring in the gas-insulated equipment may

promote the formation of highly reactive species of toxicological concern.”

Breakdown products of SF6 in high-voltage switchgear and the management of these is described in

the European standard EN 62271-4:2013 ‘High-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Handling pro-

cedures for sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and its mixtures’. The molecular fragments formed in the

switchgear rapidly recombine after the source of arc is removed. Any residual degradation products

will remain contained in the gas-insulated equipment, and it will not be released into the environ-


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6.2 Human exposure

6.2.1 Direct exposure

Generally very little information regarding consumer and occupational exposure has been identi-

fied. Focus does not seem to have been on exposure estimation for these substances, which are

generally considered low toxic. HFCs

OECD [2006a] notes the following regarding HFC-32: "Difluoromethane is manufactured in closed

system. Therefore under normal manufacturing practices, emissions to the atmosphere during

production are negligible … There is no direct consumer exposure to difluoromethane due to the

fact that domestic air conditioning equipment (<5 kW) are hermetically sealed. Air conditioners of

medium size are located in dedicated buildings and only maintained by professionals."

OECD [2005] notes the following for HFC-125: "Occupational exposure to HFC-125 may occur

during production and mainly during repair/maintenance operation in refrigeration systems. Since

refrigeration units and fire extinguishing systems are hermetically sealed, consumer exposure

would occur most likely from slow leaks. However, when used to extinguish fires, there may be

some short term exposure to HFC-125 as well as thermal degradation products such as hydrogen

fluoride." OECD [2005] however concludes that the substance is of low priority due to low toxicity.

OECD [2010] notes the following for HFC-143a: "Since 1,1,1-trifluoroethane is a gas with a low

boiling point (-47.4˚C), it is produced in sealed systems. There is no monitoring data for 1,1,1-

trifluoroethane (from effluents, surface water in occupational settings) available from the produc-

tion and processing sites in the US or France. … During the past 6 years a total of 19 samples were

collected at Honeywell’s production site. Most samples were below the limit of detection (approxi-

mately 0.1 ppm) and the highest level reported was 0.65 ppm. Occupational exposure through inha-

lation is possible. Consumer exposure is considered to be negligible…"

OECD [2006b] notes the following regarding HFC-152a: "Industrial hygiene monitoring data dur-

ing manufacture and industrial use show exposure to be well under acceptable exposure limits. The

current AIHA WEEL (Workplace Environmental Exposure Limit) and DuPont AEL (Acceptable

Exposure Limit) are 1000 ppm, 8-hour TWA (time-weighted average). Though consumer exposure

has not been measured directly, modelling based on measurement of similar uses shows consumer

exposure to be minimal during intended uses." HFOs

No data regarding occupational or consumer exposure to HFOs have been identified. PFCs

No data regarding occupational or consumer exposure to PFCs have been identified. SF6

An initial screening SIDS for SF6 [OECD, 2006c] notes that SF6 is used in industrial applications

and that "Due to the low toxicological concern, occupational exposure to SF6 is not monitored".

6.2.2 Indirect exposure

No data on indirect exposure has been identified.

Outdoor air concentrations of the fluorinated gases must be assumed to be well below what could be

reached in the working environment.

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6.3 Bio-monitoring data

No biomonitoring data relevant for human exposure have been identified.

6.4 Human health impact Flammability

Fluorinated carbons are generally supplied and used under pressure, causing in itself a risk for

accidents. This is also evident from the self-classifications reported in Section 6.1.1, showing that

several of the substances addressed in this study are self-classified with H280: Contains gas under

pressure; may explode if heated.

Several HFCs (and HFO, see further down) are in addition highly/extremely flammable.

Whether flammable properties will lead to accidents and thereby effects/impacts is highly depend-

ent on the amount, use situation, handling (instructions), surroundings etc. It is therefore difficult

to generally assess risk/impacts caused by these substances.

We have not identified any information sources comprehensively addressing risks/impacts due to

the flammable properties of some of fluorinated carbon. However, some identified references ad-

dressing the issue will be summarised in the following.

The European Fluorocarbons Technical Committee (EFCTC) has on their web-site recently pub-

lished a factsheet regarding published refrigerant related accidents. Based on a 2006-2013 Google

search 981 injuries and 95 fatalities related to refrigerant accidents could be identified. These statis-

tics were dominated by ammonia. One fatality due to a fluorocarbon accident is reported. [EFCTC,


In 2009, BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und – prüfung) was commissioned by the

Federal Environment Agency in Germany (UBA) to examine the reaction behaviour of HFO-1234yf

when exposed to ignition sources like sparks or hot surfaces [BAM, 2009]. It is noted that according

to the CLP classification criteria, HFO-1234yf should be classified as extremely flammable. The

report, among others, concludes that the Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) is higher than for propane or

petrol vapours and thereby not as easy to ignite. It is noted that ignition behaviour is strongly de-

pendent on the circumstances at which HFO-1234yf is possibly released. The minimum ignition

temperature of HFO-1234yf is 405 °C. This is defined as the lowest temperature at which an igni-

tion can occur when the most ignitable mixture is present. In release scenarios higher surface tem-

peratures are needed for an ignition. BAM [2009] notes that regarding fire and explosion hazards of

HFO-1234yf when used in air conditioning system in cars, many other substances like fuels and

materials are used, which – depending upon the scenario – can also lead to hazards to humans and

the environment, and that the additional hazard regarding fire and explosion caused by the

HFO1234yf is comparable low compared to all other fuels and materials.

BAM (2009) concludes that the formation of Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) is critical when HFO1234yf is

exposed to ignition sources like open flames and hot surfaces. During the ignition tests performed,

critical levels of HF could be formed (levels above 95 ppm), which is the AEGL (Acute Exposure

Guideline Level) established by NIOSH, which can lead to irreversible damages to human health.

Finally, it was evaluated that HF formation is higher for HFO-1234yf as compared to HFC-134a

which it is often substituting.

Building on these finding, in particular the fact that HF can be formed when HFO-1234yf is in con-

tact with hot surfaces (at temperatures of 350ºC, which can occur the exhaust manifold and the

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catalytic converter during driving), the Federal Environment Agency in Germany (UBA) recom-

mends using CO2 as cooling agent rather than HFO-1234yf [UBA, 2010].

Lewandowski [2013] in a report prepared for SAE International concludes regarding the use of

HFO-1234yf as refrigerant in the automotive industry: "…the estimated overall risk of vehicle fire

exposure attributed to use of R-1234yf is conservatively estimated at 3 x 10-12 events per vehicle

operating hour. This is nearly six orders of magnitude less than the current risk of vehicle fires due

to all causes (approximately 1 x 10-6 per vehicle operating hour) and also well below other risks

accepted by the general public." Toxic risks - HFCs

For HFC-32, ECETOC [2008] concludes: "There are no reports of adverse health effects due to

HFC-32" and OECD [2006a]: "The chemical is currently of low priority for further work".

For HFC-125, OECD [2005] concludes: "The chemical is currently of low priority for further work

due to its low hazard profile for human health…"

For HFC-134a, ECETOC [2006] concludes: "No adverse health effects in humans from exposure to

HFC-134a have been reported". This is backed up with results from a human/clinical study with

large doses showing no human toxicity.

For HFC-143a, OECD [2010] concludes: "This chemical does not present hazard for human health

based on its low hazard profile."

For HFC-152a, OECD [2006b] concludes: "The chemical is currently of low priority for further

work, due to its low hazard profile" and ECETOC [2004a]: "There are no reports of adverse health

effects associated with the occupational or consumer use of HFC-152a."

For HFC-245fa, ECETOC [2004b] concludes: "Commercial production of HFC-245fa has only re-

cently been initiated, limiting the opportunity for health effects screening. To date no reported

adverse health effects have been ascribed to HFC-245fa." Toxic risks – HFOs

New information indicates that besides hydrogen fluoride also carbonyl fluoride (COF2) will be

present as thermal degradation product from burning of HFO-1234yf [ 2014]. According

to [2014] carbonyl fluoride should be considered more dangerous than hydrogen fluoride

and it is recommended that these effects are taken into consideration in future risk analyses of

R1234yf. Toxic risks - PFCs

No information has been identified. Toxic risks - SF6

For SF6, OECD [2006c] concludes: "The chemical is currently of low priority for further work due to

its low hazard profile for human health".

6.5 Summary and conclusions

Among the substances addressed in this study, only HFC-365mfe is subject to harmonised classifi-

cation: Flammable Liquid category 2, H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.

15 of the other addressed substances are self-classified. There is general consensus among self-

classifications for physicochemical properties. The self-classifications indicate that the shorter car-

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bon-chains and the less fluorinated, the more flammable are the HFCs. This is inherently logic as

these substances are structurally more prone to oxidation. This also corresponds with the fact that

the more fluorinated HFCs (and the PFCs) are used for fire-fighting applications.

The self-classifications also show that the shorter chain HFCs, HFO-1234yf (C3), SF6 and the PFCs

are stored under high pressure and may explode if heated (H280).

Regarding toxicity, some HFCs and PFCs, as well as SF6 have been self-classified, but there is much

less consensus among the notifiers as compared to classifications for physiochemical properties.

Most prevalent self-classifications (although still by a minority of the notifiers) for toxicity pertain

to skin and eye irritation category 2 (various HFCs and PFCs, as well as SF6), mutagenicity category

1B and carcinogenicity category 1A (for HFC-32 and HFC-152a) and classification for respiratory

irritation and/or ability to cause drowsiness and dizziness (mainly indicated for HFC-245fa and

HFC-43-10mme). Except for HFC-245fa self-classification for drowsiness and dizziness, all other

self-classifications are suggested by a clear minority of the notifiers.

Based on i) OECD Screening Information Data Sheets (SIDS) and ECETOC Joint Assessment of

Commodity Chemicals (JACC) programme dossiers for HFCs and SF6 and ii) publicly available data

from REACH registrations for the two PFCs registered under REACH, it can generally be concluded

that HFCs, PFCs and SF6 cause a low human hazard. Reviewed literature regarding HFO seems to

focus on thermal degradation products rather than inherent toxicity of HFO itself.

At very high doses, reversible effects such as reduced breathing rate, salivation, ataxic gate (prob-

lems with balance), as well as cardiac sensitisation has been reported for some HFCs.

In addition, some HFCs and PFCs might have slight irritating properties.

Available mutagenicity/genotoxicity tests (in vitro and in vivo) and carcinogenicity studies do not

suggest that the addressed substances possess a risk for cancer.

It has not been within the scope of this project to assess whether the suggested self-classifications

for toxicity are supported by available hazard data, although it appears that toxic effects are only

seen at very high doses.

The limited information regarding occupational and consumer exposure suggests that exposure to

these substances is low during normal operating conditions. Several references deliberately do not

address exposure at all given the very low human health hazards. Consequently, no actual toxicolog-

ical risk assessments have been identified.

Overall, the main risks of the addressed substances seem to be directed to the flammable properties

of HFCs and HFOs and to thermal degradation products.

A review of refrigerant-related accidents for the period 2006-2013 reports that 1 of 95 fatalities can

be attributed to use of fluorocarbons. Most of the others are related to the use of ammonia. Two

references find that the risk of using HFO in cooling system in cars is very low and not higher than

risks caused by the use of fuels and other materials.

However, no comprehensive analysis of the risk/impacts of fire/explosion has been identified,

probably due to the fact that such analyses cannot be generalised but is very site/situation specific.

The main toxic risk identified for the substances addressed in this study seems to stem from the fact

that thermal degradation might lead to formation of highly toxic degradation products.

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E.g. for SF6 it is noted that when subjected to electrical discharges occurring in the gas-insulated

equipment, highly reactive species of toxicological concern might be generated. However, its molec-

ular fragments rapidly recombine after the source of arc is removed. Any residual degradation

products will remain contained in the gas-insulated equipment, and it will not be released into the


Specifically hydrogen fluoride (HF) might be generated. A study indicates that the risk of HF for-

mation is higher for thermal degradation of HFOs than for HFCs. One of the main foreseen uses of

HFO-1234yf is for air conditioning systems in cars. Based on the fact that thermal degradation of

HFO-1234yf might occur when in contact with > 350ºC hot surfaces (a temperature judged to be

reached in relevant parts of a driving car), the Federal Environment Agency in Germany (UBA)

recommends using CO2 as cooling agent rather than HFO-1234yf. New information indicates that

by burning of HFO-1234yf also carbonyl fluoride (COF2) will be generated which should be consid-

ered more dangerous than hydrogen fluoride.

Further work on thermal degradation products, including HF and COF2 formation, might be war-


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7. Information on alternatives

Several reports about alternatives have been prepared for the Danish Environmental Protection

Agency and the Nordic Council of Ministers during the last 15 years.

In this period great technological developments with natural refrigerants and other substitutes to F-

gases have taken place, often supported by Danish EPA; directly by supporting R&D-projects, or

indirectly through the “Center for HFC-free technology”, which is founded in cooperation between

the Danish EPA and the Danish Technological Institute.

The latest reports describing the state of developing and implementing alternatives is “Low GWP

Alternatives to HFCs in Refrigeration” environmental Project no. 1425, Danish EPA [Pedersen,

2012] and HCFC Phase out in the Nordic Countries”, Nordic Council of Ministers, [Pedersen, 2014].

The information in the newest Danish and Nordic reports is the basis source for the content of this

chapter on alternatives.

7.1 Identification of possible alternatives

In this chapter, all major sectors are treated and a special view is taken on alternative technology

using natural refrigerants like hydrocarbons, ammonia and CO2. The examples are primarily based

on technology developed in Denmark and in the Nordic countries.

7.1.1 Domestic refrigerators and freezers

Ozone-depleting substances were once used when manufacturing refrigerators and freezers. CFC-11

was used for blowing polyurethane foam for insulating refrigerators and R12 (CFC-12) was used as

the refrigerant in the refrigeration system. In a transitional period, different technologies were used

instead of CFC, including HCFCs for blowing polyurethane foam. Companies have pursued different

paths in their development work. All the manufacturers used R134a (HFC-134a) as a substitute for

R12 in their refrigeration systems. R134a was also used by some manufacturers for blowing polyure-

thane foam.

In 1993, environmental organisations began questioning the environmental impact of HFCs be-

cause the substances (like CFCs and HCFCs) are potent greenhouse gases.

In Germany, a manufacturer together with environmental organisations introduced refrigerators

with hydrocarbons. Other manufacturers soon followed suit. One compressor manufacturer was

quick off the mark with a complete compressor programme for domestic appliances with isobutane

(R600a) as refrigerant.

Within just a few months, the entire German market was forced to use hydrocarbons. This also

applied to foreign manufacturers who wanted to sell on that market. Many people feared that explo-

sions might occur in some of the refrigerators because there was a risk of an explosive mixture of

hydrocarbons and air developing in the cabinet. The mixture could be ignited by a spark from the

thermostat, door contact or other spark generator. The problem was solved by placing potential

spark generators outside the cabinet and by preventing leakage of refrigerant inside the cabinet.

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In the same period of time (first half of the 1990s) it was experienced that hydrocarbons (including

cyclopentane) was useful and competitive for blowing polyurethane foam for insulation purposes

including appliances.

At present, several hundred million of appliances have been built and the technology has proven to

be safe.

Furthermore, refrigerators and freezers with hydrocarbons have proved to be more efficient than

HFC models, and refrigerators with hydrocarbons are less noisy than corresponding HFC models

because of lower pressure in the refrigeration system. The manufacturers in most of the world al-

ready have invested in production equipment for handling flammable refrigerants. Therefore there

will be no (or almost no) additional costs.

The technology has proved to be reliable, energy efficient and safe. In the manufacturing process,

safety is ensured when handling flammable refrigerants. The products have also proved to be safe

during their lifetime in households.

Today, most of the European production is based on hydrocarbon technology and the development

work for compressors and new energy efficient appliances is based on hydrocarbons.

Hydrocarbon technology is also gaining momentum in most countries in Asia, Africa and Latin

America and it is expected to be introduced on the US market.

7.1.2 Commercial refrigerators and freezers (plug-in)

A significant number of commercial refrigerators and freezers is manufactured and installed in the

Denmark. It is estimated that there are about 200,000 units installed, although the specific figure is

unknown. The three largest groups of appliances within commercial refrigerators and freezers

(plug-in) are bottle coolers, professional kitchen refrigerators & freezers and ice cream cabinets.

Commercial refrigerators and freezers also include vending machines, water coolers, supermarket

plug-in display cabinets, minibars, ice machines, wine coolers etc.

Bottle coolers

Glass door bottle coolers can be found in nearly every supermarket, gas station and kiosk. The most

common type is the one door 400 litres type, but also bigger (2 or 3 glass doors) and smaller types

are on the market. Glass door coolers are often installed by a soft drink company or a beer company

and they are labelled with the logo of the company.

It is estimated that about 70,000 bottle coolers are installed in Denmark, where a significant pro-

duction also takes place.

Previously, R-134a and R-404a were the standard refrigerants in bottle coolers and almost all bottle

coolers sold until a few years ago use F-gases.

However, this has changed rapidly during the last years. Already in 2000, a Danish manufacturer

marketed a hydrocarbon version using R600a and has delivered several thousand units to the Euro-

pean marked. Later on another Danish manufacturer also started a production with R600a.

In 2006 – 2007, the Danish Technological Institute conducted a field test in Copenhagen. Nine

coolers were operated with CO2, five with R134a and four with R600a. In 2006, they were placed in

supermarkets for three months and during this time field tests were carried out.

The hydrocarbon coolers as well as the CO2 coolers showed good performance; the hydrocarbon

coolers showed 27.7% reduced energy consumption compared to the R134a coolers and the CO2

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coolers showed 11.7% reduced energy consumption compared to the R134a coolers. [Pedersen,


On the basis of these results and other investigations, a Danish based global brewery has decided to

go for hydrocarbon coolers where possible and where educated technicians can service the appli-

ances. Hydrocarbon coolers have proved reliable and the brewery is installing bottle coolers in the

Nordic countries and has started installation in Germany and Switzerland. Soon, they will be in-

stalled in other countries as well [Andersen, 2011].

Status of HFC free technology

HFC free technology with hydrocarbon refrigerant is very rapidly being introduced to the EU mar-

ket. The manufacturers in Europe already have invested in production equipment for handling

flammable refrigerants. Therefore, there will be no (or almost no) additional costs.

The technology has proved to be reliable, energy efficient and safe. In the manufacturing process,

safety is ensured when handling flammable refrigerants. The products have also proved to be safe

during their lifetime.

CO2 based coolers are also a possibility, but so far these have only been produced in limited num-


Ice cream cabinets

Ice cream cabinets with glass lids can be found in almost every supermarket and kiosk in the Den-

mark. Most of them have been installed by sizeable ice cream producers.

Many ice cream cabinets were earlier produced in Denmark. However, most of this production has

been moved to low income countries. There is still a production at two Danish manufacturers.

HFC refrigerants were standard use (R404A and R134a). However, hydrocarbon cabinets have been

available for many years and it seems as if hydrocarbon technology now is the standard within the

EU. A global ice cream producer has chosen hydrocarbons for their ice cream cabinets and they are

implementing hydrocarbon cabinets worldwide.

The company started the hydrocarbon cabinet rollout in Europe (in Denmark) in 2003 (with 800

cabinets). In 2004, the company introduced about 15,000 cabinets into 17 countries in the EU

followed by an additional 40,000 cabinets in 2005. In 2010, the company installed approx. 100,000

cabinets with hydrocarbons and the company has now installed more than a million units world-

wide. This figure is going to increase to 1.3 million in 2015 [Refrigerants naturally, 2013].

Status of HFC free technology

HFC free technology is available and it is marketed and implemented. Moreover, it is a standard

technology using hydrocarbon refrigerant. The manufacturers in most of Europe already have in-

vested in production equipment for handling flammable refrigerants. Therefore there will be no (or

almost no) additional costs.

The technology has proved to be reliable, energy efficient and safe. In the manufacturing process,

safety is ensured when handling flammable refrigerants. The products have also proved to be safe

during their lifetime.

Professional kitchen refrigerators & freezers

It is estimated that about 50,000 professional kitchen refrigerators and freezers are installed in

Denmark. Most of them are of the stainless steel upright type, but also counter types are present.

One important manufacturer is present in Denmark.

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Since 2002 the Danish manufacturer has marketed appliances with R290, and this type is now

standard for the company's products in Denmark and other European countries. The company has

about 50% of the market in Denmark and 85% of the production is exported to mainly UK, Germa-

ny, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Sweden and Norway.

Wine coolers

To some degree wine coolers look like bottle coolers and they have become popular for professional

as well as domestic use. There is a great variety of wine coolers and they use different cooling tech-

nologies, including thermoelectric cooling for the smallest units. Other units use compression re-


There is one manufacturer in Denmark, and this manufacturer produces energy efficient coolers

and uses compressor cooling technology, which uses R600a as the standard refrigerant in their


Walk-in cold rooms

Small cold rooms (WICR, Walk-in cold rooms) less than 10 m3 are now available with R290 (pro-

pane) refrigerant.

A Finnish company has developed and marketed these new products. The refrigerant charge is less

than 150 grams and the price is 2 – 5 % higher compared to HFC-systems [Kahrola, 2013].

The new WICR are marketed in the Nordic countries and the EU.


Three different refrigeration technologies are available for use in hotel minibars. Absorption mini-

bars have so far been the most common type.

Absorption minibars do not have a compressor. They are quiet but have high energy consumption

and a long pull down time. The refrigerant is ammonia and the refrigeration system consists of

ammonia, water and hydrogen.

Thermoelectric minibars are also available in smaller numbers. They are quiet but have high energy

consumption and a long pull down time. Thermoelectric cooling uses a “Peltiér element” which is a


Compressor minibars are much more energy efficient but they have a slightly higher sound level,

when the compressor is working. The use of compressor minibars is now expanding very quickly in

Europe and they represent at least 50 % of the market. This figure is increasing. The driving force is

energy efficiency. Compressors for R600a of relevant sizes are available and they are becoming the

standard. [J. Christensen, 2013].

There is no production of minibars in Denmark. The energy efficiency, costs and safety issues is

very similar to the production of household refrigerators.

Vending machines

R134a is the standard refrigerant in vending machines. Most soft drink vending machines are pur-

chased by large suppliers of soft drinks. The refrigerant policy of a big global supplier of soft drinks

focuses on CO2 as refrigerant and the objective is to be HFC-free in the near future.

There is no production of cold vending machines in Denmark.

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Water coolers

A great number of water coolers for both bottled water and tap water are installed in the Nordic

countries. They are installed with a small compressor refrigeration system and HFC refrigerants

were earlier the standard use. Coolers using hydrocarbon (R600a) are available on the market.

The energy efficiency, costs and safety issues is very similar to the production of household refriger-


Ice machines

A great number of ice machines are installed in restaurants and bars. So far, HFC refrigerants have

been the standard. A Japanese company with production in the UK has developed and marketed ice

machines with hydrocarbon technology (R290) and the first units are available on the European

market. Another supplier also provides units with R290 and other ice machines prepared for CO2

refrigerants delivered from external (remote) refrigeration systems.

Supermarket display cabinets

The use of supermarket cabinets of the plug-in type is increasing in Northern Europe. Many small

and medium sized supermarkets install such units instead of cabinets for remote cooling machin-


The plug-in cabinets are cheaper and more flexible. Moreover, with glass lids they are also economic

in use.

The condenser heat is submitted into the supermarket sales area where the cabinets are placed. This

might cause high room temperatures during summertime.

A company in Austria is a major manufacturer of such cabinets. Since 2007, hydrocarbon cabinets

using R290 have been standard. The energy efficiency, costs and safety issues is very similar to the

production and use of bottle coolers and ice cream cabinets.

Vaccine coolers

WHO plays an important role in approving vaccine coolers for health stations. A large number of

vaccine coolers (several hundred thousands) are installed in health stations around the world and

many of them are placed in rural areas in developing countries.

A Danish company has a production of vaccine coolers (for the global market) in Denmark.

R134a has been the standard refrigerant, but WHO has drafted new standards, which also allow

hydrocarbon as refrigerant. The Danish manufacturer now offers vaccine coolers (“ice liner”) with


DC coolers

There is some production of DC refrigerators (Direct Current, 12 V or 24 V) for trucks, small boats

etc. and for vaccine chillers which are powered by solar cells (photovoltaic). R134a is the main re-

frigerant used. New DC compressors for isobutane and propane have, however, been developed and

marketed. Up till now, DC compressors have been used in a limited number of solar powered vac-

cine coolers and solar powered ice cream cabinets.

SolarChill vaccine coolers

A Danish manufacturer was first on the global market with a SolarChill vaccine cooler, approved by

WHO. This SolarChill vaccine cooler is powered directly by photovoltaic panels. It uses hydrocar-

bon refrigerant and has an ice storage which can keep the vaccine cool for up to 5 days without any

power. At least 2,000 SolarChill vaccine coolers are now installed at health centres in areas without

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grid electricity. The SolarChill technology is developed in a partnership between the organizations:

WHO, UNICEF, UNEP, PATH, GIZ, Greenpeace International and Danish Technological Institute.

7.1.3 Commercial refrigeration

This section includes centralized systems in supermarkets and condensing units for special shops,

restaurants, professional kitchens, bars, café’s etc.

The area of commercial refrigeration covers a wide range of refrigeration applications. Commercial

refrigeration is the part of the cold chain comprising equipment used mainly in retail outlets for

preparing, storing and displaying of frozen and fresh food as well as beverages. However, equip-

ment for commercial refrigeration can also be used by small producers of food products and smaller

refrigerated warehouses for storage. In some cases, there might be some overlap with the industrial

segment for these latter applications.

For commercial systems, two levels of temperatures are typically used (medium temperature for

preservation of fresh food and low temperature for frozen products). Commercial refrigeration is

the refrigeration subsector with the largest refrigerant emissions calculated as CO2 equivalents.

These represent about 40% of the total annual global refrigerant emissions [IPCC/TEAP, 2005].

This is due to high charges of refrigerant (distributed systems) and high leakage rates. For commer-

cial systems, it is typically seen that the direct emissions of greenhouse gases amount to 40% of the

total climate impact from the refrigeration system. In countries with a big share of hydropower

and/or nuclear power, this figure is even bigger. Taking these considerations into account, it is very

important to focus on this segment.

Furthermore, HCFC-22 was widely used before the ban of this substance in new refrigeration sys-

tems. HCFC-22 was widely used in both centralised systems in supermarkets and in condensing

units in small shops, small walk-in cold rooms etc. HCFC-22 systems have been installed up to

2000, and it has been possible to service those systems since then. This is the reason why there still

are some HCFC-22 systems.

After the ban of installation of HCFC systems came into force, R-404A has been the preferred re-

frigerant for commercial refrigeration. R-404A has a quite low normal boiling point so it can be

used at both low and medium temperatures. R-134a has also been used, but mainly for medium


Commercial refrigeration comprises of three main types of equipment:

1. Stand-alone equipment (plug-in);

2. Condensing units;

3. Centralised systems.

Stand-alone equipment (plug-in) is described in the previous section of this report.

Condensing units are used with small commercial equipment and they comprise of one or two com-

pressors, a condenser and a receiver which are normally located in the ambient. The evaporator is

placed in display cases in the sales area and/or a small cold room for food storage.

Centralised supermarket systems

Centralised systems consist of a compressor unit including valves and receivers placed in a machin-

ery room. The unit is connected with distributed piping to evaporators placed in cabinets, cold

stores etc. The condenser is typically placed in the ambient. The centralised systems tend to be

more effective than the plug-in systems and condensing units. The centralised system can be sub-

divided into three groups:

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Direct systems; where the primary refrigerant (R404A and now: CO2) is circulated directly to the


Indirect systems; where the primary refrigerant and a heat transfer medium (a secondary refrige-

rant) exchange heat in an extra heat exchanger and the heat transfer medium is pumped to the

cabinets and storage rooms. The heat transfer medium can be single-phase brine, but also two-

phase fluids such as volatile CO2 or ice slurry can be used.

The last group is hybrid systems; where two or more different primary refrigerants are combined,

e.g. in a cascade system, where the high temperature refrigerant is used in the medium temperature

level (chilled food) as well as to cool the low temperature refrigerant in the cascade heat exchanger.

The low temperature refrigerant is used at the low temperature level (frozen food). Some cascade

systems (increasing in numbers) with CO2 and a conventional refrigerant use CO2 even for cooling

demand at approx. 0 0C.

So far, a lot of work has been carried out regarding the development and implementation of refrig-

eration systems working on natural refrigerants.


The introduction of HFC taxes in Denmark has indirectly established a situation, where direct cool-

ing with HFC refrigerants is economically less favourable.

Since 1 of January 2007, a total ban on the use of HFC refrigerants in Denmark in new systems with

charges exceeding 10 kg has been in force. This ban has had a huge impact on the systems imple-

mented especially in supermarkets, as practically all new supermarkets are built with transcritical

CO2 systems.

Leakage rates

The leakage of HCFC and HFC refrigerant from commercial refrigeration systems is rather high due

to distributed piping. The leakage rates have earlier been estimated to be about 15% and even more

of the charge per year. However, a great deal has been done in the past to reduce the leakage. Today,

all references indicate that the leakage rate is about 10% per year (including accidents, e.g. breaking


The leakage from more compact systems such as stand-alone and condensing units is smaller. It is

estimated to be about 1 - 5% (stand-alone) and 5% (condensing units) per year.

Experience with alternative systems

During the past decade, many different concepts of supermarket refrigeration systems have been

designed, built and tested.

These alternative systems can be divided into three main groups:

a) Indirect systems with brine. The refrigerant in the primary system can be R134a, R404A, pro-

pane or ammonia;

b) Cascade systems with propane, ammonia, R134a or R404A in the primary system and CO2 as

low temperature refrigerant. Different designs have been tested;

c) CO2 used as transcritical fluid. Different designs have been developed and transcritical CO2

systems are now the standard concept for supermarket refrigeration systems in Denmark and

other countries.

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Transcritical CO2 systems

A ”transcritical refrigeration system” is using a thermodynamic process, where the refrigerant is

passing the critical point of the refrigerant (which is CO2). The critical point is the condition above

which condensation of gas to a liquid is no more possible.

The idea of using CO2 in a transcritical system is not new. For the past 20 years, research and devel-

opment has been carried out on smaller systems especially for heat pumps and air-conditioning

units. However, the know-how required to build an economic transcritical CO2 system for the su-

permarket area was limited. A few test installations were made in Sweden, Denmark and Norway up

to about 2005. Later on, an increasing amount of components became available and increasing

experience was achieved. Moreover, large installers and supermarket chains chose this technology

to be the standard.

The system operates under transcritical conditions during higher ambient temperatures (e.g. 25°C).

A transcritical CO2 system is an attractive option for supermarkets because they are much more

simple than cascade systems. The system comprises of a high-pressure compressor that compresses

the CO2 to 120 bar. The compressed gas then enters a gas cooler where it is cooled to a temperature

close to the ambient. Subsequently, the cooled, high-pressure gas passes through a high-pressure

valve, which allows the gas to expand and reduces pressure to a level below the critical point where

saturated liquid can exist (under the critical point). The liquid is circulated towards the low and

high temperature refrigeration cabinets where after the liquid is allowed to expand to 25 bar in the

high-temperature cabinets and to 15 bar in the low-temperature cabinets by the expansion valves.

The liquid evaporates in the cabinets and the resulting gas from the low-temperature cabinets is

removed by the low-pressure compressor and mixed with the gas from the high-temperature cabi-

nets after compression. The mixture is then led to the high-pressure compressor and the closed

cycle starts again.

Status of supermarket refrigeration systems, 2013

Transcritical CO2 systems need high pressure components and the availability was very limited until

about 2005, where the first mass-produced commercially available compressors and regulation

valves were launched on the market.

When this happened, it became clear to a number of people and companies that this technology

poses a great potential. The technology has become competitive and superior because of the follow-

ing issues:

Only one refrigerant is necessary in supermarkets (CO2);

No need for additional heat exchangers (and the related loss caused by temperature differ-

ences in the exchangers);

Environmental properties are very fine;

Properties for working environment are fine;

Good thermo physical properties for the refrigerant;

Good energy efficiency at normal ambient temperatures.

In Denmark (and Norway), the conditions for a quick implementation of this technology became

relevant, because of the high taxes on HFC refrigerants and (in Denmark) the introduction of the

ban on building new systems with more than 10 kg HFC.

In the years from 2005 to 2009, a total of about 150 systems were installed in Denmark and a simi-

lar number in the rest of Europe. In 2010, about 200 systems were installed in Denmark and the

total figure for Europe was more than 400 units.

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In 2013, more than 1000 systems were installed in Europe. In the first part of 2014, the total

amount of transcritical CO2 systems in supermarkets is going to pass 3000 systems in Europe,

approx. 700 of these systems will be installed in Denmark [Christensen, 2013].

Supplier of transcritical CO2 components and systems

The fast development of this technology has resulted in new business areas.

A Danish company which is supplier of components for the refrigeration industry on global scale

has developed a full programme for valves and controls for transcritical (and subcritical) CO2 sys-

tems. The company offers these components worldwide and the business is increasing.

There are a number of suppliers of compressors as well as several manufacturers of heat exchang-

ers, covering evaporators and gas coolers as well as plate heat exchangers for heat recovery and

special applications.

New qualities of pipes have been available and can manage the high pressure in the systems as well

as the inline components from different manufacturers.

In Denmark, at least three companies are building transcritical CO2 systems.

One of the companies was founded in 2006 and has achieved great success with developing a “re-

mote refrigeration pack” for transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems for supermarkets.

The packs are mass-produced at their factory in Aarhus, Denmark, and they are sold to large in-

stallers throughout Europe. The packs are sized in modules, and the company has a full programme

for all supermarket sites. In 2011, about 300 supermarket refrigeration systems was built and about

80% were being exported [Christensen, 2013].

Now the company is expanding their activities in Europe as well as globally. In Europe, the compa-

ny is going to establish new production facilities outside Denmark to ensure a larger volume at even

more effective conditions. By the end of 2014, the company’s production capacity is going to exceed

1000 systems per year.

This company is the world’s biggest producer of transcritical CO2 systems for supermarkets. Since

the beginning in 2006, new generations of systems have been developed and produced. This work

ensures continuously better energy efficiency as well as lower investment and running cost.

The transcritical CO2 systems use approx. 10% less energy compared to similar HFC systems and

the technology has proved to be reliable.

Economy and energy efficiency

The new generation systems use about 10% less energy in Northern Europe compared to direct DX

HFC systems (R404A).

In Central Europe, the figure is around 5% less energy.

In Southern Europe, the systems have to be tailor-made due to higher ambient temperatures and in

some cases, cascade systems with subcritical CO2 systems have to be used. New developments for

warmer climate are now available in the market. These systems use more advanced technologies,

e.g. parallel compressors or subcooling features, and actually improve energy efficiency for warmer

climates. These new developments are going to move CO2 into southern Europe as well.

In 2011, the price was 4 to 5% higher (for the total refrigeration system) compared to similar HFC

systems and the payback time was 1 to 2 years in Denmark (because of the HFC taxes) and 3 to 5

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years in other countries [Christensen 2011]. In 2013 these numbers are even lower. In countries

with taxes on HFC, the prices are more or less even, whereas prices in countries with no taxes are

currently (2013) only 3-6% higher which reduces the payback time to 2-3 years at the most [K. G.

Christensen, 2013].


The technology is safe. It requires skilled refrigeration technicians to install commercial refrigera-

tion systems, and the technicians must be educated to install CO2 refrigeration systems.

There has been one accident in UK, when the CO2 refrigeration system was not been assembled in a

correct way. This accident resulted in minor damage. No accidents have (to the knowledge of the

DTI) been reported in Denmark, which has the greatest numbers of installations in one country.

Hundreds of refrigeration technicians have been educated in Denmark to handle CO2 systems.

Condensing units

Condensing units with CO2 are quite new products. There is one Danish producer. This product is

quite new and supposed to replace the “old” condensing units with HCFC-22 and HFCs.

It is in fact not correct to name them “Condensing units”, because during transcritical duty there is

no condensing taken place due to the special nature of CO2. “Gas cooler units” might be a more

correct term, but this would not be understood by most users. Thus, they are called “Condensing

units” in this report.

The new condensing units are more expensive compared to HFC-units. According to the Danish

producer, the new product is optimized according to energy efficiency and this might be the driving

force for this new technology. So far (ultimo 2013), about 40 units have been installed [Christensen,


Safety issues are as for centralised CO2 refrigeration systems.

7.1.4 Chillers for Air Conditioning and industrial processes

In many office buildings and hospitals, chillers are installed for distribution of cold water in the

buildings. The air in the individual rooms is cooled in heat exchangers by means of the cold water.

Moreover, many industrial processes are cooled by cold water generated by chillers, e.g. cooling of

plastic moulding machines and fermentation processes in the pharmaceutical industry. Various

refrigeration systems are available for this purpose and CFCs and HCFCs were used previously. At

present, HFC is the standard in Europe. In the past years, however, a large number of ammonia-

based and hydrocarbon based refrigeration systems have been installed for this purpose.


In the first Nordic report [Pedersen, 2000], hundreds of ammonia-based chillers in the Nordic

countries were listed. This list includes systems which were installed in the period from 1990 to


Because of data confidentiality, it has not been possible to update the reference lists in later reports,

but according to the largest manufacturer and installer in the Nordic countries, many new ammonia

chillers have been installed since then to cool large office buildings, hospitals, airports and other big


This manufacturer and installer offers a wide range of ammonia chillers, heat pumps and tailor

made industrial refrigeration systems (cascade, air and liquid cooled plants) in the range from 300

to 6,500 kW cooling capacity [Pachai, 2013].

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The price of ammonia chillers is higher than HFC chillers. The difference depends on the size of the

chiller. Ammonia chillers are often competitive with other chillers because of the higher energy


Ammonia is toxic and flammable and installation of ammonia chillers must only be made with

refrigeration technicians educated and certified to handle ammonia. Chillers are very compact ma-

chines placed in rooms and other places (e.g. roofs) without admittance of non-professionals. Chill-

ers are producing cold water (liquids) for cooling rooms and processes.


Two Danish companies have started a production of hydrocarbon chillers in the medium to large

range (50-400 kW). Annually, the two competing companies produce about 150 units and most of

the produced units are installed in Denmark and some are exported to e.g. Norway, UK and Germa-


The energy efficiency is better than in HFC systems (about 10%), but the price is about 20% higher

compared to HFC systems. The payback time for countries without taxes will typically be 1 to 2

years [Pachai, 2013].

Hydrocarbon chillers cool the new University Hospital in Aarhus (Skejby), Denmark.

Hydrocarbons are flammable and installation of hydrocarbon chillers must only be made with re-

frigeration technicians educated and certified to handle hydrocarbon refrigerants. Chillers are very

compact machines placed in rooms and other places (e.g. roofs) without admittance of non-

professionals. Chillers are producing cold water (liquids) for cooling rooms and processes.


There are systems that use absorption refrigeration (often lithium-bromide water absorption refrig-

eration systems). One example is the use of cooling water from an incineration plant in Trondheim,

Norway. This “cooling water” is warm and runs a huge absorption refrigeration plant at the Univer-

sity Hospital in Trondheim.

Absorption chillers are only economically with the accessibility of sufficient cheap waste heat at

certain high level temperature.

Water vapour compression

Chillers using water vapour compression is currently being developed and a pilot plant is being

developed in Denmark. This work is economically supported by the Danish Energy Agency.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is a very important issue for chillers. As the leakage rate is relatively small, the

energy use is the most important factor for the environmental impact. Danish Technological Insti-

tute has carried out a small analysis in the Nordic report from 2007 [Pedersen, 2007]. The Analysis

compared the energy efficiency of chillers with different refrigerants (HFCs, HCs and ammonia).

A calculation tool “CoolPack”, developed at the Technical University of Denmark, has been used to

analyse the energy efficiency. CoolPack is used by thousands of refrigeration engineers around the

world and contains thermodynamic properties for different refrigerants as well as algorithms for

calculation of refrigeration systems. The calculations have been made for two different situations:

a) Evaporation temperature - 100C and condensation temperature + 350C; and

b) Evaporation temperature + 50C and condensation temperature + 450C.

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The evaporation temperature refers to the temperature to which the liquid is cooled and the con-

densing temperature refers to the ambient temperature. A small temperature difference will always

occur between the heat exchangers.

For the compression cycle, the isentropic efficiency is set to 0.60 and heat loss from the compressor

is set to zero.





Refrigerant COP, Situation a)

T0=-100C, TC=+350C

COP, Situation b) T0=+50C,


R134a 2.78 3.30

R404A 2.53 2.94

R407C 2.71 3.15

R410A 2.65 3.05

R717 (ammonia) 2.82 3.41

R290 (propane) 2.74 3.25

R600a (isobutane) 2.80 3.36

R1270 (propylene) 2.73 3.21

*1 The refrigerants with mixtures (R404A, R407C and R410A) have temperature glides by evaporation.

R407C has a significant glide, making an explicit comparison with refrigerants without glide difficult. No

pressure drop in condenser and evaporator and no internal heat exchange.

Table 28 shows a variety in the energy efficiency of about 11% in situation a) and 15% in situation b).

In both situations, ammonia (R717) shows the best efficiency with isobutane in the second place.

The comparison shows that R410A is inferior in terms of theoretical efficiency. Nevertheless, a great

share of the marked has been turned towards R410A in smaller AC applications. The main ad-

vantage of R410A is the volumetric efficiency that results in smaller components and better price


Emissions to surrounding environment/accumulation in scrapped products

Chillers are compact, factory-made systems with a relatively small charge and limited emissions.

The leakage rate is estimated to be 4 – 5% per annum.

With a lifetime of 15 to 20 years, there is some leakage of refrigerant. A large part of the refrigerant

will remain in the system when it is scrapped. It is assumed that this refrigerant will be collected

and reused in other systems. However, a small part of it will be emitted when the refrigeration sys-

tem is opened during the scrapping process.

A few small, very inexpensive HFC chillers are expected to have a shorter lifetime.

Situation with respect to alternative technology

Alternative technology with natural refrigerants already exists. The price of ammonia chillers is

higher than HFC chillers. The difference depends on the size of the chiller. Ammonia chillers are

often competitive with other chillers because of the higher energy efficiency. This is especially the

case for big chillers.

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The energy efficiency for hydrocarbon chillers is better than in HFC systems (about 10%), but the

price is about 20% higher compared to HFC systems. The payback time for countries without taxes

will typically be 1 to 2 years.

Ammonia is toxic and flammable and installation of ammonia chillers must only be made with

refrigeration technicians educated and certified to handle ammonia.

Hydrocarbons are flammable and installation of hydrocarbon chillers must only be made with re-

frigeration technicians educated and certified to handle hydrocarbon refrigerants

Chillers are very compact machines placed in rooms and other places (e.g. roofs) without admit-

tance of non-professionals. Chillers are producing cold water (liquids) for cooling rooms and pro-


Small air-conditioning systems

No production of small air-conditioning systems takes place in the Nordic countries. Although the

climate does not necessitate air-conditioning, there is a growing tendency to set up small split sys-

tems – in almost each case, the systems are made in Asia. The refrigerant is R410A.

The systems are often reversible systems, which means a combination of AC and heat pump systems

(air to air), where it is possible to switch mode. Most of the small air to air heat pumps sold in the

Nordic countries can also be switched to AC-mode.

Hydrocarbon-based systems are being developed in Asia with refrigerant charges of 250-300 g

R290. A limited production is taken place in India. So far, there is no experience with these systems

in Denmark, maybe because nobody has tried to install them.

Japanese based manufacturers have developed new products with HFC-32, and they will be mar-

keted in 2014 on the Japanese market. The products will likely be introduced in the European mar-

ket a little later. The efficiency is a little better compared to HFC-410A, and the GWP of HFC-32 is

about one third compared to HFC-410A.

Moreover, an Italian company offers a small local air conditioner with propane. So far, Danish

Technological Institute has not heard about the installation of such an air conditioner in Denmark.

7.1.5 Industrial refrigeration systems

Normally, industrial refrigeration systems are very large systems used for process refrigeration and

cold storage within the food industry and the chemical/biochemical industry. Industrial refrigera-

tion systems are built on site, using components suited for ammonia refrigeration systems.


In the Denmark, traditional ammonia refrigeration systems are used for these purposes. Probably

all dairies, slaughterhouses, breweries and fishery companies have ammonia refrigeration systems.

There is a more than a 100-year-old tradition for this.

There is a growing trend towards the use of indirect refrigeration in order to reduce the refrigerant

charge and avoid ammonia in working areas etc.


The installation of industrial refrigeration plants with CO2 for low temperature purposes in cascade

system is growing rapidly. Ammonia is used in the high temperature stage and CO2 in the low tem-

perature stage. A Danish based company has built many such systems including warm climates

[Pachai, 2013].

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Financial barriers

There are normally no financial barriers related to the use of ammonia as refrigerant in large indus-

trial refrigeration systems. In the case of small systems, the situation corresponds to the situation

for commercial refrigeration systems or air-conditioning systems.

There may, however, be financial barriers for very large ammonia refrigeration systems with charg-

es above 5 tons, if the refrigeration system is placed within 200 meters from residential buildings,

kindergartens or other buildings with public access. The Danish legislation implementing the EU

Risk Directive (EU Directive 96/82/EC of 9 December 1996) requires risk considerations and plan-

ning which may significantly add to the costs of the ammonia system. It is for the time being some-

what uncertain, how this problem may be handled.

Situation with respect to alternative technology

Alternative technology using natural refrigerants is available; it has been widely implemented and

today, it is the standard for industrial systems.

Ammonia is toxic and flammable and installation of ammonia refrigeration equipment must only be

made with refrigeration technicians educated and certified to handle ammonia. Parts of industrial

refrigeration systems with ammonia are often placed in working areas, and this can be a problem,

especially if a pipe breaks, which is very seldom. There have been such accidents at slaughterhouses

in Denmark, but this is for our knowledge without fatal consequences. For small leakages, the pow-

erful odour of ammonia will warn personal before a real dangerous situation appears.

7.1.6 Mobile refrigeration systems

Mobile refrigeration systems are to be understood as the refrigeration systems installed in cars,

trains, aircrafts, ships and containers.

Air-conditioning systems in cars

Since the mid-1990s, R134a has been used for mobile air conditioners (MAC).

Great efforts have been made by car manufacturers and sub-suppliers to develop MAC for CO2. This

technology is almost mature.

In the meantime, new low GWP HFCs have been introduced onto the market, and for a couple of

years, car manufacturers have been working to implement the new low GWP substances which

include HFO-1234yf. It would be easy to change to this substance as the existing refrigeration sys-

tem can be used with no (or very simple) changes. However, the fluid is more expensive.

Some German manufacturers have declared that HFO-1234yf is dangerous to use and have stopped

the development. They now declare that they will continue to develop CO2-based air conditioning

systems. Other manufacturers want to continue with HFO-1234yf, but the situation is unclear.

It should be mentioned that in some countries hydrocarbons are used (by do it yourself enthusiasts)

in car air-conditioning systems. This is for instance the case in Australia and USA. The refrigerant is

a mixture of propane and butane which can be used as drop-in substitute for CFC-12 in existing


The risk of fire and/or explosion in connection with the use of hydrocarbons in car air-conditioning

systems has been debated. Hydrocarbons could be a natural choice as several kilos of hydrocarbons

in the form of petrol, diesel oil or gas are already present in the car. However, it is important that

the system is designed correctly so an explosive mixture cannot occur inside the car.

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The EU directive 2006/40/EF, adopted in May 2006, put a ban on the use of refrigerants in MACs

with a GWP higher than 150. From 2011, there was a ban on refrigerants with a GWP higher than

150 in car air-conditioning systems in new types of cars. From 2017, the ban is effective in connec-

tion with all new cars.

The typical refrigerant charges in new vehicles are (Öko-Recherche, 2011):

Cars and light trucks: 400 – 800 grams;

Heavy trucks: 0.7 – 1.5 kg;

Busses: 6 – 14 kg;

Double decker and articulated busses: up to 18 kg and more.

Emission to the surroundings/accumulation in scrapped products

There is a relatively large leakage of refrigerant from mobile air-conditioning systems; in the order

of 20-30% of the charge per year. The leakage used to be even bigger. The leakage is due to seals

and leaky hoses, but it has been reduced in recent years by means of tighter hoses. The leakage rate

for new systems is now 10 - 20% per year.

The relatively large leakage amount means that almost all the refrigerant used will be emitted to the

atmosphere during the lifetime of the vehicle. The remainder should be collected when the vehicle is


Situation with respect to alternative technology

Alternative technology is being developed by car manufacturers and suppliers.

Air conditioning in trains, trams and metro vehicles

The total number of trains, trams and metro vehicles in the EU is about 160,000 of which about

75.000 are equipped with air conditioning systems. 75% of these are charged with HFC-134a and 25

% with R-407C. HCFCs are no more in use [Öko-Recherche, 2011]. The leakage rate is lower com-

pared to MACs; about 7 % p.a. for rail vehicles. The refrigerant charge is between 5 and 30 kg. For a

double decker: up to 50 kg.

The European manufacturers have been working with two different alternatives: air cycle and CO2.

About 500 individual cars of German ICE-3 high speed trains have been installed with air cycle

systems (using the Joule process). They are light systems compared to normal HFC-systems, but

they use about 20 to 30 % additional energy.

This technology might be interesting for Nordic countries (and Northern Europe) where air condi-

tioning is needed only for a few days during the year. The additional energy consumption could be

compensated by the light weight and the emissions savings of HFCs [Öko-Recherche, 2011].

Some manufacturers have developed prototypes with CO2 refrigeration systems which have been

presented at trade fairs. One leading German manufacturer has tested a prototype in a tram, and

the energy efficiency has shown to be about 10 % higher (Öko-Recherche 2011).

Integral reefer containers

A Danish based company is the world’s leading carrier of refrigerated goods and has a big fleet of

reefer containers in traffic at global level.

Since 1993, all new refrigeration systems have been installed with R134a as refrigerant. The compa-

ny had a considerable production of integral reefer containers in Denmark, but this production has

been moved to low-income countries. CO2 has been suggested as a refrigerant in reefer containers

and Carrier offers refrigeration systems for containers with this refrigerant.

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Emissions to the surroundings/accumulation in scrapped products

There is a relatively large leakage from integral reefer containers because of the violent actions they

are subject to in ports and at sea. The leakage rate is of the same order of magnitude as for air-

conditioning systems in cars - probably 20-30% of the charge per year.

Therefore, most of the refrigerant used for this purpose will be emitted to the atmosphere. When a

container is scrapped, the remaining refrigerant will be collected, cleaned and reused in another



HFC refrigerant is the standard use on ships today. There is a large leakage of refrigerant from these

ships because of rough physical actions at sea. Experts estimate a substantial annual leakage rate

for reefer ships.

Large, new or retrofitted ships are also using ammonia as refrigerant, but ammonia cannot always

be used in old ships.

Before 2000, HCFC-22 was the preferred refrigerant on board fishing vessels in the Nordic coun-

tries. Some of these ships are still in operation.

During the last 15-20 years, ammonia has become a common alternative to HFCs in new fishing

vessels. In Norway, most of the new vessels over a certain size are equipped with ammonia sys-


Air-conditioning in aircrafts

For many years, cold-air refrigeration systems were used to cool passenger cabins in ordinary air-

planes. A simple joule process is used, i.e. air is compressed and cooled through heat exchange with

the surroundings. Subsequently, the air is expanded in a turbine, whereby it becomes cold. The

process is not particularly energy efficient, but it is used in aircrafts because of the lightness of the


7.1.7 Heat pumps

The function of heat pumps is similar to that of refrigeration systems as heat is collected from a

source (e.g. fresh air, soil, stable air, process water, etc.). At a higher temperature, the heat is reject-

ed to a heat carrier - for example, a hydronic heating system.

The following main types of heat pumps are used: domestic heat pumps, commercial heat pumps,

often combined with air conditioning, industrial heat pumps, medium sized heat pumps for heating

groups of buildings and large heat pumps for district heating systems. Domestic heat pumps are

used for space heating and for heating of water for domestic use in single family homes or in apart-

ment buildings.

Domestic heat pumps

In the Nordic countries, about 1.5 to 2 million domestic heat pumps are installed, more than half of

these in Sweden and most of them are air/air heat pumps. The sale in Denmark was about 30,000

in 2012.

The domestic heat pumps can be divided into 5 categories:

Air to air (Heat source: Outside air / Heat sink: inside air);

Air to water (Heat source: Outside air/ Heat sink: hydronic system with water);

Liquid to water (Heat source: heat from ground/ Heat sink: hydronic system with water);

Exhaust air heat pumps: (Heat source: exhaust air from the house/ Heat sink: hydronic system

with water and/or inlet air to the house);

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Tap water heat pump: (Heat source: mostly exhaust air from house/ Heat sink: Tap water for

local use in the building).

Liquid to water heat pumps and air to water heat pumps are mostly produced with R407C as refrig-

erant. A very small number of units are produced with propane (R290). A big production takes

place in Sweden at a number of different producers.

Small exhaust air heat pumps and tap water heat pumps are often produced with R134a, even

though at least one manufacturer has chosen propane (R290) as refrigerant.

Most (if not all) small heat pumps produced in Denmark do make use of HFC refrigerants.

Almost all air to air heat pumps are imported from Asia and they use R410A. This type of heat

pump is normally reversible and can be switched to AC-mode. Japanese based companies plan to

introduce products with HFC-32 in the near future.

It is possible to make domestic heat pumps for propane without major additional costs. However,

precautions have to be taken to eliminate the risk of fire. When the necessary infrastructure and

service is in place, the additional cost of propane heat pumps is expected to be modest.

CO2 is very interesting in connection with heat pumps, and some manufacturers are committed to

offering heat pumps with this refrigerant. The current price for CO2 heat pumps in the small and

medium sized range is significantly higher than for HFC systems. This is due to a lack of mass pro-

duced components (compressors) at the moment. In the long term, it should be possible to deliver

CO2 heat pumps with modest additional costs.

A typical liquid/water heat pump is charged with 2.5 kg HFC and a tap water heat pump with 0.8 –

1.0 kg HFC. A typical split type air to air heat pump is charged with about 1 kg R410A.

The leakage from heat pumps has become quite small, a few percentages annually, due to compact

refrigeration systems and good quality. When a heat pump is scrapped, the remaining refrigerant

should be collected and reused or incinerated.

Some cheap split type air to air heat pumps have been sold from supermarkets. Educated refrigera-

tion technicians are required for the installation of such systems, but it is assumed that many sys-

tems have been installed by DIY people resulting in a considerable part of the refrigerant being

emitted to the atmosphere. In such cases, the heat pump might not work or it will work with poor

efficiency because of the lack of refrigerant. Finally, air might have entered the refrigeration cycle

and this will also reduce the efficiency of the appliance.

Medium sized heat pumps

Heat pumps for heating single commercial buildings or groups of buildings, e.g. dwellings, cover a

capacity range from approximately 50 kW to a couple of MW. Traditionally, HFCs have been used

as refrigerants. In Norway, an increasing number is now using ammonia.

Large heat pumps

At least one Danish manufacturer offers heat pumps using ammonia or hydrocarbons as refrigerant.

CO2 is also interesting for large heat pumps and another Danish company is offering large CO2 heat

pumps. Large heat pumps using water vapour compression is also a possibility and some R&D work

is on-going in Denmark.

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7.1.8 Foam

The consumption of F-gases (HFCs) for foam production has ceased in Denmark. Insulation foam

for appliances (refrigerators and freezers), for pre-insulated district heating pipes and for insulation

panels are now produced with hydrocarbons (cyclopentane and other pentanes) as blowing agent.

Flexible polyurethane foam is produced with CO2 as blowing agent.

7.1.9 SF6

SF6 is used as arc-breaker in high voltage power switches. SF6 has a remarkable high dielectric val-

ue, which makes it suitable for this purpose.

There has been some attempt abroad to develop medium voltage switches without SF6, but in the

high voltage end, SF6 is used as standard. A lot of attempt has been done to minimize emissions and

reuse SF6 when the hermetically sealed switches are dismantled for service.

SF6 was used in special sound reducing windows, but this was banned in 2003, and the producers

developed sound reducing windows by changing the construction of the windows.

7.1.10 PFCs

There is a very small consumption of PFCs (and SF6) for producing components for the optical fibre

industry. The authors of this report are not aware of any alternative technology for this purpose.

7.2 Historical and future trends – recognized gabs and challenges

As described earlier in the chapter a great effort has been done during the last 15 – 20 years to de-

velop products and processes, which do not use F-gases. The consumption has decreased to about

one third compared to the consumption in the late 1990s. This process will continue and some R&D

work is ongoing to develop new products and processes without F-gases.

However, the consumption of HFC-refrigerants seems to have stabilized at an annual consumption

of about 360 tons since 2009. There are two main reasons for this:

1) A great part is caused by the “10 kg window” in the Danish legislation, which means that still

many new HFC refrigeration systems are installed with refrigerant charges less than 10 kg HFC


2) In addition to this big amounts of HFC refrigerants are used for service of HFC refrigeration

systems installed before the ban of new HFC-systems (>10 kg) went into force in 2006. This

amount will slowly decrease, and this tendency can be seen at the trend for consumption of

HFC-404A, which was the main refrigerant in the bigger and medium sized commercial refrig-

eration systems.

7.2.1 The "10-kg window" gab

The "10-kg window" in the Danish legislation represents an important group of products still using

HFCs due to lack of obvious alternatives and legislation requiring the use of these alternatives. The

products in question include:

Condensing units

Almost 100 % of all condensing units small shops (bakeries, cafés, walk-in cold rooms etc.) use

HFC. One Danish company has recently marketed a condensing unit with CO2 refrigerant, and a

number of products have been installed in Denmark. The product is very new and expensive due to

expensive components, and due to optimizing energy efficiency of the product. The strategy is to

market the product for its energy efficiency. Further development to develop condensing units with

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natural refrigerants could be needed, especially for units that is affordable and in the long turn can

compete with the HFC-based units.

Heat Pumps

Almost all small heat pumps for households are using HFCs. The technology for using propane is

present, but the manufacturers are reluctant to use this for heat pumps installed inside a house

probably because they are afraid of the risk for fire or explosions. It is possible (and legal) to install

propane based heat pumps, but this require certain precautions (gas detector, automatic closing the

heat pump, ventilation to outside etc.) and this will add to the installation costs. Units installed

outside producing warm water for the central heating system in the house could use propane with-

out severe problems.

Small chillers

Most (or all) small chillers for air conditioning of (smaller) buildings and cooling of processes are

using HFCs (less than 10 kg). The cooling capacity is up to 50KW. It should be possible to produce

such units with propane in the future. Many chillers are placed outside and produce cold water (or

brine), which is pumped inside for comfort cooling or for cooling an industrial process. R&D efforts

should be focused on these products, which in the end should result in affordable and compatible


7.2.2 Replacement of HCFC-22 systems – an important challenge

An actual challenge requiring attention is the fact that from 1. January 2015 it will be banned to fill

HCFC-22 on existing refrigeration systems due to EU legislation. This might cause special problems

for Danish owners of HCFC-22 refrigeration systems, since it will not be allowed to change to HFC-

substitutes if the charge exceeds 10 kg due to the national legislation. It was banned to build new

HCFC-22 refrigeration systems in Denmark 1. January 2000, hence the existing systems will be at

least 15 years old when the ban goes into force.

It is estimated that more than 5,000 existing systems are still in use, and some hundreds are essen-

tial systems with more than 10 kg of HCFC-22. It is envisaged that many of the existing systems

may not be able to carry out the phase-out of HCFC-22 in time, despite the fact that the Danish

refrigeration trade has done a significant effort to inform owners and users of the systems that they

will have a problem, if the systems are not changed or rebuild.

7.3 Summary and conclusions

Alternatives have been developed and implemented for most sectors where F-gases are used or have

been used. This has been successful, and the consumption of F-gases has decreased to one third

from 2000 to 2012.

This development was caused by the Danish regulation on F-gases, including taxes and bans for

certain purposes combined with the support to R&D projects to ensure rapid development of alter-

native technology.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted the scheme and a number of pro-

jects in the refrigeration area were supported financially with app. DKK 20 million. In addition, the

“HFC free Centre” was established by the Danish EPA. The Centre offers consultancy services that

are free of charge (up to 5 hours of engineering consultancy) for the refrigeration industry and in-

stallers to help them implement alternative technologies.

Simultaneously, the capacity for educating installers was increased, and hundreds of refrigeration

technicians have now been educated to handle refrigeration systems with CO2, hydrocarbons and


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However, the consumption of HFC-refrigerants seems to have stabilized at an annual consumption

of about 360 tons since 2009. This development is mainly caused by the so-called "10-kg window"

in Danish legislation allowing HFCs still to be used in equipment requiring a charge of refrigerant

below 10 kg.

The "10-kg window" thus represents an important group of products still using HFCs due to lack of

obvious alternatives and legislation requiring the use of these alternatives. The products in question

include condensing units, heat pumps and small chillers.

Other important challenges identified include:

The financial barriers for very large ammonia refrigeration systems with charges above 5 tons,

as special and costly planning and precautions are necessary according to the Danish legisla-

tion implementing the EU Risk Directive (EU Directive 96/82/EC of 9. December 1996).

From 1. January 2015 it will be banned to fill HCFC-22 on existing refrigeration systems. It is

estimated that more than 5,000 existing systems are still in use, and some hundreds are essen-

tial systems with more than 10 kg of HCFC-22. It is envisaged that many of the existing systems

may not be able to carry out the phase-out of HCFC-22 in time.

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Abbreviations and acronyms

AC Air Conditioning

AEL Acceptable Exposure Limit

AEGL Acute Exposure Guideline Level

As Arsenic

AsH3 Arsine (a gas)

ASHRAE the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

AUD Australian dollars (the currency of Australia)

BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und – prüfung

BEK Bekendtgørelse (Statutory Order)

C Carbon

CAS Chemical Abstracts Service

CEFIC European Chemical Industry Council

CFC ChloroFluoroCarbon

CLP Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation

CN Combined Nomenclature

CNS Central Nervous System

CO₂ Carbon dioxide

CO₂-eq CO₂-equivalents COP Coefficient of Performance

COP7 7th Conference of the Parties (COP7) to the United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change Control

CVD Chemical Vapour Deposition

DKK Danish kroner (the currency of Denmark)

EC European Community

ECHA European Chemicals Agency

EFCTC European Fluorocarbon Technical Committee

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

EU European Union

F Fluor

F-gas Fluorinated greenhouse gases (includes HFCs, PFCs and SF6)

GHz GigaHertz

GIS Gas insulated switchgears

GIZ Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

GWP Global Warming Potential

GWP20 Global Warming Potential over 20 years

GWP100 Global Warming Potential over 100 years

H Hydrogen

HCFC HydroChloroFluoroCarbon

HF Hydrogen Fluoride

HFC HydroFluoroCarbon

HFO HydroFluoroOlefin

HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning

Hz Hertz (the unit of frequency)

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

kPa kilopascal (measure for pressure)

kV kilovolt

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kW kilowatt

LOUS List of Undesirable Substances (of the Danish EPA)

MAC Mobile Air Conditioning

mN milli Newton (measure for force)

MW Megawatt

NF3 Nitrogen trifluoride

NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

P Phosphor

PATH An international health organization driving transformative innovation to save lives

PH3 Phosphine (a gas)

PECVD Plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition

PFOA Perfluorooctanoic acid

PFC PerFluorinated Carbon

PFOS Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid

ppm parts per million

ppt parts per trillion

REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals

S Sulphur

SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride

Si Silicon

SiH4 Silane (a gas)

SIDS Screening Information Data Sets

SLCPs Short-lived climate pollutants

SVHC Substance of Very High Concern

TFA Trifluoroacetic acid

TWA Time-weighted average

UBA Umweltbundesamt (the Federal Environment Agency in Germany)

UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

WEEL Workplace Environmental Exposure Limit

WHO World Health Organisation

WICR Walk-in cold rooms

XPS Extruded Polystyrene

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Annex 1: Background information to chapter 3 on legal framework

The following annex provides some background information on subjects addressed in Chapter 3.

The intention is that the reader less familiar with the legal context may read this concurrently with

chapter 3.

EU and Danish legislation

Chemicals are regulated via EU and national legislations, the latter often being a national transposi-

tion of EU directives.

There are four main EU legal instruments:

Regulations (DK: Forordninger) are binding in their entirety and directly applicable in all EU

Member States.

Directives (DK: Direktiver) are binding for the EU Member States as to the results to be

achieved. Directives have to be transposed (DK: gennemført) into the national legal framework

within a given timeframe. Directives leave margin for manoeuvering as to the form and means

of implementation. However, there are great differences in the space for manoeuvering be-

tween directives. For example, several directives regulating chemicals previously were rather

specific and often transposed more or less word-by-word into national legislation. Consequent-

ly and to further strengthen a level playing field within the internal market, the new chemicals

policy (REACH) and the new legislation for classification and labelling (CLP) were implement-

ed as Regulations. In Denmark, Directives are most frequently transposed as laws (DK: love)

and statutory orders (DK: bekendtgørelser).

The European Commission has the right and the duty to suggest new legislation in the form of regu-

lations and directives. New or recast directives and regulations often have transitional periods for

the various provisions set-out in the legal text. In the following, we will generally list the latest piece

of EU legal text, even if the provisions identified are not yet fully implemented. On the other hand,

we will include currently valid Danish legislation, e.g. the implementation of the cosmetics di-

rective) even if this will be replaced with the new Cosmetic Regulation.

Decisions are fully binding on those to whom they are addressed. Decisions are EU laws relat-

ing to specific cases. They can come from the EU Council (sometimes jointly with the European

Parliament) or the European Commission. In relation to EU chemicals policy, decisions are

e.g. used in relation to inclusion of substances in REACH Annex XVII (restrictions). This takes

place via a so-called comitology procedure involving Member State representatives. Decisions

are also used under the EU ecolabelling Regulation in relation to establishing ecolabel criteria

for specific product groups.

Recommendations and opinions are non-binding, declaratory instruments.

In conformity with the transposed EU directives, Danish legislation regulate to some extent chemi-

cals via various general or sector specific legislation, most frequently via statutory orders (DK:


Chemicals legislation


The REACH Regulation1 and the CLP Regulation2 are the overarching pieces of EU chemicals legis-

lation regulating industrial chemicals. The below will briefly summarise the REACH and CLP provi-

sions and give an overview of 'pipeline' procedures, i.e. procedures which may (or may not) result in

an eventual inclusion under one of the REACH procedures.

1 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)

2 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures

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All manufacturers and importers of chemical substance > 1 ton/year have to register their chemicals

with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Pre-registered chemicals benefit from tonnage and

property dependent staggered dead-lines:

30 November 2010: Registration of substances manufactured or imported at 1000 tons or

more per year, carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction substances above 1 ton per

year, and substances dangerous to aquatic organisms or the environment above 100 tons per


31 May 2013: Registration of substances manufactured or imported at 100-1000 tons per year.

31 May 2018: Registration of substances manufactured or imported at 1-100 tons per year.


A selected number of registrations will be evaluated by ECHA and the EU Member States. Evalua-

tion covers assessment of the compliance of individual dossiers (dossier evaluation) and substance

evaluations involving information from all registrations of a given substance to see if further EU

action is needed on that substance, for example as a restriction (substance evaluation).


Authorisation aims at substituting or limiting the manufacturing, import and use of substances of

very high concern (SVHC). For substances included in REACH annex XIV, industry has to cease use

of those substance within a given deadline (sunset date) or apply for authorisation for certain speci-

fied uses within an application date.


If the authorities assess that that there is a risks to be addressed at the EU level, limitations of the

manufacturing and use of a chemical substance (or substance group) may be implemented. Re-

strictions are listed in REACH annex XVII, which has also taken over the restrictions from the pre-

vious legislation (Directive 76/769/EEC).

Classification and Labelling

The CLP Regulation implements the United Nations Global Harmonised System (GHS) for classifi-

cation and labelling of substances and mixtures of substances into EU legislation. It further speci-

fies rules for packaging of chemicals.

Two classification and labelling provisions are:

1. Harmonised classification and labelling for a number of chemical substances. These classi-

fications are agreed at the EU level and can be found in CLP Annex VI. In addition to newly agreed

harmonised classifications, the annex has taken over the harmonised classifications in Annex I of

the previous Dangerous Substances Directive (67/548/EEC); classifications which have been 'trans-

lated' according to the new classification rules.

2. Classification and labelling inventory. All manufacturers and importers of chemicals sub-

stances are obliged to classify and label their substances. If no harmonised classification is availa-

ble, a self-classification shall be done based on available information according to the classification

criteria in the CLP regulation. As a new requirement, these self-classifications should be notified to

ECHA, which in turn publish the classification and labelling inventory based on all notifications

received. There is no tonnage trigger for this obligation. For the purpose of this report, self-

classifications are summarised in Appendix 2 to the main report.

Ongoing activities - pipeline

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In addition to listing substance already addressed by the provisions of REACH (pre-registrations,

registrations, substances included in various annexes of REACH and CLP, etc.), the ECHA web-site

also provides the opportunity for searching for substances in the pipeline in relation to certain

REACH and CLP provisions. These will be briefly summarised below:

Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP)

The EU Member States have the right and duty to conduct REACH substance evaluations. In order

to coordinate this work among Member States and inform the relevant stakeholders of upcoming

substance evaluations, a Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) is developed and published,

indicating by who and when a given substance is expected to be evaluated.

Authorisation process; candidate list, Authorisation list, Annex XIV

Before a substance is included in REACH Annex XIV and thus being subject to Authorisation, it has

to go through the following steps:

1. It has to be identified as a SVHC leading to inclusion in the candidate list3;

2. It has to be prioritised and recommended for inclusion in ANNEX XIV (These can be found as

Annex XIV recommendation lists on the ECHA web-site);

3. It has to be included in REACH Annex XIV following a comitology procedure decision (sub-

stances on Annex XIV appear on the Authorisation list on the ECHA web-site).

The candidate list (substances agreed to possess SVHC properties) and the Authorisation list are

published on the ECHA web-site.

Registry of intentions

When EU Member States and ECHA (when required by the European Commission) prepare a pro-

posal for:

a harmonised classification and labelling,

an identification of a substance as SVHC, or

a restriction.

This is done as a REACH Annex XV proposal.

The 'registry of intentions' gives an overview of intensions in relation to Annex XV dossiers divided


current intentions for submitting an Annex XV dossier,

dossiers submitted, and

withdrawn intentions and withdrawn submissions

for the three types of Annex XV dossiers.

International agreements

OSPAR Convention

OSPAR is the mechanism by which fifteen Governments of the western coasts and catchments of

Europe, together with the European Community, cooperate to protect the marine environment of

the North-East Atlantic.

Work to implement the OSPAR Convention and its strategies is taken forward through the adoption

of decisions, which are legally binding on the Contracting Parties, recommendations and other

3 It should be noted that the candidate list is also used in relation to articles imported to, produced in or distributed in the EU.

Certain supply chain information is triggered if the articles contain more than 0.1% (w/w) (REACH Article 7.2 ff).

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124 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

agreements. Decisions and recommendations set out actions to be taken by the Contracting Parties.

These measures are complemented by other agreements setting out:

Issues of importance;

Agreed programmes of monitoring, information collection or other work which the Contract-

ing Parties commit to carry out;

Guidelines or guidance setting out the way that any programme or measure should be imple-


Actions to be taken by the OSPAR Commission on behalf of the Contracting Parties.

HELCOM - Helsinki Convention

The Helsinki Commission, or HELCOM, works to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea

from all sources of pollution through intergovernmental co-operation between Denmark, Estonia,

the European Community, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden. HEL-

COM is the governing body of the "Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the

Baltic Sea Area" - more usually known as the Helsinki Convention.

In pursuing this objective and vision the countries have jointly pooled their efforts in HEL-

COM, which is works as:

an environmental policy maker for the Baltic Sea area by developing common environmental

objectives and actions;

an environmental focal point providing information about (i) the state of/trends in the marine

environment; (ii) the efficiency of measures to protect it and (iii) common initiatives and posi-

tions which can form the basis for decision-making in other international fora;

a body for developing, according to the specific needs of the Baltic Sea, Recommendations of

its own and Recommendations supplementary to measures imposed by other international or-


a supervisory body dedicated to ensuring that HELCOM environmental standards are fully

implemented by all parties throughout the Baltic Sea and its catchment area; and

a co-ordinating body, ascertaining multilateral response in case of major maritime incidents.

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is a global treaty to protect human

health and the environment from chemicals that remain intact in the environment for long periods,

become widely distributed geographically, accumulate in the fatty tissue of humans and wildlife,

and have adverse effects to human health or to the environment. The Convention is administered

by the United Nations Environment Programme and is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Rotterdam Convention

The objectives of the Rotterdam Convention are:

to promote shared responsibility and cooperative efforts among Parties in the international

trade of certain hazardous chemicals in order to protect human health and the environment

from potential harm;

to contribute to the environmentally sound use of those hazardous chemicals, by facilitating

information exchange about their characteristics, by providing for a national decision-making

process on their import and export and by disseminating these decisions to Parties.

The Convention creates legally binding obligations for the implementation of the Prior In-

formed Consent (PIC) procedure. It built on the voluntary PIC procedure, initiated by UNEP

and FAO in 1989 and ceased on 24 February 2006.

The Convention covers pesticides and industrial chemicals that have been banned or severely re-

stricted for health or environmental reasons by Parties and which have been notified by Parties for

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inclusion in the PIC procedure. One notification from each of two specified regions triggers consid-

eration of addition of a chemical to Annex III of the Convention. Severely hazardous pesticide for-

mulations that present a risk under conditions of use in developing countries or countries with

economies in transition may also be proposed for inclusion in Annex III.

Basel Convention

The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their

Disposal was adopted on 22 March 1989 by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries in Basel, Switzer-

land, in response to a public outcry following the discovery, in the 1980s, in Africa and other parts

of the developing world of deposits of toxic wastes imported from abroad.

The overarching objective of the Basel Convention is to protect human health and the environment

against the adverse effects of hazardous wastes. Its scope of application covers a wide range of

wastes defined as “hazardous wastes” based on their origin and/or composition and their character-

istics, as well as two types of wastes defined as “other wastes” - household waste and incinerator


The provisions of the Convention center around the following principal aims:

the reduction of hazardous waste generation and the promotion of environmentally sound

management of hazardous wastes, wherever the place of disposal;

the restriction of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes except where it is perceived

to be in accordance with the principles of environmentally sound management; and

a regulatory system applying to cases where transboundary movements are permissible.


Eco-label schemes are voluntary schemes where industry can apply for the right to use the eco-label

on their products if these fulfil the eco-labelling criteria for that type of product. An EU scheme (the

flower) and various national/regional schemes exist. In this project we have focused on the three

most common schemes encountered on Danish products.

EU flower

The EU eco-labelling Regulation lays out the general rules and conditions for the EU eco-label; the

flower. Criteria for new product groups are gradually added to the scheme via 'decisions'; e.g. the

Commission Decision of 21 June 2007 establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the

Community eco-label to soaps, shampoos and hair conditioners.

Nordic Swan

The Nordic Swan is a cooperation between Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The

Nordic Eco-labelling Board consists of members from each national Eco-labelling Board and de-

cides on Nordic criteria requirements for products and services. In Denmark, the practical imple-

mentation of the rules, applications and approval process related to the EU flower and Nordic Swan

is hosted by Eco-labelling Denmark "Miljømærkning Danmark" ( New

criteria are applicable in Denmark when they are published on the Eco-labelling Denmark’s website

(according to Statutory Order no. 447 of 23/04/2010).

Blue Angel (Blauer Engel)

The Blue Angel is a national German eco-label. More information can be found on:

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Annex 2: GWP for HFC and PFC gases and sulphur hexafluoride

Lifetime and GWP for HFC and PFC gases and sulphur hexafluoride as presented in the newest

draft working group (1) report prepared for the coming IPCC Fifth Assessment Report is listed in

Table Annex 2/1 below.



Acromym, common name or

chemical name

Chemical formula Lifetime







HFC-23 CHF3 222 10 800 12 400

HFC-32 CH2F2 5.2 2 430 677

HFC-41 CH3F 2.8 427 116

HFC-125 CHF2CF3 28.2 6 090 3 170

HFC-134 CHF2CHF2 9.7 3 580 1 120

HFC-134a CH2FCF3 13.4 3 710 1 300

HFC-143 CH2FCHF2 3.5 1 200 328

HFC-143a CH3CF3 47.1 6 940 4 800

HFC-152 CH2FCH2F 0.1 60 16

HFC-152a CH3CHF2 1.5 506 138

HFC-161 CH3CH2F 66 days 13 4

HFC-227ca CF3CF2CHF2 28.2 5 080 2 640

HFC-227ea CF3CHFCF3 38.9 5 360 3 350

HFC-236cb CH2FCF2CF3 13.1 3 480 1 210

HFC-236ea CHF2CHFCF3 11 4 110 1 330

HFC-236fa CF3CH2CF3 241 6 940 8 060

HFC-245ca CH2FCF2CHF2 6.5 2 510 716

HFC-245cb CF3CF2CH3 47.1 6 680 4 620

HFC-245ea CHF2CHFCHF2 3.2 863 235

HFC-245eb CH2FCHFCF3 3.1 1 070 290

HFC-245fa CHF2CH2CF3 7.7 2 920 858

HFC-263fb CH3CH2CF3 1.2 278 76

HFC-272ca CH3CF2CH3 2.6 530 144

HFC-329p CHF2CF2CF2CF3 28.4 4 510 2 360

HFC-365mfc CH3CF2CH2CF3 8.7 2 660 804

HFC-43-10mee CF3CHFCHFCF2CF3 16.1 4 310 1 650

HFC-1132a CH2=CF2 4 days 0 0

HFC-1141 CH2=CHF 2.1 days 0 0

HFC-1225yeZ CF3CF=CHF 8.5 days 1 0

HFC-1225yeE CF3CF=CHF 4.9 days 0 0

HFC-1234zeZ CF3CH=CHF 10 days 1 0

HFO-1234yf CF3CF=CH2 10.5 days 1 0

HFO-1234zeE trans-CF3CH=CHF 16.4 days 4 1

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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 127

Acromym, common name or

chemical name

Chemical formula Lifetime






HFC-1336Z CF3CH=CHCF3 22 days 6 2

HFC-1243zf CF3CH=CH2 7 days 1 0

HFC-1345zfc C2F5CH=CH2 7.6 days 0 0



C4F9CH=CH2 7.6 days 0 0



C6F13CH=CH2 7.6 days 0 0



C8F17CH=CH2 7.6 days 0 0


PFC-14 CF4 50 000 4 880 6 630

PFC-116 C2F6 10 000 8 210 11 100

PFC-c216 c-C3F6 3 000 6 850 9 200

PFC-218 C3F8 2 600 6 640 8 900

PFC-318 c-C4F8 3 200 7 110 9 540

PFC-3-1-10 C4F10 2 600 6 870 9 200

Perfluorocyclopentene c-C5F8 31 days 7 2

PFC-4-1-12 n-C5F12 4 100 6 350 8 550

PFC-5-1-14 n-C6F14 3 100 5 890 7 910

PFC-61-16 n-C7F16 3 000 5 830 7 820

PFC-71-18 C8F18 3 000 5 680 7 620

PFC-91-18 C10F18 2 000 5 390 7 190

Perfluorodecalin (cis) Z-C10F18 2 000 5 430 7 240

Perfluorodecalin (trans) E-C10F18 2 000 4 720 6 290

PFC-1114 CF2=CF2 1.1 days 0 0

PFC-1216 CF3CF=CF2 4.9 days 0 0

Perfluorobuta-1,3-diene CF2=CFCF=CF2 1.1 days 0 0

Perfluorobut-1-ene CF3CF2CF=CF2 6 days 0 0

Perfluorobut-2-ene CF3CF=CFCF3 31 days 6 2

Sulphur hexafluoride

Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 3 200 17 500 23 500

* Source :


CLIMATE CHANGE 2013: THE PHYSICAL SCIENCE BASIS - Final Draft Underlying Scientific-Technical


12Doc2b_FinalDraft_All.pdf (January 2014).

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128 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Annex 3: Self-classifications

The Classification & Labelling (C&L) Inventory database at the website of the European Chemicals

Agency (ECHA) contains classification and labelling information on notified and registered sub-

stances received from manufacturers and importers. The database includes as well the harmonised

classification. Companies have provided this information in their C&L notifications or registration

dossiers. ECHA maintains the Inventory, but does not verify the accuracy of the information [EC-

HA, 2014].



CAS No Common


Substance name Hazard Class and

Category Code(s)

Hazard State-

ment Codes

Number of


75-46-1 HFC-23 Trifluoromethane Press. Gas

Liq. Gas

Skin Irrit. 2

Eye Irrit. 2.












75-10-5 HFC-32 Difluoromethane Flam. Gas

Press. Gas

Liq. Gas

Muta. 1B

Carc. 1A













354-33-6 HFC 125 1,1,1,2,2- pentafluoro-methane

Press. Gas

Liq. Gas








811-97-2 HFC-134a 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoromethane Press. Gas

Liq. Gas



Not Classified










420-46-2 HFC 143a 1,1,1-trifluoroethane Flam. Gas

Flam. Liq.

Press. Gas

Liq. Gas











75-37-6 HFC 152a 1,1-difluoroethane Flam. Gas

Flam. Liq.

Press. Gas

Liq. Gas

Muta. 1B

Carc. 1A



Not Classified


















431-89-0 HFC 227ea 1,1,1,2,3,3,3- heptafluoro-propane

Press. Gas

Liq. Gas

Not Classified






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Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases 129

CAS No Common


Substance name Hazard Class and

Category Code(s)

Hazard State-

ment Codes

Number of


290-39-1 HFC 236fa 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane

n.d n.d. n.d.

460-73-1 HFC-245fa 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane

Flam. Liq. 2

Eye Irrit. 2.


Not Classified








406-58-6 HFC-365mfc


Flam. Liq. 2 H225 91

138495-42-8 HFC-43-10mee


Aquatic Chronic 3

Skin Irrit. 2

Eye Irrit. 2.










754-12-1 HFO-1234yf


Flam. Gas

Press. Gas

Liq. Gas







29118-24-9 HFO-1234zeE


n.d. n.d. n.d.

75-73-0 PFC-14 Perfluoromethane Press. Gas

Liq. Gas





76-16-4 PFC-116 Perfluoroethane Press. Gas

Liq. Gas





76-19-7 PFC-218 Perfluoropropane Press. Gas

Liq. Gas


Not classified












415-25-3 PFC-318 Perfluorocyclobutane n.d. n.d. n.d.

355-25-9 PFC-3-1-10 Perfluorobutane Liq. Gas

Skin Irrit. 2

Eye Irrit. 2.










678-26-2 PFC-4-1-12 Perfluoropentane Skin Irrit. 2

Eye Irrit. 2.








355-41-10 PFC-5-1-14 Perfluorohexane n.d. n.d. n.d.

2551-62-4 SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride Press. Gas

Liq. Gas

Skin Irrit. 2

Eye Irrit. 2.















n.d. No data * Source : Search Classification and Labelling Inventory at

Page 130: Survey of selected fluorinated green- house gases€¦ · Survey of selected fluorinated green-house gases Part of the LOUS-review Environmental project No. 1655, 2015 . 2 Survey

130 Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

Page 131: Survey of selected fluorinated green- house gases€¦ · Survey of selected fluorinated green-house gases Part of the LOUS-review Environmental project No. 1655, 2015 . 2 Survey
Page 132: Survey of selected fluorinated green- house gases€¦ · Survey of selected fluorinated green-house gases Part of the LOUS-review Environmental project No. 1655, 2015 . 2 Survey

Strandgade 29

1401 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Tel.: (+45) 72 54 40 00

Survey of selected fluorinated greenhouse gases

This survey is part of the Danish EPA’s review of the substances on the List of Undesirable Substances

(LOUS). The report presents information on the use and occurrence of selected fluorinated greenhouse

gases, internationally and in Denmark, information on environmental and health effects, releases and

fate, exposure and presence in humans and the environment, on alternatives to the substances, on exist-

ing regulation, waste management and information regarding ongoing activities under REACH, among


Kortlægning af udvalgte fluorerede drivhusgasser

Denne kortlægning er et led i Miljøstyrelsens kortlægninger af stofferne på Listen Over Uønskede Stoffer

(LOUS). Rapporten indeholder blandt andet en beskrivelse af brugen og forekomsten af udvalgte fluore-

rede drivhusgasser, internationalt og i Danmark, en beskrivelse af miljø- og sundhedseffekter af stoffer-

ne, udslip og skæbne, eksponering og forekomst i mennesker og miljø, viden om alternativer, eksisteren-

de regulering, affaldsbehandling og igangværende aktiviteter under REACH.