survey analysis

Magazine Survey Analysis – SurveyMonkey The vast majority (72.09%) of respondents were 16-21 years old, with very few answering above or below this bracket. 83.72% were classed as below the age of 21, so I will cater my magazine to a younger audience. The 16.29% who are above 21 are important, but not worth tailoring the magazine for.

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Post on 22-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Survey Analysis

Magazine Survey Analysis – SurveyMonkey

The vast majority (72.09%) of respondents were 16-21 years old, with very few answering above or below this bracket. 83.72% were classed as below the age of 21, so I will cater my magazine to a younger audience. The 16.29% who are above 21 are important, but not worth tailoring the magazine for.

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Most respondents were male, but the majority is not so great that I feel the need to cater specifically to a male audience. The magazine will not be gender-specific for this reason as I think it’s important to attract as wide an audience as possible.

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The three most prominent genres are rock, alternative and indie. I feel as if these genres can be combined and discussed in the same magazine, so I will include them all. Pop is also a prominent favourite but I don’t think this would gel well with the other popular genres, so I will exclude it. Pop is such a wide genre that it would also be hard for it to share a publication with anything else.

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The participants voted very evenly on both sections of this question (layout and colour scheme), which gives me the freedom to do as I think suits the magazine best. This is good because I have creative freedom, but bad because I don’t know how far I can go with either option before it becomes unattractive to audience members. I will have to ask people what they think during production.

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Concert photos and band photoshoots were the favourites here, but concert photos may be a struggle to produce without hiring an authentic-looking venue and wouldn’t fit with the tone of the article (more about development of the band and genre than performance). I will therefore most likely feature a band photoshoot on all three of my pages as it is most convenient, and most appropriate for my content.

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The participants seem to be most interested in band interviews, dates, reviews, upcoming artists and free bonuses. As such, I think I will make my double page article an interview with an upcoming band talking about (and the reporter reviewing) the new album. I will also feature some concert dates in this article.

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The respondents most prominently read magazines like Kerrang!, NME, Classic Rock and BBC Music. With the exception of BBC Music, these magazines are heavily rock-focused and are presented in a dark, slightly messy fashion. I will try to emulate these

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styles in my magazine, and represent similar social groups that they do.

Physical print proves to be far more popular than online articles so I will present my magazine as it would be found in the physical world. I considered writing an online article, but this survey has dissuaded me from what I now know to be a poor decision.

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Monthly publications are by far the most popular choice, so I will present my magazine as if it is issued monthly. I will list the dateline by month, and have a fairly large magazine (~50 pages) to compensate for it’s semi-slow production rate for a magazine of its small following.

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Price Surveys – “How much would you be willing to pay for high quality, 50-page monthly music publication?” Students (out of 24) £2.00-£2.50: 2 £2.50-£3.00: 4 £3.00-£3.50: 3 £3.50-£4.00: 7 £4.00-£4.50: 6 £4.50-£5.00: 1 £5.00+: 1 Adults (out of 16) £2.00-£2.50: 1 £2.50-£3.00: 2 £3.00-£3.50: 2 £3.50-£4.00: 4 £4.00-£4.50: 5 £4.50-£5.00: 2 £5.00+: 0