survey analysis


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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1. How old are you? • The brief made me aware

that the target audience for

my action thriller film is 16-

24 year olds. For that

reason, my survey gave only

two options for this question,

including ’16-19’ and ‘20-24’.

While 13 members of my

audience were 16-19 years

old, 3 members of my

audience were 20-24 year


2. What is your gender?• The brief made me

aware that my target

audience would target

females only. For that

reason, it was accurate

to question 16 females

in total.

3. What is the promotional campaign that you are most

likely to come across?• The third question asks “What is the

promotional campaign that you are most

likely to come across?” The options

included the three media platforms,

comprising ‘Print’ – Magazines &

Posters, ‘E-Media’ – (Social Networking

Sites) and ‘Broadcasting’ – Trailers and

Radio Ads. 5 females chose ‘Print’, while

4 chose ‘E-Media’ and 3 chose

‘Broadcasting’. Even though each option

has been taken into consideration, it is

evident that ‘Print’ is the audience’s

chosen choice as the promotional

campaign that they are most likely to

come across. One may argue that Print

is a direct form of promotion since

consumers do not have to go out of their

way to discover information. Unlike

social networking sites (E-Media),

posters (Print) may be advertised on

billboards on the motorway, at bus stops

and on trains and also in magazines.

Therefore, posters are more likely to be

seen unexpectedly by our target


4. Does a film trailer entice you to watch a film?• This straightforward question

asks “Does a film trailer entice

you to watch a film?” 100 % of

my target audience answered

yes, which suggests that a film

trailer is an effective form of

promotion. Ultimately, the film

trailer gives the audience an

insight into what the film is about,

the characters, the location and

so forth. Therefore, the film trailer

gives the audience that extra

push/desire to see the film.

5. In an action thriller film, would you prefer the

protagonist to be male or female?• After all of my research, it is accurate

to suggest that my target audience

would prefer the protagonist in an

action thriller film to be male rather

than female. For every action thriller

film that I have examined, the

protagonist is male. For that reason, it

is more common for a man to take

centre stage in an action thriller film as

regressive representations of a man

include strength, power and

dominance, whereas regressive

representations of a woman include

innocence, weakness and vulnerability.

6. Would the film be more enticing if the protagonist

was your age?• This simple question focuses

on the characters in the film.

The brief stated that our film

should target 16-24 year old

females who live in London and

so we decided to incorporate

actors of our age into the film

trailer. As a result of this, our

audience will be able to place

themselves in the position of

the characters in the film and

consequently understand the

film in much more depth. For

example, 18 year old girls

attending a house party, which

ends drastically will relate to our

target audience of 16-24 year

olds much more than 40 year

old women attending a party.

7. In order to make an action thriller trailer as realistic

as possible, what do you believe is the main aspect

that will enhance it’s authenticity? • To ensure that my action thriller film is

as authentic and realistic as possible, I

decided to question my audience on

the most believable aspect of a film

trailer. More than 50% suggested that

they believe ‘Sound’ is the main aspect

that will enhance it’s authenticity. It is

obvious that an action thriller film takes

into account a variety of sounds, such

as gun shots, explosions and fight

scenes (e.g punches). For that reason,

I believe my audience are correct in

choosing sound as the most important

aspect of an action thriller genre. In

order to guarantee that the action in

the film is believable, the sound will

enhance this belief. Even though

sound is extremely important, the

audience have decided that location is

the next best aspect. It is obvious that

the location reflects the issues

concerning the main characters. For

example, a dark, desolate street

resembles Ricky’s isolation and

loneliness when trying to find his girl

friend. Furthermore, costumes and

props help bring the characters to life

and ultimately make the film appear

and the plotline much more believable.

8. Other than action thriller, what is your favourite

genre? • As we know, this survey was answered by

women only. As shown in the results on

the right, Romance has taken the majority

vote in my audience’s favourite genre. For

that reason, our storyline is perfect in

meeting the demands of our target

audience, since Ricky is willing to risk his

life to safe the girl that he loves.

9. What is your favourite action thriller film?• The results displayed on the left show my

audience’s favourite action thriller films. While

40% of those questioned chose ‘Taken’,

another 40% chose ‘Casino Royale’ and 20%

chose ‘The Bourne Identity’. It is evident that

the protagonist within each of these films star

well known, good looking actors who are

physically capable of anything, including Liam

Neeson (Taken), Daniel Craig (Casino Royale)

and Matt Damon (The Bourne Identity). One

may argue that the women answering these

questions focus on the physical appearance of

the male characters, which adds to the appeal

of a male protagonist.

10. Which combination of colours do you feel represent

an action thriller film best? • The results displayed on the left convey the

predominant conventions of an action thriller film.

The tenth question asked users “Which

combination of colours do you feel represent an

action thriller film best?” The results conclude that

100% of those asked believe that “Black and Red”

is identified as the most likely combination of

colours that represent an action thriller film. Black

connotes death and therefore indicates power,

death, mystery and evil. However, red is the

colour of fire and blood and so it is often

associated with danger, energy, power, passion,

love and determination. For that reason, it is

obvious that the combination of black and red

heightens the mystery of an action thriller film and

represents the dark content within the film. An

action film is a film genre in which one or more

heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that

typically include physical feats, extended fight

scenes, violence, and frantic chases. That being

the case, it is evident that red symbolises blood,

heat and energy, which is very much apparent in

an action film. In addition to action, a thriller film

has to initiate fear and uncertainty for viewers, in

order to offer consumers a film that fulfils an

emotion such as excitement, plus a sense of

unpredictability at the same time. Black signifies

the unknown and so it is precise to suggest that

black and red represent an action thriller film


11. Which social networking site do you use most?• As I am targeting a fairly young audience, I

decided to question my audience on the social

networking sites that they use most. The options

that my audience could choose from included

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat,

Whatsapp, YouTube and other. It is evident in the

results that Instagram is the most commonly used

Social Networking Site by my target audience. On

that account, it is worth noting that my audience

enjoy posting pictures of their everyday lives to

their followers, including dining out with friends,

attending concerts/festivals or holiday photos

also. Therefore, my audience are willing to

promote every aspect of their lives, including

going to the cinema (perhaps to watch Obsess),

which leads to a free form of promotion for our


12. What part of your social life do you enjoy best?What part of your social life do you enjoy best? is

the next question on my survey. With 6 options

available, my audience could choose from Parties,

Concerts, Festivals, Restaurants,

Adventure/Holidays and Other. 50% of viewers

chose parties, which indicates that my target

audience are very sociable and are easily


13. Which location do you feel fits an action thriller

genre? • This question is very specific to my final

coursework project (film trailer). My group and I

decided to produce an action thriller film trailer

and so it is very worthwhile that I asked my

audience the above question. Which location do

you feel fits an action thriller genre? Options

included a Warehouse, which received the

predominant vote, as well as the woods, the river

and a cemetery. The typical perception of a

warehouse includes a dark, cold and empty room,

which leads to the idea of the unknown and

essentially causes mystery also.

14. Which subject would you like to appear on the film

poster?• Yet again, this question was very specific to my

final coursework project (film poster). Here, the

question considers, ‘Which subject would you like

to appear on the film poster?’ In asking this

question, it gave me a greater insight into what

will essentially draw in the attention of my

audience, regarding the characters/actors in my

film. 31.25% of my audience suggested that they

would like to see the protagonist on my film

poster. Nevertheless, 31.25% also suggested that

they would prefer to see the antagonist on my film

poster. Overall, 37.50% suggested that they

would prefer to see the protagonist and

antagonist on my film poster. Taking this into

account, I believe my audience would like a

greater insight into the film and therefore want a

clear image on the main characters in my film.

The contrast between the protagonist and the

antagonist will generate greater interest for

viewers as it causes uncertainty and

consequently anticipation also.

15. What content do you believe makes a successful

action thriller film?• As discovered in the majority of my research, an

action thriller film must generate anxiety for

viewers, as well as mystery. In doing this, my film

must uphold the typical conventions of an action

thriller film. That being the case, I questioned my

audience on the content, which they believe

makes a successful action thriller film. Options for

this question included answers such as Fast car

chases, Twists in the plot line (the unknown),

Guns & fight scenes, Justice and Other. While

50% suggested Guns & fight scenes, 25%

suggested fast car chases and another 25% of

my audience suggested Twists in the plot line (the

unknown). Altogether, it is evident that my target

audience desire a heart-racing film that will leave

viewers on the edge of their seats right the way

through. That being the case, our film must be

action packed and fast paced to ensure that we

meet our customers demands/expectations of an

action thriller film.

16. Do you think the sound in a trailer, helps build

further anticipation for the film?• Question 16 asked viewers,

“Do you think the sound in a

trailer, helps build further

anticipation for the film?”

100% of those asked stated

Yes, which indicates that

sound is a very important

aspect of a film, especially an

action thriller film. Sound

effects enhances the

anticipation for viewers and

ultimately reflects the

mood/content of what is

happening in a particular

scene e.g. a scene depicting a

car driving at high speed will

not obtain a slow song as it’s

voice over – instead the sound

used for this scene may hear a

very loud fast paced song to

reflect the scene perfectly.

17. Where would you most likely watch an action thriller

film?• Question 17 identifies where my

audience are most likely to watch an

action thriller film. Options included the

Cinema, Netflix and DVD. Although all

have been selected/chosen by some

viewers, Cinema has the predominant

vote at 75%. For that reason, it is evident

that my target audience are more likely to

go and seen an action thriller film in the

cinema as it gives the film the full effect.

The cinema offers better quality

filming/view, as well as sound, leading to

further adrenaline and anticipation.

18. How often do you watch films?• This simple question asked viewers how

often they watch films. 93.75% of my

audience stated every month, while 6.25%

stated every two months. On that account,

it is evident that my audience regularly

watch movies and are therefore

knowledgeable on well known action

thriller films.

19. Do you enjoy sequels to a successful film?• It is worth noting that

the majority of my

audience enjoy

sequels to a film.

During my research,

I discovered a

number of action

thriller films,

including The Bourne

Identity, Taken,

Casino Royale,

Olympus Has Fallen

and The Purge:

Anarchy. Each film is

either a sequel or

obtains sequels.

Therefore, it is

apparent that my

audience enjoy the

action to continue.

The storyline must

be extremely

gripping and

enticing, in order for

the audience to

desire a sequel.

20. Do you believe that the antagonist in the film should

always serve justice for his/her wrongdoing?• The final question asked “Do you

believe the antagonist in the film

should always serve justice for

his/her wrongdoing?” 68.75% stated

yes, while 31.25% stated no. Even

though ‘Yes’ received the majority

vote, it is worth nothing that the

option ‘‘no’ could lead to the option

of a sequel. Nevertheless, as a

group, we decided that we would

like our antagonist in our film to

serve justice.