surprise english book

. qU"lt 'qn¡3 I@ es d-, . slrd 'j JN 0qt

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English Book para el 6º de Primaria.


Page 1: Surprise English Book

. qU"lt'qn¡3 I@

esd-, . slrd

'jJN 0qt

Page 2: Surprise English Book

L sten. reocj oro f no So'l], Jo, qob '-ond Honnoh.

11th 13th 1strr

2l si 23rd 251h

Listel ono soJ lhe n-iss ng rLt-'toers. >t¿'

Llsten ond reod the conversotions

Ask ond onswer.

lrrr*)-i"*r-rl I -nut- t

I b"o"^ "a;r ana á'"rec.' i I e)e',""'eo.¡ o1". I

I unot a. ,." t";, \""? I \ n." ..J .,. r,- t ¡





Ask ond onswer the questions obove.

ltn;i;;:;A 1",^\::l\ s;,tt"aLy? |

I -------\J

Reod ond flnd.

a rhino a pin€apple a spider

a t-shift trousers mountaihs

Llsten ond sing.

What's gaur nome? How old ore gou?Tljpe ¡n the box and then press 'Send'.Whot's Aaur favouite subject? Whot do gou l¡ke da¡ng?Tgpe ¡n the bax and then press'Send'.

Whot do Uou do oi home ot the weekend?ls it fun or not?Whot's Uour fqvourlte ptoce for o hol doU?

17ih 1gth

27th 29tl¡ 3T st

a football ¿ beach

carrots rollerblading

I'n Aob.I'n wearing arhirl ard a qreer t-tt"irl.||hat are y'ou wearitg?

hi,l'- San.l likep)ayin9 eonpufer9anet. Whal Ao

yoo ljke áotn9?

ls t cotd or hot?

What's gaur nqme?Haw old are Uau ...

vtletcome 1o ¡¡a e-pa' c'"b. A" ^e, "t"',yea/t q,'ertíor aoÁ regisÍer on-)ine.

Page 3: Surprise English Book

'PUas uo lrrrJI¡aqr fl¡cls r oC

¡Sxssrtu rno,i atu-ü

ss¡rPPlr |e!uésPuau+ .rno,i rru,\\ !

'¡S€ssaur úJü p uado ¿

u!trr n"u Lnu i tro ')

1 I

IELUé u" PUaS Ol ,{\OH

;T¡.:. )CAqc puo uelsl uaql'qcloru puo poeu

¡]Dd o puD uMol D

peq ot 06 puo euoq 06ñrolsrLl puo )loeM ]sDl

uoure]lod D puo loqcoel D

-rDls sl]ods o pu0 ecuud ooldoed pDq puo poob

'scrdo],slod-e eq] ol sploM asoql qolDlA

url-uo q¡lc lDd-e eLll uo spuer.tJ MeN

eur l fiJeAo sctdol Meu lnoqo u.lool

ourt-uo un] oADq spuoLl Meu qlM

u l-uo qnlc lDd-e eql uo spueuJ MeN

Lr]o]l st l¡ld-a qcoo eteqMeprcap puo s6olt aqt lo )lool

s€r.rlunoc oql loedet puD uals I'6uis puo uolsrl

B¡¡ lrorlro oql o] ualsn puD poau

Page 4: Surprise English Book


!r'-::'pyl; S'; a,J'f,

* #

Page 5: Surprise English Book

¿l RDs ¡oñ {roc tsDl Mol-l

'ñt6u st ulop epun'uop elcun'üop elsun

'ñl6n sl uol epuniuol olcun'uol elcun

!9 '

pe_rocs eADJq

.to rDM e^olE

\loo¡A buorls


qDtrM pto

+fr ¿dluno^oiItnoÁ soq4 roLrro¡¡ rno'g o.trnono¡ l¡1

slaDDtDtll u00u0l ¡6uoru bur,'itDlp a^01I

uDdDf luoll oXl¿) lxl LH

B<¿ sProM oql loede.t puo uelst-l

Page 6: Surprise English Book

JÉ rr,",ho. four oolect ves f'o'¡ Lesson 1

con !oLr l'reor? 1

Page 7: Surprise English Book

5)3oJ '\t+ '^ou

¿u l¡l¡ór ub!+ ra6!óJ1s o.r

/ ¡.li,ir ¿a,a:s 3.ll l¡ cr:.] ar r s ¡,lttii +i

Page 8: Surprise English Book

I'm fosfe. thon yo!Let ñe cqtch o .qbbit

i m braver thdn yDU

Let me fight fhe bedn

I'm the 8lddhd Let ME spedk.l¡e Nisest btuthÉr is Jisfeñi¡g

No he's weoker thdn


m stronger thon UoL.!e s \'veoker ihct¡ n e

Page 9: Surprise English Book

¿lse ^Oeq

/ lseuoqs aq] s,orlM

lseplo alll s.eqs

tsallol all] L! I

¿ssolc rnoñ ur lssuoqs / lsallol / lsaplo

/lsa6unoh aqt s,or,l^ :pueul o )jsv


,"..¿ raMsuo puo uelsrl

lsal.roqs eqt seqs qouuol-.1 uoq] raplo s

]seounoñ eL"ll s,a! of uorl].r Dq rel]oqs to6 soq

ts€lqOn aqt s,eqs uoS uoql .r oq ra0uol lo0 soq

pl r..13 slql slL]l tplqc stql ¿

plrtc str[ Llse ^oaLl

aq] s,eFl of uorll rello] s

'aurDu aql RDS pup ppoH

¿lsat^Daq eLll s,aqM'elduoxe.rol

a.rnlcrd eq] ]noqo lo¡ suopuo Nso srrod ul


aw +06 a^JPuo

+sa+.1 ¿1+ @¡l

't I o 1 +5 ¿! o Lt s ¿t1+ +o 6 a

^J?uo +5¿t^oa.1 ¿\1+ tu¡f

+5¿6uóol ¿W @¡

?úo +sallo+ a% tutl

15¿Plo ¿tI+ turI ?uo

+satolt a% tuJ

- secueluas s,uarpllilc elll lDeder puD ualsn 'poeH

u ¿r'l

ot sl

PJrZ 'i¡Jrlil


r¡tittl lt

puz J0qusra0



tl ol

pt¿ hlr¡





'waoJ aq) punoJl uolDt tJoJut ptnz Dl4uept

eenp LnoD 4tlg saolasLno| _f,

arnsp?w purr ffi Vfl"ftl

r or_l uoqsrDq ouol





r 'l3eqc puo uelsrl sroll¿l aql ol sproM aql qclot\

g seel? ol "wo"l"Q

qi raquada¡

Page 10: Surprise English Book

il jg*".g59_9id;C""1ri"p"óftn" ádj".tñé-n ir,l" quit


fl--éáo "i ,r r"iáñ.íóñ o"i*". ñl

K]N:I qr!:ylry'l!9-'-3"j9¡:loF;".{.'",0 o'. to, -L¿El:i 1'!"?

ffiwmher qffi&Rllscover your number ond personolilyL

. Wrlle yout nome.

. Chonge eclch etier lo o numbe. Use lhis code:


Fron: lo ond son

ni \eito.

we l0ve your ch0r0(teIS 0nd thei djfferent


re es 0lJmbel quiz.'J0d tor ljrd oLt 0b0Jt

your personoUtY.

Whot üre you like?

Love. Jo ond som

JEJÉ Whot gtorp s sfe ¡? Do llcLr tf ¡k ts lrLre?

--.--.. l-,.-lgl-9!9sly,l-.' - |'or exclmple:

Pe n élope= 7 + 5 + 5 + 5+3+ó + 7 + 5

. A.k'l ol lhe nun¡bers (The totol lor Penélope is 43)'

. Add the two numbers {43 = 4+3)

"3ur number is ... (The nur¡ber for Pénelope is 7J

There qre lols of personqlity lypes.

which group qre You in?

Work oul your number qnd find out!

Groupor ^ o -. -bo.e oeope.Two = You re lhe frlend lesf PeoP e

Three = You re the wlsest PeopleFour = You're ihe hclPPlesl PeoPle

| ó - o ra

Six = You re the sporllesl PeoP e.

seven = You'le lhe funniest people

Eighi = You re the lrenclest people

Nlne = You re lhe ucklesl PeoP e.



Page 11: Surprise English Book


\ ' -je .,¿- -'j' ¿¿ -'i- '-- '""

i utou Jalultls PuD saña

\ ¡á661q rob aADq saoJau Dbuovnl



¿mou) noñ oc


uaE ñoE pooo

t I sdsts Lr poa!pLoa¡DtéLI10strDdt!6epLr l

." q3lour puo poer 'uetsrl

srequrnu pu0 sou t eLll lno qn.r uelll I suedo asn olRts oOuoL! aql ut saoDl MD]p ol

^ oq

u.roel s,lel 'uodo¡ urori ero suoo¡roc oOuonlDo

eñe tdnd

s¿a 6ce Aeqs uoo$ P, u6ueyMorqaña

Page 12: Surprise English Book


if, Listen ond repeot. The¡ oct.

- 'esllor 1. \"tLo'; lhe la le¡l

per.o^ i^ the v'or)¿?

1 k,,ow.It\ Xi Shu".

I'e\ {,o- Ch;"arha+\ riqt t. who\ fhe bigtet'

e^.w-¡t- oll )n fhe ¡'oAi?lral\ r)gh+. Queq+'a ¡1, Who\ the

las+e;r ru¡¡er 1n +he worlA?


j-l r a.:i. , a,-': .i )a'"r r"1-

, lrrr i \,rrt-if a .r:4...': '. - .

! 'r:t :rr.i ll-ir lr¡:,; l_rr'r" r:rr'

i-- .rt- ::,r:i!-.r il.!..:-.:i, .l.)j: ir:j r:-jj!:' i"ia,'

,. '-:.,¡ rl:'.r iir arr r._r' i¡ri,.¡.,. -. -,, .;!:r ).ltÍ:; '..:i. .


Page 13: Surprise English Book

')cos¡cn o Puo 6ul o 6ul ooM u.l,l

'lcoslcn o'6ul vpuDqls! D puo qclo¡ o 6ul DaM ru,l

'puoqlsl o 'qcloM v

¿lr lros ¡o¡ uD! lso] r'¡oH ür

".. leqlo LlcDe |so puo ueisl'l

1 '* l¿lslml¿2,;.. enbuol eql ños Puo uelst1

,":^,,^ eql Ros Puo uelsll

'sp]oM eql loédel puo uols I'poor puo ualsll

Page 14: Surprise English Book



L Sten ono srnq.

Sing wilh the replog words. """'

Listen ond repeot the words. 'Ljsten to the storu.

Jf \r/irot three tr ngs cces rhe pr nc¿ss

g ve the ecg[e?¿5\

f?llli,on *itr, o,*¡, I _]

Page 15: Surprise English Book


arxutr.ur,rs oF s.t,,rl lirE¿ 'uo allloj

¿sfLr -lC All ñ,rD,ll Cl lLl!ü ss3lLlrc aLll SSop 3.ll lV

¿a3Lr rd eLll R!oL,r 01 -lic ssecLr.ld eLtl saop ¡jL LrLr baq 0!l lv


Page 16: Surprise English Book


Page 17: Surprise English Book

.to^eu oNseu lauos / uouo ir sñoM¡o se¡

¿ RDld oqs seocñold ]e^ou / saurteLuos / uauo / sRD^ lD I

'puar.rl o )so puD suorlsonb €roL! au.]os lo )iutql MoN

'reMSuo puo uelsrl





¿t\s nali aA 'eldu.roxa -rolpuer4 D ql M .ra¡ suo puD )isv

qnlc st]ods srqt olo0 noñ €urÍlDru salOfs ueuo eqs pLlo sl)ls saL-ullaLuos eqs

scrlsouruñ0 seop ue1o eq p!o sctqo.teD saoplanau eH

opnI seop seu]rJauros eLls puo sLlltMS]e^eu ellS'¡loqpur:q sño¡d sRo/,^lo aq puD Re)lcoq sñold seulLleulos eH

'aruou eql ños puo poau

secueluas s uerplrqc er.ll loedar puo uolsn 'poeu

ll::',, '

)caLlc puo uelsr-l srallel elll o] sploM eLtrl tlclot\

t uossal

Page 18: Surprise English Book

Listen ond repeot the words.

go to popconcerls

go on skiingholidogs

ploU videog0mes

Reod ond I sten 10 the ernoit.

Feod ond listen. Then onswer

w¿tches footb¿llmatches and she playsa lot of l¡ockey-

\!hat free-lr¡e oc1,/ t es does eoch pr rcess Cc?

::fü iJJ

Princess Beatrice and her youngersister, Princess Eugeníe, are theQueen's granddaughters. They have¿ good life bui sooetimes it (an bedifficult. For example, they aan never

80 out dlonej they always havebodvguards with ther¡.

But they ¿re also very lucky. lnwinter, they often go on skiinghol¡days and sometimes they gowith thei¡ (ousins, Prince Wílliamand Prince Harry.

Of course, they do everyday things too. princess Beatricealways watches her favourite progr¿mmes on TV. She likesI;stening to music and sometimes goes to pop conce¡ts.Pr;ncess Eugenie often plays video games and loveswatching films.

The princesses have got ¡ots of friends and their family isimpoda¡t too.'l,4um and my sister are my best fíends,and Papa is elways there for me,' says princess Beaf ce.'l am very very lucky with my lifel


P¡incess Beatrice ¿nd Princess Eugenie love sport.Beai¡ice sometimes goes horse riding M/ith the eueen.Eugenie soñetimes

skri¡g 1n vr' nte¡$/iih Dod ond

the bodUguord

,t á\

go out oLone go horse rldlngwotch films

Io: Ivon

From: som ond lo

Hi lvon.

We love y0ur slory 0b0ut the pdncess. It wos

very funnyl

We 0re sending you 0 m0g0zine 0rticle 0b0utprinresses in Britoin.

Toke core.5om ond Jo

w;ih the O!éen

wo rnodernpri¡cesses

Page 19: Surprise English Book

'a,!60JJ e.JD slJDad

úz/ 'a¿nlou ur lDJauru $epJoq aql eJD spuourDrp puv/

¿mou) noñ o0

e^tsuedxe st ).ll s os 6uol st ssecolcl eql'seqlolc alou.t 01 uoococ eql uo4 )llls eql eñp puo utds ,uoalc eM

qlou"r )ll s D olur smot6 1 uoql puo uoococ or..ll ut scjeels lluoococ )ilts o so>lDr.Ll ueq] puD se^oel Rl]eqlnlr sloa LUIoM oq I

u._r]oM llts u utoll seLuoc )llts

ñLe¡er,rele¡out ot slroed qsttod puD uDelc eMelrsuedxa puD eloJ alo Reql os slrDed ruro¡ stelsño ¡o 1o¡

lelsño aql aprsu s1a6 ¡ p ueqr,r LUlo] slloa¿'oes eql.tapun ,slélsño uorl eluoc slJDed

trRlalle/'lof e)lDu_l ol spuoLuorp qs¡ocl puo lno eM

'purl o] llncrlltp eto lieq¡ esnoceq eA suedxe elo spLtoutD Cpunol6 oql lapun ,seu LU uto]l spuoruotp le6 aM

')lcol LLtoll euoc Reql puD slD]au uJ alD spuouto C

@ñtalleMef a)oLLl 01 plo6 esn ueuo aM

e^rsuodxa s plo6 os ero plo6 u plo6 qonu ]ou st oleqlpunojb eql lepun 'seutuJ LUOJI e]o ploo le6 eM

eto plo6 pe¡oc ¡cor seLuoc ploe

¿uro4 elr.roa )il s lluD slroed ,spLroLUD p plo6 op ereqM

fi uctoLu pup poar 'uatsJl

¿ñq,u raou¡ noñ o6puO plo6 lrDed

qD lelDut eseql lnoqD lno pulj s,]ele^ suedxa aro ñaq1 1n6 R]eleMef puoruotp

puD saqlolc llrs 6uuoa,u e¡¡ eldoed lo slo-l

Page 20: Surprise English Book

Listen ond repeot. Then oct.

Beod ond listen.

Jl \¡/ho s Hcn¡oh s f";;. p""""?-

{ , iloi aoo'hedo nhsfeermei

ti-., )"?

Becau¡e it\ new.l áon'¡wanl it to 9et o)2!

Lesson 8

Roice ),,rcoat ii o ioñcuJ ie^,a rp a.¡o- \1-"s iro- Seciq. W¡en ¡e I

Dlo\r 1eñ^ij, he atwolJ lamrsth-te shcr-rr ¡¡d ó ba^doño lie,"iiÉq .,!e.\rs ó rrir+bu.d and¿oLoJred a-shirls He il(es Lc+s o{?iher Jporls, D6r+icqórL\ {ccabo!i hs lreo +ñp. he c{+en !i(+rii..i( chidren ;n ¡c.r5i+6 c,t rero¡e+,r'es dre,rs,.6 rr ¡¡r o ¿to\rq


Page 21: Surprise English Book

¿: FDs ro¡ !o¡ !so] ¡ioH


lolcop o

leuoelc)eplrnq o

O S,OS Is.plouooD S IOrOC

s prDureg

rel.rodar o al Á'\asnoq c

.reuoalc o r€pl nq D

le^ 0ra)lro,4r\ oci]]o uD

ro]rop rl jaflx\l)1 rl

¿rx .l ¿¿s n0Á u0l'lDlrds0rl 0 u sxr0,¡$ p0p d¿ls ÁÍJ

rq0ll0N r.II xrom sJulun0] J0 s1.01 lü0r] ¿ldoad

o¡u¡)l u IqornN uorl lu0r)l tlll ¡0llaH


'.raqlo Llcoe )so puo uelsrl

onOuol oql ñDS

'sproM eql Ros

'sproM oql lDoder



puo ualsrl

puD uolsLl

puD uelsrl

puo ualsrl

Page 22: Surprise English Book

:P:!j -' :' .,'ii1, Listen ond s;nq. . --i

w;á; --;;.i¡,


. ?-; .: '- I frs'91ondrgqgo1 tlewoy91 :: ;;

t-rsten ro rhestorg. .- " .

4g:Si"s;¡iñ thúóioú

Page 23: Surprise English Book

: q].r lq

¿ L¿10¿/616 r jo re¡


e,{!¡) lo ¡Je ¿

rbnret\l u eL.! ) :¿ueN


;3 ns rot sMoLq 3üo 0N ¿rzliL 0¿0¿6tr06L6i ! DÁua) ul!. oq sD^\36nrDtI ruDur)

¿trrotrodur s rotornpéeart¡uLtl uD[r ).] saoc rÉ ¿ñrluno3 ñra^a u Lro tD.npe RrDlt rd éé4 érall s :)li¿6Lr;o¡ s aq uaqM loortas firourud ot oO tLrDLLr )l seoc .'É

l _ ,- . . suotlsenb aLll le¡ suo puo'----:_-'--"..-,..*-.

Poa.r 'ualsll '::lLi;l

::i i+t.::j:ti:r;

Page 24: Surprise English Book

in 2¡c1 Kman \idi n th¡ ¡e.ori bc¡kL.ts cílr ¿.r p€opcir¿i¿oLs.ho¡tIoü brLhc\rus th. oide\t r r¡úfr pu:i ir LherlrJ Lj.

:1r.rn lLI a¡r po¡r.h ¡r¿¡:,nrl¿rrnl!.Losrhl

Fle wosTheU vrere

Page 25: Surprise English Book

IUSO^ I ',oN so^ I ,sa^

¿ l0 non eteM' lD I.USI]M / lo soM I


.-.. -. - :._., !-_)

1. i .4 _ uelp¡qc aqr 1"-,

.9,,,i.-rg ¡rg. ",¡11r 1

l-!,át;il;;ü, slrl lnoqo pueul o ¡sv

ñallo 6urt¡ oq eql lo suM I Ropln]os

lrod eq] lo so/,\ I RDplnlose]luoc 6urddoqs eql to soM RDpu|S

uo eLlloq lD ],USO^\ Ituo aLuoq ]o j,r_tsDr' l euo eLUOq lo l,us041 ¿

'R0punS uolood 6u LULUTMS eq] lo soM l ñopLnlog uo eLLroq JD sDAt I

afiap)n]Ds uo a4uao6utddoús eqt lD LIDUjDH sDM

eldLUo' e _rO:

ernlcrd eq] lnoqo le^^suDpuD lsD sl¡Dd ul




Rall0 6u|¡ oq


lood 6uiuur,ms

arluec 6utddoqs

)l.r Dd

un pDls llDqlooiDUleu t3




p ut g,#a-:


a')lcaqc puo ualsl'l Sreilol oql ol Spjo/vl aql qclDr\

Page 26: Surprise English Book

Reod ond Listen to the emoit.

Listen ond repeot the tirnes. :

Reod ond listen. Then onswer

Reod ogaln. Whot time was Aneeso ...?

o n the TV co[npofU coT

b al AnimoL CLinic

c w th the vet

d ot lufche outs de ihe operot ng theotref on o tour of the hospitol

l\,4y mum and I were up early.I was so excited!

I]eor Kroni.

Th0t wos 0 qre0t slory 0b0ut Kin0ni.

Weie sending yOu 0link t0 0 video di0ry

ollout o girl who wonts to be o vet

she v¡ited 0ur f0v0uúte TV pr0gtomme ever

AnÍnol tl¡ntlBest wishes. Jo ond som

The vet was on camera in theoperating theatre. Ralf and I

were outside. The operationswere sca.y but ¡ still want tobe a vet!

We aftived af AnimalCrnlc. Ralf Norris wasthere. He was talking to ,..

peopJe wrln tnerr pels.

I was in the vet's clinicwith Ralf and the vet.We were on camera!

There was a tour of thehospital with the vet.Animals only stay in thehospita¡ overnight if they arevery sick.

I was sad to leave. ll was the best day everl

Jl \'v'¡ot wos A¡ees ,-,. u,.". )( Ho., .\cs . d.r!"

2-year'old Aneesa wins

a day at i{ninal C/tnr? with

celebrity TV presenter Ralf Nonis.

Qg) Click here to see her video diary

Lunch was with Ralf Norris.It was great!


Page 27: Surprise English Book


. \\ ¡\\\'\ .{..a"

ujql,^ql rql \Jlelrult pue



.q$\\..';.¡¡{\\''{.ú.q\\\''''.''. '"{\\.''''...,\\''',"¡¡'.\\t\,i.'. .\\\q..-'..{\6..

¡doq dtu puD dDJ'eD66eJ ,zzDl ¡senlq ,lloJ puD )coJ;clsnu uJepou lsorü u! St ulrllÁqJ uDcUlV lo acuenuut aql

i¡ .

ii : .l.r,ir


I ir,i¡.' r,.! .l

¿f$ou noñ o0c snLU oqLLloS se uodutooco ue4o ]l

s¡ctls oM1 .to auot.ll

^^ ] Rold pu0 raplfoqs

rnoñ te,lo untp eql loeM uoc no'lzorg Luoll ñ¡ou Oiro sorrr stql

i2':crsnu"t ocuaLLtolj se uodLllocco ueuo ll

sOel tnoli uee,uleq sp!oq lnoRq1r,r,r 1r lio1d puo xoq 6 q eqt uo t s no^¿ uo4 ñ¡ou 6 ro so,u, unlp stql

iqlorsnu osdRloC se uodLuocao uello ]l

'sdu Jeqqnr ql M s¡crls qt M 1r ñold no^tL] sluep

Ll1/,\ lDlaLU sRo^ lo s Lunlp srql lo Rpoq eql'uDeqq.roa elll uro4 Rllou 6110 sD^ un.rp stql


c snLU ecuop uDclllv se uodutocco ueuo Jl

spuoq rnon q1,u I ño]d no¡^^ eql u lsaplo eql lo euo sr I

Dc 4V tseM Luo4 ñllourO to soM utntp s -tl_L


¿L!¡rp fcoé Lll ^\

palD cosso ¡isnur aql lo all]oLr aql s loltM

::.r,,. 99lou puo poer 'ue¡sr1 iN'

suqlnql I eq] pLto slunlp 1ue]e]] p lnoqo 1no pu

' s,le-l

ctsnu o] mqlnqJse^r0 unrp eql jo loeq aql puD Dc|,V LUo.t] ere^r\ su.ln.rp lsjll eqf

plro^ aql punoj llo c snut u sl clsnLLr uoc 4v lo ecuenllur eqt

|,::: r.:.,::.:,'i

Page 28: Surprise English Book

Listen ond repeot. Then oct.

I was at lhe park on

iatur¿ay.lhere wa,

i";:::i '{




I was at ny

She liver ¡ear thel.orball ¡taá,u-.the England tean

ihere all

Beod ond [isten.

\'Vl-c s Son's 'epo i aborrtl u/l.o vr'os irer best fr end?

i\ r'epot"!


Page 29: Surprise English Book

¿l RDs non uor ts[r] Mo:l

'lo^qc Je^eu soM eH'Rll s ñle^ sDM tolsef eq1

'Rll s ]e^eu soM oH'le^alc Rlo^ so^^ u qou

leqlo qoDa )lso puo uelsr-l

:.talstr\lenOuol eql ños puo uelsr¡

*"" splo^ eql ños puo uelsr-¡

a!3*! pooJ puo ualstl

q sproM eql ]oedoJ puo ualstl-tqfi oo, roqounl.N rx'rr ¿r¿r\ spueLU !q

püD p00H utqol pr0H rirqr¿r ,pua6¿l

aq] r X00qaIJn0^Dl Ál,! uDlu8 u|lxoqfurll0N ur0.! uno ut,l


Page 30: Surprise English Book

-J d#r '- rl \ r'{d [l

Listen ond repeot the words. ffi

*i. Wh ch five chorccte¡s Íror¡ Lesson 1

ore T¡entoned ¡ the storu?

Page 31: Surprise English Book

',tt¿qta w poabs,aH pua|l1 s )llraL1s¿141 ',MD .t)S s,¿Jaql

'uDw pJa ua a¿tl pa\aal ¿H uqof¡lurtqlrrl ls¡lu0r aL,Jl lr? pá^t_1_1u ürqo!

aql lD Lu|,l )4)fD) uD l,{raqJrD sa ol ,r4oJ

,buaw ALu allll,uap ¿s?a?

'saxa1 .lno^ ,lD¿

'[,aúout Ma( s, aH

'rrDi.lburlloN ]oañaad ar4l clptl s,t¿l

' ptu) s ,aH JJU¿Ltsp9q b I aaqquqpN

Jo llr-ia4s aLj-l

5pr,r¿-r,t sr¿j qll,r,,1 lsá_io! poo^/,.1áLjs urpa4)teH puDlbú1 ut ul'qbuDlaN.nDu

p;^rl pooH ,rqo! ,obn awl Duqv


Page 32: Surprise English Book


This is sirCuy's arro\,\i.

This is the olrl man'\ arra\,N6ood lUcl, Robi¡.

Reody, ste¿idy, shootl

Reúdy, steody, shootl

only one 6110!\r w¡rs on ldrll€t. The cont€st

finished ard Robin w6s the wirn€l1

It's the oJd mdn's drror'vHere's fhe baq af gold.

Anly one man cando tj,rot. Robin HoodJ

Cqtch htm!

come or, Robjn. QLri.klL€t's go to the for€st.

Ard the paorpeaple can eat laa.

Now w€ a¿t n eotond be me$1.

Page 33: Surprise English Book

]upp oN ppL'so¿Rop.ralsañ rDt nb eqt ñ0ld noñ p C

RDprelsaR rot nO aqt peRDld


¿ñppralsañ loor,lcs JaUo noñ pro :pueul o vsv

I ue:p1¡qc eql ro¡ re^ suo puo uelsrl



Al peqoloM puo ralnduroc eq1 pasn

c snu o] pauelsrt I puD eLLoq pe¡lD^\

rol nb eq1 peRDld I puo .retndluoo aql pasn

'spue 4 o] pe)llo] puD aLloq pe)llD^\

Luptp aLls 'o^l/ ptp etls 'sa

¿nDpJalsañ looqcsJallo of pta 'elduoxe rojernlcrd eql ¡¡ suD puD

lsD 's.r0d ul

'au.rou aql Ros puo poeH

$ secualues s,uerp¡rqc eq¡ loeder puo ualsr-l

;j;;; )caLlJ puD uelsrl s]alla] eql ol spro^ aql qclDl^

t uossal

]elndu-roo eql esn

auoq {D^\crsnu o] uals I

spueu] ol )llol

rolrn6 aql RDld

AI qcloM


Page 34: Surprise English Book

Reod ond tlsten to the ernoit.

Listen ond repeot the octivities in the surveu. De]

Beod Qnd listen. Then onswer.

JÉ \ l-¡t d d the bcus tke do nit best?-

¡ff llf,oi a d tre glrl" tke .1o ¡g best?

From: som ond Jo

Hl Donl

We llked the Rorir loodstory

We cor le0rn 0rchery 0t 0uf 0fter srhool cen1le

We con do oiher octivlties too

We 0sked 0ur lriends wh0t they llked best lOst term

Here ore our suruey tesults

ByelSom ond Jo

Survey resultsT¡¡e go to Park La;re pdma,ry School.

BOTo ofthe chlldren irl ou¡ class stayed

for after school activiiies last iel1rl.

We asked them what they lÍked doing best.

The boys liked acling in plays more thanihe girls.

The girls preferred playing in theschool orchestra.

Bolh boys and girlsloved going onschool lrips.

Theil favoudte lrip lasl te¡m wa,s toWindsor SafaJi Park.

The girls a,lso rea,lly tiked doing archery.The boys iiked doing archery too bul theirfavourite activity was playing leam sports,like foolball.

The coolest activity for girls was using avideo camera al the Surp¡ise e-pal C1ub.

ptou ng I on

orc hesiraj


pLoUing te.rrn


go ng o¡schooltr ps

us ng o vid-^o

cometooci ng in

plcrU s

do ng orcheru

Page 35: Surprise English Book


9661 (rs8ór (q

E96I (D

ur /,JaJJnus

aq.|. palleraq+ Pa+ua^ur


uaddod uDU.raqS

6urcol asloq (c6utuun.r (q

bulrDJ +ouDtlJ (psD¡ saLlD9 lrotlr^lo

)aar9 +sJlJ aq.L ur 1.rods,(¡uo aq¡

saurDg ?rdu.r^lDJpd ^luO

(lsauog rrdru,416,(¡u6 1q

sauug ctdLu,¿

puD saurDg rdu,(lo (D

'?661 ul

DuolatJDg ut

- ataM aJaql

Deuau.rv q+hos (l

^tDrr (q

aJuDJi (D'€061 ur ?euDJl aP Jno_L +sJU ?q+

ul qoñoJq+ palr^r s+srll^:)

Prtq+ (3

puoe?s (q

tsrlj (D

'999¿ ur drLlsuorduloq2

,sJa^uo puo^A auo DlnurJol aLll


- paqsruu osuolv oPuDuJal 9

sa^ad oruo+uv gsot (J

oprlnd Dlasrg (qoJraJad.lDlso (D

'ggg¿ ur 6ur¡lnsalL¡JOJ OnJ pUOM D Pa^ta.a) S

Jarapaj .ra6od (3

uDuru?H u.lrl (q

IDPDN laelDd (D

'999¿ ur uorduoqrsruua+ uopalqu.rM all.l sDM

- t

otoÉaJo1 1) l)DllL^aS (q

PUPDt^t lDaü (D

'€OOZ ul

- p?urol olurplDuoU

+u^ul (JurDruq lo

urDds (DI_l I OOD

srDa^ OO0'9 pu1.,o1, 1]oq1oo¡

a1r) D (,SMoJJD puD Moq D (q

llDq puD ]eq D (D'slDu]luD +unq

ol p?sn sJaLllJD ^uD3



¡¡iai')jcoqc puo uelsrl

c ro q 'D're^ suo puo poau

lrods ]o Rrolsrq eq] ]noqo erour lno puU s leleur ] s,pooH urqoE u l.rods luDlrodLur uo sDM R]oqcrv

Page 36: Surprise English Book

Listen ond repeot. Then oct.

l4here were you yes+erJay?

I waifel lor you inthe park.Let\ 9o swinning

on Svnlay.

te healthv,

Go running or


in Green Park.

Oh no,lef\ go

ronniag inrteaA.

\4e can ^eel al ce,ten o'doek.

Diá you arr)ve al

Reod ond tisten. :=T

Whot wos Jo s fovour te book Lost ueor? iF WhU did she tke i?


Page 37: Surprise English Book

¿l! ñDs no¡ uoc lso] ¡{oH

'spLel,+,lo lM unl po I uoLo Fe'spueu] ire rM un1 poq orpol puo or.l.r loj

'unl poq ueuo Re'un+ poq orpol puo ou.rlol

.ror_llo Ll9pa lsD puD uolsrl

rolsrMltt anouol eLll ñDS puo ualsrl

'sproM eul RDs puD uals l'sp.]oM oLll loadar puD uals I

¡ poer puo uolsrl

'al9poo6 Vrcs a15'o¡1

¿+xatr st+oLl\ acn(|ot¡ aooos 7ot1¿Lls tralL.t¿to" ¿@os 7ot1 ot?ol

Page 38: Surprise English Book

Listen ond sing.

Sing with the reptou words. "'o'

Listen ond repeot the words.

Listen to the storU.

\/\/ho fod o poft!?


Page 39: Surprise English Book

¿snoLl Fur tD nqDq o

pDrl lod rnoh ¿snora€ ¿stod oMt toba^Dq 6qM 1od Fu rabrof r,uoC

u pp¿rsDN '¿Fqpooc

¿rod 6rq rno6

'uossa 0.rnoqLl6raus Ll qrD¿1 ot p;]uD/\^ puD

lir 6u o sor,r u ppa;so¡

lrood aqi or FauoLLr sar 6 aq

tnq ñauoLr qrnLu to6 t,usorl ¿H'ñ ss upparso¡¡oq'o¡1

li¿uou 6uo rob r,u¿¡oL.l

aur d ¿q ¿sDa ¡

pd¿totd:Ll L róLl,. rf¿ésrclt sL pparsL¡N lo lod 3.+ol parecldoL, s6L-.{ o¡rt to]^{ áf ¿loc6qaqtpcrt o.tü ñu !J 6aq s.{ lv ,lL

Page 40: Surprise English Book

et,?d *he Ps&

The ¡ext do!, Nosredd r d dn t go to his

ne ghbo,rfs house. Ne dl¿¡'r g ve bock the

m sorrg Your poisdl€d ot m! h olseWhere ore m¡ pots?

Dont be s lgWh9 rot? Yor d;dn't

sog. Pots ccn t hove

bcbi€s' lJ pots con hdve

bob es, pots can d elon g ,,,ronted io teoch

9ou c esson Come

ond qet Llour pot

She,,,rent i lrcd,rqcve / 9s d

He ddnt gor ho!'er gr/e,/sou

Page 41: Surprise English Book


rnol o] uel ll] ou-loq lue/,^ eLlS tx s lsod a,r ¡ñ1uar,r1 ]o reuurp poq aH e

tq6ra lsod lloLl tc peq o] ]uo^\ ¿

ue^es jsDd e,r 1 1o dn 1o6 e¡ ¡

¿ aLls plp ewq lDqA\¿ LlDuuDH ptp ewtl lDqí\'oldruDxa -rol erntc d eql

1¡oqa ¿¡,¡suo puo iso s Dd Lr

puaul o )sD puD suoBsenll aIDIA¿ oO,r a^aLl i d¡ teo ¡oñ p p ¿L! l ioq¡- po, d ob

'uarplrLlJ eLll .lol IeMSUD puD uelsl-l

'aLr.rou eqt Ros puD pDoU

'secueluas s,ueLplrqc eq1 ¡oedar puo uolsl 'poeu

paq o] o0

.r€uu p e^oq

eu]oq oo

qcunl e^l]Ll

suossal aA0q

loorlcs o] oo

]s0l¡oa.rq e^Dq

dn le6


')jceq3 puD ue¡sr'l srellol eql ol sproM eql q3lol^









Page 42: Surprise English Book

Listen ond repeot the words. "-

moke m!1 bed tidu mU room do thewoshlnq up

eÍrptu thenrbbish bln

Feod ond listen to the emqit. "'

Reod ond listen. Then onswer. --""

look olter rnubrothers ond

s sters

To: Fodio

From: lo ond som

Hi Fodiol :;N0sreddin m0de the f00d for h]5 p0fty.

We olten m0ke l00d old we he.p 0t hone lere i5

0 poster 0b0Ll chjloren I 0frl 0lfferent (0.111-''

ond how they help ot home.

Love Jo ond som

lou the t0bie

!!hot ¡ousework.l.l ec.¡ "¡ltd

do;""ie,¡oq7* ¡,c't do¡lheo !h'do Jf trino lelpeo '¡osl

ot ¡c-:


Page 43: Surprise English Book

);,;*ft,,ili JtI


¿mou) noñ o0

6T,r-,JffibJ'ffiffi'bu ioo.l roJ I esn ¿M

]olo^ ¡eO non puo doleqt uo u.rnt non 'elroq tV t : punorlljepun slo^ es

souroq r¡o ol punol6repun

-"* r€loM eqt dund RaLll lxaN

ol elDs sI OS rOIOM eLll uo€]1

:i ñeq¡ 1uold tueu..ttoerJ .

olu seo6 ]r puD eoo^\eso¡ s ll utDJp eql uMop

seo6 rejo^{ ñUrp eqt i,eqt q

retQ¡¡ eLll lo Ltaql e S-

sawoq Jnopue Jeleln

sl o^t¡!l,f r rl

LUO-]I]OlO^\ OUO !rOr rSl r r

¿¡opratsall asnoq .r¡oñ ot taD re:or,r p p r,rog .if

'ernlcrd eq¡ ur eloñc oql Mollol puD poal ,uatstl

'seLuoq.rfo ol sJe6]alo/¡ ^\oq

]no purl s,laloltt ñopR]e^a]¡o ul snoicelcl RlaA sl

'al]]oq lD lalO^r\ Jo stol asn llo €M

u D6o stroJS ;1rñc áqi ueqlle^u oq] olur |coq sao6 lt aroloq

eooMes aq] uDolo leql luDlcllueLUloo_tt eliD^\es eql to RIDUTj g

Page 44: Surprise English Book

Ljsten ond repeot. Then oct. -'""'

Reod ond listen. a

7',te gota ;fama¿h ache.

I LaA cript, pizza, hot Áogs,

burgers, tee cream ...

Lesson 8

df './ o,.,o.'n" rp" o c -o!on' Whot d d Fob do \(/ lir hrs f'iends?




Sa+urda; morn'.g141 br thdo¡l

L q\q É6 ro- io-or a o ¡ooe.) D_-o

1 + icjied r.1) rooñ




a{+erhoo^/¡, {r,e"d¡ on lo3 o+ :3op^frel 1.\ve 6e ior! o+ fr eser+r

We wenn bo\, inq i?nd hddbl¡-gers cnd blr+hdó) .¿l(e



evenihgir'e"ds de,1+ hoúe nl ¡ oa oal .

,a+¿hed a new DVD "i+h


i .,,/en+ +o bed o+ gpmv/l_ú+ a {an+as+ic da\!



Page 45: Surprise English Book

¿r ños rci Lrra ls¡] úcH 9'¿1oql ut s,s

'e.roqs oo eql uo

lleqs oe' lleqs oo

ñuo*r rr,logeqs oe |e eqs

e oqsTA AqS

oes eqt otu dunl arnsDer] rol tlool


'reqlo qcDe )lso puo uelstl

lOlS ^

lanbuol aql RDs puD uals I'sproM eql ños

'sproM orl] lDodel


puo ualsrl

puD uelsrl

puD uots I

soo d¿lol slDoo Lio cll

s3¡Da Lri ep Ll sfeLls pLrl


Page 46: Surprise English Book



Listen ond slng.

Sing w th the reploU words.

Listen ond repeot the words.

L sten to the storu.

\¡ih aF f ',e

erprésa c-s n Lesso¡ I ore ¡1re sto'!1

o ".1 Adventure Island


Page 47: Surprise English Book

affigw'suorlsenll aLli laMsuo puD 'uotsrl

¿¡LtM i)ll ¿!'¡6ued aqr iro scx Dqr.{ ,,l s^ Lrerpl !a 3r1] ! p ou/ü

Page 48: Surprise English Book


" **"**\ 't

^ go-oro\o reoeo-r $

I r¡ not go ng to \lotch

Page 49: Surprise English Book

¿op o] llu o0 non o]D loqM¿ob ol 6urob non ero e]aqM

'leuoc o ep I ol 6u 06 LUsr eqsloLU0c o ep.t ol 6uloo s,aLls

¿aP a] 6uta6 er.l s lDt_l//¿oD ol 6uto' LuDS s,aaLl/tA

oldulDxa ro: etnlcrd ollllnoqo re^\suo puo rlsD slrDd ul


'pueul o qllM suotlsenb asoql leMsurj puo )jsv

'ualpltqc eql toJ le¡ suD puo uolsrl

6u druoc oO o] 6ulo0 l,usl €q tnq 6Llr1.|rsetl).1 06 o] 6u 06 s at ,ecuo.r: ol ob ol 6u oO s oq puD lloqRallo^ ñr:¡c1 o1 fiuro6 s e¡ g

6u ddoqs oO ot 6u oO s aqs puD u Ot rE u Rotsot6uo0saqs¿súrnasnu] J sr^ ol 6u o0 I us oqs lnq 6u ddoqs 06 ol O!106 s,eqs L

oLuou eql Ros puD poeg

'secuolues eq] lDodat puD uaistl

ffi*faw6NeF$sñ{rs.¡d l

6urduoc oo

6u ddoqs o0

bu llnsa] )l oo

lloqñallo^ RDld

sLllnesfLu ] s A

leul]c D opll




6\Jto6 @¡?ub 6ut¿¿o1,

oB o16urc6 w,1

lll occorow

a--a osrzl u!plug


oE o- E,oE ,rp lrg ol! Le¡rlF¡ro¿ o_ ?r?.a¡ c, !L'fta,.xr ñep¡o¡ ro jo e.+loqeJ a,[ i

')lceqc puD ualstl slellal oql 01 spjoM oql qclDr\

Page 50: Surprise English Book

i., ,

N,4otch, Llsten ond repeot.

It s often hol 0nd sunnU

t's oiten w ndu bLrt l's not veru cold.





t's often coLd ond li snows

1s often cloudLl ond rt ro fs.

Reod ond tisten to the emoiL.

Reqd qnd listen. Then onswer. , spdng

To: Morio

From: lo ond som

Vou sold lts winter in PeÍu

in B[10in lts summer 0nd ifs the h0tte5t pon 0f

the ye0r. Here rs 0 t0urist posteL We hope y0u 0Íe

going to visit us sometime.

Love lo ond Som

{. U/hots the,l,eother lkÉ ¡ eoch seoson r Brto ¡? ll ffho. co r !o.r do r eoch secso¡?

Bl season

w¡nter in scotüanclcome, if Uou aren'tscared of the cotcllIt snows a [0t...perfect {or skiingand snowboaTding.viril the lochs'.lf Uou're luckq, perhaps

Uou can see theLoch ness l\lonster!

Sunñer ib northernlretandDo qou want anadventure? il's o{tenhot lrut it3 oftencloudq. lf gou don'twant to swim, gou canexptore the caves,and visit the Gianti

See the babqdnirndls. oict'ric rn the odTÁ aad 9o 01 boa{s.

' Lochs = takes in saotland

Causewaq. Who knows? Perhaps Uou can r¡eelthe qianil

Autumn in watesDo Uou want to do

soffethinq different?How alloot horse: ricting and camping in

I Wales? ll's often hotand sunng but it3

:: also windu. So hold onjffit:t- ..1¡tiio .. to ,lou. hat and tent!

. spfinq in EnglandDo qou like animals

: and flowers? Spring: is the best time to oo

to I nndon lt rains, but it's often sunng.

t. Visit Richmond Park: ancl London 200.


Page 51: Surprise English Book


-\$\,.i... ¡\\\. - - \\\¡ " \\' ¡'\\\\\.. i '\\\,¡, ¡__\\

'sJD3ñ ual lsDl aql ul palp

Dclla.¡Dluv ut sulnbued allgpv 3qr lo %09

¿ff\oq noñ oc

ioLoo rropJo5lo' o-iao'dl¿ o.JVf, or.l Jo,opJV,pLv o ooo'ovoolpo

¡1or,r ro elcñc uoc oM sloRold CAC puo sAI sltlbll llou.rnl uDc oM sño^\ eldL!] s ul 6ulLu]0¡ lDqol6 ] LU I dlaq

uD3 eM .lrD eLl] elnlod ñell1 puo lo4ed puo l¡lrc]lcale

Jo slol esn eM OulLulo^\ lDqolb o] selnquluoc uoLinlod


erp s.roeq rDlod puo slDes ñqDq aql sleqloul .llelll

ruo4 )ll ru puo uo ]celord ]no!]rM 'eLuoq ]V qoes eql

q votor ¿- odo lood.1poa - ¿ volo coc

cli poot p oe p ,o'ovo lvq lcl oL ploslteLu ac eql '6u LU]D¡ loqolo Ll]lM €cr eql ur pool pu I

qsu eqf i.lsu ]Da puO ecl eqi ul epLq slDos eql sloas

lDa ñeqj c[c]V eq] u a3 €Lll uo eA I srDeq .lolod


e p sutnOued RqDq eLl] 'su n0ued llnpDoll] LUor] pool lnollt ^

'euoq lV epsutnOuedeseq]

lo slol puo .rlJ ool ur r' s Reql asnoraq pa.ll] R]e^ leo

o ñeql qsu eql ^

ollo] puo serqDq .lraql a^oal su nbued- ilnpD eLlI reloM loplos pu l o] RD^\o llllMs l-lsu eql

reLLr.]l]M sloll .teto¡ au] 0u LU.lllM lDqolD l-lllM qsU lelo/o

-ploc ]oe Roql Dc lcrrlluv uL acl eql uo e^l su nOuQ¿


¿SlDLlr UO 0Ll1 a^as A/\[ UDc l\oH

'Ll3lor.r.i puD poor 'uelsll

c ]3rv aql

6uLLuro^^ loqo¡6 lnoqo elou lno pu I s,lelreurom 6utueb aro Reql '0L] ul.rDM loqol6 q1t'r 1ng

']auolcl oql uo secold lseploc oM] aLll ero ReqI

salo¿ ulnos puo qlroN aql10 elD Ds lcloluv puo c lcrv eqlplloM eql le^o llll lalloq flulue6 s laqloetú eql

Dc lcroluv

flr¡rr¡i¡i:¡¿ irt6,ai0

Page 52: Surprise English Book


ht, S"-.1r\ )".

h¡, )o.It\ the lirrr¿"y "l the hol¡¿ay.

JT t 9teat )t. T tT!

Llsten ond repeot. Then oct.

Reod ond tisten.

Where sHornohonhotdog? .É V/ictsrlhngs sshe go¡giodc?

)where are you got^9 to 9al

lo +awn. Do yov

S"un& a)r;ght! Wt a+

are yo,' g.;a9 ra lo?

l'n goirg to go



fiHffi Cx.t ¡'"1Z-rl¡^1


Page 53: Surprise English Book

lls€q sjel)l.tods o)l| I RqM S,]oql .srallrocls ploLl uD;a^ ]fB I UDc or',r esnoleq Slro^\ejlj eqj ]qO| S¡lnpooq1 ejlluoq eql uo sRn6 Jno lfcj aM )l.tDd lselDeu

.tno Ut RDldSrp )ljoMo]lt D s,oteql ,OUruo^o aLll ul

j[rrut\' seldd0 eo]lole^oq aM Del lo] asnoqpuD se^]oSs 'slDoc .tno

pUD S6op ]oq :poo] snoictlep

,spua|l .tno o1 oo puo se^ol6uo tnd eM lequ]e^oN qlq uO

slalcor soltt ertlDqc ]soq s]elllDds elrl I

sn.toj s)jloMaru snnq pDC os s¡loMo]U Rnqt,!oc ua]pllqc poc qlr^ sdoqs eq] ol 06 eM

a lrorlC taqlojq ñu qlrnr ñn6() a¡ou sn0^\lo I

,eroleq RDp eqt

1q6 ¡ et¡uog e^ol I erto>l ru,l l_.i

Ou ) eq] ll ¡ puo iueuo l.iDd ]o sesnoH eql cln Molq

^ ol poluD^ eLl ,togl raqua^oN qlg uo so)j¡ D;

RnO]equou-ror elcloed qs eql ]q6 N ar iuoE uo

¿qclD¡( ¡sql op toq¡¡ ¿t¡a uérplrq! aqt irp ]!qM¿ñ¡6 s,Lratpltq¡ aLll ot sLro.ldDq toqM

¿tLlblN or luo8 uo leqLuaLlar larpl qc qs lrr8 op oq/¡

_,. suollsanb éqt re-nn1"o ¡19 ooe, ,_a.¿H

Page 54: Surprise English Book

,::¡l Listen oncl mqtch the pictures to the words in cotour. Then sinq.

ReachReoch for the stors.

Reach for the stqrs.

FoLIaw Aour heort's des¡rc.

Reoch for the stdrs

And when thot ro¡nbow's

Sh¡n¡ng ovet Aou.Thot's when Llour dreoms

W¡ll oll come true.

Reoch for the stors.

Reoch far the stors.

Follow Aour heort's des¡te.

Reach fot the stors

And when thot rdinbow's

Sh¡ning aver Aau.Thdt's when gour dtexnts

W¡ll oll come true.

We've 9ot to olt stick togeiher.

Good friends, there for eoch other.

Ilever ever forget thot I got UouAnd Uou got me.

=_-i lMotch the instructions to the pictures. j l-. J

Recipe for toffee apples "


90 g sl.qar 1nl r,urcgar. I6 aff les /0 g bmrcr I

;1*Rk*s***:**iPush :,r s¡ick i¡r¡o each apple.

lv{ix the sugar, butrer, r'inegar anclwetcr iD a sauceFan.Hcat ancl sti¡ thc ¡offée.

. I r rhe ,' lre, : I pre.orr rl-r .l ir,ctray ancl rvait.Eat l,hcn the tr¡ffee applcs are coldand harcl.

cl Dip thc apples in the tolfee.

e Put a little r¡il on:r baking tral'.

f Boil the to*!e fc¡r 10 minutcs.

Ask an.rdult to heh, voLr.