
Woman’s Era September (Second) 2014 55 “Donʼt limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” – Mary Kay Ash E mpowering women is the most talked and discussed topic and to tackle the issue of women empowerment in India CII commissioned a study for understanding the level of empowerment at the workplace and has conduc- ted interactive workshops to sensitise workforce on gender equality. The powerful woman of CII shared with WE her stories and ideas for empowering women. Manpreet Brar Wallia was crowned Miss India – 1995, and also won Miss Universe First Runner- Up crown in 1995 in Namibia. After winning the crown she chose a career in television and fashion. She has hosted and anchored numerous popular TV shows. She won the Mahila Shiromani Award for Excellence in oneʼs chosen field in 1996 and was also given the National Unity Award of the Council of Economic Development in 1995. As a vice-chairwoman of Indian Women Network and director of the Walsons Group, Wallia is actively involved in all strategic decisions on financial, real estate and legal matters. Excerpts After becoming Miss Universe in 1995 how did you avoid the temptation to do films? I never believed in doing things just for doing. Thatʼs how it should be. I believe in doing things that I like. I always enjoyed the medium of television. How did you get involved with Indian Women Network? I was part of CII. I was also a part of young ladies organisation for 4 years and I feel privileged to be a part of this organisation. There are people whom the young generation needs to see, who have made it from nothing. The stories of such people inspire others.The women who inspire me are women who in spite of all odds managed to follow their dreams. Who is the most influential person in your life? There are different women that I admire for different reasons. I feel fortunate to be brought up in a family where there was no gender bias. I give credit to my parents to expect nothing less from me. I always make sure that there is complete gender equality between my kids because I donʼt want my daughter to grow up with a feeling that there are things that she cannot do that a boy can do, and to my boy my message is always to treat women with respect and they can do anything that you can do. You have been married for so many years. How do you maintain balance between your personal and professional life? There has been time when I chose to do more work. When my first baby was born I took leave for three months and resumed work later. I had flexible work schedule according to my comfort zone. After my second baby was born I decided to spend more time with my kids and took break for two-three years and I enjoyed the time and after that I decided to get back to work. What is Indian Women Networkʼs next three-year plan under your guidance? There are so many different aspects and the main idea of IWN is to enable women in all fields and achieve their potential. There are few essentials to do. I feel there is need to change the mindset, ensure safety and security of women, gender equality, equal opportunities, policy change and training of women. These are long-term objectives which I would like to focus on. What message would you like to give to the young women aspirants who want to become like you? First of all, it is important to follow your passion and dream. If you want to succeed in any sphere you got to have that attitude of achieving. You may fail but at least give a try. When I went for audition for the first time, I got rejected but I had a belief that I can do it. So, the path opened up. The way to empower women. By Megha Jetley SURMOUNTING THE SNAG Manpreet Brar Walia, Vice-Chairwoman, IWN and Director, the Walsons Group. We

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Woman’s Era ● September (Second) 2014 55

“Donʼt limit yourself. Many peoplelimit themselves to what they thinkthey can do. You can go as far asyour mind lets you. What you believe,remember, you can achieve.”

– Mary Kay Ash

Empowering women is themost talked and discussedtopic and to tackle the issueof women empowerment inIndia CII commissioned astudy for understanding thelevel of empowerment at theworkplace and has conduc -ted interactive work shops tosensitise workforce on

gender equality. The powerful womanof CII shared with WE her stories andideas for empowering women.

Manpreet Brar Wallia wascrowned Miss India – 1995, and alsowon Miss Universe First Runner- Upcrown in 1995 in Namibia. Afterwinning the crown she chose acareer in television and fashion.She has hosted and anchorednumerous popular TV shows. Shewon the Mahila Shiromani Award forExcellence in oneʼs chosen field in1996 and was also given the NationalUnity Award of the Council ofEconomic Development in 1995. As avice-chairwoman of Indian WomenNetwork and director of the WalsonsGroup, Wallia is actively involved inall strategic decisions on financial,real estate and legal matters.

ExcerptsAfter becoming Miss Universe

in 1995 how did you avoid thetemptation to do films?

I never believed in doing things

just for doing. Thatʼs how it shouldbe. I believe in doing things that I like.I always enjoyed the medium oftelevision.

How did you get involved withIndian Women Network?

I was part of CII. I was also a partof young ladies organisation for4 years and I feel privileged to be apart of this organisation. There arepeople whom the young generationneeds to see, who have made it fromnothing. The stories of such peopleinspire others.The women whoinspire me are women who in spiteof all odds managed to follow theirdreams.

Who is the most influentialperson in your life?

There are different women that Iadmire for different reasons. I feelfortunate to be brought up in a familywhere there was no gender bias. Igive credit to my parents to expectnothing less from me. I always makesure that there is complete genderequality between my kids because Idonʼt want my daughter to grow upwith a feeling that there are thingsthat she cannot do that a boy can do,and to my boy my message is alwaysto treat women with respect and theycan do anything that you can do.

You have been married for somany years. How do you maintainbalance between your personaland professional life?

There has been time when I choseto do more work. When my first babywas born I took leave for threemonths and resumed work later. I had

flexible work schedule according tomy comfort zone. After my secondbaby was born I decided to spendmore time with my kids and tookbreak for two-three years and Ienjoyed the time and after that Idecided to get back to work.

What is Indian WomenNetworkʼs next three-year planunder your guidance?

There are so many differentaspects and the main idea of IWN isto enable women in all fields andachieve their potential. There are fewessentials to do. I feel there is needto change the mindset, ensure safetyand security of women, genderequality, equal opportunities, policychange and training of women.These are long-term objectives whichI would like to focus on.

What message would you liketo give to the young womenaspirants who want to become likeyou?

First of all, it is important to followyour passion and dream. If you wantto succeed in any sphere you got tohave that attitude of achieving. Youmay fail but at least give a try. When Iwent for audition for the first time, Igot rejected but I had a belief that Ican do it. So, the path opened up.

The way to empower women.By Megha Jetley


Manpreet Brar Walia, Vice-Chairwoman, IWN and Director, the Walsons Group.
