surgical expertise helps woman overcome complex abdominal problems

@ V1 ~ o f- U o o I o o 00 I Surgical Expertise HELPS WOMAN OVERCOME Complex Abdominal oblems Keyport resident Nicole Caddie hashad her fair shareof medical procedures. Over the years, she has undergone gallbladder surgery,a hysterectomy, a bowel resection, and a number of hernia repair surgeries- all of which took a natural toll on her core muscles. With the added strain of delivering her four children, Nicole's abdominal wall was extremely weak. So when the 66-year-old began feeling new hernias - bulges of tissue in weak areasof the abdominal wall- in January 2012,she wasn't surprised. Thankfully, she found a solution at BayshoreCommunity Hospital. "In the past, my body rejected the synthetic mesh typically used to repair hernias, which caused severe infections and had to be removed. Becausemy casewas so complex, my doctor referred me to a new specialist at Bayshore,"Nicole says. "I had been dealing with hernias for more than 30 years and was ready to nip the problem in the bud." An Advanced Approach Nicole was referred to Lauren Fischer, M.D., FACS,a general surgeon who specializes in many types of advanced hernia repair. Dr. Fischer performed imaging tests and found that Nicole's abdominal muscles were completely displaced to her sides. She had no core muscles to support the strain of everyday life, such ascarrying groceries or getting out of bed. As a Bayshore Community Hospital has added 130 _iiiiiii••••• ioo new physicians to our staff, expanded our emergency services, added new surgical specialties ...and there's more to come. Read more at . E o u .s: .±:: ro Q) I c ro "0 •... Q) 2 14 ~-- .. -~===='=~ result, she no longer had the structure to hold in the hernias. Without repair, these hernias would continue to grow. "Although we perform hernia repair surgery of all kinds, Nicole required a more specialized, multi- disciplinary approach," Dr. Fischer explains. "In order to repair her hernias,we needed to completely reconstruct her abdominal wall." Dr. Fischercalled on board certified plastic surgeon Asaad Samra,M.D.,FACS,to collaborate on Nicole's surgery.During the complex operation, Dr. Fischerreduced the hernias and Dr. Samramoved Nicole's abdominal muscles to reconstruct her abdominal wall, reinforcing her weakened muscles with biologic, not synthetic, mesh. "This surgerywasthe first of its kind performed at Bayshore,"Dr.Fischer says."It's anexample of the types of highly specialized hernia repair options we provide. This allows our community to havemany advancedtreatment options closer to home." After a complex procedure to repair her hernias, Nicole Caddie is feeling great and enjoying her grandchildren. Lauren J. Fischer, M.D. Board certified in General Surgery Holmdel. 732-847-3300 Asaad H. Samra, M.D. Board certified in Plastic Surgery Holmdel. 732-739-2100 Dr.Fischeradds that Bayshorenow also offers minimally invasive hernia repair options and other advanced techniques for people with all types and severities of hernias. A Long-Term Solution Nicole's surgery was a spectacular success.Now she'shappy to be performing everyday activities again, like playing with her grandchildren, Amelia and Dominick. "I haven't had a problem with hernias since my surgery - the first time in years," Nicole says."I had absolutely wonderful surgeons."

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Post on 14-Jul-2015



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Surgical ExpertiseHELPS WOMAN OVERCOMEComplex Abdominal oblems

Keyport resident Nicole Caddiehas had her fair share of medicalprocedures. Over the years, she hasundergone gallbladder surgery, ahysterectomy, a bowel resection,and a number of hernia repairsurgeries - all of which took anatural toll on her core muscles.With the added strain of deliveringher four children, Nicole's abdominalwall was extremely weak. So whenthe 66-year-old began feeling newhernias - bulges of tissue in weakareasof the abdominal wall- inJanuary 2012,she wasn't surprised.Thankfully, she found a solution atBayshoreCommunity Hospital.

"In the past, my body rejectedthe synthetic mesh typically used torepair hernias, which caused severeinfections and had to be removed.Becausemy casewas so complex,my doctor referred me to a newspecialist at Bayshore,"Nicole says."I had been dealing with hernias formore than 30 years and was ready tonip the problem in the bud."

An Advanced ApproachNicole was referred to Lauren Fischer,M.D., FACS,a general surgeon whospecializes in many types of advancedhernia repair. Dr. Fischer performedimaging tests and found that Nicole'sabdominal muscles were completelydisplaced to her sides. She had nocore muscles to support the strainof everyday life, such ascarryinggroceries or getting out of bed. As a

Bayshore CommunityHospital has added 130

_iiiiiii •••••ioo new physicians to our staff,expanded our emergency services,added new surgical specialties ... andthere's more to come. Read more .








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result, she no longer had the structureto hold in the hernias. Without repair,these hernias would continue to grow.

"Although we perform herniarepair surgery of all kinds, Nicolerequired a more specialized, multi-disciplinary approach," Dr. Fischerexplains. "In order to repair herhernias, we needed to completelyreconstruct her abdominal wall."

Dr. Fischer called on boardcertified plastic surgeon AsaadSamra,M.D., FACS,to collaborate onNicole's surgery. During the complexoperation, Dr. Fischer reduced thehernias and Dr. Samramoved Nicole'sabdominal muscles to reconstructher abdominal wall, reinforcing herweakened muscles with biologic, notsynthetic, mesh.

"This surgerywas the first of its kindperformed at Bayshore,"Dr. Fischersays."It's an example of the types ofhighly specialized hernia repair optionswe provide. This allows our communityto havemany advanced treatmentoptions closer to home."

After a complex procedure to repair herhernias, Nicole Caddie is feeling great

and enjoying her grandchildren.

Lauren J. Fischer, M.D.Board certified in General SurgeryHolmdel. 732-847-3300

Asaad H. Samra, M.D.Board certified in Plastic SurgeryHolmdel. 732-739-2100

Dr. Fischer adds that Bayshore nowalso offers minimally invasive herniarepair options and other advancedtechniques for people with all typesand severities of hernias.

A Long-Term SolutionNicole's surgery was a spectacularsuccess.Now she'shappy to beperforming everyday activities again,like playing with her grandchildren,Amelia and Dominick.

"I haven't had a problem withhernias since my surgery - the firsttime in years," Nicole says."I hadabsolutely wonderful surgeons."