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  • SURFCAMTutorial

    An Introduction to SURFCAM:

    A 2D Numerical Control Project

    Te c h E d C o n c e p t s , I n c . 5 5 0 Pe m b r o k e S t r e e t Pe m b r o k e , N H 0 3 2 7 5Tel. (800) 338-2238 Fax (603) 224-8324

    Web: E-mail: [email protected]

  • Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial 117

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    3.13 A 2D NC PROJECT

    1. Open a file and create a new Setup Section.2. Create a pocket.3. Create the toolpath.4. Verify the toolpath.5. Create the NC code.6. Transfer the NC code to the machine.

    3.13.1 Open a file and create a new setup section

    1. Open the original 2dribs.dsn file.

    Tip If you saved the dimensions you created in Create the dimensions on a design, page 79, press the delete key then click on each dimension to delete the dimensions.

  • 118 Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    2. Press CTRL+7 to change to Isometric view.

    3. Click the NC Operations Manager button on the SURFCAM toolbar to display the dialog box.

    4. Click the Add a new setup section to the project button on the toolbar of the NC Operations Manager dialog box.

  • Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial 119

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    5. Enter the name Setup Section Two.

    6. Highlight Setup Section Two in the NC Operations Tree and click the Done button.

    3.13.2 Select the machining mode and identify the geometry to cut

    1. Click the NC > 2 Axis > Pocket command.

    2. SURFCAM displays the NC > 2 Axis > Select Chain menu and prompts you to select the element to begin.Note Use the chain process to define the boundary on the part for the

    removal of material. The boundary defines the pocket.There are a number of different methods to chain the geometry to cut the pocket. Use the Auto command for the fastest method.

    Click the Select Chain > Auto command.

  • 120 Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    3. Click the Select > Visible command.

    4. After the geometry is highlighted, click the Select > Done command.

    5. Click the Select Chain > Done command.

    3.13.3 Create the toolpath

    After the geometry is identified, SURFCAM displays the 2 Axis Pocket dialog box.

    1. Click the Select Tool Button.

    2. Click the third button on the toolbar to select an Endmill tool.3. Select the .5 diameter 2 Flute Endmill tool.4. Click the OK button on the Select Mill Tool dialog box.5. Click the Select Material button.6. Select a material.7. Click the OK button on the Select Material dialog box.

  • Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial 121

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    8. Now click the Cut Control tab to define a depth to cut the pocket toolpath.

    The values in the On Sides column refer to movements in the X and Y directions.The values in the In Z column refer to movements in the Z direction.

    Pocket Depth


  • 122 Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    9. Enter the Pocket Depth of 0.5 and enter the Increment Value of 0.25 for equal passes as shown in the previous figure.

    10. Click the Plunge button.

    11. Select the Helical option for the Plunge Type.

    12. Click the OK button on the 2 Axis Pocket dialog box.13. A prompt tells you to click the inside of a pocket. Click the inside of any one of

    the pockets.Tip SURFCAM draws the toolpath in all pockets that the .5 diameter 2

    Flute Endmill tool can fit in because you clicked the Select Chain > Auto > Visible command.

  • Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial 123

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    14. SURFCAM creates the toolpath. You can see that the tool was not the correct size to cut the smallest pocket.

    15. When the Keep Operation dialog box is displayed, click the Accept button.

    Demo Version ReminderYou cannot save a toolpath in the Demo Version of SURFCAM.

  • 124 Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    3.13.4 Verify the toolpath

    1. Click the NC Operations Manager button on the SURFCAM toolbar to display the dialog box.

    2. You cannot save a toolpath in the Demo version. Highlight the Pocket operation Setup Section One so that the example is correct for any version of SURFCAM that you use.

    Note The toolpath that you created is displayed in bold print because that toolpath is visible on your screen.

    OptionalHighlight the toolpath that you created in Setup Section Two.Click the Hide Toolpath button. The toolpath is no longer visible.Highlight again the Pocket operation in Setup Section One.

  • Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial 125

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    3. Click the Run SURFCAM Verify button.

    4. The Integrated Verify menu is displayed. Click the Add Model button.

    5. The Add/Modify Model dialog box is displayed. Click the Use Bounding Box button.

    6. Click the Add button.

    7. Click the Verify button.

  • 126 Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    8. The part is now contained in a solid box of material.

    9. Click the Start button.

    10. SURFCAM simulates the cut of the part. See the Slider Bar in the graphic.Move the tab to the left or to the right any time during the verification.

    Move the tab to the right for a faster verification. Move the tab to the left for a slower verification so that you can get a better view of a section.

    11. Exit the Verify program when the verification is complete.

  • Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial 127

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    3.13.5 Create the NC code

    1. Open the NC Operation Manager dialog box.2. Make sure that the 2 Axis Pocket toolpath is

    highlighted in the NC Operations Tree.3. Select a machine from the list on the right of the dialog box.4. Click the Post button.5. SURFCAM displays the NC code in the NC Editor program.

    After you edit this file, you can transfer the code to the machine. Keep the editor window open for the next section.

  • 128 Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    3.13.6 Transfer the NC code

    You can use the SURFCAM DNC (SDNC) program to transfer the NC code to the machine.1. Click the SDNC button on the NC Editor toolbar. The SDNC II dialog box

    is displayed.

    2. Click the Communicate > Download > To: Sample Machine command.

    3. Click the Connect button.

  • Chapter 3 The SURFCAM Tutorial 129

    Copyright 2002 by Surfware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    4. Click the Transmit button.

    5. Note the number of Characters that were transmitted and the Time Elapsed.

    6. See the online SURFCAM DNC chapter for complete information about SDNC.

    Welcome to SURFCAMHow to Use the Acrobat ReaderTable of ContentsGet StartedIntroduction to SURFCAM1.1 Welcome to SURFCAM1.2 About SURFCAM1.3 The Product Notes1.4 Installation1.4.1 The Software Interface Module (SIM)1.4.2 The License File

    1.5 Start SURFCAM and SURFCAM Solids1.6 SURFCAM User Interface1.6.1 The Main menu bar1.6.2 The SURFCAM toolbar1.6.3 The Status bar

    1.7 The Online Manual1.7.1 Manual conventions1.7.2 Cross references1.7.3 Shortcut keys

    1.8 SURFCAM Help1.8.1 Use the help file for a reference1.8.1.1 Table of Contents Example1.8.1.2 Video Clip example1.8.1.3 Index Example

    1.8.2 Use the context-sensitive help1.8.3 Close the help file

    How To Use SURFCAM2.1 Introduction2.2 Create the part design2.2.1 Use the SURFCAM Solids program2.2.2 Use the SURFCAM Create menu2.2.3 Use the designs from other programs

    2.3 Create the toolpaths2.3.1 Open the DSN file2.3.2 Identify the part geometry2.3.3 Assign the toolpath parameter values2.3.3.1 The Tool Information tab2.3.3.2 The Cut Control tab2.3.3.3 The Options tab

    2.3.4 Create and display the toolpath

    2.4 Manage the toolpaths2.4.1 Verify the toolpaths2.4.2 Edit the toolpaths

    2.5 Create the CNC code2.6 Communicate with the NC machine

    The SURFCAM TutorialPart 1: Display, Color Scheme, and Dimension Tips3.1 The SURFCAM display buttons3.2 Work with colors3.2.1 Edit a Color3.2.2 Create a new element in a new color3.2.3 Work with the Color Schemes3.2.3.1 Open a file3.2.3.2 Change the color scheme3.2.3.3 Create a new color scheme3.2.3.4 Edit a color scheme

    3.3 Create the dimensions on a design3.3.1 Open a file3.3.2 Linear dimensions3.3.3 Create a radius dimension3.3.4 Create some additional dimensions

    Part 2: Design a Part with SURFCAM3.4 Create a 2D part design3.4.1 Create the geometry3.4.1.1 Create a rectangle3.4.1.2 Create a circle

    3.4.2 Edit the geometry3.4.3 Save the file

    3.5 Create a cross section surface3.5.1 Open a file3.5.2 Create the surface through the cross sections

    3.6 Create a drive curve surface3.6.1 Open a file3.6.2 Create the surface

    3.7 Create 2 fillet surfaces3.7.1 Open a file3.7.2 Constant fillet radius3.7.3 Variable fillet radius

    3.8 Two challenge designs

    Part 3: Machine the Part3.9 Single surface machining3.9.1 Open a file3.9.2 Create a cut toolpath

    3.10 Multiple surface machining3.10.1 Open a file3.10.2 Create a planar toolpath

    3.11 Z Rough machining3.11.1 Open a file3.11.2 Create the toolpath

    3.12 NC Operations Manager tools3.12.1 Open a lathe file3.12.2 Set the View Indicator for a lathe operation3.12.3 Set the tool speed3.12.4 Open the NC Operations Manager dialog box3.12.4.1 Display the toolpath3.12.4.2 Edit the toolpath information3.12.4.3 Display the other lathe toolpaths

    3.12.5 Set the View Indicator for mill operations3.12.6 Set the tool speed

    Part 4: A Complete Project3.13 A 2D NC project3.13.1 Open a file and create a new setup section3.13.2 Select the machining mode and identify the geometry to cut3.13.3 Create the toolpath3.13.4 Verify the toolpath3.13.5 Create the NC code3.13.6 Transfer the NC code

    DesignChapter 4 Menus and Dialog BoxesPart 1: Menus4.1 Introduction4.2 Common Menus4.2.1 The Select Menu4.2.2 The Select Chain Menu4.2.2.1 Where Chaining is Encountered4.2.2.2 Chaining Closed Curves4.2.2.3 Branch Points

    4.2.3 The Select Point Menu4.2.4 The Vector Menu

    Part 2: Dialog Boxes4.3 Introduction4.4 The Basic Dialog Boxes4.5 The Status Bar Dialog Boxes4.5.1 The Views Dialog Box4.5.2 The Layers Dialog Box4.5.3 Coordinates Dialog Box4.5.4 The Mask Selection Settings Dialog Box4.5.5 The Depth Dialog Box

    Chapter 5 Create the Designs5.1 Use the SURFCAM Solids program5.2 Use the designs from other programs5.3 Use the SURFCAM Create menu5.3.1 Point5.3.2 Points5.3.3 Line5.3.4 Arc5.3.5 Circle5.3.6 Fillet5.3.7 Chamfer5.3.8 Spline

    Chapter 6 Create the Surfaces6.1 Introduction6.1.1 Special Menus6.1.2 Surface Editing6.1.3 Analyzing Surfaces

    6.2 Points6.3 Cross Section6.3.1 Synchronize Elements6.3.2 Synchronize With Connecting Lines6.3.3 Four Curve Surface Using Grid

    6.4 Drive Curve6.4.1 Cross Section Geometry6.4.1.1 2D Cross Section6.4.1.2 3D Cross Section

    6.4.2 Chaining Direction6.4.3 Attachment Points6.4.3.1 2D Cross Sections6.4.3.2 3D Cross Sections

    6.4.4 Directing Curves6.4.4.1 Tilt with 2D Cross Sections6.4.4.2 Tilt with 3D Cross Sections

    6.4.5 Cross Section Blending

    6.5 Offset6.6 Fillet6.7 Composite6.8 Primitives6.8.1 Cylinder6.8.2 Cone6.8.3 Sphere6.8.4 Torus6.8.5 Wedge6.8.6 Cuboid6.8.7 Plane

    6.9 Revolution6.10 Extrude6.11 Blend6.11.1 Blend Options6.11.1.1 Blending Two Surfaces6.11.1.2 Blending Four Surfaces

    6.11.2 Blend Example

    6.12 Trim Plane6.13 Options

    Chapter 7 Design Utilities7.1 Create Menu7.1.1 View7.1.2 Text/Dimension7.1.3 Vector

    7.2 The Analyze menu7.2.1 Angle7.2.2 Distance7.2.3 Min/Max7.2.4 Elements7.2.5 Location7.2.6 Tangency7.2.7 Surface Points7.2.8 Curvature

    7.3 The Display menu7.3.1 The Shade Menu

    7.4 The Options menu7.4.1 Colors7.4.2 Display7.4.3 Tolerances7.4.4 Units7.4.5 Axis7.4.6 NC Settings7.4.7 Password7.4.8 Create7.4.9 Snap & Grid7.4.9.1 The General Pointers7.4.9.2 The Pencil Pointers7.4.9.3 Snap & Grid

    7.5 The File menu7.5.1 New7.5.2 Open7.5.3 Save7.5.4 Save As7.5.5 Send To7.5.6 Print7.5.7 Print Setup7.5.8 Plot

    7.6 Special Design Programs7.6.1 Gear Data Files (*.gr)7.6.2 Involute Data Files (*.inv)7.6.3 CAM Profile Data Files (*.cm)

    Chapter 8 Edit the Designs8.1 Color8.2 Flip Element8.3 Trim/Break8.3.1 Trim/Break Definitions8.3.2 Trim/Break Boundaries8.3.3 Extensions of elements8.3.4 Projection of an element8.3.5 Trim/Break lines, splines, and arcs8.3.6 Trim/Break lines, splines, and arcs to a location8.3.7 Trim/Break a surface to a line, a spline, a surface edge or an arc8.3.8 Trim/Break a surface to another surface8.3.9 Trim/Break a surface to a location8.3.10 Trimming with Keep Segment and Delete Segment8.3.11 Trimming with AutoTrim8.3.12 Breaking with Auto Break

    8.4 Increment8.5 Splines8.6 Surfaces8.7 Polylines8.8 Tangency8.9 Join8.10 Extend8.11 Text/Dimension8.12 Control Points8.13 The Transform Menu8.13.1 Distance8.13.2 Location8.13.3 Rotate8.13.4 Scale8.13.5 Scale XYZ8.13.6 Mirror8.13.7 To View8.13.8 Offset8.13.8.1 Offsetting Lines, Arcs and Circles8.13.8.2 Offsetting Chained Geometry8.13.8.3 Offsetting Splines

    8.13.9 Transform Copy Dialog Box

    8.14 The Delete Menu8.14.1 Single, Within, Intersect, Visible8.14.2 Duplicate8.14.3 Styles8.14.4 Chain8.14.5 Undelete Last8.14.6 Undelete All

    NC MachiningChapter 9 Common NC Parameters9.1 Introduction9.2 Tool Information Tab9.2.1 Tool Libraries9.2.1.1 The Select Tool functions9.2.1.2 The Select Tool dialog box9.2.1.3 Edit or Add a Tool with SURFCAM9.2.1.4 Edit or Add a Tool with Microsoft Access9. The Convert / Open Database dialog box Add a Tool Table

    9.2.2 The Material Library9.2.2.1 Select Material9.2.2.2 Edit or Add a Material

    9.2.3 Inline Text

    9.3 The Cut Control tab9.3.1 Leadin/Leadout Parameters for 3, 4 and 5 Axis9.3.2 Plunge Parameters for 2, 3, 4 and 5 Axis

    9.4 The Options Tab

    Chapter 10 Common NC Operations10.1 Mill/Turn Machining10.1.1 Tool Information Tab10.1.2 The Cut Control Tab10.1.3 Options Tab

    10.2 Drill and Hole Processing10.2.1 Prepare the drawing10.2.2 The drill operation10.2.2.1 Mask Selection Settings10.2.2.2 The Hole Processing menu10.2.2.3 The Hole Processing toolbar10.2.2.4 The Process tab10.2.2.5 The Locations tab

    10.3 Project10.3.1 Begin The Project Operation10.3.2 Complete The Project Operation10.3.2.1 Tool Information Tab10.3.2.2 Cut Control Tab10.3.2.3 Options Tab

    10.4 Tool Containment10.4.1 The Patch Option10.4.2 The Spline Option10.4.2.1 A single closed spline defines the area10.4.2.2 A set of closed splines defines the area10.4.2.3 A single open spline defines the area10.4.2.4 A set of separate open splines defines the area

    10.4.3 The Both Option10.4.4 An Example with an Intersect Spline

    10.5 Pattern Slicing with the Z Range filter

    Chapter 11 2 Axis11.1 2 Axis Menu11.1.1 The Tool Information Tab11.1.2 The Cut Control Tab11.1.2.1 Leadin and Leadout Parameters for 2 Axis Operations11.1.2.2 Leadin and Leadout Parameters for the Face Mill Operation

    11.1.3 Material Tab11.1.4 The Options Tab

    11.2 Pocket11.2.1 Use Pocket To Remove The Material Near the Material Boundary11.2.2 The Pocket Cut Modes11.2.3 Pocketing Examples

    11.3 Contour11.3.1 Remove the Material Near and Up to the Material Boundary11.3.2 Open and Closed Boundary Considerations11.3.3 Contour Examples

    11.4 Contour 3D11.5 Drill11.6 Pilot Hole11.7 Face Mill11.8 Rest Material11.9 Thread Mill11.9.1 Tool Information Tab11.9.2 Cut Control Tab11.9.3 2 Axis Options Tab

    11.10 Options11.11 Advanced Procedures 2 Axis11.11.1 Tapered Walls11.11.2 Multiple Island Depths11.11.3 Construction View Machining

    Chapter 12 3 Axis12.1 3 Axis Menu12.1.1 The Tool Information Tab12.1.2 The Cut Control Tab12.1.3 The Options Tab

    12.2 Cut12.3 Project12.4 Z Rough12.4.1 Tool Information Tab Z Rough12.4.2 Cut Control Tab Z Rough12.4.3 Z Rough Pocket Options Tab12.4.4 3 Axis Options Tab Z Rough

    12.5 Z Finish12.5.1 Tool Information Tab Z Finish12.5.2 Cut Control Tab Z Finish12.5.3 Z Finish Options Tab12.5.4 3 Axis Options Tab Z Finish

    12.6 Planar12.6.1 Tool Information Tab Planar12.6.2 Cut Control Tab Planar12.6.3 3 Axis Options Tab Planar

    12.7 Contour 3D12.8 Drill12.9 Pilot Hole12.10 Auto Rough12.10.1 Tool Information Tab Auto Rough12.10.2 Control Tab Auto Rough12.10.3 3 Axis Options Tab Auto Rough

    12.11 REST Material12.12 Pencil Cut12.12.1 Tool Information Tab Pencil Cut12.12.2 Cut Control Tab Pencil Cut12.12.3 3 Axis Options Tab Pencil Cut

    12.13 Plunge Rough12.13.1 Tool Information Tab Plunge Rough12.13.2 Cut Control Tab Plunge Rough12.13.3 3 Axis Options Tab Plunge Rough

    12.14 Options

    Chapter 13 4 Axis and 5 Axis13.1 4 and 5 Axis Menus13.1.1 The Tool Information Tab13.1.2 The Cut Control Tab13.1.3 The Options Tab

    13.2 The Cut Operation13.2.1 Begin the Cut Operation13.2.2 The Cut Tool Information Tab13.2.3 The Cut Control Tab13.2.4 The Cut Options Tab13.2.5 Complete the Cut Operation

    13.3 The Project Operation13.4 The Swarf Operation13.4.1 Begin the Swarf Operation13.4.2 The Swarf Tool Information Tab13.4.3 The Swarf Cut Control Tab13.4.4 The Swarf Options Tab13.4.5 Complete the Swarf Operation

    13.5 The Contour Operation13.5.1 Begin the Contour Operation13.5.2 The Contour Tool Information Tab13.5.3 The Contour Cut Control Tab13.5.4 The Contour Options Tab13.5.5 Complete the Contour Operation13.5.5.1 Four Axis Contour Examples13.5.5.2 5 Axis Contour Examples

    13.6 The Trim Operation13.6.1 Begin the Trim Operation13.6.2 The Trim Tool Information Tab13.6.3 The Trim Cut Control Tab13.6.4 The Trim Options Tab13.6.5 Complete the Trim Operation

    13.7 The Drill Operation13.8 The Set Axis Operation13.8.1 NC 4 Axis Special Considerations13.8.1.1 Set Axis for 4 Axis13.8.1.2 Rotary Axis Zero13.8.1.3 Indexing Operations13.8.1.4 Simultaneous Axis Motion

    13.8.2 NC 5 Axis Special Considerations13.8.2.1 Set Axis for 5 Axis

    13.9 The Options Tab13.10 Graphic Tool Display

    Chapter 14 Lathe14.1 Lathe Menu14.1.1 General Information14.1.2 Configure the Lathe View14.1.3 Tool Information Tab14.1.3.1 Select a Lathe Tool14.1.3.2 Edit or Add a Lathe Tool14.1.3.3 Select a Lathe Drill Tool14.1.3.4 Edit or Add a Lathe Drill Tool

    14.1.4 The Turn Control Tab14.1.5 Lathe Options Tab

    14.2 Turn14.3 Face14.4 Face Off14.5 Groove14.6 Thread14.7 Drill14.8 Partoff14.9 Options

    Chapter 15 Wire EDM15.1 Wire EDM Menu15.2 2 Axis XY (EDM Contour)15.2.1 Tool Information Tab15.2.2 Cut Control Tab15.2.3 Skim Cut Tab15.2.4 EDM Options Tab

    15.3 4 Axis15.3.1 Tool Information Tab15.3.1.1 Select an EDM Tool15.3.1.2 Edit or Add an EDM Tool

    15.3.2 The Cut Control Tab15.3.3 EDM Options Tab

    15.4 4 Axis UV Trim15.5 Options

    Chapter 16 NC Operations Manager16.1 NC Operations Manager dialog box16.2 NC Operations tree16.2.1 Edit an operation name16.2.2 Edit an operation16.2.2.1 Properties16.2.2.2 Edit Parameters16.2.2.3 Regenerate Toolpath and Reselect Geometry16.2.2.4 Regenerate Toolpath with Original Geometry

    16.2.3 Edit a merged operation16.2.4 Edit a transformed operation16.2.5 Edit a project or a setup section16.2.5.1 Information tab16.2.5.2 Stock and Fixture tabs

    16.3 NC Operations Manager toolbar16.3.1 Customize the toolbar16.3.2 Move16.3.3 Add, Split, Create, and Merge16.3.4 General Edit16.3.5 Create Setup Sheet16.3.6 Transform16.3.6.1 Translate16.3.6.2 Rotate16.3.6.3 Scale Uniform16.3.6.4 Scale XYZ16.3.6.5 Mirror16.3.6.6 Rectangular Array16.3.6.7 Circular Array16.3.6.8 Indexed Array16.3.6.9 Wrap Cylinder16.3.6.10 Reverse

    16.3.7 Edit NC Toolpaths16.3.7.1 Select the Instruction16.3.7.2 Edit16.3.7.3 Insert16.3.7.4 Delete16.3.7.5 Done

    16.3.8 View Toolpath16.3.9 ICD Extract16.3.10 Import Files or Convert Operations

    16.4 NC Post list16.5 NC Filter list box16.6 NCD Folders

    ReferenceChapter 17 Configuration Tools17.1 Introduction17.1.1 Temporary Override of Default Values17.1.2 Change Default Values

    17.2 The System Options Tab17.3 The Display Options Tab17.4 The NC Options Tab17.5 The Plotter Options Tab17.6 The File Options Tab17.7 The System Files Tab17.8 The Default Paths Tab17.9 The Tolerances Tab17.10 The NC Default Paths Tab17.11 The Input Device Tab

    Chapter 18 Miscellaneous Utilities18.1 Introduction18.2 Set Default Version18.3 INC2APT18.4 FaroArm18.4.1 Setting Up FARO18.4.2 FARO Digitizer Dialog Box18.4.3 File Menu18.4.4 Options Menu18.4.5 Definition Dialog Boxes18.4.5.1 Define Plane18.4.5.2 Define Plane Location

    18.4.6 Digitize Startup18.4.7 Digitize Menu

    18.5 Input Devices18.5.1 Digtab18.5.2 SpaceBall18.5.3 SpaceMouse

    Chapter 19 SURFCAM VerifyPart 1: Integrated Verify19.1 Introduction19.2 Wireframe Mode19.3 Verify Mode19.4 Verify Menu Bar19.4.1 File Menu19.4.2 Model Menu19.4.3 View Menu19.4.4 Verify Menu19.4.5 u Inspect Menu19.4.6 Options Menu19.4.7 Help Menu

    19.5 Verify Toolbar

    Part 2: Stand-alone SURFCAM Verify19.6 Stand-alone Verify19.6.1 CMS (Common Model Structure)19.6.2 Machining Simulation & Modeling19.6.2.1 Animation19.6.2.2 Solid19.6.2.3 Animation + Solid19.6.2.4 Turbo Solid Modeling for 3-axis Surface Milling

    19.6.3 Machine Tools19.6.4 Tooling19.6.5 Stock19.6.6 CNC Program Translators and Reverse Posts

    19.7 Getting Started19.7.1 Start SURFCAM Verify19.7.2 Screen Layout19.7.2.1 View Rotation19.7.2.2 Shortcut Menu19.7.2.3 Status Bar

    19.7.3 Toolbars19.7.3.1 File Bar19.7.3.2 Edit Bar19.7.3.3 Process Bar (VCR Buttons) View Bar19.7.3.5 Inspection Bar19.7.3.6 Tool (Panel) Bar19. Control Panel19. Status Panel19. CNC Panel

    19.7.4 Menus19.7.4.1 File Menu19.7.4.2 Edit Menu19.7.4.3 View Menu19.7.4.4 Process Menu19.7.4.5 Inspection Menu19.7.4.6 Options Menu19.7.4.7 Windows Menu19.7.4.8 Help Menu

    19.7.5 Preferences and Defaults

    19.8 Machine Setup19.8.1 Overview19.8.1.1 Creating a machine definition

    19.8.2 Machine Setup19.8.2.1 Machine Datum19.8.2.2 Axis Travel Envelope

    19.8.3 Machine Setup: Control Tab19.8.4 Machine Setup: Travels Tab19.8.5 Machine Setup: Time Params 1 Tab19.8.6 Machine Setup: Time Params 2 Tab19.8.7 Machine Setup: Rotary Axis Tab

    19.9 Job Setup19.9.1 Open Job19.9.1.1 NC Program Tab19.9.1.2 Machine Tab19.9.1.3 Stock Tab19. Shape & Size Tab19. Location Tab19. Origin Tab19. Rotation Tab19. Verify Settings Tab Tool Tab19.9.1.5 Tool Definition Tab19.9.1.6 Tool Shank Tab (Milling Tools) Tool Holder Tab19.9.1.8 Tool Turret Tab (Lathe Tools Only)

    19.9.2 NTG Language

    19.10 Inspection19.10.1 Visual Checking19.10.1.1 View19.10.1.2 Tool, Stock & Fixture Colors19.10.1.3 Translucent19.10.1.4 Pan19.10.1.5 Zoom Views19.10.1.6 2D/3D Views19.10.1.7 3/4 Section19.10.1.8 Section

    19.10.2 Measurement19.10.3 Comparison with Design Model19.10.3.1 STL Compare19.10.3.2 Comparing STL file with Solid or Turbo Model

    19.11 Error Detection19.11.1 Tooling Collisions19.11.2 Syntax Checking

    19.12 Sample Jobs19.12.1 MILL.JOB19.12.1.1 Open File19.12.1.2 Set Up and Processing19.12.1.3 Viewing Errors19.12.1.4 Inspect the Part19.12.1.5 Check Dimensions19.12.1.6 Rotating and Zooming19.12.1.7 Cross Sections

    19.12.2 SURF.JOB19.12.2.1 Set Up and Process19.12.2.2 Inspect the Part19.12.2.3 STL Compare

    19.12.3 TOMBSTON.JOB19.12.4 BLADE.JOB19.12.5 LATHE.JOB

    19.13 STL Fix Utility19.13.1 Product Overview19.13.2 Installation and Execution19.13.3 Screen Layout19.13.4 Status Bar19.13.5 Toolbar19.13.6 Menus19.13.6.1 File Menu19.13.6.2 Edit Menu19.13.6.3 View Menu19.13.6.4 Options Menu19.13.6.5 Help Menu

    Part 3: Reverse Post

    Chapter 20 EditorPart 1: Editor Defaults20.1 Introduction20.2 Set Default Version UtilityDefault Explorer Editor20.3 Verify Program Default Editor20.4 PST WizardDefault Post Processing Editor

    Part 2: Predator Editor20.5 Introduction20.5.1 PEditor Overview20.5.2 Start the Editor20.5.2.1 From the Command Prompt20. Command Line Options20. Multiple Command Line Options20. Add a Command Line Option to the Windows Explorer When Starting Windows20.5.2.3 Start the Editor and Automatically Open a CNC Program

    20.5.3 Screen Elements20.5.3.1 Menus20.5.3.2 Toolbar20.5.3.3 Status Bar20.5.3.4 Context-Sensitive Help

    20.6 Editor Menus20.6.1 File Menu20.6.1.1 New20.6.1.2 Open20.6.1.3 Close20.6.1.4 Save20.6.1.5 Save As20.6.1.6 Save All20.6.1.7 Compare20.6.1.8 Find File20.6.1.9 Summary Information20.6.1.10 Templates20.6.1.11 Backplot20.6.1.12 Backplot Toolbar20.6.1.13 Backplot Menus20.6.1.14 Printer Setup20.6.1.15 Print20.6.1.16 List of Last Files Opened20.6.1.17 Exit

    20.6.2 Edit Menu20.6.2.1 Undo20.6.2.2 Redo20.6.2.3 Cut20.6.2.4 Copy20.6.2.5 Paste20.6.2.6 Select Tool20.6.2.7 Select To Bookmark20.6.2.8 Select All20.6.2.9 Find20.6.2.10 Replace20.6.2.11 Continue20.6.2.12 Goto20.6.2.13 Jump to Bookmark

    20.6.3 Insert Menu20.6.3.1 ASCII Code20.6.3.2 Block Skips20.6.3.3 Bookmark20.6.3.4 Comments20.6.3.5 Date20.6.3.6 End Of Blocks20.6.3.7 Expression20.6.3.8 File20.6.3.9 Sequence Numbers20.6.3.10 Spaces20.6.3.11 Time

    20.6.4 Delete Menu20.6.4.1 Block Skip Lines20.6.4.2 Truncate Comments20.6.4.3 End of Blocks20.6.4.4 Sequence Numbers20.6.4.5 Spaces20.6.4.6 Line20.6.4.7 Truncate Line

    20.6.5 NC Menu20.6.5.1 Next Tool Change20.6.5.2 Previous Tool Change20.6.5.3 Change Feed Rates20.6.5.4 Change Spindle Speeds20.6.5.5 Resequence20.6.5.6 Math Operations20.6.5.7 DNC Restart

    20.6.6 DNC Menu20.6.6.1 Send to CNC20.6.6.2 Receive from CNC20.6.6.3 Terminal20.6.6.4 Properties20. RS-232 Properties20. Events20. Translate

    20.6.7 Options Menu20.6.7.1 Toolbar20.6.7.2 Status Bar20.6.7.3 Background Color20.6.7.4 Text Color20.6.7.5 Font20.6.7.6 Backup Files

    20.6.8 Window Menu

    20.7 DNC Setup and Reference20.7.1 RS-232 Basics20.7.1.1 Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits and Stop Bits20.7.1.2 Flow Control20.7.1.3 Cable Installation20.7.1.4 Cabling20.7.1.5 Hardware Flow Control20.7.1.6 Cable Lengths20.7.1.7 DNC RS-232 Worksheet

    20.7.2 DNC Setups20.7.2.1 Anilam Crusader20.7.2.2 Bridgeport BOSS 3, 4, 5 and 620.7.2.3 Bridgeport BOSS 8, 9 and 1020.7.2.4 Centurion 520.7.2.5 Decitek Tape Punch20.7.2.6 DSI Tape Punch20.7.2.7 Dyna Mechtronics 2200 - 440020.7.2.8 Dynapath Delta 20 and 3020.7.2.9 Facit Tape Punch 4046 - 404720.7.2.10 Fadal CNC 88, HS and MP-3220.7.2.11 Fanuc Fanuc 3 / GN 320.7.2.13 Fanuc 6 and 9 / GN 6 and 920.7.2.14 Fanuc 10, 11, 12, and 1520.7.2.15 Fanuc 16, 18, 160 and 18020.7.2.16 Haas Mill and Lathe20.7.2.17 Heidenhain 145 - 41220.7.2.18 Maho 432 - 53220.7.2.19 Mazak M-32 and T-3220.7.2.20 Mazak M2 and T220.7.2.21 Okuma OSP 500 - 500020.7.2.22 Siemens 81020.7.2.23 Yasnac LX-1, MX-1 and MX- Yasnac LX-3 and MX-3

    20.7.3 Help Menu

    20.8 Tables20.8.1 Math Functions20.8.2 G and M Codes20.8.3 CNC Setups20.8.4 BTR Setups20.8.5 Editor Shortcuts20.8.6 ASCII Chart20.8.7 Worksheets

    Part 3: SURFCAM NC Editor20.9 Introduction20.10 Using the Editor20.11 Main Menu20.11.1 File Menu20.11.2 Edit Menu20.11.3 Search Menu20.11.4 Global Menu20.11.5 Calcs Menu20.11.6 Analysis20.11.7 Options Menu20.11.8 Window Menu20.11.9 Help Menu

    20.12 Toolbar20.13 Shortcut Keys20.14 File Formats20.14.1 UNIX Files20.14.2 Other File Formats

    Chapter 21 SURFCAM DNC21.1 Introduction21.2 SURFCAM DNC Procedure21.2.1 Step 1 - Gather information Regarding the Machine Tool Controller21.2.2 Step 2 - Add the Machine to the SURFCAM DNC Configuration File21.2.3 Step 3 - Configure the Machine Entry21.2.3.1 Files Specifications Tab21.2.3.2 Communication Tab21.2.3.3 Data Specifications Tab21.2.3.4 Filters Tab

    21.2.4 Step 4 - Download an NC Program

    21.3 SURFCAM DNC Reference21.3.1 File Menu21.3.2 Communicate Menu21.3.3 Configure Menu21.3.4 Help21.3.5 SURFCAM DNC II Dialog Box Buttons21.3.6 SURFCAM DNC II Status and Process

    21.4 SURFCAM DNC Other Considerations21.4.1 Configuration Options21.4.2 Hardware Connections21.4.3 Control Character List21.4.4 ASCII to EIA Translation

    Post ProcessorChapter 22 Post ProcessorPart 1: Introduction22.1 Introduction22.2 Post Processor Basics22.2.1 The Spost Post Processor22.2.1.1 Creating Spost Posts and FIL Files22.2.1.2 Running an Spost Post Processor22. Operations Tree22. Post List Box22. Starting Post Processing22. Post Processing Details Summary Spost Post Processing

    Part 2: MPost22.2.2 The MPOST Post Processor Package22.2.2.1 Creating an MPost Post File22.2.2.2 Running an MPOST Post Processor

    22.3 The SURFCAM.PST File22.3.1 PST BeginPost Sections22.3.2 PST PostItem Subsections22.3.3 PST File Commands, Variables and Switches22.3.4 Special PST File Commands

    22.4 Modify the PST File22.4.1 Post Menu Wizard22.4.2 Change the Default Post

    22.5 Filters22.5.1 Tool Path Smoother with the ArcFltr feature22.5.2 ArcFltrMx Filter22.5.3 NURB Filter22.5.4 ZRange Filter

    22.6 The Post Processor Configuration22.6.1 Inc Files

    22.7 POSTFORM Structure22.7.1 NC Code Format22.7.2 Comments22.7.3 Name22.7.4 Case Sensitivity22.7.5 Entry Types

    22.8 Structured Logic22.8.1 IF, ELSE, and ENDIF Statements22.8.1.1 Restrictions

    22.8.2 Operators22.8.3 The Set Command

    22.9 Word Address Formats: Mill, Lathe, EDM22.10 Commands22.11 Sequences22.11.1 Standard and Optional Sequences22.11.2 Canned Cycles

    22.12 Variables22.13 Global Variables22.14 Prompted Variables22.15 Tool Comment Variables22.16 4 Axis Wire EDM Cutting22.17 English / Metric Output22.17.1 INC File22.17.2 Word Address22.17.3 Inch/MM22.17.4 Unitmode22.17.5 POSTFORM Formatting

    22.18 Incremental Output22.18.1 Abs/Inc22.18.2 Mult22.18.3 Sub22.18.4 Incremental? Mill, Lathe, EDM22.18.5 Inc/Abs Mill, Lathe, EDM22.18.6 Incmode Mill, Lathe, EDM

    22.19 Subprogram Output22.19.1 RenumSubs? Mill22.19.2 Subs1st? Mill22.19.3 SubStart Mill22.19.4 SubEnd Mill22.19.5 SubCall Mill22.19.6 Between Mill22.19.7 Sub Mill22.19.8 Subline Mill22.19.9 Times Mill

    22.20 Block Number Output22.20.1 Word Address22.20.2 Commands Mill, Lathe, EDM22.20.3 Variables22.20.4 Suppressing Block Numbers

    22.21 Configuring the Post22.21.1 Configuration Files22.21.2 SURFCAM.LOG Files22.21.3 Foreign Language Support22.21.4 Machine Specific Output Folders22.21.4.1 PST File22.21.4.2 POSTFORM File

    22.22 Accessing the Post Processor22.22.1 Adding Posts22.22.2 SURFCAM File

    22.23 POST Sample Libraries22.23.1 Generic.M322.23.2 Generic.L22.23.3 Generic.E

    Part 3: Spost22.24 Spost Fil22.25 Spost Reference