surface buckling of phosphorene materials: determination, origin … · 2017-04-25 · surface...

Surface buckling of phosphorene materials: determination, origin and influence on electronic structure Zhongwei Dai, *,Wencan Jin, ,§ Jie-Xiang Yu, Maxwell Grady, Jerzy T. Sadowski, Young Duck Kim, ,k James Hone, Jiadong Zang, Richard M. Osgood, Jr., and Karsten Pohl Department of Physics and Materials Science Program, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire 03824, USA Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA §Current address: Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA kCurrent address: Department of Physics and Center for Humanities and Sciences, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Republic of Korea E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The surface structure of phosphorene crystals materials is determined using surface sensi- tive dynamical micro-spot low energy electron diffraction (μLEED) analysis using a high spa- tial resolution low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) system. Samples of (i ) crystalline cleaved black phosphorus (BP) at 300 K and (ii ) exfoliated few-layer phosphorene (FLP) of about 10 nm thicknes, which were annealed at 573 K in vacuum were studied. In both sam- ples, a significant surface buckling of 0.22 ˚ A and 0.30 ˚ A, respectively, is measured, which is one order of magnitude larger than previously re- ported. Using first principle calculations, the presence of surface vacancies is attributed not only to the surface buckling in BP and FLP, but also the previously reported intrinsic hole doping of phosphorene materials. Keywords Black Phosphorus, Phosphorene, μLEED- LEEM, Surface Buckling, Vacancies, Hole dop- ing Black phosphorus (BP), which in its mono- layer version is denoted as phosphorene, has recently had a rebirth as a new member of the family of the vigorously studied two- dimensional (2D) materials. It has attracted much attention due to its intriguing potential applications for modern electronics 1–4 and pho- tonics. 5,6 For example, BP exhibits an intrin- sic layer-dependent bandgap ranging from 0.3 eV (bulk) to 2 eV (monolayer), 7 which bridges the energy gap between graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). 8 This strong layer-dependent band gap presents a potential for an interesting set of integrated devices on a single supporting platform. Despite this surge of research in the applications of phospherene materials, much remains to be learned of its basic physical properties both from a device 1 arXiv:1704.06866v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 23 Apr 2017

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Page 1: Surface buckling of phosphorene materials: determination, origin … · 2017-04-25 · Surface buckling of phosphorene materials: determination, origin and in uence on electronic

Surface buckling of phosphorene materials:determination, origin and influence on electronic


Zhongwei Dai,∗,† Wencan Jin,‡,§ Jie-Xiang Yu,† Maxwell Grady,† Jerzy T.Sadowski,¶ Young Duck Kim,‡,‖ James Hone,‡ Jiadong Zang,† Richard M.

Osgood, Jr.,‡ and Karsten Pohl†

†Department of Physics and Materials Science Program, University of New Hampshire,Durham, New Hampshire 03824, USA

‡Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA¶Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York

11973, USA§Current address: Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

48109, USA‖Current address: Department of Physics and Center for Humanities and Sciences, Kyung

Hee University, Seoul 02447, Republic of Korea

E-mail: [email protected]


The surface structure of phosphorene crystalsmaterials is determined using surface sensi-tive dynamical micro-spot low energy electrondiffraction (µLEED) analysis using a high spa-tial resolution low energy electron microscopy(LEEM) system. Samples of (i) crystallinecleaved black phosphorus (BP) at 300 K and(ii) exfoliated few-layer phosphorene (FLP) ofabout 10 nm thicknes, which were annealed at573 K in vacuum were studied. In both sam-ples, a significant surface buckling of 0.22 A and0.30 A, respectively, is measured, which is oneorder of magnitude larger than previously re-ported. Using first principle calculations, thepresence of surface vacancies is attributed notonly to the surface buckling in BP and FLP,but also the previously reported intrinsic holedoping of phosphorene materials.


Black Phosphorus, Phosphorene, µLEED-LEEM, Surface Buckling, Vacancies, Hole dop-ing

Black phosphorus (BP), which in its mono-layer version is denoted as phosphorene, hasrecently had a rebirth as a new memberof the family of the vigorously studied two-dimensional (2D) materials. It has attractedmuch attention due to its intriguing potentialapplications for modern electronics1–4 and pho-tonics.5,6 For example, BP exhibits an intrin-sic layer-dependent bandgap ranging from 0.3eV (bulk) to 2 eV (monolayer),7 which bridgesthe energy gap between graphene and transitionmetal dichalcogenides (TMDs).8 This stronglayer-dependent band gap presents a potentialfor an interesting set of integrated devices on asingle supporting platform. Despite this surgeof research in the applications of phospherenematerials, much remains to be learned of itsbasic physical properties both from a device
















Page 2: Surface buckling of phosphorene materials: determination, origin … · 2017-04-25 · Surface buckling of phosphorene materials: determination, origin and in uence on electronic

and a fundamental physics perspective. Forexample, its basic surface lattice structure isnot well known, but is crucial both for predict-ing electronic properties and exploring phos-phorene based devices.

In fact to date, there is no consensus on theatomic structure of surface region of BP. Thecrystal structure of BP, as shown in Fig. 1,has a puckered honeycomb structure similar tothat of graphene.9 Two previous STM studiesof phosphorene10,11 have revealed some aspectsof the BP surface topography and observedan apparent height difference between the twosymmetrically equivalent atoms P1 and P2, asshown in Fig. 1 (d). While these STM measure-ments were not able to quantify the geometricalheight difference between P1 and P2, denotedas surface buckling, these studies did proposevery small surface buckling values, 0.02 A10 and0.06 A,11 based on first-principles calculations.In order to experimentally resolve the surfaceatomic structure of BP, there are two main chal-lenges for the characterization technique: it hasto be (i) non-destructive and sensitive to the3D atomic structure in the first few layers, and(ii) able to restrict the sampling area to a fewµm because many 2D materials including phos-phorene are commonly prepared as very limitedarea exfoliated flakes. Selected area micro-spotlow energy electron diffraction (µLEED) in alow energy electron microscope (LEEM), com-bined with dynamical intensity versus incomingelectron energy (LEED-IV ) calculations, is oneof the very few practical techniques to deter-mine the 3D surface structure and compositionof 2D materials with atomic resolution.12–16

In this letter, we present the first detailedexperimental atomic surface structure determi-nation of BP. We use LEEM and dynamicalµLEED-IV analysis to examine in-situ-cleavedbulk BP surface and mechanically-exfoliatedfew-layer phosphorene (FLP) flakes of about 10nm thickness. We measure the surface buck-ling for the two studied systems to be 0.22A and 0.30 A, respectively, which are one or-der of magnitude larger than two previously re-ported theoretical values. Finally we use first-principles calculations to identify that the pres-ence of surface vacancies is very likely the origin

Figure 1: (a), (b), (c): BP bulk crystal struc-ture. (d): sideview of BP and FLP relaxed sur-face structure. Dotted square in (b) indicatesthe unit cell of BP, containing 8 P atoms.

of not only the surface buckling in BP, but alsothe intrinsic hole doping of phosphorene thatwas reported previously.3,17

Our experiments were carried out on theElmitec AC-LEEM system at the Center forFunctional Nanomaterials in Brookhaven Na-tional Laboratory. The spatial resolution inLEEM mode is better than 3 nm and the elec-tron beam spot size is 2 µm in diameter inthe µLEED mode. Single-crystal bulk BP wascleaved in ultrahigh vacuum at room tempera-ture. Figure 2 (a) shows the real-space brightfield LEEM image of a freshly cleaved BP sur-face. µLEED data were acquired at the regiondenoted by the red 2 µm circle using a nor-mal incident electron beam. Figure 2 (b) showsthe well defined LEED pattern at 35 eV elec-tron energy, indicating a very well-ordered sur-face. To prepare for the FLP samples, blackphosphorous flakes were mechanically exfoli-ated onto n-doped Si chip with native oxide,using a previously described method.18,19 Thesubstrate was pre-patterned with gold marks,which allowed us to locate and characterize theflakes of interest using optical microscope; see


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Fig. 2 (c). This procedure was performed ina Ne atmosphere. Subsequently, the samplewas encapsulated and transferred to the LEEMchamber. The total exposure time of the ex-foliated sample to air was less than 5 min-utes. Even with such a short exposure time,significant surface oxidization and contamina-tion was observed using photo-emission elec-tron microscopy (PEEM). In order to removethe contamination, we annealed the sample at300◦C in ultrahigh vacuum for 2 hours. Thecorrect annealing temperature is crucial for suc-cessful contamination removal; higher temper-atures will lead to accelerated sublimation. Asshown in the PEEM and LEEM images, Fig.2 (d)-(e), the surface was pristine and uniformafter successful annealing. µLEED data wereacquired at the region denoted by the red cir-cle using normal incident electrons. Figure 2(f) shows the sharp LEED pattern at 25 eVelectron energy, indicating a very well-orderedlayered structure. To fully investigate the sur-face atomic structure we collected µLEED-IVspectra for 7 recorded diffraction spots with anenergy range of 25 to 135 eV for both sample va-rieties. The intensities of symmetrically equiv-alent beams were averaged to minimize inten-sity anisotropy of the diffraction beam due tosmall sample titling (< 0.1◦). Specifically, asshown in Fig. 2 (b) and (f), intensities of spotsA were averaged to assign the (01) diffractionbeam and beam intensities of spots B were av-eraged to assign the (11) diffraction beam. Thebackground intensity was then subtracted fromthe diffraction beam intensity.

Dynamical LEED-IV analysis were carriedout to extract the surface atomic structural in-formation for bulk BP and FLP from the cor-responding µLEED-IV curves. In a dynamicalLEED-IV analysis, IV curves are calculated fora trial structure and compared with experimen-tal curves. A χ2-based R2 reliability factor isused to quantify the difference between calcu-lated and experimental IV curves.20 The sur-face structural parameters are then adjusted tosearch for the optimized surface structure thatminimizes the R2 factor. For electrons with anenergy range of 25-135 eV, the mean free path isabout 5 to 10 A. Use of this energy range means

Figure 2: (a) LEEM image taken at 30 eV elec-tron energy and (b) µLEED diffraction patternof freshly cleaved BP crystal surface. (c) Op-tical, (d) PEEM, (e) LEEM and (f) µLEEDimage of mechanically exfoliated flake of FLP,of about 10 nm thickness.


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that our µLEED-IV curves are most sensitiveto the surface structure of the top few atomiclayers of our samples, i. e. the buckling of thetop atomic layer b1, the thickness of the firstphosphorene layer z’, the buckling of the bot-tom atomic layer b2 and the Van der Waals gapbetween the top and second phosphorene layerw ’, as demonstrated in Fig. 1 (d).

Multiple scattering theory and a muffin-tinpotential model were implemented to calculatethe LEED-IV curves.21,22 We used computercodes from Adams et al.20 which were devel-oped from the programs of Pendry21 and VanHove and Tong.22 The utilization of the R2 fac-tor in Adams’ codes allows the relative inten-sities of the diffraction beams to be preservedduring the optimization, which enhances thereliability of the surface structure determina-tion. The phase shifts (a quantity describingthe atomic scattering property22) were calcu-lated using the Barbieri/Van Hove phase shiftcalculation package.23 The muffin-tin radii forphosphorus atoms was set to rMT

P = 2.099 a.u.and 12 phase shifts (L = 11) were used forthe LEED-IV calculation. The in-plane latticeconstant was a1 = 3.313 A and a2 = 4.374 A,the thickness of the phosphorene layer was z= 2.166 A and the van der Waals distance be-tween phosphorene layers was w = 3.071 A forthe bulk, as indicated in Fig. 1.9

The mean-square atomic vibrational displace-ments <u2>T for the P atoms were calculatedindividually according to the relation betweenDebye temperature θD and <u2>T at the sam-ple temperature of T =300 K for bulk BP andT =573 K for the FLP flakes using the followingequation:21

< u2 >T =9~2


{ T 2


∫ θDT



ex − 1+




where ma is the atomic mass, ~ is the Planck’sconstant and kB is the Boltzmann constant.The Debye temperature θD was set to 550 K.24

The inner potential, V0+ iVim, was set to beindependent of energy. The real part V0 wasinitially set to 8 eV and adjusted through ∆V0

during the fitting process while the imaginarypart Vim was fixed at 6 eV.

The surface structural parameters b1, b2, w ’and z ’ were varied in search for the optimumsurface structure. Best-fit structural parame-ter values are listed in Table 1 and comparedwith previously reported results.10,11 The calcu-lated LEED-IV curves using optimized struc-tural parameters match well with the experi-mental curves for both the BP crystal surfaceat 300 K and exfoliated FLP flake at 573 K,as shown in Fig. 3 (a)-(d). The minimized R2

factors are 0.03 and 0.02, respectively. For com-parison, the calculated IV curves (blue dashedlines in Fig. 3 (a)-(b)) using a flat, un-buckledsurface, are distinctively different from our ex-perimental results. For the freshly cleaved BPcrystal surface, our results show that the toplayer surface buckling b1 is 0.22 A and the sec-ond phosphorus atomic layer buckling b2 is 0.27A. The thickness of the top phosphorene layerz ’ is expanded by 5.3% from its bulk value of2.166 A. The van der Waals gap between the topand second phosphorene layer w ’ is contractedby 8% from its bulk value of 3.071 A. For themechanically exfoliated flake of FLP at 573 K,the top and second layer buckling are 0.30 Aand 0.29 A, respectively. The surface bucklingsare slightly larger at 573 K than the BP crystalsurface at 300 K. We attribute this increase ofsurface buckling to thermal surface expansionat elevated temperature. For the same reason,the top phosphorene layer z ’ and the top vander Waals gap w ’ are also slightly increased at573 K compared to 300 K. z ’ shows an expan-sion of 9.9% and w ’ a contraction of 6.3%, withrespect to their corresponding bulk values. Fig-ure 3 (e)-(f) show plots of the reliability R2 fac-tor as a function of the surface buckling b1 andthe second atomic layer buckling b2 for both ofthe investigated samples. Well-defined minimawere observed for both cases. Along with thegood agreement of experimental and calculatedIV curves, both results give us strong confi-dence in our findings.

Our most striking result is that the BP sur-face buckling b1 is one order of magnitude largerthan the previously proposed theoretical val-ues,10,11 for both BP and FLP samples investi-gated. Note that the buckling extends to secondatomic layer. Similar significant surface buck-


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Figure 3: (a) - (d): (00) and (01) low-electron energy diffraction beam IV curves for cleaved BPcrystal and exfoliated FLP flake, respectively. Green dotted curves are experimental and red linecurves are calculated using optimized surface structural parameters. (e), (f): Reliability R2-factorplotted vs. b1 and b2 for cleaved BP crystal and exfoliated FLP flake, respectively.

Table 1: Optimum parameter values for the surface structure of BP crystal and exfoliated BP flake

Model T b1 (A) b2 (A) z′ (A) (∆z/z) w′ (A) (∆w/w)

Cleaved BP 300 K 0.225 0.269 2.287 (+5.3%) 2.825 (-8.0%)

FLP 573 K 0.300 0.290 2.381 (+9.9%) 2.877 (-6.3%)

DFT10 - 0.02 - - -

DFT11 - 0.06 - - -


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ling has also been predicted for other group Vthin film such as Bi and other similar elemen-tal 2D materials such as silicene, germanene,by various first-pricinples studies. Specifically,Cahangirov et al. predicted that the bucklingheight for silicene to be 0.44 A and 0.64 A;25 ourco-author, Sadowski et al., proposed the buck-ling of Bi thin film to be 0.5 A.26,27 In order tofurther support our surface structural results,first-principles calculations were utilized to in-vestigate the origin of this surface reconstruc-tion as well as its influence on the electronicproperties of BP and FLP.

First-principles studies of the surface struc-ture were carried out based on the frameworkof density functional theory (DFT) with projec-tor augmented plane-wave (PAW) potential28

as implemented in the Vienna ab initio sim-ulation package (VASP).29–31 The plane-wavefunctions expanded with an energy cutoff of400 eV were employed throughout calculations.The exchange-correlation energy was describedby generalized gradient approximation (GGA)in Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) form.32

The k points in two-dimensional Brillouin zone(BZ) of the 1×1 unit cell of monolayer BPcontaining 4 phosphorous atoms were sampledon a 16×12 mesh. The van der Waals (vdW)interactions were also incorporated within theTkatchenko-Scheffler method.33 In addition, weemployed the Heyd, Scuseria, and Ernzerhof(HSE06) hybrid functional34,35 for the bandstructure calculations.

The structure of monolayer phosphorene andthe top phosphorene layer of bulk BP (a six-layer supercell) were calculated and compared.Only very small structural differences were ob-served, < 0.001 A, between the atomic posi-tions and and bond lengths of the monolayerphosphene and that of the top layer of bulk.This is expected for layered materials with weakvan der Waals bonding in between adjacent lay-ers. In order to simplify our calculations, wefocus on single layer phosphorene. The thick-ness of the vacuum layer in each slab structureis more than 15 A.

First, the defect-free monolayer phosphorenewith different sizes were investigated. The lat-tice structure was optimized until the atomic

force, both Hellmann-Feynman and vdW termsincluded, on each relaxed atom was less than 1meV/A. In an up to 8×4 supercell, no bucklingwas found within the accuracy of the calcula-tion. This result is reasonable since both BPbulk and monolayer structures have the insu-lating electronic structures with band gaps, andexposed surfaces do not bring about the elec-tronic mismatch or additional dangling bonds.Surface reconstruction is thus not necessary insuch a stable structure.

However, if an impurity, such as vacancy de-fect11 or doping3,17 is induced on the surface,the situation changes completely. In fact, Lianget al. have recently observed vacancy defects ontheir freshly cleaved surfaces of BP crystals11

using STM. Here, we introduced a single pointdefect into the monolayer phosphorene by re-moving one atom. Several supercells were cal-culated with their sizes ranging from 2×4 to8×4. After the structure optimization, devia-tions of the atoms along out-of-plane directionwere observed in all of these structures. Asshown in the top view (middle panel) of Fig. 4,each supercell has 8 zig-zag rows, and the defectis located on the upper layer of row 3. The mag-nitude of buckling in each row is summarized inthe bottom panel of Fig. 4. by calculating thestandard deviations of the phosphorus atoms’ zcomponents for each entire row. It is seen thatthe buckling is maximized in rows around thedefect, and the maximum buckling ranges from0.15 A to 0.33 A through all the supercell sizesunder investigation. These calculations agreewell with our experimental values of 0.22 A to0.30 A. Although the buckling magnitude de-cays rapidly along the armchair direction, awayfrom the row, on which the defect is located, nosignificant decay in the buckling magnitude wasfound in the zig-zag direction. Based on theseresults, it is concluded that the buckling is sig-nificantly enhanced near the point defect. Itis anisotropic and long-range along the zig-zagdirection while it is short-range along the arm-chair direction. The defect-induced bucklingcannot be maintained in the armchair direction.This interesting insight agrees well with the re-cent experimental observation of an anisotropyin the surface density-of-state (DOS) on the BP


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surface by STM.11

Figure 4: Phosphorene atomic structure withdefect introduced. Upper pannels: Side and thetop view of a n×4 (n=2, 4, 6, 8) supercell ofthe monolayer phosphorene with a point defectintroduced at row 3. Blue and grey color of ballsdistinguish the top and second P atomic layers.Lower panel: Average magnitude of buckling ineach row for various n×4 supercells.

Intuitively one would expect that such long-range buckling would be reflected in the bandstructures as well. Thus the electronic struc-ture of the 4×4 supercell with a single vacancywas investigated and compared with that of aclean monolayer. According to the density-of-state results shown in Fig. 5 (a)-(b), the cleanmonolayer BP is insulating with a band gap of1.5 eV, while an impurity state is present inthe defect containing supercell across the Fermilevel close to the top of valence states. A simi-lar state was also observed by Zhang et al.10 intheir STM dI/dV measurement. This indicatesthe existence of the defect-induced hole-dopingelectronic structure in these defect structure,i.e. each phosphorus vacancy generates threedangling bonds that need to be saturated bymore electrons. This suggests that the distor-tion of the lattice, such as buckling, appears in

order to eliminate this instability of the elec-tronic structure.

Figure 5: Buckling and hole-doping induced bydefects. The DOS for (a) the ideal monolayerand (b) the 4×4 defect-included supercell BP.The Fermi level is set to zero. (c) Energy dif-ference (blue solid squares) between the buckledand non-buckled configurations and the magni-tude of buckling (red open circles) as the in-creasing hole-doping number.

To better understand the relation betweenhole-doping and the surface structure of BP,the hole doped 2×1 clean supercell structureswith a tunable total electron number was opti-mized. As shown in Fig. 5 (c), buckling appearswhen the hole number exceeds 0.5 per 8 phos-phor atoms. The magnitude of the buckling aswell as the energy difference between the buck-led and ideal structures increases rapidly withthe rise of the hole number. In particular, thebuckling reached 0.2 A when the hole number is0.6 per 8 atoms. Our first principle calculationsthus show that the presence of defect induceshole doping on the clean BP surface, which inturn leads to lattice distortion and the surfacebuckling. It was confirmed experimentally thatboth undoped bulk BP17 and FLP3 are p-typesemiconductors, but the origin of intrinsic p-type doping is unclear so far. Recently, Osadaproposed that the edge state of finite bi-layerphosphorene might be the origin of the intrinsichole-doping around the edge.36 Our DFT cal-culations, together with the experimental ob-


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servation of BP surface reconstruction, stronglyindicate that surface defect induced buckling isa likely explanation for the intrinsic hole-dopingfor both bulk BP and FLP.

To summarize, we determined the surfaceatomic structure of black phosphorus using dy-namical selected area µLEED-IV in a highspatial resolution LEEM system. Two sam-ples were studied at two different temperatures;freshly cleaved bulk BP at room temperatureand mechanically exfoliated few-layers phos-phorene at 573 K. The results show that forboth samples, the surface buckling is one or-der of magnitude larger than previously pro-posed. The surface buckling on black phos-phorus was found to be profound, and is closeto the buckling of other similar elemental 2Dmaterials such as silicene and germanene25 andother group V thin film materials such as Bi.27

Specifically, the top surface buckling b1 for thecleaved BP crystal surface at 300 K is 0.22 Aand for exfoliated FLP of about 10 nm thick-ness at 573 K is 0.30 A. The slight increase inthe buckling magnitude from 300 K to 573 K ismost likely due to the thermal expansion. Simi-lar phenomenon has been observed on other 2Dmaterials, such as MoS2.12 Furthermore, due tothe high sub-surface sensitivity of µLEED-IV,we found a similar buckling for the second phos-phorus atomic layer. We denoted this bucklingas b2=0.27 A and 0.29 A for T=300 K and 573K, respectively. Besides the surface buckling,our results show that the BP surfaces have anexpansion-contraction surface relaxation. Thethickness of the top phosphorene layer z ’ is ex-panded by 5.3% in the cleaved BP crystal at 300K and expanded by 9.9% in the exfoliated FLPat 573 K. The van der Waals gap between thefirst and second phosphorene layer w ’ is con-tracted by 8% in cleaved BP crystal at 300 Kand ccontracted by 6.3% in exfoliated FLP at573 K.

We further confirmed our surface structuralresults using first-principles calculations andidentified a vacancy defect driven mechanismas the cause of the surface buckling. The sur-face vacancy defect also introduces an impuritystate in the band gap, which suggests that thevacancy defect induced surface buckling is most

likely the reason why phosphorene materials areintrinisically p-type.

We have shown that µLEED-IV via LEEM,with its high surface sensitivity and selectedarea investigation ability, is a powerful tech-nique to study atomic lattice of 2D materi-als. We believe that our results provide a clearpicture of the fundamental surface propertiesof BP, including the detailed surface structure,the origin of its surface deformation, the elec-tronic properties of phosphorene materials, andthe origin of its intrinsic hole-doping property.We expect the significant surface buckling topotentially be even more pronounced in themonolayer phosphorene form, and having a sig-nificant impact on the electronic properties ofmonolayer phosphorene based devices.

Acknowledgement The experimental workpresented here was carried out at the Centerfor Functional Nanomaterials, which is a U.S.DOE Office of Science Facility, at BrookhavenNational Laboratory under Contract No. de-sc0012704. The work of Z. D. and K. P. weresupported by NSF DMR 1006863. First princi-ples analysis by J.X. Y. and J. Z. was supportedby the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Of-fice of Science, Basic Energy Sciences (BES)under Award No. de-sc0016424. In addition,the work of R.M. O. and W. J. were financiallysupported by the U.S. Department of Energyunder Contract No. DE-FG 02-04-ER-46157.The work of J. H. and Y. D. K. were financiallysupported by NSF MRSEC program throughColumbia in the Center for Precision Assemblyof Superstratic and Superatomic Solids (NSFDMR-1420634).


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