surakarta towards child friendly city - · the action plan of child friendly city...

SURAKARTA TOWARDS CHILD FRIENDLY CITY Profile of City Surakarta, known as “Solo” lies between East longitudes 110045'15'' - 110045'35'' and South latitudes 7036'00''- 7056'00'' and covers the area of approximately 4.404,06 hectares. Lawu and Merapi volcanoes lie on its eastern part, while Bengawan Solo River is on its south border. Surakarta is divided into five sub-districts: Laweyan, Serengan, Pasar Kliwon, Jebres and Banjarsari. They are then subdivided into 51 kelurahan (ward), 601 RW (community association) and 2.709 RT (Association of neighborhoods). Surakarta is surrounded by three regencies: ! North side is adjacent to Karanganyar and Boyolali; ! The East is adjacent to Sukoharjo and Karanganyar District; ! The South is bordered by Sukoharjo and Karanganyar District; ! West borders with Klaten, Sukoharjo and Karanganyar District. The population of Surakarta in 2013 was 563,659 people, consisting of 278,644 men and 285,015 women. The sex ratio of 97.76 percent indicates that the male population is less than female population. Surakarta city population growth is 3.25 percent. Increasing population is thought to be caused by birth, migration and economic growth. In addition, the City of Surakarta has implemented e-ID card (e-KTP) since 2011 that allows better administration. Residents who want to obtain birth certificate should include the child to family card, so that the child is directly recorded in the Population and Civil Registration Agency. Situation Prior to the Initiative Prior to the Child Friendly City program, as the case of urbanization in cities in general, it is easy to find children who do not feel safe and comfortable at home, at play and recreation, school dropouts, children with malnutrition, and street children who do not go to school. Besides that, lack of public space for children to play, lack of secure transportation to school, and high level of violence against the children are common phenomena. These conditions are caused by many things, including inadequate community understanding of child welfare and protection, and increase of

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Page 1: SURAKARTA TOWARDS CHILD FRIENDLY CITY - · The action plan of Child Friendly City development. Institution To realize Child Friendly City, it takes hard work and cooperation


Profile of City

Surakarta, known as “Solo” lies between East longitudes 110045'15'' - 110045'35'' and South latitudes 7036'00''- 7056'00'' and covers the area of approximately 4.404,06 hectares. Lawu and Merapi volcanoes lie on its eastern part, while Bengawan Solo River is on its south border.

Surakarta is divided into five sub-districts: Laweyan, Serengan, Pasar Kliwon, Jebres and Banjarsari. They are then subdivided into 51 kelurahan (ward), 601 RW (community association) and 2.709 RT (Association of neighborhoods). Surakarta is surrounded by three regencies: ! North side is adjacent to Karanganyar and

Boyolali; ! The East is adjacent to Sukoharjo and

Karanganyar District; ! The South is bordered by Sukoharjo and

Karanganyar District; ! West borders with Klaten, Sukoharjo and

Karanganyar District.

The population of Surakarta in 2013 was 563,659 people, consisting of 278,644 men and 285,015 women. The sex ratio of 97.76 percent indicates that the male population is less than female population. Surakarta city

population growth is 3.25 percent. Increasing population is thought to be caused by birth,

migration and economic growth. In addition, the City of Surakarta has implemented e-ID card (e-KTP) since 2011 that allows better administration. Residents who want to obtain birth certificate should include the child to family card, so that the child is directly recorded in the Population and Civil Registration Agency.

Situation Prior to the Initiative

Prior to the Child Friendly City program, as the case of urbanization in cities in general, it is easy to find children who do not feel safe and comfortable at home, at play and recreation, school dropouts, children with malnutrition, and street children who do not go to school. Besides that, lack of public space for children to play, lack of secure transportation to school, and high level of violence against the children are common phenomena. These conditions are caused by many things, including inadequate community understanding of child welfare and protection, and increase of

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life pressures that threaten the continuity of their education, health, future and even their lives. In addition, there is still lack of policies, programs and activities to fulfill children’s rights and protections.

The Initiative

Surakarta City Government has long committed to improve the quality of future generations, namely children. Starting from 2003, Surakarta has implemented Gerakan Jam Belajar Masyarakat (Block of Study Time Movement) for children. This commitment gains enough attention and is in line with government program namely Kota Layak Anak (Child Friendly City). Therefore, in 2006 Surakarta was appointed as one of the cities for pilot project of Kota Layak Anak (Child Friendly City) development by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection in cooperation with UNICEF. CFC development programs is districts/cities’ development strategy to integrate commitment and resources of government, communities and businesses and planned thoroughly and sustainably to fulfill children's rights. The activities cover health, education, child protection and child participation.

Strategy Implemented After being appointed as a pilot city by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, the Government of Surakarta made preparations to create a database, identify the problems and formulate three phases of Child Friendly City development: 1. 2006 – 2007 program: planning phase for development model of Child

Friendly City 2. 2008 – 2015 program: implementation phase of the Child Friendly City

development, Child Friendly District and Child Friendly Ward. 3. In 2015, Solo is expected to become Child Friendly City.

Furthermore, in carrying out that programs Surakarta City Government develops visions and missions of the Child Friendly City. Visions of Surakarta Child Friendly City are: Realization of Surakarta as the Child Friendly City in 2016, through Mainstreaming Children’s Rights strategy; children who are healthy, growing and developing, bright, cheerful, noble, protected, actively participate and love their homeland ".

Its missions are: 1. Providing comprehensive, equal and qualified health care, balanced nutrition,

and prevention of transmitted diseases including HIV-AIDS, environmental development and healthy behaviors.

2. Providing equal, qualified and democratic education services for all children from an early age.

3. Establishing a system of basic social services and responsive law to meet the needs of children in order to protect them from all forms of violence.

4. Establishing conducive environment to respect children’s opinions and give them opportunity to participate in accordance with their age and stage of development.

5. Providing children protection services of violence, discrimination, and exploitation.

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There are four major steps in carrying out the program of Child Friendly City: 1. Building commitment and forming the implementation team for Child Friendly

City development. 2. Collecting baseline data; 3. Identifying the activities and problems of children through SKPD (local work

unit), agencies and related organizations; 4. The action plan of Child Friendly City development.

Institution To realize Child Friendly City, it takes hard work and cooperation from all parties. The cooperation is reinforced in the form of Implementation Team for Child Friendly City Development as outlined in Surakarta Mayor’s decree Number 130.05/08/1/2008 on the Implementation Team for Child Friendly City Development whose members consist of 50 institutions/organizations.

The city government uses the term task force in the form of a team that is divided into four working groups: 1. The working group on health, coordinated by Surakarta City Health

Department. 2. The working group on education, coordinated by Department of Education,

Youth and Sports of Surakarta. 3. The working group on child protection, coordinated by Agency for Community

Empowerment, Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning of Surakarta.

4. The working group on children's participation, coordinated by Independent Commission for the Protection of Surakarta’s Women and Children (KIPPAS) and Surakarta Children's Forum (FAS).

Thus, even though Bapermas PPPA (Agency for Community Empowerment, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection) -Family Planning provide child responsive budget every year, Surakarta Mayor has formed a task force so that the child responsive budget also exists in the relevant departments, such as Department of Population and Civil Administration, Department of Cooperatives and SMEs, Social Services, Information and Communication, Department of Transportation, Office of Market, Department of Tourism and Art-Culture and Municipal Police Units (Satpol PP).

Furthermore, in order to strengthen such cooperation, a joint agreement (MoU) 463/108 of the Agreement in Developing Child Friendly City by the Implementation Team was signed on December 30, 2008. The tasks of Implementation Team for Child Friendly City Development are as follows: 1. Identify the stakeholders in charge of the child in accordance with the

indicators. 2. Hold coordination meetings with stakeholders who are in charge of the child,

including the city government, parliament, organizations, NGOs, universities, private, religious leaders, community leaders, parents, and children, in order to unite the commitment to implement the development of Child Friendly City (KLA).

3. Disseminate the concept of Child Friendly City.

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4. Determine the main focus of activities in realizing Child Friendly City, which is adapted to the major problems, needs and resources, including developing indicators as a measure of the performance of Child Friendly City as much as 31 indicators.

5. Prepare and propose regulations related to the development of Child Friendly City.

6. Conduct advocacy and dissemination of policy for development of Child Friendly City models in order to realize the commitment of the mayor, deputy mayor and Parliament as well as the commitment of the stakeholder leaders to actively voice children's rights and best interests of children in Child Friendly City.

7. Undertake monitoring, evaluation and reporting periodically.

Approach to develop Child Friendly City has been carried out into subdistrict, ward and family level. In order to strengthen cooperation at the subdistrict and ward levels, Implementation Teams in Sub District and ward level which refer to the city level teams were formed. In addition, the city government also provides stimulant funds of Rp 2 million/year for each ward and sub-district. The teams recruit cadres in every ward. At the ward level, in addition to the designated Ward Level Implementation Team, facilitators who mediate the people and government were also appointed. The facilitators are at the ward, subdistrict and city level. Task Force at the ward level controls the Block of Study Time Movement (GJWB).

Basic Data Basic data is data on the situation of children in general based on Child Friendly City indicators which had been prepared by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. It serves as a guideline to develop and conduct activities for CFC that has been adapted to the conditions and needs of Surakarta. The indicators are: ! Healthy living program. ! Providing qualified education. ! Protection for children from violence, abuse, trafficking, exploitation,

discrimination, and neglect. ! General protection (certificate services, law enforcement, the application of

restorative justice, and adoption). ! Increase of welfare and elimination of child labor. ! Children participation. ! Others (strategic planning, RPJM, local regulation, documents, IEC).

Basic data collection is intended to determine the initial objective conditions as a basis for consideration of planning and development of Child Friendly City.

Identification of Children’s Problems and Activities Identification of Children’s Problems and Activities is carried out in order to determine the extent of SKPD (local work unit), agencies and related organizations in carrying out children’s programs. It is carried out by mapping the children through Focus Group Discussions, and also based on basic data. The results of the identification further processed and analyzed by a team and divided into 4 (four) activities: ! Activities implemented ! Activities to implement

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! Planned events ! Child Friendly City flagship activities

The identification is based on indicators that have been determined by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and the National Program for Indonesian Children (PNBAI) in 2015. The identification is divided into 4 (four) major fields: 1. Health 2. Education 3. Protection 4. Children's participation

Action Plan for Child Friendly City Development Based on the results of children’s problems identification, Surakarta Child Friendly City program is then compiled in the form of Surakarta City Action Plan for CFC Development (RAK-PKLA) the year of 2008-2015 with Surakarta Mayor Decree No.054 / 08-E/1/2009. RAK-PKLA consists of 5 (five) clusters:

1. Cluster 1: Civil Rights and Freedoms in the forms of: a. Free birth certificate ownership program. Services can be obtained in

hospitals, health centers, maternity homes and growth monitoring through PKK ward with proactive and collective manner.

b. Children Incentive Card is a discount card of 5% -70% for children to shop at some bookstores, sports facilities in the hotels, children entertainment facilities, hospitals, supermarkets, school buses, batik shops and so forth. This card is issued by Dispendukcapil (Population and Civil Administration Agency) for all children in the City of Surakarta ages 0-18 years and published for free.

c. Children’s participation in the development is channeled through Surakarta Children Forum (FAS). City government also establishes a mechanism for children’s participation in Participatory Budgeting in ward level (Musrebangkel), in subdistricts (Musrenbangcam) and in city (Musrenbangkot). Solo Children Forum

Children Incentive Card

Solo Children Forum

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2. Cluster 2: Family Environment and Alternative Care. Provide children and family consultation in the form of Parental Education Program (BKB), Program Support for Family of Adolescent, Adolescent Health Care Services, Integrated Health Care, and PTPAS (Solo’s Integrated Services for Women and Children) in each ward.

3. Cluster 3: Basic Health and Welfare

The city government provides Surakarta Public Health Maintenance (PKMS), a free health insurance for poor families. In addition, the city also provides child-friendly hospitals, like Dr. Moewardi Hospital and General Hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Child-friendly health centers, lactation rooms in a number of public facilities (bus stations), integrated neighborhood health centers where the growth monitoring sessions are integrated with Parental Education Program (BKB) activities, Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Mother Support Groups and Supplementary Feeding for School Children (PMTAS) are also developed. Child friendly means providing leisure facilities for children.

PKMS (Surakarta Public Health Maintenance) cards for Children (Silver)

PKMS (Surakarta Public Health Maintenance) cards for Children (Gold)

Parental Education Program

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4. Cluster 4: Education, Utilization of Leisure and Cultural Events

Activities which are developed include: a. Surakarta Community Education Assistance (BPMKS) was launched

in April 2010. The aid was given to all Elementary and Junior High School students, while High School students were given stimulants. BPMKS backs up BOS fund if it is insufficient. The team from the Education Office determines the criteria of this BPMKS receiver.

b. Plus schools that accommodate students from poor families who live in Surakarta. They are also given free tuition fee.

c. Block of Study Time Movement (GWJB) states that children are encouraged to learn between 18:30 to 20:30 pm. They are not allowed to roam or watch TV, while their parents must accompany them. A task force is formed in each RW to monitor this program. The program begins with a siren that is played through loudspeakers at mosques or gong at ward security post.

d. Child-friendly schools, signs and socialization about school safety zone (ZOSS), giving the helmet for school children, Solo Car Free Day, science parks, playgrounds, and children's performance stage.

e. 2 units of mobile library and smart cars; providing free variety of textbooks and teaching aids on science for children.

The sign for Block of Study Time Movement in one of the wards.

Moble Library

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5. Cluster 5: Special Protection Violence prevention program for women and children prepares SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) to deal with victims of violence at the ward level. Besides that, there should be an advocacy for street children, children with legal assistance (ABH), children with HIV AIDS, children with drug abuse, neglected children, children with disability, children with autism and child labor. City government provides rehabilitation center ‘Graha Yoga Pertiwi’ to prevent CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. City Government also builded Clinic Center (Home of Social Protection for Children) at LSK Bina Bakat where skills, such as sewing, mechanic, driving and so forth are taught. Likewise Our School (PPAP Seroja) and KLK (specialized services class) for street children (20% formal, 80% skill).

Child Friendly City development activities at subdistrict and ward levels are as follows:

! Sub-district and ward heads’ commitment on the development of child friendly subdistrict and ward is implemented by forming a team/task force

Graha Yoga Pertiwi rehabilitation Activity at LSK Bina Bakat

Shcool for street children

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to implement the program of child friendly sub-district/ward and reporting its activities.

! Dissemination of Child Friendly City development to subdistrict and ward levels, involving the entire community’s participation.

! Participatory approach training (PRA/participatory rural appraisal) is a training that invites the community to plan based on problems found in their own environment. Facilitator and Implementation Team for child Friendly city development in subdistrict and ward level are also appointed. Each ward can conduct this training more than once in a year, depending on their needs.

! Deliberation is follow-up activity of participatory training. The meeting discusses the following matters: 1) Determine children problems in the community; 2) Determine the potentials associated with the children in the ward; 3) Determine children’s needs; 4) Determine children's problem solving and their ranks; 5) Determine the supervisor of the activity; 6) Determine the time of execution.

! Documentation of children in ward level, including data collection on children’s problems that have been determined in community meetings.

! Develop programs for CFC team together with CFC team in subdistricts and wards level.

! Implementation of the program organized by the city,subdistrict and ward teams. These activities are carried out by SKPD (local work unit), NGOs, CSOs in municipal, district, sub-district and community levels.

! Monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

Surakarta Child Friendly City Budget Scheme The following is Profile of the Budget for Fulfilling Child’s Rights the year of 2012 - 2013

Finance SKPD & Related Institutions

TOTAL BUDGET (Rp.) 2012 2013 Description

1 Institutional Strengthening (CFC training for officials and facilitators, campaign, socialization, etc.).





434.496.000 138.400.000

105.000.000 349.710.000

CFC Unicef (ABH)

KPPHIA and CFC Unicef

2 Civil Rights and Freedoms (Compliance to birth certificate, the providing library facilities, information- technology facilities,

Bapermas,PP,PA and KB

Population and Civil Administration





Child Profile and Facility Activities

Providing Birth certificate

Coordination and Dissemination Process by Mayor of Surakarta

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group of children facilities, child participation facilities, etc.)


Department of Tourism, Arts and Culture

Office of Library and Archive




Children Group Facilitation

Mobile Library Activities and Ward Library

3 Family Environment and Alternative Care (Coaching Family with Toddlers and Adolescence, providing and maintaining facilities and consultation facilitators, providing and maintaining LKSA/Orphanage, etc.).

Department of Social and Employment

172.880.000 175.000.000 Skills Training and apprenticeship for neglected children

4 Basic Health and Welfare (Nutrition, Immunization, Prevention of disease, etc.)

Department of Health

699.930.000 21 B

800.000.000 1.600.000.000 22 B

PMTAS Posyandu (integrated Services Center for women and Children) PKMS

5 Education, Utilization Department of 23 Billion 32 Billion Education of Leisure and Education and Support for Cultural Events (Early Sports Surakarta Childhood Education, community Compulsory Department of - 150.000.000 Inclusive School Education 12 Years, Education and procurement and Sports maintenance of recreation facilities. Department of Tourism, Arts and Culture Bapermas, PP, 10.000.0000 - Operational for PA and KB Solo Children Surakarta City Forum (FAS) 25.000.000 - Solo Children Forum (FAS) grant 50.000.000 - Jebres Children Forum

6 Special Protection (services, procurement, maintenance of child protection facilities, etc.)

Department of Social and Employment

PTPAS (Bapermas ,PP,PA and KB )





Services and Social Protection for Victims of Children Trafficking Exploitation

Assistance and Establishment of Integrated Service Post (PPT) at 10 Wards

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Result Achieved

In 3 periodization mentioned above, the results achieved are as follows: ! Data of Surakarta Child Friendly City the year of 2006 based on indicators of

the CFC development from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment was compiled.

! Through the process of identifying children’s problems, the draft of City Action Plan for Surakarta Child Friendly City Development (RAK-PKLA) 2008- 2015 was completed.

! The signing of Surakarta Mayor Decree No.130.05/08/1/2008 on CFC and its Implementation Team and MoU 463/108 on the Agreement for the CFC Development by the Implementation Team and the plenary meeting of this team once in three months.

! Regulation No. 4 of 2012 about Protection of Children as the legal basis for the implementation of child-friendly city development in Surakarta was issued.

! Stakeholders in Surakarta that are specialized in children have been identified and involved in dissemination processes on model development policies for the CFC to the entire community.

! Achievements in Education: a. The awakening of Block of Study Time Movement which is conducted in

51 wards b. Child Friendly Schools 25% c. There are nine SDN (State Elementary School) Plus, two SMP (Junior

High School) Plus and one SMKN (Vocational School) that provide financial assistance in the form of BOS (School Operational Assistance) funds and scholarships obtained from Surakarta Public Education Assistance (BPMKS).

d. School Safety Zone (ZOSS) in 171 schools

e. Establishment of 7 (seven) Science Parks: in Sumber Ward, Kadipiro Ward,

Joyotakan Ward, Mojosongo Ward, Gandean Ward, Pajang Ward and Jebres Ward. Science Park serves as a place to play, to develop artistic creation, to read and to have computer training.

School Safety Zone (ZOSS)

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! 18 Ward Libraries ! 9 learning studios, 17 art studios ! 6 Children's Playgrounds, city parks. They are located in the centers of the

city that accentuate the beauty of Surakarta. Besides its beauty, it is also public friendly and serves as place to play for children. The parks are Banjarsari Monument Park, Balekambang Park, Tirtonadi Terminal Park and Sekar Taji Park.

! Achievements in health: a. 5 Child Friendly Health Center that are able to increase the percentage of

completed basic immunization recipients b. 5 Integrated Health Care c. 67 breastfeeding corners (lactation rooms) in a number of public facilities,

such as Tirtonadi bus station which were launched at CFC Asia Pacific Conference on June 30 - July 2, 2011

d. 17 Child Friendly Hospitals (public and private) e. Mother Support Groups in 51 ward f. Decrease of infant mortality rate g. Increase of exclusive breastfeeding recipients h. Supplement Food for School Children (PMTAS) with a budget of 1.6

Billions i. Decline of malnutrition in children under five years old

! Achievements in protection: a. Construction of rehabilitation center ‘Graha Yoga Pertiwi’ as a place to

rehabilitate victims of violence, Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and others.

b. Formation of integrated services for children ‘Bina Anak Indonesia’ c. Development of Integrated Services Network for Women and Children in

Surakarta (PTPAS) for early detection, community-based for prevention and case management initiated with Integrated Service Post (PPT) in each ward.

! Achievements in child civil rights and participation: a. 94% of children in Surakarta have a birth certificate. b. Until 2011, there have been 43 business partners that provide discounts

for KIA. c. Formation of Surakarta Children's Forum (FAS), which was launched by

the Minister of Women's Empowerment at the National Children's Day in Surakarta on 19 July 2007 in 51 wards.

Taman Cerdas - Smart Park in Sumber Wand

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d. Establishment of Child Friendly subdistrict and Wards in the whole area. Also the implementation of child friendly districts and wards program, such as data collection, dissemination, training, consultation and consensus, cadre recruitment of approximately 25 people/ward and so forth.

e. Implementation of Children’s Game Jamboree, Children Jamboree, Religious Jamboree, Children's Day Celebration with various competitions for children.

f. Implementation of car free day on Sundays from 05:00 to 9:00 a.m on Slamet Riyadi street and Diponegoro street as an effort to provide healthier space for children and family.

! Surakarta won CFC Development Awards from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection for Best Implementer in 2009, Intermediate Category in 2011 and Nindya category in 2012.


The program received good reviews and reception from the public. After the dissemination of CFC by the city’s Implementation Team, the community leaders, LPMK (Community Empowerment Board for Neighborhoods) and SKPD (local work unit) in ward level take steps to address it by conducting child responsive activities and programs that aimed to make their ward more fit to children. Chain reaction is quite common. It means when there is a very interesting activity in one ward; it will spread easily to other wards. So, a popular program like this would be highly sustainable. Besides that, Surakarta City Government is proven to be committed to this program. This can be seen from their budget allocations that guarantee the funding of Implementation Team for CFC Development. In addition to that, there are CSR and non-governmental funds. And today, the city government has strengthened this program by issuing Regulation No. 4 of 2012 on Children Protection.

Lesson Learned

Children are potential generation for the development of a nation in the future, so that the quality of future generations is certainly a valuable asset that must be guarded. It is a joint responsibility especially government, in ensuring that the next generation is getting the best facilities and rights. However, this is often ignored and in fact there are many problems affecting children in this country. Therefore, strong commitment from local government becomes a major requirement if we want to be able to secure the future. Surakarta Child Friendly City can work well and yields results because of strong commitment of the authorities from the highest to the lowest ranks to improve the quality of future generations. In addition, the involvement of all stakeholders is also a key success to implementation of the program. Inter-agency coordination and partnership with stakeholders play important roles as well.


Common problems happen to children are the uncertainty of their rights, poverty, crimes and violence. The government should enforce programs that guarantee and fulfill children's rights. The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection

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launched Child Friendly City program as an effort to strengthen its role in guaranteeing the rights of children. Yet, only few local governments have run the program, and only a few cities have been advocated or made pilot city by KPPPA. Even without advocacy, with commitment to strengthen the quality of human resources in the future every local government should be able to give basic service. Surakarta that has shown many positive outcomes can be an example for other regions on how to integrate the commitment and resources of government, communities, families and businesses thoroughly and sustainably. How the Government of Surakarta can rapidly respond to central government policy on the fulfillment of child rights should be noted. To implement these innovations, commitment and agreement from all stakeholders to develop policy and child responsive programs and activities are required. Because of the experience and achievements of Surakarta City Government, there has been a lot of comparative study visits from other local governments and agencies. In 2011, there were 43 cities/regencies to conduct a comparative study in Surakarta for this program.


1. Drs. Anung Indro Susanto, MM Head of the Surakarta’s Community Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Agency Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 2 Surakarta 57111 Tel (0271) 636426, Fax (0271) 636426