suppliers, distributors praise benefits of nawla traders ... · suppliers contacts are priceless!...

Bob Maurer Marketing Director Swanson Group Sales Glendale, Ore. Spending time face to face with customers and prospects is still the best way to conduct busi- ness and reinforce a relation- ship. Being able to see a lot of faces in the same place in a short period of time is just a good, economical and efficient use of time and money. That’s always the mantra of the trade show industry and we have found that for us James L. Robbins President Robbins Lumber Co., Inc. Searsmont, Maine The 2009 NAWLA Traders Market ® was very successful for us. Despite being in a deep recession we still picked up three new customers. If you are serious about selling and trading lumber, the Traders Market is the place to be. If I had to pick only one lum- ber show in the country to go to to sell lumber, the NAWLA Traders Market ® would be the one I would attend. Robert Crowley General Manager Richardson Timbers LLC Dallas, Texas The NAWLA Traders Market ® is a great opportunity for a compa- ny to expand its buying power and gather industry knowledge, all within a few days at one loca- tion. The benefits of attending far outweigh the disadvantages of not attending. From the many, many vendors to the networking within the industry, to the seminars and lunches, to just the one-on-one NEW EXHIBITS! NEW SUPPLIERS! NEW SERVICES! NEW SALES OPPORTUNITIES! 2010 Special Edition PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MEMPHIS, TENN. PERMIT 270 Continued on page 75 Continued on page 74 Continued on page 74 Continued on page 74 Continued on page 74 Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders Market ® Matt Duprey, Vice President, Sales Hancock Lumber Company Casco, Maine As a charter member of NAWLA, Hancock Lumber sup- ports and looks forward to the Nawla Traders Market ® every year. The benefits of having such a professional venue to see your customer’s, meet new potential customers and are in an environment to Griffin Augustin Sales & Marketing Manager Kalesnikoff Lumber Company Ltd. & Kootenay Innovative Wood Ltd. Thrums, B.C., Canada In today’s world of speedy emails, faxes and telecom meet- ings, our face-to-face personal relationships with our customers can sometimes get forgotten. At Kalesnikoff Lumber Company, those one-on-one cus- Attendees file into the exhibit hall during last year’s Traders Market. The center of the tradeshow floor this year will include the New Product Showcase where manufacturers and wholesalers will have a dedicated area outside the booths to highlight new or rebrand- ing products. The Softwood Buyer P.O. Box 34908 Memphis, TN 38184-0908 Address Service Requested Please see Pages 40 and 41 for Traders Market Exhibitor Booth Numbers and Schedule of Events Wher e Buy er Action is Guar ant eed! and Supplier s Cont acts ar e P r iceless! SPECIAL 2010 WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR “BUYING ISSUE” Leslie Southwick Marketing/Sales Manager C&D Lumber Riddle, Ore. NAWLA Traders Market ® brings together the full array of the lum- ber industry. From manufactur- ers down to supplies, we are given the opportunity every year to meet with customers that we may not see throughout the year. The interaction of networking with customers, learn- 2010 NAWLA Traders Market ® : Crossroads of Lumber Supply & Distribution Continued on page 74 What makes the NAWLA Traders Market ® unique? Sure, the tradeshow is known for its high value and excellent networking opportunities. What distinguishes Traders Market is its focus on the lumber and building material supply chain. Unlike most other shows geared towards the industry, Traders Market focuses on the lum- ber supply chain, not machinery or servic- es. Exhibitors are manufacturers. Attendees are buyers. Simple as that. No other lumber trade show provides such a platform for the sale of lumber and relat- ed products. If you are part of the supply chain, you need to be at Traders Market. “NAWLA created Traders Market 15 years ago to bring together buyers and sellers. It worked. We’ll never know how many millions of dollars in sales have resulted from Traders Market,” said Gary Vitale, NAWLA President. “The value of having so many potential business partners in one place is even more important in today’s economy. Yet we still have made improvements to add more value.” Many of the changes this year are designed to broaden the appeal up and down the distribution channels. Producers can market in the New Product Showcase. Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets and products. And architects will learn about the use of wood in sustainable design. As always, the wholesalers remain the essential link in this supply chain. The center of the tradeshow floor this year will include the New Product Showcase. For the first time, manufacturers and wholesalers will have a dedi- cated area outside the booths to highlight new or rebranding products. Traders Market attendees will have the opportunity to learn about them before they hit the market. NAWLA Traders Market ® Nov. 3-5, 2010 Hyatt Regency Chicago, Illinois (Left to right) Gary Vitale, Buck Hutchison, Bill Anderson, Chris Beveridge, Susan Fitzsimmons, and Bill Barnett prepare to cut the ribbon to signal the start of last year’s NAWLA Traders Market ® .

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Page 1: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

BBoobb MMaauurreerrMMaarrkkeettiinngg DDiirreeccttoorr

SSwwaannssoonn GGrroouupp SSaalleessGGlleennddaallee,, OOrree..

Spending time face to face withcustomers and prospects is stillthe best way to conduct busi-ness and reinforce a relation-ship. Being able to see a lot offaces in the same place in ashort period of time is just agood, economical and efficient

use of time and money. That’s always the mantra ofthe trade show industry and we have found that for us

JJaammeess LL.. RRoobbbbiinnss PPrreessiiddeenntt

RRoobbbbiinnss LLuummbbeerr CCoo..,, IInncc..SSeeaarrssmmoonntt,, MMaaiinnee

The 2009 NAWLA TradersMarket® was very successful forus. Despite being in a deeprecession we still picked up threenew customers. If you are seriousabout selling and trading lumber,the Traders Market is the place tobe. If I had to pick only one lum-

ber show in the country to go to to sell lumber, theNAWLA Traders Market® would be the one I wouldattend.

RRoobbeerrtt CCrroowwlleeyyGGeenneerraall MMaannaaggeerr

RRiicchhaarrddssoonn TTiimmbbeerrss LLLLCCDDaallllaass,, TTeexxaass

The NAWLA Traders Market® isa great opportunity for a compa-ny to expand its buying powerand gather industry knowledge,all within a few days at one loca-tion. The benefits of attendingfar outweigh the disadvantagesof not attending. From the many,many vendors to the networking within the industry, tothe seminars and lunches, to just the one-on-one




Continued on page 75 Continued on page 74

Continued on page 74 Continued on page 74 Continued on page 74

Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders Market®

MMaatttt DDuupprreeyy,,VViiccee PPrreessiiddeenntt,, SSaalleess

HHaannccoocckk LLuummbbeerrCC oo mm pp aa nn yy

CCaassccoo,, MMaaiinnee

As a charter member ofNAWLA, Hancock Lumber sup-ports and looks forward to theNawla Traders Market® everyyear. The benefits of havingsuch a professional venue to seeyour customer’s, meet newpotential customers and are in an environment to

GGrriiffffiinn AAuugguussttiinnSSaalleess && MMaarrkkeettiinngg

MM aa nn aa gg ee rrKKaalleessnniikkooffff LLuummbbeerr

CCoommppaannyy LLttdd.. && KKooootteennaayyIInnnnoovvaattiivvee WWoooodd LLttdd..TThhrruummss,, BB..CC..,, CCaannaaddaa

In today’s world of speedyemails, faxes and telecom meet-ings, our face-to-face personalrelationships with our customerscan sometimes get forgotten. AtKalesnikoff Lumber Company, those one-on-one cus-

Attendees file into the exhibit hall during last year’s Traders Market. The center of thetradeshow floor this year will include the New Product Showcase where manufacturersand wholesalers will have a dedicated area outside the booths to highlight new or rebrand-ing products.

TThhee SSooffttwwoooodd BBuuyyeerrPP..OO.. BBooxx 3344990088MMeemmpphhiiss,, TTNN 3388118844--00990088

AAddddrreessss SSeerrvviiccee RReeqquueesstteedd

Please see Pages 40 and 41 for Traders MarketExhibitor Booth Numbers and Schedule of Events

Where Buyer Ac t ion is Guaranteed!and

Suppl iers Contac ts are Pr i ce less!




LLeesslliiee SSoouutthhwwiicckkMMaarrkkeettiinngg//SSaalleess

MM aa nn aa gg ee rrCC&&DD LLuummbbeerrRRiiddddllee,, OOrree..

NAWLA Traders Market® bringstogether the full array of the lum-ber industry. From manufactur-ers down to supplies, we aregiven the opportunity every yearto meet with customers that wemay not see throughout the year.

The interaction of networking with customers, learn-

2010 NAWLA Traders Market®: Crossroads of Lumber Supply & Distribution

Continued on page 74

What makes the NAWLA Traders Market® unique? Sure, the tradeshow is knownfor its high value and excellent networking opportunities. What distinguishesTraders Market is its focus on the lumber and building material supply chain. Unlikemost other shows geared towards the industry, Traders Market focuses on the lum-

ber supply chain, not machinery or servic-es. Exhibitors are manufacturers.Attendees are buyers. Simple as that. Noother lumber trade show provides such aplatform for the sale of lumber and relat-ed products. If you are part of the supplychain, you need to be at Traders Market.“NAWLA created Traders Market 15years ago to bring together buyers andsellers. It worked. We’ll never know

how many millions of dollars in sales have resulted from Traders Market,” saidGary Vitale, NAWLA President. “The value of having so many potential businesspartners in one place is even more important in today’s economy. Yet we stillhave made improvements to add more value.”Many of the changes this year are designed to broaden the appeal up and downthe distribution channels. Producers can market in the New Product Showcase.Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets and products. Andarchitects will learn about the use of wood in sustainable design. As always, thewholesalers remain the essential link in this supply chain.The center of the tradeshow floor this year will include the New ProductShowcase. For the first time, manufacturers and wholesalers will have a dedi-cated area outside the booths to highlight new or rebranding products. TradersMarket attendees will have the opportunity to learn about them before they hitthe market.

NAWLA Traders Market®

Nov. 3-5, 2010

Hyatt Regency

Chicago, Illinois

(Left to right) Gary Vitale, Buck Hutchison, Bill Anderson, Chris Beveridge, SusanFitzsimmons, and Bill Barnett prepare to cut the ribbon to signal the start of last year’sNAWLA Traders Market®.

Page 2: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

Page 2 Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

Page 3: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

October 2010 Page 3

Table of ContentsFEATURES:

A Bi-Monthly newspaper servingNorth America’s Softwood Forest Products Buyers

Published bySoftwood Trade Publications, Inc.

1235 Sycamore View P. O. Box 34908Memphis, Tenn. 38134

Tel. (901) 372-8280 FAX 1-901-373-6180Web Site:

E-Mail Addresses:Advertising: [email protected]

Editorial: [email protected]: [email protected]

Wayne Miller - President/Executive EditorGary Miller - Vice President/Managing EditorPaul Miller Jr. - Vice President/Assistant Managing EditorTerry Miller - Vice President/Associate EditorPaul Miller Sr. - Secretary/TreasurerRachael Stokes - Advertising ManagerSue Putnam - Editorial DirectorMichelle Keller - Associate EditorJohn M. Gray Jr. - Production/Art DirectorWalter Lee - Production/Asst. Art DirectorLisa Carpenter - Circulation Manager

Canadian Correspondents: Toronto, Ontario, Vancouver, B.C.

Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue is theproduct of a company and its affiliates that have been in the pub-lishing business for over 84 years.Other publications edited for specialized markets and distributedworldwide include:National Hardwood Magazine • Hardwood PurchasingHandbook • Import/Export Wood Purchasing News • NorthAmerican Forest Products Export Directory • Imported WoodPurchasing Guide • Green Book’s Hardwood MarketingDirectory • Green Book’s Softwood Marketing Directory• Dimension & Wood Components Buyer’s Guide

The publisher reserves the right to accept orreject editorial content and Advertisements atthe staff’s discretion.

Subscriptions: U.S. and Canada: $65 (U.S. dollars) - 1 year;$75 - 2 years; $90 - 3 years; Foreign (airmail) $140 - 1 year;$235 - 2 years. Canadian and foreign orders must be paid bycheck drawn on U.S. bank or by wire transfer. Fax for moreinformation.

NAWLA - PREMIER INDUSTRY EVENT . . . . . . . . . . .1SUPP./DIST PRAISE BENEFITS OF TRADERS MARKET .1WHO'S WHO IN SOFTWOODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6GARY VITALE, PRESIDENT, NAWLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8BUCK HUTCHISON, CHAIRMAN, NAWLA . . . . . . . .10BRIDGEWELL RESOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13IRVING FOREST PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14WESTERN RED CEDAR LUMBER ASSOC. . . . . . . .15ANTHONY FOREST PRODUCTS CO. . . . . . . . . . . . .16TRIPP LUMBER CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16WYNNDEL LUMBER SALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18BEASLEY FOREST PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20FILLER KING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20ROSBORO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21NEIMAN ENTERPRISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22PROGRESSIVE SOLUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24KALESNIKOFF LUMBER CO. LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26KOOTENAY INNOVATIVE WOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26NAWLA Traders Market® Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 30, 32 & 34BLUE BOOK SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31THE TEAL-JONES GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS CO. . . . . . . . . . .38WESTON WOOD SOLUTIONS INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . .38SNIDER INDUSTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39LISTING OF EXHIBITORS BY BOOTH NUMBER . . .40SCHEDULE OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41DMSi (DISTRIBUTION MGMT. SYSTEMS, INC.) . . . .42RICHARDSON TIMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43LUMBERMEN’S UNDERWRITING ALLIANCE . . . . . .44OREGON-CANADIAN FOREST PRODUCTS . . . . . .44DURGIN & CROWELL LUMBER CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . .46OLYMPIC/PPG INDUSTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48BOISE CASCADE ENGINEERED WOOD . . . . . . . . .49BENNETT LUMBER PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50ENYEART CEDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50TRI-PRO™ CEDAR PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51TRI-PRO™ FOREST PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51THE WALDUN GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52WESTSHORE SPECIALTIES/DELTA CEDAR . . . . . .53ROBBINS LUMBER INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55GILBERT SMITH FOREST PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . .56MARY’S RIVER LUMBER CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56IDAHO TIMBER CORP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57HANCOCK LUMBER CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58IDAHO FOREST GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59LAZY S LUMBER/COLUMBIA CEDAR . . . . . . . . . . . .60CLEARWATER PAPER, WOOD PRODUCTS DIVISION . . .60MCSHAN LUMBER CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61NEWMAN LUMBER CO., INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62THE SWANSON GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62C & D LUMBER CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63MID VALLEY LUMBER SPECIALTIES LTD. . . . . . . . .64SIMPSON LUMBER CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65MILL SERVICES/EASTERN FOREST PRODUCTS . .66NO. AMER. WHLS. LBR. ASSOC. (NAWLA) . . . . . . .66WOODTONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67DIPRIZIO PINE SALES/LAVALLEY-MIDDLETON BLDG. SUPP. . .68NORTHEASTERN LUMBERMENS ASSOC. (NELMA) . .69POTLATCH CORP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70EASTERN RED CEDAR PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71ANDERSON PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . .72PACIFIC WESTERN WOOD WORKS LTD. . . . . . . . . . . .73BUILD GREEN WITH WESTERN RED CEDAR . . . . . . .76INDEX OF ADVERTISERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

Page 4: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

Page 4 Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

Page 5: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

October 2010 Page 5

Page 6: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

WW HH OO ’’ SS WW HH OO II NN SS OO FF TT WW OO OO DD SSWW HH OO ’’ SS WW HH OO II NN SS OO FF TT WW OO OO DD SSPage 6 Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

Michael H. Reynolds hasbeen owner and president ofTaylor-Made LumberCompany since he began itsoperations 24 years ago.Taylor-Made is a manufacturerof Yellow Pine boards and tim-bers, specializing in reman andadded value milling in Pine andhardwood. The company’sproducts are marketed interna-tionally.Taylor-Made Lumber

Company purchases 50 millionboard feet of lumber per yearincluding Pine in all gradesfrom 1 x 4 to 12 x 12 and uppergrade Cypress and hardwood.Mike Reynolds grew up in the

forest products industry. Hisfather, Millard Reynolds, found-ed Reynolds Products in 1952.It remains part of the Taylor-Made family business today.Mike bought his first truck in

1974 and drove it himself to getstarted. Mike ReynoldsTrucking is now Taylor-MadeTransportation, doing businessdaily throughout the UnitedStates. Though he seldom

Scott Eilefson is a sales rep-resentative for SwansonGroup Sales in Glendale, Ore.Swanson Group Sales is awholesaler, sawmill and manu-facturer offering 2x4 #1, Std/Btr2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12 SelStruct, #2/Btr and reload serv-ices at Colton, Calif.Swanson Group Sales offersits goods and services region-ally.Swanson purchases 250 mil-lion board feet of lumber peryear, all of it SFI certified. The company is a member ofthe Lumber Association ofCalifornia and Nevada, theNorth American WholesaleLumber Association, theWestern Wood ProductsAssociation, the APA – TheEngineered Wood Associationand the Sustainable ForestryInitiative.Eilefson has worked in hispresent position for 25 years,the entire time he has workedfor the company.He has worked in the forestproducts industry for 30 years.

Greg Ryback is president ofTrinity Forest Industries, Inc.of Hurst, Texas.Trinity Forest Industries pur-

chases 17,000,000 board feetof wood annually.The company is a concentra-

tion/distribution yard that offersall upper grades, commons,selects and clears.Softwoods offered include

Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine,Radiata Pine, Douglas Fir,Cedar, Yellow Pine andEastern White Pine in 4/4through 16/4. The firm offers hardwoods

including all Appalachianspecies, african mahogany,Spanish Cedar, peruvian wal-nut and western red alder in4/4 through 12/4.Trinity Forest Industries also

has an architectural millworkplant and serves Texas,Oklahoma and parts ofLouisiana and Arkansas. It car-ries inventory in Albuquerque,N.M., which covers NewMexico and southernColorado.

Jameson Craig is lumbertrader for Skana ForestProducts Ltd., headquarteredin Richmond, B.C. Skana Forest Products is botha manufacturer and distributorof specialty Western RedCedar and Spruce-Pine-Firproducts. The firm was incor-porated in 1987 by companypresident Chris Beveridge. Craig has been with SkanaForest Products for approxi-mately one and a half years.His began in the forest prod-ucts industry in 2001 byenrolling in the Wood ProductsProgram at the University ofBritish Columbia. In 2003 hewent to work for an orientedstrandboard plant as a memberof quality control.He graduated from theUniversity of British Columbiawhere he earned a Bachelor’sof Science in 2007. In hisspare time he enjoys wood-working, the outdoors and ski-ing. Skana Forest Products Ltd. isa member of the British




Marshall Wood is a salesmanfor Mars Hill Inc. inWaynesboro, Miss.The company offers any hard-

wood indigenous to the U.S.,SYP, Plywood, OSB and CutParts.Wood has worked in sales for

Mars Hill for 10 years, theentire time he has been withthe company. Previously, hewas a certified public account-ant. He has served as mayorand alderman for the City ofWaynesboro.Wood has been president of

the Mississippi BrahmanAssociation, on the board ofthe Southeastern BrahmanBreeders Association, on theboard of the Wayne CountyChamber of Commerce andpresident and director of theWaynesboro Rotary Club(where he is a Paul HarrisFellow). He graduated from Baylor

High School in Chattanooga,Tenn., and from the Universityof Southern Mississippi withboth a bachelor’s of science in



Continued on page 75Continued on page 75 Continued on page 75

Continued on page 75 Continued on page 76Continued on page 76Continued on page 75 Continued on page 76

Barry Hodgkin is presidentand programmer for SimplyComputing InternationalInc., in Scarborough, Maine.He founded the company in1990 and began working withthe forest product industry in1991, when he providedRobbins Lumber Co. inSearsmont, Maine, with a logscaling application that couldhandle the 25 million board feetof logs that Robbins wasreceiving per year.Simply Computing offers a

wide range of products, suchas: logscale systems, lumberinventory tally systems, weightscale systems, wood broker-age packages, voice boardgrading and voice end tallysystems. Hand-held PC’s, real-time

radio frequencey bar-codeapplications, voice recognitionfor logscale and board tallyingand PLC integration are all partof the special services featuredat Simply Computing.According to Hodgkin, pack-

Darren Barker is a salesassociate for West Bay ForestProducts & ManufacturingLtd. in Langley, BritishColumbia.West Bay Forest Products

offers 100 percent WesternRed Cedar, including trim &fascia boards, decking, chan-nel & bevel siding, post & rails,balusters and fencing. Thecompany also offers customtallies, mini-packs, computer-generated pack labels, barcoding, end labeling and endwaxing.Darren has worked for the

company for six months.Previously, he worked in therestaurant industry for 25years.He and his wife, Tammy, have

a daughter, Jordyn, 1.In his free time, he enjoys

hockey, soccer and involve-ment in the wine industry.

Nelson K. Miller is owner ofAir Systems Mfg. of Lenoir,Inc. in Lenoir, N.C.The company offers dust col-

lection and filtration systemsused in the forest productsindustry. It also sells useddust collection equipment.Miller started Air Systems

Manufacturing of Lenoir, 1988.His first job in this type of

work was dust collectioninstallation in 1972. That wasthe year he graduated fromNorth Iredell High School inStatesville, N.C.Miller and his wife of 28

years, Althea, have one son.In his free time, Miller enjoysclassic cars and hunting.

Scott Boates is the sales andproduction manager for TealCedar Products, a part of theTeal-Jones Group, located inSurrey, B.C. Teal CedarProducts manufacturesWestern Red Cedar shakesand shingles in a full range oflengths and thicknesses. Allmaterials are PEFC certifiedand sold locally, regionally,nationally and internationally.Teal is the leading producer ofsidewall shingles with a state-of-the-art single and multiplecoat finishing system.The company’s motto is: If it isWestern Red Cedar for use onthe roof or wall – Teal makes it.Owners Tom and Dick Joneshave always focused onstreamlined production andraw material supply. Theirefforts have established TealCedar Products as the onlyshake and shingle producerwith its own supply of rawlogs, allowing Teal to ensure aconsistent standard of highquality and the ability to adapt

Jerry Farley is sales andtechnical support manager forJ.H. Baxter & Co., a manufac-turer in Eugene, Ore.J.H. Baxter offers value-addedservices for all types andspecies of lumber, timbers,ties, glue-lams, piling and otherround material wood products.J.H. Baxter provides custompressure-treating and dryingservices for both the domesticand export markets. The 42-acre plant has a unique mix ofprocessing capabilities and fivedifferent wood preservativesystems (Creo, 50-50, Penta,ACQ and ACZA). Specializingin the treatment of CoastalDouglas Fir, J.H. Baxter’swood treating facility is locatedin Eugene, Ore., directly in theheart of the Pacific Northwestand is served via the UPRRand BNSF Railway.The company purchases175,000 board feet of lumberper year. It purchases 15,000board feet per year of certifiedwood.

Page 7: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

Red Cedar Superior In Life Cycle StudyComparing Rival Building Materials

Call us at 1-800-523-2052 for unmatched service and the inside

story on Mary’s River Western Red Cedar products.

Mary’s River Western Red Cedar Siding is all-natural wood with a rich texture that

makes it ideal for any architectural style. Not only is it naturally beautiful, but it has been shown in a recent

life cycle study by a leading forest research laboratory to be the intelligent choice for green applications.

The study found that Western Red Cedar outperformed fiber-cement, vinyl, wood-plastic composites

and bricks against the criteria of raw material acquisition; energy consumption; carbon footprint; air,

water and soil emissions; and waste. Even with maintenance and some replacement over the life

cycle, Red Cedar was found to have the least environmental impact. Mary’s River Red Cedar is pre-

cision milled and quality controlled for unmatched commitment to customer satisfaction.

Mary’s River Lumber Company4515 NE Elliott Circle • Corvallis, OR 97330

Toll Free 800-523-2052 • Fax 541-752-5143

www.marysrvr.comProudly Made In

The U.S.A.

Western Red Cedar’s rich texture and natural beauty

echos the impressive style of this events venue in the

foothills of Oregon’s rugged Coast Range.

Western Red Cedar Stands UpAgainst The Rest

October 2010 Page 7

Page 8: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

al event to get their value frommembership. One of the biggestchanges you will see in 2011 willbe NAWLA activities increasinglydesigned to provide the platformfor your business to succeed. Wehave already started with havingmore regional meetings, providingtimely and relevant education pro-grams, and expanding internation-al outreach.Traders Market provides anexcellent launching pad for newinitiatives. While we understandyour primary purpose for attend-ing is business, we hope you takethe time to listen to what NAWLAhas in store for next year. Stop bythe booth on the tradeshow floor.Pick up a new promotionalbrochure at the Grand OpeningLuncheon. Ask a NAWLA staffmember what we are planning. Itwill make the trip even morerewarding.We hope to see you in Chicago.

Page 8 Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

The theme for the 2009 TradersMarket® was “The Future BeginsHere”, and change was in the airfor NAWLA. A year later, thechange continues.We have made many changesand improvements to theTraders Market program-ming and registrationprocess. Online registra-tion was offered for thefirst time. The tradeshowwas moved to Thursdayand Friday to give atten-dees more options tomake travel plans.NAWLA partnered withWoodWorks to educatearchitects on the sustain-able properties of lumberand lumber products. ANew Product Showcase wasadded to give companies the abil-ity to market new products further.Another change that hasn’treceived much attention is that theMulrooney Award will be present-

ed at the Grand OpeningLuncheon on Thursday. Thisaward recognizes an individualwho has made major contributionsto the wholesale lumber industryover the course of a lifetime. This

will be the first time the award willbe presented at Traders Market,since it was traditionally presentedduring the annual meeting in thespring. You won’t want to miss it.





33660011 AAllggoonnqquuiinn RRooaaddSSuuiittee 440000

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WWeebbssiittee AAddddrreessss:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nnaawwllaa..oorrgg

NAWLA Traders Market® Continues to Evolve

Since 1893

All these changesare designed toimprove theattendee experi-ence, from the ini-tial registrationprocess to the lastbooth to stayopen. Let’s face itthough: compa-nies attendTraders Marketnot out of a duty tosupport NAWLA,but to increasetheir business.Our role is to pro-vide that venue,and the show hasbecome the pre-mier event for theindustry.Traders Market issignificant, butNAWLA membersshouldn’t have towait for one annu-

Gary Vitale

Page 9: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

October 2010 Page 9

Page 10: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

Page 10 Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

trade. Mike Snow with theAmerican Hardwood ExportCouncil and BrentMcClendon with theInternational WoodProducts Association willjoin a panel moderated byRuss Taylor of theInternational WOOD MAR-KETS Group.

• NEW PRODUCTSHOWCASE – The showfloor will include a specialarea dedicated to featuringproducts newly or recentlyreleased to the market.Combined with the return ofthe Spotlight on Exhibitors,companies have even moreways to market their prod-ucts.• KEYNOTE BY JIMMORRIS, “THE ROOKIE”– Few people can tell aninspirational story that is sopersonal. Jim will speak atthe Grand OpeningLuncheon about his journeyfrom a thirty-something highschool coach to a MajorLeague pitcher.

• N E T W O R K I N GFUNCTIONS – TradersMarket will continue to pro-vide networking cocktailsreceptions on Wednesdayand Thursday evenings toprovide a launching pad todinner with meetings withcustomers and potentialclients.

This Traders Market is spe-cial and the buzz is growingdaily. At a time when busi-ness can be challenging,companies are making thedecision to attend TradersMarket because they know,“It’s the show that makes adifference”. Don’t miss out!See you in Chicago!

BBuucckk HHuuttcchhiissoonnHHuuttcchhiissoonn LLuummbbeerr && BBuuiillddiinngg PPrroodduuccttssNNAAWWLLAA CChhaaiirrmmaann

“Join NAWLA at the Crossroads of the Industry” November 3-5, 2010Dear Industry Friends,The time has come once again to bring

together the movers and shakers of thelumber and building material industry atthe 2010 NAWLA Traders Market. Noother industry tradeshow provides such abusiness focus with the spotlight solely onwholesalers and manufacturers. Traders Market has always offered spec-

tacular value, and this year’s show contin-ues that tradition.• NEW TRADERS MARKETSCHEDULE – The show schedule hasbeen changed to a Wednesday,Thursday & Friday, based on feedbackfrom exhibitors and wholesalers. Theshow floor will be open on Thursday andFriday to maximize valuable time on thefloor, enabling a return trip home for theweekend.• GLOBAL PROGRAMMING – Aspart of the revamped Magellan Network,NAWLA will present an overview of thedirection of both the export and import

Buck Hutchison

Page 11: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets





Looks like Screech from “Saved by the

Bell” and has the athletic ability of Tony

Romo. Good thing he’s a cedar expert, or

he’d never find a job.

[email protected]

This man knows thurija plicata and he

treats his customers like family. He’s going

to make you an offer you can’t refuse.

[email protected]

Looks great when he’s wakeboarding looks

less great when he’s on the beach. He

makes up for his lack of style with valuable

cedar product knowledge.

[email protected]



He’d like to give you a great deal, but

you’ll have to spin the wheel first. He

would also prefer if you had your pet

spayed or neutered.

[email protected]


The hotshot in the office, well, at least we

thought he was, until we found out his

major snowboarding injury of a broken

forearm actually happened on a bunny hill.

[email protected]



October 2010 Page 11

Page 12: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

Page 12 Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

Our new Duracolor Intermix system provides you with:

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For more information, please contact us at 1.877.622.4277

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A new innovative technology providing excellent durability, high hiding one coat coverage, and mar resistance.

The new Duracolor 8-base intermix system can achieve over 1250 colors from The Voice of Color® collection

including bright and dark colors. This gives you, the machine coatings specialist, the ability to offer your

customers a wide range of colors for large and small jobs with better performance than tint systems.

Introducing Duracolor™ Intermix

Fınally, a color system that gives you control.

Page 13: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

B r i d g e w e l lResources is anoperating companyof Atlas Hold-ings LLC, aConnecticut-basedfirm that owns andoperates business-es in a number ofindustrial sectors,including buildingmaterials, woodproducts, pulp andpaper, packaging,capital equipmentand industrial serv-ices. With the sup-

port and backing of Atlas Holdings, theyare a well-capitalized company with over100 highly experienced associates.For customers, Bridgewell’s strength and

financial health has provenreassuring in a time of tur-moil among many suppli-ers. “Our customers see that

we’re dedicated to growthand focused on providingthe best possible productsand services to meet theirneeds,” says Smith. “Intimes like these, they wantto work with an industryleader—someone theycan count on to be here

today and tomorrow. That’s the role we

October 2010 Page 13

TTiiggaarrdd,, OOrree..––Bridgewell Resources is athriving, global wholesale distributor ofdomestic and international wood products,as well as food products, agricultural prod-ucts and utility and construction products.More than just a middleman, Bridgewell

has built a loyal following with a veteranstaff, key relationships with suppliers, abroad offering of products and value-added services that greatly simplify pro-curement and delivery. “In this economy, our customers can’t

afford supplier headaches,” says JackHenderson, Bridgewell’s Vice President ofDomestic Wood Products. “We provide acomplete solution, with the speed and con-venience of a single point of contact,together with the broadest range of productavailability. This simplicity is key.”

AA TTrruuee OOnnee--SSttoopp SShhooppWith the widest selection domestic and

international softwoods and hardwoods,Bridgewell Resources is a veritable one-stop-shop for the industrial and OEM mar-kets, including structural panels for singleand multi-family construction and industrialapplications.For the construction and remodeling

industry, Bridgewell offers an extensiveselection of panel products, including OSBstructural panels and underlayment, struc-tural, sanded and industrial plywood ratedsheathing, concrete form plywood, MDF,HDF and particleboard, and a full line ofquality imported plywoods.Bridgewell also offers a wide assortment

of factory- or shop-grade softwoods andboards for windows, doors, cabinets,moulding, trim and other specialty prod-ucts, as well as standard or custom milling.Other products include high-grade optionsand various hard-to-find items for specialapplications including architectural fea-tures, furniture and specialty home build-ing, as well as environmentally friendlyoptions including FSC or SFI certified prod-ucts. Complementing these products is a vari-

ety of labor-saving services including cus-tom cutting, treatment of timbers and cus-tom fabrication.

AAddddiinngg VVaalluuee ttoo EEvveerryy PPuurrcchhaasseeAt Bridgewell Resources, it’s not just

about the products. It’s also their people,their experience, the long-standing rela-tionships the company has with its suppli-ers, and their consistently high level ofservice that sets Bridgewell apart from oth-ers in the industry.Bridgewell’s veteran sales team offers a

full range of services to assure quality inevery purchase, and has more than 255years combined experience. With thatexperience, they are able to simplify theentire process for their customers, takingmuch of the hassle out of sourcing, pur-chasing, distribution and delivery.“Customers and suppliers can expect to

work with an experienced, aggressive, eth-ical trading and management staff with astraightforward approach,” saysHenderson. “We pride ourselves on provid-ing prompt, accurate information, allowingcustomers to make good decisions intoday’s fast-paced global market.”When it comes to logistics and delivery,

Bridgewell Resources provides in-houselogistics management and strategically-located inventory for partial- or mixed-loaddelivery by rail, truck or barge. They caneasily accommodate customers’ needswith just-in-time delivery, job-site delivery,emergency delivery services, vendor-man-aged inventory and paperless transac-tions.The company offers truckload-volume,

repeat-program business in the UnitedStates and Canada. Through a nationalnetwork of distribution yards, reloads, andmill direct offerings, Bridgewell can assurecustomers of prompt local delivery at com-petitive prices.

RRaarree SSttrreennggtthh iinn aa WWeeaakk EEccoonnoommyyBridgewell Resources recognizes the

impact that the economyhas had on the wood prod-ucts industry, but they’renot letting that stand intheir way. “We continue to grow our

business across all divi-sions and add industry vet-erans to our team whoshare the same commit-ment to excellence andpersonal service that hasbecome a hallmark of thecompany,” says Brian Smith, Bridgewell’sVice President of Panel Products.

Bridgewell offers an extensive selection of domestic and import structuralpanels for use in single- and multi-family construction and industrial applica-tions.

Bridgewell offers a variety of species, sizes and grades for residential,commercial and industrial use, as well as standard or custom milling.

play.”With their long-standing relationships with

suppliers, wide array of products, servicesand delivery options, BridgewellResources is positioned to continue as apremier softwood supplier for years tocome.To learn more about the company, the

wood products division, or softwood prod-ucts and services, contact them at 1-800-570-3566. To learn more about the com-pany and their full range of products andservices, visit their website

BRIDGEWELL RESOURCES – Trusted Softwoods Supplier with Decades of Experience

Bridgewell Resources provides high quality soft-wood products in a wide variety of species andgrades, such as Douglas Fir, supplied from variedgrowing areas.

Page 14: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

Page 14 Advertorial Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

Please Visit Us At Booth No. 231


Most seedlings produced at ournurseries are grown from superiorseed collected from our seedorchard in Parkindale, NewBrunswick. The orchard containstrees grafted from high quality, local-

SSaaiinntt JJoohhnn,, NN..BB..––Most seedlingsproduced at our nurseries are grownfrom superior seeds collected fromacross the region.J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) has had anactive tree growing program since1957 as part of our commitment to ahealthy forest future. We growWhite Spruce, Red Spruce, BlackSpruce, Norway Spruce, WhitePine, Jack Pine, Red Pine, and

ly adapted trees selected fromacross the region.

GGRROOWWIINNGG SSEEEEDDLLIINNGGSSSeeds are sown in plastic trays thatare pre-filled with peat moss. Thefilling line sows 1/2-million trees per9-hour shift. Pallets of trays areplaced carefully in greenhouseswhere moisture, temperature, nutri-ents and shade are monitored care-fully. In 10 to 20 days, the seedsgerminate and seedling growthbegins. Each one of our greenhous-es at Juniper, New Brunswick, canhold almost 2 million seedlings. Acomputer system is set to controlthe conditions in the greenhouseand provide information about itsgrowing environment. Seedlings aregrown in the greenhouse for 3-4months and the rest of their growthoccurs in outdoor holding areas. Intotal, a seedling remains at ournursery for 9 to 16 months (depend-ing on species and whether or notthey are overwintered).When trees are overwintered,snowmaking equipment is used toensure the seedlings are under-neath an insulating blanket of snow.During the planting season, (April tomid- September) a fleet of speciallyequipped truck and trailer unitsdeliver over 500,000 seedlings perday to the planting sites in NewBrunswick, Nova Scotia, and Maine.The empty containers and palletsare returned to the nursery forreuse. Since 1957, we have plantedapproximately 800 million trees - ANATIONAL RECORD!J.D. Irving, Limited began its WhitePine silviculture program in the early1990’s and shortly after began atree improvement program basedon selection of the tallest, most highquality White Pine trees found in thenatural forests across the region.Each of the selected trees wasgrafted in the same way that popu-lar fruit tree varieties are produced.A number of grafts from each selec-tion are planted at our ParkindaleSeed Orchard and are carefullytended to produce lots of cones.Because the grafts come frommature trees, they begin to producecones when they are only 3 to 6 feettall. The cones are harvested in thefall and the seed is extracted for usein our tree nurseries to produce fastgrowing, straight and healthyseedlings for future White Pineforests.For more information, visit thecompany’s website at

Cedar, plusminor amountsof other speciesin our nurseries.Mixtures of treespecies arecommonly pro-duced in thesame tray. Ournurseries arelocated inJuniper andSussex, NewBrunswick, andproduce up to26 millionseedlings peryear for plantingin New

Brunswick, Nova Scotia, andMaine. JDI Foresters in eachregion determine the best speciesor species mixtures for their areabased on soils, forest type, anddrainage. For the most part, hardwood forestmanagement relies on naturalregeneration; so limited productionof hardwood seedlings is required.

Pictured is an Eastern White Pine treebranch and cone.

This is a mixed species pallet of seedlings that are still in their tray. Theseare a few of the trees that are grown at the Juniper Tree Nursery.

Pictured is the interior image of J.D. Irving’s greenhouse at the Juniper TreeNursery. The seedlings that are in the trays are being watered with the auto-mated watering system.

J.D. IRVING, LIMITED: Growing the Future Forest

Page 15: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

No surprise to anyone engaged in thebuilding industry that we are facing onthe most challenging period in our his-tory. WRC producers have certainlynot been insulated from the currentdemand slump and in fact are facedwith the additional threat to marketshare from growth of non-wood substi-tutes. During this difficult market period it isonly prudent for companies to closelyexamine cost structure and trimexpenditures wherever possible. Onecost area that is often debated is mar-keting and promotion. Those who aremembers of the Western Red Cedar

Lumber Association (WRCLA) believethat the only way to return to a health-ier business environment is to invest init. These industry leaders recognizethe need to invest in programs thatensure the market is properly educat-ed about the practical and environ-mental benefits of the species, providetechnical services to ensure the rightproducts are specified for the right joband that they are installed and finishedproperly. In addition, WRCLA mem-bers invest to address myths perpe-trated by non-wood substitutes andinspire architects, builders and con-sumers to choose Western Red Cedarfor their next project. Moreover, theysupport programs that provide exten-sive resources to you, the distributorand retailer, to help you sell moreWestern Red Cedar. Why do they doit? They do it because they believethat their success is tied to your suc-cess and are committed to helping youcapture more sales. In today’s highlycompetitive environment, WRCLAmembers believe that this level ofcommitment and the value providedwill differentiate their supply, and at aminimum afford them first opportunityto earn your business. The WRCLA’s promotional activitiesare, by now, well know but at timesmisunderstood. For example somebelieve programs are solely directed atthe architect, designer community pro-filing spectacular WRC design applica-tions but unattainable by most. WhileWRCLA programs do include ele-ments such as inspirational advertis-ing targeted at the key decision mak-ers, by far the largest percentage ofthe efforts are dedicated to promotingprojects and grades that are morecommonly available and affordable toa relatively large segment of the popu-lation. The WRCLA’s campaign makesuse of a combination of print, online,radio and television mediums to pro-vide information about Western RedCedar to a broad consumer audienceof more than 85 million people in theUS.That said, the architect community,particularly in the non-residential sec-

October 2010 Advertorial Page 15


Gilbert Smith Forest Products Ltd.

“A family business specializing in Western Red Cedar Lumber and committed

to our customers for over 55 years”

Contact Greg for all your rough and dressedcedar needs, or visit us at booth #625

at the NAWLA Traders Market!

TEL: 250-672-9727

“Not All Suppliers Are Created Equal”BByy JJaacckk DDrraappeerr,, MMaannaaggiinngg

DDiirreeccttoorr,, WWRRCCLLAAtor represents an important audiencefor growth. Recently the WRCLA’spromotion of Western Red Cedar wasexpanded to include light commercial.An example of the success of this wasthe use of knotty Western Red Cedaron the flagship Columbia Sportswearstore in Seattle. More and more archi-tects are looking for natural, sustain-able materials that enhance the beau-ty and overall aesthetics of their com-mercial projects; Western Red Cedaris the perfect fit.One of the most exciting componentsof WRCLA’s effort has been the pro-

motion of Western Red Cedar’senvironmental credentials. WhileCedar’s environmental superiority iswell known to those of us in theindustry historically we have notdone an effective job at getting themessage out. Last year we wroteabout the Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) research work that theWRCLA completed on siding anddecking. That study provided clearand credible verification of the

Western Red Cedar’s environmentalsuperiority when compared with man-made materials regardless of “recy-cled” content. This year, the WRCLAhas taken its “green” message on the

road, well at least figuratively. Weengaged the services of respectedgreen building expert John Wagner todeliver the message via a “SatelliteMedia Tour”. John was featured on197 TV stations and another 832 sto-ries ran on websites of news outletsaround the country. In total, more that8 million viewers learned why WesternRed Cedar is the ultimate green build-ing material. We would encourage you to visit ourwebsite or better yet, join us for theWRCLA Friday morning session atNAWLA’s Traders Market. We willhave an update on the program includ-ing new initiatives exclusive toWRCLA members and their cus-tomers. In addition John Wagner willbe speaking about the green buildingmovement.Before closing I would like to reinforcean important point made earlier:Given the new market reality, it isimperative Western Red Cedar indus-try players unite in the promotionaland educational effort to counter thenon-wood threat. To be effective thismeans the active participation of sup-pliers by finding these initiatives andwith the visible support of buyerswhose business relies on these

resources. We ask that you recognizesupplier commitment by purchasingReal Cedar from Western Red CedarLumber Association members. For alist of suppliers, visit orcall me directly at 604-891-1234 todiscuss how WRCLA members canfurther meet your needs.

Jack Draper

Western Red Cedar on the flagship ColumbiaSportswear store in Seattle.

Page 16: Suppliers, Distributors Praise Benefits of NAWLA Traders ... · Suppliers Contacts are Priceless! WHOLESALER/DISTRIBUTOR 2010 ... Importers and exporters can hear about emerging markets

as close to a green product as cus-tomers can buy. Tripp Lumber makesevery effort to only buy standing deadtimbers to produce the product. The

wood waste that comes from makingRustic siding is all captured and soldto local paper mills, so that nothing iswasted. Even the stain that helps togive the Rocky Mountain Rustic itscustom look is water based, so that noharmful chemicals are used at anypoint in the production. Tripp Lumberis confident that combined with itsefforts to keep this product as environ-

mentally friendly as possible alongwith its one of a kind look, customerswill be proud to own this stunningproduct. Along with Tripp Lumber’s custom log

home accent packages, Tripp Lumberoffers to all of their customers BrazilianCumaru hardwood decking. This hard-wood decking product is imported fromBrazil and then remanufactured inAmerica to make a high class deckingproduct. Their Cumaru decking is soldas a three quarter inch product andalso as a five quarter inch finish prod-uct. Tripp Lumber’s Cumaru decking issold as a one hundred percent usableproduct. With the ability to supply cus-tomers with all the decking compo-nents as well, such as rail caps, spin-dles, and posts, all made from Cumaruand remanufactured for trouble-freeinstallation. Cumaru is a product thatcan be put around any structure andincrease the value instantly along witheye appeal. This beautiful product is amust for any home owner wanting adeck that makes the neighbors jeal-ous. Lastly, feel free to check out all of

Tripp Lumber’s products via the inter-net at or call toll freeat 800-457-9706. Remember, no mat-ter how custom or difficult the projectseems, one of Tripp Lumber’s qualitysales people will be able to assist youthrough the process from start to fin-ish.

MM ii ss ss oo uu ll aa ,, MM oo nn tt .. ——Tripp LumberCo., Inc. is located in the heart of theBig Sky state, in Missoula Montana.Tripp Lumber has been in the custom

log and home accents business for 25years and has no plans of stoppinganytime soon. This custom remanu-facturing plant believes in their strongability to keep open, honest relation-ships with customers and their abilityto change with time, and find newniche markets that help Tripp Lumberand clients stay on the cutting edge ofthe custom log home market.

Tripp Lumber is a firm believer inbuilding long lasting relationships. Asowner Dave Tripp said, “We valueeach customer, and their needsbecome ours. We have customers thathave been with our company for 20plus years, and I think that is a strongtestament to our products, and theattention to detail that is shown toeach order”. At Tripp Lumber it is a consistent

struggle to keep growing and produc-ing new products for their clients.Tripp Lumber started out as a whole-sale dimension wood distributer, butover the years they have evolved intospecialized items. Today Tripp Lumbermakes custom products such as logsiding, timber siding, select deck,hardwood decking, and all new thisyear Rocky Mountain Rustic siding.Tripp Lumber’s brand new Rocky

Mountain Rustic siding is helping tobring the old style look and feel to newmodern homes and buildings. RockyMountain Rustic siding is available in avariety of patterns. You can order thisbeautiful product in any interior patternalong with most all of Tripp Lumber’ssiding packages. Using this greatproduct will help to bring the feeling ofreclaimed wood to any custom order.Whether you’re looking for the feel andlook of living in an old trapper’s cabinor simply trying to making your custombuilding exactly how you want, TrippLumber’s Rocky Mountain Rustic iswhat you have been searching for. Also, Rocky Mountain Rustic siding is

RRuussss KKiimmbbeellll –– LLuummbbeerr SSaalleess MMaannaaggeerr

Russ joined Anthony Forest ProductsCompany (AFP) October 1, 2009, asthe Lumber Sales Manager. FormerVice President and General Managerof U.S. Timber’s southern division,Russ started and managed U.S.Timber in the cen-tral sales office inConway, Ark., aswell as remanu-facturing facilitiesin Booneville,Ark., and Cordele,Ga. He is a nativeTexan and haslived in Arkansasfor many years.Russ enjoys boat-ing, duck hunting,and fitness train-ing. He has a son,Scott, and a daughter, Kristen. Donna Allen and Ron Yarborough

are also in sales at Anthony ForestProducts along with Nichol Greer, whois the assistant in lumber sales. TheC o m p a n yis currentlyope ra t i ngone sawmillin Urbana,Arkansas,and is stillevaluatingthe rebuild-ing of themill in Atlanta, Texas. It was lost to fireon April 27, 2010. The capacity inUrbana is 120,000,000 board feetannually with a product mix of mostly2X4 - 2X12 of 8-20 foot lengths. Alllumber is HT (Heat Treat) and SFI(Sustainable Forestry Initiative)stamped in grades of Select, No. 1,No. 2, and No. 3. The Anthony ForestSales Team works out of the corpo-rate office in El Dorado, Ark. You cancontact them at 1-800-221-2326. Anthony Forest

Products also hastwo chip mills inPlain Dealing, La.,and Troup, Texas;two laminating plants in El Dorado,Ark., and Washington, Ga.; an I-Joistplant in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario,which is a joint venture with DomtarCorporation. In discussing his position as sales

manager, Russ stated, “The opportu-nities at Anthony Forest Products arechallenging and rewarding due to thediversity we have with integratedEngineered Wood Products. The abil-ity to change and adapt to differentmarket conditions gives us a leadingedge.”

Wood Use in Schools

With more information availableabout the advantages of building withwood, Arkansas schools are begin-ning to incorporate wood in theirdesigns. In 2006 a school fire led tothe ban of wood use in Arkansasschool buildings. The reality is thatwood schools can easily meet thesame code standards for fire safetyand service life as other materials butwill also provide much needed advan-tages to cost, design flexibility, and

Page 16 Advertorial Wholesale/Wholesale Distributor Special Buying Issue

TRIPP LUMBER CO., Built OnConsistency And Planning

Please Visit Us at NAWLA Booth No. 615

ANTHONY Grows Sales StaffAnd Wood Use In Schools

energy efficiency. But most important-ly it results in a sustainable greenproduct. After Anthony Forest Products

Company worked for two years withthe Arkansas School Facilities ManualBoard, the Arkansas Legislature, theGovernor, and others, the state finally

revised the con-struction manualto allow lumber,l a m i n a t e dbeams, andstructural panelsin school con-struction. Thefirst and largestschool that hastaken advantageof this new rulingis Anthony’shome town of ElDorado. AFP

has worked with Superintendent BobWatson and Architect Blake Dunn tosave $6.5 million in construction costand to minimize construction duration.Currently, five more schools in

Arkansasare beingconstruct-ed withwood, sav-ing thes c h o o l sand statea p p r o x i -m a t e l y

$35 per square foot. Interest in using wood has grown

nationwide. And Anthony ForestProducts, along with Wood Works,had the privilege of hosting a group ofarchitects and school officials fromSouth Carolina who are looking toincorporate wood into their schoolsafter South Carolina approved the useof wood in school construction. Inaddition to seeing the application of

wood at the El DoradoHigh School construc-tion site, the tourgroup heard presen-tations at AnthonyForest’s central officefrom architect Jerry

Brackett; Wood Works representativePat Schleisman; and Anthony’s VicePresident of Marketing, Kerlin Drake.The presentations outlined the numer-ous benefits of using wood in schooldesign. Kerlin also talked about thewood products produced by AnthonyForest that are suitable for residentialand non-residential projects. Thegroup had the opportunity to tourAnthony Forest’s laminating plant in ElDorado where many of these productsare manufactured.To learn more about

the company’s products, In additionto product information, the companywebsite provides links to technicalsheets, code reports, APA reports,company news, and pertinent infor-mation of how building with wood isbeneficial to the environment.

Russ Kimbell, Lumber Sales Manager, Anthony ForestProducts, Conway, Ark.

Anthony Forest Products has played a vital role in the use of wood in thenew construction at El Dorado High School.

Tripp Lumber started out as a wholesale dimension wood distributor, but over the years they have evolvedinto specialized items. Today Tripp Lumber makes custom products such as log siding, timber siding, selectdeck, hardwood decking, and all new this year Rocky Mountain Rustic Siding.

Tripp Lumber’s brand new Rocky Mountain Rustic siding is helping to bring the old style look and feel to newmodern homes and buildings. Rocky Mountain Rustic siding is available in a variety of patterns.