superpower geographies

Superpower Geographies The changing world order 1989 – Fall of Berlin Wall 1991 – Disbanding of communist states of Soviet Union USSR was the third largest economy BRIC countries rapid growth Trade BLOCs such as the EU - $2 trillion GDP with 2.6% growth USA - $1.6trillion (2.2% growth) India overtake UK 2022, Japan 2032 and rival USA in 2050 Superpower- British Empire Soviet Union USA only superpower Characteristics- Colonialism British Empire – people believed it was good as politically it gave Britain land, and economically – cheaper, and variety of goods British Navy – 100,000 Defence budget was 2.5% of GDPP Modernism - Physical size and geographical position Resources Population size Economic power and influence – USA 26%, China 6.1% Military force Dominant belief systems A country with the capacity to project dominating power and influence in the world by becoming a supreme power over others Believe human intervention and achievement would improve the world The more advanced nations felt more modern, civilised and progressive

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Superpower Geographies

Superpower Geographies

The changing world order

1989 Fall of Berlin Wall

1991 Disbanding of communist states of Soviet Union

USSR was the third largest economy

BRIC countries rapid growth

Trade BLOCs such as the EU - $2 trillion GDP with 2.6% growth

USA - $1.6trillion (2.2% growth)

India overtake UK 2022, Japan 2032 and rival USA in 2050

Superpower- British Empire Soviet Union USA only superpowerCharacteristics-Colonialism

British Empire people believed it was good as politically it gave Britain land, and economically cheaper, and variety of goods

British Navy 100,000

Defence budget was 2.5% of GDPP

Modernism - Mackinders

Heartland theory -

Evangelical Christianity

And Social Darwinism



World Bank


2007 GNP $14.9billion, debt was $3.4billion

Inflation 11%

Life expectancy 59.1, Population growth 2%

Commodity traders have huge influence on Ghana

Cocoa price changed 90 times between 1996-2002

Price increased by 112% 1991-93

Dependency Theory

Cause of poverty in developing countries is their reliance on developed economies

Maintains trade of primary products (does not add value)

Production Primary Goods exported Low value Low profits No investment in machinery or manufacturing

Overseas tariffs

Countries tend not to have tariff on raw cocoa beans, but tariff manufactured goods such as chocolate


Ghanaian govt used to subsidise farmers, but WTO did not like this

Now Ghana imports a lot of food

No market for tomatoes as EU tomatoes are much cheaper

A co-operative was formed as Kokoo, where 40,000 members could have increased bargaining power (produce 1% of crop) helped pay for drink water and health insurance


Imports 250,000tonnes of iron from Australia per day

Accounted for 90% increase in sea traffic in past century

Makes 33% of world steel 500million tonnes

Used 50% of cement

Chinas Economy

State owned Chinalco (Aluminium) bought Peru Copper

Cnocc. Ltd bought $2.7billion worth of oil fields in Nigeria

Only 2 of the 200 largest firms were in China

$360billion trade surplus

Since 2000 received largest investment 60% increase in world trade since 2004

Estimated $90 billion spent on military (3rd largest)

Chinas Pollution

16/20 of the cities are the most polluted

70% of Chinas lakes and rivers are polluted

30% of China suffers from Acid rain

Largest emitter of CO2

Chinas Problems

Rural population yet to experience boom

20% China live on less than a $1 a day

Child labour


Russia and the USSR

Gorbachev allowed economic reforms, private wealth and investment etc in 1991

Privatisation occurred after state corruption occurred

80% decline in investment in 1990s

50% unemployment factories sold off

Inflation occurred when Govt protection was removed

Emigration of young Russians

Decline in govt revenue

Alcoholism led to decline in male life expectancy

Russias Re-emergence 60% of exports are oil and gas Devaluation of Russian currency Loans from IMF China and Indias rapid energy demandEuropes expanding influence

Eurovision song contest bring people together

31% of global GDP (EU)

Role in NATO and G8

Common laws


European parliament

EU enlargement 51 altogether if all countries were accepted

Russias Influence

Ukraine 2005-08 threatened to cut gas supplies when raised price by 400% due to Ukraine wanting to join NATO and EU

Europes supplies effected if Ukraines gas is cut off

Invaded South Caucasus to take part of Georgia part of Security Council vetoed any potential threat

Influence of Culture

Firms and brand names

Film industry


Culture and Music

News and Media Internet, publishers, newspaper

Forced spread of culture British empire

Voluntary Americas street culture

A country with the capacity to project dominating power and influence in the world by becoming a supreme power over others

Physical size and geographical position


Population size

Economic power and influence USA 26%, China 6.1%

Military force

Dominant belief systems

Believe human intervention and achievement would improve the world

The more advanced nations felt more modern, civilised and progressive

1904 Mackinder believed whoever controlled Europe and Asia controlled the world

The heartland of Eastern Europe to Russia whoever ruled controlled Russia, Asia and Europe

Russia was vulnerable to borders, ports, govt

UK became influential due to naval power and economic

Spreading of Christian word encouraged colonialism

Missionaries sent to Africa

1500, less than 5% Christian, now 50%

Encouraged belief of racial inferior

SD natural superiority, basis of might makes right

Theories boosted from adaptation and natural selection

Helped produce goods and services to rebuild Europe after WW2

1950 $ was worlds major currency

Produces 25% of global GDP

US military dominates

USSR gave military assistance to several African countries and were attempting to match USAs nuclear research, had support of China

USA flooded money to SE Asia and India to prevent communism

IMF and world bank set up

IMF formed in 1944 stabilise currencies after Depression and WW2

44 govts joined aim to prevent poverty

Now has 185 members USA has 16.8%vote EU 25% BRICs 9.7%

Received investment from IMF after war to prevent communism

GDP 1979 5.9b, 2007 153b

IMF and WB helped rebuild Japan to prevent Russian invasion

Created a more democratic system

1970s Japan overtook Russian economy

Formed in 1944 aim to finance development

Focuses on natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies

Financed development of ex-colonies 1950

Aims to achieve Millennium Development goal