super-sizing international trade - hitotsubashi university

“Super-Sizing” International Trade Phillip McCalman Department of Economics University of California - Santa Cruz June 2011 Abstract This paper develops a monopolistically competitive model of international trade where firms give consumers the option to “super-size” their consumption. Such a strategy is a response to consumer heterogeneity (e.g. income differences) and is implemented via second degree price discrimination (i.e. offering a menu of products to choose from). Allowing firms this option not only has implications for outcomes in an open economy, but also more broadly for models of competition and price discrimination. Compared to a monopoly model of second degree price discrimination it is shown that a firm always offers a complete product-line (i.e. all types are served in equilibrium). Hence, competition is associated with greater firm scope. However, the principle of “no distortion at the top” no longer applies, with high types offered an excessively lavish product at the same time low types receive an inferior product relative to the first best. Thus distortions are pervasive in this setting and occur in both directions. Allowing firms to offer “super-sized” products also has a number of important implications for how international inte- gration is perceived. Relative to the standard model of single product firms it is shown that the volume of trade, number of varieties and welfare are all higher when firms use a product-line to indirectly discriminate. This suggests that the standard model substantially under-predicts the potential benefits of international integration. In addition, it is shown that a country’s distribu- tion of income is an important determinant of the gains from trade. In particular, countries with a “good” distribution of income receive magnified gains while those with a “bad” distribution have their gains diminished. Key Words: Intra-industry trade, monopolistic competition JEL Classifications: F12

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“Super-Sizing” International Trade

Phillip McCalmanDepartment of Economics

University of California - Santa Cruz

June 2011


This paper develops a monopolistically competitive model of international trade where firmsgive consumers the option to “super-size” their consumption. Such a strategy is a response toconsumer heterogeneity (e.g. income differences) and is implemented via second degree pricediscrimination (i.e. offering a menu of products to choose from). Allowing firms this option notonly has implications for outcomes in an open economy, but also more broadly for models ofcompetition and price discrimination. Compared to a monopoly model of second degree pricediscrimination it is shown that a firm always offers a complete product-line (i.e. all types areserved in equilibrium). Hence, competition is associated with greater firm scope. However, theprinciple of “no distortion at the top” no longer applies, with high types offered an excessivelylavish product at the same time low types receive an inferior product relative to the first best.Thus distortions are pervasive in this setting and occur in both directions. Allowing firms to offer“super-sized” products also has a number of important implications for how international inte-gration is perceived. Relative to the standard model of single product firms it is shown that thevolume of trade, number of varieties and welfare are all higher when firms use a product-line toindirectly discriminate. This suggests that the standard model substantially under-predicts thepotential benefits of international integration. In addition, it is shown that a country’s distribu-tion of income is an important determinant of the gains from trade. In particular, countries witha “good” distribution of income receive magnified gains while those with a “bad” distributionhave their gains diminished.

Key Words: Intra-industry trade, monopolistic competitionJEL Classifications: F12

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1 Introduction

Recent studies have documented the important role played by multi-product firms in national

economies and in international trade in particular. In the U.S. context, Bernard et al. (2009) find

that 10 percent of exporters and 20 percent of importers trade 10 or more HS10 products and that

these firms account for around 90 percent of exports and imports by value. These compelling figures

are at odds with the standard models of international trade which assume that firms trade a single

product. Given such a divergence it is natural to wonder whether the standard model is missing an

important dimension by neglecting factors that influence the scope of a firm. To assess this issue a

number of models have been constructed that provide a technological explanation for firm scope.1

The typical finding is that international trade can cause a reallocation of resources (potentially both

within and across firms) but the welfare implications are similar to the standard model.2

In contrast, this paper approaches firm scope from a different perspective. Rather than appealing

to purely technological factors, I couch the analysis in terms of a firm that uses multiple products

to indirectly discriminate between consumers with different valuations. That is, firms are allowed

to pursue second degree price discrimination.3 This makes consumer heterogeneity the principal

determinant of firm scope rather than relying on purely technological factors. Consequently, second

degree price discrimination and its associated menu of choices provides a natural motivation for

multi-product firms where the length of a product-line is the dimension of interest. In this setting a

product-line is associated with either products of different quality or firms offering quantity discounts.

This contrasts with the technology based models of firm scope which aim to motivate conglomer-

ate type firms that produce across a number of different industries (Bernard et al. (2011)) or a range

of horizontally differentiated goods (Eckel and Neary (2010), Feenstra and Ma (2007)). Instead our

focus is on understanding the implications of trade in goods such as the best selling perfume in the

world, Chanel No 5. This perfume is offered in not only a number of different concentrations (e.g.

Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette and Eau de Cologne) but also in range of different sizes. In the

case of the Eau de Parfum it is offered in .25 ounce, .50 ounce and 1 ounces bottles. Critically, the

price per ounce of the largest size is discounted by over 30% compared to the price per ounce of the

smallest size. Given the marginal cost of the largest and smallest bottles is essentially the same, this1See Arkolakis and Muendler (2009), Bernard et al. (2011), Eckel and Neary (2010), Feenstra and Ma (2007) and

Nocke and Yeaple (2006).2See Arkolakis et al. (2010).3For an introduction to price discrimination see Tirole (1988).


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is a clear example of quantity discounting - a key feature of a “supersizing” menu. These quantity

discounts are generally interpreted as the implicit payment of information rents to the higher valu-

ation customers. Hence, the implied distribution of prices can generate profoundly different welfare

outcomes across consumers.

While Chanel No 5 offers a particularly clear example of “supersizing”, these strategies are

not limited to the selling of perfume. For example, the 2010 Corolla is offered in a base model,

LE and XLE, with each successive upgrade associated with a higher price. Nevertheless, both the

LE and XLE are associated with “extra value packages” not available on the base model. In this

sense, these packages are consistent with an incentive to “super-size” your Corolla.4 Since this

behavior is pervasive in the majority of globally integrated industries, yet it has not been studied

in an international setting, it has the potential to alter our understanding of the implications of

international trade. Indeed, as argued below, the gains from trade, their distribution and the volume

of trade are modified by this behavior.

While this is not the first paper to develop a model of price discrimination and competition, the

framework developed does address two shortcomings of the previous literature.5 First, by adopting

a spatial model of competition, the previous literature restricts competition to occur over relatively

low valuation consumers. This arises since consumers located close to one firm are simultaneously

high value for that firm and low value for other firms. Such a negative correlation in valuations

means that competition is focused on the consumer that is indifferent between their two closest

firms. While this structure may be appropriate for some settings, it is questionable in others. For

example, a consumer considering the purchase of a TV is likely to have a stronger preference over

size (40” versus 55”) than over brand (Samsung, LG, Sony, Panasonic, etc). This suggests that

all firms are likely to have a common ranking of a given consumers valuation. This implies that

competition is likely to occur all along the product-line rather than just at the low end. The second

shortcoming is that spatial models are not straightforward to integrate into an international setting.

To overcome these issues this paper introduces second degree price discrimination into a “love of

variety” model of monopolistic competition. This is achieved by adopting the Spence-Dixit-Stiglitz

preference structure that underlies the standard model of intra-industry trade.6 Under a “love of4Note this behavior has not always been present in the automobile industry. A standardized product is exemplified

by the model-T and the claim “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”5See for example Spulber (1989) and Stole (1995). Recent surveys of price discrimination and competition include

Stole (2007) and Armstrong (2006).6See Spence (1976) and Dixit and Stiglitz (1977)


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variety” set-up, all firms agree on the rank of the high and low types, and consequently competition

is more generalized across types. This places the focus on the residual demand curve and its location.

As usual in the CES framework, an increase in the number of firms implies that residual demand is

reduced for the typical firm, and along with it the potential rents extracted from all types served.

This change in the structure of preferences produces a number of results that differ from both the

standard monopoly model of indirect discrimination and the closely related spatial framework.

The first main result concerns the nature of consumption distortions. While low valuation types

have their consumption options distorted below the first best (for the usual reasons), the high

valuation types are now offered a consumption bundle in excess of the first best. That is, the

option designed for the high types is excessively lavish. This result is in line with the perception

of generalized excess for high end products (think of first class travel, high end cars, the starbucks

venti size or super-sized meals), while low end products appear excessively mean or flimsy. Indeed

the analysis of indirect price discrimination is often motivated by a quote from Dupuit (1849) who

describes indirect discrimination as being characterized by a situation where firms: “having refused

the poor what is necessary, they give the rich what is superfluous”.

Although this motivation is pervasive in the literature, an excessively extravagant bundle de-

signed for the high type is not an outcome that arises in the standard monopoly model of second

degree price discrimination or the spatial model of monopolistic competition.7 To gain intuition for

this new result note that the rents extracted under second degree price discrimination are smaller

than under perfect price discrimination (which is associated with an efficient outcome - see Spence

(1976)). This has two immediate implications when there is free entry. First, since rent extraction

is lower than under the first best, fewer firms have the capacity to cover the entry cost. Therefore,

second degree price discrimination is associated with a sub-optimally low number of firms. Second,

fewer firms implies less intense competition, and accordingly greater residual demand for the typical

firm. Combining these two insights with a final characteristic of second degree price discrimina-

tion generates excessiveness at the top: the features of the high end bundle are chosen such that

marginal cost equals perceived marginal benefit. However, since there are too few firms, this per-

ceived marginal benefit is greater than the first best and as a consequence an excessively endowed

option is offered to the high type. Therefore, it is the interaction between the generalized nature of7Models of countervailing incentives can also generate distortions at the top and the bottom (see Lewis and Sapping-

ton (1989) and Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare (1995)). Such a mechanism is explicitly ruled out as the model developedbelow is constructed around two types only.


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competition and market structure that plays a central role in this new result.

The second main result is that all types are served in equilibrium. Therefore the most egregious

distortions associated with exclusion from the market are avoided in the “love of variety” framework.

Once again this result differs from what happens in both the spatial and monopoly models. In the

case of monopoly, supplying the low type is necessarily associated with the conceding of information

rents to the high types. Thus, the trade-off faced by a monopolist revolves around the relative

frequency of the various types in the population, the more low types, the more likely they are to

be served.8 In the spatial model the mechanism is similar although it is augmented by entry costs.

If entry costs are sufficiently high, then the market need not be covered with the implication that

certain market segments are not served. Yet in a “love of variety” model the low types are always

served in equilibrium, i.e. each firm offers a full product line.9 Once again the residual demand

curve plays a central role. If all other firms choose not to supply the low types, then this presents

a firm with the opportunity to be the sole supplier of the low types and consequently the firm faces

an enormous residual demand. Such a profitable deviation undermines any proposed equilibrium

involving lack of service to the low types. Note that once again the generalized nature of demand

is critical for this result. If customers are not served by one firm in the spatial model, then only

one other firm has a viable opportunity to serve them, as a result residual demand is far more

restricted. Under the “love of variety” set-up the greater substitution possibilities imply that the

residual demand is a more potent force for determining outcomes.

The extension of this model to an international environment also has important implications

relative to the standard single product model. A key result relates to the equilibrium number of

varieties. Since the ability to extract rents is greater than in the standard model, the number of firms

that can cover the cost of entry is now greater. Consequently, indirect discrimination is associated

with greater entry. This naturally translates into two other important results: both welfare and

trade are higher when firms discriminate. Or stated another way, multi-product firms enhance the

gains from trade. This suggests that our standard model of intra-industry trade not only under

predicts the diversity in an economy but it also understates the volume and gains from trade.

An additional result emerges when countries differ in terms of their distribution of income. Since8This trade-off has an analogue in the multi-product international trade literature where the introduction of a

another product cannibalizes revenue from other products offered by a firm (see Eckel and Neary (2010) and Feenstraand Ma (2007)). This reflects the horizontal differentiation of products within a firm. However, second degree pricediscrimination involves vertical differentiation in terms of either quality or bundle size.

9For an early model of product line rivalry see Brander and Eaton (1984).


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the size of the consumption distortion is determined by the distribution of income, free trade alters

the size of this distortion relative to autarky in both countries. In particular, it is shown that if

a country has a better distribution of income (more high income types) then this country receives

enhanced gains from trade since the consumption distortion is reduced when markets are integrated.

However, the converse also holds - countries with a “bad” distribution of income receive diminished

gains due to a larger distortion. As a result the distribution of income can inform a country’s

perspective on international integration.

To establish these results this paper has the following organization. Section 2 sets out two im-

portant benchmarks in the standard representative agent “love of variety” model: the equilibrium

for the standard linear price model and the equilibrium for perfect price discrimination. While the

pricing structure associated with each of these scenarios is very different, it is shown that the equi-

librium outcomes have a number of common features that help establish the intuition for the later

analysis. Section 3 adds a second consumer type with proportionately higher marginal utility. This

heterogeneity makes little difference to the analysis if it is observable and firms can directly discrim-

inate. However, if these differences are not observable then a firm has an incentive to take advantage

of this heterogeneity by implementing an indirect discrimination mechanism where consumers self

select from a menu of available options (second degree price discrimination). The monopolistically

competitive equilibrium of this model is characterized and the main results derived for the closed

economy. Section 4 considers the possibility of international trade and discusses the implication

of the model for the number of varieties, the volume of trade and welfare. Section 5 explores the

implications of asymmetric distributions of high and low types across countries (generated by dif-

ferences in income distribution). In this case, the gains from free trade are shown to be greater for

the country that has income concentrated in the upper end of the distribution. Section 6 concludes

with a number of suggestions for possible extensions.


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2 Preferences

At the heart of the standard model of intra-industry trade is a representative consumer with “love

of variety” preferences. A particularly convenient representation of these preferences is given by:10

U =A

αQα + y, A > 0, 0 < α < 1 (1)

where Q is an index of consumption in the differentiated goods sector and y is consumption of a

homogeneous good which is taken to be the numeraire (i.e. py = 1). Note that A can be interpreted

as the inverse of the marginal utility of income. The implications of this interpretation are taken up

in section 5. As is traditional in this literature Q is assumed to have a CES form:

Q =[∫ n


] 1ρ

, 0 < ρ < 1 (2)

It follows that the marginal utility of differentiated variety v is:


∂q(v)= AQα−ρq(v)ρ−1 = AQ

ε−σεσ q(v)−

where σ = 11−ρ and ε = 1

1−α . Furthermore, assume that σ > ε ⇔ ρ > α. That is, varieties within a

sector are more substitutable for each other than they are for y.

2.1 Benchmark 1: The Standard Linear Price Model

Under the usual linear price assumption a firm is constrained to set a fixed per unit price, with a

consumer then choosing a quantity to maximize utility by equating their marginal utility to this

price. A firm maximizes profits by setting a price that is a mark-up over marginal cost. Given the

assumption on preferences, the elasticity is constant and consequently so is the mark-up. Further-

more we follow the literature and assume that marginal cost is also constant. Profit maximizing

prices are then given by the following simple formula:

p(v) =c



σ − 1


10See Antras and Helpman (2004) and Helpman and Krugman (1989) for other applications of this quasi-linearframework in an international setting.


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Based on this optimal behavior, the value function for a firm has the following form:

π(v) =cq(v)σ − 1

− F (3)

where F is a fixed cost of production. In line with the previous literature we assume, at this stage,

that a firm only produces a single good.

In equilibrium, free entry requires that no firm makes positive profits. From (3) this implies that

firm scale is

q =(σ − 1)F


While market clearing implies that the equilibrium number of firms under a linear price assumption


nLinear =



] ε(σ−1)σ−ε



] ρρ−α


This equilibrium can be depicted from the perspective of a typical firm with the aid of a familiar

diagram (see Figure 1). The firm optimum is defined by MR = MC while the industry equilibrium is

associated with AR = AC. While these are general conditions, the advantage of the functional form

assumptions are apparent from the relationship between AR and MR, in particular MR = ρAR.

In a free entry equilibrium profits are driven to zero and consumer surplus is the only source of

welfare. The equilibrium level of consumer surplus is given by:

CSLinear =(1− α)α


ρnLinearq (6)

2.2 Benchmark 2: First Degree Price Discrimination Model

From a firm’s perspective setting a linear price forgoes surplus from two sources: consumer surplus

and deadweight loss. However, if the firm can implement first degree price discrimination then it

can capture both these sources of rent. With such an ability a firm is able to extract the entire

surplus under the residual demand curve associated with its product. The marginal utility function


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AC=F/q + c





Figure 1: Equilibrium with linear pricing

derived above can be used to calculate the associated surplus functions:

S(q) = θ

∫ q

0zρ−1dz =



where θ =(


). To implement first degree price discrimination the firm chooses both the transfer,

T (v), and the quantity, q(v), subject to this surplus function (i.e. T (v) = S(q(v))).

π(v) =θq(v)ρ

ρ− cq(v)− F

The first order condition yields:


= θq(v)ρ−1 − c = 0

This behavior implies the value function of the firm is:

π(v) =cq(v)

(σ − 1)− F


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Note that the reason that the value function has the same form as the linear price regime is that

the implied per unit price is the same (i.e. T (v)q(v) = c


Once again equilibrium implies that all firms behave symmetrically, setting the same transfer

and quantity menu, and earning zero profits. This implies that the equilibrium scale is given by:

q =(σ − 1)F


Market clearing implies that the equilibrium number of firms under a first degree price discrim-

ination scenario is:

n1st =



] ε(σ−1)σ−ε




] ρρ−α


Therefore, the relative number of varieties under the two pricing regimes is given by:

LEMMA 1. nLinear

n1st = ρρ

ρ−α < 1

This equilibrium is represented in Figure 2 (an analogue to Figure 1). Once again profits are

maximized by MR = MC and industry equilibrium requires AR = AC. The key difference between

linear pricing and first degree price discrimination is that the MR function is the same as the

residual demand function under first degree price discrimination since adding an additional unit

for sale has no impact on the revenue of the infra-marginal units. This also implies that the AR

function differs across the two scenarios. In the current setting AR is simply derived by calculating

TR(q) = T (q) = θqρ

ρ and dividing by q, AR = θqρ−1

ρ . While the average revenue functions appear

to differ across the two pricing regimes, they in fact coincide in each equilibrium. The element that

coordinates this outcome is that the equilibrium number of firms differ across the two scenarios. In

particular, since n1st > nLinear, the residual demand curve under first degree price discrimination is

closer to the origin. Moreover, it is still the case that MR = ρAR. Using lemma 1 it follows that

MRLinear = ρθLinearqρ−1 = MR1st = θ1stqρ−1 and ARLinear = θLinearqρ−1 = AR1st = θ1st qρ−1

ρ . A

final implication is that the per unit price must be the same in both situations, AR1st = ARLinear =

cρ , since q is the same under both regimes.

As Spence (1976) emphasizes, unlike the monopoly case, first degree price discrimination under

monopolistic competition does not imply that consumers receive zero net benefits. In fact, if products11Though the optimal q(v) will differ across price regimes when confronted with the same market level characteristics.


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Figure 2: Equilibrium with 1st degree price discrimination

are close substitutes, then the contribution of any product to total surplus is likely to be small. This

implies that profits will be small and consumer surplus will be large. In other words, while a firm can

extract the marginal surplus associated with their product, they cannot extract the average surplus

associated with a typical good (i.e. consumers are indifferent about consuming any given product,

but they are not indifferent about the entire basket of goods).12 With this in mind consumer surplus

can be calculated as:

CS1st =(ρ− αα


ρn1stq (10)

Moreover as noted by Spence (1976) this is also the first best outcome as both product scale and

variety are efficient.

12To see this note that the total benefit that the consumer gets from the entire basket is TB = Aαn

αρ qα, which

implies that the benefit from the average variety is TBn

= Aαn

α−ρρ qα. While the payment that the consumer makes

for the marginal variety is only θqρ

ρ= A


α−ρρ qα = c

ρq. Intuitively since the marginal utility of consuming from the

differentiated sector is declining (i.e. ∂2U∂Q2 < 0) the average utility is also declining but is greater than the marginal

utility (i.e. UQ> ∂U

∂Q> 0).


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3 Two types of Consumer

A simple extension of the previous framework is to move from a representative consumer setting

to one where there is some generalized heterogeneity in the population. To achieve this assume

that instead of a single representative consumer with a taste for differentiated goods given by A,

that there are now two consumer types, a high taste type (AH) and a low taste type (AL), where

AH > AL.13 Assume that the fraction of high taste types is β and low taste types is therefore 1−β.

3.1 Complete Information

If a consumer’s type is costlessly observable then the previous analysis is generalized in a straight-

forward manner for both pricing regimes. For a linear price firm there is no incentive to set different

prices for the different types (third degree price discrimination) since both types possess the same

perceived elasticity of demand, σ. A similar result also holds for first degree price discrimination.

Since it serves as a natural link between the previous analysis and the framework to follow

the details of the first degree price discrimination equilibrium are represented in Figure 3. Total

production, q, is the weighted average of the outputs designed for the two types, and in equilibrium

this output is associated with an average cost that also equals average revenue. Average revenue

is the weighted average of ARL and ARH . Note that at qL, ARL = c/ρ and similarly at qH ,

ARH = c/ρ. Therefore both types pay the same average price despite having differing preference

intensities. This per unit price neutrality follows directly from the functional form assumptions

that imply AR = MR/ρ. Therefore, given that MR = c for profit maximization for both types, it

follows that AR = c/ρ. Note that this is also the same result that emerges under third degree price

discrimination. This represents a sufficiently useful benchmark that we record it in the following


PROPOSITION 1. If preferences take the form of (1) and (2), and consumer heterogeneity is

represented by differences in the shift parameter Aj, then an equilibrium where firms can implement

a direct price discrimination mechanism involves all consumers being charged a per unit price of

c/ρ. That is, there is no discrimination in terms of the average price across customers.

13A possible source of this heterogeneity is differences in income. Section 5 examines the implications of this inter-pretation in more detail. For an intriguing empirical analysis that relaxes the standard assumption of a representativeagent see Broda and Romalis (2009).


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qL qH



MRH = θHqρ-1

MRL = θLqρ-1




Figure 3: Equilibrium with two types of consumers

So far we have reviewed the standard monopolistic competition model under both linear prices

and first degree price discrimination and shown that adding consumer heterogeneity does not alter

the results in any fundamental way. However, a critical assumption is that consumer type is ob-

servable. Once we relax this assumption the analysis is fundamentally altered. In particular, the ex

post terms of supply and the quality of supply vary quite dramatically across types if the firm does

not have access to complete information.

3.2 Incomplete Information

To design an indirect discrimination mechanism a firm can utilize the information on the demand

and surplus functions associated with each consumer type. With two types these surplus functions

follow directly from (7) and are labeled as follows:

Sj(q) = θjqρ

ρ= θju(q) j = L,H (11)

where θj =(



)which the firm is assumed to take as given.14

14Note that we are implicitly assuming that the firm will and can separate consumers by type. Of course this needsto confirmed as equilibrium behavior.


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3.3 Firm Behavior

Since monopolistic competition assumes an absence of strategic interactions, the profit maximizing

program resembles that of an indirectly discriminating monopolist. Therefore, using the surplus

functions from above and the information on the distribution of types in the population a firm

chooses a menu of {(qL, TL), (qH , TH)} to maximize

π = β(TH − cqH) + (1− β)(TL − cqL)− F

subject to

θLu(qL)− TL ≥ θLu(qH)− TH (12)

θHu(qH)− TH ≥ θHu(qL)− TL (13)

θLu(qL)− TL ≥ 0 (14)

θHu(qH)− TH ≥ 0 (15)

where (12) and (13) are the incentive compatibility constraints for the low and high types, respec-

tively, while (14) and (15) are the corresponding participation constraints. In a standard monopoly

problem, the ordering of the taste shift parameters would be enough to ensure that the single cross-

ing property holds; implying that only two of these constraints bind, the incentive constraint for

the high type, (13), and the participation constraint for the low type, (14). However, since the

θ′js are part of an equilibrium outcome we cannot simply impose that θH > θL. Nevertheless we

conjecture that this ordering holds and will check that it is in fact satisfied in equilibrium. Under

this conjecture the relevant constraints can be rewritten as:

TH = θHu(qH)− θHu(qL) + θLu(qL) (16)

TL = θLu(qL) (17)

This allows the profit maximization problem to be simplified to become:

maxqL, qH

π = β (θHu(qH)− θHu(qL) + θLu(qL)− cqH) + (1− β)(θLu(qL)− cqL)− F (18)


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Taking first order conditions gives:


∂qL= (1− β)(θLu′(qL)− c)− β(θH − θL)u′(qL) = 0 (19)


∂qH= θHu

′(qH)− c = 0 (20)

Therefore as in the standard monopolistically competitive model an individual firm acts just like

a monopolist. If the firm were a monopolist, then the θ′js are preference parameters and the high

type is offered an efficient quantity (θHu′(q) = c). This is the well known “no distortion at the

top” result. A monopolist would also distort the low types quantity away from the efficient level

(since θLu′(q) > c) by selecting a product quantity that is too small. While the essence of these

results carry over to the monopolistic competition setting it is important to keep in mind that the

θ′js are not preference parameters but are in fact equilibrium outcomes. As will be seem below, this

distinction has important implications for the characterization of the outcomes.

Using the constant elasticity functional forms the profit maximizing quantities are:

qH =(θHc


qL =(θL − βθH(1− β)c


Inspection of (22) delivers the following result:

LEMMA 2. If θLθH≤ β, then qL = 0 and only the high types are served in equilibrium.

Note that if the firm were a monopolist then this outcome could arise in equilibrium if β is suffi-

ciently large since θL and θH would be parameters from some underlying utility function. However,

under monopolistic competition no definitive conclusion can be drawn at this point. Nevertheless,

if both types of goods are produced in equilibrium, then a relationship between the two goods can

be summarized by the following lemma:

LEMMA 3. If qL > 0, then qL is proportional to qH . Hence, the ratio qLqH

is a constant, φ2, where

φ2 =qLqH


(θLθH− β

(1− β)


Regardless of whether or not the firm offers a full product-line, the value function can be written


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π∗ = β(θHqρHρ− cqH) + (θL − βθH)

qρLρ− (1− β)cqL − F

= β

(cqHρ− cqH

)+ (1− β)

(cqLρ− cqL

)− F using (19) and (20)

=(βqH + (1− β)qL) c

(σ − 1)− F


σ − 1− F

Hence the value function for a typical firm takes exactly the same form as in the other pricing


3.4 Industry Equilibrium

Imposing the zero profit condition associated with free entry implies that a familiar scale is achieved

in equilibrium:

q =F (σ − 1)


The next question to address is how this output is distributed across types.

For each type the quantity index becomes, Qρ−αj = nρ−αρ qρ−αj = nqρ−αj , which implies θj =(



). Therefore the high type quantity can be written as:

qH =(AHnc


While the solution to qL is not as neat it is still possible to characterize its implicit properties. In

particular, qL solves:

(1− β)cq1−αL + βθHqρ−αL =



Note that since the left hand side is equal to zero when qL = 0 and is strictly increasing in qL,

while the right hand side is positive, there is a unique solution to this equation that involves qL > 0.

Consequently, the low type is never excluded from the market and is always served in equilibrium.

This leads to the following proposition:


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PROPOSITION 2. In a setting where firms engage in monopolistic competition and employ an

indirect price discrimination mechanism, then in contrast to the monopoly outcome both types are

always served in equilibrium.

This result provides a stark contrast to the monopoly model where the extent of the product-line

varies depending on the parameters in the model.15 In particular the fraction of low valuation types

could be sufficiently small that the monopolist would optimally truncate the product-line and just

serve the high valuations types (extracting all their surplus in the process), a scenario captured

by lemma 2 when the θ′js are interpreted as preference parameters. However, this result does not

carry over to monopolistic competition as all firms provide a full product-line in equilibrium.16

Furthermore, the proposition emphasizes the role that competition plays in extending the length of

the product-line. To see that it is indeed competition and not the “love of variety” specification,

consider the length of the product-line a monopolist would offer in the same situation (when faced

with “love of variety” preferences and heterogeneous consumers). In this case the equilibrium bundle

for the low type is given by qL = ( (AL−βAH)nα/ρ

(1−β)c )ε. As is evident, even a multiproduct monopolist

has an incentive to truncate the product-line when the share of high types is sufficiently large.

The intuition for this result is straight-forward and follows directly from the interpretation of θj

as a measure of residual demand. In a symmetric equilibrium θL = AL(n

1ρ qL

)ρ−α . Consequently, if no

other firm is producing output for the low type, then the firm producing variety v faces an extremely

large residual demand curve (since the denominator of θL approaches 0). In this case the residual

demand curve for the low type would be larger than the residual demand curve for the high type,

which implies that not only would the firm producing v have an incentive to produce for the low

type but so would all other firms. Since qL = 0 can’t be part of a symmetric equilibrium, it follows

that qL > 0 and all firms offer a full product-line.

Since both types are always served in equilibrium and output is symmetric, (23) implies that φ2

is the solution to:

βφ1ε− 1σ

2 + (1− β)φ1ε2 =



Note that the solution to this equation has the following properties: when β = 0, then φ2 = φ1 =15As discussed above this result also differs from the spatial model of monopolistic competition16This strong result follows from the CES functional form. Nevertheless, a quadratic preference specification also is

associated with a longer product-line under monopolistic competition than under monopoly (i.e. qL = 0 occurs at ahigher β under monopolistic competition).


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)ε, and that dφ2

dβ < 0 for β ∈ (0, 1). In particular, φ1 is the first best distribution of bundle

size. This leads to the following lemma

LEMMA 4. The ratio of high to low type consumption of any given variety under second degree

price discrimination is greater than the corresponding ratio under first degree price discrimination

for β ∈ (0, 1).

When combined with the observations that first degree price discrimination achieves the first

best outcome and that q is the same across both price regimes then the following proposition is


PROPOSITION 3. In a model of monopolistic competition and second degree price discrimination,

not only is the good designed for the low types below the efficient level (degraded), but the high type

is offered a product that exceeds the efficient level (lavish).

Thus while the overall level of production of a variety is efficient, its distribution across the

various types is not.17 This is a striking result given the robustness of the “no distortion at the

top” finding in the previous literature.18 Nevertheless the intuition is straight-forward. Since a firm

cannot capture all of the perceived rents associated with the optimal output, q, fewer firms enter in

equilibrium than would occur under the first best (this is confirmed below). Consequently relative

to the first best, a typical firm faces greater residual demand. However, just as under the first best a

firm chooses output for the high type that equates the perceived marginal surplus to marginal cost.

Since residual demand is greater than socially optimal so will be the equilibrium output chosen by

a typical firm.

Moreover this result captures the situation described in the following famous quote that is typi-

cally used to motivated the study of second degree price discrimination:

It is not because of the few thousand francs which would have to be spent to put a roof over

the third-class carriage or to upholster the third-class seats that some company or other

has open carriages with wooden benches What the company is trying to do is prevent

the passengers who can pay the second-class fare from traveling third class; it hits the17If there are more than two types it is possible for at least one type to receive the efficient bundle.18All the models of indirect discrimination reviewed in Stole (2007) feature the “no distorts at the top” outcome.

While other models have generated an “enhancement at the top” result, this typically requires a departure from thestandard setup where the single crossing property does not hold (see Srinagesh and Bradburd (1989)) and insteadthere is no distortion at the bottom.


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poor, not because it wants to hurt them, but to frighten the rich And it is again for the

same reason that the companies, having proved almost cruel to the third-class passengers

and mean to the second-class ones, become lavish in dealing with first-class customers.

Having refused the poor what is necessary, they give the rich what is superfluous.

Jules Dupuit, 1849 (as quoted in Tirole (1988)).

Hence this model produces both the degraded product targeted at the low types and the excessively

lavish option designed for the high types.

The equilibrium outcome once again can be viewed from the familiar perspective of a typical

firm, as shown in Figure 4. This diagram is almost identical to Figure 3 with the exception that

ARH 6= MUH/ρ. Since a firm must concede information rents to the high type, they cannot capture

all the surplus under the perceived residual demand curve. Consequently, ARH < MUH/ρ. This

figure also confirms a number of other results. It is evident that quantity discounting is a feature of

the equilibrium in the sense that the per unit price paid by the high type is lower than the per unit

price paid by the low type. However, despite this disparity the average per unit price set by a firm

must equal c/ρ in equilibrium. Note that this is a direct consequence of profit maximizing behavior

(i.e. follows from (24)) that is then transposed onto the equilibrium outcome. In addition, setting

a common linear price would satisfy the incentive constraint but this is not a feature of the profit

maximizing behavior. As a result, indirect discrimination offers a greater ability to extract rents

than a common linear price.

As suggested above the number of firms that enter is below the first best. This follows since

φ1 > φ2 for β ∈ (0, 1):

n2nd =[


(σ − 1)F


)ε(β + (1− β)φ2)



Nevertheless there is greater entry than under linear pricing due to the greater rent extracting ability

under indirect discrimination. This leads to the following proposition.

PROPOSITION 4. For β ∈ (0, 1) the number of varieties across the three price regimes is as


n1st > n2nd > nlinear


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qL qH









Figure 4: Equilibrium under 2nd degree price discrimination

Finally, all the previous results have been predicated on the assumption that the single crossing

property holds, that is θH > θL in equilibrium. To verify that this is in fact the case, note that

0 < φ2 < 1 which implies that φ1ε− 1σ

2 > φ1ε2 . From (27) it follows that φ

1ε− 1σ

2 > ALAH

which implies


> ALqρ−αL

. Since the definition of θj involves dividing both these previous quantities by n(ρ−α)/ρ

it follows directly that θH > θL in equilibrium. Thus the single crossing property does in fact hold

in equilibrium.

3.5 Consumer Surplus

Just as in the case of first degree price discrimination a firm can only extract the marginal surplus

from the low type and not the average surplus. Consequently, and in contrast to the monopoly

outcome under indirect discrimination, low types enjoy positive net surplus. This is given by:

CSL =(ρ− ααρ


αρ qαL > 0

The calculation of net surplus for the high type also differs from the monopoly case. Under

monopoly the surplus for the high type is given by (θH − θL)u(q). Once again the competition

between firms leaves surplus to the consumer over and above that associated with the individual


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incentive compatibility constraints. The consumer surplus of the high type is:

CSH =(ρ− ααρ


αρ qαH +


ρ−α2 −AL

) nαρρqαL

4 Free Trade with a Symmetric Country

To assess the implications for international trade consider the Krugman (1979) scenario of two sym-

metric countries. Since there are zero profits in equilibrium, any welfare implications are associated

with consumption. Under free trade (24) continues to hold and the scale of a firm remains the same

as in a closed economy, though each consumer halves their purchase of any given variety. However,

while the firms total production is constant, the composition of this production may change in re-

sponse to free trade. The following lemma shows that the composition of production is invariant to

the number of firms.

LEMMA 5. A change in the number of firms, n, is associated with the same proportional response

in qL and qH . Consequently, the ratio qLqH

= φ2 is invariant to n.

Proof. Start by noting that d(qL/qH)dn = 0 if and only if dlog(qL)

dlog(n) = dlog(qH)dlog(n) . Note that from (25)

dlog(qH)dlog(n) = −


). To determine dlog(qL)

dlog(n) note that (26) along with the assumption d(qL/qH)dn = 0


nρ−αρ q1−αL (1− β)c+K = 0 (29)

Total differentiation of this equation gives:


= − (ρ− α)qLρ(1− α)n

= −(σ − εσ − 1


Consequently, dlog(qL)dlog(n) = dlog(qH)

dlog(n) .

Given that the composition of production is unchanged under free trade and that the overall

level of a firm’s production remains constant at q, the relative volume of trade follows directly from

the ordering over the number of varieties.

PROPOSITION 5. For β ∈ (0, 1) the volume of trade varies across price regimes and has the


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following ranking:

V T 1st > V T 2nd > V TLinear

The consumer surplus ranking across regimes also exhibits a similar pattern. Using lemma 5

allows the welfare function of the both types to be rewritten in the following manner:

CSL =(ρ− ααρ



αρ qαH

CSH =[(

ρ− ααρ

)AH +


ρ−α2 −AL


]nαρ qαH

Using (25) these surpluses can be expressed as:

CSj = ψjnε−1σ−1 j ∈ L, H (30)


ψL =(ρ− ααρ




) α1−α

ψH =[(

ρ− ααρ

)AH +


ρ−α2 −AL



) α1−α

Therefore consumer surplus is proportional to the number of varieties. Consequently, since the

number of varieties increases by 2σ−1σ−ε consumer surplus increases by 2

ε−1σ−ε . Thus a move to free trade

generates the same proportional change in consumer surplus across all three pricing regimes.

This result parallels work by Arkolakis et al. (2010) who find that models with a CES demand

structure produce the same percentage gains from trade. While their paper deals with firms that

price with a simple mark-up over marginal cost and shows that the underlying details of the model

(perfect competition, heterogeneous firms, multi-product firms etc) produce the same proportional

gains from trade, the above shows the result also extends to a non-linear price setting as well.

However it is important to note that while the proportional change in consumer surplus is the same

under linear and non-linear pricing, the levels of consumer surplus can still be very different. In

particular, the following welfare ranking emerges:

PROPOSITION 6. For β ∈ (0, 1) the following consumer surplus ranking holds across the three


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pricing regimes

CS1st > CS2nd > CSLinear

While the ranking of CS1st and CS2nd needs no explanation, the ranking of CS2nd and CSLinear

requires some comment. Clearly as β → 0, CS2nd → CS1st > CSLinear. Therefore the greatest

concern is when φ2 deviates the furtherest from φ1, i.e. when the distortion on the low types is

the greatest. However, this occurs as β → 1, right at the point when the low types are given the

least weight in social welfare. This negative correlation between φ2 and β ensures that the final

inequality holds. Finally, it is worth noting that the focus on consumer surplus captures the within

sector changes in welfare. A multi-sector index of welfare is constructed from the indirect utility

function: W i = CSi + y for i ∈ {1st, 2nd, Linear} and where y is income. Since y is common across

all pricing regimes, then from proposition 6 it follows immediately that the proportional gains from

trade follow the same ranking: %∆W 1st > %∆W 2nd > %∆WLinear.

Consequently, the nature of the pricing regime can have important implications for outcomes. In

particular, both the volume of trade and the gains from trade are greater under second degree price

discrimination than under the standard linear price assumption. This implies that multi-product

firms can have a profound effect on outcomes that is not captured by the standard international

trade model. Given that second degree price discrimination is likely to be a pervasive practice

(implemented through product-lines of varying length), this suggests that we have been understating

the gains available from trade.

5 Asymmetric Countries: Different β’s

While countries can differ in many ways, an interesting dimension to consider relates to variation in

β. Broadly this can be seen as differences in the distribution of income, since Ai can be interpreted as

the inverse of the marginal utility of income.19 To analyze this situation we will make two additional

assumptions. First, assume that β1 (the proportion of high types in country 1) and β2 (analogous

proportion in country 2) have the following ranking:19See Tirole (1988) page 143.


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β1 > βw =β1 + β2

2> β2 (31)

Second, to facilitate comparisons we will focus on the special case where α = 0 in the utility function.

This implies that utility of type j is given by:20

Uj = Aj lnQ+ y, Aj > 0 (32)

Consequently, even though there is variation in the relative frequency of types across the two

countries, the underlying types (high and low) are the same.

Under symmetry the gains from trade are associated with the same proportional increase in

consumer surplus both within and across countries. However, when β varies across countries this

conclusion no longer holds. To some extent this is due to the difference in β’s generating a difference

in the relative size of the differentiated sector across countries (i.e. the higher β the greater the

equilibrium number of varieties). As a result, the gains from trade will be related to the number of

additional varieties a country has access to - in the case of free trade, the low β country experiences

the largest increase in varieties and therefore the largest proportional gain in consumer surplus. This

type of mechanism operates regardless of the pricing regime implemented. However, if second degree

price discrimination is implemented then an additional factor shapes the distribution of gains both

within and across countries. In particular, the size of the low types consumption distortion changes

when asymmetric countries are integrated through free trade. In particular, the country with the

high β will gain from a decrease in the low types consumption distortion, while the reverse will be

true for the country with the relatively low β. That is, under integration the global β differs from

the autarky β in both countries, with the change in the consumption distortion governed by dφ2

dβ < 0.

Since φ1 is invariant to β, it follows that the consumption distortion is reduced in country 1 but

increased in country 2.

The implications of the change in φ2 can be assessed via the change in consumer surplus associated20Formally, (32) is derived from:


AjαQα − Aj

α+ y


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with a move from autarky to free trade. For a high type indirect utility is given by:

VH = AH ln(n

1ρ qH

)− nTH + y

= AH ln(AHcn


)− AH

ρ(1− φρ2 − φ1) + y (33)

It is apparent from this representation that changes in the size of the low types consumption distor-

tion, φ2, directly impacts the expenditure of the high types.

While indirect utility for the low types is given by:

VL = AL ln(n

1ρ qL

)− nTL + y

= AL ln(AHcφ2n


)− AL

ρ+ y (34)

In this case, the expenditure of the low types remains constant and welfare increases through the

improved product design associated with the increase in φ2.

Using (33) and (34), and denoting free trade quantities by “f” and autarky ones by “a”, the

change in consumer surplus is given by:


[(1− ρ) ln(


) +(φρf − φ




[(1− ρ) ln(


) + ρ ln(φfφa


≈ ALρ

[(1− ρ) ln(


) +(φρf − φ



Clearly, gains are generally greater for the high types in both countries. However, the gains are

also generally asymmetric across countries since the sign of (φf − φa) is determined by βi ≷ βw.

Since β1 > βw, the consumption distortion is reduced for the low types in country 1, which naturally

translates into a consumption gain for these consumers. This also confers a benefit for the high types

in country 1 since the incentive constraint means that they now receive greater information rents.

For country 2 the logic is reversed with a greater consumption distortion for the low types reducing

the surplus for both types. This outcome is summarized in the following proposition:

PROPOSITION 7. If a country’s share of high types is greater than the global average, then not

only do consumers in this country gain from increased variety but all consumer types gain from a

reduced consumption distortion for the low types. In contrast, if a country’s share of high types is


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below the global average, then all consumers gain from an increase in variety from free trade, but

these gains are reduced for all types by a higher consumption distortion imposed on the low types

relative to autarky.

This immediately leads to the following corollary:

COROLLARY 1. If trade is possible but markets are segmented internationally, then country

2 gains from segmentation while country 1 no longer gets the benefit of a reduced consumption

distortion from trade. Moreover, welfare for both types is higher in country 2 than country 1.

The type of segmentation referred to is one that does not change the marginal cost but does

restrict arbitrage opportunities. For example, variation in voltage or frequency segments markets

internationally for electrical goods though the impact on marginal cost is relatively minimal. In

such situations only the variety gains are available with the consumption distortions the same as in

autarky. Since consumption distortions vary across countries, so will the level of welfare even though

both countries have access to the same number of varieties. This suggests that the role of standards

may be far more important then previously recognized.

6 Conclusion

The recent international trade literature has focused extensively on the role that firm heterogeneity

plays in shaping trade flows and its subsequent implications. This paper introduces heterogeneity

on the other side of the market and demonstrates that heterogeneity among consumers can have

important implications for the operation of a firm and the volume of trade. In particular it is shown

that firms have an incentive to utilize mechanisms that indirectly discriminate between consumers

by designing different product bundles for different consumer types. Thus firms are multi-product

in equilibrium since they operate product-lines. While the essential components of the model are

separately familiar the implications of their interaction has not been previously explored, generating

important new results. In relation to competition and price discrimination two results emerge. First,

competition is associated with an expansion of product diversity within a firm. Second, while the

degraded option offered to a low type is well documented in the literature, the “excess at the top”

result has not been. This bi-directional distortion arises naturally in a competitive environment and

squares with the folklore surrounding indirect discrimination. The implications for international

trade are also intriguing and suggest that the standard model under-predicts the available varieties


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and therefore the volume of trade and welfare. Moreover, the distribution of income now plays an

important role in determining the gains from trade due to its impact on the size of the consumption


One feature of the model is its tractability which suggests that the basic framework can be

extended in a number of ways. The motivation for setting trade policy is likely to be different in

this setting, especially since there is a bi-directional distortion. In particular, McCalman (2010)

finds that in a monopoly setting that trade policy is associated with international externalities that

are an order of magnitude larger than the standard model. The current framework provides an

opportunity to investigate these issues in more depth. Variation in the underlying details of the

model would also be interesting to explore. In particular the formulation of the “love of variety”

preferences followed the CES approach and it would be worthwhile to examine whether similar

results emerge with quadratic preferences. Also consideration of how a consumer is served appears

to be an important issue. In the current setting a firm deals directly with a consumer, rather than

through an intermediary such as a retailer. Once a retailer is introduced, then issues related to

product-line design are influenced by both consumer preferences and also the incentive faced by

the retailer. This seems like a particularly interesting topic given technological changes that are

occurring in the retail sector.


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