super mario brothers or super departmental research administrator? super mario brothers or super...

Super Mario Brothers or Super Departmental Research Administrator? Avoiding pitfalls and accomplishing tasks to win the game NCURA REGION V SPRING MEETING HOUSTON, TEXAS APRIL 19-22, 2015

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Page 1: Super Mario Brothers or Super Departmental Research Administrator? Super Mario Brothers or Super Departmental Research Administrator? Avoiding pitfalls

Super Mario Brothers or Super Departmental Research Administrator? Avoiding pitfalls and accomplishing tasks to win the game



APRIL 19-22, 2015

Page 2: Super Mario Brothers or Super Departmental Research Administrator? Super Mario Brothers or Super Departmental Research Administrator? Avoiding pitfalls

Presenters● Kay Gilstrap, CRA

Business Manager II – ResearchDept. of Educational Psychology, Special Education, & Communication DisordersGeorgia State University

● Jennifer Lyon, Ph.D., ELS, CRA Director of Strategic Research Initiatives Office of the Dean, College of Natural Sciences University of Texas, Austin

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Today we will:● Share tips on prioritizing tasks● Discuss workday structure and how to make progress on tasks and projects

● Share tools to organize tasks, including, the big time pit, email

● Have open discussion

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Prioritizing Tasks Pre-Award:

●What can you do?● PI responsibilities● Central Office● Proactive Tasks● Communication with PIs

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Prioritizing Tasks – cont.


●What should you do?● Boundaries● Commitments● Beware of traps!

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Prioritizing Tasks – cont.


●Deadlines: How to manage?● Chairs● Deans● Central Office● Sponsors● Others

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Prioritizing Tasks – cont.


● Relationships● Learning your faculty● Others on campus

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Prioritizing Tasks – cont.


● Recurring Tasks● When● Why● Examples: subaward processing, payments,

reports, effort reporting, _________________● Daily activities? Think about it

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Prioritizing Tasks – cont.


● Is it really an emergency?● Who is asking? ● When is action required?● If we’re already late, then what?

● Allow flexibility in your schedule● Set realistic expectations

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Making Progress

Tasks vs. Projects

● Tasks:● Often quick(er) to accomplish, but recurring● Examples: certify effort; collect biosketches● Progress is made by completing tasks and

checking them off your list

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Making Progress – cont.

Tasks vs. Projects● Projects:

● Take longer (days, weeks, months) to accomplish

● Examples: Draft annual expenditure report for chair; create resource webpage for new faculty

● Progress is made by first breaking projects down into tasks, then completing tasks

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Making Progress – cont.

Tasks vs. ProjectsManaging multiple projects requires balancing your time spent each day on related tasks

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Daily Workday Structure

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you throughout the day.”

- Mark Twain

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Workday Structure – cont.


● Jot down two projects to focus on ● Pick one to focus on before lunch, and one after

● Put the “live frog” first● Don’t cheat!

● Aim to spend 1 to 2 hours on each project

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Workday Structure – cont.


● “Eat your live frog” first ● Then focus on your second project● The remaining 4 to 6 hours is flex time for:

● Shorter-term and routine tasks● Email correspondence● Interruptions, distractions, emergencies

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Workweek Structure


● Make a list of as many as 5 live frogs● One for each day of the week● Determine priority order● Some weeks it might be a giant, 5-headed frog

● Remain flexible

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Tools to Help You Organize

What works for you?

● Are you a note-taker?● Prefer digital or analog?● Need visual reminders?

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Tools to Help You Organize

High-Tech (and free!):

● Todoist (● Create to-do lists● View by project or by due date● Change due dates quickly and easily● Share lists with colleagues● Also available as an app

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Tools to Help You Organize

High-Tech (and free!):

● Evernote (● type notes and organize into “notebooks”● save URLs, images● search your notes by keyword● share notes with colleagues● Also available as an app

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Tools to Help You Organize

Low-Tech (and cheap!):

● Daily Planners● Composition notebook(s)● Colors!

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Tools to Help You Organize

The one tool we all have: Email

● Can function as a note-taker● BCC yourself on messages and archive or file them

● Can function as a “reminder system”● Set follow-up reminders on messages

● Can function as a filing system● Create archived email folders with the same names as

those on your hard drive

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Tools to Help You Organize

Organize your email:

● “Cleaning an inbox is like cleaning your house”● Employ the 5-minute rule● Filter listserv items to dedicated folders● Respond quickly, but act on your schedule

● Make sure you’ve eaten your frog first

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Tools to Help You Organize

Beware of Email Pits:

● Inbox as your only organizational tool● Acting on every email the moment it arrives● Failing to respond until you know everything● Starting with a negative statement● Lengthy responses – is a phone call faster?● Poor archiving today is time wasted tomorrow

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Summary● Only do what you can do and should do● Develop relationships – it’s worth the time!● Allow for emergencies● Allow for flexibility● Organize – use what works for you!

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Contact Information:

● Kay Gilstrap: [email protected]

● Jennifer Lyon: [email protected]

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Thank You!