super foods challenge - can you add these to your diet to boost your health?

Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods SUPERFOOD CHALLENGE Can you add these 25 foods to your diet? 25 foods & why they’ve earned the title “super” Tips to add these to your diet

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Post on 07-May-2015



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We're declaring September "Super Foods September". Here are 25 super foods we challenge you to add into your regular diet this month. We also share some tips on how to sneak them into your diet.


Page 1: Super Foods Challenge - Can you add these to your diet to boost your health?

Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods


Can you add these 25 foods to your diet?

  25 foods & why they’ve earned the title “super”  Tips to add these to your diet

Page 2: Super Foods Challenge - Can you add these to your diet to boost your health?

Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#1 Alliums Alliums, the botanical family that includes leeks, onions, and garlic, can help lower

blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Research

suggests they inhibit the growth of prostate,

stomach, and colon cancer cells. They also have

antibiotic properties—so they can ward off germs.

Don’t worry about garlic

breath! Generously use

alliums to season savory dishes.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#2 Apples An  apple  a  day  can  keep  the  doctor  

away.  Apples  contain  querce6n,  an  

an6oxidant  that  may  reduce  your  risk  of  

lung  cancer.

Pack an apple with you when you leave the house or slice and dip into

peanut butter for a treat.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#3 Avocados Avocados  contain  the  best  kind  of  fat  (monounsaturated  oleic  acid)  and  help  your  body  block  the  

absorp6on  of  bad  fats  (cholesterol).  They're  high  in  

lutein,  which  aids  eyesight,  and  in  potassium  and  folate,  which  may  reduce  the  risk  of  stroke  and  cardiovascular  disease.  And  they're  low  in  pes6cides.  

Add avocados to smoothies for a

rich, creamy drink. Or make a

batch of guacamole.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#4 Bee Pollen Avocados contain monounsaturated oleic acid

and help your body block the absorption of bad fats

(cholesterol). They're high in lutein, which aids eyesight,

and in potassium and folate, which may reduce the risk

of stroke and cardiovascular disease. And they're low in


Use as a garnish over oatmeal, yogurt, cereal,

soups, and salads or blend a bit of pollen

into your favorite salad dressing


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#5 Beets A good source of fiber, beets keep your digestive system running smoothly.

They also contain iron, essential for red blood

cell production, as well as potassium and folate, known respectively for

regulating blood pressure and protecting your


Prepare a few pounds of beets at

once and then enjoy them

throughout the week in salads and

side dishes.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#6 Blueberries Fresh or frozen, blueberries have high levels of

antioxidants, which combat the damage done by

inflammation. Anthocyanins, the natural plant

compounds that give blueberries their deep color,

may have anti-diabetic effects as well. New research suggests

blueberries might protect the heart muscle from


Enjoy year-round. Savor the fresh berries in the

summer on salads or as a snack. Add frozen berries to



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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#7 Brussels Sprouts

One cup of these contain your full

recommended dietary allowance of vitamins

C and K. They have more glucosinolates -

compounds that combat cancer and detoxify our bodies -

than any other vegetable.

Try raw shredded Brussels sprouts

added to a green salad or enjoy

sautéed with lots of garlic


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#8 Chickpeas Chickpeas are a good source of carbohydrates

and protein and have significant amounts of all the essential amino acids,

which can be complemented by

adding cereals to the daily diet.

Roast chickpeas with a spice blend for a savory-salty-crunchy fix. Toss a

top a salad or grab a handful


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#9 Cinnamon Cinnamon is the gold medalist of the spice rack, with one of the highest antioxidant

levels of all herbs and spices. It also has a

positive effect on blood glucose levels, so

adding it to foods can keep you feeling

steady and satiated.

Sprinkle on oatmeal and cereal. Add an extra teaspoon to

baking recipes. Spice up a

smoothie with a spoonful or two.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#10 Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is high in flavonoids, substances that

have been shown to improve blood flow,

suppress coughs, improve memory, and give you

hydrated, smooth skin. The high antioxidant levels make

it a perfect indulgence.

Always keep a bar or two in the fridge and enjoy a bite

after dinner.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#11 Edamame One cup has a whopping 22 grams of plant protein, as well as lots of fiber,

folate and cholesterol-lowering


Serve up as a snack or an appetizer or add to a salad or



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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#12 Flax Seed Flax is rich in mega-3 fatty acids that speed

up cell metabolism and reduce inflammation in

the body, reducing triglyceride levels and

lowering blood pressure. One of the easiest ways to get them is from ground


Buy whole and ground at home to

retain nutrients. Sprinkle on oat meal or add to pancake



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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#13 Honey Honey acts as an antioxidant, a substance

that can prevent the effects of free radicals.

Honey also contains oligosaccharides, which increase the number of

good bacteria in the colon. The color of honey is relevant: the darker the

honey the more antioxidants it contains.

Drizzle on top of yogurt and fruit. Add a generous spoonful to tea. Make a peanut butter & honey



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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#14 Nutritional Yeast

It’s a great source of protein and fiber and is

also among the only vegan-friendly sources of vitamin B12, which is

essential for normal brain and nervous-system function but

found mostly in meat and dairy products.

Movie night! Toss a few tablespoons on top of popcorn with

garlic salt.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#15 Oats The fiber in oats lowers total cholesterol and LDL

cholesterol, or the bad type of cholesterol. With every 1

percent reduction in LDL cholesterol, heart-disease

risk is lowered 1 to 3 percent. Oats also contain plant

chemicals that have antioxidant properties.

Swap sugar coated cereals for hot oats

sweetened with honey. Make a

batch of oatmeal cookies for a treat.

Try home-made granola.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#16 Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds are packed with tryptophan, an amino acid that aids

in the production of serotonin, a mood-

regulating neurotransmitter. Pumpkin

seeds also offer more than five times as much

magnesium per cup than sunflower seeds.

Add to trail mix or roast with

seasonings for a salty, savory snack.

Garnish a salad with seeds. Add to bread recipes.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#17 Salmon Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids,

which are beneficial fats that can improve heart health. Salmon is also

protein-rich. Choose wild over farmed salmon,

which has been shown to contain elevated levels of

contaminants and is artificially colored

One word: Sushi


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#18 Seaweed Sea-grown vegetables are packed with

omega-3 fatty acids, which may prevent

sudden heart attack and stroke. Seaweed is also

full of important minerals, such as bone-friendly

calcium and magnesium, as well as iron, potassium,

iodine, and zinc.

Take sheets of nori—the kind they use for sushi.

Layering on some cooked brown rice and sliced vegetables. Roll it

together to make a quick lunchtime wrap


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#19 Shitakes Long a symbol of longevity in Asia because of their

health-promoting properties, shiitake mushrooms have been used medicinally by the Chinese for more than 6,000 years.Recent studies have shown the ability of

shiitake mushrooms to help protect us against

cardiovascular diseases.

Thinly slice and add to a Thai curry coconut soup and keep it raw and garnish a salad with these beauties.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#20 Spinach Spinach is low in calories and high in

nutrients. Research has shown that spinach

aids in the prevention of age-related macular

degeneration, cataracts, some

cancers and cardiovascular disease.

Enjoy a spinach salad topped with other

super foods like walnuts and blueberries. Or

make a green smoothie with a few handfuls of leaves.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#21 Sweet Potatoes

Half of a large baked sweet

potato delivers more than 450% of your daily dose of vitamin A, which

protects your vision and your immune


Roast up or grill a few sweet potatoes and add them to meals

throughout the week as a side dish. Enjoy hot or



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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#22 Tea Tea can help you in maintaining a healthy

weight. Green tea may help you see better

and white tea can help you look younger while black tea can help to reduce stress levels. It

may help you fight diabetes.

Swap coffee for tea. Replace your afternoon snack

with a cup of tea. Enjoy an after dinner drink.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#23 Turmeric Studies show that turmeric may help fight infections

and some cancers, reduce inflammation, and treat

digestive problems. Turmeric has been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese

medicine to address these ailments. Curcumin is also a

powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can fight free

radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.

Turmeric is a popular spice in

Indian food. Treat yourself to take-out



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#24 Walnuts Nuts are an excellent source of protein, fiber and vitamin E. Walnuts are the only nuts that contain a significant

amount of omega-3s, and are known for their

high antioxidant activity.

Eat them by the handful or make a

batch of trail mix. Add to home-baked muffins or crush up and mix in

with oatmeal.


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Chemo Warrior, Cancer Combatant: Healing Through Whole Foods

#25 Wine Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of

as heart healthy. The alcohol and certain

substances in red wine called antioxidants may

help prevent heart disease by increasing

levels of "good" cholesterol and

protecting against artery damage.

Enjoy a glass with dinner or try cooking

with wine. A red table wine cooks up nicely

into pasta sauce.


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