sunpod cyclo presentation - english

The 100% self-sustaining solar charging station for e-bikes Recharge Shelter Communicate

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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Presentation of one of our solutions, the SunPod Cyclo, a 100% autonomous solar charging station. It shelters, recharges and secures e-bikes. You can manage the fleet online, see if bikes are fully charged or available. Beyond rental, which is eased by the full automated payment system, you can further improve the Return on investment by selling the advertising space on the 2 billboards (which are either standard or connected LED screens)


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The 100% self-sustaining solar charging station for e-bikes



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The technology in short Solar energy is absorbed by

the photovoltaic panels!


The power generated is stored in the shelter!

2 Electric bikes are secured and recharged with 100%

"green” electricity!


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Features & Options • Auto-steady structure • No wiring nor trench digging • Up to 6 e-bikes for the space of a parking lot • Recharge also at night and in bad weather - several days of autonomy • Compatible with several brands of e-bikes

Options: • “2-in1” securing & automatic recharging • RFID badges to unlock the bikes • Online fleet management and booking - mobile app coming in 2015 • Advertising/communication billboards • Built-in WiFi hotspot • Built-in charging sockets for gadgets !!!

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Benefits « Zero hassle » product • A fleet of e-bikes always charged • Infrastructure delivered key-in-hand, installed within just 1 day • Mobile shelter: easy to change location • A single point of contact for the implementation of your fleet of e-bikes • Unlocking system adaptable to existing RFID cards/badges • Option: automatic payment by credit card A very environmental friendly solution • Annual savings of up to 42 tons of CO2* • Enables you to get “green” building certifications

* Compared to a thermic car driving the same amount of kilometers!

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Benefits Visible installation with a good « communication ROI » • A ‘Zero Emission’ mobility service which is very visible • Greatly differentiates your company or municipality

True financial benefits • Advertising revenues of up to 8K€/ and • Renting revenues of up to 16K€/season (for 6 e-bikes) • Enables recharging for free of 15.000 kms/year

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Technical specifications SunPod® Cyclo for 3 e-bikes = 1 module

Illustra(on,  with  ‘automa(c’  charging  system  &  ‘basic’  billboard    

•  Floor area: 3 m2 •  Total weight: 400 kg •  Material: steel structure •  Roof pitch: 10 degrees •  Solar cells: 1 kWc •  All e-bikes are 100% recharged

everyday •  Wide color range •  Adaptable to all brands of e-bikes •  Delivery: 2 to 3 months •  Installation time: 1 day •  Maintenance: 1 visit every 6



•  10 years guarantee for the steel structure

•  2 years guarantee for the electrical equipment (excluding e-bikes)

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Technical specifications SunPod® Cyclo for 6 e-bikes = 2 modules

Illustra(on,  with  ‘automa(c’  charging  system  &  ‘premium’  billboard    

•  Floor area: 6 m2 •  Total weight: 650 kg •  Material: steel structure •  Roof pitch: 10 degrees •  Solar cells: 1 kWc installed •  All e-bikes are 100% recharged

everyday •  Wide color range •  Adaptable to all brands of e-

bikes •  Delivery: 2 to 3 months •  Installation time: 1 day •  Maintenance: 1 visit every 6



•  10 years guarantee for the steel structure

•  2 years guarantee for the electrical equipment (excluding e-bikes)

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SunPod® Cyclo – Return on Investment

ROI is secured through: ü  Rental of the e-bikes ü  Sale of advertising space on the billboards, on the

e-bikes and through the WiFi hotspot ü  The media coverage generated by this investment

and the inauguration event itself – a great “sustainable development” story

ü  The positive impact on your image among all site visitors

ü  Building loyalty among your customers and/or employees


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3 options to lock & recharge System n°1: ‘manual’ The e-bikes are secured manually, with a lock to the station. They are recharged by plugging manually a cable into their battery.

System n°2 ‘automatic’ Those smart charging points enable you to secure & recharge the e-bikes in one gesture, thanks to an electro-magnetic system. Possibility to add a payment system for makign the station fully automated, requiring no human interaction to run the renting activity.

System n°3 ‘open’ A system which is open to any kind of e-bike. Manual locking and recharging, with a system of locker room to plug the e-bike’s charger

System n°2  

System n°1  

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A flexible & scalable solution •  The solution is scalable: you can add new modules for 3 e-bikes according to your

needs à the cost/e-bike decreases = the 2nd module 33% cheaper than the 1st module •  Many options that can be added to add extra services: LED lighting, billboards,

seating, table, WiFi hotspot, etc. •  Possibility to add 2 extra e-bikes to the module for 3 e-bikes* à reducing the cost/e-bike

* depending on the location/latitude

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Option: fleet management plaform An online platform which communicates with each charging point (system n°2) which enables you to manage the e-bike fleet as a whole, or any station, from any location. The stations sends information back to the fleet manager, which controls the fleet from the web interface: The following information are available in real time: •  Number of e-bikes which are connected/out •  Status for each e-bike: (1) available or not, (2) secured or not, (3) charging or not •  Charging level for each e-bike •  Time at which the e-bike left, time since it left the station •  GPS position of each e-bike (NB: option)

Pour  plus  d’informa0on,  nous  contacter:  [email protected]  

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•  The SunPod® Cyclo station is also a digital communication mean: a WiFi hotspot with a customized Landing Page can be integrated

•  The Landing Page can be managed dynamically through a ‘hotspot manager’, a software-as-a-service.

•  Complies to the regulation of Public WiFI hotspots •  The hotspot can be secured with a password, length of the browsing sessions

can be defined •  Reach of the hotspot: approx. 10m, with 20 simultaneous users

Option: integrated WiFi hotspot

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Example of SunPod® Cyclo references

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A full range of solar charging stations to serve electric mobility

SunPod® by Advansolar

A registered trademark

Parking sites Cities & Tourist sites Events & urban furniture

SunPod® XL Large and very large

Parking shades

SunPod® Auto Charging stations for

electric cars

SunPod® Cyclo Autonomous solar

charging station for electric bikes

SunPod® Nomad Mobile solar charging stand for electrical

devices with wifi access

SunPod® Expo Mobile solar charging

stand for electric vehicles

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For more information, visit our website, send us an email to [email protected] or join us on twitter @advansolar