sunday, june 4, 2017: pentecost whitsunday weekly schedule...

Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday Birthdays & Anniversaries! Monday Megan Sweeney Tuesday Rebecca Lynn Anniversary of Ed & Mary Jennings Thursday John Gardner, Nuriya Das Friday Sandy Patterson Watch over your children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wher- ever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discour- aged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Thanks to Todays Ministers ! Flowers: Penny McCulloch 8 am Holy Eucharist Celebrant/Preacher The Rev. Beth Phillips Director of Music Michael Glick Altar Guild Carol Wentworth Usher Jim Raitt Lector (Lesson) Mary Paine Lector (Epistle) David Riggs Intercessor Mary Hufty LEM 10 am Holy Eucharist Celebrant/Preacher The Rev. Beth Phillips Director of Music Michael Glick Deacon Dede Jamison Altar Guild Stu Langs Greeter Anne Dauer Greeter Stu Langs Ushers Diane & Trask Leonard Acolyte Louise Delafield Lector (Lesson) Catherine Aragon Lector (Epistle) Louise Delafield Intercessor Sandy Miller LEM Angela Hey Coffee Hour Host Linda Millard Weekly Schedule Sundays 8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite One (S)* 9:oo am Merchant of Venice (L)* 10:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite Two (S)* 10:00 am First Steps Nursery (c1)* NO Sunday School Monday Parish Offices Closed Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. Womens Spirituality Group (L)* 7:30 pm 6/7 Last Choir Practice until Fall (S)* Thursdays 9:30 a.m. Mens Group - Rectors Office Locations: (S) Sanctuary, (L) Library, (PH) Parish Hall, (Seq) Sequoias, (C1) Classroom 1, (C2) Classroom 2 Stars(*): Regular weekly events In Our Prayers With special concern: Parishioners: Suzi King, Cynthia Jamplis, The Reed & Pepper Families , The Chai Family, Kraus Family, Zdeblick Family, Friends and Family: Dante Bermudez, Ron Larson, Cameron Tease, Stefani Schatz, Jason Mitsky, Tracy Edmond, Samantha Szewczak, Bret Halborsen & Fam- ily. (Names are added for those who are in particular need at this time. They will be removed from the list after 4 weeks unless we are notified to keep them on the list) Recently Deceased: Gail Reed, Christopher King, Beverly Siegel, Jane Chai On the anniversaries of their deaths: Clinton (Bud) Coddington, Joe Quilt- er, Betsy Whittington, Boyd Lehman Stratton, Charolette Anderson For pastoral emergencies, please call Mother Beth at (970) 948-7962.

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Page 1: Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday Weekly Schedule … · 2017-06-02 · Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday

Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday

Birthdays & Anniversaries!

Monday Megan Sweeney

Tuesday Rebecca Lynn

Anniversary of Ed & Mary Jennings

Thursday John Gardner, Nuriya Das

Friday Sandy Patterson

Watch over your children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wher-ever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discour-aged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thanks to Today’s Ministers ! Flowers: Penny McCulloch

8 am Holy Eucharist Celebrant/Preacher The Rev. Beth Phillips

Director of Music Michael Glick

Altar Guild Carol Wentworth

Usher Jim Raitt

Lector (Lesson) Mary Paine

Lector (Epistle) David Riggs

Intercessor Mary Hufty


10 am Holy Eucharist Celebrant/Preacher The Rev. Beth Phillips Director of Music Michael Glick

Deacon Dede Jamison

Altar Guild Stu Langs

Greeter Anne Dauer

Greeter Stu Langs

Ushers Diane & Trask Leonard

Acolyte Louise Delafield

Lector (Lesson) Catherine Aragon

Lector (Epistle) Louise Delafield

Intercessor Sandy Miller

LEM Angela Hey

Coffee Hour Host Linda Millard

Weekly Schedule Sundays

8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite One (S)*

9:oo am Merchant of Venice (L)*

10:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite Two (S)*

10:00 am First Steps Nursery (c1)*

NO Sunday School

Monday Parish Offices Closed


9:00 a.m. Women’s Spirituality Group (L)*

7:30 pm 6/7 Last Choir Practice until Fall (S)*


9:30 a.m. Men’s Group - Rector’s Office

Locations: (S) Sanctuary, (L) Library, (PH) Parish Hall,

(Seq) Sequoias, (C1) Classroom 1, (C2) Classroom 2

Stars(*): Regular weekly events

In Our Prayers

With special concern: Parishioners: Suzi King, Cynthia Jamplis, The Reed & Pepper Families , The Chai Family, Kraus Family, Zdeblick Family, Friends and Family: Dante Bermudez, Ron Larson, Cameron Tease, Stefani Schatz, Jason Mitsky, Tracy Edmond, Samantha Szewczak, Bret Halborsen & Fam-ily. (Names are added for those who are in particular need at this time. They will be removed from the list after 4 weeks unless we are notified to keep them on the list)

Recently Deceased: Gail Reed, Christopher King, Beverly Siegel, Jane Chai

On the anniversaries of their deaths: Clinton (Bud) Coddington, Joe Quilt-er, Betsy Whittington, Boyd Lehman Stratton, Charolette Anderson

For pastoral emergencies, please call Mother Beth at (970) 948-7962.

Page 2: Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday Weekly Schedule … · 2017-06-02 · Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday

Next Week’s Ministers

Pentecost Sunday 6/4/17

Flowers: Tricia Christensen

8 am Holy Eucharist Celebrant/Preacher The Rev. Beth Phillips

Director of Music Michael Glick

Altar Guild Betsy Alexander

Usher Jim Raitt

Lector (Lesson) Chet Wrucke

Lector (Epistle) Mary Paine

Intercessor Mary Hufty

LEM Betsy Alexander

10 am Holy Eucharist Celebrant/Preacher The Rev. Beth Phillips Director of Music Michael Glick

Deacon Dede Jamison

Altar Guild Louise Delafield

Greeters Jack & Libby Lucas

Usher Todd Reimund

Usher Anne Dauer


Lector (Lesson) Andy Pflaum

Lector (Epistle) Ruth Ann Wrucke

Intercessor Andy Pflaum

LEM Stannye Llewelllyn

Coffee Hour Host Kathy Kennedy

JUNE 16-18 Parish Retreat

There Are a Few Spots Left!

Register for our Annu-al Parish Retreat at

Bishop’s Ranch with a great pool and in the middle of Healdsburg

wine country!

We sold out last year so

register now : Call the office or email [email protected] or

go to:

TODAY Sunday, June 4

11:30 a.m. Although this training is required if you work with children in this parish, you will want to attend this eye-opening training if there are any children that you love and care for in your life. Please join us, and RSVP to [email protected] because this includes lunch with materials.


Sunday School has ended but child care is available for children 5 and under in Classroom (1) beginning today.

Superdog Bingo

Parish dog, Bingo Phillips, has been busily preparing for the Music Art and Soul Academy that begins in June! To sign up contact Cara at [email protected]

Page 3: Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday Weekly Schedule … · 2017-06-02 · Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday

A Note from the Rector Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

It has been a long hard week, full of heartbreaks and goodbyes, and it is only Wednesday night as I type this note. This morning in chapel, we held a special graduation ceremony as we said goodbye to our “Ladybug” class. It is our oldest class at Carillon Preschool comprised of four-year-olds and early five-year-olds. Most of them will be old enough to move on to kindergarten in the fall. It was a bittersweet celebration. We sang the Fruit of the Spirit song with near perfect syncopation; a song we could barely stumble through at the beginning of the year. It is wonderful to see them grow, blossom and move on to the next phase of their development with excitement. However, I will miss their sweet souls and seeing their beautiful faces every weekday.

Late this afternoon, I performed last rites on someone. Her sons, about my age, have been taking turns keeping vigil by her bedside. It has been a long goodbye as she has struggled with health problems for several months. Then later in the evening, I was sat with a mother who lost her son to a senseless act of violence. Today is her birthday. She did not have the opportunity to say goodbye.

There are moments when I struggle to be an “Easter-people,” when life seems particularly difficult and sad. But then, in the most unexpected places and circumstances, there are moments so holy that I know I am in the pres-ence of the Divine. Like today for example, as I watched a son tenderly and lovingly care for and soothe his mother as she lay dying.

Then there was that moment when I was given sustenance by the very one to whom I had hoped to give suste-nance, a grieving mother whose son was murdered. She said she had been praying all day for the man who killed her son. She prayed that no one else would hurt him and that the police would treat him humanely. She said she knew he must have been deeply hurt somewhere along the way to do what he did to her son and she did not want anyone else to hurt or suffer. I was moved by her compassion. It is in these moments that I so clear-ly see Christ in others.

This mother’s prayer reminded me of something Richard Rohr wrote, “if we do not transform our pain we trans-mit it.” I believe that with God’s help our deepest pain can be transformed. Our scripture is full of examples – our lives are full of examples. It is in moments like I witnessed today, where compassion and love abound in the darkest of places, that I am reminded that we are an Easter people, indeed, and alleluia is our song.

Blessings, Beth

Graduation Day for the Ladybugs of Carillon Preschool

Page 4: Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday Weekly Schedule … · 2017-06-02 · Sunday, June 4, 2017: Pentecost Whitsunday

Clergy/Staff may be reached by email at <[email protected]>


TODAY Safeguarding God’s Children

11:30 a.m. Parish Patio Dinner

5 p.m.

Monday-Thursday June 12-15

Session I—Music Art and Soul Academy

Ocean Commotion, Diving into Noah’s Flood

Friday-Sunday June 16-18

Parish Retreat at the Bishop’s Ranch,


Monday-Thursday June 19-22

Session II—Music Art and Soul Academy Hero Central


Christ Church, 815 Portola Road, Portola Valley, California 94028

(650) 851-0224 <> <>

Vestry Rector Beth Phillips Senior Warden, Class of ‘19 Carrie Cronkey Junior Warden, Class of ‘18 Terry Lynn Clerk, Class of 2020 Lisa Hill Class of 2018 Diane Leonard Class of 2019 James Coker Class of 2019 Lenore Lovoi Class of 2019 Scott Power Class of 2020 Anne Dauer Class of 2020 Claiborne Jones Treasurer Annemarie Redmond

Clergy and Staff Rector Beth Phillips Associate Priest Suzanne Love Harris Deacon Dede Jamison Music Director Michael Glick Parish Administrator Shelley Goodale Children, Youth & Family Cara O’Connelll Carillon Preschool Director Enid Helene

Meet the Vestry

Diane Leonard

Place of Origin: Southern California (Palos Verdes Estates)

Number of years on the Peninsula: Arrived in 1986 to start law school and never left, so 31 years !!

How do you spend your time (could be hobbies/profession): Parent of Natalie (16) and Ben (19), member of the Parent Association Executive Board at Crystal Springs Uplands School, avid reader, snow skier, love to travel when we can find the time.

Favorite Food: Fagioli al Fiasco

Last book you read or are reading or movie that you saw: Norwegian by Night and The Girl in Green by Derek Miller; Redeployment by Phil Klay

Something most people probably do not know about you: Formerly an employment lawyer and mediator; have a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology

Favorite Scripture and/or Bible Story: 1 Corinthians 13 “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”