sunday bulletin 1 sunday in advent welcome to …...bishop steve maina will be preaching and...

CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, NELSON Sunday Bulletin – 1 st December 2019 1 st Sunday in Advent Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral, Nelson. Children are welcome at our services. There are toys in the Quiet Room. Please feel free to take this publication away with you. Dear Cathedralites The lighting of the Advent wreath is always an exciting time for me as it is the formal start of the season of Advent. My thanks to Rosemary Bygate and her floral team for ensuring yet again we have a stunning Advent wreath which we will light for the next four weeks. Today we mark the thirtieth anniversary of the New Zealand Prayer Book. Our own Rev. Ren Kempthorne was part of the team that inspired and wrote the Prayer Book that has been acclaimed as one of the best. I can imagine the heated arguments as our old 1662 Prayer Book services were replaced by the new liturgies thirty years ago. There would have been walk-outs, threats, and lots more. But with the passing of time we now accept this new New Zealand Prayer Book as just part of the furniture. I must admit though that the 1662 Communion service is much less verbose than the modern one. I am thrilled that 400 people of all ages came to our switch-on service last Tuesday evening. Thank you again to Bev Greig, Jocelyn Smith and Judith Fitchett, who are part of the organising team. It was wonderful to meet the folk and talk about the various inspirations of the Christmas trees on display. They all have a story to tell about their involvement in various organisations, many of which aim to make the world a better place. I am excited that this weekend our childhood friends Mark and Marian Hutchinson will be staying with us. Mark and I are old mates and we both attended St. John’s church, in Woolston, Christchurch. He was groomsman when I married Patsy in 1975. Marian hails from the North Island and was captured by Mark many years ago. The other miti- gating fact is that she is a keen cricket follower. Mark and Marian and another couple David and Beverley McKie, plus Patsy and I have met for years having meals together. Such friendships are vital. We celebrate Denis Mellsop’s 58 th anniversary to the priesthood as he leads us in prayers and readings at our 10 am service this morning. It is our final CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) of the year and Sally Astridge has something special for this grand occasion.

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Page 1: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning



Sunday Bulletin – 1st December 2019

1st Sunday in Advent

Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral, Nelson. Children are welcome at our services.

There are toys in the Quiet Room. Please feel free to take this publication away with you.

Dear Cathedralites

The lighting of the Advent wreath is always an exciting time for me as it is the formal start of the season of Advent. My thanks to Rosemary Bygate and her floral team for ensuring yet again we have a stunning Advent wreath which we will light for the next four weeks. Today we mark the thirtieth anniversary of the New Zealand Prayer Book. Our own Rev. Ren Kempthorne was part of the team that inspired and wrote the Prayer Book that has been acclaimed as one of the best. I can imagine the heated arguments as our old 1662 Prayer Book services were replaced by the new liturgies thirty years ago. There would have been walk-outs, threats, and lots more. But with the passing of time we now accept this new New Zealand Prayer Book as just part of the furniture. I must admit though that the 1662 Communion service is much less verbose than the modern one. I am thrilled that 400 people of all ages came to our switch-on service last Tuesday evening. Thank you again to Bev Greig, Jocelyn Smith and Judith Fitchett, who are part of the organising team. It was wonderful to meet the folk and talk about the various inspirations of the Christmas trees on display. They all have a story to tell about their involvement in various organisations, many of which aim to make the world a better place. I am excited that this weekend our childhood friends Mark and Marian Hutchinson will be staying with us. Mark and I are old mates and we both attended St. John’s church, in Woolston, Christchurch. He was groomsman when I married Patsy in 1975. Marian hails from the North Island and was captured by Mark many years ago. The other miti-gating fact is that she is a keen cricket follower. Mark and Marian and another couple David and Beverley McKie, plus Patsy and I have met for years having meals together. Such friendships are vital.

We celebrate Denis Mellsop’s 58th anniversary to the priesthood as he leads us in prayers and readings at our 10 am service this morning. It is our final CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other) of the year and Sally Astridge has something special for this grand occasion.

Page 2: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


SERVICE INFORMATION: Those receiving Holy Communion are invited to do so EITHER by

intinction, i.e. retaining the wafer when it is given to you and then dipping it in the cup of wine before

consuming it OR by consuming the wafer when it is given to you and then drinking from the common


• Grape juice is available at communion.

• Gluten free wafers are available.

• Hearing Aid Loop available - please turn to the T position on your hearing aid ALSO

• Ramp for access to the Sanctuary (on the right side)

• Special chairs are available from the Pulpit side for those with disabilities or back problems.

Note that the leg height can be adjusted to suit.

HEALTH ADVISORY NOTICE: Worshippers experiencing Cold or Influenza-like illnesses or

associated symptoms are advised to refrain from partaking of the practice of “Intinction” with the

wafer or using the “Common Cup” during the communion ceremony. Clearly labelled wine and fruit

juice alternatives are provided utilising the small thimble glasses. This recommendation is an

important personal and public health issue which conforms with the Cathedral’s Health & Safety

requirements. 2

Come along at 1 pm this Friday and join in the Christmas festivities and help make the day a little brighter and better for those who are often on their own or are feeling somewhat isolated. We are going to have the special Ashburton Choir singing at our 10 am service. It is a remarkable story of how this choir from a small town in the South Island has punched so high above its weight. We had a great turn out on Thursday at our regional Deanery meeting. It is good for clergy around the Nelson area to meet together. It is always enjoyable to take communion at the Wood where many of our Cathedralites reside. We enjoyed the singing and the communion together last Friday. Have you signed up for Nelson Gospel day and booked a 15 minute slot for you to read the bible on Saturday 14 December on the Cathedral steps yet? Phone Marie on 0211085988. Do invite your neighbours to tonight’s very special Advent Carols service at 7 pm. See you there. Meanwhile, have a great week. In His service, Mike

Page 3: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Yellow booklet) Celebrant Reverend Allen Michel Preacher Dean Mike Hawke Readings Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14; Luke2:13-20 10.00 am CHORAL EUCHARIST – with Children’s Church Celebrant Reverend Nigel Whinney Preacher Dean Mike Hawke 7 pm ADVENT CAROL SERVICE (booklet) Dean Mike Hawke

The Sentence and Collect for the Sunday before Advent

Sentence “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours!” Luke 2:14

Collect Almighty God, as we enter into the season of Christmas, may we get back to Bethlehem. Help us to remember again with freshness the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. May we sing with renewed passion, “glory to God in the highest” and that indeed peace will prevail. Amen



Thursday 5th DECEMBER @ 11:15am Communion Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating.

All welcome

Page 4: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2In days to come the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it. 3Many peoples shall come and say, ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his

paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 5 O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the LORD!

Romans 13:11-14

11 Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers; 12 the night is far gone, the day is near. Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armour of light; 13 let us live

honourably as in the day, not in revel-ling and drunkenness, not in debauch-ery and licentiousness, not in quarrel-ling and jealousy. 14 Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

Luke 2:13-20

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, 14 ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours!’15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.’ 16 So they went with haste and found Mary and

Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. 17 When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.

Page 5: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning



Leader Glory to God, glory to God, glory to the Father All Glory to God, glory to God, glory to the Father


Leader To God be glory forever All To God be glory forever

Leader Alleluia, Amen All Alleluia, Amen

Leader Alleluia, Amen All Alleluia, Amen Everyone Alleluia, Amen, Alleluia, Amen

Leader Glory to God, glory to God, glory to Christ Jesus All Glory to God, glory to God, glory to Christ Jesus


Leader Glory to God, glory to God, glory Holy Spirit All Glory to God, glory to God, glory Holy Spirit



Page 6: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


CHURCH: *Pray for Bishop Steve & Watiri Maina & Ministry Team. *Pray for Standing Committee. * Pray for Cathedral Governance : The Church Wardens, Vestry and Chapter. WORLD * Pray for strength and protection on all those helping to extinguish the fires in New South Wales, Australia. *Pray for rain in New South Wales, Australia. * Israeli-Palestinian conflict. * South Africa – continued violent acts of crime and kidnapping of children. *UK – Brexit concerns. COMMUNITY: *Pray against the spirit of suicide affecting so many people in NZ. *Pray for the reduction of domestic violence and for the NZ Government & community to continue to take action. THOSE THAT ARE SICK OR IN NEED OF PRAYER: John, James, Andrew, Jean Crockett, Lachlan, Roger Williams, Catriona, Mary, Anja, Rayner, Russell Dickson, Carol, Robyn, Ray, Robertson, Andy, Letisha & Tyler, James, Sophie, Charlotte, Paul, Ashleigh, Trina, Kerry Marshall, Bev, Rev John Scrivens, Rudi & Michelle Tito, Revd. Steve Jordan, Liz Roberts, Revd. Marianne James, John, Sarah, Marilyn, Maria, Shirley, Sean, Pam Lucas, Colin Bartlett, Colin Wright, Michael Mellsop (Tauranga - having major back surgery).



If you need prayer, please do not hesitate to contact Revd Tapita Ching on 027 255 3013


The team are a group of parishioners who are willing to help others if and when they would appreciate some form of help. We are prepared to offer a friendly, listening ear, the occasional meal or perhaps transport for things like hospital appointments, trips to the doctor or Cathedral events such as CAMEO. If you know of someone who is need of prayer, a visit, home Communion, or any other sup-port, especially anyone in the Cathedral family, please contact any of the team:

Keitha (03 544 7161), Jane (03 5481035), Jeanette (03 548 3998),

Albert (03 548 7385), Nigel (021 1189 985) Steve (021 294 6146), Judith (0273198511)

Don’t assume we know, please tell us! Help us to help our friends and families.


SUNDAY 1st December: Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, we ask that You will bless and help Your persecuted people. Give them Your wisdom to know how to react in every situation, empower them to stand firm in the faith, give them an eternal perspective on their “light and momentary troubles” that are achieving for them an eternal glory, and guard their hearts and minds with a peace that transcends all understanding. We ask this in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 9:6; 2 Corinthians 4:17; Philippians 4:7) Amen.


All welcome to join at the Cathedral every Tuesday evening from 6 – 7 pm

Mary 027 3721173 or Revd. Michel 548 3337

To say thank you, an invitation is extended to all Holy Dusters to a BBQ luncheon at the deanery on 19 Dec at noon

Page 7: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning




If you would like to donate towards

flowers for 2019, please fill in the folder

at the main entrance. It costs at least

$50/wk for the fresh flower in the

Cathedral. Donations towards this are

very welcome.


LOAVES & FISHES AT ALL SAINTS Come and join us on a Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday @12 noon for a midday meal at Hall behind All Saints Church at 30 Vanguard Str

$3 cash/meal, $5=2 meals, $10 = 5 meals All welcome

WEEKLY CATHEDRAL ATTENDANCE 18-24 November 2019 = 304

We need $4,115.00 p/w from parish giving and other donations to meet this year’s budget. The amount received last

week was $3,424.00

Payments can be made into BNZ Bank Account: For the Churchwardens of the Parish of Christ Church/Account Number 020704: 0028423: 00 or by cheques made payable to the Churchwardens of the Parish. Janet Smith, Treasurer: 0275638205

SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION 11th December - 2nd Wednesday @ 1.30pm - 5 Di Vetro Way. Tel 539 6420 or just come. This will be our last meeting for 2019. All welcome to join. Revd. Elizabeth Clark

On the first day in December 2019, the first Sunday in Advent, the Common Life Liturgical Commission invites you to celebrate with us 30 years of liturgy, and we offer you a reflection, sentence, collect, and hymn written for this occasion. In celebrating 30 years of A New Zealand Prayer Book I He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa we are called to remember its illustrious past; the thought, discussions, disagreement, and many decisions that make up the beloved whakapapa of this ‘taonga tongarewa’. Each contributor, having left a little of themselves woven into each word and illustration, are forever bound in every page.

This prayer book tapestry was never destined to be

woven by one strand alone and as we survey the

book’s cross each thread, including the loosed

ones, carry the filaments of liturgy from its past to

the present and into future whakapapa making.

Now, with the luxury of technology, its prayers,

liturgy, and history, proudly traverse the globe and

its contents are sought after on the international

7 stage, daily.






11.30 AM – 1.30 PM





Page 8: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning




Requesting readers please of all ages!

to do a 15 minute reading ….

You are warmly invited to Nelson Gospel Day! On December the 14th, volunteers from all

over the Top of the South are going to read the New Testament non-stop from beginning to

end at the Cathedral Steps. Would you like to share the Gospel with Nelson?

The entire New Testament takes about 20 - 24 hours to read and people will do 15 minute

readings so we will need:

• 80 - 100 readers. Book a time by emailing [email protected] or filling out

the online form (PC version) (Mobile phone version).

• Promoters at all the churches of Nelson.

• Promoters in person and by phone and on social media and by email. Please forward this

email to your friends and family!

• Lots of extra keen readers who will read the Gospel in the middle of the night. It is a

Saturday night in summer and McDonalds is nearby so there is likely to be an audience

right through to the end!

• Backup readers to be there for one hour in case of allocated readers not showing up.

• Prayer volunteers to pray with members of the public on request.

• People to set up and pack up.

• People to bring refreshments.

• Prayer volunteers to pray for the event.

• Other things that we haven't even thought of!

This is a tremendous chance to:

• Put Christmas back in its proper context

and share the real Christmas message - the good news of Jesus!

• Spread the Good News the way it was shared before the New Testament existed, as

recorded in Acts!

• Use the freedom to share God's Word while we have it, as Christians around the world

would love to be able to do!

All that you need to bring is yourself and a desire to help to share the word. The Bible will

be provided on the day. If you would like to help in any way or if you have questions about

Gospel Day, please feel free to email [email protected]. We are also on

Facebook, or you can call Sean on 0273512750 (12 - 1 p.m. or after 5 on weekdays, all day

Saturday and after 12 p.m. on Sundays).

Best Regards,

Marie O'Connor - 0211085988

on behalf of the 2019 Nelson Gospel Day Committee, a group of volunteers with help

from the Gideons. 8

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17TH DECEMBER @ 7.30pm

at Christchurch Cathedral,


Chroma Chamber Choir at

Nelson Cathedral on Saturday

14th December 7pm

Adults $20

students$10 pre-schoolers free


Page 10: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning



We are delighted to have families with children worship with us. During school term time we have a children’s ministry during the service. Toilets can be found outside down the path to the left. If it is raining you can use the toilets off the Teaching Room.

Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the Quiet Room after the service.


We are delighted to have you join us for today’s service. Please fill out the form, tear off and place in the Newcomers Box at the main entrance.

I would like to know more about:

Kids Church Choir AAW Prayer Meditation Exercise groups Parish Nurse I would like to go on the cathedral emailing/postal list I would like to go on the Parish Roll. I would like to have a visit from the clergy

NAME: _______________________CONTACT NUMBER: _________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________

Page 11: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


Sunday Tuesday 1st December – Advent 1 08.00 am - Holy Communion

10.00 am – Choral Eucharist – with Children’s Church 12.30-3.30 pm - Whakatu Maori Mission Community Service

7.00 pm – Advent Carols Service

Monday 2nd December 12.15 pm – Holy Communion

Tuesday 3rd December

09.00 am – Walking Group with morning tea afterwards 12.15 pm – Holy Communion

Wednesday 4th December

10.00 am – Holy Communion

Thursday 5th December 12.15 pm – Holy Communion

Friday 6th December

12.15 pm – Holy Communion 1 - 2.30 pm – CAMEO lunch

Saturday 7th December

08.00 am – Holy Communion

Sunday Tuesday 8th December 08.00 am - Holy Communion

10.00 am – Choral Eucharist & Ashburton Choir -with Children’s Church 12.30-3.30 pm - Whakatu Maori Mission Community Service

last service until 2020 5.30 pm – Choral Evensong


Page 12: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


As Part of the Christmas Tree Festival MINI MUSICALS

will take place starting at 1.00pm

Monday 9th December Mary Ayre and students

Tuesday 10th December Cathedral Choir

Wednesday 11th December The Renaissance Consort assisted by St Joseph’s recorder group

Thursday 12th December Gloria Lee – Organ

Friday 13th December Christmas Melodies Julie and Sally

Monday 16th December Grampians Trio

Tuesday 17th December Old time music & Christmas Carols – Debbie

Wednesday 18th December Mark Patterson – Organ

Thursday 19th December Nelson Bays Harmony Chorus

Friday 20th December Avid Opera

Monday 23rd December Boat House Choir



Page 13: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


CAMEO at the Cathedral Come and meet each other

An opportunity for you to come to the Cathedral

for a meal, a chat, a sing-a-long, and a prayer.

6th December from 1 - 2.30pm

Come and bring a friend

Everyone welcome Free:- Koha opportunity

Phone Dean Mike - 021 711 726 / 548 1443

Nelson City Brass presents

‘Christmas Festive Brass’

Saturday 7 December 7:00pm at

Christ Church Cathedral, Nelson

Conductor: Nigel E. Weeks

Adults $20.00, Children /students $5.00.

Door sales only. We can’t wait to see

you all there!

Page 14: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning


Royal Commission on Abuse in Care

You will be aware that the Royal Commission has begun its work and has recently been involved in contextual hearings. The Commission's Website says: "The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care is looking into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults in care between 1950 and 1999.” The focus of the Commission is on 'Abuse in Care' with reference to:

1. State-run institutions

2. Faith-based institutions

The extent of (2) includes our care of children, young people and vulnerable adults in our churches, schools, orphanages, elder care homes, and other ministries governed and managed by Anglican Social Ser-vices/Anglican Care. The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, including the Diocese of Nelson, is committed to engaging with the Commission and its work, and will do everything it can to assist the Commission fulfilling its purposes. The Diocese of Nelson is encouraging submissions to be made to the Commission by survivors of abuse in its care. Contact details for communicating with the Commission are: Phone: 10 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday (NZT) 0800 222 727 [Calling from Australia, 1800 875 745] Email: [email protected] Mail: Royal Commission of Inquiry PO Box 10071 The Terrace Wellington 6143 If this raises issues that affect you directly, I am happy to meet with you. Please contact me through the Diocesan office: [email protected]

+ Steve

Elder Abuse Training – how to spot it and how to report it

As part of the Diocese’s SafeHere training, we have arranged for some training with Age Concern on how to spot Elder Abuse and how to report it. This training is suitable for all who work with our elderly communities, especially Elder Care Workers, Vicars, Administrators, Pastoral Care Workers and SafeHere Coordinators. The training will be held on Wednesday 4th December from 10.30am-11.30am (including morning tea). The venue will be advised shortly. There is no charge, but registration is essential as the numbers are lim-ited to 40 participants. To register please email Health and Safety Coordinator Rachel Boyack at [email protected] with your name, Parish, role and any dietary requirements for afternoon.

Page 15: Sunday Bulletin 1 Sunday in Advent Welcome to …...Bishop Steve Maina will be preaching and celebrating. All welcome 4 Isaiah 2:1-5 1The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning



In the event of a fire please follow the directions of the wardens and assemble at the nearest Assembly Point (at the top of the Church steps, or in the car park by the notice board). In the event of an earthquake Drop, Cover and Hold. If you are unable to get under a pew, please adopt the emergency brace position and cover your head and neck with your arms. Do not attempt to run outside once shaking has started. Once shaking has stopped please follow the directions of the wardens in evacuating the building. If you notice someone in need of assistance during the evacuation please provide help if you are able, or notify a warden. Health & Safety Team



The Very Reverend Michael Hawke: 548 1443 / 021 711 726 [email protected] *Day Off on Mondays*

Reverend Steve Jordan: 021 294 6105 [email protected] *Days off on Fri & Sat*

Lead Organist: Jane Mitchell: 021 051 3875 / [email protected]

Lead Conductor: Melanie Carruthers: 027 725 2942 / [email protected]

Service Co-ordinator: Patsy Hawk e: 021 269 0455 / [email protected]

Children’s Ministry Worker: John Laing: 0272 959 261 / [email protected]

Parish Nurse: Judith Fitchett: 0273198511 / [email protected]

Dean’s Warden: Graham Allan: 027 244 8184 / [email protected]

Peoples Warden: Jenny Dickie: 021 342 227 / [email protected]

Office Administrator: Teresa Coombs: 548 1008 [email protected] Livestream: youtube/nelsoncathedral

OFFICE OPENING HOURS Mon–Thurs: 9.30am–1.30pm; Fri: Office closed

Next week Sunday 8th December 2nd Sunday in Advent

08.00 am Holy Communion

10.00 am Choral Eucharist & Ashburton Choir -

with Children’s Church

12.30 pm Whakatu Maori Mission Community Service

5.30 pm Choral Evensong

John 3:16

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Sunday 1st December Advent Carol Service 7pm

Saturday 7th December Nelson City Brass Christmas Concert 7pm

9th – 23rd December Mini Musicals at the Cathedral featuring

the fortnight before Christmas 1-1.30pm each day

Saturday 14th December Gospel Day (steps) 7am Dec 14 – 3am Dec 15 - 0273512750

Chroma Chamber Choir - “St Nicolas” concert - 7pm

Sunday 15th December Christmas Remembrance Service 10am

Tuesday 17th December “A Baroque Christmas” Concert 7.30pm

Choir of Newman College (AUS) & Affetto ensemble (NZ)

Sunday 22nd December Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols with Nelson City Brass 7pm

Christmas Eve 24th December 5.30pm Christingle Service

8.45pm Carols on the Cathedral steps 10.45pm Choir sings carols from the gallery

11.30pm Christmas Eve Communion

Christmas Day 25th December 8am Holy Communion 10am Family Eucharist