summit tales

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  • 8/8/2019 Summit Tales


    James Nehme #1

    Mr. Harvey

    Short Stories

    Nov. 15, 10

    Summit Tales

    The drive to Pines Plaza is about the same amount of time it takes for Deagan to tease

    some dope kid only to have his older blockhead brother return with some of his chump friends.

    Or the amount of time it takes for Gordon to read the Sunday comics and finish the crossword

    puzzle. Or for Johnny to knock flat a brute thats hitting on his girl. Or for Derrick to come up

    with the perfect joke, inherently crass, and infinitely funny. This was life at school and inside the

    home. However, this story isnt about those places or things. This is the story of four boys in

    their Midnight Adventures, away from home, away from school, and, on occasion, away from

    decency and morality. Regretfully, this is the tale about how one of four boys, dies.

    The purr of the 1964 Ford Mustang convertible gives way for shouts, shrieks, and hollers

    by the four teenagers occupying it. The cold unregretful wind cuts through the boys like serrated

    razors, the type of wind that only comes from traveling at dangerous speeds. The padded seats in

    the Mustang has a warm and vibrating feel to it as they whip up and down through the rolling

    hills of the country side. Johnny, with his light brown hair that parts in the front, leather jacket,

    and disarming smile, flips the radio on and gives Deagan a grin.

    Deagans gripping the wheel with an intense and sinister look; he falls peripherally blind

    to everything that isnt the road. A nice oldie comes on that sounds like Mr. Sandman - perhaps it

    is. As the chorus hits and the red convertible drops down another hill, Derrick yells over the

    radio and the seat, trying to explain a funny amorous joke about how the artists made up the

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    lyrics to the refrain. The joke falls mostly to deaf ears, but Gordon, whos sitting in back, catches

    it and cries out in laughter as they speed along under the partly-cloudy orange splashed horizon.

    They slow down as they near the town center.

    Hey, Deagan, lets stop by my house before any late night adventures. I got a new

    package from my friend. Suppose to be the best stuff out there, light-years ahead of its time.

    says Derrick with his head sticking out the car, catching some nice breeze now that theyve

    slowed down.

    Well now Derrick. Thats a bit out of the way dont you think? says Deagan, feigning a smile

    as they continue to get closer to the center of town.

    Not really Deag. Do you want the stuff or not? Take a left up here. Come on man. says

    Derrick, losing his patience.

    Well stop by your house if we have time. Were on a tight schedule and frankly I dont care to

    take these shit pills you get from your buddy in Oklahoma. The last shipment mightas wellve

    been cough medicine. Tell your little buddy, Jake is it? To go fuck himself. Deagan says in a

    cool but clearly spiked tone as the stop sign to the intersection is now only thirty meters away.

    First of all, those were test drugs Deag. He said himself they might be duds. But this here

    shipments the real deal. Said were one of the first ones to try them out, and the very first ones,

    out in Cali, were so hooked they drove all the way out to Jakes house just for another hit.Plus

    my sisters home, maybe she can make us somethin to eat.. Derrick just lets those words hang

    in the air, potent in their own right.

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    Jennifers there? Deagan says with a glazed over look. Yeah, maybe she can make us

    something to eat. Fuck it he says and violently jerks the wheel left as they do a hundred and ten

    degree turn in the middle of the intersection and power up Summit Road.

    As the red mustang pulls up next to the large white house plotted on the side of Summit

    Mountain, all the boys, except Deagan whos fixing his hair in the mirror, hop out like theyve

    never done anything else in their lives. They fall into place like a flock of birds heading south:

    Johnnys tall and charming presence leading, Derricks less taller presence winging the right

    cracking another dirty joke, and Gordon trailing along, head down, pondering his homework

    situation for Monday. As Deagan jogs to catch up, he gives Gordon a rough slap on the back of

    the head and smiles impishly, Gotta stay alert Gorton. Heres an idea, stay here and keep those

    chipmunks from scratchin up my stang

    Gorton mutters a cuss under his breath and a pang of poignancy is overcome by stifling

    anger at Deagan. Johnny seeing what just happened, walks over to Gordon - as everyone shuffles

    in to the kitchen to help themselves.

    Hey kid He reaches out and rubs Gordon on the head. You know he doesnt mean it. Its just

    his way of showing affection

    Gordon cant resist a smile at Johnnys calm demeanor and warm pleading expression,

    and replies that he knows. They walk in. As Deagan is leaning against the counter trying to

    seduce Derricks sister Jennifer, Derrick himself runs up the stairs into his room to grab a

    package from Oklahoma.

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    Hey, Jennifer. Deagan says, as he eyes her like a piece of candy. He pauses midsentence for

    the dramatic effect. Its clear hes well rehearsed in this. So maybe you could help me out with

    a little problem I got. See, I lost my number last night, maybe I could borrow yours. Promise Ill

    giveit right back. He winks and casually spreads his arms along the white counter.

    Jennifer throws him a disgusted look, its clear that she too is well reheased in this. Johnny,

    quick as a whip, but not too quick as to look uncool, says Deag, if thats the best pickup line

    you got, you might just want to save yourself the trouble and weed your genes out of existance

    on your own Jennifer smiles, happy to be relieved of the awkward tension, and Deagan glares at

    nothing in particular. His towering six-foot-three frame reduced to a hunchback in despair, or

    perhaps simply plotting his next move. If he has one, he decides better of it and continues to

    munch on his oatmeal.

    So Johnny, I heard you broke up with Susan. I dont mean to pry, but thats a shame. Right

    before the fall dance festival too.

    Johnny falls in a well-versed somber mood. Yeah, I suppose. I think it was time thoughtwo

    years..gosh, Its been a while He tilts his head thoughtfully.

    Jennifer smiles sweetly, fiddling with her blond hair, and slowly looking up to Johnny with her

    big brown doey eyes. Johnny blushes, sensing the peculiar tension in the room. Deagan fakes

    regurgitation in Jennifers direction and leaves the room just as

    All right, lets hit it. says Derrick as he jumps down the last few steps with a brown coated

    package under his right arm. This place is a trash, Jennifer, clean up for once women. And

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    dont forget to do the dishes, its your turn. Deagan, Johnny, and even Gordon share a look,

    clearly knowing where this is going. They head out past the threshold of the house towards the

    Mustang. Jennifer, in her hurtful rage of having the perfect moment with Johnny ruined yells,

    Derrick! The only place thats a trash is your room. And the trail of mess you leave behind your

    disgusting self. Dont you even think for...

    The door slams shut, and with it goes any further rain of insults by Jennifer, barred for now.

    Jennifer gets crazy sometimes. Its usually at least once a month. Derrick mutters causally, if

    not a little amused as they jump into the car. Deagan nods in thoughtful agreement, happy to

    confirm that it wasnt his pickup line that went amiss, but Jennifers odd mood.

    The red Stang roars to life and then purrs once more as they glide down Summit road.

    The drive to Pines Plaza takes eight and half minutes, virtually to the second; the boys attribute

    this wonder to the static traffic and Deagans clockwork right foot, which they dubbed his rabbit

    leg. Indubitably, they arrive at the plaza at 6:48pm. The sun is fleeting by this point, but not

    without a valiant struggle to stay up in the atmosphere. The gentle wind goes unnoticed by the

    four boys pulling in front of OBriens store, as does a pitch black 1961 Pontiac, racing its way

    down Summit Road towards a certain shop.

    The thoughts of the four boys in the nightmare black Pontiac revolve around one person

    in particular Johnny. Their eyes scream for murder, and their hearts beat irregularly fast, the

    type that only comes from knowing you are about to get in a gritty fight to the death.

    Johnny, mind watching the car while we run in? Ill grab you a pop my treat says Deagan,

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    with an almost invisible plead on his face, as Derrick hops out of the convertible and Gordon

    falls out. Johnny nods knowingly. The Johnson twins spent their summer harassing everyone

    within the towns boundaries. However, after one particular incident where Deagan beat them

    both to a bloody pulp over a girl, well...the twins, only naturally, had their hawk eyes set on

    Deagan. Knowing they couldnt take him in a fight, they plotted to knife his tires and bust his car

    in a good one. They never actually said this to Deagan, but Deagan has his contentions. How he

    went to believe this, he wont say, hell simply reply that he knows it like he knows his own

    height six foot three and change hell say with pride.

    Derrick, suddenly, jumps back towards the car and throws the door open. Wait! he

    proclaims as he picks up his brown package from Oklahoma. Behold! The suns smile and the

    night-skies tears. In this package he pauses and looks at everyone to make sure he has their

    attention, is a thing of magic. A drug so potent, it can kill a man with one hit. After this

    sentence, and a few eyebrows going up, he clarifies and breaks his act for a second. Well...Jake

    said the chances of death are slim, youd be more likely to get hit by lightening. Or maybe it was

    a car..did he say a car or lightening..? He trails off. Anyhow, take one everyone, itll be

    wicked. Trust me.

    Some smirks are exchanged, but everyone, not wanting to be a lamer or wussie,

    reluctantly goes to grab a red pill from the translucent lunch baggie inside the brown package.

    Heads are thrown back and swallows consequently follow. Everyone pauses for a minute or two,

    looking at each other and grinning at the stupidity of what they are doing. Everyone that is but

    Derrick whos scrunched up face is anxiously waiting for something, perhaps a big dragon to fly

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    over the Plaza. Johnny, Deagan, and Gordon share one big continuous laugh. Dag man,

    that was just...Dag. Try again next week says Deagan. Even Johnny shakes his head weakly and

    laughs. Nice one...Hoser says Gordon. He laughs hard and jogs toward the entrance to

    OBriens. What did you call me, you airhead? says Derrick with a look of shock on his face.

    He sprints up after Gordon angrily, saying words that shouldnt be said. Deagan follows, but

    turns for one last look at his beauty before following suit. Meanwhile, Johnny jumps on the hood

    of the car and watches the sunset with his hands placet to rest behind his head.

    Deagan casually approaches the counter, where OBrien, a towering Irish figure with sandy hair,

    is cleaning out a cup. Hey! Well have four pops. Make it coke.

    OBrien, who has been studying the glass for a while, looks up and balks at Deagans request

    with an obnoxious laugh. Sure Deag, you got money this time? Or were you planning on putting

    it to your tab again? Deagan starts to protest angrily, but OBrien cuts him short.

    Look, you swindling weasel. No money, no drinks. Your tab is as big as your mouth.

    Youre turnin out just like your father. He comes in here every weekend in buys a dozen beers

    and leaves. Wanna know somethin else? Ive seen him pick up ladies before by the lake. Do I

    saw anythin to your mother when I see her in church? No. I keep my mouth shut. So please,

    dont come in here, demanding that I get you another drink so you can be just like your lazy dope

    father and break some womens heart.

    Deagans eyes are frozen still, or it might just be that he was holding back a few tears,

    one couldnt tell. His anger is layered over with a coating of hurt; the type of deep hurt that can

    only come from the honest truth. Derrick and Gordon are two steps back, clearly uncomfortable,

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    but not wanting to leave Deagan alone. They are caught off guard. Though before Deagan

    can retort, if he was going too, a loud noise abruptly breaks the silence.

    Bang. The piercing sound of a cement block being dropped from seven thousand feet and

    smashing into the ground is the only way to describe the noise just heard by everyone in Pines

    Plaza, or perhaps the city. That...or one could compare it to a gunshot. Yes, a gunshot wouldbe

    more accurate.

    Everyone in the store, even OBrien, whip their heads around towards the entrance. The

    three teenagers run towards the door and momentarily forget the heated conversation with

    OBrien, who, in turn, reaches up towards the wall and grabs his shotgun. His fingers grip the

    bolt action repeater and he immediately rushes for the red box of bullets underneath the counter

    and in the moment, spills them everywhere. Clumsy him. He cusses. Finally, picking two up, he

    swiftly blitzs towards the entrance of his shop, like a bull might knocking a stool over in the

    process and methodically loading two shells. His face is grim.

    Outside a nightmare-black 1961 Pontiac swerves around the back end of the parking lot,

    getting ready to make another go. To the relieve of the three teenagers, and OBrien, whos just

    charged through the door, shotgun in hand - Johnny arises from the dust of the Pontiac with a

    desperate look, and a slight grin. Keys! he shouts to Deagan as he jerks his head around to get

    a good look at the second charging of the nightmare-black Pontiac. Deagan reacts like hes done

    this once before, or at least mentally practiced for this. He throws the keys to Johnny and sprints

    towards the convertible as Derrick and Gordon stand by uselessly stunned. OBrien curses

    again and lines up a shot at the oncoming Pontiac. Deagan hops in and at this point they

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    communicate using only one word sentences. Who? Deagan yells stunned at Johnny,

    Johnson Twins? Johnny shakes his head grimly. The Wolfs. Deagans eyebrows shoot up,

    shit, they still pissed at you because you laid Bones out for hitting on your girl? Johnny shrugs,

    suppose so.

    The Wolfs consist of four guys, though many claimed to be in the group: Bones, the

    leader, Fang, the second in command and brother to Bones, though he claimed to be co-leader,

    Colt, a mysterious hooded fellow who supposedly dropped out of elementary school because he

    felt like it, and Daniel, the youngest brother to Bones and Fang, and the only one who was still in


    Johnny, who has just barely survived the first drive by, doesnt want to try his luck again. He

    jerks the keys in the ignition until the faithful noise of the 1964 Ford Mustang wails to life and

    backs the car up quickly. The Pontiac by this point is only sixty meters away and dropping

    dozens by the second. OBrien screams at Derrick and Gordon to get in, they obey without

    question and literally jump in. OBrien fires a shot. Miss. Although, its enough to scare the

    fearsome Wolf gang to swerve right instead of crashing into the Ford Mustang.

    Without being told, Johnny slams on the depart pedal and they fly through the parking

    lot. Johnnys driving too fast to see, everythings a blur. There seems to be little skill involved in

    this type of driving, just luck; and luck happened to carry them out the one-way entrance and

    through the rural streets. Farther and farther they sped, along the country side. They are countless

    miles from the center of town and pumping adrenaline like a fire truck might with a fire hydrant.

    Unfortunately, as life would have it, luck never lasts forever - as they will soon find out.

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    What the hell happened back there? That was bunk. says Gordon. Derrick nods

    solemnly in agreement. Deagan feigns a snort-laugh Fuck them. Next time they try to pull

    that.. But he doesnt get the chance to finish the sentence. Out of nowhere comes a white

    Lincoln driving in their lane. Everything happens so fast, no words are uttered, no breaths are

    taken. Johnny swerves right to avoid the mysterious car, off the road, and down a six feet drop.

    They land in dirt that looks more like sand and smack the ground like a tree tipping over might.

    Blackness consumes their world.

    Five hours since their depart from Pines Plaza

    Johnny lifts his headgroggily. The worlds as blurry as when his girlfriend use to scream

    at him for not giving her enough attention and going out with the boys. He stares straight ahead.

    Hes covered in dust and dirt. He tries to move but everything hurts. Deagan awakes next. His

    world is as blurry as when one of the Johnson Twins nailed him with a cheap shot. Son of a

    bitch. He shifts painfully. Derrick wakes up next. The world is a blur. It reminds him of the time

    he jumped into the relentless ocean current by the cliffs to save his sister. He smacked his head

    in the process and was rendered unconscious. They were both saved...but his sister...Jennifer

    contracted a wretched fever and bruises that later turned into Hypothyroidism. He shouldnt have

    been so dumb. Derrick blinks a few times. What..the..does..this? hes incoherent. Deagan

    looks over at Gordon, who doesnt wake. Everyones real nervous now except for Deagan. With

    the strength of all the fights hes been in, and every pushup hes every done in his life, Deagan

    slaps Gordon HARD...who startles awake. Who tha hell was Hoser? Gordon

    mumbles in his confusion. Deagan squints. Gordons now wide awake and blushes slightly when

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    he realizes they are all looking at him.

    Glad to see you open-eyed Gordon Johnny says with his trademark grin. We were getting

    nervous. Deagan jumps out of the convertible fast, which he regrets immediately. Shit, anyone

    else feeling like they were hit by a train, then pissed on by an elephant? Or trampled by. Either or

    really. Three moans of agreement.

    Everyone finally looks around and takes note of their surroundinsonly to notice that the

    only source of light is that of the full moon. Damn! Its gotta be close to midnight. says

    Gordon. What do you think happened to the Wolf gang boys? Maybe they took Obrien hostage

    and are torturing him in the basement of his shop. What if we are the only ones that knows hes

    there. Johnny gives Gordon a serious look. Easy Gordon, we dont know anything yet. More

    likely they drove off back to the hole they came from. OBriens a big guy. Now come on, lets

    get out of here.

    The four huddle around the drivers side and anxiously await the cars livelihood its

    roar, interpellating the vehicle into existence. The key turns. Nothing but haggard coughs and

    sputters, and four simultaneous groans. Heads droop, curses are said, not yelled, and the boys,

    intuitively decide to follow the train tracks back to town.

    Deagan turns to Derrick, Hey, you sure this is the way back to town? I thought we were heading

    north when we crashed? Derrick rolls his eyes. Of course, we werent headed north. Do you

    recall seeing McMillans farm? No. We didnt.

    Yeah, but youre assuming... They continue to bicker. Johnnys had enough of it and moves

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    next to Gordon. Hey kid, you handled yourself pretty good today. Gordon raises his head a

    little Thanks, you know if the fight had gone to fists and kicks, I would have given someone a

    bloody. says Gordon enthusiastically. At this Johnny laughs heartily. Sure, Gordon, I bet.

    Everyone stops. The railroad tracks continues, but theres only a thin lining of land that

    accompanies it now. Just enough land to support the tracks. It wouldnt take more than a steady

    wind or a false step to land a one way ticket to a hundred feet below the dark roaring black

    rapids. It didnt help either that they couldnt even see the rapids, the darkness let not even a

    glimpse by, only the sound of the rushing water.

    One by one they continue on with caution. Agreeing to give each other space, but not too

    much so that they could catch each other if one fell. This gives them a good scare, but it turns out

    to be a false one as they jump safely to the other side one by one. The wind lurches, the moon is

    lucid and sparkling, and their silhouette frames casts eerie shadows under the starry midnight

    sky. As they continue on, they stop for a second time. Dead in their shoes, this time is different.

    A great big oak bearing a sign, ironically made of wood, reads: Misfits Den

    The four boys take it in, share a look, and continue on uncertainly into the woods, off the

    safe train tracks. What prompted this course of action can be debated. Maybe they thought that

    Misfits Den was a sweet place where a wooden cottage lies with a beautiful tomato garden.

    Perhaps they thought it was a sign that rich folks keep, to frighten out the unwanted lower

    classes. Whatever it is that they thought it meant, whatever hopes they had of finding a simple

    house filled with lighthearted men enjoying a fine dinner served by their lovely wives, well, it

    was, simply put dead wrong. It was as if their luck, in itself, had been smitten down. For

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    naught a man walked into the Misfits Den without paying a fearsome price, sometimes which,

    included their life.

    As they continue to walk for another few minutes, a bright yellow light begins to emerge

    in the forest that theyve stumbled into. They press on. Suddenly another light emerges. Then

    another. Soon the glow of two dozen lights begins to shine through from feels like very far away.

    They stumble on to a dirt path and continue, inching closer and closer.

    Gordons mind is turning. Hey, wait a minute, guys, this feels just like when Ganthet and Sayd

    trap Parallax in the Lanterns of the four Green Lanterns of Earth. A hundred lights emerge and

    when Ganthet goes to check on it, and he becomes encased in a solid glass tomb for all of time;

    volume four, issue twenty four.

    Deagan snorts. Sure kid. But, I bet this Gandth or Saide arent six foot three and change. And..

    Gordons eyes sail circles a few times. Ganthet and Sayd. Their names are Ganthet and Sayd.

    Right, right, right. Sure Gorton. But heres my point, I bet these fellas dont pack a punch of a

    bullet like me, right? Or stifle someone with a look and coolness alone, like Johnny? Course not.

    Thats why us four stick together. Packs stick together to look out for one another. If someone

    roughed you up, youd have me and Johnny grabbin the chump by the shirt and pounding him

    till he was unconscious or dead. Thats loyalty.

    The atmosphere drops to something of a serious nature now. Even Johnnys quiet. He

    knows what everyone in the pack means to Deagan. This is Deagans family. Real families - real

    fathers, dont mark up their sons in their drunken rage. They dont take a hot iron or cigar to their

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    sons necks, and they certainly dont leave for days, even weeks on end. But that was

    then, and this is now. And now, nobody touches Deagan except a pretty blond going down on


    The array of yellow lights have now overlapped each other and blended together to form

    one giant pseudo sun. The four teenagers finally emerge from the forest at last and see what was

    causing them so much curiosity. Fifteen or perhaps twenty overhanging lights lanterns really,

    perched atop forty or fifty feet wooden poles. They shed light ona tireless, bustling, lively

    miniature hub of activity. The four boys stand there in awe. No words can be spoken for such a

    moment only complete silence is appropriate for the stupor they are feeling. Of course, there

    was anythingbut quietness and crickets rustling.

    The lanterns gives brightness to two rows of wooden buildings, each accompanied with a

    balcony and some sort of large wooden sign. Just like in the old western pictures. Ladders

    sprawled against the side of the buildings for easy climbing. A large window reveals dozens of

    men, banging mugs and gambling; some of them with sleazy women lying on their laps,

    revealing little, but enough. They play every sort of card games known to man: Blind man's

    bluff, Liar's poker, Liars dice, Texas Shootout, Russian Poker, even Red Dog. The names of the

    card games they played were good indicators of what type of men they were. One wouldnt want

    to be on the receiving end of an argument with thesegiants.

    Outside, nearest to the four teens were men crowded around a game table, spilling their

    mugs of beer in their enthusiasm, shouting, and even punching each other. These were big burly

    men dressed with western overcoats, black vests over white long sleeves, and other two-bit

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    hoodlum outfits. This was Misfits Den. Johnny, Deagan, Derrick, and Gordons mouth

    were dropped a full inch. What was this place? Behind this hub of activity, this small town, laid a

    tall looming mountain, with a single black tower overshadowing the lair. Misfits Keep. If the

    seven feet tall, drunken, gambling men, werent enough to scare one off, certainly the vision of

    this tormented, or tormentor, Keep would be the final thread to unravel one primal thought: Run!

    But even Johnny is stuck still stuck in a fit of fear, stuck in his awe, and stuck in his disbelieve.

    Johnny turns his head and speaks in a whisper, such a whisper that one might second guess

    whether or not any words were spoken. Lets go. He might have said, or perhaps not.

    Before any of them can so much as shift their feet, a mans shrill voice breaks the flow of

    all activity in Misfits Lair. His words are as incoherent as any drunk mans, but whats worse,

    hes staring straight at the four teens. Derrick gulps, Deagans fists grip. The gambling sessions

    stop, cards are thrown down, the mens howling and mugs being spilt are suddenly silent and the

    liquid is consequently kept in their mugs. Everything halts.

    The man with the shrill voice, the man whos dressed perhaps the most extravagantly of

    them all, Damian as hes called, jumps down without missing neither a beat nor stride. His white

    cuffs blossom out of his purple buttoned vest. His mud caked black leather boots hit the ground

    solemnly and surely with each step. His fingers dance around his black and oily .38 revolver,

    holstered by his bullet bearing belt. His great black beard coats the lower half of his face, only

    his red lips protrude from it. His eyes, strangely enough, are a piercing translucent green,

    gleaming with life, or perhaps drunkenness.

    An attractive broad wearing a black skirt, fish stock leggings, gorgeous blonde hair, and

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    sparkling blue seductive eyes is perched on a balcony. She waves for them to come over

    to her, an open invitation for a good night under warm sheets. She looks too pretty and smart to

    be a whore, but she is. They look up at her hungrier with desire than a starving castaway on a

    lonely island wishing for food and salt less water.

    The men-giants slowly itch closer to the four boys, with Damian leading the way, his gleaming .

    38 revolver reflecting in the moonlight.

    So, you thought youd just drop by and say hello to us fellows? Then be on your merry way?

    Huh? Hahaha Damian says stopping every once in a few words to snicker and look over at his

    buddies. They take the hint and laugh wickedly as well.

    Johnny begins to say something, Sir, we just crashed in the But Damian hushes him with a

    finger and a shhh shhh shh - JAKE!!! HEY JAKEWe got some trouble makers out here.

    They looking for a fight or sumthin.

    What compelled the following, nobody can say for sure. Perhaps it was the years of being

    bullied before the four teenagers met up to protect one and another, but for whatever reason,

    Gordon decides to take three big steps over to Damian. These three steps are the most powerful

    steps Gordon will ever take. He swallows his fear and a bit of pride and says, Fuck off you

    Hoser. We arent bothering anyone. Johnny grimaces. Derrick shuts his eyes. Damian is silent.

    He just stares. No words are spoken from either parties. Suddenly, Damian, with his high voice,

    breaks into hysterical laughter. His black leather boots stomp the ground, and with it goes some

    mud, returning to where it belongs. The others start to join in, one by one the men, erupt in


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    Like the booming sound a jet engine makes, a voice breaks the laughter in half HOLD IT.

    HOLD ITTT The men abruptly stop and quickly realizing what has happened, part in half, like

    Moses and the Red Sea. They make way for a man, so tall he towers over the other giant men,

    each of which are six and a half to seven feet high. This mans an easy eight.

    Misfit Jake, at your service. He pronounces with a wicked grin, revealing his yellow

    coated teeth. Damian is silent now. If Damien is the most extravagantly dressed, Misfit Jake is

    surely the most intimidatingly clad. His long dirt covered pants are patched up, perhaps sewn up

    from knife fights or the like. His single tan holster hangs at his right side loosely. Hes wearing

    three unbuttoned long sleeves. The first a dirty white, the second an even dirtier green, and the

    third, which covers the first two, is a filthy pinstripe purple with oversized cuffs, the type pirates

    wear. His outfit is complete with a black top hat that casts an evil shadow over his eyes.

    Well now, what and what do we have here? A hero eh? Without warning, he gives Gordon a

    lightning fast punch to the stomach. Gordon drops. Damien smirks. Six clenched fists.

    As Misfit Jake crouches over Gordon and cups his head gently with his bear-like hands,

    Deagan loses control. This was the same thing Deagans father use to do after hed knock

    Deagan across the room and throw a furious kick to his face. It was all too bizarre for Deagan to

    see his terrible past become his present a living nightmare. He lets his emotions run wild, time

    has slowed down. Deagan takes a step, its like hes running through jello. Fortunately, nobody

    is any the wiser that Deagan has even moved, he takes another slowed down step towards Misfit

    Jake, heads turn slowly, too slowly. The men surrounding Misfit Jake and Damien have begun to

    notice Deagan powering towards the two. Mouths become agape, hands are thrown up at a snail

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    pace and finally the two look up in surprise at Deagan

    Its too late though, Deagans ruthless kick makes contact with Jakes chin. A crunching

    noise follows; an orphan tooth falls away into the dirt. Time resumes, but nobody moves shock

    resonates with everyone. Blood sputters out from Misfit Jakes mouth, Damien just stares, and

    Gordon is the only one moving, kicking his legs against the ground and using his hands to power

    away from the half ring of temporary frozen giants.

    Deagan quickly follows suit, back to the boys (and safety), and turns to watch the effects

    of his gruesome kick. There is a moment of silence, Misfit Jake looks up, along with the half ring

    of giants, and the boys look back. Who exactly moved first isnt known or important. But in just

    moments, there were dozens of giants, on a rampage, towards the four. The boys sprint past the

    boundaries of the small town with fleeting glances of the beautiful broad waving anxiously,

    trying to get their attention. She looks lonely atop the balcony; her face pouts and she crosses her

    arms. The boys dont take notice, however they do note the sound of trees being ripped from

    their roots. Fortunately for the boys, the solid maple trees seem to be slowing down the Misfit

    gangs advances, for now. Even if they do make it back to the car though, then what?

    The four teenagers are like a flock of birds rushing south looking for a warm safe place.

    Johnnys in the lead, Deagan nearly matching his pace, Derrick on the right shoulder of Deagan,

    and Gordon trailing. They leap over roots and trees, punch at branches, wipe at their sweaty

    faces, and look back every once in a while to match the distance roaring of the giants to a face,

    however all they see are the fresh trees that they have left in their wake.

    Abruptly, the trees are no more. They are in the clearing where the train tracks ended.

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    The glistening moon showers them with rays of light, though the moons face is neutral, the boys

    like to think it was secretly smiling on them. With the light on their backs, they made their way

    across the thin strip of land holding up the tracks. Their silhouettes progress past the strip and off

    the tracks. They keep sprinting until they reach their faithful 1964 Ford Mustang. They jump in

    and Johnny plunges the key inside the ignition once more with high hopes. Sputters and haggard

    coughs once more.

    Fuck Derrick says. What do we do now? The boys are so exhausted at this point that

    they just rest for a second and talk things over, now that they are at a safe distance. Each falls

    into their comfortable padded seat and they talk with their eyes shut, trying not to fall asleep.

    Five hours later since their escape from Misfits Den

    Birds are chirping, chipmunks gather food for their young, and other small animals are

    communicating in what seems like a joyful manner. It feels like a new day, perhaps even a new

    year. One couldnt tell place their finger on the difference, and perhaps there wasnt, but

    somehow this morning feelsspecial. Or at least normal. The suns overwhelming rays makes its

    way into four teenagers closed eyes, situated, of course, in a 1964 Ford Mustang.

    Gordon wakes up first, followed by Johnny and Derrick, though Deagan is soundly

    asleep. They look at each other with triumphant smiles lit upon their faces they survived

    Misfits Lair the den of doom. Gordon gives Johnny a look and walks over to Deagan; with all

    the strength from every time he had to hold a comic book up in the air while stealthily reading

    with a flashlight, Gordon gives Deagan a HARD smack.

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    OWW, Deagan startles awake. He spots Gordon standing over him. Easy there

    Gorton. What the hell happened and where are we. The memories flow back to them and they

    communicate with a pat on the back, nobody wants to talk about it just yet. Johnny takes one

    look around and shrugs, Now lets see if this damn car wont start again. Once again the

    boysthe Men now, crowd around the ignition. With a certain coolness that only comes from

    years of experience, Johnny slides the key in and turns itto the wonderful sound of a strong

    healthy engine; smiles all around.

    As they switch gears into drive, a man appears off the side of the road, right where they

    drove off. Hes draped with dirty clothes, the type that only comes from years of being worn, and

    says You fellows in quite the mess. Let me help you out. He shuffles down the dirt hill with

    his mud caked black leather boots, Names Damien, nice to meet you. Johnny shakes his hand

    unsure. If you turn around and drive on that dirt path right there, itll lead you back onto the

    road. Johnnys got a look of confusion on his face. Thanksmister.

    Damien eyes the translucent baggie filled with red pills. I hope you boys werent taking

    those while driving Johnnys quick to respond, No sir, we just found them yonder over there

    under a strange marked tree Damien nods curiously, Alright then. Well better let me take

    those. And one other thing The boys go silent. Could you spare some change? Deagans

    visibility relieved. He takes out a crisp five and puts it in the baggie full of pills and gives the

    bundle to the man. Damiens eyes light up in wonder, like hes never seen a five dollar bill

    before. Geez, wellthank you! And Ill take care of these for you he says gratefully, eyeing

    the baggie with despise. Six years clean he says with a certain unashamed pride. They pull out

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    with the homeless man in their wake. Derrick turns back Shit, was that who I thought

    that was Nobodys going to say a word about thisat least until tomorrow that is.

    The drive to Pines Plaza took seventeen minutes to the dot. As the boys hop out, they

    expect to see OBriens store in shambles, windows smashed, cars riddled with bullets, and

    maybe even OBriens body hanging limply against the broken door frame. They were wrong.

    As the four push open the perfectly okay door, they see OBrien behind the counter serving a

    businessman a glass of hot coffee. The clock reads 6:49am. OBrien looks up and does a double

    take. You four he says with authority. They boys share a look. OBrien approaches and puts

    his arms around the four. He pauses for a moment, before saying, Damn good to see you

    guys. I was worried. Im guessing you found some sense and drove off as fast as you could. Ive

    gotten calls from your parents; they heard the news and got worried. Derricks face is slack.

    What news? What happened last night?

    OBriens eyebrows go up, You mean you didnt hear? Those four boys... Derrick

    corrects him, You mean the Wolf gang? OBrien doesnt look annoyed with the interruption at

    all. Yeah them, well they drove off up Summit Road and the police chased them down. They

    held up in a house for five long hours. They were loaded to the teeth so the police were damn

    cautious. Anyways, one gets shot right in the head and Gordon interrupts this time, Who?

    Which one? OBriens face cringes trying to recall. I donno, Danny, Daniel? Something like

    that. Anyways, takes one to the head and the other three guys freak out and start sobbing and

    then the police bust in pistols in hand and arrest them allThat is, except for Danny obviously

    he says, looking down with a serious face.

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    Johnny shakes his head. Thats a shame. Good kid, bad brothers. Daniels in Gordons

    history class, aint that right? Gordons face is filled with sorrow Yeah, he was. Nothing like

    his brothers too, real smart one. Even beat me on a few exams. OBrien suddenly starts to feel

    for the kid. He makes a grumble in his throat and says, Comon at least you four are all right.

    Have a seat, four cokes right? My treat. The four have a seat and sip on their coke. No jokes are

    cracked, but the mood isnt serious. Its relieve - they are happy to be alive. OBrien reaches up

    and flicks on the radio. A song comes on that sounds like Mr. Sandman. OBrien smiles. I love

    this song - Mr. Sandman by the The Chordettes! The boys grin, and with the morning sun

    gleaming through the window, and cokes in their hands, this feels like the perfect day. And

    perhaps it is.

    Mister Sandman, bring me a dream

    Please turn on your magic beam