summary of project - section a€¦ · web viewurban regeneration and development fund second call...

Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Application Form Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Second Call 2020 - Application Form Summary of Project - Section A Please complete a separate application form in respect of each proposal. All queries can be addressed to [email protected] This application form must be filled out by: Any Local Authorities wishing to progress a project from approved Category B status under Call 1 Any Local Authorities wishing to submit a new proposal under Call 2 Please refer to the Circular PPM URDF01/2020 before completing this application form. Both documents are available to view at this link Please refer to the criteria in Appendix 1 of this form for details on how applications will be assessed. A. Proposal Details Application Ref. No. For official use only Local Authority Title of Proposal Address/Location of proposal 1 Coordinates X Y Was the proposal (Yes/No) 1 The address and coordinates should represent the location of the proposal. Where the proposal is in more than one location, please select an address and coordinates that best represents the project. These coordinates should be in ITM projects (Irish Transverse Mercator) with an x and y value. 1

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Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Application Form

Urban Regeneration and Development Fund

Second Call 2020 - Application Form Summary of Project - Section A

Please complete a separate application form in respect of each proposal. All queries can be addressed to [email protected]

This application form must be filled out by:

Any Local Authorities wishing to progress a project from approved Category B status under Call 1

Any Local Authorities wishing to submit a new proposal under Call 2

Please refer to the Circular PPM URDF01/2020 before completing this application form. Both documents are available to view at this link

Please refer to the criteria in Appendix 1 of this form for details on how applications will be assessed.

A. Proposal Details

Application Ref. No.

For official use only

Local Authority

Title of Proposal

Address/Location of proposal1

Coordinates X Y

Was the proposal approved as Category B under Call 1 of the URDF?


1 The address and coordinates should represent the location of the proposal. Where the proposal is in more than one location, please select an address and coordinates that best represents the project. These coordinates should be in ITM projects (Irish Transverse Mercator) with an x and y value.


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Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Application Form

B. Cost of Project

Total Cost of Project

Total URDF Funding Sought (up to a max. of 75%)

Total Matched Funding (must be a minimum of 25%)

C. Partner Organisations to Proposal – if the answer is yes, please fill in the details in section 1.2 of the application form

D. Priority of Proposal – any Local Authority submitting more than 3 proposals, must rank them in order of importance and with reference to the relevant RSES and MASP, as applicable

Priority of this Proposal Reference to RSES and MASP, as applicable

E. Sub-projects (add lines as required) – please provide details of all individual projects (those which would have to be individually tendered) that are contained within the proposal. Please note the cumulative total of URDF support should correspond with the total amount of URDF funding sought for the overall proposal


Title Project Type

Estimated Cost

URDF support sought

Matched Funding

Start Date

Finish date






Are there other partners involved in this proposal?


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Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Application Form

F. Proposal Contact in Local AuthorityContact Name

Contact Address

Telephone Number Direct Line

Email Address


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Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Application Form

G. Summary of Proposal – (1000 words) – this should be a concise outline and justification of the subject proposal, setting out the intervention required and the proposed works, costs, timelines, etc., involved. The summary is also required to demonstrate a clear and direct linkage between the proposal and the applicable Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and the relevant Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) in respect of metropolitan areas. (A map image should be included for illustrative purposes).


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Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Application Form

Urban Regeneration and Development FundSecond Call - 2020

Application Form – Detailed Submission – Section B

Section 1. Applicant Details

1.1 Local Authority (the Lead Applicant must be a Local Authority).

Local Authority Name:


Contact Name:

Contact Position:

Direct Telephone Number:

Email Address:

1.2 Partner Organisations to the proposal (add lines as required)

Partner No. Name Status (i.e. State agency, private company, etc.)

Organisation 1:

Organisation 2:

Organisation 3:

Organisation 4:


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Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Application Form

Section 2. Overview of the project

2.1 Location of the project

Please provide details of where the project, or elements thereof, will be located, once complete. This should be very brief and to the point, setting out the county/counties, city, town(s) in which the project will physically take place

2.2 Concept (Strategic Assessment Report)Under Call 2 proposals will be considered for initial approval on the basis of concept (Strategic

Assessment in the new Public Spending Code). In line with the new Public Spending Code this

process will provide for greater certainty around project progression, realistic whole project costs

and related URDF support for both the applicant as Sponsoring Agency and the Department as

the Approving Authority.

Please provide details of your proposal under the following headings which correspond with the

Assessment Criteria at Appendix 1.

Through completion of the following sections applicants will be expected to outline the rationale

for the proposal – the issue(s) the proposal is seeking to address or opportunities it is seeking to

capitalise on, it’s alignment with national policies, the case for why such an intervention is

proportionate and appropriate, given other options, reason(s) why this proposal was chosen,

value for money appraisal and funding plan, costs, timelines, milestones, etc. Where supporting

evidence is available this can be attached separately.


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2.2.1 Compatibility with NPF/Project Ireland 2040 (NSO’s)

Strategic Alignment to NPF National Strategic Outcomes and National Policy on Climate ActionApplicants should demonstrate the compatibility of the proposal with NPF/NDP national strategic outcomes (NSOs) and national policy on climate action, and in particular, the transformative potential to achieve Compact Urban Growth, with particular focus on enhanced ‘liveability’, quality of life, and capacity to build on existing assets, but also in relation to other outcomes in support of compact growth.


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Compatibility with RSES and MASP where appropriate Applicants should demonstrate, with supporting evidence where available, the extent to which the proposal is consistent with the relevant RSES/MASP and the extent to which it will be relevant and transformational. In this context, bid proposals that establish more affordable and viable urban areas while also supporting an enhanced “liveability” factor for Cities and Towns will be prioritised. The following strategic factors will be essential for proposals to be supported via this second call:

- Bids that promote both effective regional development while developing strategic urban areas of critical mass based on qualitative place-making, compact urban growth, climate resilient investment and targeted urban renewal/regeneration projects which support employment, housing and the long term viability of places;

- Proposals which have a more acute focus on brownfield regeneration, adaptive re-use, reversal of vacancy and dereliction, which will be prioritised in the larger urban areas, and the promotion of mixed use capital intensive Integrated Urban Development proposals will be a priority, particularly in the five Cities and Regional Driver Towns;

- Where projects have been variable in terms of scale from the first round (many smaller sized/costed projects supported), this second call will focus on Strategic Integrated Urban Renewal schemes which will act as a catalyst at a wider regional level and more closely linked to NPF as regards strategic development areas or defined areas for development (e.g. former docklands sites and/or SDZs).

- A strategic approach to enabling towns will be encouraged which may involve a series of related measures to address urban regeneration, vacancy, housing supply, employment and improving vibrancy based on an approach which has a number of different projects linked together under a single clear strategy that accords with the relevant RSES/MASP.


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2.2.2 Strategic Vision and Sustainability

Strategic Vision/Quality of Proposal

The proposal must be intrinsic to a high quality strategic vision that will be instrumental in the achievement of transformational, place-based change. Applicants should set out in detail the economic and/or social outcomes it will seek to deliver and the relevance of outcomes which will be targeted by the full delivery of the project, and explain the case for why such an intervention is proportionate and appropriate, given other options, and the reason(s) why this proposal was chosen.


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Sustainability and Value for Money

Applicants should demonstrate the projects potential, once completed, to deliver qualitative lasting impacts well beyond the life of the project, which will become self-sustaining and which will outweigh and outlast the initial public investment involved. Applicants should set out the case for why such an intervention is proportionate and appropriate, given other options, and the reason(s) why this proposal was chosen.

2.2.3 Collaboration and Innovation Collaboration/SynergiesAs before, collaborations with other public bodies and with the private sector will be encouraged. Collaboration between different local authorities where there is potential to jointly address common issues and/or to operate on a collaborative basis. In respect of the proposal applicants should identify mutually beneficial collaborations and/or complementary proposals and decision-making across geographic/operational areas that will broaden impact and avoid duplication.


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Innovation with particular focus on Climate Action considerationsInnovation in a proposal and in particular initiatives that will contribute to low carbon, climate resilience and environmental sustainability, is an important and fundamental consideration in terms of a projects long term sustainable success..  In respect of the proposal applicants should demonstrate their consideration and application of innovative approaches to achieving compact urban growth, viability, liveability and mix of use within the scheme including end uses.


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2.2.4 Viability of ProposalMatched Funding

As was the case under Call 1, URDF support will be considered up to a maximum of 75% of the project costs considered eligible for URDF support; applicants will be required to provide or source matched funding of at least 25% (public and/or private).  Applicants should set out plans for funding their proposals including details and evidence of the proposed source/s and timing of matched funding, including borrowings, where applicable.


‘Additionality’ is an important and fundamental consideration in terms of the URDFs intended purpose and potential impact.  In order for support from the Fund to have real impact it must not supplant other Exchequer funded capital programmes or support development that would likely come about in the normal course, e.g. through private sector investment.  Applicants should set out the case for URDF support as a potential catalyst while having regard to the extent to which the project in the normal course could avail of support from other existing funding sources. In instances where there are potential alternative funding streams open for the proposal or where the type of project proposed is potentially already provided for under the remit of another body or organisation, please detail a case as to why the Fund should support the proposal.


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2.2.5 Implementation and GovernanceImplementation/Deliverability

Applicants should detail their plan for implementation and setting out the position in respect of the following:

The resources being applied by the applicant to the project with reference to experience of delivery of similar projects (most notably in the implementation of projects already supported by the URDF).

State of readiness to advance the proposal Proposed timelines Proposed funding arrangements and other necessary supports Impediments/risks including

o Planning consents or other approvals required. o Land ownership/ access/control issues. o Alignment with relevant national policies/capital programmes, e.g. in the case of

transport related proposals.

Governance and Management

Applicants should set out the proposed governance arrangements, with reference to experience (most notably in the implementation of projects already supported by the URDF), the plan for developing the project, the project appraisal plan (see Public Spending Code), and the associated project timelines and milestones and costs, arrangements for monitoring, project management, financial oversight and compliance with PSC requirements and CWMF.


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Section 3. Financial Details

3.1 Financial overview

Provide details of the total cost of developing the project and the URDF support being sought.

If the project is located in more than one county please provide a breakdown of the development costs and funding sought per county. This may be supplied in a separate document.

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total

Total costURDF support soughtMatched funding

Applicants will be required to provide or source matched funding of at least 25%

3.2 Details of matched funding: Monetary/Borrowing
















2027 TotalFunding Body


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3.3 Details of matched funding: Land/Building /Other
















2027 TotalFunding Body

Yes No

Is the matched funding for this project confirmed and in place?

Please provide supporting documentary evidence as an addendum to this Application Form


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3.4. Other related funding/related supports/obligations

Has funding for this project ever been sought or approved from another source, including the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund?

Are there separate proposals for support or obligations related to this proposal?

Yes No

If yes please give details of the Amount Sought/Approved

Date Approved (if applicable)


URDF (previously approved or considered)


Serviced Sites Fund (SSF)

Regeneration Programme

Climate Action Fund

Regional Enterprise Development Fund

EU Operational Programmes e.g. ERDF

Relevant LDS obligations & NTMA land holdings/interests



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3.5 Breakdown of total project cost

Item Estimated Cost€


Other Sources €

Building/site purchaseProfessional fees (e.g. architectural, engineering, QS, survey costs) in respect of proposal development, e.g. Design, Master-planning, etc.

Cost of Works

Other (please specify)


Note: Applicants will be allowed include a discrete sum for the cost of the project specific fixed

term contract technical support as part of their estimate of overall costs for their URDF project

which will be considered for URDF support up to a maximum of 75%.

3.6 Breakdown of cost of individual sub-project (a separate table for each sub-project)

Item Estimated Cost€


Other Sources €

Building/site purchaseProfessional fees (e.g. architectural, engineering, QS, survey costs) in respect of proposal development, e.g. Design, Master-planning, etc.

Cost of Works

Other (please specify)


Note: Applicants will be allowed include a discrete sum for the cost of the project specific fixed

term contract technical support as part of their estimate of overall costs for their URDF project

which will be considered for URDF support up to a maximum of 75%.


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3.7 State Aid RulesLocal Authorities as lead applicants, are reminded of their responsibility, as sponsoring agencies to

ensure that projects proposed for URDF support can be delivered in full compliance with State Aid

rules and the Public Spending Code (PSC) and related Capital Works Management Framework

(CWMF). The project appraisal process set out in the PSC requires sponsoring agencies to

consider the various constraints that might prevent them from advancing a project. ‘State Aid

Rules’ is amongst the constraints identified for consideration.

Local Authorities are asked to declare that State Aid rules have been considered and that any

collaborations with, financial support from, or involvement by private entities in URDF proposals

will not result in a contravention of State Aid rules. Please detail your considerations in this regard.

Section 4. Use of data

The information on this Application Form will be used by the Department Housing, Planning and

Local Government for the purposes of processing your application. Further information may be

sought by the Department to clarify aspects of your proposal.

Any personal information which you provide will be obtained and processed in compliance with

Data Protection legislation. 

The Department will share your Application Form with a Project Advisory Board which will be

established to manage the assessment of applications and to advise the Minister for Housing,

Planning and Local Government. The Advisory Board will be chaired by the Department Housing,

Planning and Local Government and comprise a number of relevant Government Departments, as

well as external experts.


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The Project Advisory Board may draw on broader, more specialist expertise where required, and

such information as considered necessary to complete an assessment of your application may be

shared with those experts.

Final decisions on the funding of projects will be made by the Minister for Housing, Planning and

Local Government, based on the advice of the Project Advisory Board.

The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government will not otherwise release any

information received as part of this application except as may be required by law, including under

the Freedom of Information Acts. In the event of a Freedom of Information request, the applicant

will be given appropriate notice of any proposed release of records.


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Section 5. Declaration by Local Authority

This declaration must be signed by an officer authorised at a senior level (i.e. at least Director of

Services level)

I confirm that I have read and understood this document and declare that the particulars

supplied in this application are true and correct.

I acknowledge the information regarding the use of data set out above and give consent to

the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government for the sharing of all

information, personal or otherwise, contained in this application and any attachments

accompanying it, in accordance with the uses of the data and information provided above.

I confirm that EU and National public procurement guidelines will be followed with regard to

expenditure on this project.

I request that assistance be provided from the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund

in support of the proposal as outlined, and I certify that, if awarded, the grant will be used

solely for the purposes for which it is approved.

I declare that State Aid rules have been considered and that any collaborations with,

financial support from, or involvement by private entities in URDF proposals will not result in

a contravention of State Aid rules.

Signature __________________________

Print Name: __________________________

Title ____________________

Date ____________________


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Documentation Letters of Verification – Required

Each application form must be accompanied by:

Verification letter(s) from any other identified partner(s), signed by the authorised person (Chief

Executive, Director etc.) of the organisation, setting out their consent to partake in the application

and their commitment to the proposal.

Verification letter(s) from the source(s) of match-funding, confirming knowledge of the application

and commitment to provide matched funding. This letter must be signed off by the competent

person sufficiently authorised to issue the matched-funding commitment e.g. Chief Financial


Additional DocumentationPlease note that you are free to submit additional relevant documentation to support this

application subject to the following:

Any additional documentation must relate directly to the scope of the proposal.

A schedule listing any additional documentation being submitted in support of the proposal

must be appended to this application form.

Additional documentation must be attached electronically with this application form.

Where additional documentation is also being submitted by post, it must be clearly marked as

“URDF Application [Title of URDF Proposal]” and sent to the below address:

Planning Programme Management Section (URDF)

Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

Custom House

Dublin D01 W6X0

The closing date for applications is 12 noon Tuesday, 31 March 2020. Applications should be submitted electronically to [email protected]

All applications will be acknowledged. It should be noted that applications must be completed in

full before submission. Incomplete applications will be omitted from the assessment process.


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Final ChecklistRequired☐ Application Form (completed by Local Authority)

☐ Cover letter from the Chief Executive to include the following:

☐ Confirmation of commitment to the proposal

☐ Brief outline of the nature of the proposal

☐ Confirmation that State Aid Rules have been considered and that any collaborations

with financial support from, or involvement by private entities in URDF proposals will

not result in a contravention of State Aid Rules

☐ Confirmation of the ranking of the proposal; any Local Authority submitting more

than 3 proposals, must rank them in order of importance and with reference to the

relevant RSES and MASP

☐ Verification letter(s) from any other identified partner(s)

☐ Verification letter(s) from the source(s) of matched-funding

☐ A map that clearly identifies the location of the proposal in any of the following formats:

- An image file (such as jpeg or bitmap).

- A shape file (.shp) if applicable to the proposal.

Optional☐ Aerial or 3D image that visualises the proposal

☐ Additional (relevant) documentation in support of the application, including a schedule

listing the additional documentation.


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Appendix 1Urban Regeneration and Development Fund – Project Appraisal Scheme

Assessment Criteria Max. Marks (1000)

1 Compatibility with NPF/Project Ireland 2040 (NSO’s) 300 (i) Strategic Alignment to NPF National Strategic

Outcomes and National Policy on Climate Action

Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of compatibility with NPF/NDP national strategic outcomes (NSOs) and national policy on climate action, and in particular, the transformative potential to achieve Compact Urban Growth, with particular focus on enhanced ‘liveability’, quality of life, and capacity to build on existing assets, but also in relation to other outcomes in support of compact growth.

150 Marks⃰⃰

*Pass mark 60% (90)N.B. This is a pass/fail element; proposals that fail to meet pass mark will not be considered further

(ii) Compatibility with RSES and MASP where appropriate

Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the extent to which proposal is consistent with the relevant RSES/MASP and the extent to which it will be relevant and transformational.

150 Marks⃰⃰

*Pass mark 60% (90)N.B. This is a pass/fail element; proposals that fail to meet pass mark will not be considered further

2 Strategic Vision and Sustainability 200(i) Strategic Vision/Quality of Proposal

The proposal must be intrinsic to a High Quality strategic vision that will be instrumental in the achievement of transformational, place-based change. Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the quality, scope, scale, and level of ambition and innovation of the project, the economic and/or social outcomes it will seek to deliver and the relevance of outcomes which will be targeted by the full delivery of the project. Consideration will also be given to the case for why such an intervention is proportionate and appropriate, given other options, and the reason(s) why this proposal was chosen.

100 Marks⃰⃰

*Pass mark 60% (60)N.B. This is a pass/fail element; proposals that fail to meet pass

mark will not be considered further

(ii) Sustainability and Value for Money

Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the projects potential, once completed, to deliver qualitative lasting impacts well beyond the life of the project, which will become self-sustaining and which will outweigh and outlast the initial public investment involved.

100 Marks⃰⃰

*Pass mark 60% (60)N.B. This is a pass/fail element; proposals that fail to meet pass

mark will not be considered further 3 Collaboration and Innovation 200

(i) Collaboration/SynergiesAs before, collaborations with other public bodies and with the private sector will be encouraged. Collaboration between different local authorities where there is potential to jointly address common issues and/or to operate on a collaborative basis. Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the extent of mutually beneficial collaborations and/or complementary proposals and decision-making across geographic/operational areas that will broaden impact and avoid

100 Marks


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(ii) Innovation with particular focus on Climate Action considerations

An innovative approach, and in particular initiatives that will contribute to low carbon, climate resilience and environmental sustainability, is an important and fundamental consideration in terms of a projects long term sustainable success.  In order for support from the Fund to have real impact it must demonstrate a particular innovative approach to compact urban growth, viability, liveability and mix of use within the scheme including end uses. Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the applicant’s consideration and application of innovative approaches to achieving compact urban growth, viability, liveability and mix of use within the scheme including end uses.

100 Marks

4 Viability of Proposal 150(i) Matched Funding

As was the case under Call 1, URDF support will be considered up to a maximum of 75% of the project costs considered eligible for URDF support; applicants will be required to provide or source matched funding of at least 25% (public and/or private).  Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the capacity of an applicant to secure the correct combination of funding supports required to ensure successful advancement and completion of the proposal will be a critical factor when considering its feasibility. Under Call 2, the applicant is required to set out plans for funding their proposals including details of the proposed source/s and timing of matched funding, including borrowings, where applicable.

75 Marks⃰⃰

*Pass mark 60% (45)N.B. This is a pass/fail element; proposals that fail to meet pass

mark will not be considered further

(ii) Additionality ‘Additionality’ is an important and fundamental consideration in terms of the URDFs intended purpose and potential impact.  In order for support from the Fund to have real impact it must not supplant other Exchequer funded capital programmes or support development that would likely come about in the normal course, e.g. through private sector investment.  Marks will be awarded based on a judgement as to potential catalyst impact of URDF support having regard to the extent to which the project in the normal course could avail of support from other existing funding sources.

75 Marks

5 Implementation and Governance 150(i) Implementation/Deliverability

Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the projects prospects for timely delivery having regard to the following: -

The resources being applied by the applicant to the project and the track record of applicant for delivery of similar projects (most notably in the implementation of projects already supported by the URDF).

State of readiness to advance the proposal Proposed timelines Proposed funding arrangements and other necessary supports Impediments/risks including

o Planning consents or other approvals required. o Land ownership/ access/control issues.

75 Marks⃰

*Pass mark 60% (45)N.B. This is a pass/fail element; proposals that fail to meet pass

mark will not be considered further


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o Alignment with relevant national policies/capital programme requirements, e.g. in the case of roads or library related proposals.

(ii) Governance and Management

Marks will be awarded based on a judgement of the strength of the Governance arrangements set out, the track record of the applicant (most notably in the implementation of projects already supported by the URDF), the plan for developing the project, the project appraisal plan, and the associated timelines and milestones, arrangements for monitoring, project management, financial oversight and compliance with PSC requirements and CWMF.

75 Marks

TOTAL (Criteria 1 – 5 out of 1000)

Score Evaluation - Each criterion will be scored out 100 percentile0 N/A

The proposal fails to address the criterion under examination or cannot be judged due to missing or incomplete information

1-20 Very PoorThe criterion is addressed in an unsatisfactory manner

21-40 PoorThere are serious or inherent weaknesses in relation to the criterion

41-60 FairWhile the proposal broadly addresses the criterion, there are significant weaknesses that would need to be corrected

61-80 GoodThe proposal addresses the criterion well, although some improvements possible

81-100 ExcellentThe proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion and any shortcomings are minor.