summary -  · web viewone hot afternoon the...

QUESTION BANK TERM II ENGLISH X A SHADY PLOT Q.1. based on your reading of the story above, answer the following questions by ticking the correct option:- 1. the narrator earns his living by……………………………………. (a) writing ghost stories (b) working as a reader for a magazine (c) Working as a stenographer (d) Working as an accountant in a lumber company Ans.(d) 2. the sight of the ghost materializing in his room filled the narrator with…………………………. (a) fear (b) excitement (c) joy (d) anticipation Ans.(d) 3. the ghost wanted John to ……………………………………………………………….. (a) Stop his wife from using the Ouija board (b) Stop using the Ouija board himself (c) Stop his guests from using the Ouija board (d) Stop people from using the Ouija board Ans.(d) 4. Gladolia wishes to leave the narrator’s house as………………………………………… (a) she does not likes the Ouija board (b) she is afraid of the ghost (c) she is afraid of magic and hoodoo (d) she likes V and hoodoo Ans.(c)

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Page 1: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake



Q.1. based on your reading of the story above, answer the following questions by ticking the correct option:-

1. the narrator earns his living by…………………………………….

(a) writing ghost stories

(b) working as a reader for a magazine

(c) Working as a stenographer

(d) Working as an accountant in a lumber company Ans.(d)

2. the sight of the ghost materializing in his room filled the narrator with………………………….

(a) fear

(b) excitement

(c) joy

(d) anticipation Ans.(d)

3. the ghost wanted John to ………………………………………………………………..

(a) Stop his wife from using the Ouija board

(b) Stop using the Ouija board himself

(c) Stop his guests from using the Ouija board

(d) Stop people from using the Ouija board Ans.(d)

4. Gladolia wishes to leave the narrator’s house as…………………………………………

(a) she does not likes the Ouija board

(b) she is afraid of the ghost

(c) she is afraid of magic and hoodoo

(d) she likes V and hoodoo Ans.(c)

Q.2. what makes Helen, the ghost, and her other co-ghost organize The Winter’s Inspiration Bureau?

Ans. helen, the ghost tells the narrator that in the other life she used to write but she gave it up at last and went to work as a reader on a magazine. She tells that those were terrible

Page 2: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


days as memory of them made her mistake purgatory for paradise. When she attained her present state of being, she decided to do something to help the writers who were without ideas and with a mind soft enough to accept impression. Then she found other ghosts who suffered similarly and they organized “The Writer’s Inspiration Bureau.”

Q.3. why is John’s wife angry? What does she decide to do?

Ans. John’s wife is angry because she thinks that her husband is having an extramarital affair with a woman named Helen. She decided to leave John and go to her grandmother’s house.


1. What does the public want?Ans. According to Jenkins, the public wants ghosts stories written by the author, Hallock. His ghost stories are live propositions. He always gives them something new and full of horror.

2. How did the ghost appear before the author?Ans. When the ghost came in complete form, she was long and angular. She had enormous fishy eyes and was wearing big bone-rimmed spectacles. Her hair was in a tight wad at the back of her head. Her jaw was very solid.

LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS1. describe how the ghost of Helen appears before the narrator and how the

narrator behaves with her.Ans. In the beginning the narrator listen a voice at the other corner of the room saying ‘yes’. He looks around and notices that a shape is taking place and is appearing in parts. First an arm comes out, then a bit of sleeve of white shirtwaist, then a leg and a plaid skirt and finally the complete shape of a ghost. This is the ghost of Helen.The narrator is not scared by her appearance. Instead he jokes with her and thinks that she is an applicant for his advertisement and what would happen if her parts like those moving picyure cartoons being put together get mixed up.PATOL BABU1. Patol babu writes a letter to Nishikanto Ghosh to thank him for being

instrumental in his getting a role in a film. He also shares his experiences at the film shoot including the excitement and deep satisfaction that he derived from the same write the letter in about 120 words.

2. Remember? This is only the first step on the ladder, my dear better-half! Yes- the first step that would –god willing-mark the rise to fame and fortune of your beloved husband!’(a) What is called a ‘ladder ‘ here?(b) What do you understand by better half?

Page 3: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


(c) Find from the passage the word which is opposite to ‘misfortune’.


1. Who is Nishikanto Babu?Ans. Nishikanto Babu is a neighbour of Patol Babu. He lives three houses away from Patol Babu in Nepal Bhattacharji Lane. He is a genial person. He is always helpful to Patol Babu.

2. Who is Naresh Dutt and what is he looking for?Ans. Naresh Dutt is the brother-in-law of Nishikanton Babu. He is about thirty. He is a strapping young fellow. He is in film business. His company is making a film. He is looking for an actor for this film. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS1. How did Patol Babu struggle for earning his living?

Ans. Patol Babu tried every mean of earning a livehood but never succeeded in improving his lot. Till 1934 he lived in Kanchrapara. He had a job in railway factory there. In 1934, he was offered higher pay in a clerical post with Hudson and Kimberley in Calcutta. He gave up his clerical job for factory job and came to Calcutta with his wife. His wife was going on smoothly. He worked in the company for nine years but company was closed due to certain reasons and since then Patol Babu struggled to make a living. He opened a variety store and had a job in a Bengali firm. Recently he was paying regular visit to a small establishment dealing in scrap iron to get a job.

2. How did Patol Babu rehearse for the role he was provided in the film?Ans. Patol Babu had been a succesfull stage actor of his time, so he knew the value of rehearsal of the role. He decide to rehearse the role because he had half an hor in his hands. He crossed the road on the tiptoe and went into the quite little side street. He himself rehearsed his own bit. He thought how his feature would be twisted in pain, how he would fling out his arm, how his body was crouch to express pain and surprise. He performed all these in various ways in front of a large glass window. At last he decided how much surprise, pain and irritation he should mix in the act so that the scene could become realistic.



Answer the following questions by ticking the correct options-

(1) (i) “ The doctors were doing all they could , but in our hearts we knew we needed a miracle”(a) Who is the speaker?(b) What were the doctors doing?(c) Why was a miracle needed?

Page 4: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


2 “ My hero” she squealed. “ Take me away from all this .” Behind me I could hear the dragon roaring, rescue me now”

(i) who spoke rescue me now(ii) which game was being played?(iii) Where was she imprisoned?

3 “ I finished my drink and slammed the glass downon the bar.Jed had already left the saloon. All eyes were on me again. I wondered what sort of score I was notching up”

(a) Who is “ I” in these lines?(b) What was going to happen?(c) What computer game is being referred to here?

4 “ I swung my word but it was no good. The dragon was only interested in Sebastian and there was nothing I could do to prevent it getting him”

(A) Who swung his word?(B) Who was the Dragon interested in?(C) What could the narrator not prevent?

5” It all started a month ago. Dad and I had spent the entire Saturday at the computer fair”

(a) Who does ‘I’ in the extract refer to?(b) What started a month ago?(c) What does the speaker have keen interest in?


Q.1 Why did the news of ‘ Miracle recovery’ shock Michael?

Q.2 What kind of computers fascinated Michael and his father? Why?

Q.3 Explain the first place where Michael was virtually transported.

Q.4 What help did Sebastian Shultz ask Michael for? How did he convey this message ?

Q.5 Michael meeting with Sebastian Shultz had been a chance meeting, Where had it taken place and how?

Q.6 Why did Michael fail in rescuing Sebastian Shultz for first time?

Q.7 The second attempt to rescue Sebastian too was disastrous . Give reasons.

Q.8 Narrate the incident that injured Sebastian Shultz.

Q.9 How did Sebastian Shultz entered the games ?

Page 5: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


Q.10 How was Sebastian Shultz’s memory stored on Michael’s desk? Did Michael discover that?

Q.11 What had happened to Sebastian Shultz ?

Q.12 How did the narrator come to know about the Sebastian Shultz’ condition?

Q.13 When did the first video game come to an end and with what ?

Q.14 What plan did Sebastian Shultz have for escaping from prison cell?How did it fail

Q.15 How did the narrator rescue Sebastian Shultz after entering the war zone ?

Q.16 Dad is nutty about the computers. What evidence is there to support this statement?

Q.17 In what way the second game seem real?LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (80-100 WORDS)

Q. 18How did the narrator happen to crack the video game? Q.19 How did the narrator rescue Sebastian Shultz after entering the Warzone?Q.20The narrator tried the three video games to rescue Sebastian Shultz, but could not. What did he do and why?Q .21 What happened when the narrator swiped a skeleton’s e-card?

Long answer and value based questions S(100- 150 words )

1. How did the narrator come to know about Sebastian Shultz? What had happened to him? How did the narrator happen to initiate rescuing him?

2 Describe what Michael finds in the video game “Wild west” when he plays it? Who was the second sheriff?

3 How did the narrator finally rescue Sebastian Shultz starting from the second video named ‘ Dragonquest?

4. How does the narrator( Michael) help Sebastian Shultz?

5 Imagine Michael’s friend asks him in a letter how he rescued Sebastian Shultz Write a reply to this letter on behalf of Michael ?

6. Imagine Michael writes a diary on how he rescued Sebastian Shultz . Write a diary on behalf of Michael.

7 One needs to have an alert mind during a crisis in order to overcome the odds. Michael’s presence was of mind was an instrumental in saving Sebastian Shultz. Comment

8 Give in brief the substance of the story ‘ Virtually true ‘


Page 6: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


Short answer Questions from-

1. What did the traveler from the antique land tell the speaker?2. Why did Ozymandias call himself king of kings ?3. “Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Elaborate.4. What is inscribed on the base of the statue?5. Read the following lines carefully and answer the questions that follow:

And on the pedestal these words appear:“ My name is Ozymandias, King of kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”

i) Which quality of the king is revealed in these lines?ii) By using the words “my works” here the king refers to..


SummaryOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake there. He waited for the snake to quench his thirst since the poet thought that he was a second comer. The snake kept his throat upon the stone bottom sipped the water into his slack long body. After drinking water, he raised his head just like cattle do and flashed his forked tongue, thought for a moment and then bent down to drink some more water. The voice of his education said that the golden brown snakes are poisonous and must be killed. However, the poet instinctively liked the snake, treated him like a guest and felt honored that it had come to drink at his water trough. The voices of education inside the poet told him not daring to kill the snake proved that he was a coward. After drinking enough water, the snake raised its head and started to move away from water trough. As the snake put his head into a crack to retreat into the earth, the poet was filled with a protest against the idea of the snake withdrawing into his hole. The poet put down his pitcher, picked up a log and hurled it at the snake. The snake twisted violently and vanished into the hole in the wall like a lightening. The poet felt guilty of his mean act. The poet instantly felt sorry for his unrefined act and cursed the voices of education that urged him to kill the snake. The poet compared himself with the ancient mariner who had killed the albatross without any reason. He wished that the snake would come back. He treats the snake as a king in exile to be crowned again. Finally, the poet regrets having missed his opportunity with the lords of life.

Page 7: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


Read the following extracts and choose the best option : 1. “I come down the steps with my pitcher And must wait, must stand and wait, for he was at the trough before me.” (i) The poet was there at the water trough (a) to see the snake (b) to fill his pitcher (c) to sit under the carob tree (d) to enjoy being outside (ii) The poet decides to wait because (a) he liked to watch the snake (b) he was afraid of it (c) he wished to kill it from behind (d) he had come there after the snake

(iii) The words are repeated in the second line to (a) remind the reader (b) remind the snake (c) to highlight the importance of coming first (d) to look courteous

Answer : (i) (b) (ii) (d) (iii) (c)

2. “He sipped with his straight mouth Softly drank through his straight gums, into his slack body” (i) The snake drank water “softly” as (a) the water looked soft (b) he drank slowly (c) his manner of drinking water was unhurried (d) he drank in a lazy manner

(ii) The snake’s body is ‘slack’ because(a) he has come from inside the earth (b) he is lazy (c) the manner in which he stretches looks lazy (d) he is very relaxed

(iii) The poet’s observation of the snake proves that (a) he loves the snake (b) he is protective about him (c) he is a keen observer (d) the snake sparks his interest

Answer : (i) (c) (ii) (c) (iii) (d).

“Being earth-brown, earth-golden from the burning bowels of the earth” (i) The snake is earth brown because

Page 8: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


(a) he has come from the inside depth of the earth (b) the fallen dust on him makes him look earthy (c) he is lying on the earth so he looks earth brown (d) The shadow of the tree is falling on him

(ii) The snake has come from (a) the fissure in the wall (b) under the hole of the water trough (c) near the Mount Etna (d) behind the wall (iii) The bowels of the earth are burning because (a) the place is near Mount Etna (b) It is the month of July (c) It is in Sicily (d) all the above

Answer : (i) (a) (ii) (a) (iii) (d) 4.

“The voice of my education said to me He must be killed For in Sicily the black, black snakes are innocent, the gold are venomous” (i) The voice of education means (a) knowledge after education (b) confidence that one acquires after education (c) social views (d) voice of your interest

(ii) Black snakes are innocent means (a) they do not bite (b) they are not poisonous (c) they are afraid of men (d) They run away at sight

(iii) The gold are venomous means (a) they are poisonous (b) they attack (c) they are golden in colour (d) they are not brown in colour

Answer : (i) (c) (ii) (b) (iii) (a)

Short and Very Short QuestionsRead the following extracts and answer the question that follow. 1. To drink there In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great carob-tree (a) Name the poet and the person. Ans : The poet is D.H. Lawrence and the poem is the Snake.

(b) Who has come to drink and what has he come for?

Page 9: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


Ans : The poet has come to collect water in the pitcher and the snake has come for drinking water.

(c) Describe the surroundings of the watertrough? Ans : The water-trough is in the open, under the shade of the sweet-scented carob tree.

2. He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom And trailed his yellow-brown slackness softbellied down, over the edge of the stone-trough (a) From where had the snake appeared? Ans : The snake had come from the inside portion of the earth-wall

(b) Identify the poetic device in ‘slackness, softbellied’. Ans : Alliteration

(c) Describe the path the snake took to reach the water. Ans : The snake came out from the crack in the wall and came trailing on the ground to reach the edge of the water trough.

3. and mused a moment And stooped and drank a little more (a) Explain ‘mused a moment? Ans : It means ‘it appeared to be thinking for sometime’. (b) What does the manner of the snake suggest? Ans : The snake appears very relaxed and ‘unhurried and takes his time to drink water

(c) Why is the poet watching every action of the snake ? Ans : The snake has fascinated the poet with his majestic behaviour.

4. And voices in me said, if you were a man You would take a stick and break him now and finish him off (a) What are ‘voices’? Ans : The voices refer to the beliefs that are ingrained in one’s mind due to society.

(b) What do the voices suggest? Why? Ans : They suggest that the snake should be killed as he is poisonous.

(c) Do you think it would be cowardice or manly for the poet to kill the snake? Why/Why not? Ans : It was cowardice because the snake had not harmed the poet — to strike the snake behind its back is not ethical.

5. And so, I missed my chance with one of the lords of life And I have something to expiate A pettiness (a) Why is the poet’s action called ‘a pettiness’? Ans : It was a mean act to hit the snake behind his back.

(b) What is there for the poet to ‘expiate’?

Page 10: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


Ans : The poet wishes to compensate for his mean act.

(c) Why is the snake called the lord of life? Which poetic device is used here? Ans : It is used as a metaphor for the reason is not given.

6. But I must confess how I liked him, How glad I was he had come like a guest, To drink at the water-trough And depart peaceful, pacified and thankless, Into the burning bowels of this earth? (a) Who had come as a guest? Ans : A snake had come as a guest to the poet's water trough to quench his thirst.

(b) How do we know that the guest's thirst was quenched? Ans : The way the snake raised his head dreamily after drinking water and slowly moved away from the water trough shows that his thirst was quenched.

(c) Where would it go? Ans : After taking water, the snake climbed the wall with the crack and entered deep inside the hole.

SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-Why does the poet repeat “hot”, “must wait” twice? What purpose does it serve?

Ans : These words are used repeatedly because the poet wishes to emphasise on them. ‘Hot’ means very hot as there are many reasons like the month of July, Etna volcano etc. ‘Must wait’ means compulsion. The poet believes that anyone who comes first, must be served first.

2. From where had the snake emerged? What do you think was the reason for the snake to come out in the open? Ans : The snake had come out from the crack in the wall. It was very hot and scorching inside due to July month, active volcano etc. The snake wanted to drink water and satisfy his thirst.

3. Describe the relaxed manner in which the snake makes his way to the water trough and the manner in which he drinks water.

Ans : The movement of the snake is described as ‘slack’ ‘soft-bellied’, most relaxed and unhurried. He appeared out of a crack in the wall and very languorously stretched himself and slow crawled to the edge of the water-trough. One reason could be that he had not seen the poet.

4. Why is the snake compared to cattle? Ans : The relaxed manner in which the snake drinks water reminds the poet of cattle. Even the cattle drink water, then look up, muse a moment and continue. The snake also behaves similarly.

5. How were the poet’s beliefs regarding snakes conditioned by society? Ans : Society ingrains certain preconceived notions in our mind and due to that we don’t judge situations by instinct — The poet was fascinated by the snake. He appreciated the snake’s majestic

Page 11: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


and harmless nature but the earlier instincts drilled in him by society force him to strike at the snake. He had been taught to kill snakes.

6-Explain – ‘And depart peaceful, pacified and thankless’.

Ans : The snake appeared to be pacified and satisfied, for he had taken water generously. He was not the harmless kind, neither had the poet given him any reason, so there was no confrontation. The poet believes that the snake has no reason to thank the poet for a natural resource like water which is God’s gift for all.

7. Why does the poet feel honoured by the presence of the snake?

Ans : The poet feels obliged that the snake had come all the way from the inner depths of the earth to his water trough and this was a kind of honour. Moreover, the snake is so regal and majestic in his bearing that the poet feels honoured to have him as his guest.

8. The poet is too impressed with the majestic manner in which the snake conducts himself. What comparisons does the poet make to highlight this behaviour of the snake?

Ans : The manner in which the snake drinks water is like the cattle. He appears to muse a bit, drink with intervals. The snake is called ‘lord of life’ because life and death is in his hands. He is also compared to ‘a king’ for his majestic style and when he quickly disappears he is compared to lightening.

9. Why did the poet have a sudden urge to hit the snake? Do you think he was justified in trying to hit the snake, when its back was turned?

Ans : When the snake’s back is turned, the ‘voices of education’ that were troubling the poet, overtake him. He hits the snake with a stick which was quite unjustified. The snake had not troubled the poet and one must behave with one’s instincts than preconceived notions.

10. Why did the poet despise himself? Mention the three words that he uses to describe his action.

Ans : The poet feels very guilty of trying to hit at the snake. He calls his act ‘mean’ ‘petty’ and feels like making amends. The poet believes that he must compensate for his unreasonable and undignified act. He uses the words ‘to expiate’, which express his feelings.


1. Describe the manner in which the snake arrived and departed. Ans : The snake had come from the crack in the wall made of earth, from the darkness, from the scorching inside portion of the earth. The snake did not feel the threat of the poet’s presence, so its movement is very languid, very relaxed and unhurried. It stretched its long and slack body, drank water with great spells of flavour and enjoyment. It licked its lips, it mused and put his head on the edge of the

Page 12: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


water-trough. Its departure was exactly the opposite—quick, clumsy, abrupt like the speed of lightning.

2. You have read the poem ‘Snake’ and you understand the dilemma faced by the poet. Suppose you had been there instead of the poet, how would you have behaved? Write a letter to your friends Prateek, expressing this situation and how did you resolve it.

Ans : 92, G.P. Road ABC City 12 July, 2010 Dear Prateek, I wish to recount a strange experience that I underwent recently. One day as I had come to fill my pitcher with water from a open water-trough, I saw a snake drinking water there. My first instinct was fright and then I felt like killing him, because that is what we do generally. Nevertheless, I hid behind the door and watched the snake. The snake was very relaxed, very slack and had great style of moving about. After drinking water, the snake went back into the hole. I felt happy that I had not hit him. I am happy I followed the voice of my instincts.


3. Write a short note on the literary devices used by the poet. Discuss their effectiveness in the context of the poem. Ans : D.H. Lawrence has made use of many literary devices liberally. He begins the poem by using some words expressions repeatedly, to reinforce and highlight certain ideas. There is a great use of alliteration in words like ‘slackness’, ‘soft-bellied’ etc. Lot of similes have been used to describe the snake. The snake is compared to ‘cattle’, ‘like a king’, ‘lord’ etc. The snake disappears into the hole with the speed of lightening. Moreover, the snake is symbolic of some strange forces and it represents power and sophistication that impress the poet.


1Someone was before me at my water troughAnd I like a second comer ,waiting.

(a) Who was before the writer?(b) Who waited like a second comer and for what?(c) Name the poetic device used in the last line

2 I came down the steps with my pitcher And must wait, must stand and wait For there he was at the water trough

(a) Name the poem and the poet?

Page 13: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


(b) Where had the poet come with a pitcher?(c) Why did he decide to wait?

3 Was it cowardice, that I dared not kill him? Was it perversity, that I longed to talk to him? Was it humility to feel so honoured ? I felt so honoured And yet those voices (a) Why did the poet not have the courage to kill the snake?(b) What has been referred to as the perversity in the poet?( c) Which choices did the poet hear from within? What did those voice say?4.And immediately I regretted it. I thought how paltry, how vulgar , What a mean act

(a) What was the mean act?(b) Why did the poet despise himself?(c) What does the word regret mean in the context


Q. Why did the poet try to harm the snake?

Q “Who is the king in the exile and ‘one of the lords of life’ Why is he described in these terms ?

Q. The poet is feeling guilty. What has he to make amends for?

Q. What was the dilemma that the poet faced when he saw the snake ?

Q.What did the snake do after driningwater ?

Q What did voice of the education say to the poet?

Q Where did the snake come from at the water trough of the poet?

Q. How did the snake drink water ?

Q. Why does the poet decide to stand and wait till the snake has finished drinking?

Q.How does the Poet describe the day and the atmosphere when he saw the snake?

Q. Do you think the snake was conscious of the poet ‘s presence . How do you know?

Q. The poet has a dual attitude towards the snake. Why does he experience conflicting emotions on seeing the snake ?

Q ‘ But must I confess how I like him’ What did the poet do then?

Q.What did the poet feel about his cowardice or perversity and how?

Page 14: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


Q. What actually the Poet felt after arrival of the snake at the water trough?

Q How did the snake make a return after drinking water?

Q. What made the poet throw a log on the snake and when?

Q. What was the reaction of the snake when the poet threw a piece of wood?

Q How did the poet think of the snake after it had gone into its hole


Q What were the poet’ feelings when he saw a snake at his water trough?

Q. What was the conflict in the poet’s mind between the voices of his education and his own feelings ? Which of the two won in the end?

Q.Give a brief summary of the poem the ‘snake’ .


Q. Write the central idea of the poem’ snake’


1. What is the role of wedding guest in this poem?2. How the coming of the ancient mariner is described?3. Describe the “storm-blast” in your words.4. How did the wedding guest react as soon as the Mariner began his story?5. How did the opinion of the other mariners change about the act of killing the

Albatross ?6. What was the terrible deed done by the Mariner? Why do you think he did it?7. What kind of weather did the sailors enjoy at the beginning of their journey?8. Read the following lines carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Day after day, day after day,We stuck, nor breath nor motion;As idle as a painted shipUpon a painted ocean.

i) Why was the ship stuck in the ocean?ii) Which figure of speech is used in the last two lines?

Long Answer type questions-

Page 15: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


1. King Ozymandias returns to the land after many years and sees his statue in ruins. Write a diary entry on behalf of the king expressing his feelings and views about ones achievements and greatness and how long they last.

2. The change in the weather in the poem “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” happens dramatically. Describe such changes in the atmosphere during the course of the journey of the mariners and its effect on them.


1.What commotion is noticed by Calpurnia ? What is suggestive of her ?

2.Highlight two most important qualities of Caesar’s character and substantiate them from the text.

3.How foolish do you seems now Calpurnia? Bring out the irony behind Caesar statement.

4. What does Caesar mean when he says ‘cowards die many times before their death, the valiant never taste of death but once’.

5.Howdoes Decius persuade Caesar to go to the senate in spite of Calpurnia’s best efforts to dissude him?

6. Why does Cassius object to Antony’s speaking to the roman mob? How do his fears come true?

7.Why does Cassius object to allowing Antony to speak at Caesar’s funeral? How do Brutus over come this objection?

8.Whosays,”Let him be Caesar”? What light this throw on the speaker?

Long Answer Question

1. Bring out the significance of the words –‘Et Tu Brute”2. Compare and contrast the funeral orations of Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus.3. Write the character sketch of “JULIAS CAESAR”4. Do you think Brutus is close to being an Honorable man?5. Mark Antony emerges as the true friend to Caesar comment with reference to the

play.1. Science2. Environment3. Travel and Tourism4. National Integration

Page 16: Summary -  · Web viewOne hot afternoon the poet went to the water trough to fill water in a pitcher. Suddenly, he noticed a snake


Q.1 Dwindling of the forest cover not only threatens the habitat of millions of species but also endangers water reserves. On the basis of your understanding of the unit environment from the MCB,write a letter to the editor a national daily expressing your concern about the threat to the bio reserves (Assume yourself as Surender Pal).


55 / 21 Pratap ChowkGanga Nagar 14 July 2016The EditorTimes of IndiaNew Delhi

Sub: Dwindling forest cover- a threat to the bio reserve

Dear sir,

Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of common man towards the issue cited above.

It is the fact that forest cover all over the world is fast dwindling. For instance during 2000-2005 more than four million acres of forests disappeared. The dwindling forest cover resulted ina serious threat to various animals. For instance; 50% fish stand threatened.20% of them are vulnerable to being endangered. Amphibians to the extent of 70% are not endangered but 30% of them do stand endangered and 8% critically endangered.Dwindling forest reserves are a potent danger to food, fodder, timber, water etc. Soil erosion takes place.Flora and fauna disappears that causes the flow of water direct to the oceans and not into the ground. This doesn’t recharge the ground water table. Mostimportantly, there is a threat of droughts, faminesetc. And scarcityof rain. Weather patterns have changed due to global warming. These effects have started showing their results in the form of climate change and consequent problems. This has forced the world countries to seriously think about conservation of forests.

Forests are sustainable sources of keeping bio diversity intact. So their disappearance means threat to humanity. So they need to be generated to rehabilitate the environment and eco system.

Your faithfully

Surender Pal

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Q 2 You are Vivek, secretary of Green Fingers, The environment Club of Saint Soldier School, Bikaner. The school celebrated Van Mahotsva on July 17, 2016.Write a report of the programme for the school newsletter.


Van Mahotsava Celebrated

---Vivek,secretary Green Fingers.

Bikaner July18.Van Mahotsava was celebrated by Green Fingers, The Environment Club of the school, with great enthusiasm on 17th July. The District Forest Officer, M P Sharma was the chief guest. He inaugurated the bio diversity Park in the school. ThePrincipal, Mr M K Sehara planted a sapling in the Park.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Sharma urged the students to plant more trees and launch a campaign to save the environment. Students of the Primary Wing of the School presented a cultural programme. The senior students staged a play on saving the environment.

The Principal announced a cash award of Rs 5000/-each and a merit certificate for two students for creating the best environmental projects. He also announced the plan for a ‘Green Campaign’ to be launched soon to create awareness among the public.

Q 3 Design a poster for promoting the cleanliness under the Swacch Bharat Abhiyan in the surrounding of your colony.


Stop! Garbage on the roads is causing PLANET OVERLOAD

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Issued BYResidents’ AssociationAkash Vihar Jaisalmer

Q 4 Design a poster urging mountaineers to preserve the pristine glory of the mountainsides.

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Stop turning the mount Everest into the Highest Junkyard Mount Everest is

A god gift to humanity Increases aesthetic beauty Source of water An important tool in eco logical balance Deserves to be preserved for posterity due to its pristine glory

For Mountaineers An adventurous to and fro journey A moment of glory Merging with the elemental nature An indescribable call from heaven

Deserves not to exist as the Highest Junkyard Not to leave behind trash food containers tins used material Carry the waste material bags Not to leave junk anywhere Avoid being fined

Issued ByMountaineering Institute of India Ministry of External AffairsNew Delhi

Q 5 Wangari Maathai is a well-known eco logical conservationist and you have heard her on a Radio broad casting and inspired and motivated to do a summer camp under her at a research station. Write an e-mail to Maathai and describe Wangari’s influence on you and your desire to work under her for the conservation of this planet.


Date: 20 July 2016

From:[email protected]

Subject: Summer training at a Research Centre

To:[email protected]

Dear Ms Maathai

I am pleased to introduce myself as a great fan of yours. I have read your interview to NHK Radio Japan and greatly feel inspired. I feel motivated to do summer training under you at one of the research stations.

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I am a nature lover and feel greatly pained at the denudation and deforestation almost everywhere. It pains me much to see trees being cut for widening of the roads. It is shocking to that the fertile land is being taken over for commercial purposes. Forests and flora and fauna are disappearing causing weather changes, drop in rainfall and depletion in the ground water table. Wet lands and other water bodies are drying up. I fear for coming of desertification in areas where there used to be lush green forests once. Not many water harvesting efforts are taken in hands. As a consequence global warming is showing its painful face. If this goes on, we may soon face the pricking of famines, droughts etc. Food,fodder, fuel, timber,wood etc.would not be in plenty.

I have a keen desire under you to work and to learn how we can rehabilitate the forests and back the bio diversity. I personally feel that the scene which you saw before starting your Movement is available here.If we do not take any action, the situation may worsen more.Precisely speaking, I find the force of your movement most appropriate in whatever I wish to do to rehabilitate our environment.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely


Q.6 Tourism is developing as an industry in our country. On the basis of your understanding of the unit ‘Travel and Tourism ‘from MCB,write an article on the ‘Two sides of Tourism Industry.’


Tourism, especially cultural tourism has two sides. First let us be clear what it means. It means coming in contact of people whose culture is different from ours. Obviously, people who come as tourists do not want experience much inconvenience. So for the host country it means an investment and a commitment. This country has to invest in improving the infrastructure and maintaining its heritage. Thus valuable national resources are spent in becoming good hosts.

But it can also be a powerful economic development tool. Countries like Malasiya have survived basically on tourism. Tourism creates millions of jobs, provides new business opportunities and strengthens the local economy. If properly used it can help to protect nation’s natural and cultural treasures. It can also help to improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

However the destruction of local culture as a result of tourism is well documented. To attract more and more tourists, some governments and organizations offer the visitors stage culture instead of the real street culture. Thus the visitors have a lop-sided view of the country’s culture. In a multi-ethnic society like that of India, it causes a lot of heart-burning

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on those groups which are ignored. Forexample, in India the government advertises to the tourists about the Mughal Monuments. This clearly irritates other people whose monuments are equally important. Last but not least, the chain of visitors causes damage to the heritage cities. So the basic purpose of cultural tourism is itself defeated.

Q.7Your school has decided to introduce Mass Media Studies as a subject under the vocational stream. Write a notice for your school notice board informing all students who are studying in class X regarding the course. Add relevant details.Do not exceed 50 words. Put the notice in a box.


Harsh Convent School, GanganagarNOTICEDate:20.04.2015AnnouncementAll the students of class X ( 2015-16), are hereby informed that our school has decided to introduce Maas Media Studies as an optional subject in Class XI for the academic year ( 2016-17) under the vocational stream. It may help the students in pursuing a career in films, its production and its attached fields.Those who want to know more about the procedure and guidelines for the same, they contact the undersigned on or before10 june2016.

LN Bhati( In charge Admission)

Q.8 Suppose you are Naresh / Nirmal of class X .You are upset about being made to sit away from your best friend in the class. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings and reactions.


Sunday, 15TH July 2016 9.30 pm

I am very sad at what our new teacher has done. I and Naresh used to sit together in the front row in our class. No one had ever objected our sitting together. Our new teacher looks at me scornfully as he knows that I am from a down trodden and poor family whereas my friend Nirmal comes from a well to do Brahmin family. He didn’t like it and asked me to sit at the last bench in the class. This made me sad and felt bad. This action of the new teacher amounted to spreading the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance. This really broke our hearts as such thing had never been known earlier among us in the village.

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This action of new teacher can’t be accepted as it amounts to breaking communal harmony of all castes, religions and faiths hereby this action the teacher aims at sowing the seeds of hatred, ill-will and fragmentation of the people. They have long been living like a big family. I am surely going to complain about to our seniors who always felt proud of living in complete harmony. This action should not be taken lightly as it aims at creating walls between poor and rich class people. Such a development is unhealthy for our modern society.


Q 9 Read the outlines given below. Write it in full using these outlines and your own ideas. Write the story in 120 words. Assign a suitable title and Moral to it.

Outlines: good boy----------disobeys his parents---gets into bad company---father gives him some good apples----tells him to lay them aside for a few days-----places a rotten apple among them-----the rotten apple spoils the good ones----a lesson on bad company.


Once upon a time therewas a good son of his loving parents. They were a happy family as everything went good. But soon he started disobeying his parents as he got into a bad company. He started drinking and gambling and did no work whatsoever .He would shout at his parents and abuses them. Also he demanded money the other day as he wasted it in gambling. His parents tried all, methods to bring him on the right path of life but it was of no use. The more theytried to reform him, the worse he became. Then one day his father brought him some good quality apples. He asked him to lay them aside for a few days. Then he gave him a rotten apple. He asked him to keep this rotten apple among the good ones. Heasked his son to bring all the apples to him after two days. When his brought him all the apples, then he asked to see these. They were all rotten. The son understood that one rotten apple had rotten (spoilt ) all the other good ones. He understood the meaning and promised to be a good son to his parents.

Q. 10 Write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper for your school magazine on ‘celebrating Diversity but working for unity’.


190,Sector 25Gurgaon 14 August 2016

The EditorThe HinduNew Delhi

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Subject: Celebrating Diversity but Working for Unity

Dear Sir,

Kindly publish the following vies of mine on the above subject in the appropriate columns of your esteemed newspaper.

Life becomes beautiful if there is diversity but coupled with unity. If there were uniformity there could not be or have been any charm. This factor is available almost everywhere, in nature, in animals, and in human beings. So it must be and is in our beautiful country.All places, regions and human beings are not alike, yet they are the same. So we must celebrate this diversity but must work for unity as we all are Indians---Children of same Mother,Mother India.

We are the sons and daughters of mother India. We have different religions, sects or creeds, differentfestivals, differenttraditions, beliefs and customs yet we are Indians. Our focus should be on celebrating this diversity. We should celebrate the festivals of other communities and live in perfect peace and harmony. For instance if Muslims celebrate Diwali or Hindus celebrate Id or Christmas, love between the becomes all the more deep and cemented. Then we should partake in social functions like marriage,birthday celebrations or other joys occasions. This shall cement our relations at social level. But we should never forget that we all are Indians.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

Ram Prasad

Q.11 You are Ridhima / Rakesh.You happened to look at the following lines of a newspaper

…..computers has changed our way of life . It can be seen at every place ……….. It can do many works….

With the help of the lines given above write an article on the effects of computers on everyday life in about 100-120 words.


Today there is no sector where a computer cannot be seen. Almost all the works are being done by computers today. From early morning to late night everything is handled by computers. While doing manual work, we need a lot of man power & there is the most probability of the work being done wrong. Now computers can do every kind of work with minimum errors. We can fill our forms & need not stand in queue. We can by tickets or book hotels at any time by our ccomputer.Now computers can store large amount of information

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that is readily available to anyone with a click of a mouse button. We can see our exam results as soon as it is announced. Thus, it has radically changed the way of our life &affected it a lot.

Q.12 Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the wastage of food in the lavish Indian weddings .Assume yourself PrakashBansal, social worker for orphans.


129 HBC Jaisalmer 22 June 2016The Editor The Daily TimesNew Delhi

Subject: Wastage of food in Indian Weddings.


Through this letter, I Want to draw attention of all the concerned to the colossal wastage of food in the lavish Indian Weddings. Wedding is a special occasion for Indians. Money is spent lavishly on this occasion on clothes, decoration, banquets and above all on food by the host. The more the items are, the better the celebrations are. Host’s hospitality is judged by the food served on unlimited occasions and ceremonies such as Mehndi, DJ Night and wedding day. I will not be wrong if I say Indians spend life’s savings on weddings of their son or daughter. Surprisingly, wedding market in India is approximately Rs. 150000/- crores per year. It has been rightly said that the guests eat less and waste more in the marriages. Ironically, India also hosts one of the biggest armies of starving people in the world. Millions of people hardly get a meal per day in India. Is it India? If all the people of India observe a fast every week, it can feed the millions of starving people.

It is high time that we should think of it, think of the wastage of food as well as hard earned money. It is the responsibility of the guests to limit the size of the servings according to their appetite. Instead of filling the plate with every dish, the guest may take spoonful of each food item to taste first and decide how much to take. The host must avoid extravagance in the wedding and preparing the maximum of food items. A big sum of money can be saved by avoiding show-off and by arranging simple parties.

I urge you to issue a special supplement on this issue to awaken the masses. This will bring a change in their thinking and attitude towards wastage of food as well as money.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours faithfully

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Prakash Bansal

(Social Activist)

Q.13 The students’ council of Greenland school, New Delhi has organised an excursion to Kullu,Manali & Rohtang Pass for students of class 11th during the Easter break. Draft a notice inviting students to join the excursion. Add relevant details & cost of excursion. Do not exceed 50 words. Put the notice in a box.



Q.14 Write your own film review on ‘Chak de India, Movie highlighting the aspect of national integration that has been portrayed in the film.


Film review on ‘Chak de India’

Title: ‘Chak de India’

The title ‘Chak de India’ means ‘Go for it India’. It is the imaginative and catchy. It shows a motivational force Indians. It was released in 2007 by producer Aditya Chopra under Yash

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Raj Film banner. The music was given by Salim Sulaiman. It is based on the ‘Indian Hockey Team’.

Outline of the Plot: Kabir Khan, former captain of Indian Hockey Team was ostracized from the sport. He and his mother are further forced out from their ancestral home by angry neighbours. Seven years later in an attempt to redeem himself, Khan becomes the coach for the Indian Women’s Hockey Team, with the goal of turning its sixteen contentious players into a champion team. After leading the women to the Gold, Khan restores his reputation and returns with his mother to their home, welcomed by those who had shunned them, years before. ‘Chak De! India’ explores religious bigotry, the legacy of partition, ethnic/ regional prejudice and sexism in contemporary India through field hockey.

It is afilm where the hero watches from the stand and lets a bunch of girls do all the winning. It is all about women’s liberation and their power. It is one of the best feminist films. It is a patriotic heart warmer. Its title song is stirring and meaningful.

The main focus is on the game. Romance is absent, parents are sidelined and no one breaks out into song and dance. The tale of the sporting under dog is hardly new.

Shahrukh Khan acted as Kabir Khan, the former captain of Indian Hockey Team. Chitrashi Rawat acted as Komal Chautala, Sagarika Ghatge as Preeti Sabharwal. Actual Hockey players Chitrashi, Sandiya and Raynia were cast as they were actual hockey players. 90 other hockey players and 9000 extras also participated in the shooting.

It is worth watching of the spirit and of craftsmanship. The director Shimit Amin has crafted this film with immense staying power, exceptional integrity and gusto. It has great performances by a bunch of unknowns; a gritty peace and a marvellous restrain make it an unbridled ode to patriotism without any hysterical chest-beating. The casting is first rate. Its screenplay offers a rare look at a popular Indian sport often overshadowed by cricket.

Its message is that if the team members overcome the divisions and learn to cooperate with and help each other, they would definitely be a winning team be it cricket, hockey or football. Unity among the team members and their confidence can lead them to victory. It also promotes the merits of women players.

Rating: 4 stars out of 5 stars: ****

Q 15 Develop the following outlines into a story in about 120 words.Assign a suitable title to it with moral.

Puppy was hungry----------found piece of bone------saw two crows------tries to run away but couldn’t decide------a crow started pecking his tail that made bark at the crow-------the bone fell down------other crow ran flew away with the bone……puppy couldn’t catch the fkying crows.------It remained hungry.

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Once a puppy was very hungry. But he got hold of a bone while he had been wandering in search of food. He thought to retire to a safe place to munch on the bone. While was getting ready to do so, he saw a pair of crows by his side. He understood that the crows wanted the bone from him. He became more conscious of the bone and tried to keep it safe in its mouth. He didn’t know what to do in such a situation to save the bone for himself. But very soon one of the crows started pecking his tail. The other crow came towards his mouth. He got angry and started barking and the crow standing near his mouth. He said so after leaving the bone on the ground. In no time, the other crow who stood near his mouth got hold of the bone and flew away. The dog couldn’t understand how it happened. He stood barking at the crow, for he couldn’t catch it.But the bone was gone. He remained hungry the whole day as nothing could be done and he couldn’t get any food.

Title: A foolish puppy

Moral: One must think before doing any act.

Practice Time

Q.1On the basis of your understanding of the unit Science in MCB, write a story about the possibilities of existence of living beings on other planets.

Q 2You have been gifted a new cell phone which is powered by solar energy. On the basis of your understanding of the unit Science from MCB, Write an e-mail to your friend describing the phone and all its exciting features.

Q 3 Prepare a speech on the topic ‘National Integration’ to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school.

Q 4 Imagine yourself as the Captain of your House named Raman, draft a notice to inform the students of your house about the house meeting to be held in school. Add all the relevant details.

The story of my life

1. Describe Helen's sailing experience in The Story of My Life by Helen Keller.

Helen Keller, in her autobiography, The Story of My Life, recounts many of the experiences she had up to the age off 22 when she wrote The Story of My Life as a means to inspire others to rise to challenges that otherwise can become a "nameless fear." (ch 5) Helen

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learns to appreciate everything and "learns from life itself." Amongst her many pleasurable activities, including reading and "outdoor pursuits," is sailing.

Helen has been to the ocean before but on her trip to Nova Scotia, she is able to experience the ocean in a completely different way through sailing to various places such as Bedford Basin, McNabb's Island and other fascinating places and relishing thoughts of past events and men-of-war who would have sailed the same waters. Helen recalls one "thrilling experience" in particular when she goes to "watch" races between the boats from some of the warships when the water is calm but, on the way back to shore the wind rises and a black cloud threatens. She is in a boat on the sea, the best vantage point to be a part of the excitement. Helen is not afraid and her "hands trembled with excitement" as she has complete confidence in the "skipper" who receives applause from the large boats for his bravery in facing the stormy weather. Despite being tired and hungry, Helen returns satisfied from her experience.

2. In The Story of My Life, explain the fears experienced by the narrator. How did Miss Sullivan pacify the narrator and motivate her?

The Story of My Life is the autobiographical account of Helen Keller's early life, up to her college days at the age of twenty two. Helen attempts to lift "the veil that clings about my childhood"(ch 1) so that others can be motivated and as inspired as she is by the people around her, such as Miss Sullivan, Helen's beloved teacher. Miss Sullivan is a determined young woman when she is first introduced to Helen and meets her match in the obstinate Helen. Between them, they forge a bond and Helen's education becomes central to everything. Miss Sullivan understands Helen's needs and is able to adapt her teaching to get the most out of Helen.

It is Miss Sullivan's persistence and patience that encourages Helen. Even when Helen is seemingly unkind, Miss Sullivan endures as she understands that she must break through "the still, dark world in which I lived"(ch 4) so as to reveal "the mystery of language" to Helen. The breakthrough comes when Helen feels water on her hand and is able to connect the word that Miss Sullivan spells into her hand with the actual water flowing from the spout which "awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!"

There are some occasions when Helen is gripped by fear and Miss Sullivan is always close by to calm her fears. On one occasion, a storm approaches and Helen can sense that she will fall at any minute but "my teacher seized my hand and helped me down. "(ch 5) Miss Sullivan ensures that Helen can always explore and face her fears and the Mimosa tree becomes Helen's "tree of paradise."(ch 5) Learning abstract concepts, like love, is difficult for Helen but Miss Sullivan, treating Helen like a hearing child, the only difference being that she spells words into Helen's hand rather than saying them, encourages Helen to "Think." Eventually this reveals everything to Helen and "The beautiful truth burst upon my mind."(ch 6)

As Helen continues to develop, Miss Sullivan's "peculiar sympathy (Miss Sullivan had) with my pleasures and desires"(ch 7) allows Helen to experience many things that otherwise would have escaped a blind and deaf child. Helen acknowledges that it is "my teacher's

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genius, her quick sympathy, her loving tact which made the first years of my education so beautiful."(ch 7) The bond between them becomes so strong that "the footsteps of my life are in hers." Helen's first experience at the ocean is also terrifying for Helen as she is gripped by a current but after flailing about in the water she is "clasped in my teacher's arms"(ch 8) and her confidence is quickly restored. Miss Sullivan is not afraid to allow Helen to be independent and Helen even gets to go tobogganing, even if it is "exhilarating madness."(ch 12)

Miss Sullivan encourages Helen to speak, even though she must "practise, practise, practise" and it is Miss Sullivan's "genius, untiring perseverance and devotion"(ch 13)that ensures that Helen never gives up. The incident of "The Frost Fairies," when Helen is thought to have plagiarized margaret Canby's work, has a serious effect on Helen but Miss Sullivan helps Helen cope and is the only one who knows of Helen's "torment" (ch 15) even though she is cleared of any intent.

Throughout Helen's life, Miss Sullivan is the one who ensures that Helen knows her own potential. Even when she is applying to college and the process is so endless and difficult, Miss Sullivan is the "only (one) hand that could turn drudgery into pleasure,"(ch 18) ensuring Helen's continued success.

3. In The Story of My Life, Helen Keller highlights the importance of her teacher. Examine.

For Helen Keller, education is the key to everything. In The Story of My Life she tells of the struggle to "learn from life itself"(ch 7) as she takes every opportunity to make the best of her "silent, aimless, dayless life."(ch 2) Once her teacher, Annie Sullivan, arrives, Helen can appreciate "the immeasurable contrasts" and describes the day that Miss Sullivan arrives as " The most important day I remember in all my life."(ch 4)

Learning becomes the tool that allows Helen to experience her "soul's sudden awakening"(ch 5) and it is Miss Sullivan's encouragement to "Think"(ch 6) which allows Helen to make connections with abstract concepts like love. Helen appreciates Miss Sullivan's teaching methods as then "everything that could hum, or buzz, or sing, or bloom had a part in my education"(ch 7) and Helen never misses an opportunity and is appreciative of Annie's efforts to the point that "I scarcely think of myself apart from her."(ch 7)

It is very difficult but very important to Helen to learn to speak and it is only because of Annie's "untiring perseverance and devotion"(ch 13) that it becomes a reality. Helen is appreciative of the impact of many influential people on her progress and she will never underestimate her teacher as "there was only one hand that could turn drudgery into pleasure."(ch 18)

4. Describe Bishop Brook in The Story of my Life by Helen Keller.

In The Story of My Life, there are many influential people that affect Helen Keller. She values and recognizes their contribution to her development. One such person is Bishop Brooks whom Helen describes as amongst "men of genius."(ch 23) The Bible has never interested Helen, to the point she actually finds it "devoid of interest" at first. As always,

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Helen perseveres and comes to an appreciation although she continues to dislike the "barbarous" events recalled there. Bishop Brook never tries to influence Helen's religious choices, rather guiding her towards "one universal religion." (ch 23)

Ever since she was a child, Helen has delighted in Bishop Brooks' presence and has always been content after spending time with him. He lives by his example, does not judge others and shows Helen that, no matter what, "wrong shall not triumph." His "creed of love" is fulfilling for Helen and, even after his death, he continues to have a positive effect on her.

5. Please provide a character sketch of Mildred Keller from The Story of My Life.

Mildred Keller is Helen's younger sister as explained in The Story of My Life. There is not a lot of information on Mildred in the autobiography but the reader does learn that, after an event when Helen tips Mildred out of a crib, the two sisters do grow "into each other's hearts"(ch 2). Helen is jealous of the attention that Mildred gets from her mother - attention that used to be directed to her. One day she notices that Mildred has been placed in a crib reserved for Helen's beloved doll, Nancy, and it is just as well that Helen's mother is on hand to avoid catastrophe.

One year, whilst spending the summer at the family's cottage in Fern Quarry, Mildred tells Helen all about what she sees - the train tracks and cows straying on to them, and the trestle. Helen and Mildred go walking in the woods with Miss Sullivan but unfortunately they get lost. It is Mildred who spots the trestle which allows them to find their way back but not before they are almost run over by a train. When they do return, the family is out looking for them as it is so late.

-----------------------------------------------------Best of luck-----------------------------------------------------------------