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    Summary and Corrections Some of the

    Breakthrough(s) From This Book.“In a nutshell :Quantum mechanics picture the

    world as (Fuzzy Balls )!My theories picture it a

    world of frequencies !! ince anythin Fizzy Must 

    "e oscillatin around certain point or #$ed mean

    we call hereafter the center of frequency%&

    ONE: The Uniersa!Constant.

    “o far most of the calculations ha'e not "een

    e$act !If not totally wron !Because they areonly meant to e$plore the rder f Manitude of 

    My roposed *ni'ersal +onstant (,)!-e can now

    deri'e an e$act e$pression for this (,)%&

    “.et us now e$plore 'arious 'ersions for thisuni'ersal constant /ust to see which of them

    applica"le 0 &


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      $ineariing The


    “1he dyne (Force)Is a 'ector! But "oth time and

    distance need not "e directional% 1herefore

    Instead f quarin the trianle we split it in to

    two trianles each representin one set of

    homoeneous units then we superimposed them

    on each other2s !1his was permitted "y applyin

    *nitary perators%&

    2n the triang!e "BC #e!o4 0here

    "BDBC%ynes B"DCB%cm.s

    ("C) ;Not (  =


    CBDB"%cm .s C"%ynes (BC)8 %

    Giing ;"C =8%(erg . second)

    B yne. C B Cm.S C

      ynes. / Cm.S  "


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    BOTTO& $2NE.

    0hat 4e need to do ne>t:


    "fter ca!cu!ating () 0e need to esta#!ish the

    minimum num#er (N)Of macrosco'ic o#ects

    re*uired to dis'!ay *uantum e+ects.

    (For The Defnition O -N-See The Prolifcsy Principle



    $ook out for these uantum E+ects in Hegions of

    outer s'ace made from ar#itrari!y dra4n

    (Chosen) con@gurations containing (N) 0ith

    methods simi!ar to those of the &onte Car!o



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    (See Page -----------------Calculating My ni!ersal

    Constant ) "

    T0O: The ,ro!i@csy ,rinci'!e.

    “Quantities are in the ha"it of transformin itself 

    to quality ! 3nd quality is in the ha"it of

     producin quantities !!1he question is when 0

     3nd how00&

    The Hed &onk.

    “If there are 4nouh +opies of any macroscopico"/ect0 "ser'ed at ptimal distances 00-e

    should "e a"le to detect its quantum e5ects as if 

    they were microscopic o"/ects%&

    $et :

    N%The &inimum num#er of co'ies re*uired to

    detect *uantum e+ects.

    "%The sie of the sma!!est atom in that o#ect .

    J%Sie of this o#ect measured in mu!ti'!es of



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    (This is Not The Same as the num#er of atoms

    inside this o#ect.)

    K%Some constant.


      N%K. J (").

    No4 'utting: N%1

    "%6.3 /157L cm($o4est Bohr Or#it.)

    e'ending on our 'ath of o#seration 0e hae

    chosen the case (By o!ume):

    Giing (J)By o!ume :

    % M

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    the state of the o#seration is gien #y the ang!e

    of 'roection I

    P"DBDC.  But 4e cannot say: QDEDetc.

    int: 0e can determine the O'tima! istance foro#sering *uantum e+ects #y the ang!es of'roections a#oe.(For the real stuff on theses Isamic Diagrams :See section ( 16 )Of

    the list of equations at the end of the summary ?)

    TE FOUHT SECHET : 0e "re Not "!one.

    “1he ood news there are in the uni'erse as

    many other li'es of di5erent shapes and forms!

     3s there are elements in the Mendelee' ta"le !

    1he "ad news :

    In the e'ent when there are more than one of the

    same shape and form of life i%e% Based on the

    same elements and are 6econiza"le By 4ach

    ther (e%% +ar"on "ased life)1hen "y de#nition

    these are 7ept at unreacha"le(*ntoucha"le

    hysically ) 8istances from each other2s! ,encethe +eilin on 1he SPEED OF LIGHT  8e#nin ur



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     Man is the Final otal Sum Of all the !hysical "onditions #nd

     #ccidental "om$inations On our %lanet &

    herefore it follo's that other %lanets or stars and there are $illions

    of them (ot ecessarily *o !lanets ) "an also %roduce :

    he Final #nd otal Sum ach Of Its O'n "onditions Or #ny

    "om$inations Of "onditions&

     +o'e,er it does not necessarily mean these %roducts or -nits Of

     .ife 'ill $e identical to oursel,es or/ecogni0a$le y ach Other2s ?

    here is 'hole range of e*%ectations3

     Moreo,er this ,ie' does not contradict religious $eliefs since many

     Muslims $elie,e that 4esus himself 'as not made of flesh and $lood 

    $ut of light&+o' ridiculous it seems e,en to oursel,es to thin5 our

     form of life is so s%ecial ?hen 'e 7no' For "ertain +o'

     Im%erfect Its?Or Middle Of he /oad Mediocre Its ??herefor

    there has to $e other forms of life higher or lo'er than oursel,es&

    BOTTO& $2NE.


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    “It2s only when we assume our Form of life is

    (pecial) +an we 9eate the e$istence of other

    forms of life in the uni'erse% ince it

     presupposes the +onditions producin our life

    form are also necessary to produce any other

    form of life%&


    “1he "ad news: -e are not alone!1he ood news:

    .i'es of the same shape and forms are notallowed physical contacts%&



    To sim'!ify the a#oe statements 2 no4 introduce

    my o4n e*uation giing the fo!!o4ing concrete


    S'eed Of $ight. / The Tota! "ge Of $ife On Our

    ,!anet. %The &inimum "!!o4ed istant Of The


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    Nearest Ce!estia! O#ect Containg $ife

    Hecognisa#!e By Ourse!es .

    That is to say if 'hysica! #eam of !ight (Or any

    other e!ectromagnetic 4ae)0as shone on our

    '!anet it cannot reach us unti! a!! !ife forms had

    #ecome e>tinct on our '!anet. "nd ice ersa

      ,HOOF "N EH2R"T2ONS.

     #gain this is ,ery lengthy and com%le* su$8ect 3In,ol,es deri,ing

    relationshi% $et'een !lanc52s constant (h)?My o'n uni,ersal

    constant (+)&+o'e,er this correlation 'ill $ecome more a%%arent

    as 'e read on 3ut $asically according to Microsco%ic 9uantum


    ( !auli *clusion !rinci%le ):


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    (o 'o Same !articles "an *ist #t he Same State&)

    he analogue of this in My Macrosco%ic 9uantum Mechanics

    (o 'o Same .ife Forms "an *ist in he Same State)

     o' 'e need to define 'hat 'e mean $y this life form First it2s

     function of each element in the chemical ta$le hen a function of

    the %hysical distances $et'een themsel,es if they e,er 'ere

    allo'ed to e*ist simultaneously !lus the uni,ersal constant

    (+)must $e ta5en to account and many other factors too long to

    e,en to list let alone e*%atiate here&

    ints "nd Guidance For Hesearch &


    he Ma*imum %ossi$le age of life as 'e 5no' it on our %lanet is

    determined $y the #lready 7no'n ime Sealing of our sun 'hen

    it 'ill turn in to /ed ;iant en,elo%ing the earth&


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    future enerations to pro'e scienti#cally%& he

     /ed Mon5&

    “3t one 3merican uni'ersity in the #fties !ne

    certain physics raduate (tanley Miller;?)

    Manaed to 6e; +reate life inside the la"oratory

    "y passin electric currents throuh test tu"e

    #lled with prime'al soup ! 1here is no pro"lem in

    all of that% 4$cept it present us with the

    followin 1hree questions&

    uestion One:

    -hy should life at the prime'al le'el need toreproduce itself without certain 4$ternal

    In@uences 0


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      The Conscientiousness Of


    uestion T4o:

    -e o further "y as7in :-hy does life need todefend itself at all at that prime'al le'el with

    such Aiour without "ein conscientious0

    uestion Three:

    +rystals also 7nown to row(6eproduce)But

    neither willin nor can defend itself% +an the

    +onscientiousness f Bein 4$ists e'en at the

    chemical le'el00

    E>terna! Factors Or ,ur'ose

    “ I fear od therefore I .i'e % “ he /ed Mon5  &


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    “Its well esta"lished scienti#c fact that plants

    and 1rees 3re far more recent on earth than the

    animal 7indom ! -hat has escaped theattention of most if not 3ll theoloians 0 1hat all

    the holly scriptures (1he Bi"le ! the Quran)3ll

    tal7 of od2s #rst creation 3dam and 4'e Been

    told not to touch the apple 1ree ! 1hey were not

    told : 8o 9ot 1ouch 1his Fish r 1hat 3moe"a 003

    fact which tally with the +reationist cale more

    than that of 8arwinian e'olution% 9o matter how

    we 9eate0 ermutate 0 r 3nalyze the loic!

    I%e% od could ha'e said instead :8o not touch

    that prime'al sea animal %&

    And the delicate logic we need to grasp :


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    That until the point was reached when these primitie !orms o!

    li!e had "ecome adanced enough #ust to de!end itsel! $%illions o! 

    &ears had elapsed '

     %ore Than Enough to wipe out their e(istence "e!ore the )&cle

    For Surial *as allowed to gel with all the +nown )alamities

    now +nown to man i,e, Imminent E(tinction "& -atural

    .E(ternal/or the Internal .Diseases/etc, At these )rucial Epochs

    O! Eolution, That is to sa&: In all pro"a"ilities li!e would hae

    ran in to e(tension during the millions o! &ears "etween the

    moment when primeal li!e was !ormed to the point o! reaching

    enough comple(it& to de!end its own e(istence *ithout AnE(ternal Purpose .*hen There *as -o Internal Purpose/

    *hicheer path o! eolution$ And whateer )onstruction in

    natural histor& we ma& consider $$

    The )onstruction,. 0& )reationists/,


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    “,ow ironic0 1hat the 7ey to sol'in the mystery

    of life should "e held "y the most o"'ious

    moment inside the most "asic of actions ! 3t that 

    'ery 9ano econd prior to acquirin any ner'ous

    system assumin its what defended life 0 -hen

    life resolutely defended itself ! “ 

    “-ill the tree e'er e'ol'e in to creature 0-ithone of its "ranches holdin a sword defendin

    itself aainst anyone pic7in its fruits or

    whate'er 00&

    & 1he cruellest confrontation for any "elie'er:

    -hen faced "y pictures of innocent children li7e

    Maddy Mcain r 3pril ones -ho had 'anished

    "y +ruellest and ointless acts of men ! 1a7in

    with them all the 6easons and 3ruments -ith

    which we may allude oursel'es to the contrary %Its at times li7e these we need to e$plore the

     3lternati'e Aiew %&


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     In this o%inion the most fundamental difficulty in understanding

    the e,olution of life as 'e 5no' it: as :

     /esult of "onfusion3 Most %eo%le (Including Scientists )"onfuse

    the issue of /e%roduction 'ith that of life $eing "onscious nough

    o defend itself 3a5e for e*am%le : "rystals : "an ;ro' 3

    a5e for e*am%le: rees : hese can /e%roduce3

     ut generally s%ea5ing none has that nough "onsciousness of

    $eing ali,e to defend it self S%ontaneousl  y3 rue

    here are %lants that react mechanically and s%ontaneously to

    stimuli (Or threats)4ust as the indi,idual cell does react chemically

    or $iologically $ut the S%ontaneity Is almost al'ays reacti,e not

    acti,e i&e& %art of the uni,ersal %rinci%le of Mechanical #ction #nd

     /eaction and not %art of any "onstruction inside that mem$er of

    s%ecies itself&

     his e elie,e Is otally Inde%endent Of +o' #d,anced hat

     !articular Form Of .ife +a,e +ad ,ol,ed&


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    BOTTO& $2NE &

    “1he preser'ation of life has two separatecomponents which should 9ot Be +onfused

    "ecause they can "e totally independent of each


    “1here has to "e one ene +arryin the sinular 

     3"stract Instruction made up of si$ letters only

    (84F498)eriod%1his will "e interpreted "y the

    species as defend your e$istence "y

    reproduction! 1hen it will "e assed n 1o 1he

    Indi'idual -ithout 3ddin ne inle .etter

    4'entually it will "e interpreted "y the indi'idual mem"ers of species for each to defend itself! But 

    the notion of a"straction (-ithout any

    o"/ecti'e ) +annot easily "e accepted "y the

    science of enetics since it could mean if there

    was the a"stract instruction to (CI..)1hen all

    species will "e annihilatin each other% uch

     3"stract trip +arryin Instructions .i7e1hat :

    +an nly Be Issued By 3"stract 4ntity i%e% 1he


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    8eity% i%e%By 8e'ine Inter'ention% -ith Its wn

    .oic +ompletely eparate 1o urs%&


    he %reser,ation of the s%ecies(/e%roduction)

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    "#straction Of Fear "nd The Creation Of God.

    “nly recently it was disco'ered that 3ro

    ho"ia 9ot necessarily caused "y fearin

    e'erythin outside in the open "ut rather "y the

    accumulation of the components of fearinmany thins outside%&

    First man feared lightening or fire 3 So he 'orshi%%ed fire 33 hen

    he 'orshi%%ed the 'ind 333 he goddess =eus etc ? ,entually as

    man $ecame more so%histicated he #$stracted #ll of his fears in to

    one called ;od Or fearing god 'hich he thought he himself had

    created li5e all the other goddesses $ut does this negate the

    e*istence of god

     Man created the shield to %rotect himself 3 hen the aero%lanes to

    shorten distances 33 ut does it mean that neither the shields or

    the aero%lane ? or their Functions *ists??

     Similarly 'hen 'e created god and feared him does this refute the

    e*istence of god?

     ot unless 'e consider oursel,es and each of us as "entre Of he


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    -ni,erse Instead of all of us $eing 8ust %art of it 3 !art of the

    uni,erse 3

     +ence if god %o%s out from 'ithin oursel,es its all the more

     %ro,ing his e*istence &

    0as Se!f efence "ct Of iine 2nterention

      “1rees are full of life! But no self;defence!!&

    “-hat an irony 01hat the secret of creation

    should "e hidin inside the most o"'ious00-hat

    has always "een ta7en for ranted 000It2s called

    elf;8efence %&

    “,ow odd0 1ruly odd!! 1hat such seeminly

    tri'ial moment in our e'olution should "e i'otal


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    For creationists00 1he Moment the Indi'idual of

    any species e$ercised elf 8efence! -as the

    Moment it(1he Indi'idual) eparated itself from

    all the hysical .aws! .oics !3nd 4quations in

    the uni'erse% 1his can only happen "y di'ine

    interference% o and thin7 a"out it0&

     Stated earlier :

     +o' the *ternal !ur%ose 'as im%arted to life at some %oint of its

    e,olution to defend itself in addition to !reser,ing the s%ecies 3

    he >oid "hronically (ime Ordered) et'een "ausality #nd

     ffects Does ot Dilute his #rgument ut nhances It&

     o' it may $e clearer to see ho' the t'o are connecting us to that

    di,ine design ?

     Since here Is o .a' In !hysics /equesting # unch Of #toms

    Or Stones o Defend hemsel,es 3o Matter +o' "om%le* he

     Molecules ecome 3

    Or ho':

     #d,ance ?


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     ig?#nd eautiful ?

    he tree had $ecome?

    he .ogic Is 8ust ot here&

    "!ternatie Rie4 : $ife 2s "


    “ I fear therefore I 4$ist % “ he /ed Mon5  &

    “Inside 1he 8epths f ceans ne$t to eysers0

    cientist ,a'e disco'ered 4'en ulphur Based

    .ife “ 


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    & 1he cruellest confrontation for any "elie'er :

    -hen faced "y pictures of innocent children

    li7e Maddy Mcain r 3pril ones -ho had

    'anished "y +ruellest and ointless acts of

    men ! 1a7in with them all the 6easons and

     3ruments which we may 7id oursel'es to the

    contrary % Its at times li7e these we need to

    e$plore the 3lternati'e Aiew%&

    “.ife is a mista7e !1herefore it cannot "e

    e$plained ! It will ne'er "e e$plained "ecause its

    not meant to "e e$plained 03 set of +haotic

    -indows 3nd we are simply cauht inside one of

    its motley "illions tiny windows!! .i7e @owers

    that temporally @ourishes in the passin sprin

    mo'in to another window perhaps0 -e too are

    cauht inside /ust one of these ine$plica"lewindows ! 6est of the windows !-ho 7nows 0&


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    “1hat is to say : -e li'e inside one iantic 4rror 

    -e call e$istence ! 3nd any loic de'eloped

    inside this e$istence as far as we are concerned :

    Is the correct loic! 1herefore we are incapa"le

    of reconizin the error e'en if it was starin us

    in the face !&

     Its more than "ertain that life(Our form of car$on $ased life) Does

    e*ist on other %laces in the uni,erse &

     ut it2s not 'ithout reason 'e are 5e%t at -nreacha$le distances

     from each others& e are ne,er meant to touch each other3

     ecause life is a Mista5e 3# Frea5 of nature 3 .i5e s%ring flo'ers

    a%%ears only to disa%%ear 3Destined to destroy itself $y itself 3o

    annihilate itself $y its o'n intelligence 3(See Page---The

    #ne!ita$ility O Nuclear %ar.) i&e& : If there 'as life on certain


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     %lanet ( )hen y Definition it 'ill $e -nreacha$le and ,ice

    ,ersa ? "on,ersely if its -nreacha$le then there must $e life on it&

    he !ro$lem e,er echnical& o scientist or engineer 'ith any

    degree of honesty 'ill e,er tell you that s%ace e*%lorations can

    offer much $eyond 'hat is sensational &he Material /eturns li5e

    all other misad,entures e&g& those 'ars the -&S& Found itself

    inside are Minimal 3+ardly 'orth the sacrifices or the e*%enses 3

     #lso See : S%ace *%lorations (!artOne)&

    The Construction (By Eo!utionists).

    “+reationists and e'olutionist do not 9ecessarily 

    contradict themsel'es e$cept in the construction


    he nearest illustration 'hich may e*%lain this Second ty%e of

    construction is:


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     If a $ullet fired at a 'all /andomly then 'e dra' a circle around

    the hole on the 'all claiming it to $e the target 3 hen if 'e re%eat

    this %rocess dra'ing circles around each hole made $y $ullets fired

     /andomly #t this 'all & hate,er !attern may emerge from these

    circles 'e "onstruct Our o'n logic to fit these %atterns and dra'

    our o'n conclusions con,incing oursel,es of its %ur%ose and

    meaning 3 hat these 'ere meant targets 3 hereas in fact none of

    these 'ere the targets nor Intended to $e argets & #nd there 'as

    ne,er any %ur%oses e*ce%t our o'n %ur%oses &

      ,roing The


    “4'en if we do not 7now or we do not wish to

    7now od0 -e certainly 7now the de'il 'ery well

    (4'en if we do not 7now that we 7now it)!!&

     .et us as5 oursel,es 'hy do 'e need turning from %ersecuting

    homose*uals to %ersecuting (+omo%ho$es )#l$eit $y stealth?


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    From %ersecuting the 4e's to the 4e's %ersecuting us ??

    hy not 8ust lea,e homose*uality a %ersonal issue ?hy allo'

    cunning o%%ortunists %oliticians turning it in to %olitical issue?

     .aughing at us 'ith ridiculous notions and %assing fads li5e gay

    marriages3 -nless there 'as -n%re,enta$le "onstant Of

     Destructi,ity?#nd %ersecution is certainly the 'orst form of

    destructi,ity 3 Introducing for no' this "onstant Of Destructi,ity

    (D)in the equation yet to $e e*%lored and e*%ounded se,eral times

    $et'een the %ages of this $oo5: @ D A D&BA"onstant&

    he ( D For Destructi,ity) "learly it stand here for the (D)In the

     De,il himself3

    BOTTO& $2NE.

    “-hat this consist pattern or phenomenon(If you

    li7e)1ryin to tell us 0Is there intrinsic (Built "y

    nature)+onstant of destructi'ity which must "eo"eyed% Must "e satis#ed0 Fed and maintained

    one way or another !+an ne'er "e 'iolated come


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    what may 08ri'en "y some In'oluntarily 8ar7

    forces "eyond our control0

    Moreo'er can we Quantify this constant "y the

    time (1) the destructi'ity (8)1a7es to reach its

    #nal 'alue in the equation ( 8 D 1 E 1 D 8 )

    E+onstant%0 ! 0 &

     !ro,ing the e*istence of (Dhe de,il ) Im%licitly %ro,e the

    e*istence of god 3For 'ithout this counter $alance 'e call god :

    (D)ould ha,e destroyed e,erything i&e&

    (D) +ere 7e%t "onstant ot Infinite3 3

    (See Page-----------------------------------------&ac'trac'ing) "

    (See Page----uantifa$ly-On o* %e Can Calculate

    MoralityFro+ #++orality ) "

    (See Page-----------------------------------------#nfnite Ti+e .) "

    (See Page-----------------------------------------Pro!ing ,o ) "


    ,roing God.


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    uch a mess0

     3 -orld full of nonsense !

    .i7e 7nittin roll its head missin%

    1here is only one point in the compass can ma7e

    sense of it all%

    1he point we call od%

    1hus we may 7now od not from order!

    But in chaos and disorder!

    (See Page ------------------------------------Pro!ing The

    De!il) "

      &an "nd is



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    “9o 'alues! 9o honour! 9o c!osures% -here

    anythin oes as lon as not cauht% “  

    he /ed Mon5&

    hether it 'as fear of the un5no'n (#fter life) Or $y an e*ternal

     factor (e&g& god) hat made man "lim$ out of the animal 5ingdom

    is not the issue at this %oint of our discussion3

    he issue here (On he hole) /eligion had raised man from the

    animal 5ingdom3

     .ater this role had $een ta5en u% $y education3

     !ositi,e ducation structured on religious ethics&  

    "onsciously turning most *%eriences #nd "onsequences of all

    things that 'as good to himself and his communities in to

     %ermanent or semi%ermanent >alues #nd .essons&

     Man could ha,e 8ust as easily de,elo%ed Systems Of eliefs ell in

    harmony 'ith his $asically e,il %ractices 'ithout ,en im%erilling

    the s%ecies3


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    Cet he o%ted to %reach (#t least hy%othetically) 'hat 'e classify no'

    as (;ood)&

     /eligion Is hat +ad a5en Man Out Of he #nimal 7ingdom

     #nd Such Statements Of Facts "annot e #ltered #nd +old rue If 

    ;od In,ented Man ?Or Man had In,ented ;od??

     ecause if it 'as man 'ho in,ented god then assigned to god the

    qualities most religions had agreed u%on??

     It 8ust goes to sho' that man had risen at Some !oint from the

    animal 5ingdom to #s%ire hese higher qualities he himself had

    assigned to god&

     7ee%ing In mind the 'ord (#s%ire) In nglish Im%ly success is not

    al'ays guaranteed3 ? 3

    BOTTO& $2NE.

    “1he od news: 1here is od!

    1he "ad 9ews: ,is loic not the same as ours !!&


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      &an "nd is

    Systems .

    “-e can "lame +apitalism0 -e can "lame


    It2s we and the +orruption inside us that should

    "e "lamed for ystem Failure! 3ny system!!

    Ceepin in mind the indi'idual always do his "est 

    and most therefore not responsi"le for system

    failure! Failure only occur when the system allowit 0 3nd in some cases e'en encouraes

    corruption e%% the medie'al system of Britain

    where the corruption is so systematically hidden

    it had "ecome almost the accepta"le norm ! 0 ! “ 


    he main %ro$lem is that of a%%lication:

     lectric or mechanical circuits are designed $y men (ngineers)

     #ccording to certain logic to ser,e man 3 Systems Of ;o,ernance

     #re also designed $y men to ser,e man&

    he difference that the first set may fail due to 'ear and tear or

    une*%ected ,ariations in tem%erature or %ressure 3 hile in the

    second case the system can fail $ecause the ,ery men 'ho created

    'ill try to circum,ent or cheat the system itself& +ere is an e*am%le



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     o#s :

    his $oo5 re%eatedly descri$ed %rofessions li5e the %olice or

    $an5ers as egati,e 4o$s Or %arasites3

     Is it $ecause they hate me ?Or I hate them??o:Its only $ecause

    such %ersonal s%end a%%ro*imately t'enty %er cent of their time and 

     %ro,ided resources on their real meant functions 'hile the rest

    (E)S%ent either to 8ustify their un'orthy e*istence or in self

    ser,ing %ur%oses& ,entually in the fist case of the %olice this eighty

     %er cent 'ill gro' in #rithmetical !rogression hile in the second

    case it 'ill $lo' u% according to ;eometrical !rogressions& hey

    'eigh hea,ily on the society $loc5ing its %rogress and ha%%iness&

    “1here is only one thin in this world worse than

    6acism Its hidden racism! 3nd who hide it "ut

    the ystem%&

    “1here is only one thin worse than .oneliness in

    this world and its loneliness imposed "y British

    state thus%&


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    2n the Unierse : ,erfection 2s

    Rer#oten.“1hat is why some people see hosts ! r the

    enuine sihtin of *%F%% s !! 1hese are recious

    eeps or if you li7e Quic7 -indows Between the

     parallel uni'erses not supposed to happen yet

    they do happen "ecause there is 9o erfection%&

    “"ser'e how perfectionist nations li7e ermany 

    are rewarded tactically "ut penalized


    EF2N2T2ON OF $2FE.

    “.ife can "e "ased n 3ny or +om"inations f

     3ny of the elements in the Mendelee' chemicalta"le of elements% ro'ided it can satisfy the

    followin conditions:&

    17 ynamics:

    “If you had e$amined closely the science of


    1he way I did !! 1here are not hundred "ut

    thousands of

    "ones inside the human "ody !9ot one of them



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      Page 39 of 418

    9inety 8erees 3nle 03nd there are far more

    fundamental reasons "ehind it ! -hich is to do


     mo"ility !! Independent mo"ility "oth


    1ransposal Mo'ements%&

    a7&oements in One imension (as in

    Bacterium.)#72n T4o imensions as in ,!ants.

    c72n Three imensions as in anima!s.

    d72n Four imensions as in human.

    Un!ike anima!s &an has fourth dimension The

    Time Continuum 0hat men !eae #ehind e.g.


    87 Gro4th and


    These rare!y are in straight !ines a!4aystangentia! (ra4ing Smooth Cures Hare!y

    shar' ang!es).


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      Page 41 of 418

     3ccordin to science 3irplanes @y "ecause of the

    lift created "y the air foil !

    imilarly the yroscope the o'ernor and

    6oc7ets all e$perience lifts due to mechanical

    reactions to certain mechanical e5orts %

     3ccordin to the cta'e (hilosophy) :

    1hey all e$perience lift "ecause their +osmic

    Flu$ is cut at certain anle with certain speed%&

    Four Notes On Geometry "nd Fre*uency :

    17&oment of inertia is a function of its o4n


    87Eery 'oint can #e assigned a fre*uency ofosci!!ation around an ar#itrary or actua! 'oint

    (e.g. the centre of the earth)


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      Page 42 of 418

    37Each !ine ("B) Can #e re'resented #y either the

    tota! sum of these fre*uencies % f n 

    Or the aerage f n 

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      Page 43 of 418

    8ynamical +onsiderations% i%e% there is con@ict of 

    desins "etween aero dynamics and cuttin the

    @u$%& (See Page----------------On /irships) "

    4$cerpts From 9ew hysics :

    They say that ("irshi's )0ere notorious!y unsta#!e due

    to seera! factors (e.g. C!imate)

    &y "!ternatie ,hysics ,ro'oses they 4ere ust not

    cutting and g!uing the cosmic Vu> fast enough i.e.

    the :

    $ag "ng!e % ;WCutting < WG!uing=  0as ust too #ig.

    (See Page---------------Calculating cutting /n gluing ) "

    Four: S,EE OF $2GT (,art7


    “9ature is full of constants! But the speed of

     3nythin is not one of them&

    “I 7now of nothin in nature which can reach the

    colossal speed of liht in (9o time) ! 3nd comes


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      Page 44 of 418

    to a halt aain Instantaneously !! It contradicts

    all the 7nown laws of nature includin quantum

    mechanics (4specially quantum mechanics )!4'en

    od himself too7 si$ days to construct the


    “peed of liht (8ue to the restrictions in our

    technical measurements) 3ppears to "e constant inside each reion of the uni'erse! 3nd 'aries

    from one reion to the other! 1hese 'alues are

    determined "y the +hronicle rder f that

     particular reion in the e'olution of the uni'erse

    since the Bi Ban!

     3s to what de#ne these reions of space is

    discussed "y the section of this "oo7 on the

    *ni'ersality f Quantum Mechanics (34;;;;)!!

    e%% :

    Inside our reion of space :

     +Epeed of lihtE

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      Page 45 of 418

    In other reion it could "e :

    +onstant (8)E peed of lihtE

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      Page 46 of 418

    Three Notes On The "#oe E*uations:

    1he equations discussed a$o,e may %ro,e to $e an e*ercise in


    For ho' can 'e determine the age of any region in s%ace

    (Including ours) ?ithout %redetermining the s%eed of light first ??

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      Page 47 of 418

    ,erha's the fo!!o4ing Gra'h and E>ercise &ay

    shed some !ight on this 'ro#!em:

      $og (9 ) N %K.n.

    $og (9 )


    Big Bang. N1 N8  N3 


    0here :

    Tan 1 2 $og (9 ) < N %K. cm

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    +omments :

      “If it wor7s0 -hy not00&

    I 7now it seem to "e pushin it a "it with the

    methods of "ac7 trac7in0 3nd it2s a "it of chee7 

    to pic7 a numerical result :1he already 7nown

    speed of liht inside our reion of the uni'erse

    then attemptin to construct scienti#c principle

    from it!!

    ,owe'er clearly the loarithmic scale on the S;

     3$is is 9onlinear!

     3nd reardless whether the scale on the D;3$is is

    linear or not00 ( C ) -ill represent the

    acceleration of this speed% If It -or7s0 -hy 9ot00


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      Page 49 of 418

    “-hat a pity that my hypothesis a"o'e was not

    made pu"lic "efore that space craft was sent to

    luto and "eyond the solar system (Aoyaer ;

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      Page 50 of 418


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      Page 51 of 418

    Its not possi"le to measure two thins

    simultaneously %&

      The Hed


     #s e,ery dri,er 5no's the fact that +eJShe may cruise at constant

    s%eed of 6E M&!&+ $ut they could ne,er accelerate from rest to this

    s%eed in no time at all& herefore our calculations must $e

     Incom%lete 'hen 'e assume that s%eed of light or s%eed of sound

    (!honons)Or to that matter any s%eed ha,e #l'ays $een constantK 

    One day in the future a e' ;eneration Of Instruments 'ill %ro,e

    that the s%eed of light cannot $e constant 3 othing in nature can

     8um% from 0ero to L"K ( S%eed of .ight!hotons)Or from =ero to

    LSK (S%eed of Sound N!honons) in 0ero time& herefore it must $e

    the ceilings for these s%eeds $ut e,en this dou$tful 3 It runs counter

    to the logic of nature ?herefore I attri$ute it to our limited

     %o'ers of o$ser,ations and measurements nothing else &=ero

    time ? here is no such thing as 0ero time 3ecause it means no


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    time at all o time means infinite distance in infinite s%ace&here

    s%ace start to cur,e or curl infinitely on itself $efore infinitum

    according to relati,ity itself hence 'e o$ser,e the contradictions&

    he s%eed of anything3

    "an $e anything3

     ut constant&

     It has nothing to do 'ith the linguistics?

    Or the e*%ression itself3

     #s much as its to do 'ith the ,ery calculations and ho' 'e measure

    this s%eed 3

     #s e,ery dri,er 5no's the fact that :

     +eJShe may cruise at constant s%eed of 6E M&!&+ $ut they could

    ne,er accelerate from rest to this s%eed in no time at all&

    herefore our calculations must $e Incom%lete 'hen 'e assume

    that s%eed of light or s%eed of sound (!honons) Or to that matter

    any s%eed ha,e #l'ays $een constant&


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    “ne day in the future a 9ew eneration f

    Instruments will pro'e that the speed of liht

    cannot "e constant ! 9othin in nature can /ump

    from zero to “+& ( peed of .iht;hotons)Nrfrom Uero to “& (peed of ound Thonons) in

     zero time% 1herefore it must "e the ceilins for

    these speeds "ut e'en this dou"tful ! It runs

    counter to the loic of nature 01herefore I

    attri"ute it to our limited powers of

    o"ser'ations and measurements nothin else %&

    “Uero time 01here is no such thin as zero time !

    Because it means no time at all ! 9o time means

    in#nite distance in in#nite space% -here space


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      Page 54 of 418

    start to cur'e or curl in#nitely on itself "efore

    in#nitum accordin to 6elati'ity itself hence we

    o"ser'e the contradictions%&

    Thought E>'eriment Num#er One.

    2f 4e '!ace system of mirrors at the ertices of

    triang!e "BC and shine a #eam of !ight from (")

    after s'!itting it in to t4o #eams. One directed

    to4ards (C).

    "nd the other a!ong the 'ath ("BC).

    2f the s'ace or straight 'ath ("C)2s cured

    ("ccording to re!atiity itse!f)"s it 4ou!d at time

    %Jero Then it 4i!! fo!!o4 the 'ath of ("BC)."s

    sho4n in the diagram :

    0here %Re!ocity . c% The Constant s'eed of



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    C  ,Ac

    B ,Ac

      >AE&  "

    "s you see this io!ate the triang!e ine*ua!ity.

    Thought E>'eriment Num#er T4o.

    “1he constancy of speed of liht is not Intrinsic

     property of lihtV(hotons) itself "ut that of the

    upper limits of our technical a"ilities in


    The Hed &onk .

    2magine a man trae!!ing in a rocket through

    s'ace of 'ure acuum. There are no

    'ortho!es(4indo4s)and since there no matter


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    outside(,ure Racuum)there is no 4ay for him

    4hatsoeer to measure the distant direct!y

    e>ce't #y t4o deices his 4atch and the s'eed

    of his rocket measured 4hi!e he 4as trae!!ing in

    near acuum s'ace.

    2f the 4atch is the on!y instrument that can te!!

    this trae!!er the distance (kee'ing in mind 4e


    sti!! using the notion of distant)e had trae!!ed

    in 'ure acuum then this can on!y mean one

    thing time is an identity of s'ace and if time is

    cyc!ica! (#y de@nition)so is s'ace (i.e. cured ).

    BOTTO& $2NE“3ll laws of physics are

    o"tained(+ali"rated)inside a world #lled with

    matter %+an they hold inside pure 'acuum 0 &


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      Page 57 of 418

    0hat 4e a!! need to ask ourse!es :2f there 4as

    no yard sticks(2nstruments) in ,ure Racuum to

    measure the s'eed of !ight then 4e cannot

    kno4 this s'eed On the other hand if 4e do

    hae these instruments they a!! inc!uding the

    4a!!s of the ehic!e itse!f are made in the 'ast

    i.e. Ca!i#rated outside the acuum i.e. unre!ia#!e

    resu!ts of measurements.



    “Questions0 Questions00 Questions 000:3s you

    see there are more questions than answers%&


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      Page 58 of 418

    17o4 can this trae!!er eer #e certain of the

    distant he trae!!ed in 'ure acuum 4hen there

    4as no matter (No Sign ,osts )4hat so eer

    87On the other hand if this trae!!er 4as riding a

    'hoton trae!!ing at the constant s'eed of !ight

    o4 4as he eer acce!erated to this s'eed since

    he 4as riding 4ith a constant s'eed of !ight


    370as the i+erence as 2n@nitesima! as it may #e

    due to the fact once the Hocket 2nside the ,ureRacuum the acuum is No $onger ,ure i.e.


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      Page 59 of 418

    distur#ed #y the ery 'resence of the


    M70ith the !imits of our 'resent day Technica!

    "#i!ities the s'eed of !ight does !ook constant

    and indeed its constant as far as the !imits of our

    'resent day ca!cu!ations are concerned #ut &y

    unch that this constancy runs counter to the

    grains of a!! the !ogic yet kno4n to man.

    67One day in the future a ne4 generation of

    instruments 4i!! 'roe that the s'eed of !ight is

    not constant.


    There has #een t4o Scienti@c e>'eriments:


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    The &iche!son &or!ey

    e>'eriment(U.S.".),roing that the s'eed of

    !ight is Constant.

    Thus indicating He!atiity .


    The Cyna*ue e>'eriment (,aris71L6]),roing

    that the s'eed of !ight 4as Not Constant

    This 'articu!ar e>'eriment hard!y eer a''ears in

    any of the te>t #ooks and not taught at 4estern



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    The ,hi!oso'hy Behind The ,hysics.

    “9ature is full of constants !But the speed of

     3nythin is not one of them& The Hed &onk.

    One of the 4e!! kno4n ru!es of uantum


    2t-s im'ossi#!e to measure t4o *uantities


    S'eed is a Hatio of t4o *uantities.There are on!y three 'ossi#i!ities (Scenarios).

    17Both *uantities of the ratio are aria#!es.

    Can on!y yie!d aria#!e neer constant e>ce't for

    the 'seudo constant .

    87Both are constants. ^ie!d &eaning!ess constant

    37One is constant the other is aria#!e Can on!y

    yie!d aria#!e neer constant again e>ce't forthe 'seudo constant discussed #e!o4 :


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      Page 62 of 418

    17 ,seudo

    Constants.The ratio of t4o aria#!es(0hen _ 1 )

    Cannot 'roduce rea! constant on!y 'seudo

    constant Something that a''ears to #e constant

    the Non7 ,ara!!a> &ethod).2t #ecome

    &eaning!ess to arrest (Fi>) #oth aria#!es (To

    measure them) simu!taneous!y 2n the @rst case

    "nd in the Second Case :

    (0hen %1)The ,ro#!em 2s uadru'!ed.

    87 omogeneity Of


    “1here is no homoeneity of +ali"ration

    "etween time which is cyclical and distancewhich is not&

    2n the second case The ratio itse!f is

    arrested(Fi>ed)and the ratio of t4o constant is


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      Page 63 of 418

    itse!f a constant Therefore it cannot #e the

    s'eed of ("nything)Three oranges 'er do!!ar is

    a Fi>ed ,rice not the s'eed of the 'rice.

    37 Re!ocity.

    “ In the third case e%% Aelocity is the ratio of

    distance o'er time! -hile we can arrest the

    distant to measure it% ,ow can we arrest time0&"!so:

    (See Page----Ne* Physics.)

    2nside the Jero to (C ) E'och.

    “1he rate of chane of anythin is a concept far

    more comple$ than we can possi"ly suspect%& 

    The Hed &onk %

    " se'arate #ook is needed to coer this e'och

    &ost of it 4i!! #e re!atiistic ca!cu!ations the

    #ottom !ine of it a!! that:

    2f this e'och to shrink #y any degree then s'ace

    itse!f #ecomes in@nite!y cured


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      Page 64 of 418

     2n@nite!y cured s'ace im'!y the ,hotons 4i!!

    remain #ounded Bounded 'hoton means no

    !ight hence 4e note the contradictions inherent

    to re!atiity.

    The "nti7E'och of : ( C ) to Jero.

    Curious!y simi!ar Ca!cu!ations Heea!s ho4 this

    "nti E'och Not a!4ays e*ua! to the E'och itse!f

     ^et it-s the most interesting of the t4o for it

    raises ery interesting *uestions :

    Such as the fate of the 'hoton

    0here does it go after !osing its energy 0hen

    it does not disintegrate into su# 'artic!es

    ,hysicists usua!!y fudge this *uestion #y sayingit @!es out But they kno4 #etter than me and

    you nothing @!es a4ay


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      Page 65 of 418

    The fact that the "nti E'och and the E'och

    2tse!f are Not E*ua! Can #e taken as c!ear

    eidence that the s'eed of !ight is not constant.

    Time S'ace"nd ,ure Racuum.2nside ,ure Racuum Time Cannot e>ist Since #y

    de@nition there is no 4ay to measure Time from

    4ithin On!y from 0ithout 4hich render the

    measurement o#so!ete The same can #e said

    a#out the istance inside 'ure acuum

    &oreoer ho4 can 4e distinguish the #oundaries

    of this 'ure acuum e>ce't #y the

    disa''earances of one or the other of the (Time

    "nd S'ace)Or #oth oined together at the

    Boundary 4hich ta!!y 4ith the theory re!atiity

    ,utting it in reerse : o4 can 4e te!! ,ureRacuum E>ce't #y one of the t4o disa''earing at

    one end of the ,ure acuum and reemerging at

    the other end. Other4ise the ery notion of ,ure


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      Page 66 of 418

    Racuum 4i!! #e distur#ed or annu!!ed therefore

    4hat rea!!y count is our o4n measurement

    outside this ,ure acuum i.e. the S'an Of Time

    Bet4een 2ts isa''earance "nd That Of

    Hea''earance That 2s "!! 0e Can Kno4 "#out

    ,ure Racuum.

    (See My Scientifc Paper On Ti+e To #l Nou!o Ci+ento

    -0123 4

    &y 5isiting4

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      Page 67 of 418





    Gra'h Nine.



    $et :

    c%Constant s'eed of !ight.

    S%Raria#!e s'eed of !ight .

    "B%a. BC%# . C%d. "nd ^ at B `C % ^ B ` ^ C


    t%;( a8 7 (^ B)8 = ?;( #8  (^ C ^ B )8 =?;(d8 7 (^ B)8=.


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      Page 68 of 418

    Hearranging for y% f(>):

    dy %dS

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      Page 69 of 418

    Then the !ength of "# % Ct1

    "nd that of "C% Ct8.

    Ct1 (&inus Not ,!us) Ct8  % f (Ct)%f(BC).

    0here (t1 t1`t ) He'resent the time each #eam

    of !ight takes to trae! each side of the diagrams

    su#se*uent!y.;Hemem#er the o#serer can

    measure the

     di+erence #et4een the t4o ,aths Of $ight

    reaching himThe 'ath "BC and 'ath ("C.)for an o#serer

    sitting at(C)=

    No4 ere 2s The 2ssue The Crunch Of The &atter

    0hen( m) and( n) are e*ua! and the s'eed of

    !ight is constant then it can on!y mean one thing


     BC%Jero.0hich is im'ossi#!e therefore either that (m )Can

    neer #e e*ua! to (n) 0hich ,roes the ,ur'ose

    of my 2samic iagrams.


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      Page 70 of 418

    Or that the s'eed of !ight can neer #e a

    constant .

    So 0hich One 2s 2t

    BOTTO& $2NE.

    “3t least three years after I ha'e written this

    article (3nd the date of this article can "e


    +%4%6%9% .a"oratories of ene'a ;witzerland "ydirectin a "eam of 9eutrinos to another

    la"oratories in Italy ha'e calculated that the

    speed of liht may not "e constant after all%

    For details please see full report in the:

    Independent 9ews aper T.ondon;aturday;


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      Page 71 of 418

    “ If and when the speed of liht e'er pro'en to"e not constant the metric inside 4instein2s

    eneral relati'ity (%6) till ,old 1rue nly it will

    "ecome far more complicated ! ince it has to

    accommodate speed of liht as function ! 1his is

    made possi"le "ecause the metric itself 3lready

     3ccommodated the speed of liht as function

    e$cept it has "een wittinly or otherwise

     3ppro$imated r uppressed 1o constant and

    this Implicit Function Been forotten in the

     process and treated as num"er when in fact it2s

    always "een a ratio% 3 function that has "een

    arrested to simplify an already complicated

    calculations%&  The 6e Mon'.

    Fie. Cosmic F!u> "nd The 2samic



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      Page 72 of 418

    “ 1he intersection of two lines is the point%

    1he intersection of two areas is a line %

    1he intersection of two 'olumes is area %

    1he intersection of hiher dimensional o"/ects in

    the uni'erse is the frequency (Multiplied 5

    +ourse By 1he 6ele'ant Aector  )&

    he /ed Mon5&

    17Eery Geometrica! $ine in the unierse has

    concrete ,hysica! manifestation as !ong as its

    Geometrica! i.e. Non Triia! &athematica!!y. e.g.

    c8  % a8 ? #8

    870e ca!! these !ines ,ermeating the unierse :

     Cosmic F!u>. That can #e cut or g!ued


    37 One e>am'!e is the "ero'!ane :


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      Page 73 of 418

    "ccording to the conentiona! ana!ysis of

    c!assica! mechanics the aero'!ane Vies #ecause

    of the di+erentia! 'ressure around the (Foi!).

    "ccording to my hy'othesis it Vies sim'!y

    #ecause it cuts the cosmic Vu> at certain ang!e

    and 4ith certain fre*uency.

    The same can #e said of the Gyrosco'e The

    e!ico'ter etc."nother e>am'!e from nature itse!f is the ,!anet


    Kee's itse!f in or#it around the sun #y t4o

    moements or manoeures:

    By rotating a#out itse!f thus cutting the Vu>

    #et4een itse!f and the rest of the unierse.

    "nd #y cutting the cosmic Vu> #et4een itse!f and

    the sun #y reo!ing around the sun.

    The Earth cut the cosmic Vu> in E!!i'tica! Or#it

    im'!ying that :Cutting The F!u> Bet4een "ny T4o

    O#ects 2s E!!i'tica! .This shou!d not come as sur'rise Since the !a4

    of graitation a!4ays contains the non !inear

    term of (H8 )


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      Page 74 of 418

      The 2samic


    The #est 4ay to understand these diagrams is to

    imagine Thick Sheet Of Riscous F!uid 0ith

    Riscosity (R) !ying Vat in the /J7,!ane.

    "nd t4o y'othetica! &irrors :&irror (") '!aced in the / 7̂,!ane and mirror (B )

    2n the J^7,!ane.

    2f 4e cut this sheet of Vuid 4ith 'airs of scissors

    then: 0hi!e 4e are cutting the sheet it 4i!!

    su#se*uent!y and "!most immediate!y g!ue

    itse!f .

    &oreoer its assumed here that mirror (" ) Can

    On!y HeVect Hecord Or read the cutting that is

    taking '!ace at fre*uency of (WCutting. )"nd mirror

    B can On!y etect the g!uing action at (WG!uing.).

      The First"!ternatie :


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      Page 75 of 418

    “-hat these two hypothetical mirrors 3B in

    e5ect do0 Is to freeze momentarily the process

    of cuttin and luin%&

    2n 'ractice this can #e achieed #y:

    a7The mo#i!e 'ositioning of the t4o mirrors

    #7The !ine of cutting the Vuid (Need not #e

    straight .)c7The s'eed of cutting and the time de!ay


    ence :

    WCutting.  7 WG!uing.  % f  (Riscosity) ; $ine "7$ine B =.


    "!ternatie :

    $et ector R%R Sin 1 34 )os 1,

    5eplace Sin 12t6  )os 1 2 t7  .t6 and t7 0oth are time in


    R(>DyD) % R(>Dy) t6 7 R(Dy) t7 % dt.



    2f 4e '!ace t4o sources of !ight under the



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      Page 76 of 418

    One 2n Front of the scissors #eaming to4ards a

    screen '!aced in the /^7,!ane and the other

    Behind the scissors directed to4ards screen

    '!aced in the J^7'!ane. There are o+ course

    num#er of other more So'histicated deices one

    can design for this ery 'ur'ose #ut the idea

    remains e>act!y the same.

    “For more accurate and formal presentation seethe list of equations at the end of the summary “ 0 

    The Fourth "!ternatie: Understading



    $et the $amina or ,ara!!e!ogram ("BC ) $ay Vat

    a!ong the J7">is inside the /J7,!ane making the

    So!id ang!e (8 )0ith the ertica!.

    $et 'o4erfu! source of !ight '!aced on to' of the

      7̂">is shine on this "BC Of "rea (m?n)


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      Page 77 of 418

    "s the 'ara!!e!ogram rotates a#out the J7">is.

    From the Vat to ertica! 'osition the 'roection

    or shado4 of the area (m?n)2s reduced

    according!y unti! it reaches the ertica! 'osition

    4hen the area can on!y #e re'resented #y One

    Sing!e $ine Either (m )or (n ).

     o4eer during this rotation ("''arent 7 )

    Changes #y the same rate as (Hea!7) i.e. d

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      Page 78 of 418

        n )D

    2f 4e no4 !et ;= Su#tended #y another !amina

    in the same 4ay as "BC But ertica! to the

    '!ane su#tending ;= Then 4e hae a o!ume

    instead of an area that 4i!! undergo reduction in

    sie ti!! the !amina "BC Heaches the ertica!


    "nd this o!ume again eentua!!y can on!y #e

    re'resented #y a $ine.


    From the t4o a#oe i!!ustrations " ` B 0e seen

    the area reduced to a !ine and a!so the o!ume

    #een reduced to one !ineBut 4hat a#out the


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      Page 79 of 418

    !ine itse!f "ny !ine Can it #e reduced to a


    The ans4er is ^es and No 2t can #e reduced to a

    'oint if the !ine 4as (Singu!ar) i.e. Not 'art of

    any geometrica! constructions

    "nd No if it 4as not singu!ar this is #ecause a

    'oint is meaning!ess geometrica! entity that can

    on!y #e de@ned #y t4o !ines (Scissors7e@ned By

    T4o $ines "nd Cut By T4o $ines.)"t the ery !east

    2n Conc!usion igher Orders Than Ro!ume Can

    "!so Be Heduced 0ithout $oss Of 2nformation.

    (For the real stuff on theses Isamic Diagrams :See section ( 16 )Of

    the list of equations at the end of the summary ?)

      GEOGH"RS.“eora'ity lines for eometrical;ra'itational



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      Page 80 of 418

    69The& are what is "ehind attraction neer repulsion,

    79)ould "e cut at certain !reuencies,

    ;9The !reuenc& is decided "& the !ollowing de!inition:

    Freuenc& 2the di!!erence "etween the speed at which these

    Geogras lines are cut Wn and the speed at which the& glued

    "ac+ together again ., Wm ).


      Graity.%Wcutting.  7WG!uing.

    TEST 7E/,EH2&ENT,


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      Page 81 of 418

    “1o settle the issue in concrete la"oratory terms

    I ha'e desined the followin Basic "ut uHcient 

    e$periment to 'erify my theory &

    U!tra sensitie 4eighing machine.

      uspended Manet 




      Floored Manet%




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      Page 82 of 418

    The a''aratus encased #y acuum .

    “1he only way to defy ra'ity in 'acuum "y

    cuttin the cosmic @u$&

    I! we place two magnets o! di!!erent polarit& and o! simple

    Geometrical )on!iguration i,e, calcula"le %oments O! Inertia

    and +nown -atural Freuenc& not hori

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      Page 83 of 418

    Or een "& one o! the man& other deices .e,g, lasers/ that are so

    accurate these da&s the& will "e a"le to discount an& -oise in this

    e(periments.e,g, Torue$ 4i"rations$$etc/to the order o! :

    %icro9 Grams or een much less '

    *hateer instruments are deplo&ed the& need to "e with

    sensitiit& much higher in order o! magnitude than those

    emplo&ed "& Seismograph&,

    Since the rotor will "e cutting not onl& The %agnetic Flu(

    "etween the two magnets "ut in addition to that and at certainspeed the )osmic Flu(, There!ore causing the upper magnet to

    displace its eual olume o! the )osmic Flu(,

    BOTTO& $2NE.

    “1he detection equipment has to "e

    Fundamentally sensiti'e and microscopic! Its

    ne$t to impossi"le isolatin the 9oise%(1echnical 

    noise e%% 1orsion0Ai"rations0etc0) Its due to this

    'ery Intrinsic reason why no one has manaed

    to detect the cosmic @u$ yet%&

    ,ro'osing ere Three "''!ications To &y TheoryOf Cutting The Cosmic F!u>.


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      Page 84 of 418

    THE A))ELE5ATI-G =-I4E5SE, .First


    “3ccordin to +on'entional hysics the uni'erse

    should "e slowin down not acceleratin !My

    theory of cosmic @u$ o5ers the "est e$planation

    1here Is for a runaway uni'erse&

    “1he loner the time (1he more o"/ects are

    Formed r 8eformed (eometrically)1he more

    they et in each other2s way ra'itationally(+uttin the +osmic Flu$)01he more the uni'erse

    runs away in its e$pansion%

    “3nd there is the question of why the solar

    system remained +o;lanar 0-hen the primordial 

    disc of plasma "ean the process of

    condensation there was no reason whatsoe'er

    for the components to remain +o; laner

    %ra'itation towards the centre (1he un)Is

    necessary "ut not suHcient condition to pre'ent 

    them from @yin out of the condensin disc !

    nly e$planation left is that the aseous disc had already car'ed a poc7et in the cosmic @u$ which

    made it easier for these components formin our 

     planets to remain inside the disc%&


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      Page 85 of 418


    FEf(iN/)%1his equation is far more important than its

    rima Facia %!Its deeply rooted in uantum

    &echanics and the principle of proli#cacy (-e

    introduced in chapter eihteen)%3nd here is

    what it says:

     X1he larer the num"er of particles "ecomes 0

    1he more total resultant force Aaries



     3E1he resultant 3cceleration of the uni'erse

    mi E1he num"er of o"/ect formed

    (condensed)e%% tars Nlanets NMoons %etc%(er

     period of time)%

     n /  Enum"er of o"/ects destroyed e%% super

    no'ae% (er ame eriod f 1ime)%


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      Page 86 of 418

     FiN/  E6esultant force produced per same period

    of time

    MIN E 1otal matter in the uni'erse%

    It2s meant "y X ;;;;;;;;;;;;; Z Y as it row



     mi   W ni   E MIN

     mi   ; ni   E;'e at nRm (8ar7 Matter0)

     mi   ; ni   E

      3 MIN  E FiN/  

     3s iN/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;; Z and since F is

    accumulati'e%  Fi/i   ;;;;;;;;;;;; Z

    1herefore: 3 MIN  E FiN/   ;;;;;;;;;;; Z


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      Page 87 of 418

    "ut MIN  is constant then it follows that :

      3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Z

    4$plainin why the uni'erse e$pansion is

    acceleratin instead of retardin! 9ote at

    mEn FE%



    “1herefore accordin to this 'iew the

    acceleration of the uni'erse due to the

    eometrical Formations 3nd 8eformations f thecosmic con#urations of o"/ects% For while the

    Mass 6emains +onstant the constantly chanin

    eometry (hapes)+hanes the rate of cuttin of 

    the cosmic @u$ ! ,ence 'aries at e'ery unit of

    time we care to de'ise %&


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      Page 88 of 418

    %& theor& o! )osmic Flu( )an o!!er the "est e(planation There

    Is as to wh& the unierse e(pansion contrar& to all conentional

    e(pectation ' *h& its accelerating instead o! slowing down ' $ '

    According to this )osmic Flu( theor& the more o"#ects are

    condensed and !ormed in the unierse .e,g, Stars> Planets>

    Gala(ies etc,/ the more the& are li+el& to get in each other?s wa&

    and there!ore cutting the Geogras "etween these o"#ects thus

    hindering them !rom tal+ing to each other?s Geograicall& .-ote

    Geograicall& From The Geogras discussed A"oe with the letter @49$-ot Geographicall&/

    Alternatiel&: As First Appro(imation :

    Force 2 %ass ( Acceleration,

      Function o! The Di!!erence 0etween O"#ects Formed And De!ormed.Geometricall&/Per =nit Time,The Acceleration2 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999  Total %ass O! The 4isi"le =nierse ,


  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 89 of 418

    Force % Function of the (Num#er of ce!estia!

    o#ects formed (&inus)Those deformed

    (Geometrica!!y) ,er unit time).

    Since the tota! mass Hemain Constant the

    distur#ances to the graitationa! @e!ds in this

    unierse are a function of the di+erence

    #et4een the num#er of o#ects formed or

    deformed geometrica!!y

    Therefore if:

      2The Distur"ance,

      n2-um"er O! O"#ects Formed And Destro&ed In One 5egion,

      -2-um"er O! 5egions,

      *here B


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      Page 90 of 418

      = φ Ν)_ φ n )


    2! .acceleration/ ,

    Second "''!ication.

    Future traels will not "e achieed "& the current rudimentar&

    methods o! Propulsion ' )om"ustion ' Or Inductions Or

    5eactions ' 0ut "& appl&ing the more su"tle principle o! cutting

    the cosmic !lu( with constantl& ar&ing !reuencies and angles as

    proposed "& the e(periment I hae designed a"oe ,

    Third Application,


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      Page 91 of 418


     Freuenc& Electrical Flu(ial9Anti graitational,



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      Page 92 of 418

    One method o! testing m& h&pothesis is to slice .)ut/ )onical

    section .Light )one/ 0etween the e&epiece o! the telescopic

    o"serer and an& distant gala(& ' Then the rate o! acceleration o!

    unierse measured inside the cone should "e a !unction o! the

    num"er o! o"sera"les created and destro&ed at gien period,

    Inside the cone,

    The Isamic Diagrams .Part one /,

    “-hen the ancient philosophers 4uclid2s or

    ythaoras drew their First .ines In 1he and

    1hey did not drew these lines out of their own

    free will! 1hey were imitatin nature itself !!

     3"stractin what was in front of them !!1hene'entually disco'erin the secret relationships

    e$istin "etween the components of these

    eometrical shapes%

    +on'ersely :I "elie'e that any o"/ect in the

    uni'erse *nder eometrical 4quili"rium ,as

    speci#c physical manifestations a +ipher 1hat

    ne 8ay -ill Be 8ecoded ! -hat these diarams

    are sayin 1here 3re More 1o eometry 1han

    1opoloy% 0&


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      Page 93 of 418

    " B  m ; QiD.k.!.etc.  =.

      1 n )D

    *hat hae "een said so !ar is Deepl& 5ooted in uantum

    %echanics and the Proli!icac& Principle introduced in )hapter

    Eighteen, i,e,:

    *hen one o! the m changed to n "& the operators

    Q2soto'ic QE!ectrostatic. Etcetc2t means on!y one

    thing: that 4e hae inVicted an o#seration on

    Zm[ 4hich yie!ded Zn[. Or to 'ut it the other 4ay

    round on!y one Singu!ar ,ro'erty of one of the

    e*ua! Zm[ hae changed 4hi!e a!! the rest of

    'ro'erties remain unchanged


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      Page 94 of 418

     (See Page---The ,raph).

    Symmetry 2n Three imensiona! TrigonometryD

      (/7et Sin 8 Sin 9 /t 1 $ 

    7et Sin 8 Sin 9 At . 7 9 1 /,  (/


      (/ Let )os 2 )os 9 /t 1 $

     7et Cos 9 8 Cos 9 At . 7 9 1 /,



      (/  (/


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      Page 95 of 418

     ( Sin ): ; ()os /7  2 6, 

    (/  Sin - Cos 8

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      Page 96 of 418

    870heneer 4e say e*ui!i#rium #y that 4e mean

    #oth *uantities ( m and n ) Hemains identica! in

    eery 4ay e>ce't that s'eci@ed 'ro'erty

    designated e.g. #y E!ectrica! Therma! etc.



    P Geometrica! E*ui!i#rium. m % n.

    QE!ectrica! E*ui!i#rium. m_ n.

    QTherma! E*ui!i#rium. m % n.

    Quantum(&acrosco'ic or &icrosco'ic.) m%n or m_ n.



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      Page 97 of 418

    U(-nitary hermal -nit ) / QTherma!.  % P Geometrica!.

    QE!ectrica!. < P Geometrica!.  % (m n) / e (-nit charge).

    Quantum(&icrosco'icD) < Quantum(&acrosco'ic.) % h<

    4here h. % 1 (h is !lanc52s "onstant ?+ is my o'n uni,ersal 


    (See Page -----------------Calculating My ni!ersal

    Constant ) "

    Test ^ourse!f.

    “+an [   Be represented "y the followins:&

    For P Geometrica! E*ui!i#rium.

    2f m and n re'resent the "reas in the @gure ("BC ) a#oe then:

    "B / BC %m ?n 77777Y m or n % ("B / BC )

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      Page 98 of 418

    uestion :

    Under 4hat Circumstances B% 1(Unitary)

    Simi!r!y for QE!ectrica! E*ui!i#rium : From Ohm-s !a4 $et :

    Ro!tage %m n. Current (2)% dm

  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 99 of 418

    diisors along the K9 A(is Each Time "& . h( / 2 %7 .g h( / 3

    % , .g, h( /3 etc $On the L,H,S we hae the relatiistic energ&

    2 % ,)7, 5,H,S 2 Mn  %,g ,. 677n /, h( , Giing: )7  g> gJ> gJJ 5>

    5J>5JJ .*here g> gJ> gJJetc /Are the locali

  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 100 of 418

    Consider a Cu#e of sides > %(a).

     "nd of diagona! y% 8 >.

    R5  % 8 >3.

    Ste' One 7Ro!ume One (R1 ) .

    Hesha'e (Co!!a'se) R1 in to another Cu#e of sides


    /% (8 .a3 )1

  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 101 of 418

    Simi!ar!y Ste' Three giing:

    R3 % 88 . a3 . "nd so forth ^ie!ding the


    Rn % 8(n?1)

  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 102 of 418

    ra4ing the fo!!o4ing gra'h from the

    re!ationshi' deried a#oe : Rn % 8(n?1)

  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 103 of 418

    2samic iagrams (,art T4o ).

    6epeating the a$o!e proceure $ut instea o

    +ultiplying the area ( a:) O the sie s?uare $y the

    iagonal going through the Centre o gra!ity o this

    S?uare "%e no* +ultiply this area $y the iagonal

    going through the centre o the Cu$e itsel "" To o$tain

    the !olu+es ro+ these cu$es $y repeating the sa+e

    steps as in part-one"

    Gra'h T4o.

     This graph is let as an e>ercise or the reaer $y

    calculating 4

    5o 8 @A . aA    Deor+e to cu$e o sies (A0B  . a)

    50  8 A0B ;0B;0B:;0B


     Deor+e to cu$e o sies

    (A0BA .a)


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      Page 104 of 418

    5: % A0BA;0BA;0B:;0BA .aADeor+e to cu$e o sies

    (A0B: .a)

    /n so orth" %hat oes ,raph T*o going to loo'


    Gra'h Three .

     The area o cross section o a sphere raius -r- is (



    Construct the !olu+e 4

    50 (a Cyliner )&y ( r: ).r.8 ( rA ).

    Deor+ this !olu+e in to another !olu+e o /ny Shape

    $ut o the ne* i+ension (60 ) 8 ( rA


      8 0BA


    He'eat this 'rocedure as fo!!o4s:

    5:  8 (60 ):  60 8 (60 )A  8: . rA


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      Page 105 of 418

    5A  8: . rA  E.etc "


    5n  8 n  rA 

    No4 '!ot this gra'h as #efore (gra'h7One. ) "nd


    Gra'h Four.

    ra4 Gra'h Four By re'eating the same

    'rocedures as a#oe taking the o!ume (Of "ny

    Sha'e Or Form) deforming it to Ne4 Ro!ume Of

    The Ne4 imension (H). By taking the (n)th Hoot

    of (R). 0here :

    6iGHG'E % (RiDDk)1

  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 106 of 418


     oes these sha'es and forms has to #e

    Symmetrica! Or in Geometrica! E*ui!i#rium Ordo 4e eer need to 'icture them at a!! as any

    sha'es or forms inside that 2nner S'ace (See

    Gra'h Fie7Cha'ter Seenteen.)

    Si> : The $a4 Of Conseration Of Energy.“3lthouh we May not distinuish "etween the

    “m&s from the “n&s !1he fact we separate them

     3r"itrarily causes a reduction in the state \&


    The ,o'u!ation ensity ( , ) &YY &

     Energy of the ,eo'!e . (E) & bb &

      A , / AE Constant.

    Q (&) & & Q (&) 


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      Page 107 of 418

    “1o illustrate the point we ha'e slihtly 'iolated

    the laws of con'ersation of enery “ 

     The star ( I )Denoting the Nu+$er o population or

    their Jnergy /ter the re!olution.

     This theore+ constructe upon T*o Pre+ises /n $y

    the #+aginary Potential %all (%)ra*n earlier

    separating the State O /Kairs $eore an ater the

    re!olution. %e ha!e 4

    a-J!eryone shoul agree that i this Potential %all

    represente a *ar or re!olution then there *ill $e

    6euction #n The State L

    (#n this case its the nu+$er o the population).

    $- Most historians *ill agree that re!olutions al+ost

    al*ays are ollo*e $y Surge o energy L#t energies

    the +asses LL /n there are Myrias O 6easons $ehin

    this surge "So+e +athe+atical i.e. the la* o


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      Page 108 of 418

    conser!ation o energy (Co+pensating or the reuction

    in the population )"Others Psychoso+atic *here the

    +asses $eha!e li'e a genie release ro+ its $ottleL

    etc. Thereore4

     (AE )Can #e measured from any aai!a#!e #ut

    re!ia#!e economic 'arameters e.g. (,roductiity)

    (See Page---The Science O Separation.).

    /lso 4(See Page--- Mathe+atics an Society For the Ne*

    ter+inology uantifa$ly LNot uantifa$le "")

    For More Details "Please See 5olu+e Nu+$er Fi!e &y

    5isiting 4

  • 8/16/2019 Summary 386-Pages..doc


      Page 109 of 418

    5 8 5:  50  Thereore4

     58 ( ). Or F ( AE ) .

    But dR a!4ays inerse!y 'ro'ortiona! to the

    density A, . ence it fo!!o4s that: 1

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      Page 110 of 418

    in the raph and until the point of total

    separation they will o'erlap each other2s /ust as

    it2s the case in the Microscopic world %,owe'er

    Its 4$tremely 4ssential 1o 6emem"er 1hat 1he

    'erlappin 3rea Is 9ot +onstant But Aaria"le 3t

    peed roportional 1o 1he peed f eparation&



    $et (") #e the intersection of the areas inside theOe!a' 2ntegra! "s the t4o ensem#!es are s!o4!y

    se'arated Sho4 that :

      (7 1)n . d"DyDDt  )8

    0here ( R>DyDDt ) 2s the direction of (Cutting `

    G!uing )of the scissors inside the J/7,!ane as

    de@ned at the #eginning of this cha'ter .


     3lso note :-hen (n)Is odd the e$pression is


    Fie!d Of Rie4 :

    “1he reason why we cannot o"ser'e quantum

    e5ects in macroscopic o"/ects :Because


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    accordin to my roli#cacy rinciple there are

     /ust not enouh copies fallin inside our #eld of

    'iew %&


    r E1he radius of the smallest atom that display

    quantum e5ects sinularly%

    6E1he radius of the macroscopic o"/ects %

    nE 1he num"er of copies of the Macroscopic inany ensem"le required in our #eld of 'iew

    "efore we can o"ser'e any quantum e5ects %

    1hen :

     X6Lr Y? E the required minimum num"er of copies

    in any o"ser'a"le ensem"le displayin quantum

    e5ects %

    +learly this shows how the size of the

    Macroscopic o"/ect multiplies shootin up 0-hile

    the Microscopic size of the standard atom is

    miniaturized cu"ically !!


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    ,ence the num"er (n)f copies required to fall

    within our #eld of 'iew must "e hue%

    ,owe'er at e$tremely far away astronomical

    distances it2s possi"le to o"ser'e quantum

    e5ects if there were enouh copies fallin inside

    our #eld of 'iew:








      O "ser'a"le 4nsem"le;B of (n;Macroscopics)


      OFie!d Of Rie4.  O

      9ot "ser'a"le 4nsem"le;3 of (n)Macroscopics%

    Hed Ba!!s Of Ensem#!e 7" Fa!!s Outside The Rie4.


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    BOTTO& $2NE.

    2t has #een 'ro'osed on (,age7777)That if 4e had

    one hundred macrosco'ic o#ects each of one

    ki!ograms then se'arating them in to t4o


    17"t 4hat distance the o#serer from these

    o#ects 4i!! #egin to o#sere *uantum e+ects

    87Can 4e determine the num#er of o#ects

    re*uired #efore the o#serer at the Said istance

    a#oe can o#sere any *uantum 'henomena

    re!ating to the oer!a' integra!s

    37oes the a#oe 'oints im'!y *uantum e+ects

    can #e our o'tica! inter'retations of 4hat is

    taking '!ace


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    Eight Neuther


    “1here is intrinsic symmetry in (m)+opies of

    dentical Macroscopic articles ! 1herefore /ust

    at the point of separatin them in to (m n)i%e%

     /ust "efore the symmetry "rea7s down a current

    analoous to 9euther current will @ow or interms of ohm2s law :

     XdmLdt E ;dnL dt Y4$cept this time it need not "e

    electrical hence we stated earlier that :

     P E*ui!i#rium(E!ectrica! Economica!Therma!etc.)

    Bottom $ine.

    “9eedless to state that "oth hypothesis a"o'e(e'en 4iht)+an "e o"ser'ed strictly under

    the proli#cacy principle discussed earlier% 3nd

    the minimum num"ers of +opies that was


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    calculated to "e necessary "efore any such

    o"ser'ations are accomplished%&

    Nine: The Constancy Of estructiity.

    $et us @rst reca!! the de@nitions(On ,age7777):

    he ->Ohe ritish -nit Of >enom (&-&>)

    he ->O he uro%ean -nit Of >enom (&-&>)

    One ->OAhe total num$er of %eo%le 5illed $y the ritish

     During any chosen %eriod  (i,ided $y) otal %o%ulation of

     ritain during that ,ery Same !eriod &

    One ->O Ahe total num$er of %eo%le 5illed $y the uro%eans

    during any chosen %eriod     (Di,ided $y) he total %o%ulation of

     uro%e during that >ery Same !eriod?

     oth rates are measured o,er any gi,en scale of /eal ime i&e&

     #,eraged o,er sufficient !eriodical S%an3

     o' the shoc5ing result is that the ->O al'ays larger than the

     ->O no matter ho' you do your calculations3 3 3 i&e&


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      &-&>&-&> P means much larger?Q

    The "''!ication Of   1

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    o his dis$elie,e from direct e*%erience that the ritish are

    hundred times more e,il than the a0is ha,e e,er $een? (See

     !age)&Only that the ritish ha,e reached the state of the art in

    co,ering u% their crimes against man5ind(8ust snea5ier and slo'er

    'ith it ) that is all3(see the .ondon "agein the first %ages of this

    $oo5)?#./#I>.C if 'e to conduct some -n$iased research

    in to history to determine ho' many %eo%le e*actly (to the nearest

    million)the ritish ha,e murdered so far? #nd su$stitute this

    num$er in to the equation a$o,e 'e can %redict 'ith some

     %recision the date of the final demise of ritish colonialism? ? ?(i&e&

    'hen the rits 'ill $lo' u% and $ust their o'n ratio???) 


    For %ro%er calculations 'e need to insert the ,alues of the ->O

    and ->O&(see earlier)?#lso those of the relati,e densities (not

    totals )of the %o%ulations of the t'o nations in com%arison&


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     +o'e,er this 'ill not alter the order of magnitude of the result

    dramatically 3

    The Continuity Of The Constant Of estructiity 

    &+ountless millions 7illed "y the British in 3sia!

     3frica!!3nd the Middle 4ast 3ll had "een

     /usti#ed in 4nlish .anuae! By 4nlish .oic !

    .oistics !!3nd Aenom%&

    he most stri5ing result is ho' the /atio of the u,o to the u,o

    (as defined on %age )?/emain constant e,en at !eace ime 3his

    can $e ,erified $y ta5ing the ->O o' as the num$er of o,erseas

    students 5illed or disa$led inside ritain since the second 'orld 'ar 

    di,ided $y the %o%ulation of ritain 'hile the ->O Similarly


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    measured $y ta5ing the num$er of foreign students 5illed or

    disa$led inside uro%e di,ided $y the %o%ulation of uro%e3 ? 3

    Cou 'ill find the /atio Of he 'o /atoS(!lr ) Staying constant

    through out 'ar and %eace 3 ? 3

    BOTTO& $2NE.“(8 D 1 E 1 D 8 )Is a Mathematical hilosophical

    Field where +ausality 3nd 45ects 4$chane

     places simultaneously %&

    “1he most amazin application of my equation:

    (8 D 1 E 1 D 8 )-hen "oth 8 1 4$chane their


    (See page---#ntroucing The eterogeneous nits O

    Measure+ents) "

    “.et us pray my theory is wron! therwise it

    can only mean one thin: 1hat the 9azis did not

    reach the #ure that was struc7 "y thecolonialists0 1here fore we need to em"race

    oursel'es for the return of the 9azis (9ot

    necessarily ermans ) 1o ma7e up the


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    di5erence ! 1o satisfy the constant of the


    “h! inners of the world0 1his is a call from the

    "iest sinner of them all: .et us all come clean0

    +lear your conscience0 3nd as7 yourself : +ould

    the 9azis e'er match these #ures0!

    The Hed &onk.

     If you ha%%ened not to li5e equations 8ust do Sim%le otals?

    he num$er of %eo%le the ritish 5illed in India alone 'as officially

    recognised to $e fifty fi,e millions 3 ? 3

     ot to mention Miscellaneous li5e:

     Iraq (!o%1T millions)lost one million 5illed and many more


     !alestine (%o%one million) lost half million and much more

    dislocated fore,er


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     #nd the list $elie,e you me is endless from Sudan to #fghanistan&

     o' clear your conscience?

     "ome clean?

     #nd as5 yourself:

    "an the a0is e,er mach these figures? 3 ?

     #nd figures do not lie&

    S%%ET5I)AL e(amples on P5OT5A)TI-G TO5T=5E ,“1his apanese Most Fa'oured method of torture

    can act as Ideal de#nition for rotracted 1orture


    T&pical e(ample is that practised "& Another Island 5ace$ The

    )olonialist Qapanese 'Their in!amous method o! t&ing the P,O,*,

    .Prisoner O! *ar/!lat on the ground under a tap water that was

    onl& dripping'


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    The drops ' will not +ill the ictim "ut a!ter !ew hours or een

    da&s &ou can imagine the rest$

    In !act loo+ed at indiiduall& the torture ma& een seem to "e

    triial 'Howeer the picture as a whole cone& the most

    destructie !orm o! torture to "oth the ictim as well as the

    torturer ' $ ' It?s di!!icult to identi!& and een more di!!icult to

    !ollow "ecause "& de!inition Protracted Torture spread oer

    length& heathen periods and well "e&ond what human nature can

    comprehend let alone "eliee ' $ '

    BOTTO& $2NE.

    ortures often %racticed for no other reason than that of the

     4a%anese or the ritish they sim%ly ha,e dee% seated (;enetic)

    disres%ect for all foreigners in 'ar time or in %eace time 3 Often


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     8ust scenting ,ulnera$ility in the targeted indi,idual is enough


    Protraction seems to "e an Indigenous )reature o! all island


    In this case R 1 2is represented "& the drop o! water,,

    1c999the ictim crac+s up, And the process "ecomes more

    Ph&sical than mental,

    1+ 99  the ictims +ill themseles,

    0EHE jck   d 7 joc d % 1r , and r 2 !.t/

     Gra'h Seen.

    THE *O5D 0 *AS DE5I4ED DI5E)TL F5O% E=ATIO-S6373;3 *HILE THE *O5D O- *AS A )O-SE=E-)E OFE=ATIO-9U, V


     Inerse o! time or the period?s a(is,V

    99999999999999999 Line o! constant destructiit&99999999999999999999999999V99999999999

      V  V


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    05ITAI-999999999999GE5%A-99999999995=SSIA99999QAPA-, @99999999999999 


     #nd one %ractical a%%lication of the a$o,e formalism that: 'e can

    actually calculate the demise (timeJamount) of any colonialist $y

     %lugging in the ,alues of 'hat 'e already 5no' of the shoc5 fascist&

     #nd ho' true and %ro%hetic the equations 'ritten in 1VVU %ro,ed to


    hen you study state of the colonialist no' days?3

     I don2t 'ant to go to details that may /emotely $enefits the enemies

    of man5ind(the ritsW 4e's )$ut it does not require much

    intelligence to see ho' they are certainly the shado's of their

     %re,ious sel,es ? 3

     Industrially? conomically? !olitically???


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    echnologically????,en $iologically?????

     ot only that $ut /e,enge W/etri$utions 'ill $e ine,ita$le?

    hey 'ill $e hunted do'n $y the Forces Of +istory3

     Inside their o'n homes for their %ast "rimes e it against hel%less

    indi,iduals or genocides ali5e 3

     #s it 'as am%ly demonstrated in no uncertain terms $y the

     !recursor of Lhings o "omeK $y the e,ents of TJT&

    (See Page-----------------,raph Ten)"

    The ,o!itics Of Hight Or $eft "nd T4o imensiona!


     If the %ro%erties assigned to the "on,entionally #cce%ted notions

    of right and left are re%resented $y the #*is alone (he hori0ontal 

    line $elo')?


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    For e*am%le those 'ho are for 'or5ing class li$eration are

    delegated to the ( .eft )hile those 'ho disa%%ro,e of

    homose*uality and gay marriages are considered to $e of the

    (/ight)33ut : here can 'e %lace some one (!For %erson) ?ho

    stands for $oth i&e& for 'or5ing class or 'omen li$eration as 'ell

    as for family ,alues o%%osing homose*uality and is against gay

    marriages&? "learly he ans'er cannot $e resol,ed $y one

    dimensional (he #*is)J3hat is required is another dimension

    of (C#*is):here 'e can assign all the %ositions ta5en on

     conomic questions to this (C #*is) 3#nd those ta5en on Social

    questions to the ( #*is)

     &For e*am%le those 'ho are for the 'or5ing classes(he

     !rogressi,es )"an $e re%resented $y the u%%er half of the (C N#*is)3

    hile those of conser,ati,e economic ,ie's (he /egressi,e)#re

    re%resented $y the lo'er half of the (C #*is&)&+ence 'e can find

    our %erson (!) Mentioned a$o,e 'ho stands for $oth the conomic


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    li$eration of 'omen or 'or5ing classes as 'ell as standing for the

     Social Family ,alues against homose*uality or gay marriages in

    the first quarter (-%%er /ight ) /e%resented $y the %oint (!) elo':

     #nd so forth3

    C#*is (!rogressi,e)&

      (*y) (!)

     .eft #*is& /ight&



    The Se!f estructiity Of &an "nd The Constants

    Of estructiity.

    “Most of these equations are /ust e$ercises

    which may not e'en "e fully accurate yet "ut

    they prepare us for the real stu5 located inside

    the list of equations at the end of the summary%&


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     Such 'indo' for colonialists li5e the ritish can Stretch From the

     ineteenth "entury here ritish soldiers %layed %olo 'ith the

    heads of #ustralian a$origines after se,ering their heads for no

    other %ur%ose than this (See Page----Jnglish Polo) ?

    o the 'entieth "entury here ritish troo%s literally machined

     gun hundreds of -narme