sum 1 week 5 english...title microsoft word - sum 1 week 5 english.docx author mos19 created date...

Monday This week we will be building on what we learned last week and having lots of fun being poets. Watch this video about how we can make writing poems as fun as it can be! In the clip, Joseph Coelho explains a term called ‘onomatopoeia’ which means a word that sounds like the thing it is describing, such as ‘drip,’ ‘plop’ or ‘splat.’ Your task is to come up with at least 5 different onomatopoeic words and then find some rhyming words. When you are finished, try to create a rhyming couplet for each word. Example: Drip — sip, tip, lip, hip, pip The tap went drip, drip, drip, It landed on my lip. Splat — hat, cat, that, pat, sat, rat The falling cake landed, ‘splat!’ It landed on the old man’s hat. © can you use a dictionary to find new rhyming words? Try to expand your vocabulary by finding and learning the meaning of 3 new words.

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Page 1: Sum 1 Week 5 English...Title Microsoft Word - Sum 1 Week 5 English.docx Author mos19 Created Date 5/13/2020 4:04:06 PM


This week we will be building on what we learned last week and having lots of fun being poets. Watch this video about how we can

make writing poems as fun as it can be!

In the clip, Joseph Coelho explains a term called ‘onomatopoeia’ which means a word that sounds like the thing it is describing, such

as ‘drip,’ ‘plop’ or ‘splat.’

Your task is to come up with at least 5 different onomatopoeic words and then find some rhyming words. When you are finished, try to

create a rhyming couplet for each word.


Drip — sip, tip, lip, hip, pip

The tap went drip, drip, drip,

It landed on my lip.

Splat — hat, cat, that, pat, sat, rat

The falling cake landed, ‘splat!’

It landed on the old man’s hat.

© can you use a dictionary to find new rhyming words? Try to expand your vocabulary by finding and learning the meaning of 3

new words.

Page 2: Sum 1 Week 5 English...Title Microsoft Word - Sum 1 Week 5 English.docx Author mos19 Created Date 5/13/2020 4:04:06 PM


Using simile in poetry. Lots of poems use similes to create images in your mind. Read the poem ‘Shape of a Greyhound’ and see if you can

remember what a simile is! (There is a reminder below)

Did you get it? A simile compares one thing to another, using the words like or as. A head like a snake means that the greyhounds head resembles that of a snake. It doesn’t really have a serpent

head, but by wording it this way, the poet makes the reader think about the shape of the greyhound’s head.

Using similes like this also gives the poem great rhythm and structure and makes it easy for the poet to figure out where they want their

rhymes to be!

Page 3: Sum 1 Week 5 English...Title Microsoft Word - Sum 1 Week 5 English.docx Author mos19 Created Date 5/13/2020 4:04:06 PM

We are going to rethink some well-known similes. Fill in or write on your own sheet, a new simile for each of the following. The first one

is done for you.

As fresh as a daisy: As fresh as a baby

As busy as a bee: As busy as_____________________________

As cool as a cucumber: _______________________________

As clean as a whistle: _________________________________

As flat as a pancake: ___________________________________

As quiet as a mouse: ____________________________________

As quick as a wink: _____________________________________

As snug as a bug: ______________________________________

© Can you come up with some new ones?

As loud as a _____________

As big as a _______________

As angry as a ______________

As brave as a _____________-

As ____________ as a ____________

As ____________ as a _________________

Page 4: Sum 1 Week 5 English...Title Microsoft Word - Sum 1 Week 5 English.docx Author mos19 Created Date 5/13/2020 4:04:06 PM


This is another example of a simile poem, but this one has a twist in that the poet is speaking about themselves! We are going to try this today. Feel free to use the structure below for your task, or to make

it up yourself.

I am as ________________ as a ________________,

And as ________________ as a ________________.

I am _______________ like a _________________,

And _________________ like a __________________.

My ____________ is/are as ____________ as a ____________,

And my ____________ is/are as ___________ as a _____________



Page 5: Sum 1 Week 5 English...Title Microsoft Word - Sum 1 Week 5 English.docx Author mos19 Created Date 5/13/2020 4:04:06 PM


Using everything you have learned in the last 3 weeks, today you are going to write an amazing poem about yourself. Poetry can really help us to express how we are feeling, and at times like this it is

important to use our creativity whenever possible!

Joseph Coelho explains how he uses poetry to express his feelings by using personification and emotional imagery. We are going to follow

the same idea.

First, come up with a list of words to describe how you feel.

Example: Happy, excited, tired, bored, warm.

Once you have this, try to come up with rhyming words for each word.

Example: Happy – Sappy, a tree, that tea

Excited – delighted, enlightened

Then, try to use this list to come up with rhyming couplets.

Using the rhyming structures you learned about last week, put them together to form your own poem! Spend a bit of time editing and

improving your work, don’t be afraid to change it up

Please share any completed work to your class celebration email.

Page 6: Sum 1 Week 5 English...Title Microsoft Word - Sum 1 Week 5 English.docx Author mos19 Created Date 5/13/2020 4:04:06 PM


Again, we are looking at words ending in the suffix -’ation’ which is used to turn a verb into a noun. For example,

“I admire her, she definitely has my admiration.”

Answers below:

Page 7: Sum 1 Week 5 English...Title Microsoft Word - Sum 1 Week 5 English.docx Author mos19 Created Date 5/13/2020 4:04:06 PM