suite of 10 activity and area specific checklists (1)

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  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)



    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Road diversions, excavations and drainage

    Location: Al Kheesa Date: 26-10-


    Time: 13:00

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# $oint %nspection &'"(""PD )

    2# 'ns*re sa+et, o+ ork+orce )

    3# heck Draina.e /*t+alls are clear an operational )

    # heck p*mps are in place an +*ll, +*elle an operational )

    5# heck stanb, p*mps are in place )

    6# heck stanb, +*el arran.ements are in place )

    # heck .*llies an catch pits are clear )

    # heck all e4caations incl*in. trenches sha+ts an

    manholes etc# are sec*rel, +ence


    7# heck all eep e4caations incl*in. *nerpasses

    s*ba,s micro-t*nnels etc are sec*rel, barricae


    10# heck site ha*l ro*tes are raine an ill be clear o+8oo aters to ens*re sa+e passa.e


    11# heck that a9acent properties ill not 8oo *e to site



    12# heck +encin. hoarin. etc# +or stabilit, an sec*rit, )

    13# heck ;arriers cones si.ns etc ill not blo aro*n an

    create ha

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)



    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Ofce Facilities

    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# heck perimeter o+ b*ilin. +or loose items an

    2# =ire e4tin.*ishers store insie b*ilin.s

    3# R*bbish bins emptie >store insie sea container t,pe

    # All inos close an locke

    5# lose air conitioners ents

    6# lose all internal oors

    # All esks cleare an tiie

    # Recors an rain.s sec*re an protecte

    7# omp*ters"har ries an serers protecte

    10# Phone manne

    Notes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Staff Accommodation

    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# Check perimeter of building for loose items and secure

    2# All windows locked and secure

    3# Air conditioners turned off and vents closed

    # Rubbish bins emptied and stored inside building

    5# Transportable annex lowered and stored

    6# Fire extinguishers to be stored inside

    # All outside furniture to be placed inside

    # All electrical equipment to be turned off

    7# On evacuation close and lock all external doors

    10# Attach tie downs straps to anchor points

    Notes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Site Toilets, Welfare Areas

    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# Check perimeter of building for loose items and secure

    2# All windows locked

    3# Air conditioners turned off and vents closed

    # Rubbish bins emptied and stored inside building

    5# Fire extinguishers to be stored inside

    6# All electrical equipment to be turned off

    # leanin. 8*is store in sec*re containers

    # All other materials an eE*ipment sec*re an store

    Notes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Laydown Areas

    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# All loose ebris b*nle an sec*re

    2# R*bbish skips to be emptie or remoe to central

    collection point an sec*re3# All tarps to be sec*rel, @4e"lashe to eE*ipment

    # All enor eE*ipment to be sec*re

    5# steel ork an pipes to be sec*re

    6# ( an star pickets to be checke an sec*re or

    remoe an store# ;*ntin. to be rationalise an sec*re or remoe an

    store# &enerators sec*re

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    7# rane boom sections to be sec*re

    10#All poer t*rne o+ to containers an leas isconnecte

    rolle *p an sec*re in the containers11#All small pieces o+ eE*ipment to be store in containers or

    coere ith ar.o !ets or similarNotes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Work Fronts (All Areas

    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# All electrical leas to be rolle *p an remoe

    2# All tools an @4in.s to be remoe an store

    3# (ite bo4es to be sec*re

    # Pallets *nna.e to be sec*re"remoe

    5# ;*ntin. plastic +encin. an to be rationali

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    # Tarps shae cloth elin. blankets an plastic sheetin. to

    be sec*re# =loor plate".rimesh to be sec*re

    7# Can rails an kick plates to be sec*re

    10#All poer to be sh*t on

    11#Tie on all site containers

    12#(hae *nits an shae cloth sec*re

    13#R*bbish skips to be remoe to central collection area

    1#Temporar, roa si.ns collecte an store

    15#All 9ob material hich cannot be remoe to be tie on

    16#Pipe ork in racks sec*re

    1#Draina.e an p*mp pits to be eri@e

    Notes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Rigging and !ca"olding

    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# All .ear to be collecte an store

    2# All scaols to be sec*re or strippe an e-ta..e b,

    releant scaol compan, or competent persons

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    3# (caol eE*ipment in ompo*n to be b*nle an

    sec*re# All site bo4es sec*re

    5# Pallets an *nna.e to be sec*re

    6# ;*ntin. an to be rationalise or remoe anstore

    # heck han rails an kick boars are sec*re

    # (ca-ta. on erecte scaol to be sec*re to scaol or

    remoeNotes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Worksho# $ !tore Area

    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    1# heck perimeter o+ b*ilin. +or loose items# All loose

    ebris b*nle an sec*re2# Belin. machines to be place to.ether an sec*re

    3# &as c,liners to be sec*re

    # (ec*re all oil"+*el r*ms

    5# All materials an eE*ipment that can s*er ater ama.e

    to be raise +rom 8oors or store in containers6# lean an ti, orkshop area

    # R*bbish skips to be emptie or remoe to central

    collection point an sec*re# =ire e4tin.*ishers to be store insie containers or oFce

    7# All electrical eE*ipment t*rne o

    10#All electrical leas rolle *p an store in container11#All tools an @4in.s to be remoe an store

    12#Pallets *nna.e to be sec*re"remoe

    13#Tarps shae cloth elin. blankets an plastic sheetin. to

    be remoe an store1#All poer to be sh*t on

    15#Tie on all site containers

    16#All 9ob material hich cannot be remoe to be tie on

    1#'ns*re sel+ b*ne pallets are empt,

    Notes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Cranes, Forkli%ts and &WP's

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# 'E*ipment parke on stable hi.h .ro*n here possible

    2# ranes parke ith o*tri..ers on on timbers

    3# Loose items o+ .ear store

    # (le pins set in locke position

    5# an*als an lo. books rappe in plastic

    6# abs close an sec*re

    # ;ooms to be loere in crales on h,ra*lic cranes

    # ;ooms o+ pin 9ib cranes loere to .ro*n

    7# rane boom la, on areas to be eri@e

    Notes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P


    Pre Inclement Weather Activities

    All ehicles and )railers

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director

  • 7/24/2019 Suite of 10 Activity and Area Specific Checklists (1)


    Location: Date: Time:

    Person Responsible:

    Please Tick omplet



    1# 'E*ipment parke on stable hi.h .ro*n here possible

    2# ;rakes applie an set

    3# Loer trailer le.s onto timbers

    # =*ll, retract an sto C%A; boom

    5# Loose items o+ .ear stoe

    6# lose all inos

    # 'ns*re all ehicle reE*ire +or emer.enc, or recoer,

    operations hae +*ll +*el tanks an are +*ll, operational

    ith competent operators on hanNotes: >?se this section to oc*ment all other preca*tions taken that are not

    ienti@e on the checklist

    Ret*rn complete checklists ia &'"( to P

    Doc: Pre %nclement Beather Actiities hecklist Approe: 20"10"2015

    *stoian: C(( Reneal Date: 17"10"2015

    Approer: Pro.ramme Director