suicide in college students

Suicide in College Students Katherine Valera Education 6050: Education as an Advanced Field of Study December 5, 2013 Northeastern University

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Suicide has become the 2nd leading cause of death in young adults age 18-25. I chose this topic of controversy in higher education because it calls for an increase in funding for mental health preventative and intervention programs.


  • 1. Katherine Valera Education 6050: Education as an Advanced Field of Study December 5, 2013 Northeastern University

2. Why is this issue important?Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in college students 3. StatisticsOne of every four college students suffers from a form of mental illness, including depression (Kerr, 2012). 4. Symptoms of Depression The reasons vary, some include: Intrusive thoughts, relationships turn sour, feelings of hopelessness etc. ( Watson,, 2010). Academic and social stresses, mental illnesses (forefront), personal conflicts, and socio-economic factors. (Haas, et al. 2003) 5. Leading Causes of Suicide Depress ion, Suic idal History, Hopeles sness 6. 80% of college students who either contemplate or attempt suicide show clear warning signs (Watson, 2013). 7. Undiagnosed Risks Other risk and often undiagnosed factors include: substance abuse; a family history of depression and mental illness; a prior suicide attempt; access to guns; exposure to other students who have committed suicide; self-harming behaviors, such as burning or cutting. 8. The Semicolon Project;Photo Credit: Semicolon Project, 416, 6141325379&type=1&theater 9. References: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Facts and Figures: Suicide Deaths, Barrios, L., Everett, S., Simon, T., & Brener, N. (2000). National College Health Assessment: Aggregate report, spring 2000. Baltimore: Author. Haas, A., Hendin, H., & Mann, J. (2003). Suicide in College Students. American Behavioral Scientist, 46(9), 1224. Northeastern University, University Health and Counseling Services, Schicker, Melanie A.. Lindenwood University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2011. 3478111. Suicide Prevention Resource Center. (2004). Promoting mental health and preventing suicide in college and university settings. Newton, MA: Education Development Center, Inc. Watson, Elwood, Dr. (16 May 2013). Depression, Mental Illness and Suicide Among College Students A Harsh Reality, Diverse Issues In Higher Education, Retrieved: 3 October 2013.