suffering joy michael fletcher

ICEL Suffering Joy Michael Fletcher

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Suffering Joy Michael Fletcher. Suffering. Paul is a normal guy…. While having coffee with Paul in 2007, I asked him probing question: “What Scripture has touched your heart more than any other?” His Answer: Isaiah 50.10-11. The 3 Rules of Biblical Exegesis. 1. Context - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Suffering Joy

Michael Fletcher

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Paul is a normal guy…

While having coffee with Paul in 2007, I asked him probing question:

“What Scripture has touched your heart more than any other?”

His Answer: Isaiah 50.10-11

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The 3 Rules of Biblical Exegesis

1. Context

2. Context

3. Context

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Context of Isaiah 50.10-11

God tells the people not to substitute darkness for light or vice versa (Isaiah 5.20; 1.11-15, 28-31; etc.)

God declared he would turns darkness into light (Isaiah 4.4; 30.26; 42.16; 58-8-10; etc.)

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More on Context

Numerous times he tells them “do not fear people,” but rather “fear God.” (Isaiah 2.23; 7.4; 10.24; 41.10, 13-14; 43.1, 5; 51.7; 57.11)

Concerning Fear:

Exodus 3.14

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Isaiah 50.10-11 (My Translation)

Who among you all is fearful of YHWH?

Hearing the voice of his servant?

He who walks in darkness (is fearful of YHWH)

Indeed, even when there is no light for him

He will be confident in the name of YHWH

Indeed, he will be supported by his God.

Behold all you kindlers of fire! (those who are not fearful of YHWH)

Girding yourselves with torches

Go! By the flame of your fires

Indeed, even by the torches you have all lit

From my hand, this will be for you all

To sorrow you will all lie down.

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Walking in Darkness

It is exactly the person who walks in darkness who is “fearful of God.”

They do not create their own light.

Patience. Passion. Passio. Suffering.

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Patience Before Birth Isaiah continues…(51.1-3)

“Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness

Who seek the Lord (the people from Isaiah 50.10)

Look to the rock from which you were hewn

And to the quarry from which you were dugLook to Abraham your father

And to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain

When he was but one I called him

Then I blessed him and multiplied him

Indeed, the Lord will comfort….”

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Romans 5

“…we exult in our tribulations

Knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance

And perseverance, proven character

And proven character, hope

And hope does not disappoint

Because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts

Through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

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What does it mean to Suffer with Christ?


Everyday life?

Augustine, City of God (stirring example)

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Suffering Joy

The Lord will comfort (Isaiah 51.3)

Hope does not disappoint (Romans 5)

How will you respond to being stirred?

An example of my suffering…

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I pray you are a delightful

fragrance of Suffering Joy

because you are

patient & not afraid

because hope does not disappoint.