succession planning: a strategy for schools with a religious character

Succession Planning: a strategy for schools with a religious character London Dioceses – 23 June 2010

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Succession Planning: a strategy for schools with a religious character. London Dioceses – 23 June 2010. Key areas to cover. Why a strategy is needed How it has been developed What we are aiming to achieve How we will know we have been successful What happens next?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Succession Planning: a strategy for schools with a religious characterLondon Dioceses – 23 June 2010

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Key areas to cover

• Why a strategy is needed• How it has been developed• What we are aiming to achieve• How we will know we have been successful• What happens next?

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Why a succession planning strategy for “faith” schools- Demographics - Perception of headship- A long apprenticeship- Changes in pupil numbers- Diversity

- High level of headteacher readvertisements

- Having sufficient numbers of aspiring leaders able to articulate and lead the distinctiveness of a school with a religious character

These are issues for allschools

More intense in your sector

One of the key challenges for you and your governors

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Just a reminder of the demographic challenge which we face

33% are 55+

Head Teachers

64% are 50+

Sourced from the latest DCSF Pensions Database of Teacher Records (as at 31/03/2007)

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Heads have always been older but never in these unique numbers…

In 1997 only 40% of heads were 50 years or older and only 13% were 55 or over

1977 1987 1997 2007

50+ 43.2 42.1 40.3 64

55+ 19.4 21.2 12.8 33

DCSF sourced data

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The replacement supply of HT will come from the Senior Leader population

45% are 50+

Age Profile of non-HT Senior Leaders

Sourced from the latest DCSF Pensions Database of Teacher Records (as at 31/03/2007)

23% are 55+








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National College work with CESEW and NS up to 2009

• Grants provided to CESEW and NS, £100k each in 2007-08• CESEW: to develop DVD and publication and associated support

materials, support a national conference for governors and a series of regional projects

• NS: to support regional conferences, develop case studies and DvD, and develop a strategy

• Diocesan engagement with local solutions

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The development of the 2010 /11 strategy – key partnership between the CESEW and NS• Initial approach by National College• Residential conference in December 09 with diocesan colleagues• Working group established with diocesan and LA representatives• 3 meetings held• Strategy completed in April 10

• The CESEW and NS are intending to complement our strategy with their own associated strategies and materials

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What the strategy aims to achieve

• To secure a sufficient supply of high quality leaders at all levels in schools with a religious character which results in:

• An increase in the number, quality and diversity of aspiring leaders in the sector

• An increase in the retention and reinvigoration of current leaders• An overall improvement in the quality of school leadership and

therefore outcomes for children• An increased strategic involvement of governors in succession

planning and leadership development• A sustainable approach

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The essence of the strategy is a “deal”

• The deal is between the College and dioceses and, us together, with aspiring leaders, existing leaders and governors

The “deal” provides details of what:- We will provide to you- You will provide to us- Working together, what we will provide for:

- aspiring leaders- governors- experienced heads

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What we will provide to you….

• A wide range of materials to support succession planning including:• a Framework for Action specifically designed for dioceses• a range of materials which you can adapt to use with governors• regular termly updates of specific relevance for dioceses and your

governing bodies (for 10-11, the dates are 10 Sept, 7 January and 15 April)

• Funding available to:• support dioceses working in regional groups to engage with and support the

implementation of the strategy• enable groups of dioceses to offer aspiring leaders leadership formation


• Twice yearly analysis of the progress being made with the strategy• Enhanced College website with a specific section for the “faith” sector• Individual support from our team of National Succession Consultants

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What you will provide for us

• A completed self-evaluation form twice a year (January and July)

• Up-to-date links to diocesan web sites

• A named Succession Planning contact from each diocese as the key link person with the College

• 2 named lead dioceses in each region (1 Anglican and 1 Catholic) (£15k to support increased capacity for each regional group to engage with the strategy)

• A range of case studies reflecting the progress being made

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What, working together, we will provide for aspiring leaders of schools with a religious character• Regional “taster” workshops for those interested in furthering their

vocation/career in schools with a religious character (up to £5k per region)• A menu of individual support for those who aspire to leadership in schools

with a religious character and are yet to complete the NPQH programme (up to £15k per region)

• Tailored events for those with NPQH who are close to leadership positions in schools with a religious character (in 3 “supra” regions – up to £13k per supra region)

• Consider developing a promotional leaflet encouraging aspiring leaders in community schools to consider a career move to the “faith” sector (up to £4k per region)

(NB. • events jointly planned by Anglican and Catholic dioceses with some potential

for separate sessions where essential; • likely to be on Saturdays to avoid rarely cover issues; • target of minimum number of participants for each type of event; • opportunities to link up with other local National College projects (e.g.

Regional Targeted Fund)

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What, working together, we will provide for experienced heads of schools with a religious character• encouragement and opportunities to be engaged in supporting:

• dioceses in succession planning • those who aspire to leadership in schools with a religious character• a range of models of leadership

(NB. The assumption is that dioceses will look to their most experienced heads to support and facilitate many of the events)

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What, working together, we will provide for governors of schools with a religious character

• regular termly updates on succession planning drawing on national and regional information including information on key national programmes

• supporting materials and examples of how governors can routinely engage on issues of leadership development and succession planning

• supporting materials and examples of emerging models of leadership and school-to-school partnerships

• up-to-date information about succession planning via the College and individual diocesan websites

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And an enhanced website

A specific section of the National College website with sections designed for:

- Dioceses- Aspiring leaders- Governors

- With click-through to all diocesan websites

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Summary of available funding

• Funding available for Catholic and Anglican dioceses working collaboratively within each region (or supra regionally for NPQH plus):

• £15k – Capacity building for regional groups of dioceses

• £5k– Regional ‘taster’ workshop

• £15k – Regional pre-NPQH programme

• £4k – (optional) Development of a regional promotional leaflet

So, £39k per region (assumes 9 regions)

• Plus £13k – Supra-regional NPQH plus event

Total funding available to dioceses: £390k

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How we will know we have been successful – there are a number of success criteria including• A reduction in ht re-advertising rates • An increase in the average number of applicants for headteacher

vacancies• An increase in the number of headteachers involved in system

leadership work• An increase in the number of teachers who say that they aspire to

be leaders in schools with a religious character • A judgement that more governing bodies engage strategically

with succession planning • All dioceses engage with the National College

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What next?

• Receive Framework for Action• Nominate a succession planning (SP) named contact officer per

diocese• Confirm with the College your website address• Start to plan, including key events for aspiring leaders and how to

use the materials for governors • Start to think about the information needed to complete the SEF

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And in London

• Consider key issues such as the demographic challenge, readvertising rates for senior posts and the NPQH throughput in your area

• Decide on your lead diocese(s)• Start to plan - including key events for aspiring leaders and plan

how to use the materials for governors (and submit a short application to the College to confirm plans and secure funding)

• Start to think about what information is needed to complete the SEF

• Take into account what is already being organised by LAs and consider making links if sensible and practicable

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Key rolesRole of lead regional diocese:• To engage with and champion the implementation of the strategy within every diocese

in the region• To provide support to the SP lead in each diocese• To facilitate and coordinate the planning and implementation of regional events for

aspiring leaders and oversee the submission of the short application to the College to draw down funds

• To receive the funding from the College and ensure its appropriate use• To consider involving other local providers of schools with a religious character (such as

inviting aspiring leaders to events)

Role of diocesan SP lead• To work with the regional group of dioceses to implement the strategy• To publicise events for aspiring leaders• To encourage your most experienced and effective heads to support the strategy and

its associated events• To consider how to make use of the materials for governors as part of their ongoing

training programme • To be responsible for completing the SEF and ensuring an appropriate data set is

available• To link with one of your regional NSC team especially with regard to your SEF• To encourage good links between your and the College’s website

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Materials and support

Framework for Action • A publication providing an underpinning framework to support succession

planning• 5 Foundations for Success and 7 Local Actions • Adapted from the earlier Framework and specifically designed for dioceses• Contains a range of materials (section 3) which you will want to further adapt

to your context• We will add to these materials via the website and the termly updates for


The web and communications• Enhanced section of the College’s website acting as a source of information,

case studies, ideas and links through to dioceses• Specific sections for governors, aspiring leaders and dioceses• Importance of aligning diocesan websites• Likely to generate high level of “click-through traffic”

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Self–evaluation form (SEF)

• Provides a snap shot of succession planning in your diocese• A data section covering mostly recruitment and workforce

information• A commentary section which provides a series of descriptor

statements covering:• governing body engagement• diocesan/LA collaboration• aspiring leaders• experienced leaders

• The College will provide an overall summary of what dioceses are reporting following each SEF

• The Framework for Action contains a guidance note about its completion

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Role of the regional NSC team

• Overseeing regional activity and liaison with regional group • Twice yearly SEF visit• Notification of good practice• Contributions to termly newsletters to dioceses

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Specific support for governors

• Offering a model succession planning and leadership development policy which governors can adapt and adopt – examples contained in the Framework for Action

• Providing termly sets of briefing materials for governors (first set of materials to be published on 10 Sept)

• Providing materials for specific sets of governors including newly appointed governors, CoGs likely to be appointing a head within 12 months, the possible role of a succession planning governor and teacher governors

• Developing a section of the College website for governors of faith schools

• Providing updates about the College’s key programmes such as leadership models and partnerships (via the termly updates)

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Specific support for aspiring leaders

• Taster days for those aspiring to leadership position in faith schools, targeted at both those in community schools & currently in faith schools• A target of 100 participants per region• A set of materials to be provided to support event (by 10 Sept)• Assumption of a Saturday event supported by inspirational heads• Welcome by diocesan colleagues or local bishop• Likely to be one or two events across the region• A joint Anglican and Catholic event with some but limited separate

sessions• Up to £5k available per region (event plan and costs required)

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Specific support for aspiring leaders (cont.)

• Support for pre-NPQH aspiring leaders (up to 18 months away from applying)• A target of at least 15 participants per region• A set of materials to be provided to support the event (available on 10

Sept)• Likely to be a combination of a one-day event and some follow up and

ongoing support (e.g. mentoring and work shadowing ) and a visit to a Church school

• Publicity could be through parishes as part of a diocesan-wide campaign

• Funding of up to £15k per region (short application required)• Dioceses could explore link up with LA regional targeted fund

collaborative programmes

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Specific support for aspiring leaders (cont.)

Support for those with NPQH who are close to headship• Support available to 3 supra regions (i.e. north/midlands/south)• A target of at least 20 participants per region• A set of materials to be provided to support the event (available on 10

Sept)• Likely to be a two-day residential event supported by experienced hts • Funding of up to £13k per super region (short application required)• Dioceses could explore link up with LA regional targeted fund

collaborative programmes

• Support to regional groups of dioceses to develop a leaflet encouraging aspiring leaders to consider leadership positions in schools with a religious character (up to £4k in each region)

• Developing a section of the College website for aspirant leaders in faith schools

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Support for Dioceses

• Framework for Action – a detailed source of advice and materials about developing succession planning in your region

• Holding regional launch event about the strategy and the “deal”• Financial support to each region to help manage the work (£15k

per region)• Support from NSC team with regard to the SEF• A range of materials to support specific events such as for aspiring

leaders and governors• Enhanced website section with specific section for dioceses• Termly updates of materials, events, briefings