succession digests 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Succession Digests 2


    SUCCESSION A2010 page 17

    Late DigestsABANGAN v ABANGAN

    40 Phil 476AVANCENA

    FACTS- On September 19, 1917, CFI of Ceb !"mitte" to prob!te An! Ab!n#!n$% &ille'e(te" )l*, 1916+ From thi% "e(i%ion the opponent% !ppe!le"+- he &ill (on%i%t% of %heet%+ he fir%t (ont!in% !ll the "i%po%ition of thete%t!tri', "l* %i#ne" !t the bottom b* .!rtin .ont!lb!n /in the n!me !n" n"erthe "ire(tion of the te%t!tri' !n" b* three &itne%%e%+ he follo&in# %heet(ont!in% onl* the !tte%t!tion (l!%e "l* %i#ne" !t the bottom b* the threein%trment!l &itne%%e%+ Neither of these sheets is signed on the left marginby the testatrix and the three witnesses, nor nmbered by letters + he%eomi%%ion%, !((or"in# to !ppell!nt%$ (ontention, !re "efe(t% &hereb* the prob!teof the &ill %hol" h!e been "enie"+

    !SS"#2ON the &ill &!% "l* !"mitte" to prob!te+

    $#LD3ES+ In reirin# th!t e!(h !n" eer* %heet of the &ill be %i#ne" on the leftm!r#in b* the te%t!tor !n" three &itne%%e% in the pre%en(e of e!(h other,A%tNo& '()*ei"entl* h!% for it% ob5e(t the !oi"!n(e of %b%tittion of !n* of %!i"%heet% &hi(h m!* (h!n#e the "i%po%ition of the te%t!tri'+ Bt when thesedis+ositions are wholly written on only one sheet /!% in the in%t!nt (!%e%i#ne" !t the bottom b* the te%t!tor !n" three &itne%%e%, their %i#n!tre% on theleft m!r#in of %!i" %heet !re not !n*more ne(e%%!r* !% %(h &ill beprpo%ele%%+In reirin# th!t e!(h !n" eer* p!#e of ! &ill m%t be nmbere" (orrel!tiel* inletter% pl!(e" on the pper p!rt of the %heet, it i% lie&i%e (le!r th!t the ob5e(t ofA(t No+ 64 i% to no& &hether !n* %heet of the &ill h!% been remoe"+ 8t,&hen !ll the "i%po%itie p!rt% of ! &ill !re &ritten on one %heet onl*, the ob5e(t ofthe %t!tte "i%!ppe!r% be(!%e the remo!l of thi% %in#le %heet, !ltho#hnnmbere", (!nnot be hi""en+

    In ! &ill (on%i%tin# of t&o %heet% the fir%t of &hi(h (ont!in% !ll the te%t!ment!r*"i%po%ition% !n" i% %i#ne" !t the bottom b* the te%t!tor !n" three &itne%%e% !n"the %e(on" (ont!in% onl* the !tte%t!tion (l!%e !n" i% %i#ne" !l%o !t the bottomb* the three &itne%%e%, it i% not ne(e%%!r* th!t both %heet% be frther %i#ne" ontheir m!r#in% b* the te%t!tor !n" the &itne%%e%, or be p!#e"+he ob5e(t of the %olemnitie% %rron"in# the e'e(tion of &ill% i% to (lo%e the"oor !#!in%t b!" f!ith !n" fr!", to !oi" %b%tittion of &ill% !n" te%t!ment%!n" to #!r!nt* their trth !n" !thenti(it*+ herefore the l!&% on thi% %b5e(t%hol" be interprete" in %(h ! &!* !% to !tt!in the%e primor"!l en"%+ 8t, onthe other h!n", !l%o one m%t not lo%e %i#ht of the f!(t th!t it i% not the ob5e(t ofthe l!& to re%tr!in !n" (rt!il the e'er(i%e of the ri#ht to m!e ! &ill+ So &hen!n interpret!tion !lre!"* #ien !%%re% %(h en"%, !n* other interpret!tion&h!t%oeer, th!t !""% nothin# bt "em!n"% more rei%ite% entirel*nne(e%%!r*, %ele%% !n" fr%t!tie of the te%t!tor$% l!%t &ill, m%t be"i%re#!r"e"+

    S"-.A v $-NAD-A+.+ No+ 06

    A:INO; e%pon"ent 5"#e !"mitte" to prob!te ! &ill, &hi(h on it% f!(e i% oi" be(!%eit i% &ritten in En#li%h, ! l!n#!#e not no&n to the illiter!te te%t!tri', !n" &hi(hi% prob!bl* for#e"+- .!ro Sro?!, ! member of the :S Arm* m!rrie" .!r(elin! S!l!"or+ he*&ere (hil"le%% bt the* re!re" ! bo* n!me" A#!pito+ .!ro "ie" !n" .!r(elin!be(!me ! pen%ioner of the Fe"er!l @oernment+- A#!pito m!rrie" Nenit! !n" h!" ! (hil" ili!+ A#!pito &!% eent!ll* "i%!ble"!n" Nenit! &!% !ppointe" #!r"i!n &hen he &!% "e(l!re" !% in(ompetent in !(ort pro(ee"in#+ Ar%eni! "el! Cr? !l%o &!nte" to be A#!pito$% #!r"i!n+ Shetrie" to proe th!t Nenit! &!% nf!ithfl to A#!pito+ he %e(on" #!r"i!n%hippro(ee"in# &!% "i%mi%%e" !n" Nenit!$% !ppointment &!% (onfirme"+- Spo%e% Antonio S* !n" Bermo#en! !l!n be#ot ! (hil" n!me" .!ril*n S*,&ho &!% entr%te" to Ar%eni! !n" l!ter "eliere" to .!r(elin! S!l!"or Sro?!+.!ril*n &!% bro#ht p !% the %ppo%e" "!#hter of A#!pito, bt %he &!% notle#!ll* !"opte"+ .!rli*n m!rrie" O%(!r .e"r!no

    - .!r(elin! %ppo%e"l* e'e(te" ! not!ri!l &ill &hen %he &!% 7 *e!r% ol"+

  • 8/11/2019 Succession Digests 2


    SUCCESSION A2010 page 18

    That will which is in English was thumbmarked by her+ She was illiterate..!r(elin! bee!the" !ll her e%t!te to her %ppo%e" #r!n""!#hter .!ril*n+2hen .!r(elin! "ie", %he o&ne" ! 10-%!re meter lot !n" ho%e in th!tpl!(e+- .!rin! P!5e, !lle#e" to be ! l!n"r*&om!n of .!r(elin! !n" the e'e(tri' inher &ill, file" &ith the Cort ! petition for the prob!te of .!r(elin!$% !lle#e" &ill+he (!%e &!% !%%i#ne" to )"#e >e*n!l"o P+ Bonr!"o+- )"#e Bonr!"o !ppointe" .!rin! !% !"mini%tr!tri'+- :pon motion of .!rin!, )"#e Bonr!"o i%%e" !nother or"er in%tr(tin# !"ept* %heriff to e5e(t the o((p!nt% of the te%t!tri'$% ho%e, !mon# &hom &!%Nenit! V+ Sro?!, !n" to pl!(e .!rin! in po%%e%%ion thereof+ h!t or"er !lerte"Nenit! to the e'i%ten(e of the te%t!ment!r* pro(ee"in# for the %ettlement of.!r(elin!$% e%t!te+ She !n" the other o((p!nt% of the "e(e"ent$% ho%e file" !motion to %et !%i"e the or"er e5e(tin# them+ he* !lle#e" th!t the "e(e"ent$%%on A#!pito &!% the %ole heir of the "e(e!%e", th!t he h!% ! "!#hter n!me"ili!, th!t Nenit! &!% A#!pito$% #!r"i!n !n" th!t .!ril*n &!% not A#!pito$%"!#hter nor the "e(e"ent$% #r!n""!#hter+ !ter, the* e%tione" the prob!te(ort$% 5ri%"i(tion to i%%e the e5e(tment or"er+-)"#e Bonr!"o i%%e" !n or"er prob!tin# her %ppo%e" &ill &herein .!ril*n&!% the in%titte" heire%%+- Nenit! file" in the te%t!te (!%e !n omnib% petition Dto %et !%i"e pro(ee"in#%,!"mit oppo%ition &ith (onter-petition for !"mini%tr!tion !n" prelimin!r*in5n(tionD+ Nenit! reiter!te" her !lle#!tion th!t .!ril*n &!% ! %tr!n#er to.!r(elin!, th!t the &ill &!% not "l* e'e(te" !n" !tte%te", th!t it &!% pro(re"b* me!n% of n"e inflen(e emplo*e" b* .!rin! !n" .!ril*n !n" th!t thethmbm!r% of the te%t!tri' &ere pro(re" b* fr!" or tri(+- .!rin! in her !n%&er !"mitte" th!t .!ril*n &!% not .!r(elin!$% #r!n""!#hterbt &!% the "!#hter of A#!pito !nd Arsenia de la Cruz and that Agapito wasnot Marcelina's sonbt merel* !n anak-anakan&ho &!% not le#!ll* !"opte"+- )"#e Bonr!"o "i%mi%%e" Nenit!$% (onter-petition for the i%%!n(e of letter%of !"mini%tr!tion be(!%e of the non-!ppe!r!n(e of her (on%el !t the he!rin#+- In ! motion for the (on%oli"!tion of !ll pen"in# in(i"ent%, Nenit! V+ Sro?!reiter!te" her (ontention th!t the !lle#e" &ill i% oi" be(!%e .!r(elin! "i" not!ppe!r before the not!r* !n" be(!%e it i% &ritten in En#li%h &hi(h i% not no&nto her+

    - )"#e Bonr!"o D"enie"D the !rio% in(i"ent% Dr!i%e"D b* Nenit!+

    - Nenit! Dfile" ! (!%e to !nnlD the prob!te pro(ee"in#% &hi(h &!% !%%i#ne" to)"#e Bonr!"o+ It &!% "i%mi%%e"+- )"#e Bonr!"o (lo%e" the te%t!ment!r* pro(ee"in#+- Abot ten month% l!ter, Nenit! (h!r#e" )"#e Bonr!"o &ith h!in# prob!te"the fr!"lent &ill of .!r(elin!+ Nenit! frther !lle#e" th!t )"#e Bonr!"o, in%pite of hi% no&le"#e th!t the te%t!tri' h!" ! %on n!me" A#!pito, &ho &!%preterite" in the &ill, "i" not t!e into !((ont the (on%een(e% of %(h !preterition+- Nenit! file" in the CA !#!in%t )"#e Bonr!"o ! petition for (ertior!ri !n"prohibition &herein %he pr!*e" th!t the &ill, the "e(ree of prob!te !n" !ll thepro(ee"in#% in the prob!te (!%e be "e(l!re" oi"+ Att!(he" to the petition &!%the !ffi"!it of

  • 8/11/2019 Succession Digests 2


    SUCCESSION A2010 page 19

    - In the openin# p!r!#r!ph of the &ill, it &!% %t!te" th!t En#li%h &!% ! l!n#!#eDn"er%too" !n" no&nD to the te%t!tri'+ 8t in it% (on(l"in# p!r!#r!ph, it &!%%t!te" th!t the &ill &!% re!" to the te%t!tri' D!n" tr!n%l!te" into Filipinol!n#!#eD+ h!t (ol" onl* me!n th!t the &ill &!% &ritten in ! l!n#!#e notno&n to the illiter!te te%t!tri' !n", therefore, it i% oi" be(!%e of them!n"!tor* proi%ion of !rti(le =04 of the Ciil Co"e th!t eer* &ill m%t bee'e(te" in ! l!n#!#e or "i!le(t no&n to the te%t!tor+ h%, ! &ill &ritten inEn#li%h, &hi(h &!% not no&n to the I#orot te%t!tor, i% oi" !n" &!% "i%!llo&e"+:n"er the (ir(m%t!n(e%, &e fin" hi% ne#li#en(e !n" "ereli(tion of "t* to beine'(%!ble+

    /ALA0 v #L-1A1 SC>A 7

    .EENCIO-BE>>E>A; September =, 19=4

    FACTS- On September 1, 1971, pri!te re%pon"ent @>E@O>IO + AA2, (l!imin#to be the %ole heir of hi% "e(e!%e" %i%ter, N!tii"!" + !l!&, file" ! petitionbefore the Cort of Fir%t In%t!n(e of 8!t!n#!%, 8r!n(h VI, ip! Cit*, for theprob!te of her holo#r!phi( 2ill e'e(te" on E@O>IO moe" for re(on%i"er!tion !r#in# th!t %in(e the!lter!tion% !n"Gor in%ertion% &ere the te%t!tri', the "eni!l to prob!te of herholo#r!phi( 2ill &ol" be (ontr!r* to her ri#ht o f te%t!ment!r* "i%po%ition+>e(on%i"er!tion &!% "enie" in !n Or"er, "!te" Noember , 197, on the#ron" th!t Arti(le =14 of the Ciil Co"e bein# (le!r !n" e'pli(it reire% none(e%%it* for interpret!tion+- From th!t Or"er, "!te" September , 197, "en*in# prob!te, !n" the Or"er"!te" Noember , 197 "en*in# re(on%i"er!tion, >OSA file" thi% Petition for>eie& on (ertior!ri

    !SS"#2ON the original unalteredte't !fter %b%eent !lter!tion% !n" in%ertion%&ere oi"e" b* the ri!l Cort for l!( of !thenti(!tion b* the fll %i#n!tre ofthe te%t!tri'

    $#LD- Or"in!ril*, &hen ! numberof er!%re%, (orre(tion%, !n" interline!tion% m!"eb* the te%t!tor in ! ho lo#r!phi( 2ill litem not been note" n"er hi% %i#n!tre+++the 2ill i% not thereb* in!li"!te" !% ! &hole, bt !t mo%t onl* !% re%pe(t% thep!rti(l!r &or"% er!%e", (orre(te" or interline"+- Bo&eer, &hen !% in thi% (!%e, the holo#r!phi( 2ill in "i%pte h!" onl* one%b%t!nti!l proi%ion, &hi(h &!% !ltere" b* %b%tittin# the ori#in!l heir &ith!nother, bt &hi(h !lter!tion "i" not (!rr* the rei%ite of fll !thenti(!tion b*the fll %i#n!tre of the te%t!tor, the effe(t m%t be th!t the entire 2ill i% oi"e"or reoe" for the %imple re!%on th!t nothin# rem!in% in the 2ill !fter th!t &hi(h(ol" rem!in !li"+ o %t!te th!t the 2ill !% fir%t &ritten %hol" be #ien effi(!(*i% to "i%re#!r" the %eemin# (h!n#e of min" of the te%t!tri'+ 8t th!t (h!n#e ofmin" (!n neither be #ien effe(t be(!%e %he f!ile" to !thenti(!te it in them!nner reire" b* l!& b* !ffi'in# her fll %i#n!tre+

    -"NDS ' and 2

    1!!& #1-CAT!-N -F 0!LLS AND T#STA3#NTA4 D!S5-S!T!-N

  • 8/11/2019 Succession Digests 2


    SUCCESSION A2010 page 20

    L!5ANA v L!5ANA70 PBI =6

    .O>AN; )ne =, 1940

    NAT"#Ori#in!l !(tion in the Spreme Cort+ Certior!ri+

    FACTS- Elio"or! ip!n! file" !n !ppli(!tion for the prob!te of ! &ill %ppo%e"l*e'e(te" b* the "e(e!%e", .!nel! ip!n!+- N!tii"!" ip!n! file" !n oppo%ition, !lle#in# th!t ei"en(e &!% nne(e%%!r*pon the %ppo%e" f!(t% !n" th!t the &ill &!% not e'e(te" !((or"in# to l!&+- he !ppli(!tion &!% "i%mi%%e" on the #ron" th!t %(h (op* (ol" not be!"mitte" to prob!te, it not h!in# been %i#ne" b* the te%t!tri' !n" the !tte%tin#&itne%%e% !t the en" thereof !n" on the left m!r#in of e!(h p!#e+

    !SS"#2ON the "i%mi%%!l b* the re%pon"ent (ort &!% (orre(t

    $#LDNOReasoning- he pronon(ement m!"e b* the re%pon"ent (ort th!t the &ill h!" not beene'e(te" in !((or"!n(e &ith l!&, i% fon"e" n"obte"l* on the erroneo%!%%mption th!t the prob!te of the (!rbon (op* of the &ill &!% bein# !pplie" for+S(h (op* &!% !tt!(he" to the !ppli(!tion merel* to (orrobor!te the !lle#!tion!% to the e'i%ten(e of it% ori#in!l !n" not to e%t!bli%h ! fll (ompli!n(e &ith thereirement% of the l!& !% to the e'e(tion of the &ill+- :n"er %e(tion 6 of A(t No+ 190, if ! &ill i% %ho&n to h!e been torn b* %omeother per%on &ithot the e'pre%% "ire(tion of the te%t!tor, it m!* be !"mitte" toprob!te, if it% (ontent%, "e e'e(tion !n" it% n!thori?e" "e%tr(tion !ree%t!bli%he" b* %!ti%f!(tor* ei"en(e+- he !ppli(!nt, therefore, &!% entitle" to he!rin# to proe the "e e'e(tion ofthe ori#in!l &ill !n" it% lo%% or "e%tr(tion, !n" the re%pon"ent (ort h!" no%t!ttor* !thorit* to "i%mi%% the !ppli(!tion &ithot %(h he!rin#+

    - It i% !lle#e" therein th!t the ori#in!l &!% in the po%%e%%ion of ! thir" per%on or

    th!t it &!% either lo%t or "e%tro*e" b* %ome per%on other th!n the te%t!tri'+ he!ppli(!nt, therefore, &!% entitle" to he!rin# to proe the "e e'e(tion of theori#in!l &ill !n" it% lo%% or "e%tr(tion, !n" the re%pon"ent (ort h!" no%t!ttor* !thorit* to "i%mi%% the !ppli(!tion &ithot %(h he!rin#, !ll in!((or"!n(e &ith Se(+ 6 of A(t 190+

    GAG- v 3A3"4AC49 Phil 90

    )OBNSON; )!n 9, 197

    FACTS- .i#el .!m*!( e'e(te" ! l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment on )l* 7, 191= /fir%t&ill+ On )!n, 19, Fr!n(i%(o @!#o pre%ente" ! petition in the CFI of ! :nionfor the prob!tion of th!t &ill+ hi% &!% oppo%e" b* Cornelio .!m*!(, Ambro%io!rio%!, Feli(i!n! 8!?on, !n" C!t!lin! .!m*!(+ he petition for prob!tion&!% "enie" on the #ron" th!t the "e(e!%e" h!" e'e(te" ! ne& &ill !n"te%t!ment on April 16, 1919 /%e(on" &ill+ .i#el .!m*!( "ie" on )!n , 19+- he pre%ent petition, file" on Feb 1, 19, i% inten"e" to %e(re the prob!tionof the %e(on" &ill+ Cornelio .!m*!(, Ambro%io !rio%!, Feli(i!n! 8!?on, !n"C!t!lin! .!m*!( pre%ente" their oppo%ition%, !lle#in# /a th!t the %!i" &ill i% !(op* of the %e(on" &ill !n" te%t!ment e'e(te" b* the %!i" .i#el .!m*!(;/b th!t the %!me h!" been (!n(elle" !n" reoe" "rin# the lifetime of .i#el.!m*!( !n" /c th!t the %!i" &ill &!% not the l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment of the"e(e!%e" .i#el .!m*!(+- he CFI "enie" the prob!tion of the %e(on" &ill, pon the #ron" th!t the%!me h!" been (!n(elle" !n" reoe" in the *e!r 190+- @!#o (onten"% th!t the lo&er (ort (ommitte" !n error in not fin"in# from theei"en(e th!t the &ill in e%tion h!" been e'e(te" &ith !ll the form!litie%reire" b* the l!&; th!t the %!me h!" been reoe" !n" (!n(elle" in 190before hi% "e!th; th!t the %!i" &ill &!% ! mere (!rbon (op* !n" th!t theoppo%itor% &ere not e%toppe" from !lle#in# th!t f!(t+

    !SS"#2ON the CFI erre" in not #r!ntin# the prob!tion of .i#el .!m*!(H% %e(on"&ill

  • 8/11/2019 Succession Digests 2


    SUCCESSION A2010 page 21

    $#LDN-- A% to the (!n(ell!tion of the &ill, there i% po%itie proof, not "enie", &hi(h &!%!((epte" b* the lo&er (ort, th!t &ill in e%tion h!" been (!n(elle" in 190+he l!& "oe% not reire !n* ei"en(e of the reo(!tion or (!n(ell!tion of ! &illto be pre%ere"+ he f!(t th!t %(h (!n(ell!tion or reo(!tion h!% t!en pl!(em%t either rem!in nproe" or be inferre" from ei"en(e %ho&in# th!t !fter"e %e!r(h the ori#in!l &ill (!nnot be fon"+ 2here ! &ill &hi(h (!nnot befon" i% %ho&n to h!e been in the po%%e%%ion of the te%t!tor, &hen l!%t %een,the pre%mption i%, in the !b%en(e of other (ompetent ei"en(e, th!t the %!me&!% (!n(elle" or "e%tro*e"+ he %!me pre%mption !ri%e% &here it i% %ho&nth!t the te%t!tor h!" re!"* !((e%% to the &ill !n" it (!nnot be fon" !fter hi%"e!th+ It &ill not be pre%me" th!t %(h &ill h!% been "e%tro*e" b* !n* otherper%on &ithot the no&le"#e or !thorit* of the te%t!tor+ he for(e of thepre%mption of (!n(ell!tion or reo(!tion b* the te%t!tor, &hile !r*in# #re!tl*,bein# &e! or %tron# !((or"in# to the (ir(m%t!n(e%, i% neer (on(l%ie, btm!* be oer(ome b* proof th!t the &ill &!% not "e%tro*e" b* the te%t!tor &ithintent to reoe it+- In ! pro(ee"in# to prob!te ! &ill the br"en of proof% i% pon the proponent(le!rl* to e%t!bli%h not onl* it% e'e(tion bt it% e'i%ten(e+ B!in# proe" it%e'e(tion b* the proponent%, the br"en i% on the (onte%t!nt to %ho& th!t it h!%been reoe"+ In ! #re!t m!5orit* of in%t!n(e% in &hi(h &ill% !re "e%tro*e" forthe prpo%e of reoin# them there i% no &itne%% to the !(t of (!n(ell!tion or"e%tr(tion !n" !ll ei"en(e of it% (!n(ell!tion peri%he% &ith the te%t!tor+ Copie%of &ill% %hol" be !"mitte" b* the (ort% &ith #re!t (!tion+ 2hen it i% proen,ho&eer, b* proper te%timon* th!t ! &ill &!% e'e(te" in "pli(!te !n" e!(h(op* &!% e'e(te" &ith !ll the form!litie% !n" reirement% of the l!&, then the"pli(!te m!* be !"mitte" in ei"en(e &hen it i% m!"e to !ppe!r th!t theori#in!l h!% been lo%t !n" &!% not (!n(elle" or "e%tro*e" b* the te%t!tor+/8orromeo %s.C!%i5o

    3AL-T- v CA1 SC>A 41

    SA>.IENO; Febr!r* 9, 19==


    - O(t+0, 196, A"ri!n! .!loto "ie" le!in# !% heir% her nie(e !n" nephe&%,the petitioner% Al"in! .!loto-C!%i!no !n" Con%t!n(io .!loto, !n" the pri!tere%pon"ent% P!nfilo .!loto !n" Felino .!loto+ 8eliein# th!t the "e(e!%e" "i"not le!e behin" ! l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment, the%e for heir% (ommen(e" !ninte%t!te pro(ee"in# for the %ettlement of their !nt$% e%t!te+ Bo&eer, &hile the(!%e &!% %till in pro#re%%, the p!rtie% e'e(te" !n !#reement of e'tr!5"i(i!l%ettlement of A"ri!n!$% e%t!te+ he !#reement proi"e" for the "ii%ion of thee%t!te into for e!l p!rt% !mon# the p!rtie%+ he .!loto% then pre%ente" thee'tr!5"i(i!l %ettlement !#reement to the tri!l (ort for !ppro!l &hi(h the (ort"i"+- *e!r% l!ter, Att*+ Slpi(io P!lm!, ! former !%%o(i!te of A"ri!n!$% (on%el/Att+Ber!%, "i%(oere" ! "o(ment entitle" DAAP:SAN N@APA@8:8:A-AN /e%t!mento,D "!te" )!n!r* ,1940, !n" prportin# to bethe l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment of A"ri!n!+ Att*+ P!lm! (l!ime" to h!e fon" thete%t!ment, the ori#in!l (op*, &hile he &!% #oin# thro#h %ome m!teri!l% in%i"ethe (!binet "r!&er formerl* %e" b* Att*+ Ber!%+- he "o(ment &!% %bmitte" to the offi(e of the (ler of the CFI of Iloilo+In(i"ent!ll*, &hile P!nfilo !n" Felino !re %till n!me" !% heir% in the %!i" &ill,Al"in! !n" Con%t!n(io !re bee!the" m(h bi##er !n" more !l!ble %h!re%in the e%t!te of A"ri!n! th!n &h!t the* re(eie" b* irte of the !#reement ofe'tr!5"i(i!l %ettlement the* h!" e!rlier %i#ne"+ he &ill lie&i%e #ie% "ei%e%!n" le#!(ie% to other p!rtie%, !mon# them bein# the petitioner% A%ilo "e .olo,the >om!n C!tholi( Chr(h of .olo, !n" Prifi(!(ion .ir!flor+- h%, Al"in! !n" Con%t!n(io, 5oine" b* the other "ei%ee% !n" le#!tee%n!me" in the &ill, file" in Spe(i!l Pro(ee"in# No+ 176 ! motion forre(on%i"er!tion !n" !nnlment of the pro(ee"in#% therein !n" for the !llo&!n(eof the &ill+ 2hen the tri!l (ort "enie" their motion, the petitioner (!me to %+2e "i%mi%%e" th!t petition !n" !"i%e" th!t ! %ep!r!te pro(ee"in# for theprob!te of the !lle#e" &ill &ol" be the !ppropri!te ehi(le+- Si#nifi(!ntl*, the !ppell!te (ort &hile fin"in# !% in(on(l%ie the m!tter on2ON the "o(ment or p!per% !lle#e"l* brne" b* the ho%ehelp of A"ri!n!,pon in%tr(tion% of the te%t!tri', &!% in"ee" the &ill, (ontr!"i(te" it%elf !n"fon" th!t the &ill h!" been reoe"+ he CA %t!te" th!t the pre%en(e of!nim% reo(!n"i in the "e%tr(tion of the &ill h!", neerthele%%, been%ffi(ientl* proen+ he !ppell!te (ort b!%e" it% fin"in# on the f!(t% th!t the

    "o(ment &!% not in the t&o %!fe% in A"ri!n!$% re%i"en(e, b* the te%t!tri' #oin#

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    to the re%i"en(e of Att*+ Ber!% to retriee ! (op* of the &ill left in the l!tter$%po%%e%%ion, !n", her %eein# the %eri(e% of Att*+ P!lm! in or"er to h!e ! ne&&ill "r!&n p+

    !SS"#S1+ 2ON the &ill &!% reoe" b* A"ri!n!++ 2ON the (!%e i% b!rre" b* re% 5"i(!t!+

    $#LD1+ NO+Ratiohe proi%ion% of the NCC pertinent to the i%%e (!n be fon" in Arti(le=0+1It i% (le!r th!t the ph*%i(!l !(t of "e%tr(tion of ! &ill, lie brnin# in thi%(!%e, "oe% not per %e (on%titte !n effe(tie reo(!tion, nle%% the "e%tr(tioni% (ople" &ith !nim% reo(!n"i on the p!rt of the te%t!tor+ It i% not imper!tieth!t the ph*%i(!l "e%tr(tion be "one b* the te%t!tor him%elf+ It m!* beperforme" b* !nother per%on bt n"er the e'pre%% "ire(tion !n" in thepre%en(e of the te%t!tor+ Of (or%e, it #oe% &ithot %!*in# th!t the "o(ment"e%tro*e" m%t be the &ill it%elf+Reasoning In thi% (!%e, &hile !nim% reo(!n"i or the intention to reoe, m!*be (on(e"e", for th!t i% ! %t!te of min", *et th!t rei%ite !lone &ol" not%ffi(e+ Anim% reo(!n"i i% onl* one of the ne(e%%!r* element% for the effe(tiereo(!tion of ! l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment+ he intention to reoe m%t be!((omp!nie" b* the oert ph*%i(!l !(t of brnin#, te!rin#, obliter!tin#, or(!n(ellin# the &ill (!rrie" ot b* the te%t!tor or b* !nother per%on in hi%pre%en(e !n" n"er hi% e'pre%% "ire(tion+ here i% p!(it* of ei"en(e to %ho&(ompli!n(e &ith the%e reirement%+ For one, the "o(ment or p!per% brne"b* A"ri!n!$% m!i" &!% not %!ti%f!(toril* e%t!bli%he" to be ! &ill !t !ll, m(h le%%the &ill of A"ri!n!+ For !nother, the brnin# &!% not proen to h!e been "onen"er the e'pre%% "ire(tion of A"ri!n!+ An" then, the brnin# &!% not in herpre%en(e+ 8oth &itne%%e% &ere one in %t!tin# th!t the* &ere the onl* one%

    1Art+ =0+ No &ill %h!ll be reoe" e'(ept in the follo&in# (!%e%

    /1 8* impli(!tion of l!&; or/ 8* %ome &ill, (o"i(il, or other &ritin# e'e(te" !% proi"e" in (!%e of &ill% or/ &y burning tearing cancelling or obliterating the will with the intention o" re%oking it by the testator himsel" or by some other person in his presence and byhis e!press direction. (" burned torn cancelled or obliterated by some other person without the e!press direction o" the testator the will may still be established

    and the estate distributed in accordance therewith i" its contents and due e!ecution and the "act o" its unauthorized destruction cancellation or obliteration areestablished according to the )ules o" Court.

    pre%ent !t the pl!(e &here the %toe /pre%m!bl* in the it(hen &!% lo(!te" in&hi(h the p!per% proffere" !% ! &ill &ere brne"+- he re%pon"ent !ppell!te (ort in !%%e%%in# the ei"en(e pre%ente" b* thepri!te re%pon"ent%, (on(l"e" th!t the te%timon* of the t&o &itne%%e% &hote%tifie" in f!or of the &ill$% reo(!tion !ppe!r Din(on(l%ie+D 2e %h!re the%!me ie&+ No&here in the re(or"% before % "oe% it !ppe!r th!t the t&o&itne%%e%, @!"!lpe !n" El!"io, both illiter!te%, &ere neio(!bl* po%itieth!t the "o(ment brne" &!% in"ee" A"ri!n!$% &ill++ NO+he re%pon"ent% (l!im th!t thi% b!r &!% bro#ht !bot b* the petitioner%$ f!ilreto !ppe!l timel* from the or"er of the tri!l (ort in the inte%t!te pro(ee"in#"en*in# their /petitioner%$ motion to reopen the (!%e, !n" their pr!*er to !nnlthe preio% pro(ee"in#% therein !n" to !llo& the l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment of thel!te A"ri!n!+he "o(trine of re% !"5"i(!t! fin"% no !ppli(!tion in the pre%ent (ontroer%*+2e "o not fin" here the pre%en(e of !ll the rei%ite% of re% 5"i(!t!+here i% *et, %tri(tl* %pe!in#, no fin!l 5"#ment ren"ere" in%of!r !% the prob!teof A"ri!n! .!loto$% &ill i% (on(erne"+ Neither i% it ! 5"#ment on the merit% ofthe !(tion for prob!te+ here i% lie&i%e no I"entit* bet&een the (!%e of !(tionin inte%t!te pro(ee"in# !n" th!t in !n !(tion for prob!te+

    3-L- v 3-L-90 PBI 7

    AN@EO; 191

    NAT"#Appe!l from !n or"er of the Cort of Fir%t In%t!n(e of >i?!l !"mittin# to prob!tethe l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment of the "e(e!%e" .!ri!no .olo * e#!%pi e'e(te"on A#%t 17, 191=+

    FACTS.!ri!no .olo * e#!%pi "ie" on )!n!r* 4, 1941, in the mni(ip!lit* of P!%!*,proin(e of >i?!l, &ithot le!in# !n* for(e" heir either in the "e%(en"in# or!%(en"in# line+ Be &!% %rie", ho&eer, b* hi% &ife, the herein petitioner)!n! )!n V"!+ "e .olo, !n" b* hi% nie(e% !n" nephe&, the oppo%itor%-

    !ppell!nt%, ?, @li(eri! !n" Cornelio, !ll %rn!me" .olo, &ho &ere the

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    le#itim!te (hil"ren of C!n"i"o .olo * e#!%pi, "e(e!%e" brother of the te%t!tor+.!ri!no .olo * e#!%pi left two wills, one e'e(te" on A#%t 17, 191=, !n"!nother e'e(te" on )ne 0, 199+ BE AE> 2I CONAINS A CA:SE2BICB EP>ESS3 >EVOES BE 2I EEC:E< IN 191=+On Febr!r* 7, 1941, )!n! )!n V"!+ "e .olo file" in the Cort of Fir%tIn%t!n(e of >i?!l ! petition, %eein# the prob!te of the &ill e'e(te" b* the"e(e!%e" on )ne 0, 199+ here bein# no oppo%ition, the &ill &!% prob!te"+Bo&eer, pon petition file" b* the herein oppo%itor%, the or"er of the (ort!"mittin# the &ill to prob!te &!% %et !%i"e !n" the (!%e &!% reopene"+ Afterhe!rin#, !t &hi(h both p!rtie% pre%ente" their ei"en(e, the (ort ren"ere""e(i%ion denying the +robate of said willon the grond that the +etitionerfailed to +rove that the same was exe%ted in a%%ordan%e with law&In ie& of the "i%!llo&!n(e of the &ill e'e(te" on )ne 0, 199, the &i"o& onFebr!r* 4, 1944, filed another +etition for the +robate of the will exe%tedby the de%eased on Agst 67, 6869 , in the %!me (ort+ A#!in, the %!meoppo%itor% file" !n oppo%ition to the petition b!%e" on three #ron"% /1 th!tpetitioner i% no& e%toppe" from %eein# the prob!te of the &ill of 191=; / th!t%!i" &ill h!% not been e'e(te" in the m!nner reire" b* l!& !n" / th!t the&ill h!% been %b%eentl* reoe"+

    !SS"#2ON the "e(l!r!tion of nllit* of ! %b%eent &ill b* the prob!te (ort /the199 &ill in thi% (!%e, &hi(h prport% to reoe the 191= &ill &ol" h!e theeffe(t of re%rre(tin# the prior &ill+

    $#LD3EShi% i% the INE OF EVOCAION+ he f!ilreof the ne& te%t!ment!r* "i%po%ition, pon &ho%e !li"it* the reo(!tion"epen"%, i% ei!lent to the non-flfillment of ! %%pen%ie (on"ition, !n"BENCE P>EVENS BE >EVOCAION OF BE O>I@INA 2I+ 8t ! mereintent to m!e !t %ome time ! &ill in pl!(e of th!t "e%tro*e" &ill not ren"er the"e%tr(tion (on"ition!l+ It m%t !ppe!r th!t the reo(!tion i% "epen"ent ponthe !li" e'e(tion of ! ne& &ill+DA %b%eent &ill, (ont!inin# ! (l!%e reoin# ! preio% &ill, h!in# been

    "i%!llo&e", for the re!%on th!t it &!% not e'e(te" in (onformit* &ith the

    proi%ion% of %e(tion 61= of the Co"e of Ciil Pro(e"re !% to the m!in# of&ill%, (!nnot pro"(e the effe(t of !nnllin# the preio% &ill, in!%m(h !% %!i"reo(!tor* (l!%e i% oi" /S!m%on %+ N!!l, 41 Phil+, ==++BE BEO>3 ON 2BICB BIS P>INCIPE IS P>E SABEI>+ BE>E CAN BE>EFO>E 8E NO .ISAE AS O BIS INENIONOF E BE ESAO>


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    INENEVOE A 2I 2IB A P>ESEN INENION O .AE ANE2 ESA.ENA>3 BE O , AN< BAS 8EENAPPIE< 2BE>E A 2I 2AS O3E< AS A CONSE:ENCE OF A.ISAE OF A2 + + ++D /6= C+ )++ 799+Dhe rle i% e%t!bli%he" th!t &here the !(t of "e%tr(tion i% (onne(te" &ith them!in# of !nother &ill %o !% f!irl* to r!i%e the inferen(e th!t the te%t!tor me!ntthe reo(!tion of the ol" to "epen" pon the effi(!(* of the ne& "i%po%itioninten"e" to be %b%titte", the reo(!tion &ill be (on"ition!l !n" "epen"entpon the effi(!(* of the ne& "i%po%ition; !n" if, for !n* re!%on, the ne& &illinten"e" to be m!"e !% ! %b%titte i% inoper!tie, the reo(!tion f!il% !n" theori#in!l &ill rem!in% in fll for(e+D /@!r"ner, pp+ , +Dhi% i% the "o(trine of "epen"ent rel!tie reo(!tion+ he f!ilre of the ne&te%t!ment!r* "i%po%ition, pon &ho%e !li"it* the reo(!tion "epen"%, i%ei!lent to the non-flfillment of ! %%pen%ie (on"ition, !n" hen(e preent%the reo(!tion of the ori#in!l &ill+ 8t ! mere intent to m!e !t %ome time ! &illin pl!(e of th!t "e%tro*e" &ill not ren"er the "e%tr(tion (on"ition!l+ It m%t!ppe!r th!t the reo(!tion i% "epen"ent pon the !li" e'e(tion of ! ne& &ill+D/1 Ale'!n"er, p+ 71; @!r"ner, p+ +2e hol", therefore, th!t een in the %ppo%ition th!t the "e%tr(tion of theori#in!l &ill b* the te%t!tor (ol" be pre%me" from the f!ilre of the petitionerto pro"(e it in (ort, %(h "e%tr(tion (!nnot h!e the effe(t of "efe!tin# theprior &ill of 191= be(!%e of the f!(t th!t it i% fon"e" on the mi%t!en belief

    th!t the &ill of 199 h!% been !li"l* e'e(te" !n" &ol" be #ien "e effe(t+

    !:& ALL-0ANC# -F 0!LLS

    G"#1AA v G"#1AA74 Phil 479

    OKAEA; o%!rio @e!r!, &ho h!" her f!ther$% l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment in her (%to"*,"i" nothin# 5"i(i!ll* to inoe the te%t!ment!r* "i%po%ition% m!"e therein in herf!or, &hereb* the te%t!tor !(no&le"#e" her !% hi% n!tr!l "!#hter !n",!%i"e from (ert!in le#!(ie% !n" bee%t%, "ei%e" to her ! portion of 1+6171he(t!re% of the l!r#e p!r(el of l!n" "e%(ribe" in the &ill+ 8t ! little oer for*e!r% !fter the te%t!tor$% "emi%e, %he (ommen(e" the pre%ent !(tion !#!in%tErne%to .+ @e!r! !lone for the prpo%e hereinbefore in"i(!te"; !n" it &!%onl* "rin# the tri!l of thi% (!%e th!t %he pre%ente" the &ill to the (ort, not forthe prpo%e of h!in# it prob!te" bt onl* to proe th!t the "e(e!%e" Vi(torino+ @e!r! h!" !(no&le"#e" her !% hi% n!tr!l "!#hter+ :pon th!t proof of

    !(no&le"#ment %he (l!ime" her %h!re of the inherit!n(e from him, bt on the

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    theor* or !%%mption th!t he "ie" inte%t!te, be(!%e the &ill h!" not beenprob!te", for &hi(h re!%on, %he !%%erte", the betterment therein m!"e b* thete%t!tor in f!or of hi% le#itim!te %on Erne%to .+ @e!r! %hol" be"i%re#!r"e"+ 8oth the tri!l (ort !n" the Cort of Appe!l% %%t!ine" th!t theor*+

    !SS"#2ON the pro(e"re !"opte" b* the >o%!rio @e!r! i% %!n(tione" b* l!&

    $#LDNo+ 2e (!nnot %!n(tion the pro(e"re !"opte" b* the re%pon"ent >o%!rio@e!r!, it bein# in iol!tion of pro(e"r!l l!& !n" !n !ttempt to (ir(ment!n" "i%re#!r" the l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment of the "e(e"ent+ he Co"e of CiilPro(e"re, &hi(h &!% in for(e p to the time thi% (!%e &!% "e(i"e" b* the tri!l(ort, (ont!in% the follo&in# pertinent proi%ion%DSe(+ 6+Allo&!n(e Ne(e%%!r*, !n" Con(l%ie !% to E'e(tion+ L No &ill%h!ll p!%% either the re!l or per%on!l e%t!te, nle%% it i% proe" !n" !llo&e" inthe Cort of Fir%t In%t!n(e, or b* !ppe!l to the Spreme Cort; !n" the!llo&!n(e b* the (ort of ! &ill of re!l !n" per%on!l e%t!te %h!ll be (on(l%ie!% to it% "e e'e(tion+DSe(+ 66+C%to"i!n of 2ill to le 77, !n" %e(tion 64, C+ C+ P+-It &ill re!"il* be %een from the !boe proi%ion% of the l!& th!t the pre%ent!tionof ! &ill to the (ort for prob!te i% m!n"!tor* !n" it% !llo&!n(e b* the (ort i%e%%enti!l !n" in"i%pen%!ble to it% effi(!(*+ o !%%re !n" (ompel the prob!te of! &ill, the l!& pni%he% ! per%on &ho ne#le(t% hi% "t* to pre%ent it to the (ort&ith ! fine not e'(ee"in# P,000, !n" if he %hol" per%i%t in not pre%entin# it, hem!* be (ommitte" to pri%on !n" ept there ntil he "elier% the &ill+-2e hol" th!t if the "e(e"ent left ! &ill !n" no "ebt% !n" the heir% !n" le#!tee%"e%ire to m!e !n e'tr!5"i(i!l p!rtition of the e%t!te, the* m%t fir%t pre%ent th!t&ill to the (ort for prob!te !n" "ii"e the e%t!te in !((or"!n(e &ith the &ill+he* m!* not "i%re#!r" the proi%ion% of the &ill nle%% tho%e proi%ion% !re(ontr!r* to l!&+ Neither m!* the* "o !&!* &ith the pre%ent!tion of the &ill to the(ort for prob!te, be(!%e %(h %ppre%%ion of the &ill i% (ontr!r* to l!& !n"

    pbli( poli(*+ he l!& en5oin% the prob!te of the &ill !n" pbli( poli(* reire% it,be(!%e nle%% the &ill i% prob!te" !n" noti(e thereof #ien to the &hole &orl",the ri#ht of ! per%on to "i%po%e of hi% propert* b* &ill m!* be ren"ere"n#!tor*, !% i% !ttempte" to be "one in the in%t!nt (!%e+ Ab%ent le#!tee% !n""ei%ee%, or %(h of them !% m!* h!e no no&le"#e of the &ill, (ol" be(he!te" of their inherit!n(e thr the (oll%ion of %ome of the heir% &ho mi#ht!#ree to the p!rtition of the e%t!te !mon# them%ele% to the e'(l%ion of other%+

    D# B-;A v 1DA& D# D# B-;A@> -=040

    >E3ES, )8; A#%t 1=, 197

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    NAT"#Appe!l from "e(i%ion% of CFI >i?!l /h!n"lin# prob!te pro(ee"in# of )o%ef! !n"CFI N:e! E(i5! /h!n"lin# prob!te of Fr!n(i%(o

    FACTS- C!%t of Ch!r!(ter%Fr!n(i%(o "e 8or5! M h%b!n"G f!ther+ el!tion%hip bet&een n"&ife !n" i"% of 1%tm!rri!#e %in(e then h!"been pl!#e" &ith m!n* %it% /1= pen"in#+- o pt !n" en" to the nmero% liti#!tion%, ! (ompromi%e !#reement &!%entere" into, bet&een )o%e per%on!ll* !n" !% !"mini%tr!tor of the e%t!te of)o%ef!, !n" !%i!n!, !% the %riin# %po%e !n" !"mini%tr!tri' of the e%t!te ofFr!n(i%(o+ It proi"e" th!t &ith the mt!l "e%ire to termin!te !n" %ettle the!rio% (ort liti#!tion%, )o%e &ill p!* !%i!n! P=00,000 /P00,000 for e!(h(hil" &hi(h !mont %h!ll be (on%i"ere" !% the (omplete !n" fll p!*ment !n"%ettlement of her here"it!r* %h!re in the e%t!te of Fr!n(i%(o+ he (ompromi%e!l%o %ere" !% it (l!im+

    - the (ompromi%e !#reement &!% pre%ente" for !ppro!l to the (ort% &herethe prob!te pro(ee"in#% of the e%t!te% of )o%ef! !n" Fr!n(i%(o &ere pen"in#+Bo&eer, !%i!n!, !pp!rentl* h!in# h!" (h!n#e" her min" !bot the(ompromi%e, oppo%e" %(h %bmi%%ion for !ppro!l+ She (l!im% th!t /1 theheir% (!nnot enter into %(h in" of !#reement &ithot fir%t prob!tin# the &ill ofFr!n(i%(o "e 8or5!; / it inole% ! (ompromi%e on the !li"it* of the m!rri!#ebet&een Fr!n(i%(o !n" !%i!n!; !n" / th!t een if it &ere !li", it h!% (e!%e"to h!e for(e !n" effe(t


    1+ 2ON the (ompromi%e !#reement &!% !li" !n" bin"in#

    $#LD1+ 3ESReasoning*+, that probate is "irst reuired be"ore any agreement may be entered,

    - !%i!n! relie% on the rlin# inue%ara %. ue%ara, &herein the (ort %!i" th!tthe pre%ent!tion of the &ill for prob!te i% m!n"!tor* !n" th!t the %ettlement !n""i%tribtion of the e%t!te on the b!%i% of inte%t!(* &hen the "e(e"ent left ! &ill,i% !#!in%t l!& !n" pbli( poli(*+ h%, !%i!n! m!in!t!in% th!t %in(e Fr!n(i%(oleft ! &ill, the %!me m%t be prob!te" !n" !n* !#reement to the (ontr!r* i%in!li"+- Bo&eer, SC rle" in thi% (!%e th!t ue%ara i% not !ppli(!ble %in(e &h!t i%inole" i% not the "i%tribtion or %ettlement of the entire e%t!te, bt the %!le ofthe %h!re of !%i!n! in f!or of the other heir%+- there i% no le#!l b!r to !n heir /&ith rei%ite (ontr!(tin# (!p!(it* "i%po%in# ofhi% here"it!r* %h!re imme"i!tel* !fter %(h "e!th, een if the !(t!l e'tent of%(h %h!re i% not "etermine" ntil the %b%eent lii"!tion of the e%t!te+ Of(or%e, the effe(t of %(h !lien!tion i% to be "eeme" limite" to &h!t i% ltim!tel*!"5"i(!te" to the en"or heir- bein# the %riin# %po%e of the "e(e"ent, !%i!n! nee" not !&!it theot(ome of the prob!te pro(ee"in#% %in(e %he &!% (on%i"ere" b* l!& !% !(ompl%or* heir+ h%, the prerei%ite of ! preio% prob!te of the &ill, !%e%t!bli%he" in ue%ara(!n not !ppl* to the (!%e of !%i!n!

    */, that it in%ol%es compromise o" the %alidity o" the / nd marriage

    - the m!rri!#e h!% implie"l* been re(o#ni?e" b* )o%e in %i#nin# the(ompromi%e !#reement &hi(h "e%(ribe" !%i!n! !% the %riin# %po%e ofFr!n(i%(o+ hi% %ere% !% re(o#nition of her (iil %t!t%

    *0, that it ceased to ha%e "orce and e""ect-thi% &!% r!i%e" be(!%e )o%e file" ! motion AFE> %bmittin# the (ompromi%e!#reement for !ppro!l, &hi(h %t!te" th!t no !mi(!ble %ettlement h!" been!rrie" !t !n" th!t the (ompromi%e !#reement f!ile" to m!teri!li?e, !lle#e"l*%ho&in# !b!n"onment of the (ompromi%e !#reement %i#ne"-SC %!i" th!t %(h "e(l!r!tion in the motion onl* %ho&% th!t !n* effort to re!(h

    !n !mi(!ble %ettlement !fter !%i!n! nil!ter!ll* b!(e" ot of the (ompromi%e

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    h!" f!ile"+ Bo&eer, thi% "oe% not !ffe(t the !li"it* !n" bin"in# for(e of the(ompromi%e !#reement !lre!"* re!(he", %i#ne", !n" not!ri?e"+ he f!ilre tore!(h ! no!tor* !((or" (!n not in!li"!te the ori#in!l (ompromi%e+


    A:INO; )ne 1, 197=

    NAT"#Spe(i!l (iil !(tion of (ertior!ri

    FACTS- Florentino Bito%i% e'e(te" ! &ill in the 8i(ol "i!le(t on )ne 19, 19= &henhe &!% =1 *o+ Be "ie" on .!* 6, 199 !t Iro%in, Sor%o#on+ A (hil"le%%&i"o&er, he &!% %rie" b* hi% brother, eon+ On )ne 4, 199 ! petition forthe prob!te of hi% &ill &!% file" in CFI Sor%o#on+ he noti(e of he!rin# &!% "l*pbli%he" in th!t &ill+ Florentino bee!the" hi% %h!re in the (on5#!l e%t!teto hi% %e(on" &ife, e(l! ier!, in hi% "e(i%ion ofO(tober 7, 199, !"mitte" the &ill to prob!te !n" !ppointe" @!ll!no%! !%e'e(tor+ )"#e >ier! %pe(ifi(!ll* fon" th!t the te%t!tor e'e(te" hi% l!%t &illDen5o*in# #oo" he!lth !n" ment!l f!(ltie% !n" not !(tin# n"er thre!t, fr!" orn"e inflen(e D Q6828 D#C## -F 5-BAT#

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    %i#ne" b* him in the pre%en(e of the reire" nmber of &itne%%e%, !n" th!t the&ill i% #enine !n" i% not ! for#er*+ A((or"in#l*, the%e f!(t% (!nnot !#!in bee%tione" in ! %b%eent pro(ee"in#, not een in ! (rimin!l !(tion for thefor#er* of the &ill+ / .or!n$% Comment% on the >le% of Cort, 1970 E"ition, p+9; .!n!h!n %+ .!n!h!n+-Austria vs. Ventenilla ! Dpetition for !nnlment of ! &illD &!% not entert!ine"!fter the "e(ree of prob!te h!" be(ome fin!l+

    D2ill%; Prob!te; Alle#e" Fr!"lent 2ill; Appe!l+ V+ "ie"+ Bi% &ill &!%!"mitte" to prob!te &ithot ob5e(tion+ No !ppe!l &!% t!en from %!i" or"er+ It&!% !"mitte" th!t "e !n" le#!l noti(e h!" been #ien to !ll p!rtie%+ Fifteenmonth% !fter the "!te of %!i" or"er, ! motion &!% pre%ente" in the lo&er (ortto h!e %!i" &ill "e(l!re" nll !n" oi", for the re!%on th!t fr!" h!" beenpr!(ti(e" pon the "e(e!%e" in the m!in# of hi% &ill+DBel" h!t n"er %e(tion 6 of A(t No+ 190, the onl* time #ien p!rtie% &ho!re "i%ple!%e" &ith the or"er !"mittin# to prob!te ! &ill, for !n !ppe!l i% thetime #ien for !ppe!l% in or"in!r* !(tion%; bt &ithot "e(i"in# &hether or not!n or"er !"mittin# ! &ill to prob!te &ill be opene" for fr!", !fter the time!llo&e" for !n !ppe!l h!% e'pire", &hen no !ppe!l i% t!en from !n or"erprob!tin# ! &ill, the heir% (!n not, in %b%eent liti#!tion in the %!mepro(ee"in#%, r!i%e e%tion% rel!tin# to it% "e e'e(tion+ he prob!te of !&ill i% (on(l%ie !% to it% "e e'e(tion !n" !% to the te%t!ment!r* (!p!(it*of the te%t!tor+D /See A%tri! %+ Beir% of Ventenill!, 99 Phil+ 1069+

    D# LA C#NA v 5-T-T1 SC>A 76


    NAT"#Appe!l from the CA "e(i%ion reer%in# Ceb CFI

    FACTS- Spo%e% 8ern!be "e l! Cern! !n" @er!%i! >eb!(! e'e(te" ! 5oint l!%t &ill!n" te%t!ment in their lo(!l "i!le(t &illin# t&o p!r(el% of l!n" to#ether &ith !llthe improement% thereon to their nie(e, .!nel! >eb!(!+ he (ople &ere(hil"le%%+ A% ! (on"ition on the 5oint &ill, the frit% of the t&o p!r(el% %h!ll be

    en5o*e" b* either the te%t!tor% &hile he or %he i% *et liin#+

    - :pon the "e!th of 8ern!be "e l! Cern! in 199 the &ill &!% %bmitte" forprob!te before the CFI of Ceb &hi(h "e(l!re" %!i" &ill to be le#!l !n" !li"+2hen @er!%i! "ie" in 19, !nother petition for the prob!te of the %!me &ill&!% %bmitte" before the %!me Ceb CFI+ hi% time, ho&eer, the te%t!ment &%"e(l!re" nll !n" oi" for bein# e'e(te" (ontr!r* to the prohibition of 5oint &ill%in Arti(le 669 of the Ol" Ciil Co"e !n" Arti(le =1= of the Ne& Ciil Co"e+- On !ppe!l, the CA reer%e" the rlin# of the Ceb CFI on the #ron" th!t the"e(ree of prob!te in 199 &!% (on(l%ie on the "e e'e(tion of thete%t!ment+ he CA "e(l!re" th!t

    DT T T+ It i% tre the l!& /Art+ 669, ol" Ciil Co"e; Art+ =1=, ne& CiilCo"e prohibit% the m!in# of ! &ill 5ointl* b* t&o or more per%on% either fortheir re(ipro(!l benefit or for the benefit of ! thir" per%on+$owever, this formof will has long been san%tioned by se, and the same has %ontined tobe sed> and when, as in the +resent %ase, one s%h ?oint last will andtestament has been admitted to +robate by final order of a Cort of%om+etent ?risdi%tion, there seems to be no alternative ex%e+t to giveeffe%t to the +rovisions thereof that are not %ontrary to law, as was done inthe %ase of 3a%rohon vs& Saavedra, *6 5hil& '(7, wherein or S+remeCort gave effe%t to the +rovisions of the ?oint will therein mentioned,saying @assming that the ?oint will in estion is valid@&- Ben(e thi% !ppe!l b* the heir% inte%t!te of the "e(e!%e" h%b!n", 8ern!be"e l! Cern!

    !SS"#S1+ 2ON the 5oint &ill i% le#!l !n" !li" in %o f!r !% 8ern!be "e l! Cern! i%

    (on(erne"+ 2ON the 5oint &ill i% le#!l !n" !li" in %o f!r !% @er!%i! >eb!(! i%(on(erne"$#LD1+ 3e%+ he SC rle" th!t the fin!l "e(ree of prob!te entere" in 199 b* theCeb CFI h!% (on(l%ie effe(t !% to the l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment of 8ern!be "el! Cern! "e%pite the f!(t th!t the Ciil Co"e !lre!"* "e(re"" the in!li"it* of

    5oint &ill%, &hether in f!or of the 5oint te%t!tor%, re(ipro(!ll*, or in f!or of ! thir"p!rt*+ he error (ommitte" b* the prob!te (ort &!% !n error of l!& th!t %hol"h!e been (orre(te" b* !ppe!l+ A final ?dgment rendered on a +etition for

    the +robate of a will is binding +on the whole world 3analo vs& 5aredes,

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    )7 5hil& 829> !n re #state of ;ohnson, 28 5hil& 6*(E > and +bli% +oli%y andsond +ra%ti%e demand that at the ris of o%%asional errors, ?dgment of%orts shold be%ome final at some definite date fixed by law& !nterest rei+bli%ae t finis sit litim Dy Cay vs& Crossfield, 29 5hil& *'6, and other%ases %ited in ' 3oran Comments on the les of Cort 68(2 #d&, 5& 2''E&The dismissal of the a%tion by the heirs and s%%essors of De la Cerna

    was %orre%t&+ No+ he pre%ent %b5e(t m!tter of the prob!te i% the l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment of@er!%i! &ho "ie" m(h l!ter th!n her h%b!n"+ Ben(e, in %o f!r !% the e%t!teof the &ife i% (on(erne", the 5oint &ill m%t be ree%!mine" !n" !"5"i(!te" "enoo %in(e the 5oint &ill i% (on%i"ere" ! %ep!r!te &ill of e!(h te%t!tor+ h%re#!r"e", the hol"in# of the Cort of Fir%t In%t!n(e of Ceb th!t the 5oint &ill i%one prohibite" b* l!& &!% (orre(t !% to the p!rti(ip!tion of the "e(e!%e"@er!%i! >eb!(! in the propertie% in e%tion, for the re!%on% e'ten%iel*"i%(%%e" in or "e(i%ion in 8ilb!o %+ 8ilb!o, =7 Phil+ 144, th!t e'pl!ine" the

    preio% hol"in# in .!(rohon %+ S!!e"r!, 1 Phil+, 67+ Therefore, thendivided interest of Gervasia eba%a shold +ass +on her death to herheirs intestate, and not ex%lsively to the testamentary heir, nless someother valid will in her favor is shown to exist, or nless she be the onlyheir intestate of said Gervasia&

    3AN!NANG v CA 5-N-1#E114 SC>A 47=

    .EENCIO-BE>>E>A; )ne 19, 19=


    A Petition to >eie& the

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    PANA ;)ne 4, 19=

    NAT"#hi% i% ! (!%e of here"it!r* %((e%%ion+

    FACTS- Al!ro P!%tor, Sr+ /PASO>, S>+ "ie" in Ceb Cit* on )ne , 1966+ Be &!%%rie" b* hi% &ife Sofi! 8o%%io, their t&o le#itim!te (hil"ren Al!ro P!%tor, )r+/PASO>, )>+ !n" Sofi! P!%tor "e .i"#el* /SOFIA, !n" !n ille#itim!te (hil"e&ell*n 8!rlito :E.A, )>+ !n" SOFIA oppo%e" the%e ple!"in#% on the #ron" th!t there i%%till ! re(one*!n(e %it pen"in# &ith !nother br!n(h of CFI+- he P>O8AE CO:> then %et ! he!rin# on the intrin%i( !li"it* of the &illbt no he!rin# &!% hel" be(!%e of the oppo%ition of P!%tor )r+ !n" Sofi! !#!inon the %!me #ron" of pen"en(* of the re(one*!n(e %it+ In%te!", the prob!te(ort reire" the p!rtie% to %bmit their re%pe(tie po%ition p!per%+- PASO>+ )>+ !n" SOFIA %bmitte" their .emor!n"m &hi(h in effe(t %ho&e"th!t "etermin!tion of ho& m(h :E.A (ol" be re%ole", PASO>, )>+ !n" hi% &ife file" &iththe CA ! Petition for (ertior!ri+ he petition &!% "enie" on the #ron" th!t it%filin# &!% prem!tre be(!%e there &!% %till !n .F> pen"in# before theP>O8AE CO:>+ he %po%e% moe" for re(on%i"er!tion+- 2hile thi% petition &!% pen"in#, the prob!te (ort i%%e" !n or"er &hi(h the

    (ort (l!im% to h!e re%ole" the e%tion of the in%trin%i( !li"it* of the &ill !n"of the o&ner%hip of the minin# (l!im%, ren"erin# moot !n" !(!"emi( the %it forre(one*!n(e+- Ben(e thi% petition !%%!ilin# the or"er% i%%e" b* the prob!te (ort+ hepetitioner% !re !r#in# th!t before the proi%ion% of the holo#r!phi( &ill (!n beimplemente", the e%tion% of o&ner%hip of the minin# propertie% !n" theintrin%i( !li"it* of the holo#r!phi( &ill m%t fir%t be re%ole" &ith fin!lit*+

    !SS"#S2ON the Prob!te Or"er re%ole" &ith fin!lit* the e%tion% of o&ner%hip !n"

    intrin%i( !li"it* of the &ill+

    $#LDNo+Contrary to the +osition taen by the +robate %ort, these two issed havenot yet been resolved& Therefore, the 5robate -rder %old not haveresolved and a%tally did not de%ide "#3ADA@s entitlement to thelega%y& This being so, the -rders for the +ayment of the lega%y in allegedim+lementation of the 5robate -rder of 687' are nwarranted for la% ofbasis&

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    In ! %pe(i!l pro(ee"in# for the prob!te of ! &ill, the i%%e b* !n" l!r#e i%re%tri(te" to the e'trin%i( !li"it* of the &ill, i+e+, &hether the te%t!tor, bein# of%on" min", freel* e'e(te" the &ill in !((or"!n(e &ith the form!litie%pre%(ribe" b* l!&+ A% ! rle, the e%tion of o&ner%hip i% !n e'tr!neo% m!tter&hi(h the Prob!te Cort (!nnot re%ole &ith fin!lit*+ h%, for the prpo%e of"eterminin# &hether ! (ert!in propert* %hol" or %hol" not be in(l"e" in theinentor* of e%t!te propertie%, the Prob!te Cort m!* p!%% pon the titlethereto, bt %(h "etermin!tion i% proi%ion!l, not (on(l%ie, !n" i% %b5e(t tothe fin!l "e(i%ion in ! %ep!r!te !(tion to re%ole title+2hen PASO>, S>+ "ie" in 1966, he &!% %rie" b* hi% &ife+ here i%therefore ! nee" to lii"!te the (on5#!l p!rtner%hip !n" %et !p!rt the %h!re ofPASO>, S>+$% &ife in the (on5#!l p!rtner%hip+ 2hen the "i%pte" or"er &!%i%%e", no lii"!tion of the (ommnit* propertie" tr!n%pire" *et+ h%, thereh!" been no prior "efinitie "etermin!tion of the !%%et% of the e%t!te ofPASO>, S>+ here &!% !n inentor* of hi% propertie% pre%m!bl* prep!re" b*

    the %pe(i!l !"mini%tr!tor, bt it "oe% not !ppe!r th!t it &!% eer the %b5e(t of !he!rin# or th!t it &!% 5"i(i!ll* !pproe"+ he re(one*!n(e or re(oer* ofpropertie% !lle#e"l* o&ne" bt not in the n!me of PASO>, S>+ &!% %till bein#liti#!te" in !nother (ort+ here &!% no !ppropri!te "etermin!tion, m(h le%%p!*ment, of the "ebt% of the "e(e"ent !n" hi% e%t!te+ Nor h!" the e%t!te t!'been "etermine" !n" p!i"+ he net !%%et% of the e%t!te not h!in# been"etermine", the le#itime of the for(e" heir% in (on(rete fi#re% (ol" not be!%(ert!ine"+All the fore#oin# "efi(ien(ie% (on%i"ere", it &!% not po%%ible to "etermine&hether the le#!(* of :E.A

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    - A(tin# on the "e(l!r!tion of heir% !n" pro5e(t of p!rtition %i#ne" !n" file" b*l!&*er% /not %i#ne" b* .!'ine !n" her t&o (hil"ren, the lo&er (ort!"5"i(!te" to .!'ine of the "e(e"ent$% Philippine e%t!te !n" 1G= e!(h to hi%for (hil"ren+- For !period o" more than "i%e months there &!% no moement or !(tiit* inthe inte%t!te (!%e+ hen )!nit! @rimm .orri%, file" ! motion for !((ontin# D%oth!t the E%t!te propertie% (!n be p!rtitione" !mon# the heir% !n" the pre%entinte%t!te e%t!te be (lo%e"+D A 06

    O(tober 9, 19=; @:IE>>EK

    NAT"#Petition for (ertior!ri

    FACTS .!rtin )#o "ie" &ith l!%t 2ill !n" e%t!ment &ith !ll the form!litie% reire"

    b* l!&+ In the %!i" 2ill, the te%t!tor n!me" !n" !ppointe" herein petitionerSofi! )+ Nepom(eno !% hi% %ole !n" onl* e'e(tor of hi% e%t!te+ It i% (le!rl*%t!te" in the 2ill th!t the te%t!tor &!% le#!ll* m!rrie" to ! (ert!in >fin! @ome?b* &hom he h!" t&o le#itim!te (hil"ren, O%(!r !n" C!rmelit!, bt %in(e 19,he h!" been e%tr!n#e" from hi% l!&fll* &e""e" &ife !n" h!" been liin# &ithpetitioner !% h%b!n" !n" &ife+ In f!(t, on

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    he (!%e re!(he" the CA !n" the re%pon"ent (ort %et !%i"e the "e(i%ion of theCFI of >i?!l "en*in# the prob!te of the &ill+ he CA "e(l!re" the 2ill to be !li"e'(ept th!t the "ei%e in f!or of the petitioner i% nll !n" oi" pr%!nt toArti(le 79in rel!tion &ith Arti(le 10=+

    !SS"#2ON the re%pon"ent (ort !(te" in e'(e%% of it% 5ri%"i(tion &hen !fter"e(l!rin# the l!%t 2ill !n" e%t!ment of the "e(e!%e" .!rtin )#o !li"l*"r!&n, it &ent on to p!%% pon the intrin%i( !li"it* of the te%t!ment!r* proi%ionin f!or of herein petitioner+

    $#LDNO+ he #ener!l rle i% th!t in prob!te pro(ee"in#%, the (ort$% !re! of inir*i% limite" to !n e'!min!tion !n" re%oltion of the e'trin%i( !li"it* of the 2ill+he rle, ho&eer, i% not infle'ible !n" !b%olte+ @ien e'(eption!l

    (ir(m%t!n(e%, the prob!te (ort i% not po&erle%% to "o &h!t the %it!tion(on%tr!in% it to "o !n" p!%% pon (ert!in proi%ion% of the 2ill+)easoning,

    !+ In N#i" + N#i", the te%t!tor in%titte" the petitioner !% nier%!lheir !n" (ompletel* preterite" her %riin# for(e" heir%+ A &ill of thi%n!tre, no m!tter ho& !li" it m!* !ppe!r e'trin%i(!ll*, &ol" be nll!n" oi"+ Sep!r!te or l!tter pro(ee"in#% to "etermine the intrin%i(!li"it* of the te%t!ment!r* proi%ion% &ol" be %perflo%+

    b+ he prohibition in Arti(le 79 of the Ciil Co"e i% !#!in%t the m!in# of! "on!tion bet&een per%on% &ho !re liin# in !"lter* or (on(bin!#e+

    It i% the "on!tion &hi(h be(ome% oi"+ he #ier (!nnot #ie een!%%min# th!t the re(ipient m!* re(eie+ he er* &or"in#% of the 2illin!li"!te the le#!(* be(!%e the te%t!tor !"mitte" he &!% "i%po%in#the propertie% to ! per%on &ith &hom he h!" been liin# in(on(bin!#e+ /Note he "efen%e of Nepom(eno th!t %he &!% not!&!re th!t )#o &!% m!rrie" &!% not beliee" b* the (ort+

    2he follo&in# "on!tion% %h!ll be oi"

    /1 ho%e m!"e bet&een per%on% &ho &ere #ilt* of !"lter* or (on(bin!#e !t the time of the "on!tion; / ho%e m!"e bet&een per%on% fon" #ilt* of the %!me (rimin!l offen%e, in (on%i"er!tion thereof; / ho%e m!"e to ! pbli( offi(er or hi% &ife, "e%(en"!nt% !n" !%(en"!nt%, b* re!%on of hi% offi(e+In the (!%e referre" to in No+ 1, the !(tion for "e(l!r!tion of nllit* m!* be bro#ht b* the %po%e of the "onor or "onee; !n" the #ilt of the "onor !n" "oneem!* be proe" b* prepon"er!n(e of ei"en(e in the %!me !(tion+

    3Dhe prohibition% mentione" in Arti(le 79, (on(ernin# "on!tion% inter io% %h!ll !ppl* to te%t!ment!r* proi%ion%+D

    3#CAD- v SANT-S@+>+ No+ 469

    A:>E; September , 19=

    FACTSIn .!* 191, the petitioner Atil!no .er(!"o file" in the CFI of P!mp!n#! !petition for the prob!te of the &ill of hi% "e(e!%e" &ife, Ine% 8!%!+ he prob!te(ort, in )ne 191, !"mitte" the &ill to prob!te+ Almo%t *e!r% l!ter, interenor% moe" e' p!rte to reopen the pro(ee"in#%, !lle#in# l!( of

    5ri%"i(tion of the (ort to prob!te the &ill !n" to (lo%e the pro(ee"in#%, &hi(hmotion &!% "enie"+It !ppe!r% th!t 16 month% !fter the prob!te of the &ill of Ine% 8!%!, interenor"e eon file" (ompl!int% !#!in%t .er(!"o for f!l%ifi(!tion or for#er* of the &illprob!te" !% !boe in"i(!te"+ he 1%t (!%e% &ere "i%mi%%e" !t the in%t!n(e of

    the (ompl!in!nt, &hile l!%t (!%e &!% "i%mi%%e" on the #ron" th!t the &ill!lle#e" to h!e been f!l%ifie" h!" !lre!"* been prob!te" !n" there &!% noei"en(e th!t the petitioner h!" for#e" the %i#n!tre of the te%t!tri' !ppe!rin#thereon+

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    SUCCESSION A2010 page 34

    '' in re%pe(t to the prob!te of ! &illX the 5"#ment or or"er i% (on(l%ieponX the &ill or !"mini%tr!tionX Proi"e", h!t the prob!te of ! &ill or#r!ntin# of letter% of !"mini%tr!tion %h!ll onl* be prim! f!(ie ei"en(e of the"e!th of the te%t!tor or inte%t!te+- SEC. 4/6. Allo&!n(e Ne(e%%!r*, !n" Con(l%ie !% to E'e(tion+ No &ill%h!ll p!%% either the re!l or per%on!l e%t!te, nle%% it i% proe" !n" !llo&e" inthe CFI, or b* !ppe!l to the SC; !n" the !llo&!n(e b* the (ort of ! &ill of re!l!n" per%on!l e%t!te %h!ll be (on(l%ie !% to it% "e e'e(tion+D- Manahan %s. Manahan,D+ + + he "e(ree of prob!te i% (on(l%ie &ith re%pe(t to the "e e'e(tionthereof !n" it (!nnot be imp#ne" on !n* of the #ron"% !thori?e" b* l!&,e'(ept th!t of fr!", in !n* %ep!r!te or in"epen"ent !(tion or pro(ee"in#+ D- he prob!te of ! &ill in thi% 5ri%"i(tion i% ! pro(ee"in# in rem+ he proi%ionof noti(e b* pbli(!tion !% ! prerei%ite to the !llo&!n(e of ! &ill i%(on%tr(tie noti(e to the &hole &orl", !n" &hen prob!te i% #r!nte", the

    5"#ment of the (ort i% bin"in# pon eer*bo"*, een !#!in%t the St!te+- he pro(ee"in# for the prob!te of ! &ill i% one in rem !n" the (ort !(ire%

    5ri%"i(tion oer !ll the per%on% intere%te", thro#h the pbli(!tion of the noti(epre%(ribe" b* %e(tion 60 of the Co"e of Ciil Pro(e"re, !n" !n* or"er th!tm!* be entere" therein i% bin"in# !#!in%t !ll of them+- Sec. 000 par. 7 o" the Code o" Ci%il 5rocedure e%t!bli%he% !nin(ontroertible pre%mption in f!or of 5"#ment% "e(l!re" b* it to be(on(l%ieD he follo&in# pre%mption% or "e"(tion%, &hi(h the l!& e'pre%%l* "ire(t% tobe m!"e from p!rti(l!r f!(t%, !re "eeme" (on(l%ie

    ''' ''' '''D4+ he 5"#ment or or"er of ! (ort, &hen "e(l!re" b* thi% (o"e to be(on(l%ie+D- Con(l%ie pre%mption% !re inferen(e% &hi(h the l!& m!e% %o peremptor*th!t it &ill not !llo& them to be oertrne" b* !n* (ontr!r* proof ho&eer %tron#+he &ill in e%tion h!in# been prob!te" b* ! (ompetent (ort, the l!& &ill not!"mit !n* proof to oerthro& the le#!l pre%mption th!t it i% #enine !n" not !for#er*+- Ameri(!n !n" En#li%h (!%e% %ho& ! (onfli(t of !thoritie% on the e%tion !%to &hether or not the prob!te of ! &ill b!r% (rimin!l pro%e(tion of the !lle#e"

    for#er of the prob!te" &ill+ 2e h!e e'!mine" %ome import!nt (!%e% !n" h!e

    (ome to the (on(l%ion th!t no fi'e" %t!n"!r" m!* be !"opte" or "r!&ntherefrom, in ie& of the (onfli(t no le%% th!n of "ier%it* of %t!ttor* proi%ion%obt!inin# in "ifferent 5ri%"i(tion%+ It behooe% %, therefore, !% the (ort of l!%tre%ort, to (hoo%e th!t rle mo%t (on%i%tent &ith or %t!ttor* l!&, h!in# in ie&the nee"e" %t!bilit* of propert* ri#ht% !n" the pbli( intere%t in #ener!l+ o be%re, &e h!e %erio%l* refle(te" pon the "!n#er% of e!%ion from pni%hmentof (lprit% "e%erin# of the %eerit* of the l!& in (!%e% &here, !% here, for#er* i%"i%(oere" !fter the prob!te of the &ill !n" the pro%e(tion i% h!" before thepre%(ription of the offen%e+ 8* !n" l!r#e, ho&eer, the b!l!n(e %eem% in(line"in f!or of the ie& th!t &e h!e t!en+ Not onl* "oe% the l!& %rron" thee'e(tion of the &ill &ith the ne(e%%!r* form!litie% !n" reire prob!te to bem!"e !fter !n el!bor!te 5"i(i!l pro(ee"in#, bt %e(tion 11, not to %pe! of%e(tion 1, of or Co"e of Ciil Pro(e"re proi"e% for !n !"e!te reme"* to!n* p!rt* &ho mi#ht h!e been !"er%el* !ffe(te" b* the prob!te of ! for#e"&ill, m(h in the %!me &!* !% other p!rtie% !#!in%t &hom ! 5"#ment i%

    ren"ere" n"er the %!me or %imil!r (ir(m%t!n(e%+ he !##riee" p!rt* m!*file !n !ppli(!tion for relief &ith the proper (ort &ithin ! re!%on!ble time, bt inno (!%e e'(ee"in# %i' month% !fter %!i" (ort h!% ren"ere" the 5"#ment ofprob!te, on the #ron" of mi%t!e, in!"erten(e, %rpri%e or e'(%!ble ne#le(t+An !ppe!l lie% to reie& the !(tion of ! (ort of fir%t in%t!n(e &hen th!t (ortref%e% to #r!nt relief+ After ! 5"#ment !llo&in# ! &ill to be prob!te" h!%be(ome fin!l !n" n!ppe!l!ble , !n" !fter the perio" fi'e" b* %e(tion 11 of theCo"e of Ciil Pro(e"re h!% e'pire", the l!& !% !n e'pre%%ion of the le#i%l!tie&i%"om #oe% no frther !n" the (!%e en"% there+- herefore, th!t in ie& of the proi%ion% of %e(tion% 06, !n" 6 of or

    Co"e of Ciil Co"e Pro(e"re, (rimin!l !(tion &ill not lie in thi% 5ri%"i(tion!#!in%t the for#er of ! &ill &hi(h h!" been "l* !"mitte" to prob!te b* ! (ort of(ompetent 5ri%"i(tion+ he petitioner i% entitle" to h!e the (rimin!lpro(ee"in#% !#!in%t him !%he"+

    :& D!SALL-0ANC# -F 0!LLS

    5ASC"AL 1 D#LA C".'9 SCA )'6

    #4#S> 3ay 2H, 68(8

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    NAT"#Appe!l from the CFI "e(i%ion !"mittin# to prob!te the prporte" &ill of C!t!lin!"e l! Cr?


    -C!t!lin! "e l! Cr?, %in#le !n" &ithot !n* %riin# "e%(en"!nt or !%(en"!nt,"ie"+ A petition for the prob!te of her !lle#e" &ill &!% file" b* An"re% P!%(!l,&ho &!% n!me" in the %!i" &ill !% e'e(tor !n" %ole heir of the "e(e"ent+-Pe"ro "el! Cr? !n" 6 other nephe&% !n" nie(e% of the l!te C!t!lin! "e l!Cr? (onte%te" the !li"it* of the &ill on the #ron"% th!t the form!litie%reire" b* l!& &ere not (omplie" &ith; th!t the te%t!tri' &!% ment!ll*in(!p!ble of "i%po%in# of her propertie% b* &ill !t the time of it% e'e(tion; th!tthe &ill &!% pro(re" b* n"e !n" improper pre%%re !n" inflen(e on the p!rtof the petitioner; !n" th!t the %i#n!tre of the te%t!tri' &!% obt!ine" thro#hfr!"+

    -prob!te (ort phel" the "e e'e(tion of the &ill !n" !ppointe" An"re%P!%(!l !% e'e(tor !n" !"mini%tr!tor of the e%t!te, !% proi"e" in the &ill,&ithot bon"+ Oppo%itor% !ppe!le" to SC "ire(tl* /!le of propertie% inole"more th!n P00-Dela Cruz et al. claim: lo&er (ort erre" in #iin# (re"en(e to the te%timonie%of the %b%(ribin# &itne%%e% !n" the not!r* th!t the &ill &!% "l* e'e(te",not&ith%t!n"in# the e'i%ten(e of in(on%i%ten(ie% !n" (ontr!"i(tion% in thete%timonie%, !n" in "i%re#!r"in# their ei"en(e th!t the &ill &!% not %i#ne" b* !llthe &itne%%e% in the pre%en(e of one !nother-CFIH% re%pon%e !lle#e" (ontr!"i(tion% !n" in(on%i%ten(ie% &ere not %b%t!nti!l

    in n!tre %ffi(ient to "i%(re"it the entire te%timon* on the "e e'e(tion of the&ill+ Pl% l!p%e of = *e!r% from e'e(tion of the &ill to the te%timon* in (ort+here i% n!nimit* !n" (ert!int* in their te%timon* re#!r"in# the i"entit* of the%i#n!tre% of the te%t!tri', the !tte%tin# &itne%%e%, !n" the Not!r* Pbli(, !n"the f!(t th!t the* &ere !ll pre%ent !t the time tho%e %i#n!tre% &ere !ffi'e" onthe "o(ment

    !SS"#S1+ 2ON the (ontr!"i(tion% !n" in(on%i%ten(ie% pointe" ot b*

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    -on the alleged ta+eIre%orded testimony of witness 3anel ;iong%ore%orded withot the latterKs nowledgeE wherein the latter was s++osedto have stated that when he signed the will the other witnesses@ signatres

    were already affixed, and were not then +resent, and that he ;iong%oEsigned the do%ment in 68*9 or 68*8J /1 no !"e!te proof th!t the

    "e(l!r!tion% t!pe re(or"e" &ere in f!(t m!"e b* )ion#(o !% he "enie" th!t f!(tn"er o!th, th!t the t!pe re(or"in# &!% not %pporte" b* trl* imp!rti!lei"en(e, !n" it &!% "one &ithot the no&le"#e of the &itne%%; / In theNot!ri!l >e#i%tr* of the not!r*, the r!tifi(!tion of the te%t!ment !ppe!r% !mon#the entrie% for 194, !% &ell !% in (orre%pon"in# (opie% pro"(e" b* theNot!ri!l Se(tion of the Cler of CortH% offi(e /%o, !%%min# re#l!rit* in theperform!n(e of "t*, the "o(ment &!% in"ee" e'e(te" in 194, not in 19= or199+


    NO+Ratio.o be %ffi(ient to !oi" ! &ill, the inflen(e e'erte" m%t be of ! in"th!t %o oerpo&er% !n" %b5#!te% the min" of the te%t!tor !% to "e%tro* hi%free !#en(* !n" m!e him e'pre%% the &ill of !nother r!ther th!n hi% o&n; th!tthe (ontention th!t ! &ill &!% obt!ine" b* n"e inflen(e or improper pre%%re(!nnot be %%t!ine" on mere (on5e(tre or %%pi(ion, !% it i% eno#h th!t there&!% opportnit* to e'er(i%e n"e inflen(e, or ! po%%ibilit* th!t it m!* h!ebeen e'er(i%e"; th!t the e'er(i%e of improper pre%%re !n" n"e inflen(em%t be %pporte" b* %b%t!nti!l ei"en(e th!t it &!% !(t!ll* e'er(i%e"; th!tthe br"en i% on the per%on (h!llen#in# the &ill to %ho& th!t %(h inflen(e &!%

    e'erte" !t the time of it% e'e(tion; th!t mere #ener!l or re!%on!ble inflen(e i%not %ffi(ient to in!li"!te ! &ill; nor i% mo"er!te !n" re!%on!ble %oli(it!tion !n"entre!t* !""re%%e" to the te%t!tor; or omi%%ion of rel!tie%, not for(e" heir%,ei"en(e of n"e inflen(eReasoning.Con%i"erin# th!t te%t!ri' (on%i"ere" proponent !% her o&n %on, tothe e'tent th!t %he e'pre%%e" no ob5e(tion to hi% bein# m!"e the %ole heir ofher %i%ter, Florentin! Cr?, in "ero#!tion of her o&n ri#ht%, &e fin" nothin#!bnorm!lin her in%tittin# proponent !l%o !% her o&n benefi(i!r*+Ion allegation that 5as%al boght a bilding s++osedly for the testatrixbt +la%ed the title in his name, and merely +ainted thereon the name of

    the testatrix to mislead the de%easedJ if C!t!lin!H% min" &!% re!ll*

    %b5#!te" b* P!%(!l, then he h!" no nee" to re(or%e to the "e(eption!erre"+Ion the %hoi%e of witnessesJthe rhemeti%m of the te%t!ri' m!"e it "iffi(lt forher to loo for !ll the &itne%%e%+ h!t %he "i" not re%ort to rel!tie% or frien"% i%,lie&i%e e'pl!in!ble it &ol" h!e me!nt the "i%(lo%re of the term% of her &ill

    to tho%e intere%te" in her %((e%%ion bt &ho &ere not f!ore" b* her, thereb*e'po%in# her to nple!%!nt importnit* !n" re(rimin!tion% th!t !n !#e" per%on&ol" n!tr!ll* %ee to !oi"+ he n!tr!l "e%ire to eep the m!in# of ! &ill%e(ret (!n, lie&i%e, !((ont for the f!ilre to prob!te the te%t!ment "rin# herlifetime+Ion allegation that 5as%al +arti%i+ated in the exe%tion of the will,therefore, there is a +resm+tion of nde inflen%eJ!ltho#h the &ill &!%prep!re" b* the nephe& of P!%(!l, the pre%mption "oe% not !ri%e for in thenorm!l (or%e of eent%, %!i" !ttorne* &ol" follo& the in%tr(tion% of thete%t!tri'; !n" ! member of the b!r in #oo" %t!n"in# m!* not be (oni(te" of

    nprofe%%ion!l (on"(t, or of h!in# (on%pire" to f!l%if* ! %t!tement, e'(eptpon (le!r proof+

    #4#SIBA#TT- v BA#TT-IDAT"19 SC>A =

    >E3ES, )+8++; )!n!r* , 1967

    NAT"#e*e% !n" or"erin# him to "elier to (i! .il!#ro% 8!rretto-

    propertie% re(eie" b* hi% "e(e!%e" &ife n"er the term% of the &ill of the l!te8ibi!no 8!rretto

    FACTS- 8ibi!no 8!rretto &!% m!rrie" to .!ri! @er!r"o+

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    minor .il!#ro%+ hi% &!% !pproe" b* CFI .!nil!+ A% ! (on%een(e, S!l"8!rretto too imme"i!te po%%e%%ion of her %h!re !n" %e(re" the (!n(ell!tionof the ori#in!l% !n" the i%%!n(e of ne& title% in her o&n n!me+- :pon the &i"o&H% "e!th, it &!% dis%overed that she had exe%ted two wills,in the fir%t of &hi(h, %he in%titte" Sald and 3ilagros!% her heir%; !n", in the

    %e(on", %he reoe" the %!me !n" left !ll her propertie% in f!or of3ilagros!lone+- h%, the l!ter &ill &!% !llo&e" !n" the fir%t re5e(te"+ In re5e(tin# the fir%t &illpre%ente" b* ir%o >e*e%, !%guardian o" the children o" Salud &arretto, thelo&er (ort hel" th!t Sald was not the daghter of the de%edent 3ariaGerardo by her hsband Bibiano Barretto+ SC !ffirme"+- Pl!intiff then file" !n !(tion for the re(oer* of one-h!lf portion of propertie%left for them n"er 8ibi!noH% &ill+ hi% !(tion !ffor"e" the "efen"!nt !nopportnit* to %et p her right of ownershi+, not onl* of the fi%hpon" n"erliti#!tion, bt of all the other +ro+erties willed and delivered to Sald , for

    bein# ! %prio% heir, !n" not entitle" to !n* %h!re in the e%t!te of 8ibi!no,thereb* dire%tly atta%ing the validity, not only of the +ro?e%t of +artition,bt of the de%ision of the %ort b!%e" thereon+- he "efen"!nt (onten"% th!t the 5ro?e%t of 5artition from whi%h Salda%ired the fish+ond in estion is void ab initio+- CFI then "e(l!re" the pro5e(t of p!rtition to be nll !n" oi"ab initio /notmerel* oi"!ble be(!%e the "i%tribtee, S!l" 8!rretto, pre"e(e%%or ofpl!intiff%, &!% not ! "!#hter of the %po%e% 8ibi!no !n" .!ri!+ hi% &!% b!%e"on Arti(le 10=1 of the Ciil Co"e of 1==9A partition in which a person wasbelieve to be an heir! without being so! has been inclue! shall be null

    an voi."- CFI re5e(te" pl!intiffH% (ontention th!t %in(e 8ibi!no &!% free to "i%po%e ofone-thir" /1G of hi% e%t!te n"er the ol" Ciil Co"e, hi% &ill &!% !li" in f!or ofS!l" to the e'tent, !t le!%t, of %(h free p!rt+ An" it (on(l"e" th!t, !%"efen"!nt .il!#ro% &!% the onl* tre heir of 8ibi!no 8!rretto, %he &!% entitle"to re(oer from S!l", !n" from the l!tter$% (hil"ren !n" %((e%%or%, !ll thePropertie% re(eie" b* her from 8ibi!no$% e%t!te, in ie& of the proi%ion% of Art146 of the ne& Ciil Co"e e%t!bli%hin# th!t+ro+erty a%ired by frad ormistae is held by its a%irer in im+lied trst for the real owner+


    1+ 2ON the p!rtition bet&een S!l" !n" .il!#ro% in the pro(ee"in#% for the%ettlement of the e%t!te of 8ibi!no /"l* !pproe" b* CFI .!nil! i% oi"+ 2ON there &!% preterition


    1+ NORatio At !n* r!te, in"epen"entl* of ! pro5e(t of p!rtition &hi(h, !% it% o&n n!meimplie%, i% merel* ! propo%!l for "i%tribtion of the e%t!te, th!t the (ort m!*!((ept or re5e(t, it is the %ort alone that maes the distribtion of theestate and determines the +ersons entitled thereto and the +arts to whi%hea%h is entitled and it is that $udicial decree o" distribution once "inal that%ests title in the distributees+ If the "e(ree &!% erroneo% or not in (onformit*&ith l!& or the te%t!ment, the %!me %hol" h!e been (orre(te" b* opportne!ppe!l; bt on(e it h!" be(ome fin!l, it% bin"in# effe(t i% lie th!t of !n* other

    5"#ment in rem , nle%% properl* %et !%i"e for la% of ?risdi%tion or frad+Reasoning he !#reement of p!rtition &!% not only ratified by the %ort@sde%ree of distribtion, bt a%tally %onsmmated, %o m(h %o th!t the title%in the n!me of the "e(e!%e" &ere (!n(elle", !n" ne& (ertifi(!te% i%%e" inf!or of the heir%, lon# before the "e(ree &!% !tt!(e"+ In f!(t, een &ithot thepro5e(t of p!rtition, the "i%tribtion (ol" %t!n", %in(e it &!% in (onformit* &iththe prob!te" &ill of 8ibi!no, !#!in%t the proi%ion% &hereof no ob5e(tion h!"been m!"e+- he onl* in%t!n(e th!t &e (!n thin of in &hi(h ! p!rt* intere%te" in ! prob!tepro(ee"in# m!* h!e ! fin!l lii"!tion %et !%i"e i%when he is left ot byreason of %ir%mstan%es beyond his %ontrol or throgh mistae or

    inadverten%e not im+table to negligen%e+ Een then, the better pr!(ti(e to%e(re relief i% reopenin# of the %!me (!%e by proper motion within thereglementary period, in%te!" of !n in"epen"ent !(tion the effe(t of &hi(h, if%((e%%fl, &ol" be, for !nother (ort or 5"#e to thro& ot ! "e(i%ion or or"er!lre!"* fin!l !n" e'e(te" !n" re%hffle propertie% lon# !#o "i%tribte" !n""i%po%e" of+- Art+ 10=1 h!% been mi%!pplie"+ S!l" !"mitte"l* h!" been in%titte" heir in thel!te 8ibi!no 8!rretto$% l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment to#ether &ith "efen"!nt .il!#ro%;hen(e, the p!rtition h!" bet&een them (ol" not be one %(h h!" &ith ! p!rt*&ho &!% beliee" to be !n heir &ithot re!ll* bein# one, !n" &!% not nll !n"

    oi" n"er %!i" !rti(le+ he le#!l pre(ept /Arti(le 10=1 "oe% not %pe! of

  • 8/11/2019 Succession Digests 2


    SUCCESSION A2010 page 38

    (hil"ren, or "e%(en"!nt%, bt of heirs /&ithot "i%tin(tion bet&een for(e",olnt!r* or inte%t!te one%, !n"the fa%t that Sald ha++ened not to be adaghter of the testator does not +re%lde her being one of the heirsex+ressly named in his testament; for 8ibi!no &!% !t libert* to !%%i#n the freeportion of hi% e%t!te to &hom%oeer he (ho%e+ 2hile the %h!re !%%i#ne" to

    S!l" impin#e" on .il!#ro%H le#itime, S!l" "i" not for th!t re!%on (e!%e to be! te%t!ment!r* heir of 8ibi!no+

    + NOReasoning he f!(t th!t .il!#ro% &!% !llotte" in her f!ther$% &ill ! %h!re%m!ller th!n her le#itime "oe% not in!li"!te the in%tittion of S!l" !% heir+here &!% nopreterition, or total ommission of a for%ed heir + For thi% re!%on,1eri %s. Akutin i% not !t !ll !ppli(!ble, th!t (!%e inolin# !n in%t!n(e ofpreterition or omi%%ion of (hil"ren of the te%t!tor$% former m!rri!#e +

    A;#- v CA SANDE6 SC>A 4==

    P:NO; September 1, 1994

    NAT"#Petition for reie& on (ertior!ri of the "e(i%ion of the CA

    FACTS-he holo#r!phi( &ill of the l!te Annie S!n", &ho "ie" on Noember , 19=,&!% %bmitte" for prob!te b* the petitioner% A5ero

    -N!me" !% "ei%ee%, &ere the follo&in# petitioner% >oberto !n" helm! A5ero,pri!te re%pon"ent Clemente S!n", .eri!m S+ Aron#, e!h S!n", ili! S!n",E"#!r S!n", Fe S!n", i%! S+ S!n", !n" le 76 of the >le% of Cort proi"e% th!t &ill %h!ll be "i%!llo&e" in !n* of the follo&in# (!%e%

    /! If not e'e(te" !n" !tte%te" !% reire" b* l!&;/b If the te%t!tor &!% in%!ne, or other&i%e ment!ll* in(!p!ble to m!e ! &ill, !t the time of it% e'e(tion;/( If it &!% e'e(te" n"er "re%%, or the inflen(e of fe!r, or thre!t%;/" If it &!% pro(re" b* n"e !n" improper pre%%re !n" inflen(e, on the p!rt of the benefi(i!r*, or of %ome other per%on for hi% benefit;/e If the %i#n!tre of the te%t!tor &!% pro(re" b* fr!" or tri(, !n" he "i" not inten" th!t the in%trment %hol" be hi% &ill !t the time of fi'in# hi% %i#n!trethereto+7

    Art+ =9 he &ill %h!ll be "i%!llo&e" in !n* of the follo&in# (!%e%;/1 If the form!litie% reire" b* l!& h!e not been (omplie" &ith;/ If the te%t!tor &!% in%!ne, or other&i%e ment!ll* in(!p!ble of m!in# ! &ill, !t the time of it% e'e(tion;/ If it &!% e'e(te" thro#h for(e or n"er "re%%, or the inflen(e of fe!r, or thre!t%;

    /4 If it &!% pro(re" b* n"e !n" improper pre%%re !n" inflen(e, on the p!rt of the benefi(i!r* or of %ome other per%on;/ If the %i#n!tre of the te%t!tor &!% pro(re" b* fr!";/6 If the te%t!tor !(te" b* mi%t!e or "i" not inten" th!t the in%trment he %i#ne" %hol" be hi% &ill !t the time of !ffi'in# hi% %i#n!tre thereto+

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    !n" !thenti(it*+ 8t, on the other h!n", one m%t not lo%e %i#ht of the f!(t th!tit i% not the ob5e(t of the l!& to re%tr!in !n" (rt!il the e'er(i%e of the ri#ht tom!e ! &ill+ So &hen !n interpret!tion !lre!"* #ien !%%re% %(h en"%, !n*other interpret!tion &h!t%oeer, th!t !""% nothin# bt "em!n"% more rei%ite%entirel* nne(e%%!r*, %ele%% !n" fr%tr!tie of the te%t!tor$% l!%t &ill, m%t be

    "i%re#!r"e"+-In the (!%e of holo#r!phi( &ill%, &h!t !%%re% !thenti(it* i% the reirementth!t the* be tot!ll* !to#r!phi( or h!n"&ritten b* the te%t!tor him%elf, !%proi"e" n"er Arti(le =10= of the Ne& Ciil Co"e-F!ilre to %tri(tl* ob%ere other form!litie% &ill not re%lt in the "i%!llo&!n(e of! holo#r!phi( &ill th!t i% ne%tion!bl* h!n"&ritten b* the te%t!tor+-A re!"in# of Arti(le =1 of the Ne& Ciil Co"e %ho&% th!t it% reirement!ffe(t% the !li"it* of the "i%po%ition% (ont!ine" in the holo#r!phi( &ill, bt notit% prob!te+ If the te%t!tor f!il% to %i#n !n" "!te %ome of the "i%po%ition%, there%lt i% th!t the%e "i%po%ition%(!nnot be e ffe(t!te"+ S(h f!ilre, ho&eer,

    "oe% not ren"er the &hole te%t!ment oi"+-ie&i%e, ! holo#r!phi( &ill (!n %till be !"mitte" to prob!te, not&ith%t!n"in#non-(ompli!n(e &ith the proi%ion% of Arti(le =14+ In the (!%e of:alaw %s+)elo%a1 SC>A 7 4/19=4, thi% Cort hel"Or"in!ril*, &hen ! nmber of er!%re%, (orre(tion%, !n" interline!tion% m!"e b*the te%t!tor in ! holo#r!phi( &ill h!e not been note" n"er hi% %i#n!tre, + + +the &ill i% not thereb* in!li"!te" !% ! &hole, bt !t mo%t onl* !% re%pe(t% thep!rti(l!r &or"% er!%e", (orre(te" or interline"+

    :!& !NST!T"T!-N -F 0!LLS

    A"ST!A v #4#S1 SC>A 74

    CAS>O; Febr!r* 7, 1970

    FACTS-8!%ili! A%tri! "!+ "e Cr? file" &ith the CFI ! petition for prob!te, !ntemortem, of her l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment+ he prob!te &!% oppo%e" b* hernephe&% !n" nie(e%+

    8A per%on m!* e'e(te ! holo#r!phi( &ill &hi(h m%t be entirel* &ritten, "!te", !n" %i#ne" b* the h!n" of the te%t!tor him%elf+ (t is sub$ect to no other "orm,!n" m!* be m!"e in or ot of the Philippine%, !n" nee" not be &itne%%e"+

    -he bl of the e%t!te of 8!%ili!, !"mitte"l*, &!% "e%tine" n"er the &ill to p!%%on to tho%e &ho h!" beenassmed and de%lared by Basilia as her ownlegally ado+ted %hildren+-8!%ili! "ie" *e!r% l!ter+-In the %!me pro(ee"in#%, the nie(e% !n" nephe&% file" ! petition in

    interention for p!rtition !lle#in# in %b%t!n(e th!t the* !re the ne!re%t of in of8!%ili!, !n" th!t the !"opte" (hil"ren h!" not in f!(t been !"opte" b* the"e(e"ent in !((or"!n(e &ith l!&, in effe(t ren"erin# the%e re%pon"ent% mere%tr!n#er% to the "e(e"ent !n" &ithot !n* ri#ht to %((ee" !% heir%+-he lo&er (ort rle" in f!or of the !"opte" (hil"ren, "elimitin# theinterention of the nie(e% !n" nephe&% to the propertie% of the "e(e!%e" &hi(h&ere not dis+osed ofin the &ill+ he%e nie(e% !n" nephe&% &ent to SC+-he nephe&% !n" nie(e in%i%t th!t the entire e%t!te %hol" "e%(en" to them b*inte%t!(* b* re!%on of the intrin%i( nllit* of the in%tittion of heir% embo"ie" inthe "e(e"ent$% &ill+

    !SS"#2ON %(h in%tittion of heir% &ol" ret!in effi(!(* in the eent there e'i%t%proof th!t the !"option of the %!me heir% b* the "e(e"ent i% f!l%e

    $#LD4#S& Arti(le =0 of the Ciil Co"e re!"%#The statement o" a "alse cause "or the institution o" an heir shall be consideredas not written unless it appears "rom the will that the testator would not ha%emade such institution i" he had known the "alsity o" such cause.#

    -Comin# (lo%er to the (enter of the (ontroer%*, the nie(e% !n" nephe&% h!e(!lle" the !ttention of thi% Cort to the follo&in# pertinent portion% of the &ill ofthe "e(e!%e" &hi(h re(ite#Ang aking mga sapilitang tagapagmana ;herederos "orzosos< ay ang akingitinuturing na mga anak na tunay ;i$os legalmente adoptados< na sina5er"ecto Alberto =uz &enita at (sagani na pawang may apelyidong Cruz.-8efore the in%tittion of heir% m!* be !nnlle" n"er !rti(le =0 of the CiilCo"e, the follo&in# rei%ite% m%t (on(r Fir%t, the (!%e for the in%tittion ofheir% m%t be %t!te" in the &ill; %e(on", the (!%e m%t be %ho&n to be f!l%e;!n" thir", it m%t !ppe!r from the f!(e of the &ill th!t the te%t!tor &ol" not

    h!e m!"e %(h in%tittion if he h!" no&n the f!l%it* of the (!%e+

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    -he nie(e% !n" nephe&% &ol" h!e the SC impl*, from the %e of the term%,#sapilitang tagapagmana#/(ompl%or* heir% !n" #sapilitang mana# /le#itime,th!t the impellin# re!%on or (!%e for the in%tittion of the re%pon"ent% &!% thete%t!tri'$% belief th!t n"er the l!& %he (ol" not "o other&i%e+ If thi% &erein"ee" &h!t prompte" the te%t!tri' in in%tittin# the re%pon"ent%, %he "i" not

    m!e it no&n in her &ill+ Srel* if %he &!% !&!re th!t %((e%%ion to thele#itime t!e% pl!(e b* oper!tion of l!&, in"epen"ent of her o&n &i%he%, %he&ol" not h!e fon" it (onenient to n!me her %ppo%e" (ompl%or* heir% totheir le#itime%+ Ber e'pre%% !"option of the rle% on le#itime% %hol" er* &ellin"i(!te her (omplete !#reement &ith th!t %t!ttor* %(heme+ 8t een thi%, liethe nephe&% !n" nie(e%$ o&n propo%ition, i% hi#hl* %pe(l!tie of &h!t &!% inthe min" of the te%t!tri' &hen %he e'e(te" her &ill+ One f!(t pre!il%, ho&eer,!n" it i% th!t the de%edent@s will does not state in a s+e%ifi% or neivo%almanner the %ase for s%h instittion of heirs& 0e %annot annl the sameon the basis of gesswor or n%ertain im+li%ations&

    -Arti(le =0 of the Ciil Co"e, ote" !boe, i% ! po%itie in5n(tion to i#nore&h!teer f!l%e (!%e the te%t!tor m!* h!e &ritten in hi% &ill for the in%tittionof heir%+ S(h in%tittion m!* be !nnlle" onl* &hen one i% %!ti%fie", !fter !ne'!min!tion of the &ill, th!t the te%t!tor (le!rl* &ol" not h!e m!"e thein%tittion if he h!" no&n the (!%e for it to be f!l%e+ No&, &ol" the l!te8!%ili! h!e (!%e" the reo(!tion of the in%tittion of heir% if %he h!" no&nth!t %he &!% mi%t!en in tre!tin# the%e heir% !% her le#!ll* !"opte" (hil"renJOr &ol" %he h!e in%titte" them nonethele%%J SC %!i" the &ill i%mte on thi%point+ herefore, the &ill &!% phel" be(!%e of thi% (on%tr(tion e%t!(* i%f!ore" !n" "obt% !re re%ole" on it% %i"e+ Al%o, the le#!lit* of the !"option

    (!n be !%%!ile" onl* in ! %ep!r!te !(tion bro#ht for th!t prpo%e, !n" (!nnotbe the %b5e(t of ! (oll!ter!l !tt!(+

    :!!& S"BST!T"T!-N -F $#!S

    5C!B v #SC-L!N6 SC>A 66


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    &ith th!t of the %%pen%ie (on"ition of the in%tittion of hi% brother% !n" %i%ter%-in-l!&, &hi(h m!nner of in%tittion i% not prohibite" b* l!&+

    T 8!%i(!ll*, &h!t the (!%e &!% !ll !bot i% &hether there &!% !n* p!rt of .r%+Bo"#e% e%t!te left th!t "i"nHt p!%% on to .r+ Bo"#e% thr %((e%%ion+ It &!%

    rle" th!t meron n#! n!tir!n# e%t!te ni .r%+ Bo#"e% /forei#n l!& i%%e+

    ESSON+ .!%!it %! lo m!m!t!* n# m!*!m!n !t m!#-i&!n n# m!#lon# &ill+O fine, m!h!l nil! !n# i%!Ht i%!+

    5ALAC!-S v A3!#.00 SC>A 00

    A8A< SANOS; Febr!r* 1, 19=


    he m!in i%%e in thi% !ppe!l i% the m!nner of p!rtitionin# the te%t!te e%t!te of)o%e E#enio >!mire? !mon# the prin(ip!l benefi(i!rie%, n!mel* hi% &i"o&.!r(elle oberto !n" )or#e>!mire?; !n" hi% (omp!nion 2!n"! "e 2roble%i+ he t!% i% not troble-freebe(!%e the &i"o& .!r(elle i% ! Fren(h &ho lie% in P!ri%, &hile the (omp!nion2!n"! i% !n A%tri!n &ho lie% in Sp!in+ .oreoer, the te%t!tor proi"e" for%b%tittion%+)o%e E#enio >!mire?, ! Filipino n!tion!l, "ie" in Sp!in on

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    FACTS- An! .!ri! Al(!nt!r! /"e(e!%e" left P1,4=+= on "epo%it in the C!rmen$%n!me &ith the !%%o(i!tion no&n !%=a ?rbana in .!nil!, !% the fin!l p!*ment

    of her lii"!te" (re"it !#!in%t An"re% @!r(hitoren!, !l%o "e(e!%e",repre%ente" b* hi% %on, .!ri!no+- .!ri!no @!r(hitoren! hel" ! 5"#ment for P7,=7+ !#!in%t )o!in,h%b!n" of C!rmen+ he %heriff pr%!nt to the &rit of e'e(tion i%%e" in %!i"

    5"#ment leie" !n !tt!(hment on %!i" !mont "epo%ite" &ith=a ?rbana.- C!rmen %e(re" ! prelimin!r* in5n(tion re%tr!inin# the e'e(tion of %!i"

    5"#ment on the %m %o !tt!(he" be(!%e the=a ?rbana"epo%it belon#% toher (hil"ren !% fi"ei(ommi%%!r* heir% of An! .!ri! Al(!nt!r!+-Pertinent (l!%e% of the 2ill

    @1inth. !!! so that upon my death and a"ter probate o" this will and

    a"ter the report o" the committee on claims and appraisal has been renderedand appro%ed she will recei%e "rom my e!ecutri! and properties composing myhereditary estate that she may en$oy them with od's blessing and my own.

    Tenth. Should my heiress Carmen architorena die ( order that mywhole estate shall pass unimpaired to her sur%i%ing children> and should any o"these die his share shall ser%e to increase the portions o" his sur%i%ing brothers;and sisters< by accretion in such wise that my estate shall ne%er pass out o"the hands o" my heiress or her children in so "ar as it is legally possible.

    Ele%enth. Should my a"oresaid heiress Carmen architorena die a"terme while her children are still in their minority ( order that my estate be

    administered by my e!ecutri! Mrs. 8ose"a =aplana and in her de"ault byAttorney )amon Salinas and in his de"ault by his son )amon Salinas> !!!.B-he !ppell!nt% (onten" th!t in the%e (l!%e% the te%t!tri' h!% or"ere" ! %imple%b%tittion, &hile the !ppellee (onten"% th!t it i% ! fi"ei(ommi%%!r*%b%tittion+

    !SS"#2ON ! fi"ei(ommi%%!r* e'i%t%


    3ES+ he rei%ite% for ! fi"ei(ommi%%!r* %b%tittion e'i%t%, n!mel*

    1+ At fir%t heir prim!ril* (!lle" to the en5o*ment of the e%t!te+ In thi% (!%e thepl!intiff &!% in%titte" !n heire%%, (!lle" to the en5o*ment of the e%t!te,!((or"in# to (l!%e I of the &ill++ An obli#!tion (le!rl* impo%e" pon the heir to pre%ere !n" tr!n%mit to ! thir"per%on the &hole or ! p!rt of the e%t!te+ S(h !n obli#!tion i% impo%e" in (l!%e

    &hi(h proi"e% th!t the D&hole e%t!te %h!ll p!%% nimp!ire" to her /heire%%$%%riin# (hil"ren;D th%, in%te!" of le!in# the heire%% !t libert* to "i%po%e ofthe e%t!te b* &ill, or of le!in# the l!& to t!e it% (or%e in (!%e %he "ie%inte%t!te, %!i" (l!%e not onl* "i%po%e% of the e%t!te in f!or of the heire%%in%titte", bt !l%o proi"e% for the "i%po%ition thereof in (!%e %he %hol" "ie!fter the te%t!tri'++ A %e(on" heir+ S(h !re the (hil"ren of the heire%% in%titte", &ho !rereferre" to !% %(h %e(on" heir% both in (l!%e !n" in (l!%e I+4+ he fi"ei(ommi%%!ri% be entitle" to the e%t!te from the time the te%t!tor"ie%, %in(e he i% to inherit from the l!tter !n" not from the fi"(i!r*+ he (hil"ren

    in thi% (!%e !re the o&ner% of the inherit!n(e b* irte of the te%t!tri'H% "e!th+/F, the "epo%it (!nnot be the %b5e(t of e'e(tion b* @!r(hitoren! !% it "oe%nHtbelon# to C!rmen+Reasoning,-hi% &ill (ert!inl* proi"e% for ! %b%tittion of heir% bt not 5%t ! %imple one(on%i"erin# th!t (l!%e I in (onne(tion &ith (l!%e proi"e% for ! %b%tittion&here the heire%% in%titte" "ie%a"ter the te%t!tri'+-Cl!%e "oe%nHt (onfli(t &ith the i"e! of fi"ei(ommi%!r*

    he &or" sole "oe% not ne(e%%!ril* e'(l"e the i"e! ofsubstitute heir%;!n" t!in# the%e three (l!%e% to#ether, %(h &or" me!n% th!t the pl!intiff i%

    the %ole heire%% instituted in the "irst instance+he te%t!tri' h!" in min" ! fi"ei(ommi%%!r* %b%tittion, %in(e %he

    limit% the tr!n%mi%%ion of her e%t!te to the (hil"ren of the heire%% in !((or"!n(e&ith the limit% fi'e" b* A 7=1 CC &hi(h pre%(ribe" th!t fi"ei(ommi%%!r*%b%tittion% %h!ll be !li" Dproi"e" the* "o not #o be*on" the %e(on" "e#ree+D

    Another in"i(!tion of fi"ei(ommi%%!r* %b%tittion i% thi% (l!%eproi"e% th!t the whole e%t!te %h!ll p!%% nimp!ire" to the heire%%$% (hil"ren,th!t i% to %!* the heire%% i% reire" to pre%ere the &hole e%t!te, &ithot"imintion, in or"er to p!%% it on in "e time to the fi"ei(ommi%%!r* heir%+

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    - he "i%po%ition (ont!ine" in (l!%e I i% not in(omp!tible &ith !fi"ei(ommi%%!r* %b%tittion ;it certainly is incompatible with the idea o" simplesubstitution where the heiress instituted does not recei%e the inheritance

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    - he %b%tittion of heir% proi"e" for therein i% not e'pre%%l* m!"e offi"ei(ommi%%!r* in", nor "oe% it (ont!in ! (le!r %t!tement to the effe(t th!t!ppellee, "rin# her lifetime, %h!ll onl* en5o* %fr(t!r* ri#ht% oer thepropert* bee!the" to her, n!e" o&ner%hip thereof bein# e%te" in thebrother% of the te%t!tri'+ A% !lre!"* %t!te", it merel* proi"e% th!t pon

    !ppellee$% "e!th, &hether before or !fter th!t of te%t!tri', her %h!re %h!ll belon#to the brother% of the te%t!tri'+

    1DA& D# /!LA4/- v T#NGC-07 SC>A 600

    >O.E>O; .!r(h 7, 199

    NAT"#Petition for certiorari !n" prohibition !n"Gormandamus&ith pr!*er for ! &rit ofprelimin!r* in5n(tion+

    FACTS- .!ri! i?!re% * Aln!n "ie" !n" left her Dte%t!mentoD in the po%%e%%ion !n"(%to"* of her nie(e, E%t!i! i?!re%, &ho l!ter file" ! petition for the%ettlement of her e%t!te+ he prob!te (ort "e(l!re" the &ill prob!te" !n"!ppointe" E%t!i! !% the e'e(tri' of the e%t!te of .!ri! i?!re%+- E%t!i! file" ! pro5e(t of p!rtition,&hi(h &!% #r!nte" b* the prob!te (ort+Simlt!neo%l*, %!i" (ort "e(l!re" the heir%, "ei%ee%, le#!tee% !n"%fr(t!rie% mentione" in the pro5e(t of p!rtition !% the onl* heir%, "ei%ee%,le#!tee% !n" %fr(t!rie% of the e%t!te; !"5"i(!te" to them the propertie%

    repe(tiel* !%%i#ne" to them, !n" or"ere" the >e#i%ter of

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    Reasoning- An* (h!llen#e to the !li"it* of ! &ill, !n* ob5e(tion to the !thenti(!tionthereof, !n" eer*demand or claim which any heir legatee or party interestedin a testate or intestate succession may make must be acted upon and decidedwithin the same special proceedings not in a separate action !n" the %!me

    5"#e h!in# 5ri%"i(tion in the !"mini%tr!tion of the e%t!te %h!ll t!e(o#ni?!n(e of the e%tion r!i%e", in!%m(h !% &hen the "!* (ome% he &ill be(!lle" pon to m!e "i%tribtion !n" !"5"i(!tion of the propert* to theintere%te" p!rtie%+- he f!(t% %ho& th!t the petitioner% re(o#ni?e" the "e(ree of p!rtition%!n(tione" b* the prob!te (ort !n" in f!(t re!pe" the frit% thereof+ Ben(e,the* !re no& pre(l"e" from !tt!(in# the !li"it* of the p!rtition or !n* p!rt ofit in the #i%e of ! (ompl!int for re(one*!n(e+ A p!rt* (!nnot, in l!& !n" in#oo" (on%(ien(e be !llo&e" to re!p the frit% of ! p!rtition, !#reement or

    5"#ment !n" rep"i!te &h!t "oe% not %it him+ h%, &here ! pie(e of l!n" h!%

    been in(l"e" in ! p!rtition !n" there i% no !lle#!tion th!t the in(l%ion &!%!ffe(te" thro#h improper me!n% or &ithot petitioner$% no&le"#e,the partitionbarred any "urther litigationon %!i" title !n" oper!te" to brin# the propert* n"erthe (ontrol !n" 5ri%"i(tion of the (ort for it% proper "i%po%ition !((or"in# to thetenor of the p!rtition+- .oreoer, &hen petitioner%+ moe" for the reopenin# of the te%t!te e%t!tepro(ee"in#% of .!ri! i?!re%, the 5"i(i!l "e(ree of p!rtition !n" or"er of(lo%re of %(h pro(ee"in#% &!% !lre!"* fin!l !n" e'e(tor*, then re#lement!r*perio" of thirt* "!*% h!in# el!p%e" from the time of it% i%%!n(e, &ith no timel*!ppe!l h!in# been file" b* them+

    - he onl* in%t!n(e &here ! p!rt* intere%te" in ! prob!te pro(ee"in# m!* h!e! fin!l lii"!tion %et !%i"e i% &hen he i% left ot b* re!%on of (ir(m%t!n(e%be*on" hi% (ontrol or thro#h mi%t!e or in!"erten(e not impt!ble tone#li#en(e+ Een then, the better pr!(ti(e to %e(re relief i% the openin# of the%!me b* proper motion &ithin the re#lement!r* perio", in%te!" of !nin"epen"ent !(tion, the effe(t of &hi(h if %((e%%fl, &ol" be for !nother (ortor 5"#e to thro& ot ! "e(i%ion or or"er !lre!"* fin!l !n" e'e(te" !n"re%hffle propertie% lon# !#o "i%tribte" !n" "i%po%e" o f++ NORatio 2hen ! te%t!tor merel* n!me% !n heir !n" proi"e% th!t if %(h heir

    %hol" "ie ! %e(on" heir !l%o "e%i#n!te" %h!ll %((ee", there i% no

    fi"ei(ommi%%!r* %b%tittion+ he %b%tittion %hol" then be (on%tre" !% !l#!r or %imple %b%tittion n"er Art+ =9 of the Ciil Co"e bt it %h!ll beeffe(tie onl* if the fir%t heir "ie%be"orethe te%t!tor+Reasoning- Altho#h the te%t!tri' inten"e" ! fi"ei(ommi%%!r* %b%tittion in p!r!#r!ph% 10

    !n" 11 of her &ill, the %b%tittion (!n h!e no effe(t be(!%e the rei%ite% forit to be !li", h!" not been %!ti%fie"+ he !lle#!tion of the 5oint !"mini%tr!tor%th!t p!r!#r!ph% 10 !n" 11 of .!ri! i?!re%$ l!%t &ill !n" te%t!ment (on(eie% of! fi"ei(ommi%%!r* %b%tittion n"er Arti(le =6 of the Ciil Co"e i% b!%ele%% !%%!i" p!r!#r!ph% "o not impo%e pon E%t!i! ! (le!r obli#!tion to pre%erethe e%t!te in f!or of Cel%! + V"!+ "e il!*o, et !l+, neither m!* %!i"p!r!#r!ph% be (on%i"ere" !% proi"in# for ! l#!r or %imple %b%tittion+- In thi% (!%e, the in%titte" heir, E%t!i!, %rie" the te%t!tri', .!ri! i?!re%+Ben(e, there (!n be no %b%tittion of heir% for, pon .!ri! i?!re%$ "e!th, thepropertie% inole" n(on"ition!ll* "eole" pon E%t!i!+ :n"er the

    (ir(m%t!n(e%, the %i%ter% of .!ri! i?!re% (ol" onl* inherit the e%t!te ofE%t!i! b* oper!tion of the l!& of inte%t!(*+

    :!1& L#G!T!3#

    -SAL#S v& -SAL#S14= SC>A 69

    @ANCA3CO; Febr!r* 7, 19=7
