successful models in agricultural microfinance sponsored by the central bank of sudan

CTA-AFRACA CTA-AFRACA Revolutionizing finance for agri-chain Revolutionizing finance for agri-chain 14-18 July 2014 14-18 July 2014 Nairobi , Kenya Nairobi , Kenya Successful Models in Agricultural Microfinance Sponsored by the Central Bank of Sudan, (CBoS). Prof. Badr El Din A. Ibrahim , President , Microfinance Unit ,

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Presentation Fin4Ag S13 by Prof. Badr El Din A. Ibrahim


Page 1: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

CTA-AFRACACTA-AFRACARevolutionizing finance for agri-chain Revolutionizing finance for agri-chain

14-18 July 201414-18 July 2014Nairobi , KenyaNairobi , Kenya

Successful Models in Agricultural Microfinance Sponsored by the Central Bank of Sudan,


Prof. Badr El Din A. Ibrahim ,President ,

Microfinance Unit,Central Bank of Sudan


Page 2: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan


Introduction Connecting Farmers to Markets The Agricultural Bank of Sudan

Microfinance Initiative, )ABSUMI( MASARA, Rural Productive Family Project,

North Kordofan Women Associations- Gedarif (Eastern

Sudan) Hibiscus (Karkadi) - Value Chain Model

Lessons to be learned.

Page 3: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Introduction The Sudanese central bank-led, Islamic, gap-filling, full-fledged & nationally-integrated microfinance regulatory & supervisory model is described by the World Bank's Consultative Group to Assist the Poor

(CGAP) as :

”A laboratory for Islamic microfinance delivery where developments could shed light on effective Islamic microfinance

practices". "Trends in Sharia-Compliant Financial Inclusion", Consultative Group to Help the Poor, CGAP, The World Bank,

Focus Note, No. 84, March, 2013“

The IMF Sudan Article of Consultation, Sep. 2013, Stated that: “The microfinance sector is small but growing rapidly…. The results of

this push have been impressive to date… In terms of active clients, Sudan & Bangladesh are easily the global leaders in

Islamic finance microfinance, with Sudan likely to take top spot given current growth rates”

The IDB highly appraised the outcome and the vision of the US$ 60-Millions MF Partnership with the Central Bank of Sudan & declared its replication in

other member countries. (IDB conference on employment, Riyad, March 2014).

Page 4: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

The microfinance in Sudan is led by the Microfinance Unit of the Central bank of Sudan (CBOS).

Microfinance Unit/CBO overlook the microfinance sector. The Unit is a national microfinance legislative and regulatory body providing: licensing of MFIs, wholesale lending to MFIs & specialized banks, sharing in MFIs’ capital, HR up-grading & technical & institutional assistance to all institutions working in microfinance sector, coordinate with stakeholders via networking, provision of awareness programs, & design & sponsoring of pioneering national micro agricultural projects, to set a good example for further extensions by banks & MFIs.

This presentation come under this last objective of MFU.

Page 5: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Connecting Farmers to Markets Program

ObjectiveThe Model Achieve financial inclusion of rural farmers to consolidate value chain and to enable small-scale farmers to get out of the cycle of underproduction & poverty, become self-sufficient & produce for surplus.

Create a commercially-viable program (with no donors financial support) for all stakeholders (farmers, banks, insurance Cos., extension and food procurement Cos.)

linking farmers in traditional agricultural rain-fed states to all markets (crop market, crop insurance market, extension services - seed selection, fertilizer usage, harvesting techniques

etc.) .

Page 6: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Stakeholders & Roles

Federal Ministry of Agriculture (FMA) . Together with WFP,

select farmers through association, provide extension training

services to beneficiaries (training on micro-

credit, micro-insurance, management of

personal finances . Jointly with CBoS, provide technical

extension training on seed selection, fertilizer,

crop & water mgt, weeding, harvesting etc.

United Nations World Food

Program (WFP):

Selection of farmers &

provision of food

for farmers.

Banks: Select the ‘credit worthy’

farmers from within WFP list & provide finance

loans disbursement & repayments, &

periodical reporting .

•Shiekan Insurance Company : provide Islamic insurance covering finance, assets & physical disability or death.

The Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS).

Together FMA, & Banks

support assessment of farmers’

credit viability, & provide financial

support for training

services, take coordination leadership to


reporting .

The Strategic Reserve

Corporation of the

government act as a buyer of last resort and the WFP also buys the

surplus product for its own program of

schools & for food for work .


)Source: CBOS/MFU(

Page 7: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Connecting Farmers to Markets Program - cont.

First experimentFinancingIn 2011 the target was 100000 rural farmers WFP-targeted farmers (with 5-10 feddans -1.038 acres - each) in nine States via four commercial & MF banks (Agricultural Bank of Sudan, Saving & Social Development Bank, Family Bank & Khartoum Bank).

Finance from Aman (portfolio of a consortium of private sector

banks & Zakat fund) .

Other stakeholders: Shiekan insurance Co. provide micro-insurance + State Ministry of Finance (extension) +CBoS (finance) & WFP (food for work).

Repayment: 86%, in some case repayment is low.

(Source: CBOS/MFU)

Page 8: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Connecting Farmers to Markets Prog.- Cont.

Problems identifiedThe new version, 2013Lower repayment , weak coordination among stakeholders, no special training course for the target group, late finance, small number of agricultural advisers, loose time table of training and financing, weak selection of the target group, no precise determination of av. finance .• Recommendations: add other stakeholders (e.g. FAO to provide improved seeds, tools & training), concentrate on basic agricultural products, independent body for supervision, introduction of livestock & non-agricultural activities, precise reporting & analysis, revision of WFP food coupons to match with the food culture , awareness program.

The creation of a model with no constraints (including lower repayment) are made in 2013 version (No results so far).• In 2013, 16000 rural farmers (135000 in small rural agriculture and 25000 animal raising) were targeted in 7 States . Finance was made via SMDF (SDG 36 mill., app. US$ 6.3 Mill.) (SMDF is a company shared by the CBoS & the MONE & other donors), Khartoum Bank (SDG 20 millions, app. US$ 3.5 mill.), other banks (ABS, Commercial Farmers Bank, Saving & Social Development Bank SDG 18.3 mill, app. US$ 3.2 mill.). • 4 MFIs were used to extend financing. Other stakeholders are the same, but The National Insurance company replaces Shiekan Co. (via the Comprehensive Insurance Document , CID. (Source: CBOS/MFU

Page 9: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Connecting Farmers to Markets Prog. – Cont.

2013 version

StateTargeted clientsTotal


North Darfur20,0005,00025,000

South Darfur20,0005,00025,000

West Darfur20,000zero20,000



Blue Nile15,000zero15,000

North Kordofan30,00010,00040,000

Total 135,00025,000160,000

Page 10: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Connecting Farmers to Markets Program:

The Comprehensive Insurance Document, CID:introduce

“microtakaful in micro-


use micro-takaful to enhance

microfinance outreach”, mainly via

portfolios (portfolio of linking small farmers to

market, and other microfinance projects).

build a “dual-functioning microtakaful model” as an insurance and a guarantee for finance

“cover three microtakaful necessary for

microfinance ” (money lend, assets &

Takaful- physical disability or death).

Page 11: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

The Agricultural Bank of Sudan Microfinance Initiative, ABSUMI.

ObjectiveThe model Extensions

Started 2010 to cover up to 2013 based on small loans of around US$ 130 to rural farmers given on Murabaha & Musharaka (Islamic partnership) to perform agricultural activities (mainly livestock fattening , small agricultural activities & income generating activities).

A target of 1 million family in 10 years is underway.

The pilot project reached 510 Saving groups (small saving mobilization) composed of more than 9 thousands women members in 90 villages via total lending of more than millions SDG (app. US$. 175,000 equally shared between the CBOS/ABS.• Results of the trail phase shared a zero risk & a 100% repayment rate.• The extension is largely due to the success of the pilot project and the enthusiasm of the stakeholders to expand to fill in the gap between demand and supply of microfinance services in rural areas.

In 2013 cover 40000 families were covered, divided in 5000 clients in 8 localities in Kordofan (western Sudan) & two white Nile State (central Sudan), & Kassala State (eastern Sudan).

)Source: Central ABSUMI Unit.(

Page 12: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

MASARA Rural Productive Family Project, North Kordofan.

ObjectiveThe model Impact & challenges

This is a self food-dependency & poverty alleviation project among poor women (760) in North Kordofan State (western Sudan).

It is also a capacity-building in rural small agriculture and microfinance awareness project in rural areas.

Finance agriculture & livestock in addition to training & groupings of women in associations (15).

Started in 2011 with finance from the CBoS/MFU, (3.8 SDG millions, app. US$ 6.7 millions) through Saving & Social Development Bank.

The average finance is 2 millions (App. US$ 3.5 millions & the repayment is 100%.

The project targeting 50000 women in 100 villages in all localities of Kordofan State.

There is positive socio-economic impact (improved heath conditions, education for children ). Challenges: seasonal rain and marketing.

)Source: CBOS/MFU(

Page 13: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Women Associations- Gedarif (Eastern Sudan)


The model

Help women in groups to be self-sufficient in sorghum & peanuts.

Finance of women groups in agricultural projects via Mudaraba mode of finance (agency profit & loss joint venture/limited partnership) of 1 SDG mill. from the CBOS to the ABS (average loan size SDG 400, app. US$ 70), & the mode of finance is Salam mode of finance (the buyer pays the full negotiated price of the agricultural product that the seller promises to deliver at a future date).

The groups: (100; 25-30 members each) administer & follow -up repayments.

Commercial companies provide storage facilities & agricultural tools.

Islamic Takaful (Islamic micro-insurance) is used

Guarantees : through sheikhs & personal guarantees

Repayment 98%, net profit is 75 thousands, rate of return is (7.5%)

Extension: preparation underway for 4 times extension

)Source: CBOS/MFU(

Page 14: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Hibiscus (Karkadi) - Value Chain Model

ObjectiveThe model

Hibiscus Kerkadi : Due to cultural practices & believes hibiscus is a female crop & monopolized by local & town traders to the farmers’ disadvantages. Hibiscus vale chain provides a good opportunity to empower poor female farmers in rural areas to produce on a large-scale & increase productivity and open export marketing opportunities , as hibiscus is one of the most important crop for the poor, and it resists drought & bests. Moreover, it is labor intensive.

Increase the production & productivity of Hibiscus Kerkadi , & the share of farmers via market study & training, consolidation of production associations, improvement of quality & increase farmers’ income, provision of improved seeds from local market, storage & packing & market links, & provision of finance.

Pilot project of 27 thousands clients in 3 western states (South Kordofan, North Kordofan & South Darfur), including 60 villages.

(Source: CBOS/MFU

Page 15: Successful Models in Agricultural  Microfinance Sponsored by  the Central Bank of Sudan

Lessons to be learned Rural-based small agricultural microfinance

projects are both successful & wide in term of clients coverage.

Islamic (agricultural-related) modes of finance (slam mode) prove to generate high repayment.

Moreover, other reasons for high repayments are: dedicated & honest productive rural farmers , use of Islamic micro-insurance (Takaful) as a guarantee .

A multiple & coordinated stakeholders providing different services, close supervision & following up via independent body are ingredients for successful projects.

Extensions of these model at different rural locations are required.