success steps - kick start team training launch script.pdf · arbonne history • share some info...

Success Steps • Don’t over shadow the new consultant you want to make it all about them and be relatable and friendly. • Make sure the launch lasts under 1.5 hours. • Use the technology for interstate and international guests. Get access to Zoom to run this presentation. • Ensure they have asked as many of their friends and family as possible. It is best to over invite as some people inevitably cant make it on the day • Encourage your new IC to invite people who are not in the same physical geographical location to log into the presentation through Zoom • Keep food to a minimum. Drinks to include champagne or whatever the host and their guests drinks Bring a wrapped gift for your newbie (flowers, champagne, book, jewelery) to congratulate them on starting their business • Use the script / visual aids to help facilitate the presentation (a copy of the visual aids is available in presentation format (without the notes pages) • Ask your new IC ‘Who is coming’ get an idea of the guests you will meet (so you can tailor your presentation to them e.g. mums, Gen Y, etc Remind your new IC to text their guests the night before to confirm their coming. “‘Hey <guest name>. I am so looking forward to seeing you at <time> tomorrow for the Launch of my new business! I can’t wait for you to hear all about what I am doing. I really look forward to seeing you and having a glass of champagne with you to celebrate. Thank you for your support and see you then!”

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Page 1: Success Steps - Kick Start Team Training Launch Script.pdf · ARBONNE HISTORY • Share some info about Petter Morck and the brand philosophy and connect guests to vision and brand

Success Steps

• Don’t over shadow the new consultant you want to make it all about them and be relatable and friendly. • Make sure the launch lasts under 1.5 hours.• Use the technology for interstate and international guests. Get access to Zoom to run this presentation.• Ensure they have asked as many of their friends and family as possible. It is best to over invite as some

people inevitably cant make it on the day• Encourage your new IC to invite people who are not in the same physical geographical location to log

into the presentation through Zoom• Keep food to a minimum. Drinks to include champagne or whatever the host and their guests drinks• Bring a wrapped gift for your newbie (flowers, champagne, book, jewelery) to congratulate them on

starting their business• Use the script / visual aids to help facilitate the presentation (a copy of the visual aids is available in

presentation format (without the notes pages)• Ask your new IC ‘Who is coming’ get an idea of the guests you will meet (so you can tailor your

presentation to them e.g. mums, Gen Y, etc• Remind your new IC to text their guests the night before to confirm their coming. “‘Hey <guest name>.

I am so looking forward to seeing you at <time> tomorrow for the Launch of my new business! I can’t wait for you to hear all about what I am doing. I really look forward to seeing you and having a glass of champagne with you to celebrate. Thank you for your support and see you then!”

Page 2: Success Steps - Kick Start Team Training Launch Script.pdf · ARBONNE HISTORY • Share some info about Petter Morck and the brand philosophy and connect guests to vision and brand

Success Steps

• Arrive at least 30 minutes early to help your new IC set up and feel great

• It is a nice touch to cut some ribbon to officially open up their new business so bring some ribbon along

• Have the new IC print a copy of the Launch Party Guest Register and ensure everyone who attends is

able to pop their name down against one of the events. Those who cant make it can also be offered an

event option as well so they don’t miss out on the fun. Interstate and international friends can be sent

samples easily as well so they can try the products before or after the launch event

• The aim of the Launch is to get bookings and fill the new consultants diary to help them get their

business off the ground. Do not feel bad asking their friends and family for help - they will have fun,

learn heaps and be rewarded in the process!

• Ultimately all launches are so different - you will always get a mix of people with different interests in

Arbonne. Some interested in the business, some in the products and some just there for support. Keep

the information to a combination of products, opportunity and a celebration of the new IC and help

them sponsor some PC’s, find some potential consultants and let their family and friends know about

Arbonne so they can host events and ultimately support them!

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Page 4: Success Steps - Kick Start Team Training Launch Script.pdf · ARBONNE HISTORY • Share some info about Petter Morck and the brand philosophy and connect guests to vision and brand

New Consultant Business Launch


• The set up will be dependant on the size of the guests at the launch.

• If there are up to 8 guests, then have your new consultant set up the table as per a skincare or nutrition group presentation.

• If you have more than 8 guests then have your new consultant display their products (if possible) in three groupings: skincare & body/hair care products, makeup products and nutrition products. What is displayed will be dependant on what they purchased as part of their kit.

• As the sponsor, you would typically purchase a gift for your new consultant (flowers, book, jewellery etc) so this can be placed (wrapped) near the product display.

• If your consultant has “gaps” in their kit, then as their sponsor, please bring along any products you have that they don’t for use and display at their Launch event.

• Set up in bathroom: fibrella cloths/face washers, Cleanser (Calm and RE9), eye make up remover and cotton wool rounds if product experience will take place on the day of the event.

• Set-up a checkout station: Guest Register, Open Date Card (for new IC to book in appointments), catalogues, PC packs, new IC order book or order forms, curiosity packs, host packs, calendar, catalogues, calculator, pen.

• Set up ribbon and scissors nearby (to cut and officially open up their business)

• If guests logging in online, ensure technology is working, set up so they can hear you and your new IC and all guests have a link to login with


Greet Each Guest (try to remember their name as it is excellent for building rapport). As the sponsor, take the time to connect with your new IC’s network so that they know who you are and you can understand who is who in the room.

Ask guests lots of questions including:

• How do they know the new consultant?• What do you do (work)?• How long have you worked at xx?• You must be really passionate about what you do?• Do you love what you do?•Do you have kids? How old? Names?

Be helpful to the new IC (eg ask if they need a hand serving drinks, getting the door as guests arrive).Do you love what you do? Do you have kids? How old? Names?What does your partner do?

be helpful to the host (eg ask if they need a hand serving drinks, getting the door as guests arrive).

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Have all guests seated around the dining room table or lounge room (depending on guests numbers) to begin.


• New IC to thank everyone for coming and explain how much it means to them to have everyone here.

• New IC to then share why they have decided to start their own business from their heart.

• New IC to introduce you - their business partner (try not to use word sponsor in this event as no-one will really understand what this means). You are their business partner / mentor / coach.

SPONSOR TO THEN THANK EVERYONE & INTRODUCE YOURSELF• Thank everyone for coming, explain they might

not understand just what their physical presence

has for <new IC name> confidence to know they have the emotional support of their friends and family

• Explain the purpose of this event is to officially launch the new consultant’s business.

• Explain that if they had a shop, we would all be down there on opening night cutting the ribbon but as this is a home based business we are sitting in their home instead!

• Explain the format for the event: share a little but about yourself then a little bit about Arbonne so you can help everyone understand exactly what <new consultant> is doing and then we can try the products!

• Explain that after this short presentation, you are interested in purchasing Arbonne products, we’ll show you how to get them at great discounts! Or if you want host an event for <new IC> and get free products - s/he can show you how.

• If you know anyone who might want to learn about this business opportunity, please let <new IC> know!

• And if something we say resonates with you personally on the business side, please let us know, we’d love to speak with you further!

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My Arbonne Story

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MY STORYSPONSOR TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF• Introduce yourself and share your story (briefly).

Be relatable, authentic and “real”• If you have had successes in the business share

this with the guests and paint the vision for what is possible e.g. achieved the first level of leadership, earned the free holidays, earned jewellery, become more confident in yourself and explain how privileged you feel that you get to pay all of this forward to <new consultant>.

• If you have not yet had successes in the business then talk about what excited you the most about what this business represents e.g. getting paid to go on free holidays, earning additional income to help pay for bills or save for that special holiday, meet new people, get a new white Mercedes, experience personal growth etc.

• Highlight pain points the guests might share e.g. include info about being present for your kids if guests are mums, work long hours (many unpaid) but only ever get same income every week or ability to wake up without an alarm clock and only needing a laptop and phone to build this business if more Gen Y guests are present

ASK: Just imagine what your life could look like if you had more money or more time. What would you do?

• This business is so simple and so much fun and I am incredibly proud of <new IC> for backing him/herself and having a crack at something different.

• Listen and watch what <new IC> and I do today and if you want <insert pain points>, then please let me know as <new IC> is looking for 2 people to join him/her in the business and share the success. You will also be personally coached and trained by me. So consider doing your future self the biggest favour and let me know if you’re curious to find out more for yourself or someone you know.

• ASK: Who has heard about Arbonne before <new IC> started their business? if yes ask “What have you heard? Have you tried the products? Do you know any consultants?).

• Be excited if they have heard about brand or know a consultant

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Arbonne’s History

“It’s our responsibility to leave the earth a better place than we found it for generations to come”

Stian Morck - Managing Director

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• Share some info about Petter Morck and the brand philosophy and connect guests to vision and brand

• Founded in Switzerland 37 years ago (in 1975) by Petter Morck.

• Created the brand for his wife as Petter knew the kinds of ingredients that went into skincare and cosmetics and

he didn’t want his wife using them.

• Knew though that the quality of the products would inevitably increase the cost so created the business model

through social / network marketing to keep the costs down - explain a bit more about this shortly

• Arbonne actually means beautiful tree in Swiss

• Hold up a catalogue

• You won’t find Arbonne in stores and we do not pay expensive models to promote our brand. All the models in

our catalogue are Arbonne Consultants and their families.

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Wide Range of Consumable ProductsArbonne offers prestige beauty, health and wellness products with targeted results

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Consumable Products

Share while fanning catalogue...

• All of our products are consumable. • Explain this is huge in terms of a smart business for <new consultant> to be involved in as the

products they are sharing are not a one time only purchase or infrequent purchase. • Explain it is not like someone will decide to stop washing their hair or putting on deodorant one

day when their current product runs out - everyone already uses these products and everyone will continue to use the products.

• Go through different ranges• Our formulations are the best of the best and we use cutting edge technology to deliver results

based product ranges

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Page 14: Success Steps - Kick Start Team Training Launch Script.pdf · ARBONNE HISTORY • Share some info about Petter Morck and the brand philosophy and connect guests to vision and brand

PURE• Arbonne is built on a brand philosophy of pure - safe - beneficial. So it is more about what is not in our products than

what is in our products that is our key point of difference.• What is not in our products are things like (call out 3-4 off the list)• Mention 1300 ingredients banned for use in personal care products in the EU while less than 15 are banned in

Australia and the US.• Explain if products are manufactured in China & ingredient cannot be sourced, they are permitted to substitute it but

not list replacement!!!! Whereas Arbonne’s products comply with the EU standard and list every single ingredient on our packaging and our website.

SAFE• Our products are:• Dermatologist, ophthalmologist, paediatrician, macro-biological and hypoallergenic• but we do not test on animals - Vegan Certified & Gluten Free certified.

• Many of our clients who have previously not been able to use any skincare or cosmetics because of extreme skin sensitivities are able to use Arbonne!

BENEFICIAL• Confirm products actually do what they say they are going to do. Share personal story or borrow one. EG RE9

Corrective Eye Cream is clinically proven to visibly reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eye area and it does just that.

• We stand behind the efficiency of our products so much that we offer a 45 day $ back guarantee but we have a less than 1% return rate - this is a testament to the products working / our clients loving them

• In a nutshell, if our products didn’t work, our business wouldn’t work and I stand here today as proof it does work. • The best part is you can experience first hand just how good they are and see what the fuss is all about.

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NUTRITION PRODUCTS• <new IC> has access to the very best vegan certified, highly effective nutrition products.

• The results driven formulations are a cut above the rest. No gluten, no artificial flavours, colours or additives, dairy, soy and GMO free!

• This is where I am incredibly excited for each of you as you can experience the absolute difference these incredible products can have on your gut health and life.

• I am more than happy to share further information with you or you can actually consider hosting a Healthy Happy Hour at your place and I will share with you how you can increase your health by incorporating a few of these products into your lifestyle.

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• It is at this point I like to make a point of highlighting that <new IC> has not lost their mind and joined a crazy get rich quick scheme or scam. They have joined an incredibly smart business, one where they can truly leverage their time and hopefully you are seeing this too as I have been sharing more information about Arbonne and what <new IC> is doing.

• The best part about working within this industry is we cut out all the middle men and cut out a huge amount of costs / overheads. It is a business is a box. This effectively means we can get consumers the incredible ultra prestige formulations without it having to cost them or <new IC> a fortune. There are no overheads, no ongoing costs and <new IC> gets to be their own boss, working their own schedule around their existing commitments. All they need is a smartphone!

• Explain how our business model is simple and clean (word of mouth marketing). This is the most powerful form of marketing. Everyone already does it.

• ASK: When was the last time you recommended a product, service or place to a friend? Explain we do this all the time. Explain everyone in this room is already doing social marketing but you are not getting paid or getting any freebies as a thank you for your recommendation! This is the difference with Arbonne. Every time <new IC> refers someone to the products and they purchase them, they get a thank you cheque from Arbonne! How cool is that? especially when the products are so good, they are so easy to authentically share!

• Explain <new IC> is paid a thank you cheque instead of the clients money going to a CEO or Board of a large multinational company.

• Explain that <new IC> doesn’t have to pick and pack any orders or deal with any money! This is all done by head office so <new IC> can be home with all of you while the orders are being distributed to their clients and they get paid for this! Time leverage at its best as the business operates all

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Page 20: Success Steps - Kick Start Team Training Launch Script.pdf · ARBONNE HISTORY • Share some info about Petter Morck and the brand philosophy and connect guests to vision and brand

GLOBAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY• This is what gets me most excited for <new IC name>. They have the ability to have an amazing massive global


• Explain how <new consultant> can operate their business in any of the countries Arbonne have operations in currently: USA, Canada, UK, Poland, Australia, NZ, Taiwan and (in 2018) Germany.

• So as friends and family of <new consultant>, who do you know in any of these countries or who do you know who knows people in these countries.

• Explain that <new consultant> would love the opportunity to connect with them to share the incredible products as they really are the best of the best and too good to keep to ourselves!

• Arbonne is truly experiencing massive growth and we are only i the countries I have just mentioned. The great area is where we have yet to go so this business is literally at the tipping point of crazy growth!

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A Generous Compensation Plan

Area Manager $1,600 - $3,600 per month

Regional Vice President $6,800 - $9,500 per month

National Vice President $19,131.00 per month

District Manager $300 - $1,400 per month

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THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYFinally the money slide - what is one of the reasons <new consultant> is doing all of this?

Confirm main reasons why people start a network marketing business.• They want to earn additional income *number 1• Have financial freedom,• Have their own business,• Have more time,• Get more personal development,• Help others,• Meet new people• Support their retirement or• Leave a legacy.

Talk through income levels and business can be done as a hobby or as a serious business.

ASK: What would an additional $500 per month mean for you and your family? What about an extra $2,000 per month? Or how about an extra $6,500 per month.

Confirm Arbonne pays me to teach, train, coach and mentor others to build a successful business. My commission does not come out of <new consultants> commission, In fact. <new

consultant> can promote higher than me in the business before me if they work their business. This is a very fair business model and one that rewards you for effort!

Explain all the other benefits:• Free holidays• Free jewellery• The Mercedes Benz cash bonus program• The business is willable• The top 2 levels get Tiffany for Christmas every year, flowers on their birthday, flowers for Australia Day, gifts for Valentines Day.• Global training conference is in Las Vegas every year.

Hold up a demo bag as a highly effective option to run the business. Explain here is no requirement to run the business by doing parties / group presentations.

Go through ways to run the business (parties, demo bags, samples, 1:1’s, markets)

Explain < new consultant> doesn’t have to have a garage full of stock, they just have their demonstration products that they can also personal use and share them through any of these methods! Simple. Clean! Effective!

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• Discuss Kick Start platform and our teams point of difference.

• Joining the number 1 team in Australia

• Supported by the most incredible online training platform.

• Explain the number 1 reason people quit social marketing businesses is because of a lack of support, training and the “how” - the business strategies.

• Confirm what <new consultant> gets access to in our team

• <new IC> are in business FOR him/herself but not BY him/herself. We have extraordinary online and physical support and training. Arbonne corporate take care of everything, from our excellent products and marketing materials

• We hope you now see why <new IC> is excited about this business, and was excited to share it with you!

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How can you help?

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What if this business works for <new consultant>? What if they can achieve their goals and their reasons for starting this business? What if they could get off the treadmill of life and pursue their passions and what makes them happy? What if they could be there for every school pick up and drop off (or select another appropriate pain point based on their circumstances)?

In closing I want to leave you with one question….

ASK: If you keep doing what you are doing, where will you be in 5 years time? (pause briefly after asking this)

I applaud <new consultant> for taking a chance on being more, doing more and having more and I thank each and everyone of you for coming along today and finding out about what <new consultant> is doing.

There are a number of ways you can help <new consultant> other than by physically coming today. We have a little guest register that <new consultant> would be incredibly grateful for if you would pop your name down against one of the many different options. If you are happy to grab a few friends over and be rewarded with free gifts and the very best deals available then by

hosting any one of our incredibly fun and interactive group presentations / parties you would be providing a significant boost to <new consultants> confidence and helping them receive on the job training as I will be there with them teaching them how it is done.

If the idea of freebies and cheap deals doesn’t excite you then perhaps you would be happy to volunteer your face for <new consultant> to practice giving a facial or doing some special occasion make up on.

Or perhaps you know someone who you think needs to connect with <new consultant> to hear more about the products or the opportunity or even you yourself might be curious to find out more.

There are heaps of different options so please pop your name down on the register before you go and thank you again so much for coming today.

Cut the ribbon and open business. Give gift. Explain we are able to try the products for those who are curious to see what the fuss is all about!

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How to play:

1. To start the game: Explain to everyone what’s inside the envelopes! ONE FREE PRODUCT

“Not just any old product or something you will never use - it is a product from our best sellers list valued at up to $105 and could be one of the products you have already tried today”

2. Get everyone to choose their envelope of gift bag and make sure they know “No Peaking”

3. Now explain the rules:

“Ok so here’s how to play. You say DEAL if you’re happy to grab 3-5 of your friends over and host your own party.”

“Not only will you get whats in your envelope you’ll also be helping “the current host” She gets a $50.00 gift voucher to spend on whatever she wants”

You can choose the style of party. • A Skincare facial party - where everyone gets a DIY facial and

basic makeup class• A Makeup class - where everyone learns hands on how to do

a full face including a smokey eye • A Spa party where everyone gets a foot soak and face mask

using our detox range OR • A Nutrition sampling class - where we talk about a healthy 30

day detox challenge

And you can choose where to have it. You could have it • At home or • At work or • In a quiet little restaurant/cafe

Once you’ve said DEAL, you get to open your envelope/bag and see whats inside

OR you say NO DEAL and you hand me your envelope/bag back without knowing whats in there

“So who’s in? DEAL OR NO DEAL?”

OPTIONAL (especially if no one says Deal)!!!!!!!!!!

4. Deal Sweetener: “The 1st two people that shout out DEAL you’ll get whats in your envelope, you’ll give your host the $50 gift voucher AND you’ll also get to choose ANY product of your choice for $35 at the time of your party.”

“So who’s in? DEAL OR NO DEAL?”

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Make up Workshop

Workplaces Home

Skin Care Party

Hens Partys

30 Days to Healthy Living Spa Party

Mother Daughter