success leaves clues v2

Success Leaves Clues The best way to achieve success is to do what successful people do. You can achieve independence, freedom and wealth because all you lack is the knowledge, the behaviours and attitudes of those that are successful. 1. Successful people rise early every morning The best way to be a leader in your field is to be up early every morning, why? Getting up early gives you time to be by yourself. Many successful entrepreneurs I know like to spend time meditating. The aim is to reflect on the day before by asking yourself questions such as… what did I do well? What could I have done better? Where am I in relation to my goals and what must I do today to move me closer to my goals. 2. Attitude of gratitude Spend some time every morning giving thanks, for your family, your children, your skills, your knowledge your work, whatever it is that brings joy in your life. Being happy with who you are is necessary condition before you can become a truly successful person. You can only be happy, and therefore successful when you are thankful for what you have now, and knowing that you can develop the skills and knowledge to be even better. 3. Constant and never ending improvement Successful people are constantly striving to better themselves at everything they do. Successful athletes don’t put in a mediocre effort. World champions are constantly striving to be faster, stronger, climb higher in whatever their pursuit. They act with purpose and determination knowing very clearly what they are trying to achieve. 4. Clarity of Vision In your goals (you should have written goals) be very clear and specific what success means to you. I often hear people say “I’ll feel successful when I earn more money”. Is it $1 extra that will make them happy, of course not, it’s hundreds if not thousands of dollars. They are not being specific. Be clear about your goals, and focus on them with a laser vision, don’t deviate. Sure, life has a way of throwing obstacles in our way, it’s a way of testing our real intentions. The failure to deal with those obstacles is a sign that you are not really committed or you lack clarity of vision. If you don’t have a purpose and vision for your life then you will become a pawn for someone else's purpose and vision. Refocus your vision every morning. 5. Self-Education There are many great motivators, writers, philosophers pick up their books, listen to their audio series, learn from them. In your early morning routine read or listen to Jim Rohn Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins or whoever inspires you; or read an autobiography of someone you admire. They all have great messages on living your life to the max. Remember you only live once. by The Rebel Entrepreneur ©

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Success leaves clues v2

Success Leaves Clues

The best way to achieve success is to do what successful people do. You can achieve independence, freedom and wealth because all you lack is the knowledge, the behaviours and attitudes of those that are successful.

1. Successful people rise early every morningThe best way to be a leader in your field is to be up early every morning, why? Getting up early gives you time to be by yourself. Many successful entrepreneurs I know like to spend time meditating. The aim is to reflect on the day before by asking yourself questions such as… what did I do well? What could I have done better? Where am I in relation to my goals and what must I do today to move me closer to my goals.

2. Attitude of gratitudeSpend some time every morning giving thanks, for your family, your children, your skills, your knowledge your work, whatever it is that brings joy in your life. Being happy with who you are is necessary condition before you can become a truly successful person. You can only be happy, and therefore successful when you are thankful for what you have now, and knowing that you can develop the skills and knowledge to be even better.

3. Constant and never ending improvementSuccessful people are constantly striving to better themselves at everything they do. Successful athletes don’t put in a mediocre effort. World champions are constantly striving to be faster, stronger, climb higher in whatever their pursuit. They act with purpose and determination knowing very clearly what they are trying to achieve.

4. Clarity of VisionIn your goals (you should have written goals) be very clear and specific what success means to you. I often hear people say “I’ll feel successful when I earn more money”. Is it $1 extra that will make them happy, of course not, it’s hundreds if not thousands of dollars. They are not being specific. Be clear about your goals, and focus on them with a laser vision, don’t deviate. Sure, life has a way of throwing obstacles in our way, it’s a way of testing our real intentions. The failure to deal with those obstacles is a sign that you are not really committed or you lack clarity of vision.If you don’t have a purpose and vision for your life then you will become a pawn for someone else's purpose and vision. Refocus your vision every morning.

5. Self-EducationThere are many great motivators, writers, philosophers pick up their books, listen to their audio series, learn from them. In your early morning routine read or listen to Jim Rohn Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins or whoever inspires you; or read an autobiography of someone you admire. They all have great messages on living your life to the max. Remember you only live once.

by The Rebel Entrepreneur ©