submitting contractor schedules in a hosted p6 ... · the state will provide primavera p6 software,...

Walt Disney World Swan Hotel – Florida January 21-25 2012 Presented by: Jonathan McNatty, PSP Certified Primavera Trainer/Consultant Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 Professional DOT Environment

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Page 1: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Walt Disney World Swan Hotel – Florida January 21-25 2012

Presented by:Jonathan McNatty, PSP

Certified Primavera Trainer/Consultant

Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 Professional DOT Environment

Page 2: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

• Oracle Primavera Software

• Oracle Certified Training

• Oracle Certified Implementation Support

• Project support services – administrators, schedulers

• Integration Utilties

Twenty-five + years experience with Primavera


• Integration Utilties

• Managed Hosting Services

• Primavera Portfolios, P6, P6 Pro, Contract Management, Risk

• Acumen Fuse, Prism, Ecosys, MS Project, MS Dynamics…

• Subscription based Oracle|Primavera utilities

New York Office: 4955 Chestnut Ridge Road, Suite 201 Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel. 716.417.7094 Fax (716) 299-2034

Page 3: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

• 22 years of construction industry experience

• 20 years experience with Primavera Software

• 12 years Certified Primavera Trainer and Implementation Consultant

• 17 years experience as CPM Scheduler

Author Biography

Email: [email protected]

• 17 years experience as CPM Scheduler

• AACE member for 8 years

• Member of PMI and AGC

• PSP – Planning & Scheduling Professional with AACE July 2011

Page 4: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

NYSDOT Capital Improvement Program

Email: [email protected]

The NYSDOT 2010-2015 Capital Program describes the future needs and challenges facing the State’s transportation system, the objectives and performance measures recommended to be used to determine the State’s investments and outlines a proposed $25.8 billion multimodal infrastructure investment program to achieve those objectives.

Page 5: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

NYSDOT Office of Construction Primavera

Email: [email protected]

Page 6: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

B. Scheduling Software:

The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules submitted by the Contractor. The Department has installed Primavera

NYSDOT Requires P6 Software


Email: [email protected]

submitted by the Contractor. The Department has installed Primavera P6 software, or newer release, on internet accessible servers for use by the Department’s construction inspection staff. Appropriate Department personnel, Consultants, and Contractors will also have access to these schedules on the Department’s Enterprise Project Management Database (EPMD). The Department will determine the location to store the project schedule files on the EPMD, and will provide the Contractor the naming convention for all progress schedule submissions.

Page 7: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Type - 2 Progress Schedule

For simple projects, that generally meet the following criteria:

• Estimated construction cost of $5 million or less

• Do not contain any Special Time-Related Contract Provisions, such as A+B Bidding,

• Incentive/Disincentive, or Lane Rental/ Does not include municipal betterments

• Has only minor utility relocations, no environmental permits involved, no right-of-way takings, and no community controversy

Design Guidance onCPM Progress Schedule Types

Email: [email protected]

takings, and no community controversy

• No bridge rehabilitations project, new bridge construction projects, or culvert replacement contracts

Example Project types include:

• Traffic Signal Requirements contracts, Guiderail Requirements type contracts, Signing type contracts, Pavement striping contracts, Maintenance Asphalt Paving contracts, Landscaping contracts, and Emergency Standby contracts

Level of Effort:

• Summary Bar Chart

• Anticipated less than 300 activities

Page 8: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Type – 2A Progress Schedule

For projects of routine complexity, that generally meets the following criteria:

• Estimated construction cost of between $3M to $50 million, and

• May include minor Special Time-Related Contract Provisions, such as a limitedamount of work

• Included in A+B Bidding, Incentive/Disincentive, or a limited amount of work included under an Incentive/Disincentive clause

Design Guidance onCPM Progress Schedule Types

Email: [email protected]

an Incentive/Disincentive clause

• May contain environmental permits with seasonal requirements; and

• May contain municipal betterments with potential for changes in scope or cost

Example Project types include:

• The majority of construction projects will be included in this category.

• It includes, but is not limited to: small to medium bridge replacements and new bridge construction

Level of Effort:

• Anticipate from 300 to 4,000 activities in the schedule

Page 9: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Type – 2B Progress Schedule

For complex projects, that generally meet the following criteria:

• Estimated construction cost of between $20M to $100 million, and

• May contain any Special Time-Related Contract Provisions, such as A+B Bidding,

• Incentive/Disincentive, or Lane Rental; or

• May include major utility relocations; or

Design Guidance onCPM Progress Schedule Types

Email: [email protected]

• May have complex construction staging, phasing, or M&PT issues; or

• May have restrictive seasonal work limitations, limitations on workdays or work shifts; or

• May have complex constructability issues

Example Project types include:

• Interstate Interchange Reconstruction contracts, major bridge rehabilitations, projects with multi agency/jurisdictional issues

Level of Effort:

• Anticipate from 4,000 to 8,000 activities in the schedule. Resource loading of labor and equipment resources at the crew level only

Page 10: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Type – 2C Progress Schedule

For very costly or complex projects that meet the following criteria:

• Estimated construction cost of $100 million or greater; or

• Has significant utility relocations; or

• May contain one or more special Time-Related Contract Provisions, such as A+B Bidding,

• Incentive/Disincentive, or Lane Rental; or

Design Guidance onCPM Progress Schedule Types

Email: [email protected]

• Has major environmental mitigation; or

• Has complex construction staging, phasing, or M&PT issues; or

• Has complex constructability issues; or

• Has large number of right-of-way takings and/or relocations; or

• Has major community controversy.

• Where the Department has commitments with other outside parties that include firm contract milestones with penalties for delays.

• Has many different outside agencies involved for approvals that increase potential for delays.

Page 11: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Type – 2C Progress Schedule Cont.

Example Project types include:

• Large Urban Highway Reconstruction contracts, Signature Bridge contracts, major highway viaduct rehabilitations/reconstructions

Level of Effort:

• Anticipate from 6,000 to 13,000 activities in the schedule. A large number of Shop Drawing activities should be anticipated. Resource loading of labor resources at the labor

Design Guidance onCPM Progress Schedule Types

Email: [email protected]

activities should be anticipated. Resource loading of labor resources at the labor classification level, equipment resources for major and specialized equipment, and contract pay item resources assigned with quantities entered. Contractor will assign a full time CPM Scheduler to: Develop the baseline schedule; update the schedule on a daily basis, provide a Status Report of updated activities weekly; submit Progress Schedule files monthly that reflect all revisions and updates corresponding to payment estimate periods; and coordinate (generally daily) with the Engineer during the life of the contract on schedule issues.

Page 12: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

DRMcNatty & Associates, Inc.Overview of Consulting Services for NYSDOT Projects

• Certified Consulting, Training, and Mentoring for P6 Project Manager Software for Contractors awarded NYSDOT Projects

• Mentoring of the NYSDOT CPM Schedule Specifications

• Create the Initial Project Baseline Progress Schedule for the Preconstruction Meeting and WBS project structure

• Create the At Award Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award for submission and approval to the NYSDOT to establish the approved baseline schedule before

Email: [email protected]


• Create the Monthly Progress Schedule Updates recording actual progress of work including changes /delays to the schedule

• Create Baseline and monthly progress update schedule narratives

• Generate Appendix Reports required by the NYSDOT CPM Schedule Specifications

• Attend project schedule meetings

• Online training & consulting support via the internet

Page 13: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

• The Contractor shall submit Request for Access Forms to the Regional Construction Engineer for each proposed Primavera user to obtain the User ID’s and Passwords for access to software and data on the Department’s network servers.

• The form can be downloaded from the following web page, or can be provided by the Department’s Construction

Contractor Access to EPMD

Email: [email protected]

division/primavera, or can be provided by the Department’s Construction Supervisor.

• These forms may submitted any time following the contract letting date and announcement by the Department that the Contractor is the apparent low bidder.

• Access forms can be sent to [email protected]

Page 14: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Contractor Request for Access Form

Email: [email protected]

Page 15: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Access to P6 EMPD Email from NYSDOT

• The Department will process these requests and should generally provide the User ID’s and Passwords within two weeks of receipt by the Regional Construction Engineer.

Email: [email protected]

Page 16: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

CITRIX Web Interface

• Login to the CITRIX Web Interface to access the NYSDOT P6 EPMD with User Name and Password provided by the NYSDOT

Email: [email protected]

Page 17: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

P6 CITRIX Web Interface

• Click on the Primavera P6 Icon to login to the software

Email: [email protected]

Click the P6 Icon Link

Page 18: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Contractor Work Area in NYSDOT P6

• The Contractor Work Area gives access only to the projects that the contractor has been assigned rights too

• Multiple projects can be assigned under one contractor account

• Up to two user accounts per Contractor can be assigned to each project

• Contractors can request more users to be added by the NYSDOT

Email: [email protected]

Page 19: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

• The Department or its agents will make available to the apparent low bidder on network servers the Suggested Preliminary Construction CPM Schedule in Primavera P6 format within seven (7) calendar days of the letting date as a template to assist the Contractor in developing the Baseline CPM Progress Schedule in a timely manner

• Template contains sample WBS Structure to be modified by the Contractor

• Template contains standard activities required by the NYSDOT

• Contractor can make a copy of the NYSDOT Template project and create the Initial Baseline Progress Schedule and input the contractor activities ,

NYSDOT Project Templates

Email: [email protected]

Initial Baseline Progress Schedule and input the contractor activities , durations, logic, project calendars, and project codes

Page 20: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

• Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A multi level hierarchal WBS shall be incorporated. The levels (nodes) shall include, but not be limited to:

• Level 1 - is the project level;

• Level 2 - shall have three nodes; Preconstruction Activities, Construction Activities, and Post Construction Activities

• Level 3 - Preconstruction activities shall have two sub nodes; Submittals/Shop Drawing Activities, and Procurement /Fabrication Activities); Construction activities

NYSDOT Project WBS Structure

Email: [email protected]

Activities, and Procurement /Fabrication Activities); Construction activities shall be broken into nodes for various geographic “Areas” of work within the project limits

• Level 4 - the Areas of work shall have sub nodes for the various Stages of work

• Level 5 - the Stages of work shall have sub nodes for the various highway features: bridges, highway segments, interchanges, intersections/roundabouts, etc;

• Level 6 - the highway features should be broken into their components (a bridge into components such as Piles, Substructure, Superstructure), and a highway segment into components such as pavement, drainage, earthwork, lighting, traffic signals, etc.

Page 21: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Template WBS to be Modified

Email: [email protected]

Page 22: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

NYSDOT Schedule Filename Convention

• The Contractor will create all progress schedules using the NYSDOT Schedule Filename Convention

Email: [email protected]

Page 23: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Import Contractor Activities with Excel

• Export from P6 into an XLS (Microsoft Excel) File from the project in P6

Email: [email protected]

Page 24: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Import Contractor Activities with Excel cont.

• Contractor can update the XLS (Microsoft Excel) document with all activities

• Import includes the Activity ID, Activity Name, and Original Duration

• Do not change the Column Headings


Email: [email protected]

Activity ID’s can be created

using Excel

Page 25: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Import Contractor Activities with Excel cont.

• Contractor does not have rights to Import the Excel file

• Contractor emails the Excel file to the NYSDOT for verification and import

• Activities can then be assigned to the WBS by drag and drop and filters

• NYSDOT Global data is not effected or replaced by importing with Excel

Group & Sort by WBS

Email: [email protected]

Use P6 Drag & Drop feature to move activities under the

correct WBS name

Page 26: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Activity Codes

• The Global activity codes established by the Department shall be used to the maximum extent practicable. The Contractor shall assign the appropriate activity code values to each activity in the progress schedule for the following Global Activity Codes that are in the Department’s enterprise database:


NYSDOT P6 Global Data

Email: [email protected]






7) TIME Related Clauses (DOT GLOBAL)


Page 27: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Standard NYSDOT Activities

Email: [email protected]

Page 28: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Submit Final Baseline Schedule

• Contractor makes a copy of the “CON” file per the NYSDOT Schedule Filename Convention when Final Baseline Schedule is approved

• The CON file is the main “editing” file for all future updates

• All submitted files are marked “Inactive” so they cannot be edited after submission to the NYSDOT

Email: [email protected]

Page 29: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Submit Final Baseline Schedule cont.

• Contractor submits the Baseline Schedule to the NYSDOT via email

Email: [email protected]

Page 30: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Baseline Schedule Narrative

Email: [email protected]

Page 31: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Monthly Progress Schedule Submissions

• First Monthly Progress Schedule Submission – Within three State Business Days following acceptance of the Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award or the closing date for the first months contract payment period whichever is later, the Contractor shall perform a Progress Schedule Update to reflect the status of all activities where work was performed in the time period between the start of work and acceptance of the Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award.

• Data Date - the “Data Date” shall be the date the Project Scheduler last edits the schedule prior to submission to the Engineer (generally the last working day of

Email: [email protected]

schedule prior to submission to the Engineer (generally the last working day of the contract payment period).

• The Engineer will review the Monthly Progress Schedule submissions and will prepare a written response (Progress Schedule Review Report) to the Contractor’s submission within five (5) State Business Days following receipt of the Contractor’s complete schedule submission. The Engineer will either “accept” the schedule, “accept as noted”, or “reject” the schedule for re-submittal by the Contractor

Page 32: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Monthly Progress Schedule

• Access the main “editing” file with the CON designation for Contractor

• This is the main file for all updates each month

• The CON file is the only “Active” file all other schedule submissions are “Inactive” so they can not be edited after being submitted and approved by the NYSDOT

• Once the monthly update is complete and ready for submission a copy is made per the NYSDOT naming convention and submitted via email for review and approval

Email: [email protected]

Page 33: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Updating a Monthly Progress Schedule

Email: [email protected]

Page 34: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

The Data Date

Email: [email protected]

Page 35: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

The Data Date cont.

Email: [email protected]

Page 36: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Using Excel to Collect Update Data• Copy activities from P6 and paste into an Excel file and customize columns

• Send via email to field personal to provide update information

Email: [email protected]

Page 37: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Progress Spotlight

Email: [email protected]

Page 38: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Setting the New Data Date

Click on the Data Date & Drag to the

New Data Date

Email: [email protected]

New Data Date

Page 39: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Setting the New Data Date cont.

New Data Date for the Current Update

All Activities that fall into the status period will be

highlighted in Yellow

Email: [email protected]

Status Period for Current Update

Page 40: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Use GoToMeeting for Online Updates• Collaborate online for Monthly Updates & Review sessions

• Email participants that need to attend the online meeting

Email: [email protected]

Page 41: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Submit Monthly Update to NYSDOT

• Contractor makes a copy of the “CON” file per the NYSDOT Schedule Filename Convention when Monthly Update Schedule is ready for review

• The NYSDOT copies the submitted file and pastes into the NYSDOT schedule review area in P6 to perform their review and approval

• All submitted files are marked “Inactive” so they cannot be edited after submission to the NYSDOT

Email: [email protected]

Page 42: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Submit Monthly Update to NYSDOT• Contractor submits the all Monthly Update Progress Schedules to the

NYSDOT via email

• Contractor provides specific Monthly Submission documents to the NYSDOT per the CPM Specifications

• Monthly Update Narrative / Schedule Log Report / Size D 24x36 Plot

Email: [email protected]

Page 43: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Schedule Files in P6• Contractor has one “Active File” which is the Working Schedule to perform all

monthly updates.

• Contractor make a copy of the update and applies the NYSDOT naming convention and makes the file “Inactive”

Email: [email protected]

Page 44: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Why the NYSODT CPM Spec Works

• Cost included as a bid item in the contract

• No software to purchase

• Access from any location via the internet

Email: [email protected]

• Access from any location via the internet

• Importing and overriding of Global P6 Date not an issue

• No importing from Microsoft Project, SureTrak, P3

Page 45: Submitting Contractor Schedules in a Hosted P6 ... · The State will provide Primavera P6 software, or newer release, and computer system for use by the Engineer to review the schedules

Why the NYSODT CPM Spec Works cont.

• Do not need to create lots of reports, NYSDOT has standard/global reports, layouts and filters

• All schedule submission and review is done electronically thru email and Adobe PDF attachments

Email: [email protected]

• The CPM Specifications were written with a combined effort from NYSDOT, AGC, CPM Consultants, and NY State Contractors

• NYSDOT commitment from the top down

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Jonathan McNattyOperations Manager, New York

4955 Chestnut Ridge Road, Suite 201

Orchard Park, NY 14127


Orchard Park, NY 14127

T. (716)-417-7094

F. (716) 299-2034

Email. [email protected]
