submit technical (un-priced part) bid to the email address

Bid document No: AESD/WtE/NDMC/GTE/01/2021-22 Page 1 of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi. Ref: AESD/ WtE/ NDMC Date: 09/09/2021 M/s _________________________ ____________________________ Sub: Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of municipal solid waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi Ref: Bid document No: AESD/WtE/NDMC/GTE/01/2021-22 due on 25/10/2021@1400 HRS IST Sir, 1) IndianOil Corporation Ltd on behalf of North Delhi Municipal Corporation propose to invite a Global Bid document in TWO BID System for the subject project. 2) We request you to submit your bid for the project details provided in the Bid document. 3) The bidder has to submit their quote / bid in soft copy (.pdf format for Technical Bid & .xls format for the Price Bid) only to the secure email address specified below: Part – A: Submit Technical (Un-priced Part) Bid to the email address [email protected] Note: The e-mail address for submitting the price bid (Part – B) shall be communicated to the qualified bidders only after complete evaluation of Technical Bid. 4) Bidders are advised to restrict the size of attachment in their email to 10 MB to avoid any technical glitches. In case the attachments are > 10 MB due to unavoidable circumstances, the bidder shall submit their offer in two emails, with the subject line of each email clearly defining it as Part-1, Part-2 etc. 5) In case of Bid Security is by way of Bank Guarantee, the original Bid Security Instrument (amount as per Notice Inviting Bid) in a sealed envelope may please be dropped in Tender box kept in our office at address given below. IndianOil Corporation Limited Alternate Energy & Sustainable Development Group, SCOPE Complex, Core 6, 5 th Floor, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003. 6) Bidders must note that IndianOil will not be responsible for delay in submission of online bid & receipt of Original Bid Security Instrument on or before due date & time of bid submission as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Bid. 7) Any query about non-issuance of the Bid document or rejection of the bid may be forwarded to Shri. Bijay Kumar, General Manager (Alternate Energy), IndianOil, New Delhi. E-mail: [email protected]

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Bid document No: AESD/WtE/NDMC/GTE/01/2021-22

Page 1 of 119

Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Ref: AESD/ WtE/ NDMC Date: 09/09/2021

M/s _________________________


Sub: Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of municipal solid waste

(mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate

suitable municipal land, New Delhi

Ref: Bid document No: AESD/WtE/NDMC/GTE/01/2021-22 due on 25/10/2021@1400 HRS IST


1) IndianOil Corporation Ltd on behalf of North Delhi Municipal Corporation propose to invite

a Global Bid document in TWO BID System for the subject project.

2) We request you to submit your bid for the project details provided in the Bid document.

3) The bidder has to submit their quote / bid in soft copy (.pdf format for Technical Bid & .xls

format for the Price Bid) only to the secure email address specified below:

Part – A: Submit Technical (Un-priced Part) Bid to the email

address [email protected]

Note: The e-mail address for submitting the price bid (Part – B) shall be

communicated to the qualified bidders only after complete evaluation of

Technical Bid.

4) Bidders are advised to restrict the size of attachment in their email to 10 MB to avoid

any technical glitches. In case the attachments are > 10 MB due to unavoidable

circumstances, the bidder shall submit their offer in two emails, with the subject line

of each email clearly defining it as Part-1, Part-2 etc.

5) In case of Bid Security is by way of Bank Guarantee, the original Bid Security Instrument

(amount as per Notice Inviting Bid) in a sealed envelope may please be dropped in Tender

box kept in our office at address given below.

IndianOil Corporation Limited

Alternate Energy & Sustainable Development Group,

SCOPE Complex, Core 6, 5th Floor,

7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003.

6) Bidders must note that IndianOil will not be responsible for delay in submission of online

bid & receipt of Original Bid Security Instrument on or before due date & time of bid

submission as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Bid.

7) Any query about non-issuance of the Bid document or rejection of the bid may be

forwarded to Shri. Bijay Kumar, General Manager (Alternate Energy), IndianOil, New Delhi.

E-mail: [email protected]

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

8) Pre Bid Meeting:- Bidders to please note that Pre-Bid Conference shall be held

through Virtual mode (Video Conference) on 29/09/2021 at around 1100 hrs

Indian Standard Time, wherein all the clarifications with regard to Technical/

Commercial conditions shall be given. Bidders are advised to ensure that the

queries must reach office of IndianOil latest by 27/09/2021 for this purpose.

The queries in editable form may be sent on email to

[email protected].

The link for VC shall be sent latest by 28/09/2021; to all the prospective

bidders who will raise queries latest by 27/09/2021 or who will desire to attend

the VC by sending a request email on our email id - [email protected]

latest by 27/09/2021.

9) Bidders also may note that after the clarifications are given in Pre-Bid conference, no

further deviation shall be entertained in general. All decisions taken by Bid Inviting

Authority in the pre-bid conference & thereafter (on need basis) shall be binding on all

bidders. All are requested to attend the Pre-Bid conference.


a) All parties are requested to start the submission process of bids at least 4-6 hours prior

to the due date & time of bid submission to avoid any connectivity issues while

submitting documents due to last minute rush.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

For Indian Oil Corporation Limited

General Manager (Alternate Energy)


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.




1. Brief Description of Project 4

2. Notice Inviting E-Bid 9

3. Introduction 18

4. General Instructions To Bidders 21

5. Abbreviations 38

6. Definitions 40

7. Special Conditions 44

8. Formats & Appendices 65

9. Draft Concession Agreement (242 pages) 120


1. Price Bid (Sample Format) 117

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


1.1 North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil Corporation Ltd. (IndianOil) have

executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for development of an Integrated

Waste to Energy facility (ies) at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land in New

Delhi. The indicative cost of the entire Project is ₹ 250 Crore or US $ 33 million which

is to be invested by the selected Bidder/ selected Concessionaire.

1.2 North Delhi Municipal Corporation will provide land of approx. 50 acres (in 2 parcels

located nearby 33.24 Acre and 16.20 Acre) to the Concessionaire at a nominal cost of ₹

1 per sqm per annum for setting up the Waste to Energy Plant, for a lease period of 30

(thirty) years & extendable thereafter on year to year basis with mutual agreement

between the Parties subject to a maximum of 5 (five) years.

An indicative timeline chart is given for benefit of all parties:

SN Event Description Date (days)

a. Bid document invitation/ publishing date T0

b. Award of LoA to the successful Bidder by North


T0 + 120 = T1

c. Signing of Concession Agreement (Execution


T1 + 21 = T2

d. Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by


Within (T2 + 90) = T3

e. Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by North

Delhi Municipal Corporation

Within (T2 + 45) = T4

f. Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by


Within (T2 + 45) = T5

g. Compliance Date & Commencement of

Construction Activities

Greater of T3, T4 & T5 = T6

h. Scheduled Construction Completion Date T6 + 730 = T7

i. Trial Run period T7 + 90 = T8

j. Commercial Operations Date & Commencement

of Concession Period


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

SN Event Description Date (days)

k. Concession Period T8 + 30 years = T9

l. Extension of Concession Period after T9 on

mutual agreement

T9 + 5 years


a. For any delays with reasons solely not attributable to the Concessionaire

substantiated with proper documentation & data, North DMC may suitably revise

the project milestones & other timelines relating to setting up of the WtE plant.

b. The responsibility of proving the reasons for delay as not attributable to the

Concessionaire shall rest upon the Concessionaire & North DMC undertakes to act

reasonably as far as possible by holding good the principles & law of Natural


1.3 A Concessionaire will be selected for this purpose through a Global Competitive Bidding

process who will be required to develop, operate & maintain the entire Waste to Energy

Facilities of 2500 Tonnes Per Day design capacity for processing and disposing the

Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste & free from Construction & Demolition Waste). The

mix waste shall constitute approximately 1250 to 1500 MT of unsegregated Organic

waste, 1000 to 1250 MT of Other combustible / RDF (Refused derived Fuel) waste, inert

masses & other waste.

1.4 The Concessionaire selected through this bidding process is required to set up a

suitable capacity Plant or Plants which can effectively address this daily mixed waste

of 2500 MT. The plant may be able to produce Compressed Bio Gas and/ or Ethanol and

or electricity or any other product as per the plant design and capacity and technology

used. If Compressed Bio Gas and/ or Ethanol is produced in the Plant, IndianOil will

provide offtake guarantee at the rates and Terms & Conditions elaborated in this

tender document. Electricity produced shall be purchased by an Electricity Distribution

company as per tariffs applicable to existing Waste to Energy plants and finalized by

Delhi State Electricity Regulatory Commission from time to time or as per Power

Purchase Agreement to be signed with a Consumer(s). If any other product is made in

the proposed plant, IndianOil and North Delhi Municipal Corporation shall render all

assistance in offtake of the product.

1.5 The disposal of all residues generated from the Waste to Energy Facilities should be

carried out by the Concessionaire by Setting up a Sanitary Land Fill (SLF) facility to be

developed within the Waste to Energy plant premises & in accordance with Solid Waste

Management Rules 2016, Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016, Environmental

Protection Act 1986 as amended from time to time. About 20% of the total supplied

waste is permitted to go to the landfill. Accordingly, approximately 500 MT of inert

mass can go to Sanitary landfill / Engineered landfill which is to be developed by the

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Concessionaire at their own cost & as per specifications/ guidelines contained in

CPHEEO Manual at the allotted parcel of land (approximately 50 acres).

1.6 North Delhi Municipal Corporation also gives guarantee to provide minimum of 80% of

the design capacity of 2500 MT per day mixed MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) i.e.

minimum 2000 Tonnes per Day. The Concessionaire is expected to set up plant for

handling total 2500 Tonnes Per Day mixed MSW (mixed Municipal Solid Waste & & free

from Construction & Demolition Waste) on daily basis at the Project Site.

1.7 The bid will be decided on the basis of Royalty rate to be quoted by the bidder towards

mixed MSW (mixed Municipal Solid Waste) to be supplied by the North Delhi Municipal

Corporation at the plant site. The technically qualified bidder, who has quoted the

highest Royalty rate for mixed MSW (mixed Municipal Solid Waste) shall be given

precedence for appointment as Concessionaire for the work for next 30 (thirty) years

and shall be advised to set up the plant at their cost as per their selected technology.

The selected Concessionaire/ selected Bidder has the option to set up the Plant(s) of

2500 Tonnes per day capacity in phases as detailed in the tender document.

2.0 Salient features:

2.1 Role of the Concessionaire:

a. Development of land, construction of all plant and machinery, all non-plant &

offsite facilities on Design, Build, Finance, Operate & Transfer (DBFOT) basis for

producing Compressed Bio Gas or Ethanol or electricity or any others products,

etc., providing technology (in-house or through technology tie-ups with a

partner/ provider), arranging finance, etc. for implementation of the Plant and

continuously operating and maintaining the Plant for its life at their own cost.

b. Bidder shall be responsible for planning, preparation, engineering and execution

of the project, including storage of raw material, maintaining final product

output quantity and quality, managing the by-products and wastes from the plant

as per statutory requirements (central / state) issued/ revised from time to time

and providing performance guarantee for the project at their own cost.

c. Payment of Royalty Charges to North Delhi Municipal Corporation for mixed MSW

supplied by them as per the rates finalized in the Bid document.

d. Supply of Compressed Bio Gas and/ or Ethanol to IndianOil and/ or electricity to

IndianOil or a Consumer respectively at the rate fixed from time to time & as per

technical specifications.

Note: For detailed illustration of price revision of Waste Royalty Charges,

Compressed Bio Gas & Ethanol, please refer to Special Conditions (Clause

19/20 at page number 58-60).

e. Setting up a Sanitary Land Fill (SLF) facility within the Waste to Energy plant

premises for scientific & safe disposal of all residues generated from the proposed

Waste to Energy plant including operation & maintenance of the facility

throughout its lifetime in accordance with Solid Waste Management Rules 2016,

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016, Environmental Protection Act 1986 as

amended from time to time.

f. Carry out necessary activities for evacuation, selling, disposal of other end

products, intermediates, by products etc from the proposed Waste to Energy


g. North Delhi Municipal Corporation would be providing mixed waste which is

expected to have 50 to 60% of Organic material, 40 to 50% of Other Combustible


h. The Concessionaire would have to set up the entire Plant in a phased manner &

ramp up the Processing of waste in the proposed Waste to Energy Plant as given


i. 50% of Name Plate Capacity (i.e. ~ 50% of 2500 Tonnes Per Day = ~ 1250

Tonnes Per Day) - within 12 months from the Compliance date as per the

Concession Agreement

ii. 100% of Name Plate Capacity (i.e. ~ 100% of 2500 Tonnes Per Day = 2500

Tonnes Per Day) - within 24 months from the Compliance date as per the

Concession Agreement.


➢ The above timelines are indicative. For any delays with reasons solely not

attributable to the Concessionaire substantiated with proper

documentation & data, North DMC may suitably revise the project

milestones & other timelines relating to setting up of the WtE plant.

➢ The responsibility of proving the reasons for delay as not attributable to

the Concessionaire shall rest upon the Concessionaire & North DMC

undertakes to act reasonably as far as possible by holding good the

principles & law of Natural justice.

i. Carry out necessary activities to comply in line with extant guidelines of Statutory

agencies such as Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Central

Pollution Control Board, Delhi State Pollution Control Board, National Green

Tribunal, Supreme Court of India, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs & amended

from time to time during the life of the Waste to Energy plant.

2.2 Role of IndianOil:  

a. Facilitating off-take of Compressed Bio Gas and/or Ethanol produced at the said

Plant based on the technology deployed.

b. IndianOil shall provide off-take guarantee for products like Compressed Bio Gas &

Ethanol etc. which can be directly purchased by IndianOil. The long term pricing

mechanism for products which may be purchased by IndianOil shall be decided

based on market price, estimated cost of production, quantity and quality of the

product and any other relevant factor with mutual discussion and agreement

between bidder and IndianOil.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

c. The tentative purchase price of Compressed Bio Gas & Ethanol is given in the Bid as

a reference and for further discussions, deciding on the mechanism for long term


d. In case of non-agreement between IndianOil & the bidder regarding purchase

mechanism for the product being purchased by IndianOil, bidder has the option to

withdraw from the bidding process without attracting any penalty like forfeiture of

EMD, Security Money etc.

e. For Electricity produced from the WtE plant, IndianOil shall reserve the first right

to enter in to a Power Purchase Agreement with the Concessionaire based on

requirement & prevailing guidelines on exemption of various charges under open

access system for WtE projects.

f. For any other product which is not purchased by IndianOil, IndianOil shall act as

facilitator to ensure that the product like electricity, organic manure etc. made in

the proposed plant is sold in the market.

2.3 Role of North Delhi Municipal Corporation:  

a. Providing land admeasuring 50 acres approx. (available in 2 parcels, located at

Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land of North Delhi Municipal

Corporation), at a nominal cost of ₹ 1 per sqm per annum for setting up the

Waste to Energy Plant, for a lease period of 30 (thirty) years & extendable

thereafter on year to year basis with mutual agreement between the Parties

subject to a maximum of 5 (five) years. 

b. Providing mixed Municipal Solid Waste (free of construction debris), with

minimum guarantee of 2000 Tonnes per Day & up to 2500 Tonnes Per Day on daily

basis at the Project/ WtE plant site during the Concession period.   The mixed

waste to be supplied by North Delhi Municipal Corporation is expected to have

about 50 % of Organic material, about 40 % of Other Combustible material and

about 10% of Inert material.

c. Facilitating in purchase of electricity through 30 years power purchase agreement

at pre determined rate by Delhi State Electricity Regulatory Commission from

time to time.

d. Facilitating Concessionaire to obtain grants available for Waste to Energy Project

from Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy,

Government of India, State Government and other Central / State Ministries for

the Plant.  

e. Facilitating all statutory approvals for setting up of the facilities/Plant.

f. For any other product which is not purchased by IndianOil, North Delhi Municipal

Corporation shall act as facilitator to ensure that the product like electricity,

organic manure etc. made in the proposed plant is sold in the market.

Note: For detailed roles & responsibilities of each of the above parties, draft

Concession Agreement annexed with this Bid document should be referred to.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


1.0 Bid document NO. : AESD/WtE/NDMC/GTE/01/2021-22

2.0 e-Bid document ID : 2021-22-01



: Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of

Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste

to Energy plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal

land, New Delhi.

4.0 ESTIMATED COST : ₹ 250 Crore or US $ 33 million (excluding Taxes)

5.0 PLACE OF WORK : New Delhi

6.0 BID FEE : Nil



: ₹ 5,00,000/- or US $ 6,667/-

Mode: Net Banking / National Electronic Fund Transfer

(NEFT)/ / Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)/ Bank

Guarantee/ Demand Draft

The bank account details for submission through Net Banking/

NEFT/ RTGS / Demand Draft is as follows:

Beneficiary Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Beneficiary Address 8th Floor,

Business Development,

Indian Oil Bhawan,

No.1, Aurobindo Marg,

Yusuf Sarai,

New Delhi-110016

Account Number 00000010813605465

Name of the Bank State Bank Of India

Name of the Branch Corporate Accounts Group

Branch II New Delhi

Bank Address SBI, CAG-II,5th Floor, Red Fort

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Capital Parsvnath Towers, Bhai

Veer Singh Marg, Gole Market,

New Delhi-110001


IFSC/RTGS Code SBIN0017313

The Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned by

the Bid Inviting Authority, without any interest as given


a. For bidders disqualified during techno-commercial bid

evaluation, Bid Security shall be released immediately

after technical evaluation is approved by the competent


b. For bidders qualified in techno-commercial bid but

unsuccessful in price bid stage, Bid Security shall be

released immediately after final approval of the proposal

by the competent authority.

c. Reasonable efforts shall be taken to release the Bid

Security within 15 working days from the respective

milestones as mentioned above.

8.0 BID ISSUE DATE : 09/09/2021

9.0 PRE-BID MEETING : 29/09/2021 @ 1100 HRS at New Delhi through video


Details of virtual meeting platform link shall be

communicated at an appropriate point in time



: 25/10/2021 by 1400 hrs IST.



25/10/2021 @ 1500 hrs IST.



Soft Copy in .pdf format (for Technical Bid) & .xls format (for

Price Bid) through secure email id

13.0 Work Completion : As per timelines & milestones mentioned in the draft

Concession Agreement

Bid document in two bid system (a) Technical bid and (b) Price Bid are invited from

reputed, established and financially sound parties for the above work in two stages.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.



14.1 Definition of Eligible Assignments/ Projects for Technical Evaluation:

As the first stage (Stage I Technical Evaluation), for determining Conditions of Eligibility

and for evaluating the Bids submitted under this Bid document, following projects/

assignments/ works shall be deemed as Eligible Assignments/ Projects (hereinafter

referred as “Eligible Projects or Eligible Assignments” interchangeably) in last 15

(FIFTEEN) years ending 31/08/2021.

“Construction or Operation of Waste to Energy (WtE) facilities which may include

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) processing with or without Material Recovery Facility

(MRF) of 200 TPD capacity at a single location in India or abroad.”

Note: For details on proof of experience please refer to “General Instructions to

bidders” section (Clause 4/ page 23) of the Bid document

14.2 Financial Eligibility:

To demonstrate its financial capacity to undertake the proposed Waste to Energy

facility, the Bidder must meet each of the financial qualification criteria specified in

this Clause.

14.2.1 Turnover:

a) At least ₹ 40 Crore or US $ 5 million in any one year of the last Eight Financial Years

preceding March 2021 i.e. between 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2021 (for Indian entities) /

December 2020 i.e., between 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2020 (for other than Indian

entities), the Bidder's Turnover (as per the audited annual financial statements;


b) At least ₹ 30 Crore or US $ 3.75 million as the average of any three years of the last

Eight Financial Years preceding March 2021 i.e., between 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2021

(for Indian entities) / December 2020 i.e., between 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2020 (for

other than Indian entities), the Bidder's Turnover (as per the audited annual

financial statements).

Note: For definition of Turnover & documents required for proof of Turnover of a

Bidder, please refer to “General Instructions to bidders” section (Clause 5/ page 24)

of the Bid document

Stage II Technical Evaluation shall be done for only those bidders, who are meeting both

the eligibility criteria mentioned at Stage I, i.e. meeting the criteria, mentioned at 14.1

and 14.2 above.

Stage - II

14.3 Evaluation of Technical Proposals

14.3.1 Further evaluation of the Technical Proposal of shortlisted Bidders shall be carried out

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

based on Bidder’s experience. Only those Bidders whose Technical Proposals get a score

of 45 (forty five) marks or more out of 100 (one hundred) marks shall qualify for

further consideration.

14.3.2 The scoring criteria to be used for evaluation of the Technical Proposal shall be as




A Experience of the firm 40

(i) Number of Eligible Projects

completed in the last 15 years

ending 31.08.2021

25 5 nos or more – 25 marks

4 nos – 20 marks

3 nos – 15 Marks

2 nos – 10 Marks

1 no – 5 marks

(ii) Number of years of experience

in any sector ending 31.08.2021

15 More than 4 years – 15 Marks

> 3 to < 4 years – 12 Marks

> 2 to < 3 years – 8 Marks

> 1 to < 2 years – 4 Marks

up to 1 year – 2 marks

B Financial Credibility 20

i Positive Net Worth (in last 15

years as submitted shall be


20 in any of the 5 years out of

last 15 years – 20 Marks

any of the 4 years out of last

15 years – 16 Marks

any of the 3 years out of last

15 years – 12 Marks

in any of the 2 years out of

last 15 years 2 years – 8 Marks

in any of the 1 year out of last

15 years – 4 Marks

C Quality Certifications &

Technical competencies


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.



(i) Quality Certifications 10 International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) 9001 –

2 Marks

International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) 14001 –

4 Marks

Occupational Health and

Safety Assessment

Series (OHSAS) 18001

– 3 marks


Accountability Certification

(SA) 8000 – 1 mark

(ii) Possessing in house technical

knowhow or Tie up with

technology provider on

Anaerobic Digestor

15 Yes – 15 marks

No – Nil marks

(iii) Possessing in house technical

knowhow or Tie up with

technology provider on mass

Incineration or RDF to Power or

other forms of energy such as

Waste to Syngas, Mixed alcohol

or Methanol or Ethanol system


15 Yes – 15 Marks

No – Nil marks


Note: For explanatory notes on marking for the technical proposals, please refer to

“General Instructions to bidders” section (Clause 6 to 9 in page 26 to 28) of the Bid


14.3.3 The bidder, within suitable time limit as communicated by the bid inviting authority,

will be required to submit any supporting documents/ missing documents against

documentary proof submitted for evaluation of technical proposal mentioned at 14.3.3.

Bid Inviting Authority also reserves the right to communicate to the client(s)/

concerned Organizations directly & obtain cross-references regarding the declarations/

certifications submitted by the bidders.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Stage - III

14.4 Evaluation for Finalization of Procurement Price of CBG & Ethanol

14.4.1 Bidders who are qualified in Stage II Technical evaluation mentioned above shall be

required to engage / discuss with IndianOil to offer their price for CBG and/ or Ethanol

or any other product for offtake by IndianOil.

14.4.2 Procurement prices (tentative) and pricing mechanism (tentative) have been provided

in the bid, which shall form the basis for further discussions with the qualified bidders.

14.4.3 Bidders who shall agree to the procurement prices & price review mechanism etc with

IndianOil shall be shortlisted for submitting the price bids.

14.4.4 In case any bidder is not agreeing to the procurement prices & pricing mechanism

offered by IndianOil for Compressed Bio Gas, Ethanol or other products, the bidder has

the option to exit the financial bidding process without attracting any penalty or

forfeiture of EMD etc.

Parties who shall agree with such approved prices and pricing review mechanism, shall

be shortlisted for submitting of price bid for the waste to be supplied by North DMC.

Before finalization of price and price review mechanism etc with the parties under

Stage III, approval of competent authority shall be taken.

14.5 Evaluation of Financial Proposal

14.5.1 In the final stage, the financial evaluation will be carried on Financial Proposals, which

shall be evaluated for the quoted Bid Price as under:

a. Bidders are required to furnish their financial bids containing their rates for Royalty

charges (WRC), (up to 2 decimal places).

b. WRC shall be in ₹ per tonne of mixed Municipal Solid Waste to be paid by the Bidder

to North Delhi Municipal Corporation.

c. Bidder with highest value of WRC shall be declared as successful bidder & shall be

given precedence for award of Concession.

d. Applicable Goods & Service Tax at rates notified by Govt of India from time to time

shall be applicable & shall be reimbursed to the Bidder by North Delhi Municipal

Corporation over & above the rates quoted in the price bid.

Note: For illustration of evaluation of Financial Proposal, please refer to

“General Instructions to bidders” section (Clause 10/ page 28) of the Bid



15.1 Evaluation of parties shall be carried out in 3 stages before price bids are submitted by


a. Bidders satisfying the requirements of Stage I shall be evaluated further under

Stage II Technical qualification criteria.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

b. Bidders scoring equal to or above 45 (forty-five) marks after the evaluation of

the Stage II Technical qualification criteria, shall be short-listed for Stage III

evaluation criteria.

c. Bidders who agree to the procurement prices & price review mechanism etc.

under Stage III with IndianOil shall be shortlisted for submitting the price bids

15.2 The bidder with the highest quote in the financial proposal to be submitted for the

waste to be supplied by North DMC shall be declared as the successful bidder & shall be

given precedence for award of the Concession by North DMC.

15.3 In case of identical financial bid, then the bidders with identical financial bid shall be

informed that there is tie and they shall be given specific time and date for submission

of premium bids (in percentage) over their earlier quoted rates.

15.4 In case of identical premium bids, then the bidder with highest technical score would

be given precedence.

15.5 In case of identical technical scores for the bidders who have submitted identical

premium bids, then the bidder with highest turnover in any of the last Eight Financial

Years as per 14.2 would be given precedence.

15.6 In case of Bids or details of Eligible Assignments from outside India or expressed in

currencies other than ₹, the values in foreign currencies shall be converted to values in

₹, based on SBI TT Selling rate as on Technical Bid opening date.

Note: For illustration of Evaluation Criteria, please refer to “General Instructions

to bidders” section (Clause 10/ page 28) of the Bid document.

15.7 IndianOil reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part or reserves the

right of cancellation of the Bid document without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

Decision of IndianOil, in this connection shall be final & binding on all bidders.

15.8 Other Requirements:

a. Provident Fund Code Allotment letter/ Provident Fund registration.

b. Independent Employees’ State Insurance Code or undertaking for Independent

Employees’ State Insurance code.

c. Power of Attorney in favour of person authorized to submit the bid.

d. Copy of Permanent Account Number card

e. Certificate of Incorporation / Partnership deed/ Proprietor ship affidavit

f. Copy of Goods and Services Tax registration.

g. Foreign bidder may apply for Provident Fund Code Allotment letter/ Provident

Fund registration, Employees’ State Insurance Code, Permanent Account Number,

Goods & Service Tax registration in India, once they become the successful bidder.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

15.9 Other Salient Points:

a. The bids will be summarily rejected if requisite Bid Security is not submitted as

mentioned in Notice Inviting Bid document.

b. The offers shall be scrutinized and evaluated based on the qualifying parameters

mentioned above and on the basis of the uploaded documents received through

the secure e-mail.

c. The Bidders shall upload legible scanned copy of necessary documents in support

of required qualification and experience along with their offer as per instruction

given in the Special Instructions to Bidders.

d. Notwithstanding any other condition/ provision in the tender documents, in case of

ambiguity or incomplete documents pertaining to technical qualifications, bidders

shall be given only one opportunity with a fixed deadline under each Stage of

qualifications after bid opening to provide complete & unambiguous documents in

support of meeting the Pre-Qualification criteria. In case the bidder fails to submit

any document or submits incomplete documents within the given time, the bidders

tender is liable to be rejected.

e. Legal dispute, if any, arising during the evaluation of the tender shall be within

the jurisdiction of local courts situated at New Delhi.

f. Any Addendum/Corrigendum/Sale date extension in respect of above Tender shall

be issued on our website: & to the participating

bidders through e-mail Only. No separate notification shall be issued in the press.

Bidders are therefore requested to regularly visit our website to keep themselves

updated. Failure of Bidder to submit tender without taking cognizance of

Corrigendum / Amendment (if any) issued shall make bid liable for rejection.

g. Bid Inviting Authority does not take any responsibility for the correctness of tender

documents obtained from any other source other than our website: Bidders are advised to visit above mentioned

website before submitting their offer for official version of the tender document

including any corrigendum / amendment if any, which shall be binding to the


h. The successful Bidder will have to present original documents for verification to

the Bid inviting authority, within 21 days from date of intimation.

i. Physical/ Manual Bids or in any other form other than that received on the secured

e-mail id mentioned in this document shall not be accepted. No manual bid shall

be permitted along with electronic bids. In case of receipt of manual bids apart

from specifically requested offline documents in the Bid document, same shall be

ignored. Additional documents received through email shall also be ignored for the

purpose of evaluation, unless specifically advised by the Bid Issuing Authority.

j. Offer from following types of bidders shall not be accepted:

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

a) Who are in the Holiday list of IndianOil or its Administrative Ministry, Ministry of

Petroleum and Natural Gas.

b) Who are under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings

c) Who are in the Holiday list of North Delhi Municipal Corporation or Government

of National Capital Territory of Delhi or Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs or

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

k. The subject proposal is indivisible and shall be awarded to single successful bidder

unless stated otherwise elsewhere in the Bid document.

l. Bidders are to quote their most competitive rates. Negotiations will not be

conducted with the bidders as a matter of routine. However, Bid Inviting Authority

reserves the right to conduct negotiations if required.

m. Bidder should make sure that their priced bid only contains the prices. Rates

mentioned elsewhere shall not be taken into cognizance. Offer shall be liable for

rejection if any condition directly or implied, recorded in Priced Bid.

n. Submission of authentic documents is the prime responsibility of the bidder.

Wherever Bid Inviting Authority has concern or apprehension regarding the

authenticity/ correctness of any document, it reserves the right to get the

documents verified from issuing authority/any relevant source. If documents (part

or full) are found forged, such offers will be summarily rejected and Bid Security

will be forfeited and may be debarred from future tenders.

o. The Bid Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in

part or reserves the right of cancellation of the tender without assigning any

reasons whatsoever.

General Manager (Alternate Energy)

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


1.0 Request for Proposal (RfP): IndianOil for & on behalf of North Delhi Municipal

Corporation invites this Bid document for the Project in conformity with the Concession

Agreement. North Delhi Municipal Corporation and IndianOil intend to select the

Concessionaire through an open competitive Global bidding process in accordance with

the procedure set out herein.

2.0 Due diligence by Bidders: Bidders are encouraged to inform themselves fully about the

Project and the local conditions before submitting the Bid by paying a visit to North

Delhi Municipal Corporation and the Project Site(s), sending written queries to the

Authority, and attending a Pre-Proposal Conference on the date and time specified in

the document. The Bidders should make themselves well aware of the various risks

(such as but not limited to Technology, Market, Finance etc) involved in the setting up

the Waste to Energy Plant with MSW as feedstock and marketing of various

intermediate, end & byproducts. Bidders are also advised to conduct independent due

diligence before committing to any investment decision.

3.0 Obtaining Bid Document: Bid document can be downloaded from the Official Website

of North Delhi Municipal Corporation, Government of India Public Procurement Portal

( & IndianOil Corporation Ltd


Note: However, bid submission shall be possible only through the secured e-mail as

mentioned in the Bid document.

4.0 Validity of the Bid document: The Bid submitted by bidders shall be valid for a period

of not less than 180 (One Hundred Eighty) days from the Technical Bid Opening date.

5.0 Brief description of the Selection Process: North Delhi Municipal Corporation &

IndianOil shall adopt an evaluation process for evaluating the Bids comprising EMD,

technical & financial bids to be submitted through the secured e-mail. For detailed

evaluation criteria, Bidders are requested to refer to details provided in the Notice

Inviting Bid.

6.0 Currency: All payments to the selected Concessionaire shall be made in ₹ in

accordance with the provisions of this Bid document& the Concession Agreement. The

Concessionaire may convert ₹ into any foreign currency as per applicable laws and the

exchange risk, if any, shall be borne by the Concessionaire.

7.0 Schedule of Selection Process: Indicative time schedule for the Waste to Energy

project activity is as given below:

SN Event Description Date (days)

a. Bid document invitation/ publishing date T0

b. Receipt of clarification from prospective Bidders T0 + 18

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

SN Event Description Date (days)

c. Pre-Technical Bid Conference T0 + 20

d. Response to queries T0 + 23

e. Technical Bid Submission Due Date & Opening of

Technical Bids

T0 + 45 = T1

f. Stage 1 Technical Evaluation T1 + 20

g. Intimation to Bidders regarding completion of

Stage 1 Technical Evaluation

T1 + 25

h. Stage 2 Technical Evaluation T1 + 50

i. Intimation to Bidders regarding completion of

Stage 2 Technical Evaluation

T1 + 55

j. Stage 3 Evaluation T1 + 70

k. Intimation to Bidders regarding completion of

Stage 2 Technical Evaluation

T1 + 75

l. Price Bid Submission Due Date T1 + 90

m. Opening of Price Bids T1 + 91 = T2

n. Combined Technical & Financial Evaluation T2 + 15

o. Intimation to shortlisted Bidders regarding

completion of Combined Technical & Financial


T2 + 20

p. Award of Letter of Acceptance to the successful


T2 + 30 = T3

q. Signing of Concession Agreement T3 + 15

8.0 Visit to the Site and inspection: Prospective Bidders may visit the Site(s) and review

the available data at any time prior to Technical Bid submission date. For this purpose,

they are required to provide at least 2 [two] days’ notice to the concerned agencies,

whose details are as given below:

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

SN Name of person/ agency Phone

a. Sh. A. K. Gupta, Superintending Engineer,

North Delhi Municipal Corporation

+91 9717788033

b. Sh. Sunil Dawar, Assistant Engineer, North

Delhi Municipal Corporation

+91 9717788415

9.0 Communication: All queries/ clarification from publishing of the Notice Inviting Bid till

signing of Concession Agreement should be addressed to the following persons only.

SN Name of person/ agency Phone

a. Sh. Bijay Kumar,

GM (Alternate Energy), IndianOil

Ph: +91 11 24360282 (Direct)

Ph: +91 11 71726004

b. Sh. Manikandan CKN,

Chief Manager (Alternate Energy), IndianOil

Ph: +91 11 71725149

c. Sh. Faraz Farooqui,

Manager (Alternate Energy), IndianOil

Ph: +91 11 71725264

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1.0 Scope of the Bid document

1.1 Bidders are advised that the selection of Concessionaire shall be based on an evaluation

by a Committee as per the Pre-Qualification & Evaluation Criteria specified in this Bid

document. Bidders shall be deemed to have understood and agreed that no explanation

or justification for any aspect of the Pre-Qualification & Evaluation Criteria shall be

given and decision of the Bid Inviting Authority shall be final & binding on the Bidders.

1.2 Upon selection, the Bidder shall be required to enter into the Concession Agreement

with North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil as per the draft agreement provided

in this Bid document.

2.0 Definition of Bidder

2.1 The term “Bidder” means a private entity, public sector undertaking or any

combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an

existing agreement to form a Consortium, a single entity or a group of entities (the

Joint Venture or Consortium) as the case may be, coming together to implement the

Project. However, no Bidder applying individually or as a member of a Joint

Venture/Consortium as the case may be, can be a member of another Joint

Venture/Consortium. The term Bidder used herein would apply to both a single entity

and a Joint Venture/Consortium.

2.2 A Bidder should either be a company within the meaning of Companies Act, 2013 or

duly incorporated under the relevant laws of its country of origin, or a registered

partnership firm under Indian Partnership Act, 1932, or a limited liability partnership

under Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, or a partnership firm registered under

the relevant laws of its country of origin, or any combination of them with a formal

intent to enter into a Joint Bidding Agreement or under an existing agreement to form

a Joint Venture/ Consortium. A Joint Venture/Consortium shall be eligible for

consideration subject to the conditions set out in this Bid document.

2.3 Ministry of Finance, Government of India has issued order dated 23 July, 2020 for

qualification of a bidder from a country which shares a land border with India (“GFR

Order”). As per the GFR Order, any Bidder from a country which shares a land border

with India (as defined in the GFR Order) will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the

Bidder is registered with the Competent Authority as specified in the GFR Order. The

GFR Order shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Bidding Process. Bidders must satisfy

themselves that they are qualified to bid, and should give an undertaking to this effect

in the format given in the Bid document. The Competent Authority shall be entitled to

disqualify a Bidder in accordance with the provisions of the GFR Order at any stage of

the Bidding Process.

2.4 Either an Agent on behalf of the Principal (Domestic or Foreign) or the Principal

(Domestic or Foreign) directly could submit the bid & not both. In case an agent

participates in the Bid on behalf of a principal, he/ she should not submit a bid on

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

behalf of another principal. However, bid of a foreign party forwarded by their Indian

Agent shall only be considered as valid only under cover of the foreign party’s letter.

2.5 Foreign Bidders can operate through an Indian Office / Subsidiary / Authorized Indian

Service provider in India for supply of Indigenous component and Services. i.e., for

erection, commissioning, inland transportation, custom clearance and facilitating

custom duty payment (if any). Such bidders to note that this Bid will be subject to

Indian taxation laws and TDS as applicable will be deducted. All taxes, stamp duties

and other levies imposed outside India shall be the responsibility of the Bidder and

charges thereof shall be deemed to have included.

Note: Foreign bidder may apply for Provident Fund Code Allotment letter/ Provident

Fund registration, Employees’ State Insurance Code, Permanent Account Number,

Goods & Service Tax registration in India, once they become the successful bidder.

3.0 Bid Security

3.1 In case Bid Security is submitted by way of Bank Guarantee (from Nationalized/

Scheduled Bank as per the format enclosed in the tender document), having a net

worth of at least [₹ 1,000 crores (Rupees one thousand crore)], the validity of the same

should be 06 (SIX) Months from the last date of submission of the tender. If needed,

validity of Bank Guarantee should be extended further by the bidder on request from


3.2 The rating of bank sanctioning the Bank Guarantee should not fall below the rating of

‘A’ from Moody’s or equivalent (from other renowned rating agencies) in case of foreign

bank and rating of at least ‘AA’ from CRISIL or equivalent (from other rating agency) in

case of Indian banks during the tenor of the Bank Guarantee. In case the rating falls

below threshold level during the tenor of Bank Guarantee, the Bidder shall promptly

arrange to replace the Bank Guarantee, at its own cost through bank acceptable to


3.3 In case of Bank Guarantee, bidder shall upload scanned copy of Bank Guarantee.

Original Bank Guarantee shall be sent by the bank to Bid Issuing Authority as mentioned

in the tender & it should reach to Bid Issuing Authority within 7 working days of

IndianOil from the date of opening of technical bids. For the purpose of receipt of Bank

Guarantee, the time recorded in the receipt/DAK section against receipt shall also be

considered as receipt time. Only those Original Bank Guarantee instruments found

matching with the copy submitted in the e-mail shall be considered as valid. If the

original Bank Guarantee instrument is not received by the due date and time as

specified above, the bid shall be summarily rejected.

3.4 Bank Guarantee should be submitted only in a sealed envelope of the issuing Bank and

should not be in open condition. If instrument towards Bid Security is submitted in any

manner other than aforesaid in the Bid Document, the Bid is liable to be rejected.

3.5 Since, this is not a procurement tender, there is no exemption to MSME or any sector

from EMD.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

3.6 Bidders not submitting original Bid Security instrument, on or before the due date and

time mentioned above shall be rejected outright.

3.7 Bidders not paying Bid Security on or before RfP submission date and time will be

summarily rejected.

3.8 Requests for payment of pending dues towards Bid Security shall not be entertained.

All parties are requested to start the submission process at least 4-6 hours prior to the

submission end date to avoid connectivity issues while submitting documents due to last

minute rush.

4.0 Proof of Experience of the Bidder

4.1 For Eligible Projects, proof of experience by the parent/ holding company of the bidder

or subsidiaries of parent/ holding company of the bidder or subsidiary of the bidder

shall also be accepted. The arrangement permitting the Bidder to quote and rely upon

Experience of the Parent/ Holding Company (or) Subsidiary of the bidder (or)

Subsidiaries of the Parent/Holding Company through an authorization specific to the Bid

document needs to be submitted along with the bid.

4.2 The authorization shall also confirm that required technical support would be extended

to the bidder to deliver the project obligations if the bidder is not in possession of the

same at the time of bidding. In the absence of an authorization, such documents of the

parent/ holding company of the bidder or subsidiaries of parent/ holding company of

the bidder or subsidiary of the bidder shall not be considered.

4.3 Documentary evidence: Work Orders/ Completion Certificate / Commissioning

Certificate or any other document in support of execution of the Plant to be submitted.

4.4 In case the Bidder has set up their own Plant, value of Fixed Assets forming part of the

plant/ as per the Balance Sheet of the Firm duly certified by an Independent Auditor

shall be considered.

4.5 In case of running/ active operations & maintenance contracts or orders which does not

include construction orders or contracts, the experience towards operations &

maintenance should be at least 3 (Three) years or more in last 15 (FIFTEEN) years

ending 31/08/2021.

4.6 In case of Operation & Maintenance Contracts, which are running under extension after

original contractual completion period, suitable document (certified by “WO issuing

authority” / Engineer-In-Charge) indicating executed value up to the original/extended

completion period along with extension letter will be treated as proof of successful

completion of work.

4.7 In case of construction of the plant, if the construction orders are not including the

operations & maintenance of the plant, then also, the construction contracts or orders

shall be valid and acceptable.

4.8 EPC/ LSTK/ BOO/ BOT/ BOOT orders for any Waste to Energy or / any Chemical or / any

Industrial Plant or / any Infrastructure Project in India or outside India shall also be


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


➢ EPC – Engineering, Procurement & Construction

➢ LSTK – Lump Sum Turn Key

➢ BOO – Build Own & Operate

➢ BOT – Build Operate & Transfer

➢ BOOT – Build Own Operate & Transfer

4.9 In case where the bidder cites the reasons of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for its

inability to submit necessary documents in support of meeting the experience criteria,

a certificate, in original, certifying all the required information, issued by Chief

Executive Officer/ Chief Finance Officer of the company along with a declaration that

the bidding company is not in a position to submit the required documents owing to the

NDA with an endorsement by Chartered Accountant/ Statutory Auditor/ Certified Public

Accountant (not being an employee or a Director or not having any interest in the

bidder(s) company / firm) would be accepted. Wherever Chartered Accountant/

Statutory Auditor/ Certified Public Accountant (not being an employee or a Director or

not having any interest in the bidder(s) company/ firm) is not in a position to endorse

such Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Finance Officer’s certificate due to local

regulations, Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Finance Officer’s certificate without

endorsement would be accepted provided a reference of the local regulation restricting

this endorsement is given in the Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Finance Officer


5.0 Definition of Turnover & Documentary proof for ‘Turnover’ of Bidder

5.1 "Turnover" means

For Indian entities: Total Revenue as per Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013 (Earlier

Revised Schedule VI of Companies Act, 1956) shall be considered as Turnover. Turnover

for this purpose shall be as per audited Balance Sheet including P&L Statement/

Published Account/ Profit & Loss Account statement (as applicable) of the Bidder.

However, if the Bidder is not required to get its accounts audited under Section 44AB of

The Income Tax Act, 1961, certificate from a Practicing Chartered Accountant towards

the turnover of the Bidder along with copies of its Income Tax Return shall be


For foreign entities: Turnover for this purpose shall be as per audited financial

statements and in compliance with IFRS & certified by an independent, Practicing

Chartered Accountant.

5.2 The Bidder shall enclose with its Proposal, certificate(s) from its statutory auditors

stating its Financial Capacity. If the Bidder is a Consortium, then Turnover, as required

shall be demonstrated cumulatively, i.e., the Consortium as a whole should meet the

requirement. In case the Bidder is a Joint Venture/Consortium, the Proposal must be

accompanied with the details of each Member and Associate of the Joint

Venture/Consortium whose Financial Capacity is considered for evaluation. If the

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Bidder does not have a statutory auditor, it shall provide the requisite certificate(s)

from the firm of chartered accountants that ordinarily audits the annual accounts of

the Bidder. In case of PSUs (Central & State), a certificate from an officer in rank of GM

or above shall suffice.

5.3 For Bidders from outside India, certificate prepared according to the International

Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) from a reputed auditor specifying the Net Worth

of the Bidder to be submitted.

5.4 The Bid must be accompanied by a certificate for long-term Credit Rating of CRISIL AA+

or ICRA AA+ + (in case the Bidder is incorporated in India) and/or S&P BB+ or FITCH BB+

or Moody’s Ba1 from at least 2 (two) credit rating agencies (if the Bidder is

incorporated in a jurisdiction other than India).

5.5 If the Bidder is a Consortium, then the Net Worth, as required shall be demonstrated

cumulatively, i.e., the Consortium as a whole should meet the requirement.

5.6 A Bidder or a Member of a Consortium may rely on the Net Worth of its Associate(s) for

demonstrating its Financial Capacity. In such a case, the Bidder or a Member of a

Consortium shall submit an undertaking from the Associate(s) stating that the necessary

proportionate equity for the project will be provided for successful implementation of

the project. In addition to this, during Financial Closure, necessary board resolution

from the Associate(s) has to be submitted to the extent of equity contribution.

5.7 The Bidder (and in case of a Consortium, any Member) and its Associate(s) (in case the

Net Worth of the Bidder is being claimed) is not affected by and has not been affected

by any of the following events, conditions or circumstances in the [5 (five)] Financial

Years immediately preceding the Bid Submission Due Date, as certified by the statutory

auditor of the Bidder (and in case of a Consortium, the statutory auditor of a Member)

and its Associate(s) (if applicable):

(i) the Bidder (and the Associate(s), if applicable) having been

categorized as a willful defaulter in accordance with Applicable

Laws or laws of the country of its incorporation.

(ii) the Bidder (and the Associate(s), if applicable) being subject to

proceedings for declaration of or being declared bankrupt, being

wound up, or having its affairs administered or conducted by any

court, administrator, receiver; or

(iii) the Bidder (and the Associate(s), if applicable) having been

declared by a court or other competent authority as being unable

to pay its debts, or having made any composition or arrangements

with creditors or having had the repayment of its debts


5.8 The Bidder (and in case of a Consortium, any Member) and its Associate(s) (if

applicable) has not been convicted or otherwise being found responsible (or having any

of its directors, partners, trustees, officers or managers convicted or being found

responsible) by any court, tribunal, regulatory, public or other competent authority for

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a breach of any laws or regulations which:

(i) related to any act of fraud or dishonesty for which a fine,

penalty, damages, compensation or other payment was levied

against the Bidder (and the Associate(s), if applicable) or any of

its directors, partners, trustees, officers or managers; or

(ii) resulted in the permanent or temporary suspension of the rights

of the Bidder (and the Associate(s), if applicable) to provide any

service or carry on any type of business or operations.

6.0 Explanatory Notes on marking for Experience of the firm under Technical Proposal:

6.1 Experience other than in bidder’s name & offered by the parent/ holding company of

the bidder or subsidiaries of parent company of the bidder or subsidiary of the bidder

shall also be acceptable. In such cases, the computed scores shall be reduced by 25%.


For example, in case a bidder submits 1 order in the name of bidder & 2 other orders

either in parent company/ subsidiary of the parent company/ subsidiary of bidder, the

score computation under A (i) (mentioned in the below table) shall be as given below:

1 x 5 + 10 x 0.75 = 12.5

Similar methodology shall also be applicable for the purpose of A (ii) (mentioned in the

below table).



A Experience of the firm 40

(i) Number of Eligible Projects

completed in the last 15 years

ending 31.08.2021

25 5 nos or more – 25marks

4 nos – 20 marks

3 nos – 15 Marks

2 nos – 10 Marks

1 no – 5 marks

(ii) Number of years of experience

in any sector ending 31.08.2021

15 More than 4 years – 15 Marks

> 3 to < 4 years – 12 Marks

> 2 to < 3 years – 8 Marks

> 1 to < 2 years – 4 Marks

up to 1 year – 2 marks

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6.2 In case of non-disclosure agreements, client certificate/ mail on broad scope of

services, successful completion & value shall suffice. The certificate from client should

preferably indicate details such as brief scope of works, date of completion,

approximate project value wherever applicable.

6.3 For A(ii), Certificate of Incorporation or registered agreements (for Partnership, JV etc)

or equivalent document to be submitted.

7.0 Explanatory Notes on marking for Financial Credibility of the firm under Technical


7.1 Net worth (in case of a Company): “Net Worth” means the aggregate value of the paid-

up share capital and all reserves created out of the profits and securities premium

account, after deducting the aggregate value of the accumulated losses, deferred

expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure not written off, as per the audited balance

sheet, but does not include reserves created out of revaluation of assets, write-back of

depreciation and amalgamation.

7.2 Net Worth (in case of any other entity/ body Corporate): the aggregate value of the

paid-up capital and reserves of such entity, after deducting the aggregate value of the

intangible assets.

7.3 Under this item, financial credibility other than in bidder’s name & offered by the

parent/ holding company of the bidder or subsidiaries of parent company of the bidder

or subsidiary of the bidder shall also be acceptable. In such cases, the computed scores

shall be reduced by 25%.

8.0 Explanatory Notes on marking for Quality Certification of the firm under Technical


8.1 All certificates mentioned under this criterion should be valid as on the date of

Technical Bid.

8.2 Quality Certificates issued by recognized agencies in the country of operation shall only

be considered (Ex: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Technischer

Überwachungsverein-Technical Inspection Association (TUV), Bureau Veritas Quality

International (BvQI), etc.)

9.0 Documentary proof for ‘Technical Competencies’ of Bidder

9.1 For technical competencies or knowhow, Bidder to submit relevant technical

documents such as:

a. MoU with technical partner / service provider or

b. Letter / E-mail of confirmation on technology-tie-ups or

c. MoU with consultant facilitating technology for the Plants

d. MoU stating that technology for the entire Plant / production of Compressed Bio

Gas shall be considered as technical tie-ups for digester, purification system &

compressor, even if it is not mentioned separately.

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9.2 For Bidders possessing in-house technical know-how, the following will be considered

during evaluation:

a. Self-declaration stating possession of in-house technical know-how.

b. If the Party has their own Plant producing Electricity or Compressed Bio Gas or

Syngas or Mixed alcohol or Ethanol or Methanol and declared in the application,

the same shall be considered for the clause Possessing in-house technical know-


c. Patent letter, if any, shall also be considered.

10.0 Illustration for Bid Evaluation:

SN Bidder Technical


Waste Royalty

Charges payable

per tonne of

mixed waste



1. A 65 ₹ 10

2. B 75 ₹ 9

3. C 55 ₹ 15

4. D 55 ₹ 20 Will be declared as successful

bidder & shall be given precedence

for Concession

5. E 85 ₹ 5

6. F 40 - Since technical score is less than

45, price bid not opened


a. Waste Royalty Charges payable (WRC) shall be as per the quoted rates in Bill of

Quantities (BoQ)1 of price bid.

11.0 Conflict of Interest

11.1 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection Process or

the Project (the “Conflict of Interest”). Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest

shall be disqualified. In the event of disqualification, the Bid Inviting Authority reserves

the right to forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security for, inter alia, the time, cost and

effort of the Bid Inviting Authority. Without prejudice, any other right or remedy that

may be available to the Bid Inviting Authority shall also be exercised.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

11.2 The Concessionaire is required & agrees unconditionally to provide professional,

objective and impartial advice and at all times hold the interests of North Delhi

Municipal Corporation & IndianOil paramount, avoid conflicts with other assignments or

its own interests, and act without any consideration for future work. The

Concessionaire shall not accept or engage in any other project or assignment that

would be in conflict with its prior or current obligations to other clients, or that may

place it in a position of not being able to carry out the current project or assignment in

the best interests of the North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil.

11.3 Some guiding principles for identifying and addressing Conflicts of Interest have been

illustrated in the Bid document. Without limiting the generality of the above, a Bidder

shall be deemed to have a Conflict of Interest affecting the Selection Process, if:

a. the Bidder, its Joint Venture/ Consortium Member (the “Member”) or Associate

(or any constituent thereof) and any other Bidder, its consortium member or

Associate (or any constituent thereof) have common controlling shareholders or

other ownership interest; provided that this disqualification shall not apply in

cases where the direct or indirect shareholding or ownership interest of a Bidder,

its Member or Associate (or any shareholder thereof having a shareholding of more

than 5% (five per cent) of the paid up and subscribed share capital of such Bidder,

Member or Associate, as the case may be) in the other Bidder, its consortium

member or Associate is less than 5% (five per cent) of the subscribed and paid up

equity share capital thereof; provided further that this disqualification shall not

apply to any ownership by a bank, insurance company, pension fund or a public

financial institution referred to in sub-section(72) of section 2 of the Companies

Act, 2013. For the purposes of this Clause, indirect shareholding held through one

or more intermediate persons shall be computed as follows: (aa) where any

intermediary is controlled by a person through management control or otherwise,

the entire shareholding held by such controlled intermediary in any other person

(“the Subject Person”) shall be taken in to account for computing the shareholding

of such controlling person in the Subject Person; and (bb) subject always to sub-

clause (aa) above, where a person does not exercise control over an intermediary,

which has shareholding in the Subject Person, the computation of indirect

shareholding of such person in the Subject Person shall be undertaken on a

proportionate basis; provided, however, that no such shareholding shall be

reckoned under this sub-clause (bb) if the shareholding of such person in the

intermediary is less than 26% (twenty six per cent) of the subscribed and paid up

equity shareholding of such intermediary; or

b. a constituent of such Bidder is also a constituent of another Bidder; or

c. such Bidder or its Associate receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy

or grant from any other Bidder or its Associate; or

d. such Bidder has the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid as any other


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e. or such Bidder has a relationship with another Bidder, directly or through common

third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to each other’s

information about or to influence the Bids of either or each of the other Bidder: or

f. there is a conflict among this and other ongoing Projects of the Bidder (including

its personnel of the proposed team) and any subsidiaries or entities controlled by

such Bidder or having common controlling shareholders. The duties of the

Concessionaire will depend on the circumstances of each case. During the

implementation of this Project, the Concessionaire shall not take up any Project

that by its nature will result in conflict with the present Project; or

g. the Bidder, its Member or Associate (or any constituent thereof) for the Project,

its contractor(s) or sub-contractor(s) (or any constituent thereof) have common

controlling shareholders or other ownership interest; provided that this

disqualification shall not apply in cases where the direct or indirect shareholding

or ownership interest of an Bidder, its Member or Associate (or any shareholder

thereof having a shareholding of more than 5% (five per cent) of the paid up and

subscribed share capital of such Bidder, Member or Associate, as the case may be,)

in the Bidder, or its contractor(s) or sub-contractor(s) is less than 5% (five per

cent) of the paid up and subscribed share capital of such Concessionaire or its

contractor(s) or sub- contractor(s); provided further that this disqualification shall

not apply to ownership by a bank, insurance company, pension fund or a Public

Financial Institution referred to in sub-section (72) of section 2 of the Companies

Act, 2013. For the purposes of this sub-clause (h), indirect shareholding shall be

computed in accordance with the provisions of sub-clause (a) above.

For purposes of this Bid document, Associate means, in relation to the Bidder, a person

who controls, is controlled by, or is under the common control with such Bidder (the

Associate). As used in this definition, the expression “Control” means, with respect to a

person which is a company corporation, the ownership, directly or indirectly, of more

than 50% (fifty per cent) of the voting shares of such person, and with respect to a

person which is not a company or corporation, the power to direct the management

and policies of such person by operation of law or by contract. For the avoidance of

doubt, an entity affiliated with the Concessionaire shall include a partner in the

Concessionaire’s firm or a person who holds more than 5% (five per cent) of the

subscribed & paid up share capital of the Concessionaire, as the case may be, and any

Associate thereof.

12.0 Number of Bids:

No Bidder or its Associate shall submit more than one Bid for the Project. A Bidder

applying individually or as an Associate shall not be entitled to submit another

application either individually or as a member of any Joint Venture/Consortium, as the

case may be.

13.0 Cost of Proposal:

The Bidders shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the preparation of

their Bids and their participation in the Selection Process including subsequent

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negotiation, visits to the Site(s), translation, certification, accreditation etc. The Bid

Inviting Authority shall not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs, regardless

of the conduct or outcome of the Bid document.

14.0 Site(s) visit and verification of information:

Bidders are encouraged/ advised to submit their respective Bids after visiting the

Site(s) and ascertaining for themselves the Site(s) conditions, traffic, location,

surroundings, climate, access to the Site(s), availability of drawings and other data

with North Delhi Municipal Corporation, applicable Laws and regulations or any other

matter considered relevant by them. Visits shall be permitted for the benefit of

prospective Bidders after giving advance intimation on dates, time as specified in the

Bid document.

15.0 Acknowledgement by Bidder:

15.1 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Proposal, the Bidder has:

a. made a complete and careful examination of the Bid document.

b. received all relevant information requested from the Bid Inviting Authority & North

Delhi Municipal Corporation.

c. acknowledged and accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the

information provided in the Bid document or furnished by or on behalf of North

Delhi Municipal Corporation by the Bid Inviting Authority or relating to any of the

matters related to the Bid document.

d. Satisfied itself about all matters, things and information, including matters and

required for submitting an informed Bid and performance of all of its obligations


e. acknowledged that it does not have a Conflict of Interest; and

f. agreed to be bound by the undertaking provided by it under and in terms hereof.

15.2 The Bid Inviting Authority or North Delhi Municipal Corporation shall not be liable for

any omission, mistake or error on the part of the Bidder in respect of any of the above

or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or relating to Bid

document or the Selection Process, including any error or mistake therein or in any

information or data given by the Bid Inviting Authority.

16.0 Right to reject any or all Bids

16.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Bid document, the Bid Inviting Authority &

North Delhi Municipal Corporation reserve the right to accept or reject any Bid and to

annul the Selection Process and reject all bids, at any time without any liability or any

obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any

reasons thereof.

16.2 Without prejudice to the generality of the above Clause, the Bid Inviting Authority &

North Delhi Municipal Corporation reserve the right to reject any Bid if:

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a. at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or discovered, or

b. the Bidder does not provide, within the time specified by the Bid Inviting

Authority, the supplemental information sought it for evaluation of the Bid


16.3 Misrepresentation/ improper response by the Bidder may lead to the disqualification of

the Bidder. If the Bidder is a Joint Venture/Consortium, then the entire Joint

Venture/Consortium may be disqualified / rejected. If such disqualification / rejection

occurs after the Bids have been opened and the highest ranking Bidder gets disqualified

/ rejected, then the Bid Inviting Authority reserves the right to consider the next best

Bidder or take any other measure as may be deemed fit, including annulment of the

Selection Process.

17.0 Amendment to the Bid document:

17.1 At any time prior to the due date for submission of the Bid document, the Bid Inviting

Authority may, for any reason, whether at their own initiative or in response to

clarifications requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bid document by the

issuance of Addendum/ Amendment and posting it through e-mail for the participating

bidders & uploading in the website No separate

communications or press releases shall be made related to this.

17.2 The amendments will also be posted on the Official Website of North Delhi Municipal

Corporation along with the revised Bid document containing the amendments and will

be binding on all Bidders.

17.3 To afford the Bidders a reasonable time for taking an amendment into account, or for

any other reason, the Bid Inviting Authority may, at their discretion, extend the Bid

submission due Date.

18.0 Language

The Bid with all accompanying documents (the “Bid Documents”) & all communications

in relation to or concerning the Bid document shall be in English language and strictly

on the forms/ formats provided in this Bid document. Any supporting document or

printed literature is in a language other than English must be accompanied by an

accurate translation of the relevant passages in English done by a Sworn Translator or

Local Chamber of Commerce or Notary or equivalent as per the country of operation of

the Bidder. For all purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the translation in English shall


19.0 Format and signing of Bid:

19.1 The Bidder undertakes &shall provide all the information sought under this Bid

document. The Bid Inviting Authority would evaluate only those Proposals that are

received in the specified forms and complete in all respects.

19.2 The Bid shall be typed and all supporting documents shall be digitally signed by the

authorized representative (the “Authorized Representative) of the Bidder who shall

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initial in blue ink / digitally sign each page (as applicable). For the purposes of this Bid

document, the Authorized Representative shall be:

a. a partner, in case of a partnership firm and/or a limited liability partnership; or

b. a duly authorized person holding the Power of Attorney, in case of a limited

company or a corporation; or

c. the authorized representative of the Joint Venture/Consortium.

19.3 A copy of the Power of Attorney certified under the hands of a Partner or Director of

the Bidder and notarized by a notary public or equivalent person in the country or

operation of the Bidder in the form specified shall be annexed to the Bid.

19.4 Bidders should note the Bid Submission Due Date, as specified in the Bid document for

submission of Bids. Except as specifically provided in this Bid document, no

supplementary material will be entertained by the Bid Inviting Authority, and that

evaluation will be carried out only on the basis of Documents received by the due date

& time of Bid document.

19.5 Additional requirement/ information for submission of Proposal by Joint


a. The ceiling on the number of members of Joint Venture/ Consortium is 3 (THREE).

b. Bid should contain the information required for each Member of the Joint


c. Members of the Joint Venture/ Consortium shall nominate one member as the lead

member (the “Lead Member”) who shall have 26% or more equity stake/voting

rights in the Joint Venture/ Consortium. The nomination of the Lead Member shall

be supported by a Power of Attorney, as per the format provided in the Bid

document, signed by all the other members of the Joint Venture/Consortium. The

Members of the Joint Venture/Consortium shall cumulatively/ collectively fulfill all

the Conditions of Eligibility.

d. In the event, the Joint Venture/Consortium has been declared as the Selected

Bidder and issued Letter of Award, all Members of the Joint Venture/Consortium

shall sign the Concession Agreement with North Delhi Municipal Corporation &

IndianOil. In this regard, it is clarified that all the Members of the Joint Venture/

Consortium shall be jointly and severally liable towards North Delhi Municipal

Corporation & IndianOil to execute the Project during the Concession Period and

irrespective of the failure of any particular Member of the Joint

Venture/Consortium, the North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil shall be

entitled to call upon the Lead Member or other Member(s) of the Joint

Venture/Consortium to discharge the obligations of the Joint Venture/Consortium.

e. The Bid should include a brief description of the roles and responsibilities of each

Member of the Joint Venture/Consortium, particularly with reference to financial

and technical obligations under the Concession Agreement; and

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f. Members of the Joint Venture/Consortium shall be required to enter into a binding

Joint Bidding Agreement (the “Joint Bidding Agreement”) as per the format

provided in the Bid document for the purpose of submitting the bid, inter alia:

i. in case the Joint Venture/Consortium is declared as the Successful Bidder,

ensure that its shareholding/ownership equity commitments are clearly set

out, and state that the Joint Venture/Consortium shall act through the

Lead Member in accordance with this Bid document, and subsequently

carry out all the responsibilities as Concessionaire in terms of the

Concession Agreement;

ii. clearly outline the proposed roles and responsibilities of each Member at

each stage.

iii. commit the minimum equity shares to be held by each Member in the

special purpose vehicle; and include a statement to the effect that all

Members of the Joint Venture/Consortium shall during the Concession

Period, subject to the provisions of the Concession Agreement, be liable

jointly and severally for all obligations of the Concessionaire in relation to

the Project.

g. Except as provided under the bidding documents including the Bid document,

there shall not be any amendment to the Joint Bidding Agreement without the

prior written consent of Bid Inviting Authority, North Delhi Municipal Corporation.

h. Joint Bidding Agreement should be submitted along with the Bid. The Joint Bidding

Agreement entered between the members of the Joint Venture/Consortium should

be specific to the Project and should fulfill the above requirements, failing which

the Bid shall be liable for rejection or considered non-responsive.

i. No change in the composition of the Joint Venture/Consortium will allowed

subsequent to the submission of the Proposal during the Bid evaluation Process.

By submitting the Bid, the Bidder shall be deemed to have acknowledged and agreed

that in the event of a change in control or management of a Member or an Associate

whose Technical Capacity and/or Financial Capacity was taken into consideration for

the purposes of technical qualification under and in accordance with the Bid document

which adversely impacts the Project, the Bidder shall inform North Delhi Municipal

Corporation & IndianOil forthwith along with all relevant particulars about the same

and North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil may, at their discretion, disqualify

the Bidder or withdraw the Letter of Award from the Successful Bidder, as the case

may be. In such an event, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the

Concession Agreement, Bid Inviting Authority shall forfeit and appropriate the Bid

Security or North Delhi Municipal Corporation shall forfeit & appropriate the

Performance Security, as the case may be, as compensation and damages payable for,

inter alia, time, cost and effort of the Bid Inviting Authority, without prejudice to any

other right or remedy that may be available to the Bid Inviting Authority hereunder or


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20.0 Confidentiality:

Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation

for the selection of Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially

concerned with the process or is not a retained professional adviser advising North

Delhi Municipal Corporation and/ or IndianOil. in relation to matters arising out of or

concerning the Bid document. North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil shall treat

all information, submitted as part of the Proposal, in confidence and shall require all

those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. North Delhi

Municipal Corporation and IndianOil shall not divulge any Confidential information

unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity that has the power under law to

require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or privilege of the statutory

entity and/or the North Delhi Municipal Corporation or as may be required by law or in

connection with any legal process.

21.0 Negotiations

21.1 As a matter of routing, Negotiations are not resorted to. However, the Successful

Bidder may, if necessary, be invited for negotiations for reducing the quoted price, for

re-confirming the obligations, changes to conditions etc.

21.2 In case the Successful Bidder fails to accept the terms & issues brought out during

negotiations, the Bid Inviting Authority reserves the right to cancel the Bid document

or take other actions as deemed fit by it.

22.0 Indemnity

The Bidder shall, subject to the provisions of the Agreement, indemnify the Bid Inviting

Authority, North Delhi Municipal Corporation for an amount not exceeding 3 (three)

times the value of the Agreement for any direct loss or damage that is caused due to

any deficiency in services.

23.0 Fraud and Corrupt Practices

23.1 The Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers are

expected/ required to &shall observe the highest standard of ethics. Notwithstanding

anything to the contrary contained in this Bid document, the Bid Inviting Authority shall

reject a bid without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Bidder, if it

determines that the Bidder has, directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged in

corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or

restrictive practice (collectively referred as “Prohibited Practices”) such an event, the

Bid Inviting Authority, North Delhi Municipal Corporation as the case may be shall,

without prejudice to its any other rights or remedies, forfeit and appropriate the Bid

Security or Performance Security (as the case may be) payable to North Delhi Municipal

Corporation & IndianOil for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of in regard to the Bid


23.2 Without prejudice to the rights of the Bid Inviting Authority, North Delhi Municipal

Corporation under the above mentioned Clause hereinabove and the rights and

remedies which North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil may have under the

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Letter of Acceptance or the Concessionaire Agreement, if a Bidder or Bidders, as the

case may be, is found to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or

indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable

practice or restrictive practice during the Bid document selection/ evaluation process,

or after the issue of the Letter of Acceptance or the execution of the Concessionaire

Agreement, such Bidder or Bidders shall be liable for Holiday listing & other penal


23.3 For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter

respectively assigned to them:

a. corrupt practice means i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or

indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any person connected with

the Bid document (for avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to or employing

or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of North

Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil who is or has been associated in any manner,

directly or indirectly with the Bid document or the Letter of Acceptance or has dealt

with matters concerning the Concessionaire Agreement or arising therefrom, before

or after the execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the

date such official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of

North Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil, as the case may be, shall be deemed

to constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with the Bid document);

or (ii) save as provided herein, engaging in any manner whatsoever, whether during

the Bid document evaluation or after the issue of the Letter of Acceptance or after

the execution of the Concessionaire Agreement, as the case may be, any person in

respect of any matter relating to the Project or the Letter of Acceptance or the

Concessionaire Agreement, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial or

technical consultant/ adviser of North Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil in

relation to any matter concerning the Project.

b. “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or disclosure

of incomplete facts in order to influence the evaluation of this Bid document.

c. “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm,

directly or indirectly, any persons or property to influence any person’s

participation or action in the evaluation of this Bid document.

d. “undesirable practice” means establishing contact with any person connected with

or employed or engaged by North Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil with the

objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to

influence the Selection Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and

e. “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or

arrangement among Bidders with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full

and fair competition in the evaluation of this Bid document.

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24.0 Miscellaneous

24.1 The evaluation process of this Bid document shall be governed by, and construed in

accordance with, the laws of India and the Courts in New Delhi, Government Of

National Capital Territory Of Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes

arising under, pursuant to and/or in connection with the Bid document.

24.2 The Bid Inviting Authority, North Delhi Municipal Corporation at their discretion and

without incurring any obligation or liability, reserves the right, at any time, to:

a. suspend and/or cancel the Bid document and/or amend and/or supplement the

evaluation process of this Bid document or modify the dates or other terms and

conditions relating thereto;

b. consult with any Bidder in order to receive clarification or further information;

c. retain any information and/or evidence submitted to North Delhi Municipal

Corporation, IndianOil, Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, Govt of

India or its departments on behalf of and/or in relation to any Bidder; and/or

d. independently verify, disqualify, reject and/or accept any and all submissions or

other information and/or evidence submitted by or on behalf of any Bidder.

24.3 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Bid, the Bidder agrees and releases North

Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil as the case may be, their employees, agents and

advisers, irrevocably, unconditionally, fully and finally from any and all liability for

claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any way related to or arising

from the exercise of any rights and/or performance of any obligations hereunder,

pursuant hereto and/or in connection herewith and waives any and all rights and/or

claims it may have in this respect, whether actual or contingent, whether present or


24.4 All documents and other information supplied by North Delhi Municipal Corporation,

IndianOil or submitted by any Bidder shall remain or become, as the case may be, the

property of North Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil. North Delhi Municipal

Corporation, IndianOil will not return any submissions made hereunder. Bidders are

required to treat all such documents and information as strictly confidential.

24.5 North Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil reserve the right to make inquiries with

any of the clients listed by the Bidders in their previous experience record.

24.6 All the formats mentioned in the Appendixes which are not applicable are to be struck

off and duly signed along with company seal.


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₹ or INR or Rs Indian National Rupee

BG Bank Guarantee

Bid document Request for Proposal

Billion 10^9

CBG Compressed Bio Gas

CNG Compressed Natural Gas

COD Commercial Operation Date

CPCB Central Pollution Control Board

Crore/ Cr 10^7

DD Demand Draft

DISCOM Electricity Supply & Distribution Entity

EMD Earnest Money Deposit or Bid Security

GFR General Financial Rules

GNCTD Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi

GoI Government of India

Govt Government

GST Goods & Service Tax

IOC/ IOCL/ IndianOil IndianOil Corporation Ltd

Lakh/ Lac 10^5

LoA Letter of Acceptance

Million 10^6

MNRE Ministry of New & Renewable Energy

MoEF & CC Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


MoF Ministry of Finance

MoHUA Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs

MoPNG Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

MRF Material Recovery Facility

MSW Municipal Solid Waste

MT/ Ton/ Tonne Metric Tonne

NDMC/ North DMC North Delhi Municipal Corporation

NGT National Green Tribunal

PPP Public Private Partnership

RO Retail Outlet

SPCB State Pollution Control Board

SWM Solid Waste Management

TPD Tonnes per Day

US $ or $ United States Dollar

WPF Waster Processing Facility

WtE Waste to Energy

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


The following expressions hereunder and elsewhere in the Bid document used and their

grammatical variations shall unless repugnant to the subject or context thereof, have the

following meanings hereunder respectively assigned to them, namely:

1. “Anaerobic digestion” means a controlled process involving microbial decomposition of

organic matter in absence of oxygen.

2. “Authorization” shall mean the permission given by the State Pollution Control Board or

Pollution Control Committee, as the case may be, to the operator of a facility or urban

local authority, or any other agency responsible for processing and disposal of solid


3. “Biodegradable waste” shall mean such waste materials which are and can be degraded

by natural factors like microbes (e.g. bacteria, fungi and few more), abiotic elements

like temperature, UV, oxygen, etc.

4. “Bio-methanation” shall mean a process which entails enzymatic decomposition of the

organic matter by microbial action to produce methane rich biogas.

5. “Buffer Zone” means zone of no development to be maintained around solid waste

processing and disposal facility, exceeding 5 TPD of installed capacity. This will be

maintained within total and area allotted for the solid waste processing and disposal


6. “Business Day: means any day (other than 2nd and 4th Saturday, Sunday, Gazetted

holidays and holidays declared as per Negotiable Instruments Act-1881) on which

nationalized Banks are open for business in New Delhi.

7. “Bye-laws" means regulatory framework notified by local body, census town and notified

area townships for facilitating the implementation of these rules effectively in their


8. “Cascades" means group of cylinders (that may be mounted on a trailer/tractor) used for

carrying/transportation of Compressed Bio Gas from the Compressed Bio Gas Plant to the

Retail Outlet(s).

9. “CBG” means Compressed Bio Gas as defined in Indian Standards (IS) 16087:2016 of

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications or any of its revised version.

10. “Compressed Bio Gas Plant" means the Compressed Bio Gas production unit of the

Concessionaire constructed/proposed to be constructed and located at ______________

from where Compressed Bio Gas shall be supplied to IndianOil as per the Concession


11. “combustible waste” means non-biodegradable, non-recyclable, non-reusable, non-

hazardous solid waste having minimum calorific value exceeding 1500 kcal/kg and

excluding chlorinated materials like plastic, wood pulp, etc.

12. "Composting" means a controlled process involving microbial decomposition of organic


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

13. “Contractor” means a person or firm that undertakes a contract to provide materials or

labour to perform a service or do a job for service providing authority.

14. “co-processing” means use of non-biodegradable and non-recyclable solid waste having

calorific value exceeding 1500k/cal as raw material or as a source of energy or both to

replace or supplement the natural mineral resources and fossil fuels in industrial


15. “Disposal” means the final and safe disposal of post processed residual solid waste to

prevent contamination of ground water, surface water, ambient air and attraction of

animals or birds.

16. “dry waste” means waste other than bio-degradable waste and inert street sweepings

and includes recyclable and non-recyclable waste, combustible waste and sanitary

napkin and diapers, etc

17. “Dump sites” means a land utilized by local body for disposal of solid waste without

following the principles of sanitary land filling.

18. “Facility” means any establishment wherein solid waste management processes namely

segregation, recovery, storage, collection, recycling, processing, treatment or safe

disposal are carried out.

19. “Financing Documents” means the agreements, deeds and other documents executed by

the Concessionaire in respect of financial assistance/credit facilities availed/to be

availed from the Lender(s).

20. "Fine" means penalty imposed on waste generators or operators of waste processing and

disposal facilities under the bye-laws for non-compliance of the directions contained in

these rules and/or bye- laws

21. “Handling” includes all activities relating to sorting, segregation, material recovery,

collection, secondary storage, shredding, baling, crushing, loading, unloading,

transportation, processing and disposal of solid wastes

22. “Inert” means wastes which are not bio-degradable and recyclable.

23. “Incineration” means an engineered process involving burning or combustion of solid

waste to thermally degrade waste materials at high temperatures.

24. "leachate" means the liquid that seeps through solid waste or other medium and has

extracts of dissolved or suspended material from it.

25. “Local body” for the purpose of these rules means and includes the municipal

corporation, nagar nigam, municipal council, nagarpalika, nagar Palikaparishad,

municipal board, nagar panchayat and town panchayat, census towns, notified areas and

notified industrial townships with whatever name they are called in different States and

union territories in India

26. “materials recovery facility” (MRF) means a facility where non-compostable solid waste

can be temporarily stored by the local body or any other entity mentioned in rule 2 or

any person or agency authorised by any of them to facilitate segregation, sorting and

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

recovery of recyclables from various components of waste by authorised informal sector

of waste pickers, informal recyclers or any other work force engaged by the local body

or entity mentioned in rule 2for the purpose before the waste is delivered or taken up

for its processing or disposal;

27. “Non-biodegradable waste” means any waste that cannot be degraded by micro

organisms into simpler stable compounds

28. "Operator of a facility" means a person or entity, who owns or operates a facility for

handling solid waste which includes the local body and any other entity or agency

appointed by the local body

29. “Processing” shall mean any scientific process by which segregated solid waste is

handled for the purpose of reuse, recycling or transformation into new products.

30. "Recycling" means the process of transforming segregated non-biodegradable solid waste

into new material or product or as raw material for producing new products which may

or may not be similar to the original products

31. "refused derived fuel"(RDF) means fuel derived from combustible waste fraction of solid

waste like plastic, wood, pulp or organic waste, other than chlorinated materials, in the

form of pellets or fluff produced by drying, shredding, dehydrating and compacting of

solid waste.

32. “Residual solid waste” means and includes the waste and rejects from the solid waste

processing facilities which are not suitable for recycling or further processing

33. “Retail Outlet” means the retail outlet(s) of IndianOil used for dispensing Motor Spirit

and/or High Speed Diesel, as may be identified, within a radius of 25 km (twenty-five

kilometers) from any periphery of the Compressed Bio Gas Plant, for the purpose of

marketing/retailing of Compressed Bio Gas.

34. “Safety Procedures” mean the procedures, directions, guidelines, rules, regulations and

measures as prescribed by government/statutory bodies/ or as communicated by

IndianOil for safe handling, transport, storage, supply and/or sale/dispensation of

Compressed Bio Gas.

35. “Sanitary Land filling” means the final and safe disposal of residual solid waste and inert

wastes on land in a facility designed with protective measures against pollution of

ground water, surface water and fugitive air dust, wind-blown litter, bad odour, fire

hazard, animal menace, bird menace, pests or rodents, greenhouse gas emissions,

persistent organic pollutants slope instability and erosion.

36. “Sanitary waste” means wastes comprising of used diapers, sanitary towels or napkins,

tampons, condoms, incontinence sheets and any other similar waste

37. “Segregation” means sorting and separate storage of various components of solid waste

namely biodegradable wastes, non-biodegradable wastes, sanitary wastes, etc.

38. “Service provider” means an authority providing public utility services like water,

sewerage, electricity, telephone, roads, drainage, etc;

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

39. "Solid waste" means and includes solid or semi-solid domestic waste, sanitary waste,

commercial waste, institutional waste, catering and market waste and other non-

residential wastes, street sweepings, silt removed or collected from the surface drains,

horticulture waste, agriculture and dairy waste, treated bio-medical waste excluding

industrial waste, bio-medical waste and e-waste, battery waste, radio-active waste

generated in the area under the local authorities

40. “Sorting” means separating various components and categories of recyclables such as

paper, plastic, cardboards, metal, glass, etc., from mixed waste as may be appropriate

to facilitate recycling

41. “Standards" shall inter-alia include, Indian Standards (IS) 15130 (Part 3), International

Organization for Standardization (ISO) 6326-3, Indian Standards (IS) 15319, Automotive

Industries Standards (AIS) 024, Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO)

Standards, safety Standards as per Indian Standards (ISO) 16087 : 2016, Indian Standards

(IS) 15464:2004 and any other applicable national or international standards relevant to

the Compressed Bio Gas & Ethanol.

42. “Taxes” means all forms of taxation and statutory, governmental, supra-governmental,

state, principal, local governmental or municipal impositions, duties, contributions and

levies, imposts, tariffs and rates and all penalties, charges, costs and interest payable in

connection with any failure to pay or delay in paying them and any associated

deductions or withholdings of any sort, and as may revised from time to time by

statutory authorities.

43. "Transportation" means conveyance of solid waste, either treated, partly treated or

untreated from a location to another location in an environmentally sound manner

through specially designed and covered transport system so as to prevent the foul odour,

littering and unsightly conditions.

44. “Treatment” means the method, technique or process designed to modify physical,

chemical or biological characteristics or composition of any waste so as to reduce its

volume and potential to cause harm.

45. "Waste to Energy" or "WtE" means all activities, processes and technologies of

converting mixed MSW for production of valuable fuels, products but not limited to

Electricity, CBG and Ethanol, low carbon fuels, fertilizers, recoverable/ reusable

resources & materials including but not limited to plastics, paper/ pulp, metal, glass,

wood etc & other refuse derived fuels.


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


1.0 Bid Security:

1.1 The Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid Security in the form of a Bank

Guarantee issued by a nationalized bank, or a Scheduled Bank in India having a net

worth of at least [₹ 1,000 crores (Rupees one thousand crore)], in favour of IndianOil

Corporation Ltd, New Delhi in the format annexed to this Bid document (the “Bank

Guarantee”) and having a validity period of not less than [180 (one hundred eighty)]

days from the Technical Bid Due Date, inclusive of a claim period of [90 (ninety)] days,

and may be extended as may be mutually agreed between IndianOil Corporation Ltd

and the Bidder from time to time. The bid security can also be submitted through Net


1.2 In case of Bank Guarantee, bidder shall upload scanned copy of Bank Guarantee.

Original Bank Guarantee shall be sent by the bank to Bid Issuing Authority as mentioned

in the tender & it should reach to Bid Issuing Authority within 7 working days of

IndianOil from the date of opening of technical bids. For the purpose of receipt of Bank

Guarantee, the time recorded in the receipt/DAK section against receipt shall also be

considered as receipt time. Only those Original Bank Guarantee instruments found

matching with the copy submitted in the e-mail shall be considered as valid. If the

original Bank Guarantee instrument is not received by the due date and time as

specified above, the bid shall be summarily rejected.

1.3 Bank Guarantee should be submitted only in a sealed envelope of the issuing Bank and

should not be in open condition. If instrument towards Bid Security is submitted in any

manner other than aforesaid in the Bid document, the Bid is liable to be rejected.

1.4 Scanned copy of the Bid Security instrument must be uploaded in the in the e-mail.

1.5 Bidders not submitting original Bid Security instrument, on or before the due date and

time mentioned above shall be rejected outright.

1.6 Bidders not paying Bid Security on or before Bid document submission date and time

will be summarily rejected.

1.7 Requests for payment of pending dues towards Bid Security shall not be entertained.

1.8 All parties are requested to start the submission process at least 4-6 hours prior to the

submission end date to avoid connectivity issues while submitting documents due to

last minute rush.

1.9 The rating of bank sanctioning the Bank Guarantee should not fall below the rating of

‘A’ from Moody’s or equivalent (from other renowned rating agencies) in case of

foreign bank and rating of at least ‘AA’ from CRISIL or equivalent (from other rating

agency) in case of Indian banks during the tenor of the Bank Guarantee. In case the

rating falls below threshold level during the tenor of Bank Guarantee, the Bidder shall

promptly arrange to replace the Bank Guarantee, at its own cost through bank

acceptable to IndianOil.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

1.10 In case the Bank Guarantee is issued by a foreign bank outside India, confirmation of

the same by any nationalized bank in India is required.

1.11 For the avoidance of doubt, Scheduled Bank shall mean a bank as defined under

Section 2(e) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

1.12 Any Bid not accompanied by the Bid Security shall be summarily rejected by the Bid

Inviting Authority as non-responsive.

1.13 Mode of submission of Bid Security:

a. Net Banking / National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)/ / Real-Time Gross

Settlement (RTGS)/Bank Guarantee/ Demand Draft

b. Bank Guarantee from a scheduled bank in India acceptable to the owner & strictly

as per the format enclosed with this tender document.

1.14 The Bid Security of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned by the Bid Inviting Authority,

without any interest as given below:

a. For bidders disqualified during techno-commercial bid evaluation, Bid Security

shall be released immediately after technical evaluation is approved by the

competent authority.

b. For bidders qualified in techno-commercial bid but unsuccessful in price bid stage,

Bid Security shall be released immediately after final approval of the proposal by

the competent authority.

c. Reasonable efforts shall be taken to release the Bid Security within 15 working

days from the respective milestones as mentioned above.

1.15 The Successful Bidder’s Bid Security will be returned, without any interest, upon the

signing of the Concessionaire Agreement and furnishing the Performance Security in

accordance with the provisions thereof.

1.16 North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil, upon request from Successful Bidder, at

their discretion, may agree to adjust the amount of Bid Security in the amount of

Performance Security to be provided by him in accordance with the provisions of the

Concessionaire Agreement.

1.17 Bid Inviting Authority shall be entitled to forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security as

damages inter alia in any of the events specified herein below.

a. Bidder submits a non-responsive Bid.

b. Bidder engages in a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, undesirable or restrictive

practices as specified in relevant clauses of this Bid document.

c. Canvassing of information or submission of forged/ false documents/ information

by tenderers.

d. Failure to get the documents against qualification criteria verified with originals (if

applicable as per the Bid conditions) as per time limits specified.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

e. a Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of validity as specified in this Bid

document and as extended by mutual consent of the respective Bidder(s) and


f. the Successful Bidder fails within the specified time limit –

➢ to sign and return the duplicate copy of the LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE; or

➢ to sign the Letter of Acceptance and/ or Concessionaire Agreement; or

➢ to furnish the Performance Security or any other Security as required under

Bid document conditions or the Concession Agreement within the period

prescribed as the case may be.

g. Backing out after placement of Letter of Acceptance / signing of Concession


h. the Successful Bidder, having signed the Concessionaire Agreement, commits any

breach thereof prior to furnishing the Performance Security.

In such cases, the Bid Security shall be forfeited as damages without prejudice to any

other right or remedy that may be available to IndianOil, North Delhi Municipal

Corporation under the Bidding Documents and/ or under the Concessionaire

Agreement, or otherwise.

1.18 The Bidder, by submitting its Bid pursuant to this Bid document, shall be deemed to

have acknowledged and confirmed that the Bid Inviting Authority will suffer loss and

damage on account of withdrawal of its Bid or for any other default by the Bidder

during the period of Bid validity as specified in this Bid document. No relaxation of any

kind on Bid Security shall be given to any Bidder. The Bid Security shall be forfeited as

damages without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to the

Bid Inviting Authority under the Bidding Documents and/ or under the Concession


2.0 Pre-Bid Conference:

2.1 A Pre-Bid Conference of the interested parties shall be convened at the designated

date, time and place (physical and/or virtual mode).

2.2 A maximum of 2 (two) representatives of each Bidder shall be allowed to participate on

production of authority letter from the Bidder.

2.3 During the course of Pre-Bid Conference, the Bidders will be free to seek clarifications

and make suggestions for consideration of the Bid Inviting Authority.

2.4 The Bid Inviting Authority shall endeavor to provide clarifications and such further

information as it may, in its sole discretion, consider appropriate for facilitating a fair,

transparent and competitive Bidding Process.

2.5 The Bidders shall undertake & confirm that the decisions, clarifications communicated

via e-mail by the Bid Inviting Authority shall be final & binding on all Bidders.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

3.0 Late Proposals:

3.1 Bids cannot be submitted to the secured e-mail id after the Bid submission due date for

whatsoever reasons.

3.2 All bidders are advised to commence bid submission activities at least 4-6 hours before

the bid submission due date. IndianOil shall not be responsible for the delays (if any)at

the end of bidders.

4.0 Modification/ substitution/ withdrawal of Bids:

4.1 There shall be no alterations, omissions, additions, or any other amendments made to

the Bids once submitted on the secured e-mail id, except arising due to issuance of

amendments, Corrigendum etc by the Bid Inviting Authority.

4.2 Any alteration / modification in the Bid or additional information or material supplied

after the Bid submission Due Date, unless the same has been expressly sought for by

the Bid Inviting Authority, shall be disregarded.

4.3 Suo moto price changes received after submission of bid shall be checked and treated

as per the following matrix.

Stage of Bidding Price Decrease Price Increase

Before opening of price/

financial bid

Not acceptable. Bidder

shall be advised to

withdraw the price

increase. In case the

bidder refuses to withdraw

the price increase, their

bid shall be liable for

rejection. Bid Security

shall be forfeited.

Other actions such as

Holiday Listing etc

available under the

provisions of the Bid

document shall also be

considered without any

prejudice to other rights

available to the Bid

Inviting Authority.

In case of suo motto price


a. Bid evaluation shall be

done without suo motto

price decrease.

b. Concessionaire

Agreement shall be

signed considering the

suo motto price


After opening of price/

financial bid

Same as above If any bidder offers suo

moto reduction in the prices

after opening the price bid,

the Bid shall be rejected

outrightly& Bid Security

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Stage of Bidding Price Decrease Price Increase

shall be forfeited.

Other actions such as

Holiday Listing etc available

under the provisions of the

Bid document shall also be

considered without any

prejudice to other rights

available to the Bid Inviting


5.0 Performance Security, ESHS Performance Security and O&M Security:

5.1 An amount as specified in the Article 9 of the Concession Agreement shall be deemed &

provided by the Successful Bidder as Performance Security, Environmental, Social,

Health & Safety (ESHS) Performance Security, Operations & Maintenance (O&M)

Security. All the Performance securities to be clubbed and provided together and not


5.2 The Bidder, by submitting its Bid pursuant to this Bid document, shall be deemed to

have acknowledged that without prejudice to the any right or remedy hereunder or in

law or otherwise available to IndianOil and/or North Delhi Municipal Corporation, the

Performance Security, ESHS Performance Security or O&M Security shall be forfeited

and appropriated by North Delhi Municipal Corporation as the mutually agreed pre-

estimated compensation and damages payable to them for, inter alia, the time, cost

and effort of IndianOil and/ or North Delhi Municipal Corporation in regard to the Bid

document, including the consideration and evaluation of the Proposal, under the

following conditions:

a. If a Bidder engages in any of the Prohibited Practices specified in this Bid


b. if the Bidder is found to have a Conflict of Interest as specified in the Bid


c. if the Selected Bidder commits a breach of the Concession Agreement.

5.3 In addition to the above, the Performance Security, ESHS Performance Security or O&M

Security may also be forfeited and appropriated in accordance with the any other

provisions of the Concession Agreement.

6.0 Compressed Bio Gas, Ethanol Sales & Purchase Security:

6.1 The Bidder upon signing the Concession Agreement shall furnish Security Deposit to

IndianOil as per the sum/ amount mentioned in the CBG & Ethanol Sales Purchase


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

6.2 Such Security (ies) shall be submitted as per the format of Bank Guarantee provided in

the Concession Agreement.

6.3 The Bank Guarantee should be submitted on or before the Compliance Date as per

Concession Agreement & should be valid for a period of 6 months after the scheduled

Commercial Operation Date as pe the Concession Agreement.

6.4 The Bank Guarantee submitted by the successful bidder shall not carry any interest. It

shall be held by IndianOil as security for the due performance of the successful Bidder

as per the Concession Agreement. 

6.5 PROVIDED that nothing herein stated shall make it incumbent upon IndianOil to utilize

the Security in preference to any other remedy, which IndianOil may have, nor shall be

construed as confining the claims of the IndianOil against the successful Bidder to the

quantum of the Security. 

6.6 In case of revision of schedule timelines of the milestones mentioned in the Concession

Agreement, the Bank Guarantee should also be extended by equivalent period by the

successful Bidder. 

7.0 Specifications and other requirements of supplied Compressed Bio Gas (CBG):

7.1 Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) to be supplied shall meet IS 16087:2016 specifications of BIS

(detailed below) and any other further revisions in the said specifications.

SN Characteristic Requirement

a. Methane percentage (CH4) 90% minimum

b. Only Carbon Dioxide percentage (CO2) 4% maximum

c. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) + Nitrogen (N2) + Oxygen

(O2) percentage 10% maximum

d. Oxygen (O2) percentage 0.5% maximum

e. Total sulphur (including H2S) mg/m3 20 mg/m3 maximum

f. Moisture mg/m3 5 mg/m3 maximum

7.2 As per the IS 16087:2016 specifications, the following shall also be met:

a. Compressed Bio Gas shall be free from liquids over the entire range of

temperature and pressure encountered in storage and dispensing system

b. The Compressed Bio Gas shall be free from particulate matter such as dirt, dust,


c. Compressed Bio Gas delivered shall be odorized similar to a level found in local

distribution (ref. IS 15319)

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

7.3 The Compressed Bio Gas is to be compressed at 250 Bar and supplied through Cascades

to IndianOil Retail Outlets (ROs) within 25 km radius. Alternately, the Compressed Bio

Gas can also be supplied through pipeline to be laid by the successful bidder at nearby

Retail Outlet of IndianOil situated within 2 km radius from any periphery of the

Compressed Bio Gas plant.

7.4 Additional transportation cost for supply to ROs beyond 25 km shall be mutually

discussed & agreed rates depending on actual expenses would be considered for

reimbursement. Similarly, mutual discussions & agreement shall be arrived for supply

of Compressed Bio Gas through pipeline beyond 2 km radius from the periphery of the

proposed plant.

7.5 The Compressed Bio Gas quality parameters, quality and quantity produced, amount of

feedstock handled & other important operational parameters shall be made available

through web-based applications by the successful bidder/ Concessionaire to IndianOil.

7.6 In case the Bidder exercises the option of injecting the Compressed Bio Gas produced in

to a CGD entity’s nearest gas pipeline network at a later date during the Concession

Period, following shall be the operational arrangement:

a. Compressed Bio Gas supplied shall meet the PNGRB gas quality specifications for

CGD networks.

b. Discount on the finalized purchase as per this Bid for CBG to be pumped in to the

CGD network shall be mutually decided & based on guidelines prevalent at that


c. Technical specification for gas pipelines as required by PNGRB shall be adhered to.

d. Pipeline connectivity to relevant CGD network, including (but not limited to)

➢ Custody Transfer Metering System

➢ Online Gas Chromatograph

➢ Sulphur Analyzer

➢ Moisture Analyzer

➢ Odourizer

➢ Decompression Units

➢ Necessary pressure control & online data sharing devices for ensuring

quality compliance & custody transfer shall be installed & operated by

the successful bidder/ Concessionaire.

e. CGD entity may also lay & install the relevant pipelines & above stated facilities on

behalf of the successful Bidder/ Concessionaire at the cost of the successful

Bidder/ Concessionaire based on their mutual agreement.

f. It shall be the responsibility of the successful Bidder/ Concessionaire to obtain

necessary permissions/ approvals, statutory clearances, No Objection Certificates

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

from concerned authorities/ agencies to lay the tie-in pipeline to the CGD


g. The Compressed Bio Gas to be injected in to the CGD entity’s gas pipeline grid

shall be delivered at a pressure marginally higher than the CGD entity’s pipeline

pressure. The details of the CGD entity’s gas pipeline pressure shall be advised to

the successful bidder/ Concessionaire after signing of the Concession Agreement.

h. Quantities & calorific value of supplied Compressed Bio Gas would be jointly

verified by CGD producer, IndianOil & CGD entity on a fortnightly joint ticket with

daily gas quantity & calorific value would be provided to the CGD entity.

i. CGD entity and/or IndianOil shall have the rights to check specification of the

Compressed Bio Gas at any point in time & reject the off-spec gas.

j. A separate agreement would be signed for the above purpose between the

successful Bidder/ Concessionaire, GAIL, CGD Entity & IndianOil based on mutual


8.0 Specifications and other requirements of supplied Ethanol (Denatured Anhydrous):

8.1 Oil Industry Specifications of Denatured Anhydrous Ethanol as per IS 15464:2004 and

revision from BIS from time to time:


SN Characteristics Specification Methods of Test as

per Annex of IS

15464 : 2004

1. Relative density at 15.6 C

/ 15.6 C max.

0.7956 A


Ethanol content % by

volume at 15.6 C / 15.6 C




3. Miscibility with water Miscible C

4. Alkalinity Nil D

5. Acidity (as CH3COOH),

mg/l, Max.

30 D

6. Residue on evaporation,

percent by mass, Max.

0.005 E

7. Aldehyde content (as 60 F

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

SN Characteristics Specification Methods of Test as

per Annex of IS

15464 : 2004

CH3CHO) mg / l, Max

8. Copper, mg/kg, Max 0.1 G

9. Conductivity, S/m, Max 300 H

10. Methyl alcohol, mg/litre,


300 J



Clear & bright

and free from





a. The denaturant should be added with Ethanol in suitable dosage as per IS:

4117 in line with IS-15464 and as per prescribed Excise regulation from time

to time conforming to the automotive fuel requirements. Denaturants may be

considered as a part of Ethanol and component of the fuel. Ethanol should

not have more than 0.4% max impurities including permitted denaturants.

These denaturants should not have detrimental effect on specification and

stability of Motor Gasoline.

b. Some of the Prohibited denaturants for Ethanol that cannot be used are

Pyroles, Methanol, Turpentine, Ketones, Tar, Benzene, Organo-metallic


c. The denaturants should be pre mixed at Ethanol manufacturer end before

transporting the Ethanol to Oil Company premises. The name and dosage of

the denaturants used should be clearly mentioned on the delivery documents

duly endorsed by State Excise Authorities where ever state excise control

exists, or otherwise by the authorized person in the distillery.

8.4 Ethanol to be delivered at IndianOil Tikrikalan Terminal, New Delhi in bulk Tank

Trucks of capacity 20 KL or more. The Tank Trucks used for delivery of Ethanol

shall have valid approvals/ certifications from PESO, other regulatory agencies (as


9.0 Award of Project

9.1 After selection of the Successful Bidder, the Bid Inviting Authority shall recommend

issuance of Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to the Selected Bidder by North Delhi Municipal

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Corporation. North Delhi Municipal Corporation in the capacity as Owner of the project

shall confirm/ communicate:

(a) declaring it as the Successful Bidder.

(b) requesting it to sign and return, as acknowledgement, a copy of the Letter

of Acceptance within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance.

(c) requesting it to submit the Performance Securities and O&M Security in

accordance with relevant clauses of the Bid document; and

(d) execute the Concession Agreement within 21 (Twenty One) days from the

date of acceptance of Letter of Acceptance.

9.2 If the Successful Bidder fails to return a duly signed copy of the Letter of Acceptance to

North Delhi Municipal Corporation, within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the Letter of

Acceptance, then Bid Inviting Authority may, unless consent to an extension, without

prejudice to any of its rights under the Bid document or law, disqualify the Successful

Bidder, revoke the Letter of Acceptance, and forfeit the Bid Security.

10.0 Execution of the Concession Agreement

10.1 After acknowledgement of the Letter of Acceptance as aforesaid by the Successful

Bidder, the Successful Bidder shall execute the Concession Agreement within the

period prescribed in the Bid document.

10.2 If the Successful Bidder fails to execute the Concession Agreement on or before the

date specified in the Bid document, North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil may,

unless they consent to an extension, without prejudice to any of their rights under the

Bid document or law, disqualify the Successful Bidder, revoke the Letter of Acceptance

and forfeit the Bid Security.

10.3 The Successful Bidder shall not be entitled to seek any deviation in the Concession

Agreement except the amendments to reflect facts or to correct minor errors.

10.4 If the Successful Bidder seeks to materially negotiate or seeks any material deviations

from the final execution draft of the Concession Agreement, IndianOil at the

recommendation of North Delhi Municipal Corporation may elect to disqualify the

Successful Bidder and revoke the Letter of Acceptance issued.

10.5 If North Delhi Municipal Corporation elect to disqualify such Successful Bidder and

revoke the Letter of Acceptance, the North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil will

not be liable in any manner whatsoever to the Successful Bidder. Additionally, Bid

Inviting Authority will have the right to forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security or

appropriate an equivalent amount from the Performance Security or any other Security

payable to North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil as the case may be, if the

Concession Agreement has been executed, as a mutually agreed genuine pre-estimate

of the loss suffered by them for, amongst others, the loss of time, money, efforts in

conducting the Bid document.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

10.6 Such forfeiture shall be without prejudice to any other right or remedy that North Delhi

Municipal Corporation, IndianOil may have under the Bid document, the Concession

Agreement or Applicable Laws.

10.7 If North Delhi Municipal Corporation and/ or IndianOil elect to disqualify such

Successful Bidder and revoke the Letter of Acceptance (as the case may be), they

reserve the right to take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the discretion of

North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil, including annulling the entire Selection

Process & inviting fresh Bid document.

11.0 Commencement of Project

The Bidder shall commence the implementation of the Project at the Site(s) within [7

(seven)] days of the execution date of the Concession Agreement, or such other date as

may be mutually agreed. If the Bidder fails to either sign the Concession Agreement as

specified in the Bid document or commence the Project as specified herein, North

Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil reserve the right to take any such measure as

may be deemed fit, including annulling the entire Selection Process & inviting fresh Bid

document. In such an event, the Bid Security of the successful bidder shall be forfeited

and appropriated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant clauses mentioned

in the Bid document.

12.0 Time of Completion:

12.1 Entire work should be completed in a duration, timelines & milestones as mentioned in

the Concession Agreement.

13.0 Key Personnel, their responsibilities & substitution:

13.1 The Successful Bidder shall offer and make available all Key Personnel meeting the

requirements specified in the Bid document. The said Key Personnel will continue to be

available during the Concession Period as agreed under the Concession Agreement.

Key Personnel Responsibilities

[Team Leader] Will lead, co-ordinate and supervise the multidisciplinary team for

implementation of the Project. He shall spend at least [30 (thirty)

days per quarter] at the Site(s).

[Safety Expert] Will be responsible to ensure compliance of the Project with the

safety standards under applicable laws and good industry

practice. He shall spend at least [10 (ten) days per month] at the




Will be responsible for financial analysis and modeling of the

proposed Project. He shall spend at least [2 (two) per month] days

at the Site(s).

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Key Personnel Responsibilities



Will be responsible for Environmental Impact Assessment of the

Project. He shall spend at least [7 (seven) days per month] at the


13.2 In the event of any such Key Personnel leaving the Bidder selected under this Bid

document during the Concession Period, he/she shall be replaced by a person with

equivalent qualification and experience.

13.3 Normally any request of the for substitution of Key Personnel during the course of the

project construction & operation phase shall not be entertained.

13.4 North Delhi Municipal Corporation expects all the Key Personnel to be available as per

the during implementation of the Concessionaire Agreement.

13.5 Substitution will, however, be permitted if the Key Personnel is not available for

reasons of any incapacity or due to health, subject to equally or better qualified and

experienced personnel being provided to the satisfaction of North Delhi Municipal


14.0 Methodology and Work Plan:

14.1 The Bidders shall submit their methodology (not more than 2 pages) for carrying out

the Project, outlining its approach toward achieving the key performance indicators

laid down in the Concession Agreement.

14.2 The Bidders should specify the sequence and locations of important activities and

provide a quality assurance plan for carrying out the Project.

14.3 The Bidder shall clearly state its understanding of the terms and conditions of the

Concession Agreement and also highlight its important aspects in not more than 2


15.0 Proprietary data

Subject to the provisions of Confidentiality Clause, all documents and other

information provided by the North Delhi Municipal Corporation, IndianOil or submitted

by any Bidder to the Bid Inviting Authority, North Delhi Municipal Corporation &

IndianOil shall remain or become the property of the North Delhi Municipal Corporation

& IndianOil. Bidders are to treat all information as strictly confidential. The Bid Inviting

Authority will not return any bid/ bid documents or any information related thereto.

All information collected, analyzed, processed or in whatever manner provided by the

Bidder to the Bid Inviting Authority, North Delhi Municipal Corporation & IndianOil in

relation to the Project shall be the property of North Delhi Municipal Corporation &


16.0 Performance parameters:

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

16.1 The bidders shall have the option to choose suitable combination of

machineries for MSW separation, screening & processing as per the technology (one or

more) required for efficient performance.

16.2 Bidder shall provide optimized plant layout covering plant,

aesthetics, odour control equipment, pre-processing section, civil infrastructure, waste

to energy section, reject management etc.

16.3 Bidder to design & operate the proposed Waste to Energy plant & associated Sanitary

Land Fill according to Solid Waste Management Rules 2016. The proposed Waste to

Energy plant shall comply with all safety, environmental, operational requirements

specified by concerned Authorities & Statutory Agencies from time to time & not

limited to Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi State Pollution Control Board, Hon’ble

National Green Tribunal, Hon’ble Supreme Court, Factories Dept, Fire Dept, Labour

Dept, Healthcare dept, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, MoHUA etc.

16.4 The Waste to Energy plant shall allow only the non-usable, non-recyclable, non-

biodegradable, non- combustible and non- reactive inert waste and pre-processing

rejects and residues from waste processing facilities to go sanitary landfill.

16.5 The aspects relating to employee and worker safety, control mechanisms of litter,

pest, odour, fire, surface runoffs etc need to be adequately taken care.

16.6 The objective of the project being waste utilization, value creation & disposal, the

bidder shall ensure that there is minimal reject out of the process and the reject is

disposed off in a sustainable safe manner instead of direct land filling.

16.7 The Bidder shall also allow in his process design for the full usage of received MSW

including but not limited to the reject waste from the MSW treatment processes in

addition to any other relevant design parameters not specifically identified here.

16.8 The rejects arising from pre-processing and processing (inerts, ash, sludge etc) shall be

treated, utilized and disposed off by the bidder as per statutory standards on a periodic

basis in the site allocated for the sanitary landfill.

16.9 The Bidder is encouraged to produce saleable products from the rejects as per SWM

Rules 2016 and applicable norms and take the complete revenue coming from the sale

of these products.

16.10 However, every effort shall be made to recycle or reuse the rejects to achieve the

zero-waste going to sanitary landfill.

17.0 Waste Quality, Availability & Transportation:

17.1 The collection, segregation transportation of MSW from various locality under

jurisdiction of North Delhi Municipal Corporation to the proposed Waste to Energy

facility is envisaged by trucks of different capacities owned and/ or managed and/ or

contracted by North Delhi Municipal Corporation through road.

17.2 Indicative waste characterization of the MSW is as given under:

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

SN Parameter Value/ Range

a. Bulk Density 450-500 kg/m3

b. Moisture Content 20-45%

c. Organic Content 40%-60%

d. RDF 20%-30%

e. Inerts 20-30%

17.3 Efforts shall be made by North Delhi Municipal Corporation to provide segregated MSW

as far as possible. However, the Concessionaire shall not be eligible for any additional

cost/ compensation for receiving unsegregated MSW. Necessary equipment & resources

need to be planned by the Concessionaire for processing, recovering the MSW received

in as is where is condition.

17.4 North Delhi Municipal Corporation shall provide the site layout plan and its co-

ordinates. All necessary technical investigations & surveys for design of facilities by

Concessionaire viz. Geo-technical investigation including load bearing capacity, water

table, Contour & Topographical survey of the land, quality of ground water, etc. shall

be done by the Concessionaire at their own cost.

18.0 Order of Precedence: In case of contradiction between Indian Standards, General

Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings,

Schedule of Rates, the following shall prevail in order of precedence.

a. Concession Agreement

b. Letter Of Acceptance (Letter of Acceptance)

c. Price schedule annexed to the letter of acceptance (Letter of Acceptance)

d. Agreed variations annexed to the letter of acceptance (Letter of Acceptance)

e. Addenda to tender documents (like Corrigendum, Pre-bid minutes etc)

f. Special Conditions

g. Special Instruction to Bidders

i. General Instructions to Bidders


1. A variation or amendment issued after the execution of the Concession Agreement

shall take precedence over all documents specified above.

2. Notwithstanding the sub divisions of the Bid document into several sections and

volumes, every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary of every other

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

part and shall be read with and into the contract so far as it may be practicable to

do so.

19.0 Tentative Procurement Price & Mechanism / Methodology for fixing the

procurement price of Compressed Biogas and Ethanol etc. which shall be directly

purchased by IndianOil

19.1 The procurement price offered for CBG, Ethanol along with the price review

mechanism is tentative in nature and shall form the basis for further discussions with

the bidders after mutual discussions and agreement between IndianOil & the Bidders

qualified under Stage III.

19.2 “RCBG” = ₹ 35 per kg shall be the tentative procurement price of Compressed Bio Gas

(CBG) delivered at an identified IndianOil RO during Stage III discussions.

19.3 “REth” = ₹ 46.24 per litre shall be the tentative procurement price of Ethanol by

IndianOil delivered at IndianOil Tikrikalan Terminal, New Delhi .

19.4 The mutually agreed prices shall be offered to all the bidders uniformly. Applicable

Goods & Service Tax shall be paid extra on RCBG & REth.

19.5 In case any bidder is not agreeing to final offered price & pricing review mechanism of

Compressed Bio Gas and Ethanol, other terms & conditions such as Performance Security

for CBG &/or Ethanol supplies, the bidder has option to come out of the bidding

process without attracting any penalty or forfeiture of EMD etc.

19.6 There shall be periodic revision in procurement price of Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) and

Ethanol to be procured by IndianOil for the first 3 years from the date of

commencement of supplies:

a) For CBG, based on revision in selling price of CNG in the nearest IndianOil RO from

the proposed WtE plant.

b) For Ethanol, the revision in weighted avg. purchase price of ethanol (for the

quarter of Ethanol supply year i.e. Dec to Nov period) by Mktg. division, IndianOil

delivered at Tikrikalan.

c) If the selling price of CNG in the nearest IndianOil RO from the proposed WtE plant

is increased by 1% (One percentage) or more over a period, then the fixed

Compressed Bio Gas procurement price shall be increased by the same percentage


d) Similarly, if the weighted avg. purchase price of Ethanol delivered at IndianOil

Tikrikalan, is increased by 1% (One percentage) or more over a period, and the

fixed Ethanol procurement price shall be increased by the same percentage


e) Till the cumulative increase in the selling price of CNG at the nearest IndianOil RO

from the proposed WtE plant is less than 1%, there shall be no revision in the price

of Compressed Bio Gas for the bidder.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

f) Till the cumulative increase in the weighted avg. purchase price of Ethanol

delivered at IndianOil Tikrikalan is less than 1%, there shall be no revision in the

price of Ethanol for the bidder.

19.7 Upon completion of every 3 years after commencement of supplies, there will be a

review of the pricing mechanism of Compressed Bio Gas (RCBG) and Ethanol (REth) based

on mutual agreement between IndianOil and the Concessionaire. Applicable Goods &

Service Tax shall be paid extra.

19.8 Currently the selling price of CNG at the nearest IndianOil Retail Outlet inclusive of all

taxes in New Delhi is ₹ 44.30/kg and of the price of Ethanol delivered at IndianOil,

Tikrikalan Terminal for Q1 of Ethanol Supply year (ESY) i.e. Dec 2020 to Feb 2021 is ₹



i. Selling price of CNG at nearest IndianOil Retail Outlet in Delhi: ₹ 44.30/kg

ii. Weighted average Purchase price of Ethanol at IndianOil, Tikirkalan: ₹


iii. Let us assume Revised selling price of CNG at nearest IndianOil Retail

Outlet in Delhi will be ₹ 44.70/kg in Dec 2022 and the purchase price of

Ethanol delivered at IndianOil, Tikrikalan Terminal be ₹ 54.65/l for Q1

2022-23 of ESY i.e. Dec’22-Feb’23

iv. The increase is less than 1% ₹ 44.30/kg as well as of ₹ 54.40/l

v. Hence, the value of RCBG and REth will not undergo any upward revision.

vi. Let us assume revised selling price of CNG at nearest IndianOil Retail Outlet

in Delhi will be ₹ 46.79/kg in May 2023 and the purchase price of ethanol

delivered at IndianOil, Tikrikalan Terminal be ₹ 54.85/l

vii. The increase is 5.6% over ₹ 44.30/kg. However, the increase is less than 1%

over ₹ 54.40/l.

viii. Accordingly, revised value of RCBG will be ₹ 36.97/kg (i.e. 5.6% increased on

₹ 35/kg), while there will be no change in the value of REth.

20.0 Firm Price Revision of Waste Royalty charges to be paid to North Delhi Municipal


20.1 Upon completion of every 5 years from the Commercial Operation Date, there will be

an increase of 10% in the finalized Waste Royalty Charges (WRC) payable by the

Concessionaire to North Delhi Municipal Corporation for the entire life of the Plant.

Year Waste Royalty Charges

in ₹ per ton


COD + 1 year WRC Nil

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Year Waste Royalty Charges

in ₹ per ton


Up to COD + 5 years WRC Nil

COD + 6 years WRC x 1.10 WRC increased by 10%

Up to COD + 10 years WRC x 1.10 Nil

COD + 11 years WRC x 1.21 WRC increased cumulatively by


Up to COD + 15 years WRC x 1.21 Nil

COD + 16 years WRC x 1.33 WRC increased cumulatively by


Up to COD + 20 years WRC x 1.33 Nil

COD + 21 years WRC x 1.48 WRC increased cumulatively by


Up to COD + 25 years WRC x 1.48 Nil

COD + 26 years WRC x 1.62 WRC increased cumulatively by


Up to COD + 30 years WRC x 1.62 Nil

20.2 For the period beyond 30 (thirty) years & extendable thereafter on year to year basis

with mutual agreement between the Parties subject to a maximum of 5 (five) years.,

the Waste Royalty Charges payable to North DMC shall also be finalized on mutual


21.0 Specific Clauses on Taxation:

21.1 Contractual period / Work Completion Period /Contractual Delivery Date / Contractual

Completion Period shall mean the Scheduled Delivery / Completion Period as

mentioned in the Letter of Acceptance (Letter of Acceptance) or Concession

Agreement and shall also include approved extensions, if any.

21.2 Where any portion of the Bid document, is repugnant to or at variance with any

provision of the Standard Taxation Condition (STC), then the provision of the STC shall

be deemed to override the provisions of the other conditions on tax related matters

and shall, to the extent of such repugnance or variations, prevail.

21.3 For the purpose of this STC, the term “tax” in addition to tax imposed under CGST

(Central Tax)/SGST (State Tax)/IGST (Integrated Tax)/UTGST (Union Territory Tax)/

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Goods and Services Tax Compensation Cess Acts, also includes any duties, cess or

statutory levies levied by central or state authorities.

21.4 Rate variation in Taxes and any new promulgated taxes after last date of the

submission of price bid only on the final product and/or services (applicable to invoices

raised on Buyer) within the delivery date /period mentioned in Concession Agreement

(including extension approved if any) shall be on Buyer’s Account against submission of

documentary evidence.

21.5 Further, in case of delay in delivery of goods and/or services, any upward rate

variation in Taxes and any new promulgated taxes imposed after the delivery date

mentioned in Concession Agreement shall be to the Bidder’s / Concessionaire’s


21.6 Similarly in case of any reduction in the rate(s) of the Taxes between last date of

submission of price bid relevant to the Bid document and the date of execution of

activities under the Concession Agreement, the Concessionaire shall pass on the benefit

of such reduction to IndianOil with the view that IndianOil shall pay reduced duty/Tax

to Govt.

21.7 It would be the responsibility of the Bidder/ Concessionaire to get the registration with

the respective Tax authorities. Any taxes being charged by the Concessionaire would be

claimed by issuing proper TAX Invoice indicating details /elements of all taxes charged

and necessary requirements as prescribed under the respective tax laws and also to

mention his correct and valid registration number(s) along with Buyer’s registration

number as applicable for particular supply on all invoices raised on Buyer.

21.8 Concessionaire to provide the GSTIN number from where the supply is proposed to

be under taken. Further the HSN Code / Service Accounting Code (SAC) as applicable

for the subject tender needs to be provided in the columns provided in the technical


21.9 In case the Concessionaire is opting for Composition scheme under the Goods and

Services Tax laws (i.e. Section 10 of the CGST Act, 2017 and similar provisions under

the respective State / UT law), the Concessionaire should confirm the same. Further

the Concessionaire to confirm the issuance of Bill of Supply while submission of Bid

documents and no Goods and Services Tax will be charged on IndianOil.

21.10 In case the Concessionaire is falling under Unregistered category, the Concessionaire

should confirm the same.

21.11 The Concessionaire would be liable to reimburse or make good of any loss/claim by

Buyer towards tax credit rejected /disallowed by any tax authorities due to non

deposit of taxes or non updation of the data in GSTIN network or non filling of returns

or non compliance of tax laws by the Concessionaire by issuance of suitable credit note

to Buyer. In case, Concessionaire does not issues credit note to Buyer, Buyer may resort

to recover the amount including interest payable along with Statutory levy/Tax, if any,

payable on such recovery.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

21.12 Tax element on any Debit Note / Supplementary invoice, raised by the Concessionaire

will be reimbursed by Buyer as long as the same is within the permissible time limit as

per the respective taxation laws and also permissible under the Concession

Agreement’s terms and conditions. Concessionaire to ensure that such debit Notes are

uploaded while filing the Statutory returns as may be prescribed from time to time.

21.13 Price Adjustment (if any & as applicable) shall be passed on through Invoice or Credit


21.14 The Concessionaire will be under obligation for quoting/charging correct rate of tax as

prescribed under the respective Tax Laws. Further the Concessionaire shall avail and

pass on benefits of all exemptions/concessions/benefits/waiver or any other benefits

of similar nature or kind available under the Tax Laws. In no case, differential Tax

Claims due to wrong classification of goods and/or services or understanding of law or

rules or regulations or any other reasons of similar nature shall be entertained by


21.15 In case, Buyer’s Input Tax Credit (ITC) is rejected on account of wrong levy of

tax i.e. payment of Integrated Tax in place of Central Tax+ State/Union Territory Tax

or vice versa, the contractor is liable to make good the loss suffered by Buyer by

issuance of suitable credit note to Buyer. In case, contractor does not issue credit note

to Buyer, Buyer would be constrained to recover the amount including interest payable

along with Statutory levy, if any, payable on such recovery.

21.16 In case the Bidder is opting for Composition scheme under the Goods and Services Tax

laws, in such event the evaluation of his bid will be based on the Quoted Price.

21.17 In case the Bidder is falling under Unregistered category, then Goods and Services Tax

liability, if any, on Buyer will be included for the purpose of evaluation.

21.18 In case, Buyer is eligible to avail Input TAX Credit (ITC), the same shall be reduced

from the delivered price to arrive at the net landed cost.

21.19 Buyer shall reimburse Goods and Services Tax levied as per invoice issued by the

Contractor as prescribed under section 31 of the CGST Act and respective states and


21.20 To enable Buyer to avail ITC, the contractor/supplier shall furnish/submit any and

all certificates, documents and declarations as are required by Buyer to avail of the ITC

with respect to Goods and Services Tax reimbursed by Buyer on materials sold to


21.21 Invoice should be raised as per Tax Rates mentioned in the BID and in case at the time

of raising Invoice if the invoices raised are not as per Tax rates mentioned in the bid,

payment will be limited to the rate quoted as per BID subject to increase /decrease in

Rates after last date of submission of Bid provided delivery is within the Concession

Agreement period.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


a. Bidder / Concessionaire shall procure Road Permit/Way Bill, by whatever name it

is called, which is statutorily required to move goods.

b. Bidder/ Concessionaire shall be wholly responsible for delay or hold up due to the

timely non availability of Road Permit/Way bill, by whatever name it is called.


a. Works contracts as defined under the Goods and Services Tax law includes

Contracts for Building, Construction, Fabrication, Completion, Erection,

Installation, Fitting out, Improvement, Modification, Repair, Maintenance,

Renovation, Alteration or Commissioning of any immovable property wherein

transfer of goods is involved in the execution of such contracts.

b. Composite Supply has been defined as supply in which two or more supply of goods

or service or both or any combination are naturally bundled and supplied in

conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of Business, and then the rate

as applicable for principal supply will be applicable on the entire transaction.

c. Mixed supply has been defined as supplies of goods or service or both which are

made in conjunction with each other for a single price and which does not

constitute a composite supply then the rate as applicable for the highest rate will

be applicable.

d. In view of the above various definitions under Goods and Services Tax law, bidders

are required to evaluate the jobs to be undertaken covered under the tender and

quote accordingly by taking in to account the nature of Job read with the legal


e. The place of supply in relation to an immovable property shall be the location at

which the immovable property is located or intended to be located.

h. Invoice should be raised as per Tax Rates mentioned and in case at the time of

raising Invoice if the invoices raised are not as per Tax rates mentioned in the bid,

payment will be limited to the rate quoted as per BID subject to increase

/decrease in Rates after last date of submission of Price Bid provided delivery is

within the Concession Period.

i. Bidder/ Concessionaire confirms they are solely responsible for obtaining

customs/excise duty waivers (if applicable) which have been considered (if any) in

their Bid and in case of failure to receive such waivers for reasons whatsoever,

they shall not seek any compensation or revision in the quote prices.


a. The Bidder/ Concessionaire shall be exclusively responsible and liable to pay Taxes

on Income arising out of payment made out of the contract.

b. Wherever withholding tax i.e. Tax deduction at source (TDS) is applicable under

the Income tax Act, 1961 the same will be deducted from the Invoices raised and

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

TDS Certificate as per provision of the Income tax Act and Rules shall be issued to

the contractor.

c. Permanent Account Number is mandatory. If Permanent Account Number is not

provided TDS would be deducted at higher rate as per the provisions of Income Tax


22.0 Grievance Redressal

22.1 Any dispute arising out of this Bid document shall be resolved amicably through

discussions in good faith with a view to expeditiously resolve such dispute.

22.2 In the event the dispute persists, the Parties agree to resolve the dispute by

conciliation in accordance with provisions of Indian Oil Conciliation Rules, if applicable.

22.3 In the event of non-resolution of dispute by Conciliation within a period of 60, the

Parties agree to settle the dispute by arbitration in accordance with Arbitration &

Conciliation Act 1996.

22.4 For matters between IndianOil & North Delhi Municipal Corporation, it shall be as per

Administrative Mechanism for Resolution of Commercial Disputes (AMRCD) as

mentioned in DPE OM No. 4(1)/2013-DPE (GM)/FTS 1835 dated 22-05-2018 & DPE-GM-

12/0005/2019-GM-FTS-10714 dated 27.03.2020 in line with Govt guidelines

22.5 The venue for arbitration shall be New Delhi and the language of arbitration shall be


22.6 The arbitrator is expected to pass a reasoned award and the award of arbitrator shall

be final and binding on the Parties.


23.1 Bidder shall sign and submit along with the technical bid in all respects the enclosed

Integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of Bid documents, failing which the

bidder will stand disqualified from the bid evaluation process.


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Page 65 of 119

Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.



Letter Comprising the Bid






Sub: Bid for the …………………… Project

Dear Sir,

With reference to your Bid document dated ………., I/we, having examined the document and

understood its contents, hereby submit my/our Bid for the aforesaid project. The Bid is

unconditional and unqualified.

1. I/ We acknowledge that the Bid Inviting Authority will be relying on the information

provided in the Bid and the documents accompanying such Bid of the Bidders for the

aforesaid Project, and we certify that all information provided in the Bid is true and

correct; nothing has been omitted which renders such information misleading; and all

documents accompanying such Bid are true copies of their respective originals. I/We will

be solely responsible for any errors, omissions, or misstatements in our Bid submission.

2. This statement is made for the express purpose of qualifying as a Bidder for the aforesaid


3. I/ We shall make available to the Bid Inviting Authority any additional information it may

find necessary or require supplementing or authenticate the qualification statement.

4. I/ We acknowledge the right of the Bid Inviting Authority to reject our Bid without

assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by

applicable law, our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.

5. I/ We certify that in the last three years, we/ any of the Consortium Members or our/

their Associates have neither failed to perform on any contract, as evidenced by

imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or

arbitration award, nor been expelled from any project or contract by any public authority

nor have had any contract terminated by any public authority for breach on our part.

6. I/ We declare that:

(a) I/ We have examined and have no reservations to the Bid document, including any

Addendum issued by the Bid Inviting Authority;

(b) I/ We do not have any Conflict of Interest in accordance with relevant Clause ………….

of the Bid documents;

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

(c) I/We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any

corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or

restrictive practice, as defined in relevant clauses of the Bid document, in respect of any

tender or request for proposal issued by or any agreement entered into with the Bid

Inviting Authority or any other public sector enterprise or any government, Central or

State; and

(d) I/ We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in conformity with the

provisions of the Bid document, no person acting for us or on our behalf has engaged or

will engage in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable

practice or restrictive practice.

7. I/ We understand that you may cancel the Bidding Process at any time and that you are

neither bound to accept any Bid that you may receive nor to invite the Bidders to Bid for

the Project, without incurring any liability to the Bidders, in accordance with relevant

Clause ………… of the Bid document.

8. I/ We believe that we/ our Consortium/ proposed Consortium satisfy(s) the qualification

criteria and meet(s) all the requirements as specified in the Bid document and am/ are

qualified to submit a Bid.

9. I/ We declare that we/ any Member of the Consortium, or our/ its Associates are not a

Member of a/ any other Consortium applying for pre-qualification.

10. I/ We certify that in regard to matters other than security and integrity of the country,

we/ any Member of the Consortium or any of our/ their Associates have not been

convicted by a court or indicted or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority which

could cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the Project or which relates to a grave

offence that outrages the moral sense of the community.

11. I/ We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of the

country, we/ any Member of the Consortium or any of our/ their Associates have not been

charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by a court.

12. I/ We further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending either

against us/ any Member of the Consortium or against our/ their Associates or against our

Chief Executive Officer or any of our directors/ managers/ employees.

13. I/We further certify that we/ any Member of the Consortium or any of our/ their

Associates are not barred by the Central Government or any entity controlled by it, from

participating in any project, and no bar subsists as on the date of Bid.

14. I/ We undertake that in case due to any change in facts or circumstances during the

Bidding Process, we are attracted by the provisions of disqualification in terms of the

provisions of this Bid document, we shall intimate the Bid Inviting Authority of the same


15. The Statement of Legal Capacity as per format provided of the Bid document, and duly

signed, is enclosed. The power of attorney for signing of Bid and the power of attorney for

Lead Member of consortium, as per format of the Bid document, are also enclosed.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

16. I/ We offer a Bid Security of ₹ ________/- or US $ _________/- (Rupees / US Dollar

…………………………………… only) to the Bid Inviting Authority in accordance with the Bid


17. The Bid Security in the form of a Bank Guarantee is attached.

18. The Financial Bid has been quoted by me/us after taking into consideration all the terms

and conditions stated in the Bid document, draft Concession Agreement, our own

estimates of costs and after a careful assessment of the site and all the conditions that

may affect the project cost and implementation of the Project.

19. In the event of my/our firm/ Joint Venture/Consortium being selected as the

Concessionaire, I/we agree to enter into the Concession Agreement in accordance with

the draft format provided the Bid document. We agree not to seek any changes in the

aforesaid form and agree to abide by the same.

20. I/ We understand that the selected Bidder is an existing [individual / LLP / fund / private

entity / public entity / other international entities] incorporated under applicable law.

21. I/ We hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we may have at any stage at

law or howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by the

State Government and / or the Government of India and / or North Delhi Municipal

Corporation and /or Bid Inviting Authority in connection with the selection of Bidders,

selection of the Bidder, or in connection with the selection/ Bidding Process itself, in

respect of the above mentioned Project and the terms and implementation thereof.

22. I/ We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Bid document.

23. I/ We certify that in terms of the Bid document, my/our Net Worth (in accordance with

the Bid document) is ₹ ________/- or US $ _________/- (Rupees/ US Dollar

…………………………………….) and the Credit Rating as issued by …………………. is ……………….

In witness thereof, I/ we submit this Bid under and in accordance with the terms of the Bid


Yours faithfully,

Date: (Signature, name and designation of the Authorized Signatory)

Place: Name and seal of the Bidder/ Lead Member

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Particulars of the Bidder

1. Details of Bidder

(a) Name:

(b) Country of incorporation and Memorandum of Association/Permanent Account


(c) Address of the corporate headquarters and its branch office(s), if any, in India:

(d) Date of incorporation and/ or commencement of business and Goods & Service Tax

certificate details:

2. Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of business and

proposed role and responsibilities in this Project:

3. Details of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact/ communication by

Bid Inviting Authority:

(a) Name:

(b) Designation:

(c) Company:

(d) Address:

(e) Telephone Number:

(f) E-Mail Address:

4. Details of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact/ communication for the


(a) Name:

(b) Designation:

(c) Company:

(d) Address:

(e) Telephone Number:

(f) E-Mail Address

5. Particulars of the Authorized Signatory of the Bidder:

(a) Name:

(b) Designation:

(c) Address:

(d) Phone Number:

6. In case of a Joint Venture/Consortium:

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

(a) The information above should be provided for all the Members of the Joint


(b) A copy of the Joint Bidding Agreement should be attached to the Proposal

(c) Information regarding the role of each Member should be provided as per table


SN Name of Member Role Percentage of equity in the







(d) The following information shall also be provided for each Member of the Joint

Venture/ Consortium:

Name of Bidder/Member of Joint Venture or Consortium

SN Criteria Yes No


Has the Bidder constituent of the Joint

Venture/Consortium been barred by the [Central/ State]

Government, or any entity controlled by it from


in any project (BOT or otherwise)?

(2) If the answer to (1) is yes, does the bar subsist as on the

Bid Submission Due Date?


Has the Bidder/Joint Venture/Consortium paid liquidated

damages of more than 5% (five per cent) of the contract

value in a contract due to delay or has been penalized

due to any other reason in relation to execution of a

contract, in the

last three years?

7. A statement by the Bidder and each of the Members of its Joint Venture/Consortium

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(where applicable) or any of their Associates disclosing material non-performance or

contractual non- compliance in past projects, contractual disputes and litigation/

arbitration in the recent past is given below (Attach extra sheets, if necessary).

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Statement of Legal Capacity

(To be forwarded on the letter head of the Bidder)

Ref. Date:





Dear Madam/Sir,

Subject: Bid document for ………………………………. Project

1. I/We hereby confirm that we, the Bidder (along with other Members in case of Joint

Venture/Consortium, the constitution of which has been described in the Bid), satisfy

the terms and conditions laid down in the Bid document.

2. I/ We have agreed that………………………. Will act as Lead Member of the Joint


3. I/ We have agreed that………………………. will act as the Authorized Representative of the

Joint Venture/Consortium on our behalf and has been duly authorized to submit our Bid.

Further, the authorized signatory is vested with requisite powers by way of a Board

resolution vide …………….. dated accorded specific to this Bid document to furnish such

proposal and all other documents, information or communication and authenticate the


(strike out whichever is not applicable)

Yours faithfully,

(Signature, name and

designation of the authorized


For and on behalf



Bid document No: AESD/WtE/NDMC/GTE/01/2021-22

Page 72 of 119

Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Undertaking Statement of Legal Capacity

(To be forwarded on the letterhead of the Bidder/ Lead Member of Consortium)

Ref. Date:





Dear Sir,

1. I/We have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a

country which shares a land border with India; I/We hereby certify that this bidder is not

from such a country and is eligible to be considered. OR

2. I/We have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a

country which shares a land border with India; I/We certify that this bidder is not from

such a country or, if from such a country, has been registered with the Competent

Authority. I hereby certify that this Bidder fulfills all requirements in this regard and is

eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of valid registration by the

Competent Authority shall be attached]OR

3. I/We have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a

country which shares a land border with India and on sub-contracting to contractors from

such countries; I/We certify that this bidder is not from such a country or, if from such a

country, has been registered with the Competent Authority and will not sub-contract any

work to a contractor from such countries unless such contractor is registered with the

Competent Authority. I hereby certify that this bidder fulfills all requirements in this

regard and is eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of valid registration

by the Competent Authority shall be attached].

Yours faithfully,

(Signature, name, and designation of the authorized signatory)

For and on behalf of…………………………….

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Power of Attorney for signing of Bid.

Know all men by these presents, We……………………………………………. (name of the firm and

address of the registered office) do hereby irrevocably constitute, nominate, appoint and

authorize Mr/ Ms (name), …………………… son/daughter/wife of ……………………………… and

presently residing at …………………., who is presently employed with us/ the Lead Member of our

Consortium and holding the position of ……………………………. , as our true and lawful attorney

(hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts,

deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission of

our application for pre-qualification and submission of our bid for the …………………………… by the

…………………….................. (the “Bid Inviting Authority”) including but not limited to signing

and submission of all applications, bids and other documents and writings, participate in Pre-

Bid and other conferences and providing information/ responses to the Bid Inviting Authority,

representing us in all matters before the Bid Inviting Authority, signing and execution of all

contracts including the undertakings consequent to acceptance of our bid, and generally

dealing with the Bid Inviting Authority in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising

out of our bid for the said Project and/ or upon award thereof to us.

AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds

and things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the

powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our

said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to

have been done by us.



For …………………………. (Signature, name, designation, and address)


1. (Notarized)



…………………………… (Signature)

(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)


f. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the

procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in

accordance with the required procedure.

g. Wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter

documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/ power of attorney

in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power

hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.

h. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be

legalized by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of

Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from

countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be

legalized by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Apostille certificate.

i. Power of Attorney executed abroad should conform to the provisions of Notaries Act,

1952 and Indian Stamp Act, 1899.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium

Whereas the ………………………………. (“the Bid Inviting Authority”) for & on behalf of North Delhi

Municipal Corporation has invited Bids from interested parties for the …………………………….

Project (the “Project”).

Whereas ……………………., ……………………., ……………………. and ……………………. (collectively the

“Consortium”) being Members of the Consortium are interested in bidding for the Project in

accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal (Bid document) and

other connected documents in respect of the Project, and

Whereas it is necessary for the Members of the Consortium to designate one of them as the

Lead Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of the

Consortium, all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the

Consortium’s bid for the Project and its execution.


We, ……………………. having our registered office at …………………….,

M/s. ……………………. having our registered office at …………………….,

M/s. ……………………. having our registered office at ……………………., and

……………………. having our registered office at …………………….,

(hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Principals”) do hereby irrevocably designate,

nominate, constitute, appoint and authorize M/s ……………………. having its registered office at

……………………., being one of the Members of the Consortium, as the Lead Member and true and

lawful attorney of the Consortium (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”).

We hereby irrevocably authorize the Attorney (with power to sub-delegate) to conduct all

business for and on behalf of the Consortium and any one of us during the bidding process and,

in the event the Consortium is awarded the contract, during the execution of the Project and

in this regard, to do on our behalf and on behalf of the Consortium, all or any of such acts,

deeds or things as are necessary or required or incidental to the pre-qualification of the

Consortium and submission of its bid for the Project, including but not limited to signing and

submission of all applications, bids and other documents and writings, accept the Letter of

Award, participate in Bidders’ and other conferences, respond to queries, submit information/

documents, sign and execute contracts and undertakings consequent to acceptance of the bid

of the Consortium and generally to represent the Consortium in all its dealings with the Bid

Inviting Authority and/ or any other Government Agency or any person, in all matters in

connection with or relating to or arising out of the Consortium’s bid for the Project.

AND hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and

things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the

powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our

said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to

have been done by us/ Consortium.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


ATTORNEY ON THIS …………………. DAY OF ………. 2..…

For …………………….



(Name & Title)

For …………………….



(Name & Title)

For …………………….



(Name & Title)




……………………………………… (Executants)

(To be executed by all the Members of the Consortium)


a. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the

procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the

executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in

accordance with the required procedure.

b. Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the

charter documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/ power of

attorney in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of

power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.

c. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be

legalized by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of

Attorney is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from

countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be

legalized by the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Apostille certificate.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

d. Power of Attorney executed abroad should conform to the provisions of Notaries Act,

1952 and Indian Stamp Act, 1899.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Financial Capacity of the Bidder

Bidder Type



Net Worth

(avg for Past 5

Years) (in …


Net worth (in….currency)

(5 Years)

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Single entity


Joint Venture /


Member 1

Joint Venture /


Member 2

Joint Venture /


Member 3*


* More rows may be added as per requirement Instructions:

1. The Bidder/ its constituent Joint Venture/Consortium Members shall attach copies of the

balance sheets, financial statements and annual reports for 5 years preceding the Bid

submission Due Date. The financial statements shall:

(a) Reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or Consortium Members and its/ their

Associates where the Bidder is relying on its Associate’s financials.

(b) Be audited by a statutory auditor.

(c) Be complete, including all notes to the financial statements; and

(d) Correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements

for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

2. For the purpose of this Bid document, Net Worth shall be computed as per the definition

provided in the Notice Inviting Bid.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

3. The Bidder shall provide Statutory Auditor’s/ Chartered Accountant’s certificate

specifying the Net Worth and also confirming the methodology adopted for calculating

such net worth as per the definition provided in the Bid document.

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Format for Technical Bid






Sub: “Bid for Qualification: **** Project”

Dear Sir,

1. With reference to your Bid document dated [___], I/we, having examined the Bidding

Documents and understood their contents, hereby submit my/our Bid for the aforesaid

Project. The Bid is unconditional and unqualified.

2. I/We hereby submit our Technical Bid, details of which have been provided in the Bid

documents submitted by us in relevant Appendices.

3. I/We agree to keep this offer valid for 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the

Technical Bid Opening Date specified in the Bid document.

4. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Bid document.

5. In witness thereof, I/we submit this Bid under and in accordance with the terms of the Bid


Yours faithfully,


(Signature of the Authorized signatory)


(Name and designation of the of the Authorized signatory)

Name and seal of Bidder/Lead Member

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Format for Financial Bid






Sub: “Bid for Qualification: **** Project”

Dear Sir,

1. With reference to your Bid document dated [___], I/we, having examined the Bidding

Documents and understood their contents, hereby submit my/our Bid for the aforesaid Project.

The Bid is unconditional and unqualified.

2. I/We hereby submit our Price Bid and as per the rate quoted and e-mailed on the secured e-

mail id.

3. I/We agree to keep this offer valid for 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the

Technical Bid Opening Date specified in the Bid document.

4. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Bid document. In

witness thereof, I/we submit this Bid under and in accordance with the terms of the Bid


Yours faithfully,


(Signature of the Authorized signatory)


(Name and designation of the of the Authorized signatory)

Name and seal of Bidder/Lead Member

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Credit Rating

[Bidder to provide Credit Rating in accordance with the format of the respective Credit Rating


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Bank Guarantee for Bid Security

B.G. No. Dated:

1. In consideration of you, ………………………..……, having its office at ………………, (hereinafter

referred to as the “Bid Inviting Authority”, which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the

subject or context thereof include its, successors and assigns) having agreed to receive the Bid

of [name of the Bidder]a [individual / LLP / fund / private entity / public entity / other

international entity as registered under applicable law]and having its registered office at

……………………… (and acting on behalf of its Consortium) (hereinafter referred to as the

“Bidder” which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof

include its/their executors, administrators, successors and assigns), for the …………………………..

project (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) pursuant to the Bid Document dated ……………

issued in respect of the Project and other related documents including without limitation the

draft Concession Agreement (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Bidding Documents”), we

(Name of the Bank) having our registered office at ……………………… and one of its branches at

…………………….. (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”), at the request of the Bidder, do hereby

irrevocably, unconditionally and without reservation guarantee the due and faithful fulfilment

and compliance of the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents (including the Bid

Document) by the said Bidder and unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay forthwith

to the Bid Inviting Authority an amount of ₹ ________/- or US $ _________/-(Rupees / US

Dollar ………………………. only) (hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantee”) as our primary

obligation without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest and without reference

to the Bidder if the Bidder shall fail to fulfil or comply with all or any of the terms and

conditions contained in the said Bidding Documents.

2. Any such written demand made by the Bid Inviting Authority stating that the Bidder is in

default of the due and faithful fulfilment and compliance with the terms and conditions

contained in the Bidding Documents shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bank.

3. We, the Bank, do hereby unconditionally undertake to pay the amounts due and payable

under this Guarantee without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest and without

any reference to the Bidder or any other person and irrespective of whether the claim of the

Bid Inviting Authority is disputed by the Bidder or not, merely on the first demand from the Bid

Inviting Authority stating that the amount claimed is due to the Bid Inviting by reason of

failure of the Bidder to fulfil and comply with the terms and conditions contained in the

Bidding Documents including failure of the said Bidder to keep its Bid open during the Bid

validity period as set forth in the said Bidding Documents for any reason whatsoever. Any such

demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards amount due and payable by the Bank

under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to an

amount not exceeding ₹ ________/- or US $ _________/- (Rupees / US Dollar ……………………….


4. This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and remain in full force for a period of 180 (one

hundred and eighty) days from the Technical Bid Opening Date plus claim period of 90 (ninety)

days or for such extended period as may be mutually agreed between the Bid Inviting Authority

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and the Bidder, and agreed to by the Bank, and shall continue to be enforceable till all

amounts under this Guarantee have been paid.

5. We, the Bank, further agree that the Bid Inviting Authority shall be the sole judge to decide

as to whether the Bidder is in default of due and faithful fulfilment and compliance with the

terms and conditions contained in the Bidding Documents including, inter alia, the failure of

the Bidder to keep its Bid open during the Bid validity period set forth in the said Bidding

Documents, and the decision of the Bid Inviting Authority that the Bidder is in default as

aforesaid shall be final and binding on us, notwithstanding any differences between the Bid

Inviting Authority and the Bidder or any dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator

or any other authority.

6. The Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution or winding up of the

Bidder or the Bank or any absorption, merger or amalgamation of the Bidder or the Bank with

any other person.

7. In order to give full effect to this Guarantee, the Bid Inviting Authority shall be entitled to

treat the Bank as the principal debtor. The Bid Inviting Authority shall have the fullest liberty

without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee from time to time

to vary any of the terms and conditions contained in the said Bidding Documents or to extend

time for submission of the Bids or the Bid validity period or the period for conveying

acceptance of Letter of Award by the Bidder or the period for fulfilment and compliance with

all or any of the terms and conditions contained in the said Bidding Documents by the said

Bidder or to postpone for any time and from time to time any of the powers exercisable by it

against the said Bidder and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and

conditions contained in the said Bidding Documents or the securities available to the Bid

Inviting Authority, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under these presents by

any exercise by the Bid Inviting Authority of the liberty with reference to the matters

aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the said Bidder or any other forbearance, act or

omission on the part of the Bid Inviting Authority or any indulgence by the Bid Inviting

Authority to the said Bidder or any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law

relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its

such liability.

8. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder shall be sufficiently given or

made if addressed to the Bank and sent by courier or by registered mail to the Bank at the

address set forth herein.

9. We undertake to make the payment on receipt of your notice of claim on us addressed to

[name of Bank along with branch address] and delivered at our above branch which shall be

deemed to have been duly authorized to receive the said notice of claim.

10. It shall not be necessary for the Bid Inviting Authority to proceed against the said Bidder

before proceeding against the Bank and the guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable

against the Bank, notwithstanding any other security which the Bid Inviting Authority may have

obtained from the said Bidder or any other person and which shall, at the time when

proceedings are taken against the Bank hereunder, be outstanding or unrealized.

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11. We, the Bank, further undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except

with the previous express consent of the Bid Inviting Authority in writing.

12. The Bank declares that it has power to issue this Guarantee and discharge the obligations

contemplated herein, the undersigned is duly authorized and has full power to execute this

Guarantee for and on behalf of the Bank.

13. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bank’s liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to

₹ ________/- or US $ _________/- (Rupees / US Dollar ………………………. only). The Bank shall

be liable to pay the said amount or any part thereof only if the Bid Inviting Authority serves a

written claim on the Bank in accordance with paragraph 9 hereof, on or before [……. (indicate

date falling 180 days after the Technical Bid Opening Date)].

Signed and Delivered by ………………………. Bank

By the hand of Mr./Ms ……………………., its …………………. and authorized official.

(Signature of the Authorized Signatory)

(Official Seal)

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GFR Order Undertaking by Bidders

1. I/ We ……………………………………………. (Bidder/ Consortium name) have read the clause

regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land

border with India& on sub-contracting to contractors from such countries.

2. I/ We ……………………………………………. (Bidder/ Consortium name) certify that this bidder is

not from such a country or if from such a country, has been registered with the

Competent Authority & will not sub-contract any work to a contractor from such

countries unless such sub-contractor is registered with the Competent Authority.

3. I/ We ……………………………………………. (Bidder/ Consortium name) certify that this bidder

fulfils all requirements in this regard & is eligible to be considered.

(Note: where applicable, copy of valid registration by the Competent Authority shall be


(Authorized Signatory of the Bidder/ Member)

(Name of the Bidder/ Member)

(Seal of the Bidder/ Member)

Definition for Bidder from a country which shares land border with India for the purpose

of this undertaking:

a. An entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country; or

b. A subsidiary of an entity incorporated, established or registered in such a country;


c. An entity substantially controlled through entities incorporated, established or

registered in such a country; or

d. An entity whose beneficial owner (with 26% or more controlling stake) is situated in

such a country; or

e. An Indian (or other) agent of such an entity; or

f. A natural person who is a citizen of such a country; or

g. A Consortium or Joint Venture where any member of such consortium or Joint

Venture falls under any of the above.

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Joint Bidding Agreement

(To be executed on Stamp paper of appropriate value)

THIS JOINT BIDDING AGREEMENT is entered into on this the ……………. day of…………20……


1. ……………., a (individual / LLP / fund / private entity / public entity / other international

entity) incorporated under applicable law and having its registered office at ………………………….

(hereinafter referred to as the “First Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the

context include its successors and permitted assigns) AND

2. …………………, a (individual / LLP / fund / private entity / public entity / other international

entity) incorporated under applicable lawand having its registered office at…………………

(hereinafter referred to as the “Second Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the

context include its successors and permitted assigns) AND

3. {……………. (individual / LLP / fund / private entity / public entity / other international

entity)incorporated under applicable law and having its registered office at (hereinafter

referred to as the “Third Part” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context include

its successors and permitted assigns)}

The above-mentioned parties of the FIRST, SECOND, {THIRD} PART is collectively referred to as

the “Parties” and each is individually referred to as a “Party”

WHEREAS, (A) [IndianOil Corporation Ltd on behalf of North Delhi Municipal Corporation for the

Waste to Energy project at _____________, New Delhi and having its principal offices at [●]

___________________ & _______________________ respectively (hereinafter referred to as

the “Project Proponent(s)” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof, include its successors and assigns) has invited Bids (“the Bids”) by its Request for

Proposal (Bid document) No………..dated ……….(the “Bid document”) for pre-qualification and

shortlisting/selection of bidders for the ………………………Project (the “Project”).

(B) The Parties are interested in jointly bidding for the Project as members of a Consortium

and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bid document and other bid documents

in respect of the Project, and

(C) It is a necessary condition under the Bid document that the members of the Consortium

shall enter into a Joint Bidding Agreement and furnish a copy thereof with the Bid.


1. Definitions and Interpretations In this Agreement, the capitalized terms shall, unless the

context otherwise requires, have the meaning ascribed thereto under the Bid document.

2. Consortium

2.1 The Parties do hereby irrevocably constitute a consortium (the “Consortium”) for the

purposes of jointly participating in the Bidding Process for the Project.

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2.2 The Parties hereby undertake to participate in the Bidding Process only through this

Consortium and not individually and/ or through any other consortium constituted for

this Project, either directly or indirectly or through any of their Associates.

3. Covenants

The Parties hereby undertake that in the event the Consortium is declared the Selected

Bidder and awarded the Project, it shall incorporate a special purpose vehicle (the

“SPV”) under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 for entering into a Concession Agreement

with the Project Proponents and for performing all its obligations as the Beneficiary Firm

in terms of the Concession Agreement for the Project.

4. Role of the Parties

The Parties hereby undertake to perform the roles that the Party of the First Part shall

be the Lead member of the Consortium and shall have the power of attorney from all

Parties for conducting all business for and on behalf of the Consortium during the Bidding

Process` and until the Appointed Date under the Concession Agreement when all the

obligations of the SPV shall become effective.

5. Joint and Several Liability

The Parties do hereby undertake to be jointly and severally responsible for all

obligations and liabilities relating to the Project and in accordance with the terms of the

Bid document and the Concession Agreement, till such time as the Appointed Date for

the Project is achieved under and in accordance with the Concession Agreement.

6. Shareholding in the SPV

6.1 The Parties agree that the proportion of shareholding, roles among the Parties in the SPV

shall be as follows:

a. First Party:

b. Second Party:

c. {Third Party:}

d. Fourth Party:

6.2 The Parties undertake that a minimum of 26% (twenty-six per cent)of the subscribed and

paid up equity share capital of the SPV shall, at all times till the 5 th (fifth) anniversary

of the date of commercial operation of the Project, be held by the Party of the First Part

whose qualification under the qualification criteria has been reckoned for the purposes

of qualification and short listing of Bidders for the Project in terms of the Bid document.

6.3 The Parties undertake that they shall comply with all equity lock-in requirements set

forth in the Concession Agreement.

7. Representation of the Parties Each Party represents to the other Parties as of the date of

this Agreement that:

(a) Such Party is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of

its incorporation and has all requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement;

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(b) The execution, delivery and performance by such Party of this Agreement has been

authorized by all necessary and appropriate corporate or governmental action and a

copy of the extract of the charter documents and board resolution/ power of attorney in

favour of the person executing this Agreement for the delegation of power and authority

to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consortium Member is annexed to this

Agreement, and will not, to the best of its knowledge:

i. require any consent or approval not already obtained;

ii. violate any Applicable Law presently in effect and having applicability to it;

iii. violate the memorandum and articles of association, by-laws or other

applicable organizational documents thereof;

iv. any clearance, permit, concession, grant, license or other governmental

authorization, approval, judgment, order or decree or any mortgage

agreement, indenture or any other instrument to which such Party is a party

or by which such Party or any of its properties or assets are bound or that is

otherwise applicable to such Party; or

v. create or impose any liens, mortgages, pledges, claims, security interests,

charges or encumbrances or obligations to create a lien, charge, pledge,

security interest, encumbrances or mortgage in or on the property of such

Party, except for encumbrances that would not, individually or in the

aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the financial condition or

prospects or business of such Party so as to prevent such Party from fulfilling

its obligations under this Agreement;

(c) this Agreement is the legal and binding obligation of such Party, enforceable in

accordance with its terms against it; and

(d) there is no litigation pending or, to the best of such Party's knowledge, threatened to

which it or any of its Associates is a party that presently affects or which would have a

material adverse effect on the financial condition or prospects or business of such Party

in the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement.

8. Termination

This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue in full force

and effect until the Appointed Date of the Project is achieved under and in accordance

with the Concession Agreement, in case the Project is awarded to the Consortium.

However, in case the Consortium is either not prequalified for the Project or does not

get selected for award of the Project, the Agreement will stand terminated in case the

Bidder is not pre-qualified or upon return of the Bid Security by the Project Proponent(s)

to the Bidder, as the case may be.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 This Joint Bidding Agreement shall be governed by laws of India.

9.2 The Parties acknowledge and accept that this Agreement shall not be amended by the

Parties without the prior written consent of the Project Proponent(s).

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For and on behalf of LEAD MEMBER by:











For and on behalf of THIRD PART









In the presence of witnesses:



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1. The mode of the execution of the Joint Bidding Agreement should be in accordance with

the procedure, if any, laid down by the Applicable Law and the charter documents of the

executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in

accordance with the required procedure.

2. Each Joint Bidding Agreement should attach a copy of the extract of the charter documents

and documents such as resolution / power of attorney in favour of the person executing this

Agreement for the delegation of power and authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of

the Consortium Member.

3. For a Joint Bidding Agreement executed and issued overseas, the document shall be

legalized by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney

has been executed.

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Format of Self-Attested Certificate regarding Associate

Self-Attested Certificate regarding Associate

Based on the authenticated record of [Insert name of the Company], this is to certify that

[more than50% (fifty percent) of the subscribed and paid-upvoting equity

of………………………………………… (name of the Bidder/ Member/ Associate) is held directly or

indirectly, by …………………………………………… (name of the Bidder/ Member/ Associate).

By virtue of the aforesaid, the latter exercises control over the former, who is an Associate.

………………………………………… (name of the Bidder/ Member/ Associate) has the power directly or

indirectly, to direct or influence the management & policies of ……………………………………………

(name of the Bidder/ Member/ Associate) by operation of law, contract or otherwise.

By virtue of the aforesaid, the former exercises control over the latter, who is an Associate.

A brief description of the said equity held, directly or indirectly, is given below:

{Describe the shareholding of the Bidder/ Member & the Associate. In the event the Associate

is under common control with the Associate/ Consortium Member or the control is exercised by

operation of law, the relationship may be suitably described & similarly certified}

(Authorized Signatory of the Bidder/ Member)

(Name of the Bidder/ Member)

(Seal of the Bidder/ Member)

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Letter of Declaration

(The Letter of Declaration is to be submitted by EACH Member in case of Joint



Place: _




Dear Sir/ Madam,


This has reference to the Bid being submitted by (mention the name of the Bidder/ Lead

Member of the Joint Venture/Consortium), as single entity/ Lead Member of the Joint

Venture/Consortium comprising(mention name(s) of the Members) in respect of Selection of

Concessionaire for ………………………………………………………………….. in response to the Bid document

issued by IndianOil (Bid Inviting Authority)

We hereby confirm the following:

1. We(name of the Bidder/ Member furnishing the Letter of Declaration),have examined in

detail and have understood and satisfied ourselves regarding the contents including in

respect of the following:

a. For the purpose of all subsequent communications with the Bid Inviting

Authority, the Bidder shall be represented by (mention name of the

authorized representative of the Bidder/ Lead Member);

b. The Joint Bidding Agreement has been signed between/among (names of

the Members), as members of the Joint Venture/Consortium; and the Bid is

being submitted on behalf of the Joint Venture/Consortium (name of the

Lead Member).

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

2. We have satisfied ourselves regarding our role as (here give a brief description of the

role) in the Project as specified in the Bid. If the Bidder/Joint Venture/Consortium is

awarded the Project, we shall perform our role as outlined in the Bid. We have

examined the Bid in detail and the commitments made in the same. We agree and

undertake to abide by the Bid and the commitments made therein.

3. We authorize (name of the authorized representative of the Bidder/Lead Member), as

the Lead Member and authorize the same to perform all tasks including, but not

limited to providing information, responding to enquiries, entering into contractual

commitments etc. on behalf of the Joint Venture/Consortium, in respect of this


4. We understand that, no change in the membership in the Joint Venture/Consortium, in

the role and form of responsibility of any Member shall be permitted after submission

of the Bid. The Bid Inviting Authority would reserve the right to reject such requests

for a change of Joint Venture/Consortium structure, if in its opinion; it would

adversely affect the same.

For and on behalf of:


(Authorized Representative and Signatory)

Name of the Person:


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Undertaking by the Bidder(s) for document uploading on secured e-mail




Bid document No.: ____________________________________________________________

We confirm that we have quoted the rates in the Bid document considering Inter-alia the

Bid Document (119 pages)

Draft Concession Agreement (242 pages)

Additional Document(s) (if any with __ pages)

Corrigendum (if any with __pages)

Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes (if any with __pages)

We ________________________________________________________ (Name of the Bidder)

hereby certify that we have fully read and thoroughly understood the tender requirements and

accept all terms and conditions of the tender including all corrigendum/addendum issued, if

any. Our offer is in confirmation to all the terms and conditions of the tender including all

corrigendum/addendum, if any and minutes of the pre-bid meeting. In the event our offer is

found acceptable and contract is awarded to us, the complete tender document shall be

considered for constitution of Concession Agreement.


Name of Bidder(s)

Date : _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _


Seal & Signature of Bidder

NOTE: This declaration should be signed by the Bidder's authorized representative on COMPANY

LETTERHEAD who is signing the Bid and scanned copy to be uploaded.

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D E C L A R A T I O N - `A'

We declare that we have complied with all the conditions of the tender including technical

specifications, drawings, special conditions & all the documents etc., forming part of tender.

Date :

Place :

Tenderer’s signature


D E C L A R A T I O N - `B'

We declare that we do not have any employee who is related to any officer of the

Corporation/ Central/ State Governments of India.


We have the following employees working with us who are near relatives of the Officer/

Director of the Corporation/ Central/ State Government in India.

Name of the employee of the Tenderer Name & designation of the Officer of the

Corporation/ Central/ State Governments

Date :

Place :

Tenderer’s Signature

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D E C L A R A T I O N - `C'

The Tenderer is required to state whether he is a relative of any Director of Indian Oil

Corporation/ Chief Engineer or any Municipal Commissioner of North Delhi Municipal

Corporation or the Tenderer is a firm in which any Director of IndianOil/ Chief Engineer or any

Municipal Commissioner of North Delhi Municipal Corporation or his relative is a partner or any

other partners of such a firm or alternately the Tenderer is a private company in which

Director of Indian Oil Corporation/ Chief Engineer or any Municipal Commissioner of North

Delhi Municipal Corporation is a member or Director.


1 Name of the Tenderer and his

relations with the Director/ Chief

Engineer or any Municipal

Commissioner of North Delhi Municipal

Corporation in our Corporation.

2 Name of the Director/ Chief Engineer

or any Municipal Commissioner of

North Delhi Municipal Corporation of

the Corporation who is related to

the Tenderer.

3 Name of the Director/ Chief Engineer

or any Municipal Commissioner of

North Delhi Municipal Corporation of

the Corporation who is a member or a

Director of the firm.

Date : Tenderer’s

Place : Signature & Seal


Tenderer is required to state whether they have employed any retired Director and above rank

officer of Indian Oil Corporation Limited/ Chief Engineer or any Municipal Commissioner of

North Delhi Municipal Corporation in their firm. If so, details hereunder to be submitted.

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1 Name of the person

2 Post last held in IOC/ North Delhi Municipal


3 Date of retirement

4 Date of employment in the firm

Date :Tenderer’s

Place : Signature & Seal


A separate sheet may be attached, if the above is not sufficient.

Strike out whichever is not applicable. If the tenderer employs any person subsequent

to signing the above declaration and the employee/s so appointed happens to be the near

relatives of the Officer/Director of the Corporation/Central/State Governments, the tenderer

should submit another declaration furnishing the name/s of such employee/s who is/are

related to the officer/s of the Corporation/ Central/ State Governments.

List of Directors of IOC board can be seen from

List of Officials of North Delhi Municipal Corporation can be seen from North Delhi Municipal

Corporation (

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Ready Reckoner for Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS)


SN Criteria Max.


Marks Remarks

1 Experience of the firm 40


Number of Eligible

Projects completed in

the last 15 years ending



25 20 15 10 5 Experience other than in

bidder’s name & offered by

the parent/ holding company

of the bidder or subsidiaries

of parent company of the

bidder or subsidiary of the

bidder shall also be

acceptable. In such cases,

the computed scores shall be

reduced by 25%.

> 4 4 3 2 1

ii Number of years of

experience in any sector

ending 31.08.2021

15 15 12 8 4 2

> 4 > 3

to <


> 2

to <


> 1

to <



2 Financial Credibility

20 20 16 12 8 4

i. Positive Net Worth (in

last 15 years as

submitted shall be

considered) in any of the

XX years

20 > 4 4 3 2 1 Financial credibility other

than in bidder’s name &

offered by the parent/

holding company of the

bidder or subsidiaries of

parent company of the

bidder or subsidiary of the

bidder shall also be

acceptable. In such cases,

the computed scores shall be

reduced by 25%.

3 Quality Certifications &

Technical competencies


i. Quality Certifications 10 All certificates mentioned

under this criterion should be

valid as on the date of

Technical Bid. Quality

Certificates issued by

recognized agencies in the

country of operation shall

only be considered (Ex:

a International

Organization for

Standardization (ISO)


2 If Yes, then 2 or else,


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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

SN Criteria Max.


Marks Remarks

b International

Organization for

Standardization (ISO)


4 If Yes, then 4 or else,


International Organization for

Standardization (ISO),



Technical Inspection

Association (TUV), Bureau

Veritas Quality International

(BvQI), etc.)

c Occupational Health and

Safety Assessment

Series (OHSAS) 18001

3 If Yes, then 3 or else,


d Social

Accountability Certificati


1 If Yes, then 1 or else,


ii Possessing in house

technical knowhow or

Tie up with technology

provider on Anaerobic


15 If Yes, then 15 or else,


1.Bidder to submit relevant

technical documents such as

MoU with technical partner /

service provider or Letter /

E-mail of confirmation on

technology-tie-ups or MoU

with consultant facilitating

technology for the Plants

2. MoU stating that

technology for the entire

Plant / production of

Compressed Bio Gas shall be

considered as technical tie-

ups for digester, purification

system & compressor, even if

it is not mentioned


3. For Bidders possessing in-

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Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

SN Criteria Max.


Marks Remarks

iii Possessing in house

technical knowhow or

Tie up with technology

provider on mass

Incineration or RDF to

Power or other forms of

energy such as Waste to

Syngas, Mixed alcohol or

Methanol or Ethanol

system etc.

15 If Yes, then 15 or else,


house technical know-how,

the following will be

considered during evaluation:

a) Self-declaration stating

possession of technical know-

how / mentioned

b) If the Party has their own

Plant producing Electricity or

Compressed Bio Gas or

Syngas or Mixed alcohol or

Ethanol or Methanol and

declared in the application,

the same shall be considered

for the clause Possessing in-

house technical know-how

c) Patent letter, if any, shall

also be considered

Note: Only those Bidders whose Technical Proposals get a score of [45 (forty-five) marks] or

more out of 100 (one hundred) shall qualify for further consideration of Financial Proposal.

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Table 1

SN 1 (i): Number of Eligible Projects completed in the last 15 years ending 31.08.2021

SN Job/




(₹ / $)


Name or


Year of

completion of


Reference Page

No. in

submitted Bid



SN 1 (ii): Number of years of experience in any sector ending 31.08.2021

SN Name of Sector Experience Reference Page No.

in submitted Bid

Self-Assessed Score

Authorized Signatory to be Country Head/CEO/MD or equivalent)


Des ignat ion:


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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Table 2

SN 2: Positive Net Worth (in last 15 years as submitted shall be considered)

SN Year Net Worth Reference Page No. in

submitted Bid

Self-Assessed Score

Authorized Signatory to be Country Head/CEO/MD or equivalent)


Des ignat ion:


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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

Table 3

SN 3 i ) : Qual i ty Cert i f icat ions

SN Certification name Yes/No Reference Page No.

in submitted Bid



a International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) 9001

b International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) 14001

c Occupational Health and Safety

Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001

d Social Accountability Certification

SN 3 i i ) : Possess ing in house technical knowhow or Tie up with technology

prov ider on Anaerob ic Digestor

SN Particulars Yes/No Reference Page No.

in submitted Bid

Self-Assessed Score

a Possessing in house technical

knowhow on Anaerobic


b Tie up with technology

provider on Anaerobic Digestor

SN 3 i i i ) : Possess ing in house technical knowhow or Tie up with

technology prov ider on Anaerob ic Digestor

SN Particulars Yes/No Reference Page No.

in submitted Bid

Self-Assessed Score

a Possessing in house technical

knowhow on mass Incineration

or RDF to Power or other

forms of energy such as Waste

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

to Syngas, Mixed alcohol or

Methanol or Ethanol system


b Tie up with technology

provider on mass Incineration

or RDF to Power or other

forms of energy such as Waste

to Syngas, Mixed alcohol or

Methanol or Ethanol system


Note for Tables 1 to 3 :

a. In case where the bidder cites the reasons of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for its

inability to submit necessary documents in support of meeting the experience criteria, a

certificate, in original, certifying all the required information, issued by Chief Executive

Officer/ Chief Finance Officer of the company along with a declaration that the bidding

company is not in a position to submit the required documents owing to the NDA with an

endorsement by Chartered Accountant/ Statutory Auditor/ Certified Public Accountant

(not being an employee or a Director or not having any interest in the bidder(s) company /

firm) would be accepted.

b. Wherever Chartered Accountant/ Statutory Auditor/ Certified Public Accountant (not being

an employee or a Director or not having any interest in the bidder(s) company/ firm) is not

in a position to endorse such Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Finance Officer’s certificate

due to local regulations, Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Finance Officer’s certificate

without endorsement would be accepted provided a reference of the local regulation

restricting this endorsement is given in the Chief Executive Officer/ Chief Finance Officer


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Covering Letter required to be signed and submitted by the tenderer along with the Bid.

Ref: Dated:


Indian Oil Corporation Limited



Sub: Submission of Offer for Tender no. ______________ for


Dear Sir,

1. The Bidder acknowledges that Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has signed the MOU

with Transparency International India for the adoption of the Integrity Pact Program and

stands committed to following the principles thereof as enumerated in the Integrity

Agreement enclosed with the tender document.

2. The Bidder agrees that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on

the condition that the Bidder will sign the enclosed Integrity Agreement, which is an

integral part of tender documents, failing which the tenderer will stand disqualified

from the tendering process. The Bidder acknowledges that the Bid would be kept open in

its original form without variation or modification for a period of ________ days (state

the number of days from the last date for the receipt of tenders stated in the NIT) AND


ACCEPTANCE of this condition of the NIT.

3. Bidder confirms acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and

spirit and further agrees that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate

and distinct from the main contract, which will come into existence when bid is finally

accepted by IndianOil. The Bidder acknowledges and accepts the duration of the

Integrity Agreement, which shall be in line with Article 8 of the enclosed Integrity


4. Bidder acknowledges that in the event of Bidder’s failure to sign and accept the Integrity

Agreement, while submitting the Bid, IndianOil shall have unqualified, absolute and

unfettered right to disqualify the tenderer and reject the Bid in accordance with the

terms and conditions of the tender.

Yours faithfully,

(Duly authorized Signatory of the Bidder)

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

(Note - One copy of this letter along with the Integrity Agreement duly signed must be

returned along with the offer).

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

( _______________Division)

Tender no. :__________________


This Integrity Agreement is made at __________ on this ______ day of ___________, 2016


Indian Oil Corporation Limited, a company duly incorporated and validly existing under the

provisions of Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Indian Oil Bhavan, 9, Ali

Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051 (hereinafter referred as the

‘Principal/Owner’, which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof

include its successors and permitted assigns) And …………… (name and address of the

Individual/firm/Company/consortium members through _____(mention details of duly

authorized signatory) hereinafter referred to as the “Bidder/Contractor” and which expression

shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted



WHEREAS the Principal/Owner has floated a tender (Tender No. : ) (hereinafter referred to

as “Tender”) and intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, contract/s

purchase order/work order for …………..(name of contract/order) or items covered under the

tender hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”.

AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land,

rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with

its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).

AND WHEREAS, in order to achieve these goals, the Principal/Owner has appointed

Independent External Monitors (IEM), to monitor the Tender process and the execution of the

Contract for compliance with the principles as laid down in this Agreement.

AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into this

Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and

conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender documents and

Contract between the parties.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties

hereby agree as follows and this Pact witnesseth as under:

Article 1: Commitment of the Principal/Owner

The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and

to observe the following principles:

1. No employee of the Principal/ Owner, personally or through any of his/her family

members, will, in connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract,

demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or

immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to.

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

2. The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and

reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process,

provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s)

confidential I additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an

advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution.

3. The Principal/Owner shall endeavor to exclude from the Tender process any person,

whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.

4. If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which

is a criminal offence under the Indian Penal Code (EPC) /Prevention of Corruption Act,

1988 (PC Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a

substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance

Officer and in addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down

policies and procedures.

Article 2-Commitments of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)

1. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent

corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his

participation in the Tender process and during the Contract execution:

2. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer,

promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved in the Tender

process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit

which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of

any kind whatsoever during the Tender process or during the execution of the Contract.

3. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed

agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to

prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission

of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding


4. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant EPC/PC Act.

Further the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose of

competition or personal gain), or pass on to others, any information or document

provided by the Principal/Owner as part of the business relationship, regarding plans,

technical proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted


5. The Bidder(S)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of

agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly Bidder(S)/Contractor(s) of Indian

Nationality shall disclose names and addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if any.

Either the Indian agent on behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly

could bid in a tender but not both. Further, in cases where an agent participates in a

tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he would not be allowed to quote on behalf of

another manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a subsequent/ parallel tender

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

for the same item. Copy of CVC guidelines dated 21/4/2004 is annexed hereto as

Annexure A.

6. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose (with each tender as

per proforma enclosed) any and all payments he has made, is committed to or intends to

make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the


7. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined

above or be an accessory to such offences.

Article 3. Disqualification from Tender Process and exclusion from future contracts

1. If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has

committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form,

such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner is entitled to

disqualify the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) from the Tender process or terminate the

Contract, if already executed or exclude the Bidder/ Contractor from future contract

award processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the

severity of transgression and determined by the Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be

for a period of 1 year to 3 years as per the procedure prescribed in the guidelines for

holiday listing of the Principal/Owner.

2. The Bidder/ Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the

Principal/Owner’s absolute right to resort to and impose such exclusion.

3. Apart from the above, the Principal/Owner may take action for banning of business

dealings/holiday listing of the Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/Owner.

Article 4-Consequences of Breach

1. Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law

or the Contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner

shall have the following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the


2. Forfeiture of EMD/Security Deposit: If the Principal/Owner has disqualified the

Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to the award of the Contract or terminated the

Contract or has accrued the right to terminate the Contract according to Article 3, the

Principal/Owner apart from exercising any legal rights that may have accrued to the

Principal/Owner, may in its considered opinion forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid-

Security amount of the Bidder/Contractor.

3. Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or

Contractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or

Contractor which constitutes corruption within the meaning of PC Act, or if the

Principal/Owner has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform

the same to the Chief Vigilance Officer.

Article 5- Previous Transgression

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

1. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3 years with any

other Company in any country confirming to the anti-corruption approach or with any

other Public Sector Enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the Tender


2. If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the

Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of

the Bidder/ Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/ Owner.

3. If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted \recouped the damage caused by

him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner may,

at its own discretion as per laid down organizational procedures, revoke the exclusion


Article 6- Equal Treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Subcontractors

1. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all subcontractors a

commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Contractor shall be

responsible for any violation(s) of the principles laid down in this agreement/Pact by any

of its Sub-contractors,/ sub-vendors.

2. The Principal/Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders

and Contractors.

3. The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly signed Pact

between the Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its

provisions at any stage of the Tender process, from the Tender process.

Article 7-Independent External Monitor (IEM)

1. The Principal/Owner has appointed competent and credible Independent External

Monitor(s) (IEM) for this Pact. The task of the Monitor is to review independently and

objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under

this Pact.

2. The IEM is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and performs

his functions neutrally and independently. He reports to the Chairman, Indian Oil

Corporation Limited.

3. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the IEM has the right to access, without

restriction, to all Project documentation of the Principal/Owner including that provided

by the Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the IEM, upon his request and

demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his or any of

his Sub-Contractor’s project documentation. . The IEM is under contractual obligation to

treat the information and documents of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Subcontractor(s)

with confidentiality.

4. In case of tenders having estimated value of Rs 150 Crores or more, the Principal/Owner

will provide to the IEM sufficient information about all the meetings among the parties

related to the Project and shall keep the IEM apprised of all the developments in the

Tender Process.

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

5. As soon as the IEM notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this Pact, he will so

inform the Management of the Principal/Owner and request the Management to

discontinue or take corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The IEM can in

this regard submit non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the IEM has no right to

demand from the parties that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or

tolerate action.

6. The IEM will submit a written report to the Chairman, Indian Oil Corporation Limited

within 6 to 8 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the

Principal/Owner and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting

problematic situations.

7. If the IEM has reported to the Chairman, Indian Oil Corporation Limited a substantiated

suspicion of an offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act, and the Chairman, IndianOil has

not, within reasonable time taken visible action to proceed against such offence or

reported it to the Chief Vigilance Officer, the IEM may also transmit the information

directly to he Central Vigilance Commissioner.

The word “IEM” would include both singular and plural.

Article 8 - Duration of the Pact

1. This Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for the

Contractor/Vendor 12 months after the completion of work under the Contract or till the

continuation of defect liability period, whichever is more and for all other Bidders, till

the Contract has been awarded.

2. If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to

be valid despite the lapse of this Pact as specified above, unless it is

discharged/determined by the Chairman, IndianOil.

Article 9-Other Provisions

1. This Pact is subject to Indian law, place of performance and jurisdiction is the Head

Office/Head quarters of the Division of the Principal/Owner, who has floated the


2. Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been


3. If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the

partners and consortium members. In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a

representative duly authorized by board resolution.

4. Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this

Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their

original intentions.

5. Any dispute or difference arising between the parties with regard to the terms of this

Agreement/Pact, any action taken by the Owner/Principal in accordance with this

Agreement/ Pact or interpretation thereof shall not be subject to arbitration.

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


1. All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal

rights and remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the

same shall be deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and

remedies aforesaid. For the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that this Pact will

have precedence over the Tender/Contract documents with regard any of the provisions

covered under this Pact.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Pact at the place and date

first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:


(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)


(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)


_____________ (signature, name and address)


_____________ (signature, name and address)


Note: In case of Purchase Orders wherein formal agreements are not signed references to

witnesses may be deleted from the last part of the Agreement.

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.


Payment system to Vendors through Electronic Modes such as EFT, RTGS etc has been

introduced by the Corporation. For availing this facility, a consent letter from the Vendor as

also the Bank Account details of the Vendor is required.

Tenderers are requested to submit their Consent Letter as per the format given below along

with the enclosures as required:-



M/s Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


Dear Sir,

With reference to your advice, we hereby agree to accept the payment of our bills through

“Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)/National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)/Electronic


The desired bank account details are given below:

1. Vendor Code allotted by IndianOil in SAP

2. Name of Beneficiary (i.e. IndianOil Vendor )

3. Name of the Beneficiary’s Bank

4. Address of the Beneficiary’s Bank Branch

5. Contact details of Branch with STD Code

6. Beneficiary’s Bank Account No. ( as per

cheque copy )

7. Beneficiary’s Account Type (SB/CC/CA)

8. Beneficiary’s Bank IFSC Code ( 11 Digit)

9. Mobile No of Beneficiary (One Number only)

10. E-Mail Id of Beneficiary (One Mail Id only)

A blank cancelled cheque leaf relating to the above bank account is enclosed for verifying the

accuracy of the bank account details.

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of 119 Selection of Concessionaire for Processing and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (mixed waste) by establishing Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. I agree to receive

transactional SMS / E-Mail Alerts from IndianOil with regard to my bill payments.

(Signature of Account Holder)

Seal of the Vendor

Encl.: Cancelled Cheque

**** We hereby confirm that the above bank account details of beneficiary are correct in all

respects and the account of Beneficiary (IndianOil vendor) is maintained at our bank branch.

(Name of Bank & Branch)

Authorized Signatory

**** Verification required only in case vendors name is not printed/appearing on the cancelled

cheque leaf being submitted to IndianOil office.

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PRICE BID (Sample Format)

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Page 1 of 242

Processing, Disposal & generating value from Municipal Solid Waste on Design, Build, Fi-

nance, Operate & Transfer basis for a Waste to Energy plant including Processing Facili-

ty(ies) through Public Private Partnership at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal

land, New Delhi


** [Month], 20**


[North Delhi Municipal Corporation]

[IndianOil Corporation Ltd]



Page 2 of 242


ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION ............................................. 6

ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................... 10

ARTICLE 3 THE CONCESSION .................................................................. 11

ARTICLE 4 CONDITIONS PRECEDENT......................................................... 14

ARTICLE 5 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONCESSIONAIRE ...................................... 19

ARTICLE 6 OBLIGATIONS OF NORTH DMC .................................................. 28

ARTICLE 7 OBLIGATIONS OF INDIANOIL ..................................................... 30


ARTICLE 8 DISCLAIMER ......................................................................... 35

ARTICLE 9 PERFORMANCE SECURITIES GUARANTEES .................................... 36

ARTICLE 10 THE SITES ......................................................................... 39

ARTICLE 11 UTILITIES AND ASSOCIATED ROADS........................................... 44


ARTICLE 13 INSPECTION, SUPERVISION AND REVIEW..................................... 47

ARTICLE 14 CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ........................................................ 48

ARTICLE 15 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PERIOD ................................... 63

ARTICLE 16 MONITORING AND INSPECTION ................................................ 71

ARTICLE 17 PAYMENTS ........................................................................ 73

ARTICLE 18 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS .............................................. 75

ARTICLE 19 ESCROW ACCOUNT .............................................................. 81

ARTICLE 20 FORCE MAJEURE ................................................................. 83

ARTICLE 21 SUSPENSION OF CONCESSIONAIRE’s RIGHTS ................................ 88

ARTICLE 22....................................................................................... 92

ARTICLE 23 EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND TERMINATION ................................... 93

ARTICLE 24 TERMINATION COMPENSATION .............................................. 102

ARTICLE 25 SUBSTITUTION OF THE CONCESSIONAIRE ................................. 106

ARTICLE 26 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ......................................................... 107

ARTICLE 27 INSURANCE ...................................................................... 110

ARTICLE 28 VARIATION ...................................................................... 112


ARTICLE 30 ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT ........................................................ 115

ARTICLE 31 MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................ 116

SCHEDULE 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES .......................................................... 136

SCHEDULE 2 APPLICABLE PERMITS ......................................................... 142

SCHEDULE 3 SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS ......................................... 144

SCHEDULE 4 MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................. 145

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SCHEDULE 5 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 147


SCHEDULE 7 THE SITES ...................................................................... 152

SCHEDULE 8 ESCROW AGREEMENT ........................................................ 153

SCHEDULE 9 SUBSTITUTION AGREEMENT ................................................. 167


SCHEDULE 11 DRAWINGS .................................................................... 179


SCHEDULE 13 ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH & SAFETY ...................................... 182

SCHEDULE 14 TESTS .......................................................................... 189

SCHEDULE 15 FORMAT FOR COMPLETION CERTIFICATE ............................... 190

SCHEDULE 16 FORMAT FOR DAILY WEIGHT SHEET ..................................... 191

SCHEDULE 17 CRITERIA FOR PREPARING THE LIST OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FIRMS ............................................................................................ 192

SCHEDULE 18 CBG SALE PURCHASE AGREEMENT ....................................... 193

SCHEDULE 19 ETHANOL SALE PURCHASE AGREEMENT ................................................. 225

Page 4 of 242


This CONCESSION AGREEMENT (Agreement) is entered into on this …………… day of

.................., 20……


1. North Delhi Municipal Corporation a body duly constituted under ............ and having its

Headquarters at Dr. S.P. Mukherjee Civic Centre, JLN Marg, New Delhi (hereinafter re-

ferred to as the “NORTH DMC” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or

meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its administrators, successors, and per-

mitted assigns)


2. Indian Oil Corporation Limited a company duly registered and validly existing under the

laws of India and having its registered office at [•] and Business Development Office at …..

(hereinafter referred to as the “IndianOil” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the

context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its, successors and permitted



3. XXXX XXXX XXXX, a company incorporated under the provisions of the ………. and having its

registered office(s) at [•], (hereinafter referred to as the “Concessionaire” which expres-

sion shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and

include its successors and permitted assigns and substitutes).


(A) NORTH DMC aims to utilize Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to produce valuable products including

but not limited to Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG), Ethanol, electricity etc., thereby reducing landfill

emissions and pollution from MSW, which inter-alia shall include the development of solid

waste management projects;

(B) NORTH DMC is desirous of implementing such development and operation of Waste to

Energy plant (the “Project”) by seeking private sector participation;

(C) IndianOil a fortune 500 and a Maharatna company under the administrative control of Ministry of

Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India and is engaged in refining, pipeline transporta-

tion and marketing of petroleum products, natural gas, CBG and petrochemicals. IndianOil is pur-

suing greater reliance on renewable energy sources towards the commitment to contribute to

the reduction of carbon footprint by expanding its renewable energy portfolio of solar, wind and

bio-fuels and towards that end is engaged in the development of waste to energy projects in

collaboration with municipalities;

(D) IndianOil has agreed to collaborate with NORTH DMC for development of a Waste to

Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land, New Delhi.

(E) IndianOil for & on behalf of NORTH DMC had invited a Global Bid for short-listing of

bidders for undertaking the development, operation and maintenance of the Project on

Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (the “DBFOT”) basis and

(F) After evaluation of the bids received, based on the recommendation of IndianOil, NORTH

DMC had accepted the bid of the {selected bidder/ Consortium} (the “Selected Bidder”/

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“Concessionaire”)) and North DMC issued a Letter of Award (hereinafter called the

“LOA”) No. …….. dated …………. to the Selected Bidder/Concessionaire requiring, inter

alia, the execution of this Agreement within 30 (thirty) days of the date of issue thereof

to undertake and perform the obligations under the Concession Agreement for imple-

menting the Project.

(G) NORTH DMC and INDIANOIL has agreed to the said request of the Selected Bidder and the

Parties have accordingly agreed to enter into this Agreement with the Concessionaire for

Development and Operation of the Waste to Energy Plant at Ranikhera or alternate suit-

able municipal land, New Delhi on basis, subject to and on the terms and

conditions set forth hereinafter.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the foregoing and the respective covenants and agreements

set forth in this Agreement, the sufficiency and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, and

intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties agree as follows:

Page 6 of 242


The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this Agreement

(including those in Article 32) shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the

meaning ascribed thereto herein, and the words and expressions defined in the Schedules

and used therein shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Schedules. The words

and expressions used but not defined in this Agreement and defined in the Environment

Protection Act, 1986 (the “EPA”), Solid Waste Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 (the

“SWM Rules”), Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 (the “PWM Rules”) shall have the

respective meanings as are assigned to them, respectively, in the EPA, the SWM Rules,

the PWM Rules.

2. Interpretation

2.1 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,

i. the words, phrases and expressions defined hereinabove in this Article 1 or Arti-

cle 32 or defined elsewhere by description in this Agreement, together with their

respective grammatical variations and cognate expressions shall carry the respec-

tive meanings assigned to them in the said Article or in this Agreement and shall

be interpreted accordingly. Expressions which have not been defined in this

Agreement shall carry the respective meanings assigned to them in their ordi-

nary applicability read in context with the manner of their usage in this Agree-

ment or in their respective technical sense, as the case may be;

ii. references to any legislation or any provision thereof shall include amendment or

re-enactment or consolidation of such legislation or any provision thereof so far

as such amendment or re-enactment or consolidation applies or is capable of ap-

plying to any transaction entered in to hereunder;

iii. references to laws of the State, laws of India or Indian law or regulation having

the force of law shall include the laws, acts, ordinances, rules, regulations, bye

laws or notifications which have the force of law in the territory of India and as

from time to time may be amended, modified, supplemented, extended or re-


iv. references to a “person” and words denoting a natural person shall be con-

strued as a reference to any individual, firm, company, corporation, society,

trust, government, state or agency of a state or any association or partnership

(whether or not having separate legal personality) of two or more of the above

and shall include successors and assigns;

v. the table of contents, headings or sub-headings in this Agreement are for con-

venience of reference only and shall not be used in, and shall not affect, the

construction or interpretation of this Agreement;

vi. the words “include” and “including” are to be construed without limitation and

shall be deemed to be followed by “without limitation” or “but not limited to”

whether or not they are followed by such phrases;

vii. references to “construction” or “building” include, unless the context otherwise

requires, investigation, design, developing, engineering, procurement, delivery,

transportation, installation, processing, fabrication, testing, commissioning, tri-

al runs and other activities incidental to the construction, and “construct” or

Page 7 of 242

“build” shall be construed accordingly;

viii. references to “development” include, unless the context otherwise requires,

construction, renovation, refurbishing, augmentation, upgradation and other ac-

tivities incidental thereto, and “develop” shall be construed accordingly;

ix. any reference to any period of time shall mean a reference to that according to

Indian Standard Time;

x. any reference to “hour” shall mean a period of 60 (sixty) minutes commencing ei-

ther on the hour or on the half hour of the clock, which by way of illustration

means 5.00 (five), 6.00 (six), 7.00 (seven) and so on being hours on the hour of the

clock and 5.30 (five thirty), 6.30 (six thirty), 7.30 (seven thirty) and so on being

hours on the half hour of the clock;

xi. any reference to day shall mean a reference to a calendar day;

xii. reference to a “business day” shall be construed as reference to a day (other than

a 2nd and 4th Saturday, Sunday and public holiday or holiday declared under Ne-

gotiable Instruments Act, 1881 in NCT of Delhi) on which banks in NCT of Delhi are

generally open for business;

xiii. any reference to month shall mean a reference to a calendar month as per the

Gregorian calendar;

xiv. any reference to “quarter” shall mean a reference to the period of 3 (three)

months commencing from April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1, as the case

may be;

xv. references to any date, period or Project Milestone shall mean and include such

date, period or Project Milestone as may be extended pursuant to this Agreement;

xvi. any reference to any period commencing “from” a specified day or date and “till”

or “until” a specified day or date shall include both such days or dates; provided

that if the last day of any period computed under this Agreement is not a business

day, then the period shall run until the end of the next business day;

xvii. the words importing singular shall include plural and vice versa;

xviii. references to any gender shall include the other and the neutral gender;

xix. “lakh” means a hundred thousand (100,000) and “crore” means ten million


xx. “indebtedness” shall be construed so as to include any obligation (whether in-

curred as principal or surety) for the payment or repayment of money, whether

present or future, actual or contingent;

xxi. references to the “winding-up”, “dissolution”, “insolvency”, or “re-organization”

of a company or corporation shall be construed so as to include any equivalent

or analogous proceedings under the law of the jurisdiction in which such com-

pany or corporation is incorporated or any jurisdiction in which such company or

corporation carries on business including the seeking of liquidation, winding-up,

re-organization, dissolution, arrangement, protection or relief of debtors;

xxii. save and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any reference, at any

time, to any agreement, deed, instrument, license or document of any descrip-

tion shall be construed as reference to that agreement, deed, instrument, li-

Page 8 of 242

cense or other document as amended, varied, supplemented, modified or sus-

pended at the time of such reference; provided that this Sub- clause (u) shall not

operate so as to increase liabilities or obligations of the Authority hereunder or

pursuant hereto in any manner whatsoever;

xxiii. any agreement, consent, approval, authorization, notice, communication, infor-

mation or report required under or pursuant to this Agreement from or by any Par-

ty shall be valid and effective only if it is in writing under the hand of a duly au-

thorized representative of such Party in this behalf and not otherwise;

xxiv. the Schedules and Recitals to this Agreement form an integral part of this Agree-

ment and will be in full force and effect as though they were expressly set out in

the body of this Agreement;

xxv. references to Recitals, Articles, Clauses, Sub-clauses, Provisos or Schedules in

this Agreement shall, except where the context otherwise requires, mean refer-

ences to Recitals, Articles, Clauses, Sub-clauses, Provisos and Schedules of or to

this Agreement; reference to an Annex shall, subject to anything to the contrary

specified therein, be construed as a reference to an Annex to the Schedule in

which such reference occurs; and reference to a Paragraph shall, subject to any-

thing to the contrary specified therein, be construed as a reference to a Paragraph

of the Schedule or Annex, as the case may be, in which such reference appears;

xxvi. time shall be of the essence in the performance of the Parties. respective obliga-

tions. If any time-period specified herein is extended, such extended time shall al-

so be of the essence.

2.2 Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement, any Documentation required to

be provided or furnished by the Concessionaire to NORTH DMC shall be provided free of

cost and in three copies, and if NORTH DMC is required to return any such Documenta-

tion with their comments and/or approval, they shall be entitled to retain two copies


2.3 The rule of construction, if any, that a contract should be interpreted against the par-

ties responsible for the drafting and preparation thereof, shall not apply.

2.4 Any word or expression used in this Agreement shall, unless otherwise defined or con-

strued in this Agreement, bear its ordinary English meaning and, for these purposes,

the General Clauses Act, 1897 shall not apply.

2.5 The Parties acknowledge that damages for specific defaults prescribed under this

Agreement (including the Delay Liquidated Damages, the Performance Liquidated Dam-

ages, the Availability Liquidated Damages, and any other form, nature of Liquidated

Damages) are a genuine pre-estimate of and reasonable compensation for the loss and

damage that shall be suffered by the non-defaulting Party due to failure of the default-

ing Party to perform its obligations in accordance with this Agreement, and are not in

the nature of a penalty.

2.6 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall be responsible to

and indemnify, INDIANOIL and NORTH DMC for the acts and omissions of the Conces-

sionaire Related Parties as if they were the acts and omissions of the Concessionaire

and NORTH DMC shall indemnify the Concessionaire for the acts and omissions of the

NORTH DMC Related Parties, as if they were the acts and omissions of INDIANOIL and

NORTH DMC, as the case may be.

Page 9 of 242

2.7 Neither the giving of any approval or consent, the review, knowledge or acknowledge-

ment of the terms of any document by or on behalf of the NORTH DMC and or INDI-

ANOIL as the case may be nor the failure to do so, shall, unless expressly stated in this

Agreement, relieve the Concessionaire of any of its obligations under this Agreement or

of any duty which it may have under this Agreement to ensure the correctness, accura-

cy or suitability of the matter or thing which is the subject of the approval, consent,

review, knowledge or acknowledgement.

3. Measurements and arithmetic conventions

All measurements and calculations shall be in the metric system and calculations done

to 2 (two) decimal places, with the third digit of 5 (five) or above being rounded up and

below 5 (five) being rounded down; provided that the drawings, engineering dimensions

and tolerances may exceed 2 (two) decimal places as required.

4. Priority of agreements, clauses and schedules

This Agreement, and all other agreements and documents forming part of or referred to in

this Agreement are to be taken as mutually explanatory and, unless otherwise expressly

provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the priority of this Agreement and other docu-

ments and agreements forming part hereof or referred to herein shall, in the event of any

conflict between them, be in the following order:

(a) this Agreement; and

(b) all other agreements and documents forming part hereof or referred to herein, i.e.

the Agreement at (a) above shall prevail over the agreements and documents at


Subject to the provisions of above Clause 4, in case of ambiguities or discrepancies within

this Agreement, the following shall apply:

(a) between two or more Clauses of this Agreement, the provisions of a specific

Clause relevant to the issue under consideration shall prevail over those in other


(b) between the Clauses of this Agreement and the Schedules, the Clauses shall pre-

vail and between Schedules and Annexes, the Schedules shall prevail;

(c) between any two Schedules, the Schedule relevant to the issue shall prevail;

(d) between the written description on the Drawings and the Specifications and

Standards, the latter shall prevail;

(e) between the dimension scaled from the Drawing and its specific written dimen-

sion, the latter shall prevail; and

(f) between any value written in numerals and that in words, the latter shall prevail.

Page 10 of 242

ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF WORK 1. Scope of Work

The scope of work of the Concessionaire under this Agreement (the “Scope of Work”)

shall mean and include, during the Concession Period:

1.1. Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Maintain (DBFOM) Waste to Energy Plant, Processing

facility(ies), Material Recovery Facility(ies), Sanitary Landfill Site (SLF) and other facili-

ties of similar nature, as per requirement, of design capacity of 2500 tonnes per day

(TPD) at the site identified and provided by NORTH DMC for daily pro-

cessing/recycling/disposal of the mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) & free from Con-

struction & Demolition Waste in compliance with the this Agreement EPA, the SWM

Rules, the PWM Rules as amended from time to time as well as the instructions/ or-

ders/ advise issued by bodies like Supreme Court, National Green Tribunal, State Pollu-

tion Control Bodies or any other Statutory agencies and all other Applicable Laws.

1.2. To produce CBG and/or Ethanol from the said Waste to Energy Plant including other

valuable energy products.

1.3. To sell CBG and Ethanol to IndianOil at rate of …… per kg for CBG & at rate of …….. per

litre of Ethanol & as per technical specifications, modalities mentioned in CBG Sale

Purchase Agreement (Schedule 18) & Ethanol Sale Purchase Agreement (Schedule 19).

1.4. Dispose/sell processed waste, by-products, recycled products, etc.; and

1.5. Discharge the Scope of Services more specifically set out in Schedule1.

Page 11 of 242

ARTICLE 3 THE CONCESSION 1. Grant of Concession

Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, Applicable Laws

and Applicable Permits, NORTH DMC, awards to the Concessionaire the concession set

forth herein including exclusive right, license and authority to construct and develop

the Project Facilities, and Operate and Maintain the Project for a period of 30 (Thirty)

years commencing from Scheduled Commercial Operation Date (the “COD”) of the Pro-

cessing Facilities, and sell the entire CBG and Ethanol produced to IndianOil at the

Price as set forth in Article …….. and the Concessionaire hereby accepts the Concession

and agrees to implement the Project subject to and in accordance with the terms and

conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Provided that the Concessionaire may seek extension of the Concession Period in ac-

cordance with the provisions of Clause 4 in this Article.

2. Rights Associated with the Grant of Concession

Without prejudice to the generality of foregoing, the Concession hereby granted to the

Concessionaire shall oblige or entitle (as the case may be) the Concessionaire to:

i. the Right of Way, access and license rights to use the Site for the purpose of

and to the extent conferred by the provisions of this Agreement upon pay-

ment of a nominal land rental of ₹ 1 per sqm per annum;

ii. access to the Site from the Compliance Date, for the sole purpose of imple-

menting the Project, provided, however, to the extent of applicability of Ar-

ticle 14, the Concessionaire shall be entitled to access the Site prior to the

Compliance Date;

iii. To design, engineer, finance, procure, construct, install, commission, oper-

ate and maintain the Project either itself or through such Person/Sub-

Contractor as may be selected by it in such a manner so as to maximize yield

of CBG, Ethanol and other valuable streams from the Project & minimize dis-

posal of residual waste to Sanitary Land Fill;

iv. Upon achieving COD of the Project, forming part of the Project, to manage,

operate and maintain the same till the Termination Date of the Project;

v. Upon achieving COD of the Project, forming part of the Project, to sell the

entire produce of CBG and/or Ethanol from the Plant to IndianOil under the

CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement and Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agree-


vi. To obtain financing for the Project in the form of equity or debt, from do-

mestic and from recognized foreign sources, through public issues, private

placements or direct borrowings or investment from the capital markets,

banks, lending institutions, mutual funds, insurance companies, pension

funds, provident funds and any other source as it may deem necessary for

implementing the Project; and

Provided that NORTH DMC shall be informed by the Concessionaire as to the

creation of any security interest in favour of the Lenders within a period of

14 (fourteen) days from the date such security interest comes into exist-

ence and the Concessionaire shall provide to the NORTH DMC within such

Page 12 of 242

time, notarized true copies of any and all documents/ agreements relating


Provided further, nothing contained herein shall (i) absolve the Concession-

aire from its responsibilities to perform/discharge any of its obligations un-

der and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; (ii) authorize

or be deemed to authorize the Lenders to implement and execute Project

themselves; and (iii) under any circumstances amount to any guarantee

from or recourse to NORTH DMC;

vii. To Process entire (up to the maximum quantity agreed under the scope of

work) mixed Municipal Solid Waste delivered at the WtE plant area by

NORTH DMC and/or its contracted agencies, dispose the residual inert mat-

ter and rejected waste/ processing rejects and air pollution control residue

at the Sanitary Land Fill (SLF) facility to be developed by the Concession-

aire in accordance with the Applicable Laws.

viii. Apart from selling CBG and/or Ethanol to IndianOil, Concessionaire to

store, use, appropriate, market and sell or dispose-off all the constituents

/ products / by- products from the mixed MSW (free from Construction &

Demolition Waste), including but not limited to electricity, bio manure,

other chemicals such as sulphuric acid, carbon dioxide, residual inert waste

and to further retain and appropriate any revenues generated from the sale

of such products/ by-products in accordance with this Agreement;

ix. To retain the fiscal incentives from Central Government and State Govern-

ment schemes and benefits accruing in respect of or on account of the Pro-

ject including Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) or Verified Emission Re-

ductions (VERs) under Kyoto Protocol / Climate Change initiative or any

other Global/ National Climate Change initiative or incentive;

x. To obtain the utilities required for enabling the construction of the Project,

by fulfilling eligibility conditions (if any) and paying the applicable charges

for the utilities;

xi. To hold, possess, control the Sites, in accordance with the terms of the

Concession Agreement, for the purposes of the due implementation of the


xii. To develop the Project using such technology to establish Waste to Energy

plant(s) having a processing capacity of 2500 TPD and produce CBG, Etha-

nol, etc., and to retain and appropriate any revenues generated from the

sale of all the constituents / products / by-products; such technology

should be suitable and commercially viable for the purposes of implement-

ing the Project, in accordance with terms of this Agreement, Applicable

Laws and Good Industry Practice;

xiii. To modify, adapt, upgrade or change the technology, from time to time,

based on actual operations of the Processing Project Facility, Good Industry

Practices and the requirements of the Project except in respect of the

building by-laws, subject to no disruption in services and obligations;

xiv. The Concessionaire may, as per requirement and in agreement with NORTH

DMC, subject to fulfilling the eligibility conditions and procuring all re-

quired approvals from related regulatory/ statutory authorities, develop,

Page 13 of 242

operate and maintain additional recycling or Processing Facilities on the

Site(s), provided that the same does not cause any adverse effect on its

Project related obligations or increases in any manner the financial liability

(including in relation to land requirement) of NORTH DMC under the

Agreement or adversely affects production of CBG and/or Ethanol from the

Project. In the event and so long as the Concessionaire meets the foregoing

conditions, NORTH DMC shall render such reasonable assistance that Con-

cessionaire requests in this connection.

3. Concession Period

Subject to early Termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, the term

of this Agreement is 30 (thirty) years from the Commercial Operation Date (the “Con-

cession Period”) during which the Concessionaire is authorized to implement the Pro-

ject on DBFOT Model including management of all facilities and resources required for

management of MSW in accordance with the provisions hereof:

Provided that in the event of Termination, the Concession Period shall mean and be

limited to the period commencing from the Commercial Operation Date and ending on

the Termination Date.

NORTH DMC shall with prior consent of IndianOil, at any time prior to the date of expiry

of the Concession Period, have the right to grant concession with respect to the Project

for a period, which it may determine in consultation with IndianOil, after the expiry of

the Concession Period, through competitive bidding amongst developers other than itself

and any undertaking owned by it. NORTH DMC further agrees that the Concessionaire

shall have the right to participate in such competitive bidding and make its offer in ac-

cordance with the terms thereof.

4. Extension of Concession Period

NORTH DMC in discussion with IndianOil & with mutual agreement with the Conces-

sionaire, in the event the Concessionaire does not commit any Event of Default during the

last 5 (five) years of the Concession Period, agree to extend the Concession after the ex-

piry of the Concession Period on mutual terms and conditions thereafter on year to year

basis with mutual agreement between the Parties subject to a maximum of 5 (five)

years by issuing a notice to the Concessionaire by no later than 6 (six) months prior to the

date of expiry of the Concession Period.

Provided, the Concessionaire agrees & undertakes that any such extension shall also

lead to an extension of license or any other agreement(s) (if applicable) for an equal pe-

riod to make such agreements co-terminus with extended Concession Period, as may be

required to ensure continued performance of the obligations of the Concessionaire un-

der this Agreement, the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement and the CBG Sale and

Purchase Agreement.

Provided further that any extension of Concession Agreement shall not ipso facto lead

to extension of CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement, Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agree-

ment and the same shall be extendable only at discretion of IndianOil and on such

terms and conditions and for such period as may be agreed to between IndianOil and


Page 14 of 242


1. Conditions Precedent

Save and except as expressly provided in Articles 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 22, 31, and

32 and any related Schedules or unless the context otherwise requires, the respective

rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement shall be subject to the satisfac-

tion in full of the conditions precedent specified in this Article 4 (the “Conditions Prec-

edent”). Provided, however, that a Party may grant waiver from satisfaction of any

Condition Precedent by the other Party in accordance with the provisions of this Article

4, as the case may be, and to the extent of such waiver, that Condition Precedent shall

be deemed to be fulfilled for the purposes of this Article 4.

A. Conditions Precedent for NORTH DMC

The Concessionaire may, upon providing the Performance Security to NORTH DMC

accordance with Article 9 and at any time after 15 (fifteen) days from the Execu-

tion Date or on an earlier day acceptable to NORTH DMC, by notice require NORTH

DMC to satisfy any or all of the Conditions Precedent set forth in this Article 4

within a period of 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the notice, or such longer period

not exceeding 45 (forty five) days as may be specified therein, and the Conditions

Precedent required to be satisfied by NORTH DMC shall be deemed to have been ful-

filled when the NORTH DMC shall have:

(a) Procured for the Concessionaire the Right of Way to the Site(s) in accordance

with Article 10;

(b) Provided a portion of land at the designated site to the Concessionaire for setting

up of Project Facilities of the WtE Plant, vacant and free from Encumbrances, up

on payment of nominal land rental of ₹ 1 per sqm per annum;

(c) Give acceptance at the request of the Concessionaire to Execute and procure exe-

cution of Substitution Agreement;

(d) Facilitated and ensured that the Site(s) and vacant and unencumbered possession

of all Site(s) handed over to the Concessionaire.

(e) Facilitated the Concessionaire in terms of obtaining all Applicable Permits from the

Departments concerned/ Competent Authority, if requested by the Concession-

aire, including permits in relation to environmental protection and conservation

including but not limited to those specified in Schedule 2;

(f) Provided Access to the Site as per Good Industry Practices.

Provided, that upon request in writing by NORTH DMC, the Concessionaire may, in

its discretion, waive the Conditions Precedent set forth in this Article.

B. Conditions Precedent for the Concessionaire

The Conditions Precedent required to be satisfied by the Concessionaire within a

period of 90 (ninety) days from the Execution Date shall be deemed to have been

fulfilled when the Concessionaire shall have:

a) Provided to NORTH DMC the copies (certified as true copies by an authorized

officer of the Concessionaire) of the constitutional documents of the Conces-


Page 15 of 242

b) Provided the Performance Security to NORTH DMC pursuant to Article 9;

c) Prepared and submitted a detailed project report, covering technology pro-

posed, demand assessment, technical feasibility, detailed cost estimates, cap-

ital investment plan, project financing details, revenue projections, environ-

ment & social impact assessment and detailed financial analysis, to NORTH

DMC, consistent with the technical plan submitted during the bidding stage

within 3 (three) months from Execution Date;

d) Executed the Financing Agreements and delivered to NORTH DMC 3 (three)

true copies thereof, duly attested by a director of the Concessionaire;

e) Delivered to NORTH DMC, 3 (three) true copies of the Financial Package and

the Financial Model, duly attested by a director of the Concessionaire, along

with copies of the Financial Model in an editable version either in MS Excel

version or any substitute thereof, which is acceptable to the Senior Lenders;

f) Achieved financial closure i.e. procured and raised all the funds (debt, equity,

etc.) necessary to finance the Project as evidenced by the funding documents

becoming effective and the Concessionaire having immediate access to the

funds there under;

g) Provided notarized true copies of its board resolution authorizing the execu-

tion, delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Concessionaire;

h) Procured all Applicable Permits unconditionally or if subject to conditions,

then all such conditions required to be fulfilled under such Applicable Permits,

have been fulfilled as on date the Concessionaire claims satisfaction of all the

Conditions Precedent under this Agreement;

i) Delivered to NORTH DMC from the Consortium Members, their respective confir-

mation, in original, of the correctness of their representations and warranties

set forth in Article 7;

j) Delivered to NORTH DMC a legal opinion from the legal counsel of the Conces-

sionaire with respect to NORTH DMC of the Concessionaire to enter into this

Agreement and the enforceability of the provisions thereof;

k) Provided proof of its shareholding pattern, evidenced by certificates from the

authorized signatory of the Concessionaire.

l) Executed and procured execution of Substitution Agreement

with NORTH DMC and the Lenders in the agreed form set out in Schedule 9;

m) Taken over vacant and unencumbered possession of all the Site(s) from NORTH


n) Procured at its own cost, water connection, power connection and other ser-

vice connections to the Site

o) Executed the Power Purchase Agreement with Power Distribution Company or a

Customer (as the case may be) and/ or Executed the CBG Sale & Purchase

Agreement and Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement with IndianOil and deliv-

ered a copy thereof;

p) Provided the CBG Security & Ethanol Security (as the case may be) to IndianOil

pursuant to Schedule 18& Schedule 19.

Page 16 of 242

Provided that upon request in writing by the Concessionaire, NORTH DMC may in its

sole discretion, waive fully or partially any or all the Conditions Precedent set

forth in this Article other than the items set forth in Clause B(o) and B(p) above.

For avoidance of doubt, (x) the execution of CBG Sale & Purchase Agreement and

Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement; and (y) the provision of the CBG Security

and Ethanol Security can be waived only by IndianOil.

C. Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by IndianOil

IndianOil shall satisfy the following Conditions Precedent (if not already fulfilled on

the Execution Date):

(a) executed a CBG Sale & Purchase Agreement and Ethanol Sale and Purchase

Agreement with the Concessionaire within a period of 30 (thirty) days of the

Execution Date, or such longer period not exceeding 45 (forty five) days from

the Execution Date as may be specified therein. Provided, that upon request

in writing by IndianOil, the Concessionaire may, in its discretion, waive the

Conditions Precedent set forth in this Article 4.

2. Satisfaction of Conditions Precedent

i. Each Party shall make all reasonable endeavors at its respective cost and expense

to procure the satisfaction in full of the Conditions Precedent relating to it within a

period specified for each party from the Execution Date (the “Compliance Period”)

unless specified otherwise;

ii. The later of the date within such time when NORTH DMC or the Concessionaire

fulfills its Conditions Precedent (unless NORTH DMC or IndianOil (as the case may

be) waives the same for the Concessionaire) shall be the date from which the rel-

evant and respective obligations of the Parties hereunder shall commence (the

“Compliance Date”), respectively.

iii. Each Party shall make all reasonable endeavors to satisfy the Conditions Precedent

within the time stipulated and shall provide the other Party with such reasonable

cooperation as may be required to assist that Party in satisfying the Conditions

Precedent for which that Party is responsible.

iv. The Parties shall notify each other in writing at least once every week on the pro-

gress made in satisfying the Conditions Precedent. Each Party shall promptly in-

form the other Party when any Condition Precedent for which it is responsible has

been satisfied.

v. The Concessionaire shall, upon satisfaction or waiver, as the case may be, of all

the Conditions Precedent, subject to confirmation by NORTH DMC, notify NORTH

DMC and IndianOil of the occurrence of the Compliance Date.

vi. North DMC and / or IndianOil shall reserve the right to extend the period of Con-

ditions Precedent for the Concessionaire only after fully satisfying themselves

that the delay for satisfying Conditions Precedent are beyond the control & after

reasonable endeavour of the Concessionaire.

3. Damages for delay by the NORTH DMC

In the event that: (i) NORTH DMC does not procure fulfillment or waiver of the Condi-

tion Precedent set forth in this Article, within the period specified in respect thereof;

and (ii) the delay has not occurred as a result of breach of this Agreement by the Con-

Page 17 of 242

cessionaire or due to Force Majeure Event, NORTH DMC shall pay Damages to the Con-

cessionaire of an amount calculated at the rate of 0.1% (zero point one per cent) of the

Performance Security for each day’s delay until the fulfillment of such Conditions Prec-

edent, subject to a maximum amount equal to the bid security.

4. Damages for delay by the Concessionaire

In the event that: (i) the Concessionaire does not procure fulfillment or waiver of any

or all of the Conditions Precedent set forth in Article 4 within the period specified in

that Article; and (ii) the delay has not occurred as a result of breach of this Agreement

by NORTH DMC or IndianOil or due to Force Majeure Event (as the case may be), the

Concessionaire shall pay Damages to NORTH DMC an amount calculated at the rate of

0.2% (zero point two per cent) of the Performance Security for each day’s delay until

the fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent, up to the maximum amount equal to the

bid security and upon reaching such maximum amount, NORTH DMC may, in its sole dis-

cretion and subject to the provisions of Article 23, terminate the Agreement. Provided

that in the event of delay by NORTH DMC in procuring fulfillment of the Conditions

Precedent specified in this Article 4 or IndianOil as specified in this Article 4, no Dam-

ages shall be due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Clause until the later of

the date on which the NORTH DMC and IndianOil shall have procured fulfillment of the

Conditions Precedent specified in Article 4.

(b) In the event that: (i) the Concessionaire does not procure fulfillment or waiver of

any or all of the Conditions Precedent set forth in Article 4 within the period specified

in that Article; and (ii) the delay has not occurred as a result of breach of this Agree-

ment by the North DMC or failure or delay by IndianOil to execute Ethanol Sale & Pur-

chase Agreement, CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement or due to Force Majeure Event (as

the case may be), the Concessionaire shall in addition to the Damages to North DMC,

pay Damages to IndianOil of an amount calculated at the rate of [0.2% (zero point two

per cent)] of the CBG Security and / or Ethanol Security (as the case may be) for each

day’s delay until the fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent, up to the maximum

amount equal to the CBG Security and / or Ethanol Security (as the case may be) and

upon reaching such maximum amount, IndianOil may, in its sole discretion and subject

to the provisions of Article 23, terminate this Agreement, Ethanol Sale & Purchase

Agreement and CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement. Provided that in the event of delay

by North DMC in procuring fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent specified in Article 4

or IndianOil as specified in Article 4, no Damages shall be due and payable by the Con-

cessionaire under this Clause until the later of the date on which the North DMC and In-

dianOil shall have procured fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent specified in Article


5. Commencement of the Concession Period

The date on which Financial Close is achieved and all the Conditions Precedent speci-

fied in Clause 1 of Article 4, are satisfied or waived, as the case may be, shall be the

Compliance Date which shall be the date of the commencement of the Concession Peri-

od. For avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that the Concessionaire may, upon occur-

rence of the Compliance Date hereunder, by notice convey the particulars thereof to

NORTH DMC, and shall thereupon be entitled to commence development of the Project

in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

A timeline chart is given for benefit of all parties:

Page 18 of 242

SN Event Description Date (days)

a. Bid document invitation/ publishing date T0

b. Award of LoA to the successful Bidder by

North DMC

T0 + 120 = T1

c. Signing of Concession Agreement (Execution


T1 + 21 = T2

d. Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by Con-


Within (T2 + 90) = T3

e. Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by North

Delhi Municipal Corporation

Within (T2 + 45) = T4

f. Conditions Precedent to be satisfied by Indi-


Within (T2 + 45) = T5

g. Compliance Date & Commencement of Con-

struction Activities

Greater of T3, T4 & T5 = T6

h. Scheduled Construction Completion Date T6 + 730 = T7

i. Trial Run period T7 + 90 = T8

j. Commercial Operations Date & Commence-

ment of Concession Period



a. For Construction Period specific milestones, please refer to Schedule 12.

b. For any delays & reasons solely not attributable to the Concessionaire substantiat-

ed with proper documentation & data, North DMC may suitably revise the project

milestones & other timelines relating to setting up of the WtE plant. The responsi-

bility of proving the reasons for delay as not attributable to the Concessionaire

shall rest upon the Concessionaire & North DMC undertakes to act reasonably as far

as possible & holding good the principles & law of natural justice.

6. Non-Compliance with Conditions Precedent

a. In the event the Conditions Precedent for Concessionaire have not been satisfied

within the stipulated time and NORTH DMC and/or IndianOil has not waived, fully

or partially, such conditions relating to the Concessionaire, this Agreement shall

cease to have any effect as of that date and shall be deemed to have been termi-

nated by the mutual agreement of the Parties and no Party shall subsequently have

any rights or obligations under this Agreement and NORTH DMC and/or INDIANOIL

shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to the Concessionaire or Persons claim-

ing through or under it;

Page 19 of 242

b. In the event this Agreement fails to come into effect on account of non-fulfillment

of the Concessionaire’s Conditions Precedent, NORTH DMC and IndianOil shall be

entitled to forfeit and encash the Performance Security and CBG Security, Ethanol

Security (as the case may be);

a. In the event the Conditions Precedent for NORTH DMC have not been satisfied

within the stipulated time, then the Concessionaire shall have the option to either:

(i) mutually extend the time period for satisfaction of the Conditions Precedent for

NORTH DMC or (ii) terminate this Agreement. It is specifically agreed between the

Parties that no damages shall be payable by North DMC to the Concessionaire upon

termination of this Agreement on account of non-fulfillment of conditions precedent

by North DMC.

b. In the event the Conditions Precedent for IndianOil have not been satisfied within

the stipulated time, then the Concessionaire and North DMC shall have the option to

either: (i) mutually extend the time period for satisfaction of the Conditions Prece-

dent for IndianOil or (ii) terminate this Agreement in respect of IndianOil. It is specif-

ically agreed between the Parties that no damages shall be payable by IndianOil to ei-

ther Concessionaire or North DMC upon termination of this Agreement on account of

non-fulfillment of conditions precedent by IndianOil.

c. In the event this Agreement fails to come into effect on account of the non-

fulfillment of NORTH DMC Conditions Precedent, NORTH DMC, shall return the Per-

formance Security to the Concessionaire; provided there are no outstanding claims of

NORTH DMC on the Concessionaire.

d. In the event this Agreement fails to come into effect on account of the non-fulfillment

of IndianOil Conditions Precedent by IndianOil, IndianOil shall return the CBG Security,

Ethanol Security to the Concessionaire; provided there are no outstanding claims of

IndianOil on the Concessionaire.

7. Termination upon delay

Without prejudice to the Damages for delay prescribed in Clauses 3 and 4 above, the

Parties expressly agree that in the event the Compliance Date does not occur, for any

reason whatsoever, within a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the Exe-

cution Date or the extended period provided in accordance with this Agreement, then all

rights, privileges, claims and entitlements of the Concessionaire under or arising out of

this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by, and to have ceased with the

concurrence of the Concessionaire and the Agreement may be terminated by the non-

defaulting Party. Provided, however, that in the event the delay in occurrence of the

Compliance Date is for reasons attributable to the Concessionaire, the Performance Secu-

rity or the bid security together with the CBG Security and Ethanol Security, as the case

may be, of the Concessionaire shall be encashed and appropriated by the NORTH DMC

and IndianOil as the case may be as Damages thereof.

ARTICLE 5 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONCESSIONAIRE 1. General Obligations of the Concessionaire

a) Subject to and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Concessionaire

shall, at its own cost and expense, implement the Project, procure finance for and

undertake the development, engineering, procurement, equipping, operation and

maintenance of the Project and observe, fulfill, comply with and perform all its

Page 20 of 242

obligations set out in this Agreement or arising hereunder.

b) Perform and fulfill all of the Concessionaire’s obligations with respect to the Pro-

ject set out in Schedule 1 and under this Agreement;

c) The Concessionaire shall arrange for and procure, at its own cost and risk, all in-

frastructure facilities and utilities for the construction, development, operation

and maintenance of the Project, including procuring connection for and supply of

electricity, water, gas and other utilities as may be necessary or required for the

operation of the Project. The Concessionaire shall obtain all Applicable Permits

and comply with the conditions there under for the procurement and use of such

infrastructure facilities and utilities.

d) During the Concession Period, the Concessionaire shall obtain from the relevant

Government Instrumentalities, the Applicable Permits including as specified in

Schedule 2) and keep in force and comply with the conditions of all Applicable

Permits for the development, Operation and Maintenance of the Project.

e) The Concessionaire shall comply with all Applicable Laws (including without limita-

tion all public and labour related laws and health, safety, and sanitation laws, as

then in force) and conditions of all Applicable Permits (including keeping them val-

id and in force as required) while performing its obligations under this Agreement.

Further, the Concessionaire shall ensure and procure that its Contractors, if any,

comply with all Applicable Permits and Applicable Laws during their performance

of any of the Concessionaire's obligations under this Agreement.

f) The Concessionaire shall procure that its Sub-Contractors, if any, shall discharge its

obligations in accordance with Good Industry Practice and as a reasonable and pru-

dent person. For the purpose of this Agreement, the discharge of obligations by the

Sub-Contractors shall be the obligation of the Concessionaire.

g) The Concessionaire shall, at its own cost and expense, in addition to and not in der-

ogation of its obligations elsewhere set out in this Agreement:

i. procure, as required, the appropriate proprietary rights, licenses, agreements

and permissions for materials, methods, processes and systems used or incorpo-

rated into the Project;

ii. perform and fulfill its obligations under the Financing Agreements;

iii. maintain harmony and good industrial relations among the personnel employed

by it or its Contractors in connection with the performance of its obligations

under this Agreement and shall be solely responsible for compliance with

all labour laws and be solely liable for all possible claims and employment re-

lated liabilities of its staff employed in relation with the Project and hereby

agrees to keep NORTH DMC and/or INDIANOIL indemnified against any claims,

damages, expenses or losses in this regard and in no case and for no purpose

shall the NORTH DMC/ IndianOil be treated as the employers of the Conces-

sionaire, in this regard;

iv. not do or omit to do any act, deed or thing which may in any manner violates

any provision of this Agreement;

v. always act in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and

not cause or fail to do any act, deed or thing, whether intentionally or other-

wise, which may in any manner violate any of the provisions of this Agreement

Page 21 of 242

or Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits;

vi. procure that all equipment and facilities comprising the Project are devel-

oped, operated and maintained in accordance with the Specifications and

Standards, Maintenance Requirements, Safety Requirements as specified in

Schedules 3, 4 and 5 and Good Industry Practice;

vii. support, cooperate with and facilitate the NORTH DMC and IndianOil in the

implementation and operation of the Project in accordance with the provisions

of this Agreement;

viii. to comply with the timelines for setting up the Project Facilities;

ix. endeavour to improve the ancillary conditions and infrastructure related to

the Project including assistance to informal recycling workers, procure and

maintain in full force and effect, as necessary, appropriate proprietary rights,

licenses, agreements and permissions for materials, methods, processes and

systems used in or incorporated into the Project;

x. right to enter into sub-contracts for the purposes of and subject to the terms

of this Agreement;

xi. disposal of residual inert matter and rejected waste at the Sanitary Landfill

Site to be developed by the concessionaire within the WtE plant site as per the

applicable provisions of EPA 1986, SWM Rules 2016, PWM Rules 2016 and any

amendments thereof & including the instructions/ orders/ advise issued by

bodies like Supreme Court, National Green Tribunal, State Pollution Control

Bodies or any other Statutory agencies & any other Applicable Laws;

xii. be responsible for all the health, security, environment and safety aspects of

the Project from Effective Date at all times during the Concession Period;

xiii. ensure that the Project remains free from all encroachments and take all

steps necessary to remove encroachments, if any;

xiv. upon receipt of a request thereof, afford access to the Project to the author-

ized representatives of NORTH DMC including IndianOil for the purpose of as-

certaining compliance with the terms, covenants and conditions of this


xv. bear all expenses towards uniforms, safety gear and waste handling equipment

to all the waste lifters and drivers;

xvi. ensure that the project is operational on all calendar days of the year subject

to any Scheduled Maintenance Programme approved by North DMC;

xvii. comply with terms and conditions of CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement and

Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement with IndianOil.

xviii. be responsible for the conduct of its staff employed for this project while on


xix. shall obtain approval from transport department as applicable and obtain fit-

ness certificate for the vehicles each year before the due date and shall bear

any cost or expense associated with this;

xx. to operate, maintain, repair and renovate the project assets and project facil-

ities, in accordance with, inter alia, the Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits

Page 22 of 242

and the requirements;

xxi. submit the Operational Plan to the NORTH DMC (and IndianOil for CBG & Etha-

nol supplies related only) at least 1 (one) month before proposed Commence-

ment Date and get the same approved;

xxii. procure, acquire and put into place at its own cost and expenses all the Pro-

ject Assets and Project Facilities required by the Concessionaire to implement

the Project during the Pre-COD Period so as to achieve COD within the time

stipulated in this Agreement;

xxiii. promptly rectify and remedy any defects or deficiencies, at its own cost, if

any pointed out by NORTH DMC and/or IndianOil in the Inspection Report and

furnish a report within the stipulated time period in respect thereof to NORTH

DMC and/or IndianOil;

xxiv. comply with all the performance parameters as specified in KPIs, set forth in

Article 18;

xxv. to carry out all necessary test(s) and get the approvals as per Applicable Law

and in conformity with Good Industry Practices, prior to achieving COD;

xxvi. pay all taxes, duties and outgoings, including utility charges relating to the


xxvii. handover/transfer the Sites and immovable Project Facilities to NORTH DMC

upon Termination of this Agreement, in accordance with the Hand-Back re-

quirements & any other provisions thereof;

xxviii. provide camera feeds at weighbridge of Site to NORTH DMC, as and when

sought by them;

xxix. be responsible and indemnify NORTH DMC and IndianOil for any accident due

to negligence or otherwise in the performance of its obligations hereunder;


xxx. submit compliance as required to environmental agency and shall provide all

information related to project as would be required by the NORTH DMC pursu-

ant to any RTI query or any issue raised in State Assembly/ Parliament; and

2. Obligations relating to Project Agreements

a) It is expressly agreed that the Concessionaire shall, at all times, be responsible and

liable for all its obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything con-

tained in the Project Agreements or any other agreement, and no default under

any Project Agreement or any other agreement shall excuse the Concessionaire

from its obligations or liability hereunder.

b) Before finalization, the Concessionaire shall submit to NORTH DMC, the drafts of

all Project Agreements and the operation and maintenance contract (if any) or any

amendments or replacements thereto for its review and comments, and NORTH

DMC shall have the right but not the obligation to undertake such review and pro-

vide its comments and observations, if any, to the Concessionaire. Concessionaire

shall appropriately make amendments as per review/comments/observations and

re-submit the same to NORTH DMC for its review. Within 7 (seven) days of execu-

tion of any Project Agreement or amendment thereto, the Concessionaire shall

submit to NORTH DMC a true copy thereof, duly attested by a Director of the Con-

Page 23 of 242

cessionaire, for its record. For avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that the review and

comments/ observations by NORTH DMC on any Project Agreement or failure or

omission of NORTH DMC to review and/ or comment hereunder shall not be con-

strued or deemed as acceptance of any such agreement or document by NORTH

DMC. No observation and/or review of NORTH DMC and/or its failure to review

and/or convey its observations on any document shall relieve the Concessionaire of

its obligations and/or liabilities under this Agreement in any manner whatsoever

nor shall NORTH DMC be liable for the same in any manner whatsoever.

c) The Concessionaire shall not make any addition, replacement or amendments to

any of the Financing Agreements without the prior written consent of NORTH DMC

if such addition, replacement or amendment has, or may have, the effect of im-

posing or increasing any financial liability or obligation on NORTH DMC, and in the

event that any replacement or amendment is made without such consent, the Con-

cessionaire shall not enforce such replacement or amendment nor permit enforce-

ment thereof against the NORTH DMC. For avoidance of doubt, NORTH DMC

acknowledge and agree that it shall not unreasonably withhold its consent for re-

structuring or rescheduling of the debt of the Concessionaire.

d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Con-

cessionaire shall not sub-lease, sub-license, assign or in any manner create an En-

cumbrance on any of the Project Assets as the case may be, without prior written

approval of NORTH DMC, which approval NORTH DMC may, in its discretion, deny if

such sub-lease, sub- license, assignment or Encumbrance has or may have a Mate-

rial Adverse Effect on the rights and obligations of NORTH DMC under this Agree-

ment or Applicable Laws.

e) The Concessionaire shall procure that each of the Project Agreements contains

provisions that entitle NORTH DMC to step into such agreement, in its sole discre-

tion, in substitution of the Concessionaire in the event of Termination or Suspen-

sion (the “Covenant”). For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly agreed that in

the event NORTH DMC does not exercise such rights of substitution within a period

not exceeding 90 (ninety) days from the Termination Date, the Project Agreements

shall be deemed to cease to be in force and effect on the Termination Date with-

out any liability whatsoever on NORTH DMC and the Covenant shall expressly pro-

vide for such eventuality. The Concessionaire expressly agrees to include the Cov-

enant in all its Project Agreements and undertakes that it shall, in respect of each

of the Project Agreements, procure and deliver to NORTH DMC an acknowledgment

and undertaking, in a form acceptable to NORTH DMC, from the counter party(ies)

of each of the Project Agreements, where such counter party(ies) shall

acknowledge and accept the Covenant and undertake to be bound by the same and

not to seek any relief or remedy whatsoever from NORTH DMC in the event of Ter-

mination or Suspension.

3. No Breach of Obligations

The Concessionaire shall not be considered to be in breach of its obligations under this

Agreement nor shall it incur or suffer any liability if and to the extent performance of

any of its obligations under this Agreement is affected by or on account of any of the


(i) Force Majeure Event, subject to Article 20;

Page 24 of 242

(ii) NORTH DMC Event of Default;

(iii) IndianOil Event of Default;

(iv) Compliance with the instructions of the NORTH DMC or the directions of any

Government Agency other than instructions issued as a consequence of a

breach by the Concessionaire of any of its obligations hereunder;

4. Concessionaire's Representative

To fulfill the Concessionaire’s obligations and for implementation of the Project in ac-

cordance with this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall deploy representative(s) (the

“Concessionaire Representative”) on its behalf including a team leader (the “Team

Leader”). The Team Leader shall have full authority to act on behalf of the Concession-

aire for all matters relating to this Agreement and shall be an overall in charge to en-

sure implementation of the project in accordance with the provisions hereof. The Team

Leader shall closely co-ordinate with NORTH DMC/INDIANOIL (for Ethanol & CBG sup-

plies only) and shall be responsible to ensure redressal on an immediate basis, any ob-

jections, observations, shortcomings, defects or defaults pointed out during routine in-

spections and project review meetings and submit action take report to the NORTH

DMC and INDIANOIL (for Ethanol & CBG supplies only) within a period not later than 7

(seven) days from the date of conveying of such defect/shortcoming. The Team Leader

or its nominee shall make themselves available for meetings as and when called upon

by NORTH DMC and INDIANOIL (for Ethanol & CBG supplies only).

5. Sole purpose of the Concessionaire

The Concessionaire having been set up for the sole purpose of exercising the rights and

observing and performing its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement, the Con-

cessionaire or any of its subsidiaries shall not, except with the previous written consent

of NORTH DMC, be or become directly or indirectly engaged, concerned or interested in

any business other than as envisaged herein.

6. Engagement of trained personnel

The Concessionaire shall ensure that the personnel engaged by it in the performance of

its obligations under this Agreement are at all times properly skilled and trained for

their respective functions.

7. Equity Lock-in requirements

The Concessionaire acknowledges that:

a) The Selected Bidder shall hold 100% (one hundred per cent) shareholding in the

paid-up Equity capital of the Concessionaire until expiration of 1 (one) year from

COD, 51% (fifty one per cent) shareholding in the paid-up Equity capital until ex-

piration of 10 (ten)] years from COD and thereafter 26% (twenty six per cent)

shareholding in the paid up equity capital during the remaining Concession Peri-


i. Provided that in case the Selected Bidder is a Consortium of entities, then

the lead member (the “Lead Member”) of such Consortium and the member

whose credentials were considered for prequalification for bid, shall have

the majority equity share holding of the paid-up Equity capital of the Con-

cessionaire and that all the members of the Consortium together shall hold

[100% (one hundred per cent)] Equity capital of the Concessionaire, until

Page 25 of 242

expiry of [1 (one)]year from COD, [51% (fifty one percent)] shareholding in

the paid-up Equity capital until expiration of [10 (ten)] years from COD

and thereafter [26% (twenty six per cent)] shareholding in the paid-up Eq-

uity capital during the remaining Concession period.

ii. Provided further that a member of the Consortium meeting either the

Technical Capacity or the Financial Capacity shall subscribe at least 26%

(twenty six per cent) of the paid-up and subscribed Equity of the SPV until

the 2nd (second) anniversary of the COD for member meeting the Technical

Capacity and until the 1st (first) anniversary of the COD for the member

meeting the Financial Capacity.

b) Any violation in the shareholding pattern in the equity lock-in requirements

would be treated as Concessionaire Event of Default.

c) Any change in ownership of the Selected Bidder shall also be considered as

breach of the equity lock-in provisions hereunder, unless such change in owner-

ship of the Selected Bidder is undertaken after prior written concurrence of

NORTH DMC and IndianOil.

8. Exit from Consortium

Any Consortium member other than the Lead Member shall be allowed to exit the Con-

sortium anytime during the Concession Period post-COD and the Lead Member will be

allowed to replace/absorb the shares and responsibilities of other Consortium mem-

bers, subject to approval from NORTH DMC which will not be unreasonably withheld.

9. Obligations relating to management of the Concessionaire:

The Concessionaire shall not, without the prior written approval of NORTH DMC, under-

take or cause to be undertaken, any action for all or any of the following or any matter

incidental or consequential thereto:

a) to alter or add to the provisions of the memorandum of association;

b) to alter or add to the articles of association;

c) to change the name of the Concessionaire;

d) to reduce the share capital;

e) to commence any new lines of business;

f) to enter into any contract or agreement with a related party with respect to

such related party’s appointed to any office or place of profit in the company,

its subsidiary company or associate company;

g) to make inter-corporate-loans and investments or guarantee or security (ex-

cept where such security or payment is to be made to the Authority) to be

given, if the aggregate amount thereof, exceeds the limit of 30% (thirty per

cent) of the Concessionaire’s paid up share capital;

h) to apply for corporate insolvency proceedings under the Insolvency and Bank-

ruptcy Code, 2016;

i) for various other matters pertaining to the winding up of the Concessionaire;


j) any other matter which is required by the Companies Act to be passed by a

Page 26 of 242

special resolution of the shareholders of the Concessionaire.

For the purposes of this clause, a “related party” shall have the meaning ascribed to it

under the Companies Act, 2013.

10. EHS Standards and L&FS Standards

i. The Concessionaire shall at all times and throughout the Concession Period (de-

signing, development, construction, operation and maintenance) comply with

Applicable Laws including the relevant Environmental, Health and Safety (the

“EHS”) Rules and Regulations and life and fire safety Standards (the “L&FS Stand-


ii. The Concessionaire shall prepare and comply with the performance standards, in-

cluding an environmental and sustainability plan stating how the Concessionaire

intends to manage and mitigate risks in relation to EHS. Such performance stand-

ards shall take into consideration the principles set out in:

(a) National EHS regulations;

(b) Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016;

(c) National Building Code of India published by BIS and other statutory

BIS standards applicable to projects of similar nature; and

(d) L&FS Standards.

11. Obligations relating to Taxes

The Concessionaire shall pay, at all times during the subsistence of this Agreement, all

Taxes, levies, duties, cesses and all other statutory charges payable in respect of the

Project. Provided, however, that all payments made by the Concessionaire with re-

spect to GST levied on or in respect of any services provided by the Concessionaire to

the NORTH DMC for and in respect of the Project shall be paid by the NORTH DMC upon

receipt of particulars thereof.

12. Obligations relating to information

a) Without prejudice to the provisions of Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits and

this Agreement, upon receiving a notice from NORTH DMC for any information

that it may reasonably require or that it considers may be necessary to enable it

to perform any of its functions, the Concessionaire shall provide such information

to NORTH DMC forthwith and in the manner and form required by the NORTH


b) After receiving a notice from NORTH DMC for reasoned comments on the accuracy

and text of any information relating to the Concessionaire’s activities under or

pursuant to this Agreement which NORTH DMC proposes to publish, the Conces-

sionaire shall provide such comments to NORTH DMC in the manner and form re-

quired by the NORTH DMC.

13. Obligations relating to other charges:

The Concessionaire shall make timely payments for all utility services in respect of the

Sites, including water, sewage, electricity, telecommunication, internet and cable

charges, etc.

14. Obligations towards IndianOil

Page 27 of 242

a) Compressed Bio Gas to be supplied by the Concessionaire as per technical speci-

fications enclosed & modalities specified in Schedule 18 to INDIANOIL at the re-

spective price as provided for under the CBG Sale & Purchase Agreement.

b) Supply of Ethanol shall be as per Technical specifications and Ethanol Sale and

Purchase Agreement (Schedule 19) and determined in pursuance to the Tender.

c) For Electricity produced from the WtE plant, IndianOil shall reserve the first right

to enter in to a Power Purchase Agreement with the Concessionaire based on re-

quirement & prevailing guidelines on exemption of various charges under open

access system for WtE projects.

d) The Concessionaire acknowledges that in the event CBG or Ethanol supplies are

not maintained as per the satisfaction of IndianOiL, INDIANOIL shall be free to

encash the Bank Guarantee provided by the Concessionaire and in addition enti-

tled to obtain CBG/CNG, Ethanol from other sources at the sole risk & cost of the

Concessionaire, in terms of Schedule 18 and Schedule 19, as applicable.

e) The Concessionaire shall lay _____ kilometer pipeline sufficient to transport ____

of CBG per day from Site as mentioned in Schedule _______to the Retail Outlet

Site or inject the CBG in to the CGD entity’s gas pipeline network as mentioned in

schedule ______ and achieve commissioning of the same concurrent to the Pro-

ject and arrange for ______ number of cascades as per _______ standards for

transportation of CBG to IndianOil. Concessionaire agrees that IndianOil at its

own discretion may require either or both modes to be operational during the

Term of the CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement.

f) The Concessionaire shall take and maintain all necessary approvals, Right of Way,

permits and licenses as may be required for the above.

g) Without prejudice to any other right or obligations of the Parties, all the obliga-

tions of the Concessionaire towards NORTH DMC as mentioned in Article 5 with

regard to the Concession shall apply mutatis mutandis towards IndianOil to the

extent applicable with regard to the sale, supply and transportation of CBG and

Ethanol to IndianOil.

h) The CBG and Ethanol quality parameters, quality and quantity produced, amount

of feedstock handled & other important operational parameters shall be made

available through web-based applications by the Concessionaire to IndianOil.

Page 28 of 242


NORTH DMC shall, at its own cost and expense, undertake, comply with and perform all

its obligations set out in this Agreement.

Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and Applicable

Laws, NORTH DMC agrees to provide support to the Concessionaire and undertakes to

observe, comply with and perform the following:

(a) Identify, earmark and allocate parcel(s) of land to the Concessionaire, by itself, for

the purpose of setting up of Project Facilities, Waste Processing Facility and de-

centralized units, for development of a Sanitary Land Fill (SLF), etc., for scientific

management of MSW;

(b) Provide and deliver mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) free from Construction &

Demolition waste with minimum 2000 Tonnes per Day & up to 2500 Tonnes Per Day

on daily basis at the Project Site from COD till the Term of the Concession Agree-

ment. Efforts shall be made by North Delhi Municipal Corporation to provide segre-

gated MSW as far as possible. However, the Concessionaire shall not be eligible for

any additional cost/ compensation for receiving unsegregated MSW. Necessary

equipment & resources need to be planned by the Concessionaire for processing,

recovering the MSW received in as is where is condition. North DMC confirms to

provide the mixed MSW free from any Construction & Demolition Waste.

(c) Upon written request from the Concessionaire, and subject to the Concessionaire

complying with Applicable Laws, provide reasonable support and assistance to the

Concessionaire in procuring Applicable Permits required from any Government In-

strumentality for implementation and operation of the Project, subject to the

Concessionaire submitting its applications complete in all respect in a timely man-

ner. NORTH DMC agrees and undertakes that it shall not unreasonably delay or

withhold provision of any such reasonable support or assistance to the Concession-


(d) upon written request from the Concessionaire, provide reasonable assistance to

the Concessionaire in obtaining access to all necessary infrastructure facilities and

utilities, including water and electricity at rates and on terms no less favorable to

the Concessionaire than those generally available to commercial customers receiv-

ing substantially equivalent services;

(e) provide the Sites on leave and license basis, upon payment of nominal land rental

of ₹ 1 per sqm per annum, free from Encumbrance to the Concessionaire and en-

sure that no barriers are erected or placed on or about the Sites by any Govern-

ment Instrumentality or persons claiming through or under any Government In-

strumentality, except for reasons of Safety Requirements, Emergency, national se-

curity, or law and order;

(f) not do or omit to do any act, deed or thing which may in any manner violate the

provisions of this Agreement;

(g) support, cooperate with and facilitate the Concessionaire in the implementation

and operation of the Project in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

(h) upon written request from the Concessionaire, execute the Substitution Agree-


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(i) observe and comply with all obligations set forth in this Agreement, and any other

Agreement to be executed with the Concessionaire;

(j) Facilitate in a timely manner all such approvals, permissions and authorizations

which Concessionaire may require or is obliged to seek from them under this

Agreement, in connection with implementation of the Project and the perfor-

mance of its obligations. Provided where authorization for availing permits for util-

ities such as power, water, sewerage, telecommunications or any other incidental

services/utilities is required, the same shall be provided by NORTH DMC within 30

(thirty) days from receipt of such request from the Concessionaire, subject to the

conditions of the applications / details submitted being complete and correct.

(k) approve the Operational Plan within 21 working days of its submission by the Con-


6.2 Obligations relating to refinancing

Without prejudice to any rights or remedies of NORTH DMC under this Agreement or

otherwise, upon request made by the Concessionaire to this effect, NORTH DMC shall,

in conformity with any regulations or guidelines that may be notified by the Govern-

ment Instrumentality, permit and enable the Concessionaire to secure refinancing on

such terms as may be agreed upon between the Concessionaire and the entity providing

such refinancing; provided, however, that the refinancing hereunder shall always be

subject to the prior consent of NORTH DMC, which consent shall not be unreasonably

withheld. NORTH DMC shall endeavor to convey its decision on such request of the Con-

cessionaire within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the proposal by the NORTH DMC. For

the avoidance of doubt, the tenure of debt refinanced hereunder may be determined

mutually between the Senior Lenders and the Concessionaire, but the repayment

thereof shall be completed no later than 1 (one) year prior to expiry of the Concession


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The following are the only obligations of INDIANOIL under this Agreement:

a. To facilitate performance by NORTH DMC under the MoU signed between IndianOil &

North DMC on behalf of NORTH DMC as may be required. It is agreed between the Parties

and NORTH DMC and Concessionaire acknowledge that notwithstanding IndianOil carrying

out certain activities for and on behalf of NORTH DMC, it shall not be liable under any cir-

cumstances towards Concessionaire, NORTH DMC or a third party, whether in law, con-

tract or torts, for any acts of omission or commission including due to gross negligence

carried out on behalf of NORTH DMC in this regard, unless due to fraud. Concessionaire

and NORTH DMC hereby Indemnify IndianOil for any loss, damages, adversity that it may

incur, suffer on this account.

b. To enter into agreements for the offtake of entire quantity of Compressed Bio Gas (CBG)

and Ethanol meeting the Specifications produced at the said WtE Plant in accordance with

the price and other terms and conditions provided under the CBG Sale & Purchase Agree-

ment (Schedule 18) and Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement (Schedule 19).

c. Subject to Concessionaire complying with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, CBG

Sale and Purchase Agreement, Ethanol Sales & Purchase Agreement and Power Purchase

Agreement (if any), IndianOil agrees to offtake, during the Term of the CBG Sale and Pur-

chase Agreement, Ethanol Sales & Purchase Agreement and Power Purchase Agreement

(as the case may be) only CBG, Ethanol and Electricity as mentioned above irrespective of

the fact that Concessionaire may design the plant to produce multitude of products & by

products, residue etc.

d. In case no CBG, Ethanol or Electricity is offered by the Concessionaire, at the bidding

stage, IndianOil would evaluate options & decide further course of action, depending upon

the response to be received in the global tender.

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1. Representations and Warranties of the Parties Each Party represents and warrants to

the others that:

(a) It is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of India;

(b) It has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations un-

der this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby;

(c) It has taken all necessary corporate and other action under Applicable Laws and

its constitutional documents to authorize the execution, delivery and perfor-

mance of this Agreement;

(d) It has the financial standing and capacity to undertake the Project;

(e) This Agreement constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation fully enforcea-

ble against it in accordance with the terms hereof;

(f) It is subject to civil and commercial laws of India with respect to this Agree-

ment and it hereby expressly and irrevocably waives any immunity in any juris-

diction in respect thereof; and

(g) It shall have an obligation to disclose to the other Party as and when any of its

representations and warranties ceases to be true and valid.

2. Representations and Warranties of the Concessionaire

The Concessionaire represents and warrants to NORTH DMC and INDIANOIL that:

(a) it is duly organised and validly existing under the laws of India, and hereby ex-

pressly and irrevocably waives any immunity in any jurisdiction in respect of this

Agreement or matters arising thereunder including any obligation, liability or re-

sponsibility hereunder;

(b) it has full power and authority to execute and perform its obligations under this

Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby;

(c) it has taken all necessary corporate and other actions under Applicable Laws to

authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement and to validly exercise its

rights and perform its obligations under this Agreement;

(d) it has the financial standing and capacity to undertake the Project in accordance

with the terms of this Agreement;

(e) this Agreement constitutes its legal, valid and binding obligation, enforceable

against it in accordance with the terms hereof, and its obligations under this

Agreement shall be legally valid, binding and enforceable obligations against it in

accordance with the terms hereof;

(f) all undertakings and obligations of the Concessionaire arising from the EOI or

otherwise shall be binding on the Concessionaire as if they form part of this


(g) it is subject to the laws of India, and hereby expressly and irrevocably waives

any immunity in any jurisdiction in respect of this Agreement or matters arising

thereunder including any obligation, liability or responsibility hereunder;

(h) the information furnished in the Bid and as updated on or before the Execution

Date is true and accurate in all respects as on the Execution Date;

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(i) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement shall not conflict

with, result in the breach of, constitute a default under, or accelerate perfor-

mance required by any of the terms of its memorandum and articles of associa-

tion or any Applicable Laws or any covenant, contract, agreement, arrangement,

understanding, decree or order to which it is a party or by which it or any of its

properties or assets is bound or affected;

(j) there are no actions, suits, proceedings, or investigations pending or, to its best

of knowledge, threatened against it at law or in equity before any court or before

any other judicial, quasi- judicial, Government Instrumentality or other authori-

ty, the outcome of which may result in the breach of this Agreement or which in-

dividually or in the aggregate may result in any material impairment of its ability

to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement;

(k) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ,

injunction or decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Government

Instrumentality which may result in any Material Adverse Effect on its ability to

perform its obligations under this Agreement and no fact or circumstance exists

which may give rise to such proceedings that would adversely affect the perfor-

mance of its obligations under this Agreement;

(l) it has complied with Applicable Laws in all material respects and has not been

subject to any fines, penalties, injunctive relief or any other civil or criminal lia-

bilities which in the aggregate have or may have a Material Adverse Effect on its

ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement;

(m) the SPV is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the jurisdiction of

its incorporation, and has requested NORTH DMC to enter into this Agreement

pursuant to the Letter of Award, and has agreed to and unconditionally accepted

the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

(n) all its rights and interests in the Project shall pass to and vest with NORTH DMC

on the Termination Date free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances

without any further act or deed on its part or that of NORTH DMC, and that none

of the Project Assets shall be acquired by it Subject to any agreement under

which a security interest or other lien or Encumbrance is retained by any person,

save and except as expressly provided in this Agreement;

(o) no representation or warranty given by it contained herein or in any other docu-

ment furnished by it to NORTH DMC or INDIANOIL, including the Bid or to any Gov-

ernment Instrumentality in relation to Applicable Permits contains or shall contain

any untrue or misleading statement of material fact or omits or shall omit to state

a material fact necessary to make such representation or warranty not misleading;

(p) no sums, in cash or kind, have been paid or shall be paid, by it or on its behalf, to

any person by way of fees, commission or otherwise for securing the Concession or

entering into this Agreement or for influencing or attempting to influence any of-

ficer or employee of the NORTH DMC or INDIANOIL in connection therewith;

(q) all information provided by the Concessionaire in response to the EOI or other-

wise, is to the best of its knowledge and belief, true and accurate in all material re-


Page 33 of 242

(r) agree that the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agreement and all

other agreements, contracts, documents and writings relating to this Agreement

constitute private and commercial acts and not public or government acts;

(s) consents generally in respect of the enforcement of any judgment against it in any

proceedings in any jurisdiction to the giving of any relief or the issue of any pro-

cess in connection with such proceedings; and

(t) the Concessionaire shall not venture into or continue any business which is in di-

rect or indirect competition with the Project. In the event the Concessionaire en-

gages in such activities, the same shall constitute a fundamental breach of this

Agreement by the Concessionaire;

(u) all undertakings and obligations of the Concessionaire arising from the EOI or RfP

or Tender (by whatsoever name they are called) or otherwise shall be binding on

the Concessionaire as if they form part of this Agreement

(v) further representations as may be added depending on the specific circumstances

of the Concessionaire.

3. Representations and Warranties of NORTH DMC

NORTH DMC represents and warrants to the Concessionaire that:

(a) it has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations un-

der this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated herein and

that it has taken all actions necessary to execute this Agreement, exercise the

rights and perform the obligations specified under this Agreement on behalf of


(b) it has taken all necessary actions under the Applicable Laws to authorize the exe-

cution, delivery and performance of this Agreement.

(c) it has the financial standing and capacity to perform its obligations under this


(d) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable

against it in accordance with the terms hereof.

(e) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ,

injunction or any decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Govern-

ment Instrumentality which may result in any material adverse effect on NORTH

DMC’s ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

4. Representations and Warranties of IndianOil

IndianOil represents and warrants to the Concessionaire that:

i. it has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations

under this Agreement to carry out the transactions contemplated herein and

that it has taken all actions necessary to execute this Agreement, exercise the

rights and perform the obligations specified under this Agreement on behalf of


ii. it has taken all necessary actions under the Applicable Laws to authorize the

execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement.

iii. it has the financial standing and capacity to perform its obligations under this


Page 34 of 242

iv. this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable

against it in accordance with the terms hereof.

v. it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ,

injunction or any decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Gov-

ernment Instrumentality which may result in any material adverse effect on its

ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

5. Disclosure

(a) In the event that any occurrence or circumstance comes to the attention of either

Party that renders any of its aforesaid representations or warranties untrue or in-

correct, such Party shall immediately notify the other Party of it. Such notifica-

tion shall not have the effect of remedying any breach of the representation or

warranty that has been found to be untrue or incorrect nor shall it adversely af-

fect or waive any right, remedy or obligation of a Party under this Agreement.

(b) Neither NORTH DMC nor any of its agents or employees shall be liable to the Con-

cessionaire in contract, tort, including negligence or breach of statutory duty,

statute or otherwise as a result of:

(i) any inaccuracy, omission, unfitness for any purpose of inadequacy of any kind

whatsoever in the data disclosed by NORTH DMC to the Concessionaire in rela-

tion to the Project; and/or

(ii) any failure to make available to the Concessionaire any materials, documents,

drawings, plans or other information relating to the Project.

Page 35 of 242

ARTICLE 8 DISCLAIMER 1. The Concessionaire acknowledges that prior to the execution of this Agreement, the

Concessionaire has, after a complete and careful examination, made an independent

evaluation of the EOI or RfP or Bid document, Scope of the Project, Specifications and

Standards, Site, existing structures, local conditions, physical qualities of ground, subsoil

and geology, and all information provided by NORTH DMC or through IndianOil or ob-

tained procured or gathered otherwise, and has determined to its satisfaction the accu-

racy or otherwise thereof and the nature and extent of difficulties, risks and hazards as

are likely to arise or may be faced by it in the course of performance of its obligations

hereunder. NORTH DMC Or IndianOil makes no representation whatsoever, express, im-

plicit or otherwise, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or com-

pleteness of any assessment, assumption, statement or information provided by it and

the Concessionaire confirms that it shall have no claim whatsoever against the NORTH

DMC or IndianOil in this regard.

2. The Concessionaire acknowledges and hereby accepts the risk of inadequacy, mistake or

error in or relating to any of the matters set forth in Clause 1 under Article 8 above and

hereby acknowledges and agrees that NORTH DMC or IndianOil shall not be liable for the

same in any manner whatsoever to the Concessionaire, Associates or any person claiming

through or under any of them.

3. The Parties agree that any mistake or error in or relating to any of the matters set forth

in Clause 1 under Article 8 above shall not vitiate this Agreement or render it voidable.

4. In the event that either Party becomes aware of any mistake or error relating to any of

the matters set forth in Clause 1 under Article 8 above, that Party shall immediately notify

the other Party, specifying the mistake or error; provided, however, that a failure on

part of the NORTH DMC or IndianOil to give any notice pursuant to this Clause 4 under

Article 8 shall not prejudice the disclaimer of the NORTH DMC or IndianOil contained in

Clause 1 under Article 8 and shall not in any manner shift to NORTH DMC or IndianOil any

risks assumed by the Concessionaire pursuant to this Agreement.

5. The Concessionaire accepts that it is solely responsible for the verification of any design,

data, documents or information provided by NORTH DMC or IndianOil, any Government

Authority or their consultants and advisors to the Concessionaire and that it shall accept

and act thereon at its own cost and risk.

6. The Concessionaire shall be solely responsible for the contents, adequacy and correct-

ness of the design, data, drawings and detailed engineering prepared or procured by the

Concessionaire for implementing the Project.

7. The Concessionaire acknowledges that the only role and responsibility of IndianOil under

the Concession Agreement is in respect of the execution and performance of the CBG Sale

and Purchase Agreement and the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement in accordance with

their respective terms. Accordingly, IndianOil has no liability or obligation under this Con-

cession Agreement and the Concessionaire and NORTH DMC acknowledge that they shall

have no rights, recourse nor shall IndianOil have any liabilities other than as specifically se

forth in the CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement and the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agree-


Page 36 of 242


The Concessionaire shall for the due and punctual performance of its obligations here-

under relating to the Project simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, fur-

nish an unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee, in favor of NORTH DMC, in the

form as set out in Schedule 6, (the “Performance Security”) for a sum of ₹

7,50,00,000/- (Rupees Seven Crore Fifty Lakh only). A fresh bank guarantee issued 1

(one) month before construction of Processing Facilities and valid until COD. Post-COD,

the Performance Security shall be reduced to [25% (twenty five per cent)] to ₹

1,87,50,000/- (Rupees One Crore Eighty Seven Lakh Fifty Thousand only) till the end of

Concession Period or till the Termination Date, as the case maybe.

The Performance Security or the amount retained by NORTH DMC as security shall be re-

turned after the expiry of 30 (thirty) days from the COD, unless this Agreement is termi-

nated earlier, in which case the Performance Security will be returned within 30 (thirty)

days from the date of termination, subject to NORTH DMC’s right to receive any

amounts from the Concessionaire under this Agreement.

The Performance Security shall secure the following:

a) the due performance of all the Concessionaire's obligations during the Construction


b) the due performance of the Concessionaire's ESHS, L&FS obligations during the

Construction Period and the O&M Period, as set out in the approved ESHS Docu-


c) the due performance of all the Concessionaire’s obligations during the O&M Peri-


9.2 Extension of Performance Security

If the Performance Security is scheduled to expire any time during the Concession Peri-

od, then the Concessionaire shall arrange for an extension of the Performance Security

at least 30 (thirty) days prior to such expiration. If the Concessionaire fails to procure

such extension or replacement, NORTH DMC shall be entitled to drawdown the total

amount available under the Performance Security and retain such amount as security

until such time that the Concessionaire submits an extension or replacement of the

Performance Security, that is scheduled to expire.

9.3 Encashment of Performance Security by NORTH DMC

The decision of NORTH DMC as to any breach/ delay having been committed, liability

accrued or loss or damage caused or suffered shall be conclusive, absolute and binding

on the Concessionaire and the Concessionaire specifically confirms and agrees that no

proof of any amount of liability accrued or loss or damages caused or suffered by NORTH

DMC under this Concession Agreement is required to be provided in connection with any

demand made by NORTH DMC to recover such compensation through appropriation of

the relevant amounts from the Performance Security under this Agreement.

In the event of encashment of the Performance Security by NORTH DMC, in full or part,

the Concessionaire shall within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the encashment notice from

NORTH DMC provide a fresh Performance Security or replenish (in case of partial appro-

priation) the existing Performance Security, as the case may be. The provisions of this

Page 37 of 242

Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to such fresh Performance Security. The Conces-

sionaire’s failure to comply with this provision shall constitute a default or breach of the

Concession Agreement by the Concessionaire, which shall entitle NORTH DMC to termi-

nate this Concession Agreement in accordance with the provisions hereof.

Provided that if the Agreement is terminated due to any event other than a Concession-

aire Event of Default, the Performance Security if subsisting as of the Termination Date

shall subject to NORTH DMC’s right to receive amounts, if any, due from the Conces-

sionaire under this Agreement, be duly discharged and released to the Concessionaire.

9.4 Utilization of retained amount:

NORTH DMC shall be entitled to utilize the retained amount in the same manner as it

would utilize the Performance Security.

i. Upon receipt of a renewed or replacement Performance Security within 30 (thirty)

days of the expiry / termination of the Agreement, NORTH DMC shall return the unu-

tilized security amount for the Performance Security to the Concessionaire.

ii. The interest earned on any retained amounts on cash security shall be the property of

NORTH DMC and NORTH DMC shall not be required to account to the Concessionaire

for any such interest.

NORTH DMC shall have the right to draw on the Performance Security and claim up to the

amount guaranteed upon the Concessionaire's failure to satisfy any Condition Precedent

or honour any of its obligations, responsibilities or commitments during the Construction

Period, or during the O&M Period, or any amount due and payable by the Concessionaire

to NORTH DMC (including any Delay Liquidated Damages), in accordance with this


NORTH DMC shall further have the right to draw on the Performance Security and claim

up to the amount guaranteed upon the Concessionaire's failure to honour any of its obli-

gations, responsibilities or commitments during the Agreement.

Bank Guarantees would not be released in case of breach by the Concessionaire of any of

the terms of the Agreement.

9.5 Cost to be borne by Concessionaire:

The cost of procuring the Performance Security or any renewal/replenishment thereof

shall be borne solely by the Concessionaire.

9.6 Demand under Performance Securities

NORTH DMC shall not be required to give any prior notice to the Concessionaire of its in-

tention to make a demand under the Performance Security, as the case may be. Howev-

er, NORTH DMC shall provide the Concessionaire with a copy of any demand notice is-

sued by them under the Performance Security, simultaneously with the issuance of the

demand notice to the Scheduled Bank that has issued the relevant Performance Security.

If NORTH DMC makes a demand under any Performance Security, in part or in full, the

Concessionaire shall immediately and in no event later than 15 (fifteen) days of such

demand, restore the value of such Performance Security, to the amount stated in Sub-

Clause 9.1.

9.7 Release of Performance Security by NORTH DMC

Within 30 (thirty) days from the termination of this Agreement, the Performance Security

Page 38 of 242

or, as the case may be, the amount retained by NORTH DMC as cash security, shall be re-

leased to the Concessionaire after the expiry of 30 (thirty) days from the termination of

this Agreement, subject to NORTH DMC’s right to receive any amounts from the Con-

cessionaire upon Transfer Date.

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ARTICLE 10 THE SITES 10.1. The Sites

The Sites of the Project Facilities shall comprise of the land as described in Schedule 7,

and in respect of which the Rights of Way shall be provided and granted by NORTH DMC

to the Concessionaire on a leave and license basis under and in accordance with this

Agreement (the “Sites”).

The Sites would include (but not limited to) land for setting up of WtE Project Facilities

including but not limited to a Waste to Energy Plant(s) for daily pro-

cessing/recycling/disposal of the mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), associated pro-

cessing facility(ies), Material Recovery Facility(ies), Sanitary Landfill Site (SLF) and

other facilities of similar nature, as per requirement, of design capacity of 2500 tonnes

per day (TPD).

Without prejudice and subject to the Agreement, the ownership of the Project except

Sites, including all improvements made therein by the Concessionaire, during the Con-

cession Period, shall at all times remain with the Concessionaire.

10.2. Grant of License over the Site

10.2.1. NORTH DMC shall grant the Concessionaire a license over the Site along with all neces-

sary Rights of Way, to enter upon, access and occupy the Sites, free of all Encumbrances

upon payment of nominal land rental of ₹ 1 per sqm per annum in accordance with this

Article 10, Applicable Laws, and Applicable Permits. The license granted to the Conces-

sionaire shall include the exclusive right to:

(a) design, construct, commission, operate and maintain during the O&M Period, the

Project Facilities necessary for implementation of the Project at various Sites, in

accordance with all Applicable Laws;

(b) install, operate, use, maintain, and remove such equipment, devices or other

structures and improvements on, over, or under the Sites, as may be necessary or

appropriate for the operations and activities required or permitted under this


(c) use Access Roads, gates, fences and utilities at or about the Sites;

(d) construct, use, operate, maintain, replace and repair electric lines, telecommuni-

cation lines, water supply networks and other utilities required to undertake the

Project at the Sites.

10.2.2. On and from the Compliance Date and subject to the provisions of this Agreement,

NORTH DMC shall grant the Concessionaire: (i) license over the Sites including the exclu-

sive right to occupy and use the Sites to construct the Project Facilities; and (ii) all nec-

essary Rights of Way to the Sites. Any charges payable for obtaining the Right of Way

will be paid directly by North DMC.

10.2.3. NORTH DMC shall provide the Site to the Concessionaire free of Encumbrances and en-

croachments as a Condition Precedent. If the Concessionaire discovers any hazardous

substances at the time of handover of the Site by NORTH DMC, NORTH DMC will remove

such hazardous substances at its own cost and expense. The Concessionaire’s ac-

ceptance of the Sites at the time of NORTH DMC’s handover/giving access to the Sites

shall be deemed to be unconditional acceptance and that there was no hazardous sub-

stance or any possible form of obstruction to the project at the time of handover of

Page 40 of 242

Sites and concessionaire shall be barred from raising any such issues, whatsoever, after

the handover or having access to the Sites.

10.2.4. The Concessionaire shall not without the prior written consent or approval of NORTH DMC

use the Sites for any purpose other than to undertake the Project and purposes inci-

dental thereto, as permitted under this Agreement or as may be otherwise approved by


10.2.5. The full ownership and title over the Sites shall vest with NORTH DMC for the entire Con-

cession Period.

10.2.6. NORTH DMC warrants that the Concessionaire shall, subject to complying with the terms

and conditions of this Agreement, occupy the Sites, from such time that access is granted

to the Concessionaire and until the expiry of the Concession Period or early termination

of this Agreement. If the Concessionaire is obstructed by any Person claiming any right,

title or interest in or over the Sites or any part thereof or in the event of any enforce-

ment action including any attachment, distraint, appointment of receiver or liquidator

being initiated by any Person claiming to have a charge on the Site or any part thereof,

NORTH DMC shall, if called upon by the Concessionaire, defend such claims and proceed-


10.2.7. Subject to any substitution rights exercised by the Lenders, the license granted by

NORTH DMC shall automatically terminate upon termination of this Agreement or expiry

of the Concession Period.

10.2.8. The Concessionaire hereby irrevocably appoints NORTH DMC (or its nominee) to be its

true and lawful attorney, to execute and sign in the name of the Concessionaire a trans-

fer or surrender of the rights granted hereunder at any time after the Concession Period

has expired or has been Terminated in terms hereof, whichever is earlier, a sufficient

proof of which shall be the declaration of any duly authorized officer of NORTH DMC,

and the Concessionaire consents to it being registered for this purpose.

10.2.9. Termination of the Agreement shall automatically terminate the license granted over the

Sites handed over to the Concessionaire.

10.3. Site Data and Verification

10.3.1. NORTH DMC has made available to the Concessionaire, the layout plans in NORTH DMC's

possession in connection with the Sites. The Concessionaire shall be deemed to have ob-

tained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances

which may influence or affect the implementation of the Project at the Sites.

10.3.2. The Concessionaire shall also be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site

and its surroundings, analyzed and verified the accuracy and reliability of the layout

plan & general data provided by NORTH DMC and any other information available with

respect to the Sites and to have satisfied itself as to all the relevant matters includ-


(a) the nature of the Site, including the subsurface, hydrological, climatic and general

physical conditions of the Site after carrying out necessary technical studies at the

cost & efforts of Concessionaire;

(b) the suitability of the Site for undertaking the construction and operation of the

Project after carrying out necessary technical studies at the cost & efforts of Con-


Page 41 of 242

(c) the condition of the utilities available till the battery limits of the Sites;

(d) the extent, nature and availability of labour, material, transport, accommoda-

tion, storage facilities and other facilities and resources necessary to undertake

the Project;

(e) the nature of design, construction work and O&M services necessary for the per-

formance of its obligations under this Agreement;

(f) Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits required to be obtained and maintained to

undertake the Project;

(g) the risk of injury or damage to Adjoining Property and to the occupiers of such

property or any other risk;

(h) the suitability and adequacy of any access roads to the Sites and other utilities and

facilities to be provided by the relevant Government Authority; and

(i) all other matters that may affect the performance of its obligations under this


Subject to Clause 10.3, the Concessionaire acknowledges and agrees that if any error

or discrepancy is subsequently discovered in the data made available by NORTH DMC,

then NORTH DMC shall have no liability for the same. The Concessionaire shall not be

entitled to any extension on this count, nor shall it be open to the Concessionaire to

justify any default or delay on the ground of the Concessionaire having not visited or

acquainted itself with the Sites and Sites’ conditions in any manner whatsoever. Fur-

ther, any misinterpretation of the data, studies and reports provided by NORTH DMC

shall not relieve the Concessionaire from the performance of its obligations under this

Agreement on the ground that it could not reasonably be expected to have foreseen

any of the matters listed in Clause 10.3 above, which affect or may affect the Project

or the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement.

10.4. Unforeseen Site Conditions

Without prejudice to Clause 10.3 above, if during the execution of the Project, the

Concessionaire encounters any adverse physical conditions, which could not have been

reasonably foreseen by acting in accordance with Good Industry Practices, the Conces-

sionaire may seek a Variation in accordance with Article 28. Upon receipt of a request for

a Variation due to unforeseen Site conditions, if, in the opinion and sole discretion of

NORTH DMC, such conditions could not have been reasonably foreseen by a prudent de-

veloper acting in accordance with Good Industry Practices, then NORTH DMC shall ap-

prove Variation to the relevant provisions of the Agreement in accordance with Article 28.

Any decision of NORTH DMC regarding the existence of any unforeseen Site conditions

shall be final and binding on the Concessionaire.

10.5. Site Related Covenants

The Concessionaire agrees and undertakes that:

(a) the Concessionaire shall not transfer, alienate, assign, dispose of, sub-license or cre-

ate any Security over any part of the Site or its rights and interest in the Site, other

than as specifically permitted under this Agreement;

(b) the Concessionaire shall not allow any encroachment on, or unauthorized occupation

of any part of the Site and in the event of any encroachment or unauthorized occupa-

tion, the Concessionaire shall immediately cause such encroachment or any unauthor-

Page 42 of 242

ized occupants to be removed from the Site. The Concessionaire shall not be entitled

to any extension of time or costs incurred in removal of any encroachment or any un-

authorized occupants from the Site;

(c) the grant of any rights to a Sub-Contractor or any other third party shall not interfere

with or hinder the performance of the Concessionaire's obligations under this Agree-


(d) the Concessionaire shall be wholly responsible for safety at and security of the Sites

and the Project Facilities developed;

(e) the Concessionaire shall take all necessary measures to confine its operations, per-

sonnel and equipment to the Site and not encroach on any Adjoining Property;

(f) all minerals, fossils, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or

things of geological or archaeological interest and other objects with historic, antique

or monetary value discovered at, on or under any of the Sites shall be dealt with in

accordance with Applicable Laws and the Concessionaire shall take all necessary pre-

cautions to prevent its or its Sub-Contractor's personnel from removing or damaging

any such article or thing. Further, immediately upon the discovery of any such article

or thing of value, the Concessionaire shall inform NORTH DMC of such discovery and

carry out the instructions of NORTH DMC in this regard;

(g) the Concessionaire shall make good any damage to any roads, footpaths, conduits,

and other works on any Adjoining Property, which is caused by the Concessionaire or

the Concessionaire Related Parties;

(h) the Concessionaire shall not to do or permit to be done anything which might:

(i) cause destruction, scarring or defacing of natural surroundings in the vicinity

of the Site;

(ii) be or become a danger or nuisance or give rise to liability in tort to any own-

ers or occupiers of the Adjoining Property or to members of the public; or

(iii) cause any contamination or damage to any Adjoining Property, and the Con-

cessionaire shall, at its own expense, take all reasonable measures and

precautions to avoid any such danger, nuisance, tort, damage or interfer-

ence and shall make good any damage so caused.

If the construction works and/or the O&M services cannot be carried out without

interfering with the rights of the owner or occupier of any Adjoining Property, the

Concessionaire shall promptly and at its own cost obtain all necessary third party

consents and/or the approval of the concerned Government Authority(ies) to un-

dertake such construction works and/or the O&M services. NORTH DMC shall pro-

vide all assistance to the Concessionaire for procuring such approvals.

(i) The Concessionaire shall not sub-license whole or any part of the Sites.

(j) The Concessionaire shall obtain and maintain the Applicable Permits in such sequence

as is consistent with the requirements of the Project. The Concessionaire shall be re-

sponsible and shall be in compliance with the terms and conditions subject to which

Applicable Permits have been issued.

(k) During the Concession Period, the Concessionaire shall protect the Sites from any and

all occupations, encroachments or Encumbrances, and shall not place or create nor

permit any Contractor or other person claiming through or under the Concessionaire

Page 43 of 242

to place or create any Encumbrance or security interest over all or any part of the

Sites or the Project Facilities, or on any rights of the Concessionaire therein or under

this Agreement, save and except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement.

(l) The Concessionaire may landscape and develop the Sites and regulate the use thereof

in accordance with the Good Industry Practice and in conformity with the provisions

of this Agreement.

10.6. Access to NORTH DMC Related Parties and INDIANOIL Related Parties

10.6.1. The Concessionaire shall ensure that NORTH DMC Related Parties, and INDIANOIL Parties

have access to the Sites and the license granted to the Concessionaire over the Site shall

always be subject to:

(a) the rights of NORTH DMC and / or NORTH DMC’s Representative, INDIANOIL

and/or INDIANOIL’s Representative and other NORTH DMC Related Parties or IN-

DIANOIL Related Parties to enter upon and access the Site to inspect and monitor

the progress of the Project, and for the exercise of their rights and the perfor-

mance of their obligations under this Agreement, provided that NORTH DMC and

INDIANOIL shall ensure that the exercise of the inspection or monitoring rights do

not impede or obstruct the construction and/or operation of the Project in any

manner whatsoever; and

(b) the rights of the utility providers to enter upon and access the Sites for laying or

installing telegraph lines, electric lines or for any other public purpose.

10.7. Sites to be free from Encumbrances

The Sites shall be made available by NORTH DMC to the Concessionaire pursuant hereto

free from all Encumbrances and occupations and upon payment of nominal land rental of

₹ 1 per sqm per annum to the NORTH DMC for the acquisition and use of such Sites for

the duration of the Concession Period, except insofar as otherwise expressly provided in

this Agreement. For avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that existing Rights of Way, ease-

ments, privileges, liberties and appurtenances to the Sites shall not be deemed to be

Encumbrances. It is further agreed that the Concessionaire accepts and undertakes to

bear any and all risks arising out of the inadequacy or physical condition of the Sites.

Page 44 of 242

ARTICLE 11 UTILITIES AND ASSOCIATED ROADS 11.1. Existing utilities and roads

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Concessionaire shall en-

sure that the Government Instrumentalities owning the existing roads, Right of Way or

utilities, on, under or above the Site are enabled by it to keep such utilities in continu-

ous satisfactory use, if necessary, by providing suitable temporary or permanent diver-

sions with NORTH DMC of the relevant Government Instrumentality. Further, the NORTH

DMC shall, upon written request from the Concessionaire, initiate and undertake at its

own cost, legal proceedings for acquisition of any Right of Way necessary for such diver-


11.2. Shifting of obstructing utilities

The Concessionaire shall, subject to Applicable Laws, provisions of Applicable Permits and

with the assistance of NORTH DMC, undertake shifting of any utility, including electric

lines, water pipes and telephone cables, to an appropriate location or alignment within

or outside the Site, if and only if such utility causes or shall cause a Material Adverse Ef-

fect on the construction, operation or maintenance of Project. The cost of such shifting

shall be borne by the Concessionaire, and in the event of any delay in shifting thereof,

the Concessionaire shall be excused for failure to perform any of its obligations hereun-

der if such failure is a direct consequence of delay on the part of the entity owning such

electric lines, water pipes or telephone cables, as the case maybe.

11.3. Felling of Trees

NORTH DMC shall assist the Concessionaire in procuring the Applicable Permits for

felling of trees to be identified by the Concessionaire for this purpose if and only if such

trees cause a Material Adverse Effect on the construction, operation or maintenance of

the Project. In the event of any delay in felling thereof for reasons beyond the control of

the Concessionaire, it shall in the sole discretion of NORTH DMC, be excused for failure to

perform any of its obligations hereunder if such failure is a direct consequence of delay in

the felling of trees. For avoidance of doubt, the costs and expense in respect of felling

of trees shall be borne by the Concessionaire and any revenues thereof shall be paid to


Page 45 of 242


12.1.1. The Concessionaire expressly agrees and undertakes that it shall itself be responsible to

arrange for financing and/ or meeting all financing requirements for the Project at its

cost and shall enter into Financing Agreements with the Lenders, if required, for the

same. To this end, NORTH DMC and IndianOil as CBG and Ethanol Off-taker shall co-

operate with the Concessionaire to achieve Financial Closure, including providing such

consents and waivers as may be reasonably required by the Lenders.

12.1.2. The Concessionaire hereby agrees and undertakes that it shall achieve Financial Closure

within 90 (ninety) days from the date of this Agreement and in the event of delay, it

shall be entitled to a further period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days, subject to payment

of Damages to the NORTH DMC in a sum calculated at the rate of 0.1% (zero point one

per cent) of the Performance Security for each day of delay.

12.1.3. In case of a Concessionaire Event of Default, NORTH DMC acknowledges that the Lenders

will have a right to substitute the Concessionaire in accordance with Article 25 and the

Substitution Agreement. The NORTH DMC will suspend its right to step- in or terminate

this Agreement until the expiry of the period available to the Lenders to exercise their

substitution rights under Article 25.

12.1.4. The Concessionaire shall, upon occurrence of Financial Closure, notify NORTH DMC

forthwith, and shall have provided to NORTH DMC, at least 2 (two) days prior to Finan-

cial Closure, 3 (three) true copies of the Financial Package and the Financial Model, duly

attested by a Director of the Concessionaire, along with 3 (three) soft copies of the Fi-

nancial Model in Microsoft Excel version or any substitute thereof, which is acceptable to

the Senior Lenders.

12.1.5. The Concessionaire shall maintain books of accounts recording all its receipts (including

fees and other revenues derived/collected by it from or on account of any of the Project

Facilities and/or its use), income, expenditure, payments assets and liabilities, in accord-

ance with this Agreement, Good Industry Practice, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

12.1.6. The Concessionaire shall not make any addition, replacement or amendments to any of the

Financing Agreements without the prior written consent of NORTH DMC if such addition,

replacement or amendment has, or may have, the effect of imposing or increasing any fi-

nancial liability or obligation on NORTH DMC, and in the event that any replacement or

amendment is made without such consent, the Concessionaire shall not enforce such re-

placement or amendment nor permit enforcement thereof against NORTH DMC. For avoid-

ance of doubt, NORTH DMC acknowledges and agrees that it shall not unreasonably with-

hold its consent for restructuring or rescheduling of the debt of the Concessionaire.

12.2. Security Creation

12.2.1. The Concessionaire shall be entitled to create assignment by way of Security over all

of its rights, title and interests in and to the Concession Agreement in favour of the

Lenders for the purpose of obtaining Financial Assistance for the Project, provided

that the creation of such Security will not result in any financial liability to NORTH

DMC and provided that the CBG and Ethanol to be provided to IndianOil shall be free

from all encumbrances.

12.2.2. Except for any Security created by operation of law and any Security created pursu-

ant to this Article 12.2, the Concessionaire shall not be entitled to create any other

Page 46 of 242

Security over the Concession Agreement, or insurance policies taken by it in favour of

any third Persons, without the prior written consent of NORTH DMC or over the CBG

and Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement without prior written consent of Indianoil,

which consent NORTH DMC and/or INDIANOIL may deny in its sole discretion.

12.2.3. The Concessionaire shall not be entitled to create any Security over the Site or any

part thereof, or any of the Project Facilities whether in favour of the Lenders or any

third Persons.

12.3. Termination due to failure to achieve Financial Closure

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in the event that

Financial Closure does not occur, for any reason whatsoever, within the period set forth

in this Article or the extended period provided thereunder, all rights, privileges, claims

and entitlements of the Concessionaire under or arising out of this Agreement shall be

deemed to have been waived by, and to have ceased with the concurrence of the Con-

cessionaire, and the Concession Agreement shall be deemed to have been terminated by

mutual agreement of the Parties. In case of Termination due to such event, NORTH

DMC shall have the right to forfeit the Performance Security and/or bid security and In-

dianOil shall have the right to forfeit CBG and Ethanol Security, unless such Financial

Closure is not achieved due to failure of part of IndianOil to execute the CBG and Etha-

nol Sale and Purchase Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that in the

event the Parties hereto have, by mutual consent, determined the Compliance Date to

precede the Financial Closure, the provisions of this Article shall not apply.

12.4. Substitution Agreement

The Concessionaire hereby agrees and undertakes that it shall signthe Substitution Agree-

ment within 30 days from the date of Financial Closure or as per the timelines decided by

the Lenders. This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Concessionaire. Provided, how-

ever, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Lenders may be given the right of substi-

tution by execution of the Substitution Agreement in the form annexed hereto as Schedule


The Lenders may exercise the rights of step in or substitution as provided in the Substitu-

tion Agreement provided that the Nominated Company substituting the Concessionaire

shall enjoy all rights and be responsible for performing/ fulfilling all obligations of the Con-

cessionaire under this Agreement. Provided that in the event the Lenders are unable to

substitute the Concessionaire by Nominated Company as per the provisions of the Substitu-

tion Agreement, NORTH DMC shall proceed to terminate the Agreement.

Page 47 of 242


13.1. NORTH DMC shall at all times, during the Concession Period have the right to enter

upon and access the Site. The Concessionaire shall have the right to accompany North

DMC during its inspection of the Project Facilities.

13.2. The Concessionaire shall provide free & unhindered access, information, data to all the

inspecting / reviewing agencies as per relevant provisions of this Agreement, Statutory

approvals that are to be maintained during the construction as well as operation &

maintenance phase of the WtE plant.

13.3. The periodic inspection of facilities, review of progress & certification on achievement of

construction related milestones shall be done by a Project Management Unit (the “PMU”).

The PMU shall comprise members from North DMC, IndianOil, the Concessionaire & an in-

dependent agency of GNCTD to be roped in by North DMC as per the scope of inspection,


13.4. During the Construction Period, NORTH DMC may inspect the Project Facilities at

least once a month and prepare an inspection report, setting out the progress of the

construction of the Project Facilities, defects or deficiencies, if any, and status of

compliance with the Construction Plan, Specifications and Standards, and Designs and

Drawings. NORTH DMC shall send the report to the Concessionaire within 7 (seven)

days of such inspection, pursuant to which, the Concessionaire shall be required to

rectify the defects or deficiencies, if any.

13.5. During the O&M Period, NORTH DMC may inspect the Project Facilities at least once

a month and prepare an inspection report, setting out the defects or deficiencies, if

any, and status of compliance with the KPIs (including specifically, the Influent

Standards and the Discharge Standards). NORTH DMC shall send the report to the

Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of such inspection, pursuant to which, the Conces-

sionaire shall be required to rectify the defects or deficiencies, if any. NORTH DMC shall

also have the right to verify the results of the tests undertaken by the Concessionaire at

any time during the O&M Period of the quality of the compost, CBG, Ethanol or any oth-

er products or by-products created during waste management processes which are in-

tended to be sold in the market.

13.6. NORTH DMC shall, at all times, have the right to attend any meetings held by the

Concessionaire to review the progress of the construction or O&M of the Project Fa-

cilities, and to provide its comments/suggestions regarding the progress as well as

the manner in which the construction works, or O&M services is being undertaken.

Neither any comments/suggestions provided by NORTH DMC nor any failure to provide

comments/suggestions shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the construction

works or the O&M services or a waiver of the Concessionaire's obligations to imple-

ment the Project, in accordance with this Agreement, the Technical Specifications,

the Designs and Drawings, the ESHS Documents, and all Applicable Laws and Applica-

ble Permits.

13.7. The Concessionaire agrees that notwithstanding any review by the Project Manage-

ment Unit of any or all of the construction works or O&M services, the Concessionaire

shall bear all risk, responsibility and liability for the quality, adequacy and suitability

of the Project Facilities.

13.8. The detailed scope of work of Inspection is set out in Schedule 10

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ARTICLE 14 CONSTRUCTION PERIOD 1.1. Commencement and Duration

The period for construction of the Project Facilities shall commence on and from the

Compliance Date and shall continue until the Construction Completion Date (the “Con-

struction Period”). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the

Concessionaire shall, prior to the Compliance Date, be entitled to commence:

(a) soil or geophysical investigation or testing at the Sites; and

(b) appointment of Sub-Contractors for the construction works for the Project Facilities,

with the prior approval of NORTH DMC.

1.2. Designs and Drawings

1.2.1. Basic Engineering Designs

(a) The Concessionaire shall prepare the Basic Engineering Designs in accordance with

the Technical Specifications, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits. The Basic

Engineering Designs shall be drawn to scale, with accurate dimensions, to mini-

mize construction delays, disputes and to ensure smooth construction of the Pro-

ject Facilities and submitted in accordance with Schedule 11. The Project Facili-

ties should be designed in a manner such that the Concessionaire can obtain con-

sent to operate from the State Pollution Control Board for the operation of the

Project Facilities. The Basic Engineering Designs should also specify the Proposed

Technology(ies) for the implementation of the Project.

(b) Within 30 (thirty) days from the Execution Date, the Concessionaire shall submit

4 (four) hard copies and 1 (one) soft copy of the draft Basic Engineering Designs


(c) NORTH DMC reserves the right to offer review and comments on the Drawings &

Documents submitted by the Concessionaire.

(d) NORTH DMC may require the Concessionaire to amend or modify the draft Basic En-

gineering Designs if NORTH DMC identifies any deficiencies, inaccuracies or short-

comings in the draft Basic Engineering Designs. If the Concessionaire receives any

comments, suggestions or instructions to modify the draft Basic Engineering De-

signs from NORTH DMC, then the Concessionaire shall modify the draft Basic Engi-

neering Designs to correct any such shortcomings, inaccuracies or deficiencies

and/or address, in writing, NORTH DMC comments on the draft Basic Engineering

Designs and submit the revised Basic Engineering Designs to NORTH DMC within 10

(ten) days of receipt of comments. For the avoidance of doubt, submission of Basic

Engineering Designs to NORTH DMC shall not relieve the Concessionaire of its obli-

gations to prepare the Basic Engineering Design in accordance with Technical Spec-

ifications, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

(e) Use of Proposed Technology:

(i) The Concessionaire shall design and develop the Project on the basis of

the Proposed Technology, as part of the Designs and Drawings.

(ii) Upon the expiry or early termination of this Agreement, the Concession-

aire shall assign the license and related rights to use the Proposed Tech-

nology for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining the Project at

no additional cost to NORTH DMC.

Page 49 of 242

(iii) The Concessionaire shall indemnify NORTH DMC for any claims, losses,

damages and costs suffered by NORTH DMC or as a result of an infringe-

ment of any third party's Intellectual Property Rights caused by the oper-

ation and use of the Project Facilities.

1.2.2. The Concessionaire shall construct the Project Facilities strictly in accordance with the

applicable Standards, Codes, Designs and Drawings

1.2.3. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall bear

all risk, responsibility and liability for the suitability, accuracy, adequacy and practicali-

ty of the Designs and Drawings. Subject to satisfaction of Conditions Precedent set out

in Article 4, the Concessionaire shall not be entitled to any extension of time and/or

costs incurred in the preparation of the Designs and Drawings and complying with the

requirements of this Article.

1.3. Construction Plan

1.3.1. Within 30 (thirty) days from the Execution Date, the Concessionaire shall prepare and

submit to NORTH DMC a detailed Construction Plan. The Construction Plan shall set out:

(a) The detailed plan for completing the construction (the “Construction Completion

Schedule” as set out in Schedule 12) of the Project Facilities by the Scheduled

Construction Completion Date; specific activities and extent of construction work

to be performed by the Concessionaire to achieve completion of the construction

of the Project Facilities by the Scheduled Construction Completion Date and

(b) the order in which the Concessionaire proposes to execute the construction of

the Project Facilities.

1.3.2. NORTH DMC shall review and provide comments, if any, on the draft Construction Plan

to the Concessionaire or notify the Concessionaire of its approval of the draft Construc-

tion Plan within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the draft Construction Plan

from the Concessionaire. NORTH DMC may require the Concessionaire to amend or

modify the draft Construction Plan if NORTH DMC identifies any deficiencies or short-

comings in the draft Construction Plan. If the Concessionaire receives any comments,

suggestions or instructions to modify the draft Construction Plan from NORTH DMC,

then the Concessionaire shall incorporate the suggestions made by NORTH DMC and

modify the draft Construction Plan to address any such comments, shortcomings or de-

ficiencies identified by NORTH DMC. Thereafter, the Concessionaire shall submit the re-

vised Construction Plan to NORTH DMC for its approval. The process set out in this

Clause shall continue until the Construction Plan is approved by NORTH DMC in ac-

cordance with this Clause.

1.3.3. The Concessionaire shall develop and construct the Project Facilities strictly in ac-

cordance with the approved Construction Plan. The Concessionaire shall not deviate

from or make any subsequent modification or amendment to the approved Construc-

tion Plan without the prior written approval of NORTH DMC. The Concessionaire shall

not commence construction of any part of the Project Facilities prior to approval of

the Construction Plan in accordance with this Clause.

1.3.4. Notwithstanding any approval of the Construction Plan by NORTH DMC, the Conces-

sionaire shall, be solely liable for completing the construction of the Project Facilities

by the Scheduled Construction Completion Date.

Page 50 of 242

1.3.5. The Concessionaire shall submit a consolidated Construction Plan for the Project Facili-


1.4. ESHS Documents

1.4.1. Within 45 (forty-five) days from the Execution Date, the Concessionaire shall prepare

and submit 4 (four) hard copies and 1 (one) soft copy on a compact disc of the ESHS Doc-

uments to NORTH DMC in the format prescribed in Schedule 13.

1.4.2. The ESHS Documents shall set out the Project Facilities specific health, safety and envi-

ronment policies, guidelines and procedures to be followed by the Concessionaire in un-

dertaking the Project, developed in accordance with the applicable safeguard poli-

cies/performance standards/Applicable Laws, the ESMF, this Agreement, Applicable Per-

mits, and Good Industry Practices.

1.4.3. The ESHS Documents shall comprise the following:

(a) Safeguard Documents:

As part of the Safeguard Documents, the Concessionaire shall be required to:

(i) submit an environment and social impact assessment report (the “ESIA; and

(ii) prepare the environmental management plan (the “EMP”).

(b) Safety Documents:

As part of the Safety Documents, the Concessionaire shall be required to prepare

the following:

(i) environment, social, health and safety management plan (the “ESHSMP”);

(ii) environmental, social, health and safety management strategies and imple-

mentation plan (the “ESHS-MSIP”). The ESHS-MSIP shall be prepared on the

basis of the template of requirements as set out in Schedule 13. The ESHS-

MSIP shall include the following, for the purposes of managing the key ESHS

risks in relation to the Project:

(A) traffic management plan to ensure safety of local communities

from construction traffic;

(B) water resource protection plan to prevent contamination of drink-

ing water;

(C) boundary marking and protection strategy for mobilization and

construction to prevent offsite adverse impacts; and

(D) strategy for obtaining Concessionaire Applicable Permits prior to

the start of relevant works.

(c) Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct shall be prepared on the basis of the requirements set out in

Schedule 13. The Code of Conduct shall apply to the Concessionaire's employees and

subcontractors and shall set out the ESHS obligations of the Concessionaire under the

Agreement relating to risks associated with labor influx, spread of communicable

diseases, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, illicit behaviour and crime, and

maintaining a safe environment etc. The Code of Conduct shall also set out the

manner in which the Code of Conduct will be implemented, including how it will be

introduced into conditions of employment/engagement, what training will be pro-

Page 51 of 242

vided, how it will be monitored and how the Concessionaire proposes to deal with

any breaches.

(d) In the ESHS, the Concessionaire shall also be required to provide details of the core

team of 3 (three) people for implementation of the Concessionaire's ESHS obliga-

tions, comprising:(i) health expert and safety specialist;(ii) an environmental spe-

cialist; and (iii) social specialist, who meet the minimum qualification require-

ments specified in Schedule 13.

(e) Within 30 (thirty) days from the Execution Date, the Concessionaire shall prepare

and submit 4 (four) hard copies and 1 (one) soft copy of Labour Influx and Workers

Camp Management Plan to NORTH DMC that addresses specific activities that will be

undertaken to minimize the impact on the local community, including elements such

as codes of conduct, training programs on HIV/AIDS, etc. A Workers’ Camp Manage-

ment Plan addresses specific aspects of the establishment and operation of workers’


This Labor Influx and Workers‟ Camp Management Plan will include:

(i) mandatory and repeated training and awareness raising for the workforce

about refraining from unacceptable conduct toward local community mem-

bers, specifically women;

(ii) informing workers about national laws that make sexual harassment and gen-

der- based violence a punishable offence which is prosecuted;

(iii) introducing a Worker Code of Conduct as part of the employment contract,

and including sanctions for non-compliance (e.g., termination), manual scav-

enging, engagement with local residents, child labor, nondiscrimination, har-

assment of coworkers including women and those belonging to Scheduled

Castes and Schedules Tribes and other minority social groups,

(iv) contractors adopting a policy to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in

investigating complaints about gender-based violence.

(v) training programs on HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases,

(vi) workers’ Camp Management Plan addressing specific aspects of the estab-

lishment and operation of workers‟ camps provided NORTH DMC is unable to

cater to the demand for affordable housing for this additional workforce in

terms of rentals, hostels, apartments, etc.; and

(vii) complaint handling mechanism at the Project level.

1.4.4. NORTH DMC may provide comments, if any, on the draft ESHS Documents to the Conces-

sionaire within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the draft ESHS Documents

from the Concessionaire. NORTH DMC may require the Concessionaire to amend or modi-

fy the draft ESHS Documents if NORTH DMC identifies any deficiencies or shortcomings in

the draft ESHS Documents. If the Concessionaire receives any comments, suggestions or

instructions to modify the draft ESHS Documents from NORTH DMC, then the Conces-

sionaire shall modify the draft ESHS Documents to address any such comments, short-

comings or deficiencies identified by NORTH DMC. Thereafter, the Concessionaire shall

submit the revised ESHS Documents to NORTH DMC. The process set out in this Clause

shall continue until the ESHS Documents are completed by the Concessionaire.

1.4.5. The Concessionaire shall ensure that its Sub-contractors comply with and conform in all

Page 52 of 242

aspects of the ESHS Documents, approved in accordance with this Clause 1.4.4, in exe-

cuting the Project. Any failure of the Concessionaire or the Sub-Contractors to comply

with the ESHS Documents shall constitute a Concessionaire Event of Default. The Con-

cessionaire shall indemnify NORTH DMC against all costs, expenses, penalties and liabili-

ties incurred/suffered by NORTH DMC due to the Concessionaire's failure to comply with

the ESHS Documents in the course of execution of the Project. The Concessionaire shall

not deviate from or make any subsequent modification or amendment to the ESHS Docu-


1.4.6. Neither any comments on the ESHS Documents by NORTH DMC, nor any failure to review

and provide comments on the ESHS Documents shall excuse any failure by the Conces-

sionaire to adopt proper and recognized safety and environment friendly practices during

the execution of the Project. The Concessionaire shall bear all risk, responsibility and li-

ability for the accuracy and adequacy of the final ESHS Documents in ensuring compli-

ance with the applicable safeguard policies/performance standards/Applicable Laws, the

ESMF, this Agreement, Applicable Permits and Good Industry Practices in the execution of

the Project. The Concessionaire shall not be entitled to any extension of time and/or

costs incurred in preparation of the ESHS Documents and complying with the require-

ments of Clause 1.4.4 in this article.

1.5. Sub-contracting

1.5.1. The Concessionaire may enter into Sub-Contracts to perform any part of its Scope of Work

during the Construction Period, with the prior intimation to NORTH DMC.

1.5.2. The Concessionaire shall provide a copy of each proposed Sub-Contract, along with details

of the relevant Sub-Contractor, for the record to NORTH DMC, which should set out the

precise Scope of Work to be Sub-contracted to such Sub-Contractor and should be con-

sistent with the terms of this Agreement.

1.5.3. The Concessionaire shall be responsible for the supervision and monitoring of the perfor-

mance of any work or services by the Sub-Contractor.

1.5.4. If the Concessionaire proposes to novate or replace a Sub-Contract after submission of de-

tails as required under Article 14.5.2 above, then such novation or replacement shall also

be intimated to NORTH DMC.

1.5.5. The Concessionaire shall be and remain liable under this Agreement for all work and ser-

vices subcontracted under this Agreement and for all acts, omissions or defaults of any

Sub- Contractor. No default under any Sub-Contract shall excuse the Concessionaire from

its obligations or liabilities under this Agreement. All references in this Agreement to any

act, default, omission, breach or negligence of the Concessionaire shall be construed to

include any such act, default, omission, breach or negligence of the Sub-Contractors.

1.5.6. NORTH DMC have the right to access of information and audit the Sub- Contractor files

with regards to the Concession Agreement.

1.6. Concessionaire's Construction Obligations

1.6.1. The Concessionaire shall design, finance, construct and complete the Project Facilities

and achieve the COD in accordance with Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits, Good In-

dustry Practice, the Technical Specifications, the ESHS Documents, the Designs and

Drawings, the Construction Plan and other provisions of this Agreement.

For this purpose, during the Construction Period, the Concessionaire shall:

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(a) complete the development and construction of the relevant Project Facilities by

the relevant Scheduled Construction Completion Date, in a manner that:

(i) is in compliance with the Technical Specifications, the Designs and Drawings,

the Construction Plan, the ESHS Documents, Applicable Laws, Applicable Per-

mits and Good Industry Practices. For the avoidance of doubt, if there arises

any ambiguity or conflict between the Technical Specifications and any Appli-

cable Laws, then the one setting out the more stringent requirements or spec-

ifications shall prevail;

(ii) the Project Facilities are fabricated, erected, installed and completed in ac-

cordance with the final Designs and Drawings;

(iii) the Project Facilities are free from all defects in design, materials, and


(iv) the Project Facilities are safe, reliable and fit for purpose;

(v) the Project Facilities shall be capable of operating up to their respective de-

sign capacity; and

(b) maintain and comply with the conditions of all Applicable Permits in undertaking

the construction of the Project Facilities;

(c) within 30 (thirty) days of the Compliance Date, and in any event, prior to the com-

mencement of any construction of the Project Facilities, appoint a Person with suf-

ficient skill and expertise to act as the Concessionaire's Representative. The Con-

cessionaire's Representative shall monitor, coordinate and supervise the completion

of the Project Facilities, and liaise with NORTH DMC’s Representative during the

Construction Period and the O&M Period. At any time during the Concession Period,

the Concessionaire may replace the Concessionaire's Representative with prior writ-

ten notice to NORTH DMC;

(d) provide all necessary assistance to NORTH DMC or the PMU or any other Statutory

agency in undertaking inspection of the Project Facilities, and in performing its

other obligations and duties under this Agreement;

(e) provide all necessary assistance to the Financial Institutions to inspect the Site(s)

and/or all accounts, records, and other documents relating to the submission of

proposals and contract performance of the Concessionaire, as well as its Sub-

Contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, service providers or suppliers relat-

ing to the Project and have them audited by auditors appointed by the Financial


(f) ensure that none of its employees, consultants, service providers, suppliers, or

Sub-Contractors, who may be engaged in future, shall be engaged in corrupt,

fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practice;

(g) reasonably consider and act upon the comments/suggestions made by NORTH

DMC during any meetings with the Concessionaire;

(h) rectify any defects and/or deficiencies in the Project Facilities, including any de-

fects and/or deficiencies identified by NORTH DMC;

(i) take all necessary measures to maintain the safety and security of personnel,

material and property at the Site(s) and the Adjoining Properties, in accordance

with the approved ESHS Documents and all Applicable Laws;

Page 54 of 242

(j) ensure that all excavated materials, earthworks, waste materials and hazardous

substances are stored and/or disposed in accordance with the ESHS Documents,

Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits;

(k) submit monthly reports to NORTH DMC, no later than 10 (ten) days after the end

of each month, which should set out the following:

(i) extent of progress of construction activities performed by the Concessionaire

for the Project Facilities;

(ii) comparison of actual progress against the planned progress of construction

works, reasons for delay, if any and steps taken by the Concessionaire to miti-

gate the delay;

(iii) details of any accident or hazardous incident at the Site(s) and the steps tak-

en by the Concessionaire to mitigate the consequences of such accident or

hazardous incident; and

(iv) status of rectification of defects and/or deficiencies discovered by NORTH


(l) ensure that an adequate number of suitably skilled and experienced contractors,

architects, workmen and other personnel are engaged to undertake the Project.

The Concessionaire shall be solely responsible for the work performed by any

staff and labour engaged by it to execute the Project and for payment of all ap-

plicable labour charges, fees, cess payable under Applicable Laws (including la-

bour welfare legislations) in connection with the skilled and unskilled manpower

employed for the Project, including specifically the “Building and Other Con-

struction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996". The Concessionaire shall ensure that

its Sub-Contractors provide all necessary amenities and welfare facilities for the

staff and labour engaged by them at the Site(s) and comply with all applicable

labour laws. The Concessionaire shall indemnify and hold harmless NORTH DMC

from and against all claims, liabilities, expenses, costs and losses suffered or in-

curred by NORTH DMC due to the Concessionaire's or any Sub-Contractor's failure

to comply with any Applicable Laws (including labour welfare legislations);

(m) arrange for all equipment, machinery, tools and other resources required to un-

dertake the Project and be solely responsible for such equipment, machinery,

tools and resources;

(n) take all reasonable measures to ensure that the transportation of any of the

Concessionaire's or the Sub-Contractors' personnel or equipment, to or from the

Site(s), does not interfere with local traffic in the vicinity of the Site(s);

(o) maintain accurate and systematic accounts and records of goods and material

utilized and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with the construc-

tion works for the Project Facilities, including all invoices, receipts, challans,

vouchers, quotations and other records and documents with respect to the Pro-

ject Facilities in accordance with Applicable Laws;

(p) obtain and maintain adequate insurances as per this Agreement; and

prepare and keep up-to-date, “as-built" records of the execution of the construc-

tion work for the Project Facilities, showing the exact as-built locations, sizes

and details of the works executed. The "as-built" records shall be kept on the

Site(s) and be made available to NORTH DMC for review and verification. The

Page 55 of 242

Concessionaire shall provide 4 (four) hard copies and 1 (one) soft copy on a

compact disc, of the complete set of "as-built" drawings for the Project Facilities

to NORTH DMC as a condition precedent to the issuance of the Construction Com-

pletion Certificate.

1.7. Waste to Energy Plant(s)

1.7.1. The Concessionaire will construct Waste to Energy Plant(s) at the Site(s) to produce, and

sell the CBG and Ethanol to IndianOil or utilize and/or sell any other clean energy or

products, byproducts generated from the treatment of the Municipal Solid Waste. The

Concessionaire may, at its sole option and discretion, also construct a rooftop solar

power plant(s) at the Project Facilities to produce clean energy.

1.7.2. The Concessionaire shall undertake such construction of Waste to Energy Plant(s) at

the Site(s) in accordance with all Applicable Laws and after obtaining all necessary

approvals and consents to construct the Waste to Energy Plant(s) at the Site(s).

1.7.3. It shall be the Concessionaire’s obligation to obtain all required clearances and ap-

proval for purposes of setting up, operating and maintaining the Waste to Energy


1.8. Rights and Obligations of NORTH DMC

1.8.1. During the Construction Period, NORTH DMC shall:

(a) comply with all its obligations under Applicable Laws (and Applicable Permits) in

relation to the Concession granted hereunder;

(b) make reasonable endeavors to assist the Concessionaire in obtaining the Appli-

cable Permits from the relevant Government Authorities, provided that the

Concessionaire has complied with all the requirements as per Applicable Laws

for applying for such Applicable Permits;

(c) within 30 (thirty) days of the Compliance Date, and in any event, prior to the

commencement of any construction for the Project Facilities, appoint a Person

with sufficient skill and expertise to act as NORTH DMC’s Representative.

NORTH DMC’s shall liaise with the Concessionaire's Representative during the

Construction Period and the O&M Period. At any time during the Concession Pe-

riod, NORTH DMC may replace NORTH DMC’s representative with prior written

notice to the Concessionaire;

(d) cause the Representative to carry out timely inspection of the Project Facili-

ties, and perform its other obligations and duties under this Agreement;

(e) upon progressive completion of construction works for the Project Facilities in

accordance with the Technical Specifications, Designs and Drawings, Construc-

tion Plan and other provisions of this Agreement, the Construction Completion

Certificate to the Concessionaire

(f) ensure that the Concessionaire enjoys peaceful access to the Site(s) and shall

not assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose its rights, title, and interest in the

Site(s) or create any Encumbrance over any part of the Site(s), which may ad-

versely impact the exercise of the Concessionaire's rights and duties under this


1.9. Utilities

Page 56 of 242

1.9.1. The Concessionaire shall obtain install and maintain at its cost, all utilities necessary

for undertaking the construction of the Project Facilities, including all temporary

power and water connections, lighting facilities, telephone connections, internet

connections, etc., at the Site(s). The Concessionaire shall bear the cost of all power,

water, and other utilities consumed by it during the Construction Period, and the

Concessionaire shall not be entitled to claim any reimbursement from NORTH DMC in

this regard.

1.9.2. The Concessionaire shall not be entitled to any extension of time or costs to comply

with its obligations in Clauses above.

1.9.3. NORTH DMC shall provide any reasonable assistance required by the Concessionaire to

obtain the utilities for the construction of the Project Facilities.

1.10. Construction Timelines

1.10.1. The Concessionaire shall comply with the Construction Plan, the Designs and Drawings

and the Technical Specifications and complete the construction of the Project Facilities

on or before the date scheduled for completion of construction works (the “Scheduled

Construction Completion Date).

1.10.2. Subject to Clause 1.10.3 below, the Concessionaire shall be entitled to a day-for-day

extension of the Scheduled Construction Completion Date, if the completion of construc-

tion of the Project Facilities is delayed due to any of the following reasons (each such

event, a “ Delay Event”):

(a) occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, provided that the requirements of Article 14

have been complied with;

(b) a Qualifying Change in Law;

(c) any delay attributable to unforeseen Site conditions; or

(d) any variation proposed by NORTH DMC in the Technical Specifications or the Designs

and Drawings in accordance with Article 28.

(e) delay caused in complying with any instructions of NORTH DMC, which instructions

are not attributable to any default of the Concessionaire.

The Concessionaire shall promptly provide NORTH DMC with a notice upon becoming

aware of any Delay Event listed at Clause 1.10.2 above in this Article. The notice should

specify the nature of the Delay Event, the extent of delay suffered or likely to be suf-

fered by the Concessionaire and mitigation measures being taken by the Concessionaire.

The issuance of the notice under this Clause 1.10.2 above in this Article , within 7 (sev-

en) days from the date the Concessionaire became aware of the Delay Event, shall be a

condition precedent to the Concessionaire's entitlement to an extension under Clause

1.10.2 above in this Article .

1.10.3. Without prejudice to the Concessionaire's obligations to notify NORTH DMC regarding the

occurrence of a Delay Event above, the Concessionaire shall: (i) keep and maintain rec-

ords as reasonably necessary to substantiate and establish claims for extensions under

Clause 1.10.2 above in this Article ; and (ii) give NORTH DMC access to such records and

documents or provide NORTH DMC with copies, if so requested.

1.10.4. If the Concessionaire claims an extension of time in accordance with Clause 1.10.2

above in this Article and NORTH DMC is of the opinion that such delay was caused or

Page 57 of 242

materially contributed to by any concurrent or interacting cause or causes of delay not

listed in Clause 1.10.2 above in this Article but solely attributable to the Concessionaire,

then the Concessionaire shall not be entitled to any extension of time for the concur-

rent period of delay.

1.10.5. If two or more of the Delay Events listed in Clause 1.10.2 occur concurrently, then such

concurrent period shall not be counted twice in determining an extension under Clause


1.10.6. Except as provided in Clause 1.10.2, the Concessionaire shall not be entitled to any ex-

tension of time for any reason whatsoever, including due to:

(a) delay caused in complying with any instructions of NORTH DMC or its agents which

are attributable to any act or omission of the Concessionaire;

(b) failure of any Sub-Contractor to commence or carry out any work within the pre-

scribed timelines;

(c) unavailability or shortage of equipment, materials, or any other resources;

(d) any delay in approving the drafts of the Designs and Drawings, the Construction

Plan, the ESHS Documents or any other document submitted by the Concessionaire

due to any deficiencies or shortcomings in such drafts of the Designs and Drawings,

the Construction Plan, the ESHS Documents or other documents, as the case may be;

1.10.7. North DMC may seek the comments/ opinion of the PMU for matters it deems fit that

considered opinion of the project stakeholders are required to arrive at a practical so-


1.10.8. Any Dispute between the Parties with respect to the occurrence, length of subsistence or

consequence of any of the Delay Event shall be settled in a final and binding manner in

accordance with Article 26.

1.11. Delay Liquidated Damages

1.11.1. Subject to Clause 1.10.2 above, if the Concessionaire fails to complete the construction

of the Project Facilities by the Scheduled Construction Completion Date, then NORTH

DMC shall be entitled to liquidated damages for each day of delay beyond the Scheduled

Construction Completion Date, at the rate of [[0.1% (zero point one per cent)] of the

Performance Security for each day of delay up to [6 (six)] months from the Scheduled

Construction Completion Date (the “Delay Liquidated Damages”).

1.11.2. The Delay Liquidated Damages will be payable until the construction of the Project Fa-

cilities is completed, as certified by NORTH DMC in accordance with Article 14.

1.11.3. NORTH DMC shall have a right to invoke the Performance Security(ies) to the extent of

the Delay Liquidated Damages

1.11.4. The Parties acknowledge that the Delay Liquidated Damages are a genuine pre-

estimation of and reasonable compensation for the loss that shall be suffered by NORTH

DMC as a result of the delay in the completion of the Project Facilities, and not as pen-


1.11.5. If, for any reason, the above paragraphs relating to the payment of Delay Liquidated

Damages are void, invalid or otherwise inoperative so as to disentitle NORTH DMC from

claiming any Delay Liquidated Damages, then NORTH DMC will be entitled to claim

against the Concessionaire for general damages for delay in completing the construc-

Page 58 of 242

tion of the Project Facilities by the Scheduled Construction Completion Date.

1.11.6. If the Concessionaire fails to complete the construction of the Project Facilities within

6 (six) months from the Scheduled Construction Completion Date, other than on ac-

count of any Delay Event(the “Grace Period”) then such failure shall be deemed to be a

Concessionaire Event of Default in accordance with Clause16.1.

1.11.7. The payment or deduction of Delay Liquidated Damages shall not relieve the Conces-

sionaire from its obligations to complete the construction of the Project Facilities, or

from any of its other duties, obligations or responsibilities under the Agreement. The

Concessionaire shall use and continue to use its best endeavors to avoid or reduce fur-

ther delay in completing the Project Facilities.

1.12. Completion of Works

1.12.1. Completion of Work Milestones

(a) Upon completion of the works corresponding to each Work Milestone, as specified in

the Construction Plan, the Concessionaire shall issue a notice to NORTH DMC, re-

quiring NORTH DMC to inspect the completed works covered by the relevant Work

Milestone. The purpose of such inspection shall be to determine whether the works

corresponding to the relevant Work Milestone have been duly completed.

(b) If NORTH DMC is of the view that the works for the relevant Work Milestone do not

satisfy the requirements of Article 14.6, then NORTH DMC shall have the right to

provide any comments, suggestions and/or instruct the Concessionaire to carry out

necessary modifications, to ensure that the works comply with the requirements of

Article 14.6. Upon receipt of such comments, suggestions or instructions from

NORTH DMC, the Concessionaire shall make necessary modifications to the works to

remedy any defects or deficiencies and re-issue a notice to NORTH DMC. The Con-

cessionaire shall bear all costs of remedying the defects and deficiencies in the

works and shall not be entitled to any extension of time for remedying such defects

or deficiencies. This process shall be repeated until NORTH DMC is satisfied that the

works for the relevant Work Milestone have been completed in accordance with the

requirements of Article 14.6.

(c) North DMC may seek the comments/ opinion of the PMU for ascertaining comple-

tion of work milestones.

(d) If NORTH DMC fails to:

i. inspect the completed portion of the works covered by the relevant Work

Milestone, within 7 (seven) Business Days from the date of receipt of a no-

tice from the Concessionaire under Clause 14.12.1(a) above;

ii. provide any comments or suggestions or notify the Concessionaire of any

defects or deficiencies in the completed portion of the works covered by

the relevant Payment Milestone, within 7 (seven) Business Days from the

date of inspection of such completed portion of the works; then, such

Works shall be deemed to be completed

1.12.2. Testing and Commissioning of the Project Facilities

(a) Upon completion of construction of each Project Facilities, in accordance with the re-

quirements set out in this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall issue a notice to NORTH

DMC, requiring them to be present at the Site(s) on the date specified in such notice to

Page 59 of 242

undertake a final inspection of the completed Project Facilities and conduct any tests

required to ensure that the Project Facilities complies with the Technical Specifications,

the Designs and Drawings, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

(b) Within 5 (five) days from the date of receipt of a notice under Article 14.12.2(a) above,

NORTH DMC may request the Concessionaire to vary the date of the final inspection and

tests and the Concessionaire shall accommodate such request, provided that, such date

shall be no later than 7 (seven) days from the date specified in the notice received from

the Concessionaire under Article 14.12.2(a) above.

(c) The Concessionaire shall, on the date specified in the notice issued under Article

14.12.2(a) or on such other date as may be agreed with NORTH DMC, carry out the tests

in accordance with the instructions and under the supervision of NORTH DMC and in ac-

cordance with Schedule 14, to demonstrate that the Project Facilities complies with the

requirements of Clause 14.6. IndianOil shall have a right but not obligation to be present

for such inspection.

(d) If NORTH DMC is not satisfied with the results of the tests or inspection, then the Con-

cessionaire shall remedy any defects or deficiencies in the Project Facilities, identified

by NORTH DMC or revealed through the tests and the Project Facilities shall be tested

again upon rectification of such defects or deficiencies. This process shall be repeated

until such time that NORTH DMC and IndianOil is satisfied that the Project Facilities has

been completed in accordance with Clause 14.6 and is safe and fit for purpose. The Con-

cessionaire shall bear all costs of remedying the defects and deficiencies and retesting

the Project Facilities and shall not be entitled to any extension of time for remedying

such defects or deficiencies or for retesting the Project Facilities.

(e) If NORTH DMC is also satisfied with the results of the tests and inspection of the Project

Facilities, NORTH DMC shall within 15 (fifteen) days thereafter, issue a Completion Cer-

tificate to certify that the Project Facilities has been completed in accordance with this

Agreement, the Technical Specifications, the Designs and Drawings, Applicable Laws and

Applicable Permits and the Project Facilities is safe and fit for purpose subject to the

following conditions having been fulfilled by the Concessionaire:

i. the submission of 4 (four) hard copies and 1 (one) soft copy on a compact disc/

USB drive/ PEN drive of complete sets of as built drawings of the Project facili-


ii. the Concessionaire having obtained all Applicable Permits necessary for com-

mencement of the O&M services (including specifically, the consent to operate

from the [State Pollution Control Board] for the operation of the Project Facili-


iii. the Concessionaire having obtained adequate insurance for the O&M Period in

accordance with Clause 11.2;

iv. the Concessionaire having engaged sufficient number of adequately skilled O&M

personnel to perform the services during the O&M Period; and

v. the O&M Manual having been approved by NORTH DMC; and

vi. the Concessionaire having cleared the Site(s) and removed all debris, hazardous

materials, surplus construction materials, equipment, temporary works, work

sheds, labour camps and all other temporary installations on the Site(s).

(f) If NORTH DMC fails to issue the Construction Completion Certificate for the Project Fa-

Page 60 of 242

cilities to the Concessionaire within [7 (seven)] Business Days from the date of satisfac-

tion of the conditions set out in Clause 14.12.4(a) above and fails to notify the Conces-

sionaire of any reasons for the failure to issue the Construction Completion Certificate

for the Project Facilities, then, the Construction Completion Certificate for the Pro-

ject Facilities shall be deemed to have been issued to the Concessionaire upon the

expiry of the [7 (seven)] Business Days period.

(g) North DMC may seek the comments/ opinion of the PMU for ascertaining completion

of testing & commissioning milestones.

(h) The date of the issuance or deemed issuance of the Construction Completion Certificate

shall be the Construction Completion Date for the Project Facilities.

1.13. Trial Operations

1.13.1. Subject to Clause 14.13.3 below, within 1 (one) day of the issuance or deemed issu-

ance of the Construction Completion Certificate for the Project Facilities to the Con-

cessionaire, the Concessionaire shall commence the Trial Operations of the Project

Facilities in accordance with the trial operation procedures to determine whether the

Project Facilities meets the KPIs on a continuous basis and is fit and ready to be

placed into commercial operations in accordance with this Agreement. IndianOil shall

have a right but no obligation to be present during the Trial Operations.

1.13.2. NORTH DMC shall ensure that adequate quantity of MSW is delivered to the Project

Facilities during the Trial Operations to enable the Concessionaire to demonstrate

that the Project Facilities meets the Technical Specifications and the KPIs.

1.13.3. If the Concessionaire fails to commence or continue the Trial Operations, due to the

inadequate quantity or inferior quality of the MSW, then the Concessionaire shall

promptly notify NORTH DMC. If in the opinion of NORTH DMC, the quantity or quality

of MSW is not adequate to undertake Trial Operations, then NORTH DMC shall extend

the time period for the Trial Operations. In such case, the date scheduled for com-

mencement of operations (the “Scheduled COD”) will also be extended on a day-for-

day basis, provided that the Scheduled COD shall not be extended beyond the date

which is 6 (six) months from the Construction Completion Date.

1.13.4. During the Trial Operations, NORTH DMC shall monitor the performance of the Project

Facilities on a regular basis to ensure that the Project Facilities meets the Technical


1.13.5. If NORTH DMC, is of the view that: ( i) the Trial Operations are not being conducted in

accordance with the Trial Operations Procedure; or (ii) there are any defects or defi-

ciencies in the Project Facilities, NORTH DMC shall instruct the Concessionaire to fol-

low the trial operation procedures and/or rectify the defects and deficiencies to en-

sure compliance with the KPIs.

It is clarified that no Availability Liquidated Damages are payable by the Concession-

aire during the Trial Operations period for a failure to achieve the KPIs. However, for

the Trial Operations to be successfully concluded, the Concessionaire must demon-

strate that the Project Facilities consistently and continuously meets the KPIs during

the last 20 (twenty) days of the 3 (three) months Trial Operations period, as may be

extended in accordance with Clause 14.14(c) above. If the Project Facilities fails to

achieve the KPIs on a continuous basis during the last 20 (twenty) days of the 3

(three) months Trial Operations period (as extended in accordance with Clause

14.14(c), then the Trial Operations period shall be extended by another 20 days. Sub-

Page 61 of 242

ject to Clause 14.14(e)(i), the Trial Operations shall continue until the Concessionaire

can demonstrate that the Project Facilities consistently achieves the KPIs for 20

(twenty) consecutive days.

1.13.6. If the Concessionaire has been able to consistently achieve the KPIs for 20 (twenty)

consecutive days (as supported by daily reports), the Concessionaire shall issue a no-

tice to NORTH DMC requiring NORTH DMC to undertake a final inspection of the Pro-

ject Facilities. NORTH DMC shall have the right to undertake such final inspection

within 5 (five) Business Days of a notice being issued by the Concessionaire.

1.13.7. If, upon final inspection, NORTH DMC is satisfied that the Project Facilities meets the

KPIs and the Technical Specifications, and are capable of safe and reliable opera-

tions, then, NORTH DMC shall issue the Trial Operations Completion Certificate for

the Project Facilities to the Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of NORTH DMC under-

taking a final inspection of the Project Facilities pursuant to Article 14.13.5above.

1.13.8. If, upon final inspection, NORTH DMC believes that the Project Facilities does not

comply with the KPIs and/or Technical Specifications, then NORTH DMC may reject

the Project Facilities and terminate this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agree-

ment, in accordance with this Article 14.13.8, the consequences set out in Article

23.4.1 and Article 23.4.7 shall follow.

1.13.9. If NORTH DMC: (i) does not undertake a final inspection of the Project Facilities with-

in [5 (five)] Business Days of receipt of a notice from the Concessionaire under Clause

14.14(e); or (ii) fails to notify the Concessionaire of any defects in the Project Facili-

ties within [7 (seven)] days of undertaking a final inspection; or (iii) fails to issue a

Trial Operations Completion Certificate within [7 (seven)] Business Days from the date

of the final inspection, then the Trial Operations shall be deemed to have been suc-

cessfully completed for Project Facilities and the Trial Operations Completion Certif-

icate will be deemed to have been issued to the Concessionaire upon the expiry of the

[5 (five)] Business Days period (in case of (i)) and upon the expiry of the [7 (seven)]

Business Days period (in case of (ii) and(iii)).

1.13.10. If the Trial Operations are not successfully completed and/or the Concessionaire fails

to issue a notice to NORTH DMC under Article 14.13.5 above on or prior to the Sched-

uled COD, as may be extended in accordance with Article 14.13.3, for any Project

Facilities, then such failure shall be treated as a Concessionaire Event of Default and

the consequences set out at Article 16 shall follow.

1.13.11. North DMC may seek the comments/ opinion of the PMU for ascertaining completion

of Trial operations period.

1.13.12. Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 14.13.8, if the Concessionaire fails to

successfully complete the Trial Operations for the Project Facilities on or prior to the

Scheduled COD, as may be extended in accordance with Clause 14.13.3, then such

failure will be treated as an Authority Event of Default, and the consequences set out

at Article 23 shall follow.

1.14. Commercial Operations Date

1.14.1. Within 7 (seven) Business Days from the date of issuance or deemed issuance of the

Trial Operations Completion Certificates for the Project Facilities, NORTH DMC shall is-

sue the COD Certificate, subject to the following conditions having been fulfilled by

the Concessionaire:

Page 62 of 242

a) the Concessionaire having received the Construction Completion Certificate;

b) the Concessionaire having submitted to NORTH DMC the Scheduled Maintenance

Programme for the first-year Post-COD; and

c) the O&M Manual having been approved by NORTH DMC;

d) the Concessionaire having submitted/extended the performance security to NORTH


1.14.2. If NORTH DMC fails to issue the COD Certificate to the Concessionaire within 7 (seven)

Business Days from the date of satisfaction of the conditions set out in Article 14.14.1

above and fails to notify the Concessionaire of any reasons for the failure to issue the

COD Certificate, then, the COD Certificate shall be deemed to have been issued to

the Concessionaire upon the expiry of the 7 (seven) Business Days period.

1.14.3. The date on which the COD Certificate is issued or deemed to have been issued to the

Concessionaire shall be the Commercial Operations Date of the Project Facilities.

1.14.4. North DMC may seek the comments/ opinion of the PMU for ascertaining completion

of Commercial Operations Date.

1.15. Safety certification prior to Project COD

The Concessionaire shall, not later than [15 (fifteen)] days prior to the likely Project COD,

notify NORTH DMC of the compliance or Safety Requirements and invite them to ob-

serve any or all the Tests that may be specified by NORTH DMC in accordance with Ap-

plicable Laws, Applicable Permits and Good Industry Practice to determine that the Pro-

ject infrastructure is safe for entering into commercial service, and the costs of such

Tests shall be borne by the Concessionaire; provided that in case of failure in any Test

requiring repetition thereof, the cost of such second or subsequent Test shall also be

borne entirely by the Concessionaire. North DMC may seek the help/ comments/ opin-

ion of the PMU & also take into consideration the inspections carried out by various

Statutory Agencies before issuing Safety Certificate to the Concessionaire.

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The period for the operation and maintenance of the Project Facilities, shall commence

on and from COD and shall continue until the Termination Date (the “O&M Period”).

2.2. O&M Manual

2.2.1. The Concessionaire shall prepare a detailed O&M Manual for the Project Facilities

based on the Proposed Technology and in accordance with the Technical Specifica-

tions, the ESHS Documents, Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits. The O&M Manual

shall specify the operation procedures (separately for each component of the Project

Facilities) and maintenance procedures. In case of any errors or deficiencies in the

Technical Specifications, the O&M Manual shall take in account, address or rectify

such errors or deficiencies. The Language of the O&M Manual shall be English.

2.2.2. At least 30 (thirty) days prior to the Scheduled Construction Completion Date, the

Concessionaire shall submit 4 (four) hard copies and 1 (one) soft copy of the draft

O&M Manual to NORTH DMC for its review and approval.

2.2.3. NORTH DMC shall review and provide comments, if any, on the draft O&M Manual to

the Concessionaire or notify the Concessionaire of its approval of the draft O&M Man-

ual within 20 (twenty) days from the date of receipt of the draft O&M Manual from

the Concessionaire. NORTH DMC may require the Concessionaire to amend or modify

the draft O&M Manual if NORTH DMC identifies any deficiencies, inaccuracies or

shortcomings in the draft O&M Manual. If the Concessionaire receives any comments,

suggestions or instructions to modify the draft O&M Manual from NORTH DMC, then

the Concessionaire shall modify the draft O&M Manual to correct any shortcomings,

inaccuracies or deficiencies identified by NORTH DMC and/or O&M Manual to

NORTH DMC within 10 days of having received NORTH DMC response for its address, in

writing, NORTH DMC’s comments on the draft O&M Manual and submit the revised

approval. The process set out in this Article 15.2.3 shall continue until the O&M Man-

ual is approved by NORTH DMC in accordance with this Article15.2.3.

2.2.4. The Concessionaire shall revise the O&M Manual as and when the Concessionaire thinks

it necessary to do so and in such case the provisions of Article 15.2.3 will apply as is to

the approval of the revised manual.

2.2.5. The Concessionaire shall undertake the O&M of the Project Facilities strictly in ac-

cordance with the approved O&M Manual. The Concessionaire shall not deviate from

or make any amendment to the approved O&M Manual without the prior written ap-

proval of NORTH DMC. The Concessionaire shall not commence operation of the Pro-

ject Facilities prior to approval of the O&M Manual in accordance with Article15.2.

2.2.6. Notwithstanding any approval of the O&M Manual by [ NORTH DMC, the Concession-

aire shall bear all risk, responsibility and liability for the suitability, accuracy, ade-

quacy and practicality of the O&M Manual. The Concessionaire shall not be entitled

to any extension of time and/or costs incurred in the preparation of or updating the

O&M Manual and complying with the requirements ofArticle15.2.

2.2.7. The Concessionaire shall submit a consolidated O&M Manual for the Project Facilities.

2.3. Sub-Contracting

2.3.1. The Concessionaire may enter into Sub-Contracts to perform any part of its Scope of

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Work during the O&M Period, with the prior intimation to the NORTH DMC.

2.3.2. The Concessionaire shall provide a copy of each proposed Sub-Contract, along with

details of the relevant Sub-Contractor, to NORTH DMC for its approval, which should

set out the precise Scope of Work to be Sub-Contracted to such Sub-Contractor and

should be consistent with the terms of this Agreement.

2.3.3. Within 7 (seven) days of the execution of an amendment to any approved Sub-

Contract, the Concessionaire shall submit a copy of such amendment to NORTH DMC

for its records.

2.3.4. If the Concessionaire proposes to novate an approved Sub-Contract and/or replace an

approved Sub-Contractor, then such novation or replacement shall be with prior inti-

mation to the NORTH DMC.

2.3.5. Notwithstanding the approval of any Sub-Contractor by NORTH DMC, the Concession-

aire shall be and remain liable under this Agreement for all work and services subcon-

tracted under this Agreement and for all acts, omissions or defaults of any Sub-

Contractor. No default under any Sub-Contract shall excuse the Concessionaire from

its obligations or liabilities under this Agreement. All references in this Agreement to

any act, default, omission, breach or negligence of the Concessionaire shall be construed to

include any such act, default, omission, breach or negligence of the Sub-Contractors.

2.4. Concessionaire's rights and obligations

2.4.1. The Concessionaire shall operate and maintain the Project Facilities in a manner that:

(a) is in compliance with the Technical Specifications, Applicable Laws, Applicable

Permits and Good Industry Practice;

(b) results in the Project Facilities achieving the KPIs;

(c) ensures that each of the Project Facilities is capable of operating up to its design

capacity on a daily basis;

(d) is safe and reliable, subject to normal wear and tear of the Project Facilities;

(e) is in compliance with the technology license agreement(s) executed by the Con-

cessionaire for the technology, processes, know-how and systems used or incor-

porated into the Project Facilities;

(f) maintains the safety and security of personnel, material and property at the

Site(s), in accordance with the approved ESHS Documents, Applicable Laws and

Applicable Permits;

(g) ensures that all waste materials and hazardous substances are stored and/or dis-

posed in accordance with the ESHS Documents, Applicable Laws and Applicable

Permits; and

(h) rectify, cure, remedy all defects, deficiencies, defaults, damage, etc., all of the

Project Facilities at its own cost and risk.

2.4.2. The Concessionaire shall provide adequate power backup at the Site(s) (including

through installation of DG Sets) to ensure continuous supply of power (even during any

interruption(s) in the supply of power from the grid) for the uninterrupted operations

of the Project Facilities during the O&M Period.

2.4.3. The Concessionaire shall provide all necessary assistance to NORTH DMC in undertaking

Page 65 of 242

inspection and monitoring of the operation and maintenance of the Project Facilities.

2.4.4. The Concessionaire shall reasonably consider and act upon the comments/suggestions made

by NORTH DMC during any meetings of the Concessionaire with its Sub-Contractors.

2.4.5. The Concessionaire shall provide NORTH DMC with reasonable access to the Site(s) dur-

ing office hours to monitor and inspect the Project Facilities.

2.4.6. The Concessionaire shall arrange for all equipment, machinery, tools and other resources

required to undertake the O&M of the Project Facilities and shall take all reasonable

measures to ensure that the transportation of any of the Concessionaire's or the Sub-

Contractors' personnel or equipment, to or from the Site(s), does not interfere with local

traffic in the vicinity of the Site(s).

2.4.7. The Concessionaire shall develop and implement a safety and surveillance programme for

the Project Facilities and for handling and disposal of the residual inert matter and adopt

appropriate measures and safeguards for security of the environment, life, and property at

the Site(s).

2.4.8. The Concessionaire shall ensure that none of its employees, consultants, service providers,

suppliers, or Sub-Contractors, including any O&M contractor appointed by the Concession-

aire, shall engage in any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practice.

2.5. Rights and obligations of the NORTH DMC

2.5.1. During the O&M Period, NORTH DMC shall:

a) comply with all its obligations under Applicable Laws;

b) monitor and review the operations and performance of the Project Facilities. This

includes the right to access the Project Facilities, and review the records and re-

ports that the Concessionaire is required to maintain, during normal working hours;

c) review the Scheduled Maintenance Programme and all other plans and documents

submitted by the Concessionaire in an expeditious manner, in accordance with this


d) ensure that the Concessionaire continues to enjoy peaceful access to the Site(s)

and shall not assign, transfer, or otherwise dispose of its rights, title, and interest

in the Site(s) or create any Encumbrance over any part of the Site(s), which may

adversely impact the exercise of the Concessionaire’s rights and duties under this


e) comply with all its obligations under the Applicable Laws;

2.6. Utilities

2.6.1. The Concessionaire shall apply for and obtain the power connection (at the battery lim-

it of the relevant Site(s)) for the operation of the Project Facilities, in its name, at

least 30 (thirty) days prior to the Scheduled Construction Completion Date. The Conces-

sionaire shall provide all necessary assistance to NORTH DMC in procuring the power

connection, including by providing all documents and information necessary to com-

plete the application process.

2.6.2. The Concessionaire shall install and maintain at its cost, all utilities necessary for the

O&M of the Project Facilities, including water, telephone connections, internet connec-

tions, etc. at the Site(s). Specifically, to procure water for the O&M of the Project Fa-

Page 66 of 242

cilities, the Concessionaire may dig bore wells at the Site(s) after obtaining all Applica-

ble Permits (including any no-objection certificates from the Central Ground Water Au-

thority or the relevant state authority).

2.6.3. NORTH DMC shall provide any reasonable assistance required by the Concessionaire to

obtain the utilities for the O&M of the Project Facilities.

2.7. Monitoring and Reporting

2.7.1. Online Monitoring and Meters

a) At the Project Facilities Sites, the Concessionaire shall install and maintain an

online monitoring system, in accordance with the Technical Specifications and Ap-

plicable Laws (including specifically, the EPA) to monitor the volume, specifications

and characteristics of the incoming MSW and ensure that the Project Facilities are

capable of operating up to its design capacity on a daily basis. The online monitor-

ing devices should be capable of measuring and analyzing the quantum and charac-

teristics of the MSW at the Processing facility and decentralized units and of the

quantum and quality of disposables discharged from the Sites.

b) Online monitoring system shall maintain a record for equipment’s historical running

information, status, faults, and any other parameters required to judge its condi-

tions. Such monitoring shall be conducted in accordance with Applicable Laws and

Good Industry Practices.

c) The Concessionaire shall record and transmit all data collected from the online

monitoring systems and the meter reading of the grade, volume and characteristics

of the incoming MSW and the processed disposables. The Concessionaire shall fur-

nish a summary report for the Project Facilities to NORTH DMC on a daily basis,

which shall indicate: (A) the quantum of the MSW received at the relevant Project

Facility(ies) and the quantum of the processed disposables including compost from

the relevant Project Facility(ies) of the relevant day; and (B) the periods during

which the quantum of MSW received at the relevant Project Facility( ies)exceeded

its design capacity.

d) The CBG and Ethanol quality parameters, quality and quantity produced, amount of

feedstock handled & other important operational parameters shall be made availa-

ble through web-based applications by the Concessionaire to IndianOil.

e) In case the CBG is injected in to the CGD entity’s gas pipeline network from the

nearest / identified tie in point, the online gas quality parameters and quantity

readings shall be made available through web-based applications by the Conces-

sionaire to GAIL, CGD entity & IndianOil.

f) The Concessionaire shall also be required to upload the periodic reports from the

online monitoring on the Central Pollution Control Board’s website.

g) The Concessionaire shall maintain the online monitoring systems and meters at its

own cost and expense for the entire O&M Period.

h) At Project Facility (ies), the Concessionaire shall also install meters and gauges at

the DG Sets to measure the total number of energy units (in kWh) consumed from

the DG Sets in each month of the O&M Period.

i) [If the Concessionaire sets up a Waste to Energy Plant(s), then the Concessionaire

shall install meters at the Waste to Energy Plant(s) to measure the total number of

Page 67 of 242

energy units (in kWh) generated from the Waste to Energy Plant(s) in each month of

the O&M Period.]

j) The meters shall be calibrated once every year during the O&M Period in accord-

ance with Good Industry Practices and the meters shall be jointly tested by [NORTH

DMC and the Concessionaire to ensure the accuracy of the meters installed by the


2.7.2. Records and Reporting Requirements

a) The Concessionaire shall maintain:

i) records of the quantum and characteristics of the MSW received at, and the

processed disposables discharged from the Project Facilities; and

ii) books of accounts recording all payments received from [NORTH DMC and/or

the State Government and other revenues derived/collected by it from the Pro-

ject Facilities or resulting from its use, separately for each of the Project Facil-

ity and Site.

b) The Concessionaire shall provide to NORTH DMC, 2 (two) copies of its audited finan-

cial statements along with a report from its statutory auditors, within 90 (ninety)

days of the close of each Financial Year.

c) For Project Facilities, the Concessionaire shall deliver to NORTH DMC the following

during the O&M Period within the specified timelines:

i) reports relating to any activity, problem, incident or circumstance that threat-

ens or may threaten public health, safety, the environment or the safety and

security of the Project Facilities, and any action taken to mitigate the effect of

such incident or problem, as soon as reasonably practicable but no later than 12

(twelve) hours after the occurrence of such event or circumstance;

ii) reports on any critical breakdowns or failures in the Project Facilities, within 12

(twelve) hours of such occurrence;

iii) reports on accidents or other incidents in relation to the O&M personnel or any

third party, along with statements on actions taken to minimize recurrence,

within 2 (two) days of such occurrence;

iv) daily reports with the data collected from the monitoring and metering system,

the online monitoring system and the tests conducted by the Concessionaire in

accordance with Clause 15.9 on the characteristics and volume of MSW treated

at the Project Facilities, processed disposables discharged from the Project Fa-

cilities, at the end of each day (i.e., on or before [1500 hours] everyday);

v) monthly progress reports relating to the performance of O&M services (including

on compliance with the KPIs, details of disposal or sale, as the case may be, of

the processed disposables, and details of any Emergency during the relevant

month), on or before the 7th(seventh) day of the following month. The monthly

progress report must be submitted to NORTH DMC;

vi) copies of any reports, notices or responses submitted for compliance/non- com-

pliance with Applicable Laws or Applicable Permits, within 2 (two) days of mak-

ing such submissions to the relevant Government Authority; and

vii) reports on any material litigation, including any winding-up proceedings or no-

Page 68 of 242

tice to commence winding-up proceedings or material disputes to which the

Concessionaire is a party, appointment of a receiver or administrator in relation

to the business or assets of the Concessionaire and any adverse orders or judg-

ments passed by any Government Authorities that affects or is likely to affect

the performance of the O&M services, as soon as reasonably possible after the

occurrence of any such event.

d) It is clarified that the reports set out in this Clause 15. 7 will be separately pre-

pared and furnished for each of the Project Facilities.

e) It is expressly agreed between the Parties that the NORTH DMC, IndianOil and their

respective nominees shall be permitted to inspect the Site(s) and/or all accounts,

records, and other documents relating to contract performance of the Concession-

aire, as well as its Sub- Contractors, agents, personnel, consultants, service provid-

ers or suppliers, including O&M contractors for the Project and have them audited

by auditors appointed by NORTH DMC, IndianOil and their respective nominees.

2.8. Design Capacity Utilization

2.8.1. During each day of the O&M Period, the Concessionaire shall ensure that Project Facili-

ties can accept and process MSW up to its design capacity.

2.8.2. The Concessionaire shall notify NORTH DMC as soon as it becomes aware that the quan-

tum of MSW received at the relevant Project Facility is more than its design capacity.

2.8.3. In such circumstances, if the Concessionaire is unable to accept and process the excess

MSW (i.e., over and above the design capacity) at the relevant Project Facility, then

such failure shall be treated as a Forced Unavailability for which the Concessionaire

shall not be liable, subject to the Concessionaire having notified NORTH DMC in accord-

ance with Article 15.8.2 above. NORTH DMC reserves the right to verify the capacity

utilization at any Project Facility, at any time during the O&M Period.

2.9. Maintenance and Repair of the Project Facilities

2.9.1. During the O&M Period, the Concessionaire shall, at its own cost, undertake the

maintenance of the Project Facilities and repair any damage to the Project Facilities

either by itself, or through an approved Sub-Contractor, such that the Project Facilities

shall be:

a) in good working condition (subject only to wear and tear and Force Majeure) and

achieve their full useful economic life in accordance with the Designs and Drawings;

b) maintained in compliance with the Technical Specifications, O&M Manual, Sched-

uled Maintenance Programme, Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits, Good Industry

Practice and the recommendations of the technology providers;

c) capable of meeting the KPIs.

2.9.2. For the first year of the O&M Period, the Concessionaire shall submit its scheduled

maintenance programme for the Project Facilities, specifying the Scheduled Mainte-

nance periods for the Project Facilities and the impact of such Scheduled Maintenance

periods on the Availability of each of the Project Facility (the “Scheduled Mainte-

nance Programme”) to the NORTH DMC (with a copy to IndianOil) at least 1 (one)

month before the Scheduled COD and for every subsequent year of the O&M Period, the

Concessionaire shall submit the Scheduled Maintenance Programme, at least 1 (one)

month prior to the beginning of the relevant year. The Scheduled Maintenance Pro-

Page 69 of 242

gramme for the first year will cover the period from the COD until the end of the cal-

endar year in which the COD occurs. It is clarified that the Concessionaire shall submit

a consolidated Scheduled Maintenance Programme for the Project Facilities

2.9.3. Within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the Scheduled Maintenance Programme, NORTH

DMC, in consultation with IndianOil, shall notify the Concessionaire of its approval of

such schedule.

If NORTH DMC does not accept any one or more of the requested Scheduled Mainte-

nance periods or its impact on the Availability of a Project Facilities, NORTH DMC

shall advise the Concessionaire within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the Sched-

uled Maintenance Programme on when any Scheduled Maintenance can be resched-

uled or how its impact on the Availability of a Project Facilities may be minimised.

The rescheduled time shall be as close as reasonably practicable to the requested

time and shall be of equal duration as the requested period. If NORTH DMC fails to ob-

ject to any Scheduled Maintenance within the specified time period or fails to advise

the Concessionaire of a substitute time, the Concessionaire may schedule the Sched-

uled Maintenance for such duration and at such time as initially requested, unless In-

dianOil has intimated Concessionaire that such time and duration is not acceptable to

IndianOil in its sole discretion.

a) Notwithstanding the finalization of the Scheduled Maintenance Programme pursuant to

this Article 15.9, NORTH DMC may require the Concessionaire to reschedule a Sched-

uled Maintenance in the Scheduled Maintenance Programme, provided that:

i) NORTH DMC has given the Concessionaire at least 30 days (30 days) prior writ-

ten notice of such rescheduling;

ii) NORTH DMC shall not require such Scheduled Maintenance to be rescheduled for a

period of shorter or longer duration;

iii) NORTH DMC shall not require that a single Scheduled Maintenance period be split

into two or more periods; and

iv) NORTH DMC shall not require that a Scheduled Maintenance be brought forward any

earlier than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of such notice without the consent of

the Concessionaire.

b) Notwithstanding the finalization of the Scheduled Maintenance Programme pursuant to

this Clause 15.9, the Concessionaire may request a rescheduling of any Scheduled

Maintenance upon 60 (sixty) days prior written notice to NORTH DMC. NORTH DMC shall

respond to such request, in consultation with IndianOil, within 10 (ten) days and shall

not unreasonably withhold its permission for such re-scheduling.

c) Within 5 (five) days of any re-scheduling of a Scheduled Maintenance, as may be ap-

proved by the NORTH DMC, the Concessionaire shall provide to NORTH DMC, the

amended Scheduled Maintenance Programme, which shall then be the “Scheduled

Maintenance Programme”.

d) During the O&M Period, the Concessionaire shall, at its own cost, replace any compo-

nent or part of the Project Facilities that is damaged or worn out or in the Concession-

aire s judgment becomes no longer practicable to repair as a result of normal wear and


e) If at any time during the O&M Period, a Project Facilities is damaged by a Minor Casual-

ty, the Concessionaire shall, with reasonable diligence, proceed to process the claim

Page 70 of 242

with insurance providers and at its own cost, repair, replace, and restore the damaged

portion of the Project Facilities to the same condition that it was in before the occur-

rence of such Minor Casualty. To the extent available, insurance proceeds shall be ap-

plied to such repair, replacement or restoration.

If at any time during the O&M Period, a Project Facilities is damaged by a Total Casual-

ty, then this Agreement shall be terminable at the option of the Concessionaire. If the

Concessionaire elects to terminate the Agreement, then the consequences set out in

Article 23 will follow. If, however, the Concessionaire elects not to terminate the

Agreement, then the Concessionaire shall repair, replace and restore the damaged Pro-

ject Facilities to the same condition that it was in before the occurrence of such Total

Casualty. To the extent available, insurance proceeds shall be applied to such repair,

replacement or restoration.

2.10. Remedial Measures

If after the COD, the Concessionaire ceases to operate Project Facilities for a period of

48 (forty eight) consecutive hours other than due to a Forced Unavailability, Scheduled

Maintenance, or a suspension pursuant to Article 21, which is not attributable to the

Concessionaire, or a Force Majeure Event, without the prior written consent of NORTH

DMC, then NORTH DMC shall be entitled to step-in and undertake O&M of such Project

Facilities until the Concessionaire demonstrates to the satisfaction of NORTH DMC that

it can and will resume normal operation and maintenance of the Project Facilities. The

exercise of NORTH DMC’s rights under this Article 15.10 shall be at the cost, risk and

expense of the Concessionaire. The Concessionaire shall be liable to pay NORTH DMC

charges @ … per day during such period. Further, such failure shall be deemed to be a

Concessionaire Event of Default. Any such step-in shall be without prejudice to the ob-

ligations of the Concessionaire to IndianOil in terms of the CBG Sale and Purchase

Agreement and the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement.

2.11. O&M Personnel

2.11.1. The Concessionaire shall engage (either directly or through an approved Sub-

Contractor) adequate number of suitably skilled and qualified personnel to undertake

the O&M of the Project Facilities in accordance with the requirements set out in this


2.11.2. The Concessionaire shall be solely responsible for discharging all obligations in connec-

tion with the employment of the O&M personnel, including the payment of wages, sala-

ries, Taxes, and retrenchment compensation and providing all amenities and benefits

required under Applicable Laws.

2.11.3. Subject to compliance with the Applicable Laws, the Concessionaire shall have full

freedom to determine its internal human resources (HR) policies, including, the wages,

benefits and salary structure of its employees, the conditions of service, the shifts of

work, its hire and fire policy (whether for misconduct or other cause), and payment of

severance or retrenchment compensation.

2.11.4. NORTH DMC is not and shall not be treated as the "principal employer" of or be deemed

to have any contractual or other relationship with the O&M personnel. The Concession-

aire shall hold harmless and indemnify NORTH DMC against all losses, claims, costs and

damages that NORTH DMC may suffer due to the Concessionaire’s Sub-Contractor’s fail-

ure to comply with Applicable Laws.

Page 71 of 242


16.1.1 Monthly Progress Reports

During the Pre-COD Period, the Concessionaire shall, not later than 7 (seven) days after

the close of each month, furnish to North DMC, a monthly report bringing out in detail

the progress made by the Concessionaire and also organize monthly review meetings

with respect to its Scope of Work, including inter-alia the Processing facility (including

the power plant, if any), Project Facilities and any such information as may be consid-

ered essential by North DMC.

16.1.2 Inspection

During the Pre-COD Period, North DMC shall inspect or cause to be inspected the Pro-

ject Facilities at least [once a month] or at such shorter intervals as may be considered

essential by North DMC and/ or the PMU, make report of such inspection (the “Pre-

COD Inspection Report”) stating in reasonable detail the delay or deficiencies, if any,

with particular reference to the Scope of Work, Good Industry Practices, and Applicable


It shall send a copy of such a Report to the Concessionaire within 2 (two) days of such

inspection/ observation and upon receipt thereof, the Concessionaire shall rectify and

remedy the observations, if any, stated in the Inspection Report. Provided however,

such inspection or submission of Inspection Report by North DMC shall not relieve or ab-

solve the Concessionaire of its obligations and liabilities hereunder in any manner


16.1.3 Tests

For determining that the Project Facilities conform to the requirements of this Agree-

ment, North DMC shall require the Concessionaire to carry out or cause to be carried

out tests, at such time and frequency and in such manner as may be specified by North

DMC/ PMU from time to time, in accordance with Good Industry Practice for quality as-

surance. The Concessionaire shall, with due diligence, carry out or cause to be carried

out all the tests in accordance with the instructions of North DMC and furnish the re-

sults thereof to North DMC. For the avoidance of doubt, the costs to be incurred on any

such test undertaken shall be borne solely by the Concessionaire. In the event that re-

sults of any tests conducted under this Article 16.1.3 above establish any defects or de-

ficiencies in the works, the Concessionaire shall carry out remedial measures and fur-

nish a report to North DMC in this behalf. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that

tests pursuant to this Article 16.1.3 shall be undertaken in addition to and independent

of the tests that shall be carried out by the Concessionaire for its own quality assurance

in accordance with Good Industry Practice. It is also agreed that a copy of the results of

such tests shall be sent by the Concessionaire to North DMC forthwith.

16.2 Post-COD period

16.2.1 Monthly Status Reports

During Post-COD Period, the Concessionaire shall, not later than 7 (seven) days after

the close of each month, furnish to North DMC a monthly report stating in reasonable

detail the condition of the Project including its compliance or otherwise with the

Maintenance Requirements, the quantity of MSW Collected, Processed and Disposed and

shall promptly give such other relevant information as may be required by North DMC.

Page 72 of 242

In particular, such report shall separately identify and state in reasonable detail the

defects and deficiencies that require rectification.

16.2.2 Inspection

North DMC shall inspect or cause to be inspected the execution of the Project at least

[once a month]. It shall make a report of such inspection (the “Post –COD Inspection

Report”) stating in reasonable detail the defects or deficiencies, if any, with reference

to the Maintenance Requirements, maintenance manual, KPIs or requirements as set

forth in this Agreement including Schedules/ Schedules, and send a copy thereof to the

Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of such inspection and upon receipt thereof, the

Concessionaire shall rectify and remedy the defects or deficiencies, if any, stated in

the Post-COD Inspection Report. Such inspection or submission of Post-COD Inspection

Report by North DMC shall not relieve or absolve the Concessionaire of its obligations

and liabilities hereunder in any manner whatsoever.

16.2.3 Remedial measures

a) The Concessionaire shall repair or rectify the defects or deficiencies, which have

impact on the operations/ efficiency of the Project, if any, set forth in the Post-

COD Inspection Report and furnish a report in respect thereof to North DMC within

15 (fifteen) days of receiving the Post-COD Inspection Report; provided that where

the remedying of such defects or deficiencies is likely to take more than 15 (fif-

teen) days, the Concessionaire shall submit progress reports to North DMC of the

repair works [once every week] until such works are completed in conformity with

this Agreement.

In the event that remedial measures are not completed by the Concessionaire in

conformity with the provisions of this Agreement, North DMC/ NORTH DMC shall

be entitled to recover Damages from the Concessionaire at the rate of [0.1% (ze-

ro point one percent)] of Performance Security for each day of delay beyond

the period specified for rectification of such defect or deficiency by the Project

Management Unit/NORTH DMC.

16.2.4 NORTH DMC’s right to take remedial measures

(a) In the event the Concessionaire does not maintain and/or repair the Project Fa-

cilities/ Project Assets or any part thereof in conformity with the Mainte-

nance Requirements, maintenance manual or KPI or requirements as set forth in

this Agreement including Schedules/ Schedules, and fails to commence remedial

works within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of Post-COD Inspection Report or notice

in this behalf from [ NORTH DMC, the same shall, without prejudice to its right

under this Agreement including termination thereof, be entitled to undertake

such remedial measures at the risk and cost of the Concessionaire, and to recover

its cost from the Concessionaire. In addition to recovery of the aforesaid cost, an

additional sum equal to [10% (ten percent)] of such cost shall be paid by the Con-

cessionaire to NORTH DMC as damages.

Page 73 of 242

ARTICLE 17 PAYMENTS 17.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, NORTH DMC shall have no

obligation to make any payments to the Concessionaire other than those conditions

arising from Event of Default or Termination.

17.2. Taxes and Royalties

(a) The Concessionaire shall be responsible for payment of all applicable Taxes, in-

cluding all procedural compliances related to the payment of Taxes pursuant to

this Agreement, and shall be solely responsible for any proceedings initiated by any

Government Authority, in respect of any non-payment or short-payment of Taxes.

(b) The Concessionaire shall be responsible for payment of all applicable royalties on

any fine and coarse aggregate, core sand, fine sand, grit and any other minerals

extracted and/or used by the Concessionaire or any Sub-Contractor during the

Construction Period.

(c) Upon a request from the Concessionaire, NORTH DMC will provide all relevant cer-

tificates and information to enable the Concessionaire to obtain any Tax exemp-

tions available in relation to the Project. It is clarified that NORTH DMC shall not

be responsible in any manner for ensuring that any applicable Tax exemptions are

available to the Concessionaire.

(d) The Concessionaire shall indemnify NORTH DMC from and against any cost or liabil-

ity that may arise due to the Concessionaire's failure to pay all applicable Taxes, in

connection with the Project.

(e) Any Taxes payable in relation to the Sites shall be borne by NORTH DMC.

(f) The Concessionaire shall indemnify IndianOil expressly from and against any cost or

liability that may arise due to the Concessionaire's failure to pay all applicable

Taxes, in connection with the sale/ purchase of CBG and Ethanol supplied from the

WtE plant.

(g) Upon a reasonable request from the Concessionaire, IndianOil shall provide all rel-

evant certificates and information to enable the Concessionaire to obtain any Tax

exemptions available in relation to the sale/ purchase of CBG and Ethanol supplied

from the WtE plant. It is expressly clarified that IndianOil shall not be responsible

in any manner for ensuring that any applicable Tax exemptions are available to the


17.3 Default Interest

Upon any Party's failure to make a payment due and payable by it on the due date for

such payment, the defaulting Party shall be liable to pay default interest on all such

outstanding amounts at the prevailing SBI MCLR + 3% (three per cent) per annum or

part thereof. This is without prejudice to any Party’s right to terminate this Agreement

in accordance with Article 23 or any other right or remedy available to it under this

Agreement or Applicable Laws.

17.4 Disputed Amounts

(a) The Parties shall, within [10 (ten)] days of receiving the amount due and payable

to it, shall notify the other Party of the disputed amounts along with details

thereof (the “Disputed Amounts”). Within [7 (seven)] days of receiving such notice,

the defending Party shall present any information or evidence as may be reasona-

Page 74 of 242

bly required for determining that such Disputed Amounts are not payable. The

Parties may, if necessary, meet a representative of the other Party for resolving

the dispute and in the event that the dispute is not resolved the Dispute Resolu-

tion Procedure in accordance with Article 26 shall apply.

(b) If any amount is payable by either Party upon determination of a dispute regarding

any Disputed Amount such amount shall be deemed to be payable on the date

when it first became due and interest for the period of delay shall be due and

payable at the rate specified in Article 17.8.

17.5 Set-off

(a) The Concessionaire shall not be entitled to retain or set-off any amount due to

NORTH DMC by it, but NORTH DMC may retain or set-off any amount owed to it by

the Concessionaire under this Agreement which has fallen due and payable

against any amount due to the Concessionaire under this Agreement.

(b) NORTH DMC shall notify the Concessionaire at the time it exercises its right to

set-off and shall provide the Concessionaire its reasons for exercising such right

to set-off.

(c) The Concessionaire shall not be entitled to retain or set-off any amount due to In-

dianOil by it in connection with the sale of CBG and Ethanol from WtE plant.

However, IndianOil reserves the right to retain or set-off any amount owed to it

by the Concessionaire which has fallen due and payable against any amount due

to the Concessionaire in connection with the sale of CBG and Ethanol by the Con-

cessionaire from WtE plant.

(d) IndianOil may notify the Concessionaire at the time it exercises its right to set-off

and shall provide the Concessionaire its reasons for exercising such right to set-


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ARTICLE 18 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 18.1. Key Performance Indicators

Without prejudice to the obligations specified in this Agreement, the Concessionaire

shall develop, operate and maintain the Project Facilities, machinery, and vehicles

such that it achieves the performance indicators comprising Availability, Reliability,

Operation, Punctuality, Frequency, Safety, upkeep and conformity with ISO certifica-

tion, as specified in this Article, Good Industry Practice and Applicable Laws (the Key

Performance Indicators”).

18.2. Processing, Disposal & generating value from MSW

a) Availability: The Concessionaire shall ensure that the Availability of the machinery

and facilities for Processing, Disposal & generating value from MSW on every day

during the Period of the Concession Agreement shall be 100% (one hundred

per cent) (the “Guaranteed Availability”)

b) Operation: The Concessionaire shall at all times procure that, save and except any

determined damage caused by theft, arson or vandalism:

i) there are adequate arrangements for machinery and facilities Processing, Dis-

posal & generating value from Municipal MSW as per Specifications and Stand-


ii) all machinery, equipment and facilities are operational, function efficiently,

and their availability is no less than [98% (ninety eight per cent)] in a month;

c) Punctuality and duration of work

i) The Concessionaire agrees that the Punctuality as to the duration of work at

the site shall be measured on a monthly basis in terms of the percentage of

days with minimum [8 (eight)] hours of operation to the total number of work-

ing days (“Duration Punctuality”)

ii) The Concessionaire agrees that the Duration Punctuality shall be equal to or

more than [80% (eighty percent)] respectively.

d) Safety of Operations

i) NORTH DMC and the Concessionaire agree that the Safety of operation of the

work of Processing, Disposal & generating value from Municipal MSW shall be

measured in terms of inverse of number of accidents per 1,00,000 MT (the

“General Safety”) and the number of fatalities per 10,00,000 MT (the “Severe

Safety”) respectively. The General Safety and Severe Safety shall be calculated

in terms of total quantum of processing & disposal of Municipal MSW divided by

number of accidents multiplied by [1,00,000 (One Lakh)] and total quantum of

MSW cleared divided by number of fatalities multiplied by [10,00,000 (Ten

Lakh)], respectively.

ii) The Concessionaire agrees that the General Safety and the Severe Safety, as

the case may be, determined in accordance with Article 18.1.1(d)(i) shall be

equal to or more than [1(one)].

18.3. Collection and Transportation (Responsibility of NORTH DMC)

a) Availability: NORTH DMC shall ensure that the Availability of the collection and

transportation vehicles on every day during the O&M Period shall be 100% (one

Page 76 of 242

hundred per cent) (“Guaranteed Availability”)

18.4. Facilities at Project Facilities

a) Availability: The Concessionaire shall ensure that the Availability of the Project

Facilities at the Site and decentralized units on every day during the Post-COD pe-

riod shall be 100% (one hundred percent (the “Guaranteed Availability”)

b) Operation: The Concessionaire shall at all times procure that, save and except any

determined damage caused by theft, arson or vandalism:

i) there are adequate arrangements of Project Facilities as per Specifications and


ii) all machinery, equipment and facilities are operational, function efficiently,

and their availability is no less than [98% (ninety eight per cent)] in a month;

iii) the Project Facilities are maintained in accordance with Maintenance Require-


c) Punctuality and duration of work

i) The Concessionaire agrees that the Punctuality as to the duration of work of the

Project Facilities shall be measured on a monthly basis in terms of the per-

centage of days with minimum [8 (eight)] hours of operation to the total num-

ber of working days (“Duration Punctuality”)

ii) NORTH DMC and the Concessionaire agree that the Concessionaire may exercise

a relaxation equivalent to [2 (two)] hours, for start of the schedule of the Pro-

cessing & Disposal of Municipal MSW, for reasons attributable to rains, Force

Majeure, [or any special circumstance].

iii) The Concessionaire agrees that the Duration Punctuality shall be equal to or

more than [80% (eighty percent)] respectively.

d) Safety of Operations

i) NORTH DMC and the Concessionaire agree that the Safety of operation of the

Project Facilities shall be measured in terms of inverse of number of acci-

dents per [1,00,000 MT] (the “General Safety”) and the number of fatalities

per 10,00,000 MT (the “Severe Safety”) respectively. The General Safety and

Severe Safety shall be calculated in terms of total quantum of Legacy Waste

cleared divided by number of accidents multiplied by [1,00,000 (One Lakh)]

and total quantum of Legacy Waste cleared divided by number of fatalities

multiplied by [10,00,000 (Ten Lakh)], respectively.

ii) The Concessionaire agrees that the General Safety and the Severe Safety, as

the case may be, determined in accordance with Article 18.1.1(d)(i) shall be

equal to or more than [1(one)].

18.5. Miscellaneous

a) Extent of recovery of waste supplied by NORTH DMC: The quantum of MSW sup-

plied by NORTH DMC, which is either recycled or processed shall be expressed in

terms of percentage of waste supplied (“the Extent of Recovery”). The Extent of

Recovery shall not be less than [80% (eighty per cent)] during any year of opera-

tion. All rights and interest in the [residual inert waste, recyclables, fertilizers

etc.], shall vest with the Concessionaire at all times during the O&M Period, unless

Page 77 of 242

transferred by the Concessionaire to a third party buyer/off-taker in accordance

with this Agreement.

b) Efficiency in redressal of customer complaint: The total number of Project relat-

ed complaints redressed within 48 (forty eight) hours of the receipt of complaint,

as a percentage of the total number of Project related complaints received in the

given time period (the “Efficiency in Redressal of Customer Complaint”) shall be

increased by the Concessionaire annually up to 100% (one hundred per cent), with

the efficiency not being less than 50% (fifty per cent) during any year of operation.

c) Quantum of inert/ residual waste undisposed: The Concessionaire shall make rea-

sonable endeavors to ensure sale of most of the recovered waste products, materi-

als, etc., so as to limit the quantum of waste which remains un disposed to maxi-

mum of [20% (twenty per cent)] in a [year]. The quantum of un disposed waste

shall be calculated as the difference of total quantum of waste collected and the

waste recycled/processed and/or the recycled/processed waste which could not


By way of illustration, assuming that the total quantum of waste processed by the

Concessionaire in a year is 1000 (one thousand) tons, the Concessionaire, would

have recycled/processed 700 (seven hundred) tons. The remaining 300 (three hun-

dred) tons would constitute of the undisposed waste. If 100 (one hundred) tons out

of the 700 (seven hundred) tons of processed waste are not sold by the Conces-

sionaire, the 100 (one hundred) tons would also constitute of undisposed waste.

Hence, the total quantum of undisposed waste for the year would be equal to 400

(four hundred) tons which exceeds the limit of 20% (twenty per cent) on disposed

waste. Hence, the Concessionaire may be liable to pay Performance Liquidated


d) Certification

(i) The Concessionaire shall, prior to 1st (first) Anniversary of the COD, achieve

and thereafter maintain throughout the Concession Period, [ISO 9000,

14000 & 18000 standards] certification or a substitute thereof for the WtE

Project Facilities and shall provide certified copies thereof to NORTH DMC,


(ii) In the event of default in obtaining the certification specified above, the

Concessionaire shall, within [15 (fifteen)] days thereof, submit to NORTH

DMC, an action plan that sets out the actions proposed to be taken by the

Concessionaire for rectifying its deficiencies and obtaining such certifica-

tion for the Project Facilities.

(iii) If the period of default in obtaining the ISO certification under this Article

shall exceed a continuous period of [15 (fifteen)] months, the Concession-

aire shall pay Damages to the NORTH DMC in an amount equal to [5% (five

per cent)] of the Performance Security.

e) Monthly Report: The Concessionaire shall, no later than [7 (seven)] days after the

end of each month, furnish to the NORTH DMC, a report stating the KPI achieve-

ment of the Project Facility as measured on a daily basis. The Concessionaire shall

promptly give such other relevant information as may be required by the NORTH


18.6. Availability of Project Facilities

Page 78 of 242

18.6.1. The 'Availability' of each Project Facilities will be determined as a ratio of the number

of hours in a day during which such Project Facility was available to carry out opera-

tions up to its design capacity, to the total number of hours in a day, and the term

'Available' shall be construed accordingly.

18.6.2. In computing the Availability of each Project Facilities, the Concessionaire agrees that

the Project Facilities will be deemed to be Available at all times, other than during the

period of:

(a) an Unscheduled Outage affecting such Project Facility;

(b) a Power Outage affecting such Project Facility;

(c) suspension of the O&M services for such Project Facility, the cause of which &

for reasons not attributable to the Concessionaire; or

(d) an Emergency affecting such Project Facility, the cause of which is not attribut-

able to the Concessionaire, during which the Project Facility will be deemed to

be not Available.

18.6.3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, during the pe-

riod of a Forced Unavailability or a Force Majeure, the Project Facility affected by such

Forced Unavailability or a Force Majeure will be deemed to be Available.

18.6.4. If the Availability for a Project Facility on any given day is less than the Guaranteed

Availability, the NORTH DMC shall issue a notice to the Concessionaire requiring the

Concessionaire to cure the default causing the reduction in Availability in [3 (three)]

days. Any failure to cure the default and achieve the Guaranteed Availability within [3

(three)] days of receipt of the notice from the NORTH DMC shall constitute a Conces-

sionaire Event of Default. The NORTH DMC may claim Availability Liquidated Damages

would be available till the default is cured or the Agreement is terminated.

18.7. Damages for failure to achieve Key Performance Indicators

18.7.1. Availability Liquidated Damages

(a) If the Availability on any given day in a [month/quarter] is less than the Guaran-

teed Availability then the Concessionaire shall pay the liquidated damages (the

“Availability Liquidated Damages”) equal to [0.1% (zero point one per cent)] of

Performance Security for each such day.

18.7.2. Performance Liquidated Damages

(a) If the compliance of KPIs (other than Availability of Project Facilities) on any

given day(s) in a [month/quarter] is less than the benchmarks then the Conces-

sionaire shall pay the liquidated damages (the “Performance Liquidated Dam-

ages”) equal to [0.1% (zero point one per cent)]of the Performance Security for

each such day. Based on the KPI Adherence Report, if the Project Facility(ies)

does not comply with the KPIs, then the process set out below shall follow:

i. In the first instance of non-compliance (the First Breach), NORTH DMC

shall issue a notice to the Concessionaire on the first day of such non-

compliance (First Breach Notice) requiring the Concessionaire to cure the

First Breach within [20 (twenty)] days from the date of the First Breach

Notice. If the First Breach is cured within [2 (two)] days of the First

Breach Notice, then the Concessionaire shall not be liable to pay any Per-

formance Liquidated Damages. If, however, the First Breach continues

Page 79 of 242

beyond [2 (two)] days of the First Breach Notice, then, the Concessionaire

shall be liable to pay the Performance Liquidated Damages as pre-

decided by the Parties, from the [3rd(third)] day of the First Breach.

ii. If: (I) the First Breach continues for [20 (twenty)] days from the date of

the First Breach Notice; or (II) another instance of non-compliance occurs

within [6 (six)] months of the First Breach, then such breach shall consti-

tute the Second Breach. Upon occurrence of the Second Breach, the

NORTH DMC] shall issue a notice to the Concessionaire on the first day of

the Second Breach (Second Breach Notice) requiring the Concessionaire to

cure the Second Breach within [20 (twenty)] days from the date of the

Second Breach Notice. If the Second Breach continues beyond [2 (two)]

days of the Second Breach Notice, then, the Concessionaire shall be liable

to pay twice the amount of the Performance Liquidated Damages, as pre-

decided by the Parties, from the [1st(first)] day of the Second Breach. In

case of (I) above, it is clarified that the Concessionaire will be liable to

pay Performance Liquidated Damages at the rate specified for the First

Breach, for the first [2 (two)] days of a continuing breach from the date

of the Second Breach Notice and twice the specified Performance Liqui-

dated Damages from the [3rd(third)] day of a continuing Second Breach.

iii. If: (I) the Second Breach continues for [20 (twenty)] days from the date

of the Second Breach Notice; or (II) another instance of non-compliance

occurs within [6 (six)] months of the Second Breach, then such breach

shall constitute the Third Breach. Upon occurrence of the Third Breach,

the NORTH DMC] shall issue a notice to the Concessionaire on the first day

of the Third Breach (Third Breach Notice) requiring the Concessionaire

to cure the Third Breach within [20 (twenty)] days from the date of the

Third Breach Notice. If the Third Breach continues beyond [2 (two)] days

of the Third Breach Notice, then: (X) the Concessionaire shall be liable to

pay thrice the amount of the Performance Liquidated Damages applicable

to the First Breach, from the [1st (first)] day of the Third Breach; and

(Y) the Capex Annuity for the relevant [month(s)/quarter(s)] will be re-

duced by an amount equal to the Capex Annuity for the relevant [quar-

ter/90 (ninety)] days for each day that the Third Breach continues be-

yond the [1st (first)] day of the Third Breach. In case of (I) above, it is

clarified that the Concessionaire will be liable to pay twice the Perfor-

mance Liquidated Damages specified applicable to the First Breach, for

the first [2 (two)] days of a continuing breach from the date of the Third

Breach Notice and thrice the specified Performance Liquidated Damages

from the [3rd (third)] day of the Third Breach, in addition to the reduc-

tion in the Capex Annuity.

iv. If: (I) the Third Breach is not cured within [20 (twenty)] days from the

Third Breach Notice; or (II) a failure to comply with the KPIs results in oc-

currence of a Third Breach more than 3 (three) times in a continuous [12

(twelve)] month period, it will be treated as a Concessionaire Event of

Default and the consequences set out at Article 23 shall apply.

v. The Parties acknowledge that the Performance Liquidated Damages (in-

cluding any escalation contemplated in this Article 18.3.2) are a genuine

pre-estimation of and reasonable compensation for the environmental

Page 80 of 242

damage that may be caused by the Concessionaire's continuing failure to

comply with the KPIs, and not as penalty. The payment of Performance

Liquidated Damages will not absolve the Concessionaire from any other li-

ability under Applicable Law, for causing any environmental pollution or

health hazard due to its failure to comply with the Discharge Standards

and/or Applicable Law.

(b) Within [7 (seven)] days from the end of each month, the Concessionaire shall be

required to provide the monthly progress report for each of the Project Facili-

ties (prepared in accordance with Article 15.7.2(c)(v)) on compliance of such

Project Facilities with the KPIs and the reasons for such failure, if any. North

DMC shall be required to certify each such monthly report before it is provided

to the NORTH DMC. Such certified report on compliance with KPIs shall be re-

ferred to as the KPI Adherence Report.

18.7.3. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event in any

[month/quarter] the aggregate of Availability Liquidated Damages and Performance

Liquidated Damages levied by the NORTH DMC on account of non-performance exceeds

25% of the Performance Security amount available with North DMC, then the same

shall be construed as Concessionaire Event of Default, which shall make this Agreement

liable for termination.

Page 81 of 242

ARTICLE 19 ESCROW ACCOUNT The Concessionaire prior to the Compliance Date, shall open & establish an Escrow Account

with a Bank (the “Escrow Bank”) in accordance with the terms & conditions of this Agreement

& the Escrow Agreement (Schedule 8).

The nature & scope of the Escrow Account as fully described in the Agreement to be entered in

to amongst the Concessionaire, North DMC, IndianOil substantially in the form as set forth in

Schedule 8.

Page 82 of 242

Page 83 of 242

ARTICLE 20 FORCE MAJEURE 20.1 Force Majeure Events

20.1.1. A Force Majeure Event means any act, event or circumstance or a combination of acts,

events or circumstances or the consequence(s) thereof occurring after the date of this

Agreement, which is/are:

a) beyond the reasonable control of the Affected Party.

b) such that the Affected Party is unable to overcome or prevent despite exercise of

due care and diligence.

c) which does/do not result from the negligence of such Affected Party or the failure

of such Affected Party to perform its obligations hereunder; and

d) such that it/they has/have a Material Adverse Effect.

20.1.2. A Force Majeure Event means the following events and circumstances to the extent that

they satisfy the conditions set out in Article 20.1.1:

a) Non-Political Force Majeure Events

i) acts of God including storm, tempest, cyclone, hurricane, tsunami, flood, whirl-

wind, lightning, earthquake, washout, landslide, soil erosion, volcanic eruption,

or extreme adverse weather or environmental conditions or actions of the ele-


ii) fire or explosion caused by reasons not attributable to the Concessionaire or any

Concessionaire Related Parties;

iii) chemical or radioactive contamination or ionising radiation;

iv) epidemic, plague or quarantine;

v) the discovery of geological conditions, toxic contamination or archaeological re-

mains on the Site that could not reasonably have been expected to be discov-

ered through a site inspection; and

vi) accidents of navigation, air crash, shipwreck, train wreck or other similar failures

of transportation of equipment and/or material necessary for construction or

O&M of the Facilities.

Non-Political Force Majeure Event shall not include the following conditions, except to

the extent resulting from a Non-Political Force Majeure Event:

i) heavy rainfall.

ii) unavailability, late delivery or changes in cost of plant, machinery, equipment,

materials or spare parts required for undertaking the Project.

iii) a delay in the performance of any Subcontractor.

iv) non-performance resulting from normal wear and tear; or

v) non-performance caused by the non-performing Party's (I) negligent or inten-

tional acts, errors or omissions, (II) failure to comply with the Applicable Laws or

Applicable Permits, or (III) breach of, or default under, this Agreement, as the

case maybe.

b) Indirect Political Force Majeure Events

Page 84 of 242

i) hostilities (whether declared as war or not), riot, civil disturbance, revolution,

rebellion, insurrection, act of terrorism, in each case involving the GoI or the

GNCTD or occurring in New Delhi.

ii) invasion, armed conflict, coup, act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, revo-

lution, insurgency, nuclear blast/explosion, politically motivated sabotage, re-

ligious strife or civil commotion, in each case involving the GoI or the GNCTD or

occurring in New Delhi.

iii) strikes or boycotts (including non-political strikes other than those involving

the Concessionaire, Sub-Contractors or their respective employ-

ees/representatives, or attributable to any act or omission of any of them and

the indirect political strikes such as industry-wide or state-wide strikes), lock-

out, or other industrial disputes which are not directly attributable to the ac-

tions of the Affected Party.

iv) any orders issued by the relevant Government Authority, which require the

Concessionaire to suspend the construction or O&M of the Facilities provided

that, such orders are not attributable to the Concessionaire's breach or viola-

tion of any Applicable Laws or Applicable Permits; and

v) delay or failure by relevant Government Authorities in renewing or granting any

Applicable Permit, despite the Concessionaire having applied for such Applica-

ble Permit expeditiously and complied with the requirements of Applicable

Laws in making such application or the unlawful revocation of any Applicable


c) Direct Political Force Majeure Events

i) occurrence of a Fundamental Change in Law in accordance with Article 22.

ii) compulsory acquisition in national interest or expropriation of the Site; and

iii) any order, notification or judgment issued or passed by any Government Au-

thority/ Court of Law/ Tribunal which restricts the Concessionaire from con-

structing or operating the Facilities as contemplated in this Agreement on the

Site, unless such restriction is, in any manner, attributable to the Concession-


d) Without prejudice to the provisions above,

i) any act, event or circumstance which primarily affects any of the Concession-

aire Related Parties associated with the Project shall constitute a Force

Majeure Event if and to the extent that it is of a kind or character that, if it

had directly affected the Concessionaire, it would have come within the defini-

tion of Force Majeure Event under this Article 20.1;and

ii) any act, event or circumstance which primarily affects any of the State Gov-

ernment Related Parties or the NORTH DMC Related Parties shall constitute a

Force Majeure Event if and to the extent that it is of a kind or character that, if

it had directly affected NORTH DMC and / or IndianOil, it would have come

within the definition of Force Majeure Event under this Article20.1.

e) If the Parties are unable to agree in good faith on the occurrence or existence of a

Force Majeure Event, such dispute shall be finally settled in accordance with the

dispute resolution procedure set out in Article 26, provided however that the bur-

Page 85 of 242

den of proof as to the occurrence or existence of such Force Majeure Event shall be

upon the Affected Party.

20.1.3. The provision of Article 20 shall apply mutatis mutants to the CBG and Ethanol

Sale Purchase Agreement between IndianOil and Concessionaire.

20.2 Notice of Force Majeure Events

20.2.1. The Affected Party shall give notice to the other Party in writing of the occurrence

of any Force Majeure Event (the “FM Notice”), as soon as the same arises or as

soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within 3 (three) days after the Af-

fected Party knew of its occurrence, the adverse effect it has or is likely to have

on the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, the actions being tak-

en and an estimate of the time period required to overcome the Force Majeure

Event and/or its nature and effects (if it is possible to estimate the same).

20.2.2. If, following the issue of the FM Notice, the Affected Party receives or becomes

aware of any further information relating to the Force Majeure Event, it shall

submit such further information to the other Party as soon as reasonably practica-


20.2.3. Any party claiming to have been affected by a Force Majeure Event shall not be

entitled to any relief unless it has complied with all the provisions of this Article


20.3 Excuse of Performance

20.3.1. If the Affected Party is rendered wholly or partially unable to perform its obligations

under this Agreement because of a Force Majeure Event, it shall be excused from perfor-

mance of such of its obligations to the extent it is unable to perform on account of such

Force Majeure Event; provided that:

(a) the suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer dura-

tion than is reasonably required by the Force Majeure Event;

(b) the Affected Party shall make all reasonable efforts to mitigate or limit damage to

the other Party arising out of or as a result of the existence or occurrence of such

Force Majeure Event and to cure the same with due diligence; and

(c) when the Affected Party is able to resume performance of its obligations under this

Agreement, it shall give to the other Party notice to that effect and shall promptly

resume performance of its obligations hereunder.

20.3.2. If a Force Majeure Event affects only one Project Facility, and not the other Project Fa-

cilities, then the Affected Party shall only be excused from the performance of its obliga-

tions in relation to the affected Project Facilities.

Note: The Parties may mutually agree to engage an in dependent expert to evaluate the

occurrence and effect, etc., of the Force Majeure Event.

20.4 No Liability for Other Losses

Save and except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no Party shall be liable in any

manner whatsoever to the other Parties in respect of any loss relating to or arising out of

the occurrence or existence of any Force Majeure Event or the exercise by it of any right

pursuant to this Article 20.

20.5 Resumption of Performance

Page 86 of 242

The Affected Party shall in consultation with the other Parties, make all reasonable ef-

forts to limit or mitigate the effects of a Force Majeure Event on the performance of its

obligations under this Agreement. The Affected Party shall also make efforts to resume

performance of its obligations under this Agreement as soon as possible and upon resump-

tion, shall notify the other Parties of the same in writing. The other Parties shall afford

all reasonable assistance to the Affected Party in this regard.

20.6 Allocation of costs during a Force Majeure Event

20.6.1. Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, the Parties shall bear their respective

Costs and no Party shall be required to pay any Costs to the other Parties.

And neither Party shall be liable in any manner whatsoever to the other Party in respect

of any loss, damage, cost, expense, claims, demands and proceedings relating to or arising

out of occurrence or existence of any Force Majeure Event or exercise of any right pursu-

ant hereto.

20.7 Termination due to Force Majeure Event

20.7.1. Termination due to a Non-Political Force Majeure Event

If within a continuous period of [365 (three hundred and sixty five)] days, a Non-

Political Force Majeure Event continues for a period of [180 (one hundred and eighty)]

days or more, after the notification of a Non-Political Force Majeure Event or any ex-

tended period agreed in pursuance of Article 20.3, any Party shall, after the expiry of the

period of [180 (one hundred and eighty)] days or any other mutually extended period, be

entitled to forthwith terminate this Agreement in its sole discretion by issuing a notice to

that effect to the other Parties.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Article 20.7:

(a) if the Project Facilities are affected by a Total Casualty, then the Concessionaire

may terminate this Agreement without having to wait for the expiry of the period of

[180 (one hundred and eighty)] days stipulated for a Non-Political Force Majeure


(b) if the Project Facilities are affected by a Minor Casualty, then the Concessionaire

shall be required to repair and restore the Project Facilities to the same condition

as previously existed and the Concessionaire shall not be entitled to terminate this

Agreement on the grounds of a continuing Non-Political Force Majeure Event.

20.7.2. Termination due to an Indirect Political Force Majeure Event

If within a continuous period of [365 (three hundred and sixty five)] days, an Indirect

Political Force Majeure Event continues for a period of [180 (one hundred and eighty)]

days or more, after the notification of an Indirect Political Force Majeure Event or any

extended period agreed in pursuance of Article 20.3, any Party shall, after the expiry of

the period of [180 (one hundred and eighty)] days or any other mutually extended peri-

od, be entitled to forthwith terminate this Agreement in its sole discretion by issuing a

notice to that effect to the other Parties.

20.7.3. Termination due to a Direct Political Force Majeure Event

a) If within a continuous period of [365 (three hundred and sixty five)] days, an Direct Po-

litical Force Majeure Event continues for a period of [180 (one hundred and eighty)] days

or more, after the notification of a Direct Political Force Majeure Event or any extended

period agreed in pursuance of Article 20.3, any Party shall, after the expiry of the period

Page 87 of 242

of [180 (one hundred and eighty)] days or any other mutually extended period, be enti-

tled to forthwith terminate this Agreement in its sole discretion by issuing a notice to

that effect to the other Parties.

b) All the other consequences of termination that are set out at Article 23 shall apply in

case of termination of this Agreement due to a Force Majeure Event.

Page 88 of 242

ARTICLE 21 SUSPENSION OF CONCESSIONAIRE’s RIGHTS 21.1 Suspension upon Concessionaire Default

Upon occurrence of a Concessionaire Event of Default, the NORTH DMC shall be entitled,

without prejudice to its other rights and remedies under this Agreement including its

rights of Termination hereunder, to (i) suspend all rights of the Concessionaire under

this Agreement and (ii) exercise such rights itself and perform the obligations hereunder

or authorize any other person to exercise or perform the same on its behalf during such

suspension (the “Suspension”). Suspension hereunder shall be effective forthwith upon

issue of notice by NORTH DMC to the Concessionaire and may extend up to a period not

exceeding 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of issue of such notice; pro-

vided that upon written request from the Concessionaire & the Lenders’ Representa-

tive, NORTH DMC shall extend the aforesaid period of 180 (one hundred and eighty)

days by a further period not exceeding [90 (ninety)] days. Any such Suspension shall be

without prejudice to the obligations and liabilities of the Concessionaire under the Eth-

anol Purchase Agreement and the CBG Purchase Agreement respectively.

21.2 Suspension by the Concessionaire

21.2.1. Suspension of construction or O&M of the Project Facilities

(a) At any time during the Concession Period, the Concessionaire may suspend, whether

partially or wholly, the construction or O&M of any Project Facility, in case of an


(b) The Concessionaire acknowledges that suspension of the construction of any Pro-

ject Facility during the Construction Period pursuant to Article21.2.1(a) shall not

entitle the Concessionaire to an extension of time, if such event is attributable to

the Concessionaire.

(c) Upon the occurrence of an Emergency, the Concessionaire shall as soon as reasona-

bly possible, and in no event later than [3 (three)] days after such occurrence, notify

NORTH DMC of such occurrence.

(d) If, upon notification, NORTH DMC does not concur with the Concessionaire on the

nature of such occurrence, then the Concessionaire shall be required to immediately

re-commence the construction or O&M of the Project Facility, as the case may be.

Upon re-commencement of the construction or O&M services, the Concessionaire

may initiate a Dispute regarding its claim for the occurrence of such an event or cir-

cumstance, and such Dispute shall be finally settled in accordance with the dispute

resolution procedure set out in Article 26, provided however that the burden of

proof as to the occurrence or existence of such an event shall be upon the Conces-


21.2.2. Mitigation, Resumption and Termination

a) The Concessionaire shall make best endeavors to:

(i) mitigate the effects (including incremental costs and delays) of the events or

circumstances resulting in suspension pursuant to Article 21.2.1(a) above. Not-

withstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, if NORTH

DMC, in its sole assessment, is not satisfied with the steps being taken by the

Concessionaire to mitigate the effects of the Emergency, NORTH DMC shall have

the right to step-in to this Agreement and undertake necessary measures to mit-

igate the effect of the Emergency at the cost and risk of the Concessionaire;

Page 89 of 242


(ii) resume the construction or O&M services of the Project Facility within 24

(twenty four) hours of the ceasing of any of the events or circumstances result-

ing in suspension pursuant to Article 21.2.1(a) or such longer period as may be

approved by NORTH DMC and notify the NORTH DMC of the resumption of the

works or services.

b) During the period of Suspension hereunder, all rights and liabilities vested in the Con-

cessionaire in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to vest

therein and all things done or actions taken, including expenditure incurred by

NORTH DMC for discharging the obligations of the Concessionaire under and in ac-

cordance with this Agreement and the Project Agreement, shall be deemed to have

been done or taken for and on behalf of the Concessionaire and the Concessionaire

undertakes to indemnify NORTH DMC for all costs incurred during such period.

c) Without prejudice to Clause 21.2.2(a):

i) if suspension of the construction or O&M of a Project Facility pursuant to Article

21.2.1(a) continues for a period of [60 (sixty)] days, and such event is attributable to

the Concessionaire, then such suspension shall amount to a Concessionaire Event of

Default in accordance with Article 23; and

ii) if suspension of the construction or O&M of a Project Facility pursuant to Article

21.2.1(a) continues for a period of [60 (sixty)] days, and such event is not attributa-

ble to the Concessionaire, then such event will be treated as a Force Majeure Event

and the consequences set out in Article 20 shall apply.

21.3 Suspension by NORTH DMC

21.3.1. Suspension of construction and/or O&M of the Facilities

(a) At any time during the Concession Period, NORTH DMC may suspend, whether par-

tially or wholly, the construction or O&M of a Project Facility, in any of the follow-

ing events or circumstances:

(i) upon the occurrence of an Emergency; or

(ii) if the Concessionaire fails to comply with Applicable Laws, Applicable Per-

mits, the ESHS Documents, the O&M Manual or otherwise fails to perform its

obligations in accordance with this Agreement (including the Technical Specifi-


(b) The Concessionaire acknowledges that suspension of the construction of the Pro-

ject Facilities during the Construction Period pursuant to Article 21.3.1(a) shall not

entitle the Concessionaire to an extension of time if such event is attributable to

the Concessionaire.

21.3.2. Mitigation, Resumption and Termination

a) The Concessionaire shall make best endeavors to:

(i) mitigate the effects (including incremental costs and delays) of the events or

circumstances resulting in suspension pursuant to Article21.3.1 above. Not-

withstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, if the

NORTH DMC, in its sole assessment, is not satisfied with the steps being tak-

en by the Concessionaire to mitigate the effects of the Emergency, the

Page 90 of 242

NORTH DMC shall have the right to step-in to this Agreement and undertake

necessary measures to mitigate the effect of the Emergency at the cost (as

determined by North DMC) and risk of the Concessionaire; and

(ii) resume the construction or O&M services of the relevant Project Facility

within24 (twenty four) hours of the ceasing of any of the events or circum-

stances resulting in suspension pursuant to Article 21.3.1 or such longer peri-

od as may be agreed between the Parties, and notify NORTH DMC of the re-

sumption of the works or services.

b) Without prejudice to Article 21.3.2(a):

(iii) if suspension of the construction or O&M of the relevant Project Facility pur-

suant to Article 21.3.2(a)(i) and the Emergency is attributable to the Conces-

sionaire, or a such suspension continues for a period of 60 (sixty) days, and

such suspension is attributable to the Concessionaire then such suspension

shall amount to a Concessionaire Event of Default in accordance with Article

23; and

(iv) if suspension of the construction or O&M of the relevant Facility pursuant to

Article 21.3.2(a)continues for a period of 60 (sixty) days, and such suspension

is not attributable to the Concessionaire, then such suspension will be treat-

ed as a Force Majeure Event and the consequences set out in Article 20 shall


21.4 Revocation of Suspension

In the event that the NORTH DMC shall have rectified or removed the cause of Suspen-

sion within a period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days from the date of Suspension, it shall

have the option to revoke the Suspension and restore the rights of the Concessionaire

under this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties expressly agree that the

NORTH DMC may, in its discretion, revoke the Suspension at any time, whether or not

the cause of Suspension has been rectified or removed hereunder.

Upon the Concessionaire having cured the Event of Default within a period not exceeding

90 (ninety) days from the date of Suspension, the NORTH DMC shall revoke the Suspen-

sion forthwith and restore all rights of the Concessionaire under this Agreement.

21.5 Substitution of Concessionaire

At any time during the period of Suspension, the Lenders' Representative, on behalf

of Senior Lenders, shall be entitled to substitute the Concessionaire under and in ac-

cordance with the Substitution Agreement, and upon receipt of notice there under

from the Lender's Representative, the NORTH DMC shall withhold Termination for a pe-

riod not exceeding [180 (one hundred and eighty)] days from the date of Suspension,

and any extension thereof due to Concessionaire default for enabling the Lenders’

Representative to exercise its rights of substitution on behalf of Senior Lenders.

21.6 Termination

At any time during the period of Suspension under this Article 21, NORTH DMC may re-

voke the Suspension and issue a Termination Notice. Subject to the rights of the Lenders'

Representative to undertake substitution in accordance with the provisions of this

Agreement, the NORTH DMC may, within [15 (fifteen)] days of issue of such notice, ter-

minate this Agreement under and in accordance with Article 21.

Page 91 of 242

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in the event

that Suspension is not revoked within [180 (one hundred and eighty)] days from the

date of Suspension hereunder or within the extended period, if any, the Concession

Agreement shall, upon expiry of aforesaid period, be deemed to have been terminated

by mutual agreement of the Parties and all provisions of this Agreement shall apply,

mutatis mutandis, to such Termination as if a Termination Notice had been issued by

NORTH DMC upon occurrence of a Concessionaire Default.

Page 92 of 242

ARTICLE 22 not used

Page 93 of 242


Event of Default shall mean either Concessionaire Event of Default or the NORTH DMC

Event of Default or all as the context may admit or require.

23.2 Concessionaire Event of Default

1. In addition to any events specified elsewhere in this Agreement, events arising out of

any acts or omissions of the Concessionaire and which have not occurred solely as a con-

sequence of a NORTH DMC Event of Default, or any other Force Majeure Event, and

where the Concessionaire has failed to remedy the defects within any specified time

period (to the extent any time period is provided), any of the following events shall con-

stitute an Event of Default by the Concessionaire(the “Concessionaire Event of De-


(a) Failure of the Concessionaire to satisfy Conditions Precedent within the stipulated

time as per the provisions of this Agreement.

(b) failure of the Concessionaire to complete the construction of a Project Facility by

the expiry of the Grace Period.

(c) failure of the Concessionaire to pay the Delay Liquidated Damages within the time-

lines specified in this Agreement.

(d) failure of the Concessionaire to achieve successful completion of Trial Operations of

Project Facilities.

(e) Failure of the Concessionaire to achieve Commercial Operations Date of the WtE plant

within the timelines specified in this Agreement.

(f) failure of the Concessionaire to remedy any reduction in Availability within [3

(three)] days of receipt of a notice from NORTH DMC in accordance with Article 18.

(g) failure of the Concessionaire to build and/or operate the Project in compliance with

the KPIs and Technical Specifications.

(h) Failure of the Concessionaire to supply CBG and/ or Ethanol for a consecutive peri-

od of 2 days or more subject to a maximum of 7 days in any month irrespective of

being consecutive or not.

(i) Any breach by the Concessionaire of the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement

and/or CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement.

(j) for any Project Facility, failure of the Concessionaire to achieve the KPIs for [2

(two)] consecutive days, [32 (thirty two)] times in a continuous [12 (twelve)] month


(k) suspension of the construction or O&M of a Project Facility pursuant to Article 21 (to

the extent such Emergency is attributable to the Concessionaire) for a continuous

period of 60 (sixty)days.

(l) a breach by the Concessionaire of its obligations under this Agreement which has a

Material Adverse Effect on the ability of the Concessionaire to construct and/or op-

erate and maintain the Project Facilities and such breach, if capable of being reme-

died, is not remedied within [30 (thirty)] days of issuance of written notice from Au-

thority specifying such breach and requiring the Concessionaire to remedy the same.

Page 94 of 242

(m) any representation made or warranties given by the Concessionaire under this Agree-

ment being found to be false or misleading in any material respect. failure of the

Concessionaire to submit and maintain a valid Performance Securities and O&M Secu-

rities in accordance with Article 9.

(n) breach by the Concessionaire of its obligations set forth in this Agreement.

(o) failure of the Concessionaire to obtain, renew and maintain any Concessionaire

Applicable Permits.

(p) failure of the Concessionaire to comply with any Applicable Law (including specifi-

cally the EPA 1986, SWM Rules 2016, PWM Rules 2016).

(q) failure of the Concessionaire to obtain and maintain insurance cover in accordance

with Article 27.

(r) failure of the Concessionaire or the Sub-Contractors to comply with the ESHS Doc-

uments in accordance with Article 14.

(s) the breach of the Concessionaire's obligations under or the occurrence of an Event

of Default or analogous event under the Financing Agreements or termination of

the Financing Agreements (for reasons attributable to the Concessionaire).

(t) abandonment of the Project by the Concessionaire.

(u) the Concessionaire has unlawfully repudiated this Agreement or has otherwise ex-

pressed an intention not to be bound by this Agreement.

(v) a resolution for insolvency of the Concessionaire is passed, or any petition for in-

solvency of the Concessionaire is initiated before a court (including tribunal) of

competent jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of Insolvency and Bank-

ruptcy Code, 2016 and such application has not been withdrawn within 14 (four-

teen) days of the date thereof.

(w) if a trustee or receiver is appointed for the Concessionaire or for the whole or ma-

terial part of its assets that has a material bearing on the Project.

(x) a resolution for winding up of the Concessionaire is passed, or any petition for wind-

ing up of the Concessionaire is admitted by a court (including tribunal) of compe-

tent jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of Insolvency and Bankruptcy

Code, 2016 or Companies Act, 1956/ Companies Act, 2013 and a liquidator or receiver

is appointed and such order has not been set aside within 90 (ninety) days of the

date thereof or the Concessionaire is ordered to be wound up by Court except for

the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction; provided that, as part of such amal-

gamation or reconstruction, the entire property, assets and undertaking of the Con-

cessionaire are transferred to the amalgamated or reconstructed entity and that

the amalgamated or reconstructed entity has unconditionally assumed the obliga-

tions of the Concessionaire under this Agreement and the agreements in relation

thereto; and provided that:

(i) the amalgamated or reconstructed entity has the capability and operating ex-

perience necessary for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement

and the agreements in relation thereto; and

(ii) the amalgamated or reconstructed entity has the financial standing to perform its

obligations under this Agreement and the agreements in relation thereto and has

a credit worthiness at least as good as that of the Concessionaire as at the Effec-

Page 95 of 242

tive Date.

23.3 NORTH DMC Event of Default

1. Any of the following events shall constitute an event of default by NORTH DMC (the

“NORTH DMC Event of Default”) when not caused by a Concessionaire Event of Default

or Force Majeure Event:

(a) NORTH DMC does not supply the assured quality & quantity of MSW for a consecu-

tive period of 2 days or more at any time during the term of this Agreement.

(b) NORTH DMC is in Material Breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement and

have failed to cure such breach within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of notice thereof

issued by the Concessionaire.

(c) NORTH DMC has unlawfully repudiated this Agreement or otherwise expressed its

intention not to be bound by this Agreement.

(d) NORTH DMC has unreasonably withheld or delayed grant of any approval or permis-

sion within its respective jurisdictions and such delay and withholding is not at-

tributable to Concessionaire or Force Majeure which the Concessionaire is obliged

to seek under this Agreement, and thereby caused or likely to cause Material Ad-

verse Effect.

(e) Any representations made or warranties given by the NORTH DMC under this

Agreement have been found to be false or misleading in any material respect.

23.4 Termination due to Event of Default

23.4.1 Termination for Concessionaire Event of Default

(a) Without prejudice to any other right or remedy which NORTH DMC may have in re-

spect thereof under this Agreement, upon the occurrence of a Concessionaire

Event of Default, NORTH DMC shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement in the

manner as set out under Article 23.4.1(b) and Article 23.4.1(c).

(b) Provided however that upon the occurrence of a Concessionaire Event of Default as

specified under Article 23.2, NORTH DMC may terminate this Agreement by issue of

Termination Notice in the manner set out under Article 23.4.3 after giving the

Concessionaire an opportunity of hearing.

(c) If NORTH DMC decides to terminate this Agreement pursuant to preceding Article

23.4.1(a), it shall in the first instance issue Preliminary Notice to the Concession-

aire. Within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the Preliminary Notice, the Concession-

aire shall submit to the NORTH DMC in sufficient detail, the manner in which it

proposes to cure the underlying Event of Default (the “Concessionaire’s Proposal

to Rectify”)

i. In case of non-submission of the Concessionaire's Proposal to Rectify with-

in the said period of 30 (thirty) days, the NORTH DMC shall be entitled to

terminate this Agreement by issuing Termination Notice, and the Perfor-

mance Security of the Concessionaire shall get forfeited.

ii. If the Concessionaire’s Proposal to rectify is submitted within the period

stipulated therefor, the Concessionaire shall have further period of 30

(thirty) days to remedy/ cure the underlying Event of Default. If, however

the Concessionaire fails to remedy/cure the underlying event of default

Page 96 of 242

within such further period allowed, NORTH DMC shall be entitled to termi-

nate this Agreement, by issue of Termination Notice and the Performance

Security of the Concessionaire shall get forfeited.

iii. In the event of Termination of this Agreement by NORTH DMC in accordance

with this Article 23.4.1, IndianOil shall be entitled to terminate the CBG and

Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement and forfeit the securities provided by

the Concessionaire under the CBG and Ethanol Sale & Purchase Agreement.

23.4.2 Termination for NORTH DMC Event of Default

(a) Without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Concessionaire may have

in respect thereof under this Agreement, upon the occurrence of NORTH DMC Event

of Default, the Concessionaire shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by issu-

ing Termination Notice.

(b) If the Concessionaire decides to terminate this Agreement pursuant to preceding

Article 23.4.2(a) it shall in the first instance issue Preliminary Notice to NORTH

DMC, as the case may be. Within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of Preliminary Notice,

the NORTH DMC, shall forward to the Concessionaire its proposal to remedy/ cure

the underlying Event of Default (the “NORTH DMC Proposal to Rectify”). In case

of non-submission of Proposal to rectify by NORTH DMC, within the period stipulat-

ed therefor, Concessionaire shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by issu-

ing Termination Notice.

(c) If NORTH DMC] Proposal to Rectify is forwarded to the Concessionaire within the pe-

riod stipulated therefor, the NORTH DMC shall have further period of 30 (thirty) days

to remedy/ cure the underlying Event of Default. If, however, NORTH DMC fails to

remedy/ cure the underlying Event of Default within such further period allowed,

the Concessionaire shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by issuing Termina-

tion Notice.

23.4.3 Termination Notice

If a Party has become entitled to do so decide to terminate this Agreement pursuant to

the preceding sub-Article 23.4.1 or 23.4.2, it shall issue Termination Notice setting out:

(a) in sufficient detail the underlying Event of Default.

(b) the Termination Date which shall be a date occurring not earlier than 60 (sixty) days

from the date of Termination Notice/

(c) the estimated Termination Payment including the details of computation there-


(d) any other relevant information.

23.4.4 Obligation of NORTH DMC and Concessionaire

Following issue of Termination Notice by either NORTH DMC or Concessionaire, NORTH

DMC and Concessionaire shall promptly take all such steps as may be necessary or re-

quired to ensure that,

(a) until Termination is final, NORTH DMC and Concessionaire shall, to the fullest extent

possible, discharge their respective obligations so as to maintain the continued operation

of the Project.

(b) the Termination Payment, if any, payable by NORTH DMC in accordance with the Article

Page 97 of 242

23.4.5 is paid to the Concessionaire within 30 (thirty) days of the Termination Date;


(c) the Project is handed over to NORTH DMC by the Concessionaire on the Termination Date

free from any Encumbrance along with any payment that may be due by the Concession-

aire to NORTH DMC.

23.4.5 Termination Payment for NORTH DMC Event of Default

Upon Termination of this Agreement on account of NORTH DMC Event of Default, the

Concessionaire shall be entitled to receive back the Performance Security and also re-

ceive an amount equal to Debt Due and 110% (one hundred and ten per cent) of the Ad-

justed Equity as Termination Payment. In case of such termination, IndianOil shall be

entitled to terminate the CBG and Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement and shall return

the securities provided by the Concessionaire under the CBG and Ethanol Sale & Purchase

Agreement after adjustment of any amount claimed by IndianOil from the Concessionaire.

23.4.6 Withdrawal of Termination Notice

Notwithstanding anything inconsistent contained in this Agreement, if the Party who

has been served with the Termination Notice cures the underlying Event of Default to

the satisfaction of the other Party at any time before the Termination occurs, the Ter-

mination Notice shall be withdrawn by the Party which had issued the same. Provided

that the Party in breach shall compensate the other Party for any direct costs/ conse-

quences occasioned by the Event of Default which caused the issue of Termination No-


23.4.7 Termination Payment for Concessionaire Event of Default

(a) Upon Termination of this Agreement on account of Concessionaire Event of Default

before COD, no Termination Payment shall be made to the Concessionaire and

NORTH DMC shall be entitled to forfeit the Performance Security of the Concession-


23.4.8 Upon termination of this Agreement

(a) The Concessionaire shall cease all work in relation to construction of the Project


(b) The Concessionaire shall cease all work in relation to O&M of the Project Facili-


(c) The Concessionaire shall take all necessary steps to safeguard and protect the

Project Facilities (at whatever stage of completion or operation) and all other

equipment, materials and goods on the Sites.

(d) The Concessionaire shall hand over the Sites and the immovable assets, to Authority

or its nominee, to the extent applicable, as per Articles 23.4.9, 23.4.10, and


(e) In case of termination of this Agreement due to an NORTH DMC Event of Default,

the NORTH DMC shall return the Performance Securities, the O&M Securities, if not

already returned to the Concessionaire, after adjusting any outstanding payments

owed by the Concessionaire, within 30 (thirty) days from the Transfer Date.

(f) The Concessionaire agrees that on the service of a Termination Notice or 180 (one

hundred and eighty) days prior to the expiry of the Concession Period by efflux of

Page 98 of 242

time, it shall conduct or cause to be conducted by NORTH DMC a survey (the

“Condition Survey”) and inspection of the Project to ascertain the condition

thereof, verify compliance with the Concessionaire’s obligations under this

Agreement and to prepare an inventory of the assets comprised in the Project.

(g) If, as a result of the Condition Survey, the NORTH DMC shall observe/notice that

the Project or any part thereof is not in the condition required thereof under this

Agreement (except normal wear and tear) the Concessionaire shall, at its cost and

expenses, take all necessary steps to put the same in the requisite conditions

well before the Termination Date.

23.4.9 Transfer of the Sites and the Project Facilities

Upon the expiry or early termination of this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall hand

over the Sites, the immovable assets such as Processing Facility, Material Recovery Fa-

cility, decentralized units, etc., to the NORTH DMC any other entity nominated by the

NORTH DMC in accordance with this Article 23 on a date mutually decided by the

NORTH DMC and the Concessionaire (the “Transfer Date”).

23.4.10 Inspection of the Sites and the Project Facilities

(a) No later than 30 (thirty) days from the end of the 29th (twenty nineth) year of the

O&M Period or 30 (thirty) days from the date of termination of the Agreement, as

the case may be, the NORTH DMC shall carry out a condition survey of the Sites

and the Project Facilities to assess whether they have been maintained by the

Concessionaire in accordance with its obligations under this Agreement, and are in

working condition in line with the design life of the Project Facilities.

(b) NORTH DMC shall notify the Concessionaire at least 7 (seven) days prior to the

date on which it wishes to carry out the survey of the Sites and the Project Facili-


(c) If the survey carried out by the NORTH DMC shows that the Concessionaire has not

or is not complying with its obligations under this Agreement, then the NORTH

DMC shall notify the Concessionaire of the rectification and/or maintenance work

which is required to ensure that the condition of the Sites and the Project Facilities

is restored to the Hand-back Conditions.

(d) The Concessionaire shall carry out such rectification and/or maintenance work to

achieve the Hand-back Conditions within 30 (thirty) days from the receipt of a no-

tice from the NORTH DMC in accordance with Article 23.4.10(c) above, at its own

cost and risk. Upon completion of the rectification and/or maintenance work, the

Concessionaire shall request the NORTH DMC to carry out a final survey and in-

spection of the Sites and the Project Facilities. The NORTH DMC shall carry out the

final survey within 7 (seven) days of receipt of a notice from the Concessionaire

pursuant to this Article 23.4.10(d). [At the discretion of the NORTH DMC, the Con-

cessionaire may be allowed extension of the period of [15 (fifteen)] days to rectify

the defects notified by the NORTH DMC or Project Management Unit if and to the

extent that the Project Facilities cannot be used for the purposes for which they

are intended after handing over by reason of a defect or damage attributable to

the Concessionaire.]

(e) If NORTH DMC satisfied with the results of the final survey, then NORTH DMC

shall notify the Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of carrying out the final sur-

vey that the Sites and the Project Facilities, comply with the Hand-back Condi-

Page 99 of 242

tions. If NORTH DMC is not satisfied with the results of the final survey, then

NORTH DMC shall or shall cause North DMC to estimate the cost of restoring the

Sites and the Project Facilities to the Hand-back Conditions and recover such cost

from the Concessionaire.

23.4.11 Hand-back Requirements

On the expiry or early termination of this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall, at its

own cost:

(a) hand over to the NORTH DMC or any entity nominated by the NORTH DMC, the Sites

and the Project Facilities.

(b) to the extent that such rights and interests are not already vested in the NORTH

DMC, transfer all its rights and interest in the immovable assets comprising in the

Project Facilities and execute such deeds and documents as may be necessary for

this purpose and complete all related legal or other formalities;

(c) hand over all records and documents relating to the Sites and the Project Facilities

including as-built records, Designs and Drawings, online monitoring and metering da-

ta, operating logs, manuals, reports, plans and records.

(d) transfer to the NORTH DMC or its nominee (free of cost) the license to use the Pro-

posed Technology and other know-how relating to the Project Facilities.

(e) transfer or cause to be transferred to NORTH DMC or its nominee any sub-contract

that NORTH DMC or its nominee has chosen to take over and terminate all other sub-


(f) transfer to NORTH DMC or its nominee all Concessionaire Applicable Permits which

NORTH DMC or its nominee may require, and which can be legally transferred.

(g) remove from the Sites all employees and workmen, and movable assets, equipment

and materials that are not required to be taken over by NORTH DMC or its nominee;


(h) cooperate with and assist NORTH DMC with the Project post the handing over.

23.4.12 Consequences of termination due to a Force Majeure Event

i. In case of termination of the Agreement due to a Force Majeure Event, the follow-

ing consequences shall apply the Concessionaire shall hand over the Sites and the

immovable assets, to Authority on an "as is where is "basis and to the extent rele-


ii. Authority shall be required to return the, Performance Securities or the O&M Secu-

rities, as the case may be, after adjusting any outstanding payments owed by the

Concessionaire, to the Concessionaire within 30 (thirty) days from the Transfer

Date; and

iii. in case of termination due to an Indirect Political Force Majeure Event or a Direct

Political Force Majeure Event, Authority shall assess the Cost of the construction

work undertaken by the Concessionaire in relation to the Project Facilities as on the

date of the Termination Notice and based on such assessment, pay the Termination

Compensation in accordance with Article24.

23.5 Rights of Authority on Termination

23.5.1 Upon Termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, Authority shall upon

Page 100 of 242

making the Termination Payment, if any, to the Concessionaire, have the power and au-

thority to:

(a) enter upon and take possession and control of the Sites, constructed Project Fa-

cilities and the immovable assets, forthwith.

(b) prohibit the Concessionaire and any person claiming through or under the Conces-

sionaire from entering upon/ dealing with the Project including Project Facilities

and the immovable assets.

23.5.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, Authority shall not, as conse-

quence of Termination or otherwise, have any obligation whatsoever including but not

limited to obligations as to compensation for loss of employment, continuance or regu-

larization of employment, absorption or re-employment on any ground, in relation to any

person in the employment of or engaged by the Concessionaire in connection with the

Project, and the handover of the Project Facilities by the Concessionaire to NORTH DMC

shall be free from any such obligation/ fee/penalties/taxes.

23.5.3 Termination Payment shall become due and payable to the Concessionaire within 30

(thirty) days of a demand being made by the Concessionaire to NORTH DMC/State Gov-

ernment with the necessary particulars, and in the event of any delay, NORTH

DMC/State Government shall pay interest at a rate equal to 3% (three per cent) above

the State Bank of India Base Rate on the amount of Termination Payment remaining un-

paid; provided that such delay shall not exceed 90 (ninety) days. For the avoidance of

doubt, it is expressly agreed that the Termination Payments shall become due and pay-

able by NORTH DMC/State Government upon actual or constructive handover of the

Sites, Project Facilities and immovable assets by the Concessionaire to NORTH DMC clear

from all encumbrances, charges and liens whatsoever, unless expressly agreed by the

Parties otherwise.

23.5.4 The Concessionaire expressly agrees that Termination Payments under this Article 23

shall constitute a full and final settlement of all claims of the Concessionaire on account

of Termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever and that the Concessionaire

or any shareholder thereof shall not have any further right or claim under any law, trea-

ty, convention, contract or otherwise.

23.5.5 The NORTH DMC, and the Concessionaire hereby unconditionally acknowledge and agree

that, without prejudice to their any other right or remedy, NORTH DMC shall be entitled

to pay the Termination Payment [to the extent required] to the Lenders’ Representative

for procuring discharge / release of any charge/ hypothecation created by Concessionaire

on the movable assets for securing payment of Debt Due; and for this purpose the Lender

is entitled to receive from the NORTH DMC, without any further reference to or consent of

the Concessionaire, the Debt Due upon Termination of the Concession Agreement.; and

Concessionaire hereby irrevocably agree that such payment by the NORTH DMC shall be

full and final settlement of proportionate claim of Termination Payment to the Conces-

sionaire under this Agreement.

23.6 Accrued Rights and liabilities of Parties

(a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Termination

pursuant to any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to

accrued rights of either Party including its right to claim and recover money as

damages and other rights and remedies which it may have in law or contract. All ac-

crued rights and obligations of either Party under this Agreement, including without

Page 101 of 242

limitation those relating to the Termination Payment, shall survive the Termination

but only to the extent such survival is necessary for giving effect to such rights and

obligations. Upon termination IndianOil shall have no liability or obligations to-

wards either NORTH DMC or the Concessionaire.

(b) Nothing in Article 23 shall prevent or restrict a Party to seek injunctive relief or a

decree of specific performance or other discretionary remedies of the court.

Page 102 of 242

ARTICLE 24 TERMINATION COMPENSATION 24.1. Termination Compensation for Termination post the Compliance Date but prior to the

Construction Completion Date

24.1.1. For NORTH DMC Event of Default

If the Agreement is terminated prior to the Construction Completion Date for NORTH DMC

Event of Default, North DMC shall be liable to pay to the Concessionaire, the aggregate


(a) Debt Due.

(b) Equity infused in the Concessionaire as on the date of Termination Notice along with

interest on the Equity at the rate of the prevailing SBI MCLR + 3% (three percent).


(a) any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agreement (including

Liquidated Damages).

24.1.2. For a Concessionaire Event of Default (including any default under the CBG Sale and Pur-

chase Agreement or the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement)

If the Agreement is terminated prior to the Construction Completion Date for a Conces-

sionaire Event of Default, the NORTH DMC shall pay to the Concessionaire, the aggregate


(a) 85% (eighty-five per cent) of Debt Due.


(a) any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agreement (includ-

ing Liquidated Damages).

24.2. Termination Compensation for Termination post the Construction Completion Date but

prior to the COD

24.2.1. For an NORTH DMC Event of Default

If the Agreement is terminated post the Construction Completion Date but prior to the

COD for an NORTH DMC Event of Default, the NORTH DMC shall be liable to pay to the

Concessionaire the aggregate of:

(a) Debt Due.

(b) Equity infused in the Concessionaire as on the date of Termination Notice along with

interest on the Equity at the rate of the prevailing SBI MCLR + 3% (three per cent).


(a) any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agreement (including

Liquidated Damages).

24.2.2. For a Concessionaire Event of Default (including any default under the CBG Sale and Pur-

chase Agreement or the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement)

If the Agreement is terminated post the Construction Completion Date but prior to the

COD for a Concessionaire Event of Default, the NORTH DMC shall pay to the Concession-

aire, the aggregate of:

(a) 85% (eighty five per cent) of Debt Due.

Page 103 of 242


(a) any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agreement (includ-

ing Liquidated Damages).

24.3. Termination Compensation for Termination post the COD:

24.3.1. For an NORTH DMC Event of Default

If the Agreement is terminated post the COD for an NORTH DMC Event of Default, the

NORTH DMC shall be liable to pay to the Concessionaire the aggregate of:

(a) Debt Due less Insurance Cover for assets under Concessionaire ownership; provided

that if any Insurance claims forming part of the Insurance Cover are not admitted

and paid, then 80% (eighty per cent) of such unpaid claims shall be included in the

computation of Debt Due

(b) 110% of the Adjusted Equity infused in the Concessionaire as on the date of Termina-

tion Notice along with interest on the Equity at the rate of the prevailing SBI MCLR +

3% (three per cent).


(a) any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agreement (including

Liquidated Damages).

The Concessionaire shall be entitled to withdraw the Operation Performance Security,

if subsisting

24.3.2. For a Concessionaire Event of Default (including any default under the CBG Sale and Pur-

chase Agreement or the Ethanol Sale and Purchase Agreement)

If the Agreement is terminated post the COD for a Concessionaire Event of Default, the

NORTH DMC shall pay to the Concessionaire, the aggregate of:

an amount equal to 90% (ninety per cent) of the Debt Due less Insurance Cover; provid-

ed that if any insurance claims forming part of the Insurance Cover are not admitted

and paid, then 80% (eighty per cent) of such unpaid claims shall also be included in the

computation of Debt Due


(a) all direct costs suffered or incurred by North DMC as a consequence of such mate-

rial default, within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the demand supported by neces-

sary particulars

(b) any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agreement (in-

cluding Liquidated Damages).

Upon Termination of this Agreement on account of Concessionaire Event of Default the

Operation Performance Security, if subsisting, shall be invoked by North DMC

24.4. Termination Compensation for Termination due to a Force Majeure Event

24.4.1 Non-Political Force Majeure Event and Indirect Political Force Majeure

a) If the Agreement is terminated due to an Indirect Political Force Majeure Event or

Non- Political Force Majeure Event, prior to the COD:

(i) Debt Due.

Page 104 of 242


(i) any insurance proceeds received and retained by the Concessionaire.

b) If the Agreement is terminated due to an Indirect Political Force Majeure Event or Non-

Political Force Majeure Event, post the COD, Authority shall be liable to pay to the


a. Debt Due.


b. any insurance proceeds received and retained by the Concessionaire.

c) Direct Political Force Majeure

i) if the Agreement is terminated due to a Direct Political Force Majeure Event,

prior to the COD, Authority shall be liable to pay to the Concessionaire:

(A) Debt Due.

(B) Equity infused in the Concessionaire as on the date of the notice of ter-

mination under Article 20 along with interest on the Equity at the rate

of the prevailing SBI MCLR + 3% (three per cent).


(C) any insurance proceeds received and retained by the Concessionaire; and

(D) any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agree-

ment (including Liquidated Damages).

ii) If the Agreement is terminated due to a Direct Political Force Majeure Event

post the COD, NORTH DMC shall be liable to pay to the Concessionaire:

A. Debt Due less Insurance Cover for assets under Concessionaire owner-

ship; provided that if any Insurance claims forming part of the Insur-

ance Cover are not admitted and paid, then 80% (eighty per cent) of

such unpaid claims shall be included in the computation of Debt Due;


B. 110% (one hundred and ten per cent) of the Adjusted Equity


C. any insurance proceeds received and retained by the Concessionaire; and

D. any amounts due and payable by the Concessionaire under this Agree-

ment (including Liquidated Damages).

24.5. All Termination Compensation required to be paid to the Concessionaire shall be paid

within 60 (sixty) days of transfer of the Sites and the Project Facilities in accordance

with Article23.

24.6. Limitations on Termination Compensation

(a) Termination Compensation, due and payable under this Agreement shall be limited

to the Debt Due and Adjusted Equity, as the case may be, which form part of the

Bid Project Cost, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. For avoid-

ance of doubt, it is agreed that within a period of [60 (sixty)] days from COD, the

Page 105 of 242

Concessionaire shall notify to NORTH DMC (with a copy to the State Government),

the Bid Project Cost and its disaggregation between Debt Due and Equity, and only

the amounts so conveyed shall form the basis of computing Termination Compen-

sation, and it is further agreed that in the event such disaggregation is not notified

to NORTH DMC, the Equity and Debt Due shall be arrived at by adopting the pro-

portion between debt and equity as specified in the Financing Agreements. The

Parties also agree that, notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, for

the purposes of computing Termination Compensation, the Debt Due shall at no

time exceed [50% (fifty per cent)] of the Bid Project Cost.

(b) The amount payable in respect of any Debt Due expressed in foreign currency shall

be computed at the Reference Exchange Rate for conversion into the relevant

foreign currency as on the date of Termination Compensation. Provided, however,

that the provisions of this Article 24.6 (b) shall not apply if the Concessionaire

does not notify the particulars of any foreign currency loans within [60 (sixty)]

days of the date of conversion of such foreign currency loans into Indian currency.

Provided further that all borrowings in foreign currency shall be restricted to the

financing of the Bid Project Cost ad any borrowings in excess thereof shall not

qualify for computation of Termination Compensation.

24.7. Full and Final Settlement

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this Agreement, any Termination

Compensation determined pursuant to this Article 24 shall, once paid, be in full and final

settlement of any claim, demand and/or proceedings of the Concessionaire against

NORTH DMC, in relation to Termination of this Agreement and the Concessionaire shall

be excluded from all other rights and remedies in respect of such Termination.

24.8. The provisions of this Article 24 shall survive the Termination of this Agreement.

Page 106 of 242

ARTICLE 25 SUBSTITUTION OF THE CONCESSIONAIRE 25.1 Substitution by Lenders’ Representative

In the event of Concessionaire’s Default, NORTH DMC shall, if there be, any Lenders,

send copy of the Termination Notice to the Lenders’ Representative to inform & grant

15 (fifteen) days to the Lenders’ Representative, for making representation on behalf

of the lender stating the intention to substitute the Concessionaire. In case NORTH DMC

receives representation on behalf of the Lenders, within the aforesaid period, NORTH

DMC shall withhold the termination for period not exceeding 180 (one hundred and

eighty) days, for enabling the Lenders’ Representative to exercise the Lenders; Right

of substitution in accordance with the Substitution Agreement, and substitute the Con-

cessionaire with Nominated Company.

25.2 Substitution by NORTH DMC

In the event that no company is nominated by the Lenders’ Representative to act as the

Nominated Company, Authority may either substitute the Concessionaire with its own

Nominated Company in accordance with the Substitution Agreement, or terminate the


25.3 Substitution Process

While carrying out Substitution, the Lenders’ Representative or NORTH DMC, as the

case may be, shall invite competitive bids from the prospective parties for acting as the

Nominated Company and substituting the Concessionaire. Such Nominated Company

shall have to agree to bear all the liabilities of the Concessionaire in terms of this

Agreement and Financing Agreement.

25.4 Consequences of Substitution

NORTH DMC shall grant, to the Nominated Company, the right to develop, design, fi-

nance, construct, operate and maintain the Project (including entering into Sub-

Contracts) together with all other rights of the Concessionaire under this Agreement,

Concessionaire’s entire obligations under this Agreement by such Nominated Company

subject to fulfillment of the remainder of the term of this Agreement. Such rights shall

be granted by NORTH DMC through the novation of the Agreement, if applicable, in fa-

vour of the Nominated Company.

NORTH DMC shall also execute new Substitution Agreement with the Nominated Com-

pany and the Lenders, if there be any. All Sub-Contracts and agreements in respect of

the Project including Financing Agreements and all Sub-Contracts executed by the Con-

cessionaire shall stand transferred and novated in favour of the Nominated Company.

Further all rights of the Concessionaire on the Sites and Project Assets in terms of the

Agreement shall stand transferred and novated in favour of the Nominated Company.

All approvals/ clearances of NORTH DMC received by the Concessionaire shall stand

transferred and novated in favour of the Nominated Company. The Concessionaire shall

get replaced by the Nominated Company for all purposes related to the Project.

Page 107 of 242

ARTICLE 26 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 26.1. Amicable Resolution

Save where expressly stated to the contrary in this Agreement, any dispute, dif-

ference or controversy of whatever nature between the Parties, howsoever arising un-

der, out of or in relation to this Agreement, including those arising with regard to acts,

decision or opinion of NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil (the "Dispute") and so notified in

writing by either Party, shall in the first instance be attempted to be resolved amicably

by the representatives of the Parties in accordance with the procedure set forth in Arti-

cle 26.1.2 below.

In the event of a Dispute, either Party may require such Dispute to be referred to the

competent authority, NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil (or the Person holding charge) and

the Chief Executive Officer of the Concessionaire for the time being, for amicable set-

tlement. Upon such reference, the representatives of the Parties shall within 15 (fif-

teen) days of service of a written notice from one Party to the other Party(ies) (the

“Dispute Notice”) hold a meeting (the “Dispute Meeting”) in an effort to resolve the

Dispute in good faith. In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, the Dispute

Meeting shall be held at the office of NORTH DMC in New Delhi and the Dispute may be

mutually settled between the parties

The Parties agree to use their best efforts for resolving all Disputes arising under or in re-

spect of this Agreement promptly, equitably and in good faith, and further agree to pro-

vide each other with reasonable access during normal business hours to all non-

privileged records, information and data pertaining to any Dispute.

If the Dispute is not amicably settled within 15 (fifteen) days of the Dispute Meeting, ei-

ther Party may refer the Dispute to conciliation or arbitration in accordance with the

provisions of Article 26.2 and 26.3 below.

26.2. Conciliation

In the event of any Dispute is not amicably settled within 15 (fifteen) days of the Dis-

pute Meeting, either Party may require such Dispute to be referred to NORTH DMC, [in-

sert designation] from IndianOil and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Con-

cessionaire for amicable settlement, and upon such reference, the said persons shall

meet no later than [7 (seven)] days from the date of reference to discuss and attempt to

amicably resolve the Dispute. If such meeting does not take place within the [7 (seven)]

day period or the Dispute is not amicably settled within [15 (fifteen)] days of the meet-

ing or the Dispute is not resolved as evidenced by the signing of written terms of settle-

ment within [30 (thirty)] days of the notice in writing referred to in Article 26.1.1 or

such longer period as may be mutually agreed by the Parties, either Party may refer

the Dispute to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Article26.3.

26.3. Arbitration

26.3.1. Procedure

Subject to the provisions of Sub-Clauses 26.1 and 26.2, any Dispute which is not re-

solved amicably (between NORTH DMC and/or IndianOil on one side and the Concession-

aire on the other side) shall be finally settled by reference to arbitration. Such arbitra-

tion shall be held in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Centre

for Alternative Dispute Resolution, New Delhi, or such other rules as may be mutually

agreed by the parties, and shall be subject to the provisions of the Arbitration and Con-

Page 108 of 242

ciliation Act, 1996. The expenses of arbitration shall be borne equally by both the Par-


26.3.2. Arbitration Panel

There shall be a panel of three arbitrators, of whom IndianOil and NORTH DMC shall

jointly appoint one, and the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the two arbitrators

so selected, and in the event of disagreement between the two arbitrators, the ap-

pointment shall be made in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the Interna-

tional Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, New Delhi.

26.3.3. Place of Arbitration

The place of arbitration shall ordinarily be New Delhi but by mutual agreement of the

Parties, the arbitration hearings, if required, may be held elsewhere.

26.3.4. Language

The request for arbitration, the answer to the request, the terms of reference, any writ-

ten submissions, any orders and awards shall be in English and, if oral hearings take

place, English shall be the language to be used in the hearings. Any party using other

than English as language shall supply the other party an authorized transcript of true

translation of its submissions into English at its costs and expenses.

26.3.5. Enforcement of Award

(a) The Arbitrators shall make a reasoned award (the “Award”). Any Award made in

any arbitration held pursuant to this Article 26 shall be final and binding on the

Parties as from the date it is made, and the Concessionaire and NORTH DMC]

agree and undertake to carry out such Award without delay subject to the rights

of the aggrieved parties to secure relief from any higher forum.

2. The Concessionaire and NORTH DMC] agree that an Award may be enforced

against the Concessionaire and/or NORTH DMC], as the case may be, and their

respective assets wherever situated.

3. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall remain in full

force and effect, pending the Award in any arbitration proceedings hereunder.

26.4. Performance during Dispute

Pending the submission of and/or decision on a Dispute and until the arbitral Award is

published, the Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this

Agreement without prejudice to a final adjustment in accordance with such Award.

26.5. Adjudication by Regulatory Authority or Commission

In the event of constitution of a statutory regulatory authority or commission with pow-

ers to adjudicate upon Disputes between the Concessionaire and NORTH DMC], all Dis-

putes arising after such constitution shall, instead of reference to arbitration under Arti-

cle 26.3, be adjudicated upon by such regulatory authority or commission in accordance

with the Applicable Law and all references to Dispute Resolution Procedure shall be con-

strued accordingly. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties hereto agree that the adjudi-

cation hereunder shall not be final and binding until an appeal against such adjudication

has been decided by an appellate tribunal or High Court, as the case may be, or no such

appeal has been preferred within the time specified in the Applicable Law.

26.6. Any dispute between Concessionaire and IndianOil shall be settled in terms of dis-

Page 109 of 242

pute resolution mechanism provided under the CBG and Ethanol Sale and Purchase


26.7. Any dispute between IndianOil and North DMC shall be settled through Alternative

Mechanism for Resolution of CPSE Disputes ( AMRCD) as mentioned in DPE OM No.

4(1)/2013-DPE(GM)/FTS-1835 dated 22-05-2018 (as amended from time to time)

Page 110 of 242

ARTICLE 27 INSURANCE 1. Insurance Cover

The Concessionaire shall, at its cost and expense, purchase and maintain effective from

the Compliance Date and during the Concession Period such insurance policies for such

maximum sums as are necessary and customary under Financing Documents and Applica-

ble Laws, and/or in accordance with Good Industry Practice (or may in the future be-

come available) on commercially reasonable terms and reasonably required to be main-

tained consistent with projects and facilities of the size and type of the Project, includ-

ing but not limited to the following:

(a) Builders’/ Sub-Contractors’ all risk insurance.

(b) Erection insurance and/or break down insurance.

(c) Public liability insurance applicable for the Concession Period, Termination, and

post- Termination period.

(d) Statutory insurances such as workmen’s compensation insurance or any other

insurance required by the Applicable Laws.

(e) Comprehensive Third-Party liability insurance including injury or death to Persons

who may enter the Sites.

(f) Insurance policies related to any of the Concessionaire’s obligations hereunder.

(g) Any other insurance that may be considered necessary by NORTH DMC / Lenders

of the Concessionaire, if any, to protect the Concessionaire, its employees and

its assets (against loss, damage or destruction at replacement value) or other-

wise, including all Force Majeure Events that are insurable and not otherwise

covered in items (a)to(f).

2. Insurance Companies and Costs

2.1. The Concessionaire shall insure all insurable Project Assets comprised in the Project.

2.2. All insurance policies supplied by the Concessionaire shall include a waiver of any right

of subrogation of the insurers there under against, inter-alia, NORTH DMC, IndianOil,

and its assigns, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, insurers and underwriters and of any

right of the insurers of any set-off or counterclaim or any other deduction, whether by

attachment or otherwise, in respect of any liability of any such person insured under any

such policy.

2.3. The Concessionaire hereby further releases, assigns and waives any and all rights of

recovery against, inter-alia, the NORTH DMC, IndianOil and its affiliates, subsidiaries,

employees, successors, assigns, insurers and underwriters, which the Concessionaire

may otherwise have or acquire in or from or in any way connected with any loss covered

by policies of insurance maintained or required to be maintained by the Concessionaire

pursuant to this Agreement (other than Third Party liability insurance policies) or be-

cause of deductible articles in or inadequacy of limits of any such policies of insur-

ance, unless otherwise mentioned in this Agreement.

3. Evidence of Insurance Cover

The Concessionaire shall, from time to time, provide to the NORTH DMC, copies of all in-

surance policies (or appropriate endorsements, certifications or other satisfactory evi-

dence of insurance) obtained by the Concessionaire in accordance with this Agreement.

Page 111 of 242

4. Application of Insurance Proceeds

All moneys received under insurance policies shall be promptly applied by the Conces-

sionaire towards repair or renovation or restoration or substitution or replacement of

the Project or any part thereof, which may have been damaged or destroyed. The Con-

cessionaire shall carry out such repair or renovation or restoration or substitution or re-

placement to the extent possible in such manner that the Project or any part thereof,

shall, after such repair or renovation or restoration or substitution or replacement be

as far as possible in the same condition as they were before such damage or destruc-

tion, normal wear and tear expected.

5. Validity of the Insurance Cover

The Concessionaire shall pay the premium payable on such insurance policies so as to

keep the policies in force and valid throughout the Concession Period and furnish copies

of the same to the NORTH DMC. Each insurance policy shall provide that the same shall

not be cancelled or terminated unless 10 (ten) days clear notice of cancellation is pro-

vided to NORTH DMC in writing. If at any time the Concessionaire fails to purchase and

maintain in full force and effect any and all of the insurances required under this

Agreement, NORTH DMC may at its option purchase and maintain such insurance and all

sums incurred by NORTH DMC in this behalf shall be reimbursed by the Concessionaire

forthwith on demand, failing which the same shall be recovered by NORTH DMC by ex-

ercising right of set-off or otherwise from the Performance Security.

Page 112 of 242


1. NORTH DMC & the Concessionaire may, at any time during the Concession Period, pro-

pose a Variation to the Scope of Work, Technical Specifications, and/or the Designs

and Drawings.

2. NORTH DMC Proposed Variation:

a. NORTH DMC may propose a Variation in the Scope of Work, Technical Specifica-

tions or the approved Designs and Drawings. Provided that, NORTH DMC shall not

propose a Variation, which: (i) is not technically feasible; or (ii) is not in compli-

ance with any Applicable Law or Applicable Permit.

b. Within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of a request for Variation from NORTH DMC, the

Concessionaire shall submit a proposal to NORTH DMC setting out in sufficient de-

tail the implications of the proposed Variation, including any implications on the

Construction Plan, the Scheduled Milestone Completion Date, the Scheduled Con-

struction Completion Date and Scope of Work and additional Costs incurred in un-

dertaking the Variation or any reduction in Costs resulting from the Variation. It

is clarified that the additional Costs incurred in undertaking the Variation or any

reduction in Costs resulting from the Variation will be determined based on

NORTH DMC’s schedule of rates for similar works.

c. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article 28.2, the Concessionaire

shall have the right to reject a Variation proposed by NORTH DMC if, in the Con-

cessionaire's view, the proposed variation will result in: (i) the Concessionaire in-

curring additional Costs, of more than 25% (twenty five per cent) of the Bid Pro-

ject Cost; (ii) reduction in the Bid Project Cost by more than 25% (twenty five per

cent); or (iii) a delay of more than 120 (one hundred and twenty) days in a Sched-

uled Milestone Completion Date or the Scheduled Construction Completion Date.

d. Based on its review of the proposal submitted by the Concessionaire, NORTH DMC

may, at its sole discretion: (i) accept the proposal and the corresponding adjust-

ment to the Construction Plan and/or the additional Costs or reduction in the Bid

Project Cost for undertaking the Variation; (ii) provide its comments on the pro-

posal seeking amendments and/or justification for the implications put forth by

the Concessionaire; or (iii) reject the proposal submitted by the Concessionaire

and withdraw the proposed Variation, within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of re-

ceipt of the Concessionaire's proposal under Sub-Clause 28.2(b)above.

e. To the extent NORTH DMC seeks amendments and/or justification in the proposal

submitted by the Concessionaire, the Concessionaire shall incorporate or address,

in writing, NORTH DMC's comments and submit a revised proposal.

f. On approval of the proposal or the revised proposal, as the case may be, NORTH

DMC shall issue an Addendum to the Concession Agreement and Concessionaire

shall proceed with the Variation in accordance with the said Addendum.

g. If the Parties are unable to agree on the implications of a Variation proposed by

NORTH DMC, which in NORTH DMC’s view is necessary or desirable for the Pro-

ject, NORTH DMC shall have the right to require the Concessionaire to carry out

the proposed variation at the cost determined in accordance with NORTH DMC’s

schedule of rates for similar works. Where NORTH DMC’s schedule of rates do not

Page 113 of 242

provide schedule of rates for similar works, then the cost of the works covered by

the proposed Variation will be determined by NORTH DMC, Any dispute on the

terms of the Variation will be resolved in accordance with Article 26.

h. On implementation of a Variation Order, the Concessionaire shall be entitled to

the agreed adjustment to the Construction Plan, Scheduled Milestone Completion

Date, Scheduled Construction Completion Date and/or payment of additional

amounts, if any, set out in the Variation Order.

3. Concessionaire Proposed Variation

The Concessionaire may propose a Variation if it considers such Variation necessary or

desirable to improve the efficiency, quality, reliability, durability, maintainability or

safety of the Project Facilities.

To propose a Variation, the Concessionaire shall submit a proposal to Authority (with a

copy to the Project Management Unit and NORTH DMC), with a statement setting out:

(a) the need for a Variation.

(b) the additional work required; and

(c) adjustment to the Compliance Date, Construction Plan, Scheduled Milestone Com-

pletion Date and Scheduled Construction Completion Date.

Based on its review of the proposal submitted by the Concessionaire, if NORTH DMC is

of the view that the proposed Variation is justified, then it will provide its acceptance

to the Concessionaire with no financial implication on North DMC.

On implementation of a Variation Order, the Concessionaire shall be entitled to the agreed ad-

justment in the Construction Plan and/or additional costs, as set out in the Variation Order.

4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article 28, the Concessionaire shall be

bound to implement any Variation that is necessitated by a Change in Law and any con-

sequent adjustment in the Construction Plan and additional Costs shall be determined

in accordance with Article 22.

5. Notwithstanding the above, a Variation made necessary due to any act, omission or de-

fault of the Concessionaire or any Sub-Contractor in the performance of the Conces-

sionaire's obligations under this Agreement shall not entitle the Concessionaire to any

adjustment in the Construction Plan or any other compensation or relief.

6. No Variation shall invalidate this Agreement.

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The property in all designs, drawings, processes, methods, details, plans, concepts,

technology, specifications, schedules, programs, reports, calculations, documents and

other works relating to the Project, including intellectual property rights therein or

thereto, whether registered or not, which have been or are hereafter written, originat-

ed, made or generated by the Concessionaire or any of its employees, Sub-

Contractors, consultants or agents in connection with this Agreement or the design, de-

velopment, construction, operation and maintenance of the Project/Project Facili-

ties/Project Assets, shall be and remain at all times the property of the Conces-

sionaire, vest exclusively in the Concessionaire and ensure to the exclusive benefit of

the Concessionaire (the Proprietary Material).

The Concessionaire, as beneficial owner, hereby grants to the NORTH DMC & IndianOil a

perpetual non-exclusive license to use such Proprietary Material in connection with the

Project, irrevocably and free of cost. Such license shall carry the right to use the Pro-

prietary Material for all purposes connected with the Project; however, it shall not be

transferable to a Third Party. Such license shall automatically get extended to NORTH

DMC for Project purpose only and not for Third Party use or transfer, upon the Termina-

tion of this Agreement or the discharge by the Concessionaire of its duties hereunder.

2. Confidentiality

NORTH DMC] shall not at anytime divulge or disclose or suffer or permit its servants or

agents to divulge or disclose, transfer, communicate to any Person or use in any manner

for any purpose unconnected with the Project any Proprietary Material or other infor-

mation, material, documents, records or data, concerning the Project, the Concession-

aire and NORTH DMC & (including any information concerning the contents of this

Agreement) except of its directors, officials, employees, Sub-Contractors, consultants,

agents or representatives on a need to know basis or as may be required by any law,

rule, regulation or any judicial process.

The NORTH DMC] shall use such Proprietary Material and information only for the pur-

poses of this Agreement or as otherwise expressly permitted by the Concessionaire in


The Concessionaire shall ensure that all its directors, employees, Sub-Contractors, con-

sultants, agents or representatives execute, deliver and comply with customary confi-

dentiality and non-disclosure agreements reasonably required by the NORTH DMC], have

been duly approved by the NORTH DMC], with respect to the Project.

The aforesaid provisions shall not apply to the following information:

i. Obtained from a Third Party who is free to divulge the same and which was

not obtained under any obligation of confidentiality; or

ii. Already in the public domain otherwise than by breach of this Agreement.

iii. Disclosed due to a court order or under any Act of GoI/GNCTD or required by

Applicable Laws.

3. Survival

The Concessionaire and the NORTH DMC, IndianOil accept and confirm that the provi-

sions of this Article 29 shall survive the Termination of this Agreement.

Page 115 of 242

ARTICLE 30 ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT 30.1 The Concessionaire shall maintain full accounts of all Costs, expenses incurred, rev-

enues derived/collected by it from and on account of use of the Project and of

O&M expenses and other costs paid and shall provide to NORTH DMC copies of the

said accounts duly audited and certified by the Statutory Auditor of the Conces-

sionaire within 120 (one hundred twenty) days of the close of each Financial Year to

which they pertain, during the subsistence of this Concession Agreement. Such au-

dited accounts shall form the basis of various payments by either Party under this

Concession Agreement (including Termination Payment). The Concessionaire shall

also furnish, within one week of its publication, certified copies of the audited ac-

counts and annual report published by the Company under the Applicable Laws.

30.2 The Concessionaire shall appoint and have during the subsistence of this Agreement

as its Statutory Auditors (the “Statutory Auditors”) to practice in India out of the

mutually agreed list of [10 (ten)] independent and reputable firms of Chartered Ac-

countants in India (the “List of Chartered Accountants”) for preparing the List of

Chartered Accountants are set forth in Schedule 17. Subject to a 30 (thirty) days’

notice to NORTH DMC and the replacement Statutory Auditors being appointed from

the List of Chartered Accountants, the Concessionaire may terminate the appoint-

ment of any Statutory Auditor appointed in accordance with this Article. The fees

and expenses of the Statutory Auditors shall be borne by the Concessionaire.

30.3 On or before the 15th (fifteenth) day of April each year, the Concessionaire shall

provide for the preceding Financial Year a statement duly audited by its Statutory

Auditors giving summarized information, the revenues derived from the Project and

such other information as the NORTH DMC may reasonably require.

30.4 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the NORTH

DMC shall have the right but not the obligation to appoint at its cost another firm of

Chartered Accountant from the List of Chartered Accountants (the “Additional Audi-

tor”) to audit and verify all those matters, expense, costs, realizations and things

which the Statutory Auditors of the Concessionaire, are required to do, undertake

or certify pursuant to this Agreement.

30.5 In the event of there being any difference between the finding of the Additional Au-

ditor, and the certification provided by the Statutory Auditors of the Concession-

aire, such Auditors shall meet to resolve such differences and if they are unable to

resolve the same such disputed certification shall be resolved by recourse to the

Dispute resolution procedure.

Page 116 of 242

ARTICLE 31 MISCELLANEOUS 1. Assignment and Charges

The Concessionaire shall not assign in favour of any person this Agreement or the

rights, benefits and obligations hereunder save and except with prior consent of

the NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil.

Restraint set forth in this Article shall not apply to:

(a) liens/ encumbrances arising by operation of law (or by an agreement evidencing

the same) in the ordinary course of business of the Concessionaire.

(b) mortgage/pledge/hypothecation of movable assets/goods purchased by Conces-

sionaire, revenue and receivables received by Concessionaire (excluding Insur-

ance proceeds) in favor of the Lenders for the Project.

(c) Provided, no charge/ mortgage/ lien/ hypothecation or encumbrance of any

kind whatsoever can be created or construed as allowed to be created either

over the CBG and Ethanol to be produced or over the Project Assets including

the Sites, assets and equipment provided by NORTH DMC for the Project.

(d) Provided further that irrespective of security here in above permitted, Conces-

sionaire is irrevocably obligated to procure release of such security and hand

over to NORTH DMC, upon Termination of this Agreement, their respective Pro-

ject Assets free of all Encumbrances whatsoever.

The Concessionaire shall not create nor permit to subsist any further Encumbrance

over the Sites.

2. Interest and Right of Set-Off

Any sum which becomes payable under any of the provisions of this Agreement by one

Party to the other Party shall, if the same is not paid within the time allowed for pay-

ment thereof, shall be deemed to be a debt owed by the Party responsible for pay-

ment thereof to the Party entitled to receive the same. Such sum shall until payment

thereof carry interest at prevailing PLR of State Bank of India per annum from the due

date for payment thereof until the same is paid to or otherwise realized by the Party

entitled to the same. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be

available under this Agreement or otherwise under law, the Party entitled to receive

such amount shall also have the right of set-off.

Provided the stipulation regarding interest for delayed payments contained in this Arti-

cle 31.2 shall neither be deemed nor construed to authorize any delay in payment of

any amount due by a Party nor be deemed or construed to be a waiver of the underly-

ing breach of payment obligations.

3. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India. The Courts in the National Cap-

ital Territory of Delhi shall have jurisdiction over all matters arising out of or relating

to this Agreement.

4. Waiver

Waiver by either Party of any default by the other Party in the observance and per-

formance of any provision of or obligations under this Agreement:

(a) shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent default

Page 117 of 242

hereof or of other provisions or obligations under this Agreement.

(b) shall not be effective unless it is in writing and executed by a duly authorized rep-

resentative of such Party; and

(c) shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement in any manner.

Neither the failure by either Party to insist on any occasion upon the performance of

the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement or any obligation hereunder

nor time or other indulgence granted by a Party to the other Party shall be treated or

deemed as waiver/breach of any terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement.

5. Survival

(a) Termination of this Agreement shall not relieve the Concessionaire or the NORTH

DMC or IndianOil of any obligations already incurred hereunder which expressly

or by implication survives Termination hereof, and except as otherwise provided

in any provision of this Agreement expressly limiting the liability of any Party,

shall not relieve any Party of any obligations or liabilities for loss or damage to

the other Party arising out of or caused by acts or omissions of such Party prior to

the effectiveness of such Termination or arising out of such Termination.

(b) Termination shall:

(i) not relieve the Concessionaire or the NORTH DMC or IndianOil, as the

case may be, of any obligations hereunder which expressly or by impli-

cation survive Termination hereof; and

(ii) except as otherwise provided in any provision of this Agreement ex-

pressly limiting the liability of either Party, not relieve either Party of

any obligations or liabilities for loss or damage to the other Party arising

out of, or caused by, acts or omissions of such Party prior to the effec-

tiveness of such Termination or arising out of such Termination.

All obligations surviving Termination shall only survive for a period of [3 (three) years]

following the date of such Termination.

6. Amendments

This Agreement and the Schedules together constitute a complete and exclusive un-

derstanding of the terms of the Agreement between the Parties on the subject hereof

and no amendment or modification hereto shall be valid and effective unless agreed to

by all the Parties hereto and evidenced in writing.

7. Notices

Unless otherwise stated, notices to be given under this Agreement including but not

limited to a notice of waiver of any term, breach of any term of this Agreement and

termination of this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be given by hand delivery,

recognized international courier, mail, e-mail, telex or facsimile transmission and de-

livered or transmitted to the Parties at their respective addresses as specified below

or such address, email address, telex number, or facsimile number as may be duly

notified by the respective Parties from time to time, and shall be deemed to have

been made or delivered:

(a) in the case of any communication made by letter, when delivered by hand, by

recognized international courier or by mail (registered, return receipt requested)

Page 118 of 242

at that address, and

(b) in the case of any communication made by telex or facsimile or e-mail, when

transmitted properly addressed to such telex number or facsimile number or e-

mail id.

8. Severability

If for any reason whatsoever any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, ille-

gal or unenforceable or is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction or any other

instrumentality to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or en-

forceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected in any manner, and the

Parties shall negotiate in good faith with a view to agreeing upon one or more provi-

sions which may be substituted for such invalid, unenforceable or illegal provisions, as

nearly as is practicable. Provided failure to agree upon any such provisions shall not be

subject to Dispute Resolution under this Agreement or otherwise.

9. No Partnership

Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted to create an as-

sociation, joint venture or partnership between the Parties. Neither Party shall have

any authority to bind the other in any manner whatsoever.

10. Language

All notices required to be given under this Agreement and all communications, docu-

mentation and proceedings which are in any way relevant to this Agreement shall

be in writing and in English language and true translation into English language if

other than English is used at the costs and expenses of the Party sending such commu-

nication, notice, documentation and proceedings.

11. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in [6 (six)] counterparts, each of which when exe-

cuted and delivered shall constitute an original of this Agreement but shall together

constitute one and only the Agreement.

12. Liability for Review

Except to the extent expressly provided in this Agreement:

(a) no review, comment, certification, verification or approval by NORTH DMC, of

any Project Agreement, design, detailed engineering, or document, accounts, in-

voice, etc., submitted by the Concessionaire nor any observation, testing, certifi-

cation, validation or inspection of the construction, operation or maintenance of

the Project nor the failure to review, approve, comment, observe, test or in-

spect hereunder shall relieve or absolve the Concessionaire from its obligations,

duties and liabilities under this Agreement, the Applicable Laws and Applicable

Approvals; and

(b) the NORTH DMC their advisors or shall not be liable to the Concessionaire by rea-

son of any review, comment, approval observation, testing, certification, verifi-

cation, validation or inspection referred in Sub-Clause(a)above.

13. Unforeseen Event

Any event or condition that has not been explicitly covered under the provisions of

this Agreement shall be resolved after discussion and mutual agreement between the

Page 119 of 242


14. Liability and Indemnification

(a) The Concessionaire (the “Indemnifying Party”) shall indemnify, defend and hold

harmless NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil (the “Indemnified Parties”) during the

Concession Period from and against all liabilities, damages, losses, expenses,

claims, suits, proceedings, judgments, settlements, actions, costs of any nature

whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly arising, for personal injury, for dam-

age to or loss of any property and any Third Party liability, including reasonable

attorney’s fees, actually incurred or suffered by the Indemnified Parties, arising

out of or in any way connected with (i) any breach, negligence, default, omis-

sion, violation, infringement etc. as the case may be, by the Indemnifying Par-

ty or Persons claiming through or under it or due to such Party’s representa-

tions & warranties herein; covenants, agreements or obligations contained here-

in or the terms and conditions hereof; any intellectual property right of any

Person; (ii) failure of the Indemnifying Party or Persons claiming through or un-

der it to comply with Applicable Laws or the Applicable Permits or to pay

taxes or make contractual or other payments due and payable to any Person;

(iii) the employment, sickness, injury or death of any Person employed directly

or indirectly by the Indemnifying Party or Persons claiming through or under it;

or (iv) as provided elsewhere herein.

(b) The Concessionaire shall be responsible for executing, performing its obligations

hereunder in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement at its risk and

consequence and shall be responsible for any liability whatsoever arising under,

in connection with or in relation to the discharge of obligations hereunder by

the Concessionaire or Persons claiming through or under it and shall indemnify,

keep indemnified and hold the NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil and its advisors

harmless in this behalf.

(c) The NORTH DMC and or IndianOil shall not be liable to the Concessionaire for

any indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive or exemplary damages, loss of

profit, consequential financial or economic loss or any disruption in the flow of

MSW into the Project for any reason whatsoever.

(d) The Concessionaire shall keep the NORTH DMC & / or IndianOil indemnified dur-

ing the Concession Period against any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, penal-

ties etc. (i) from or by any Government Authority, including the CPCB or

the SPCB, and Third Parties for damages to the environment or any acts,

omissions, defaults or negligence of the Concessionaire that damages the envi-

ronment; and (ii) resulting from accidents at work, occupational diseases and

contingencies that may arise at or around the Sites or in the employment of la-

bor and personnel at the Project. The Concessionaire shall remain liable for its

acts or omissions in implementing the Project in accordance with the Technical

Specifications and the Applicable Laws even after the Termination of this

Agreement by efflux of time or otherwise.

(e) Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the Concessionaire shall carry

out and perform its rights and obligations under this Agreement and the Project

Agreements at its own cost and risk. It shall be fully responsible for and shall

bear the financial risks in relation to the Project and all its rights and obliga-

tions under or pursuant to this Agreement and the Project Agreements till the

Page 120 of 242

Termination Date.

(f) The provisions of this Article 31.15 shall survive the Termination of this Agree-


(g) Any lability of IndianOil and NORTH DMC under this Agreement towards the Con-

cessionaire or any third party, shall be several and not joint or joint & several.

(h) The Concessionaire agrees that IndianOil has no obligations towards the Conces-

sionaire under this Concession Agreement other than to enter into the Ethanol

Sale and Purchase Agreement and the CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement. Ac-

cordingly, the Concessionaire acknowledges that IndianOil has no liabilities in

contract, law or otherwise to the Concessionaire under this Agreement.

15. Liability for review of Documents and Drawings Except to the extent expressly pro-

vided in this Agreement:

(a) no review, comment or approval by the NORTH DMC or the Independent Expert

of any Project Agreement, Document or Drawing submitted by the Concession-

aire nor any observation or inspection of the construction, operation or mainte-

nance of the Project nor the failure to review, approve, comment, observe or in-

spect hereunder shall relieve or absolve the Concessionaire from its obligations,

duties and liabilities under this Agreement, the Applicable Laws and Applicable

Permits; and

(b) the NORTH DMC shall not be liable to the Concessionaire by reason of any review,

comment, approval, observation or inspection referred to in Sub-Article


16. Reservation of Rights

No forbearance, indulgence, relaxation or inaction by the Concessionaire at any time

to require performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall in any way af-

fect, diminish or prejudice the right of NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil, as may be ap-

plicable, to require performance of that provision, and no delay in exercising or omit-

ting to exercise any right, power or remedy accruing to the NORTH DMC and/ or Indi-

anOil, as may be applicable, upon any default or otherwise under this Agreement shall

impair any such right, power or remedy or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof or

any acquiescence in such default, nor shall the action or inaction of the NORTH DMC

and/ or IndianOil, as may be applicable, in respect of any default or any acquiescence

by it in any default, affect or impair any right, power or remedy of the NORTH DMC

and/ or IndianOil, as may be applicable, in respect of any other default.

17. Third Parties

This Agreement and all rights hereunder are intended for the sole benefit of the Parties

and, to the extent expressly provided, for the benefit of the NORTH DMC and/ or

NORTH DMC Related Parties, IndianOil, the Concessionaire Related Parties and the

Lenders, and shall not imply or create any rights on the part of, or obligations to, any

other Person.

18. Entire Agreement

This Agreement and the Schedules together constitute a complete and exclusive

statement of the terms of the agreement between the Parties on the subject hereof,

and no amendment or modification hereto shall be valid and effective unless such

Page 121 of 242

modification or amendment is agreed to in writing by the Parties and duly executed

by persons especially empowered in this behalf by the respective Parties. All prior

written or oral understandings offers or other communications of every kind pertain-

ing to this Agreement are abrogated and withdrawn. For the avoidance of doubt, the

Parties hereto agree that any obligations of the Concessionaire arising from the

RFP/EoI, shall be deemed to form part of this Agreement, and treated as such.


In this Agreement, the following words and expressions shall, unless repugnant to the context

or meaning thereof, have the meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them:

1. “Access Road” means a motorable approach road required to be built (if any) for provid-

ing access to the Site(s) to the Concessionaire.

2. “Additional Performance Security” means the performance security that must be sub-

mitted by the Selected Bidder to the NORTH DMC, together with the Performance Securi-

ty and ESHS Performance Security to secure the obligations of the Concessionaire/Bidder

in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement;

3. “Adjoining Property” means any land and/or property adjoining or adjacent or any part

of the Site, including all conduits, roads, footpaths, walls, fences, buildings and other

erections, structures and other apparatus on, under or within such land and/or property.

4. “Adjusted Equity” means the Equity funded in Indian Rupees (₹) and adjusted on the

first day of the current month (the “Reference Date”), in the manner set forth below, to

reflect the change in its value on account of depreciation and variations in Wholesale

Price Index (WPI) applicable to all commodities announced by Govt of India and for any

Reference Date occurring:

(a) on or before Commercial Operation Date (COD), the Adjusted Equity shall be a sum

equal to the Equity funded in Indian Rupees and expended on the Project, revised

to the extent of one half of the variation in WPI occurring between the first day of

the month of Compliance Date and the Reference Date;

(b) from Commercial Operation Date (COD) and until the 5th (fifth) anniversary thereof,

an amount equal to the Adjusted Equity as on COD shall be deemed to be the base

(the “Base Adjusted Equity”) and the Adjusted Equity hereunder shall be a sum equal

to the Base Adjusted Equity, revised at the commencement of each month following

COD to the extent of variation in WPI occurring between COD and the Reference


(c) after the 5th (fifth) anniversary of COD, the Adjusted Equity hereunder shall be a

sum equal to the Base Adjusted Equity, reduced by 0.33% (zero point three three

percent) thereof at the commencement of each month following the 5th (fifth) an-

niversary of COD and the amount so arrived at shall be revised to the extent of vari-

ation in WPI occurring between COD and the Reference Date;

(d) For the avoidance of doubt, the Adjusted Equity shall, in the event of Concession Pe-

riod, be computed as on the Reference Date immediately preceding the Concession

Period Date; provided that no reduction in the Base Adjusted Equity shall be made

for a period equal to the duration, if any, for which the Concession Period is ex-

tended, but the revision on account of WPI shall continue to be made;

Page 122 of 242

7. “Affected Party” means the Party claiming to be affected by a Force Majeure Event in

accordance with Article 20.

8. “Agreement” or “Concession Agreement” means this agreement executed between the

NORTH DMC, IndianOil and the Concessionaire including its Schedules and annexures and

includes any amendments made thereto in accordance with the provisions hereof.

9. “Applicable Law” means all laws, acts, ordinances, rules, regulations notifications and

guidelines in force and effect, including inter-alia the Environment Protection Act, 1986,

Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, and CPHEEO Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Man-

agement, 2016, National Building Code, ISO standards and BIS standards, and shall also in-

clude judgments, decrees, injunctions, writs or orders of any court of record as may be

in force and effect as of the date hereof and shall include any amendment or re-

enactment thereof from time to time, having jurisdiction over any Party, this Agreement,

the Project, the Project Agreements and each document, instrument and agreement de-

livered hereunder or in connection herewith;

10. “Applicable Permits” means all the authorizations, licenses, clearances, permits, no-

objections, sanctions and consents as required under Applicable Laws, at its respective

cost, to be procured by the Concessionaire in connection with the implementation of the


11. “Article” means an article of this Agreement.

12. “Associate” means, in relation to the Concessionaire, [the Selected Bidder or a member

of the Selected Bidder], a person who controls, or is controlled by, or is under the

common control of the same person who controls the concessionaire, the selected bidder

or member of the selected bidder, as the case may be.

13. “Authority” in this Agreement means North Delhi Municipal Corporation (referred also as

North DMC)

14. “Authority Event of Default” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article 23.

15. “Authority’s Representative” means any officer nominated by the NORTH DMC, from

time to time, to act on its behalf and liaise with the Concessionaire and/ or IndianOil for

the purposes of this Agreement and notified as such in writing to the Concessionaire and


16. “Availability” means the availability of the Project Facilities to collect, transport process

and dispose MSW, as determined in accordance with Articles 18.1.1(a), 18.1.2(a) and


17. “Liquidated Damages” means the liquidated damages payable by the Concessionaire to

NORTH DMC for failure to achieve the Guaranteed Availability, in accordance with Article


18. “C&T” or “Collection & Transportation” refers to primary and secondary collection and

transportation of MSW from the Project Area to the Processing Facility/ Sanitary Landfill.

19. “CBG” means Compressed Bio Gas as defined in IS 16087:2016 of Bureau of Indian Stand-

ards (BIS) specifications or any of its revised version.

20. CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement shall mean the Agreement to be entered in to be-

tween IndianOil and Concessionaire substantially in the form of Schedule 18.

21. CBG Security shall mean the performance security to be provided by the Concessionaire

Page 123 of 242

to IndianOil as provided under the CBG Sale and Purchase Agreement towards due per-

formance of Concessionaire under the CBG Sale and Purchase

22. CGD entity shall have the meaning assigned to it under the CBG Sale and Purchase


23. “Clause” means a clause of this Concession Agreement.

24. “Compliance Date” means the later of the date by which the Condition Precedent of the

Parties are achieved or waived.

25. “Compliance Period” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article 4.

26. “Concession” shall have the meaning as assigned thereto in Article 3.

27. “Concessionaire Event of Default” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article


28. “Conditions Precedent” means conditions to be satisfied before commencement of the

Project as specified in Article 4.

29. “Commercial Operation Date” or “COD” means the date when the Concessionaire be-

gins commercial operations of the Processing Facility with 2500 TPD capacity of waste

supplied by North DMC & pursuant to issuance of Completion Certificate by North DMC.

30. “Commencement Date” shall have the meaning as assigned to it in Article 5.

31. “Completion Certificate(s)” shall refer to the Certificate to be issued by the NORTH

DMC as set out in Schedule 15, upon successful commissioning and functioning of the

Processing Facility.

32. “Concessionaire’s Representative” means the Person nominated by the Concessionaire,

from time to time, to act on its behalf and liaise with the NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil

for the purposes of this Agreement and notified as such in writing to the NORTH DMC

and/ or IndianOil.

33. “Conditions Precedent” means collectively, the conditions precedent of the Conces-

sionaire, NORTH DMC that are set out at Article 4, and 'Condition Precedent' means any

one of these.

34. “Construction & Demolition Debris” or “Debris” or “C&D Waste” means solid waste

resulting from construction, re-modelling, repair, renovation or demolition of Structures

or from land clearing activities. “Structures” for this definition means buildings of all

types (both residential and non-residential), utilities, infrastructure facilities and any

other type of man-made structure. “Debris” includes, but is not limited to bricks, con-

crete rubble and other masonry materials, soil, rock, wood (including painted, treated

and coated wood and wood products), land clearing debris, wall coverings, plaster, dry-

wall, plumbing fixtures, roofing, waterproofing material and other roof coverings, as-

phalt pavement, glass, plastics, paper, gypsum boards, electrical wiring and components

containing no hazardous materials, pipes, steel, aluminium and other non-hazardous

metals used in construction of structures.

35. “Contractor” or “Sub-Contractor” means any Person with whom the Concessionaire has

entered into/may enter into any material contract in relation to the Project.

36. “Cost” means all documented expenditure reasonably incurred by the Concessionaire,

whether on or off the Site, including overhead and similar charges, but does not include


Page 124 of 242

37. “CPCB” means the Central Pollution Control Board of the Government of India.

38. “Daily Weight Sheet(s)” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Schedule 16;

39. “Dead Remains” means the dead bodies, carcasses, bones or skeletal remains of ani-

mals, rodents and other living beings (other than plants);

40. “Debt Due” means the aggregate of the following sums expressed in Indian Rupees out-

standing on the Termination Date:

(a) the principal amount of the debt provided by Lenders under the Financing Agree-

ments for financing the Bid Project Cost (the “Principal”) but excluding any part of

the principal that had fallen due for repayment 6 (six) months prior to the Termi-

nation Date;

(b) all accrued interest, financing fees and charges payable under the Financing

Agreements on, or in respect of, the debt referred to in Sub-Article (a) above until

the Termination Date but excluding (i) any interest, fees or charges that had fallen

due 3 (three) months prior to the Termination Date, (ii) any penal interest or charg-

es payable under the Financing Agreements to any Lender, and (iii) any pre-

payment charges in relation to accelerated repayment of debt except where such

charges have arisen due to Authority Default or State Government Default; and

(c) any Subordinated Debt which is included in the Financial Package disbursed by lend-

ers for financing the Bid Project Cost; provided that if all or any part of the Debt

Due is convertible into equity at the option of Lenders and/or the Concessionaire, it

shall for the purposes of this Agreement be deemed to be Debt Due even after such

conversion and the principal shall be dealt with as if such conversion had not been

undertaken. For the purpose of this Agreement, the term “Subordinated Debt” means

the debt provided by the lenders or Concessionaire’s Shareholders for meeting the Bid

Project Cost and shall be subordinate to the financial assistance provided by Senior


41. “Debt Service” means the sum of all payments on account of principal, interest, financ-

ing fees and charges due and payable in a Financial Year to the Lenders under the Fi-

nancing Agreements.

42. “Design & Drawings” means: (a) the Basic Engineering Designs; (b) the Screening Report

and (c) the detailed 'good for construction' designs and drawings, technical information,

plans, samples, patterns, models and specifications for the works required to be carried

out under this Agreement..

43. “Designated Bins” means the collection bins placed by the MSW collection agency at

locations recommended by the NORTH DMC for receiving the Primary Collection & Trans-

portation of MSW within the Project Area.

44. “DISCOM” means Electricity Distribution Company of GNCTD & under the areas managed


45. “Disposal” means the final and safe disposal of post processed residual MSW and inert

street sweepings and silt from surface drains on land as specified in Schedule I of the

SWM Rules 2016 to prevent contamination of groundwater, surface water, ambient air

and attraction of animals and birds;

46. “Disputes” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article 26 hereof.

47. “Dispute Resolution Procedure” means the procedure for resolution of disputes as set

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forth in Article 26.

48. “Dumpsite” means a land utilized by NORTH DMC for disposal of solid waste without fol-

lowing the principles of sanitary land filling.

49. “EIA” means the Environment Impact Assessment for the Project.

50. “Emergency (ies)” means conditions or situation that is likely to endanger the safety of

the individuals on or about the Project or which poses an immediate threat of material

damage to the Project.

51. “Encumbrances” means any encumbrance such as mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, hy-

pothecation, security interest or other obligations and shall also include physical encum-

brances, including encroachments on the Site.

52. “Engineered Sanitary Landfill Site” or “Sanitary Landfill Site” or “Sanitary Landfill”

or “SLF” or means the Sanitary Landfill Site to be designed, developed, constructed and

operated by the Concessionaire at the allocated site in conformance with the terms of

this Agreement for disposal of residual inert matter and rejected waste; and the site

where the concessionaire conducts a final and safe disposal of residual inert matter, re-

sidual solid waste and inert waste, which is designed with protective measures against

pollution of ground water, surface water and fugitive air dust, wind-blown litter, bad

odour, fire hazard, animal menace, bird menace, pests or rodents, green-house gas

emissions, persistent organic pollutants slope instability and erosion in accordance with

the terms of this Agreement.

53. “Equity” means the sum expressed in Indian Rupees (₹) representing the paid up equity

share capital of the Concessionaire for meeting the equity component of the Total

Project Cost, and for the purposes of this Agreement shall include convertible in-

struments which has converted into equity share capital of the Company.

54. “Event of Default” shall have the meaning assigned thereto in Article 23.

55. “Escrow Account” means the interest-bearing account opened by the Concessionaire

with the Escrow Bank in accordance with the Escrow Agreement, which shall be opera-

tional until the expiry of the Concession Period.

56. “Escrow Bank” means the Scheduled Bank with which Concessionaire opens the Escrow

Account, pursuant to the Escrow Agreement.

57. “Escrow Agreement” means the agreement to be executed among the NORTH DMC, the

Concessionaire, and the Escrow Bank in relation to the opening and operations of the Es-

crow Account.

58. “Ethanol” means Anhydrous Ethanol for Use in Automotive Fuel as defined in IS 15464 :

2004 (Reaffirmed Year : 2019 ) of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications or any

of its revised version.

59. “Excluded Waste” means waste material of the nature that the Project is not designed

or authorized to receive, manage, process and dispose which includes (i) Hazardous

Waste, (ii) Bio-Medical Waste (iii) Dead Remains, (iv) E- Waste and (v) construction

and demolition waste;

60. “Execution Date” means the date of signing of the Concession Agreement.

61. “Event of Default” means the NORTH DMC Event of Default or a Concessionaire Event of

Default, as the context may require.

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62. “Facility” means any establishment wherein the MSW management processes namely

segregation, recovery, storage, collection, recycling, processing, treatment, or safe dis-

posal are carried out.

63. “Financing Agreements” or “Financing Documents” means collectively the agreements

entered into for providing the debt financing for the implementation of the Project

and shall include the security documents creating the relevant security (such as mort-

gages or charges or liens) on the Project or any part thereof in line with this Agreement,

for securing the debt provided for funding the Bid Project Cost.

64. “Financial Assistance” means all funded and non-funded financial assistance, including

loans, advances and guarantees or any re-financing that the Concessionaire may avail of

for the Project from the Lenders.

65. “Financial Close” means, the date on which the Financing Documents become effective,

the conditions precedent under the Financing Documents for disbursements are fulfilled

and the Concessionaire has access to the Financial Assistance.

66. “Financial Default” means occurrence of breach of the terms and conditions of the Fi-

nancing Agreements or continuous default in Debt service by the Concessionaire for peri-

od of 3 (three) months.

67. “Financial Model” means the financial model adopted by Senior Leaders, setting forth

the capital and operating costs of the Project and revenues there from on the basis of

which financial viability of the Project has been determined by the Senior Lenders, and

includes a description of the assumptions and parameters used for making calculations

and projections therein.

68. “Financial Package” means the financing package indicating the total capital cost of

the Project and the means of financing thereof, as set forth in the Financial Model and

approved by the Senior Lenders, and includes Equity, all Financial Assistance specified

in the Financing Agreements, Subordinated Debt, if any.

69. “Financial Year” shall mean a year commencing on 1st April of a calendar year and end-

ing on 31st March of the immediately succeeding calendar year.

70. “Force Majeure” or “Force Majeure Event” means an act, event, condition or occur-

rence as specified in Article 20.

71. “Fundamental Change in Law” means any Change in Law that:

(a) renders unenforceable, illegal, invalid or void any material right or material obli-

gation of the Concessionaire under this Agreement; or

(b) renders a material part of this Agreement invalid, illegal or unenforceable; or

(c) results in the Concessionaire being deprived of the whole or a substantial part of

the benefit of this Agreement.

71. “GoI” or “Govt of India” or “Govt” means the Government of India.

72. “Good Industry Practice” means the exercise of that degree of skill, diligence, pru-

dence and foresight in compliance with the undertakings and obligations under this

Agreement which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected of a skilled and an expe-

rienced person engaged in the implementation, operation and maintenance or supervi-

sion or monitoring thereof or any of them or facilities similar to the Project Facilities;

73. “Government Agency” means GoI, GNCTD, NORTH DMC or any Governmental Depart-

Page 127 of 242

ment, Commission, Board, Body, Bureau, Agency, Authority, Instrumentality, Court or

Other Judicial or Administrative body, Central, State, or local, having Jurisdiction

over the Concessionaire, the Site/Project or any portion thereof, or the performance of

all or any of the services or obligations of the Concessionaire under or pursuant to this


74. “Grace Period” shall mean as defined in Article 14.

75. “Guaranteed Energy Consumption” means the maximum number of units of power

(in kWh) per ton quoted by the Selected Bidder in the Financial Proposal, which it ex-

pects to consume during the O&M Period [(other than any units expected to be generat-

ed and consumed from the Power Plant)], to operate and maintain the Project, at vary-

ing volumes and compositions of MSW. The Guaranteed Energy Consumption for any

quarter during the O&M Period will be determined on the basis of the number of units of

power (in kWh) per ton quoted by the Selected Bidder in the Financial Proposal for the

average volume and composition of waste processed and disposed at the Site(s) in such

quarter (such average to be calculated in accordance with the KPI Adherence Report).

76. “Hand Back Condition” mean the condition in which the Site, the Facilities, and the

WtE Plant, if any, shall be handed back to NORTH DMC or any entity nominated by

NORTH DMC on expiry or early termination of this Agreement, which is consistent with

the due performance of the Concessionaire's obligations under this Agreement.

77. “Hand Back Requirement” means the obligations of the Concessionaire in relation to

transfer of the Facilities upon expiry or early termination of the Project, as set out in Ar-

ticle 23.

78. “Hazardous Waste” shall have the meaning as defined under the Hazardous Wastes

Management Rules, 2016 and as amended thereto.

79. “ICT Infrastructure” shall mean all Information & Communication Technology Infrastruc-

ture, equipment and systems (including software, hardware, firmware, networks and

websites) including but not limited to sensors, geographical positioning systems, cam-

eras, electronic weigh bridges and associated software, to facilitate the functioning of

the project on day to day basis.

80. “Intellectual Property Rights” means patents, copyrights, database rights, design

rights, trade-marks, service marks, trade names, domain names, rights in reputation,

rights in undisclosed or confidential information (such as know-how, trade secrets

and inventions, whether patentable or not), and other rights of a like nature

(whether registered or unregistered) and all applications for such rights as may exist

anywhere in the world.

81. “Invoice” means an invoice for payment of (a) Supply of CBG to IndianOil (b) Supply of

Ethanol to IndianOil submitted by the Concessionaire in accordance with the provisions

of Schedule 18 & Schedule 19.

82. “KPI Adherence Report” shall have the meaning ascribed to it under Article 18.3.2(c).

83. “KPI” means the key performance indicators set out in Article 18, which the Project

must achieve during the Construction Period and the O&M Period.

84. “Legacy Waste” shall have the meaning as provided under the CPCB Guidelines for Dis-

posal of Legacy Waste, 2019.

85. “Lenders” or “Senior Lenders” means any person, financial institutions, banks, funds

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and trustees for bond holders or debenture holders, who have provided loans for financ-

ing the Bid Project Cost as evidenced in Financing Documents.

86. “LoA” or “Letter of Award” issued by NORTH DMC to the Selected/ Successful Bidder

for developing the Project in terms of this Agreement.

87. “Liquidated Damages” means the Delay Liquidated Damages, the Availability Liquidated

Damages, the Performance Liquidated Damages and the end Product Output Liquidated


88. “MNRE” means Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, GoI.

89. “MoHUA” means Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, GoI.

90. “Material Adverse Effect” means a material adverse effect of any act or event on the

ability of any Party to perform any of its obligations under and in accordance with the

provisions of this Agreement and which act or event causes a material financial burden

or loss to any or all Party(ies).

91. “Material Breach” means a breach by any Party of ny of its obligations under this

Agreement which has or is likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Project and

which such Party shall have failed to cure.

92. “Material Recovery Facility” means a facility where non-compostable MSW can be tem-

porarily stored by NORTH DMC or any other entity mentioned in Rule 2 of the SWM Rules

2016 or any person or agency authorized by any of them to facilitate segregation, sort-

ing and recovery of recyclables from various components of waste by authorized informal

sector of waste pickers, informal recyclers or any other work force engaged by NORTH

DMC or entity mentioned in Rule 2 of the SWM Rules 2016 for the purpose before the

waste is delivered or taken up for its processing or disposal.

93. “Minor Casualty” means any fire or other casualty that results in physical damage to

the Project Facilities to the extent that the total cost (as estimated by North DMC) of

repairing and/or replacing the damaged portion of the Project Facilities as the case may

be, to the same condition as previously existed would not exceed the amount of [₹ 25,

00,000 (Rupees twenty five lakhs)].

94. “Nominated Company” means the entity that is selected either by the Lenders or by the

NORTH DMC for substituting the Concessionaire, upon occurrence of Concessionaire’s

Event of Default, in terms of the provisions of this Agreement & Substitution Agreement.

95. “Operational Plan” means a comprehensive plan with location of Designated Bins, their

pickup schedule, vehicle planning & scheduling for Secondary Collection and Transporta-

tion of MSW in the Project Area, approved by the NORTH DMC.

96. “O&M” means operations & maintenance.

97. “O&M Expenses” means the expenses incurred in the operation and maintenance of

the Project and includes all matters connected with or incidental to such operation and

maintenance, provision of services and facilities in accordance with the provisions of this

Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, fees and expenses payable to the Escrow Bank

shall form part of the O&M Expenses.

98. “O&M Manual” means the manual, required to be prepared by the Concessionaire and

approved by NORTH DMC for the operation and maintenance of the Project in accordance

with Article 15.

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99. “O&M Period” means the period commencing from the COD and ending on the Termina-

tion Date, during which the Concessionaire is required to operate and maintain the Pro-


100. “O&M Security” has the meaning ascribed to it in Article 9.

101. “Organic Waste” means such type of MSW that can be degraded by micro- organisms but

shall not include excluded wastes.

102. “PLBs” means Participating Local Bodies.

103. “P&D” refers to Processing & Disposal of MSW collected from the Project Area, as is

more clearly defined in SWM Rules, 2016.

104. “Performance Security” means the guarantee for performance of its obligations as per

terms of this Agreement, to be furnished by the Successful Bidder (or the Concession-

aire), in accordance with Article 9 in the format given at Schedule 6.

105. “Person(s)” means (unless otherwise specified or required by the context), any individu-

al, company, corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, society, unincorporated or-

ganization, government or government body or any other legal entity.

106. “Post COD Period” means the period starting on and from the COD and ending on the

Termination Date.

107. “Power Charges” means the cost of the power consumed by the Concessionaire to op-

erate and maintain the Project during the O&M Period, which will be calculated on the

basis of the prevailing Power Unit Rate, the Fuel Price, to the extent applicable and such

other applicable charges as per the guidelines of the relevant Government Authorities.

108. “Power Outage” means any interruption in the supply of electricity from the grid or any

Diesel-Generators (DG) Sets maintained by the Concessionaire at the Sites, which dis-

rupts the continuous operation of the Project.

109. “Power Unit Rate” means the cost per unit of power drawn from the grid (through the

relevant distribution licensee for the Sites), which will be the prevailing tariff per unit

of power charged by the relevant distribution licensee in the relevant month during the

O&M Period.

110. "Pre-COD Period" means the period commencing from the Execution Date and extending

up to the COD.

111. “Preliminary Notice” means the notice of intended Concession Period by the Party enti-

tled to terminate this Agreement to the other Party setting out, inter alia, the underly-

ing Event of Default.

112. “Primary Collection & Transportation” means the door to door collection, collection

from public spaces, street cleaning and delivering to the to the Designated Bins at the

designated collection points.

113. “Processing” means any scientific process by which segregated MSW is handled for the

purpose of reuse, recycling or transformation into new products.

114. “Processing Facility” means the facility created by the Concessionaire for processing of

the MSW, prior to its final disposal at engineered Sanitary Landfill Site, and also includes

bio-methanation, incineration, gasification, anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis etc or any

other technology for waste processing or any combination thereof.

115. “Project” shall mean Processing, Disposal & generating value from Municipal Solid Waste

Page 130 of 242

in the form of CBG and Ethanol or any other products, byproducts on Design, Build, Fi-

nance, Operate & Transfer basis for a Waste to Energy plant including Processing Facili-

ty(ies) at Ranikhera or alternate suitable municipal land within North DMC New Delhi and

discharging the Scope of Services more specifically set out in Schedule 1.

116. “Project Agreements” means any material contracts or agreements entered into by the

Concessionaire after the date of this Agreement relating to the construction, operation

and maintenance of the Project.

117. “Project Area” means the area presently under boundaries/ jurisdiction of the NORTH

DMC or any extension thereof during the Concession Period.

118. “Project Assets” means all physical and other assets relating to and forming part of

the Project including (a) Right of Way or otherwise; (b) tangible assets such as civil

works and equipment including but not limited to foundations, buildings, complaint re-

dressal center, Processing Facility, electrical systems, communication systems,

transport vehicles, Designated Storage & Bins within the WtE plant, ICT Infrastructure

and administrative office; (c) Project Facilities situated on the Sites; (d) all rights of

the Concessionaire under the Project Agreements; (e) financial assets, such as receiva-

bles, security deposits etc; (f) insurance proceeds; and (g) Applicable Permits and au-

thorizations relating to or in respect of the Project.

119. "Project Facilities" means all the amenities and facilities required as basic and support

infrastructure for implementation of the Project including construction/renovation, op-

eration and maintenance of facilities for Processing, Disposal & generating value from

Municipal Solid Waste and the integrated solid waste management system such as infra-

structure, ICT infrastructure, machinery and equipment procured, inherited, installed

and operated and all other Project related physical assets.

120. “Proposed Technology” means the proven technology(ies) proposed to be used by the

Concessionaire to develop the Project and Project Facilities, as specified by the Conces-

sionaire in its Designs and Drawings.

121. “Proprietary Material” shall be as defined in Article 29.

122. “Qualifying Change in Law” means any Change in Law, which

(a) is directly applicable to the Project.

(b) impacts the Cost or time for undertaking the Project; and

(c) which was not reasonably foreseeable by the Concessionaire as on the Bid

Submission Due Date.

123. “Related Parties”

“Concessionaire Related Parties” means any of the following:

(a) the Selected Bidder or Associates of the Selected Bidder.

(b) an officer, servant, employee or agent of the Concessionaire acting in that ca-


(c) any Subcontractor engaged by the Concessionaire and their directors, offic-

ers, servants, employees or agents acting in that capacity.

(d) any Person acting on behalf of the Concessionaire.

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“NORTH DMC Related Parties” means any of the following:

(a) an officer, servant, employee or agent of the NORTH DMC, acting in that ca-


(b) any contractor or subcontractor of the NORTH DMC and their directors, offic-

ers, servants, employees or agents, acting in that capacity; or

(c) any Person acting on behalf of the NORTH DMC.

For the avoidance a doubt, ‘NORTH DMC Related Parties' does not include the Con-

cessionaire or GNCTD.

“IndianOil Related Parties” any of the following:

(a) an officer, servant, employee or agent of the IndianOil, acting in that capaci-


(b) any contractor or subcontractor of the IndianOil and their directors, officers,

servants, employees or agents, acting in that capacity; or

(c) any Person acting on behalf of the IndianOil.

132. “Residual Inert Matter” means the inert matter left for final disposal in engineered San-

itary Landfill Site after processing of the MSW by one or more of the relevant Project.

133. “Residual Solid Waste” means and includes the waste and rejects from the MSW which

are not suitable for recycling or further processing.

134. “Right of Way” means the constructive possession of sites, together with all way leaves,

easements, unrestricted access and other rights of way, howsoever described, necessary

for construction, operation and maintenance of the Project, in accordance with this


135. “Schedules” means any of the annexure, appendices, supplements or documents an-

nexed to this Agreement and as amended from time to time.

136. “Sanitary Land Fill or SLF” means the site/s where the Concessionaire conducts a final

and safe disposal of residual inert matter, residual MSW and inert waste, which is de-

signed, maintained & operated by the Concessionaire with protective measures against

pollution of ground water, surface water and fugitive air dust, wind-blown litter, bad

odour, fire hazard, animal menace, bird menace, pests or rodents, green-house gas

emissions, persistent organic pollutants slope instability and erosion in accordance with

the terms of this Agreement.

137. “Scheduled Construction Completion Date” means the date which is 24 (Twenty Four)

months from the Compliance Date, by which the Concessionaire is required to complete

the construction of the Project Facilities forming part of the integrated WtE plant.

138. “Scheduled Maintenance” means a planned maintenance of the Project that:

(a) has been scheduled and allowed by the NORTH DMC in accordance with the Sched-

uled Maintenance Program; and

(b) is for inspection, testing, preventive and corrective maintenance, repairs, re-

placement or improvement of such Facilities, as the case may be.

139. “Scheduled Maintenance Program” means, for each year of the O&M Period, the schedule

for undertaking preventive and corrective maintenance of the Project, as prepared by the

Concessionaire and approved by the NORTH DMC in accordance with Article15.

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140. “SEB” means State Electricity Board of GNTCD.

141. “Secondary Collection & Transportation” means the transportation of MSW from the

secondary collection points and Designated Bins in the Area governed by NORTH DMC to

the Processing Project Facility/ Sanitary Landfill, by a Third party contracted by NORTH

DMC or NORTH DMC itself.

142. “Secondary Collection Points” means Designated Bins and other collection points, areas

of any land, constructed space allocated by NORTH DMC, if any, to temporarily store the

MSW collected.

143. “Selected Bidder” or “Successful Bidder” means the Entity selected by INDIANOIL (for

and on behalf of the NORTH DMC) through a competitive bidding process for implement-

ing and managing the Project.

144. “SERC” means Delhi State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

145. “Site” means the identified land parcel, in respect of which the Concessionaire shall be

granted License in accordance with terms hereof, for undertaking develop-

ment/construction of Processing Facilities forming part of the integrated WtE.

146. “MSW” means Municipal Solid Waste and includes solid or semi-solid domestic waste,

sanitary waste, commercial waste, institutional waste, catering and market waste and

other non-residential wastes, street sweepings, silt removed or collected from the sur-

face drains, horticulture waste, agriculture and dairy waste, treated bio-medical waste

excluding industrial waste, bio-medical waste and e-waste, battery waste, radioactive

waste generated in the area under the local authorities and other entities mentioned

under Rule 2 of the SWM Rules 2016

147. “SPCB” means Delhi State Pollution Control Board.

148. “Representative of NORTH DMC” means any officer nominated by the NORTH

DMC, from time to time, to act on its behalf and liaise with the Concessionaire and/ or

IndianOil for the purposes of this Agreement and notified as such in writing to

the Concessionaire and/ or IndianOil.

149. “Subordinated Debt” is the aggregate of the following sums expressed in Indian Rupees

or in the currency of debt, as the case may be, outstanding as on the Transfer Date:

(a) the principal amount of debt provided by lenders or the Concessionaire's

shareholders for meeting the Bid Project Cost and subordinated to the finan-

cial assistance provided by the Senior Lenders; and

(b) all accrued interest on the debt referred to in sub-clause (a) above but re-

stricted to the lesser of actual interest rate and a rate equal to [5% (five per

cent)] above the bank rate in case of loans denominated in Indian Rupees and

lesser of the actual interest rate and [6 (six) month] LIBOR (London Inter-

Bank Offer Rate) plus [2% (two per cent)] in case of loans denominated in

foreign currency, but does not include any interest that had fallen due 1

(one) year prior to the Transfer Date;

provided that if all or any part of the Subordinated Debt is convertible into Equity

at the option of the lenders and/or the Concessionaire's shareholders, it shall for

the purposes of this Agreement be deemed to be Subordinated Debt even after

such conversion and the principal thereof shall be dealt with as if such conversion

had not been undertaken;

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152. “Substitution Agreement” is an agreement that may be executed between the

Concessionaire, NORTH DMC, IndianOil and the Lenders in the form set out in Sched-

ule 9, pursuant to which, in case of Default by the Concessionaire including any Fi-

nancial Default, Lenders (through its nominee) shall be allowed to take charge of the

Concessionaire’s roles & responsibilities under this Agreement.

153. “Supplementary Fuel” means any fuel that can be used as a supplement to the MSW to

enrich RDF / fuel during commissioning / start of activities. Use of supplementary fuel

would be permissible as per extant & relevant MNRE guidelines.

154. “SWM Rules” means the MSW Management Rules, 2016 framed by the Government of

India under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Act 29 of 1986) and includes any

statutory amendments / modifications thereto or re- enactments thereof, from time to


155. "Taxes" means all taxes, levies, imposts, cesses, duties and other forms of taxation, in-

cluding (but without limitation) income tax, sales tax, goods and service tax, value add-

ed tax, service tax, octroi, entry tax, corporation profits tax, advance corporation tax,

capital gains tax, residential and property tax, customs and other import and export du-

ties, excise duties, stamp duty or capital duty, and any interest, surcharge, penalty or

fine in connection therewith which may be payable by the Concessionaire or the sub-

contractors and the term Tax shall be construed accordingly.

156. “Termination” shall mean the expiry or termination of this Agreement and the Conces-

sion hereunder.

157. "TPD" means tonnes per day.

158. "Compensation" means the compensation payable by NORTH DMC upon termination of

this Agreement, in accordance with Article 24.

159. "Termination Date" means the date specified in the Termination Notice as the date on

which the Concession Agreement expires or terminates earlier.

160. "Termination Notice" means the notice of Termination by any of the Parties to the other

Party, in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement.

161. "Termination Payments" means the payments payable pursuant to Articles 20 and 23 of

this Agreement.

162. "Third Party (ies)" means any Person other than the Parties to this Agreement.

163. "Test (s)" means the tests to be carried out by the Concessionaire at its cost, in

the presence of North DMC representatives as may be required for getting Statutory

clearances / Approval or asked by in respect of the Processing Project Facility and SLF to

ensure that the same confirms to the requirements as per Good Industry Practice and

Applicable Law or Applicable Permits.

164. "Casualty" means any fire or other casualty that results in physical damage to the Pro-

ject Facilities, to the extent that the total cost of repairing, replacing or restoring

the damaged portion of the Project Facilities (as determined by the North DMC), to the

same condition as existed previously, would be more than 25% (twenty five per cent) of

the total replacement cost of the Facilities.

165. "Transfer Date" shall be as defined in Article 23.

166. "Transportation" means conveyance of MSW, either treated, partly treated or untreated

Page 134 of 242

from a location to another location in an environmentally sound manner through special-

ly designed and covered transport system so as to prevent the foul odour, littering and

unsightly conditions.

167. "Trial Operations" means the operation of the Project Facilities on a trial basis for a pe-

riod of 3 (three) months from the Construction Completion Date or such longer period as

may be determined.

168. "Trial Operations Completion Certificate" means the certificate issued by NORTH DMC

and/ or the Independent Engineer to the Concessionaire upon successful completion of

the Trial Operations.

169. "Unscheduled Outage" means an interruption of or a reduction in the Availability of any

Facilities that is not the result of a Forced Unavailability.

170. "Vacant Possession" means delivery of possession of the Site free from all Encumbrances

to NORTH DMC and the grant of all rights and all other rights appurtenant thereto within

the scope of this Agreement.

171. "Variation" or "Deviation" means any alteration in the Scope of Work, technical specifi-

cations or the Designs and Drawings, as instructed by NORTH DMC or proposed by the

Concessionaire, in accordance with Article 28.

172. "Variation Order" or "Deviation Order" means an order issued by NORTH DMC certifying

its approval of a proposed Variation and recording the terms and condition on which the

proposed Variation is required to be implemented.

173. "Waste Generator(s)" means all residential, commercial, institutional and industrial es-

tablishments generating MSW and located within the Project Area.

174. "Waste to Energy" or "WtE" means all activities, processes and technologies of convert-

ing mixed MSW for production of valuable fuels, products but not limited to Electricity,

CBG and Ethanol, low carbon fuels, fertilizers, recoverable/ reusable resources & mate-

rials including but not limited to plastics, paper/ pulp, metal, glass, wood etc & other

refuse derived fuels.

175. "Willful Misconduct" means an intentional or reckless breach or disregard by a Party of

any of its obligations under this Agreement.

176. "WPI" means the Wholesale Price Index for all commodities as published by the Ministry

of Commerce and Industry, GOI and shall include any index which substitutes the WPI,

and any reference to WPI shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as a

reference to the WPI published for the period ending with the preceding month.


In witness whereof the Parties hereto have signed this Agreement on this ____ day of

__________ month & year 2021.

For North Delhi Municipal Corporation



Page 135 of 242


For IndianOil Corporation Ltd




(The Concessionaire)




Page 136 of 242



1. Sanitary Land Filling Site

Role of Concessionaire

(a) The Concessionaire shall Design, Construct and Operate Project Facility of including

Processing facility, Material Recovery Facility, Sanitary Land Filling (SLF) etc., of De-

signed Capacity at the Site provided by NORTH DMC. The Sanitary Landfill shall be

setup in accordance with the requirement of SWM Rules, 2016 and CPHEEO Manual.

(b) All necessary technical investigations & surveys for design of facilities by Conces-

sionaire viz. Geo-technical investigation including load bearing capacity, water

table, Contour & Topographical survey of the land, quality of ground water, etc

required for delivery of the integrated WtE plant & associated facilities at the

project site.

(c) Pay Waste Royalty Charges to North DMC on monthly basis as per the rates final-

ized in the bidding process.

(d) Upon completion of every 5 years of the Commercial Operation Date payment of

finalized Waste Royalty Charges (WRC) with 10% increase upon every 5 years to

North Delhi Municipal Corporation for the entire life of the Plant. Illustration for

revision is as below:

Year Waste Royalty Charges

in ₹ per ton


COD + 1 year WRC Nil

Up to COD + 5 years WRC Nil

COD + 6 years WRC x 1.10 WRC increased by 10%

Up to COD + 10 years WRC x 1.10 Nil

COD + 11 years WRC x 1.21 WRC increased cumula-

tively by 10%

Up to COD + 15 years WRC x 1.21 Nil

COD + 16 years WRC x 1.33 WRC increased cumula-

tively by 10%

Up to COD + 20 years WRC x 1.33 Nil

COD + 21 years WRC x 1.48 WRC increased cumula-

tively by 10%

Up to COD + 25 years WRC x 1.48 Nil

Page 137 of 242

Year Waste Royalty Charges

in ₹ per ton


COD + 26 years WRC x 1.62 WRC increased cumula-

tively by 10%

Up to COD + 30 years WRC x 1.62 Nil

(e) The Concessionaire shall install weighbridges (3 nos or more & as per design, op-

erational requirements) from the start date of disposal activity of appropriate

capacity. The weighing system shall be fully online electronic, automatic system

equipped with the latest technology along with backup server facility. Data of

weighing system shall be maintained properly for the entire Concession Period

with backup server facility and shall be provided as & when required by NORTH


(f) Concessionaire to ensure by weighment that inert/residual Processing waste from

Processing Facilities to the Sanitary Landfill should not be disposed more than 20%

of the total incoming waste at Processing facility and as per extant provision of

SWM Rules 2016 issued from time to time.

(g) SLF shall comprise compacted earth bunds with impermeable liner systems com-

prising compacted clay liners, or geo-membranes, or geosynthetic clay liners.

The landfill cells will incorporate leachate collection systems comprising gravel

and geotextile filter layers and pipe collection and transfer systems.

(h) The Concessionaire shall also set up a leachate treatment facility at the landfill

site involving any suitable technology to meet the standards as per regulatory


(i) Shall be responsible for all the health, security, environment and safety aspects of

the Project at all times during the Concession Period.

(j) Ensure arrangement for water and power supply at project/ WtE site at its own


(k) Transportation of inert/residual Processing waste to the Sanitary Landfill is to be

done by the Concessionaire from the integrated WtE plant.

(l) Ensure that the Project Facilities remain free from all encroachments and take all

steps necessary to remove encroachments, if any.

(m) Pay all Taxes, duties and outgoings, including utility charges relating to the Project


(n) The Concessionaire shall provide fencing/ compound wall (as applicable) along

the perimeter of the Site and arrange adequate lighting system for easy operations

in the working area as well as to the access ways.

(o) Provide fire protection measures and safety equipment for all workers at the site.

Entrance into the Site from outside the Site shall be restricted to one point. How-

ever, several emergency exits may be provided.

(p) Adequate measures to avoid trespassing shall be taken by the Concessionaire. En-

Page 138 of 242

sure adequate power back-up for smooth operation of the machinery and equip-

ment installed.

(q) All the necessary regulatory approvals (including Environmental clearance, con-

sent to establish and operate from SPCB, applicable as per extant statutory

guidelines of Central & State Govt, CPCB etc) shall be taken prior to the com-

mencement of integrated WtE plant, SLF construction and operations.

2. Conditions for Weigh Bridge

a) It shall be fully online electronic with real time monitoring systems, automatic system

equipped with the latest technology along with backup server facility. Data of weighing system

shall be maintained properly for the entire Concession Period with backup server facility and

shall be provided as & when required by NORTH DMC.

b) It shall be operated in CCTV surveillance with data storage of entire Concession Period. For

CCTV surveillance High Definition IP based cameras in adequate numbers shall be provided by

the Concessionaire.

c) CCTV Recordings of operation of weighing system shall be provided as and when required by


3. Role of the NORTH DMC (referred as NORTH DMC or Authority interchangeably):

a) Provide land for the integrated WtE plant & the SLF within [1 (one)] month to the Concession-

aire from the Execution Date.

b) NORTH DMC shall arrange to approve the Implementation Plan submitted by the Concessionaire

for the integrated WtE plant & SLF facility within a period of 21 days from the date of submis-

sion. NORTH DMC shall, where appropriate, coordinate/assist Concessionaire in securing Appli-

cable Permits.

c) To monitor, supervise, and review Concessionaire’s progress against submitted timelines.

d) Shall ensure source segregation of MSW to the extent possible & providing assured regular sup-

ply of mixed MSW, which can be used for the entire life of the WtE Plant & against Royalty

Charges to be paid by the Concessionaire as per finalized rates in the bidding process. North

DMC shall provide guarantees on quality and quantity of MSW of minimum 2000 Ton Per Day

or more up to 2500 Ton Per Day supplied.

e) Ensure a separate waste collection stream from bulk waste generators, vegetable and flower

markets for the purpose of collecting segregated Organic Waste.

f) Shall ensure regular primary collection of waste from households i.e. on daily basis.

g) NORTH DMC shall meet and defray any cost or penalty levied upon the Concessionaire pursuant

to any judgment or order of any court of competent jurisdiction or statutory authority, in con-

nection with any damages resulting from legacy waste, which is not directly attributable to the

Concessionaire’s non-observance or non-compliance of its obligations hereunder.

h) Plan, design & implement & allocate Secondary Collection Points in consultation with the Con-

cessionaire within 90 (ninety) days from the Execution Date.

i) Sign, Operate and maintain an escrow account with the Concessionaire to ensure a single ac-

count for cash flow.

j) Facilitate in a timely manner all such approvals, permissions and authorizations which Conces-

sionaire may require or is obliged to seek from them under this Agreement, in connection with

implementation of the Project and the performance of its obligations.

Page 139 of 242

k) Assist in getting connection for water and electricity connection at each of the Site(s).

l) Validate the data provided by the Concessionaire in monthly progress reports.

m) Observe and comply with all obligations set forth in this Agreement, and any other Agreement

to be executed with the Concessionaire.

n) Have right over assets and technology in case of termination of Concession Period or expiry of

Concession Period, whichever is earlier.

o) Assurance to Concessionaire that any of its officers, employees or workmen shall not, at any

time, during the Concession Period interfere with or obstruct in the functioning, running and

the overall management of the Project and in any matter in relation to or connected there-


4. Setting-up of Processing Facilities

Role of Concessionaire

a. The Concessionaire shall be obligated to set up at its cost and expense, an integrated Waste

to Energy plant along with Sanitary Land Fill with associated Waste Processing Facility at

the earmarked Site and discharge obligations set out in Schedule 1 for Processing of MSW

prior to its final disposal at engineered Sanitary Landfill Site, as per the Construction Plan

submitted by the Concessionaire. The Implementation Schedule shall be submitted in MS

Project/ Bar chart/ GANTT chart as applicable.

b. Setting up a Waste to Energy Plant having capacity as provided in Concession Agreement.

The Concessionaire shall have the Processing Facility fully set up and obtain a Completion

Certificate from NORTH DMC for the newly installed Project Facility as mentioned below:

i. 50% to 60% of Name Plate Capacity (i.e. 50% to 60% of 2500 TPD = ~ 1250 to

1500 TPD)- within 12 months from the Compliance date as per the Concession


ii. 100% of Name Plate Capacity (i.e. 100% of 2500 TPD = 2500 TPD)- within 24

months from the Compliance date as per the Concession Agreement.

Note: For Construction Period specific milestones, please refer to Schedule 12.

The Concessionaire shall also be obligated to promptly rectify and remedy any defects or defi-

ciencies that are pointed by North DMC and furnish a report in respect thereof to North DMC.

c. In the event the Concessionaire is unable to achieve COD within the said time period, the

Concessionaire shall be granted an additional period of ___ days without levy of any dam-

ages. In case of any further delay to achieve COD, Liquidated Damages at the rate of [0.1%

(zero-point one percent)] of the Performance Security per day of delay beyond ___ days

from Scheduled Construction Completion Date shall be levied by NORTH DMC on the Con-

cessionaire, subject to a maximum of [90 (ninety)] days beyond which it shall tantamount

to Concessionaire Event of Default. Provided however, if the delay to achieve COD is due to

any Force Majeure event or due to delay on part of NORTH DMC in issuing Completion Cer-

tificate, no such Liquidated Damages shall be levied.

5. Processing & Disposal of MSW

Role of Concessionaire

a. The Concessionaire shall setup an integrated Waste to Energy plant along with Sanitary

Land Fill with associated Waste Processing Facility on the designated lands provided by

NORTH DMC. The land provided shall only be used for the purposes of the Project.

Page 140 of 242

b. The Concessionaire shall take all Applicable Permits in sequence and comply with the pro-

visions therein from time to time.

c. The Concessionaire shall design, construct, operate and maintain all the Project Assets

and Project Facilities including Processing Facility in compliance with all applicable laws

at its own cost.

d. The Waste Processing Facility & WtE plant shall use the technology as quoted, selected by

the Concessionaire in the competitive bidding.

e. The Concessionaire shall at its cost and expense procure all machinery and equipment for

the Project. The Concessionaire shall comply with proprietary rights, licenses, agreements

and permissions for materials, methods, processes and systems used or incorporated in

the Project.

f. The Processing Facility shall achieve COD within a period for milestones as mentioned in

this Schedule. The Concessionaire shall submit monthly progress reports during the above

period to North DMC.

g. Supply of CBG and Ethanol to IndianOil at the rates & as per technical specifica-

tions, other details provided in Schedule 18 & Schedule 19 during the entire life-

time of the proposed WtE plant.

h. The Concessionaire shall operate and maintain the integrated WtE, Waste Processing Fa-

cility & the Sanitary Land Fill during the entire Concession Period in accordance with the

Applicable Laws, extant guidelines of Statutory agencies such as MoEF & CC, CPCB, Delhi

State PCB, MoUHA & amended from time to time during the life of the plant.

i. The Concessionaire shall ensure that the inert/Processing rejects generated from the Pro-

cessing Facility should achieve total elimination of landfill but in any circumstances not in

excess of 20% (twenty per cent) of input waste quantity. The Concessionaire will also en-

sure treatment and discharge of leachate generated from WtE Facility in accordance with

the CPCB standards.

j. All penalties, levies (if any) due to any non-compliance of statutory provisions will be

borne by the Concessionaire.

k. The Concessionaire shall retain revenue generated through products produced out of such

Processing. The Concessionaire shall also retain revenue generated through carbon cred-


l. The Concessionaire shall maintain daily records of quantum of incoming, processed waste,

rejects, products and product quality in the formats approved by NORTH DMC. The

monthly report shall be submitted by the Concessionaire to North DMC in this regard.

m. The Concessionaire shall arrange for all facilities and equipment for weighing - minimum 2

(two) electronic weighbridges with CCTV cameras, platforms etc. The Concessionaire shall

also store at least past 2 months of such video feed and make it available for inspection at

the request of NORTH DMC.

n. The flue gas vented to atmosphere shall be required to be treated adequately by scrub-

bing, neutralization and filtering so that the pollutants are dust levels are well within the

acceptance level as statutory requirements.

o. The Concessionaire shall develop the surrounding of the plant with greenhouse concept

having plants, lawns, gardens etc. as model spot for educating students/ public on envi-

ronmental protection and best environment practices.

Page 141 of 242

p. The Concessionaire shall erect at least (1) signboard with details (capacity, contact details

and signage) about the WtE plant in [Local Language(s)] and English of a size not less than

2ft. by 4ft. each, adjacent to the main entrance in a manner that is ordinarily visible to

any person using such entrance.

q. The Concessionaire shall at all times comply with the statutory norms of CPCB/ SPCB for

pollution control.

r. The Concessionaire will place a board at the entrance of the Processing facility displaying

emission and discharge parameters of air & water.

s. The Concessionaire shall display layout at the entrance and indicate warning signs in the


t. The workers involved in MSW handling shall be provided with gloves, masks, uniforms,

aprons and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

6. Setup Complaint Redressal Centre

Role of Concessionaire

a. The Concessionaire shall setup at least 1 (one) Complaint Redressal Centre specific to the

issues relating to the WtE plant, which shall be functional by the Commencement Date

such that it allows for (a) easy monitoring of operations of the Project and (b) establish-

ment of standard protocol to address customer complaints.

b. The Complaint Redressal Centre shall be capable to registering complaints by the way of

written communication, telephonically or personal visits by the consumers. The Complaint

Redressal Centre shall be supported in English and [local language(s)].

c. The Complaint Redressal Centre shall have at least 3 (three) operational dedicated phone

lines for receiving customer calls / complaints.

d. The “Complaint Redressal Centre” shall be kept operational by the Concessionaire form 6

am to 10 pm, 7 (seven) days a week. Concessionaire shall maintain a digital record of all

complaints received containing identification number, customer name, service address,

phone number, date and time of initial call, date and time of any follow -up calls and type

of complaint. Complaints shall be verified and shall be redressed within 24 hours of their


e. The Concessionaire shall also develop a website and a mobile application for filing com-

plaints by any of aggrieved citizens in the 2 km vicinity of the WtE plant.

f. The aggrieved residents for registering of their complaints may also contact the offices of

NORTH DMC who shall immediately forward such complaints to the Complaint Redressal

Centre. NORTH DMC shall designate one of their officers not below the rank of Junior En-

gineer as the Nodal Officer to receive such complaints. The Concessionaire shall be bound

to act on the complaint so forwarded on an immediate basis and send status report to

such Nodal Officer within 24 (twenty-four) hours of having redressed the complaint speci-

fying the action taken. In the event, the Concessionaire fails to take action or send status

report within the aforesaid time period, it shall be liable to pay Liquidated Damages in ac-

cordance with Article 18 of the Agreement.

Page 142 of 242


1. Concessionaire Applicable Permits (indicative & not exhaustive)

SN Applicable Permit Authority

a. Temporary Power Connection (During

Construction Period)

Electricity Board/ other

temporary sources

b. Consent to Operate State Pollution Control


c. Consent for storage of hazardous ma-


Director of Explosives

d. Consent Firefighting system Firefighting Department

e. CEIG approval stage 1 for construc-

tion & stage 2 on completion of pro-


Chief Electrical Inspector

to Government

f. Electricity Board approval during var-

ious stages request for load sanction,

remittance of deposit, installation of

incomings, etc

Electricity Board

g. Layout and building plan approval ULB/DTCP

h. Consent to establish State Pollution Control

Board (SPCB)

i. Tree cutting Forest Department

j. Road cutting & crossing Public Works Department

or any other road owning


k. Railway Crossing Commissioner Railway


l. Revenue road cutting & crossing Panchayat/Local Authority

Page 143 of 242

SN Applicable Permit Authority

m. Access Road to new Project Facilities Forest Department/

Panchayat/Local Authori-


Irrigation Department

n. Consent to Operate for Existing Facili-




- Depending upon the technology deployed in the WtE plant & the end products

such as CBG, Ethanol, Power etc, there may be requirement of other permits to

be taken by the Concessionaire.

- The Concessionaire will be liable to obtain all Applicable Permits (other than NORTH

DMC & IndianOil Applicable Permits) that are necessary for construction, operation

and maintenance of the Project Facilities.

- NORTH DMC shall assist the Concessionaire in obtaining all the required permits.

Page 144 of 242


1. Project Facilities

The Project Facilities shall conform to the Specifications & Standards as specified in

this Schedule & this Agreement.

The Specifications & Standards applicable to the design & construction of the WtE/

Waste Processing, Material Recovery facilities shall conform with National Building

Code of India, relevant specifications & standards issued/ specified by Bureau of Indian

Standards (BIS), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), other Applicable

Laws & good industry/ engineering practice.

In the absence of any specific provision in this Agreement, the following standards shall

apply in the order of priority.

(i) National Building Code of India

(ii) Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

(iii) International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

(iv) International guidelines

(v) Any other specifications, standards, codes proposed by the Concessionaire & ap-

proved by the Authority.

Note: Latest version of specified standards, codes & guidelines shall be applica-


Page 145 of 242


1. Maintenance Requirements

The Concessionaire shall, always, operate and maintain the Project in accordance with

the provisions of the Agreement, Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits and Good Industry

Practice. In particular, the Concessionaire shall, always during the Operation & Mainte-

nance Period, conform to the Maintenance Requirements set forth in this Schedule.

The Concessionaire shall repair or rectify any defect or deficiency set forth in Clause 2 of

this Schedule within the time limit specified therein & any failure in this behalf shall con-

stitute a breach of the Agreement.

2. Repair/ Rectification of defects & deficiencies:

The obligations of the Concessionaire in respect of Maintenance Requirements shall in-

clude repair & rectification of defects & deficiencies in the Project within the time limit

set forth in Annex-I of this Schedule.

The Concessionaire shall at all times maintain an adequate inventory of spares and con-

sumables to meet the Maintenance Requirements.

3. Other Defects & Deficiencies:

In respect of any defect or deficiency not specified in Annex I of this Schedule, the

Concessionaire shall undertake repair or rectification in accordance with good engineer-

ing / good industry practices & within the time limit specified by North DMC.

In respect of any defect or deficiency not specified in Annex I of this Schedule, North

DMC may, in conformity with Good Industry / good engineering Practice, specify the

permissible limit of deviation or deterioration with reference to the Specifications &

Standards and any deviation or deterioration beyond the permissible limit shall be re-

paired or rectified by the Concessionaire in accordance with good engineering / good

industry practices & within the time limit specified by North DMC.

4. Extension of time limit:

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary specified in this Schedule, if the nature & extent

of any defect or deficiency justifies more time for its repair or rectification than the time

specified herein, the Concessionaire shall be entitled to additional time in conformity with

Good industry/ good engineering Practice. Such additional time shall be determined by

North DMC and conveyed to the Concessionaire. In case of rejection of request for additional

time limit, NORTH DMC shall convey to the Concessionaire with reasons thereof.

5. Emergency repairs/ restoration:

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Schedule, if any defect, deficien-

cy or deterioration in the Project poses a hazard to safety or risk of damage to property,

the Concessionaire shall promptly take all reasonable measures for eliminating or minimiz-

ing such danger.

6. Inspection by the Concessionaire:

The Concessionaire shall, through its engineer, undertake a periodic (at least weekly) visual

inspection of the Project and maintain a record thereof in a register. Such record shall be

kept in safe custody of the Concessionaire and shall be open to inspection by NORTH DMC at

any time during office hours.

Page 146 of 242

Annex - I (Schedule)

The Concessionaire shall repair and rectify the defects and deficiencies (indictive list & not ex-

haustive) specified in this Annex – I to Schedule within the time limit set forth herein:



Nature of defect or deficiency Time limit for repair/


Access Roads

Damage of pavement edge exceeding 10 cm 15 days

Debris on roads 2 hours

Damage to shape or position of roadside furniture,

signs and marking; poor visibility or loss of retro-


24 hours

Lighting at the Project Facilities

Any major failure of the system 6 hours

Faults and minor failures 2 hours

Lighting level falling below [200] lux 1 hour

Page 147 of 242


1. Guiding principles:

Safety Requirements aim at reduction in injuries, loss of life and damage to property re-

sulting from accidents on or about the Project, irrespective of the person(s) at fault.

Safety Requirements apply to all phases of construction, development, operation and

maintenance with emphasis on identification of factors associated with accidents, consid-

eration of the same, and implementation of appropriate remedial measures.

Safety requirements include measures associated with safe movement, safety manage-

ment, safety equipment, fire safety, enforcement & emergency response, with particu-

lar reference to the safety guidelines specified in Annex – 1 of this Schedule.

2. Obligations of the Concessionaire:

The Concessionaire shall abide by the following:

(a) Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

(b) provisions of this Agreement.

(c) relevant Standards/Guidelines contained in nationally accepted codes and

(d) Good Industry Practice.

3. Safety measures during Operation and Maintenance Period:

The Concessionaire shall develop, implement and administer a safety programme for the

project facilities which shall include correction of safety violations & deficiencies & all

other actions necessary to provide a safe environment in accordance with this Agreement.

The Concessionaire shall keep a copy of every FIR recorded by the Police with respect to

any accident occurring on or about the Project. In addition, the Concessionaire shall also

collect data for all cases of accidents not recorded by the Police. The information so col-

lected shall be summarized and submitted to NORTH DMC at the conclusion of every


The Concessionaire shall submit to NORTH DMC before the [31st of March] every year, an

annual report in 3 (three) copies containing, without limitation, a detailed listing and

analysis of all accidents of the preceding Financial Year and the measures taken by the

Concessionaire pursuant to the provisions of Clause 3.1 of this Schedule for averting or

minimizing such accidents in future.

4. Costs and expenses:

Costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Safety Requirements set forth here-

in, including the provisions of Clause 2 of this Schedule, shall be borne by the Conces-

sionaire in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.1.

Annex - I (Schedule-5) Safety Guidelines

1. System integrity

In the design of the Project Facilities, particular care shall be taken to minimize the

likely incidence of failure.

2. Safety management

Page 148 of 242

A safety programme shall be prepared by the Concessionaire once every year to bring

out clearly the system of management of checks and maintenance tolerances for vari-

ous elements comprising the Project and compliance thereof. The programme shall also

bring out the nature and extent of staff training and awareness in dealing with such

checks and tolerances 2 (two) copies of the programme shall be sent to North DMC

within 15 (fifteen) days of the close of every year.

3. Emergency

A set of emergency procedures shall be formulated to deal with different emergency

situations and the operations staff shall be trained to respond appropriately during

emergency through periodic simulated exercises as laid down in a manual for manage-

ment of disasters (the “Disaster Management Manual”) to be prepared and published by

the Concessionaire prior to Project COD. The Concessionaire shall provide 5 (Five) cop-

ies each of the Disaster Management Manual to NORTH DMC no later than [30 (thirty)]

days prior to Project COD.

4. Fire safety

To prevent fire in the project, the Concessionaire shall use fire resistant materials in

the construction thereof & shall avoid use of materials which are to some extent flam-

mable or which emit smoke and harmful gases when burning.

To deal with incidents of fire, the Concessionaire shall provide a hydrant-based fire-

fighting system in conformity with the Good Industry, good safety & engineering Prac-


5. Surveillance and Safety Manual

The Concessionaire shall, no later than [60 (sixty)] days prior to [Project COD], evolve and

adopt a manual for surveillance and safety of the Project, in accordance with Good Industry

Practice, and shall comply therewith in respect of the security and safety of the Project, in-

cluding its gate control, sanitation, fire prevention, environmental protection.

6. Watch and Ward

The Concessionaire shall, at its own expense and in accordance with Good Industry

Practice, provide and maintain all lighting, fencing, watch and ward arrangements for

the safety of the Project and all persons affected by it.

Page 149 of 242


[on appropriate stamp paper & of appropriate value]

(See Article 9.1)

The Municipal Commissioner of Authority



A. ……………………… (the “Concessionaire”), the [Municipal Corporation] NORTH DMC & In-

dianOil have entered in to a Concession Agreement (the “Agreement”)whereby NORTH

DMC have agreed to the Concessionaire undertaking the development and operation of

integrated MSW management system at ________________ site in the GNCTD ……………

(the “Project”) subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Concession


B. The Agreement requires the Concessionaire to furnish a Performance Security to NORTH

DMC a sum of ₹ …………………………… (Rupees …………………… only) (the “Guarantee Amount”)

as security for due & faithful performance of its obligations under & in accordance with

the Agreement, during the Construction Period (as defined in the Agreement).

C. We, ………………….. through our branch at ………………………………. (the “Bank”) have agreed

to furnish this Bank Guarantee by way of Performance Security.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unequivocal, unconditionally and irrevocably, guarantees

and affirms as follows:

1. The Bank hereby unequivocal, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faith-

ful performance of the Concessionaire’s obligations during the [construction period], under

and in accordance with the Agreement, and agrees and undertakes to pay to the State Gov-

ernment and/or NORTH DMC, upon its mere first written demand, and without any demur,

reservation, recourse, contest or protest, and without any reference to the Concession-

aire, such sum or sums up to an aggregate sum of the Guarantee Amount as the State Gov-

ernment and/or NORTH DMC shall claim, without the State Government or NORTH DMC be-

ing required to prove or to show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum

specified therein.

2. A letter from NORTH DMC, under the hand of an officer not below the rank of

[……………………………….], that the Concessionaire has committed default in the due and faith-

ful performance of all or any of its obligations under and in accordance with the Agreement

shall be conclusive, final and binding on the Bank. The Bank further agrees that NORTH

DMC shall be the judges as to whether the Concessionaire is in default in due and faithful

performance of its obligations during the [Construction] Period under the Agreement and its

decision that the Concessionaire is in default shall be final, and binding on the Bank, not-

withstanding any differences between NORTH DMC and the Concessionaire, or any dispute

between them pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrators or any other authority or

body, or by the discharge of the Concessionaire for any reason whatsoever.

3. In order to give effect to this Guarantee, NORTH DMC shall be entitled to act as if the Bank

were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Concessionaire and/or

the Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or otherwise,

shall not in any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank under this


Page 150 of 242

4. It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for NORTH DMC to pro-

ceed against the Concessionaire before presenting to the Bank its demand under this Guar-


5. NORTH DMC shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the Bank

under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the Agreement or to

extend the time or period for the compliance with, fulfillment and/ or performance of all

or any of the obligations of the Concessionaire contained in the Agreement or to postpone

for any time, and from time to time, any of the rights and powers exercisable by NORTH

DMC against the Concessionaire, and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the

terms and conditions contained in the Agreement and/or the securities available to NORTH

DMC, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability and obligation under these pre-

sents by any exercise by NORTH DMC of the liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid

or by reason of time being given to the Concessionaire or any other forbearance, indul-

gence, act or omission on the part of NORTH DMC or of any other matter or thing whatsoev-

er which under any law relating to sureties and guarantors would but for this provision have

the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and obligation under this Guarantee and

the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any such law.

6. This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or security

now or which may hereafter be held by NORTH DMC in respect of or relating to the Agree-

ment or for the fulfillment, compliance and/or performance of all or any of the obligations

of the Concessionaire under the Agreement.

7. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore, the liability of the Bank under this Guar-

antee is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force until

the expiry of the construction period or compliance of the conditions specified in paragraph

8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is made by NORTH DMC on the Bank under

this Guarantee, no later than 6 (six) months from the date of expiry of this Guarantee, all

rights of NORTH DMC under this Guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be re-

lieved from its liabilities hereunder.

8. The Performance Security shall cease to be in force and effect when the Concessionaire

shall have expended on Project construction an aggregate sum not less than 100% (one

hundred per cent) of the Bid project which is deemed to be ₹ …………………………… (Rupees

…………………… only) for the purposes of this Guarantee, and provided the Concessionaire is

not in breach of this Agreement. Upon request made by the Concessionaire for release of

the Performance Security along with the particulars required hereunder, duly certified by

a statutory auditor of the Concessionaire, NORTH DMC shall release the Performance Secu-

rity forthwith.

9. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the

previous express consent of NORTH DMC in writing, and declares and warrants that it has

the power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on behalf of

the Bank.

10. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post ad-

dressed to the Bank at its above referred Branch, which shall be deemed to have been duly

authorized to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith, and if sent by

post it shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have been deliv-

ered in due course of post and in proving such notice, when given by post, it shall be suffi-

cient to prove that the envelope containing the notice was posted and a certificate signed

by an officer of NORTH DMC that the envelope was so posted shall be conclusive.

Page 151 of 242

11. This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and

effect until the expiry of the construction period or until it is released earlier by NORTH

DMC pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.

Signed & sealed this ____ day of ______________month & year 2021.


For and on behalf of the BANK by:




(Code Number)



(i) The bank guarantee should contain the name, designation and code number of the of-

ficer(s) signing the guarantee.

(ii) The address, telephone number and other details of the Head Office of the Bank as well

as of issuing Branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of issuing Branch.

Page 152 of 242

SCHEDULE 7 THE SITES (See Article 10)

Sites of the Project Facilities shall include as given below:

1. Land admeasuring approx. 50 acres in 2 parcels at Ranikhera or alternate suitable munic-

ipal land within North DMC, New Delhi for setting up the integrated WtE plant, associat-

ed Waste Processing Facility & Sanitary Land Fill.

2. North DMC shall provide only the site layout plan and co-ordinates. All necessary tech-

nical investigations & surveys should be done by the Concessionaire at his cost.


i. Through suitable drawings and description in words, the land comprising the Pro-

ject Sites shall each be specified briefly but precisely. In the event there are any

buildings or structure on the project site, the same shall be marked in the draw-

ings & briefly described in words.

ii. An inventory of each Site including the land, buildings, structures, road works,

trees and any other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be pre-

pared jointly by NORTH DMC Representative and the Concessionaire.

iii. Additional land required for ancillary buildings, extension/ addition to the Project

Facilities or for construction of works due to change of Scope of Work shall be

provided by NORTH DMC in accordance with the Article 14.6.1(r) of this Agree-

ment. Upon provision, such land shall form part of the Site and vest in NORTH


Page 153 of 242


THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is entered into on this the [●] day of [●] 20[●].


1. [● LIMITED], a company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956

and having its registered office at [●] (hereinafter referred to as the “Concessionaire

” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include

its successors, permitted assigns and substitutes);

2. [● (name and particulars of Lenders' Representative)] and having its registered office at [

●] acting for and on behalf of the Lenders as their duly authorised agent with regard to

matters arising out of or in relation to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “

Lenders' Representative” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or

meaning thereof, include its successors and substitutes);

3. [● (name and particulars of the Escrow Bank)] and having its registered office at [●]

(hereinafter referred to as the “Escrow Bank” which expression shall, unless repugnant

to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and substitutes);

4. [North DMC], a body corporate constituted under the provisions of the [insert] and having

its Administrative Office at

, hereinafter referred to as “the Concessioning Authority” (which expression

shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and

permitted assigns); and

5. IndianOil Corporation Limited …………….. (hereinafter referred to as IndianOil or CBG and/

or Ethanol Buyer which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning

thereof, include its successors and permitted assigns)


(A) The Concessioning Authority has entered into a Concession Agreement dated [●] with

the Concessionaire (the “Concession Agreement”) for undertaking the Project (as de-

fined in the Concession Agreement) on build, operate and transfer (BOT) basis. The

Lenders have agreed to finance the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions

set forth in the Financing Documents.

(B) IndianOil is agreeable to purchase and the Concessionaire has agreed to sell the CBG

and/ or Ethanol produced from the Plant (as defined in Concession Agreement) in terms

of the CBG Sale Purchase Agreement & Ethanol Sale Purchase Agreement respectively.

(C) The Concession Agreement requires the Concessionaire to establish an Escrow Account,

inter alia, on the terms and conditions stated therein.



1.1. Definitions

In this Agreement, the following words and expressions shall, unless repugnant to the

context or meaning thereof, have the meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to


Page 154 of 242

“Escrow Agreement” means this Escrow Agreement and any amendment thereto made

in accordance with the provisions contained herein;

“Budget” means the budget for construction/implementation expenses relating to the

Project/Project Facilities and Services and O&M Expenses submitted by the Concession-

aire in accordance with the provisions contained herein;

“Concession Agreement” means the Concession Agreement referred to in Recital (A)

above and shall include any amendments made thereto in accordance with the provi-

sions contained in this behalf therein;

“Escrow Account” means an escrow account established in terms of and under this

Agreement, and shall include any sub accounts thereof;

“Escrow Default” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Clause 6.1;

“Lenders' Representative” means the person referred to as the Lenders' Representa-

tive in the foregoing Recitals;

“Parties” means the parties to this Agreement collectively and “Party” shall mean any

of the Parties to this Agreement individually;

“Payment Date” means, in relation to any payment specified in Clause 4.1, the date(s)

specified for such payment; and

“Quarter” means, any three month period from 1st April to 30th June, 1st July to 30th

September, 1st October to 31st December or 1st January to 31st March.

1.2. Interpretation

1.2.1. References to Lenders' Representative shall, unless repugnant to the context or mean-

ing thereof, mean references to the Lenders' Representative, acting for and on behalf

of Lenders.

1.2.2. The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this Agree-

ment shall have the meaning ascribed thereto herein, and the words and expressions

used in this Agreement and not defined herein but defined in the Concession Agree-

ment shall, unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning ascribed thereto in the

Concession Agreement.

1.2.3. References to Articles are, unless stated otherwise, references to Articles of this


1.2.4. The rules of interpretation stated in Articles 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 of the Concession

Agreement shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this Agreement.


2.1. Escrow Bank to act as trustee

2.1.1. The Concessionaire hereby settles in trust with the Escrow Bank a sum of Rs. 100 (Ru-

pees Hundred Only) appoints the Escrow Bank to act as trustee for the Concessioning

Authority, the Lenders, the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, the Lenders' Representative

and the Concessionaire in connection herewith and authorises the Escrow Bank to exer-

cise such rights, powers, authorities and discretion as are specifically delegated to the

Escrow Bank by the terms hereof together with all such rights, powers, authorities and

discretion as are reasonably incidental hereto, and the Escrow Bank accepts such ap-

pointment pursuant to the terms hereof.

Page 155 of 242

2.1.2. The Concessionaire hereby declares that all rights, title and interest in and to the

Escrow Account shall be vested in the Escrow Bank and held in trust for the Concession-

ing Authority, the Lenders, the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, the Lenders' Representative

and the Concessionaire, and applied in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

No person other than the Concessioning Authority, the Lenders/Lenders' Representa-

tive, the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer and the Concessionaire shall have any rights here-

under as the beneficiaries of, or as third party beneficiaries under this Agreement.

2.2. Acceptance of Escrow Bank

The Escrow Bank hereby agrees to act as such and to accept all payments and other

amounts to be delivered to and held by the Escrow Bank pursuant to the provisions of

this Agreement. The Escrow Bank shall hold and safeguard the Escrow Account during

the term of this Agreement and shall treat the amount in the Escrow Account as monies

deposited by the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, Concessionaire, Lenders or the Conces-

sioning Authority with the Escrow Bank. In performing its functions and duties under

this Agreement, the Escrow Bank shall act in trust for the benefit of, and as agent for,

the Concessioning Authority, the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, the Lenders' Representa-

tive and the Concessionaire or their nominees, successors or assigns, in accordance

with the provisions of this Agreement.

2.3. Establishment and operation of Escrow Account

2.3.1. Within 30 (thirty) Days from the date of this Agreement, and in any case prior to the

Date of Award of Concession, the Concessionaire shall open and establish the Escrow

Account with the [(name of Branch)] Branch of the Escrow Bank. The Escrow Account

shall be denominated in Rupees.

2.3.2. The Escrow Bank shall maintain the Escrow Account in accordance with the terms of

this Agreement and its usual practices and applicable regulations, and pay the maxi-

mum rate of interest payable to similar customers on the balance in the said account

from time to time.

2.3.3. The Concessionaire shall submit to the Escrow Bank a Budget within 7 (seven) Days of

the commencement of each Financial Year. Till the pendency of the financing Docu-

ments, such Budget shall be approved by the Lenders/Lenders Representative and

thereafter by the Concessioning Authority.

2.3.4. The Escrow Bank and the Concessionaire shall, after consultation with the Lenders'

Representative and CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, agree on the detailed mandates, terms

and conditions, and operating procedures for the Escrow Account, but in the event of

any conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement and such mandates, terms and

conditions, or procedures, this Agreement shall prevail.

2.4. Escrow Bank's fee

The Escrow Bank shall be entitled to receive its fee and expenses in an amount, and at

such times, as may be agreed between the Escrow Bank and the Concessionaire. For the

avoidance of doubt, such fee and expenses shall form part of the operating and main-

taining expenses and shall be appropriated from the Escrow Account in accordance with

Article 4.1.1 (c).

2.5. Rights of the parties

The rights of the Concessioning Authority, the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, the Lenders

(through the Lenders' Representative) and the Concessionaire in the monies held in the

Page 156 of 242

Escrow Account are set forth in their entirety in this Agreement and the Concessioning

Authority, the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, the Lenders' and the Concessionaire shall

have no other rights against or to the monies in the Escrow Account.

2.6. Substitution of the Concessionaire

The Parties hereto acknowledge and agree that upon substitution of the Concessionaire

with the Selectee, pursuant to the Substitution Agreement, it shall be deemed for the

purposes of this Agreement that the Selectee is a Party hereto and the Selectee shall

accordingly be deemed to have succeeded to the rights and obligations of the Conces-

sionaire under this Agreement on and with effect from the date of substitution of the

Concessionaire with the Selectee.


1.1. Deposits by the Concessionaire

The Concessionaire agrees and undertakes that it shall deposit into and/or credit the

Escrow Account with:

(a) all monies received in relation to the Project from any source, including the


(b) all funds received by the Concessionaire from its share-holders, in any manner or


(c) all revenues from the buyers of the products and bye products produced from the

Plant including CBG and Ethanol in respect of the Project/Project Facilities and

Services accruing to the Concessionaire including termination payments; and

(d) all proceeds received pursuant to any insurance claims.

For avoidance of doubt, all amounts received by the Concessionaire in respect of the

Project/Project Facilities and Services (except for any monies collected as tax or cess

to be paid to an authority concerned) shall be deposited in the Escrow Account.

3.2 Deposits by CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer

The CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer agrees and undertakes that subject to the terms of the

CBG Sale Purchase Agreement & Ethanol Sale Purchase Agreement, it shall deposit into

and/or credit the Escrow Account with any money due and payable to the Concession-

aire from CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer under the CBG Sale Purchase Agreement & Etha-

nol Sale Purchase Agreement.


1.1. Withdrawals during Concession Period

1.1.1. At the beginning of every month, or at such shorter intervals as the Lenders' Repre-

sentative and the Concessionaire may by written instructions determine, the Escrow

Bank shall withdraw amounts from the Escrow Account and appropriate them in the fol-

lowing order by depositing such amounts in the relevant Sub- Accounts for making due

payments in a month :

(a) all taxes due and payable by the Concessionaire;

(b) all construction/implementation expenses relating to the Project/Project Facil-

ities and Services, in accordance with the Budget and subject to limits if any set

out under the Financing Documents;

Page 157 of 242

(c) all expenses relating to operations and management of the Project/Project Fa-

cilities and Services, in accordance with the Budget and subject to limits if any

set out under the Financing Documents;

(d) towards its debt service obligations under the Financing Documents;

(e) towards sums payable to the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer and liquidated damag-

es, if any

(f) towards sums payable to the Concessioning Authority and liquidated damages, if


(g) towards any reserve requirements in accordance with the Financing Documents;

and the Concessionaire shall be at liberty to withdraw any sums outstanding in

the escrow account after all the aforesaid payments due in any Quarter have

been made and/or adequate reserves have been created in respect thereof for

that Quarter.

1.1.2. Not later than 60 (sixty) Days prior to the commencement of each Accounting Year,

the Concessionaire shall provide to the Escrow Bank, with prior written approval of the

Lenders' Representative, details of the amounts likely to be required for each of the

payment obligations set forth in this Article 4.1; provided that such amounts may be

subsequently modified, with prior written approval of the Lenders' Representative, if

fresh information received during the course of the year makes such modification nec-


1.2. Withdrawals upon end of Concession Period

All amounts standing to the credit of the Escrow Account at the end of the Concession

Period including amounts credited to the Escrow Account towards compensation paya-

ble in accordance with Article 17 of the Concession Agreement shall be appropriated in

the following order of priority:

(i) towards taxes and statutory dues payable by the Concessionaire;

(ii) compensation to Lenders in terms of the Financing Documents towards dis-

charge of the Concessionaire’s liability under such Financing Documents;

(iii) all amounts due to the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer

(iv) all amounts due to the Concessioning Authority and amounts payable towards

transfer of the Project Facilities and Services by the Concessionaire in accord-

ance with this Agreement; and the Concessionaire shall be at liberty to withdraw

any sums outstanding in the Escrow Account after all the aforesaid payments due

have been made and/or adequate reserves have been created in respect thereof

to the satisfaction of the Lenders, CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer and the Conces-

sioning Authority and the Escrow Agent has received a confirmation of final set-

tlement by the Lenders and/or CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer/ Concessioning Author-


1.3. Application of insurance proceeds

Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, the proceeds from all insurance claims,

except life and injury, shall be deposited into and/or credited to the Escrow Account

and utilised for any necessary repair, reconstruction, reinstatement, replacement, im-

provement, delivery or installation of the Project/Project facilities and Services, and

the balance remaining, if any, shall be applied in accordance with the provisions con-

Page 158 of 242

tained in this behalf in the Financing Documents.

1.4. Withdrawals during Suspension

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in case the Es-

crow Bank receives a notice in writing from the Concession Authority that the rights of

the Concessionaire are suspended in accordance with the Concession Agreement or a

Termination Notice is issued, the Escrow Bank shall until such notice is withdrawn, act

only on the instructions of the Concessioning Authority.


2.1. Segregation of funds

Monies and other property received by the Escrow Bank under this Agreement shall, un-

til used or applied in accordance with this Agreement, be held by the Escrow Bank in

trust for the purposes for which they were received, and shall be segregated from other

funds and property of the Escrow Bank.

2.2. Notification of balances

7 (seven) business Days prior to each Payment Date (and for this purpose the Escrow

Bank shall be entitled to rely on an affirmation by the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buy-

er, Concessionaire and/or the Lenders' Representative as to the relevant Payment

Dates), the Escrow Bank shall notify the Lenders' Representative of the balances in the

Escrow Account as at the close of business on the immediately preceding business day.

2.3. Communications and notices

In discharge of its duties and obligations hereunder, the Escrow Bank:

(a) may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its part, rely as to any

matters of fact which might reasonably be expected to be within the knowledge

of the Concessionaire upon a certificate signed by or on behalf of the Conces-


(b) may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its part, rely upon the

authenticity of any communication or document believed by it to be authentic;

(c) shall, within 5 (five) business Days after receipt, deliver a copy to the Lenders'

Representative and CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer of any notice or document re-

ceived by it in its capacity as the Escrow Bank from the Concessionaire or any

other person hereunder or in connection herewith; and

(d) shall, within 5 (five) business Days after receipt, deliver a copy to the Conces-

sionaire of any notice or document received by it from the Lenders' Representa-

tive in connection herewith.

2.4. No set off

The Escrow Bank agrees not to claim or exercise any right of set off, banker's lien or

other right or remedy with respect to amounts standing to the credit of the Escrow Ac-

count. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed by the Escrow

Bank that the monies and properties held by the Escrow Bank in the Escrow Account

shall not be considered as part of the assets of the Escrow Bank and being trust proper-

ty, shall in the case of bankruptcy or liquidation of the Escrow Bank, be wholly exclud-

ed from the assets of the Escrow Bank in such bankruptcy or liquidation.

2.5. Regulatory approvals

Page 159 of 242

The Escrow Bank shall use its best efforts to procure, and thereafter maintain and

comply with, all regulatory approvals required for it to establish and operate the Es-

crow Account. The Escrow Bank represents and warrants that it is not aware of any rea-

son why such regulatory approvals will not ordinarily be granted to the Escrow Bank.


1.1. Escrow Default

1.1.1. Following events shall constitute an event of default by the Concessionaire (an “

Escrow Default” ) unless such event of default has occurred as a result of Force

Majeure or any act or omission of the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, Concessioning Au-

thority or the Lenders' Representative:

(a) the Concessionaire commits breach of this Agreement by failing to deposit

/cause the deposit of any receipts into the Escrow Account;

(b) the Concessionaire causes the Escrow Bank to transfer funds to any account of

the Concessionaire in breach of the terms of this Agreement; or

(c) the Concessionaire commits or causes any other breach of the provisions of this


1.1.2. Upon occurrence of an Escrow Default, the consequences thereof shall be dealt with

under and in accordance with the provisions of the Concession Agreement.


1.1. Duration of the Escrow Agreement

This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect so long as any sum remains to be

advanced or is outstanding from the Concessionaire in respect of the debt, guarantee

or financial assistance received by it from the Lenders, or any of its obligations to

the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer or Concessioning Authority remain to be discharged, un-

less terminated earlier by consent of all the Parties or otherwise in accordance with

the provisions of this Agreement.

1.2. Substitution of Escrow Bank

The Concessionaire may, by not less than 45 (forty five) Days prior notice to the Escrow

Bank, the CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer, Concessioning Authority and the Lenders' Repre-

sentative, terminate this Agreement and appoint a new Escrow Bank, provided that the

new Escrow Bank is acceptable to the Lenders' Representative and arrangements are

made satisfactory to the Lenders' Representative for transfer of amounts deposited in

the Escrow Account to a new Escrow Account established with the successor Escrow

Bank. The termination of this Agreement shall take effect only upon coming into force

of an Escrow Agreement with the substitute Escrow Bank.

1.3. Closure of Escrow Account

The Escrow Bank shall, at the request of the Concessionaire and the Lenders' Repre-

sentative made on or after the payment by the Concessionaire of all outstanding

amounts under the Concession Agreement and the Financing Documents including the

payments specified in Article 4.2, and upon confirmation' of receipt of such payments,

close the Escrow Account and pay any amount standing to the credit thereof to the

Concessionaire. Upon closure of the Escrow Account hereunder, the Escrow Agreement

shall be deemed to be terminated.

Page 160 of 242


2.1. Supplementary escrow agreement

The Lenders' Representative and the Concessionaire shall be entitled to enter into a

supplementary escrow agreement with the Escrow Bank providing, inter alia, for de-

tailed procedures and documentation for withdrawals from Escrow Account, creation of

sub-accounts pursuant to Clause 4.1.1 and for matters not covered under this Agree-

ment such as the rights and obligations of Lenders, investment of surplus funds, re-

strictions on withdrawals by the Concessionaire in the event of breach of Financing

Documents, procedures relating to operation of the Escrow Account and withdrawal

therefrom, reporting requirements and any matters incidental thereto; provided that

such supplementary escrow agreement shall not contain any provision which is incon-

sistent with this Agreement and in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between

provisions of this Agreement and such supplementary escrow agreement, the provisions

of this Agreement shall prevail.


3.1. General indemnity

3.1.1. The Concessionaire will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessioning Authority, CBG

and/ or Ethanol Buyer, Escrow Bank and the Lenders, acting through the Lenders' Rep-

resentative, harmless against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims

for any loss, damage, cost and expense arising out of any breach by the Concessionaire

of any of its obligations under this Agreement or on account of failure of the Conces-

sionaire to comply with Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

3.1.2. The Concessioning Authority and CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer will indemnify, defend

and hold the, Concessionaire harmless against any and all proceedings, actions and

third party claims for any loss, damage, cost and expense arising out of failure of the

Concessioning Authority to fulfil any of its obligations under this Agreement materially

and adversely affecting the performance of the Concessionaire's obligations under the

Concession Agreement or this Agreement other than any loss, damage, cost and ex-

pense arising out of acts done in discharge of their lawful functions by the Concession-

ing Authority, its officers, servants and agents.

3.1.3. The Escrow Bank will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessionaire, CBG and/ or

Ethanol Buyer and Concessioning Authority harmless against any and all proceedings,

actions and third party claims for any loss, damage, cost and expense arising out of

failure of the Escrow Bank to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement materially and

adversely affecting the performance of the Concessionaire's obligations under the Con-

cession Agreement other than any loss, damage, cost and expense, arising out of acts

done in discharge of their lawful functions by the Escrow Bank, its officers, servants

and agents.

3.2. Notice and contest of claims

In the event that any Party hereto receives a claim from a third party in respect of

which it is entitled to the benefit of an indemnity under Clause 9.1 or in respect of

which it is entitled to reimbursement (the “Indemnified Party”), it shall notify the oth-

er Party responsible for indemnifying such claim hereunder (the “Indemnifying Party”)

within 15 (fifteen) Days of receipt of the claim and shall not settle or pay the claim

without the prior approval of the Indemnifying Party, which approval shall not be un-

reasonably withheld or delayed. In the event that the Indemnifying Party wishes to con-

Page 161 of 242

test or dispute the claim, it may conduct the proceedings in the name of the Indemni-

fied Party and shall bear all costs involved in contesting the same. The Indemnified

Party shall provide all cooperation and assistance in contesting any claim and shall sign

all such writings and documents as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably require.


4.1. Governing law and jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with and governed by

the laws of India. Any dispute arising under the Agreement shall endeavoured to be set-

tled amicably. In the event a dispute cannot be settled amicably, the same shall be

settled in arbitration by a tribunal of three arbitrators. The seat of arbitration shall be

New Delhi and shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Delhi International

Arbitration Centre (which Rules are deemed to be incorporated herein by refer-

ence) and the Courts at [●] shall have jurisdiction over all matters arising out of or re-

lating to this Agreement.

4.2. Waiver of sovereign immunity

The Concessioning Authority unconditionally and irrevocably:

(a) agrees that the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agree-

ment constitute commercial acts done and performed for commercial purpose;

(b) agrees that, should any proceedings be brought against it or its assets, property

or revenues in any jurisdiction in relation to this Agreement or any transaction

contemplated by this Agreement, no immunity (whether by reason of sovereignty

or otherwise) from such proceedings shall be claimed by or on behalf of the Con-

cessioning Authority with respect to its assets;

(c) waives any right of immunity which it or its assets, property or revenues now

has, may acquire in the future or which may be attributed to it in any jurisdic-

tion; and

(d) consents generally in respect of the enforcement of any judgement or award

against it in any such proceedings to the giving of any relief or the issue of any

process in any jurisdiction in connection with such proceedings (including the

making, enforcement or execution against it or in respect of any assets, property

or revenues whatsoever irrespective of their use or intended use of any order or

judgement that may be made or given in connection therewith).

4.3. Priority of agreements

In the event of any conflict between the Concession Agreement and this Agreement,

the provisions contained in the Concession Agreement shall prevail over this Agree-


4.4. Alteration of terms

All additions, amendments, modifications and variations to this Agreement shall be ef-

fectual and binding only if in writing and signed by the duly authorised representatives

of the Parties.

4.5. Waiver

4.5.1. Waiver by any Party of a default by another Party in the observance and

Page 162 of 242

performance of any provision of or obligations under this Agreement:

(a) shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent de-

fault hereof or of other provisions of or obligations under this Agreement shall

not be effective unless it is in writing and executed by a duly authorised repre-

sentative of the Party; and

(b) shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement in any manner.

4.5.2. Neither the failure by any Party to insist on any occasion upon the performance of the

terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement or any obligation thereunder nor

time or other indulgence granted by any Party to another Party shall be treated or

deemed as waiver of such breach or acceptance of any variation or the relinquishment

of any such right hereunder.

4.6. No third party beneficiaries

This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties and no other person or entity

shall have any rights hereunder.

4.7. Survival

4.7.1. Termination of this Agreement:

(a) shall not relieve the Parties of any obligations hereunder which expressly or by

implication survive termination hereof; and

(b) except as otherwise provided in any provision of this Agreement expressly limit-

ing the liability of either Party, shall not relieve either Party of any obligations or

liabilities for loss· or damage to the other Party arising out of, or caused by, acts

or omissions of such Party prior to the effectiveness of such termination or arising

out of such termination.

4.7.2. All obligations surviving the cancellation, expiration or termination of this Agreement

shall only survive for a period of 3 (three) years following the date of such termination

or expiry of this Agreement.

4.8. Severability

If for any reason whatever any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal

or unenforceable or is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction or any other in-

strumentality to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforcea-

bility of the remaining provisions shall not be affected in any manner, and the Parties

will negotiate in good faith with a view to agreeing to one or more provisions which

may be substituted for such invalid, unenforceable or illegal provisions, as nearly as is

practicable to such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision. Failure to agree upon

any such provisions shall not be subject to dispute resolution under Clause 10.1 of this

Agreement or otherwise.

4.9. Successors and assigns

This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and

their respective successors and permitted assigns.

4.10. Notices

Unless otherwise stated, notices to be given under this Agreement including but not

Page 163 of 242

limited to a notice of waiver of any term or related or breach of any term of this

Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, recognized interna-

tional courier, mail, telex, facsimile or e-mail (notice by facsimile or e-mail to be fol-

lowed by a confirmation copy by courier/airmail) transmission and delivered or trans-

mitted to the Parties at their respective addresses set forth below:

The Concessioning Authority:




Fax No:


The CBG and/ or Ethanol Buyer



Fax No:


The Concessionaire:





Fax No. Email:

The Lenders/Lenders representative:

Page 164 of 242




Fax No. Email:

The Escrow Bank:




Fax No. Email:

or such other address, telex number, or facsimile number as may be duly notified by

the respective Parties from time to time, and shall be deemed to have been made or

delivered (i) in the case of any communication made by letter, when delivered by

hand, by recognized international courier or by mail (registered, return receipt re-

quested) at that address and (ii) in the case of any communication made by telex or

facsimile or e-mail, when transmitted properly addressed to such telex number or fac-

simile number or e-mail id, in each case. during 10 am to 5 pm on a business day or

else deemed to be received on next business day.

4.11. Language

All notices, certificates, correspondence and proceedings under or in connection with

this Agreement shall be in English.

4.12. Authorised representatives

Each of the Parties shall, by notice in writing, designate their respective authorised

representatives through whom only all communications shall be made. A Party hereto

shall be entitled to remove and/or substitute or make fresh appointment of such au-

thorised representative by similar notice.

4.13. Original Document

This Agreement may be executed in five (5) counterparts, each of which when execut-

ed and delivered shall constitute an original of this Agreement.



Page 165 of 242


For and on behalf of CONCESSIONAIRE by:

(Signature) (Name) (Designation) (Address) (Fax No.)


For and on behalf of LENDERS by the Lenders' Representative: (Signature)


(Designation) (Address) (Fax No.)


For and on behalf of ESCROW BANK by: (Signature)

(Name) (Designation) (Address) (Fax No.)


For and on behalf of Concessioning Authority by: (Signature)

(Name) (Designation) (Address) (Fax No.)


Page 166 of 242

For and on behalf of CBG AND/ OR ETHANOL BUYER by: (Signature)

(Name) (Designation) (Address)

In the presence of:



Page 167 of 242


(See Article 12.4)

This Substitution Agreement is entered in to on this ___ day & month _______ & year 2021.


1. The North Delhi Municipal Corporation, incorporated under the [Act under which Authority

has been established], represented by its Municipal Commissioner and having its principal

offices at ___________,India(hereinafter referred as the “NORTH DMC”) which expression

shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its administrators, succes-

sors and assigns);

2. [Name of the Concessionaire] with its registered office at [insert address],hereinafter re-

ferred to as the "Concessionaire", which expression shall unless repugnant to the context

thereof, be deemed to include its successors-in-interest and permitted assigns) has ex-

ecuted a concession agreement dated _______________NORTH DMC & IndianOil ("Conces-

sion Agreement") in relation to design, construction, operation and maintenance of integrat-

ed MSW management system at ______________ by the Concessionaire.

3. ________________________________ [name & particulars of Lenders’ representatives] having

its registered office at _________________________ acting for & behalf of the Senior Lenders

___________________ as their duly authorized agent with regard to matters arising out of

or in relation to this Agreement (hereinafter referred as “Lenders’ Representative”) which

expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors

and substitutes);


A. [Name of the Concessionaire] with its registered office at [insert address],hereinafter re-

ferred to as the "Concessionaire", which expression shall unless repugnant to the context

thereof, be deemed to include its successors-in-interest and permitted assigns) has ex-

ecuted a concession agreement dated _______________NORTH DMC & IndianOil ("Conces-

sion Agreement") in relation to design, construction, operation and maintenance of integrat-

ed MSW management system at ______________ by the Concessionaire.

B. Senior Lenders have agreed to finance the Project in accordance with the terms and condi-

tions set forth in the Financing Agreements.

C. Senior Lenders have requested NORTH DMC to enter into this Substitution Agreement for

securing their interests through assignment, transfer and substitution of the Concession to a

Nominated Company in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Conces-

sion Agreement.

D. In order to enable implementation of the Project including its financing, construction, op-

eration and maintenance, NORTH DMC has agreed and undertaken to transfer and assign

the Concession to a Nominated Company in accordance with the terms and conditions set

forth in this Agreement and the Concession Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective covenants and agree-

ments set forth in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,

and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties agree as follows:


Page 168 of 242

1. Definitions

In this Substitution Agreement, the following words and expressions shall, unless repug-

nant to the context or meaning thereof, have the meaning hereinafter respectively as-

signed to them:

“Agreement” means this Substitution Agreement & any amendment thereto made in

accordance with the provisions contained in this Agreement.

“Financial Default” means occurrence of a material breach of the terms and condi-

tions of the Financing Agreements or a continuous default in Debt Service by the Con-

cessionaire for a minimum period of 3 (three)months

“Lenders’ Representatives” means the person referred to as Lenders’ Representatives

in the foregoing Recitals.

“Nominated Company” means a company, incorporated under the provisions of the

Companies Act, 2013, selected by Lenders’ Representatives on behalf of Senior Lenders

& proposed to NORTH DMC for assignment/transfer of the Concession as provided in this


“Notice of Financial Default” shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in clause 3.2.1


“Parties” mean any of the Parties to this Agreement collectively & “Party” shall mean

any of the Partis to this Agreement individually.

2. Interpretation

a. References of Lenders’ Representatives shall, unless repugnant to the context or

meaning thereof, mean references to the Lenders’ Representatives acting for &

behalf of the Senior Lenders.

b. References to Clauses are, unless stated otherwise, references to clauses of this


c. The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this

Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed thereto herein, and the words and ex-

pressions used in this Agreement and not defined herein but defined in the Conces-

sion Agreement shall, unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning ascribed

thereto in the Concession Agreement.

d. The rules of interpretation stated in Clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Concession

Agreement shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this Agreement.


2.1 Assignment of rights and title

The Concessionaire hereby agrees to assign the rights, title and interest in the Conces-

sion to, and in favour of, the Lenders’ Representatives pursuant to & in accordance

with the provisions of this Agreement and the Concession Agreement by way of security

in respect of financing by the Senior Lenders under the Financing Agreements.


3.1 Rights of substitution

a. Pursuant to the rights, title & interest under clause 2.1, the Lenders’ Representa-

tive shall be entitled to substitute the Concessionaire by a Nominated Company

Page 169 of 242

under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Concession


b. NORTH DMC & IndianOil hereby agree to substitute the Concessionaire by endorse-

ment on the Concession Agreement in favour of the Nominated Company selected

by the Lenders’ Representative in accordance with this Agreement (For the avoid-

ance of doubt, the Senior Lenders of the Lenders’ Representative shall not be en-

titled to operate & maintain the Project at ______________ as Concessionaire ei-

ther individually or collectively).

3.2 Substitution upon occurrence of Financial Default

a. Upon occurrence of Financial Default, the Lenders’ Representative may issue to

the Concessionaire (the “Notice of Financial Default”) with a copy to NORTH DMC

and IndianOil. A Notice of Financial Default under this Clause 3 shall be conclusive

evidence of such Financial Default and it shall be final and binding upon the Con-

cessionaire for the purposes of this Agreement.

b. Upon issue of a Notice of Financial Default hereunder, the Lenders’ Representative

may without prejudice to any of its rights or remedies under this Agreement or the

Financing Agreements, substitute the Concessionaire by a Nominated Company in

accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

c. At any time after the Lenders’ Representatives has issued a Notice of Financial De-

fault, it may by notice require NORTH DMC &/ or IndianOil to suspend all the rights

of the Concessionaire and undertake the operation and maintenance of the facility

in accordance with the provisions of the Concession Agreement, and upon receipt

of such notice, NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil shall undertake Suspension under and

in accordance with the provisions of the Concession Agreement. The aforesaid Sus-

pension shall be revoked upon substitution of the Concessionaire by a Nominated

Company, and in the event such substitution is not completed within 180 (one

hundred and eighty) days from the date of such Suspension, NORTH DMC and /or

IndianOil may terminate the Concession Agreement forthwith by issuing a Conces-

sion Period Notice in accordance with the provisions of the Concession Agreement,

provided that upon written request from the Lenders’ Representative & the Con-

cessionaire, NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil may extend the aforesaid period of 180

(one hundred and eighty) days by a period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days. For the

avoidance of doubt, Authority and/ or IndianOil expressly agrees and undertakes to

terminate the Concession Agreement forthwith, upon receipt of a written request

from the Lenders’ Representative at any time after 240 (two hundred and forty)

days from the date of Suspension hereunder.

3.3 Substitution upon occurrence of Concessionaire Default

a. Upon occurrence of a Concessionaire Default, NORTH DMC shall by a notice inform

the Lenders’ Representatives of its intention to issue a Concession Period Notice &

grant 15 (fifteen) days’ time to the ‘Lenders’ Representative, to make a represen-

tation stating the intention to substitute the Concessionaire by a Nominated Com-


b. In the event of the Lenders’ Representative makes a representation to NORTH DMC

and/ or IndianOil within the period of 15 (fifteen) days specified in Clause

3.3.1, stating that it shall be entitled to undertake and complete the substitution

of the Concessionaire by a Nominated Company in accordance with the provisions

Page 170 of 242

of this Agreement within a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the

date of such representation, NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil shall either withhold

Concession Period or undertake Suspension for the aforesaid period of 180 (one

hundred and eighty) days; Provided that upon written request from NORTH DMC

and/ or IndianOil shall extend the aforesaid period of 180 (one hundred and eighty)

days by a period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days.

3.4 Procedure for substitution

a. NORTH DMC, IndianOil and the Concessionaire hereby agree that on or after the

date of Notice of Financial Default or the date of representation to NORTH DMC

under Clause 3.3.2, as the case may prejudice to any of the other rights or reme-

dies of the Senior Lenders, invite, negotiate and procure offers, either by private

negotiations or public auction or tenders for the take over and transfer of the fa-

cilities including the Concession to the Nominated Company upon such Nominated

Company’s assumption of the liabilities & obligations of the Concessionaire towards

NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil under the Concession Agreement and towards the

Senior Lenders under the Financing Agreements.

b. To be eligible for substitution in place of the Concessionaire, the Nominated Com-

pany shall be required to fulfill the eligibility criteria that were laid down by

NORTH DMC and / or IndianOil for short listing the bidders for award of the Con-


c. Upon selection of a Nominated Company, the Lenders’ Representative shall re-

quest NORTH DMC to:

i. accede to transfer to the Nominated Company the right to construct, oper-

ate and maintain the Project facilities in accordance with the provisions of

the Concession Agreement.

ii. endorse and transfer the Concession to the Nominated Company, on the

same terms and conditions, for the residual Concession Period; and

iii. enter into a Substitution Agreement with the Lenders’ Representative &

the Nominated Company on the same terms as are contained in this Agree-


d. If Authority and/ or IndianOil has any objection to the transfer of Concession in fa-

vour of the Nominated Company in accordance with this Agreement, it

shall within 15 days (fifteen) from the date of the proposal made by the Lenders’

Representative, give a reasoned order hearing the Lenders’ Representative. If no

such objections are raised by NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil, the Nominated Com-

pany shall be deemed to have been accepted. NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil

thereupon shall transfer and endorse the Concession within 15 (fifteen) days of its

acceptance/deemed acceptance of the Nominated Company; Provided that in

the event of such objection by NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil, the Lenders’ Rep-

resentative may propose another Nominated Company whereupon the procedure

set forth in this Clause 3.4 shall be followed for substitution of such Nominated

Company in place of the Concessionaire.

3.5 Selection to be binding

The decision of the Lenders’ Representative, NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil in selection

of the Nominated Company shall be final and binding on the Concessionaire. The Con-

Page 171 of 242

cessionaire irrevocably agrees Senior Lenders or NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil taken

pursuant to this Agreement including the transfer/assignment of the Concession in fa-

vour of the Nominated Company. The Concessionaire agrees and confirms that it shall

not have any right to seek revaluation of assets of the Project or the Concessionaire’s

shares. It is hereby acknowledged by the Parties that the rights of the Lenders’ Repre-

sentative are irrevocable and shall not be contested in any proceedings before any

court or NORTH DMC and / or IndianOil and the Concessionaire shall have no right or

remedy to prevent, obstruct or restrain Lenders’ Representative, NORTH DMC and / or

IndianOil from effecting or causing the transfer by substitution and endorsement of the

Concession as requested by the Lenders’ Representative.


4.1 Substitution of Nominated Company in Project Agreements

The Concessionaire shall ensure and procure that each Project Agreement contains pro-

visions that entitle the Nominated Company to step into such Project Agreement, in its

consent, in place and liabilities and obligations of the Concessionaire in the event of

such Nominated Company’s assumption of the liabilities & obligations of the Conces-

sionaire under the Concession Agreement.


5.1 Concession Period upon occurrence of Financial Default

At any time after issue of a Notice of Financial Default, the Lenders’ Representative

may by a notice in writing require NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil to terminate the Con-

cession Agreement forthwith, and upon receipt of such notice, NORTH DMC and/ or In-

dianOil shall undertake Concession Period under and in accordance with the Agree-


5.2 Concession Period when no Nominated Company is selected

If no Nominated Company acceptable to NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil is selected &

recommended by the Lenders’ Representative within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days

or any extension thereof as set forth in Clause 3.3.2, NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil may

terminate the Concession Agreement forthwith in accordance with the provisions


5.3 Realization of Debt Due

NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil and the Concessionaire hereby acknowledge and

agree that, without prejudice to their other rights or remedies, the Lenders’ Repre-

sentative is entitled to receive from the Concessionaire, without any further reference

to or consent of the Concessionaire, the Debt Due upon Concession Period of the

Concession Agreement. For realization of the Debt Due, the Lenders’ Representative

shall be entitled to make its claim from the Escrow Account in accordance with the

provisions of the Concession Agreement and the Escrow Agreement.


6.1 Duration of the Agreement

This Agreement shall come into force from the date hereof and shall expire at the earli-

est to occur of the following events:

a. Concession Period of the Agreement; or

Page 172 of 242

b. no sum remains to be advanced, or is outstanding to the Senior Lenders, under the

Financing Agreements.


7.1 General indemnity

a. The Concessionaire will indemnify, defend and hold NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil

& the Lenders’ Representative harmless against any and all proceedings, actions

and third party claims for any loss, damage, cost and expense of whatever kind

and nature arising out of any breach by the Concessionaire of any of its obligations

under this Agreement or on account of failure of the Concessionaire to comply with

Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

b. NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessionaire

harmless against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims for any

loss, damage, cost and expense arising out of failure of NORTH DMC and/ or Indi-

anOil to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement, materially and adverse-

ly affecting the performance of the Concessionaire’s obligations under the Conces-

sion Agreement, this Agreement, other than any loss, damage, cost and expense,

arising out of acts done in discharge of their lawful functions by NORTH DMC and/

or IndianOil, its officers, servants and agents.

c. The Lenders’ Representative will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessionaire

harmless against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims for any

loss, damage, cost and expense arising out of failure of the Lenders’ Representa-

tive to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement, materially and adversely

affecting the performance of the Concessionaire’s obligations under the Concession

Agreement, this Agreement other than any loss, damage, cost and expense, offic-

ers, servants and agents.

7.2 Notice and contest of claims

In the event that any Party hereto receives a claim from a third party in respect of

which it is entitled to the benefit of an indemnity under Clause 7.1 or in respect of

which it is entitled to reimbursement (the “Indemnified Party”) shall notify the other

Party responsible for indemnifying such claim hereunder (the “Indemnifying Party”)

within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the claim & shall not settle or pay the claim with-

out the prior approval of the Indemnifying Party, such approval not to be unreasonably

withheld or delayed. In the event that the Indemnifying Party wishes to contest or dis-

pute the claim, it may conduct the proceedings in the name of the Indemnified Party

and shall bear all costs involved in contesting the same. The Indemnified Party shall

provide all cooperation and assistance in contesting any claim and shall sign all such

writings and documents as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably require.


Any dispute, difference or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement

which is not resolved amicably shall be decided by reference to arbitration to a Board

of Arbitrators comprising one nominee each of NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil, the

Concessionaire and the Lenders’ Representative. Such Arbitration shall be held in ac-

cordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Centre for Alternative Dis-

pute Resolution, New Delhi (the “Rules”) or such other rules as may be mutually

agreed by the Parties, and shall be subject to provisions of the Arbitration and Concilia-

tion Act,1996. The Arbitrators shall issue a reasoned award and such award shall be fi-

Page 173 of 242

nal and binding on the Parties. The venue of the arbitration shall be New Delhi and the

language of arbitration shall be English.


9.1 Governing law and jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with and governed by

the laws of India, and subject to Dispute Resolution clause above, the Courts at New

Delhi shall have jurisdiction over all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement.

9.2 Waiver of immunity

NORTH DMC and/ or IndianOil unconditionally and irrevocably:

i. agrees that the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agreement

constitute commercial acts done and performed for commercial purpose.

ii. agrees that, should any proceedings be brought against it or its assets, prop-

erty or revenues in any jurisdiction in relation to this Agreement or any

transaction contemplated by this Agreement, no immunity from such pro-

ceedings shall be claimed by or on behalf of the State Government or NORTH

DMC with respect to its assets.

iii. waives any right of immunity which it or its assets, property or revenues now

has, may acquire in the future or which may be attributed to it in any jurisdic-

tion; and

iv. consents generally in respect of the enforcement of any judgment or award

against it in any such proceedings to the giving of any relief or the issue of

any process in any jurisdiction in connection with such proceedings (including

the making, enforcement or execution against it or in respect of any assets,

property or revenues whatsoever irrespective of their use or intended use of

any order or judgment that may be made or given in connection therewith).

9.3 Priority of agreements

In the event of any conflict between the Concession Agreement and this Agreement,

the provisions contained in the Concession Agreement shall prevail over this Agree-


9.4 Alteration of terms

All additions, amendments, modifications and variations to this Agreement shall be ef-

fectual and binding only if in writing and signed by the duly authorized representatives of

the Parties.

9.5 Waiver

a. Waiver by any Party of a default by another Party in the observance and perfor-

mance of any provision of or obligations under this Agreement:

i. shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent de-

fault hereof or of other provisions of or obligations under this Agreement.

ii. shall not be effective unless it is in writing and executed by a duly authorized

representative of the Party; and

iii. shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement in any manner.

Page 174 of 242

b. Neither the failure by either Party to insist on any occasion upon the performance

of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement or any obligation there

under nor time or other indulgence granted by a Party to another Party shall be

treated or deemed as waiver of such breach or acceptance of any variation or the

relinquishment of any such right hereunder.

9.6 No third-party beneficiaries

This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties and no other person or entity shall

have any rights hereunder.

9.7 Survival

a. Concession Period of this Agreement:

i. shall not relieve the Parties of any obligations hereunder which expressly or

by implication survive termination hereof; and

ii. except as otherwise provided in any provision of this Agreement expressly lim-

iting the liability of either Party, shall not relieve either Party of any obliga-

tions or liabilities for loss or damage to the other Party arising out of or

caused by acts or omissions of such Party prior to the effectiveness of such

termination or arising out of such termination.

b. All obligations surviving the cancellation, expiration or termination of this

Agreement shall only survive for a period of 3 (three) years following the date of

such termination or expiry of this Agreement.

9.8 Severability

If for any reason whatever any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or

unenforceable or is declared by any court of competent jurisdiction or any other instru-

mentality to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of

the remaining provisions shall not be affected in any manner, and the Parties will nego-

tiate in good faith with a view to agreeing to one or more provisions which may be

substituted for such invalid, unenforceable or illegal provisions, as nearly as is practicable

to such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision. Failure to agree upon any such provi-

sions shall not be subject to dispute resolution under Clause 8 of this Agreement or oth-


9.9 Successors and assigns

This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and

their respective successors and permitted assigns.

9.10 Notices

All notices or other communications to be given or made under this Agreement shall be

in writing, shall either be delivered personally or sent by courier or registered post with

an additional copy to be sent by facsimile or e-mail. The address for service of each Par-

ty, its facsimile number and e-mail address are set out under its name on the signing

pages hereto. A notice shall be effective upon actual receipt thereof, save that where it

is received after 5.30 (five thirty) p.m. on any day, or on a day that is a public holiday,

the notice shall be deemed to be received on the first working day following the date

of actual receipt. Without prejudice to the foregoing, a Party giving or making a notice

or communication by facsimile or e-mail shall promptly deliver a copy thereof personally

or send it by courier or registered post to the addressee of such notice or communica-

Page 175 of 242

tion. It is hereby agreed and acknowledged that any Party may by notice change the

address to which such notices and communications to it are to be delivered or mailed.

Such change shall be effective when all the Parties have notice of it.

9.11 Language

All notices, certificates, correspondence and proceedings under or in connection with

this Agreement shall be in English.

9.12 Authorized representatives

Each of the Parties shall by notice in writing designate their respective authorized rep-

resentatives through whom only all communications shall be made. A Party hereto shall

be entitled to remove and/or substitute or make fresh appointment of such authorized

representative by similar notice.

9.13 Original Document

This Agreement may be executed in three counterparts, each of which when executed

and delivered shall constitute an original of this Agreement.



THE COMMON SEAL OF CONCESSIONAIRE has been affixed pursuant to the resolution passed bythe

Board of Directors of the Concessionaire at its meeting held on the ____ day of ____________

month & year 2021 hereunto affixed in the presence of _____________, Director, who has

countersigned the same in token thereof:


For and on behalf of


(Signature) (Name) (Designation) (Address) (Fax No.) (E-mail address)


For and on behalf of

IndianOil by:

(Signature) (Name) (Designation) (Address) (Fax No.) (E-mail address)


Page 176 of 242

For and on behalf of

Senior Lenders by the Lenders’ Representative by:

(Signature) (Name) (Designation) (Address) (Fax No.) (E-mail address)

In the presence of:

Witness 1.

Witness 2.

Note: To be affixed in accordance with the articles of association of the Concessionaire.

Page 177 of 242


NORTH DMC shall supervise the construction, development, operation and maintenance of the

Project Facilities to monitor compliance with the KPIs.

1. North DMC reserves the right to comment, provide observations on the Designs and

Drawings to be provided by the Concessionaire. These will include, inter-alia, the site

layout plan, process design, drawings, structural calculations, mechanical, electrical and

instrumentation works, quality plans, implementation schedules, and the environment,

health & safety plans for all Project Facilities.

2. During relevant Construction Periods, North DMC shall form a Project Management Unit

(PMU) comprising members from North DMC, IndianOil, the Concessionaire & an inde-

pendent agency of GNCTD to be roped in by North DMC as per the scope of inspection,

review. The PMU shall inspect the relevant Project Facilities at periodic intervals to be

mutually decided and prepare an inspection report, setting out the progress of the con-

struction of the relevant Project Facilities, defects or deficiencies, if any, and status of

compliance with the Construction Plan, and the Guaranteed Interim Availability.

3. The PMU shall facilitate review & monitoring of various milestones to be achieved by the Con-

cessionaire as per the provisions of this Agreement & shall submit its recommendations to

North DMC from time to time during the Construction period.

4. The PMU shall review & monitor the implementation of the approved environment, health

& safety plan by the Concessionaire.

5. The PMU shall review the construction progress of the Project as per the Project Mile-

stones proposed by the Concessionaire and issue Project Milestone Certificates.

6. At the end of the Construction Period for different Project Facilities, based on the recom-

mendation of the PMU, North DMC shall review the relevant Project Facilities and provide

respective Construction Completion Certificates to the Concessionaire to certify comple-

tion of construction of such Project Facilities, and the satisfaction of all other conditions

required to be fulfilled by the Concessionaire.

7. PMU shall monitor the Trial Operations of different Project Facilities during their respec-

tive Trial Periods & based on its recommendations, North DMC shall issue the respective

COD Certificates to the Concessionaire. The review shall be based on the Trial Operations

Procedures outlined in the Concession Agreement and include the following:

(a) Verify operation of equipment and workmanship.

(b) [Verify the Standards/quality of the By-Products;]

8. North DMC shall review & approve the O&M Manual and the Scheduled Maintenance Pro-

gram submitted by the Concessionaire.

9. During the O&M Period, North DMC shall inspect all the Project Facilities periodic inter-

vals to be mutually decided with the Concessionaire and prepare an inspection report,

setting out the defects or deficiencies, if any, and status of compliance with the rele-

vant KPIs and Standards.

10. North DMC shall inspect laboratories where tests are conducted on samples to ensure con-

formance and compliance with laboratory procedures and requirements.

11. North DMC shall review the reports generated form the Online Monitoring Systems of dif-

Page 178 of 242

ferent Project Facilities to assess adherence to their relevant KPIs.

12. North DMC shall participate in the survey to determine the Hand-back Conditions as per

the Hand-back Requirements.

Page 179 of 242

SCHEDULE 11 DRAWINGS (See Article 1.2.1)


In compliance with the obligations set forth in Article 14 of this Agreement, the Concessionaire

shall furnish to NORTH DMC, free of cost, all Drawings required as part of the Project:

[Note: North DMC may list and describe all the Drawings that the Concessionaire is required to

furnish under Article14.]

Additional Drawings

If the NORTH DMC determines that for discharging its duties and functions under this Agree-

ment, it requires any drawings other than those listed hereinabove, it may by notice require

the Concessionaire to furnish such drawings forthwith. Upon receiving a requisition to this ef-

fect, the Concessionaire shall promptly prepare and furnish such drawings to NORTH DMC as if

such drawings formed part of this Schedule11.

Page 180 of 242


1. Construction Completion Schedule

During Construction Period, the Concessionaire shall comply with the requirements set

forth in this Schedule for each of the Project milestones and Scheduled Construction

Completion Date (the “Project Completion Schedule” in [15(fifteen)] days of the date

of each Project Milestone, the Concessionaire shall notify NORTH DMC of such compli-

ance along with necessary particulars thereof.

2. Project Milestone - I

Project Milestone-I shall occur on the date falling on the 90th (ninetieth) day from the

Executed Date (the “Project Milestone - I”). Prior to the occurrence of Project Mile-

stone-I, the Concessionaire shall have satisfied the Conditions Precedent on the

part of the Concessionaire & commenced soil testing, contour survey, groundwater

testing or any other technical study required for design of WtE project site(s), Basic De-

sign & Engineering design & engineering of Project Facilities.

3. Project Milestone - II

Project Milestone - II shall occur on the date falling on the 180th (one hundred and

eightieth) day from the Executed Date (the Project Milestone - II). Prior to the occur-

rence of Project Milestone-II, the Concessionaire must have completed soil testing,

contour survey, groundwater testing or any other technical study required for design of

WtE project site(s), development, design & engineering of Project Facilities and. The

Concessionaire must have completed the design & engineering of the project facilities

& should have mobilized necessary men, materials & machinery at the project site for

commencement of construction activities.

4. Project Milestone - III

Project Milestone - III shall occur on the date falling on the 365th (three hundred and

sixty fifth) day from the Compliance Date (the Project Milestone - III). Prior to the oc-

currence of Project Milestone - III, the Concessionaire must have developed project fa-

cilities to process & handle at least 50% of 2500 TPD of the mixed MSW to be supplied

by North DMC.

5. Project Milestone - IV

Project Milestone-IV shall occur on the date falling on the 730th (seven hundred and

thirtieth) day from the Compliance Date (the Project Milestone - IV). Prior to the oc-

currence of Project Milestone - IV, the Concessionaire must have developed project fa-

cilities to process & handle 100% of 2500 TPD of the mixed MSW to be supplied by North


6. Scheduled Construction Completion Date

The Scheduled Completion Date shall occur on the 2nd (second) anniversary of the Com-

pliance Date. On or before the Scheduled Construction Completion Date, the Conces-

sionaire shall have completed the Project Facilities in accordance with this Agreement.

7. Extension of period

For any delays & reasons solely not attributable to the Concessionaire substantiated

with proper documentation & data, North DMC may suitably revise the project mile-

Page 181 of 242

stones & other timelines relating to setting up of the WtE plant. The responsibility of

proving the reasons for delay as not attributable to the Concessionaire shall rest upon

the Concessionaire & North DMC undertakes to act reasonably as far as possible & hold-

ing good the principles & law of natural justice. Upon extension of any or all of the

aforesaid Project Milestones or the Scheduled Construction Completion Date, as the

case may be, under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Pro-

ject Completion Schedule shall be deemed to have been amended accordingly.

Page 182 of 242


1. Link to the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) to be followed

for Projects:

Environmental and Social Management Framework of Project:

http://-- - - -

2. Requirements for preparation of ESHS Management Strategies and Implementation


The Concessionaire shall submit comprehensive and concise Environmental, Social,

Health and Safety Management Strategies and Implementation Plans (ESHS-MSIP). These

strategies and plans shall describe in detail the actions, materials, equipment, man-

agement processes etc. that will be implemented by the Concessionaire, and its sub-


In developing these strategies and plans, the Concessionaire shall have regard to the

ESHS provisions of the Concession Agreement including those as may be more fully de-

scribed in the following:

a. Works Requirements described in Concession Agreement.

b. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).

c. Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).

d. Consent Conditions (regulatory authority conditions attached to any permits or

approvals for the project).

3. Metrics for Progress Reports

The following Metrics should be used for regular reporting:

a. environmental incidents or non-compliances with Concession Agreement require-

ments, including contamination, pollution or damage to ground or water supplies.

b. health and safety incidents, accidents, injuries and all fatalities that require


c. interactions with regulators: identify agency, dates, subjects, outcomes (report

the negative if none);

d. health and safety supervision:

e. safety officer: number days worked, number of full inspections & partial inspec-

tions, reports to construction/project management;

f. number of workers, work hours, metric of PPE use (percentage of workers with full

personal protection equipment (PPE), partial, etc.), worker violations observed (by

type of violation, PPE or otherwise), warnings given, repeat warnings given, follow-

up actions taken (if any);

g. environmental and social supervision:

h. environmentalist: days worked, areas inspected and numbers of inspections of

each part of the Facilities created, highlights of activities/findings (including vio-

Page 183 of 242

lations of environmental and/or social best practices, actions taken), reports to

environmental and/or social specialist/construction/site management;

i. Traffic and vehicles/equipment:

j. traffic accidents involving project vehicles &equipment: provide date, location,

damage, cause, follow-up;

k. accidents involving non-project vehicles or property (also reported under immedi-

ate metrics): provide date, location, damage, cause, follow-up;

l. overall condition of vehicles/equipment (subjective judgment by environmental-

ist); non- routine repairs and maintenance needed to improve safety and/or envi-

ronmental performance (to control smoke, etc.).

m. Environmental mitigations and issues (what has been done):

n. dust: number of working bowsers, number of watering/day, number of complaints,

warnings given by environmentalist, actions taken to resolve; control (covers,

sprays, operational status); % of rock/muram/spoil lorries with covers, actions tak-

en for uncovered vehicles;

o. quarries, borrow areas, spoil areas, asphalt plants, batch plants: identify major ac-

tivities undertaken this month at each, and highlights of environmental and social

protection: land clearing, boundary marking, topsoil salvage, traffic management,

decommissioning planning, decommissioning implementation;

p. spill cleanups, if any: material spilled, location, amount, actions taken, material

disposal (report all spills that result in water or soil contamination);

q. waste management: types and quantities generated and managed, including

amount taken offsite (and by whom) or reused/recycled/disposed on-site;

r. details of tree plantings and other mitigations required undertaken this month;

s. details of water and swamp protection mitigations required undertaken this


t. compliance:

u. compliance status for conditions of all relevant consents/permits, for the Work,

including quarries, etc.): statement of compliance or listing of issues and actions

taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance

v. compliance status of ESMP/ESIP requirements: statement of compliance or listing

of issues and actions taken (or to be taken) to reach compliance

w. other unresolved issues from previous months related to environmental and social:

continued violations, continued failure of equipment, continued lack of vehicle co-

vers, spills not dealt with, continued compensation or blasting issues, etc. Cross-

reference other sections as needed.

4. Requirements for the preparation of the Code of Conduct

The Concessionaire shall submit the Code of Conduct that will apply to the Concession-

aire’s employees and subcontractors. The Code of Conduct shall ensure compliance

with the ESHS provisions of the Concession Agreement, including those as may be more

fully described in the following:

a. Works Requirements described in Concession Agreement;

Page 184 of 242

b. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment(ESIA);

c. Environmental Management Plan(EMP);

d. Consent Conditions (regulatory authority conditions attached to any permits or ap-

provals for the project).


A minimum requirement for the Code of Conduct should be set out, taking into consid-

eration the issues, impacts, and mitigation measures identified in:

project reports e.g. ESIA/ESMP

consent/permit conditions

required standards including World Bank Group EHS Guidelines and Performance


national legal and/or regulatory requirements and standards (where these repre-

sent higher standards than the WBG EHS Guidelines and PS)

Relevant standards eg. Worker’s Accommodation: Process and Standards (Indian

Standards, and in the absence of such Indian Standards those of IFC and EBRD)

relevant sector standards e.g. workers accommodation

grievance redressal mechanisms.

The types of issues identified could include risks associated with: labor influx, spread of

communicable diseases, sexual harassment, gender based violence, illicit behavior and

crime, and maintaining a safe environment etc.

A satisfactory code of conduct will contain obligations on all project staff (including

sub- contractors and day workers) that are suitable to address the following issues, as a


Compliance with Applicable Laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdiction

1. Compliance with applicable health and safety requirements (including wearing

prescribed personal protective equipment, preventing avoidable accidents and a

duty to report conditions or practices that pose a safety hazard or threaten the


2. The use of illegal substances

3. Non-Discrimination (for example on the basis of family status, ethnicity, race,

gender, religion, language, marital status, birth, age, disability, or political con-


4. Interactions with community members (for example to convey an attitude of re-

spect and non- discrimination)

5. Sexual harassment (for example to prohibit use of language or behavior, in par-

ticular towards women or children, that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive, sex-

ually provocative, demeaning or culturally inappropriate)

6. Violence or exploitation (for example the prohibition of the exchange of money,

employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favors or other forms of

humiliating, degrading or exploitative behavior)

Page 185 of 242

7. Protection of children (including prohibitions against abuse, defilement, or oth-

erwise unacceptable behavior with children, limiting interactions with children,

and ensuring their safety in project areas)

8. Sanitation requirements (for example, to ensure workers use specified sanitary

facilities provided by their employer and not open areas)

9. Avoidance of conflicts of interest (such that benefits, Concession Agreement, or

employment, or any sort of preferential treatment or favors, are not provided to

any person with whom there is a financial, family, or personal connection)

10. Respecting reasonable work instructions (including regarding environmental and

social norms)

11. Protection and proper use of property (for example, to prohibit theft, careless-

ness or waste)

12. Duty to report violations of this Code

13. Non retaliation against workers who report violations of the Code, if that report

is made in good faith.

The Code of Conduct should be written in plain language and signed by each worker to

indicate that they have:

received a copy of the code.

had the code explained to them.

acknowledged that adherence to this Code of Conduct is a condition of employ-


and understood that violations of the Code can result in serious consequences, up

to and including dismissal, or referral to legal authorities.

6. Minimum Requirements and Guidelines for the preparation of the Screening Report

The extent of assessment required to identify and mitigate the impacts largely depends

upon the complexities of project activities. The scrutiny and screening will be based on

a detailed Environment and Social Screening exercise, summarized in the following


Environment and Social information format for screening

Project Title:

Implementing agency:

Project cost:

Project components:

Project location (Area/ district)



Screening Criteria Assess-

ment of



note for cate-


Page 186 of 242


1 Is the project in an eco-sensitive area

or adjoining an eco-sensitive area?

(Yes/No) If Yes, which is the area?

Elaborate impact accordingly.

2 Will the project create significant/ lim-

ited/ no social impacts?

Involuntary land taking resulting in loss

of income from agricultural land, plan-

tation or other existing land-use.

Involuntary land taking resulting in re-

location of title holder or non-

titleholder households.

Any displacement or adverse impact on

tribal settlement(s).

Any specific gender issues.

Page 187 of 242

3 Will the project create significant /

limited / no environmental impacts

during the construction stage? (Signifi-

cant / limited / no impacts)

Clearance of vegetation/ tree-cover

Direct discharge of construction run-

off, improper storage and disposal of

excavation spoils, wastes and other

construction materials adversely af-

fecting water quality and flow re-


Flooding of adjacent areas

Improper storage and handling of

substances leading to contamination

of soil and water

Elevated noise and dust emission Dis-

ruption to traffic movements

Damage to existing infrastructure,

public utilities, amenities etc.

Failure to restore temporary con-

struction sites

Possible conflicts with and/or disrup-

tion to local community

Health risks due to unhygienic condi-

tions at workers’ camps

Safety hazards during construction

4 Will the project create significant /

limited / no environmental impacts

during the operational stage? (Signifi-

cant / limited / no impacts)

Impacts to water quality due to ef-

fluent discharge

Gas emissions

Safety hazards

Page 188 of 242

5 Do projects of this nature / type re-

quire prior environmental

clearance either from the MOEF&CC or

from a relevant state Government de-

partment? (MOEF&CC/ relevant State

Government department/ No clearance

at all)

6 Does the project involve any prior

clearance from the MOEF&CC or State

Forest department for either the con-

version of forest land or for tree-

cutting? (Yes/No).

If yes, which?

7 Please attach photographs and location

maps along with this completed Envi-

ronmental Information Format For


Overall assessment

*Detailed explanation/ justification for arriving at specific category (high/ low) to be provided

in the specified column.

(Designation) (Designation)

(Address) (Address)

Page 189 of 242

SCHEDULE 14 TESTS (See Article 16.1.3)

1. Schedule for Tests

The Concessionaire shall, no later than [30 (thirty)] days prior to the likely completion

of the Construction Period, notify NORTH DMC of its intent to subject the Project Facil-

ities to Tests, and no later than [7 (seven)] days prior to the actual date of Tests, fur-

nish to NORTH DMC detailed inventory and particulars of all works and equipment form-

ing part of the Project Facilities.

The Concessionaire shall notify NORTH DMC of its readiness to subject the Project Fa-

cilities to Tests at any time after [7 (seven)] days from the date of such notice, and up-

on receipt of such notice, NORTH DMC shall, in consultation with the Concessionaire,

determine the date and time for each Test and notify the same to NORTH DMC who

may designate its representative to witness the Tests. NORTH DMC shall thereupon

conduct, or cause to be conducted, any of the following Tests in accordance with Arti-

cle 14 and this Schedule.

2. Tests

The Concessionaire shall conduct all tests at periodic intervals, at its own cost & efforts

to satisfy all the provisions of this Agreement & Statutory approvals that need to be

maintained & satisfied throughout the Construction, Operation & Maintenance Period.

3. Agency for Conducting Tests

All Tests required to comply with the provisions of this Agreement & Statutory approv-

als shall be conducted by the Concessionaire at its cost & by appointing an independent

/ suitably accredited agency or person in consultation & with the approval of with

NORTH DMC. Such independent agency shall submit the results of the Test report to

North DMC directly.


To whomsoever it may concern

In consideration of the requirements of conditions of the Agreement and the Concessionaire’s

application for a Completion Certificate & NORTH DMC hereby grants the Completion Certifi-


This Completion Certificate is issued on the understanding that the conditions of the Agree-

ment have been met except for minor outstanding work that does not affect the use and safety

of the Project Facilities and their intended use as certified by NORTH DMC through its letter


Completion Certificate does not relieve the Concessionaire of any requirements or obligations

within the Agreement.

Signed this ……………day of …………………, 20…. at……….


For and on behalf of

Concessionaire by:



For and on behalf of





Weighbridge details




Time in

Time out

Truck no.

Tier weight (tons)

Full weight (tons)

Waste quantity (Full weight tier



The Firm of Chartered Accountants (FCA):

1. Should be in operation for the past 10 (ten) years

2. Should not have been barred or blacklisted by any entity like Central, State Government

Body or Public Sector Undertaking PSU (Central/State) or any other Statutory Body.

3. Should have a branch in [Name of the State]

4. Should have at least 3 (three) qualified Chartered Accountants out of whom at least 1

(one) should be FCA.




(retailing shall be as per Model A i.e. Seller shall deliver CBG from its CBG Plant at Buyer’s

Retail Outlet (within 25 Km) at _________________ through Cascades operated and

maintained by the Seller. The Equipment(s) for dispensing CBG at Buyer’s Retail Outlet shall

be installed and maintained by the Buyer. However, the CBG nozzles shall be manned &

operated by Retail Outlet Dealer. The meter installed in the CBG dispensing unit(s) at the

Retail Outlet shall be the "Point of Sale".)

This Agreement for production, sale and supply of Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) (hereinafter

referred to as “CBG Agreement”) is made on this ___ day of _________, 20___

By and Between

INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED, a company duly incorporated and validly existing under

the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra

(East), Mumbai-400051 (hereinafter referred to as “IndianOil” or "Buyer" which expression

shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to include its

successors and permitted assigns) of the First Part.


_________________________, a company duly incorporated and validly existing under the

laws of …….. with Corporate Identity Number …………………. and having it’s registered office at

____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “XXXX” or "Seller" or

“Concessionaire” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted assigns of the Second Part.

IndianOil and XXXX may hereinafter be individually referred to as a “Party” and

collectively as “Parties”.


a) Pursuant to the Concession Agreement between North DMC,

Concessionaire and IndianOil, IndianOil has agreed to purchase CBG to be

produced from the Waste to Energy Plant to be set up by the

Concessionaire in terms of the Concession Agreement.

b) The Concession mandates upon the Concessionaire to primarily

produce CBG and sell the entire quantum of CBG produced to IndianOil.

The Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to record the terms and conditions of the sale

and purchase of CBG.




i. Definitions:

In this Agreement, unless the subject or context otherwise requires, the following words and

expressions shall have the following meanings:

1. “Business day” means any day (other than 2nd and 4th Saturday, Sunday, Gazetted

holidays and holidays declared as per Negotiable Instruments Act-1881) on which

nationalized Banks are open for business at Principal Place of Business of Seller and


2. "Buyer" means the entity buying CBG under this Agreement viz. IndianOil.

3. "Cascades" means group of cylinders (that may be mounted on a trailer/tractor) used

for carrying/transportation of CBG from the CBG Plant to the Retail Outlet(s).

4. “CBG” means Compressed Bio Gas as defined in IS 16087:2016 of Bureau of Indian

Standards (BIS) specifications or any of its revised version.

5. "CBG Plant" means the CBG production unit of the Seller constructed/proposed to be

constructed and located at ______________ from where CBG shall be supplied to the

Buyer under this Agreement.

6. Concession Agreement means Agreement entered into between ………., IndianOil and

North DMC for ……………

7. Concessionaire shall mean …………..

8. “Dealer” means a Person appointed by the Buyer under a dealership agreement

between such Person and the Buyer, to operate Retail Outlet and includes a Person

appointed by the Buyer for operating a retail outlet owned and operated by the Buyer


9. “Equipment” means gas compressor, storage cascade, meter and check master meter,

dispenser, diesel generator set and other fixtures and ancillary equipment including

pipelines and all equipment and accessories thereto required for compression of CBG

and filling into customer's Vehicles.

10. “Financing Documents” means the agreements, deeds and other documents executed

by the Seller in respect of financial assistance/credit facilities availed/to be availed

from the Lender(s).

11. “Lender” means any financing institution or bank, who has provided credit

facilities/financial assistance to the Seller for meeting the debt component under the

Concession Agreement

12. “Person” shall include natural persons, company, bodies corporate and associations,

whether incorporated or not.

13. “Point of Sale” means the place at which delivery of CBG is given by the Seller to the

Buyer thereby transferring the ownership and possession of CBG from the Seller to the


14. "Principal Place of Business" in reference to this Agreement means for the

Seller,_________________ and for the Buyer New Delhi.

15. “Retail Outlet” means the retail outlet(s) of the Buyer used for dispensing Motor Spirit

and/or High Speed Diesel, as identified by the Buyer under this Agreement, within a

radius of twenty-five kilometers from the CBG Plant, for the purpose of

marketing/retailing of CBG.

16. “Safety Procedures” mean the procedures, directions, guidelines, rules, regulations and

measures as prescribed by government/statutory bodies/ or as communicated by the

Buyer (notified by the industry or the Buyer) for safe handling, transport, storage,

supply and/or sale/dispensation of CBG.

17. "Seller" means the entity selling CBG under this Agreement viz. XXXX

18. “Site” means the land on which the Retail Outlet of the Buyer is situated.

19. "Supply Plan" shall have meaning ascribed to it under Clause 8.3.

20. "Standards" shall inter-alia include, IS 15130 (Part 3), ISO 6326-3, IS 15319, AIS 024,

Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) Standards, safety Standards as per

IS 16087 : 2016 and any other applicable national or international standards relevant to

the CBG business.

21. “Taxes” means all forms of taxation and statutory, governmental, supra-governmental,

state, principal, local governmental or municipal impositions, duties, contributions and

levies, imposts, tariffs and rates and all penalties, charges, costs and interest payable

in connection with any failure to pay or delay in paying them and any associated

deductions or withholdings of any sort, and as may revised from time to time by

statutory authorities.

22. “Total Supply Price” means the price at which CBG shall be purchased by the Buyer

from the Seller and shall be inclusive of all Taxes payable by the Seller. Details of the

Total Supply Price is provided at Annexure I.

23. "TPD" means tonnes per day.

24. “Vehicle(s)” means a motor vehicle as defined under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

ii. Interpretation:

i. Unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to a singular shall include a

reference to plural thereof and vice-versa; and a reference to any gender shall include

a reference to the other gender.

ii. Unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to any article, clause, appendix,

schedule, attachment or annexure shall be to an Article, Clause, Appendix, Schedule,

Attachment or Annexure of this Agreement as may be amended, modified,

supplemented and extended from time to time.

iii. The appendices, schedules, annexures and/or attachments to this Agreement shall form

an integral part of this Agreement.

iv. Reference to any law includes a reference to that law as from time to time amended,

modified, supplemented, extended or re-enacted.

v. Reference to this Agreement shall include a reference to this Agreement as may be

amended, modified, supplemented, and extended from time to time.

vi. Reference to any other agreement shall include a reference to that agreement as may

be amended, modified, supplemented, and extended from time to time.

vii. Any reference to time shall, except where the context otherwise requires, be construed

as a reference to the Indian Standard Time. and reference to any Month shall mean to

refer to a Gregorian English calendar month.

viii. The headings and the side-headings/notes of the Clauses, Appendices, Schedules,

Attachments and Annexures in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of

reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

ix. The words "include" or "including" shall be deemed to be followed by "without

limitation" or "but not limited to" whether or not they are followed by such phrases.

x. Unless the context otherwise requires, any period of time referred to shall be deemed

to expire at the end of the last date of such period.

xi. The terms “Seller”, “Buyer” and “Dealer” shall include their respective officers,

managers, employees and their authorized representatives.

xii. This Agreement is made and executed in the English Language, which shall be the

governing text for all purposes.

xiii. In the event of conflict between any provisions of main body of this Agreement and the

provisions of the Appendices, Schedules, Annexures and Attachments; the provisions of

the main body of this Agreement shall prevail.

xiv. All terms and conditions mentioned in tender …. and Concession Agreement so far as

pertain to the sale and purchase of CBG shall be deemed to be included in this

Agreement by reference.

xv. In the event of any conflict between ....................., Concession Agreement and CBG

Sale and Purchase Agreement, provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.

2. Scope and Business Model:

2.1. Scope of Agreement:

2.1.1 The Seller agrees to produce and supply and the Buyer agrees to purchase CBG under

the terms of this Agreement. The CBG shall be sold by the Buyer to its end customers

and marketed through its sales channel network under ''IndianOil'' brand name or any

other brand name as may be determined by the Buyer, as per the business model out-

lined in Clause 2.2, in the quantities, and at Total Supply Price determined in accord-

ance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2.1.2 The Retail Outlet identified by the Buyer for the purpose of this Agreement is

______________________________________ at ____________________.

2.1.3 It is agreed that new Retail Outlet(s) may be added by the Buyer, from time to time at

its sole discretion, for marketing of CBG produced from the CBG Plant. The Retail Out-

let(s) so added shall be within a radius of twenty-five (25) kilometers from the CBG


2.1.4 The CBG Plant from which the CBG shall be supplied under this Agreement is/shall be

located at ________________.

2.2. Business Model:

2.2.1 The Seller shall deliver CBG at the Retail Outlet of Buyer through Cascades operated

and maintained by the Seller.

2.2.2 All Equipment as specified in Annexure II, for dispensing CBG at the Retail Outlet shall

be installed, operated and maintained by the Buyer, on the terms and conditions here-

inafter contained.

2.2.3 The Seller shall sell CBG to Buyer at the meter installed in the CBG dispensing unit(s) at

the Retail Outlet, which shall be the "Point of Sale".

2.2.4 The Cascade shall remain connected to the inlet flange of the booster compressor unit

of CBG at the Retail Outlet till the dispensation is operationally feasible.

2.2.5 The CBG nozzles shall be manned and operated by the Driveway Sales Men (DSMs) em-

ployed by the Dealer for the dispensation of CBG into customer's Vehicles.

2.2.6 Pursuant to the above outlined business model, CBG shall be sold under the brand

name of “IndianOil” or any other brand name finalized solely by the Buyer. All the work

required for branding shall be done by the Buyer.

2.2.7 The Buyer is entitled to appoint other suppliers for the supply of CBG at the Retail Out-

let. Seller agrees not to dispute, object or challenge the appointment of other sellers /

suppliers of CBG for the Retail Outlet by the Buyer. The Seller shall not be entitled to

any compensation, remuneration, commission or allowance whatsoever for such ap-

pointment / sales by the Buyer.

3. CBG Plant and its operations:

3.1. The CBG Plant, any facilities installed therein and the Cascades used for transportation

of CBG from its CBG Plant to the Retail Outlet shall be installed, commissioned,

operated and maintained by the Seller, at his own cost, and the Buyer shall not be

entitled to claim any right, title or interest therein. Nothing herein contained shall be

deemed to create any lease, license or other right in Buyer with respect to the CBG

Plant, facilities at the CBG Plant and/or the Cascades, except as provided in this


3.2. The Seller shall be responsible for planning, preparation (including arranging the entire

land, capital and finance), engineering, execution, installation, testing, commissioning,

continuous operation and maintenance, of the CBG Plant including storage of raw

material, at its own cost and expense.

3.3. The Seller shall, at no cost or expense to the Buyer, obtain and maintain, or cause to

be obtained and maintained, all approvals required from

government/statutory/concerned authorities under Applicable Laws, for its CBG Plant

and other facilities installed by it for the purposes of this Agreement.

3.4. The Seller shall ensure that the facilities installed at the CBG Plant and the CBG Plant

at all times meet the requirements laid under the Standards.

3.5. The Seller shall be responsible for arranging the feedstock and other material required

for running the CBG Plant on continuous basis.

3.6. Based on design capacity of the CBG plant, the Seller confirms that the initial

production/supply from the CBG Plant shall be ____________TPD and the

production/supply of CBG shall be increased gradually to be synchronized with the

market demands. Full capacity utilization of CBG Plant may be achieved within twelve

to eighteen (12-18) months from the date of commencement of commercial supply of

CBG, as per market conditions and at full capacity utilization, the Seller confirms

_______ TPD of daily supply to the Retail Outlets.

3.7. Seller shall be responsible for managing the by-products and wastes from the CBG Plant

as per existing central / state norms.

3.8. All approvals required from the government/statutory/concerned authorities with

regard to CBG Plant shall be the responsibility of the Seller. The Seller shall ensure to

obtain any other statutory license (or amendment of existing license if applicable) for

commencing and carrying on production and supply of CBG to the Retail Outlet, and its

renewal from time to time.

4. Retail Outlet and its operations:

4.1. The Site, Retail Outlet and the Equipment(s) are constructed, installed, operated and

maintained by the Buyer or his Dealer, at their own cost, and the Seller shall not be

entitled to claim any right, title or interest therein. Nothing herein contained shall be

deemed to create any lease, license or other right in Seller with respect to the Site,

Retail Outlet and/or Equipment(s), except as provided in this Agreement.

4.2. All approvals required from the government/ statutory/ concerned authorities with

regard to Equipment(s) and the Retail Outlet shall be the responsibility of the Buyer.

Buyer and/or its Dealer shall ensure to obtain any other statutory license (or

amendment of existing license if applicable) for commencing and carrying on sale of

CBG at the Retail Outlet, and its renewal from time to time.

4.3. The Seller acknowledges that the Buyer or its Dealer has incurred considerable sum in

setting up/ construction of the Site/Retail Outlet and installing Equipment(s) at the

Retail Outlet. In case of any damage by the Seller/its agents/servants while bringing

the Cascade to the Retail Outlet or otherwise, to Buyer’s Equipment(s), Retail Outlet or

other facilities installed by the Buyer/its Dealer at the Retail Outlet/Site, the Seller

shall be completely responsible and liable for all cost, losses, consequences, that the

Buyer may suffer due to any act or omission of its employees, agents or third parties

engaged by it.

5. Commercial Supply:

5.1. Seller shall immediately upon signing of this Agreement, notify the Buyer the likely

month and year when the CBG Plant is expected to start producing the CBG, so as to

enable the Buyer to set up Equipment(s) at Retail Outlet. The Seller shall re-notify the

Buyer, at least thirty (30) days in advance of the expected date of start of commercial

supply from the CBG Plant, specifying the expected date of start of commercial supply

with a window of 2-3 days. The Seller shall give a final notice, seven (7) days in

advance, specifying of the expected date of commercial supply. Upon receipt of

notice(s) aforesaid, the Parties shall co-ordinate to synchronize their activities and firm

up on the final date of commercial supply.

5.2. The date of commercial supply of CBG shall be a date on which the Seller shall

commence actual supply determined in accordance with Clause 5.1, but such date shall

not be later than 2 (two) years from the date of Concession Agreement or such other

period as may be extended by the Buyer as mentioned in clause 5.4 below

("Commercial Supply").

5.3. In the event that the Commercial Supply does not occur within the aforesaid timeline,

due to any failure or non-performance of the Seller, then without prejudice to any

other right or remedy available to the Buyer, the Buyer shall be entitled to encash the

Bank Guarantee submitted by the Seller.

5.4. It is agreed between the Parties that if at any time, the Seller is not able to commence

Commercial Supply within a period of 2 (Two) years from the date of LOI, the Seller

shall notify the Buyer of the same and request for extension of time within three (3)

months of the expiry of the two year period from the date of LOI, explaining the

reasons of delay. The Buyer may consider such request of the Seller for future

probability of supply from the CBG Plant and the same shall be at the sole discretion of

the Buyer.

6. Transportation through Cascades:

6.1. The Seller shall be responsible for transportation of CBG in Cascades, from the CBG

Plant to the Point of Sale. In order to facilitate such transportation, the Seller

undertakes to arrange, operate and maintain the Cascades. The Seller shall also ensure

that the dimensions, specifications and operating characteristics of such Cascades meet

the requirements of the Parties under this Agreement.

6.2. The Seller shall, at no cost or expense to the Buyer, obtain and maintain, or cause to

be obtained and maintained, all approvals required from

government/statutory/concerned authorities under applicable laws, for the Cascades

to be loaded with CBG, transport to the Retail Outlet and deliver the CBG at the Point

of Sale.

6.3. The Seller confirms that, save as specified in this Agreement, the Seller shall not be

entitled to any separate remuneration or compensation of any nature whatsoever, for

the transportation of CBG through Cascades or appointment of the Seller for supplying

CBG under this Agreement. The Seller agrees that the same is covered in the Price

provided in Annexure-I.

6.4. The CBG shall, at all times, be stored and transported through Cascades (cylinders)

conforming to IS 7285 (Part 2) Standards. Each cylinder shall be marked with following


Name of the material

Indications of source of manufacture, initials or trademarks, if any

Volume of the contents in liters

Lot / Batch No.

Month and year of manufacture

6.5. The Seller shall be responsible for ensuring that the Cascades are maintained such that

they operate in proper working condition, at all times.

6.6. In case of any break down in or damage to or defect in the Cascades, the Seller shall

promptly arrange to repair/replace the same at its cost and expense. It is agreed that

the Seller shall respond and take immediate corrective action in real time (being no

later than two (2) hours of breakdown), in the event of any emergency threatening loss

or damage to the property, or any threatened injury to or death of any Person or any

threat or danger to public safety or any environmental damage due to such leakage,

breakdown, damage or defect.

6.7. The Buyer confirms that it shall, at any time at the Retail Outlet, permit the authorized

officers or representatives of the Seller to enter upon the Site/ Retail Outlet for the

purpose of inspection, maintenance and servicing of the Cascades, if required. In case

where repair would take time, the Seller shall take back the damaged Cascade and

provide the Buyer with a replacement. In the case of emergency, the Buyer authorizes

the Seller’s officers or authorized representatives, complete access to the premises of

the Retail Outlet at any time to prevent any accident, which may result in loss of life,

injury or damage to the Retail Outlet / its facilities or Equipment(s).

6.8. In case of any damage to Cascades on account of the sole and gross negligence by the

Buyer/its employees or its Dealer/their employees, the cost of repairs and replacement

of such Cascades shall be payable by the Buyer, but only to the extent that the same is

not covered by insurance as required under this Agreement.

7. Title Transfer of CBG :

7.1. The transfer of ownership of CBG from the Seller to the Buyer shall take place at the

Point of Sale.

7.2. The transfer of ownership of CBG from Buyer/ Dealer to the end customer shall take

place at the end of the CBG delivery nozzle when the CBG is dispensed to the end

customer’s Vehicle at the Retail Outlet.

7.3. The schematic diagram of CBG dispenser depicting inlet, outlet and nozzle is attached

at Annexure - III.

8. Quantities:

8.1. Based on the designed capacity of the CBG Plant, it is expected that the CBG Plant

shall produce CBG @ ________ TPD when the CBG Plant is running on full capacity.

8.2. The Buyer shall off-take and the Seller shall provide the quantities of CBG as agreed in

the Supply Plan.

8.3. Within a period of .......................days of execution of this Agreement, the Parties

shall mutually draw out a detailed plan so as to determine the monthly quantities for

supply and off-take of CBG for the entire tenure of this Agreement (Supply Plan) at the

procurement rate as may be determined as per the terms of this Agreement, from the

date of Commercial Supply. The Supply Plan shall be annexed to this Agreement as

‘Annexure V’ and form part of this Agreement.

8.4. Based on the monthly quantities as agreed upon as above in the Supply Plan, daily off-

take schedules (daily schedule) shall be made in mutual consultation. Parties agree

that during the first six months, there may not be adequate off-take of CBG through

the Retail Outlet. In such circumstances, while drawing the Supply Plan, the Parties

shall synchronize their production and marketing activities accordingly for the said


8.5. It is specifically agreed between the Parties that in the event that the Seller's CBG

Plant is producing CBG more than the quantities specified in a Supply Plan, then:

(a) In the event Buyer is not able to off-take CBG as per Supply Plan for a period of

three (3) months, the Buyer shall endeavor (but shall not be obliged) to facilitate in

sale of CBG at other retail outlet(s) of the Buyer or industrial bulk customers of the

Buyer. Such sale to industrial bulk customers of Buyer will be as per mutual agreement

by both parties. Notwithstanding the same, the Buyer shall neverthe less be obligated

to and shall make mothly payments as per the Supply Plan to the Seller.

(b) In the event that the CBG Plant is producing less than the agreed quantity as per

the Supply Plan, then the Parties may discuss in good faith ways to increase production

of the CBG Plant and mitigate losses, however, the Buyer may at his sole discretion,

encash the Bank Guarantee submitted by the Seller, without prejudice to other rights

and remedy available to it.

9. Supply Disruption:

The Seller acknowledges that Buyer has invested in the Retail Outlet for the purpose of

serving customers, and shall suffer loss in case CBG supplies are not maintained by the

Seller as per the Supply Plan. Accordingly, in the event supplies are not maintained for

a continuous period or such regular intermittent periods which the Buyer believes is

adversely affecting the CBG sale at the Retail Outlet, it shall be free to encash the

Bank Guarantee and to either suspend supplies or terminate the Agreement as provided

hereunder and obtain CBG/CNG from other sources at the sole risk & cost of the Seller.

10. Quality of CBG :

10.1. The quality of CBG supplied by the Seller shall be of automotive grade and in strict

conformity to IS 16087:2016 or its latest version and to the "Specifications" as provided

at Annexure - IV.

10.2. If the CBG offered is not as per Specifications ("Off-Spec"), the Buyer shall have the

right to reject such Off-Spec CBG. The Buyer shall be further entitled to suspend all

deliveries for such period as deemed fit and without prejudice to any of its rights, may

encash Bank Guarantee and/or seek compensation for any loss incurred by the Buyer on

this account including procurement of CBG at risk and cost of the Seller, for such Off-

Spec deliveries. Further, the Seller shall be responsible to use all its best endeavors to

carry out remedial works, as are necessary, if any, at no added charge to the Buyer, to

bring future deliveries of CBG within the Specifications as soon as possible.

10.3. Seller shall have, at its CBG Plant, online Gas Chromatograph/ Gas Analyzer and all

relevant testing equipment to ensure that the quality of each Cascade of CBG delivered

to the Buyer meets all parameters of the above said BIS Standards.

10.4. All the laboratory equipment, measuring instruments maintained by the Seller shall be

calibrated periodically and duly certified periodically by a Government Approved

Testing Laboratory.

10.5. Cascade-wise test reports/quality certificates shall be issued. The samples, test

reports / quality certificates shall be preserved in laboratory till their validity period,

for future references.

10.6. Test reports/ quality certificates duly certified by the Seller, shall be accompanied

with every Cascade of CBG supply.

10.7. In addition, the Buyer shall also have the right to install quality assurance equipment

and/or test the samples of CBG independently at any laboratories accredited for

conducting quality check on the CBG. The quality assessment by the Buyer shall be final

and binding upon the Parties.

10.8. The representative samples of CBG shall be drawn as per sampling plan prescribed

under IS 15125. The method of testing of individual components shall be as per the

following test methods:

Constituent gas in CBG Testing method

Methane (CH4) IS 15130 (Part 3)

Total sulfur (incl. Hydrogen Sulfide H2S) ISO 6326-3

CO2 + N2 + O2 IS 15130 (Part 3)

Only CO2 IS 15130 (Part 3)

Constituent gas in CBG Testing method

Oxygen (O2) IS 15130 (Part 3)

Odour IS 15319

11. Measurements:

11.1. The quantity of CBG sold shall be calculated on the basis of the meter readings on the

CBG dispenser(s), jointly taken by the Seller and Buyer or their authorized


11.2. Readings shall be jointly taken and signed by the authorized representative(s) of the

Seller and the Buyer/Dealers representative at the time of start of delivery from each

CBG cascade, in duplicate (joint ticket). Such joint ticket readings shall be binding on

both the Parties.

11.3. For such purpose of taking meter readings/joint ticket, as the case may be, to

calculate the quantity of CBG sold, Buyer confirms that it shall permit authorized

officers or representatives of the Seller to enter upon the Retail Outlet.

11.4. The Buyer shall intimate the Seller prior to such re-calibration(s) and the Seller or his

authorized representatives, if so desired, may be present at such time.

12. Price:

12.1. The Total Supply Price of CBG including delivery thereof, as agreed between the

Parties is given in Annexure–I.

12.2. The Total Supply Price shall be applicable for the period commencing from the date of

Commercial Supply till .................. I.

13. Billings and Payments:

13.1. The Seller shall sell CBG to the Buyer in accordance with the terms of the Agreement at

the Total Supply Price as specified in Annexure-I and Buyer shall pay the Seller the


13.2. Based on the joint ticket prepared by the Parties recording the quantities of CBG sold,

as mentioned in clause 11.2, fortnightly invoices shall be raised by the Seller on the


13.3. Invoices shall provide details of all applicable Taxes included in the invoice amount.

13.4. Buyer shall make payments to the Seller in Indian Rupees, under this Agreement, within

fifteen (15) Business Days from the date of receipt of the original invoice.

13.5. Disputed invoices:

(a) In the event that the Buyer disputes an invoice, the Buyer shall as soon as possible

notify the Seller of the reasons for such disagreement, on or before the due date

for payment.

(b) In case of manifest error in respect of an invoice, the Buyer may inform the Seller

of such error and if the Seller agrees with such error, or if the Seller discovers such

error, the Seller shall advise the Buyer and the Seller shall reissue the relevant in-

voice with appropriate correction(s), thereafter which the Buyer shall make the

payment with respect to such corrected invoice within fifteen (15) days of receipt

of such corrected invoice.

14. Taxation

14.1. The Buyer or its Dealer as the case may be, shall bear and pay all property taxes,

municipal taxes, out-goings, rents, rates, assessments or levies in respect of the

Site/Retail Outlet.

14.2. The Seller shall bear in full, all liabilities of Taxes or statutory levies/duties including

interest, penalties etc., arising from supply of CBG to the Buyer. Should any Taxes/

levies/ duties be imposed by statutory authorities under this Agreement, which are not

recoverable from end customers in pricing, these shall also be borne by the Seller. To

the extent that the Buyer is required to pay any Taxes in the first instance, the Seller

shall promptly reimburse the same to the Buyer.

14.3. If after execution of Agreement, any new Tax is introduced (applicable to invoices

raised on the Buyer) in lieu of one or more of the then existing taxes and the rate and

impact of the new taxes is in excess in aggregate of the rate and impact of existing tax

or taxes which it replaces, the Buyer shall on satisfactory proof reimburse the Seller

the additional tax paid by the Seller as the result of the imposition of the new taxes

provided they are within the term of this Agreement. Nothing herein shall apply to any

corporate taxes, direct taxes or taxes on the income of the Concessionaire.

14.4. If on the other hand, the rate and impact of the new tax is less than the aggregate rate

and impact of the tax(es) which it replaces, the Seller shall pass on to the Buyer the

benefit thereof by reduction on the amount payable by Buyer to the Seller.

14.5. The above will be applicable if new taxes permit such case. In case the impact of new

taxes is directly passed on to the customer, the same shall be followed.

Explanation: For the purpose of this clause impact means and includes the

addition/reduction of taxes suffered on inputs, input services & capital goods.

Further impact of stranded taxes on interstate purchases, entry tax/ octroi etc. (if

applicable) also would be considered.

14.6. It would be the responsibility of the Seller to get the registration with the respective

Tax authorities. Any taxes/duties/levies being charged by the Seller would be claimed

by issuing proper Tax Invoice indicating details /elements of all taxes charged and

necessary requirements as prescribed under the respective tax laws and also to

mention correct and valid registration number(s) on all invoices raised on the Buyer.

14.7. The Seller would be liable to reimburse or make good of any loss/claim by the Buyer

towards tax credit rejected /disallowed by any tax authorities due to non deposit of

taxes or non compliance of tax laws by the Seller.

14.8. The Seller will be under obligation for charging correct rate of tax as prescribed under

the respective Tax laws. Further the Seller shall avail and pass on the benefits of all

exemptions/ concessions/ benefits/ waiver or any other benefits of similar nature or

kind available under the Tax laws. In no case, differential Tax claims due to wrong

classification of goods and/ or services or understanding of law or rules or regulations

or any other reasons of similar nature shall be entertained by the Buyer.

14.9. Modalities for tax payment under GST -

Currently, GST @ 5% is applicable on biogas. Reimbursement of tax will be done on the

basis of submission of Tax Invoice in physical form.

The Sales Invoice of CBG shall by uploaded by the Seller in GSTN portal for claiming

input Tax Credit.

Any loss of Input Tax Credit due to non-submission of invoice or non-uploading of the

tax details, within the prescribed time limits as per GSTN portal, shall be deductable

from the running bills of the Seller.

15. Insurance

15.1. The Seller shall obtain and maintain, at its own cost, during the Term, adequate

comprehensive insurance cover for corresponding to the risk and liability for the

optimum stock of CBG in Cascades (in transit from the CBG Plant) that will be stored

and delivered at any given point of the time at the Retail Outlet (as the Cascade is to

remain connected with the inlet flange of the booster compressor of the CBG unit at

the Retail Outlet till the dispensation is operationally feasible). Such insurance shall

inter alia cover the risks associated with the storage and supply of CBG including risks

to life and property of the Buyer, the Dealer and any third party including public

liability and these shall cover fire, theft and all allied risks. The Seller shall also obtain

suitable third party public liability insurance in accordance with the applicable laws

and good industry practice. The Seller may assign/create charge over all such insurance

contracts in favour of the Lenders /security trustee, except those related to the risks

to life and property of the Buyer, towards security for the credit facilities availed/to be


15.2. All insurance policies obtained by the Seller pursuant to this clause shall include waiver

of any and all rights of subrogation or recovery of the insurers there under against

Buyer/its Dealer and their respective assigns, successors, employees, officers, insurers

and underwriters, and of any right of the insurers to any set-off or counterclaim or any

other deduction, whether by attachment or otherwise, in respect of any liability of any

such person insured under any such policy or in any way connected with any loss,

liability or obligation covered by such policies. The Seller shall provide copies of such

valid insurance policies to Buyer.

16. Bank Guarantee

16.1. The Seller has provided an unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee ("Bank

Guarantee") for a sum of Rs. ______ lakh from a bank accepted by the Buyer and in

such form and substance as accepted by the Buyer, for the performance of its

obligations under this Agreement i.e. production and supply of CBG. The Bank

Guarantee shall be valid for the entire term of this Agreement and shall be renewed by

the Seller thirty (30) days before expiry of the existing Bank Guarantee.

16.2. The final or the last Bank Guarantee shall remain valid until six (6) months after the

expiry of the Term.

16.3. The Buyer shall have the right to enforce and encash the Bank Guarantee without any

demur or protest by the Seller or its bank and without any notice to the Seller in the

event of:

a) the Commercial Supply does not occur within a period of 2 (Two) years from the

date of Concession Agreement, due to any failure or non-performance of the


b) Agreement is terminated upon breach by the Seller of any provision(s) of this

Agreement; or

c) If the Seller fails to renew or extend or replace the Bank Guarantee at least

thirty (30) Days prior to the expiry of the Bank Guarantee (in case such renewal

becomes necessary due to any reason whatsoever); or

d) For any other breach of this Agreement, including any breach for which this

Agreement contemplates a right of invocation of the Bank Guarantee.

The Parties agree that the invocation of the Bank Guarantee in the aforesaid

circumstances constitutes is not by way of penalty, but towards damages that

would be incurred by the Buyer in the circumstances contemplated herein.

17. Marketing of CBG at the Retail Outlet:

17.1. The Buyer has a separate dealership/operatorship agreement with its Dealer/ at the

Retail Outlet. The operation of this Agreement shall be independent of the Buyer’s

dealership/ operatorship agreement already in existence with the Dealer of Retail


17.2. Except with the prior written consent of the Buyer, the Seller shall not enter into any

separate arrangement or contract or understanding with the Dealer, of whatsoever


17.3. Even after termination of dealership agreement between the Buyer and its Dealer,

Seller shall not enter into a similar agreement for supply of CBG to a retail outlet of the

Buyer, without prior written consent of the Buyer.

17.4. In case the sale of CBG from a Retail Outlet is stopped or suspended owing to action(s)

by statutory authorities or any action against the Dealer under Buyer's policies

consequent to which the sale/supply and marketing of CBG gets affected, Buyer shall

not be liable for any loss, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever to the Seller on

account of the same. The Buyer however, shall endeavor to facilitate in sale of CBG at

other retail outlet(s) of the Buyer or industrial bulk customers of the Buyer as

mentioned under 8.10 above.

17.5. The Seller shall ensure that Buyer's employees or its Dealer/ Dealer's employees

engaged in CBG retailing activities, and DSMs are trained by the Seller on various

parameters including operations, technical and safety, reasonably before the sales of

CBG to the end customers commences and that such training shall be provided


17.6. The Seller shall remain responsible for maintaining final product output quality being

dispensed from the Retail Outlet.

17.7. The Buyer shall observe all Safety Procedures and Standards while dispensing CBG into

end customer's Vehicles.

17.8. The Buyer or its Dealer as the case may be shall employ or make available adequate

personnel (including dispensing operators, supervisors, accounts clerks) to operate the

dispenser and dispense the CBG into customer's Vehicles, to collect the payments from

end customers and to do all other activities pertaining to sale of CBG to end customers.

17.9. The Buyer reserves the right, during the continuance of this Agreement, to make direct

or indirect sale(s) of CBG to any customer without any reference or consent from the


18. Compliance with Safety and laws:

18.1. The Seller shall follow Safety Procedures and Standards while supplying CBG from its

Cascades to the inlet flange of booster compressor at the Retail Outlet.

18.2. The Seller shall at all times, observe, perform and carry out the directions, instructions

and guidelines given by the Buyer or its representative(s), from time to time, on safe

practices, operation and functioning.

18.3. The Seller shall not contravene any laws or legal requirements which could reasonably

be expected to have an adverse effect on its ability to meet its obligations under this

Agreement or cause it to be in breach in any material respect of its obligations under

this Agreement.

19. Representations and Warranties :

These representations and warranties shall survive the execution and delivery of this


19.1. The Seller represents and warrants to the Buyer that:

(a) The Seller is and shall continue to be in compliance with all applicable laws.

(b) The Seller has obtained all licenses, permissions, consents, approvals and

authorizations from any government/statutory authorities required under law, and all

management and shareholder approvals necessary to enable the Seller to perform its

obligations under this Agreement and all such necessary approvals, licenses,

permissions, consents, approvals and authorizations are valid and effective, and

covenants that the same shall remain valid and effective through the Term and shall

obtain any additional approvals, licenses, permissions, consents and authorizations that

are required to enable the Buyer to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

(c) The Seller and the CBG Plant is not under any liquidation, court receivership, or any

similar legal proceedings nor any other steps have been taken or notice received for its

winding-up or dissolution.

(d) The Seller has in place /shall have the requisite infrastructure, facilities to perform its

obligations under the Agreement, and shall maintain the adequacy of its infrastructure

during the period of this Agreement, without any cost to Buyer.

(e) The Seller is the rightful owner of or has sufficient right, title and interest in its CBG

Plant, the facilities installed at its CBG Plant and/or Retail Outlet and Cascades used

for transportation of CBG from its CBG Plant to the Retail Outlet.

(f) The Seller has clear title to the CBG being sold under this Agreement and the Buyer

shall acquire the same, free from any encumbrances.

(g) The Seller shall supply and tender for delivery at the Point of Sale, CBG in the

quantities, at the times and at the prices determined in accordance with, and subject

to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and that it has necessary ability to do


(h) There is no restriction or impediment preventing the Seller from selling CBG to the

Buyer and from performing its obligations hereunder.

(i) Subject to clause 22.1A, the Seller shall not without the prior written consent of the

Buyer, undertake or allow any ‘Change in Constitution’. ‘Change in Constitution’ shall

mean; (a) change in sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship, (b) change in partner(s) of

partnership firm or a limited liability partnership, (c) change in member of a one

person company, (d) change in shareholder of a private limited company or unlisted

public limited company, (e) change in ‘promoter’ or any member of the ‘promoter

group’ of a listed public limited company, (f) change in committee representative

(person identified as ‘committee representative’ in case of a registered co-operative

society at the time of making an application for appointment as CS) of registered co-

operative society, or (g) change in karta of a hindu undivided family, or (h) change in

legal status.

(j) The Seller shall, within 15 days from the date of execution of Financing Documents,

provide to the Buyer the details of Lenders along with a copy of the Financing


(k) The CBG sold by the Seller to the Buyer under this Agreement shall be free from any

encumbrances or charges.

(l) The Seller further represents and warrants to the Buyer that:

(a) it is duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of its place of

incorporation and has the power, capacity and authority to own its assets and to

conduct its business as currently conducted and as contemplated herein;

(b) this Agreement has been duly executed by it and is a legal, valid and binding

document enforceable against it in accordance with its terms;

(c) the execution of this Agreement does not violate any law, or any document

constituting the Party, or any permit granted to such Party or any agreement to

which such Party is a party;

(d) it shall always act as a reasonable and prudent operator;

(e) it confirms that all its representations and warranties set forth in this

Agreement are independent of each other and true, complete and correct in all

respects at the time as of which such representations and warranties were

made or deemed made, and shall continue to have full effect during the period

of this Agreement; and

(f) It has the necessary power to perform its respective obligations under this


19.2. The Buyer represents and warrants to the Seller that:

(a) The Buyer is and shall continue to be in compliance with all applicable laws.

(b) The Buyer has obtained all governmental licenses, permissions, consents, approvals and

authorizations from any government/statutory authorities and all management and

shareholder approvals as necessary to enable the Buyer to perform its obligations under

this Agreement and all such necessary approvals, licenses, permissions, consents and

authorizations are valid and effective and covenants that the same shall remain valid

and effective through the Term and shall obtain any additional approvals, licenses,

permissions, consents and authorizations that are required to enable the Buyer to

perform its obligations under this Agreement.

(c) The Buyer has in place /shall have the requisite infrastructure, facilities to perform its

obligations under the Agreement, and shall maintain the adequacy of its infrastructure

during the period of this Agreement, without any cost to Seller.

(d) The Buyer shall take delivery of the CBG at the Point of Sale, in the quantities, at the

times and at the prices determined in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and

conditions of this Agreement.

(e) The Buyer is not under any any liquidation, court receivership, or any similar legal

proceedings, nor any other steps have been taken or notice received for its winding-up

or dissolution.

(f) The Buyer further represents and warrants to the Seller that:

a) it is duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of its place of

incorporation and has the power, capacity and authority to own its assets and to

conduct its business as currently conducted and as contemplated herein;

b) this Agreement has been duly executed by it and is a legal, valid and binding

document enforceable against it in accordance with its terms;

c) the execution of this Agreement does not violate any law, or any document

constituting the Party, or any permit granted to such Party or any agreement to

which such Party is a party;

d) it shall always act as a reasonable and prudent operator;

e) it confirms that all its representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement

are independent of each other and true, complete and correct in all respects at

the time as of which such representations and warranties were made or deemed

made, and shall continue to have full effect during the period of this Agreement;


f) It has the necessary power to perform its respective obligations under this


20. Indemnity and Liability:

20.1. The Seller shall at all times be liable and responsible for all losses, damages, claims,

actions, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses that may be suffered or incurred by

the Buyer, its directors, employees, Dealer and Dealer's employees and representatives

due to the quality of CBG not meeting the Specifications, non-compliance of statutory

duty or non-payment of taxes by the Seller.

20.2. The Seller shall indemnify and keep indemnified Buyer for all losses, damages, claims,

actions, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses that may be suffered or incurred by

the Buyer, its directors, employees, Dealer and Dealer's employees and representatives

on account of use of or damage due to Cascade and/or other facilities installed

/brought by Seller at the Retail Outlet/ Site unless such losses, damages, claims,

actions, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses arise due to gross negligence of the


20.3. The Seller shall indemnify and keep indemnified Buyer and its Dealer, their employees,

officers and directors against any losses, damages, claims, actions, proceedings, costs,

charges and expenses that may be suffered or incurred by the Buyer on account of loss

or injury to any person in connection with performance of this Agreement, unless such

losses, damages, claims, actions, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses arise due

to gross negligence of the Buyer.

20.4. The indemnity provisions herein contained shall survive the expiry or termination of

this Agreement.

20.5. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable for any

remote, consequential, punitive and indirect loss or damage sustained by it as a result

of any act or omission in the course of or in connection with the performance of this


21. Term:

21.1. This Agreement shall come into force from the date of signing of this Agreement and

shall be valid for a period of .................. ("Term"), unless earlier terminated, due to

the events hereinafter mentioned.

21.2. Both the Parties may agree to extend the same for a further period on such terms and

conditions as may be mutually agreed upon.

22. Termination

22.1. Event of Termination :

22.1.1. The Seller may at any time, by rendering a thirty (30) days written notice to Buyer and

copy to Lenders, terminate this Agreement, if

a) The Buyer fails to pay to the Seller any sum due by it under this Agreement

within fifteen (15) days of the due date; or

b) Any representation or warranty by the Buyer given herein or in pursuance of this

Agreement is found to be materially incorrect; or

c) The Buyer ceases to carry on its business or suspends all or substantially all of its

operations; or

d) The Buyer is unable to pay its debts or becomes unable to pay its debts as and

when due or makes any composition or arrangement with or for the benefit of its

creditors; or

e) A liquidator, receiver or administrator or any beneficiary under an encumbrance

takes possession of or is appointed over the whole or any part of the assets of the

Buyer; or

f) A resolution for winding up of the Buyer is passed or a petition for its winding up

is filed against the Buyer; or

g) Any consent, approval, license or permission required by the Buyer to enable it to

carry on its business or to sell CBG is suspended, canceled or withdrawn or

expires and is not renewed despite efforts by the Buyer.

22.1.2. The Buyer may at any time, by rendering a thirty (30) days written notice to the Seller,

terminate this agreement if:-

a) The Seller fails to comply with any of its obligations or undertakings or commits

any breach of the covenants or conditions, representations and/or warranties

that shall be observed, performed or fulfilled on its part or fails to make regular

supply of CBG and as per the quality Specifications.

b) The Seller fails to commence supplies within a period of 2 (Two) years from the

date of Concession Agreement (unless extended by the Buyer).

c) Termination of Concession Agreement

d) The Seller ceases to carry on its business or suspends all or substantially all of its

operation; or

e) A liquidator, receiver or administrator or any beneficiary under an encumbrance

takes possession of or is appointed over the whole or any part of the assets of the

Seller or initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process; or

f) A resolution for winding up of the Seller is passed or a petition for its winding up

is filed against the Seller; or

g) Any consent, approval, license or permission required by the Seller to enable it to

carry on its business or to sell CBG is suspended, cancelled or withdrawn or

expires and is not renewed despite efforts by the Seller.

h) The Seller causes or permits any Change in its Constitution without prior written

consent of the Buyer.

i) If bank guarantee is not submitted/renewed by the Seller within the stipulated


j) An event of Force Majeure occurs as per the Concession Agreement and lasts for a

period of more than ..... days

The Buyer may immediately terminate this Agreement in the event of termination of

Concession Agreement by North DMC

22.1.2A . A copy of notice referred to in 22.1.2 may also be sent to the Lenders.

22.1.3. Notwithstanding anything contained above, if there is any material adverse change or

any change in applicable law, rules, regulations, directives or guidelines which prevent

the sale / supply of CBG, then in that case, without prejudice to any other right or

remedy available to the Buyer, the Buyer may terminate this Agreement immediately

by giving seven (7) days notice to the Seller. The Buyer may also send a copy of the said

notice to the Lenders .

22.1.4. 22.1.4. Notwithstanding what is stated in Clause 22.1.1(a), 22.1.1(b), 22.1.2(a),

22.1.2(b), no such termination shall be effected by either Party, unless it gives to the

other Party a notice specifying the grounds/ breach on which it intends to terminate

the agreement, and giving a thirty (30) days’ notice period to the other Party to cure

such breach/ remove the grounds for termination. A copy of such notice shall be

provided to the Lenders by the Parties concerned.

22.1A . Substitution

22.1A.1. Notwithstanding anything herein above, the Parties hereby irrevocably agree that

upon the occurrence of an event of default under the Financing Documents, the

Lender/s shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedies available to them

under applicable laws or under the Financing Documents, have the right

to substitute the Seller in this Agreement by a person selected by the Lender/s (the

“Selectee”) for the remainder of the term of the Agreement and the Buyer has no

objection to the same. Upon identification of the Selectee, the Lenders shall

provide to the Buyer the details of the Selectee to complete the formalities required

for effecting substitution. The Buyer shall give its consent or otherwise within 15

(fifteen) days from the date of such communication. If the Buyer has no objection,

the Buyer and the Selectee shall thereupon execute the CBG Sale Purchase

Agreement or such agreements as may be necessary to give effect to substitution.

Pursuant to such substitution, the Selectee shall have all the rights and obligations

under this Agreement. In the event of any objection by the Buyer, the Lenders may

propose another Selectee whereupon the procedure set forth herein above shall be

followed for substitution.

It is expressly agreed that if no substitution can be effected pursuant to clause

22.1A1, within a period of 150 days from the date of initial notice by the Buyer

under clause 22.1, the Buyer may forthwith terminate the Agreement. However, the

Buyer may, upon request from the Lenders, extend the aforementioned period for

substitution by a further period not exceeding 60 days for completing substitution.

22.1A.2. The Lender shall, before exercising the right of substitution pursuant to an event of

default under the Financing Documents, intimate the Buyer in writing of its

intention to substitute the Seller. In cases where the Buyer has issued a notice

under clause 22.1.2, 22.1.4, 23.6 or 22.1.3, as the case may be, such written

intimation shall have to be provided within the notice period of thirty (30) days or

seven (7) days (for notice under clause 22.1.3), as the case may be.

22.2. Effect of Termination:

(a)1. Unless termination is on account of clause 22.1.2(a), 22.1.2(b) or 22.1.2(c), upon the

termination of this Agreement, the Buyer shall forthwith pay to the Seller the Total

Supply Price for all CBG supplied from the date of the last invoice by the Seller to the

Buyer till the date of termination of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions

of Clause 13.

(a)2. In the event the Agreement is terminated on account of clause 22.1.2(a) or 22.1.2(b),

without prejudice to its other rights, the Buyer shall also be entitled to continue to

make sales of the unsold CBG in the Cascades at the Retail Outlet and/or purchase CBG

from any third party at the risk and cost of the Seller.

(a)3. In the event the Buyer opts to continue making sales of the unsold CBG lying in the

Cascades standing at the Retail Outlet post termination of this Agreement, the Buyer

shall forthwith pay to the Seller the Total Supply Price for all CBG sold.

(a)4. In the event the Buyer opts not to sell the unsold CBG lying in the Cascades at the

Retail Outlet, the Buyer shall intimate the Seller about the same and the Seller shall,

immediately and no later than thirty (30) days from the date of termination, remove

the Cascade(s) and unsold CBG from the Retail Outlet at its own cost and without

affecting the routine operations of the Retail Outlet.

(a)5. For the said limited purpose, the Seller and its authorized officers and representatives

shall be allowed to enter upon the Site/Retail Outlet.

(a)6. In case of failure of the Seller to remove the Cascade and unsold CBG within time so

stipulated by the Buyer, the Buyer shall be entitled to deal with the Cascade and

unsold CBG, as it deems fit

22.3. Obligations to survive termination:

The termination of this Agreement for any reason shall not relieve or affect the rights

or remedies of either Party in relation to any accrued rights or unperformed

obligations, arising prior to or upon the date of such termination and shall not affect

any claims which a Party may have against the other Party with respect to any

antecedent breach.

Further, any provision of this Agreement which, by its express terms or nature and

context is intended to survive termination or expiration of this Agreement, shall survive

any such termination or expiry, such as Indemnity, Confidentiality, Governing Law,

Dispute Resolution, Jurisdiction.

23. Force Majeure :

23.1. Neither the Buyer nor the Seller shall, in any way, except for any payment-related

obligations, be held liable for non-performance either in whole or in part of this

Agreement or for any delay in the performance thereof on account of Force Majuere as

provided under Concession Agreement so far as it relates to the performance of Parties

under this Agreement

23.2. The parties agree that the provision of Article ... under the Concession Agreement shall

apply mutatis mutandis to this Agreement.

23 A Escrow Arrangement

23 A.1. The Seller shall, prior to availing of loan from the Lenders, open and establish an

escrow account with a Bank (the “Escrow Bank”). The escrow agreement to be

executed between the North DMC, Seller, Buyer, Lenders and Escrow Bank. All cash

inflows and outflows arising out of this Agreement or matters incidental thereto shall

be credited and debited, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of the

escrow agreement.

23 A. 2. The Seller may, with prior intimation of at least 4 weeks to the Buyer in writing,

create charge over the Escrow Account in favor of the Lenders/security trustee towards

security for the credit facilities availed/to be availed by the Seller for setting up of the

CBG Plant.

23 A.3 All expenses and liabilities towards arrangement of such escrow account and escrow

agreement shall be borne by the Seller and except for making the payment in terms of

the Agreement in the escrow account instead of making the payment directly to the

Seller, the Buyer shall have no responsibility or obligation whatsoever in this regard.

24. Confidentiality :

24.1. The parties agree that the provision of Article ... pertaining to Confidentiality under

the Concession Agreement shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Agreement

24.2. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of India

including without limitation, the relevant Central and State acts and the rules,

regulations and notifications issued and amended there under from time to time; and

subject to Clause 26 below, the courts of Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction in

relation to all disputes arising from or relating to the Agreement.

25. Dispute Resolution :

25.1. A Dispute shall be deemed to have arisen under this Agreement, when either Party

notifies the other Party of any issue, difference or dispute in writing to that effect.


25.2. Any Dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved amicably through

discussions in good faith with a view to expeditiously resolve such Dispute. In the event

the Dispute cannot be resolved amicably within a period of thirty (30) days from the

date of its occurrence, either Party may refer the Dispute for resolution through

conciliation in accordance with provisions of Indian Oil Conciliation Rules, if applicable.

25.3. In the event of non-resolution of Dispute by conciliation within a period of sixty (60)

days (or any period thereafter, which the Parties may agree to mutually extend) or

non-applicability of IndianOil Conciliation Rules, the Parties agree to settle the Dispute

by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of SCOPE Forum of Conciliation and

Arbitration (SFCA). The venue for arbitration shall be New Delhi and the language of

arbitration shall be English. The arbitrator shall pass a reasoned award and the award

of arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Parties.

25.4. When a matter is referred to resolution under this Clause 26, it shall not prevent or

constitute a valid excuse for either Party from performing their respective obligations

(to the extent possible) under this Agreement.

26. Miscellaneous :

26.1. Relationship

Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute partnership, agency or joint

venture between the Parties nor shall any relationship of employer or employee be

deemed to be created between Seller and Buyer. Neither Party shall be liable for the

acts of commission or omission of other Party or its employees, personnel or


26.2. Benefits of this Agreement

This Agreement and the respective rights and obligations of the Parties hereto under

this Agreement shall inure to the benefits of and be binding on their respective

successors and permitted assigns.

26.3. Assignment

26.3.1. Neither Party shall assign this Agreement or all or any of its rights or obligations

hereunder to any person, without the prior written consent of the other Party.

26.3.2. Notwithstanding the above, the Seller may, under written intimation to the Buyer,

assign or create charge over the Agreement in favour of its Lenders/security trustee

towards security for the credit facilities availed/to be availed by the seller for setting

up of the CBG Plant, production and supply of CBG and allied activities.

26.4. Costs and Expenses

Each Party shall bear its own expenses in connection with negotiation and finalization

of this Agreement.

26.5. Partial Invalidity

The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Agreement under

the law of any jurisdiction to which any Party hereto is a subject, shall not affect the

legality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other jurisdiction or the

legality, validity or enforceability of the other provisions hereof.

26.6. Further Acts

Each of the Parties hereto undertakes to execute, do and take all such steps as may be

required to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

26.7. Modification

No term of this Agreement shall be amended, changed or modified unless such

amendment, change or modification is mutually agreed to in writing by and between

the Parties.

26.8. Waiver

Failure of either Party to enforce at any time or for any period of time any provision

hereof shall not be construed to be waiver of any provisions or of the right thereafter

to enforce each and every provision; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any

right, power or privilege preclude any other future exercise thereof operate as a


26.9. Entirety of Agreement

This Agreement together with the Concession Agreement constitutes and contains the

entire agreement between the Parties relating to the supply of CBG during the Term

and, except for this Agreement, no prior promises, agreements, warranties, or

understandings whether written or oral, shall be of any force or effect.

26.10. Compliance with laws

“IndianOil” and “XXXX” shall perform their obligations in strict compliance with all

applicable laws in India, along with rules and regulations of duly constituted

Governmental Authorities in India and shall obtain all licenses, registrations or other

approvals, if any, required by laws in India in connection with this Agreement.

26.11. Exclusivity

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, during the Term of this

Agreement, the Seller shall not enter into any agreement with any third party including

other Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) pertaining to supply of CBG from the CBG Plant.

The Seller agrees that it shall sell 100% of the CBG from the CMG Plant to the Buyer (or

to nominees of the Buyer). The Seller agrees that the Buyer shall not be subject to any

restrictions as to exclusivity and may enter into similar arrangements (including for

identified Retail Outlets) with any number of CBG suppliers.

27. Notices :

27.1. All notices or demands or other communications given or made under this Agreement

shall be in writing and be made in English language. A notice may be delivered

personally, sent by prepaid registered post, or facsimile. Oral communication and e-

mails, however, do not constitute notice for purposes of this Agreement.



IndianOil Corporation Limited.










27.2. All Notices required to be send to the Lenders under the terms of this Agreement shall

be sent to the Lenders in the address as provided by the Seller under clause or as may

be notified to the Buyer in writing by the Lenders.

27.3. Any such notice, demand from the sender shall be deemed to have been duly served if

given personally on delivery thereof to the address of the recipient or made by

facsimile transmission immediately on receipt of the transmission report by the sender,

or given by registered post three days after the date of posting the same by registered


27.4. The above addresses may be changed by two (2) weeks written notice thereof to the

other Party.

28. Counter parts :

This Agreement may be executed in counter parts, each of which when executed and

delivered shall constitute a duplicate original but each of which when taken together

shall constitute one and the same agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed these presents on the day and

year first hereinabove mentioned.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited Concessionaire

(Authorized Signatory) (Authorized Signatory)

Name :

Designation :

Date :

Place: New Delhi

Name :

Designation :

Date :

Place: New Delhi

Witnesses: Witnesses:






Total Supply Price

Item Unit Price

Price of CBG meeting IS 16087: 2016 Standard, com-

pressed at 250 bar and delivered at IndianOil Retail Out-

let in Cascades.

₹ /kg

Total supply price (excluding GST) ₹ /kg

GST @ 5% ₹ /kg

Final supply price (including GST) ₹ /kg

1.1 There shall be periodic revision of “RCBG” = ₹ __ per kg i.e. the cumulative procure-

ment price of Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) by IndianOil as given below:

a. For CBG, based on revision in selling price of CNG in the Delhi market

b. Upon completion of every 3 years of the Concession Agreement there will be a

review of the pricing mechanism of Compressed Bio Gas (RCBG) based on mutual

agreement between the IndianOil and the Concessionaire.

c. Applicable Goods & Service Tax shall be paid extra on RCBG.

1.2 Currently the selling price of CNG at Retail Outlets inclusive of all taxes in New Delhi is

₹ 43.40/kg.

1.3 If the selling price of CNG in Delhi market is increased over a period by 1% (One per-

centage) or more, then the fixed Compressed Bio Gas procurement price i.e. RCBG shall

be increased by the same percentage increase.

1.4 Till the cumulative increase in the selling price of CNG at Retail Outlets inclusive of all

taxes in Delhi is less than 1%, there shall be no revision in the price of Compressed Bio

Gas for the bidder.

1.5 The price review mechanism of Compressed Bio Gas to be supplied by Concessionaire to

IndianOil shall be undertaken every 3 years from the date of commencement of sup-

plies. In case Parties are unable to agree upon the price revision in accordance with the

aforesaid mechanism, the Buyer may in its discretion terminate this Agreement.

Annexure II

DETAILS OF EQUIPMENT (As per clause 2.2.2 of this Agreement)

SN Description of the Equipment






Flow direction of CBG to end Customer

➢ “Inlet” is defined as the entry point of CBG flow just before the totalizer unit of the CBG


➢ ‘Dispenser’ is defined as the equipment which dispenses CBG and records delivery quantity

through totalizer unit,

➢ “Outlet” is defined as the exit point of CBG flow just after the totalizer unit of the CBG

Dispenser and is the point just before the delivery Nozzle.

➢ “Nozzle” is defined as the delivery equipment through which CBG gets transferred into the

Customer’s Vehicle tank.

Annexure - IV


Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) to be supplied shall meet IS 16087:2016 specifications of BIS

(detailed below), compressed at 250 Bar and supplied through Cascades, and any other further

revisions in the said specifications. The exact specifications are stated as under:

SN Characteristic Requirement

1 Methane percentage (CH4), minimum 90.0 %

2 Only Carbon Dioxide percentage (CO2), maximum 4%

3 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)+ Nitrogen (N2)+ Oxygen (O2) percentage

maximum 10%

4 Oxygen (O2) percentage maximum 0.5%

5 Total sulphur (including H2S) mg/m3, maximum 20 mg/m3

6 Moisture mg/m3, maximum 5 mg/m3

Also as per the IS 16087:2016 specifications, the following shall also be met

CBG shall be free from liquids over the entire range of temperature and pressure

encountered in storage and dispensing system

The CBG shall be free from particulate matter such as dirt, dust, etc.

CBG delivered shall be odorized similar to a level found in local distribution (ref. IS













Alternate Energy & Sustainable Development,

5th Floor, Core-6, SCOPE Complex,

New Delhi-110003.

Dear Sirs,

In consideration of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Alternate Energy & Sustainable Develop-

ment, Planning & Business Development Division) (hereinafter called “the Corporation” which

expression shall include its successors and assigns), having awarded certain work for and rela-

tive to Supply of Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) to IndianOil under Concession Agreement signed

with ______________________________ (Name and address of the Contractor) (hereinafter

called “the Contractor” which expression shall include its successors and assigns), upon certain

terms and conditions inter-alia mentioned in the Corporation’s Letter of Intent No. __________

dated _________ read with the relative Tender Documents (hereinafter collectively called “the

Contract”, which expression shall include any formal contract entered into between the Corpo-

ration and the Contractor in supersession of the said Letter of Intent and all amendments

and/or modifications in the contract) inclusive of the condition that the Corporation may ac-

cept a Bank Guarantee/Undertaking of a Scheduled Bank in India in lieu of Cash Deposit of the

Initial Security Deposit as provided for in Conditions of Contract (Bank Guarantee) forming part

of the said Letter of Intent.

We _____________________ (Name of the Bank), a body registered/constituted under the

_____________________ Act, having our Registered Office/Head Office at _______________

(hereinafter called “the Bank” which expression shall include its successors and assigns), at the

request of the Contractor and with the intent to bind the Bank and its successors and assigns,

do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay to the Corporation at New Delhi

forthwith on first demand without protest or demur or proof or satisfaction and without refer-

ence to this guarantee up to an aggregate limit of ₹ 1,50,00,000 (Rupees One Crore Fifty

Lakh only).

AND the Bank doth hereby further agrees as follows :-

i. This Guarantee/Undertaking shall be a continuing guarantee and shall remain valid and

irrevocable for all claims of the Corporation upon the Bank made up to the midnight

of ……………………… provided that the Bank shall upon the written request of the Corpora-

tion made upon the Bank at any time within 6 (six) months from the said date extend the

validity of the Bank Guarantee by a further 6 (six) months so as to enable claims to be

made under this Guarantee by a further 6 (six) months from the said date with the intent

that the validity of this Guarantee shall automatically stand extended by a further 6 (six)

months upon such request by the Corporation.

ii. The Corporation shall have the fullest liberty without reference to the Bank and without

affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee/Undertaking, at any

time and/or from time to time to amend or vary the Contract and/or any of the terms

and conditions thereof or relative to the said Initial Security Deposit or to extend time

for performance of the said Contract in whole or part or to postpone for any time and/or

from time to time any of the obligations of the Contractor and/or the powers or reme-

dies exercisable by the Corporation against the Contractor and either to enforce or for-

bear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions of or governing the said Contract or

the said Initial Security Deposit or the securities available to the Corporation or any of

them and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under these presents and the

liability of the Bank hereunder shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any

exercise by the Corporation of the liberty with reference to any or all the matters afore-

said or by reason of time being given to the Contractor or any other forbearance, act or

omission on the part of the Contractor or of any indulgence by the Corporation to the

Contractors or of any other act, matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating

to sureties or otherwise which could but for the provision have the effect of releasing

the Bank from its liability hereunder or any part thereof and the Bank hereby specifically

waives any and all contrary rights whatsoever.

iii. The obligations of the Bank to the Corporation hereunder shall be as principal to princi-

pal and shall be wholly independent of the contract and it shall not be necessary for the

Corporation to proceed against the Contractor before proceeding against the Bank and

the Guarantee/Undertaking herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank not-

withstanding the existence of any other Guarantee/undertaking or security for any in-

debtedness of the Contractor to the Corporation (including relative to the said Security

Deposit) and notwithstanding that any such undertaking or security shall at the time

when claim is made against the Bank or proceedings taken against the Bank hereunder,

be outstanding or unrealised.

iv. The amount stated by the Corporation in any demand, claim or notice made with refer-

ence to this guarantee shall as between the Bank and the Corporation for the purpose of

these presents be conclusive of the amount payable by the Bank to the Corporation


v. The liability of the Bank to the Corporation under this Guarantee/undertaking shall re-

main in full force and effect notwithstanding the existence of any difference or dispute

between the Contractor and the Corporation, the Contractor and the Bank and/or the

Bank and the Corporation or otherwise howsoever touching or affecting these presents

for the liability of the Contractor to the Corporation, and notwithstanding the existence

of any instructions or purported instructions by the Contractor or any other person to the

Bank not to pay or for any cause withhold or defer payment to the Corporation under

these presents, with the intent that notwithstanding the existence of such difference,

dispute or instruction, the Bank shall be and remain liable to make payment to the Cor-

poration in terms hereof.

vi. The Bank shall not revoke this undertaking during its currency except with

the constitution of the Contractor or the Bank or the Corporation shall not discharge the

Bank’s liability hereunder.

vii. Without prejudice to any other mode of service, a demand or claim or other communi-

cation may be transmitted by fax. If transmitted by fax, the transmission shall be com-

plete as soon as acknowledged by bank.

viii. Notwithstanding anything contained herein:

a. The Bank’s liability under this guarantee/undertaking shall not exceed ₹

1,50,00,000 (Rupees One Crore Fifty Lakh only);

b. This guarantee/undertaking shall remain in force up to ……………………. and any ex-

tension(s) thereof; and

c. The Bank shall be released and discharged from all liability under this guaran-

tee/undertaking unless a written claim or demand is issued to the Bank on or be-

fore 16.03.2023 or the date of expiry of any extension(s) thereof if this guaran-

tee/undertaking has been extended.

ix. The Bank doth hereby declare that Shri ______________ (Name of the person signing on

behalf of the Bank) who is _______________ (his designation), is authorised to sign this

undertaking on behalf of the Bank and to bind the Bank hereby.

Dated this ____ day _____ of 202__.

Yours faithfully,

Signature: ______________________

Name & Designation: _____________

Name of the Branch: ______________

Dated: _________________________


(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper as prescribed in the respective State)

Articles of agreement made at _______________ this _________________________ day of

_____________two thousand _______________between INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIIMITED, a

Company incorporated Under the Indian Companies Act 1956, being an undertaking of the

Govt. of India and having its Registered Office at G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mum-

bai 400 051 hereinafter referred to as “Buyer” or “IndianOil” of the One part


_________________________, a company duly incorporated and validly existing under the

laws of …….. with Corporate Identity Number …………………. and having it’s registered office at

____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “XXXX” or "Seller" or

“Concessionaire” which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof

be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted assigns of the Second Part.

IndianOil and XXXX may hereinafter be individually referred to as a “Party” and collectively

as “Parties”.


a) Pursuant to the Concession Agreement between North DMC,

Concessionaire and IndianOil, IndianOil has agreed to purchase Denatured

Anhydrous Ethanol as per IS 15464: 2004 to be produced from the Waste to

Energy Plant to be set up by the Concessionaire in terms of the Concession


b) The Concession mandates upon the Concessionaire to primarily

produce Ethanol and sell the entire quantum of Ethanol produced to


The Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to record the terms and conditions of the sale

and purchase of Ethanol.



WHEREAS the Sellers have agreed with the Buyer for the supply of the said material specified

in the said schedule upon certain terms and conditions hereinafter provided and WHEREAS the

parties are desirous of reducing to writing the terms and conditions of the contracts on which

the Sellers have agreed with the Buyer for the supply of the said Materials. NOW IT IS HEREBY

AGREED by and between the parties hereto as under:


The following expressions used in these terms and conditions and in the purchase order

shall have the meaning indicated against each of these:

1.1 BUYER: Buyer means INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED, a Company incorporated Under

the Indian Companies Act 1956, being an undertaking of the Govt. of India and having

its Registered Office at G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 051 And

shall include its successors and assigns..

1.2 SELLER: Seller means the Concessionaire as per the Concession Agreement signed be-

tween North DMC, IndianOil & the Concessionaire and shall include its successors and


1.3 INSPECTOR: Person/agency deputed by IndianOil for carrying out inspection, check-

ing/testing of items ordered and for certifying the items conforming to the purchase

order specifications.

1.4 GOODS/MATERIALS: means any of the articles, materials, machinery, equipment, sup-

plies, drawing, data and other property and all services including but not limited to de-

sign, delivery, installation, inspection, testing and commissioning specified or required

to complete the order.

1.5 CONTRACT means the agreement for supply of goods/ Materials between Buyer and

Seller, for a fixed period of time at a rate and quantities specified by the Seller from

time to time and communicated via a purchase order.

1.6 DELIVERY means the transfer of Ethanol from the Seller in through sealed calibrated

tank-trucks (calibrated by statutory agencies and also complying to all statutory regula-

tions tank trucks of capacity 20 (twenty) KL or more contracted by the Buyer at the

Point of Sale, with a corresponding issuance of an applicable invoice by the Seller.

1.7 POINT OF SALE means the Buyer’s Tikri Kalan, Official Fuel Station located at NH 10,

Tikri Kalan, New Delhi – 110041.

1.8 DELIVERED RATE mentioned in the purchase order shall be inclusive of transportation

cost and all the applicable duties, taxes, levies (including but not limited to Octroi En-

try tax/ LBT/, Export Fee & Import Fee), apart from basic material cost. The supplier

will not be paid anything extra unless it is specified. However purchase tax in lieu of

GST wherever applicable will be paid in ₹ per KL, as quoted.

1.9 START DATE shall mean the date as mutually decided by the Buyer and Seller under

this Agreement and as intimated by the Buyer to the Seller through a notice in writing.

1.10 SUPPLY SCHEDULE shall mean the schedule as intimated in writing by the Buyer to

the Seller and which may be updated by the Buyer from time to time.


SN Characteristics Specification Methods of Test as per

Annex of IS 15464 : 2004

1. Relative density at 15.6 C

/ 15.6 C max.

0.7956 A


Ethanol content % by vol-

ume at 15.6 C / 15.6 C min.



3. Miscibility with water Miscible C

4. Alkalinity Nil D

5. Acidity (as CH3COOH),

mg/l, Max.

30 D

6. Residue on evaporation,

percent by mass, Max.

0.005 E

SN Characteristics Specification Methods of Test as per

Annex of IS 15464 : 2004

7. Aldehyde content (as

CH3CHO) mg / l, Max

60 F

8. Copper, mg/kg, Max 0.1 G

9. Conductivity, S/m, Max 300 H

10. Methyl alcohol, mg/litre,


300 J



Clear & bright

and free from

suspended mat-




a. The denaturant should be added with Ethanol in suitable dosage as per IS: 4117

in line with IS-15464 and as per prescribed Excise regulation from time to time

conforming to the automotive fuel requirements. Denaturants may be consid-

ered as a part of Ethanol and component of the fuel. Ethanol should not have

more than 0.4% max impurities including permitted denaturants. These denatur-

ants should not have detrimental effect on specification and stability of Motor


b. Some of the Prohibited denaturants for Ethanol that cannot be used are

Pyroles, Methanol, Turpentine, Ketones, Tar, Benzene, Organo-metallic com-


c. The denaturants should be pre mixed at Ethanol manufacturer end before

transporting the Ethanol to the Point of Sale. The name and dosage of the de-

naturants used should be clearly mentioned on the delivery documents duly

endorsed by State Excise Authorities where ever state excise control exists, or

otherwise by the authorized person in the distillery


3.1 The Seller agrees to produce and supply and the Buyer agrees to purchase Ethanol un-

der the terms of this Agreement. The parties agree that this Agreement set out the

Price and the overall terms on the basis of which the Seller shall produce and supply

and the Buyer may purchase Ethanol from the Seller. However, any firm obligation to

purchase Ethanol by the Buyer shall only be pursuant to the issuance of one of more

purchase orders by the Buyer to the Seller setting out therein the relevant quantities

and other terms on which the Buyer may purchase Ethanol. Any purchase other issued

pursuant hereto shall be read in conjunction with this Agreement and to the extent of

any conflict or contradiction between the terms hereof and the terms of the purchase

order, the terms of the purchase order shall prevail.

3.2 There shall be periodic revision of “REth” = ₹ ___ per litre i.e. the cumulative procure-

ment price of Ethanol by IndianOil as given below:

a. For Ethanol, the revision in weighted avg. purchase price of Ethanol (for

the quarter of Ethanol supply year i.e. Dec to Nov period) by Mktg. division,

IndianOil at Tikrikalan, New Delhi.

b. Delivered rate per litre mentioned shall be inclusive of transportation costs etc.

c. Upon completion of every 3 years of the Concession Agreement there will be a

review of the pricing mechanism of Ethanol (REth) based on mutual agreement be-

tween the IndianOil and the Concessionaire.

d. Applicable Goods & Service Tax shall be paid extra on REth.

3.3 Currently the selling price of Ethanol for Q1 of Ethanol Supply year (ESY) i.e. Dec 2020

to Feb 2021 is ₹ 58.20/l.

3.4 If the purchase price of Ethanol is increased over a period by 1% (One percentage) or

more, and the fixed Ethanol procurement price i.e. REth shall be increased by the same

percentage increase.

3.5 Till the cumulative increase in the purchase price of Ethanol by Mktg. division, Indi-

anOil at Tikrikalan, New Delhi is less than 1%, there shall be no revision in the price of

Ethanol for the bidder.

3.6 The price review mechanism of Ethanol to be supplied by Concessionaire to IndianOil

shall be undertaken every 3 years from the date of commencement of supplies. In the

event that the Parties are unable to agree upon a price revision as aforesaid, the Buyer

may in its discretion terminate this Agreement.

3.7 Increase/decrease in excise duty, GST on the date of delivery during the scheduled de-

livery period on finished materials will be on IndianOil’s account. Any upward variation

in statutory levies after contractual delivery date shall be to Seller’sr’s account. The

distance may be considered as per route advised by Excise Dept. In case excise route

does not mention distance but only landmarks, shortest motorable distance between

landmarks may be considered. In other cases, shortest motorable distance would be



4.1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Seller shall sell and make available for

Delivery and the Seller shall purchase and take Delivery of the desired quantity and

quality of the ethanol at the Point of Sale in accordance with the Supply Schedule and

subject to the terms of any purchase orders issued by the Buyer from time to time. The

Supplier will effect delivered supply through sealed calibrated tank-trucks (calibrated

by statutory agencies and also complying to all statutory regulations) to Buyer’s (Indi-

anOil’s designated Points of Sale as per Buyer’s Supply Schedule and the terms of ap-

plication purchase orders and the Seller shall ensure desired quantity and quality at the

time of delivery.

4.2 The Seller shall be given reasonable access to the Point of Sale during normal business hours upon

reasonable prior notice; provided that the Seller’s access shall be without disruption to

the Buyer’s business operations at the Point of Sale.

4.3 The Seller will ensure that no malpractice with respect to ethanol being carried

takes place en-route.

4.4 The custody of Material will transfer from Seller to Buyer at the Point of Sale

,subject to quantity & quality checks (specifically prescribed in Clause 11 of this

Agreement) .

4.5 Delivery of the Ethanol sold pursuant this agreement shall be delivered to the Point

of Sale via tank trucks. The Seller understands and acknowledges that tank truck opera-

tions within the premises of the Buyer, including at the Points of Sale are subject to

the rules and procedures prescribed by the Buyer from time to time, which rules and

procedures shall be deemed to be incorporated herein nd shall be binding on the Seller.

The rules and procedures of Buyer’s locations will be binding for tank-truck and tank-

truck crew sent by the Seller.


All vendors shall have GST registration in the concerned State and vendor shall quote

their GSTN on the Invoice as applicableSeller shall submit the taxinvoice to the Buyer.

Provisions of TCS will be as applicable from time to time.


The Import fee/ Entry Tax & or LBT consideration amount wherever applicable has

been included in the delivered rate or the PO rate. However, the actual Import fees/

Entry Tax/ LBT, if paid by IndianOil, will be deducted from the payments due to the



a. At the time of the delivery of Ethanol, the Seller shall within a period of [] days

from the completion of delivery of Ethanol, issue a tax invoice, showing descrip-

tion, value, tax charged thereon and such other particulars as may be prescribed in

the applicable invoice rules.

b. Payments for Ethanol receipts will be made on submission of original tax invoice as


c. 100% payment shall be made within 21 days from date of receipt and acceptance

of Materials at our sites & submission of following documents in triplicate.

d. Provisions of TCS will be as applicable from time to time.


Department of Food & Public Distribution (DFPD) would provide a mechanism of certifi-

cation to differentiate Ethanol produced from B Heavy molasses and Sugarcane juice /

Sugar/ Sugar syrup route.


The Supply or Pay clause shall be applicable as the Price Reduction clause. The modali-

ties shall be as under:

a. The location/shall place monthly indents/schedule for supply of Ethanol by the

Sellerfor the the year and will be given along with the purchase order.

b. The Sellershall strictly adhere to the Supply Schedule and shall achieve supply per-

formance of min. 85% of monthly indents and min. 95% of indents on quarterly ba-

sis. If the Sellerdoes not achieve min. 85% on monthly basis and 95% on quarterly

basis, the Price Reduction Clause will apply.

c. If the supply falls below 85% during any month and also 95% during a quarter, an

amount equivalent to 1% of the basic cost shall be payable by the Seller for

d. the undelivered quantity ( 85% of the monthly indented quantity less supplied

quantity on month to month basis and/or 95% of quarterly indented quantity less

supplied quantity, whichever is higher) and these shall be deducted from the pay-

ment due to the Sellers or by encashing security deposit.

Offer for higher quantity for next month

a. In case, any Seller wishes to offer higher quantity for next month as compared to

pro-rata monthly indent he needs to submit written offer to concerned location

with one month advance notice, in case the location is in a position to receive such

higher quantity, the location will give written Revised Indent to the Seller for next

month. It may be noted that the higher monthly quantity offered is out of purchase

order quantity only.

b. In case of multiple sellers offering higher quantity, the additional quantity will be

distributed in proportion of original indent and The “Supply or Pay” Clause will be

applicable as above.

c. The pro-rata monthly indents as given along with purchase order will, however, be

effective for forthcoming months till contracted quantity is exhausted.

This option can be exercised multiple times subject to mutual agreement.

If the Seller is able to supply 100% of quarterly quantity as per purchase order in a

quarter, keeping the overall lapse due to TT capacity below 12 KL in the quarterly pur-

chase order quantity/pro-rata purchase order quantity and if Buyer is able to receive

the quantity at the same location or any other location, monthly penalty shall not be

applicable to the Seller.

Additionally if the Seller is able to supply 100% of the quantity as per purchase order

for the entire year including the quantity lapsed during the earlier quarters of the year

by the end of the particular year keeping the overall lapse due to TT capacity below 12

KL and if the IndianOil is able to receive the quantity at the same location or any other

location, then penalty shall not be applicable to the Seller .

IndianOil’s decision in the above cases shall be final.


11. The transit insurance for Ethanol being delivered at the Point of Sale will be in the

scope of the Seller. The rates quoted by the Sellershould be inclusive of insurance


The Buyer/ Buyer’s representative will check sample from each compartment of the

Tank-Truck to ensure that same meets desired specification (specifically set out in

Clause 2 of this Agreement) and thereafter take decision regarding acceptance/ rejec-

tion of the truck load. The decision of the Buyer regarding acceptance/ rejection on

quality ground will be binding on the Seller.

The Buyer/ Buyer’s representative will take dips of tank-trucks on receipt and perform

other quantity checks (before & after decanting). In case of any observed shortages/

malpractices, take any of following actions and Supplier will not have objection for the

same :

(i) Return the truck load, if major shortages are observed.

(ii) Book the shortages as observed and deduct the amount from pending bills of

the Seller.

If repeated/ major shortages are observed in truck loads, Buyers will have the right to

advise Seller not to send any particular truck, transporter and/or truck crew and Seller

will have to abide by the same.



The Seller, who within 15 days of placement of LOI by the Buyerlocation shall deposit a

bank guarantee or demand draft for an amount equivalent to 1% of the LOI value.

This bank guarantee shall be valid (shall remain in force) for guarantee period (as men-

tioned in the guarantee clause), with an invocation period of six months thereafter. As

per RBI guidelines, Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) has been adopted by

most of the Banks for online bank guarantee confirmations. IndianOil shall be incorpo-

rating the same system for bank guarantee verification & confirmations.

bank guarantee shall be given on a non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value. Bank

guarantee format is attached as per Annexure - I.

The Bank Guarantee shall be valid for the entire term of this Agreement and shall be

renewed by the Seller thirty (30) days before expiry of the existing Bank Guarantee.

The final or the last Bank Guarantee shall remain valid until six (6) months after the

expiry of the Term.

The Buyer shall have the right to enforce and encash the Bank Guarantee without any

demur or protest by the Seller or its bank and without any notice to the Seller in the

event of:

e) Agreement is terminated upon breach by the Seller of any provision(s) of this

Agreement; or

f) If the Seller fails to renew or extend or replace the Bank Guarantee at least

thirty (30) Days prior to the expiry of the Bank Guarantee (in case such renewal

becomes necessary due to any reason whatsoever); or

g) For any other breach of this Agreement, including any breach for which this

Agreement contemplates a right of invocation of the Bank Guarantee.

The Parties agree that the invocation of the Bank Guarantee in the aforesaid

circumstances constitutes is not by way of penalty, but towards damages that

would be incurred by the Buyer in the circumstances contemplated herein.


Definition: The term Force Majeure means any event or circumstance or combination of

events or circumstances that affects the performance by the Sellerr of its obligations

pursuant to the terms of this Contract(including by preventing, hindering or delaying

such performance), but only if and to the extent that such events and circumstances

are not within the Seller reasonable control and were not reasonably foreseeable and

the effects of which the Seller could not have prevented or overcome by acting as a

reasonable and prudent person or, by the exercise of reasonable skill and care. Force

Majeure events and circumstances shall in any event include the following events and

circumstances to the extent they or their consequences satisfy the requirements set

forth above in this Clause:

the effect of any element or other act of God, including any storm, flood, drought,

lightning, earthquake, tidal wave, tsunami, cyclone or other natural disaster;(ii) fire,

accident, loss or breakage of facilities or equipment, structural collapse or explosion;

epidemic, plague or quarantine; air crash, shipwreck, or train wreck; acts of war

(whether declared or undeclared), sabotage, terrorism or act of public enemy (includ-

ing the acts of any independent unit or individual engaged in activities in furtherance

of a programme of irregular warfare), acts of belligerence of foreign enemies (whether

declared or undeclared), blockades, embargoes, civil disturbance, revolution, rebellion

or insurrection, exercise of military or usurped power, or any attempt at usurpation of

power; (vi) radioactive contamination or ionizing radiation;

Notice and Reporting:

The Sellershall as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of commencement of

the event of Force Majeure, but in any event no later than seven (7) days after such

commencement date, notify IndianOil in writing of such event of Force Majeure and

provide the following information:

- reasonably full particulars of the event or circumstance of Force Majeure and the

extent to which any obligation will be prevented or delayed; such date of com-

mencement and an estimate of the period of time required to enable the Sellerto

resume full performance of its obligations; and all relevant information relating to

the Force Majeure and full details of the measures the Selleris taking to overcome

or circumvent such Force Majeure.

- The Seller shall, throughout the period during which it is prevented from perform-

ing, or delayed in the performance of, its obligations under this Agreement, upon

request, give or procure access to examine the scene of the Force Majeure includ-

ing such information, facilities and sites as the other Party may reasonably request

in connection with such event. Access to any facilities or sites shall be at the risk

and cost of the Party requesting such information and access.

Mitigation Responsibility:

The Seller shall use all reasonable endeavours, acting as a reasonable and prudent Per-

son, to circumvent or overcome any event or circumstance of Force Majeure as expedi-

tiously as possible, and relief under this Clause shall cease to be available to the Seller

claiming Force Majeure if it fails to use such reasonable endeavours during or following

any such event of Force Majeure.

(i) The Sellershall have the burden of proving that the circumstances constitute valid

grounds of Force Majeure under this Clause and that it has exercised reasonable

diligence efforts to remedy the cause of any alleged Force Majeure. The Seller

shall notify the Buyerwhen the Force Majeure has terminated or abated to an ex-

tent which permits resumption of performance to occur and shall resume perfor-

mance as expeditiously as possible after such termination or abatement.

Consequences of Force Majeure. Provided that the Seller has complied and continues to

comply with the obligations of this Clause and subject to the further provisions:

(i) the obligations of the Parties under this Contract to the extent performance there-

of is prevented or impeded by the event of Force Majeure shall be suspended and

the Parties shall not be liable for the non-performance thereof for the duration of

the period of Force Majeure; and

(ii) the time period(s) for the performance of the obligations of the Parties under this

Agreement to the extent performance thereof is prevented or impeded by the

event of Force Majeure shall be extended for the duration of the relevant period of

Force Majeure except as provided herein.

Force Majeure Events Exceeding 60 Days

(i) If an event or series of events (alone or in combination) of Force Majeure occur,

and continue for a period in excess of 60 consecutive days, then Buyershall have

the right to terminate this agreement, whereupon the Parties shall meet to miti-

gate the impediments caused by the Force Majeure event.

14. Representations and Warranties :

These representations and warranties shall survive the execution and delivery of this


14.1 The Seller represents and warrants to the Buyer that:

(a) The Seller is and shall continue to be in compliance with all applicable laws.

(b) The Seller has obtained all licenses, permissions, consents, approvals and

authorizations from any government/statutory authorities required under law, and all

management and shareholder approvals necessary to enable the Seller to perform its

obligations under this Agreement and all such necessary approvals, licenses,

permissions, consents, approvals and authorizations are valid and effective, and

covenants that the same shall remain valid and effective through the Term and shall

obtain any additional approvals, licenses, permissions, consents and authorizations that

are required to enable the Buyer to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

(c) The Seller and Project Facilities (as defined under the Concession Agreement) is not

under any liquidation, court receivership, or any similar legal proceedings nor any other

steps have been taken or notice received for its winding-up or dissolution.

(d) The Seller has in place /shall have the requisite infrastructure, facilities to perform its

obligations under the Agreement, and shall maintain the adequacy of its infrastructure

during the period of this Agreement, without any cost to Buyer.

(e) The Seller is the rightful owner of or has sufficient right, title and interest in Project

Facilities (as defined under the Concession Agreement), and tank trucks used for

transportation of Ethanol to the Point of Sale.

(f) The Seller has clear title to the Ethanol being sold under this Agreement and the Buyer

shall acquire the same, free from any encumbrances.

(g) The Seller shall supply and tender for delivery at the Point of Sale, Ethanol in the

quantities, at the times and at the prices determined in accordance with, and subject

to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the purchase orders, and that it has

necessary ability to do so.

(h) There is no restriction or impediment preventing the Seller from selling Ethanol to the

Buyer and from performing its obligations hereunder.

(i) The Seller shall not without the prior written consent of the Buyer, undertake or allow

any ‘Change in Constitution’. ‘Change in Constitution’ shall mean; (a) change in sole

proprietor of a sole proprietorship, (b) change in partner(s) of partnership firm or a

limited liability partnership, (c) change in member of a one person company, (d)

change in shareholder of a private limited company or unlisted public limited company,

(e) change in ‘promoter’ or any member of the ‘promoter group’ of a listed public

limited company, (f) change in committee representative (person identified as

‘committee representative’ in case of a registered co-operative society at the time of

making an application for appointment as CS) of registered co-operative society, or (g)

change in karta of a hindu undivided family, or (h) change in legal status.

(j) The Seller shall, within 15 days from the date of execution of Financing Documents,

provide to the Buyer the details of Lenders along with a copy of the Financing


(k) The Ethanol sold by the Seller to the Buyer under this Agreement shall be free from any

encumbrances or charges.

(l) The Seller further represents and warrants to the Buyer that:

(g) it is duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of its place of

incorporation and has the power, capacity and authority to own its assets and to

conduct its business as currently conducted and as contemplated herein;

(h) this Agreement has been duly executed by it and is a legal, valid and binding

document enforceable against it in accordance with its terms;

(i) the execution of this Agreement does not violate any law, or any document

constituting the Party, or any permit granted to such Party or any agreement to

which such Party is a party;

(j) it shall always act as a reasonable and prudent operator;

(k) it confirms that all its representations and warranties set forth in this

Agreement are independent of each other and true, complete and correct in all

respects at the time as of which such representations and warranties were

made or deemed made, and shall continue to have full effect during the period

of this Agreement; and

(l) It has the necessary power to perform its respective obligations under this


15. Indemnity and Liability:

a. The Seller shall at all times be liable and responsible for all losses, damages,

claims, actions, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses that may be suffered or

incurred by the Buyer, its directors, employees, and representatives due to the quality

of Ethanol not meeting the Specifications, non-compliance of statutory duty or non-

payment of taxes by the Seller.

b. The Seller shall indemnify and keep indemnified Buyer for all losses, damages,

claims, actions, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses that may be suffered or

incurred by the Buyer, its directors, employees, and representatives on account of use

of or damage due to tank truck and/or other facilities brought by Seller at the Point of

Sale unless such losses, damages, claims, actions, proceedings, costs, charges and

expenses arise due to gross negligence of the Buyer.

c. The Seller shall indemnify and keep indemnified Buyer and its employees,

officers and directors against any losses, damages, claims, actions, proceedings, costs,

charges and expenses that may be suffered or incurred by the Buyer on account of loss

or injury to any person in connection with performance of this Agreement, unless such

losses, damages, claims, actions, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses arise due

to gross negligence of the Buyer.

d. The indemnity provisions herein contained shall survive the expiry or

termination of this Agreement.

e. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable for

any remote, consequential, punitive and indirect loss or damage sustained by it as a re-

sult of any act or omission in the course of or in connection with the performance of

this Agreement.


In case where it is necessary for employees or representatives of the Seller to go upon

the premises of owner, Seller agrees to assume the responsibility for the proper con-

duct of such employees/representatives while on said premises and to comply with all

applicable Workmen’s Compensation Law and other applicable Government Regulations

and Ordinances and all plant rules and regulations particularly in regard to safety pre-

cautions and fire hazards. If this order requires Seller to furnish labour at site, such

Seller’s workmen or employees shall under no circumstances be deemed to be in own-

ers employment and Seller shall hold himself responsible for any claim or claims which

they or their heirs, dependent or personal representatives, may have or make, for

damages or compensation for anything done or committed to be done, in the course of

carrying out the work covered by the purchase order, whether arising at owners prem-

ises or elsewhere and agrees to indemnify the owner against any such claims, if made

against the owner and all costs of proceedings, suit or actions which owner may incur

or sustain in respect of the same.


Seller warrants that all goods/Materials covered by this order have been produced,

sold, dispatched, delivered and furnished in strict compliance with all applicable laws,

regulations, labour agreement, working condition and technical codes and statutory re-

quirements as applicable from time to time. The Seller shall ensure compliance with

the above and shall indemnify owner against any actions, damages, costs and expenses

of any failure to comply as aforesaid.


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, during the Term of this

Agreement, the Seller shall not enter into any agreement with any third party including

other Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) pertaining to supply of Ethanol. The Seller

agrees that it shall sell 100% of the Ethanol produced by it under the Concession

Agreement to the Buyer (or to nominees of the Buyer). The Seller agrees that the Buyer

shall not be subject to any restrictions as to exclusivity.


Whenever, any claim against Seller for payment of a sum of money arises out of earlier

contracts and/or under the current contract, the owner shall be entitled to recover

such sums from any sum then due or when at any time thereafter may become due

from the Seller under this or any other contract with the owner and should this sum be

not sufficient to cover the recoverable amount of claim(s), the Seller shall pay to Buyer

on demand the balance remaining due. All outstanding payments w.r.t. past EOIs will

be recovered from vendors running bills/BG if not settled by the Seller; unless the mat-

ter is sub-judice.


In case the testing and inspection at any stage by Inspectors reveal that the equipment,

materials and workmanship do not comply with specification and requirements, the

same shall be removed by the Seller at his/its own expense and risk, within the time al-

lowed by the owner. The owner shall be at liberty to dispose off such rejected goods in

such manner as he may think appropriate. In the event the vendor fails to remove the

rejected goods within the period as aforesaid, all expenses incurred by the owner for

such disposal shall be to the account of the vendor. The freight paid by the owner, if

any, on the inward journey of the rejected materials shall be reimbursed by the Seller

to the owner before the rejected materials are removed by the Seller. The Seller r will

have to proceed with the replacement of the equipment or part of equipment without

claiming any extra payment if so required by the owner. The time taken for replace-

ment in such event will not be added to the contractual delivery period.


Failure of the Owner to insist upon any of the terms or conditions incorporated in the

purchase order or failure or delay to exercise any rights or remedies herein, or by law

or failure to properly notify Seller in the event of breach, or the acceptance of or pay-

ment of any goods hereunder or approval of design shall not release the Seller and shall

not be deemed a waiver of any right of the Owner to insist upon the strict performance

thereof or of any of its or their rights or remedies as to any such goods regardless of

when such goods are shipped, received or accepted nor shall any purported oral modi-

fication or revision of the order by IOCL (NAME OF THE OIL COMPANY) act as waiver of

the terms hereof. Any waiver to be effective must be in writing. Any lone incident of

waiver of the any condition of this agreement by IOCL (NAME OF THE OIL COMPANY)

shall not be considered as a continuous waiver or waiver for other condition by IOCL



Buyer reserves the right to cancel the contract/purchase order or any part thereof

through a written notice to the Seller if-

a) The Seller fails to comply with the terms of this purchase order/contract;

b) The Seller becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation;

c) The Seller fails to deliver the goods on time and/or replace the rejected;goods


d) The Seller makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors;

e) A receiver is appointed for any of the property owned by the Seller .

Upon receipt of the said cancellation notice, the Seller shall discontinue all work on the

purchase order matters connected with it. Buyerin that event will be entitled to pro-

cure the requirement in the open market and recover excess payment over the vendors

agreed price if any, from the Seller and also reserving to itself the right to forfeit the

security deposit if any, made by the vendor against the contract. The Seller is aware

that the said goods are required by Buyerfor the ultimate purpose of materials produc-

tion and that non-delivery may cause loss of production and consequently loss of profit

to the Buyer. In this event of the Buyer exercising the option to claim damages for non

delivery other than by way of difference between the market price and the contract

price, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer, fair compensation to be agreed upon between

the Buyer and the Seller. The provision of this clause shall not prejudice the right of

Buyerfrom invoking the provisions of Price Reduction Clause

Seller shall be entirely responsible for the execution of the contract in all respects in

accordance with the terms and conditions as specified in the document.

Timely supplies are the essence of the contract. Applications for necessary

NOCs/Permits/Import/Export permits etc will be made available by the BuyerIt will be

the responsibility of the Sellerto arrange for all the approvals/clearances/permits for

supply of ethanol to the Point of Supply as per the Clause 4 “ of this Contract .


Any bribe, commission, gift or advantage given, promised or offered by the Seller or by

any body on his behalf, to the Buyeror any person on his behalf either friend or rela-

tive, in relation to obtaining or execution of this particular or any other contract/(s)

with the Buyer for showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to this particu-

lar or any other contract/s as aforesaid shall subject the Seller to the cancellation of

the particular and / or any other all contracts entered into with them by the Buyer and

also to payment of any loss or damage resulting from any such cancellation to the like

extent provided in the Agreement.

Any dispute or difference of opinion arising in respect of either the interpretation ef-

fect or application of this particular condition of the Contract or of the amount recov-

erable hereunder from the Seller shall be decided by Arbitrator and his decision shall

be final and conclusive.


This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of

India including without limitation, the relevant Central and State acts and the rules,

regulations and notifications issued and amended there under from time to time;

and subject to Clause 25 below, the courts of Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction

in relation to all disputes arising from or relating to the Agreement.


a. A Dispute shall be deemed to have arisen under this Agreement, when either

Party notifies the other Party of any issue, difference or dispute in writing to

that effect. ("Dispute").

b. Any Dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved amicably through

discussions in good faith with a view to expeditiously resolve such Dispute. In

the event the Dispute cannot be resolved amicably within a period of thirty (30)

days from the date of its occurrence, either Party may refer the Dispute for

resolution through conciliation in accordance with provisions of Indian Oil

Conciliation Rules, if applicable.

c. In the event of non-resolution of Dispute by conciliation within a period of sixty

(60) days (or any period thereafter, which the Parties may agree to mutually

extend) or non-applicability of IndianOil Conciliation Rules, the Parties agree to

settle the Dispute by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of SCOPE Forum

of Conciliation and Arbitration (SFCA). The venue for arbitration shall be New

Delhi and the language of arbitration shall be English. The arbitrator shall pass

a reasoned award and the award of arbitrator shall be final and binding on the


d. When a matter is referred to resolution under this Clause 25, it shall not

prevent or constitute a valid excuse for either Party from performing their

respective obligations (to the extent possible) under this Agreement.


The Parties agree that the provision of Article ... pertaining to Confidentiality under

the Concession Agreement shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Agreement


A copy of the General Instruction to Bidder, Definitions, Special conditions and

Amendments in the Bid document is deemed to be incorporated by reference into this

agreement & the parties have studied and agreed to be bound by the same by signing

this agreement.

Both the parties acknowledge and agree that this agreement is executed in pursuance

to the Govt. of India National Policy on Biofuels / Ethanol blending programme and this

agreement may be amended in line with any revisions / amendments / modifications /

instructions issued by the Govt. of India in this regard.

This agreement is subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in our schedule and or

following purchase order / LOI and subsequent amendments, if any, issued from time to


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed these presents on the day and year

first hereinabove mentioned.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited Concessionaire

(Authorized Signatory) (Authorized Signatory)

Name :

Designation :

Date :

Place: New Delhi

Name :

Designation :

Date :

Place: New Delhi

Witnesses: Witnesses:













Alternate Energy & Sustainable Development,

5th Floor, Core-6, SCOPE Complex,

New Delhi-110003.

Dear Sirs,

In consideration of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Alternate Energy & Sustainable Develop-

ment, Planning & Business Development Division) (hereinafter called “the Corporation” which

expression shall include its successors and assigns), having awarded certain work for and rela-

tive to Supply of Ethanol to IndianOil under Concession Agreement signed with

______________________________ (Name and address of the Contractor) (hereinafter called

“the Contractor” which expression shall include its successors and assigns), upon certain terms

and conditions inter-alia mentioned in the Corporation’s Letter of Intent No. __________ dated

_________ read with the relative Tender Documents (hereinafter collectively called “the Con-

tract”, which expression shall include any formal contract entered into between the Corpora-

tion and the Contractor in supersession of the said Letter of Intent and all amendments and/or

modifications in the contract) inclusive of the condition that the Corporation may accept a

Bank Guarantee/Undertaking of a Scheduled Bank in India in lieu of Cash Deposit of the Initial

Security Deposit as provided for in Conditions of Contract (Bank Guarantee) forming part of the

said Letter of Intent.

We _____________________ (Name of the Bank), a body registered/constituted under the

_____________________ Act, having our Registered Office/Head Office at _______________

(hereinafter called “the Bank” which expression shall include its successors and assigns), at the

request of the Contractor and with the intent to bind the Bank and its successors and assigns,

do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay to the Corporation at New Delhi

forthwith on first demand without protest or demur or proof or satisfaction and without refer-

ence to this guarantee up to an aggregate limit of ₹ [insert].

AND the Bank doth hereby further agrees as follows :-

i. This Guarantee/Undertaking shall be a continuing guarantee and shall remain valid and

irrevocable for all claims of the Corporation upon the Bank made up to the midnight

of ……………………… provided that the Bank shall upon the written request of the Corpora-

tion made upon the Bank at any time within 6 (six) months from the said date extend the

validity of the Bank Guarantee by a further 6 (six) months so as to enable claims to be

made under this Guarantee by a further 6 (six) months from the said date with the intent

that the validity of this Guarantee shall automatically stand extended by a further 6 (six)

months upon such request by the Corporation.

ii. The Corporation shall have the fullest liberty without reference to the Bank and without

affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee/Undertaking, at any

time and/or from time to time to amend or vary the Contract and/or any of the terms

and conditions thereof or relative to the said Initial Security Deposit or to extend time

for performance of the said Contract in whole or part or to postpone for any time and/or

from time to time any of the obligations of the Contractor and/or the powers or reme-

dies exercisable by the Corporation against the Contractor and either to enforce or for-

bear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions of or governing the said Contract or

the said Initial Security Deposit or the securities available to the Corporation or any of

them and the Bank shall not be released from its liability under these presents and the

liability of the Bank hereunder shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any

exercise by the Corporation of the liberty with reference to any or all the matters afore-

said or by reason of time being given to the Contractor or any other forbearance, act or

omission on the part of the Contractor or of any indulgence by the Corporation to the

Contractors or of any other act, matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating

to sureties or otherwise which could but for the provision have the effect of releasing

the Bank from its liability hereunder or any part thereof and the Bank hereby specifically

waives any and all contrary rights whatsoever.

iii. The obligations of the Bank to the Corporation hereunder shall be as principal to princi-

pal and shall be wholly independent of the contract and it shall not be necessary for the

Corporation to proceed against the Contractor before proceeding against the Bank and

the Guarantee/Undertaking herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank not-

withstanding the existence of any other Guarantee/undertaking or security for any in-

debtedness of the Contractor to the Corporation (including relative to the said Security

Deposit) and notwithstanding that any such undertaking or security shall at the time

when claim is made against the Bank or proceedings taken against the Bank hereunder,

be outstanding or unrealised.

iv. The amount stated by the Corporation in any demand, claim or notice made with refer-

ence to this guarantee shall as between the Bank and the Corporation for the purpose of

these presents be conclusive of the amount payable by the Bank to the Corporation


v. The liability of the Bank to the Corporation under this Guarantee/undertaking shall re-

main in full force and effect notwithstanding the existence of any difference or dispute

between the Contractor and the Corporation, the Contractor and the Bank and/or the

Bank and the Corporation or otherwise howsoever touching or affecting these presents

for the liability of the Contractor to the Corporation, and notwithstanding the existence

of any instructions or purported instructions by the Contractor or any other person to the

Bank not to pay or for any cause withhold or defer payment to the Corporation under

these presents, with the intent that notwithstanding the existence of such difference,

dispute or instruction, the Bank shall be and remain liable to make payment to the Cor-

poration in terms hereof.

vi. The Bank shall not revoke this undertaking during its currency except with

the constitution of the Contractor or the Bank or the Corporation shall not discharge the

Bank’s liability hereunder.

vii. Without prejudice to any other mode of service, a demand or claim or other communi-

cation may be transmitted by fax. If transmitted by fax, the transmission shall be com-

plete as soon as acknowledged by bank.

viii. Notwithstanding anything contained herein:

a. The Bank’s liability under this guarantee/undertaking shall not exceed ₹ [insert];

b. This guarantee/undertaking shall remain in force up to ……………………. and any ex-

tension(s) thereof; and

c. The Bank shall be released and discharged from all liability under this guaran-

tee/undertaking unless a written claim or demand is issued to the Bank on or be-

fore [insert] or the date of expiry of any extension(s) thereof if this guaran-

tee/undertaking has been extended.

ix. The Bank doth hereby declare that Shri ______________ (Name of the person signing on

behalf of the Bank) who is _______________ (his designation), is authorised to sign this

undertaking on behalf of the Bank and to bind the Bank hereby.

Dated this ____ day _____ of 202__.

Yours faithfully,

Signature: ______________________

Name & Designation: _____________

Name of the Branch: ______________

Dated: _________________________