subject pronouns & verb endings review. subject pronouns yo = i tu = you el, ella, ud. = he,...

Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review

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Page 1: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings


Page 2: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Subject PronounsYo = ITu = youEl, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal)Nosotros = WeEllos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you guys

Page 3: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

-AR Verbs● You can tell which verbs are AR verbs by

looking at the he/she ending (which is the form we learned the verbs . If it ends in an -A, use these endings… Examples: camina, habla, baila, salta, etc.

● Make a list of all the -AR verbs you can think of (or find in your notes).

● You have 2 minutes! GO!

Page 4: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

-AR Verb Endings (w/ subject pronouns)

-AR (to …)Yo -O

(I …)Tu -As(you…)El, Ella, Ud. -A(he,she,you…)Nosotros -Amos (we…)Ellos, Uds. -An (they, ya’ll…)

Page 5: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

EXAMPLEGritar = to yell I want to yell.

Quiero gritar.(yo)

Grito = I yell

(tu) Gritas =

you yell(el,ella, Ud)

Grita = he,she,you yells

(nosotros) Gritamos = we yell

(ellos, Uds.)Gritan = they,

ya’ll yell

Page 6: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Conjugate (Change) the following verbs into all their forms & TRANSLATE

Caminar to walk Hablar to talk

Camino I walkHablo I talkCaminas you walk Hablas

you talkCamina he,she,you walks Habla

he,she talksCaminamoswe walk Hablamos we talkCaminan they/ya’ll walk Hablan

they/ya’ll talk

*Move the boxes to check your work!

Page 7: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Translate to the proper formsI dance Yo bailoyou yell tu gritashe spills el derramashe looks for ella buscathey decorate ellos decoranwe jumpnosotros saltan

*move the box to check your answers!

Page 8: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

More conjugation practiceIf you have a sentence and you need to change your verb to the correct form, you must FIRST find your subject (or subjects). Then figure out what it’s supposed to say. Then choose the correct ending. For example: Tu y yo (cantar) en la clase. The subjects are tu and yo (which would be you and I, which would be we) then change it to the we ending. Tu y yo (cantamos) en la clase.

Page 9: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Conjugate these verbs

Tu (dar) regalos a tu mama. Uds. no (bailar) bien.La girafa (estar) en la casa. Yo (saltar) sobre el gato.Maria (derramar) la limonada. Yo quiero(visitar) Japan. Tu y Mary (hablar) por telefono. Fred y yo (buscar) zanahorias.

* check your answers on the next slide

(remember, find your subjects first & then figure out what the sentence is supposed to say to help you figure out your ending)

Page 10: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Answers...Tu (das) regalos a tu mama. Uds. no (bailan) bien.La girafa (esta) en la casa. Yo (salto) sobre el gato.Maria (derrama) la limonada. Yo quiero (visitar) Japan. (This doesn’t change - you want to say “to visit” so leave the -ar endingTu y Mary (you guys) (hablan) por telefono. Fred y yo (buscamos) zanahorias.

Page 11: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Now you write…1.Select 7 -ar verbs from your list.2.Write an original sentence for each in

which you vary the subject. 3. Below each Spanish sentence, write the

English translation.4. Underline your subjects and circle your


* if you finish early, study for the semester exam!

Page 12: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Get out your sentences from yesterday

Switch your sentences with a neighbor. Read the sentences and check their work. Did they identify the full subject? Did they put the correct ending on the verb to match the subject? If you think the ending is wrong, write what you think it should be in the margin.Then switch your partner’s sentences with a new person.They need to do the same thing as you did. Then return the sentences to the owner. Each person should have 2 people review their work.

Page 13: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

-ER & - IR Verbs● You can tell which verbs are -ER & -IR

verbs by looking at the he/she ending (which is the form we learned the verbs . If it ends in an -E, it’s either an -ER or an -IR verb.

● We’ve only learned 8 -er verbs (recoge, vuele, corre, quiere, pone, tiene, bebe, come)

● We’ve only learned 5 -ir verbs (pide, abre, recibe, vive, duerme)

Page 14: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

-ER Verb Endings (with subject pronouns)

-ER (to …)Yo -O (I …)Tu -Es (you…)El, Ella, Ud. -E(he,she,you…)Nosotros -Emos (we…)Ellos, Uds. -En (they, ya’ll…)

Page 15: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

-IR Verb Endings (same as -er except the we

form)-IR (to …)Yo -O (I …)Tu -Es (you…)El, Ella, Ud. -E (he,she,you…)Nosotros -Imos (we…) (the only

different ending)

Ellos, Uds. -En (they, ya’ll…)

Page 16: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

ExampleAbrir = to live Yo quiero abrir el regalo.

I want to open the gift.

(yo) Abro = I yell

(tu) Abres = you yell

(el,ella, Ud) Abre = he,she,you yells

(nosotros) Abrimos = we yell

(ellos, Uds.)Abren = they, ya’ll yell

Page 17: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Conjugate (Change) the following verbs into all their forms & TRANSLATEComer Vivir

Comer to eat Vivir to liveComo I eat Vivo I liveComes you eat Vives you liveCome he,she,you eats Vive he,she, you livesComemos we eat Vivimos we liveComen they/ya’ll eat Viventhey/ya’ll live

*Move the boxes to check your work!

Page 18: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Translate to the proper formsshe drinks Ella bebeyou sleep Tu duermeshe has El tieneI want Yo quierothey pick ask for ellos pidenwe pick up nosotros recogemos

*move the box to check your answers!

Page 19: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Conjugate these verbs

Tu y yo (abrir) abrimos (you & I = we)Mike y Mary (correr) correnUd. (poner)poneElla y mi hermana (vivir) viven (she & my sister


* check your answers on the next slide

Page 20: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Stem-Changers We’ve learned several verbs that are a special type of verb called a Stem-Changer.There are several types of stem changers. You must know which verbs stem change & make sure you learn their original form so you can recognize them and conjugate them correctly.Remember, in the “we” form, they don’t stem change.

Page 21: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

O-UE stem changers**Encontrar Dormir Colgar Voler (to…)Encuentro duermo cuelgo vueloEncuentras duermes cuelgas vueles*Encuentra duerme cuelga vuele***Encontramos dormimos colgamos volemosencuentran duermen cuelgan vuelen*Notice the we form reverts to the spelling of the original verb.

*the form we learned **the original form***the we form

Page 22: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

E-IE & E-I stem changersCerrar Tener Querer Pedir (to…)Cierro tengo * quiero pidoCierras tienes quieres pidescierra tiene quiere pidecerramos tenemos queremospedimosCierran tienen quieren piden

*Notice the tengo form - it’s irregular. It doesn’t stem change and it adds a “g”.

the form we learned the original formthe we form

Page 23: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Other Irregular VerbsOther verbs we’ve learned are “irregular” in some other way. It’s important to know these “irregular” verbs and all their forms. Make sure you have each of these in your notes and how they change.

Page 24: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Irregular Verbs...Ser - to be Ir - to gosoy voyeres vases vasomos vamosson van*there’s more...

Page 25: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

More...Tener Poner Dar EstarTengo pongo Doy EstoyTienes pones Das Estastiene pone DaEstatenemos ponemos Damos EstamosTienen ponen Dan Estan

& more...

Page 26: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Even More… Levantate, Sientate, Tocate

These 2 verbs we focused on the command form. But when we conjugate them, they have an EXTRA pronoun you must put in front.

Levantarse (to stand/lift *Sentarse (to sit Tocarse (to touchMe levanto oneself) Me siento oneself) Me toco oneself)Te levantas Te sientas Te tocasSe levanta Se sienta Se tocaNos levantamos Nos sentamos Nos tocamosSe levantan Se sientan Se tocan


Page 27: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

Conjugate these verbs!Yo (cerrar)

nosotros (vivir)

Uds. (buscar)

Tu (decorar)

Yo (dormir)

Tu y yo (recoger)

Yo (saltar).

Ellas (comer).

Nosotros (beber).

Tu (cocinar).

Ella (saltar).

Ellos (pedir)

Check your work when your done. Answers are on thenext page.

Check your work!Answers on nextSlide.

Page 28: Subject Pronouns & Verb Endings Review. Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tu = you El, Ella, Ud. = He, She, You (formal) Nosotros = We Ellos, Uds. = They, Y’all/you

AnswersYo cierro

nosotros vivimos

Uds. buscan

Tu decoras

Yo duermo

Tu y yo recogemos

Yo salto

Ellas comen

Nosotros bebemos

Tu cocinas

Ella salta

Ellos piden