subject: geography...the kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to...

Subject: Geography Year 8 - Brazil Dear Students, Each week in Geography you will be expected to complete a piece of work that should take you between 1 to 2 hours. This is the minimum expectation and there are lots of other useful things you could spend your time completing in your free time as listed below: Watching Documentaries: Chasing Ice Blue Planet Planet Earth Life Severn Worlds One Planet Horizons: We need to talk about population National Geographic Explore the following websites: BBC Bitesize Geoguessr Google Maps Gapminder Kids World Travel Guide World Atlas Read the following books: Our Place by Mark Cocker Adventures of a young naturalist by David Attenborough Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall Population and Development – Tim Dyson Factfulness by Hans Rosling Adventures through the Anthropocene by Gaia Vince Week Title of work Learning Intentions: Deadline 1 What are the characteristics of the Amazon rainforest? Know the geographical location of tropical rainforests around the world Know the structure of the rainforest and the characteristics of each layer Explain the climate of the tropical rainforest Friday 27 th March 2020 2 What are the threats to the Amazon rainforest? Know the causes of deforestation and why these threats are increasing Understand the impacts of deforestation Explain the ways in which rainforests can be sustainably managed Friday 3rd April 2020 3 What are uncontacted tribes? To understand what an uncontacted tribe is To consider the threats to the tribes and their way of life To evaluate whether tribes should be left uncontacted Friday 10 th April 2020 4 What is globalization? How does it affect tribes? To understand the concept of globalisation To explore an example of globalization through Apple iphones To assess the impact of globalization on tribes Friday 17 th April 2020 5 What are the characteristics of the Amazon river? To understand how a waterfall forms To explain how a meander forms Friday 24 th April 2020 6 What is migration and how does it affect Brazil? To understand the concept of migration To understand the reasons as to why people migrate Friday 1 st May 2020 Any questions about your work, please email your class teacher and they will get back to you as soon as they can. Mr Mullins ([email protected]) Mrs Dawson ([email protected]) Mrs Tahir ([email protected]) Mr Tsintas ([email protected]) Mr Reed ([email protected])

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Page 1: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Subject: Geography

Year 8 - Brazil Dear Students,

Each week in Geography you will be expected to complete a piece of work that should take you between 1 to 2

hours. This is the minimum expectation and there are lots of other useful things you could spend your time

completing in your free time as listed below:

Watching Documentaries:

Chasing Ice

Blue Planet

Planet Earth


Severn Worlds One Planet

Horizons: We need to talk about population

National Geographic

Explore the following websites:

BBC Bitesize


Google Maps


Kids World Travel Guide

World Atlas

Read the following books:

Our Place by Mark Cocker

Adventures of a young naturalist by David Attenborough

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall

Population and Development – Tim Dyson

Factfulness by Hans Rosling

Adventures through the Anthropocene by Gaia Vince

Week Title of work Learning Intentions: Deadline

1 What are the characteristics of the Amazon rainforest?

Know the geographical location of tropical rainforests around the world

Know the structure of the rainforest and the characteristics of each layer

Explain the climate of the tropical rainforest

Friday 27th March 2020

2 What are the threats to the Amazon rainforest?

Know the causes of deforestation and why these threats are increasing

Understand the impacts of deforestation

Explain the ways in which rainforests can be sustainably managed

Friday 3rd April 2020

3 What are uncontacted tribes?

To understand what an uncontacted tribe is

To consider the threats to the tribes and their way of life

To evaluate whether tribes should be left uncontacted

Friday 10th April 2020

4 What is globalization? How does it affect tribes?

To understand the concept of globalisation

To explore an example of globalization through Apple iphones

To assess the impact of globalization on tribes

Friday 17th April 2020

5 What are the characteristics of the Amazon river?

To understand how a waterfall forms

To explain how a meander forms

Friday 24th April 2020

6 What is migration and how does it affect Brazil?

To understand the concept of migration

To understand the reasons as to why people migrate

Friday 1st May 2020

Any questions about your work, please email your class teacher and they will get back to you as soon as they can.

Mr Mullins ([email protected])

Mrs Dawson ([email protected])

Mrs Tahir ([email protected])

Mr Tsintas ([email protected])

Mr Reed ([email protected])

Page 2: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Week 1. Title: What are the characteristics of the Amazon rainforest?

TASK 1: Complete a description of the location of

the Amazon rainforest using the map and the

success criteria at the bottom of the page.

EXTENSION: Complete descriptions for a rainforest

in Asia and Africa

TASK 2: Find a diagram of the structure of the

rainforest online (use, make

a sketch in pencil and add the labels to the correct layer

of the rainforest.

Challenge: Add the height in metres, amount of

sunlight, examples of animals that live in different


TASK 3: Use the climate graph to the left to

describe the climate of the rainforest.

Remember that a climate graph includes both

rainfall (bar chart, measured in mm) and

temperature (line graph, measured in degrees

celsius). Describe the climate of the tropical

rainforest across the year, including:

When are rainfall and temperature highest

and lowest?

What is the general trend for temperature

and rainfall – where are there significant


Anomalies or exceptions – are there any

months that don’t follow the general pattern?

Further research / information:

Find 3 examples of how animals that have adapted to the rainforest – how does the adaptation help?

Find 3 examples of how plants that have adapted to the rainforest – how does the adaptation help?

Why are rainforests located near the equator? How important is the sun to the location of rainforests?

Find a climate graph for Rio de Janeiro & describe it. What are the key differences compared to the rainforest?

Page 3: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Week 2 - Title: What are the threats to the Amazon rainforest?

TASK 1: Describe and explain 3 causes of

deforestation. Use the example paragraph to

understand how descriptions and explanations

must be completed in different ways. Use mineral

extraction as an example of how to complete the

task, and describe and explain 3 of the 4 other

causes of deforestation.

TASK 2: Create a table like the one below:

Write out the statement under the correct

heading on your piece of paper.

Social = impacts on people, communities,

population and their opportunities

Economic = impacts on jobs, income,


Environmental = impacts on natural areas,

plants and animals

Task 3

Use the following BBC bitesize webpage: (or google “bitesize

management tropical rainforests” and select the 1st result that is given).

This will give you information on 4 ways rainforests can be sustainably managed, so the rainforest stays intact but

humans can use the forest to generate income and help development. The 4 strategies are:

Logging and replanting



International agreements.

For each type of sustainable management, research further and find out:

1 example of a country where this strategy is used

A description of what the management is and how it helps

2 advantages of the management strategy

2 disadvantages of the management strategy

Social Economic Environmental

Page 4: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Week 3: Title: What are uncontacted tribes?

Task 1: Use the description in

the box to the left to come up

with a definition for what an

uncontacted tribe is.

To help put your definition

together, consider how their

lives are much different to

yours using the following


How they live

Health and food



Conduct further research on

the Kayapo tribe to find out

more ways in which their lives

are different to yours.

Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide

which is the greatest threat to uncontacted

tribes in the Amazon. Rank them from 1 to

6 and complete an explanation as to why

you feel it is the biggest threat. Consider

the research and information you have

already found out before you make your

decision. Also consider which would be the

biggest threats in the short and long term.

Task 3: Consider in your opinion whether you think that the tribes should remain uncontacted, or whether they

should be encouraged to become part of modern society and leave traditional ways of life behind. Consider:

How young people in the tribes will feel, knowing about opportunities in cities

Elders wanting to keep traditions alive

The loss of unique culture, way of life, language, traditions

Tribal life is much more sustainable and in harmony with the environment than many cities

If rainforests are completely protected, there will be many opportunities for business and tourism that

will be lost

Write a diary entry from the viewpoint of an elder tribe member, and a young tribe member. How will their views

be different? What do they see as the best way forward?

The Kayapo Indians are one of the main tribes in the Amazon Brazil. Their first steady contact with Europeans did not occur until the 1950s. Since then, they have had contact with loggers, miners, and eventually Brazilian government officials. Logging and mining, particularly for gold, have posed threats to the Kayapos' traditional way of life. Other threats have included agricultural activities and cattle-ranching in cleared-out sections of the jungle.

The Kayapos live in thatched-roof huts without room divisions. The thatch for the roofs is made of palm leaves. Instead of using mattresses, the bedding usually consists of hammocks. Health protection is achieved through the use of medicinal roots and herbs. The Kayapos also have medicine men. For transport the Kayapos use canoes to travel long distances in the Amazon. They can also trek for days or weeks at a time. The Kayapos live in large family groups in villages. The women harvest the family's garden for vegetables. They also prepare body paint with the help of their children. Colour dyes are created from mixed fruits and charcoal. The men hunt and fish. Every husband will usually have between two and three wives, each with several children.

Fish is a main source of protein in the Kayapos' diet. Wild fruits and Brazil nuts are eaten. Vegetables are harvested, and animals such as monkey and turtle are hunted. Kayapos are skilled hunters. They use blowguns and darts dipped in a type of poison called curare, which instantly paralyzes an animal.

Page 5: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Week 4: Title: What is globalization? How does it affect tribes?

Task 1: Use the following text to produce your own definition of globalisation.

Globalisation involves the flow of people, goods, ideas and money worldwide. This is creating a complex web of

interdependence, connecting people around the world. These connections can include:

Transnational corporations (companies operating in more than 1 country), manufacturing, and the global

transportation of goods and products around the world

Growth of social networks such as Facebook and communication media such as Facetime and Skype

Organisations such as the United Nations allow collaborations to happen between numerous governments

Information about news and events spread around the world instantly, as well as global releases of films and

music, and this is accelerated by people touring around the world.

What are the 4 elements of globalization? Which of these elements affect your life?

Task 2: Read the information

about Apple phones being

produced in China and answer

the following:

a) Why is Apple a symbol of


b) Identify 4 reasons why

Apple produces phones in


c) Use who, what, where,

when and why to describe the

Foxconn factory in China

d) Identify positive and

negative factors about the

Foxconn factory.

Task 3: The text to the left

details the impacts of

globalization on the Matis

tribe in Brazil. Explain:

Which impacts are related

to the health of the tribe?

Which impacts are related

to the culture of the tribe?

How are outside influences

affecting tribes?

How are technology, global

trade and travel opportunities

affecting tribes? Which

members of the tribe will have

positive and negative views of


Use further research to

discover other impacts of

globalization, for example the

threat of deforestation.

Page 6: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Week 5: Title: What are the characteristics of the Amazon river?

Task 1: There are 4 stages of the

formation of a waterfall. Sketch out each

stage and then add the correct label

underneath the diagram.

Challenge: Add the 2 types of erosion to

the diagram explained below:

Abrasion – The sandpaper effect of rocks

in the water eroding the riverbank

Hydraulic action – the force of the water

putting pressure on the riverbank

Task 2:

Make a version of the diagram below on paper, being careful to add the red line exactly as it is on the diagram as this

red line shows where the fastest flow happens in a meander. Then add the following labels onto the diagram:

Erosion happens on the bank closest to the fastest flow, creating a river cliff

On the opposite bank to the fastest flow, the water is shallow and slow, and so deposition occurs

The land between the meanders shrinks as the erosion on the outside bend forces them closer together

Eventually, the meanders join up as the river breaks through the land.

The old meander loop gets cut from the main river channel due to deposition

Softer rock erodes more quickly creating a plunge pool.

Page 7: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Then, using your new knowledge, add the correct label on the cross section of the meander below, to show what the

river looks like due to the processes occurring.

Use the following website to help you if you are stuck:

Research and find out the following information about the Amazon river itself:

How many countries does it flow through?

How long is the Amazon river (in miles)?

How wide is the mouth of the Amazon river (where it meets the Atlantic ocean)?

Where is the source of the Amazon river (where it starts)?

What is the largest city the river passes through?

What opportunities does the river provide for people, socially and economically?

What challenges does the river present for people, socially and economically?

What is the largest species of snake found in the river?

Page 8: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Week 6: Title: What is migration and how does it affect Brazil?

Task 1: Match up the definition to the keyword:

Task 2: Add these spider diagrams onto your page and decide which factors are pull factors, which factors are push

factors and add them onto the correct spider diagram. Come up with your own set of at least 2 more factors for each

spider diagram for someone living in the UK and someone living in Brazil.

Task 3: You have been given the case study of Margarita, a 28 year old woman who lives in a rainforest village and

needs to make a major decision in her life. Create a storyboard, with sketched cartoon diagrams for each of the

statements below to help bring her story to life.


International Migration



movement from one country to another

People who move into another country

movement of people from one permanent home to another. This movement changes the population of a place.

People who leave their country

Push factors –

Reasons to leave a


Pull factors –

reasons to move

to a new area

Page 9: Subject: Geography...the Kayapo tribe to find out more ways in which their lives are different to yours. Task 2: Use the boxes to the right to decide which is the greatest threat to

Task 4: Weigh up the statements and decide whether she should go or not. You could number the statements and

add them onto a diagram of a see-saw to help you make your decision. Use the terms social, economic,

environmental, short term and long term in your explanations.


Compile a tourism guide for the top 5 tourist destinations and sights in Brazil, including the Christ the

Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. Why do people want to visit? How does these destinations affect locals

positively and negatively?

Research some of Brazil’s major mining and resource companies. What are their main industries? How do

they positively affect Brazil and what are their negative impacts?

Prepare a presentation on the Rio Olympics 2016. Were they a success or failure?