subject: digital bootcamps con 6044 - digital bootcamps …€¦ · con_ 6044 - digital bootcamps...

Page 1 of 39 Last updated: 27 August 2020 Robb Tabb Policy Lead: Employment and Skills Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mann Island Liverpool L3 1BP 27 August 2020 Subject: Digital Bootcamps con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region> Dear Rob, On behalf of the Secretary of State for Education, I would like to offer Liverpool City Region Combined Authority a grant on the terms of the enclosed funding agreement. The grant will be paid under Section 14 of the Education Act 2002, and will accordingly be paid only in respect of approved expenditure incurred by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority for the purpose of the funded activities. This Grant is to provide Digital Bootcamp training across Liverpool City Region, aligned to employer needs and directly linked to employment opportunities, and is more fully described at Annex F attached. Summary description of the Project This initiative will test whether Digital Bootcamps can support local regions and employers to fill skills shortages, by bringing participating individuals closer to better jobs through guaranteed interviews. The key features of the model are: Employers must be involved in determining the training on offer it must deliver the skills they need to be able to recruit. Individuals aged 19+ (can be in work, recently unemployed within 12 months or looking for work e.g. coming back into the workforce) Training must be delivered flexibly to allow people currently in work, looking for work or with caring or other responsibilities to participate Recruit trainees using fair and open processes producing a cohort that reflects the ethnic diversity of the local area

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  • Page 1 of 39 Last updated: 27 August 2020

    Robb Tabb Policy Lead: Employment and Skills Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Mann Island Liverpool L3 1BP

    27 August 2020

    Subject: Digital Bootcamps

    con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region> Dear Rob, On behalf of the Secretary of State for Education, I would like to offer

    Liverpool City Region Combined Authority a grant on the terms of the

    enclosed funding agreement. The grant will be paid under Section 14 of the

    Education Act 2002, and will accordingly be paid only in respect of approved

    expenditure incurred by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority for the

    purpose of the funded activities.

    This Grant is to provide Digital Bootcamp training across Liverpool City

    Region, aligned to employer needs and directly linked to employment

    opportunities, and is more fully described at Annex F attached.

    Summary description of the Project

    This initiative will test whether Digital Bootcamps can support local regions

    and employers to fill skills shortages, by bringing participating individuals

    closer to better jobs through guaranteed interviews. The key features of the

    model are:

    • Employers must be involved in determining the training on offer – it

    must deliver the skills they need to be able to recruit.

    • Individuals aged 19+ (can be in work, recently unemployed within 12

    months or looking for work e.g. coming back into the workforce)

    • Training must be delivered flexibly to allow people currently in work,

    looking for work or with caring or other responsibilities to participate

    • Recruit trainees using fair and open processes producing a cohort

    that reflects the ethnic diversity of the local area

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    • Encourage gender diversity, be looking for a minimum of 50% female


    • Each individual trained through a bootcamp must have a guaranteed

    interview with a participating employer – we are looking for 75% to move

    into a new job or new role1.

    • Aiming for 60% SME involvement.

    • Training to be pitched at level 3 (or equivalent) and above, –

    technician level or higher and last approximately 12 weeks. We are not

    looking for entry level skills.

    • Employers should co-fund the training with a contribution in cash or

    in-kind (time, venue, equipment etc) or by paying a recruitment fee for


    Also, employers and providers must agree to work with DfE appointed

    evaluation experts to provide data to fully evaluate the results, including:

    • Numbers of employers involved by size

    • Levels and details of employer co-funding achieved

    • Numbers of and personal details/demographic data for all applicants

    (including those not successful to allow for selection of a control group)

    • Data on individual levels of training engagement and achievement

    (e.g. how many hours participants engage with the course, number of


    • Details of job interviews carried out by employers and the success


    • Track successful candidates at 6 months to determine continued


    • Participate in qualitative interviews (led by the evaluation contractor)

    to reflect on implementation and identify lessons learned for future roll-out.

    This correspondence constitutes a Grant Offer Letter. This letter will form an

    integral part of the Grant Agreement. The offer is subject to the provisions,

    limitations and conditions set out below and in the DfE general grant terms

    and conditions.

    I am pleased to inform you that the Department is willing to offer you funding

    of up to £1,000,000 (One Million Pounds) for the period from 1 September

    2020 to 31 March 2021.

    This offer is subject to the terms and conditions set out below, and to the

    attached Department for Education general Grant Terms and Conditions2 .

    1 This can include an apprenticeship but the apprenticeship must show progression of learning, not a repeat of the Digital Bootcamp content 2

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    You should read all annexes and general T&Cs carefully before accepting the

    offer of funding. Failure to observe these terms and conditions may result in

    the funding being withdrawn.

    Complying with new Government policies

    The grant funding is provided on the strict understanding that none of this

    funding is to be used for advertising, marketing, communications and

    consultancy, or for any costs associated with the maintenance, technical

    development or updating of existing websites or for the development/creation

    of new websites.

    In addition to providing a signed copy of this agreement, you are then

    requested to follow the instructions on Bank Account Details (Annex B) and

    provide your organisation’s bank account details. This will allow us to set your

    organisation up on the Department’s payment system to receive the grant.

    Payment claims can only be sent to the DfE once the Grant Agreement has

    been signed and any pre-disbursement conditions have been met. Payments

    will be disbursed into the bank account number provided through the DfE

    suppliers’ bank details process provided by Liverpool City Region.

    Please note that any delays in returning the documents could result in a delay

    to the grant payment.

    The Grant Manager for this Project at the Employer Led Initiatives Project

    Team is Fiona Mee Alvares. We look forward to working with you to bring

    about the rapid signature of the Grant Agreement.


    If you wish to accept this offer of a grant, please sign the enclosed grant

    funding agreement [Annex A] in the space provided and return to Fiona Mee-

    Alvares via Adobe e-Sign, on or before 28 August 2020. Please retain a copy

    for your records. You must accept this grant offer and the conditions made in

    it in writing no later than 10 days from the date of this letter.

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    If you cannot return the acceptance by the specified date, please contact me

    before that date to explain the reasons. Otherwise, we will assume that the

    offer has been refused, and it will be withdrawn without further


    Yours sincerely,

    Sinead O’Sullivan Director For and on behalf of Department for Education Employer Led Initiatives Project Team CLASS Higher and Further Education Directorate Web:

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    This Grant Funding Agreement is made between:

    (1) The Secretary of State for Education and

    (2) Liverpool City Region, 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP

    This Agreement comprises the Grant Offer Letter, project specific conditions,

    where relevant, any annexes to this letter and general Grant Terms and


    This letter must be read in conjunction with general conditions of grant and these relevant annexes:

    Annex A - Acceptance of Grant Offer and effective date Annex B - Bank account details Annex C - Claiming Grant in Arrears Annex D - Claiming Grant in Advance Annex E - Details of Grant Allocations Annex F - List of Objectives for which the grant is being paid Annex G (i) - NOT USED Annex G (ii) – Statement of Grant Usage (Statement prepared by Local

    Authority) Annex H - Grant Payment schedule Annex I - Sample Exit Plan Annex J - Sample Progress Report Template

    Annex K - Generic Standard GDPR Clauses:

    • Schedule 1 - Processing, Personal Data and Data Subjects

    • Schedule 2 - Schedule for Joint Controller Agreements


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    Annex A - Acceptance of Grant Offer and effective date - con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region

    This Grant Funding Agreement is effective from the date of signing.

    Signed by person authorised to sign on behalf of the Secretary of State

    Date 27/08/2020


    Name (please print) Sinead O’Sullivan

    Position in DfE Director. Career Learning, Analysis and Skills

    As representative of Liverpool City Region, I have read both the Grant Offer Letter and associated annexes, and the Department for Education Grant Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions as contained on its website []. I agree to comply with the notified conditions of the grant on which the offer is made.

    Signed by a person authorised to sign on behalf of Liverpool City Region



    Name (please print)

    Position in organisation

    Principal contacts Department Liverpool City Region

    Contact name/Postal address


    Telephone no.

    Email address

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    Annex B – Bank account details

    Information required by the Department to make payment of grant for the activities stated in the offer letter.

    Starting 1 January 2018 the process for adding or amending existing Supplier or Provider's bank details or other information to the DfE ERP system has changed. The new procedure and associated new forms:

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    Annex C - Grant claim form for Liverpool City Region Claiming Grant in Arrears - con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region

    This claim form should be completed by an authorised senior officer of LCR and returned to Garry Mann, CLASS, Department for Education, [email protected] as soon as possible in the month following that for which the grant is being claimed and must be accompanied by a completed Annex J. For payment to be made on the last working day of the month claims must be received by the 10th of each month. Amount of claim in respect of:(insert from and to dates)

    Items Amount


    Sum Claimed for this period £


    I certify that:

    • the above claim is made in accordance with the Grant Offer Letter and Terms and Conditions of the Grant Funding Agreement for the Digital Bootcamps;

    • the claim is in respect of eligible expenditure already incurred;

    • the information I have provided in this form is complete and correct, and

    • no claim has been made for funding in respect of these items from any other body.

    Signed by a senior officer authorised to sign on behalf of LCR



    Name (please print)

    Position in organisation

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Annex D - Grant claim form for con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region, permitted to claim Grant in Advance This claim form should be completed by an authorised senior officer of LCR and returned to Garry Mann, CLASS, Department for Education (DfE), [email protected] no later than the 10 September 2020.

    Claim for [insert month]

    a. Management Costs for programme (total).


    b. 50% of course fee for projected trainees.


    c. Amount of DfE grant claimed for current month

    £ [a + b]

    TOTAL CLAIMED to Date £

    I certify that:

    • the above claim is made in accordance with the Grant Offer Letter and Terms and Conditions of the Grant Funding Agreement for the Digital Bootcamps;

    • the grant received and spent has been used wholly for the purposes for which it was given;

    • the information I have provided in this form is complete and correct, and

    • the amount of grant claimed on this form represents expenditure incurred or to be incurred for the purposes for which grant is given.

    Signed by a senior officer authorised to sign on behalf of LCR



    Name (please print)

    Position in organisation

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Annex E - Details of Grant Resource Budget Allocation- con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region

    User note: Use this opportunity to set out the amount of revenue funding to be allocated to the body for the purposes detailed in Annex F and the financial year or years detailed in Annex H * delete on final version

    Table 1 - Overview of Estimated Budget

    Item £ for Financial Year 20/21

    £ for Financial Year yy/zz

    Over view of Income and revenue

    A. Income

    A1: Grant from the DfE £1,000,000

    A2: Financial contributions [Grantee own resources]

    A3: Other Financial Contributions from third parties – Match Funding, Contributions in Kind

    A4: [+Other income to be specified]

    TOTAL Income A

    Overview of Expenditure

    B. Eligible Salary costs

    B1: Staff and Volunteer Costs Salaries, Wages and any associated direct costs


    B2: Travel and subsistence £5,000

    B3: Office equipment and materials £4,990

    B4: Other direct costs eg training

    B5: [+Other costs – to be specified]

    Subtotal B £141,408

    C. Administration [non-staff] costs

    C1: Payments to Service Providers: Sub-contracting and other external services (For each supplier please identify these costs)


    C2: Indirect costs - Overheads

    C3: Advertising, marketing, communications (where approved by DfE)

    C4: Consultancy (where approved by DfE)

    C5: Audit fees [Annual Certification of Expenditure]

    C6: Irrecoverable VAT costs

    C7: [+Other service costs – to be specified]

    Subtotal C

    TOTAL Grant Costs [B+C] £1,000,000

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    Annex F – List of objectives for which the grant is being paid con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region

    1 Background Building on extensive user-research and engagement with local areas through the National Retraining Scheme, we are launching a number of employer-led flexible training initiatives which will inform the National Skills Fund. We will look to explore how these initiatives can successfully support local regions and employers to fill skills shortages, by bringing participating individuals closer to better jobs through guaranteed interviews. In light of the COVID-19 crisis, we know that digital skills are in demand now more than ever. Initially, the initiatives will focus on digital skills, allowing participants to gain valuable tools through provision that can be delivered remotely if needed. To gain evidence that will help us to develop a fund that works for businesses and employees across a wide range of sectors, we will look to expand our testing to other intermediate to higher level technical skills areas, at a time that is appropriate.

    2 Aim Liverpool City Region shall use all reasonable endeavours to achieve the following aims:

    • Work with local employers to articulate their digital skills shortage

    vacancies which could be filled by a trained individual:

    • Bring employers and providers together to design appropriate,

    approximately 12 week training courses to deliver those skills

    • 75% of individuals who complete the training to be employed in a

    digital role within 6 months

    3 Objectives

    3.1 Liverpool City Region shall use all reasonable endeavours to achieve the following objectives:

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    Summary description of the Project

    This initiative will test whether Digital Bootcamps can support local regions

    and employers to fill skills shortages, by bringing participating individuals

    closer to better jobs through guaranteed interviews. The key features of the

    model are:

    • Employers must be involved in determining the training on offer – it

    must deliver the skills they need to be able to recruit.

    • Individuals aged 19+ (can be in work, recently unemployed within 12

    months or looking for work e.g. coming back into the workforce)

    • Training must be delivered flexibly to allow people currently in work,

    looking for work or with caring or other responsibilities to participate

    • Recruit trainees using fair and open processes producing a cohort

    that reflects the ethnic diversity of the local area

    • Encourage gender diversity, be looking for a minimum of 50% female


    • Each individual trained through a bootcamp must have a guaranteed

    interview with a participating employer – we are looking for 75% to move

    into a new job or new role4.

    • Aiming for 60% SME involvement.

    • Training to be pitched at level 3 (or equivalent) and above, –

    technician level or higher and last approximately 12 weeks. We are not

    looking for entry level skills.

    • Employers should co-fund the training with a contribution in cash or

    in-kind (time, venue, equipment etc) or by paying a recruitment fee for


    Also, employers and providers must agree to work with DfE appointed

    evaluation experts to provide data to fully evaluate the results, including:

    • Numbers of employers involved by size

    • Levels and details of employer co-funding achieved

    • Numbers of and personal details/demographic data for all applicants

    (including those not successful to allow for selection of a control group)

    • Data on individual levels of training engagement and achievement

    (e.g. how many hours participants engage with the course, number of


    • Details of job interviews carried out by employers and the success


    • Track successful candidates at 6 months to determine continued


    • Participate in qualitative interviews (led by the evaluation contractor)

    to reflect on implementation and identify lessons learned for future roll-out.

    4 This can include an apprenticeship but the apprenticeship must show progression of learning, not a repeat of the Digital Bootcamp content

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    Table 2 - Objectives


    LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to ensure participating employers commit to interview for their identified skills shortage vacancies from the pool of trained individuals. Every individual to be guaranteed an interview, and 75% of those interviewed to move into a new job or role.

    Note: A 'job' can be any job requiring the skills as outlined in this agreement, including recruitment onto an apprenticeship. In the case of an apprenticeship as a job outcome, evidence should be provided that successful completion of the bootcamp is recognised as sufficient prior learning to either:

    1) reduce the length of a related apprenticeship at the same level e.g. from 18 months to 12 months

    2) better enable the individual to progress to a more complex apprenticeship e.g. L4 rather than L3

    All existing conditions of an apprenticeship apply, including the minimum of 12 months additional training needed for the individual to qualify for the funded apprenticeship.

    It must be made clear to bootcamp applicants that the guaranteed interview for a job following successful completion of the bootcamp, could be for an apprenticeship’

    2 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to ensure providers work with groups of employers to design appropriate approximately 12 week courses to suit their vacancies

    3 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to ensure providers recruit individuals using agreed methods to ensure fairness and equality of opportunity to local residents and protected groups

    4 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to collect all relevant data to allow DfE to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiatives and the delivery model

    4 Key performance indicators (overleaf)

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    Table 3 - Key Performance Indicators / Measures

    Objective 1

    Activity Project measures*

    How will progress be measured*

    When will progress be measured*

    What tools/ resources are required to measure progress*

    Who is responsible for measuring progress*

    Activity completion date(s)*

    Participating employers to commit to interviewing for their skills shortage vacancies from the pool of trained individuals

    Employers share numbers and details of digital SSVs with LCR

    LCR to ensure providers and employers liaise to arrange the interviews

    75% of individuals to move into a new job or

    Data collection and sharing with DfE Data collection and sharing with DfE Data collection and sharing with DfE

    Review at 3 month intervals Review at 3 month intervals Review at 3 month intervals and

    DfE will provide a Data collection spreadsheet Data collection spreadsheet


    31 March 2021 30 April 2021 30 September 2021

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    role within 6 months of completion of training 60% of participating employers should be SME

    Data collection and sharing with DfE

    finally after 30 Sept 2021 Review at 3 month intervals

    Data collection spreadsheet Data collection spreadsheet


    31 March 2021

    Objective 2

    Activity Project measures*

    How will progress be measured*

    When will progress be measured*

    What tools/ resources are required to measure progress*

    Who is responsible for measuring progress*

    Activity completion date(s)*

    LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to ensure providers work with groups of employers to

    Employers contribute to course design to ensure it meets their needs

    Qualitative data collected through interviews by DfE appointed evaluation specialists

    One off Interviews

    Providers and employers to make time to engage with DfE evaluation

    DfE appointed evaluation specialists

    30 September 2021

  • Page 16 of 39 Last updated: 27 August 2020

    design and deliver appropriate approximately 12 week courses to suit their vacancies

    Courses to suit different vacancy types to be available

    Co-funding committed and achieved by employers

    Qualitative data from providers

    Qualitative and quantative data from providers

    One off interviews

    Review at 3 month intervals


    Providers to supply details of courses delivered

    Data collection spreadsheet



    31 March 2021

    30 April 2021

    Objective 3

    LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to ensure providers recruit individuals using agreed methods to ensure fairness and equality of opportunity to local residents

    Numbers applying

    Numbers completing

    Data on drop outs

    Success rates

    Quantative data from providers

    All of these details will be studied by

    Dfe will supply a spreadsheet to cover all of these

    Providers/evaluation experts

    30 Sept 2021

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    and protected groups

    Interview tracking

    Still in post at the 6 month stage

    Diversity targets

    Quantative data from providers/employers

    Quantative data from providers

    Dfe and evaluation experts


    Objective 4

    LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to collect/ensure all relevant data is provided to allow DfE to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiatives and the delivery model

    Data collection should be monitored monthly and pro actively sought

    Written information required from providers – who may need to collect some details from employers

    Monthly Providers to supply and LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to ensure the DfE data collection spreadsheet is completed and submitted to DfE

    LIVERPOOL CITY REGION/DfE/appointed evaluation experts

    30 Sept 2021

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    Annex G (i) – Annual Certification of Expenditure NOT USED

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    Annex G (ii) – Statement of Grant Usage

    * [The letter is to be reproduced on headed paper of the local authority or maintained school]

    * This section is an alternative to Annex G (i) and is to be used where the grant recipient is a Local Authority or maintained school.

    Notes for completion:

    1. The Grant Recipient shall prepare a Certification of Grant Usage for the Grant

    Period [Insert start and end dates].

    2. This comprises three parts:

    a) Certificate of Grant Usage.

    b) Statement of Expenditure; and

    c) Report confirming Delivery.

    3. The Grant Recipient shall submit the forms to the Department no later than

    28, twenty eight days from the end of the Grant Period.

    a) Certificate of Grant Usage

    Name of organisation LIVERPOOL CITY REGION

    Approved Project title Insert Project name

    • The total Grant amount of £insert figure was exclusively used for the purposes set out in the agreement between the Grant Recipient and the Department, dated insert date of our letter.

    • A report on the activities funded by the Grant Funding will be submitted to the Department, confirming that the grant outputs have been delivered to a satisfactory standard and the expected benefits that have accrued or will accrue. The report will be provided within 28 days after the completion of the funding of the insert project name.

    • A final financial statement detailing the use of the Grant Funding will be provided in section b – Statement of Expenditure. This is a summary statement of all receipts and expenditures connected with the above Project. The organisation’s financial systems that recorded the income and expenditure of this Grant have provided sufficient internal control for the purposes of this certification.


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    Name Date


    Organisation address


    Initialled by Organisation’s Chief Financial Officer/ Auditor

  • Page 21 of 39 Last updated: 27 August 2020

    b) Statement of Expenditure

    Name of Organisation

    Insert Name of Grant Recipient

    Name of Approved Project

    Insert Project name

    Expenditure Type



    Paid for as follows (£)

    Contribution from Other (please stipulate)

    Matching funding from own partners’ resources

    Other funding


    Under spend on Grant (if applicable)

    c) Report confirming Delivery (setting out how the funding has been applied detailing all relevant outputs.)

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    Annex H – Proposed Grant payment schedule

    The Department will pay this Grant to LIVERPOOL CITY REGION in accordance with the following payment schedule, subject to LIVERPOOL CITY REGION meeting the requirements of this Grant Funding Agreement.

    1. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION are responsible for the audit trail to prove

    course starts and completions and contract management by DfE will

    involve random 10% checks on individual starts and completions in


    2. In order to claim course completion a provider must evidence that an

    individual has completed the course

    Grant Project Name Digital Bootcamps and Technical Skills

    Grant Reference Number con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region

    Proposed Payment Stages

    Activity Details / Outputs

    Proposed Payment Amount

    Stage 1: Advance payment (one single advance payment claim to be made at the beginning of grant)

    Management costs To be paid on receipt of a completed claim form (Annex D)

    100% of agreed Management costs to deliver entire requirement


    DfE will pay LIVERPOOL CITY REGION 50% of projected course fees 30 September 2020 following receipt of the completed claim form at Annex D

    The initial 50% will allow LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to pay 50% course fees on start to providers. However, if the equitable number of starts is not achieved before 31 January 2021 clawback may apply £429,296

    Stage 2: Payments in arrears (subsequent payments made on a monthly basis covering October 2020 – March 2021)

    To be paid on receipt of a completed claim form (Annex C) and Progress Report (Annex J)

    LIVERPOOL CITY REGION will claim the remaining 50% course fees upon confirmation of course completion. Up to


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    3. In a small number of cases there may be extenuating circumstances

    preventing completion, including but not limited to, illness. In these

    cases LIVERPOOL CITY REGION must be satisfied that the provider

    has taken every reasonable step to provide opportunity for adjustment

    and support before final payment can be claimed. All of these non

    completions must be recorded and reported for evaluation purposes.

    4. Claims will be reconciled as soon as possible as definite participant numbers and course costs are known. At this point DfE will action any required clawback of funds.

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    Annex I – Exit plan - con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region

    Introduction 1. Although the Department does not seek to exercise detailed control of the

    activities of LIVERPOOL CITY REGION, it must ensure that public money is protected and value for money achieved. To meet this requirement, this Annex describes the duties and responsibilities of LIVERPOOL CITY REGION and the Department, leading up to and covering the expiry or termination of this grant for whatever reason and the transfer of the grant funded activities.

    2. This Annex defines the exit plan and how it shall be revised to ensure that it remains workable at any time. The Department and LIVERPOOL CITY REGION acknowledge the importance of keeping the exit plan up to date during the term of the Grant and of reflecting the impact of all relevant changes to the grant funded activities or outputs required. You shall not make any additional charge for any work undertaken in making changes to the exit plan. Where there are principles to be adopted in implementing this plan, the parties to this Grant Funding Agreement shall endeavour to agree the relevant details within such principles.

    3. The Department shall be entitled to disclose the contents of the exit plan to any future bidder for the Grant (or its equivalent).

    Objectives 4. The objective of the exit plan is to ensure:

    • an orderly and smooth transition of the grant funded activities from

    LIVERPOOL CITY REGION to a successor body or the Department at

    the expiry or termination of this Grant;

    • the continuation of grant funded activities;

    • that there is no undue favour to LIVERPOOL CITY REGION in any

    future competition for the Grant (in whole or in part); and

    • that the responsibilities of both parties to the Grant Funding Agreement

    are clearly defined in the event of expiry or termination.

    General 5. Where the Department intends to continue the operation of the grant

    funded activities in broadly the same way after expiry or termination, either by performing them itself or by means of a successor, you shall endeavour to ensure the smooth and orderly transition of the grant funded activities and shall co-operate with the Department or the successor, as the case may be, in order to achieve such transition.

    6. When such endeavours and co-operation are outside the scope of the Grant, you shall provide quotations for reasonable charges associated

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    with providing such assistance and the Department shall pay such reasonable charges.

    7. You shall comply with any reasonable request of the Department for information relating to the performance of the grant funded activities, including the use of other parties. You will be allowed a reasonable period of time in which to respond to the Department.

    Exit Planning 8. You shall, in conjunction with the Department, maintain, and as

    necessary update, the Exit Plan throughout the period of the Grant so that it can be implemented immediately, if required. From time-to-time either the Department or you can instigate a review of the Exit Plan.

    9. You shall co-operate with all reasonable requests made by either the Department or a successor body relating to exit transition arrangements for the grant funded activities.

    Assistance 10. You shall be responsible for delivering the grant funded activities and

    achieving the objectives at Annex F until the date of expiry or termination or transfer of the Grant (as appropriate).

    11. You shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that a transition of responsibility for the delivery of the grant funded activities to the successor body or the Department, as the case may be, minimises any detrimental effect on the delivery of the activities and the Department shall use all reasonable endeavours to co-operate in such transfer.

    Assets Register 12. You shall maintain throughout the exit period of this Grant an asset

    register in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Grant Funding Agreement.

    13. You shall not change the status of any asset without the prior written consent of the Department where such a change would either be viewed as a major change or would require repayment in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Grant Funding Agreement.

    Transfer of the Department's Data In addition to complying with the provisions of the main agreement, you shall, upon reasonable written request by the Department or in 14. any event, within one month of notice of termination, deliver the

    Department's data, including the following:

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    a) an inventory of the Department's data and any other data available for


    b) a data structure definition (where relevant) covering all available

    Departmental data; and

    c) a proposed method for testing the integrity and completeness of the

    Department's data transferred.

    Documentation and Access 15. You shall provide the Department on request with information and

    documentation reasonably necessary to assist with the transfer of the grant funded activities to the Department or to a successor body, including any documentation required to support any bidding process for the provision of the activities. This includes full details of:

    a) the work programme, objectives/targets, and other services delivered

    by you under this funding agreement;

    b) any software, including third party software and any hardware used in

    connection with the delivery of the activities;

    c) software and supply agreements used to deliver any services

    associated with delivery of the activities, including the agreements

    relating to any third party software identified by name of supplier, term

    of Grant, and charges payable under the Grant; and

    d) any employees used by you to help deliver the grant funded activities

    who are essential to this delivery; this information shall be provided

    under conditions of confidentiality reasonably acceptable to you.

    16. The Department may make the documentation available to suppliers who wish to bid for the provision of the activities. You shall respond expediently and in full to any reasonable questions by the Department or the suppliers and shall co-operate with any reasonable due diligence activities carried out by suppliers.

    Transfer Support Activities 17. You shall co-operate with all reasonable requests made by either the

    Department or a successor relating to the grant funded activities transition arrangements. The Department and you shall discuss the implementation plan for the transition of the activities to either the Department or a Successor body.

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    Annex J – Sample Progress and Final reporting form

    con_ 6044 - Digital Bootcamps Liverpool City Region


    Grant reference number

    Total Grant Funding £

    Project title

    Grantee organisation

    Person submitting this report

    Contact number

    Are you the primary contact?

    Yes or No

    If No, what is your role in the project?

    Report type Progress or Final

    Actual period covered in this report (claims should be monthly in arrears)

    From to

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    Provide a brief summary of progress this month )

    Is programme on track to deliver against objectives and targets? Yes/No Give details on areas at risk

    Are there elements/ learning emerging that you want to share at this point?


    Provide a summary report of progress and achievement to date, against the specific key performance indicators and objectives agreed to in the grant funding agreement.

    Number continuing to train, where the start fee has already been claimed, and you are claiming a further 25% of course fees in this claim period

    Amount claimed for continuing training in this claim period

    Number of course completions this claim period where the start and continuing training amounts have already been claimed

    Amount claimed for completions in this claim period

    Total Claim this month - £

    Total of all grant paid so far (excluding this claim) £

    Total of all grant claimed so far (including this claim) £

    Grant remaining unclaimed so far £

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    Final report only: Please provide a summary of the performance of the programme as a whole, lessons learned and any other information which you think might be helpful:

    SECTION 4: DECLARATION I,__________________________[name],________________________[position] declare that the information provided in this progress report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any omission or false statement may result in the grant being terminated and previous payments recovered, or future grant applications refused.



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    Annex K – Generic Standard GDPR Clauses Schedule 1 - Processing, Personal Data and Data Subjects

    Notwithstanding Clause 51.1 of the Grants Terms and Conditions, the Parties (DfE and LCR) acknowledge that they are Joint Controllers for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation in respect of:

    • Learner and Provider participation data • Provider performance data

    Which the LCR and DfE have agreed to collect as part of the project. It is however acknowledged that for any data which the LCR independently identify as necessary for the project, they will be the sole Data Controller. In respect of Personal Data under Joint Control, Clause 51.1 - 51.14 will not apply and the Parties agree to put in place a Joint Controller Agreement as outlined in Schedule 2

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    Schedule 2 (Part 1) – Joint Data Controller Agreement 1. The contact details of the LCRData Protection officer are:

    Andrew Henderson 1 Mann Island, Liverpool, L3 1BP

    2. The contact details of the the DfE Data Protection Officer are: Emma Wharram, DfE Data Protection Officer, 2 Rivergate, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6EH.

    Where the Parties are Joint Controllers of data jointly determining the purposes and means of processing, Clause 50.1 - 50.14 of the Grant Terms and Conditions will not apply and the Parties agree the following shall be applicable:

    1. Each Parties Data Protection Officer listed shall act as the single point of contact within their organisation who can be contacted in respect of queries or complaints in relation to this Agreement or any data protection issues.

    Description Details

    Identity of the Controller

    Notwithstanding Clause 50.1 the Parties acknowledge that they are Joint Controllers for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation in respect of the Data Items listed in Part 2 of Schedule 2.

    In respect of Personal Data under Joint Control, Clause 50.1-50.14 will not apply, and the Parties agree instead to put in place a Joint Controller Agreement as outlined in Schedule 2.

    Duration of the processing

    The data will be collected from when a prospective learner applies for the course, for the duration of the course until when a learner successfully gets an appropriate job (up to 6 months after the course) DfE will then track the employee for 6 months after this through any probationary period. This further tracking will be done through the Longitudinal Educational Outcomes Data (Held by DfE).

    Nature and purposes of the processing

    The nature of the processing will include: collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of data (whether or not by automated means) etc.

    LCR - The purpose of the processing is to:

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    • Identify the target cohort for the service.

    • Enable participation in the Digital Bootcamp service.

    • Financially monitor the service

    • Evaluate and assess the service with an LCR focus.

    The DfE – The purpose of the processing will be evaluation of the service targeting:

    • Assessment of policy in relation to social security or employment as it affects the provision of or participation in training or education.

    • Ongoing tracking through the Longitudinal Educational Outcomes Data (Held by DfE).

    • Ensuring the bootcamps are meeting our objectives (of widening participation) and to assess how they are performing against DfE legal duty to promote equality of opportunity etc.

    Type of Personal Data

    Contact details (Name, address, telephone or email details) Gender Disability / long term health condition Ethnicity NI number Current employment situation

    Categories of Data Subject

    • Individuals who apply to take part in the training initiatives.

    • Employers/ Businesses who are involved in the training initiatives

    Plan for return and destruction of the data once the processing is complete UNLESS requirement under union or member state law to preserve that type of data

    Each party agrees the personal data will be kept securely for the purposes of the project for a maximum of 3 years. They will review this retention period annually and consider if we still need to store the data or if it can be disposed of. Each Party has the responsibility to ensure the data is properly disposed of. After this period of 3 years it will be securely destroyed.

    2. Each party shall comply with all the obligations imposed on a Data Controller under the Data Protection Laws in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

    3. The Parties will ensure that they are transparent about their joint purposes for processing personal data.

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    4. When providing information to data subjects under Article 13 and 14 of the GDPR, LCR will create the content of the Privacy Notice for their delivery and research of the Project and include details of the sharing of the data with DfE. The DfE however will also provide LCR with an Article 13 compliant Privacy Notice. These documents will be provided together as the Project Privacy Notice, by LCR or the organisation they commission to deliver the service. It will be the responsibility of the DfE to ensure this is adequate for their responsibilities and whether further action regarding transparency will be necessary.

    4. The Parties shall provide all reasonable assistance to each other in the preparation of any Data Protection Impact Assessment prior to commencing any processing. Such assistance may include:

    a) a systematic description of the envisaged processing operations and the purpose of the processing;

    b) an assessment of the necessity and proportionality of the processing;

    c) an assessment of the risks to the rights and freedoms of Data Subjects; and

    d) the measures envisaged to address the risks, including safeguards, security measures, and mechanisms to ensure the protection of Personal Data.

    5. The Parties shall, in relation to any Personal Data processed as Joint Data Controllers:

    a) process that Personal Data only in accordance with the requirements of this Annex K, unless a Party is required to do otherwise by Law. If it is so required, the Party shall promptly notify the Joint Data Controller before processing the Personal Data unless prohibited by Law;

    b) ensure that it has in place Protective Measures, which are appropriate to protect against a Data Loss Event, having taken account of the:

    (i) nature of the data to be protected;

    (ii) harm that might result from a Data Loss Event;

    (iii) state of technological development; and

    (iv) cost of implementing any measures;

    c) ensure that:

    (i) Personnel process data in accordance with this Agreement (and in particular Annex K Schedule 2);

    (ii) take all reasonable steps to ensure the reliability and integrity of any Processor Personnel who have access to the Personal Data and ensure that they:

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    A. are aware of and comply with data protection responsibilities under Annex K Schedule 2;

    B. are subject to appropriate confidentiality undertakings;

    C. are informed of the confidential nature of the Personal Data and do not publish, disclose or divulge any of the Personal Data to any third Party unless directed in writing to do so by the Joint Data Controllers or as otherwise permitted by this Agreement; and

    D. have undergone adequate training in the use, care, protection and handling of Personal Data; and

    d) Each Party shall:

    (i) be responsible for the creation and publication of their own privacy notices;

    (ii) ensure that such privacy notices are clear and provide sufficient information to Data Subjects in order for them to understand how their Personal Data is being processed as well as how Data Subjects can make exercise their Data subject rights.

    (iii) Where Sub-Processors or third parties will be collecting the data from Data Subjects the Joint Data Controller engaging the Sub-Processor or third party shall ensure they provide appropriate privacy notices.

    e) The Parties agree not to transfer Personal Data outside of the EU unless each Joint Data Controller has provided prior written consent, and the following conditions are fulfilled by the Joint Data Controller transferring the data:

    (i) appropriate safeguards in relation to the transfer are provided (whether in accordance with GDPR Article 46 or LED Article 37)

    (ii) data Subjects have enforceable rights and effective legal remedies;

    (iii) An adequate level of protection is provided to any Personal Data that is transferred

    6. Subject to clause 7, A party shall notify a Joint Data Controller immediately if, in relation to data processed as Joint Data Controllers it receives a:

    a) a Data Subject Request (or purported Data Subject Request);

    b) a request to rectify, block or erase any Personal Data;

    c) any other request, complaint or communication relating to either Party's obligations under the Data Protection Legislation;

    d) any communication from the Information Commissioner or any other regulatory authority in connection with Personal Data processed under this Agreement;

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    e) a request from any third Party for disclosure of Personal Data where compliance with such request is required or purported to be required by Law;

    f) becomes aware of a Data Loss Event.

    7. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving a request listed in Clause 6 to respond to the request. The obligation in clause 6 to notify shall include the provision of further information to the Controller in phases, as details become available.

    8. Taking into account the nature of Joint Data processing, the Parties shall provide each other full assistance in relation to either Party's obligations under Data Protection Legislation and any complaint, communication or request made under clause 6, including by promptly providing:

    a) full details and copies of the complaint, communication or request;

    b) Reasonable assistance to enable each Party to comply with a Data Subject Request within the relevant timescales set out in the Data Protection Legislation;

    c) a reasonable request, for any Personal Data it holds in relation to a Data Subject;

    d) assistance as requested following any Data Loss Event;

    e) assistance as requested with respect to any request from the Information Commissioner’s Office, or any consultation with the Information Commissioner's Office.

    9. Each Joint Data Controller shall maintain complete and accurate records and information to demonstrate its compliance with this Schedule.

    10. A Party shall before allowing a Sub-processor to process any Personal Data subject to this Schedule:

    a) notify a Joint Data Processor in writing of the intended Sub-processor.

    b) enter into a written agreement with the Sub-processor which give effect to the terms set out in this Schedule.

    11. The Joint Data Controller using a Sub-processor shall remain fully liable for all acts or omissions of any of its Sub-processor

    The Parties agree to take account of any guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office, and amend this agreement to ensure that it complies with any guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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    Schedule 2 (Part 2) – Data Items to be shared by LCR to the DfE.

    Data to be collected / submitted by providers:

    What will this data tell us?

    Date to be submitted to DfE

    Data on take-up by employers and their characteristics - Number of employers who participate and their characteristics e.g. type of business, SME vs. larger employer. - Number of vacancies on offer with each employer. - Type and extent of co-investment committed by each participating employer. - Contact details for each employer (name, email address, telephone number).

    - Demonstrate levels of take-up from employers. - Data on characteristics of employers will help us to understand if the bootcamps appeal to particular types of employers and also if the target of 60% SMEs is being met. - Employer contact details will provide us with a sampling frame for contacting employers to take part in interviews as part of the evaluation.

    To be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the bootcamp start date via data spreadsheet

    Data on take-up by learners and their characteristics (please note that the UKPRN should be included in each line of data, so we know which provider the learner is attached to) - Number of learner applications for each course. - Numbers of learners accepted to each course. Previous education/employment (to be collected from all applicants):

    - Demonstrate levels of demand/take-up from learners. - Detailed data on levels of interest (as well as take-up) will help inform our options for carrying out a later impact evaluation of the bootcamps. - Collecting this data from all applicants will help us to understand any differences between those who are accepted onto the course and those who are not i.e. to understand if the application process may be putting particular groups at

    Information on applicants to the bootcamps (to be collected at the application stage and retained for both participants and those not accepted to the course). To be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the bootcamp start date via data spreadsheet

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    - Qualification level - Employment status - If employed, occupation - If they have caring responsibilities Data on protected characteristics (to be collected from all applicants) - Age (in D.O.B format) - Gender - Disability/long-term health condition - Ethnicity - Marriage and civil partnership - Sexual orientation - Gender re-assignment - Pregnancy and maternity - Religion or belief Additional personal data (to be retained only for bootcamp participants) - Name (first name and surname) - National Insurance number - Postcode - Email address

    a disadvantage. - This will also help us to understand how the characteristics of bootcamp participants compare to other government funded digital skills courses. - The data on protected characteristics will help us understand how completion and job success rates may differ for those groups, as part of monitoring our performance against the public sector equality duty. - The additional personal data (name, NINO and postcode) along with gender and D.O.B will enable us to identify the individual in administrative data held by the DfE to track their employment and wage outcomes over time (please see below note on LEO for more details). - The email addresses will provide us with a sampling frame for contacting learners to ask if they would like to participate in a telephone interview to discuss their experience as part of the evaluation.

    Course participation rates / attendance - What is individual learners’ attendance rate across the course (including completion rates of any interim assessments). - How many hours on

    - How does the number of course/learning hours compare to the commitment for other digital skills courses? - How high are engagement/attendance

    Providers will input this information over 3 months into the spreadsheet provided and submit to DfE monthly (to inform the monthly monitoring meetings). The final

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    average individual learners are engaging with the course (if this is possible to collect through analytics).

    levels (is attendance good / poor) and how does this differ across providers? - Is individual engagement level a relevant factor in how likely an individual is to complete the course/get a job?

    submission should be within two weeks of the completion date of the bootcamps

    Course completion rates and reasons for drop-out to be collected from learners upon exiting the course.

    - What percentage of learners completed the course? - What percentage of learners dropped out and what were their reasons for exiting the course early?

    Providers will input this information over 3 months into the spreadsheet provided and submit to DfE monthly (to inform the monthly monitoring meetings). The final submission should be within two weeks of completion of the bootcamps.

    Data on success at interview / employment by type/size of business

    - What percentage of learners are successful at interview? - Do they go on to an apprenticeship or ‘mainstream’ employment? - What are the characteristics of businesses that learners go on to be employed by e.g. type of business, SME vs. larger employer?

    Initial data to be submitted to DfE via data spreadsheet no later than one month after bootcamp course completion, with a further follow-up submission after 3 and 6 months (bearing in mind that there may be a time-lag between course completion and securing a position).

    Data on the number of those employed post-bootcamp who pass probation/remain enrolled in an apprenticeship. Reasons for drop-out (if applicable).

    - What percentage of those employed post-bootcamp remain in employment after the probation period (usually 6 months)? - If they have not retained the job, why not? NB. If learner progressed

    To be submitted to DfE no later than 7 months after bootcamps learners begin employment (NB. We understand that there may be time-lags between participants

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    onto an apprenticeship then we will need confirmation that they are still enrolled. If they have dropped out then the provider should collect the reason why.

    completing the course and starting a job, so we will work with individual providers/employers to come to a convenient arrangement).