subiecte engleza oral rezolvate

Subiecte engleza oral rezolvate Biletul 2 Do you agree with the idea that children should be raised by their grandparents? Why yes/no? We live in the 21 st century, a century of speed that under the development of technology had caused changes in people’s lifestyle. People have become more and more busy and family life has changed considerably. Because of these changes more and more children are brought up by their grandsparents. Parents forget a bout the importance of the environment, children are brought up in , their education and the fact that parental love and care is indispensable for a child. In my opinion children shouldn’t be raised by grandparents on their own. First of all, if a child is raised only by his grandparents, he will miss parents love and care. Although a child loves his parents and his grandparents too, these are two different feelings. For example we can consider parents that go abroud for work. These parents think that money and material things can replace their love. These children usually become isolated or start having bad attitudes, they have bad marks, leave school, some of them even tried to comitt siucide. Moreover, grandparents might not be able to educate a child properly. Grandparents are sometimes too tolerant , they spoil them too much and are overprotective. The results of the fact that they are not authoritative enough can be seen when the child will grow up , he will be bad and rebellions and will consider that he deserves everything. Last but not least even if grandparents have enough time to look after a child , they might not have enough patience or they are not physically strong enough. In theese cases , children aren’t involved in healthy activities , such as playing in the park or being read bed time stories. However , in some special cases , if parents die or the child is abandoned , grandparents should raised them. In conclusion , besides of the busy life parents have nowadays , they shouldn’t let their children be raised only by their grandparents , they should raise them together and never forget that a child needs parental love and care. Biletul 16 Speak about the things you do to have a healthy life. Give arguments and examples to sustain your ideas. We live in the 21 st century, a century of speed that has caused dramatic 1

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Subiecte engleza oral rezolvate

Biletul 2

Do you agree with the idea that children should be raised by their grandparents? Why yes/no?

We live in the 21 st century, a century of speed that under the development of technology had caused changes in people’s lifestyle. People have become more and more busy and family life has changed considerably. Because of these changes more and more children are brought up by their grandsparents. Parents forget a bout the importance of the environment, children are brought up in , their education and the fact that parental love and care is indispensable for a child. In my opinion children shouldn’t be raised by grandparents on their own. First of all, if a child is raised only by his grandparents, he will miss parents love and care. Although a child loves his parents and his grandparents too, these are two different feelings. For example we can consider parents that go abroud for work. These parents think that money and material things can replace their love. These children usually become isolated or start having bad attitudes, they have bad marks, leave school, some of them even tried to comitt siucide. Moreover, grandparents might not be able to educate a child properly. Grandparents are sometimes too tolerant , they spoil them too much and are overprotective. The results of the fact that they are not authoritative enough can be seen when the child will grow up , he will be bad and rebellions and will consider that he deserves everything. Last but not least even if grandparents have enough time to look after a child , they might not have enough patience or they are not physically strong enough. In theese cases , children aren’t involved in healthy activities , such as playing in the park or being read bed time stories.

However , in some special cases , if parents die or the child is abandoned , grandparents should raised them. In conclusion , besides of the busy life parents have nowadays , they shouldn’t let their children be raised only by their grandparents , they should raise them together and never forget that a child needs parental love and care.

Biletul 16Speak about the things you do to have a healthy life. Give arguments and examples to sustain your ideas.

We live in the 21 st century, a century of speed that has caused dramatic changes in people’s lifestyle turning it into an unhealthy one. The main majority of the people , because of the world in which we live, have adopted unhealthy and dangerous customs beginning with their eating habits ending up to the way in which they spend their free time. I had always tried to avoid such unhealthy habits , in order to mentain a healthy life as much as possible . First of all , I avoid eating unhealthy food. Because everybody is always in a big hurry and because they forget about the importance of what a meal should contain and how you should eat it, most of the peolpe eat junk food and drink soda every day. I considered that this fact is dangerous for my body so I concentrated myself on some important things. I always take care that my meal has enough proteins and vitamins and try to avoid sugar, salt and fats, that can be mainly found in junk food. I take into my attention that a meal request time , at least 20 minutes for each meal and that you have to eat slowly . A very important thing that people forget is that it is not healthy to eat only once or twice a day , big and heavy meals , you should eat more times a day , smaler quantities of food. Instead of eating a big sandwich from


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a fast food or chips , I prefer eating a big fresh salad with some tomatoes and cheese or a fruit , avoiding fats and salt , replacing them with vitamins. Secondly , I do sports. Nowadays we are used to travel by car or bus eaven on short distances and spend most of our time in front of the computer. We forget that we have to do some sports. I personaly love swimming, so everytime I can I go for a swim , or when I have to go somewhere and I would arrive too eaqrly to my destination if I took a bus , I take a walk. I realise that it is very important to combine your everyday program with some healthy activities such as doing sports. Last but not least, another healthy thing that I do is trying to spend my free time in nature. Cities are a poluted and noisy place, that causes you stress. So, at the end of the week together with my friends we go away from the city, for some fresh air and for a little piece and quiet. There we relax ourselves and we forget about the stress of the city. Spending a part of your free time is better than losing nights in clubs and it has a possitive effect on people’s mind and soul making them more calm and relaxed. In conclusion , althought we can’t live a perfect healthy life, we can at least try to have some healthy customs avoiding the unhealthy one’s.

Biletul 28Speak about the impact of music on your life.

Music has always played an important role in each persons life. Besides the fact that music is an art, it was always seen as a way of getting relaxed or as an source of entertainment. Seaking about myself , music has become a necesity in my life. First of all , music is a very good source of relaxation. Nowadays life has become more and more stressinly , so people search for different ways of disconnecting themselves from the cotidian problems . The method that has succes in my case is listening to music. At the end of the day , after a heavy tst or a great effort I listen to some calm music or to my favorite one. In this time, I forget about my problems and get the chance to recharge my bateries. Secondly , music makes me get in a good mood, becoming a more calm and optimistic person. For example , when I am upset or angry only a piece of my favorite music makes me happy and I instantly forget the reason of my anger or sadness. Another example would be listening to musoic in the morning making me feel fresh and optimistic that that day is going to be a perfect one.. Last but not least , music has an important role at each party. How is a party like without music? Music at such events brings up people together, they socialize , have fun and dance. Another reason why music is important in my life, is the fact that help me remind events from the past. I usually asociate events with a certain song, so after years when I hear that song again I automaticaly rememorate that event. In conclusion , music has a great impact in my life , not only because it is a way of relaxation , it also made me a more calm and optimistic person. For me has became an instrument of keeping memories and one that always reminds me about the beauty of life.

Biletul 32

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being your own boss. Give arguments and examples to support your ideas.

In our days, in the field of work, there exist two categories of people , those who are employees of a company and freelancers , people that work on their own and are there own boss. Although the ideea of being your own boss may sound atractive, being a freelancer has besides it’s advantages, disavantages too.


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On one hand it offers you some advantages . First , you have more independence , you don’t have a boss that tells you what to do or what you shouldn’t do. You are now your own boss, the one that has the absolute power of decision. Secondly you have total freedom of organising your time . This can be a great help in family life, you can look after your children, you can help them with homework . In this case you have more time for yourself and for solving personal problems. If you were employed , you couldn’t go and solve these problems in the time you wewrw at work, you were obligated to take a day or two off, losing some of your vacation days. Another important thing is that you are no longer forced to go to work when you are ill or caught a flu.You can stay in bed and recover. If you are employed , you are either obliged to go to work, so you will recover ion a longer period of time either to take a sick leave vacation and then you lose a part of your salary. The third advantage would be that you decide the amont of work , in oder to earn more money than if you were employed . If an employee has to work from eight to ten hours per day in order to gain a certain amount of money , a freelancer doesn’t have to work that much. On the other hand besides the big advantages, there exist also disadvantages that can’t be forgetten. First would be the fact that you have to look for work on your own. This might cause you a feeling of insecurity because you never know for sure for how much time you will find what to work. Secondly , another disadvantage is that all the responsibility is on your shoulders, if you make a mistake , it is only your fault. Third, sometimes you have to work longer hours then an employee, in order to finish a project in time. This may cause a disorganised life because you have periods when you work a lot and days when you don’t. In some cases it is better to be a worker in a company because you have a certain schedule that makes your life more organised. In conclusion , although there exist both advantages and disadvantages of being an employee or being your own boss, when you decide on which part of the workers you want to be , you must take them into consideration.

Biletul 33

Comment on the following statement: Where there;s a will there’s a way . Bring arguments and examples tosustain your ideas.

This statement refers to a very simple fact in each persons life. ”If you really want something , you will secced in having that certain thing “. This also refers to the mechanism of wanting and having what you wish. On one hand the majority of people have wills that motivate them todo something that is use full or necessary in their lifes. Considering children and teenagers, most of them want to finish a high school and university , because they think that without a proper education they cannot succed in life , althought school is compulsory after certain stage. But not all youngsters manage to finish a school or a university. This is only because they didn’t wanted to or they weren’t convinsed about the necessity of education . On the other hand there exist wills that cannot become true only if they are realistic. Some people that are not happy and satisfied with their work place want to become succesful business-men, to earn a lot of money. They consider opening a business, but not all of them succed either because of the lack of motivation the business plan is not a realistic one. Another categorY of wills are those that go hand in hand with luck. For example , I would like to win a milion dolars with a lotery ticket. In this case, selfmotivation cannot be spotted, I only need to buy the ticket and luck in order to win. In conclusion , although not all wills can be carried out in a possitive way, the most important thing is to know what you want in order to achieve.


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Biletul 4

grew up in a small town and then moved to a big city, so I have experienced the good and bad sides of both. I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was wrong. After ten years of living in one, I can't imagine ever living in a small town again. Small towns and big cities both have some problems in terms of transportation. In a small town, you have to own a car to ensure a comfortable living .you can't get around without one because there isn't any kind of public transportation. Big cities generally have heavy traffic and expensive parking, but there you have a choice of taking public transportation. It's not free, but it's often cheaper than driving when you consider gas and time, especially if you don't have a car, you're better off in the city. I love the excitement of big cities. Small towns have a slow pace. Large cities mean you have to adapt to a variety of situations, like finding a new route to work or trvine a new restaurant. I enjoy that challenge very much. Another part of the excitement of city living is the variety of cultural activities available. There is a wild assortment of theatre music and dance performances available in big cities. These things are rare in small ones. The final thing I think about large cities is the diversity of the people. the United States is made up of people of different races, religions, abilities, and interests. However, you seldom find such a variety of people in a small town. I think that living in an area where everyone was just like me would quickly become boring. Of course, security is a concern, and that one area where small towns are superior to big cities. Still, I would rather be a bit more cautions and live a large city than to feel secure but bored.

Biletul 6

live in a very beautiful town, placed at the shore of the Black Sea. You can find almost everything in my town: leisure centres, malls, supermarkets, resorts, cinemas, huge parks, clubs, pubs, rinks, theaters etc. At a glance, it looks like a perfect place to live in. And it is. It's difficult to think of something that I would change. We have an wonderful mayor, who is loved by everybody. Well, by almost everybody... because, last year, he did a very serious mistake: he didn't reejct teh aide of some bussinessmen to deforest an important area from the nearby park, allowing a supermall to be built. The dwellers therefore were very upset by this decision, and protests took place. The trees whici were condemn to fell, were inscribed with texts as "I am the tree no.150, and I will die soon". It was terrible sad to watch that. Now a serious part of the park who it used to be so lively and beautiful, have been chopped, being replaced with parking lots and the mall itself. I decided neither to visit, nor to buy antthing from that mall, as a form of protest, or a boycott. Therefore, if there is something that I would really like to change in my beautiful town, would be that mall, who I d like vanished

Biletul 9

Some people enjoy their modern life and can not imagine that they can live in an older life. While others believe that the living in the past would be more suitable for them. As for me, for sure i will choose to live in the past ,twenty years ago in my chidhood, and in my primary school. I have three reasons to proof my choice, and they are ;sent back to that time, I would restor my old memories, have no resposibilities, live with my late grandfather.

There is no doubt that, the childhood is the age of the beautiful innocence. What a kid have deeply in his heart is clearly expressed on his face. So that I would not have to hide my real emotions. Moreover I would have the right to laugh or to cry at any time and in any place. In additon to , i would have all my sweet memories with my first experiences. There is also the old friends i shared with them alot of unforgetable days . Also, i was more linked to my parents and my brothers as i was spending much more time with them .

Furthermore, in that time, i would not have to think about resposibilities or remember any duties. that means i would not have my daily routine that i am living now . Besides i would not


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have to worry about the money and my expenses. In fact i would think only in joy and having fun with my peers.In another words ,i would be relaxed and forget the stress life . Inspite of, when we were younger, we were always wishing to become older,but when you grow up, you will know that , it was your best days.

Also if i have the chance to do that, I could live with my grandfather. Because of his kindness I loved him alot. Not only he was my grandfather but also he was my best friend. As he learned me alot and gave me my first lessons in the life. Moreover i cann't forget till now our early trips and going to fishing in the sunny days. For all that i wish he could be with me all my life ,indeed, we was the warm corner in my life.

In a nut shell, going back to the past is a very good idea. May be some people prefer their modern life with all its advatages for them. However, in my opinion, would benefit more from the earlier life .Because that was all my sweet days , lack of responsibilities and duties and finally living with my lovely grandfather.

Biletul 29

The talisman under the shape of a cat eye, inherited by my mum from my grandmother had something strange that attracted me from the first time I saw it. Why it attracted me? I can’t explain that but I felt like every tiny part of my body was full of heat. Even I was conquered by heat. Then I thought it is a simple coincidence but the curiosity to discover if it is a magic talisman made me hold it once again in my hand. Fantastic! The experience was repeating. And from then, every time when I’m covered in pessimism, I take the talisman and hold it in my hand and the feeling goes away. From what my mum told me, I understood that the talisman was found at a crossroad where, with very long time ago, the women with supernatural powers were burn, being declared as witches. There is the possibility that this talisman should have belonged to one of the witches. Now I wonder and ask myself: “How is possible that this talisman was not burned?” Should it be a captive force inside the talisman? My skin shivers only when I think of this. And, it’s mine…

Biletul 18

The way we dress is a 'tell, tell' sign about our personality; having said this, body language as well as our appearance all coincide together. All three are very important elements in which tells others a little about us. If a person is wearing jean and a tee shirt, this tells us they are laid back and maybe not looking to get into anything today. On the other hand, if we see some one in a three piece suit, this tell us the person is going to work and maybe they may have an important job some where. If we see a gir dressed skimpy, than this tells us she easy and a free willed person. Long hair on men use to mean they were pot heads. I could go on and on. They way we dress leads people to assumption, in which they become judgmental and put us in to a category or some type of social placement

Biletul 1

This is very true! i would say it is a good thing but not for all of us. especially not for children who forget to do anything else then to play pc games. but not only the children spend a lot of time in front of the pc playing games, even grown up people do this. in rest pc and the internet are very helpful. It would be a very hard life without this two components of our life. What is a big problem is that children become more and more addicted of pc and internet and we should expect that in the future we won’t see anymore children outside playing together. But let’s hope that the world will not change so much and in the near future we will still see children playing with balls or other games, but not in front of the pc. Before I met the internet and the pc it all was so simple, but now I can’t imagine my life without them. And I don’t think that it’s a bad thing because they make my life easier and I’m not addicted of them wich is the most important thing. Internet really is the greatest invention.


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But the parents who buy pc’s to their children should be very careful at them and they should make them a program, not too long, when they can stay in front of their pc and play. Another not so good thing is that since the internet appeared books and newspapers tragically became less and less used. The authors have a very hard time trying to sale their creations, and children started to forget about reading old but good books. And of course if you would ask a child who plays a lot on the pc, about a very famous but old author he won’t know anything about him unless he studied him at school. This I must say it is a very bad thing and it’s growing, just like the internet but in the other way

Biletul 24

Abroad you develop a sort of ability to survive. You are there, in another place, where people talk a foreing language and where you will not be the first choice for an employer. It is teachful. Pets are sort of children, you can take care of. In return, you get sort of childish love. It has a sort of natural positive impact on one's heart (considered that love and to be loved in return is what should make people happy!). I do not have friends, nor enemies. Describe yourself and this is one: a human being. (I consider we all are human beings

Biletul 25

Pets occupy an esteemed place in many of our households, often being treated as members of the family. They offer a source of amusement, pleasure, and companionship. They provide opportunities for outdoor exercise and socialization. And, according to some studies, they can decrease our blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels.

Biletul 26

My best friends vary, yes I have more than one.

1. gir- analytical, creative, smart, likes a schedule, likes to know what to expect, very compassionate, also emotional, feels more with the heart rather than thinks with the mind if a mind/heart was brewed, beautiful outside and in, deep, caring, true to self and my closest best friend of over a year.

2. guy - analytical, logical, smart, loves to argue, philosophically, true to self, deep thinker, very methodical, loves to learn how things work, thinks more rather than relying on his emotions for answers, but is aware of the role and sometimes uses them for re-inforcement of conclusions, and my best friend since 5+ years.

3. another guy - changing from sad, depressed, and negative to something else in a religious sense, philosophical, analytical, emotional, bases decisions on feelings, funny in a grotesque sense, uses charisma to advantage, meaning can be fake when needed or give a false face, searching for meaning in life, mellow, and a close friend of 4+ years.

4. one more guy - emotional, yet once cooled off, realizes and analyzes self and other's actions, afraid of being backstabbed or attacked in a coversive way, paranoid of others negative actions and repercusions towards him, very methodical, practical, work-a-holic, horny, yet faithful, puts a good attitude toward everything, but often can seem a false person, stubburn, like to control situation, and a friend of over a year that I sometimes wish would just chill out, relax, and not be so needy or bossy, then we could be closer.

5. a used to be ex-best guy friend - what happened you ask? military and marriage, moved away and we don't spend as much time together. we grew up together and spent a lot of childhood days hanging out and discovering the world, sharing everything together, the best and worst of times. we still talk but not as often, things changed.

The winds of time tend to change things physically, but the winds of time also change people


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internally. You beg the question of foresight, I doubt many of us can see into the future. Thus, I humbly answer with an "I don't know!"

Biletul 12

I admire Hillary Rodham Clinton. She is an inspiration to me, because she has worked so hard, and achieved so much. She does not allow the media to influence the course of her career, or her life. She is a strong grl that has set high standards for her and her family, and she is capable of achieving anything that she sets her heart and mind to do. The United States will benefit greatly when she is elected President, because she is genuinely interested in the prosperity and peace of her country


The person I admire the most is my mother, MARIA. What I admire about my mother is that she helps me with all my problems at school and other places. If my friends and I had an argument at school, I would tell my mom and she would help me solve it. If I was having trouble with school things, she would help me with them. I also admire my mother because she is always busy doing things for me and my brothers and spends a lot of her time doing things for my school. I also love her dinners and I think she makes the best lemon bars and lemon cakes. I think my mom is the best mom ever!

Biletul 27

For me, my favourite Hobby is karate. Not only the sport but also the philosophy, the history. It's very captivating to read all books of formers masters, to know how they lived on the Okinawa island, to know their philosophy of life (control of themselves, harmony with the nature). In the sport there are the control of all our movements, the speed, the diversity of the techniques, the intellect of the fight. Now I have the black belt, but is only the beginning, I am still a beginner, there are lots of things to know

Biletul 30

Since advertisers don't supply any of the adverse information of their products, it would have to be manipulation. Advertisers are one sided and there is no balance.

Manipulation. All adverts are designed to make us buy their tat. They want your money!

In order to persuade or deceive, a person deliberately breaks one of the four conversational maxims:

* Quantity: Information given will be full (as per expected by the listener) and without omission. * Quality: information given will be truthful and correct. * Relation: information will be relevant to the subject matter of the conversation in hand. * Manner: things will be presented in a way that enables others to understand and with aligned non-verbal language.


A student is late handing in an essay. They approach the lecture trembling and weeping, saying how they have just been dumped by their long-term partner and forgot to hand in the essay (they had done it in time, honestly!). So what? Using it


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Persuade by omitting information, telling untruths, going off the subject and confusing the other person. Use excuses. Be economical with the truth. Woffle. Defending

Question what you are told, especially you find yourself changing your mind as a result. Probe for detail. Seek corroborating evidence. Watch the body language

Biletul 31

Not It all depends on the person who has a disability. If he is willing to succeed...he will succeed despite his "problems". It's about desire of doing what you want, like other " normal" people do. Aperson with disability isn't rejected when he shows to the world that he can realise the same things like others.A person is rejected when he seats in a corner of a street, or a grocery store asking for money because he has difficulties in working.That's not true. Everybody can work in a way or another.

Biletul 15

The Christmas season is a time for celebrating the gift of Jesus Christ, reaching out to others, and sharing traditions with loved ones. Family time at Christmas can create some of life’s most precious memories! Even simple activities can carry a lot of meaning and greatly impact the lives of your children. Here ATI staff from across the country share the traditions and holiday ideas that have meant a lot to their families, encouraging you to plan special times for your family and to keep Christ the central focus of your holiday celebrations. Probably my favorite Christmas tradition growing up was doing Advent together as a family the four weeks prior to December 25. Each Sunday we gathered around the table and lit a candle in the Advent wreath—one candle for each week, until all the candles were lit. One of my favorite holiday traditions is the decorating of the Christmas tree. Each year, we enjoy hot apple cider and molasses cookies as we decorate. With Christmas music playing in the background, we all hang our own ornaments on the tree. Our tree has never had one particular theme, except maybe ‘hodgepodge’! Yet, I think it’s one of the most beautiful trees of all, with stories and memories tucked into every branch love Christmas! I love the smells of balsam, the sounds of Christmas hymns, and—most of all—the faces of friends and family! It is one of the most wonderful times of the year

Biletul 13

The Internet allows people to keep in closer touch with distant family members and friends, and to find information quickly. The internet is replacing vital day-to-day human interactions. Like many technologies, the Internet has lulled people with its novelty and convenience, which will create a sense of dependency and The Internet allows you to keep in touch with family and friends. Even though e-mail is informal, it is a lot faster than snail mail. The Internet also allows people to access rich educational and cultural resources that are otherwise unavailable to most people or may take much longer to locate at the library. They can obtain current and up-to-the-minute information.

From a simple e-mail to the complex world of virtual communities, the Internet allows people to communicate with each other. People all around the world break the boundaries of time, distance and identity by conversing with one another in various chat rooms. Unlike face-to-face communication though, the participants of the chat rooms only use words to communicate with each other; the participants are unable to see the non-verbal cues that are an integral part of face-to-face communication. Also, due to the speed


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Biletul 5

I strongly believe that movies and television have a great influence in people's behaviour. It is an undeniable fact that most people in the world have access to either a televison or a cinema theatre and do make use of them at a regular basis.Some of the ways in which such media can affect people are stated below.

Firstly, The main group of people who are attracted to the television and movies are the the teenagers.This is the group that is most susceptible to change.They often try to emulate what they see on screen and in order to be a hero themselves.It is not uncommon to see young people try to mimic the stunts and heroic deeds performed by their idols or role-models on screens.Sometimes, this will have a deleterious effect as young people try to display some violent and aggressive behaviour that they visualize in the screen.

Secondly, Each country or region has its own culture and it is necessary to preserve them in order to exhibit cultural diversity to the future generations.There are a lot of programs and scenes that are being broadcasted in televisions and movies that might not confirm to the mindset of the local society.But sometimes young people get influenced by these scenes.They get a false impression that they too should live their life the way people live in foreign movies.They tend to change themseves according to what they see.This might destroy the native practces and customs which is highly undesired.

These are some of the ways in which people's behaviour can be afftected by mass media such as television and movies.So there is a need to look into this matter and to obtain a suitable solutions to such problems.

Biletul 10

I would like to visit the United States of America one day. I would like to see the Statue of Liberty, the skyscrapers in New York, to visit the Grand Canyon on horseback, to go to Washington to see the White House, to have fun and relax in Florida and to make new friends or to go to Texas and visit Dallas. I would like to eat a real hotdog and go to a Superbowl match and I would like to see the daily life of the Americans.

Biletul 22

Starting from an early age up to the end of our lives, every one dreams to become a famous person. It's true that there is a lot of hard work, luck and amny responsibilities involved, but still, it's impossible not to consider all the advantages that the celebrity enjoys. Just imagine yourself in such a position.... everybody knows you , loves you and even worships you ! You are in the eyes and heart of the media all the time, everybody is watching you. Think about all those fan-clubs full of people eager to know everything about you, eager to predict and comment on your actions. Every single statement you make is seen as a new law, any style you may adopt projects you in the field of fashion settlers. Step by step you have become a role model for them, Children wish to be like you when they grow up, teen-agers tend to imitate you and adults admire your atitude. Isn't that great ? Apart from that, your travel all over the world and you can see even the remotest corners of this planet, and people may have a contact with them through your eyes. I, for one, would be honored to know this and accomplish the wishes of so many people who cannot otherwise make this dream come true. This way, they would travel with me trough the cameras, following me and have a glimpse of the beauty abroad It is said that celebrities own a lot of money and enjoys luxury. And this is true. They are able to fulfill all their dreams and other people's wishes, equallt. Most of them are known ti be charitable and helping the poor, the sick, the unfortunate. I think that this is what really makes


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you feel great and important ... showing your feelings and compassion to those who really need it. Moreover, they will surely appreciate it a lot and turn you into a kind of hero .... their hero. And now, not only that you feel great by doing this, but also people will love you even more. All this being said, I cannot stop thinking about all the advantages Ihave mentioned above and dreaming to be such a person, even for one day, or at least, half of it

Biletul 29

The talisman under the shape of a cat eye, inherited by my mum from my grandmother had something strange that attracted me from the first time I saw it. Why it attracted me? I can’t explain that but I felt like every tiny part of my body was full of heat. Even I was conquered by heat. Then I thought it is a simple coincidence but the curiosity to discover if it is a magic talisman made me hold it once again in my hand. Fantastic! The experience was repeating. And from then, every time when I’m covered in pessimism, I take the talisman and hold it in my hand and the feeling goes away. From what my mum told me, I understood that the talisman was found at a crossroad where, with very long time ago, the women with supernatural powers were burn, being declared as witches. There is the possibility that this talisman should have belonged to one of the witches. Now I wonder and ask myself: “How is possible that this talisman was not burned?” Should it be a captive force inside the talisman? My skin shivers only when I think of this. And, it’s mine…

Biletul 23

It is said that sport is the way in which your body can be kept healthy and full of life. Making sport not only puts your muscles in movement, but also releases yourself from a big quantity of stress. It is good at least once a day to have time to do sport. It’s not neccessary to go to a gym, you can just go for a ride with your bike or jogging. In this way you can make two things at the same time and that is to combine useful things with pleasure.It’s not a shame to go to a gym and have a few extra kilos.All can be solved through will and of course sport. Another efficient method is a diet that must be respected. At the first sight you say “It’s too much to handle”, but I can say „No” to you. How? Proper food is the key word. What does this mean? The meal hours must be respected and the food must consist of vegetables and fruits because these are rich in vitamins. In conclusion, if you want to be healthy, you have to eat properly and none of the less make a little sport.

Biletul 12

In all our life we meet persons which differ a lot from us. We can see this in their personality and realize that they have been in a different world than us and they see life differently, either nice or in a bad shape. We must take from them what is best and try to change their bad side. I admire my English teacher because I always liked to see how others try to do their best in all they do and try to give others a helping hand in the creation of the man that everyone wants us to become. It is very nice to meet such people

Biletul 3

can’t approve this! And I don’t think that these are improvements as long as they are damaging the world. Improvement means better and the real improvements have just begun. The cars will be in the near future electric wich I think it’s the best thing, because the old cars but even some of the new ones do a lot of damage to the nature because of the gases. And there are many other things that work with fosile fuel wich burns, and evacuates in the atmosphere all kind of toxic gases. And all this gases, if there won’t be any major improvements will soon destroy our precious earth. Very soon I hope the world will be again a green planet, like it was before the industry appeared, and the air we breathe will be truly clear. I think the technological basis for improved standards of living is causes environmental


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damage. Though damage is caused to the natural world because of corparations attempting to fulfill demand the main threats are the stripping of rainforests and carbon footprints. We have anlternative resources but we dont use them. I think that the salience of carbon fuels and practices which damage the environment ase caused by:

The drive for profits The power of oil corporations The ideologies generated by powerful corporations to suppress the calling for alternatives and make people deny global warming.(who probably believe these theorys: they arent conspirators)

So we could switch to alternatives but powerful influences are blocking and ignoring alternatives(at there own expense in the future) because it would be a significant sacrifice for them to change their practices.

Biletul 6

I live in a very beautiful town, placed at the shore of the Black Sea. You can find almost everything in my town: leisure centres, malls, supermarkets, resorts, cinemas, huge parks, clubs, pubs, rinks, theaters etc. At a glance, it looks like a perfect place to live in. And it is. It's difficult to think of something that I would change. We have an wonderful mayor, who is loved by everybody. Well, by almost everybody... because, last year, he did a very serious mistake: he didn't reejct teh aide of some bussinessmen to deforest an important area from the nearby park, allowing a supermall to be built. The dwellers therefore were very upset by this decision, and protests took place. The trees whici were condemn to fell, were inscribed with texts as "I am the tree no.150, and I will die soon". It was terrible sad to watch that. Now a serious part of the park who it used to be so lively and beautiful, have been chopped, being replaced with parking lots and the mall itself. I decided neither to visit, nor to buy antthing from that mall, as a form of protest, or a boycott. Therefore, if there is something that I would really like to change in my beautiful town, would be that mall, who I d like vanished.

Biletul 7

Many people spend all of their money when they earn it wastefully, but other like to save their money for the future. In my opinion, It's good to enjoy a small amount of money when you earn it and save a larger amount of money for the future.

When people earn money, they should use a small amount of it to do what they want. They can spend money for entertainment, buy a small thing for themselves, go camping with their friends, have a party with their family..... But they must to pay attention not to spend too much.

In addition, doing what people want can help them relax absolutely, give them energy and inspiration to do their job better. Try giving yourself a gift when you earn money, I'm sure that it's very fun!

Otherwise, if you don't enjoy your money when you earn it, you will live a dull life. Your only duty is go to work and earn money, so bored! It's good to budget money for necessities as clothing, rent and for the fun things as vacations, parties, relaxation....

Moreover,with your earnings, if you are ill or lose your job,you will have money to manage your life.When you are old and your children still go to school,you can pay school fees for them. And you even lend your friends money when they are in trouble.People don't save money for the future ,they could have problems.So you had better send your money to the bank you believe in.


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Biletul 8

t's obviously right that all the students, would be very happy to get good grades so in my opinions, it's very right for me to say grades encourage students to learn.

I recall my first English lesson was very intersting. When I was 13 years old, my father sent me to an English class. I was the youngest pupil in the class. The teacher asked me to write something about my hobbies, and I wrote about my dear cat, she gave me a good mark with the comment that: "Your made a good essay, it is clear and lively" I was so happy and at that moment, I thought that I was not bad at English, then naturely, English became my favourit subject at school.

It was the story at the primary school, at present, teachersdo not give many marks in University anymore. We only get final grades a semester, and that grade tells students how good and how hard did they work last semester. Normally, all the students expect to get good grades because with good grades they can have a good diploma after graduation, they can apply for the higher programmes easier and further on, it is also useful to find a suitable job.

However, it is not only getting good grades which encourages students to learn. If a student learnt hard just for getting a good grade he would never become an excellent student indeed. It is important to learn to achieve good grades in the University but it is more important to learn how to except the bad grades. In a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to the Headmaster of a school in which his son was studying, he wrote" In school, teach him it is far more honorable to fall than to cheat..... Teach to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him he is wrong" So I think, becoming a good person is far more important than becoming just a good grades collector.

Finally, as soon as being a student, in my point of view, good grades really help to encourage student to learn, but to be successful in life, to be happy let learn and work with the sound of your heart.

Whether grades could encourage students to learn has been argued for a while. There are varity of arguments among students and teachers. It is a important topic because it concerns with the method how we educate effectively our students. From my experience, I agree with the idea that grades encourage students to learn.

It has been argued that marks could make some students stressful, especially for the students with poor grades. However, as research on the education indicated that grades could let students clearly understand their performance and let them know their advantage and disadvantage. For example, without grades, how could students know what talent they really have? Grades is the indicator of students' ability to master the knowledge.

Moreover, the teacher can clearly master the status of each student study through grades. Every one had talent, but no one had all the talent. By grades, the teacher can understand ach student's talent. For instance, some students may be good at logic thinking, such as mathmatics, physics; the others may like atheletic, such as baseball, tennis. By grades, the teacher can give different advice to different student.

Furthermore, only through grades can parents understand how their child's performance in the study. For example, when I had a poor performance in some courses, my parents always helped me figure out the reason and help me go through it. Each time I went through this difficulty, I had more confidence on my study.

In conclusion, grades can encourge students to learn. It can help students realize their talents and find out their disadvantages. Without grades, how could a student clearly understand themselves?

Biletul 9


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Some people enjoy their modern life and can not imagine that they can live in an older life. While others believe that the living in the past would be more suitable for them. As for me, for sure i will choose to live in the past ,twenty years ago in my chidhood, and in my primary school. I have three reasons to proof my choice, and they are ;sent back to that time, I would restor my old memories, have no resposibilities, live with my late grandfather.

There is no doubt that, the childhood is the age of the beautiful innocence. What a kid have deeply in his heart is clearly expressed on his face. So that I would not have to hide my real emotions. Moreover I would have the right to laugh or to cry at any time and in any place. In additon to , i would have all my sweet memories with my first experiences. There is also the old friends i shared with them alot of unforgetable days . Also, i was more linked to my parents and my brothers as i was spending much more time with them .

Furthermore, in that time, i would not have to think about resposibilities or remember any duties. that means i would not have my daily routine that i am living now . Besides i would not have to worry about the money and my expenses. In fact i would think only in joy and having fun with my peers.In another words ,i would be relaxed and forget the stress life . Inspite of, when we were younger, we were always wishing to become older,but when you grow up, you will know that , it was your best days.

Also if i have the chance to do that, I could live with my grandfather. Because of his kindness I loved him alot. Not only he was my grandfather but also he was my best friend. As he learned me alot and gave me my first lessons in the life. Moreover i cann't forget till now our early trips and going to fishing in the sunny days. For all that i wish he could be with me all my life ,indeed, we was the warm corner in my life.

In a nut shell, going back to the past is a very good idea. May be some people prefer their modern life with all its advatages for them. However, in my opinion, would benefit more from the earlier life .Because that was all my sweet days , lack of responsibilities and duties and finally living with my lovely grandfather.

Biletul 10

If have the chance to visit a foreign country, for sure, i'll choose to visit United States of America. Actually that was my dream since fifteen years. Really, thet would be the most beautiful journey in my life. I have three reasons to proof my choice, and they are; big country, diffrent cultures, and meeting many all varieties of people.

Firstly, U.S.A is the biggest and the most civilized in the world. Also, it has the many big cities, such as, Newyork and Washington. Certainly, I would like alot to live in such big and crowded cities that has a huge number of people. Moreover, in States you can feel the smell of the old history in its museums and some old buildings. Simultaneously, you can find also the latest technology and the highrest levels of modernization.

. You may have your lunch in Italian resturant while take your dinner in Indian food court. Furthermore, every state has its own differnt laws and legislations. While you are move from state to another, you feel that you are in different country not in different state.

Thirdly, you can meet many varieties of peoples. Despite the large number of nationalities and religions, all of them live peacefulliy with each other. Besides, you can see there all colors such as Nigros, Asians and Caucasians. In addition to, tha larege number of mosques and churches. In fact, you can see an amazing style of creative interaction between all these kinds of people there.

May be, some of people are not intrested in visiting foreign countries. In contrast, I am lookin forward to see every place in this huge world. In a nutshell, the united States gives you all the fruits of the world in one nice koktail. Since, it is the only country that have big area, huge population and different civilizations.


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Biletul 11

“True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation.” George Washington

In all that talking with the teen-agers from all over the world, the most frequent thing is friendship. In our days we assist very often at negative forms of friendship manifestation, from the most exteriorized ways to the most expressed in vulgarly language. Friendship is a human characteristic, fact visible even by Aristotle (even before Epicurus), who presumed that “nobody can live without friends, even if he/she has all the fortunes in the whole world.” Friendship is also a manifestation form of self knowledge, a capacity of the human being to refer him self on others. Of course, the human kind must look at themselves, inside and outside, like in a mirror, not in one deceptive kind of way, but who reflects correctly his personality, without misrepresenting it, one way or another, underneath one appearance or another... True friendship is based on mutual confidence and spirit of sacrifice. It’s distinguished by devotion and by respecting the given word. Those are the most common tips of how to be a true friend: treat your friends the way you want to be treated... keep secrets that are told to you... pay attention when your friend is talking with you... keep your promises... share things with your friend, don’t be a selfish person... always tell your friend the true... and stick up for your friend. August the 3rd is the International Friendship Day for most of the nations in the world, time to recognize your friends and their contribution to your life. Friendship helps to bring peace and positivism to the globe. Friends come in many shapes, size and guises: school friends, work colleagues, siblings, partners, neighbors. Pull out all the stops and let your friend know they are truly appreciated. Strong friendships may be the most important stress-fighter you have. Socializing has proven health benefits, so spend time with your friends. In the dictionary, friend noun is: 1. a person whom one knows, like and trust 2. a person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; comrade 3. one who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group 4. an acquaintance The dictionary makes one small omission too. it doesn’t speaks of the years that a friendship endures, the laughter that fills the air when friends are together, the support, understanding and comfort a friend can offer or the anguish you cannot escape from when a friend is dying. The dictionary, I'm afraid, cannot begin to define the word: friend. So then what is this magic called Friendship? Is there a magic wand that silently transforms you and those special people on a journey into, what sometimes can be a lifelong relationship? Is it mutual admiration, common interests, the need to be a friend? Or is it just an enduring tie that bonds you together, allows you to almost think as one and gives you one of life’s greatest joys. Friendships are precious jewels. Treat them as such. Enjoy them! Celebrate them! And never take them for granted.

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Friendship is one mind in two bodies.”

Biletul 14

Nowadays we can choose one means of transportation from many kinds of tools, such as buses, trains, ships and planes. However, my favorite one is just by train. Whenever I want to go outside for a travel, my beloved choice is going by train. There’re two main reasons why I choose the train. First, traveling by train offers me a valuable


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chance to encounter new friends. During the long way to the destination, I have enough time to talk with strangers sitting beside me. It will add a piece of joyful memory to my trip. Second, traveling by train is also a cheaper choice when compared with other means of transportation. As a student, it is especially proper for me to travel by train because I can buy a ticket suitable for students, only half price of a normal ticket. In this way, traveling by train can help me save much money. In conclusion, traveling by train may not only make me have a happy chat with other people but also help me save a lot of money. Therefore, I’d like to travel by train instead of other means of transportation.

Biletul 16

How To Lead A Healthy Life

If you could become healthier in an instant, without the dread of having to give up all the temptations and desires that seemingly have prevented you from actively participating in healthy living, would you choose to be more healthy or less?

The most common stumbling blocks for people who want to be more healthy, yet have had difficulty making such a decision "stick" for the long term, often are misunderstood sticky points that carry much more weight than deserved. Despite common beliefs, becoming healthier does not mean giving up all the things you love, living without sinful flavors, being bored, or turning life's routine into a chore.

You are one hundred percent capable of taking part in healthy living, and can proactively seek it, debunking the myths and giant hair-ball of misinformation that has plagued the internet, adding to droves of innocent, good intentioned individuals constantly seeking improvement and who want to feel better. You are in control and have been gifted with the one thing needed to achieve such a healthy, idealistic outcome. You possess it now.

That gift is the freedom to decide IF you want to be healthier or less healthy. I'm afraid too many folks, often with the hidden agenda of lining their pockets with your misdirection, have convinced and conditioned you that to become healthy is a complicated task. The fact is it's not. If you have the smidgen of will power it takes to answer just, one little question, a yes or no decision at that, you have what it takes to be healthier. You decide which you want. Choose to be healthier and I'll give you the roads map how to get there.

The even better news is that this is not rocket science. Once you make the decision to feel better and be better, simple tweaks in your lifestyle is all it takes to get on the cumulative, self replicating path that continues to reward you the longer you stay on it. And the even better news is that it does get easier.

Specifically, the journey of 1000 miles begins with just one step. Thus, if you have to convince or motivate yourself to stick to it, one day at a time. Then do that. Before you know it, a week will have passed. Then two weeks. And then the magic occurs. At 21 days all those little tiny steps have transformed themselves into what your brain now defines as a habit, literally. You've broken through your brain's resistance to change, and it now knows what you've been doing for the last 20 days is part of the "norm". And from the point on, what you did those 20 previous days just got a whole lot easier, because you don't have to convince your brain that that's what you gotta do (it already knows).

How to lead a healthy life: eight vital components of living healthy to focus on.

Now, allow me to remove one of the mental obstacles for most wanting to live healthy, but unsure exactly how to get there. In other words, as crystal clearly as I can state this, just do this.

I've eliminated your need to think about how to do it anymore.

Simply apply small positive changes. Tiny steps in the right direction add up to big steps in the right direction. Remember, if you want to change the world, you don't have to solve world


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hunger overnight - just one decision, one person can impact the entire world. Imagine, what YOU can do, just for yourself.

Decide now to improve just a little bit. Having a healthy life can be narrowed down to handful of key components. Focus on these foundational factors, and track your noticeable improvements. Adjust what doesn't work and make it better.

Put Your Energy Into These Vital Ingredients If You Want To Successfully Lead A Healthy Life

Biletul 17

True happiness lies in the psychic, or inner divine. Going to that centre and living the outer human life from there will fill us with felicity. One can make an experiment for that purpose. I shall start with an analogy. A work exists at several levels of skills, talents, capacities, endowments, accomplishment, from the low crude completion of utility to highly professional execution of a graceful act. At two ends, if these extremes exist, we find ourselves at some middle level. Placed as you are at your middle level, if you acquire the endowment of any higher level, LIFE can take you sooner or later to that level. Mother can take you to that high level at once. A collector's work can be done by a rank promoted officer with care and responsibility; a secretary of the department at an advanced stage to complete his term as collector may come down for a short period as a collector and his execution of the collector's chores will be that of a mature, seasoned, experienced administrator with grace, speed and dexterity. When a writer of a text book comes down from his professional pedestal and teaches at a primary level, the teaching will be full of pith and substance, profound, enthralling. But neither the collector nor the professor can do at his post of duty more than what the post permits. The post has its own limitations by its level. Experienced persons can raise the quality of their performance very high, not the content. The collector cannot exercise higher powers than his post permits. The professor cannot teach in PUC what he can teach at the level of M.A. As the collector's post has limited powers, the PUC class, even at its best, has limited scope of receptivity. While you are at a lower job, if you can acquire the dexterity of a higher level job, life quickly move you to the level to which your skill belongs.

By learning to treat ordinary events as events of great felicity, you will move to a life position where all events begin to yield high felicity, making all life one of eternal joy. To look at ourselves, our daily actions, our inmost feelings, especially our motivations from this point of view, we can at once know what we should do. If we bring a willingness to make that change or changes, life can turn from one of dull neutrality to one of intense joy. Take the most ordinary negative event like a wordy quarrel at home. It is easy to see how by being good-mannered this can be avoided. As a next step take an ordinary positive event like serving meals. By an effort of expansive goodness bordering on generosity of selfless emotion, it is easy to see how this flat moment can be made into an occasion of rich interchange, intense human sentiments. Supposing we succeed here, it will soon be evident that with rich inner fullness, we lack the outer skill of polite manners and find it difficult to express the inner good in an outer act of goodness. The importance of that psychological skill will be self-evident. Pursuing the argument further, we can easily discover the values of talents for being genuinely pleasant to another. Capacity to be happy, capacity to express that happiness, capacity to make others happy are values rarely found. The lack of them will be sorely evident when we examine ourselves keenly. Creating a fund of natural inner goodness, acquiring social skills that express it, possessing the talent to handle the ripe goodness of heart and sentiment so as to let it distribute itself across the family, and being endowed with a capacity for inner generosity that is infectiously sweet are things one can acquire with patience and practice in humble circumstances too. These are, in fact, endowments of the highest consciousness, sublime in content. They are found only in exalted characters, at the top of the world. One who acquires painstakingly these traits in the humblest of circumstances will, by virtue of them, be elevated in his outer social position to that of the exalted characters. By itself, these exalted characteristics are welcome and laudable. If they can also elevate one's position, that is desirable too.

Biletul 20


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my life change when my great aunt died in her nurseing home back in 7-30-1999 at the age of 97 they told us on the phone that she had passed away on the bedroom floor at the nurseing home in she was so week that she suffcated her self from being to week to pull away from the pillow but till this day i think they were hideing something from us in finally after all theses years she has been gone are lawyer that has been investigating this matter found out that she was murder in her room in her bed in that she had a broke pelvis bone in her struggle ....... in my father that passed away for having cancer in the brain he had his 67th birthday on 10-13-2005 he died one week later on 10-20-2005 in his sleep at 5am i was very sad for him dying in all but was happy for him that he did not suffer any more to<<<<< this was the bad that happen to my life

this is good that happen to my life my grandaughter was born into this world on december 12th 2006 it was the happys tome in my life seeing her being born in to the world in of course my 2 chilren being born in this world in being married to the same wife for over 20 years in still growing strong in

biletul 22

Starting from an early age up to the end of our lives, every one dreams to become a famous person. It's true that there is a lot of hard work, luck and amny responsibilities involved, but still, it's impossible not to consider all the advantages that the celebrity enjoys. Just imagine yourself in such a position.... everybody knows you , loves you and even worships you ! You are in the eyes and heart of the media all the time, everybody is watching you. Think about all those fan-clubs full of people eager to know everything about you, eager to predict and comment on your actions. Every single statement you make is seen as a new law, any style you may adopt projects you in the field of fashion settlers. Step by step you have become a role model for them, Children wish to be like you when they grow up, teen-agers tend to imitate you and adults admire your atitude. Isn't that great ? Apart from that, your travel all over the world and you can see even the remotest corners of this planet, and people may have a contact with them through your eyes. I, for one, would be honored to know this and accomplish the wishes of so many people who cannot otherwise make this dream come true. This way, they would travel with me trough the cameras, following me and have a glimpse of the beauty abroad It is said that celebrities own a lot of money and enjoys luxury. And this is true. They are able to fulfill all their dreams and other people's wishes, equallt. Most of them are known ti be charitable and helping the poor, the sick, the unfortunate. I think that this is what really makes you feel great and important ... showing your feelings and compassion to those who really need it. Moreover, they will surely appreciate it a lot and turn you into a kind of hero .... their hero. And now, not only that you feel great by doing this, but also people will love you even more. All this being said, I cannot stop thinking about all the advantages Ihave mentioned above and dreaming to be such a person, even for one day, or at least, half of it!