study well

Steps 1. 1 Create an appropriate study environment . You will need limited noise, a lot of sunlight, a tidy surface, and comfortable furniture. Find a quiet place to study where you won't be bothered. This is very important and should be given great care in doing. Ads by Google Product Suppliers Connect with over 120,000 suppliers from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan 2. 2 Get everything you need before you sit down to study. Pencils, pens, notebooks, college ruled paper, your laptop, textbooks, etc.

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Page 1: Study Well

Steps1. 1

Create an appropriate study environment .  You will need limited noise, a lot of sunlight, a tidy surface, and comfortable furniture. Find a quiet place to study where you won't be bothered. This is very important and should be given great care in doing.

Ads by GoogleProduct Suppliers Connect with over 120,000 suppliers from Hong Kong, China and

2. 2

Get everything you need before you sit down to study. Pencils, pens, notebooks, college ruled paper, your laptop, textbooks, etc.

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3. 3

Develop a schedule .  All students should keep a schedule of classes, assignments and other key dates. As part of that schedule, they should set aside specific time for studying and project work. That way, they're less likely to find themselves scrambling to complete a project at the last minute or cramming the night before a big test. The schedule should also set aside time for non-school activities like sports. In fact, the more comprehensive the schedule, the more efficient most students will be in completing their schoolwork.

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4. 4

Develop a calm attitude .  Be calm and patient with yourself. Nobody learns anything straight away.

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5. 5

Take notes in any classes that you have .  You can even take notes at work. It may be easier to use abbreviations for common words, only record important information (and/or key words), use clear headers to organize information and use pictures/diagrams to demonstrate. Highlight or underline key points in your material.

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6. 6

Start with the homework that is hardest to you .  For example, if you're taking chemistry, math, English, and Spanish. Start with Chemistry and end with English. If you start with the hardest subject, your brain will be fresh.

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7. 7

Avoid distractions .  If you have family members that distract you, politely ask them to leave so you can continue with your assignments. If you have kids, this might not be possible. Make sure the TV and radio are off. If you need background noise, classical music might be of interest.

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8. 8

Take frequent breaks. Go for a walk, ride your bike, or be with family. When you take frequent breaks, you find that you aren't boggled with the stress of homework and you can't wait to get back to your assignments later.

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9. 9

Develop effective memorization techniques - You can use lists when having to memorize several things eg. (formulae). Flash cards are good for memorizing large amounts of grouped information.

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10. 10

Develop critical reading skills .  As students move into higher grades, they're assigned larger and more complex reading assignments. Poor reading skills or an inability to read for important information will make these assignments a burden and undermine overall academic success. Students need to deliberately learn to read for key information. If reading skills are weak, it's important for the student to seek help improving them; otherwise performance in many subjects would be impacted.

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11. 11

Focus on the areas that require the most attention. Study things more if you have a hard time doing them.

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12. 12

Improve test-taking strategies .  A poor test result doesn't always mean that the student doesn't have a good grasp of the academic material or skill gaps. It's possible that the student understands the material, but doesn't take tests well. An effective test-taking strategy includes: learning how to prioritize material when studying for a test; preparing for a test over a number of days and not just the night before; coping with stress during the test; and managing time during a test so that all sections or areas are completed.

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13. 13

Develop a study group. This way you can quiz each other and learn things from each other.

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14. 14

Ask questions to yourself .  Asking questions should lead to emphasis on the what, why, how, when, who and where of study content. Ask yourself questions while you read or study. Answering them will help to make sense of the material, and aid you in remembering it, because the process will make an impression on you. Those things that make impressions are more meaningful, and therefore more easily remembered.

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15. 15Make sure you get enough sleep. Staying up late studying is not a good idea. Lack of sleep prevents you from concentrating and reduces your ability to remember what you have learnt [1].

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Page 16: Study Well

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Causes of lack of concentrationOne of the main causes of missing of what you are reading is a lack ofconcentration. When your attention wanders words slip by and leave you with little memory of what you have read. You may go through the motions of reading and studying, sometimes for hours at a time but end up with poor results.

Not being prepared to read and study

A lack of interest in the material

The material is too difficult

A lack of motivation

A lack of suitable goal

Too much noise or activity around you

Emotional problems

Being tired

Having to much to do

A major cause of not concentrating is not being interested in the work.If you are studying something you really want to, your attention generally will remain keen. However, when yu are reading something that you consider dull or boring, you will usually find it difficult. This is probably because you didn't prepare yourself properly to work on the task. If your lack of concentration is due to being tired or not being motivated, you may have to postpone the work until a more suitable time. Certainly a wise use of available time to read and study is one of the best remedies.

Fear of failure is another reason for poor concentration. Often the thought of failing an exam or assisgnment starts to take more time than the actual study and this in turn adds to your worry.

Check the lighting in your room

Page 17: Study Well

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Here is a list of suggestions which will help you improve your power of concentration1. Select a place you like to study and where there are few distractions

2. Plan your study time so that you will have enough time to finish your work.

3. Make sure that you have all the materials and resources you need to finish the assignment.

4. Develop a positive mental attitude to the task ahead. Think about finishing your work and try to do well.

5. Remember your purpose for studying and make this your goal. Question yourself about what you are studying and then read actively for the answers.

6. Work in short sessions of forty to fifty minutes and take regular breaks to avoid getting tired.

7. Make notes and summaries of the main points you are studying and refer to them to check your progress

8. Break your work into smaller units of study and mark each unit off as you complete it.